New Lebedev pistol pl 14. New Kalashnikov pistol

judgesuhov in Pistol Kalashnikov Lebedeva PL-14

This year, at the Army 2015 forum, the Kalashnikov concern presented a prototype of a new pistol - PL-14 (Lebedev pistol) chambered for the “Parabellum cartridge” (9x19mm caliber). PL-14, developed by designer Dmitry Lebedev, a student of the legendary designer of sporting weapons Efim Khaidurov. It is alleged that not only designers, but also shooting experts from the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, as well as athletes took part in the development of the new pistol. Like, for example, the Russian champion in practical shooting Andrei Kirisenko.

The new pistol is based on a number of basic concepts, such as optimal ergonomics, safety in handling, high reliability with any 9x19 cartridges, and long service life. The resource provides a safety margin of 10,000 rounds - when using reinforced armor-piercing cartridges and almost twice as much when using conventional ones (and someone claims that it is not 2 times more, but 5).


The pistol has the best compactness in its class: a thickness of 28 millimeters in the grip area and 21 millimeters in the front part.
The double-sided arrangement and configuration of the controls allows you to shoot equally effectively from both the right and left hands (moreover, not only the safety is double-sided, but also the bolt stop!).
There is a Picatinny rail for mounting attachments.
The pistol has an indicator of the presence of a cartridge in the chamber (made in the form of a pin protruding from the rear end of the bolt when there is a cartridge in the barrel), which allows you to quickly determine “by touch” whether the weapon is loaded.

In general, increased safety in handling the pistol is declared, allowing it to be carried loaded - with a cartridge in the chamber.
The applied trigger mechanism solution guarantees the impossibility of spontaneous firing of a loaded pistol, even when falling from a great height to hard surface. In addition, in the basic version, the trigger is made intentionally longer and with more force than usual, which will protect the shooter from accidentally firing in a stressful situation while holding his finger on the trigger. In modifications of the pistol intended for highly qualified users (experienced special forces personnel and athletes), the force and magnitude of the trigger will be smaller.

By the way, they say that the above-mentioned indicator (the presence of a cartridge in the chamber) also has an additional function: in combination with a modified chamber geometry, it makes it possible to fire defective cartridges whose case length does not meet the standard.
I find it difficult to decipher what this means. Is it possible to shoot shorter 9x18mm Makarov cartridges by “chambering” them with this indicator?

The PL-14 uses automatic action using the recoil of the bolt coupled to the barrel. The reduction of the breech of the barrel when unlocking is carried out by a figured tide under the breech. The barrel bore is locked by engaging the protrusion in the upper part with the window for ejecting cartridges in the bolt. The pistol frame is made of aluminum alloy; in the future it is planned to use a frame made of impact-resistant polymer. The shape of the weapon's handle provides a comfortable and natural grip on the pistol, while the maximum thickness of the handle is only 28 millimeters.

The trigger mechanism is hammer-type, with a hidden trigger and an inertial firing pin. Shooting is carried out in self-cocking mode for each shot, while the trigger force is four kilograms, with a very sensitive trigger its travel is only seven millimeters. Additionally, a manual fuse has been introduced into the design, which disconnects when turned on. trigger with a trigger and having two flat, conveniently located levers on both sides of the weapon.

Pistol performance characteristics:

Caliber - 9x19 mm
Length - 220 mm
Height - 136 mm
Thickness - 28 mm
Barrel length - 127 mm
Magazine capacity - 15 rounds
Weight without cartridges - 0.8 kg
Weight with loaded magazine - 0.99 kg

About ergonomics

The key difference between “PL-14” and others modern analogues, is its ergonomics and balance, which most fully correspond to modern ideas about human biomechanics and the production of a well-aimed shot. Special attention One should pay attention to the pistol's unique aesthetics.

The aforementioned Russian practical shooting champion Andrei Kirisenko (part-time advisor to the general director of the Kalashnikov concern) says:

“It would seem like a trifle - the angle of the handle. But when I extend my hand and put the gun here, it quite naturally follows the line of my hand. I don't need to tighten the brush or turn it inside out in any way. Even if I raise my hand towards the target with my eyes closed and press the trigger, I will most likely hit the target’s dimensions.”

The second unique quality of this pistol, according to the Concern representative, is safety. “Provided that the cartridge is in the chamber, the principle is implemented here - take it out and shoot. There is no need to do additional manipulations and send the cartridge into the chamber. Why wasn’t this done before, because it was unsafe.”

CEO Concern "Kalashnikov" Alexey Krivoruchko presents the gun as a universal answer to all problems:

“The versatility of the pistol will allow it to be used not only as military weapon for the army and police, but also as a sports pistol for competitions of various classes.
To diversify the use of the pistol by special forces shooters, we intend to produce various versions with modified characteristics of the trigger mechanism, as well as make modifications that will allow it to be used in sports competitions.”

Those. They expect to sell the pistol to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other security forces... And even athletes.

Will it work?

The Yarygin pistol, adopted for service in 2003, somehow did not catch on - it is too heavy, and its lifespan is only 5,000 rounds. The Strizh pistol, nicknamed the “Russian Glock,” also did not appear in the army’s arsenal. How long can old Makarov, who has been in service since 1951, continue to fight?

“Makar is excellent fighting machine, V good hands it is capable of showing high accuracy,- says master of sports in officer all-around, colonel Alexander Yampolsky. - You need to get used to a pistol like the PM after numerous shooting sessions. He does not immediately fit into the hand, is capricious and loves only one owner. Once at a competition I had to shoot from someone else’s pistol, and the result was simply disastrous - almost all the bullets went to waste. I recently tried “Swan” at a shooting range - it felt like I had been shooting for it for several months. It seems to me that the army needs just such a pistol, which combines combat accuracy with high reliability.”

Will the PL-14 be able to justify the colonel’s praise and take the place of the “immortal PM”?

Not long ago we wrote about a new device for AK developed by the Moscow company Red Heat, and presented at a military forum held from June 16 to 19, 2015 in the city of Kubinka (Odintsovo district). In turn, the largest Russian developer and manufacturer of automatic combat and sniper weapons - Concern "Kalashnikov" demonstrated the new Lebedev (Kalashnikov) pistol PL-14 caliber 9x19 mm.

The idea of ​​the weapon was implemented jointly with intelligence experts Russian Federation and the International Confederation of Practical Shooting (abbreviation MKPS/English) IPSC).

A distinctive feature of the Kalashnikov PL-14 pistol was improved ergonomics and balance, which significantly accurately correspond to the latest views on the biomechanical movements of the shooter and modern techniques shooting from a pistol. Special attention was paid to the unique aesthetics of the new release.

"The functionality of our improved model of the Lebedev pistol of 2015 allows it to be used not only in the form of combat weapons for armed forces country, but also as a sports pistol for all kinds of competitions,” said the head of the Kalashnikov concern A. Yu. Krivoruchko.

"In the future, we plan to release various variations of the PL-14 onto the military-technical market, for example, with unique properties trigger mechanism specifically for special forces, as well as a non-military version with a trigger mechanism suitable for sports shooting competitions."

This model is much thinner compared to its analogues: the thickness of the handle 28 millimeters and the thickness of the front part of the shutter 21 millimeters. The pistol's mirror-symmetrical control structure allows soldiers to use both hands with equal effectiveness. A rail interface system (Picatinny rail) is built into the design of the pistol.

Automatic calculation methods used during weapon assembly guarantee greater reliability. Lebedev's new pistol with improved ergonomics has minimal recoil and muzzle lift when fired, which ensures greater efficiency in high-speed shooting.

We didn’t forget about its security: the trigger mechanism ensures that the bullet will not fly out for no reason, despite the fact that the weapon falls from a hill. In addition, in the standard version the trigger is longer and tighter, which again can prevent an involuntary shot in position index finger on the trigger. In other variations, designed for more advanced users, the trigger will be less tight.

New Lebedev (Kalashnikov) pistol PL-14 video:

World weapons expert Larry Vickers held and fired the newest PL-14:

9x19mm caliber pistol "PL-14" at the international military-technical forum "Army - 2015":

In addition to all this, the special safety of the new Lebedev 9x19 mm caliber is ensured indicator of the location of the cartridge in the magazine, making it possible to test weapons with gloves and dim lighting. This is not the end of the indicator's functionality: coupled with the modified chamber structure, the PL-14 is capable of firing charges whose cartridge sizes do not meet factory standards.

Kalashnikov pistol "PL-14" characteristics (performance characteristics):

PL-14– a domestic semi-automatic pistol of 9 mm caliber chambered for 9x19 Parabellum. Created by engineers of the Kalashnikov concern to arm the army and law enforcement agencies. The development project was led by Dmitry Lebedev, supported by Russian practical shooting champion Andrey Kirisenko. The pistol was first shown at the Army-2015 military forum in 2015. At forums in subsequent years, the Kalashnikov concern presented modified versions PL-14, PL-15 and PL-15K.

History of creation

The Makarov pistol is in the service of most law enforcement agencies in Russia and Soviet Union for more than half a century. Despite the fact that it has proven itself to be an excellent weapon in all aspects (excellent reliability, a more or less good cartridge, and most importantly - extremely cheap to produce), the veteran needs a replacement. Over the past few decades, many contenders have been developed to become the most widely used and mass-produced pistol in Russia. As we can see, no one has yet managed to remove the PM from his post. Nevertheless, designers are hard at work creating new pistols, and the famous Kalashnikov concern was no exception in this regard. A hitherto little-known student of the famous sports designer small arms(he has more than a dozen sports pistols, as well as two sports modifications of the Nagan system revolver - TOZ-36 and TOZ-49) Efima Khaidurova, Dmitry Lebedev, in 2015 at the military-technical exhibition "Army-2015" presented his newest pistol PL -14. According to the concern, the pistol was developed with the participation of instructors for the training of FSB operatives, as well as shooting athletes. The work began in 2014, which testifies to the professionalism of the designer, who created a working version of the pistol within a year. In 2016 and 2017, at the same forum, Lebedev presented two more modifications of the PL-14 - PL-15 and PL-15K (modernized and modernized shortened, respectively). Unusual for Russian weapons the cartridge is due to the obsolescence of the domestic 9x18. The more powerful and promising 9x19 cartridge was accepted as the only possible (for 2018) for Lebedev’s pistol.
The service life of the pistol with proper care exceeds more than 30,000 shots.


A well-known disadvantage of the Makarov pistol is its ergonomics and magazine capacity of only 8 rounds. Despite the fact that the PM is a compact pistol, the convenience and comfort of holding and shooting is often questioned. One of the main tasks of Dmitry Lebedev when developing a new pistol was to solve this problem. The designer applied many solutions that made it possible to improve the grip and ergonomics of the submarine several times (compared to the PM). When you first look at the pistol, a bright detail catches your eye - the handle. It is intentionally tilted, which makes shooting more accurate in general, and especially quick shot offhand. Also unusual looking PL-15 promotes extremely small distance between back side handle and barrel axis. According to physical laws, this solution helps to reduce the force of the lever that occurs when firing. Accordingly, the barrel bounce from the recoil force will be minimal. The PL-15 automation operates on a rather complex principle. IN general outline it is the use of a recoil bolt connected to the barrel. This also results in a short barrel stroke. The automation uses many innovative design solutions to make it as reliable and efficient as possible. Also PL-15 has interesting feature. The trigger pull is 4 kg (for comparison, the PM has 2-3.5 kg), which eliminates unnecessary waste of ammunition in a stressful situation. The pistol controls are duplicated for both left-handed and right-handed people. There is also an indicator of the presence of a loaded cartridge, which allows you to determine both visually and tactilely whether the weapon is loaded. Under the barrel there is a Picatinny mount for installing a laser laser or flashlights. It is also impossible not to mention the extremely compact dimensions of the PL-15, which were reduced to a minimum in the PL-15K modification. Such a wide range of sizes allows the gun to be used as assault weapons or concealed weapons. Due to the specifics of development, the PL-15 is planned to be produced in a variety of variants. Starting from full-size sports ones and ending with compact combat ones. Depending on the model, the dimensions of the pistol vary, as well as the design of the trigger (trigger and impact type). In sports modifications, the hammer must be cocked manually for each shot, while the combat PL-15-01 is a semi-automatic self-loading weapon.

Difference between PL-15 and PL-15K

The PL-15K pistol (K-compact) is a modification of the PL-15. The main difference between the pistol is the size and weight of the pistol (0.72 kg versus 0.99 kg). The pistols' magazines are not interchangeable: 14 rounds for the PL-15K and 15 for the PL-15. There is also a PL-15K with a polymer bolt carrier. Reduced size and weight makes it comfortable to wear for long periods of time and provides greater concealability. The pistol also has Picatinny rails on the frame for mounting a laser target or tactical flashlight.


In general, Dmitry Lebedev managed to create, probably, the most promising Russian pistol, the development of which we can see right now. The PL-15 (and modifications) is a reliable weapon, the automation of which was developed taking into account the experience of previous models of Russian short-barreled weapons. The 9x19 Parabellum cartridge, new in the Russian arms industry, will become a reliable aid in the development of this weapon, becoming one of the main innovations of this pistol. The PL-15 is a comfortable weapon, the ergonomics of which were influenced latest research in the field of biometrics. The PL-15 is a precision weapon, the accuracy of which is ensured by a number of innovative design solutions. I hope that the entire Russian arms community will closely follow the development of the newest domestic pistol.

Modifications of the Lebedev pistol pistol:

  • PL-14 - the first version of the Lebedev pistol, presented to the general public in 2015.
  • PL-15- sports model PL, introduced in 2016.
  • PL-15-01- the PL-15 combat model, which has less trigger pull and is semi-automatic (unlike the PL-15, which was fired by self-cocking).
  • PL-15K- a shortened version of the PL-15, intended for concealed carry or carry by services that rarely use weapons.

Below is a table of technical and firing characteristics of the PL-15 pistol.

Technical characteristics of the Lebedev Pistol / PL-14 / PL-15

Index PL-14, PL-15, PL-15-01, PL-15K
Number of shots 14 rounds in magazine +1 in chamber
Barrel diameter 9x19, 127mm barrel length
Combat rate of fire no data
Sighting range 50 meters
Maximum firing range no data
starting speed departure 420 m/s
Power 494 Joules
Automation barrel recoil
Weight 0.8 kg without cartridges and 0.99 with cartridges
Dimensions Length 220 mm, thickness 28 mm

This year, at the Army 2015 forum, the Kalashnikov Concern presented a prototype of a new pistol - PL-14 (Lebedev pistol) chambered for the “Parabellum cartridge” (9x19mm caliber). PL-14, developed by designer Dmitry Lebedev, a student of the legendary designer of sporting weapons Efim Khaidurov.

The new pistol is based on a number of basic concepts, such as optimal ergonomics, safety in handling, high reliability with any 9x19 cartridges, and long service life. The resource provides a safety margin of 10,000 rounds - when using reinforced armor-piercing cartridges and almost twice as much when using conventional ones (and someone claims that it is not 2 times more, but 5).

The pistol has the best compactness in its class: a thickness of 28 millimeters in the grip area and 21 millimeters in the front part.

The double-sided arrangement and configuration of the controls allows you to shoot equally effectively from both the right and left hands (moreover, not only the safety is double-sided, but also the bolt stop!).

There is a Picatinny rail for mounting attachments.

The pistol has an indicator of the presence of a cartridge in the chamber (made in the form of a pin protruding from the rear end of the bolt when there is a cartridge in the barrel), which allows you to quickly determine “by touch” whether the weapon is loaded.

In general, increased safety of handling the pistol is declared, allowing it to be carried loaded - with a cartridge in the chamber.

The applied trigger mechanism solution ensures that a loaded pistol cannot spontaneously fire, even when dropped from a great height onto a hard surface. In addition, in the basic version, the trigger is made intentionally longer and with more force than usual, which will protect the shooter from accidentally firing in a stressful situation while holding his finger on the trigger. In modifications of the pistol intended for highly qualified users (experienced special forces personnel and athletes), the force and magnitude of the trigger will be smaller.

3. By the way, they say that the above-mentioned indicator (the presence of a cartridge in the chamber) also has an additional function: in combination with a modified chamber geometry, it makes it possible to fire defective cartridges whose case length does not meet the standard.

I find it difficult to decipher what this means. Is it possible to shoot shorter 9x18mm Makarov cartridges by “chambering” them with this indicator?

The PL-14 uses automatic action using the recoil of the bolt coupled to the barrel. The reduction of the breech of the barrel when unlocking is carried out by a figured tide under the breech. The barrel bore is locked by engaging the protrusion in the upper part with the window for ejecting cartridges in the bolt. The pistol frame is made of aluminum alloy; in the future it is planned to use a frame made of impact-resistant polymer. The shape of the weapon's handle provides a comfortable and natural grip on the pistol, while the maximum thickness of the handle is only 28 millimeters.

The trigger mechanism is hammer-operated, with a hidden trigger and an inertial firing pin. Shooting is carried out in self-cocking mode for each shot, while the trigger force is four kilograms, with a very sensitive trigger its travel is only seven millimeters. Additionally, a manual safety has been introduced into the design, which, when turned on, disconnects the trigger from the hammer and has two flat, conveniently located levers on both sides of the weapon.

Pistol performance characteristics:

  • Caliber - 9x19 mm
  • Length - 220 mm
  • Height - 136 mm
  • Thickness - 28 mm
  • Barrel length - 127 mm
  • Magazine capacity - 15 rounds
  • Weight without cartridges - 0.8 kg
  • Weight with loaded magazine - 0.99 kg

The aforementioned Russian practical shooting champion Andrei Kirisenko (part-time advisor to the general director of the Kalashnikov concern) says:

“It would seem like a trifle - the angle of the handle. But when I extend my hand and put the gun here, it quite naturally follows the line of my hand. I don't need to tighten the brush or turn it inside out in any way. Even if I raise my hand towards the target with my eyes closed and press the trigger, I will most likely hit the target’s dimensions.”

The second unique quality of this pistol, according to the Concern representative, is safety. “Provided that the cartridge is in the chamber, the principle is implemented here - take it out and shoot. There is no need to do additional manipulations and send the cartridge into the chamber. Why wasn’t this done before, because it was unsafe.”

6. General Director of the Kalashnikov Concern Alexey Krivoruchko presents the pistol as a universal answer to all tasks:

“The versatility of the pistol will allow it to be used not only as a combat weapon for the army and police, but also as a sports pistol for competitions of various classes.

To diversify the use of the pistol by special forces shooters, we intend to produce various versions with modified characteristics of the trigger mechanism, as well as make modifications that will allow it to be used in sports competitions.”

Those. They expect to sell the pistol to the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other security forces... And even athletes.

Will it work?

“The Makar is an excellent fighting vehicle, in good hands it is capable of showing high accuracy,” says Colonel Alexander Yampolsky, Master of Sports in Officer All-Around. – You need to get used to a pistol like the PM through numerous shooting sessions. He does not immediately fit into the hand, is capricious and loves only one owner. Once at a competition I had to shoot from someone else’s pistol, and the result was simply disastrous - almost all the bullets went to waste. I recently tried “Swan” at a shooting range - it felt like I had been shooting for it for several months. It seems to me that the army needs just such a pistol, which combines combat accuracy with high reliability.”

Will the PL-14 be able to justify the colonel’s praise and take the place of the “immortal PM”?

9. Will the PL-14 replace the Makarov pistol?

— Yes, the lobby of the Kalashnikov concern will sell the new pistol “to the masses”;

— Yes, it’s high time to change the Makarov, and the PL-14 is a worthy replacement;

— No, the PL-14 is good, but replacing the Makarovs in the near future is an impossible financial task;

- No, there is no need to change the Makar - it does its job perfectly.

The first picture shows the PL-14 in uber body kit.

Here's another "sniper option"

Lebedev pistol PL-14, prototype. Right view

Lebedev pistol PL-15, prototype

Lebedev PL-15 pistol with a silencer installed

Pistol PL-15K

Shooting from a PL-15 pistol with a silencer installed
When shooting, standard 9x19 cartridges with a supersonic bullet were used. When using cartridges with a subsonic heavy bullet, the sound of the shot will be even quieter

Pistol PL-15 developed by designer Dmitry Lebedev, who works at the Kalashnikov concern. Dmitry is a student of the legendary sporting weapons designer Efim Khaidurov, and has been developing experimental pistols for many years.

The development of a pistol under the symbol PL-14 began in 2014. The goal of developing a new pistol is to create a service (combat) pistol for the police, army and special services, as well as variants based on it for sports practical shooting. The new pistol was based on a number of basic concepts, namely: optimal ergonomics, safety in handling, high reliability with any 9x19 cartridges, complete “double-sidedness,” long service life (at least 10,000 rounds when using reinforced armor-piercing 7N21 cartridges). The Lebedev PL-14 pistol was first shown to the public in June 2015; in 2016, its improved version was shown at the Army 2016 exhibition under the designation PL-15. In 2017, at the next Army exhibition, new versions of the pistol were shown - PL-15-01 with a striker-fired USM and a compact version of the PL-15K. At the time of publication (autumn 2017), the development of the Lebedev pistol continues.

The Lebedev PL-15 pistol uses automation using the recoil of the bolt coupled to the barrel, with a short barrel stroke. The reduction of the breech of the barrel when unlocking is carried out by a figured tide under the breech of the barrel. The barrel bore is locked by engaging the protrusion at the top of the barrel with the window for ejecting cartridges in the bolt. The pistol frame is made of aluminum alloy; in the future it is planned to use a frame made of impact-resistant polymer. The shape of the weapon's handle provides a comfortable and natural grip on the weapon, while the maximum thickness of the handle is only 28mm.

The trigger mechanism in the basic version is hammer-operated, with a hidden trigger and an inertial firing pin. Shooting is carried out in self-cocking mode for each shot (double-action trigger only), with a trigger force of 4 kg, and the full travel of the trigger is only 7 mm. Additionally, a manual safety has been introduced into the design, which, when turned on, disconnects the trigger from the hammer and has two flat, conveniently located levers on both sides of the weapon. A version of the PL-15-01 pistol has also been developed, which has a single-action striker trigger, with a significantly reduced trigger pull and trigger travel.

The design provides an indicator of the presence of a cartridge in the chamber, made in the form of a pin protruding from the rear end of the bolt when there is a cartridge in the barrel. The slide stop levers are also double-sided, as is the magazine release button. The cartridges are fed from detachable double-row magazines with cartridges exiting in one row. Sights open, non-adjustable, installed in dovetail grooves. The frame under the barrel has a Picatinny-type guide for installing additional equipment (LCC, flashlight). The PL-15 pistol can be equipped with an elongated barrel with a thread for installing a quick-detachable shot silencer.
