What does the color purple mean? Psychological effects of purple

IN Lately, I began to notice that the profiles of some magazine owners (or rather, mostly the owners) indicated an interest in the color purple. I was wondering what the craving for this color means.

This is what it means
The color purple has a huge variety of meanings, such as intelligence, knowledge, religious passion, sobriety, humility or moderation. In addition, this color signifies grief, nostalgia, mourning and old age. Purple combines optimally with colors such as yellow, white, pink and orange; it is intermediate between blue and red. Light shades of purple are called lilac. They go well with white, yellow, gray and orange colors.

Symbolism of purple
The color purple serves as a symbol of dignity, grandeur, luxury, melancholy, spirituality and tranquility, humanism and modesty. It can make a person want to be filled with feelings and thoughts loved one. In addition, purple color can calm anger, relax, relieve anxiety and irritation.

Psychology of purple

The color violet speaks of emotionality, great sensitivity, spirituality and delicacy of the individual. In the case when a person is opposed to this color, this is a sure sign that this person has a very developed sense of duty and the desire to live exclusively in the present. Purple is a very harmonious color developed people(the upper seventh chakra corresponds to it). However, an excess of this color can cause apathy and melancholy. It is associated with great ideas and artistry, due to the fact that the color purple promotes not only inspiration, but also compassion and sensitivity. This color can help with a variety of negative mental states such as neurosis, despair, loss of faith and self-esteem. It is not recommended for severe mental illnesses, as well as for people suffering from alcoholism.

Purple clothes

Clothes in this range are most often preferred by people who want to achieve inner peace. It helps you find your state of mental balance, maximum calm, peace and silence. In addition, purple clothes prevent selfishness and the desire to satisfy only one’s own desires and thoughts. This color indicates that the person who chooses it is spiritually open and tries to listen to his intuition. However, an overabundance of purple in clothing can lead to a desire to retire and communicate as little as possible with others. According to psychologists, the choice of purple in outfits and accessories may indicate some immaturity and lack of control on the part of consciousness. A light shade of purple, lavender, can create a feeling of coolness and detachment. Dreamers choose clothes of this color.

If you are feminine and dreamy, choose a purple outfit or stone without any fear, it will give you self-confidence and give you strength. In order for the created image to be as elegant as possible, use a combination of gray and purple colors; an outfit with a mixture of purple and purple can help open the way to what you want. yellow flowers, and pairing it with brown can signal your need for luxury.

Purple color in the interior

Purple is considered a somewhat heavy color, but its lighter shades can fit perfectly into the interior of any room. In the kitchen you can use brighter shades of this color; for the dining room, grape tones are better. And for southern-oriented dining rooms, cool wine tones are optimal. To decorate the living room, you can choose the colors of eggplant or grape. However, if you're worried about the room being too dark, choose a shade of lavender, pairing it with darker, plum tones. This combination will give your living room more sophistication and style. Purple with a slight blue tint is perfect for the bedroom; it will give you serenity and inner peace. And when decorating a bathroom, it is best to use floral tones: lilac or lavender. Thanks to them, the room will be filled with warmth, comfort and aroma. Deep and luxurious eggplant tones are quite appropriate in a powder room, and the darker the color, the better the room will look. Eggplant shade and design is appropriate personal account, and all the wine shades will fit quite organically into the design of this room, creating a comfortable atmosphere that is conducive to creativity and helps you concentrate. Since purple is a very multifaceted color, its use in the interior must be approached with extreme caution. If you like this color, it can be used as a refreshing accent spot with a different look. small in size or contour lines. You can also soften the purple color in the interior by connecting gray equal lightness...

Lilac is divided into three main shades: blue, red and white, which, of course, adds complexity to it and, unlike other colors with one or two components, it is perceived quite ambiguously by individuals. Accordingly, the interpretation of the meaning lilac color in psychology may vary depending on the brightness and degree of predominance of one of its components.

Where are you, good wizard?

For example, pale lilac tones are preferred by creative but weak-willed people, those who lack the determination to bring their ideas to life. And these ideas themselves, by the way, do not always have clearly defined forms; most often they simply appear and dissolve in the air, like translucent and abstract mirages. Such people, as a rule, have an understated attitude, they are full of self-pity and believe that fortune has treated them unfairly. But, despite all the difficulties, fans of pale lilac continue to firmly believe that one day a good wizard will appear in their destiny, who with one wave of his wand will solve all problems at once, and, on their part, they will not have to do absolutely anything for this and remain in languid anticipation of wonderful changes in their lives, they usually do not notice at all how this very life rushes past at great speed. The color lilac in the psychology of such people is a symbol of unrealistic hopes and vague desires, which over time flow into a feeling of nostalgia and regret about missed opportunities.

Is risk a noble cause?

Those who like to paint their lives with bright lilac colors, on the contrary, know exactly what they want and have even drawn up several options for a plan on how to achieve it. The only problem is that they are not often able to bring these plans to life, since they have difficulty setting priorities and having increased risk, rarely dare to make large investments or, say, move to another country. Usually they hate taking on serious responsibility, preferring to shift it onto the shoulders of others. However, such people are not alien to a certain amount of infantilism and romanticism, and in an hour, carried away by any idea, they are able to throw a significant part of their resources to the front line. But such cases in their lives are extremely rare and in case of failure, they will “sulk” at fate for a long time, like offended children.

Find your paradise

Psychology interprets the predominance of lilac color in the interior as the desire of the home owner to smooth out sharp corners in conflict situations, which, unfortunately, abound in his life. And they are most likely caused by its numerous rash steps aimed at obtaining their own benefit, often to the detriment of someone's interests. Cool blue and white shades mute the fury of red, which has a calming effect on the owner of a “lilac home.”

In general, psychology explains the dominance of the lilac color by the absence in a person’s life of that outlet that he so lacks. People who like it usually haven’t gotten what they wanted from life and are constantly in search of “their paradise.” By the way, an interesting fact is that as soon as noticeable changes for the better occur in the fate of lilac lovers, they completely cool down to this shade and begin to give preference to other colors that are less complex in structure.

Complex human psychology requires a unique system; therefore, today many ways of using such color therapy have been developed to create a certain mood, as well as to achieve very specific goals. The psychology of color today is confidently present in all aspects of our lives, whether we want it or not. Properly chosen shades of the wardrobe help in moving up the career ladder, allow you to adjust your mood, and even Image Makers specifically help their clients choose the right wardrobe in order to conquer certain heights in life. Everyday life.

The psychology of color allows you to make the right decision in choosing a partner; you just need to know the characteristics of different colors and listen to your own intuition. For example, a surge of excitement, while blue-gray shades, on the contrary, are considered calming and balancing. Colors act directly on a person’s sensory system; this feature is well known to advertisers who seek to promote new products through a psychological impact on the buyer’s feelings. They have long noticed that color can excite, attract and calm.

In psychology, it is associated with observation, wit, vanity, increased sensitivity and mood swings. Since the color purple is a combination of red and blue (colors of opposite meanings), the personality of “purple” people can be extremely contradictory. They constantly have to find a balance between the calmness of blue and the energy of red. Relationships with such people are sometimes very easy, but it can be very difficult to really get to know them - such people are quite secretive. Even the closest people may not be able to understand them, since their feelings are quite incomprehensible and contradictory.

The different shades of purple allow people to express their sensuality and individuality without too much aplomb. The color violet is very helpful for creative and sensitive people; they easily tune in to its positive vibration. People who experience nervous tension and mental imbalance are recommended to periodically turn to such shades, because the color purple in psychology, due to the mixing of two opposite shades of blue and red, means veiled excitement. Purple color has a great effect on nervous system, allows you to restore balance and harmony in your personal life, and even has a positive effect on various shapes neuroses.

In psychology, it is not without reason that the color violet is considered the color of pregnant women; it heightens sensuality to the point of individuality. In everyday use, violet shades are quite heavy to perceive, so it is recommended to dilute them with gold. The ancient Aztecs called purple the color of wisdom and knowledge of truth; in Ancient China, even the evening sky was designated by the principle of courage (YAN) and expressed in purple, and in Buddhism this color symbolizes the “color of the spiritual father.” The abundance of purple shades in the aura is interpreted as altruism and the possession of high spiritual qualities, especially since the purple color in psychology means aspiration to higher spiritual consciousness.

The desire for harmony and perfection is inherent in a person from his very birth; psychology is responsible for this feature, but this does not mean at all that only “green” people are harmonious and perfect people. The balance of colors and state of mind allows you to find a compromise in communicating with the outside world and feel like one of its most important components.

Hello, dear readers. Today you will learn what the color purple is in psychology. Find out which people prefer it. Let's talk about its impact on human life.


If we consider the symbol of purple, then it is considered an owl. In the Middle Ages it was seen as a sign of repentance. In Catholicism, it is a symbol of temperance. In Medieval times, this color was perceived as mourning. However, only members of the king’s family could wear it. The custom of combining this shade with grief has been preserved in Orthodoxy to this day.

When thinking about what this color means, it is worth considering what its origin is - the fusion of two others, blue and also red. It brings together opposites that have completely different effects. The calmness and intelligence of blue are intertwined with the strength and energy of red. The meaning of purple depends on which shade predominates in it.

  1. When blue predominates, a dark shade of purple appears. Characterized by the manifestation of an imperious nature and rudeness.
  2. Light colors have a calming effect, even when there is severe neurosis.
  3. Has a calming effect.
  4. Increases intuition, the boundary between the other world and reality is erased.
  5. If the red tint predominates, vanity is possible.
  6. The color purple in a woman’s psychology is the desire to charm the opposite sex. It is recognized as a sign of idealism and feminism.
  7. If a person often dreams of purple things, this may indicate impending dramatic changes in his life.
  8. Promotes the manifestation of excessive sensitivity and sentimentality.

What influence does

Let's look at the impact purple things and objects can have.

  1. Helps in the presence of astheno-neurotic syndrome.
  2. Helps calm seizures.
  3. It has a positive effect on people with vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  4. It is believed that you can improve your vision in myopia by looking at purple objects for several minutes without interrupting your gaze.
  5. It is believed to increase self-esteem.
  6. Helps establish contact with the human subconscious. A person more often comes to insight, he has the ability to hear his needs.
  7. It allows you to strengthen your intuition, promotes greater attentiveness, and allows you to notice the smallest details.
  8. It helps to enhance suggestibility, which is why it is often used by a hypnologist for. Do not forget that this same property can be used by charlatans. When this color is in excess, it helps to lull a person’s vigilance, and he begins to feel sleepy.
  9. Allows you to improve memory, awaken past memories that have long been suppressed in the subconscious.
  10. This color can induce a deep trance state. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to use it for relaxation, after there has been a severe shock or stressful situations.
  11. Helps reduce blood pressure.
  12. From an esoteric point of view, purple helps protect mother and baby during pregnancy.
  13. This color helps to get away from everyday problems.
  14. Worth considering negative effect from this color - excessive control over your feelings, extreme degree.

In clothes and

Thanks to the wide variety of shades of purple, it can be used in clothing by people of any type of appearance.

  1. Young ladies with pale skin are recommended to wear violet or lavender colors, combining them with gray or black.
  2. Girls who have dark skin color should choose warm tones of purple, for example, amaranth. Combine such things with beige and pink.

When choosing lipstick and eye shadow, you should also apply this rule. For example, a rich burgundy color suits brunettes, while fuchsia suits brown-haired or blonde women. When choosing shadows, shades of this color are recommended to be used for festive or evening makeup. If it is necessary for everyday makeup, then you should choose a soft lilac color. Purple in makeup and clothing allows you to create a mysterious image of a romantic woman. This color is suitable for people with non-standard interests and appearance. It allows you to attract attention, at the same time warning about the need for a special approach when communicating with its wearer. Therefore, this color will be beneficial to people who want to avoid communication with annoying fans. This shade allows us to draw a parallel with nobility on a subconscious level. It is better to give preference to closed dresses made of velvet.

In the interior

  1. It is preferable to choose lilac color for the bedroom. Promotes tenderness and intimacy. Pairs perfectly with pink shades and enhances sensuality. Lilac influences easy falling asleep and develops intuition.
  2. If you want to find a shade for your personal office, violet is ideal. But don’t overdo it with its use; it’s better to dilute it with white.
  3. In a social room, such as a living room or kitchen, it is not recommended to choose purple walls. However, you can choose purple accessories.
  4. It is unacceptable to use purple items in a child's room. Here you can use a lilac shade, which will help improve your baby’s night sleep and develop his creativity and curiosity.
  5. Suitable for decorating rooms for meditation and yoga.

Who chooses this color

  1. People generally prefer things of this shade without thinking, acting at the behest of their heart.
  2. Such individuals are open, easily make contacts with other people, but do not strive to reveal themselves to anyone.
  3. After communicating with such a person, there is a sense of understatement.
  4. Lovers of this color are individuals who are easy to convince and captivate.
  5. Owners of purple-colored items are predisposed to empathy; they sympathize with others.
  6. If a person wears purple clothes, it allows him to get rid of irritation and balance his state of mind.
  7. It is needed by individuals with an unstable psyche, as well as with neuroses.
  8. This color may be preferred by people with, pedants.

Now you know the psychological meaning of the color purple. Remember that it is considered one of the mysterious, one of the most mysterious. It is accompanied by legends and various tales.

Fortunately, the world around us is bright and colorful! It contains thousands of different color shades, which directly affect our mood. Correctly selected colors in the wardrobe and interior allow you to win over your interlocutor, help you become more self-confident and even lose weight!

What does the color purple mean in psychology?

Purple color is a combination of red and blue. For this reason, people who love purple constantly need to seek a balance between the balance of blue and the activity of red. In psychology, it is not for nothing that the color violet is considered a reconciling color, connecting opposites. A person who chooses this complex, unusual color is able to combine, at first glance, incompatible things into a whole. This is where creativity, unconventional thinking, and a creative view of the world originate.

The color violet helps creative and sensitive people, as well as those who experience nervous tension and mental disunity. This is the color of equilibrium, harmony, balance. It unites body and spirit, physical needs with spiritual needs. Violet brings balance to the male and female energies in the body.

In psychology, the purple color symbolizes not only the unity of opposites, but also the creation of something new on their basis - this is the mystery of the purple color. Since ancient times it has been associated with mystery and mysticism. The ancient Aztecs considered purple to be the color of wisdom and comprehension of truth, in Ancient China it symbolized courage, and in Buddhism it is understood as the “color of the spiritual father.” The presence of violet shades in a person’s aura speaks of his altruism, desire for higher consciousness and possession of a high level of spirituality.

Purple color in psychology: interesting facts

  • Purple color is ideal for meditation.
  • Purple is often chosen by pregnant women.
  • Some psychologists believe that now on Earth there is a time of social change, transition and upliftment - the violet era.
  • “Crystal” children, in whom the color violet dominates in their aura, are born with a very high level of awareness and change the world around them with their mere presence. These are happy children who know how to love, accept and forgive.
  • People who prefer the color purple strive for freedom, going beyond boundaries, expanding the boundaries of space.
  • Purple is the color of inspiration; philosophers and poets love it.
  • It is a color that promotes cleansing and healing of the body and mind.
  • The color purple in psychology speaks of great sensitivity, insight, emotionality, and impressionability.
  • If you love purple, it means that you want to emphasize the individuality of your character, stand out from the crowd, and attract attention.
  • This is the color of greatness, always present in the clothing of rulers and clergy.
  • People who prefer purple can easily discern the slightest fluctuations in the mood of the interlocutor, have innate intuition and are often advisors to managers.

The influence of purple color on the psyche and health

  • This color is very useful for concussions, neurology, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and internal inflammation, as purple supports the human nervous and immune systems.
  • The color violet rejuvenates the human body by promoting the production of melatonin.
  • Purple improves the functioning of the heart and lungs.
  • This color has a relaxing effect on emotional condition, it promotes good concentration, reducing mental stress.
  • Violet tones increase the body's endurance.
  • The color purple is recommended by psychologists for negative mental states: neurosis, loss of self-confidence, loss of meaning in life, despair.
  • Color therapists believe that the color violet has the ability to keep the lymphatic system and spleen in good shape, relieve painful sensations, reduce heart rate, activate brain function.
  • The strong influence of violet color on the subconscious allows a person to free himself from internal deep-seated fears and achieve high level consciousness.
  • Purple color imparts the ability to self-heal and increases performance. People under its influence may sleep little and work hard.
  • The color purple in psychology helps you learn to accept all events that happen with a calm heart and gratitude.

  • The influence of the color violet on the psyche is very strong, so you need to know when to stop, because prolonged exposure to violet can cause melancholy, a state of melancholy and depression.
  • Purple color is not very recommended for people suffering from alcoholism.
  • Don't get carried away with too dark tones of purple. It is better to use lilac or pale purple shades.
  • It is advisable to combine the purple color in the interior and clothing with yellow, gold, orange, and green.
  • For those for whom purple as a main color seems too heavy, purple details are suitable. In clothing, this can be accessories and jewelry (for example, a purple pendant, a purple belt, a neckerchief, a hairpin, a handbag, a decorative brooch). Purple “spots” in the form of flower pot, dishes, paintings, wall clocks, rugs. In your diet, use purple berries (plums, grapes), vegetables (red cabbage, eggplant) - they normalize digestion.
