Cleansing the house, in Russian. A loved one has died

Helpful Hints

Immediately after death loved one you don't have to do anything. Take as much time for yourself as you need. Someone wants to sit next to the deceased, while someone immediately leaves. You may want someone to make sure the body is lying flat until the joints become stiff and cannot be moved. Rigor mortis begins already in the first hours after death.

How long you can stay with the body depends on where the death took place. If a loved one dies at home, there is no need to move the body immediately. This time is used by a person for religious, cultural or ethnic customs that accompany death.

If the death occurs somewhere outside the home, in a hospital or nursing home, then if possible, discuss all important points in advance with the staff. This will help them plan everything so that you have time with your deceased loved one.

Some people want the whole family to sit with a departed loved one, console each other and, perhaps, share memories.

If a person died at home

So what do you do if a loved one dies at home?

1. First of all, you must call an ambulance so that the doctors record the death.

Doctors may suggest that you perform an autopsy. This medical procedure is performed by a pathologist in order to find out the exact cause of death. For example, if it is believed that a person died of Alzheimer's disease, then an autopsy of the brain will allow a definitive diagnosis.

If your religion or culture opposes an autopsy, then ask your doctor to do so. Some people who plan funerals are worried that the autopsy site will be visible, but everyone physical signs always hidden by clothing.

2. After calling an ambulance, it is necessary to invite the police so that the authorities make sure that there is no violent death.

3. Next, you should contact the funeral services office so that they take the body away. After that, call the ritual agent of the city funeral service, you can also use the services of a private funeral service.

4. From the police you must receive a protocol of examination of the body, and from medical workers a certificate of death.

5. The next day, you must take your passport, body examination report, death certificate, medical card and medical policy of the deceased, as well as his passport and go to the morgue in order to issue a medical certificate of death.

After receiving a medical certificate of death, you need to contact the registry office at the place of residence of the deceased in order to obtain a stamped death certificate, which is the main document of the deceased person. You must also be issued a death certificate.

where the man died

What to do if a loved one dies in a medical institution?

When a person dies in a hospital, the nurse or attending physician informs the family and also informs them of the location of the morgue in which the body is located. Close people of the deceased after the sad news should take several steps.

1. First of all, you should call a ritual agent of public services or contact a private service.

2. Then you should contact the mortuary registry to issue a medical certificate of death.

3. After you have the medical death certificate in your hands, go to the registry office at the place of residence of the deceased in order to issue a stamp death certificate and a death certificate.

What to do if a loved one dies public place?

When a person dies in a public place, their body will be sent from the scene to the forensic morgue to determine the cause of death and to issue a medical certificate of death.

After the relatives of the deceased learn about what happened, they must take the following steps.

1. Go to the morgue registry in order to issue a medical certificate of death.

2. Then contact a public or private ritual service, call a ritual agent.

3. Once the medical death certificate is in hand, you must contact the registry office at the place of residence to obtain a death certificate and a stamp death certificate.

What to do if a loved one has gone to another world as a result of a violent death?

If the death of a person did not occur due to natural causes, then his body is sent to the forensic morgue. This is done in the event of a car accident, murder, accident, suicide, etc.

The prosecutor's office or the police conducts their own investigation into the death, which results in either a criminal case or a decision to refuse to initiate it.

A person has died: what to do?

In order to bury a loved one, you need:

Obtain permission for the possibility of burial in the prosecutor's office or in the police.

Obtain a stamped death certificate from the registry office at the place of residence.

Contact a funeral agent from a city or private funeral home.

What if a person died in the country?

If a person dies in the country, outside the city or in garden plot, then a doctor should come from the local first-aid post, polyclinic or district ambulance for them to declare death. You can find out the phone number in the help desk.

Then you should call the district police officer or police officers to draw up a protocol for examining the body. In order to transport the body of a deceased person to the mortuary of your place of residence, you must obtain a medical certificate of death from the local mortuary registry or from a doctor at a polyclinic.

In order to take the body of a deceased person to the mortuary of a large city, you can call special service, which you will also be prompted in the help services.

What to do when a relative died in a foreign city?

When a person dies away from home, in a foreign city or country, in addition to organizing funeral events in his city, it is necessary to obtain a medical certificate of death in that locality, where the person died, having applied to a medical institution at the place. It is also necessary to transport the human body to the burial place. The transportation of the deceased is called "cargo 200".

A loved one has died

A close person of the deceased can come for the body himself by ordering this service from a specialized service. The ritual agency can also transport the body on its own; among other things, they can prepare all the necessary acts and certificates, accompany the body during transportation and conduct a funeral ceremony.

What to do if native person died abroad?

If a person died in a foreign country during a short visit (as a tourist or on business), then the implementation of the necessary procedures lies with the consulate of his home country. However, the costs of transporting the body of the deceased are borne by the relative.

In order to transport the body of a person to their homeland, a passport of the deceased is required with a visa in it and a certificate of death, which indicates that the death of a person occurred in a foreign country. This certificate needs to be legalized and translated.

If the deceased person was insured, then most the insurance company will cover the costs if the person died as a result of an accident or illness. But there will be no compensation if the death occurred as a result of toxic, alcoholic or drug intoxication, as well as if suicide occurred. It is also unlikely that you will be able to receive any payments if the deceased was a participant in uprisings, strikes or was part of the military forces and formations.

What documents are needed to carry out a burial for Russian citizens?

For both burial and cremation, the following documents are required:

Body examination report that you receive from police officers;

Certificate of death, which is issued by an ambulance team or a polyclinic doctor;

Morgue workers or a polyclinic doctor must issue you a medical (medical) death certificate;

A man died, what do you need

Stamp death certificate from the registry office;

Certificate for receiving a funeral benefit from the state, which is issued by an employee of the registry office;

An agreement with a funeral service for the provision of services (public or private).

Among other things, if the deceased is going to be cremated, then the following is added to the list of documents for registration of cremation:

A receipt confirming that the relatives paid for the burial of the urn, or a statement from a trustee that the urn will be buried elsewhere.

How to get compensation for a funeral in Russia?

People who are socially insured have the right to receive compensation for carrying out funeral services. Money can be received on the day of treatment, for this it is necessary to present a death certificate issued by the registry office.

Compensation can be issued by one of the following organizations:

The company in which the deceased person worked and was insured;

The body where the person was given a pension;

Organization social protection at the place of residence, if the deceased person was not insured.

Documents required to receive compensation:

Applicant's internal passport

Application in the required form

Certificate confirming death

Employment record or documentary evidence that at the time of death the person was not working

Certificate from the cemetery, which will indicate the number of the grave.

Help, a man is dead

It is worth noting that compensation is also issued at the birth of a dead child if the pregnancy was older than 196 days. Compensation is issued no later than 6 months after the death of a person.

We will share with you some of the advice of a lawyer on what to be wary of in such a sensitive matter as organizing a funeral.

Funeral services fraud is not a new phenomenon. Today, the funeral business occupies a leading position in terms of profitability, and the grieving relatives of the deceased are ready to give any money to last way close person was worthy.

Number of entries: 428

Good afternoon. Dear father, please tell me what to do with the ring of the late grandmother? It is very dear to me and I would like to wear it as a memory of her... Pass it on from generation to generation. In this regard, several questions arise - will I thereby “disturb” her, disturb her soul, or maybe, on the contrary, it will be good, or is it not connected in any way? And I read that the ring must first be cleansed energetically and physically, and then consecrated. If you need to consecrate, should it be done only in the church, or can you do it yourself?


Anastasia, you are mixing superstition, witchcraft and the church. First of all, you yourself need to confess your sins and take communion, but for this you need to prepare (fast and read the rule for communion). Things of close deceased relatives can be worn without consecration, but if you want, you can also consecrate in the church. If, however, you “purify this ring energetically”, as you write, then it will no longer be possible to wear it at all - only to throw it away, because this is witchcraft and devilry.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father. Thank you for your time. Please tell me which saint is my heavenly patron? My name is Anna, I was born on October 20th.


Anna, your heavenly patron is the Holy Martyr Anna of Adriopol. Her memory is celebrated on November 4th. Anna means "grace" in Hebrew.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! Tell me, please, can I, as a mother of an unbaptized child, confess, take communion, touch icons, relics, candles in the temple? Thank you.


Margarita, if you are a baptized Orthodox Christian, you have the right to confess and receive communion - only for your personal salvation. The church does not pray for the unbaptized, the unbaptized do not have the right to confess and receive communion, and no one can do this for them. You can only pray for unbaptized children at home. But why your child has not yet been baptized is not clear.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

I swore by my parents that I didn't do certain things, but I didn't. What to do now, I don't want my parents to suffer because of me. Help, tell me, please.


Alena, you always need to be very careful about what you say. It is generally forbidden to take oaths, and even more so, swearing by your loved ones is very unreasonable. You definitely need to go to church as soon as possible, to confess to a priest, and repent of this sin and other sins that you have committed in your life. And you definitely need to take communion. Then God will forgive you. But never do that again in the future!

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Father! I really want to confess and take communion. But now the diseases of the stomach have become aggravated. I drink milk all the time. Can you please tell me how to properly prepare for communion in this situation? I can't even fast for 3 days now. Thank you for your reply.


Julia, with certain diseases, fasting is weakened for patients. But all the same, you need to clarify this with your confessor or with the priest at confession.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father. Tell me how to relate to what they say that it is impossible to sleep in the place where a person once died? Thank you.


Oksana, this is absolutely not true. You can sleep in the places where people once died. Death is a natural consequence of the life of every person. It is necessary to consecrate this room and sprinkle the place where the deceased slept with Holy water, and live peacefully there. To do this, invite a priest, and he will bless your house or apartment.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! My father died of cancer three months ago. He was seriously ill and died at home, in his bed. I want to ask you for advice: what to do with his things and is it possible to sleep on his bed?


Lyudmila, things of the deceased can be distributed. Old, useless things, if you do not need them, you can throw them away. Sprinkle the bed with Holy water, and you can sleep on it.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! I want to change the frames on the icons as the ones that are very old now are falling apart. Is it possible to do this and throw out the old frames? And yet, if you can change, then new ones need to be consecrated?


Natalya, you can change the frames in the icons, only the old frames are not thrown away, but burned (either in the stove in the country, or somewhere in the open air). Icons after restoration are always consecrated anew.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, father. My name is Sergey. I have chosen for myself a heavenly patron - the Holy Reverend Abbot Sergius of Radonezh, and I constantly pray to him. Am I doing the right thing if I was born on November 16th?


Sergei, usually the saint of the same name is chosen as the patron saint, whose memory is celebrated in the coming days after his birthday, but this is not at all important. If you have already chosen a heavenly patron for yourself, then let him remain with you.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello! I wanted to ask you, we baptized the child at 9 months, and the name at baptism was given the same as the name, but I wanted to give him a different name at baptism, what can I do?


Catherine, the name at baptism is changed only if it is not Orthodox, in other cases the name at baptism is left unchanged, so nothing needs to be changed.

Hieromonk Viktorin (Aseev)

Hello, I have such a situation, I have been living with my husband for 9 years, and there were betrayals on my part after 2 years, then I realized that there is no better person in the world, and that it is so vile and vile. He does not know about this and will never know, we are preparing for the wedding with him, and I have this question: how can I pray my sin before him, it worries me very much, if I repented, can I marry him or I don’t worthy?


Light, go to confession! Let the priest listen to you and decide on the wedding. Both of you cannot get married without a confession. And do not tell your husband about sins! Have pity on him! Carry it in yourself, be patient.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Hello, father. My son is a widower, 32 years old, has a daughter of 7 years old, got married. The daughter-in-law is 26 years old, she has 2 girls 6 and 4 years old. The daughter-in-law treats my granddaughter badly, and her children too, she likes to play computer games herself, loves guests, they often drink beer with their son. The children are fed poorly, there is little fruit, dairy products, mostly only potatoes are eaten. My granddaughter wants to live with me, but they even let me see each other occasionally. Five years before that, I raised her by myself. We live separately, I try not to interfere, but I can’t love her. And I feel sorry for the granddaughter. The Lord said to love your enemies. How can I love such a daughter-in-law?

r.B. Ludmila

I think the issue is not the daughter-in-law. Let's be honest, it's about the son who chose her ... If you understand this, then the problem of this woman will fade into the background. Forgive your son, because he is your son. In the meantime, you explain your problems to an unworthy daughter-in-law, you will not find peace for yourself.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Good afternoon. My question is to Father Maxim. While reading the questions here on the site, I came across your answer. You said that Moldova is no longer a country, but just a territory. I am also from Moldova, but I have been working in the USA for 5 years. I plan to return home soon. There is no way to stay here, and you are constantly drawn to your homeland. It was here that, by the wondrous providence of God, I became an Orthodox believer. So what do you think, for a person who loves God and believes in Him, does it matter which country to live in? Even if it is a poor country... I know that after America in Moldova it will be difficult for me economically. But I believe that even there, at home, even in poverty, My Lord will be with me. After all, faith in God and love for Him cannot be shaken, just because I return from a rich country to a poor homeland, right? After all, the main thing is the mood of the spirit, the desire to be with God always and everywhere. Give thanks for everything, even in poverty do not grumble, humble yourself. An example of this is the saints. Am I right, father? How to endure in faith to the end? Save you Christ! Thanks for the spiritual advice!


Valentina, I don't know what to tell you… I spent a few days last year in Moldova. He lived in Chisinau, but traveled all over the country by train. I became really scared: hungry people begging in trains ... Horror! Everywhere are the remains of once prosperous collective farms. Everyone I talked to started out wanting to leave, some for Europe, some for Russia. Even in Ukraine, I have not seen this. Very, very sorry people! Orthodoxy is also quite dense, ritual, shallow. If you still have close, very close and dear people there, then the answer is obvious. Probably the right thing to do would be to return. But if only native stones remain, then I do not advise you to rush. Try to save something in the USA. I don't know how and how you live in America. I don't think it's a very good job. Do you have a green card? Or are you illegal? Write about your life in the USA, let's think together ...

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Hello! I am very worried about this question - can a marriage registered in the registry office be a mistake, or is it always God's will? My husband left me a month ago, leaving us with a small child, I don’t know what to do, not to give him a divorce? I can’t talk to him, he avoids me and does not return calls. And if our marriage is God's will, then everything that is happening now, I mean divorce, is also God's will? I pray to God for the preservation of our family, I put candles in the temple. I asked the Mother of God to give reason to my husband. I'm already starting to despair ... And if a divorce does happen, how can I continue to live?


Alina! We do not know the will of God. A mistake can be a marriage in the registry office, and a church marriage too. If the husband left, it is pointless to keep him, it is necessary to give a divorce. By the way, and the responsibility for this will also be on him. The only thing we can talk about is the question of where the mistake was made. Why was the marriage not viable? Have you misbehaved? Husband is not a serious person? Then why and how did you get married? Here's what to think about! And now you have to go to confession in the temple.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Good morning, fathers! Please advise me what to do in my situation. The husband left the family, I do everything to forgive my husband: I pray, I order trebs for him, and I really want to forgive him, but so far it doesn’t work out, I will continue to pray for him, and I feel that I can forgive him, but the trouble is that I can’t forgive my mistress in any way (I don’t even have a desire), I try to pray for her, but there is no peace in my soul, I don’t pray from a pure heart, but simply because it’s necessary, but there will be no sense from this. So I want to ask you, maybe I don’t need to pray for her yet, if I can’t forgive her from the bottom of my heart? I'm confused, what should I do? Pray for her or not yet? And one more question: I sometimes read the evening rule at 18-00-19-00, at this time I am not tired yet and I can concentrate, but I heard that after evening prayers you can no longer eat and drink water, is this true? Thank you very much for your advice. God bless you!

r.b. Lyudmila

I'll start from the end: eat, drink, read, etc. possible after evening prayers. You don't live in a monastery! As for praying for a husband and his mistress: praying “for those who offend us” is serious work. For the time being, you are required to do this not from the heart, not from Christian love (you are not capable of doing this now, which you yourself admit), but to pray from the mind ("forgive me, Lord, as I forgive you according to your covenant"). Over time, the pain of resentment will subside.

Archpriest Maxim Khyzhiy

Bless, father! As a child, I was baptized in the Orthodox Church. At the age of 15, I was baptized in the Good News Church (which I now repent of). A few years later, I left and have been visiting ever since. Orthodox Church. Because you can’t be baptized a second time in Orthodoxy - but I want to get married - what should I do? Save me, God.


Olga, you need to go to the temple and repent of your unbelief and apostasy from Christ into heresy. And don't worry about the rest. The main thing is not to betray the Savior anymore, because salvation is only in Orthodoxy. And this was proved by the example of thousands of saints.

hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! I am not a clergyman. Recently, during a fellowship, my friend began to tell me his sins. I don’t blame him for his sins, on the contrary, I understand and I feel sorry for him. There have been several such cases in my life. This is probably wrong? What should I do now? When they talk, I can't stop them, they want to talk.

Not so long ago, in my blog, you read my story about a school friend Galina, who, after the death of her beloved human became terrified of death . She and I spent a lot of time together, fighting this terrible phobia, until she finally got better. She continues to think about of death , but in a different way.

After our conversations regarding the death of a person, Galya began to literally collect articles, books and films on this topic. And it infected me with everything. Fuel to the fire was added by my own son. He, after listening to our exchange of opinions on these topics, became interested in the concepts of human consciousness and the topics How modern scientists are trying to digitize it and place it in the virtual world. Son, you see, dreams of the appearance computer games, in which it would be possible to introduce such digitized souls of players who will live and develop in an alternative reality under the supervision of their own living prototypes.

Scientistsfigured outWhere People fall after of death?

As a result of our collective efforts, a lot of information has accumulated in my laptop regarding all these issues, which, by the way, have always worried humanity - not only religious people, but atheists too. Perhaps atheists and agnostics in our time are even more interested in all this than sincere believers in God, because they are more afraid to die. They are afraid to disappear into the abyss of non-existence completely and without a trace, while religions speak of the obligatory continuation of life in its other form. Perhaps that is why it was the unbelievers who became the first rational researchers of the phenomenon of continuing life after the death of the body. They wanted to test the ancient revelations by scientific means. I have read a lot on this topic and with all reason I can say that almost every one of scientists, who was at first a typical unbelieving Thomas, eventually came to the conclusion that after the physical death of the body, a person continues to exist.

Where do people go after they die? said in all ancient beliefs and world religions. They were born in different parts of the planet, often completely independently of each other, but at the same time about the life of the soul human after his death they said almost the same thing.

All without exception
ancestry modern humanity were absolutely sure that the gods death at the moment appointed by fate force the soul to leave the body, afterwhat begins for a disembodied entity new life in the world of the dead. Each religion describes in detail both the path to non-existence and the very place where souls reside after the death of a person. Be sure to tell about the difficulties and trials that the soul must endure during the journey to the kingdom of the dead. The other world itself is drawn full of miracles and secrets, divine and demonic entities that judge the soul and determine its place in their kingdom. Some of them (primarily Hinduism and Buddhism) argue that the soul incarnates into new bodies before finally merging with the divine Absolute an incalculable number of times.

Many skeptics who do not believe in any mysticism say that all such stories about the soul and its responsibility for lifetime actions human invented the priests, who were profitable to intimidate and subjugate of people . And all sorts of mystical meetings and visions, supposedly confirming religious stories about the other world, are also fictions or tricks of the same clergymen.

Okay, but what about cases when such visions visit completely unbelieving people? Take, for example, my aunt, who was a communist, a hero of labor and did not even come close to any church all her life. Once, in the early 70s of the last century, she was in Moscow on a business trip. Just before leaving home, I decided to take a walk along Kalininsky Prospekt (now Novy Arbat). She walked to herself, looked at shop windows, hurried to the Book World for new products. And suddenly, near the Vesna store, she saw her subordinate, who did not understand what he was doing there instead of being at his workplace in Perm. He greeted her and turned to the store. Auntie was taken aback at first, then followed him, but she did not find him inside the store. And when she returned home and came to work, she found out that this comrade had just been buried. On the day she saw him in Moscow, he was already in the morgue. After this incident, my aunt did not start going to churches, but she began to read the Bible and was interested in all sorts of mystical cases.

What does science say?

Many scientists from worldwide famous names were also originally believers or through their personal life experience came to the conclusion that life person afterthe death of his bodily shell as such does not stop. E the best minds of all time have said starting with the ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Pythagoras. The materialists Galileo, Newton, Pascal, Pasteur, Einstein, Pavlov, Tsiolkovsky and many others were also people convinced of the existence of a higher reality, a divine principle and an afterlife. They cannot be called blind believers, since they came to their conclusions through purely Scientific research and reflections that led them to evidence of a reasonable, multidimensional and animate structure of the universe. All researchers of the other world, with the help of experiments and observations, tried to answer very specific questions.

  1. How true are people's stories about meetings or other communication with the dead?
  2. How gradually (or, conversely, simultaneously) does the separation of the soul and body occur?
  3. Can the posthumous life of a person be recorded by any scientific method?
  4. Is it possible to catch with the help of modern instruments the processes of separation of the physical body and subtle essence (soul) from each other?
  5. Are the physical and spiritual essences of a person equally separated from each other in the case of a calm and tragic deaths?
  6. Where does the soul go after the death of the body?

I found a wide variety of scientific hypotheses and described discoveries, which indicate that the life of a person, or rather his soul, continues in the so-called subtle dimension. I will give just a few examples.

Emmanuel Swedenborg was probably the first scientists , which systematically approached the study of the otherworldly existence of the soul. In the 18th century, he made technical inventions, lectured at the largest Swedish university, Uppsala, and wrote more than 150 scientific papers, including those on the life of the soul in other worlds. Swedenborg said that personality after death essentially does not change, but continues to evolve. He, long before the emergence of quantum theories, suggested that the world consists of particles, which are flows and swirls of energy. Souls are also energy bundles, invisible to the eye. Swedenborg conducted experiments on communication with the other world for more than 20 years and published the results. Many contemporaries (including the Queen of Sweden) were forced to believe him, since scientist told them secrets that could only be known to their deceased relatives.

R Russian biologist V. Lepeshkin in the 30s. The twentieth century has managed to register special energy bursts that are spread around by dying bodies. He concluded that at the moment of death of a living being, a certain special biofield separates from it. During such experiments, those leaving earthly shell biofields even illuminated photographic film of special sensitivity.

K.G. Korotkov - Doctor of Technical Sciences of the St. Petersburg Technical university - leads research thin bodies that leave the physical flesh after it of death . The generator of high-voltage electromagnetic radiation during laboratory experiments captures the exit from the dead human his astral form and transmits the waves of her energy field to the display. The outcome of the soul is fixed as a special pulsating glow, which then fades, then again intensifies. Scientist convinced that after bodily death human his destiny continues in another dimension.

Physicists Michael Scott of Edinburgh and Fred Alan Wolf from California prove the existence of multiple parallel universes. They may be similar to our own reality or differ significantly from it. Scientists conclude: everyone who has ever lived not only does not die, but exists in these parallel spaces forever. Thus, death as there is none at all, but the spiritual essences of people and animals are presented in a plurality of incarnations.

Robert Lantz , a professor from North Carolina, compares the continuous life of a person with How There are plants that die off in the winter and grow back in the spring. In fact, Lantz agrees with Eastern theories of reincarnation and that the same soul is physically reborn many times in parallel worlds and comes to Earth again and again. The professor suggests that death and rebirth happen at the same time, so How particles of subtle matter that make up the spirit (photons, neutrinos, etc.) are able to be present at the same moment in different dimensions.

Stuart Hammeroff , an anesthesiologist at the University of Arizona, as a result of long work, became convinced of the quantum nature of the soul. He argues that it does not consist of neurons, but of a special fabric of the universe. That's why after death information about the personality goes into space and exists in it in the form of free consciousness.

In general, these and other scientists came to the same conclusions
to which, long before them, mankind was led by a variety of religions. These conclusions were voiced in his speech at one of the international symposia by the researcher of the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University A.V. Mikheev.

  • Not a single skeptic could prove through experiments that after the death of a personeverything stops for him that life has no continuation in some other form or place.
  • After the physical (in our understanding) death of peopletheir so-called subtle bodies remain. They are carriers of various information about individuals: this is their self-consciousness, memory, emotions, the whole inner world.
  • The continuation of the existence of an individual after death is one of the natural laws of nature and human life.
  • Subsequent realities numerous and differ from each other by different energy frequencies on which they are located.
  • Where specifically it hitsthe soul of the deceased is most likely determined by his earthly actions, feelings and thoughts. This works on the principle of electromagnetic radiation, the spectrum of which depends on its composition. What is the inner component of the soul, such is its new place after death.
  • Heaven and Hell words it is possible to define two poles of the posthumous state I. Between these poles there are many intermediate states. Soul hit in them according to the emotional and mental load that she formed on Earth. Therefore, negative emotional states, bad deeds, the desire to destroy, any fanaticism is very badly reflected in future fate personality. Thus, the responsibility of the soul for everything that its bearer did during his earthly life is inevitable.

I don’t know about you, but I have all these hypotheses and conclusions scientists with world-famous names struck me and forced me to re-evaluate my own life. It turns out that science fully confirms the ethical side of religion. Secret Eastern teachings, Christianity, Islam have long told people that earthly experience and knowledge play a huge role in the posthumous fate of the soul. They pointed to the personal and inevitable responsibility of a person for what he did on this earth. now and People from science they say that absolutely everything lived by a person is recorded, weighed and entails consequences after death her physical shell. So, one main conclusion remains: it is not worth living in this world in such a way that one would later be ashamed of it in other habitats of the spirit. I also somehow don’t want to get into a bad dimension through my own fault.

The author of the term "black tourism" is Professor John Lennon from the University of Glasgow, who explains the desire of people to visit places where bloody battles once took place, the population died, there were natural disasters and catastrophes, by the fact that the ability of a person to do evil and in general the very concept of death has always been admired. It was this feeling that made people watch the executions and fierce battles. And that is why, when doctors, soldiers and rescuers leave the destroyed places, tourists come there - the blood-stained and mutilated territory becomes a popular tourist destination.

The theory of Professor Lennon and his work inspired the photojournalist Ambroise Tezenas to create a project that the author called Black Tourism. According to the photographer, tourists really like to take pictures against the backdrop of those places where hundreds of people died. The goal of his project is not just visiting such places and photographing people who come there. Tezenas tried to most clearly reveal the true meaning of this type of tourism, in Lately gaining more and more popularity.

A school in Xuankou, China, destroyed in the 2009 earthquake. Tourists take pictures at the site of the death of 300 people.

Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, former Nazi concentration camp (Poland). In 2011, almost 1.5 million people visited this place.

In the same museum, cylinders with Cyclone B hydrogen cyanide gas were demonstrated. It was he who was used for the mass poisoning of people in gas chambers.

This is what the place where President Kennedy was assassinated looks like today. Tours here last for half a day, or even all day.

Attractions of Pripyat (Ukraine). The tour organized to this place provides everyone with the opportunity to take a photo against the background of the fourth Chernobyl reactor.

Have breakfast in the exclusion zone (Ukraine). A travel company helps tourists to issue documents giving permission to visit this zone.

"City of Martyrs" Oradour-sur-Glane (France). In 1944, the SS men shot the inhabitants of this village, sparing neither children nor women. The total number of victims was 642 people.

Choeng Ek (Cambodia) - place of execution of 17 thousand people. Many of the dead were previously tortured and interrogated within the walls of the Phnom Penh prison.

The school building, which was used by the Khmer Rouge regime that came to power as the S-21 prison. Now the Tuol Sleng Museum is organized here, which is translated from Khmer as “a hill of poisonous trees”. Previously, people accused of resisting the regime were kept in this place. And on January 7, 1979, evidence of crimes committed in prison was put on public display here.

Travel agencies also organized a special tour of the places where the famous hurricane Katrina passed.

Prison Karosta (Latvia). This military prison is the only one in Europe where tours are organized. During the tour, you can even be in the role of a prisoner.

Lebanese Resistance Museum (Mlita, Lebanon). In 1982, during the occupation of Beirut by the Israeli army, the positions of thousands of Mujahideen were located around this path.

The village of Maroun al-Ras (Lebanon). In 2006, heavy fighting between Israeli troops and Hezbollah terrorists took place on this site, and now the Lebanese authorities have decided to arrange a free amusement park here.

When the first monument was erected at the site of a road accident, no one remembers. However, there are more and more such monuments in Russia every day. Some are trying to make a business out of it, while others are afraid to live surrounded by wreaths and crosses.

Every year, tens of thousands of accidents occur on the roads of Russia, in which hundreds of people die. In almost half of the cases, relatives, wishing to perpetuate the memory of the deceased, either regularly lay flowers at the accident site or erect a monument decorated with wreaths. Traffic police inspectors say that if this goes on, sad obelisks will soon rise at every kilometer of the highway and a busy intersection of the city, and we will become unwitting participants in daily mourning ceremonies.

I am against such monuments on our roads, - says Vitaly Aplin, senior inspector of the traffic police of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Tomsk region. - If you follow the theory that a monument must be erected at the place of death, then wreaths will have to be laid everywhere. Fell down the stairs and died - we will erect a monument, it became bad in the forest - we will put flowers there too. Mourning signs should mark only places where major road accidents have occurred.

Vitaly Aplin does not agree with the conventional wisdom about the attentiveness of drivers: they say, when passing by a mournful place and seeing obelisks by the road, they allegedly unwittingly slow down and pass this area with greater caution.

If there was one monument for a thousand kilometers of the road, perhaps such an effect would really work, - the senior inspector believes. - Today, motorists are already accustomed to the crosses flashing outside the windows and do not pay attention to them.

The largest monuments in the Tomsk region are a road obelisk on the Shegarskaya highway, where the criminal authority Grom died, a monument on the Bogashevskaya highway, where the inconsolable parents of a downed girl installed a huge gazebo, as well as a giant Orthodox cross on the Tomsk-Mariinsk highway. In 2005, a bus collided with a Kamaz and a tractor and the ensuing fire killed 14 people there.

People who erect a monument at the site of the death of a loved one, and even put a photograph with the dates of life and death on it, are committing a great sin, - representatives of the Tomsk diocese explained to a correspondent. - It's like burying a person in different places. The soul cannot understand where to find peace, and begins to rush between the graves.

However, neither these nor other beliefs have any effect on the townsfolk. According to some reports, the service of perpetuating the place of death of a person is so popular that funeral agencies even began to order mourning products specifically for it.

Several times we were approached with a request to make two fences at once or sell a miniature wreath that could be hung in the center of the city, - says Polina Abramova, a funeral goods store salesperson. - Sometimes people ask to make a monument out of the remains of a broken car (for example, attach a steering wheel to it), but we do not accept such orders: we do not have our own manufacturing workshop.

The administration of Tomsk is categorically and harshly fighting the laying of wreaths within the city. Officials say that the entire city in a matter of months can turn into a kind of cemetery if dried flowers are not removed from the places of death in time. A few years ago, near the Main Post Office stop, three young people, being drunk at the wheel, did not notice the watering machine going ahead, crashed into it at full speed and died. Relatives and friends brought carnations to the scene of an accident for several days, and then decided to put a wreath near the entrance to a large shopping center. Their actions were stopped by police officers.

You should be extremely attentive to the monuments near the road, - says Marina, a specialist in dowsing and bioenergetics, - they point to places where negative energy accumulates. Often, crosses associated with various accidents can stand a couple of meters apart, despite the fact that the section of the route where the tragedies occurred seems to be even and straight. But in this place, perhaps, a powerful energy flow, so you should slow down, listen more carefully to the internal state (pulse, pressure) and, perhaps, even stop. A roadside monument - a message from the dead to the living: "Stop! It's dangerous here!"
