Online course on intimate muscles. Wumbuilding in Butovo

I continue the series of articles on intimate gymnastics. You already know that intimate gymnastics is an ideal tool for improving women’s health and normalizing hormonal balance, feminine energy, and getting rid of troubles such as organ prolapse and incontinence.

Today I will talk about basic exercises and what mistakes those who begin intimate gymnastics usually make.

What is intimate gymnastics and why is it needed?

Intimate muscle gymnastics is a system of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor and the whole body. To improve blood supply and function internal organs small pelvis.

There are various practices in yoga, tai chi, qi gong, tantra aimed at working the muscles of the perineum. In ancient eastern traditions, this was a way to prolong youth and sexual activity.

But doctors really began to pay attention to intimate gymnastics in the 20th century. Doctor-gynecologist from the USA Arnold Kegel noticed that more and more women were turning to him with atypical (at that time) problems - prolapse of organs, stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

Later, research results showed that people simply sat on soft car seats and cozy sofas at home, and physical activity fell. As you can imagine, the situation is only getting worse, given that our lifestyle is becoming sedentary.

Arnold Kegel developed and patented a simulator and exercises for training the muscles of the perineum. This is how gymnastics of the intimate muscles became recognized by official medicine.

Intimate gymnastics is important

The fact is that the ovaries in women and the prostate in men are hormonal centers responsible for reproduction, vital energy, skin and hair condition.

Hormones produced in these centers are responsible for youth and femininity in women and masculinity and activity in men. If there is no normal production of hormones, there is no health, no full and vibrant life.

You need to do intimate gymnastics if you:

  • lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • gave birth to a child;
  • have problems with uterine prolapse;
  • suffer from hemorrhoids;
  • have cases of involuntary urination;
  • you cannot conceive a child or become pregnant;
  • dissatisfied with sex life;
  • think you have frigidity;
  • you can't relax in sex.

But gymnastics, like any medicine, can bring not only benefits but also harm.

Our organs are a delicate system in which everything is interconnected. Intimate muscles should be flexible, strong and toned, but are in no way tuned to bench press with a 10 kg kettlebell.

Therefore, you need to tone the muscles very carefully, otherwise the sensitivity will gradually disappear, and you, like a bodybuilder, will get lost in pursuit of a strong grip on your vagina.

To get rid of prolapses, you should think not only about strengthening the muscles of the perineum, but also about other muscles. You cannot get rid of prolapse if your abs, legs and hips do not work as a frame for ligaments and internal organs.

A woman must learn not only to tense, but also to relax, otherwise the circulation of energy will be disrupted. In my trainings, I teach breathing, energy filling, meditation for rejuvenation and restoration of the whole body and genital organs.

In the exercises that I will describe below, everything is chosen in balance: work on intimate muscles, pelvic floor ligaments and general body tone, a way to fill with energy. I would like you to start studying already.

Five basic exercises for every day from the course "Intimate Gymnastics. First stage"

1. We develop and warm up the ligaments.

We bring the pelvis to an even position (tuck in the “tail”), then smoothly move the pelvis forward and return to the starting position evenly. We begin to do the exercise slowly in order to stretch the ligaments. Then from the straight position we move the pelvis back and return to the straight position again. We increase the number of times gradually. We start with 8-10 repetitions. Gradually the pelvis will move easily in any direction.

2. Circular rotations (for ease of movement and increased mobility of the lower spine).

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, knees soft, half-bent, back straight.

The upper body, shoulders, waist are static, only the pelvis works. Circular rotations of the pelvis. First one way, then the other. Start slowly and gradually increase the pace and number of repetitions. To start, do 7-10 repetitions.

3. Exercise for basic training of intimate muscles.

Starting position: as in previous exercises.

As you inhale, we squeeze, and as you exhale, we gradually relax the muscles of the vagina and anus. First, the vagina was squeezed, held, counted to three, and released. Then also the muscles of the anus: squeezed, held, released. How long do we hold the tension and relax it? The main thing in this exercise is not to rush, to feel what is happening inside. Start with 8 reps. If you feel comfortable, increase their number to 16, only gradually, the main thing is your feelings. This exercise can be done on the way to work or at work.

4. Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and hips.

We stand in the same position, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight.

We move the pelvis forward so that the tailbone looks straight at the floor, and pay attention to the posture. As you inhale, strain your legs, hips, buttocks and perineum as much as possible. Hold for 16 counts and gradually relax. Repeat 3-5 times.

5. Technique for increasing feminine energy.

Choose a comfortable position, standing or lying on your back. Rub your palms until you feel warm or hot, feel a ball of golden energy between your hands. Now place your palms on the ovarian area on the lower abdomen. Feel how your internal organs are filled with warmth, light and health. Breathe through your hands for 3-5 minutes to consolidate the feeling of warmth inside.

This little complex can be done at any time. The task is to warm up, tone and relax and fill our female organs with energy and activity.

Four common mistakes in intimate gymnastics

The first, most common mistake: believing that a couple of months of intimate gymnastics will help you for life and will return fireworks to sex.

No matter how much it upsets me, the fact is the fact: most popular intimate gymnastics classes and courses promise amazing results, most often in the form of improvement intimate life, and quickly. They are right, but there is one subtlety here.

Gymnastics, including this one, is a set of exercises aimed at overall strengthening the body. And it works if you do it regularly, at least several times a week.

There will be no results in the form of delight from your partner a week after the start of classes. And if you stop doing gymnastics for more than a year, the muscles will relax again and return to their original state. And such a “swing” will not benefit either you or your muscles.

The second most popular mistake: pumping up intimate muscles through strength exercises.

You may have seen videos or photos of girls lifting heavy objects and even weights using their intimate muscles.

This is impressive, but there is one danger - pumping intimate muscles can lead to loss of sensitivity. Do the whole complex in turn - first warm-up and classic exercises, and only then strength exercises, but without extreme, very carefully. And not from the first lesson, but after several months of regular training.

Third mistake: start exercising immediately after childbirth or abdominal surgery.

Do you remember in my last letter I talked about the practice of recovery after childbirth in France? So: there, restoration of female organs and muscles is allowed at least 2-3 weeks after childbirth.

It’s not worth it before, since the body has already experienced a lot of stress and is in the process of self-healing and hormonal changes. But if you do start exercising, you can get a lot of problems, from broken stitches to pain.

The fourth mistake: waiting for the “best time.”

For several months I have been writing articles and letters about intimate gymnastics. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in the description of problems or desires. But you make one of the most common mistakes - putting it off until later.

You can’t push your health into the background. Don't wait until you have time for yourself and for yourself. Take a few minutes a day right now and start doing at least a basic set of exercises.

And if you want to know more or are in doubt whether you need intimate gymnastics or not, watch the webinar “ Intimate gymnastics for beginners: a guide to action":

Lesson program

For whom:

For all women who are facing problems:

  • Urinary incontinence (when sneezing, coughing, sudden movements, running, jumping).
  • Air entering the vagina during sexual intercourse, in inverted asanas in yoga, water entering when taking a bath, etc.
  • Pelvic pain, back and neck pain.
  • Prolapse of the pelvic organs.
  • Prolapse of the anterior or posterior vaginal wall.
  • Pain and discomfort during sex.
  • Lack of orgasms.

And also for those who want:

  • Prepare for pregnancy.
  • Recover after childbirth.
  • Support your women's health after minimally invasive gynecological procedures surgical interventions, and not go under the knife again.
  • Proper training in the gym without harm to women's health.
  • Stay young, energetic and healthy longer.
  • Delay menopause.
  • Maintain and preserve your youth, beauty and sexuality.

You will not only master a set of exercises for the pelvic floor muscles, but also make it your best healthy habit!

You'll get


Over the course of 4 weeks, you will gradually master practical exercises and complete homework.

Video lessons

Video lessons with theory and exercises on the main topics: breathing, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, reducing intra-abdominal pressure, proper physical work with the body and calming the mind, intimate self-massage, psycho-gymnastics, tantric breathing.


As part of the course, you will receive sensitive support from teachers, as well as two live broadcasts, with detailed answers to questions that will appear.

General chat

It's always nice to be in a circle of like-minded people and make new acquaintances. You will receive recommendations and adjustments for training.

Personal growth

Yes Yes! After all, studying such an intimate topic means studying yourself as a woman, therefore, you will become better every day.


Everyone who completes assignments on time and gives good feedback will receive gifts at the end of the last week of the course; you must agree, this is always nice!

Course program

1st WEEK

  • body alignment - the basics of hypopressive gymnastics (video lesson)
  • psycho-gymnastics, freewriting (video lesson)
  • intimate self-massage (yoni massage) (video tutorial)
  • assessing the condition of the abdominal muscles (diastasis test)
  • practices to strengthen the transverse abdominal muscle (video exercises)


  • improve nutrition and cleansing in the abdominal cavity and pelvis - self-massage of the abdomen (video lesson)
  • information about relationships in the female body.
  • practices for spinal health (video exercises)
  • meditation "New Me" (audio format)
  • aroma technology
  • cleansing breath (video tutorial)


  • balance and stabilization of the pelvis as the key to competent work with the pelvic floor muscles (video lesson)
  • examples of exercises for independent practice (video exercises)
  • tantric breathing (video lesson)
  • webinar questions and answers.


  • intimate gymnastics (video lesson)
  • information about the connection between emotions and hormonal balance
  • breathing practices for working with stress (video exercises)
  • information on how to environmentally apply the material covered in your personal life
  • webinar questions and answers.


The course takes place in closed group V Instagram, communication - chat whatsapp.

  • How to register for a course?
    Pay for the course and receive instructions for e-mail for further action.
  • What will you need for classes?
    Phone, computer or laptop.
  • Is it possible to watch the training in a recording?
    Training takes place on a special interactive platform. All video lessons will be recorded in a closed group until the end of the course.
  • Is it possible to exercise during pregnancy?
    You can exercise during pregnancy, but it is better individually with a personal trainer. And we are waiting for you 2-3 months after birth, after consultation with your doctor.
  • Is it possible to do intimate gymnastics with a spiral?
    It is possible, although without performing the vacuum technique.

Of the exercises, I only did the hypopressive gymnastics from the first video and abdominal massage for several days. Then I stopped for a month. And now I started again, it’s only the 3rd day. Thanks to Yulia for the comments on the video; now, in addition to the notebook, I have my own video on how to perform the basic exercise correctly. The effect I have so far is small and purely cosmetic: after just a few sessions, the “roll” of skin in the lower abdomen, which remained after two pregnancies, disappeared - such a fold of skin is quite dense, two fingers thick, at the bottom, at the level of the elastic band of panties. Surprisingly, actively pumping the press did not help remove this fold. The fitness trainer just shrugged, “Well, what’s there to want, after all, there are two children.” And just a couple of sessions and already such an effect! And it feels as if even my navel has become higher. I also fell in love with a belly massage at night in bed before going to bed - how to return to yourself and yourself after a long hectic day. Thank you for it, Tanya!

We wish you, Vera, success in doing the exercises, as well as developing your best healthy habit!

Tanya, Julia, thank you for understanding your feminine characteristics! I love your videos for how “tasty” you present all the manipulations with the body! I also received a large number of related information that facilitates understanding and broadens horizons. Special thanks for the realistic forecasts. At first, it was hard to realize that the body would no longer be “the same as before” after childbirth. But yours clear example VERY useful for your own laziness. I hope to instill in myself your manner of treating your body delicately, it really resonated with me!

I just completed this course! Girls, girls, women, I'm delighted! You know, I came for one thing, and got everything that could be useful to me in life! And strengthen the back, and strengthen the pelvic muscles, restore the original position of all organs! And the main thing for me is that I know and am not afraid of anything! My body has become stronger. No, not just the back and pelvis. Everything is much more serious. My body has become strong, resilient, resilient! Although I am completely anti-sport! I don’t work out, I’m lazy and I don’t like it! And here they explained and showed minimal exercises for full recovery and further maintenance of women’s health! I recommend it :-) you won’t regret it!

Course teachers


  • Certified and certified fitness specialist, expert in the field of “Training for Women.”
  • Over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry.
  • Participant in international events and fitness conventions.
  • As a co-participant: V All-Russian scientific-practical conference With international participation at the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Technology, together with the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, “Therapeutic Physical Culture: achievements and development prospects.” Report and master class Low Pressure Fitness - “Innovative method of exercises for the muscular corset and pelvic floor rehabilitation.”
  • Authorship: 2016 – defense of a diploma work at the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Technology on the method of hypopressive gymnastics aimed at restoring the pelvic floor muscles of women in the postpartum period.
  • 2016 – author and creator of the training seminar “Postural Woman”, aimed at preserving, rehabilitating and restoring the muscles of a woman’s pelvic floor, patent dated 10.25.2018.
  • 2017 – co-author and creator
  • Author of programs on preparation for childbirth and postpartum recovery.
  • Author and presenter of educational and practical courses on women's reproductive health.
  • For several years it has been helping women maintain reproductive health and recover after childbirth.
  • Integrates various techniques, both modern and ancient feminine practices, helping the body find its path to healing.
  • Founder of the family center “Familyte”, Ryazan, where for 7 years they have been helping young parents learn the fascinating science and the most important of the arts - being parents.
  • Blogger and Instagram influencer @tatiana_gschwend.
  • Popularizes acquired knowledge through video lessons.

Thanks to this knowledge and techniques, each of the girls will be able to:

  • prolong hormonal youth,
  • maintain self-confidence,
  • support the beauty of the face and body from the inside on a solid foundation of health.

A photograph of smiling girls with diplomas and the caption “Kazan will soon really receive the status of the city with the most pumped-up vaginas” (the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved) collected almost 600 comments. The majority of forum members approved of this education and began to compete in wit: the guys promised to immediately get a ticket to Kazan and asked how to sign up to become examiners; it was discussed whether graduates of such courses are given a diploma with honors and for what. It would seem that the meme has exhausted itself, but from “Pikabu” the screenshot got into the large city VK publics “Kazan Online” and “Kazan | Social group” and went viral on social networks of Tatarstan residents. Local commentators reacted to him much more aggressively than federal ones. Inda editor Lena Chesnokova went to those same courses and found out why women pump their pelvic floor muscles (hereinafter referred to as PFM), why wumbling is bad, where intimate gymnastics trainers come from and why some social network users want to kick them out of the republic.

A packet of sour cream and a bag of tangerines

Ten girls in miniskirts stand in a row facing the wall at a distance of a couple of meters from it. The expression on their faces is concentrated and a little tense. Ten red dots from laser pointers jump up and down along the pale blue surface of the wall. The dots move in different rhythms and with different amplitudes - from 35-40 centimeters to one and a half meters. An instructor walks back and forth along the row and commands in a ringing voice: “They’ve made you redundant! Relaxed! We work, we don’t feel sorry for ourselves!” Thin bright pink plastic rods stick out from under the girls' skirts - pointers are attached to them. The ends of the rods - plastic balls with a diameter of three centimeters - are inserted into the vagina. This design is the Vagiton Laser simulator, approved by Roszdravnadzor and patented (they usually talk about these facts in classes with special trepidation) invention of Moscow engineer Yuri Kornev, intended for training MTD. The exercise the girls do is called “Jedi initiation.” The more you squeeze your muscles, the lower the laser dot goes. As they say, may the force be with us.

One of ten girls is me, and today is my last lesson in intimate gymnastics courses. In half an hour, they will give me exactly the same diploma as on the print screen from Peekaboo: a glossy A4 sheet on which the female reproductive system is drawn (the ovaries are depicted as two lilac-pink flowers, and the vagina looks like a pink tulip, which is connected to the uterus by a blue star ) and it is written that I completed the first of four stages of training according to the Vagiton system. By the way, it was invented by a man without medical education- still the same engineer Yuri Kornev.

After five weeks of training, the amplitude of my laser increased from 28 to 50 centimeters, for the first time in my life my lower abdomen did not hurt during menstruation, and I also became less tired and got up easier in the morning (I’m not sure if the latter is related to the courses, but the effect nice). I was slacking - skipping classes and doing homework irregularly. The results of diligent students are much more impressive: at the beginning of the last meeting, one girl said that she got rid of the stress urinary incontinence that tormented her after childbirth (this is when the urinary incontinence is so weakened that liquid is involuntarily released when coughing, sneezing and performing physical exercise type of jumping rope; trainers call this “sneezing in your panties”), another boasted that libido had increased, and orgasms had become brighter, and the third - the one who “swung up” to a one and a half meter amplitude of the laser - spent fifteen minutes incessantly inspiringly describing how she, the mother of two children, , are pursued by young gentlemen and the husband is jealous. Finally, we take a graduation photo for the course’s “Instagram” - for girls who don’t want to “shine”, the coaches advise them to hide their faces behind their diploma. I cover my face halfway.

“Mandarin ducks are abdominal organs that press on the bottom of the pouch.”

The Kazan intimate gymnastics training center has existed since September 2016. At the end of February 2017, its founders, certified trainers in the Vagiton system, 27-year-old Ekaterina Vorontsova and Zarina Grankovskaya, announced that they had trained and graduated more than 1,000 women. The center occupies several rooms on the ground floor of an elite building on Kasatkina Street, across the street from the Renaissance residential complex. I was convinced that the apartments here are quite livable in the third lesson, when our group performed “Jedi initiation”, singing songs (“On the Louboutins” by “Leningrad” and “Smile” by Iowa), and the neighbors from above were knocking on the wall. The situation in which you have a laser trainer sticking out of your vagina, you loudly sing: “At the Van Gogh exhibition, I am the main exhibit!”, and around several other people doing the same thing, is already quite absurd, and then there’s this.

Katya and Zarina say that you need to sing during the exercise in order to learn to synchronize the work of the MTD with other actions and to open the larynx. You need to open the larynx to relieve intra-abdominal pressure, and increased intra-abdominal pressure is very, very bad.

Imagine that your MTD is a hammock or a bag of tangerines,” Katya explains with a serious face. At this moment, it seems to me that I was in the studio of the “Live Healthy” program. Later I will find it on YouTube video clip, in which Elena Malysheva, in a program about stress urinary incontinence, really explains the structure of the MTD using the example of a small rubber hammock. - Mandarin ducks are abdominal organs that press on the bottom of the pouch. If the sac is weak or stretched, the organs descend or, in extreme cases, fall out. To prevent the bag from sagging, you need to train it.

Katya often uses this image in introductory lectures. In practical classes, to explain the correct technique for performing exercises, she again resorts to gastronomy and compares the abdominal cavity of an untrained woman with an open packet of sour cream:

The main thing is that while the muscles are not yet strong enough, do not push or strain your stomach. Because if you press on the bag from above or from the side and don’t plug the hole, all the sour cream will leak out. This is intra-abdominal pressure.

While I’m figuring out how to fit an open larynx into this system of metaphors, the Louboutins are ending.

Kazan as the capital of vaginal education

Katya Vorontsova has big ones Brown eyes And long hair. She is fragile, slender, just over 150 centimeters tall and can lift three kilograms with her vagina. Katya is a PR specialist by training. For several years she worked as director of a radio holding company, but quit when health problems began due to chronic fatigue. Now on her personal Instagram it is written: “I am engaged in vaginal education.” Katya admits that she loves new job and that at this stage of life her mission is “orgasms and healthy pussies” for her students.

Two years ago, the girl took out a loan of 180 thousand rubles, went to Moscow, under the guidance of Yuri Kornev, took a course in the Vagiton system and received a gold coaching certificate. Not all instructors are given gold medals: to do this, you need to pass a theoretical exam on knowledge of physiology and demonstrate high performance on all of Kornev’s simulators. There are four of them in total - according to the number of stages of Vagiton. On the second, women learn to hold different-sized balls in the vagina for a long time, on the third, to lift weights, and on the fourth, they continue to increase muscle strength using a simulator with a pneumatic chamber.

Yura came up with the steps to solve problems as they came up, explains Katya. - If a girl can barely move the laser, how can she get a “vagina blowjob” (this is a complex exercise that requires lengthy preparation, in which intra-abdominal pressure increases).

Katya's path to Vagiton took more than four years. Being an avid lover women's training, during her life she has visited and continues to attend dozens of different things - from the courses of Vedic wives of Oleg Torsunov (in which she was disappointed) to the technique of returning the natural voice (whatever that means). Katya began pumping her intimate muscles to surprise her then lover, and also tried several techniques.

“I once paid 18 thousand for jade eggs, which were actually jadeite,” recalls Katya. - Jadeite is a stone that oxidizes upon contact with mucous membranes. During the courses I was told that I need to constantly walk and even sleep with them. I’m a very diligent person - I stopped working out and ran to the doctor only when it became really bad.

Shortly before receiving her gold certificate, Katya announced a new profession on her social media pages and began recruiting students. Her acquaintances and subscribers reacted to the abrupt professional reorientation in different ways: some were discreetly surprised that she exchanged her career as a media manager “for this,” some openly trolled, some said nasty things behind her back. However, there were also those who supported and admired.

After the story with “Pikabu,” for example, many guys I knew called me, Katya laughs, and offered to meet.

“If a girl can barely move the laser, how can she care about a ‘vagina blowjob’.”

As the center of intimate gymnastics develops, there are only more trolls, critics and moralists around Katya. In one of her latest posts on social networks, she writes: “The fact is that I don’t really care about your comments about how our students give blowjobs. And they do it very deeply” (in addition to intimate gymnastics courses, the center also offers training on oral sex).

Gradually, Katya realized that individual lessons were ineffective - clients often missed meetings, and results appeared slowly. Having met Zarina (she also completed Vagiton instructor training, but has not yet passed the gold certificate exam), last summer Vorontsova decided to launch group courses.

Women have one bad quality that can easily be turned into a good one, she argues, - the desire to compete. When a girl sees that another girl’s amplitude has increased by 50 centimeters, she thinks: “I think I need to tighten up.”

Zarina’s path to Vagiton is similar to Katya’s story: she started for the sake of her lover, studied using the wrong method, which implied an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, felt bad, stopped, began looking for information and came across Kornev’s website. But, unlike her coaching colleague, Zarina does not plan to quit her main job. The girl works in the design department of an organization that builds oil pipelines and tanks.

At my work, everyone knows about intimate gymnastics,” says Zarina. - At first, the male part of the team said that only prostitutes do this. But one day during lunch break, I sat down at the table with them and explained that building muscles is necessary not only to satisfy a man and that their wives, who gave birth to two or three children, most likely sneeze in their panties, suffer from vaginal dryness and prolapse of organs . At first they frowned and said that they didn’t want to know anything about it, but then they calmed down and gradually changed their tune.

Both Katya and Zarina sincerely admire the teacher - the author of the method, Yuri Kornev.

Firstly, he is very ideological,” says Katya. - Wants to help every girl, despite being busy, personally answers all questions on the Vagiton forum. Secondly, he is a technical guy who explains everything very clearly and clearly, without unnecessary esotericism.

Kornev is also pleased with the girls - the Kazan model of school development is set as an example for Vagiton trainers from other regions (judging by the information on the official website, the technique is widespread in 15 countries and 72 cities, the most certified instructors - 31 out of 172 - live in Moscow) . In fact, Katya and Zarina repackaged the ready-made system of exercises into a bright, funny package: they came up with and drew a workbook in which students mark the completion of homework, added dancing and songs to classes, began presenting diplomas, launched training via Skype, and gave the exercises funny names ( in addition to “initiation into the Jedi” there are, for example, “pussy minute” and “asshole”). Both girls agree that Kornev is an engineering genius, who at the same time has poor skills and does not really want to build a business that brings in super profits. They themselves do not pay him any franchise fees, but for their students they buy only branded Vagiton exercise machines and sell Kornev’s book on the basics of intimate gymnastics at trainings. Since the end of last year, a course at the center costs 10,900 rubles.

Actually, the first simulator for MTD with feedback It wasn’t Kornev who came up with it, although it was also a man’s invention. In 1947, American gynecologist Arnold Kegel, who first established that ruptures during childbirth are more likely to occur in women with weak intimate muscles, patented the perineometer - a device consisting of a pneumatic sensor, pressure gauge and pump. The operating principle of the measuring device is simple: than stronger woman compresses the sensor, the more the pressure gauge will show (the Kegel simulator is the basis of the device that Kornev’s students begin to use at the fourth stage). Five years later, Kegel presented the famous system of exercises, on which most of the “unique methods” of MTD training are still based.

The first and most famous successor of Kegel’s work in the USSR was Vladimir Muranivsky, an engineer without a medical education (another one), who created the “wumbuilding” technique. It was during the wumbling courses that Katya was prescribed jadeite eggs, and Zarina was prescribed exercises that were harmful to her health. After Vladimir’s death in 2006, the wumbling brand passed to his son. According to the legend that Muranivsky cultivated during his lifetime, he was inspired to create the technique by a woman with strong intimate muscles whom he met in his youth. “We had contact because of my ability [...] not to neglect foreplay, which was quite a rare occurrence during the construction of socialism,” he said in an interview and explained that he broke up with her because there were no contenders for her the heart was too much. After that meeting, Muranivsky took up coaching - first he worked with a new friend, then with her friend, and, as the legend says, he gradually involved hundreds of women in the technique.

Vumbuilding is based on the idea of ​​muscle rings supposedly located along the entire length of the vagina. These so-called vaginally controlled muscles (VUMs) give the technique its name. Not a single doctor confirms information about their existence. The walls of the vagina are lined with the same smooth muscles as the membranes of all internal organs, therefore, even if the rings existed, it would be impossible to voluntarily contract them (try moving, for example, the small intestine). Muranivsky was offended by doctors: “my attempts to reach medicine were unsuccessful, [...] my knowledge was based not on the statements of authorities, but on real sensations, and I perceived this as the truth,” he writes in his memoirs.

“Despite all the scandals surrounding wumbling, the technique still regularly gains new followers.”

Yuri Kornev was a student of Muranivsky. According to the legend that he actively cultivates, he decided to create his own method when he realized that women were leaving his teacher crippled (in order to imitate the contraction of the upper vaginal rings, they had to push, which, with a certain persistence, caused prolapse and even prolapse of organs). Kornev independently studied anatomical reference books, once again studied Kegel’s legacy and began to retrain women. Gradually, he distinguished himself from competitors with patents and approval from Roszdravnadzor.

While he answers students on the site willingly and comprehensively, to my letter, which contained many questions about the financial and patent side of Vagiton, he responded as dryly as possible: “I don’t have any history. This topic should concern every normal man. And if he has a technical mindset, his head and hands are in the right place, then we have the Vagiton system.” At the end of the letter, he apologized for the brevity of his answers and explained that he did not have time to correspond because he was busy improving his simulators.

The relationship between Muranivsky's descendant and Kornev did not work out. The first did not like that the second was publicly exposing his father’s method, the second did not like that wumbling trainers were disrupting the Vagiton trainers’ classes. In 2011, Muranivsky Jr. even sued Kornev in the arbitration court for using the term “imbuilding”, which was found in the works of his father (in the end, Kornev proved the illegality of the claim and the parties came to a mutual agreement). In 2013, Kornev sent Muranivsky’s son “a proposal for a joint search for the truth.” IN open letter he suggested that vumbilding instructors prove the existence of vums by performing exercises on several machines with a relaxed stomach, that is, without intra-abdominal pressure. If successful, Kornev promised to post a video from the test with the comment “Wumbuilding is a reality”; in case of failure, with the caption “Wumbuilding is a myth.” Muranivsky’s son never responded to the letter. Despite all the scandals surrounding wumbling, the technique still regularly gains new followers.

Shame and hatred

Participants of the public “Kazan | Social Group” did not forgive the founders of the courses for the mistake in the word “pumped up” (“What did they ride on there?”) and the extra comma. “...they pumped up the soul, but forgot about the brains. They couldn’t write two sentences without punctuation errors!” - writes one of the Kazan commentators under the same print screen that first appeared on Pikabu. “While God was handing out brains, they were standing in another line for diplomas,” the second one supports him. “Pumped up? I wonder if they are now in bulk or drying?” - jokes the third. “This is not permissible in the state of Tatarstan. Kick all these whores out of Tatarstan,” calls for a member of the Kazan Online public. “Did you notice the girl on the right in a headscarf? What is this, a Muslim???” (spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved).

There was strong aggression from religious people,” says Katya. - True, on the same day my Muslim friend called me and said: “Katya, you help people, so everything is fine, Allah is with you.” In total, after that story, we blocked several dozen people on my work account, but many later got to my personal account.

Some girls in my group did not tell their husbands or boyfriends where they were going for a few hours every Friday. A couple of times in class, Katya and Zarina told stories about students who, after a scandal with their partner, asked to delete a group photo from Instagram, where their face was visible (they didn’t come up with the idea of ​​covering themselves with a diploma; sometimes Katya uses a special program to attach cartoon animal heads to the girls) .

How does society treat our “flower”? - Zarina challenges the four dozen girls who came to listen to the introductory lecture. - “Pie”, “pilotka”, “dumplings”, smells like fish, disgusting. We ourselves are accustomed to thinking of the vagina as something bad, although this part of the body gives children and pleasure. At the same time, for men, the connection with a member is usually simply ideal - at home they always have their hands in their underwear, they even come up with names for it: “friend”, “bro”, “colleague”, “Arthurchik”. But nothing - one girl, after our courses, also began to say hello to her vagina in the morning.

Despite such aggressive feminist rhetoric and obvious “liberation” pathos, both Katya and Zarina came to intimate gymnastics precisely for the sake of men. And, they say, so do most of their students. It is also curious that, although girls are encouraged not to be shy about discussing the intimate sphere, in classes they rarely use anatomical terms to refer to the genitals. At the very beginning, students are explained that the two main muscles of the pelvic floor that they have to pump are called “bulbospongiosus” and “levator ani” (in reality, everything is a little more complicated). In order not to utter these words in the future, it is proposed to call one “flower” and the second “button”. But most often in classes the word “pussy” and its derivatives are heard - for example, you can build your happiness “with your own writing.”

From what exists on this market, “Vagiton” is truly one of the most adequate options,” says Yulia Filyaeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist and chief physician of the Moscow “Invivoclinic”. - But you need to understand that these exercises are suitable exclusively for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. They are unlikely to cure you of severe incontinence that requires surgical correction, and will not help with advanced cases of organ prolapse. The connection with the menstrual cycle is also very indirect: theoretically, any physical activity improves blood circulation and normalizes hormonal levels, but Vagiton cannot correct severe dysfunction. Anorgasmia is generally the most difficult case; it is often not a matter of the muscles, but of the head. There is also no scientific data on the connection between gymnastics and fertility, although it is always useful to “disperse” the blood in the pelvis. In general, as long as the coaches do not promise anything impossible, you can trust them. But without fanaticism: of course, if you devote eight to nine hours a day to classes, you will be able to open, blow out, suck in and “spit out” anything with your vagina. It’s good when this is done for health and improving the quality of life. It's bad when it becomes an end in itself.

They have absolutely the same problems - a sedentary lifestyle and stagnation of blood in the pelvis, which can lead to interruptions in potency, explains Katya and adds that they will work with men individually, because “not a single self-respecting man will talk about their problems in front of other men.”

The biggest ambition of the founders of the Kazan school is access to Europe. Katya wants to record video lessons with English subtitles and gives herself three years to conquer a new market. However, the start date for work in this direction will most likely be delayed. In February, Katya learned that her mother had stage three breast cancer and needed expensive treatment. “We will still earn money. Because mom will only be treated in Israel. Just oral sex (trainings on oral sex. - Note "Inde") will be a little more. It’s not for nothing that you ask her so often,” Katya wrote on her Instagram and a couple of days later she recruited the first non-profit group in the history of the school. Now women undergoing chemotherapy or recovering from it regularly practice intimate gymnastics in Kazan.

Olga, 23 years old

I noticed changes in sensations 4 days ago. Yesterday I decided to check it by feeling myself.)) And sure enough! Almost three years after giving birth, I did not find a hanging sac on the back wall of the vagina... The walls, of course, are still soft, but there is no sac that tried to crawl out under some loads! Hypopressive gymnastics - it really works! I did not expect such a quick result, given that it took me a long time to get used to the exercise and therefore did not always feel the vagina being pulled inward! This inspires me to diligently take care of myself further)) Thank you!

Svetlana, 32 years old

As I approached the age of 37, I began to mentally prepare for surgery - my grandmother had uterine prolapse, and my mother’s problem was solved surgically. So, after the birth of three children, the first bells appeared (((I didn’t really believe in the power of gymnastics, but I decided to try, and the first successes are encouraging! It really became more comfortable somewhere inside, while I still wear thick pads out of habit (leaks have already started) , but it definitely got better!!! Julia, thank you for convincingly breaking down all the processes “there” and introducing us to the exercises!

Irina, 37 years old

Why aren't we taught this at school? I only found out that I have a connective tissue disorder when the gynecologist diagnosed me with cervical prolapse. I thought that I had a tumor there, but it turned out that what I felt in the vagina was sliding down... So I literally got there, I wanted to be slimmer after giving birth. And no one warned that with my dysplasia, the decline would begin not in retirement, but at my 27 years old! and that there are physical activities that are not recommended for me! I started doing intimate gymnastics, it wasn’t immediately clear how it could work, but gradually something in the pelvis seemed to turn on and noticeably feel better))))) Now I’m telling my friends about what to pay attention to, and I found out that we are completely uneducated in this matter! Almost everyone has “some” of the symptoms of pelvic floor weakness, and it is after the birth of children. In general, it’s a pity that they don’t tell us about this at school. And thank you, girls!

Olga, 27 years old

I am very pleased with the effects of the exercises! I came to the course to take care of my women's health in advance. Nothing seemed to bother me, only varicose veins of the pelvic organs sometimes gave a tugging sensation painful sensations, especially during menstruation. And here again the beginning of the cycle - I understand that I didn’t even notice it! Fantastic!! And I also realized that sex has become brighter, special thanks from my husband!))

Elena, 32 years old

I’m recovering from your exercises after my second birth - it’s a completely different feeling! The body seems to be coming together! The functioning of the intestines has improved, water has stopped getting inside while taking a bath, when I sneeze I can retain liquid inside (you know what I mean!) My only regret is that I didn’t know these magical exercises before, maybe then I wouldn’t have torn in the first birth, but secondly, they wouldn’t have cut me (Now I know what information will be important to pass on to my daughters! Thank you very much, I’ll continue!!!

Galina, 38 years old

“As for the exercises, I only did the exercises from the first video and abdominal massage for several days. Then I stopped for a month. And now I started again, so far only the 3rd day. Thanks to Yulia for the comments on the video, now in addition to the notebook, I have my own video on how to correctly perform a basic exercise. The effect I have so far is small and purely cosmetic: after just a few sessions, the “roll” of skin in the lower abdomen, which remained after two pregnancies, disappeared - such a fold of skin is quite dense, two fingers thick, at the bottom, on level with the elastic band of the panties. It’s surprising that actively pumping the abs didn’t help remove this crease. The fitness trainer just threw up her hands, “Well, what’s there to want, after all, there are two children” :(And here, just a couple of classes and already such an effect! It feels as if even my navel has become higher.
I also fell in love with a belly massage at night in bed before going to bed - how to return to yourself and yourself after a long hectic day. Thank you for it, Tanya 😊!"
