Orientation in the forest. Orientation in the forest: simple signs Annual rings on a tree cut cardinal direction

Before going on a hike, an experienced tourist will definitely take a map and compass with him. But a person can get into the most unexpected situations for himself. It happens that a person finds himself in the steppe or forest without a compass, even if he has a map, then in this case it is practically useless. In this case, what should a mushroom picker or tourist do in order not to get lost and start to panic, but to find the right way home?

Even a tourist with extensive travel experience can get into such a situation. In Arsenyev V.K. there is a description of a similar situation in the book “In the Wilds of the Ussuri Region” in which he says that the hero was tired and sat down on dead wood, but immediately felt that he was starting to freeze. The coolness and dampness forced him to get up and continue on his way. The weather was foggy, the moon had set in the sky, although it was not visible, but it became much lighter. For two hours he wandered in the forest, relying on luck. These places were similar to each other: ravines, clearings, trees and dead wood - everything was monotonous, and did not make it possible to navigate and find the right path. The hero of the book was very tired, he went to a tree lying nearby on the ground and sat down on it, leaned on the branch and fell asleep. The cold overcame him, his sleep was interrupted by constant jumping up so as not to completely freeze. And then the morning came. There was a tree lying close to the tree on which he was sleeping; it seemed to him that he had already seen it. Approaching the tree, he recognized it; it was the tree on which he sat for the first time.

To prevent this situation from happening to you, you need to learn to navigate by plants, which will help you find your way home in any situation. Undoubtedly, the easiest way to navigate is by the sun, stars and moon. But clouds can cover the sky, in which case you need to turn to a natural compass, which is not affected by the whims of nature.

To get started, look at the trees that grow at a distance from others, on the edge or clearing. Pay attention to the bark of pines, birches, lindens and maples. The bark of these trees is rougher and darker on one side, and light and smooth on the other. Of course, the dark color of the bark will be on the north side. This is best seen on the bark trees, which are lighter - aspen, poplar, birch. On the southern side, the bark of birch trees has fewer cracks and a lighter color; on the northern side, growths, dark spots, lichens and moss can be seen. Trees are overgrown with lichen and moss on the side where it does not reach sunlight- this is the base of the trunk on the north side. Pay Special attention on trees that stand apart from others. If you look at them carefully, you will notice that on the south side they have larger leaves and always a more lush crown.

In order to find your way around the area, you need to pay attention to the pine tree. You can see streaks of resin on its trunk. The resin will stand out more strongly on the south side, because there is more sun, which heats the bark and the resin begins to flow. From the butt to the top of the pine, if you look closely, you can see a vertical dark stripe. It appears on a tree after it has rained and the bark has dried unevenly. On the side where the sun's rays do not reach, the bark dries longer, therefore, those who need this moisture settle on it. This strip is always on the north side.

Area with strong winds, which blow in one direction, become exceptions. Such stripes are also found on birch trees, but they are not so long and not so pronounced.

Many people like to treat themselves to birch sap in the spring. With the help of juice, you can also determine the location of the cardinal directions. It protrudes onto the surface of the bark from the sunny, southern side, since the movement of sap is more intense on this side. This phenomenon can also be observed on sycamore maple. Even one side of it may become wet from the abundance of juice that has emerged - this side will be south.

A classic example of determining the cardinal directions is the annual rings on a stump; it is known to all travelers. But if you come across a lonely stump on your way, and the annual rings are no longer visible on it, it can still help. Taking a closer look at it, you will notice that the grass does not grow evenly; in spring and early summer, the grass on the southern side will be taller, juicier and brighter, and on the northern side it will be lower and not so juicy. Naturally, on the sunny side it receives more light and grows more intensively than on the other side. But in the period from late summer to early autumn, everything will be the other way around, the grass that grows on the north side will be brighter and greener. Therefore, in principle, you can focus on the grass growing next to boulders and pillars.

By how juicy and bright the grass is, you can orient yourself and determine the cardinal directions in the steppe. It is worth paying attention to ravines, gullies and gullies; on their slopes on the sunny side the grass is burnt out, but on the north side the grass remains greener even in extreme heat. The same principle can be observed in flattering meadows.

Pay attention to the berries in the forest and in the clearing, the fruit will turn red on the south side, those berries that are located on the stems will be more ripe on the south side. Berries growing on bushes - raspberries, blackberries, rose hips - do the same. This is especially evident at the end of summer, when viburnum begins to turn red.

In the fields there grows a plant whose name contains the word compass - compass lettuce (wild lettuce). He unmistakably shows the cardinal directions. Plants that grow in well-lit places can reach one and a half meters in height; their leaves are slightly asymmetrical. That half, which is wider is directed to the east, and narrow - to the west. North and south show the leaf ribs of the plant.

Everyone knows that the “head” of a sunflower always turns after the sun. But he does this only if the sky and the sun are not covered by clouds. But the three-part series follows the sun, even if it is covered by clouds. The flowers of this plant are always directed in the direction where the sun should be. In the morning, the sequence bends to the east, at lunchtime to the south, and in the evening to the west. At night, a lost tourist will be rescued by a quinoa. After sunset, the top of the quinoa leans to the west and remains in this position until the sun rises.

Many plants will help a tourist who has lost his way to find his way around the area. If you watch them, they will definitely help you find the right path.

So that the trip for forest gifts is not only an exciting activity, but also have a good rest, it is necessary to prepare and adjust all equipment in advance. Don't forget your compass, although you can still find your way home without one. Every mushroom picker should be able to navigate the forest well. Remember a few simple signs first.

Mushroom picker's reminder

  • Those growing on open place The branches of the trees are longer and thicker to the south, and the trunks of the northern side are covered with moss.
  • There are more spots on the trunks of birch trees on the north side.
  • You can determine the cardinal directions by the cuts on the stumps: the annual rings on the southern side are wider, and narrower on the northern side.
  • On stumps and boulders, the soil on the south side is drier than on the north side, and moss grows on the north side.
  • Ripe lingonberries and cranberries are brighter in color on the south side and lighter on the north.
  • On coniferous trees, resin accumulates more abundantly on the south side.
  • An anthill near a tree trunk, stump or stone is located on the south side.
  • Bees usually build their nests on rocks and in tree holes facing south.
  • If you are walking far into an unfamiliar forest without a compass, then try to remember any noticeable landmarks along the way: swamps, a stream, a river, a lake, a path, a road, the noise of a car on a highway, the sound of wheels on a railway, as well as country roads with high-voltage electricity. power lines, poles, towers, unusual trees, intersections, forks in roads, etc.
  • It is best to bypass the swamp; few mushrooms grow there.
  • The direction North -> South is not difficult to establish using a watch. To do this, the clock is set to horizontal position pointing the hour hand towards the sun. The angle between the hour hand and the direction towards number 12 on the clock dial is divided in half. A line passing from the center of the clock through the middle of the corner will always indicate the direction North -> South. Remember that before 12 o'clock the south will be to the right of the sun, and after 12 o'clock to the left.
  • At night it is not difficult to navigate by the moon. Full moon opposes the sun, which means that at seven o'clock it is in the west, at noon in the south and at 19 o'clock in the east. A straight line drawn mentally through the two extreme stars of the Big Dipper, which has the shape of a bucket, will go to the bright Polar Star, which is always in the north in our hemisphere.
  • You can tell the time using the so-called “green clock”. There are quite a few plants that have the property of opening and closing their flowers at the same time. So, rosehip opens its thorns at 4-5 o'clock, poppy - 5, dandelion - at 5-6 o'clock, flax - at 6-7, loach - at 8, coltsfoot - at 9-10, fragrant tobacco - at 20, violet - at 21 o'clock.
  • In spring and summer, a mushroom picker can quite accurately navigate in time by the voices and singing of birds. So, long before dawn, the trills of a nightingale are heard - this means it is 2 o’clock in the morning. At 2-3 o'clock the robin and skylark wake up, and at about 3 o'clock the quail wakes up. By 3 o'clock the cuckoos wake up. At about 4 o'clock the chaffinch and bunting sing at once, a little later - the starling and wagtail. And only the couch potato sparrow sleeps until 5 am.
  • Remember that in the second half of summer the sun is in the east at 7 a.m., in the south at 1 p.m., and in the west at 7 p.m.
  • Flowers and plants are sensitive to weather changes. They can help the mushroom picker determine the weather for the coming days. Before bad weather, wood sorrel and wood grains disappear, sweet clover and dandelion flowers smell strongly, and the flowers of coltsfoot and thistle close.
  • Other natural phenomena can predict the weather. The birds in the forest stopped singing - there will be bad weather. Mosquitoes hover in a heap - to cold weather, and if they squeak and sting, it will be rainy. If the smoke from the fire rises in a column - towards the bucket, spreads along the ground - there is bad weather. The spider arranges its web like a wheel - there will be clear, dry weather.

Many companions accompany the mushroom picker during the mushroom season: morning and evening dawns, fog and dew, flowers and plants, pine forests and birch forests. The main thing is to be attentive and observant in case the right direction is lost. It can be determined by the signs known to you.

One of the most important skills of any hunter is the ability to navigate the area, or at least have an idea of ​​where to go next. First of all, to do this, you should correctly set the cardinal directions, namely, determine which direction is north. There are several methods for finding cardinal directions.

Establishing compass directions is,
perhaps the most famous method. In this case, everything is quite simple - N-North, W-West, E-East, S-South. But it just happens when
you have a compass with you, which, unfortunately, is not always the case, in most
cases, we walk without a compass. Therefore, it is recommended to know the methods without
compass to determine cardinal directions.

On a sunny day
You can use a watch instead of a compass

This method is based on movements in one direction - visible
the daily movement of the Sun and the movement of the clock hand. Hour hand on normal
the dial circles the circle twice during the day, and the Sun during this time
the sky “goes around” only once. It follows from this that the hour hand, unlike
moves away from the Sun twice as fast. If the watch is placed horizontally and on
Direct the sun in the hour hand (the minute hand is not taken into account),
then the hour hand and the Sun will be directed south at this time. Clock position
do not change and after a few hours we look at the location of the clock hand and
Sun. The hour hand, for example, at 17:00 will point to the number five, and
The sun is opposite the number three (this is when viewed from the middle of the dial). It follows from this that the hour hand is from
the southern direction made an angle twice as large as the Sun. Similar
the result will also be obtained for other time intervals. Thus,
You can determine the cardinal directions on a sunny day using this method at any hour.

problem solving

  • Manual
    We place the watch or pocket watch with the dial up, horizontally.
  • Hourly
    We try to direct the arrow as accurately as possible to the Sun (where it will be
    the direction of the minute hand does not matter).
  • Corner,
    obtained between the number "one", the middle of the dial and the number where
    The hour hand is directed at this time, divide in half. straight line, which
    divides this angle in half, will be approximately directed to the South.

The hour hand should always be directed towards
The sun is something to keep an eye on.

Determining the sides
light according to the clock and the moon

The cardinal directions are determined by the Moon in the same way as
and according to the Sun, but with a slight difference. In case of establishing cardinal directions according to
The Moon must first determine after what time the Sun
position itself where the Moon is currently located.

To determine the cardinal directions:

  • Radius
    conditionally divide the lunar disk into six identical parts and establish
    how many parts will be in the visible part of the Moon's disk.
  • TO
    Now we add the number of shares to the hour of observation, or vice versa,
    we take away. If the Moon is waning (can be seen in the sky left side disk
    Moon), then you need to add, and accordingly, if the Moon arrives
    (visible in the sky right part lunar disk), then subtract.
  • Received
    We mark the number on the dial and combine it with the course to the Moon. Where is the South?
    will indicate the line that in winter divides the angle between the number “one” and the line on
    The moon, and in the summer between the number “two” and
    line to the Moon.

Determining the sides
light according to the North Star and Ursa Major

Almost always the North Star is combined with the “pole
world", which means it is always located above the northern place of the horizon. Many
Polaris is believed to be the brightest star. But she really
actually no brighter than such stars as No. 1 and No. 2 of the constellation Ursa Major. They
indicate a course towards the North Star, which is almost in a straight line and
passes through these stars. Against the background of the sky, the apparent distance from the star number 1 is equal to the distance between the star number 1 and number 7
or more than five and a half times the distance between stars No. 2 and No. 1.

Knowing the course to the North Star, knowing its visible interval from
star No. 1, you can accurately determine the north direction. You can even determine
when the North Star is not visible because of the clouds, but stars No. 2 and No. 1 of the constellation
Ursa Major is clearly visible.

Determine the cardinal directions in northern latitudes on lighting
sky at night

In northern latitudes the Sun is from the beginning of spring to September
It descends relatively shallowly below the horizon. This situation and comparative
the proximity of the places of sunset and sunrise makes it possible during the indicated periods
time of year to explain this phenomenon.

For almost 6 months in northern regions and at night
time of day, the light part of the sky is northern, and the dark part of the sky is southern. This phenomenon
on South former USSR not observed because the Sun is at night in summer
days deep below the horizon.

Cardinal directions
determined by the location of anthills

Ants build their “dormitory” mainly in places where it is easy to
the sun's rays penetrate. Most of the sun's heat and light will fall on
anthill, if it is located
from the adjacent tree trunk to the south, otherwise the anthill will not get
the sun's rays from behind the tree trunk itself (it will simply cover the anthill).
In an effort to gain more solar heat and sunlight, ants
instinctively build their “house” from the tree trunk to the south.

Cardinal directions
determined by moss

Moss or lichen grows mainly in the northern
side of tree trunks in their lower part.

The northern part of the tree is less heated by the sun, so in
tree bark stores more moisture, and this promotes better growth

Cardinal directions
determined by annual rings and stumps

On tree stumps, the annual rings on the south side are wider from each other
friend, but from the north it is closer. But
this sign is used only in some cases when the tree was growing before felling
separately, not obscured by branches, trunks, branches of neighboring trees.

Thus, on stumps located in the thicket of the forest, determine the cardinal directions by annual rings
not worth it. This method can only be used for a single tree,
growing in a forest clearing.

To navigate the terrain means to correctly determine the sides of the horizon. In ancient times, orientation (from the Latin oriens - east) came down to finding the direction to the east - towards the sunrise. Later, mainly after the invention of the compass more than two thousand years ago in China, north-south became the main direction in orientation. Already in 2000 BC. e. hand-drawn maps appeared in Egypt, and the Phoenicians used original nautical charts, containing data on winds, star positions and sea ​​currents. In the XV-XVI centuries. many ships were already equipped with compasses, and European colonization of America, Africa and Southeast Asia contributed to the improvement of topographical and nautical maps.

However, getting your bearings on the terrain means not only understanding where is north and where is south, you also need to determine your location relative to surrounding objects, landforms, find the correct direction of movement and maintain it throughout the entire route. You can navigate by topographic map, aerial photographs and land navigation instruments. When there is no compass, the heavenly bodies will indicate the direction to the north.

The sun moves across the sky from east to west in a clockwise direction with an angular velocity of an average of 15° per hour; at noon it is in the south. Knowing the time, you can determine the angle by which the Sun did not reach the south point or crossed it. Before noon, the south will be to the right of the Sun, and after noon - to the left.

In the Northern Hemisphere, on a clear night, the direction north is determined by the North Star. To find it in the sky, you must first find the constellation Ursa Major (a large bucket of seven bright stars). You need to mentally draw a straight line through the two outermost stars of the bucket and mark a segment on it five times equal to the distance between these stars. The end of the last segment will indicate the position of the North Star, located in the constellation Ursa Minor. The polar star is almost always in the north (its deviation from the north direction does not exceed 2°). During a full moon, the Moon is opposite the Sun in the sky, so it is in the south at midnight.

The direction to the north and south can be determined by natural landmarks.

Tree rings on tree stumps it is wider on the south side. Anthills are almost always located on the southern sides of trees, and the southern slope of anthills is flatter than the northern one. The bark of most trees on the northern side is coarser, and on the southern side it is thinner and more elastic (birch is lighter). On coniferous trees, resin accumulates more abundantly on the south side. On the north side, trees, stones, tile and slate roofs are more often covered with lichens and fungi, and in the spring the snow melts faster on south-facing slopes. The shadow at noon is directed north. The branches of a free-standing tree are shorter on the north side than on the south.

In addition, you need to know that altars and chapels Orthodox churches facing east, the altars of Catholic churches facing west, Buddhist pagodas facing south. On the domes, the crossbars of the crosses are located in the north-south direction, the raised end of the crossbar “looks” to the north.

A person going into the forest needs to know how to determine the sides of the horizon. Orientation is a very useful skill because... It's very easy to get lost in Russian forests. At the same time, it is useless to rely on modern means of communication, because in many areas there is no network coverage area.

Don't be afraid

The most reliable methods of orientation are by celestial bodies: the Sun, Moon or Polar Star. However, it is not always possible to use them. Most often, dense low clouds interfere. In this case, it is necessary to be able to navigate using local natural features.

All methods given in specialized training literature are shown in exaggerated form and taken in ideal conditions. In reality, everything is much more complicated. Signs can be contradictory; in a real forest there are numerous and varied factors that influence these signs: relief, weather, winds, etc. Therefore, a person who even knows by heart all the ways to navigate local characteristics, it can be very difficult to correctly determine the cardinal directions.

Basic Rules

To emergency situation don't go astray, training is necessary. You can learn on your own: first, a person determines where north, south, west and east are, guided by various natural signs, and then checks himself with a compass.

People who live in nature or spend a lot of time outside cities have developed senses. Sometimes they cannot determine how to talk about the reasons for their decision, but it turns out to be correct. The fact is that they often have to rely only on their powers of observation, and this is also training, only subconscious. Therefore, trust judgment local residents costs.

Orientation based on local characteristics is not an easy task. First of all, patience is required here. Under no circumstances should you rely on 1-2 randomly seen signs. There must be at least 5 of them.

Another important point is observation. It is necessary not only to be able to find signs, but also to compare them with in order to find out where the coincidence is and where it is not.

Common sense will help you separate the wheat from the chaff and make the right conclusions regarding the location of the sides of the horizon.

Effects of Heat and Sunlight on Trees

Orientation based on local natural features in the forest is carried out in the north-south direction. This is due to the fact that vegetable world very responsive to solar heat. The influence of light on trees is especially noticeable, so taiga hunters most often resort to these signs.

The south side is softer and lighter than the north. But not all tree species show this dependence clearly. First of all, you should pay attention to birch, aspen and larches. For the former, this dependence can be traced even in a dense forest.

It’s easy to navigate by natural features: you should take a closer look at the resin secretions on the trunks. On the south side they are much more abundant.

The trunks of pines turn black after rain, many have noticed this, but not everyone paid attention to the fact that they darken mainly on the north side. This is due to the fact that coniferous trees a thin secondary crust is developed. Its formation is more intensive on the shadow side: there it is thicker, denser and rises high along the trunk. When it's damp outside or it's raining, it takes in water, swells and darkens. The north side receives almost no sunlight, and the bark remains dark and damp for a long time.

Effects of Heat on Other Plants

There are various examples of orientation based on local characteristics. For example, in the plant world.

The bulk of mosses and lichens will grow on the north side of stones and trees. This is due to the fact that these are shade and moisture-loving plants. On the shady side, the moss is more damp.

You can also pay attention to the grass. On the southern slopes of clearings and the edges of clearings, grass grows thicker and appears earlier in the spring.

Dew stays longer on grass growing north of trees. The vegetation here retains its fresh appearance longer.

The berries turn red first on the south side, because... it is exposed to sunlight for longer periods of time. Therefore, during the period of fruit ripening, it will not be difficult to determine where the north is.

Patterns can also be traced in the way mushrooms grow. It turns out they prefer the north side.

However, it is unlikely that these signs will be clearly visible in dense forest or more often. It is almost impossible to carry out orientation based on local characteristics here, because... they are practically invisible due to microclimate conditions. You need to look for signs in rare areas, near clearings. All of the above signs are especially clearly visible separately. standing trees. But you can’t trust isolated signs. It is possible to talk about any orientation only if the signs are systematically repeated. It is advisable to double-check all the information received several times.

Signs of orientation in the steppe

The most difficult thing is to determine the direction in the field. However, there are helpers here too. Orientation based on local natural features can be done with the help of some plants.

The field weed lutak can help determine the sides of the horizon. They even call it that - “steppe compass”. The fact is that its leaves are positioned vertically, with the ribs oriented in north-south directions, and the planes facing west and east.

Sunflower is another great helper. The fact is that he is very thermophilic. Therefore, he always reaches out to the sun, and during the day the flower’s cap follows his path. Before dawn and early in the morning the sunflower will look east, after 12 - to the south, and after sunset - to the west. Of course, when the seeds are already ripe, he will not turn his head, but the cap will still be directed to the southeast.

Nature of the area

Anthills are usually located on the south side of a stump or tree. This way they get more sunlight and heat. In a free-standing anthill, you can notice that its southern slope is flatter.

The nature of the vegetation may vary depending on which side it grows on. Taiga specialists have noted many times that the southern slopes are freer and can be easily walked along. Here the trees are widely spaced and there are few bushes. The slopes are covered with grass. On the northern sides it is much more difficult to walk. The forest grows crowded here, there are many bushes, but, on the contrary, there is little grass.

The distribution of some plant species will also help to navigate based on the characteristics of local objects. However, you need to know about such features in advance. For example, in the south of the coastal taiga, oak covers the southern slopes, and velvet trees grow on the northern ones.

Gullies and gullies also have their own characteristics. Usually one side is smoother and flatter, with a lot of grass growing on it. The opposite one is steep, cracked, bare, with screes, and practically without vegetation. The first is the south side, the second is the north.

If the slopes look approximately the same, then the hollow is oriented in a north-south direction, and the sides face west and east.

Forest clearings

If a lost person comes across a clearing, he will be very lucky. Determining the direction in this case will not be difficult. Orientation based on local characteristics in this case is very easy to carry out. The fact is that in forestry there is a custom of dividing the taiga into quarters. This is why clearings are cut. They go from west to east and from north to south. Quarter poles are installed at intersections. Upper part they are cut in a characteristic way: in the form of edges. They indicate the number of opposite blocks. Number 1 is installed in the northwest corner, the last one in the southeast. In order not to look for the starting post, you should remember a simple rule: the angle between the 2 smallest numbers will indicate the direction to the north.

However, there is an exception to this rule: in rare cases, clearings are cut without reference to the sides of the horizon. As a rule, this is facilitated by difficult terrain or some economic considerations.

In populated areas

If you come across villages along the way, even abandoned ones, this is still a very good help. It is much easier to navigate by terrain features here. Religious buildings are of primary interest because... they always have a strict orientation to the cardinal points.

Thus, in Orthodox churches the altar always faces the east, and the bell towers always face the west. The crosses on the tops are directed in a north-south orientation. There is one more feature here. The lowered edge of the lower crossbar faces south, and the raised edge faces north.

Buddhist monasteries are built facing south.

Dwellings also have their own patterns of location. So, at the yurts the exit is directed to the south.

Lichen quickly appears on northern facades and roof slopes. Also, boards on the shady side are usually darker and remain damp longer after rain.

A few rules for orienteering in winter

When everything is covered in snow, it is much more difficult to determine your location and find the sides of the horizon. But here, too, there are a number of patterns. The orientation methods are as follows:

  1. More snow accumulates on the north side of trees and buildings.
  2. On the south side it begins to melt earlier, this process occurs faster.
  3. In the mountains, the snow melts off from the south first.
  4. In ravines, hollows, gullies, everything happens the other way around. The north side thaws first.

Misconception #1

There are both proven signs of orientation, and some not very accurate. One of them is that the annual rings are wider on the south side than on the north. However, this sign cannot be used as a guide, because it is not unambiguous. The expansion of growth rings can occur from any side, and this is caused more by the characteristics of the terrain, the microclimate than by the impact sun rays. This statement was proved wrong more than 100 years ago, but it is still alive and used.

Another problem that may arise if such orientation methods are used is that in the taiga it is almost impossible to find a large number of neatly cut trees, where the pattern would be clearly visible. And if you cut a tree in several places, you will notice that the width of the annual rings can change regardless of direction and sometimes show in opposite directions.

Misconception #2

Attempts to determine the direction by crown density also cannot be crowned with success. The fact is that during its formation, sunlight is not the only factor, and certainly not the determining one. Therefore, the statement that the crown is thicker on the south side may be erroneous. In the forest, branches will always grow in the direction where there is more free space. And on open spaces The determining factor will be the prevailing direction of the winds. If they are strong, then you can see branches bent from constant exposure. The density of the crown is rather an auxiliary sign.

The most reliable way

Orientation based on local characteristics is not reliable enough. The best results are obtained by using celestial bodies to determine the sides of the horizon. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic patterns of their location.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. At noon it is in the south. The shortest shadow is at 13 o'clock. It will be directed north. If the weather is cloudy, then you can try to put a knife on your nail: a barely noticeable shadow will still appear, and with it the direction and location of the sun will become clear.

Using a watch you can also determine the sides of the horizon. In this case, you need to point the hour hand towards the Sun. An angle is formed between it and the number 1, which must be divided in half. The bisector will indicate the direction: south will be in front, and north behind. In the first half of the day the angle will be to the left of 1, and in the second half to the right.

The polar star in our hemisphere is located in the north. To find it, you must first find it. It resembles a large ladle. Through the 2 rightmost stars you need to draw a line, set aside the distance 5 times. At the end there will be Polar. If you stand facing it, it will be in the direction of north.

The Moon also has a number of location patterns. With a full moon, it is equated with the Sun and they look for the sides of the horizon in a similar way. However, we must take into account that it is opposed to the main luminary.

When you lose your bearings

If, nevertheless, travelers get lost, in no case should you continue moving. First you need to find the sides of the horizon. Orientation should be carried out immediately, and then go back on their tracks, to the place where the location was absolutely clear. If you try to go further, hoping that soon everything will fall into place, then you can get lost and confused even more. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to get out.

As soon as it became clear that the group had gone astray, you should immediately stop and look around carefully. It's good if there is a high hill nearby. In this case, you can look around and compare the visible area with the map, you can try to orient yourself according to local signs of nature.
