The pension system consists of two systems. Pension system of modern Russia


Chapter 1. Pension system of the Russian Federation. Main types of pensions…..3

1.1. Pension institutions…..5

1.2. Reform of the pension system of the Russian Federation….8

1.3. Structure of the pension system of the Russian Federation.13

1.4. The concept of pensions and their types18

1.5. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its main functions....25

1.6. Non-state pension funds..29

Chapter 2. Main problems and prospects for the development of the pension system of the Russian Federation...35

2.1. Main problems of development of non-state pension provision…35

2.2. Goals and objectives for the development of non-state pension provision...45

2.3. Measures to strengthen the funded component of the pension system..47

2.4. Planned increase in pensions57



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The relevance of the study of working with people receiving a pension is due to the following reasons: firstly, the increasing role of social service institutions in organizing social support for older people in modern conditions; secondly, the need to study the problems of older people and search for the most effective ways by their decision; thirdly, the need to strengthen social support for the population, especially its most vulnerable layers.

One of essential elements Russia's federal social security system is the pension system. The process of forming this system is quite long and painful, since it is objectively determined by another global process - the revival of the Russian economy and the creation in the country of appropriate conditions for its effective functioning. Since law only reflects the internal logic of economic processes, it can be stated with confidence that Russian social security law, as an independent branch in the general system of law, is experiencing modern stage your second birth.

By the beginning of 2002 There were about 39 million pensioners in Russia. The vast majority of them (over 90%) received a pension in accordance with the Law Russian Federation“On state pensions in the Russian Federation.” All pensions that were paid on the basis of this law were called labor pensions, since they were established in connection with work activity. For almost all pensioners, a pension is the main source of livelihood. All this predetermined and still predetermines the increased importance of the pension system in Russia. Without a good pension system that meets the interests of the population and guarantees a decent life for a person during the retirement period of his life, the entire social security system cannot function and develop effectively.

Behind last years Fundamental changes took place in the country, transforming the socio-economic appearance of Russia and putting completely new tasks on the agenda. The main ones can be named:

— social guarantees of minimum security in old age;

— regular increase in pensions for current pensioners and effective accounting of pension obligations to currently working citizens.

In fact, changes in legislation were aimed at solving precisely these problems, having fulfilled obligations to pensioners under the old pension legislation, opening up new opportunities for increasing pension payments.

Innovations in the pension system include tasks that involve solving the main problems of the old pension system. Achieving financial balance in the pension system; increasing the level of pension provision for citizens; formation of a stable source of additional income into the social system.

The object of this course work is the pension system in the Russian Federation.

Subject – processes of reforming the pension system in the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the course work is to identify the main problems in the development of non-state pension funds and develop measures to strengthen the savings component.

— Study aspects and main directions of reform Russian system pension provision, as well as its structure.

— Explore current state Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and non-state pension funds.

— Study the main problems and prospects for the development of non-state pension funds.

Chapter 1. Pension system of the Russian Federation. Main types of pensions

1.1. Pension institutions

World practice has developed three basic pension institutions:

The first is the institution of social assistance. This form of protection for the elderly was the only one in Soviet times. Pension provision in this system is carried out within the framework of a single state budget. It is centrally planned to form a social security (assistance) fund, which also includes the cost of paying pensions. To finance the social security (assistance) fund, a tariff is established as a percentage of what is paid in the national economy wages. The tariff size is set by the state; however, not a single state, even the most prosperous one, is able to solve the problem of pension provision for citizens only through budget funds. World experience has shown that, within the framework of the institution of social assistance, payments should be made only to the most vulnerable categories of citizens who are not able to earn their own pension.

The second pension provision institution is the so-called “financing on the go” system (“pay-as-you-go” system). This system is based on a “generational agreement”. This means that today's working population and employers pay contributions to pension funds, from which the funds are immediately spent on paying pensions to today's retirees. Thus, this system is similar to collecting a tax from employees and employers for the functioning of the pension system and, of course, is state-owned, that is, centralized in nature, since it cannot be created within an enterprise or industry. The operation of this system revealed a number of significant shortcomings:

- absence of the main insurance principle - equivalence of contributions and payments,

— the system increases social dependency and negatively affects the overall level of savings in the country, since citizens, relying on state pensions, are reluctant to save for the future,

- in moments of aggravation of the economic situation, the government, taking advantage of its monopoly, tries in every possible way to limit the size of pensions, which reduces the purchasing power of the population,

— the system can become an object of manipulation by various political forces, due to the fact that their distribution can be used to achieve a fleeting political result, ultimately causing damage to the pension system.

The third and most promising pension system today is the pension insurance institute (savings system). The essence of this system is as follows. Citizens pay insurance premiums during active work, the contributions are accumulated and capitalized in their personal pension accounts, and upon the occurrence of an insurance event (retirement), citizens receive pensions from the “personal pension fund” created by them. Accordingly, the more funds in the account, the greater the pension. At the same time, the state is responsible for the safety of citizens’ funds, regulates the activities of pension funds and insurance companies, and also guarantees a minimum pension for those who have not accumulated enough funds in their account. Minimum pensions are paid from budgetary funds and/or contributions from employers. It is this pension system, as most experts in the world believe, that most fully complies with the principles of social insurance - self-responsibility, solidarity and subsidiarity. The working population is responsible for their own material well-being, working in solidarity with the state to help the most disadvantaged groups. It should be noted that we are talking only about labor pensions. As for social payments to disabled people (including childhood), large families, single mothers, and so on, payments to them should be made by the state within the framework of the institution of social assistance. With this system, the principle of equivalence of insurance premiums and payments is fully observed. Finally, it is this system that best increases people’s responsibility for their own material well-being.

1.2. Reform of the Russian pension system

During the transition to a market economy, due to low pension provision, the question arose about the need to reform the existing distribution pension system. One of the steps on this path is the entry into force on January 1, 2002. Federal laws:

— dated December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation”;

— dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”;

- dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”.

There are two reasons that prompted Russia to begin forming a new pension system:

1) consisted of an objective need to reconsider the ideology of the very nature of compulsory pension insurance for workers, rooted in society, to revive, and, most importantly, put into practice its true essence. It was taken into account that already at that time a multi-structure system was gradually, albeit slowly, taking shape economic relations, the understanding of power structures about the goals of social production created by the labor of the people has changed, in particular, there has been a tendency towards a parity mitigation of the military confrontation between the two world political systems and the use of freed-up resources in the interests of the country's population;

2) was the need to increase the income level of the main part of pensioners, who usually live on one pension. In addition, in the past, pensions were not indexed at all, neither taking into account rising prices for consumer goods, nor taking into account growth in earnings. Because of this, the material well-being of pensioners, although slowly but steadily, declined.

With the introduction of new pension legislation on January 1, 2002, a new stage of pension reform began - a gradual transition to funded pension financing, including accounting for savings in individual accounts in the compulsory pension insurance system.

New pension legislation has changed the structure of the entire pension system in the Russian Federation.

Over many years, we have developed a strong opinion that pension problems can only worry very elderly people, while young and even middle-aged citizens do not have to worry about pensions, since the Constitution of Russia guarantees every citizen social security by age, in case of illness or disability , loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

The problems of pension provision for citizens in different countries (Germany, France, Great Britain) differ significantly from each other. This is explained by the difference in the economy, the degree of development national systems social security, as well as the demographic, cultural and socio-political characteristics of each country. In the West, for example, retirement age worries citizens almost from infancy. From the moment they start working, everyone personally monitors the procedure for recording their work experience, which affects the size of their pension. Moreover, the length of service accounting system, the size and conditions of pension contributions are the main components of any employment contract and agreement after wages. And the degree of guarantee of receiving a pension in old age, even in rich, highly developed countries, is almost decisive factor when choosing a career and place of work.

One of the main factors determining the development of national pension systems is the choice of models and mechanisms for their financing.

In many European countries, the distribution type of pension system predominates, based on the principle of generational solidarity, which consists in the fact that pensions for current pensioners are formed at the expense of working citizens.

An alternative to the distribution pension system is the funded model, which is considered more acceptable in a situation of population aging, when the size of pension payments directly depends on the citizen’s labor contribution, the amount of wages and insurance contributions of the future pensioner. The main principle of the formation of pensions under the funded system is the long-term systematic accumulation of funds. In this case, free funds are invested in order to obtain additional income necessary to fulfill obligations for pension payments.

However, not a single state has either a purely distribution or a purely funded pension system. There is a mixed type of pension system.

What model of the pension system exists in our country?

The state social security system that previously existed in our country was distributive in nature and performed a social function. Neither the right to a pension nor its size depended on the fact of payment of insurance contributions. The distribution (state) system was an “exchange between generations” and was intended not for investment, but for guaranteed payment of pensions on time and in certain amounts.

In the conditions of changed socio-economic relations, the need arose to transform the social security system: transferring the assignment of labor pensions to an insurance basis with the addition of a funded element, i.e. creating a mixed model of the pension system. Through the use of a mechanism for converting pension rights earned by citizens under the old pension legislation into rights taken into account under the new legislation, the length of service earned on the basis of the old pension laws will be taken into account.

The new pension model will take into account the number of fully paid insurance years, and instead of earnings - the amount of insurance payments transferred by the employer in the interests of the employee. Each person gets an individual personal account, which will reflect only the fully paid year covered by insurance payments. Unpaid years will not be taken into account.

Territorial pension authorities, organized according to the principles of a unified pension service, carry out personalized records of information on the number of insurance years paid, on the amount of payments received to the insured’s account, on the growth of pension capital, including its accumulative component, reflected in a special part of the personal account, on the indexation of the insurance part and crediting investment income accrued to the funded part.

Every year, each insured person will receive information about the status of his personal account, about the receipts on it, and at the same time have the opportunity to confirm the accuracy of the data on employer payments.

Many citizens applying for a pension sometimes find it difficult to understand what kind of pension they should have, when the right to a pension arises, where to apply for it and what documents must be submitted to assign a pension.

One of the main objectives of the pension reform was the preservation of pension rights earned by citizens before 01/01/2002. In connection with the introduction of the Law “On Labor Pensions”, the transformation of citizens’ pension rights into pension capital began, which will continue until 2013 and will affect not only those who are already retired, but also those who continue to work until they reach retirement age and after it.

1.3. Structure of the Russian pension system

The Russian pension system is a set of legal, economic and organizational institutions and norms created in the Russian Federation aimed at providing citizens material support in the form of a pension. Russian pension system in modern form introduced on January 1, 2002 and includes relations on the formation, assignment and payment of the following types of pensions: labor pension, state pension, non-state pension.

With the adoption of a package of pension laws on compulsory pension insurance and labor pensions, the following structure of the pension system in the Russian Federation was determined:

1) compulsory pension insurance, which includes a labor pension for old age or disability (as part of the basic, insurance and funded parts) and a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner (as part of the basic and insurance parts);

2) voluntary pension provision, which includes pensions paid from contributions from employers and independent pension savings of citizens (Appendix 1).

According to the Federal Laws “On Compulsory Pension Insurance” and “On Non-State Pension Funds”, Non-state pension funds currently operating and having the appropriate licenses have the right to carry out activities for each of the listed components of the pension structure in the Russian Federation.

Let's look at each of the components of the structure in a little more detail.

1) Mandatory pension insurance.

According to the concept of pension reform, a modern state pension should consist of three parts.

I. Basic, or social – a minimum established by law, the same for everyone. It combined the minimum pension, compensatory additional payments and pension supplements previously established by laws and presidential decrees. Its size does not depend either on earnings or on the amount of insurance premiums paid during labor activity. In general, no matter how it turns out work history person, the state guarantees him payment of a certain level of income, indexed in accordance with inflation.

II. The insurance part depends on the pension period, that is, on the period during which the company made contributions to the Pension Fund for the employee, and on the amount of these contributions. The size of the insurance part of the labor pension, which will be paid to a person monthly, is very simple to calculate: sufficiently divide the pension capital formed on the day the pension is assigned by the number of months of the expected period of pension payments. Based on Goskomstat data, a period of 19 years (288 months) was legalized for calculating labor pensions.

Until the day the pension is assigned, the pension capital is regularly indexed depending on rising prices and the growth of average monthly wages in the country.

Since 2010, the basic part of the old-age labor pension in Russia has been transferred to the insurance part of the old-age labor pension in the form of a fixed basic amount. If previously the basic and insurance parts were indexed separately and according to different rules, now the insurance part will be indexed in accordance with the growth of average wages, but not higher than the growth of Pension Fund income per pensioner.

III. The funded part also depends on the amount of pension savings. However, unlike the insurance part, these pension savings are formed not only from the amounts of taxes paid by the employer, but also to a large extent depend on the choice of a non-state pension fund or management company, which increases these funds using various investment instruments. After the pension is assigned, the size of the funded part is indexed annually taking into account the income received from investment

According to the Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation,” the contribution to the formation of this part of the pension ranges from 2 to 6 percent of earnings and depends on the age of the person in whose favor the contribution is transferred. The younger he is, the greater this share. (From 01.01.2005, contributions to the formation of the funded part of the pension can be deducted only in favor of persons born in 1967 and younger).

The Federal Law “On Non-State Pension Funds” establishes the right of any person in whose favor such contributions are paid or were previously paid to submit an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the transfer of the funded part of their pension to a Non-State Pension Fund or management company. There are also schemes for transferring savings from one NPF to another. Thus, a person has the opportunity to exercise reasonable choice and control over the formation of his pension savings.

2) Voluntary pension provision.

Voluntary pension provision is an integral part of the Russian pension system and implies the formation of pension savings in Non-State Pension Funds exclusively through additional voluntary contributions from employers or citizens themselves. It is carried out in the most various forms, both in the form of pension systems of individual enterprises and organizations, industries, and in the form of pension provision for individual citizens transferring contributions in their favor or in favor of their loved ones. Unlike compulsory state pension provision, the terms of which are established by law, the conditions of voluntary pension provision are established by an agreement between the investor and the fund.

Savings in non-state pension funds can be made by both currently working citizens and citizens who simply have income sufficient to make regular contributions. Pension funds also offer options that apply to clients with one-time income.

The interaction between the investor and the fund is simple: in accordance with the terms of the pension agreement, determined in accordance with the needs and capabilities of the investor, the latter transfers pension contributions to the fund. The Fund ensures the safety and growth of these funds using a variety of investment instruments, and upon reaching retirement age, makes pension payments to the participant (Appendix 2).

Currently, according to the law, contributions to NPFs and pensions received from NPFs are not subject to any taxes. And for enterprises, contributions to employees reduce the tax base. Thus, deposits in NPFs have truly become profitable.

1.4. The concept of pensions and their types

Pensions as a form of social protection for the disabled through social insurance or budget financing appeared at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century. At the same time, at the first stage, disability pensions were introduced, and then old-age pensions.

A pension is a monthly long-term payment assigned from public funds as the main source of livelihood to persons who have reached a specified age, for long service, for disability, or for those who have lost their breadwinner.

In accordance with current legislation, pensions can be classified depending on the source of funding into state pensions and labor pensions.

I. Labor pension - a monthly cash payment to compensate citizens for wages or other income that the insured persons received before the establishment of their labor pension or were lost by disabled family members of the insured persons due to the death of these persons.

The law establishes the following types of labor pensions:

1) old-age labor pension;

2) labor disability pension;

3) labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner.

The rates of insurance contributions for pension insurance are, as a percentage of the wages of the insured persons (with the exception of certain categories of policyholders for whom reduced rates are established):

1) in 2010 - 20%; at the same time, for people born in 1966 and older, all 20% is used to finance the insurance part of the labor pension, and for people born in 1967 and younger, 14% is used to finance the insurance part, and 6% is used to finance the funded part of the labor pension;

2) starting from 2011 - 26%; at the same time, for persons born in 1966 and older, all 26% are used to finance the insurance part of the labor pension, and for persons born in 1967 and younger, 20% are used to finance the insurance part, and 6% are used to finance the funded part of the labor pension.

From January 1, 2010, insurance premiums are not collected from wages received from one employer and exceeding 415 thousand rubles.

1) Old-age labor pension.

Men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55 are entitled to an old-age pension, provided they have at least five years of insurance experience. Certain categories of citizens specified in Articles 27, 27.1 and 28 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” have the right to early assignment of a labor pension.

An old-age labor pension may consist of the following parts:

1) insurance part;

2) storage part.

Until January 1, 2010, there was also a basic part of the old-age labor pension, but from January 1, 2010, it was combined with the insurance part due to the abolition of the unified social tax.

The size of the old-age labor pension is determined as the sum of its insurance and funded parts.

The size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension is determined by the formula:

SCh = PC / T + B, where

SCH - the insurance part of the old-age labor pension;

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, taken into account as of the day from which the specified person is assigned the insurance part of the old-age labor pension;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension used to calculate the insurance part of the specified pension, amounting to 19 years (228 months);

B - fixed base amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension, which is 2,562 rubles per month (with the exception of persons who have reached the age of 80 years or are disabled people of group I, and persons with dependent disabled family members, which is established by an increased base amount of the insurance part labor pension).

PC is determined by the formula:

PC = PC1 + SV + PC2, where

PC1 - part of the estimated pension capital of the insured person, calculated to assess the pension rights of the insured persons as of January 1, 2002;

SV - the amount of valorization (increasing the size of PC1 from January 1, 2010), which is 10 percent of the value of PC1 and, in addition, 1 percent of the value of PC1 for each full year of total work experience acquired before January 1, 1991.

K2 - the amount of insurance contributions and other revenues to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the insured person starting from January 1, 2002.

PC1 is calculated by the formula:

PC1 = (RP - 450 rubles) x T, where

RP - the estimated size of the labor pension;

450 rubles - the amount of the basic part of the old-age labor pension, which was established by the legislation of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2002;

T - 228 months.

RP is determined in one of the three following procedures at the choice of the insured person and cannot be lower than 660 rubles:

1) RP = SK x ZR / ZP x SZP, where

SC - length of service coefficient, which for men with a total work experience of at least 25 years, and women with a total work experience of at least 20 years, is 0.55 and increases by 0.01 for each full year of total work experience in excess of the specified duration , but not more than 0.20;

ZR - the average monthly earnings of the insured person for 2000-2001 or for any 60 consecutive months of work;

ZP - average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the same period (for 2000-2001 it is 1494 rubles 50 kopecks);

SWP - average monthly salary in the Russian Federation for the period from July 1 to September 30, 2001 (1,671 rubles 00 kopecks);

(ZR / ZP) is taken into account in an amount not exceeding 1.2.

2) RP = ZR x SK, where ZR and SK mean the same values ​​as in the first formula. In this case, the RP, if there is a total work experience of 25 years for men and 20 years for women, cannot exceed an amount equal to 555 rubles 96 kopecks. For each full year exceeding 25 years for men and 20 years for women, the specified amount increases by 1 percent, but not more than by 20 percent.

3) For persons for whom, as of December 31, 2001, a labor pension was established, the amount of one pension established by them is accepted as the RP, taking into account increases and compensation payments in connection with the increase in the cost of living in the Russian Federation, using the appropriate regional coefficient.

The estimated pension capital and the size of the insurance part of the labor pension are subject to periodic indexation in accordance with the level of price growth and the increase in the level of average monthly wages.

The size of the funded part of the old-age labor pension is determined by the formula:

LF = PN / T, where

LF - the size of the funded part of the old-age labor pension;

PN - the amount of pension savings of the insured person, recorded in the special part of his individual personal account as of the day from which he is assigned the cumulative part of the old-age labor pension;

T is the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension, which is 228 months.

Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing a bill on the possibility of paying a non-state pension from pension savings at the choice of the insured person. In accordance with the bill, the payment period for such a non-state pension must be at least 5 years. Thus, pensioners in the future may receive the right to receive an increased pension for 5 or more years, and after the expiration of this period they will only receive the insurance part of the pension.3 times.

2) Labor disability pension.

Citizens recognized as disabled people of groups I, II or III in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” have the right to a disability retirement pension.

The size of the labor disability pension is determined by the formula:

P = PC / (T x K) + B, where

P - the size of the labor disability pension;

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the insured person (disabled person), taken into account as of the day from which he is assigned a disability retirement pension;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age labor pension (228 months);

K is the ratio of the standard duration of the insurance period (in months) as of the specified date to 180 months. The standard duration of the insurance period until a disabled person reaches the age of 19 is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age starting from 19 years, but not more than up to 180 months;

B - fixed basic size of the labor disability pension, which for persons who do not have dependent disabled family members is 5,124 rubles for group I. per month, for group II - 2,562 rubles. per month; for group III - 1,281 rubles. per month .

3) Labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner.

Disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him have the right to a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. The specified pension is assigned to one of the parents or spouse regardless of whether or not they were dependent on the deceased breadwinner.

The size of the labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner (with the exception of the labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner for children who have lost both parents, or the children of a deceased single mother) for each disabled member of the family of the deceased breadwinner is determined by the formula:

P = PC / (T x K) / KN + B, where

P - the amount of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner;

PC - the amount of the estimated pension capital of the deceased breadwinner, recorded as of the day of his death;

T - the number of months of the expected period of payment of the old-age pension (228 months);

K is the ratio of the standard duration of the breadwinner's insurance period (in months) as of the day of his death to 180 months. The standard duration of the insurance period until the deceased breadwinner reaches the age of 19 is 12 months and increases by 4 months for each full year of age starting from 19 years, but not more than up to 180 months;

KN - the number of disabled family members of the deceased breadwinner who are recipients of the specified pension established in connection with the death of this breadwinner as of the day from which a labor pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner is assigned to the corresponding disabled family member;

B - fixed basic size of labor pension in case of loss of a breadwinner, which is 1,281 rubles. per month .

II. State pension pension is a monthly state cash payment that is provided to citizens in order to compensate them for earnings (income) lost in connection with the termination of the federal state civil service upon reaching the length of service established by law upon retirement to an old-age (disability) pension; or for the purpose of compensating lost earnings for citizens from among the cosmonauts or from among the flight test personnel in connection with retirement for long service; or for the purpose of compensation for damage caused to the health of citizens during military service, as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner, upon reaching the legal age; or disabled citizens in order to provide them with a means of subsistence.

The law establishes the following types of pensions for state pension provision:

1) long service pension;

2) old age pension;

3) disability pension;

4) survivor's pension;

5) social pension.

Long service pension.

Federal civil servants have the right to a long service pension if they have at least 15 years of experience in the state civil service and have held a position in the federal state civil service for at least 12 full months upon dismissal from the federal state civil service. The long-service pension is established in addition to the old-age (disability) pension and is paid simultaneously with it.

Persons who passed military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, drug control agencies and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, have the right to a pension for length of service if they have 20 years of service or more on the day of dismissal from service; and persons dismissed from service upon reaching the age limit for being in service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing measures and who have reached the age of 45 on the day of dismissal, having a total work experience of 25 calendar years or more, of which at least 12 years six months is military service and other specified service.

1.5. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its main functions

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) is the largest organization in Russia providing socially significant public services to citizens. Pension Fund divisions (over 2.5 thousand) territorial bodies) operate in every region and in every regional center of Russia. The PFR workforce consists of over 130 thousand social workers.

As a state extra-budgetary fund of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation was created for the state management of funds of the pension system and ensuring the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to pension provision. The budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is approved by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in a separate law, together with the adoption of the Federal budget of the Russian Federation. The share of the Pension Fund's budget in Russia's GDP is 10.8% in terms of income and 10.2% in terms of expenses. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation pays pensions to over 39.2 million pensioners and social benefits to 20 million beneficiaries, and maintains personalized records of the pension rights of insured persons for over 128 million Russian citizens.

Currently, in accordance with the Order of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, the federal law “On the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation” (determining the status of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation) is being developed, which is scheduled for adoption in 2010.

Socially significant functions of the Pension Fund.

— assignment and payment of pensions (for 39.2 million pensioners);

— accounting of insurance funds received under compulsory pension insurance;

— assignment and implementation of social payments to certain categories of citizens: veterans, disabled people, disabled people due to military trauma, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, etc.

— personalized accounting of participants in the compulsory pension insurance system;

— interaction with policyholders (employers - payers of insurance pension contributions), collection of arrears;

— issuance of certificates for receiving maternity (family) capital;

— management of pension system funds;

— implementation of the Program of state co-financing of voluntary pension savings (56-FZ of April 30, 2008, also known as the “thousand for a thousand” program);

— since 2010 — administration of insurance funds received under compulsory pension insurance and compulsory medical insurance;

— since 2010 — the establishment of a federal social supplement to social pensions, in order to bring the total income of a pensioner to the pensioner’s subsistence level.

The sources of formation of funds of the Pension Fund are:

1) insurance contributions of employers to extra-budgetary funds,

2) allocations from the federal budget (including for the payment of state pensions),

3) funds reimbursed from the budget in connection with the assignment of early pensions to the unemployed,

4) funds collected from employers as a result of the application of regressive requirements.

5) income from the capitalization of temporarily available funds,

6) interest-free loans, loans and credits,

7) voluntary contributions from legal and individuals,

8) other receipts.

The typical contribution rate to the Pension Fund is 14% of wages. These contributions are divided into the insurance part and the funded part of the pension.

Until 2010, contributions to the Pension Fund were taken into account as component unified social tax.

From January 1, 2010, the unified social tax was abolished, and instead direct insurance contributions of employers (policyholders) to three extra-budgetary funds were established - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. In 2010, the total volume of insurance contributions will remain at the level of the Unified Social Tax rate - 26%, of which 20% will be directed to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (for compulsory pension insurance). In this case, contributions will be paid from annual earnings up to 415 thousand rubles. If annual earnings exceed 415 thousand rubles, contributions in excess of 415 thousand rubles are not collected, but pension rights in excess of this amount are not formed. From 2011, the amount of total contributions will increase to 34%, of which 26% will be contributions for compulsory pension insurance. This system makes it possible to significantly increase the level of pensions in the country. For persons who are fully covered by the insurance system, the coefficient of replacement of wages with which insurance contributions were paid with a pension will be at least 40% after 30 years of payment of these contributions upon the occurrence of an insured event (i.e. old age, determined by the citizen reaching the age established by law - 55 years for women and 60 years for men).

Also, since 2009, citizens have the opportunity to make voluntary contributions to the funded part of their pension. The law (56-FZ of April 30, 2008) provides for two parties to co-financing a citizen’s contributions - the state (which doubles the amount to at least 2 thousand, but not more than 12 thousand rubles) and the employer (which co-finances employee contributions up to 12 thousand rubles receives a tax deduction). Any citizen can join this program by submitting two documents through the accounting department of his enterprise - an application to the Pension Fund for joining the program and an application to the employer with a request to establish a monthly transfer from salary to the savings part of the citizen’s individual personal account (recommended amount - 1 thousand rubles per month) . Minor citizens can also join the program.

1.6. Non-state pension funds

The beginning of the development of non-state pension provision in the Russian Federation is usually associated with the publication of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1992 No. 1077 “On non-state pension funds”. The decree was adopted within the framework of the emergency powers of the President of the Russian Federation for the period of economic reforms and had the force of law.

Based on this decree, in 1993-1994, about 350 organizations were established that classified themselves as non-state pension funds. In 1995, the Inspectorate of Non-State Pension Funds was created and began licensing their activities. By the end of 1996, 26 permits were issued to carry out non-commercial activities to form assets by attracting cash contributions from legal entities and individuals, transferring these funds to an asset management company, and making regular payments to citizens in cash for life or for a long period. By the end of 1997, such permits had been issued to 252 previously established organizations. To date, the number of non-state pension funds in the Russian Federation (250-300) has not changed fundamentally (Appendix 3).


The own property of these organizations at the beginning of 1998 amounted to 7.3 billion rubles. Of these, the attracted funds of depositors (5.0 thousand organizations) and participants (2.03 million people, including 0.65 million people independently paying contributions) taking into account the income received from their placement amounted to 3. 4 billion rubles Thus, the average amount of savings per participant was 1,675 rubles, which is comparable to the average six-month state labor pension payment during this period. The non-state pension was paid to 187.4 thousand participants, and its average monthly amount was 107 rubles. (41% of state labor pension).

In 1994, part one of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation introduced a foundation into legal circulation as an organizational and legal form of a non-profit organization. In 1998, the Federal Law “On Non-State Pension Funds” was adopted, which defined the activities of non-state provision as an exclusive type of activity of non-state pension funds, recognized as a special organizational and legal form of a non-profit social security organization. The concepts that have developed in the system, the rights and obligations of funds, their investors and participants, were legislated. This provided both a legal basis for the activities of non-state pension funds and influenced the high dynamics of growth in the number of their participants, the amount of contributions and the volume of pension reserves.

Thus, if in 1998, due to the crisis, the number of fund participants decreased by 0.21 million people, then the net increase in their number in 1999 amounted to 0.57 million people, in 2000 - 0.98 million people, for 2001 – 0.59 million people. The amount of contributions for 2001 exceeded the amount of contributions for 1997 by more than 7.8 times, the volume of pension reserves by the end of 2001 increased in relation to 1997 by more than 9.8 times.


In 2001, the 20 largest funds, mainly created for corporate employees, accounted for more than 80% of all created pension reserves, and over 2/3 of all fund participants, as well as the volume of payments of non-state pensions. This degree of concentration of funds and participants in non-state pension funds largely remains to this day.

An additional impetus to the development of the system of non-state pension funds was given in 2002-2003, when the funds were recognized as insurers of compulsory pension insurance along with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Since July 1, 2004, they have been given the opportunity to enter into compulsory pension insurance agreements with insured persons. At the same time, the requirements for the monetary value of property were increased to ensure the statutory activities of any fund, which should have been from January 1, 2005 - no less than 30 million rubles, from July 1, 2009 - no less than 50 million rubles.

In order to participate in compulsory pension insurance, the fund was required to have experience in simultaneously maintaining at least 5 thousand registered pension accounts of participants from January 1, 2004, and from July 1, 2009 - at least 20 thousand accounts. At the same time, the monetary value of the property to ensure the statutory activities of the fund and the total contribution of the founders in cash from July 1, 2009 must be at least 100 million rubles.

For some time, these circumstances also influenced the increase in the efficiency of the funds’ activities in terms of attracting voluntary contributions to non-state pension provision. Thus, if in 1998-2001 the average pension contribution per participant was 4.3-4.7% of the average monthly salary in the country, then by 2005 it increased to 7.2%. In relation to the wage fund as a whole in the Russian Federation, pension contributions increased from 0.1-0.2% to 0.47% in the above periods. In the period 2006-2008. these figures dropped to 4.3% of the average monthly wage and 0.3% of the wage fund. The growth in the number of fund participants slowed down significantly by 2008, and their total number amounted to 6.77 million people. at the beginning of 2009


In 2004-2009, there was a very dynamic increase in the number of insured persons who transferred pension savings to non-state pension funds. By the end of 2009, the expected number of such persons will be 5.57 million people. (8.1% of 69 million people with savings reflected in the special part of individual personal accounts).

On average, the volume of savings per each insured person in non-state pension funds was 2.2 times higher than for all insured persons with savings. This, however, cannot clearly indicate a tendency for higher-paid workers to move into the funds, since mainly the pension savings of insured persons born in 1967 remain in the state management company. These savings were formed at a rate of 2% of the earnings of these citizens in the period 2002-2004. (i.e., in a volume two to three times lower than that of persons born in 1967 and younger with comparable earnings) and have not increased since 2005 due to the amount of insurance premiums.

The volume of pension savings of the generation of workers born in 1967 can increase due to voluntary contributions, starting in 2009, with state co-financing. At the same time, at the end of 2009, 2.1 million people submitted applications to join this program, of which 724.9 thousand people made contributions. (35% of applicants) on average RUB 3,471. (1.5% of the average monthly salary in 2009) in the amount of 2.516 billion rubles. 55% of the contributions were transferred through employers, and additional contributions from employers themselves to co-finance the savings of their employees amounted to only 14.3 million rubles. It is estimated that up to half of the participants in the voluntary payment system are persons born in 1967 and younger, in whose favor mandatory pension savings are already formed.

As for the remaining segments of the funded component of the pension system, the number of insured persons entrusting the management of pension savings to private management companies formed immediately in 2003 (700 thousand people) and remains quite stable, on average at the level of 1.3% of the total number of participants in the funded component. The share of insured persons who did not exercise the right to choose the investment portfolio of a management company or non-state pension fund (the so-called “silent people”) decreased from 98% in 2004 to 93% in 2008.

When expanding the investment portfolio of the state management company, only 60,373 insured persons (less than 0.1% of the total number of “silent people”) declared their desire to preserve pension savings in a conservative portfolio, which was based on investments in government securities and to which the funds were allocated on November 1, 2009 RUB 756.5 million

Thus, the development of non-state pension provision, in addition to generally recognized objective economic factors (the level of remuneration, the amount of profit distributed to provide additional social guarantees to personnel, the share of workers with earnings above average, capable of saving and long-term investment of funds), has had and continues to have a significant impact subjective factors. Namely: the degree of legal regulation of relations in the field of voluntary formation of savings for the payment of pensions; the degree of compliance of legal regulation (including legislative requirements and established restrictions on the activities of funds) with the nature of contractual relations; making decisions on the inclusion of funds in the pension system and on the functioning of the funded component as a whole.

Chapter 2. Main problems and prospects for the development of the pension system of the Russian Federation

2.1. Main problems of development of non-state pension provision

Currently, the following problems in the development of non-state pension provision can be identified.

1. The functioning of the funded component within the framework of compulsory pension insurance and public legal regulation of relations impedes the application of business norms and customs inherent in civil law (contractual) relations and the realization of the benefits of the funded method of financing pension provision.

In particular, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has been designated as the administrator of insurance premiums, and delegation of these powers to other insurers - non-state pension funds within the current system is not possible. In the period until 2011, the period for transferring the paid contributions to the funded part of the labor pension to non-state pension funds will be reduced from the current one and a half years to six months, and the frequency of such transfer will change from annual to quarterly. However, this does not fundamentally change the administrator’s responsibility for the complete collection of contributions, including the responsibility for transferring amounts of accrued but not paid contributions on time. The source of financing for such amounts has not been determined, nor has a special source been established for covering administrative costs in terms of collecting contributions transferred to non-state funds. Direct payments by the policyholder to the non-state pension fund are not possible (it is not a party to the compulsory pension insurance agreement).

If the policyholder adjusts the amounts of contributions that are subject to accounting in a special part of the personal account of the insured person and transferred to the fund, a conflict arises when the fund is forced to redistribute the funds of the transferred pension savings to the individual accounts of the insured persons and, thereby, revise the acquired pension rights of citizens, moreover, without the foundation’s legal capacity specifically defined by law and in the absence of a procedure for such a review. At the same time, the question of whether such redistribution can be carried out without the consent of the insured person does not have clear answers. Within the framework of civil law relations, the settlement of such situations is carried out on the basis of an agreement.

Payments of insurance coverage within the framework of compulsory pension insurance are carried out during the entire period of realization of the insurance risk, in relation to the funded part of the old-age labor pension - indefinitely. This excludes the possibility of payments for a certain period from a non-state pension fund at the expense of pension savings. Moreover, within the framework of public law relations, all parameters determining the amount of payments must be clearly defined in law. This, in particular, makes it impossible to use a parameter for the expected period of payment of an old-age pension that is different from that used when determining its insurance part, and also differs depending on the insurer. This approach is unacceptable for funds, given different structure recipients of payments, possibly significantly different from the general population, which ultimately may lead to an excessively fast or excessively slow depletion of the accumulated funds for such a payment. In the first case, the long-term financial stability of the fund will be violated, in the second, unjust benefits will be received. At the same time, the payment of a similar non-state pension, established for life, is carried out within the framework of contractual relations and does not have similar problems in legal regulation.

For the reasons mentioned above, non-state pension funds, within the framework of compulsory pension insurance, will not be able to offer insured persons any unique pension product, other than a unified payment of the funded part of the labor pension. In particular, payment schemes for a limited period with inheritance of the balance of savings, which are most acceptable for men of the fourth and fifth health groups, are impossible. It is also impossible to make an indefinite (lifelong) payment of pension savings with payment to the surviving spouse. Loans secured by pension savings transferred to the funds are also impossible, if only because similar rights cannot be granted to other insured persons whose pension savings continue to remain the property of the Russian Federation.

Trying to resolve all traffic related issues Money in the system of compulsory pension insurance, the receipt and distribution of investment income in connection with the acquired rights of citizens, within the framework of public law, built on the principle “everything that is not provided for is prohibited” will only lead to the inclusion in the legislation on compulsory pension insurance of a significant amount of civil norms legislation based on the principle “everything that is not prohibited is permitted” and related branches of law (inheritance, family, etc.) with inevitable conflicts of legal regulation.

This is confirmed, in particular, by the lengthy preparation of regulatory legal acts on the payment of pension savings to legal successors. At the same time, the legislator had to pay excessive attention to the procedures for payment and determination of investment income received after the death of the insured person, as well as in the period between the application for payment and the payment of pension savings, using stages of payments. For similar situations, it should be noted that there is no comprehensive legal regulation and is not required when determining the amount of the balance of funds on a bank deposit paid to heirs, with interest due on the date of payment, as well as when paying similar amounts to heirs within the framework of non-state pension provision, taking into account investment income . The amount of payment is determined by the operator according to the rules of financial mathematics at once, and his actions are checked as part of subsequent internal control and are never considered as actions to establish the material rights of the heirs. The right of inheritance and the due share of the inherited property is determined by a notary.

2. The convergence of the mandatory savings component of the pension system with non-state pension provision within the framework of the legislation on co-financing of pension savings, combined with an increase in the tariff of contributions for compulsory pension insurance, can lead to deformation and subsequent termination of the institution of contractual relations for the voluntary formation of savings for non-state pensions.

Thus, by 2008, there were more than a million participants in non-state pension funds paying voluntary pension contributions on their own. Receive parity co-financing from the state of such contributions due to decisions taken they can only by changing the nature of legal relations, by entering into relations with compulsory pension insurance and the subsequent direction of pension savings to the same non-state pension fund. Upon completion of the co-financing program after 10 years, the citizen’s inclusion again in the non-state pension provision relationship is unlikely.

Employers paying pension contributions in the amount of 4-5% of the average salary in the country in favor of their employees, with an increase in the tariff for compulsory pension insurance by 6 percentage points from 2011, may come to the conclusion that it is advisable to reduce the social packages of employees specifically in terms of contributions to non-state pension provision, the special goals of which, different from the mandatory system, are not defined, and the methods of forming pension savings through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are fundamentally indistinguishable for voluntary and mandatory contributions to the funded part of the labor pension.

One of the advantages of non-state pension provision, carried out at the expense of the employer, with the deferred acquisition of employee rights to the amount of contributions subject to a certain duration of work for a given employer using joint accounts, as an element of the personnel policy for retaining qualified workers, cannot be realized within the framework of individualized voluntary co-payments for the formation of pension savings.

3. The development of a mandatory funded component deforms the legal regulation of issues of protecting the rights of workers to a decent level of pension provision.

With the introduction of a mandatory savings component into the pension system, excessive attention is paid to the issues of protecting and guaranteeing the rights of insured persons in terms of preserving and increasing pension savings at the stage of their investment, as well as regulating the activities of financial organizations that are not even subjects of pension relations (management companies , depositories, etc.). At the same time, the issues of protecting the interests of workers at the stage of forming rights to funded pension provision, which is a consequence and an integral part of labor relations, and provisions for which are included in collective agreements and industry agreements, have practically ceased to be considered.

Thus, in Russian legislation there are no rules for the mandatory inclusion of all employees of the organization in the pension program of an enterprise according to uniform non-discriminatory criteria if the employer has decided to voluntarily finance such a program. There are no legislative ideas about the maximum period for which an employer can postpone the entry into pension rights of employees, conditioning this on continuous employment at the enterprise. There are no answers to the question about the admissibility of different levels of financing of enterprise pension programs for different categories of employees, for example, for management and other workers. The issues of mandatory continuation, permissible change or civilized termination of pension programs during the acquisition and merger of organizations, as well as during a change of owner, have not been resolved.

For an employer who has decided on additional costs for employee pension provision, this carries the risk of an unexpected increase based on court decisions to ensure equal rights of employees to create savings for additional pensions. For an employee, there is a risk of an unexpected reduction in the level of pension provision, which he could count on after working in the organization for a long time, in the event of a significant change in the terms of employment due to circumstances beyond his control.

4. Lack of real mechanisms to guarantee the safety and return of pension savings

A significant part of the insured persons believe that pension savings are in the state pension fund, for the obligations of which the Russian Federation bears subsidiary liability.

There is also a rule that the size of the funded part of the labor pension is determined based on the funds reflected in the special part of the individual personal account. Moreover, it reflects the amount of investment income; the possibility of reflecting a loss is not provided.

For payments from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, these norms will work, regardless of the actual volume of pension savings that provide such payment based on the performance of management companies (including the possibility of loss of savings - partially or completely - due to the bankruptcy of the company). There is no mechanism to compensate for the lack of pension savings from the federal budget. The only mechanism of subsidiary liability that can “earn”, although not provided for by law, is the continuation of payment of the assigned funded part of the labor pension entirely from the federal budget, when the savings funds intended for payment are completely exhausted.

To guarantee payments from non-state pension funds, such a “mechanism” can hardly ever be used. In the best case, a special decision can be made on the fulfillment of the obligations of a non-state pension fund by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, of course, after the private organization is deprived of further rights to carry out compulsory pension insurance activities as an insurer.

Real mechanisms for guaranteeing the safety and repayment of pension savings, which would allow regulatory authorities to early stage identify discrepancies between liabilities and assets, suspend licenses, prohibit insured persons from taking actions to fix losses (transfer funds to other organizations) during the period of suspension of licenses, and funds - insure the risk of license revocation (similar to bank deposit insurance), in which pension funds savings must be urgently transferred to another insurer and their deficit covered, there are no provisions in the legislation.

5. Inconsistency of the status of non-state pension funds with the requirements imposed on them

The requirements presented to non-state pension funds for a gradual increase in the monetary value of property to ensure statutory activities in the absence of a source of such an increase from a non-profit organization aggravated the issue of the responsibilities of the fund founders to increase the contribution and rights in connection with the fact of founding and the volume of the contribution, including issues of the possibility of alienation of these rights for the benefit of third parties.

The latter is necessary, in particular, when resolving issues of consolidation of non-state pension funds through affiliation and merger, when a medium-sized fund with an established number of participants can obtain the right to participate in compulsory pension insurance only by becoming a structural unit of another fund that has the appropriate license. The legislator, having introduced increased requirements for funds, did not provide for changes in the status of the fund, the rights of its founders, which would make it possible to fulfill these requirements without affecting the rights of fund participants

6. Non-systematic and non-targeted state stimulation of voluntary pension savings.

The goals of non-state pension provision - the provision of non-state pensions in addition to pensions for compulsory pension insurance - are fully taken into account only when the amounts of contributions to non-state pension funds are excluded from the taxable base for calculating insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance.

A comprehensive and targeted decision on tax incentives was made in relation to voluntary contributions to the funded part of the labor pension, which, within established limits, reduce the taxable base for personal income tax (just as the taxable base does not include amounts of co-financing from the federal budget), and co-payments from the employer are allowed to be attributed within established limits on the wage fund, which reduces the taxable base for income tax.

In relation to pension contributions under non-state pension provision agreements concluded for a period of at least 5 years, exemptions remain within the limits of previously established restrictions that are not focused on any target level of non-state pension provision, including employees with earnings exceeding 415 thousand rubles . per year, the loss of which is not insured in the compulsory pension insurance system, and voluntary contributions from which for the purposes of additional insurance could be exempt from taxation to an increased extent.

7. Restrictive principle of regulation of investment activities

The most common daily and repeated violation when investing pension savings, which is regularly reported by a specialized depository, is violation of the structure of the investment portfolio. The main restrictions of these portfolios in areas, shares of investments, including in the securities of one issuer, are set by the legislator (for non-state pension provision, powers are delegated to the supervisory authority).

Only the managers themselves can eliminate these violations, including to the detriment of the interests of the insured persons - if they have to liquidate securities of a reliable issuer that have increased in price and purchase less reliable or less profitable securities. The state does not bear responsibility for the latter circumstance. Management companies, in turn, are legally exempt from the most important type of liability of a trustee, provided for in Article 1022 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - from compensation for lost profits and losses.

This regulation needs a serious revision, with the abolition of not only unreasonable and unfounded restrictions, but also the very principle of legislative establishment of restrictions, the transition to responsible investment of pension savings by the insurer based on the principle of reasonable behavior and in accordance with the investment strategy determined by it, as well as the introduction differentiation of investment portfolios by level of risk and expected profitability that is understandable for insured persons.

2.2. Goals and objectives for the development of non-state pension provision

The strategic goal of developing non-state pension provision is to increase the level of material security for citizens in old age through voluntary and compulsory savings formed in their favor on the basis of time-specific targets for its development and mechanisms for achieving them.

The following are proposed as targets for the development of non-state pension provision:

for insured persons whose earnings do not exceed those insured in the compulsory pension insurance system (415 thousand rubles in 2010 with subsequent indexation to the growth of average wages in the country) - creation of the necessary conditions for receiving payments from pension savings in combination with a labor pension for old age at the level of 70% of lost earnings in real terms for 30 years of payment of insurance premiums and contributions to the formation of pension savings;

for insured persons whose earnings exceed those insured in the compulsory pension insurance system - creation of the necessary conditions for receiving payments from pension savings at the level of 40% of earnings lost in excess of the specified limit in real terms for 30 years of payment of contributions for the formation of pension savings;

for self-employed people and those not employed in the economy – creating the necessary conditions for receiving payments from pension savings at the level of 2.5 times the pensioner’s subsistence level for 30 years of paying contributions to the formation of pension savings;

ensuring coverage of 20% of the economically active population with non-state pension provision on a voluntary basis no later than 2023;

encouraging 50% of participants in the mandatory savings component to form and invest pension savings in non-governmental organizations no later than 2023.

The main objectives of the development of non-state pension provision are:

— increasing the level of pension provision for citizens through pension savings formed in their favor;

— creating conditions for the formation of pension savings of citizens in the required amount;

— creating conditions for sustainable growth of pension savings through the stable and efficient functioning of pension savings funds.

2.3. Measures to strengthen the funded component of the pension system

To solve the problems of developing non-state pension provision and forming mechanisms for achieving targets, as well as mechanisms for the sustainable growth of pension savings formed in favor of citizens, the following set of measures is proposed to strengthen the funded component of the pension system.

1. Phased withdrawal of the mandatory funded component from the compulsory pension insurance system and its transformation into a mandatory funded pension system within the framework of civil law (contractual) relations, providing for:

— the imposition, starting from 2013, of employers of the obligation to transfer 6% of payments accrued to an employee, not exceeding the limit of earnings insured in the compulsory pension insurance system, to an accumulative pension fund of the employee’s choice on the basis of a public pension agreement concluded by them, the obligation of the employer to participate in which is as a third party is established by law;

— introduction of a transition period until 2023, during which the policyholder is provided with a deduction from the amount of contributions for compulsory pension insurance in the amount of the contribution for compulsory funded pension provision;

— introduction from 2023 of the obligation of employers to pay contributions to the funded pension provision of employees in excess of the amounts for compulsory pension insurance, including: in full - for organizations financed from budgetary funds of various levels of the budget system; to the extent specified in collective agreements – for other employers, subject to the deduction of the rest of the contribution from the employees’ wages;

— consolidation as an insurer for compulsory pension insurance exclusively of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the elimination of such status from non-state pension funds and with the simultaneous granting of the right to act as accumulative pension funds to non-state pension funds and the state accumulative pension fund created by the Russian Federation, status, rights and obligations which must be determined within the framework of the legislation on non-state pension funds, subject to transformation into legislation on accumulative pension funds - non-state and state;

— establishing a rule for the active choice of an accumulative pension fund - non-state or state - by an employee. In the absence of a choice, mandatory contributions are made to the state accumulative pension fund; the funds are deposited in the personal accounts of citizens until they make a choice and are not subject to investment. To prevent the depreciation of such funds, they must be placed on bank deposits in the manner established for the placement of temporarily available funds of the treasury of the Russian Federation. The previous choice of private management companies (investment portfolios) by the insured persons during the transition period (no more than 3 years) should be replaced by the choice of an accumulative pension fund (taking into account the measures for transforming investment portfolios set out below);

— introduction in the system of compulsory funded pension provision of elements inherent in civil law relations, taking into account the advantages that are inherent in systems of long-term savings of citizens’ funds, in particular: the possibility of a citizen receiving, within a specified period (at least 10-15 years), the generated amount of pension savings in form of monthly payments; a one-time payment of the amount of pension savings if they are insignificant for making periodic payments; full inheritance of pension savings.

2. Institutional transformation of non-state pension funds into accumulative pension funds by:

— definitions of an accumulative pension fund within the framework of civil legislation as an independent organizational and legal form of a non-profit organization;

— definitions of pension savings / accumulative pension provision within the framework of civil legislation as an independent separate type of obligation (along with bank deposits, insurance, etc.), regardless of the voluntary or mandatory nature of the formation of savings, and the establishment of uniform principles of legal regulation;

— determination of the founders of the fund as the title owners of the contribution to the authorized capital of the accumulative pension fund (except for the state one) and the share of property corresponding to the contribution to ensure the authorized activities of the fund, including the possibility of transferring (selling) title ownership rights to third parties without the consent of other founders (except in cases , which may be specified in the constituent agreement), as well as the proportional contribution of the founders’ participation in making management decisions on the activities of the fund;

— differentiation of licensing requirements for accumulative pension funds depending on their participation in compulsory accumulative pension provision, with the possible replacement of licensing of funds participating exclusively in voluntary accumulative pension provision, mandatory participation in a self-regulatory organization and the professional liability insurance system created by it for members of the organization (or insurance reserve);

— establishing an obligation for accumulative pension funds (except for the state one) to participate in one of the self-regulatory organizations created by the funds on the basis of membership, as a condition for issuing a license.

3. Increasing the efficiency of investing pension savings and guaranteeing their safety by:

— transition from legislative restrictions on the directions and volumes of investment of pension savings to restrictions on the choice of the risk level of the investment portfolio depending on the age of the person in whose favor the savings are formed, with a gradation step of acceptable risk of 5 years (7 risk levels):

A - a risk-free portfolio, including government securities, bonds of issuers and deposits of banks with investment category ratings not lower than AAA - persons over the age of 55, as well as persons who have chosen a conservative portfolio of a state management company,

B – low-risk portfolio, including securities of issuers with investment category ratings not lower than AA – persons under the age of 55 years,

B – low-risk portfolio, including securities of issuers with investment category ratings not lower than A – persons under the age of 50 years,

D – moderate risk portfolio, including securities of issuers with investment category ratings not lower than BBB – persons under the age of 45 years,

D – an acceptable risk portfolio, including securities of issuers with speculative ratings of at least BB, and derivative securities – persons under the age of 40 years,

E – medium risk portfolio, including securities of issuers with speculative category ratings of at least B, and derivative securities – persons under the age of 35 years,

F – risk portfolio, including securities of issuers with speculative ratings of at least CCC, and derivative securities - persons under the age of 30 years.

At the same time, private management companies should be given the opportunity to declare termination of participation in investing pension savings. Those who remain are invited to renew the trust management agreement for pension savings with the state accumulative pension fund, to restructure their investment portfolios according to the specified risk levels within no more than two years, transferring into them the savings formed in favor of the insured persons who previously chose these management companies or their portfolios, taking into account their new choices based on age and risk tolerance. Funds transferred to the state management company can be retained in its management (the former conservative one is equal to the A-portfolio, the expanded one is equal to the B-portfolio) with the necessary subsequent adjustment of the portfolios according to the risk level with the choice of the insured persons;

— granting accumulative pension funds the right to independently purchase/sell securities on organized markets;

— introduction of a full-fledged trust management agreement for pension savings, concluded by an accumulative pension fund with a management company, including compensation for lost profits from investing pension savings, the cases and composition of which, however, must be directly regulated by law;

— legislative establishment of the principle of reasonable behavior (prudential principles) when managing pension savings and their investment, removing legislative restrictions on the directions and volumes of investments within the volumes of investment portfolios formed according to the level of risk;

— introduction of compulsory insurance of the liability of an accumulative pension fund for the transfer of pension savings to a state accumulative pension fund or to another accumulative pension fund at the choice of a citizen in the event of deprivation of the fund’s license;

— restrictions on the right of citizens for a period of up to 2 years to assign payments from pension savings when their market value falls by more than 20% due to financial crises with the obligation of the accumulative pension fund to restore the pre-crisis value of pension savings, including through disproportionate redistribution part of the investment income during this period in favor of these citizens with a compulsorily deferred funded pension.

4. Targeted stimulation of the formation of pension savings, providing for:

— assignment to the wage fund, which reduces the tax base for income tax, amounts of contributions under accumulative pension agreements, but not more than 25% of the amounts of payments to employees, based on targets for the development of accumulative pension provision (the total level of payments taking into account the old-age labor pension not less than 70% of insured earnings and not less than 40% of earnings in excess of what is insured in the compulsory pension insurance system for 30 years of payment of contributions);

- reduction of the tax base for personal income tax by the amount of citizens' contributions under accumulative pension insurance contracts, not exceeding 20 times the subsistence level of a pensioner in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, established for this financial year (based on the formation of pension savings that provide perpetual payment in in the amount of 2.5 times the living wage of a pensioner);

— exclusion from the tax base for personal income tax of payments for funded pension provision, including lump sum payments of savings to citizens or their heirs;

— exclusion of amounts of payments from pension savings when determining the amount of social supplements and other payments to pensioners that are in the nature of additional payments up to a certain level;

— exclusion of the possibility of paying redemption amounts under funded pension agreements, including those concluded on a voluntary basis.

5. Humanization of the funded component of the pension system, providing for:

— the introduction, in addition to payments of pension savings upon reaching retirement age and to heirs, of the possibility of early disposal of these amounts by obtaining (interest-free) loans secured by pension savings (if necessary, generated in excess of the threshold amount or amounts established by the fund for receiving loans) for treatment, education of children, other consumer needs;

— gradual, as the supply of securities develops, the introduction of voluntary social audits of issuers (for their compliance with labor legislation and legislation on compulsory social insurance of their employees, environmental safety standards, implementation social programs for the population at the place of implementation of their economic activity) to select securities in which pension savings are invested;

— legislative restriction, after a reasonable transition period, on the ability of accumulative pension funds to establish different standards of perpetual pension provision for the same age groups participants depending on their gender with equality of savings;

— a gradual, as mobility in the labor market develops, legislative reduction of the period during which employees acquire rights to pension savings formed voluntarily by their employer, provided they perform work during this period for this employer (by 2023, no more than 10 years, by 2030 - no more than 5 years, by 2035 - no more than 3 years, by 2040 - no more than 1 year);

— introduction no later than 2023 of a rule according to which an employer who voluntarily forms pension savings in favor of its employees is obliged, under general conditions, to include in such a program all employees who have reached the age of 35 or have worked in the organization for more than 3 years;

— introduction, no later than 2023, of the right of an employer who voluntarily forms pension savings in favor of its employees to create no more than two programs, different in terms of the conditions for acquiring pension rights (for management employees and for others), limiting the ability to provide individual conditions for funded pension provision;

— introducing, no later than 2023, the qualification of employer pension plans for compliance with the above conditions and the provision of tax exemptions for contributions paid only under such qualified funded pension plans;

- introduction no later than 2030 of the condition for the mandatory preservation of the employer’s qualified pension program when it is absorbed by another organization or acquired by a new owner, and if the acquiring organization has its own qualified pension program - providing the employees of the acquired organization with the right to choose the conditions of funded pension provision (preservation of the conditions old or joining a new pension program).

6. Modernization of state control, involving:

— maintaining, until 2023, the administration of the contribution to compulsory funded pension provision, which is a deduction from the contribution to compulsory pension insurance, to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This provides for personalized accounting of contributions to mandatory funded pension provision in a special part of the individual personal account of the insured person; provision of reports from policyholders to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on contributions for mandatory pension accumulation paid to accumulative pension funds; providing a deduction for contributions to compulsory pension insurance and collecting arrears in the budget income of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the absence of the subject of the deduction;

— entrusting the administration of these contributions in 2023 to the executive body exercising control in the field of labor relations, which should include relations related to the formation of pension savings. This involves reconciling payments for employees under compulsory pension insurance with data from accumulative pension funds on payments made, and if violations are detected, issuing orders to employers to suspend the activities of organizations until the violation of employee rights is eliminated. If, to implement this function, it is necessary to subordinate the center for personalized accounting of compulsory pension insurance to this body, then it is advisable to provide for such a redistribution of powers;

- vesting on the said body the authority to qualify the conditions of voluntary funded pension provision provided by the employer, the requirements for which are established by law and may be provided for by a collective agreement, in order to obtain the right by the employer to provide tax exemptions on the amounts of contributions paid;

— establishing control of the said executive body over compliance with the rights of participants in voluntary funded pension provision during the accession and merger of organizations, up to the recognition of transactions of owners for transformation legal entities insignificant;

— termination of state control and regulation in the field of funded pension provision by various executive authorities that are not in vertical subordination, highlighting the specialization of such control and regulation based on their relationship to pension savings.

2.4. Planned increase in pensions

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2010 and for the planning period of 2011 and 2012,” the total income of the Pension Fund in 2010 is projected to be 4.7 trillion rubles, which is 10.8 percent of the country’s GDP. Total expenses are estimated at 4.4 trillion. The maximum volume of the Pension Fund budget surplus for 2010 is determined in the amount of 282 billion 001 million 569.7 thousand rubles. That is, as Prime Minister Vladimir Putin emphasized, speaking at a recent pension forum, the state took an unprecedented step, increasing total pension payments to 10 percent of GDP. For comparison: last year the share of pension expenses in the gross product did not exceed 6 percent.

In the 2010 budget, the excess of income over expenses will be formed from pension savings (the funded part of the future pension) - 282 billion rubles.

In 2011, budget revenues are planned at 5 trillion 264 billion 012 million 750.4 thousand rubles, total expenses - 4 trillion 894 billion 370 million 349.6 thousand rubles, maximum surplus - 369 billion 642 million 400 .8 thousand rub.

In 2012, the total volume of budget revenues of the Pension Fund of Russia is planned at the level of 5 trillion 779 billion 164 million 893.4 thousand rubles, expenses - 5 trillion 360 billion 297 million 548 thousand rubles, the maximum volume of surplus - 418 billion 867 million 345.4 thousand roubles .

Interbudgetary transfers from the federal budget in 2010 will amount to 2,530 billion rubles, or 54.1 percent of total revenues. In 2011, as planned, the financial situation in the regions will improve and the share of transfers will be reduced to 40.8 percent.

In the meantime, these funds will be needed, firstly, to compensate for the shortfall in budget revenues of the Pension Fund due to reduced insurance premium rates, which are still in effect for certain categories of policyholders. 72.8 billion rubles are planned in the budget for these purposes. Secondly, the federal budget will transfer another 102 billion rubles to the Pension Fund to fulfill obligations to families entitled to receive maternity capital. Thirdly, 10.1 billion rubles are planned as a “separate line” for one-time payments to veterans of the Great Patriotic War in connection with the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Victory. These payments are entrusted to the Pension Fund, but money is also allocated by the federal budget.

As for pension payments directly in 2010, several steps are envisaged to improve the financial situation of more than 39.5 million pensioners. The Pension Fund budget for 2010 includes expenses for the valorization of the estimated pension capital. In addition, there is an indexation of labor pensions by 6.3 percent (it will affect 37 million pensioners) and an increase by 10 percent in the size of the monthly allowance (for almost 17 million recipients) from April 1, 2010.

Another indexation for citizens receiving state pensions will increase the income of this group (2.5 million pensioners) by 12 percent. And by the end of the year, these pensions will increase by a total of 15.9 percent.

In 2011, the labor pension will be indexed by 10% from February 1; from April 1 - labor pension by 0.5%; state pensions, social pensions - by 10%; EDV - by 8%; from July 1 - state pensions, social pensions - by 2.9%.

In 2012, it is expected that the labor pension will be indexed by 8% from February 1; from April 1 - state pensions, social pensions - by 8%; EDV - by 7%; from July 1 - state pensions and social pensions - by 3%.

At the same time, the Pension Fund reminds that from January 1 of next year there will be no pensioners left in Russia who would have a total income below the regional subsistence level of a pensioner. All non-working pensioners - “minimum workers” - will receive a social supplement. The budget has allocated 23.2 billion rubles for these purposes.

Also, the fund's budget for 2010-2012 takes into account federal budget funds for co-financing pension savings from the National Welfare Fund. In 2010, state transfers should amount to 2.5 billion rubles.


The Russian pension system is an integral part of state social insurance. This system is comprehensive and includes insurance for old age, disability, survivors, temporary disability, maternity, unemployment and health insurance. Pension provision is based on national legislation, its financing is carried out on the basis of compulsory insurance contributions from employers, employees and the self-employed population, as well as allocations from the federal budget.

The basic principles of pension provision in our country today correspond to international practice and do not require any disruption, however, the organization of the pension system and its mechanisms must be adapted to today's reality.

The first step in organizing a pension system, new for Russia, but successfully operating in developed countries, was taken in 1991 with the creation of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation: the budget of the pension system is separated from the state budget. Temporarily available funds of the Pension Fund can be capitalized and income can be used to create resources when the economic and demographic situation worsens.

Pension provision remains one of the main social guarantees for citizens of Russia, and the pension system of the Russian Federation is a multi-link complex of state social protection bodies responsible for the appointment and payment of pensions and bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFRF).

An analysis of the structure of the pension system of the Russian Federation allows us to conclude that it is on the path of transition from a distribution to a savings system and it can be characterized as a distribution-savings or conditionally funded system.

In addition to state pension provision, a system of non-state provision has been formed in the Russian Federation, which includes directly non-state pension funds, auxiliary companies, as well as bodies monitoring their activities. Non-state pension provision can be provided in the form of additional professional pension systems of individual organizations, sectors of the economy or territories, and in the form of personal pension insurance of citizens who accumulate funds for their additional pension provision in insurance companies or pension funds.

One of the characteristics of the savings system is that Pension Funds act as specific financial intermediation institutions that accumulate savings of the general population for long-term investments. Small size minimum pension contributions with a long period of pension payments allows you to attract the savings of individuals with low incomes, as well as the financial resources of employers. The illiquidity of pension fund assets and the long term of most pension schemes allows these institutions to direct accumulated funds for long-term investment purposes and actively participate in the financing of programs with low returns, high reliability and a long implementation period. Virtually none of the other financial institutions have competitive advantages before the PF in this segment of the long-term investment market.

Availability of huge financial resources gives rise to the problem of their preservation and increase. We have to admit that until now, dealing with relatively small resources, NPFs for the most part cannot cope with it. However, with the creation of professional pension systems and the implementation of the process of real investment of pension resources, this problem will come to the fore. Many experts call the optimal solution the introduction of long-term government bonds, similar to those existing in many developed countries of the world.

In conclusion, I would like to note. It is easy to assess the state of society. It is more difficult, but still possible, to describe the state that she is trying to achieve. But the most difficult thing is to propose a program for transition from one state to another. Russia faces the task of finally choosing the direction of further reform in the next 10 years and, abstracting from the opinions of interested structures, radically changing the pension system in accordance with the realities of the time. We have to come the way that developed countries have been going through for decades, and under more favorable conditions.


1. Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ

2. Federal Law “On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system” dated April 1, 1996 N 27-FZ

3. Federal Law “On State Pension Security in the Russian Federation” dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ

4. Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation” dated December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ

5. Federal Law “On investing funds to finance the funded part of labor pensions in the Russian Federation” dated July 24, 2002 No. 111-FZ

6. Federal Law “On Non-State Pension Funds” dated 05/07/1998 No. 75-FZ (as amended on 01/10/2003)

7. Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Revocation of Certain Legislative Acts (Provisions of Legislative Acts) of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law “On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and territorial compulsory medical insurance funds" dated July 24, 2009 No. 213-FZ

8. Federal Law “On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and territorial compulsory medical insurance funds” dated July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ

9. Law of the Russian Federation “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families” dated 12.02. 1993 N 4468-1

10. Baskakov, V.N. About pensions for men and women: social aspects of pension reform / V.N. Baskakov, M.E. Baskakova. – M.: Moscow Philosophical Foundation, 2006. – 298 p.

11. Belikova, T.N. All about pensions. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. – 256 p.

12. Brodsky, G. M. Law and economics of pension provision / G. M. Brodsky, M. N. Brodsky. – St. Petersburg: Norma, 2003. – 247 p.

13. Buyanova, M.O. Social services for Russian citizens in a market economy / M.O. Buyanova. – M.: Book World, 2005. – 317 p.

14. Buyanova, M.O. Social security law: textbook / M.O. Buyanova, Z.A. Kondratyeva, S.I. Kobzeva. – M.: Omega-L, 2006. – 345 p.

15. Golenko, E.N. Social security law. Questions and answers. 2nd edition, revised. and additional E.N. Golenko, V.I. Kovalev. – M.: Jurisprudence, 2004. – 403 p.

16. Gusov, K.N. Social Security Law: Textbook. 2nd ed. / K.N.Gusov. – M.: Prospekt, 2006. – 231 p.

17. Dolzhenkova, G.D. Social security law / G.D. Dolzhenkova. – M.: YURAIT, 2005. – 384 p.

18. Zakharov, M.L. Pension reform in Russia. Expert opinion / M.L. Zakharov, E.G. Tuchkova. – M.: INFRA – M, 2002. – 298 p.

19. Zakharov, M.L. Social security law in Russia / M.L. Zakharov, E.G. Tuchkova. – M.: INFRA – M, 2007. – 279 p.

20. Iosifidi, D.G. Social security law of the Russian Federation / D.G. Iosifidi. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. – 314 p.

21. Commentary on the pension legislation of the Russian Federation / ed. E.N. Sidorenko. – M.: Yurayt, 2003. – 136 p.

22. Commentary on the pension legislation of the Russian Federation / ed. M.Yu. Zurabova. – M.: Yurayt, 2007. – 234 p.

24. Machulskaya, E.E. Social Security Law: Textbook. 3rd ed. / E.E.Machulskaya, Zh.A.Gorbacheva. – M.: Book World, 2003. – 345 p.

25. Nikonov, D.A. Social security law in Russia: A short training course / D.A. Nikonov, A.V. Stremukhov, S.V. Kryukov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. – 256 p.

26. Ordin, O.V. Pension reform in Russia, general equilibrium model / O.V. Ordin, A.V. Kuznetsov. – M.: RPEI, 2005. – 389 p.

27. Pension reform in Russia / ed. M.Yu. Zurabova. – M.: Yurayt, 2006. – 368 p.

28. Social security law: textbook / ed. K.N. Gusova. – M.: Yurayt, 2005. – 136 p.

29. Social Security Law / ed. M.Yu. Fillipova. – M.: Yurist, 2006. – 479 p.

30. Social security law in Russia: textbook / ed. K.N. Gusova. – M.: Prospekt, 2007. – 365 p.

31. Social work practice: pension provision of the Russian Federation: a textbook for students of higher and secondary specialized institutions / ed. A.B. Tugarova. – Penza: 2004, – 279 p.

32. Rogachev, D.N. Method of social security law / D.N. Rogachev. – M.: INFRA – M, 2009. – 390 p.

33. Savinov, A. N. Organization of work of social security bodies: textbook / A. N. Savinov. – M.: INFRA – M, 2009. – 427 p.

34. Samoilov, P.B. Social security of Russia (in questions and answers) / P.B. Samoilov. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2005. – 358 p.

35. Social work: theory and practice: textbook / ed. E.I. Kholostova, A.S. Sorvina. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009. – 268 p.

36. Suleymanova, G.V. Social security law: textbook / G.V. Suleymanova. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009. – 221 p.

37. Telegina, T.D. Social security law (in questions and answers) / T.D. Telegina. – M.: Prospekt, 2007. – 197 p.

38. Tolmachev, A.P. Social security law (lecture notes) / A.P. Tolmachev. –M.: Prior-izdat, 2009. – 285 p.

39. Travin, D.Ya. Pension reform in Russia: reasons, content, prospects / D.Ya. Travin, M.E. Dmitrieva. – St. Petersburg: Norma, 2003. – 347 p.

40. Udalova, A.V. Social security law: textbook / A.V. Udalova. – M.: Omega-l, 2009. – 176 p.

41. Finance. Textbook / ed. V.V. Kovaleva. – M.: PBOYUL, 2009. – 416 p.

42. Shchuko, L.P. New calculation of pensions / L.P. Shchuko. – M.: Yurayt, 2006. – 255 p.

Scheme 2. Non-state pension provision

The pension system of the Russian Federation is a complex, extensive system of protecting Russian citizens in old age. Separate sections of this system provide social protection various groups of the population, including government employees, military personnel, workers in hazardous and hazardous industries, people living in the Far North, disabled people, dependents, those who have lost their breadwinner and others.


Separate legislation regulates pension provision for citizens who arrived in the Russian Federation from the states of the former USSR.

The state body for managing the funds of the pension system and ensuring the rights of citizens to pension provision is the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), which has branches throughout the country.

Along with the Pension Fund, the pension system includes non-state pension funds (NPFs), which are private organizations. Their activities are regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Citizens of Russia who are insured in the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS) have the right to a pension. Registration in the OPS system is carried out by Pension Fund branches. Registration is confirmed by assigning the citizen an Individual Personal Account Insurance Number (SNILS) and issuing an Insurance Certificate of State Pension Insurance (green plastic card).

You can apply for registration in the OPS system through your employer (when you first start working) or in person at the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence. SNILS is a unique number that is assigned to a citizen for life.

When a citizen’s personal data changes, for example, last name, the insurance certificate must be replaced, but the SNILS in the new certificate remains the same. If you change your job or place of residence, your insurance certificate does not change.


The basis of the pension system is the old-age labor pension, assigned to men upon reaching 60 years of age, and to women at 55 years of age. To assign an old-age retirement pension, it is necessary to develop a minimum insurance period. Unlike work experience, insurance experience is confirmed not by entries in the work book, but by entries on an individual personal account in the compulsory insurance system about insurance contributions made by the employer or the citizen himself.

When paying wages to employees, employers pay insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance at a rate of 22%. At the same time, the maximum annual earnings from which insurance premiums are paid is 624 thousand rubles. Insurance premiums are personalized and reflected on an individual personal account. Information about the status of an individual personal account (receipt of insurance contributions, accumulated pension capital) can be obtained from the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence. Some categories of citizens pay insurance premiums to the Pension Fund for themselves. The latter, as a rule, include citizens from among the self-employed population - individual entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries and others.

The minimum insurance period for assigning an old-age pension is 5 years. The Government of the Russian Federation is developing new rules for calculating old-age labor pensions, which will be in force starting in 2015. In accordance with them, the minimum insurance period required to assign a labor pension will be gradually increased over 10 years (one year per year) and by 2025 it will be 15 years.

The size of the old-age labor pension consists of the insurance and funded parts of the old-age labor pension. The size of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension depends on the amount of insurance contributions that were paid to the Pension Fund. In addition, according to a special calculation, the size of the insurance part of the labor pension is influenced by the length of service before 2002, both in the USSR and Russia.

The size of the funded part of the old-age labor pension depends on the size of pension savings on the date of application for a pension.

To assign a labor pension, you must contact the Pension Fund office at your place of residence. If a citizen’s compulsory pension insurance insurer is a non-state pension fund, then you must contact this non-state pension fund to assign the funded part of your labor pension.

The old-age social pension is assigned in the absence of a minimum insurance period when men reach 65 years of age and women reach 60 years of age.


Along with the compulsory pension insurance system, since 1992, Russia has had a system of non-state pension provision, which is carried out by non-state pension funds. Non-state pension provision is a voluntary form of pension provision, which is carried out on the basis of a pension agreement and pension rules of the fund. A pension agreement with a non-state pension fund can be concluded by a legal entity or an individual (depositor). The agreement is concluded in favor of persons appointed by the investor, namely: an employer can conclude a pension agreement in favor of its current or former employees (veterans), an individual can enter into a pension agreement in his own favor or in favor of third parties (spouse, parents, etc. .).

According to the pension agreement, the investor makes pension contributions, and the fund calculates and pays non-state pensions to persons appointed by the investor.

A non-state pension is assigned if there are grounds for receiving a labor pension and can be paid for life or for a number of years.

Pension reserves of NPFs are formed from pension contributions and investment income on them. Pension reserves are invested in various instruments - bank deposits, shares and bonds of business companies, government securities. Rules and restrictions when investing are prescribed in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Control over the investment of pension reserves is carried out by a specialized depository, independent of the NPF.

The NPF opens a pension account for each investor and participant. Pension contributions, investment income, and payments are taken into account in pension accounts.

Upon request of NPF participants, it provides free statements of the status of pension accounts once a year. Upon termination of the pension agreement, the NPF pays the redemption amount.

Each NPF develops its own pension rules, so the programs offered differ among different NPFs. Information about pension products can be found on the NPF websites. There is no single website that would provide a qualitative comparison of pension programs.


The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation opens individual personal accounts in the OPS system to citizens living in Crimea and Sevastopol, upon receipt of the necessary data from the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing and implementing public policy in the field of migration, or a body providing state or municipal services.

Periods of work on the territory of Ukraine are counted in the insurance (work) experience, including special ones, similarly to periods of work in Russia. Work periods are confirmed by documents issued by employers or relevant state (municipal) bodies.

From August 1, 2014, the legislation of the Russian Federation on insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia is applied in the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the city federal significance Sevastopol. From January 1, 2015, pension provision for citizens living in Crimea and Sevastopol will be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The amounts of pensions previously assigned under the legislation of Ukraine are subject to recalculation from January 1, 2015 based on materials from pension files without requiring applications for recalculation. The right to a pension is not revised during recalculation.

From January 1, 2015, the concept of the insurance part of a labor pension will be replaced by the concept of an insurance pension, and the concept of the funded part of a labor pension by the concept of a funded pension.

The material was prepared by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (

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The state pension system in Russia is currently not unified. According to the current pension legislation, it consists of two relatively independent pension systems - compulsory pension insurance and state pension provision. They are named so because the legislator, presumably, wanted to make such a division based on the existing forms of organization of pension provision and mainly depending on financial sources - insurance payments and state budget funds.

In our opinion, this name for pension systems is not entirely appropriate, since both systems are state-owned, since all pensions within these systems are established by law. Financial resources allocated for pension provision of citizens are state property. The guarantor of pensions under these systems is the state.

It would be more logical to name pension systems as follows:

  • a) pension provision in accordance with compulsory pension insurance, or the insurance pension system;
  • b) pension provision provided at the expense of budgetary allocations, or the budgetary pension system.

For simplicity, in what follows we will stick to these names.

The insurance pension system is a system of legal, economic and organizational measures created by the state, which should be aimed at compensating citizens for the earnings (payments, rewards in favor of the insured person) received by them before the establishment of pensions in the order of compulsory insurance coverage.

Budgetary pension system is a system of legal, economic and organizational measures created by the state in order to compensate citizens for earnings lost due to termination of public service upon reaching the length of service established by law upon retirement; or compensation for damage caused to their health during military service, as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner, upon reaching the legal age; or disabled citizens in order to provide them with a means of subsistence.

There are many differences between the two pension systems, so we will name only the main ones: sources of their financing; circle of persons subject to pensions; types of pensions; conditions for providing pensions; regulatory legal acts regulating pension relations; bodies providing pensions, etc. Let's consider some of these differences and the criteria for their delimitation.

Sources of funds. Within the framework of the insurance pension system, such a source is the Pension Fund budget. It is formed mainly from insurance premiums; federal budget funds; amounts of penalties and other financial sanctions; income from the placement (investment) of temporarily free funds of compulsory pension insurance. In recent years, other sources of replenishment of the Pension Fund budget have appeared: these are voluntary contributions from individuals and organizations, paid by them not as policyholders or insured persons. There are other sources that are not prohibited by Russian legislation.

Pensions under the budgetary pension system are financed from the state budget, including federal, regional (subjects of the Russian Federation) and local (municipal) budgets. These funds are generated from taxes provided for by tax legislation, as well as other financial sources.

The circle of persons subject to pensions. Differences in pension systems can also be observed in the categories of persons covered by pensions.

The insurance pension system “serves” insured citizens with this type of compulsory social insurance, i.e. citizens entitled to insurance pensions. They are citizens of Russia, as well as foreign citizens living on the territory of the Russian Federation and stateless persons working for employment contract or under a civil law agreement, the subject of which is the performance of work and provision of services, as well as under an author’s and license agreement; those who provide themselves with work (individual entrepreneurs, private detectives, notaries in private practice, lawyers); citizens who are members of peasant (farm) households; as well as those working outside the territory of Russia, in case of payment of insurance premiums in the manner prescribed by federal law. These also include persons who are members of tribal and family communities small peoples of the North, employed in traditional sectors of the economy, and other categories of citizens whose cases regarding compulsory pension insurance are resolved in accordance with the Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance”.

Russian citizens who comply with the conditions provided for by the Federal Law “On State Pension Security” have the right to receive a pension under the budgetary pension system. These include, for example, federal government employees, military personnel, participants in the Great Patriotic War, citizens injured as a result of radiation or man-made disasters, disabled citizens who are not entitled to labor pensions. Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a pension on the same basis as Russian citizens, unless otherwise provided by the above-mentioned law or international treaties Russian Federation.

In addition to the Federal Law “On State Pension Security,” the provision of material support to certain categories of persons at the expense of the state budget is carried out in accordance with other regulatory legal acts. Thus, retired judges have the right to receive a monthly lifelong allowance in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1992 “On the status of judges in the Russian Federation”; and persons who have special merits to the Fatherland have the right to receive such a payment in accordance with the Federal Law of March 4, 2002 “On additional monthly material support for citizens of the Russian Federation”*. (The Federal Law “On State Pension Provision”, strictly speaking, did not become an act of codification due to the presence of many norms, both referring to the norms of other normative acts and not containing indications of the existence of other legal acts providing for the existing types of pension payments to citizens.)

For citizens who are simultaneously entitled to different pensions, one pension is established at their choice.

Differences in the standards for the provision of pensions in the two pension systems also depend on the category of persons, as mentioned above.

The right to payments under the insurance pension system is determined by the relevant conditions established for a particular labor pension. Thus, men who have reached the age of 60 and women who have reached the age of 55, and with at least fifteen years of insurance experience, have the right to old-age insurance pensions; or both of them who have reached a “reduced” age (due to special working conditions, natural and climatic living conditions, medical and biological factors, unemployment). In the absence of length of service, a social pension is established in accordance with the Law on State Pensions. A disability insurance pension is provided to a person recognized as a disabled person of groups I, II, III, regardless of the cause of disability, length of insurance coverage, continuation of work and (or) other activities, etc. To receive an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, you must have the status of a disabled family member a deceased breadwinner who was his dependent; or fulfill other requirements provided for by the legislation on insurance pensions.

To receive pensions under the budget pension system, each category of citizens has its own conditions. They are indicated

in federal laws and other regulatory legal acts. Thus, federal civil servants receive the right to a long service pension if they have at least 15 years of public service experience and are subject to their dismissal from the federal public service on the grounds expressly specified in the Law on State Pensions. A disability pension is assigned to military personnel who become disabled during the period of their conscription military service as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen or no later than three months after dismissal from military service or in the event of disability occurring later than this period, but due to injury, concussion, injuries or illnesses received during military service. The conditions for providing pensions to other military personnel are established in the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and criminal authorities -the executive system, and their families."

The bodies providing pensions differ according to some criteria. Such criteria may include financial sources from which pension payments are made; organizational and legal forms of social security; categories of persons provided with pensions; regulatory legal acts regulating pension relations.

The presence of these pension systems does not at all imply the existence of only two specific bodies that pay pensions. The bodies are different, which indicates the absence of a unified federal pension system for the population in the country.

  • Although these payments are not called pensions, in terms of their intended purpose they are in the nature of special pension provision for these categories of citizens.

Pension system of the Russian Federation

Pension system of the Russian Federation– a set of legal norms, public and private structures that provide periodic payments to citizens of funds upon reaching retirement age, as well as in the event of disability or loss of a breadwinner.

The labor part of the pension is regulated by Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation,” which stipulates, in particular, the right to early receipt of a pension for certain categories of citizens and other standards.

As a result of the pension reform of 2002, the following types of pensions were established in Russia.

Firstly, a labor pension: for old age, disability or loss of a breadwinner. It consists of two components - insurance and savings parts. The first is paid upon reaching a certain age. For men this is 60 years old, for women - 55. The insurance part is financed through mandatory contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In 2011, the payment for the main part of legal entities is 26% of the wage fund. At the same time, for workers born before 1966, the entire amount is transferred to the insurance part of the pension. For those born after 1966, deductions are divided in the following proportion: 20% - insurance, 6% - funded part. At the same time, the Pension Fund maintains a separate personal account for each employee, where payments are recorded.

The funded part of the pension can be accumulated in a state or non-state pension fund.

Secondly, a pension for long service, which is received by federal government employees, military personnel (except for those who served in conscription), astronauts, and test pilots. Such pension payments are regulated by separate laws.

Thirdly, the social pension is for those who are not entitled to a labor pension, for example, for unemployed people. According to the law, the social pension cannot be below the subsistence level.

Fourthly, non-state pension. Paid on the basis of an agreement concluded between the participant and the non-state pension fund. The amount of contributions and subsequent payments is specified in the agreement.

The pension system in force in the fall of 2011 is not final. The problem is that, on the one hand, it is necessary to increase payments, and on the other, to reduce the burden on the business, which must pay contributions from the payroll fund. Another pension reform is planned for 2014, although the final parameters of what will happen have not yet been determined.

See what the “Russian Pension System” is in other dictionaries:

    pension system- pension plan Any system, plan, the main purpose of which is to provide a certain group of people (participants of this system or plan) with pensions. The pension system may provide other benefits in addition to pensions... ...

    Pension system- (Russia) Pension system (UK) Pension system (Sweden) Pension provision in Canada Pension fund of Ukraine Pension provision in Kazakhstan See also Pension ... Wikipedia

    Pension system- The public pension system was introduced in Japan during the Second World War in 1942. However, in fact, it only began to operate in 1954, when the Japanese economy recovered from the war and post-war devastation. It was then... ... All Japan

    Pension system (UK)- The UK public pension system is currently regulated by The Pensions Act 2007, which was passed on 26 July 2007. The full provisions of this law will apply to those citizens... ... Wikipedia

    Pension system (Sweden)- The pension system of Sweden until the 90s of the 20th century was entirely based on the principle of “solidarity of generations”, according to which all citizens with 30 years of continuous work experience had the right to a full retirement pension in the amount of 60% percent of... ... Wikipedia

    Pension system (Russia)- The Russian pension system is a set of legal, economic and organizational institutions and norms created in the Russian Federation with the goal of providing citizens with material security in the form of a pension. Pension system... ...Wikipedia

    PENSION SYSTEM/PLAN- (pension scheme) Any system, plan, the main purpose of which is to provide a certain group of people (participants of this system or plan) with pensions. The pension system may provide other benefits in addition to pensions... ... Financial Dictionary

    Pension reform (Kazakhstan- Pension reform (Kazakhstan, 1998) The Republic of Kazakhstan is the first of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States to implement pension reform for the population. The prototype for the pension system in Kazakhstan was the Chilean... ... Wikipedia

    Pension reform- Pension reform is a set of organizational, legal, economic and political measures related to changes in the conditions of pension provision. Contents 1 International debate on pension reform ... Wikipedia

    pension savings system- A pension system in which pensioners independently, throughout their working career, accumulate the funds necessary to receive a regular pension at retirement age. After the death of a pensioner, unused pension payments... ... Technical Translator's Guide


  • Pension system of individual capitalization, V.V. Korovkin. The work is devoted to the general principles and practical functioning of the individual capitalization system and the features of its Chilean version, due to specific...

What is the modern pension system in Russia?

The Russian pension system is a set of institutions and norms created in the Russian Federation with the goal of providing citizens with material security in the form of a pension. The pension system in its modern form was introduced in Russia on January 1, 2002.

The Russian pension system consists of three types of pension provision: state pension provision, compulsory pension insurance and non-state pension provision.

Below you can find comparative characteristics these types of pensions.

What types of pensions are there?

As part of the state pension provision, pensions are paid under the state pension provision (hereinafter referred to as state pensions).

As part of compulsory pension insurance, they are paid.

As part of non-state pension provision, they are paid.

What is state pension provision?

Thus, the higher the salary, the higher the pension will be. However, you need to consider that there is . This value is indexed annually taking into account the growth of average wages in Russia. In 2017, it amounts to 876,000 rubles on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year (in 2016 – 796,000 rubles). In other words, as soon as earnings during the year reach 876,000 rubles, insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) for a citizen’s insurance and funded pension will not be transferred.

What is the non-state pension system?

(NPO) is the formation of pension contributions from citizens (from personal funds) or employers (from their own funds) through voluntary pension contributions.

NGO services are provided by (NPF). Between the NPF and the citizen or employing organization is concluded. Based on transferred pension contributions (personal or from organizational funds) and income from their investment, a non-state (individual or corporate) pension is formed and paid.

Comparative characteristics of types of pension provision

Characteristics Types of pensions
Administrator (responsible fund) Pension Fund PFR/NPF* NPF
Type of pension State Insurance** Non-state: individual or corporate
Payment source Federal budget Mandatory employer insurance contributions to the Pension Fund Pension contributions to the NPF of a citizen or his employer (in favor of the employee)
Recipients Narrow categories of the population Majority of the working population Active participants in the pension reform: citizens or organizations that have entered into an NGO agreement with the NPF