The concept of mass events, their types. Holding holidays, events and festivals What is a cultural mass event

Under mass events should be understood as a set of actions or phenomena social life with large quantity citizens committed in order to satisfy the political, spiritual, physical and other needs of citizens, which are a form of realization of their rights and freedoms, as well as a form social communication between people and a way to develop unity of attitudes of the individual, the team and society as a whole.

Thus, based on the definition of the concept of “mass event”, three main features can be distinguished:

A large number of people;

Organization of actions;

Having a goal.

All this distinguishes mass events from other cases of large crowds of people, for example at markets, train stations, beaches, etc.

Conventionally, all public events can be divided according to the following criteria: : by content and focus, significance, frequency, method of occurrence, possibility of participation.

1. Socio-political(demonstrations, rallies, street processions, demonstrations, elections of the President and deputies, supreme and local authorities, congresses, conferences, etc.). This type of event is characterized by a certain composition of participants, a high level of organization of the event, and common motives of behavior.

Federal Law of June 19, 2004 No. 54-FZ “On meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing” contains definitions of terms and concepts mass events:

public event- an open, peaceful, accessible to everyone, carried out in the form of a meeting, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing, or in various combinations of these forms, an action carried out on the initiative of citizens Russian Federation, political parties, others public associations and religious associations, including using Vehicle. The purpose of the public event is to freely express and form opinions, as well as put forward demands on various issues of the political, economic, social and cultural life of the country and issues foreign policy;

meeting– joint presence of citizens in a specially designated or adapted place for collective discussion of any socially significant issues;

rally - mass presence of citizens in a certain place for public expression public opinion about current problems predominantly of a socio-political nature;

demonstration – organized public expression of public sentiment by a group of citizens using posters, banners and other means of visual propaganda during movement;

procession– mass passage of citizens along a predetermined route in order to attract attention to any problems;

picketing– a form of public expression of opinions, carried out without movement and the use of sound-amplifying technical means by placing one or more citizens at the picketed object using posters, banners and other means of visual propaganda.

2. Cultural events(folk celebrations, carnivals, festivals, professional holidays, concerts, fairs, etc.).

3. Mass sports(Olympiads, Spartakiads, competitions in various sports, etc.).

4. Religious(rites, baptisms, sermons, religious holidays: Orthodox Easter, Muslim Eid al-Fitr, Uraza, etc.)

5. Special events(funeral processions, ensuring the safety of passage of officials entitled to state protection).

6. Mixed events, when several types of events are combined into one (national holidays of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

Sabantuy, Akatuy, etc.).

In addition, mass events can be divided on other grounds:

by importance - international, all-Russian, republican (territorial, regional) and local (city, district, etc.);

according to frequency – one-time (opening of monuments, memorial complexes, etc.), recurring (elections, congresses, etc.);

according to the method of occurrence - organized, spontaneous;

if possible, participation - public, limited number of participants.

Legal basis activities of citizens, public associations, bodies state power, local government bodies, as well as their officials during the preparation and conduct of mass events constitute the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms international law, Federal constitutional law “On a state of emergency”, federal laws “On meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and pickets”, “On political parties”, “On public associations”, “On security”, “On the police”, etc. In addition Moreover, constitutions, laws, other legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as legal acts of local government bodies adopted by them within the limits of their powers.

The holding of meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing for the purpose of election campaigning or campaigning on referendum issues is also regulated by the norms of the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” and other legislative acts on elections and referendums. The conduct of religious rites and ceremonies and other public events of a religious nature are regulated by separate provisions of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations.”

In accordance with Art. 7 of the Federal Law “On Meetings, Rallies, Demonstrations, Processions and Picketing”, a notification of a public event (except for a meeting and picketing held by one participant) is submitted by its organizer in writing to the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government authority within the deadline no earlier than 15 and no later than 10 days before the day of the public event. When picketing by a group of people, notification of a public event may be submitted no later than three days before the day of its holding, and if these days coincide with Sunday and (or) a non-working holiday (non-working days) holidays), – no later than four days before the day of its holding.

The procedure for submitting a notice of a public event to the executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local government body is regulated by the relevant law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The notice of a public event shall indicate:

1) The purpose of the public event;

2) Form of public event;

3) the place(s) of the public event, the routes of movement of participants, and if the public event will be held using vehicles, information about the use of vehicles;

4) date, start and end time of the public event;

5) the expected number of participants in the public event;

6) forms and methods of ensuring the organizer of a public event of public order, organization medical care, intention to use sound-amplifying technical means during a public event;

7) last name, first name, patronymic or name of the organizer of the public event, information about his place of residence or stay or location and telephone number;

8) last names, first names and patronymics of persons authorized by the organizer of a public event to perform administrative functions in organizing and conducting a public event;

9) date of submission of notification of the public event.

Currently, various public events are one of the popular forms of social activity and leisure of the population and satisfy the individual’s needs for direct involvement in political life, achievements in sports, culture, and art.

A mass event is an event accessible to an indefinite number of citizens.

In practice, all mass events are conventionally divided into socio-political, cultural, sports, entertainment and religious rituals. They differ in the purposes of their organization, the nature and number of participants and spectators, venues, the degree of influence on protected public relations and other factors.

TO social and political events include demonstrations, rallies, processions, congresses of political parties and public organizations, elections of deputies different levels, the president of the country, etc. This type of event is characterized, as a rule, by a high level of organization, qualitative homogeneity of the participants, formality, as well as common motives and stereotypes of people’s behavior.

In accordance with the Federal Law of June 19, 2004 No. 54 - FZ, public event is an open, peaceful, accessible to everyone, carried out in the form of a meeting, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing, or in various combinations of these forms, an action carried out on the initiative of citizens of the Russian Federation, political parties, other public associations and religious associations, including use of vehicles. The purpose of the public event is to freely express and form opinions, as well as put forward demands on various issues of the political, economic, social and cultural life of the country and foreign policy issues.

Public events are divided into:

- meeting– joint presence of citizens in a specially designated or adapted place for collective discussion of any socially significant issues;

- rally– the massive presence of citizens in a certain place for the public expression of public opinion on current problems of a predominantly socio-political nature;

- demonstration– organized public expression of public sentiment by a group of citizens using posters, banners and other means of visual propaganda during movement;

- procession– mass passage of citizens along a predetermined route in order to attract attention to any problems;

- picketing– a form of public expression of opinions, carried out without movement and the use of sound-amplifying technical means by placing one or more citizens at the picketed object using posters, banners and other means of visual propaganda.

The organizer of a public event may be: one or more citizens of the Russian Federation (the organizer of demonstrations, marches and pickets is a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18, rallies and meetings - 16 years), political parties, other public associations and religious associations, their regional branches and other structural units that have undertaken to organize and conduct a public event.

Cannot be the organizer of a public event:

1) a person recognized by the court as incompetent or partially capable, as well as a person held in prison by a court verdict;

2) a political party, other public association and religious association, their regional branches and other structural units whose activities have been suspended or prohibited or which have been liquidated in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Participants in a public event are citizens, members of political parties, members and participants of other public associations and religious associations who voluntarily participate in it.

Notification of a public event (except for a meeting and picketing held by one participant) is submitted by its organizer in writing to the executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government body no earlier than 15 and no later than 10 days before the day of the public event. When picketing by a group of people, notification of a public event may be submitted no later than three days before the day of its holding, and if these days coincide with a Sunday and (or) a non-working holiday (non-working holidays), no later than four days before the day its implementation.

A public event may be held in any place suitable for the purposes of this event if its holding does not create a threat of collapse of buildings and structures or other threat to the safety of participants in this public event. The conditions for prohibiting or restricting the holding of a public event in certain places may be specified by federal laws.

Places where holding a public event is prohibited include::

Territories directly adjacent to hazardous production facilities and other facilities, the operation of which requires compliance with special safety regulations;

Overpasses, railway lines and rights-of-way of railways, oil, gas and product pipelines, high-voltage power lines;

Territories directly adjacent to the residences of the President of the Russian Federation, to buildings occupied by courts, to the territories and buildings of institutions executing punishment in the form of imprisonment;

Border zone, unless there is a special permit from authorized border authorities.

The procedure for holding a public event on the territories of objects that are historical and cultural monuments is determined by the executive authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation, taking into account the characteristics of such objects and the requirements of this Federal Law.

A public event cannot begin earlier than 7 a.m. and end later than 11 p.m. of the current day, local time.

The organizer of a public event does not have the right to hold it if the notice of holding the public event was not submitted on time or if a change in the place and (or) time of the public event was not agreed upon with the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local government body based on their reasoned proposal.

Cultural Events: folk festivals; exhibitions, vernissages; carnivals, masquerades; theatrical performances, festivals; fairs, concerts, etc. These events are characterized by various shapes human behavior that develops in the context of randomly formed communities of citizens seeking to satisfy their cultural, emotional and spiritual needs. However, despite the heterogeneity of the composition, differences in education, age, the presence of different interests and aspirations, in general, the behavior of people attending the mentioned events fits into generally accepted norms.

Sports and entertainment Events: international and all-Russian competitions in various sports; Olympic Games; Spartakiads of all scales; cross-country runs, runs, relay races, races, etc. Characteristic feature of the mass events under consideration is the presence of a certain contingent of sports fans, the so-called fans belonging to various sports clubs. As a rule, their behavior is characterized by a biased attitude towards their team, reaching the point of fanaticism.

Religious Events: Religious holidays; funeral processions. IN last years Thanks to democratic reforms in the country, the population's interest in religion has increased significantly. Divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies are freely performed in religious buildings and structures and related territories (cemeteries, crematoria) in the manner prescribed by Federal Law No. 125-FZ of September 19, 1997 “On freedom of conscience and religious associations.” In other cases, public worship, other religious rites and ceremonies are carried out in the manner established for holding rallies, processions and demonstrations.


II. Organization of public order protection and public safety during mass events, management of forces and means

III. Administrative and legal means of preventing and suppressing violations of the procedure for organizing and holding mass events

IV. Interaction between internal affairs bodies and government agencies and public associations during public events


List of used literature


order mass event violation


Residents and guests of any big city, one way or another, quite often or rarely, directly themselves, or indirectly through relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues, etc. face the problem of physical security. Practice shows that this risk increases sharply during various public events. Mass events have great social and cultural significance in life, emphasizing functions; they satisfy the need of citizens for cultural recreation, increasing citizens' pride in their city and status in Russia. The organization of cultural, sports and socio-political events is one of the criteria by which city residents judge the activities of the Moscow Government, public organizations, and law enforcement agencies.

The new quality of the problem of public security associated with its aggravation is due to a number of factors (socio-economic, legal, political, etc.) both general and specific. The first include: changes in the forms of the social system, which caused a growing desire of the population to express their opinions in the forms of direct democracy (demonstrations, rallies); the failure of socio-economic “reforms”, which sometimes force the population to take extreme measures to express their discontent through targeted mass protest actions: growth democratic legal consciousness, development of the institution of “human rights”, awareness of one’s own civil rights, freedoms and responsibilities, with a simultaneous increase in legal awareness regarding the measures taken law enforcement agencies when performing their functions; activation religious life, expressed in thousands of religious festivals; the development of mass and rock culture, coupled with the need for economic support for large sports and entertainment complexes, which pay off only if there is an audience of thousands; a significant increase in the risks associated with the threat to individual and collective security from the outside international terrorism and national extremism; growth in the production and consumption of alcohol, its universal availability; drugs spreading; further marginalization of the population, turning it into a “crowd”. It is impossible not to note the influence of low professional ethics and journalistic culture in the media mass media, sometimes fueling negative public sentiment.

The topic of the work “Protection of public order and ensuring public order during mass events” is relevant today, when various dangerous situations quite often arise - riots in stadiums during sports matches, concerts, tense situations during elections. The activity of the police in such situations is of paramount importance.

I. Concept and types of mass events. Tasks of internal affairs bodies and features of protecting public order during mass events

1.1 Basic concepts and types of public events

A mass event is an organized, active form of realization of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests large groups(mass) of people in in public places, as well as a way to satisfy the economic, political, cultural, religious and other needs of citizens. A public event is an open, peaceful, accessible to everyone, held in the form of a meeting, rally, demonstration, procession or picketing, or in various combinations of these forms, an action carried out on the initiative of citizens of the Russian Federation, political parties, other public associations and religious associations. The purpose of the public event is to freely express and form opinions, as well as put forward demands on various issues of the political, economic, social and cultural life of the country and foreign policy issues. A meeting is the joint presence of citizens in a specially designated or adapted place for a collective discussion of any socially significant issues. A rally is a mass presence of citizens in a certain place for the public expression of public opinion on current problems of a predominantly socio-political nature. Demonstration is an organized public expression of public sentiment by a group of citizens using posters, banners and other means of visual propaganda during movement. A procession is a mass passage of citizens along a predetermined route in order to attract attention to any problems. Picketing is a form of public expression of opinions carried out without movement and the use of sound-amplifying technical means by placing one or more citizens at the picketed object using posters, banners and other means of visual propaganda.

Types of public events: By content:

Socio-political (congresses, symposiums, conferences);

Mass cultural events (festivals, folk festivals);

Sports (spartakiads, sports matches, Olympics). By importance:




According to the method of occurrence:



By location:

In buildings and structures:

In open areas.

By frequency:




If possible, participation:


Limited by the number of participants or social status.1

1.2 Tasks of the Department of Internal Affairs and features of security during events

The tasks of the Department of Internal Affairs to ensure public order and public safety during mass events:

1. Creating conditions for the normal implementation of mass events and ensuring the personal safety of citizens.

2. Providing assistance in organizing a public event.

3. Prevention and suppression of possible crimes and other violations, ensuring public safety.

4. Ensuring strict compliance by participants and spectators with the established rules of conduct.

5. Ensuring road safety and fire safety.

6. Preventing the weakening of public order in the territory where the event is not taking place.

ATS forces to ensure public order and public safety during mass events:

Public security police forces: combat units of the police patrol service, incl. riot police; personnel of the combat units of the traffic police of the traffic police: combat units of the police departmental security: combat units of medical sobering stations; local police officers;

Special motorized operational units of internal troops;

Criminal police forces and other services: criminal investigation, OBEP, investigation, forensic units, staff of headquarters, personnel, etc.

Activities carried out during the preparatory period:

1. An operational headquarters is created. Its composition and responsibilities of its members are determined.

2. A control point is organized: stationary or mobile.

3. A plan for ensuring public order and public safety is being developed or adjusted.

4. The required amount of forces and means is calculated.

To bring every idea to life, you need to be able to present it beautifully. And this is only possible with high-quality organization. If you learn how to organize presentations, business events, etc., as well as attract funds to your activities through fundraising, then your idea will be successfully implemented.

Event - these are pre-planned and determined by topic, place and time actions of the organizer, carried out for participants in their own interests.

Activities vary in their focus, goals, functions and frequency.

Events are divided into the following main groups: regular, irregular, mass and corporate.

A regular event is understood as a form of management activity, the content of which is joint work under the leadership of the organizer of a regulated number of participants in advance known times and a place for discussion and decision-making on an issue specified on the agenda.

An irregular event refers to the actions of the organizer in a certain area when it is necessary to promote their interests.

A mass event is an action by an organizer that is carried out for a large number of participants according to a pre-drawn plan and scenario in order to realize their interests.

Organizing events is a fascinating, but very complex, responsible process that requires time, ideas, and human resources. And the larger the organization of events, the more of these resources are required.

Today, many successful companies for promotion trademark or product are used by well-organized, vibrant events. Contact with the audience on an emotional level, which is established during the event, allows you to better and more effectively influence the target audience. They allow you to achieve the following goals:

  • building and promoting a successful brand
  • creating a news story for a PR campaign for a product or service
  • bright, dynamic product launch to the market
  • brand positioning, brand image management
  • brand promotion through event promotion
  • formation of a loyal attitude towards the product among target consumer groups
  • effective promotion of products characterized by impulse demand

Event preparation stages:

  1. Determine the topic and age of the audience
  2. Determine the goals of the event
  3. Determine the structure of the event
  4. Create an event organizing committee
  • Development of an original concept and writing an event script
  • Selection of a site that matches the chosen concept and your wishes
  • Event management (preparation, management, organizational part)
  • Selection of the event host
  • Organization of performances by artists, musicians, presenters, animators
  • Decoration of the event: design development and production of decorations, rental and production of costumes, floral arrangements, decoration with balloons
  • Technical design of the event: lighting and sound equipment, fireworks and salutes, laser show
  • Catering (the catering industry associated with the provision of services at remote locations, including all enterprises and services that provide contract services for catering for employees of companies and individuals on premises and on-site, as well as catering for events for various purposes and retail sales finished culinary products. In practice, catering means not only food preparation and delivery, but also service, presentation, decoration and similar services.)
  • Raise funds for the event
  • There are the following types of events:

    Image and PR events : scientific and technical conferences, congresses, conventions, symposiums dedicated to achievements and developments in a particular area

    This type of event undoubtedly refers to business events. A reception for business partners, a presentation of new products or services, a celebrity autograph session, press breakfasts - these are all events aimed at exchanging information, promoting, establishing contacts and maintaining reputation, improving the image both among direct participants of the event itself and among a wider circle those who know about it.

    Presentations, press conferences, exhibitions, forums

    A presentation is a modern business event, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the company as a whole, to its achievements, individual goods or services. This is an effective and comfortable way to interact with representatives, partners or clients of the company, which helps to carry out effective positioning and personal contact with the audience. Organizing a presentation, like organizing any event, involves selecting a site and writing a script, selecting entertainment program, if it is planned. The success of the presentation also depends on the guests invited to it - these can be not only business partners or clients, but also journalists and famous media personalities, whose appearance will increase interest in the event as a whole, and, therefore, in the goods or services being presented. Conferences, exhibitions and forums, as well as presentations, are also types of business events, the success of which directly depends on the experience of coordinating and effective management of the event, on the ability to hold all the elements of the event and see the big picture. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of selecting a site for these events, because... In many ways they are image-based.

    Trainings and seminars

    Can be aimed at different topics.

    Sports events

    A sports competition is a competition (rivalry) between people in a playful manner in order to determine the advantage in the degree of physical fitness and in the development of certain aspects of consciousness.

    Social events

    Carnival. What is a carnival in the understanding of any of us? This is the European holiday of February, during which the laws of the ancients come into force, pagan holidays. For a long time on this day, all people, rich and poor, old and young, lonely and in love, allowed themselves all the pranks that could come into their heads! At the end of the holiday, the king of the carnival was chosen, “acting” until the next holiday. And today at this time in any exciting part of the world like Portugal, Italy, Spain or colonized India, the streets are filled with picturesque, noisy processions on platforms.

    A meeting is the joint presence of a group of citizens in a certain place for discussion different topics or solutions to certain problems.

    A procession is one of the forms of public events, a mass ceremonial march of people in connection with some significant event or in accordance with a custom, ritual, or a protest march with some demand; procession.

    Monstration (from the word demonstration) is a mass artistic event in the form of a demonstration with slogans and banners, which participants use as the main means of communication with viewers, with each other, as a means of self-expression, as an artistic technique with which they comprehend the surrounding reality. For the most part, the content of the banners looks extremely absurd and apolitical, but they have multiple meanings. This action is not according to a script, the date is known in advance (May 1 of each year), the author designates only the place and the exact start time, the rest is improvisation by the participants in the action. In this regard, the organizers classify the Monstration not as a flash mob or performance, but as a happening. ((English perfor mance - performance, execution, game, presentation) is a form of modern art, one of the varieties of actionism included in the conceptualism of the 1960s. Performance is a short performance performed by one or more participants in front of the public of an art gallery or museum. Performance actions are planned in advance and proceed according to a certain program. It is possible to organize and conduct such actions in the open air - landscape performance. The fundamental difference between performance and theater is precisely that the performer or participant in the artistic action performs absolutely real actions, which are nothing but them themselves, are not depicted. Moreover, in contrast to the happening with its improvisation and spontaneity, the performance is carried out by a group of people by prior agreement, and its main meaning, again, is not in itself, but in the space of deeply individual, aesthetic and event-related experiences of eyewitnesses and accomplices.)

    A picket is a small group of people gathered to express some kind of protest.

    Parade - a ceremonial passage (ceremonial march) of troops or military equipment. It is carried out, as a rule, on official holidays, celebrations of state and military significance, as well as after the completion of major military exercises (historically maneuvers). Less commonly, parades are the solemn passage of various groups, organizations, movements or parties.

    Modern city events are not just mass celebrations or just a ceremonial part. Today, organizing city events involves a successful combination of the interests of the public and organizers, adults and children, the theme of the events and overall attractiveness.

    Charity event. In our country, they, as well as such methods of raising funds as a charity telethon or lottery, were very much speculated upon. Therefore, public confidence in this method of seeking help has dropped significantly. Charity is the provision of selfless (free of charge or on preferential terms) assistance to those who need it. The main feature of charity is the free and spontaneous choice of the type, time and place, as well as the content of assistance.

    A social event or social party is an event or ball with the participation of socialites, politicians, movie and pop stars.

    Corporate events and teambuilding

    For any company, internal celebrations and events are no less important for successful operations than organizing receptions for clients and partners. These events can be aimed at maintaining the company’s image among its employees, encouraging and strengthening the internal corporate spirit. is also an effective marketing tool that allows you not only to please employees, but also to celebrate significant dates or events in the life of the company, use as an information occasion for various publications and messages, remind about the company, or support its image and social orientation.

    How special kind corporate events, teambuilding is highlighted - an event aimed at uniting the team of the entire organization or one of the divisions, if organizational structure quite extensive.

    Ceremonies and concerts

    Ceremonies are large-scale events at the executive level. The features of this type of event are not only necessary careful preparation, but also in a special algorithm for developing a script and program related to the need to comply with the requirements of the protocol. Frequent guests and laureates at the ceremonies are: famous people, and top officials of states.

    Concerts are a special type of event that can exist either as a separate project or as part of any other type of event.

    Social events

    A social event is a delicate diplomatic event that requires a special approach to organization, style, sense of proportion and impeccable adherence to etiquette. There can be no trifles in planning a social reception. Everything is important - from the color of the napkins on the tables and the uniform of the service staff to the location and start time of the event. As in organizing any event, when planning a social reception it is important to clearly define goals and objectives in advance. Decide what exactly you expect from this reception, who you want to invite and how many guests you are willing to accept.

    Private events

    There are many significant events in our lives that we would like to celebrate with special pomp and trepidation, with our family and people close to us. The scale of the event can be very different - from romantic dinner before the grand celebration

    Theatrical performances

    Theatrical performances and holidays give people a similar, festive mood, creating a festive situation. The festive situation, in turn, is realized in a mass holiday, which is part of cultural and educational work. A mass holiday is an unusual phenomenon, synthesizing reality and art, artistically designing one or another real life event.

    The art of a mass celebration, performance, spectacle is the art of high ideas, purposefulness and civic pathos, which at the same time requires vivid imagery, associativity, an original, bold creative concept. And in order to better organize and develop theatrical performances of all types and genres, it is absolutely necessary to understand the basic laws of this type of art, which really exist, since folk theater culture has been created and developed over thousands of years.

    As for the mass theatrical celebration, this is, of course, an established festival of types and at the same time a voluminous, synthesizing form of theatrical performance. This is the crown of creativity of the people for the people. Comprehension of the essential features of the dramaturgy of such a festival can be fruitful only after a detailed study of other types of theatrical performances.

    It is known that the basis of all types and genres of theatrical performances and celebrations is the script, which, according to the unanimous recognition of theorists, common features with dramatic works of theatre, cinema, television and radio. The main unifying point here is the dramatic conflict, for conflict is the basis of drama as a type of art.


    Fundraising, Sometimes fundraising(from the English Fundraising) is the process of attracting funds and other resources (human, material, information, etc.) that an organization cannot provide on its own and which are necessary for the implementation of a specific project or its activities in general.

    Fundraising (from the English "fund" - stock, fund, capital, cash and “raise” – to raise, increase) - an organized search and collection of financial and other funds, in particular, for the implementation of charitable support for socially significant projects, programs and actions, and public institutions.

    This concept is often understood very literally - as the search for money. In fact, fundraising involves collecting resources different types. This could be money, gifts, barter, renting premises, volunteer work, etc.

    In fundraising, the main thing is not money, but GOALS, the achievement of which requires support.

    So, we have come directly to the very process of implementing fundraising activities in an organization. Below is an approximate step-by-step action plan for working in the field of fundraising.

    Stage 1. Select a problem that needs to be solved using the resources received. Set time frames.

    Stage 2. Collect full information and think through arguments in your favor.

    Stage 3. Analyze the possible motives of potential sponsors: which of them can be encouraged.

    Stage 4. Analyze past fundraising experience, identify your supporters who you can contact first. Determine who else you can contact.

    Stage 5. Prepare and reproduce materials for submission to sponsors (applications, press releases, etc.).

    Stage 6. Agree fundraising methods within the organization.

    Stage 7. Organize the work of assistants (those who will directly collect donations). It is necessary to ensure that they have the necessary information and materials for their work.

    Stage 8. Establish a procedure for monitoring the receipt of funds.

    Fundraising methods:

    • Telefundraising - contacting potential donors and philanthropists by telephone and fax.
    • Mail fundraising is an appeal to potential donors and philanthropists by mail.
    • Individual fundraising is a personal appeal to donors and philanthropists in a personal conversation.
    • Solo fundraising - acquiring support.
    • Events fundraising - holding various events (auctions, exhibitions, lotteries, presentations, dinners, etc.)

    Important aspects of a fundraising strategy are the following:

    1. Writing a business plan for the project.
    2. Writing a sponsorship proposal.
    3. Clearly defining the target audience of the project to further identify potential sponsors.
    4. Establishing relationships with partners that satisfy the interests of both parties.
    5. Proper closure of the project (includes working with partners after the end of the project to create the possibility of further long-term cooperation).

    Fundraising is widely practiced for the preparation and holding of special events, such as balls, parties, competitions, marathons, auctions, presentations, conferences, and dinners. During their preparation and implementation, the attention of potential donors is attracted and at the same time the necessary funds are collected. During such an event, it is important to note each of the arriving guests, if necessary, to highlight a specific guest from the rest of the audience.

    In conclusion, it should be noted that fundraising is not asking for money, but a planned work that is aimed at receiving donations made consciously. The essence of fundraising is the establishment of partnerships, the transition to a strategy of cooperation with people and organizations that can provide material support.

    It is no secret that the success of any event depends primarily on the quality of its organization. Organizing an event that gives positive emotions is not an easy task. And when these emotions need to be given to a huge number of people at once, to charge more than ten thousand people with positivity?! For example, organize a large music festival in the central park of the city. And at the same time ensure their safety, comfort and good mood. Then the task becomes many times more difficult. Moreover, it becomes complicated only at the moment of planning the event and its approval. It is these approvals that we will try to talk about in this article.

    All mass events can be divided into public events (meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and pickets) and cultural, sports, theatrical events, including private events. The organization of the first group of events is mainly a licensing procedure and is regulated by the legislation on meetings, rallies, processions and picketing (we wrote about them in detail in website issue 4-2012). The second group of activities is mainly of a notification nature.

    The main city act establishing the procedure for approving mass events in Moscow is Order of the Mayor of Moscow No. 1054-RM dated October 5, 2000 “On approval of the Temporary Regulations on the procedure for organizing and conducting mass cultural, educational, theatrical, entertainment, sports and advertising events in Moscow." The organizers of these events can be legal entities or individuals who initiate the event and provide organizational, financial and other support for its implementation.

    According to this document, events are divided into two groups: up to 5000 and over 5000 people. Notification of the intention to hold a mass event, depending on the number of participants, is sent for consideration to:

    • 45 days in advance - for a mass event with more than 5,000 participants, or if the mass event is held on the territory of several administrative districts - to the Moscow City Hall;
    • 30 days in advance - for a mass event of up to 5,000 people - to prefects or heads of administration (for a very small event) of the relevant administrative districts of Moscow.

    The notification must contain information about the name of the event, the program indicating the place, time, conditions of organizational, financial and other support for its holding, the expected number of participants, and contact information of the organizers of the event. Notifications are reviewed within 10–15 days, and based on the results, an order is issued on consent or refusal of consent to hold a mass event.

    Mass events, the holding of which is associated with certain risks (for example, when carrying out trade or organizing a fan zone) must be ensured by the presence of police, emergency medical, fire and other necessary assistance.

    When planning and advertising events, you should also pay attention to the law on advertising (No. 38-FZ of March 13, 2006) and the legislation on the organization of fireworks (Moscow Government Decree of June 24, 2003 No. 494-PP “On the venues of festive artillery salutes and measures to regulate the arrangement of fireworks displays by non-governmental organizations in Moscow”).

    Here are the main organizational components of success. It’s just a matter of knowledge and strict compliance with all regulatory norms and acts, coordinated work of the organizers and prompt interaction with the administration.

    Key Definitions

    Mass event- a one-time mass cultural, educational, theatrical, entertainment, sports or advertising event, requiring approval from the city executive authorities, held from 8:00 to 23:00.

    Organizer of a mass event- legal entities or individuals who initiate a mass event and provide organizational, financial and other support for its holding.

    Object for holding a mass event- a building or structure or a complex of such buildings and structures, including adjacent territory, temporarily intended or prepared for holding mass events, as well as city squares, streets, reservoirs and other territories specially designated for the period of their holding.

    Administration of the mass event venue- legal, individual, which manages the venue for the mass event.

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    1. Events where trade is carried out or other activities related to making a profit are possible must be provided with police, medical, fire and other escort (carried out on a contractual basis).

    2. Cleaning the event venue and surrounding area, servicing mobile toilets - on the basis of a notification from the Department of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the City of Moscow (carried out on a contractual basis).

    3. Administration of the event venue:

    • adopts an administrative document indicating specific tasks for all facility services involved in the event;
    • at least 5 days before the date of the event, draw up a report on the readiness of the facility;
    • one day and 4 hours before the start of a mass event, together with representatives of law enforcement and fire-fighting agencies, executive authorities, conducts an inspection of the facility, including trade and public catering establishments;
    • 1.5 hours before the start of the event, approves the arrangement of persons responsible for certain places, sets up a control and administrative service;
    • informs at the end of the event the officials who accepted the order of consent to its holding.

    4. Fireworks displays.

    Fireworks show organizer (only entity) must have:

    • a license for the right to conduct fireworks displays, as well as a copy of the diagram of the location of the fireworks display, approved by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow, with the designation of the launch site and the boundaries of the security zone;
    • specialists who entered into agreements with him employment contracts and meeting the qualification requirements for conducting fireworks displays;
    • vehicles suitable for transporting used pyrotechnic products and equipment;
    • launching equipment for fireworks displays;
    • technological documentation regulating the safety of work performed;
    • permission to hold fireworks, issued by the Department of Regional Security of Moscow (the request is considered no less than 5 days, permission is issued no less than 4 days before the fireworks).

    5. Responsibility of the organizers

    Administrative or criminal - depending on the act.

    Basic legislative acts for the organizer of mass events

    1. Order of the Mayor of Moscow No. 1054-RM dated October 5, 2000 “On approval of the Temporary Regulations on the procedure for organizing and conducting mass cultural, educational, theatrical, entertainment, sports and advertising events in Moscow.”

    2. Decree of the Moscow government of September 30, 2008 No. 869-PP “On measures to organize and conduct festive artillery salutes and fireworks displays in the city of Moscow.”

    4. Code of the Russian Federation on administrative violations No. 195-FZ of December 30, 2001 (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).
