The closest relative of dinosaurs in our time. How long did dinosaurs live and why did they die out

Everyone loved dinosaurs as a child, and almost everyone just adored Jurassic Park. But not many people know that almost everything that popular culture tells us about dinosaurs is not true. In this collection of the most popular misconceptions about dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs were the largest creatures ever to have lived on earth.

First, not all dinosaurs were big. Of course, some of them reached quite serious sizes. But these were isolated species. In addition to them, there were many less impressive dinosaurs, the size of a sheep, dog or chicken, for example. The smallest of known to science dinosaurs weighed about 200 grams. Secondly: you will be surprised, but the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth is our contemporary with you - this is the blue whale. So if you were upset that you could never see a live megaladon, you have every chance of seeing a much larger giant alive.

All dinosaurs lived in the tropics

This myth stems from the fact that the climate used to be much warmer than it is now. And based on this, some seriously believe that almost all the land was then covered with thick rainforests. In reality, of course, this is not the case. During the existence of dinosaurs, however, as now, there were already deserts, and plains, and ordinary forests, and jungles on Earth, of course. Moreover, over the millions of years that dinosaurs walked on our planet, the landscape, like the climate, has constantly changed. And dinosaurs successfully mastered the entire spectrum of ecosystems.

Dinosaurs were dumb creatures with tiny brains.

To judge the intelligence of creatures that lived 100 million years ago, of which only petrified remains have survived, is an extremely thankless task. The only thing we can know more or less exactly is the size of their brains. And, of course, it was different for all dinosaurs, both in absolute value and relative to body size. The same stegosaurus, often ridiculed for its tiny brain, actually had a brain the size of Walnut and weighing about 70 grams. On the other hand, our favorite four-legged friends, dogs, have brains that are about the same size. But dogs weigh a maximum of 100 kilograms, which is 20 times less than a stegosaurus weighed. But the brain of a tyrannosaurus rex, for example, was three times larger than the brain of a dolphin. But in terms of body size, it roughly corresponds to the brain of modern reptiles.

The Jurassic period is the "golden age" of the dinosaurs.

Well, firstly: the greatest diversification of dinosaur varieties, according to statistical studies, was not in the Jurassic, but in the late Cretaceous period. And secondly: even this obvious diversity is nothing more than an illusion, since it is the rocks of the Late Cretaceous period that are today more studied than the rocks of other periods. mesozoic era. So while with full certainty it is impossible to say when there were more dinosaurs.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is the largest carnivore ever to walk the earth.

Once again, a myth to which we are entirely indebted to popular culture. The Tyrannosaurus rex has become so often mentioned that it has practically become the personification of the brand in general for all dinosaurs. It’s just that with the word “dinosaur”, most will imagine either a tyrannosaurus rex or a triceratops in their head. So it is precisely the tyrannosaurus rex that is often called the largest and most dangerous of all terrestrial predators known to science. We will return to its danger, but for now let's talk about size. Today it is already absolutely certain that the tyrannosaurus rex was not the largest land predator in history. The largest skeleton found is 12.3 meters long. While the spinosaurus reached 16 meters in length. But these two giants have never met, since the tyrannosaurus rex is “younger” than its competitor by more than 30 million years. And, of course, that all these years, evolution has not stood still, therefore, in many respects, the tyrannosaurus looks like a much more advanced "killing machine" than its more ancient counterpart.

Dinosaurs were a dead end branch of evolution

The fact that they did not build cities and did not arrange wars for resources does not mean that they were a dead end branch of evolution. Dinosaurs were perfectly integrated into the then environment. They were the dominant species on the planet and, in fact, masters not only of the earth, but also of the air and the sea. Although objectively speaking, neither marine reptiles nor flying pangolins can be called dinosaurs, but still, they were much more related than us and dolphins, for example. And yet. Humans have been evolving for only two million years and have already come close to global crises and the threat of total destruction of themselves. While the dinosaurs evolved perfectly well for 135 million years, and if it were not for global cataclysms independent of them, they might have continued to live to this day.

In the time when dinosaurs lived, all mammals were the size of a mouse.

No, even then there were much more major representatives order of mammals. Here, however, it is worth immediately making a reservation: depending on what is considered a large size. Of course, if we talk about the size of a mammoth, then, of course, there were no such mammals at the time of the dinosaurs. In general, the average size of mammals then did not exceed the size of a modern cat. However, even then, namely about 125-122 million years ago, there were already such mammals as repenomas, for example. It was about 1 meter long, weighed 12-14 kg, and judging by the remains found, it even ate some small dinosaurs.

All dinosaurs lived only in the equatorial region of the earth, and the finds of their remains in temperate latitudes are explained by the movement of the continents

And again no. Yes, over the millions of years of the existence of dinosaurs, not only the climate changed, but also the landscape of the earth. But many modern finds prove that dinosaurs even lived in Antarctica. In fairness, it should be noted that in those days Australia and New Zealand were connected to Antarctica, forming one polar continent. The climate in those days, of course, was much warmer than today, but the dinosaurs who lived there still had to adapt to harsh conditions. weather conditions. In summer, the sun shone on this continent around the clock, and polar night reigned for five months of the year. It is possible that predators and herbivorous dinosaurs were in these areas in the summer, and in winter they migrated to warmer climes to the north.

Dinosaurs died out as a result of a meteorite fall

Contrary to the assurances of many people that this is exactly what happened, this is just one version of what happened. Scientific disputes on the topic of what caused the death of dinosaurs, whether their extinction was sudden or gradual, continue to this day; there is no single point of view. It is known for certain that the extinction of the dinosaurs was only part of the so-called "great extinction" that took place at the same time. Along with the dinosaurs, marine reptiles, flying lizards, many mollusks and a huge amount of small algae died out. In total, 16% of families of marine animals and 18% of families of land vertebrates died. According to one of the widespread theories, the death of dinosaurs could have occurred due to relatively close to ours. solar system supernova explosion. Such an event could unleash a deadly shower of gamma rays on Earth, and the X-rays ejected by the explosion could sweep away part of earth's atmosphere, forming a hot layer at a height of 20-80 km above the surface of the planet.

Velociraptors could reach speeds of up to 100 km/h
In general, the real image of a velociraptor that scientists managed to reconstruct is extremely far from what was shown to us in the Park jurassic". This is largely due to the fact that when working on the film, the basis was the reconstruction of another dinosaur - Deinonychus, which was previously classified as a genus of Velociraptors. But even the Deinonychus in the film are doubled in size compared to theirs. real size. As for real velociraptors, they were evolutionarily closer to birds, had plumage, were warm-blooded animals, reached a height of 60-70 cm and weighed about 20 kg. IN this moment there is no scientific evidence to think that velociraptors were able to run very fast, hunted in packs (all their remains found are separate individuals), and even more so, they had some kind of super-developed intellect. All this is nothing more than a fantasy.

Everyone loved dinosaurs as a child, and almost everyone just adored Jurassic Park. But not many people know that almost everything that popular culture tells us about dinosaurs is not true. In this compilation, we have collected the most popular misconceptions about dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs were the largest creatures ever to have lived on earth.

First, not all dinosaurs were big. Of course, some of them reached quite serious sizes. But these were isolated species. In addition to them, there were many less impressive dinosaurs, the size of a sheep, dog or chicken, for example. The smallest dinosaur known to science weighed about 200 grams. Secondly: you will be surprised, but the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth is our contemporary with you - this is the blue whale. So if you were upset that you could never see a live megaladon, you have every chance of seeing a much larger giant alive.

All dinosaurs lived in the tropics

This myth stems from the fact that the climate used to be much warmer than it is now. And based on this, some seriously believe that almost all the land was then covered with dense tropical forests. In reality, of course, this is not the case. During the existence of dinosaurs, however, as now, there were already deserts, and plains, and ordinary forests, and jungles on Earth, of course. Moreover, over the millions of years that dinosaurs walked on our planet, the landscape, like the climate, has constantly changed. And dinosaurs successfully mastered the entire spectrum of ecosystems.

Dinosaurs were dumb creatures with tiny brains.

To judge the intelligence of creatures that lived 100 million years ago, of which only petrified remains have survived, is an extremely thankless task. The only thing we can know more or less exactly is the size of their brains. And, of course, it was different for all dinosaurs, both in absolute value and relative to body size. The same Stegosaurus, often ridiculed for its tiny brain, actually had a brain the size of a walnut and weighing about 70 grams. On the other hand, our favorite four-legged friends, dogs, have brains that are about the same size. But dogs weigh a maximum of 100 kilograms, which is 20 times less than a stegosaurus weighed. But the brain of a tyrannosaurus rex, for example, was three times larger than the brain of a dolphin. But in terms of body size, it roughly corresponds to the brain of modern reptiles.

The Jurassic period is the "golden age" of the dinosaurs.

Well, firstly: the greatest diversification of dinosaur varieties, according to statistical studies, was not in the Jurassic, but in the late Cretaceous period. And secondly: even this apparent diversity is nothing more than an illusion, since it is precisely the rocks of the Late Cretaceous period that have been studied to a greater extent today than the rocks of other periods of the Mesozoic era. So while with full certainty it is impossible to say when there were more dinosaurs.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is the largest carnivore ever to walk the earth.

Once again, a myth to which we are entirely indebted to popular culture. The Tyrannosaurus rex has become so often mentioned that it has practically become the personification of the brand in general for all dinosaurs. It’s just that with the word “dinosaur”, most will imagine either a tyrannosaurus rex or a triceratops in their head. So it is precisely the tyrannosaurus rex that is often called the largest and most dangerous of all terrestrial predators known to science. We will return to its danger, but for now let's talk about size. Today it is already absolutely certain that the tyrannosaurus rex was not the largest land predator in history. The largest skeleton found is 12.3 meters long. While the spinosaurus reached 16 meters in length. But these two giants have never met, since the tyrannosaurus rex is “younger” than its competitor by more than 30 million years. And, of course, that all these years, evolution has not stood still, therefore, in many respects, the tyrannosaurus looks like a much more advanced "killing machine" than its more ancient counterpart.

Dinosaurs were a dead end branch of evolution

The fact that they did not build cities and did not arrange wars for resources does not mean that they were a dead end branch of evolution. Dinosaurs were perfectly integrated into the environment of that time. They were the dominant species on the planet and, in fact, masters not only of the earth, but also of the air and the sea. Although objectively speaking, neither marine reptiles nor flying pangolins can be called dinosaurs, but still, they were much more related than us and dolphins, for example. And yet. People have been evolving for only two million years and have already come close to global crises and the threat of total destruction of themselves. While the dinosaurs evolved perfectly well for 135 million years, and if it were not for global cataclysms independent of them, they might have continued to live to this day.

In the time when dinosaurs lived, all mammals were the size of a mouse.

No, even then there were much larger representatives of the order of mammals. Here, however, it is worth immediately making a reservation: depending on what is considered a large size. Of course, if we talk about the size of a mammoth, then, of course, there were no such mammals at the time of the dinosaurs. In general, the average size of mammals then did not exceed the size of a modern cat. However, even then, namely about 125-122 million years ago, there were already such mammals as repenomas, for example. It was about 1 meter long, weighed 12-14 kg, and judging by the remains found, it even ate some small dinosaurs.

All dinosaurs lived only in the equatorial region of the earth, and the finds of their remains in temperate latitudes are explained by the movement of the continents

And again no. Yes, over the millions of years of the existence of dinosaurs, not only the climate changed, but also the landscape of the earth. But many modern finds prove that dinosaurs even lived in Antarctica. In fairness, it should be noted that in those days, Australia and New Zealand were connected to Antarctica, forming one polar continent. The climate in those days was naturally much warmer than today, but the dinosaurs who lived there still had to adapt to harsh weather conditions. In summer, the sun shone on this continent around the clock, and polar night reigned for five months of the year. It is possible that predators and herbivorous dinosaurs were in these areas in the summer, and in winter they migrated to warmer climes to the north.

Dinosaurs died out as a result of a meteorite fall

Contrary to the assurances of many people that this is exactly what happened, this is just one version of what happened. Scientific disputes on the topic of what caused the death of dinosaurs, whether their extinction was sudden or gradual, continue to this day; there is no single point of view. It is known for certain that the extinction of the dinosaurs was only part of the so-called "great extinction" that took place at the same time. Along with the dinosaurs, marine reptiles, flying lizards, many mollusks and a huge amount of small algae died out. In total, 16% of families of marine animals and 18% of families of land vertebrates died. According to one of the widespread theories, the death of dinosaurs could have occurred due to a supernova explosion relatively close to our solar system. Such an event could bring down a deadly shower of gamma rays on Earth, and the X-rays ejected by the explosion could sweep away part of the earth's atmosphere, forming a hot layer at an altitude of 20-80 km above the planet's surface.

Velociraptors could reach speeds of up to 100 km/h

In general, the real image of the Velociraptor, which scientists managed to reconstruct, is extremely far from what was shown to us in the Jurassic Park franchise. This is largely due to the fact that when working on the film, the basis was the reconstruction of another dinosaur - Deinonychus, which was previously classified as a genus of Velociraptors. But even the Deinonychus in the movie are double their actual size. As for real velociraptors, they were evolutionarily closer to birds, had plumage, were warm-blooded animals, reached a height of 60-70 cm and weighed about 20 kg. At the moment, there is no scientific evidence to think that velociraptors were able to run very fast, hunted in packs (all of their remains found are separate individuals), and even more so, they had some kind of super-developed intellect. All this is nothing more than a fantasy.

Today we will talk about one of the most mysterious phenomena on the planet - about the life and death of dinosaurs, about the period when they lived.

It is hard to imagine that the land we walk on now, where grass grows, trees, where everything is filled with high-rise buildings, cars, construction sites, dirt ... (a person does not even dispute his power over the earth) dinosaurs once walked and in the same way, like a person today, many millions of years ago they considered the earth only theirs. Once upon a time, dinosaurs were the owners here ... and along the streets where cars, buses, people walk today - ancient lizards proudly walked: Ti-rexes, Archeopteryxes, Titanosaurs, Compsognats, Spinosaurus, Corythosaurus, Dromiosaurids, Theropods, Archeoceratops, Velociraptors, etc. d.

There are even versions that there were no dinosaurs ... And completely proven versions. Scientists who study antiquity hold both the opinion that dinosaurs are a fact of the past and the opinion that they never existed. However, in this article we will consider the version of the death of dinosaurs, based on the fact that they existed.

Today we can observe dinosaurs in sets of children's toys, models reproduced by designers, scientists, archaeologists, paleontologists in museums such as the Jurassic Park, the city of ancient lizards, etc.

Dinosaurs became the heroes of science fiction films, literary works, their image, which exists only in consciousness, disappeared from the face of the earth many millions of years ago, excites the minds of mankind until now. What is the secret of such attractiveness - it is unclear, perhaps, as usual - a long-forgotten past with cruel heroes makes the blood run cold much more than invented ghosts with wings.

Dinosaurs lived on Earth more than 100 million years ago, according to other versions - they died out about 60 million years ago. Dinosaurs began to be called dinosaurs in 1842 after the designation of the remains of ancient lizards so found by an English biologist. Dinosaurs disappeared from the face of the Earth more than 60 million years before the appearance of man. The first skeletons and bones of dinosaurs were discovered in 1822, after a couple of decades they were given the appropriate name and began to more actively deal with the mystery of their life and death.

One might doubt their existence, but archaeological excavations the remains of these mysterious animals are still regularly found, the length of the found skeletons reaches several tens of meters. These are reborn lizards, reptiles, today the likeness of dinosaurs is representatives of lizards, crocodiles, sea creatures.

Most dinosaurs lived in a part of the planet with a hot climate, in Australia, the USA, Africa, China, especially many skeletons were found in Nevada, Australia, America. The remains of many dinosaurs were collected and recreated in reconstructions into a project of a whole dinosaur (in skeleton form) and exhibited in museums and parks. There are exhibition complexes with dinosaurs in a copied form (for example, the Jurassic Park Museum) recreated with the help of modern technologies images of dinosaurs (what they looked like was established from the remains found using special programs).

“Dinosaurs (lat. Dinosauria, from other Greek δεινός - “terrible, terrible, dangerous” and σαῦρος - “lizard, lizard”) - a superorder of terrestrial vertebrates that dominated the Earth in the Mesozoic era - for more than 160 million years, starting from the upper Triassic period(approximately 225 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous period (66 million years ago), when most of them began to die out during the large-scale extinction of animals and many plant species in a relatively short geological period stories.

Dinosaur fossils have been found on all continents of the planet. Now paleontologists have described more than 500 different genera and more than 1000 different species, which are clearly divided into two orders: ornithischians and lizards. uh".

Attention: “more than 500 different genera and more than 1000 different species have been described, which are clearly divided into two orders: ornithischians and lizards” (although some scientists make corrections: about half are named incorrectly, and a hundred duplicate others). That's how many species existed in two orders of dinosaurs, representatives of each species from several tens to several hundred thousand.

The main groups of dinosaurs: Ankylosaurs, Ceratops, Dino-birds, Ornithopods, Raptors, Hadrosaurs, Pachycephalosaurs, Theropods, Stegosaurus, Sauropods.

The brightest, most notable representatives of dinosaurs:

For example, the largest dinosaurs in size:

Sarkohuz - a huge reptile of the Cretaceous period, lived in Africa. In appearance, this is a big, big crocodile, more than 15 meters long, weighing from 14 tons, today's crocodiles would look like his cubs. He ate other dinosaurs, fish.

In the photo Sarkohuz

Shantungosaurus is a huge representative of ornithischians, the first remains were found in China. Body length about 15 meters, weight 15 tons.

Liopleurodon is not only one of the largest, but also one of the most scary dinosaurs, a group of reptiles. Length from 14 to 29 meters.

Shonisaurus - fish lizard, ichthyosaur, 15 meters long, weight 30-40 tons.

Pictured is Shonisaurus

Spinosaurus - height 16-18 meters, weight 7 tons.

Diplodocus is a peace-loving dinosaur, herbivore, a representative of the lizards, was 10 meters tall, 28-33 meters long, weighing 20-30 tons, had a very a long tail, small skull.

In the photo Diplodocus

And now about the real giants:

Sauroposeidon - length about 31 meters, weight more than 60 tons, height 18 meters, herbivore.

Futalognkosaurus - body length about 32-3 meters, height 15 meters, weight 80 tons.

Amphicelias- body length 40-65 meters, weight about 155 tons (!!!). Herbivorous.

Pictured is Amphicelias

Well, one of the most cruel predators - ti-rex (or tyrannosaurus) - had a body length of 12-13 meters, a weight of 9-10 tons. Feed on other dinosaurs.

There were even suggestions by scientists that dinosaurs lived for some time on Earth along with the first people. Such thoughts of scientists were connected with the fact that drawings of dinosaurs made by man were often found on rock inscriptions. How did a person know and draw these animals if he missed them by 60 million years?? After all, it was difficult to find skeletons then, without having the equipment and tools for excavation, and even more difficult to recreate a full-fledged look and image of dinosaurs that died out millions of years ago. However, there were suggestions that the drawings were lizards. Nevertheless, scientists who examined them more carefully assure that dinosaurs are there.

And here's another thing - scientists found footprints of dinosaurs, somewhere right paths, casts were transferred to museums ... What traces could be left if the Earth was burned by asteroids, then a tsunami passed, and everything just had to burn out the merciless sun and time ??

But they find some paw prints ... Maybe then they come up with bones?

So, let's finally move on to the main issue of the outcome of the life of dinosaurs, to their death. Dinosaurs died out 60-80 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, why this happened - physicists, astronauts, paleontologists, archaeologists give a lot of hypotheses.

The main version of the extinction of dinosaurs, which, according to scientists, lived on earth for more than a hundred million years and died out more than 60 million years ago, is a series of asteroids falling to Earth, a powerful explosion as a result, a fire, then a tsunami. Almost all living things or the bulk of animal species were wiped off the face of the Earth.

An asteroid or comet fell near the Mexican island of Yucatan, as a result of the impact, most of the animals died out. The main arguments in favor of this hypothesis are the coincidence of the extinction time of many dinosaur species and period of crater formation

Chicxulub - presumably a consequence of the fall of an asteroid about 10 km in size about 65 million years ago.

This hypothesis was put forward by the American physicist Luis Alvarez in 1980. The asteroid impact raised a cloud of dust, produced an explosion, awakened dormant volcanoes, somewhere it is mentioned about the onset of an asteroid winter, as well as the following after a sizzling fire from an explosion on greater territory continents with a hot climate and a tsunami wave that captured a significant part of the planet, covering the land for hundreds of meters, or even more.

A more plausible version is that such a powerful explosion and fire in seconds destroyed vast territories and animals located on them and a tsunami that covered the earth for hundreds and thousands of meters after was caused by the fall of several asteroids, meteorites.

In films that project, imitate the last hours of the life of dinosaurs, the death of animals is shown, they talk about their fear, panic. Of course, this is already too much, since we don’t even know the exact reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs, we know these animals only from recreated models and that there are doubts whether they existed, and we are already fantasizing about what the dinosaurs “thought” before death.

After the double defeat of the earth, animals survived in a small number, and there were no dinosaurs among them. Their skeletons remained forever imprinted in the layers of the planet, the first remains began to be found in the 20th century, perhaps they were found earlier, but they were not identified as the remains of ancient pangolins.

“Among many other versions is an increase in volcanic activity: a giant outpouring of magma between 68 and 60 million years ago.

A number of scientists believe that dinosaurs were exterminated for the first time. predatory mammals, destroying clutches of eggs and young; could also be affected by a sharp drop in sea level, a sharp jump magnetic field Land and other factors.

Hypotheses of changes in the vegetation of the earth, an increase in flowering plants and the extinction of the herbivorous species of dinosaurs in connection with this, then the extinction of the carnivores due to the depletion of the "edible" stocks of all, are considered. Changing of the climate(continental drift) - for example, the slightest fluctuations led to problems hatching cubs from eggs - they died, atmospheric change- damage to the layers of the atmosphere due to volcanic activity or the fall of the same asteroid, a decrease in the amount of air and the extinction of all life.

« Another hypothesis for the extinction of dinosaurs is a significant increase in the volcanic activity of the Earth. Most often, scientists refer to the Deccan Traps plateau, which is located in India and is covered with igneous basalt two kilometers thick. Its age is determined at 60-68 million years.

However, as scientists suggest, during the long process of the onset of "winter" on the planet (due to long volcanic activity), dinosaurs could adapt and survive, as crocodiles did.

According to a new theory (2016) - dinosaurs at the time of the fall of the asteroid were already on the path of extinction, i.e. the role of impact celestial body about the Earth was a secondary cause of death of animals. The trend towards extinction of species was outlined as early as 80-75 million years ago. Moreover, scientists cannot establish the exact reasons for this, perhaps the split of supercontinents, climate change, an increase in the number of predators, etc.

Find out if dinosaurs really existed and why they disappeared. Here you will find expert opinions on whether there are dinosaurs on Earth today, whether there are omnivorous dinosaurs in the 21st century.


Are there dinosaurs today? Scientists of our time were sure that these creatures became extinct at the end of the Jurassic period. However, the latest find says otherwise.

Not so long ago, the remains of the last dinosaur that managed to survive that catastrophe were found. He was immediately dubbed Leinkupal laticuada, meaning "disappearing family". This type of dinosaur managed to stay alive after its relatives became extinct. His remains were discovered by scientists in a place where nothing like it had ever been found before.

The dinosaur belongs to the species of sauropods, which are considered representatives of giant herbivores. These are some of the largest living beings that have ever inhabited the Earth.

After the mass extinction of the dinosaurs this species could evolve into Cretaceous period and continue to exist.

The scientists were able to find these remains in South America and Argentina (Patagonia), despite the fact that earlier the existence of dinosaurs of this species of sauropods was assumed in the regions of Northern and Central America. This allows us to consider the discovery very interesting, since the information will help to figure out the movements after climate change and the extinction of the main part of the dinosaurs.

Did dinosaurs exist and why did they disappear?

Today, when science has stepped far forward and the picture of events can be restored from the remains found, doubts about whether dinosaurs existed are no longer relevant. News regularly appears about the findings of a tooth or bone of an animal. And yet, why did they really disappear?

Huge living creatures that inhabited the Earth many millions of years ago died out for inexplicable reasons. However, different scientists put forward more and more new versions about this. Among them are the fact that there were too many males, and eating their own eggs. Also more likely hypotheses.

One of the most reliable versions is considered to be a change climatic conditions in that era. This led to the fact that many plants began to disappear, thereby depriving the dinosaurs of the main source of food. At the same time, it is still unknown in which direction the climate has changed: whether it was a strong cooling or, on the contrary, warming.

There is another version. This is the fall of a huge meteorite 65 million years ago, which caused a powerful shock wave all over the planet.

The exact cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs has not yet been found. It is also difficult to name it by the fact of finding finds that indicate that animals died over a long period of time, that is, not all at once.

Dinosaurs have captured the imagination of people for centuries.

Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, published a novel in 1912 called The Lost World. In this novel, the expedition found a place in the remote Venezuelan jungle, where living dinosaurs have allegedly survived to this day. Films such as Jurassic Park and Land of the Lost were clearly inspired by the science fiction of Conan Doyle.

Animated film "Up". The plot of this film also takes place in this lost world, where travelers discover an unknown species of multi-colored dinosaur.

For most of us, living dinosaurs are fantastic. However, some believe that giant dinosaurs still exist today, they just haven't been found yet.

lake monsters

There are hundreds of lakes harboring prehistoric monsters all over the world. Here are the most famous of them: Loch Ness in Scotland, Lake Okanagan in Canada, Lakes Champlain and Nahuel Huapi in Argentina.

Many believe that the monsters supposedly living in these lakes may be prehistoric reptiles that have survived to this day. For example, such as the plesiosaur (an aquatic reptile with a very long neck up to 12 meters) or the ichthyosaur Shonisaurus (shonisaurus sikanniensis), which were as huge as a submarine.

In the remote jungles of Central Africa, local tribes tell of the existence in these jungles of dinosaurs up to 11 meters long, with brownish-gray skin and a long, flexible neck. Many believe that they live in caves, roam the banks of rivers and feed on elephants, hippos and crocodiles.

Roy Makal, a biologist at the University of Chicago who led two expeditions looking for Mokele-Membe, thinks the creature's descriptions are reminiscent of " little dinosaur sauropod."

Despite the fact that last year more than twenty expeditions were carried out in order to search for a "living dinosaur", but no one has yet been found in the area. Unfortunately, there are no photographs, no videos, not even partial remains of the creatures they were looking for, but only oral stories and legends of local residents.

Amazing Truth

Of course, the theory that giant dinosaurs still lurk in impenetrable jungles or cold deep lakes may be wrong, as all evidence suggests they went extinct around 65.5 million years ago. Many of the lakes where dinosaurs are said to hide were formed only about 10,000 years ago.

If dinosaurs died out not so long ago, say, during the Nixon administration or even during the time of Shakespeare, the chances are that there were a few lone huge dinosaurs may be plausible. But 65.5 million years is too long for a long-extinct species to survive.

Found a large number of artifacts that may prove that dinosaurs did not all become extinct in the fatal cataclysm and the ensuing ice age, but were able to survive these cataclysms and lasted much longer than modern science believes.

Although, who knows? As the saying goes: "the ways of the Lord are inscrutable", perhaps prehistoric monsters still roam our land or plow the seas and oceans. Scientists can be wrong too.

However, since scientific point of view, not all dinosaurs became extinct. Most of us look at dinosaurs every day, and some even live in human homes. Birds are the modern version of dinosaurs, they are the closest descendants of dinosaurs.
