The most accurate horoscope for November. Background aspects, ingressions and specifics of the month

The horoscope for November 2017 promises a tense and ambiguous time. Many will strenuously strive to achieve goals, as well as achieve their desires by any means. The Sun in Scorpio enhances the ambitions of those who are vain and self-confident. If Pluto or the Sun predominate in a person’s horoscope, then in November they are full of magnetism and energy.

In November, many are characterized by irritability, vulnerability and apathy. There will be a feeling of heaviness and oppression. Unreasonable suspicion and suspiciousness will come to the fore, as the horoscope for November 2017 predicts. But soon the situation will change, and people will become more sincere and friendly. In mid-November, you need to trust strangers less.

Scientific successes are expected in November for those who are not devoid of creativity and original ideas. You can purchase computers, technical innovations and install programs. From difficult situations intuition and a wise decision that will come suddenly will help you get out. The November 2017 horoscope recommends thoroughly preparing for the cold season. You can buy warm clothes, as well as insulate the home. Neptune and Uranus are retrograde in November, which will give people a sentimental and dreamy mood. The principles and outlook on life for many will be so changeable that this will affect decisions and future plans.

Innovations in various areas will benefit many. It is advisable not to save money in November, but to invest it in profitable and long-term projects. Some this month, on the contrary, will feel physically and mentally weak. They will want to retire and abstract themselves from pressing problems. The horoscope for November 2017 does not advise you to become discouraged and depressed. You need to gather your will into a fist and get ahead - to success and prosperity.

Horoscope for November 2017 Aries

The November 2017 horoscope advises Aries to take more care and help close relatives. Your financial situation will improve thanks to your part-time work and your diligence. Smile more often, look at life positively and communicate with worthy people. In November, Aries will receive a reward for the work done, which will give him optimism. In terms of health, you need to increase your immunity and harden your body with water treatments.

Horoscope for November 2017 Taurus

In November 2017, Taurus will decide to engage in charity work, which will strengthen his authority and help attract influential people. A love test will give you strength and a desire to act, rather than sit by the window and wait for your prince. In November, a meeting and a stormy romance with a former lover is possible. Taurus needs to tone up his figure and go to the gym. If you are bored alone, then invite a group of friends or a lover.

Horoscope for November 2017 Gemini

The horoscope for November 2017 advises Gemini to aim for career growth and strengthening their financial position. There will be almost no time left for family and loved ones, but “the game is worth the candle.” The more you work in November, the faster you will achieve success. To improve your health, do exercises in the morning, run and swim in the pool. If you catch a cold, do not self-medicate - serious complications are possible.

Horoscope for November 2017 Cancer

In November 2017, Cancer can organize long trips and even move to a permanent place of residence in another country. The more often you listen to your inner voice, the better for all matters and problem solving. Cancer's career in November will have everything - both ups and sharp downs. If you are economical and practical in the financial sphere, you will not lose your accumulated capital. By the way, it is not recommended to lend money even to close people.

Horoscope for November 2017 Leo

The November 2017 horoscope predicts success and fulfillment for Leo cherished desires. But on condition that he does not become arrogant and ignore the advice of loved ones. In love, Leo needs to philosophize less and act more. In November, problems with the cardiovascular system are possible. It is necessary to be examined, take the necessary tests and make an appointment with a cardiologist.

Horoscope for November 2017 Virgo

Virgo in November 2017 should under no circumstances risk money, or even their personal life. The consequences of all this can be the most unpredictable and sad. If Virgo finds an interesting hobby, she will temporarily forget about troubles and problems. In the middle of the month, a meeting with your soulmate is possible. The financial situation in November is quite smooth, so you can afford small purchases and gifts for loved ones.

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra

The November 2017 horoscope predicts that Libra will have good luck in all areas of life. You can take out a loan, win the favor of the person you like and organize a long-distance trip. The main thing is not to panic and not retreat back, then success will be on your side. Do not quarrel with relatives, and also quickly decide everyday problems. Lonely Libras should not start dating on social networks in November.

Horoscope for November 2017 Scorpio

If in November 2017 Scorpio is too jealous and suspicious in his personal life, then his loved one will quickly retreat. At work, fuss less and argue with your boss. A responsible approach to important projects will allow Scorpio to earn money and strengthen his authority in the team. To strengthen your immune system in November, you need to take vitamins, run in the morning and dress for the weather.

Horoscope for November 2017 Sagittarius

The horoscope for November 2017 advises Sagittarius to take care of their own health. Everything else will not require such effort and money, because it will be resolved in a favorable way. A long trip and a romantic meeting are possible, which will radically change your personal life. In November, Sagittarius can safely conclude contracts and sign documents. Issues with inheritance and acquisition of real estate will be successfully resolved.

Horoscope for November 2017 Capricorn

In November 2017, Capricorn will have to fight envious people and competitors. But you have so much strength and energy that you will be a winner in any case. If you are not economical and rational. Don't even count on a large sum. In November, Capricorn may be offered new job. The horoscope for November 2017 says that Capricorn should think a hundred times before agreeing and writing a letter of resignation. Frauds, deceptions and financial adventures are possible.

Horoscope for November 2017 Aquarius

November 2017 is a traumatic month for Aquarius. You need to be extremely careful in everyday life, during active rest and even at home. In your personal life, you need to rely on intuition more often. She will tell you who truly loves you, and with whom it is better to refuse communication altogether. Aquarius, who has teenage children, needs to pay more attention to them in November. Try to control who they are friends with and what they are interested in.

Horoscope for November 2017 Pisces

The November 2017 horoscope recommends Pisces not to get into arguments with colleagues. Keep your opinion to yourself, then you will avoid a lot of problems and conflict situations. In love, Pisces will be lucky, so there will be a minimum of disappointments and excitement. Chronic diseases are possible in November, so consulting a medical specialist will not hurt. Strengthen your body, sign up for fitness and do not neglect preventive measures.

The following trends will be decisive for November 2017. Strengthening the position of Mars will mark a stage of fundamental changes, while the favorable, one might say, pacifying influence of the Moon will somewhat reduce the overall dynamics in all areas of life. This means that now it makes sense to pursue strategies that will be completely different from your actions in previous months. But this is unlikely to bring with it any difficulties, although, of course, you will have to think and work a little. On the other hand, extreme autumn month will prove incredibly productive, especially for those who know how to take advantage of favorable circumstances. That is, the more attentive you are, the more you can get from this unique time. You definitely shouldn’t doubt your capabilities; on the other hand, you don’t need to overestimate yourself either. This is a time of objectivity, when a sober view is clearly the dominant and in many ways the determining factor. This is an extremely important point, because it is an independent approach, that same “look from the outside,” that can provide you with new opportunities and techniques that will allow you to beat your competitors and achieve the desired result. Another important point will be the focus on independence. In this sense, November will be an exception, because in previous months the communication aspect was clearly dominant. You will have to adapt, but again, it is unlikely that anyone will have significant problems with this.

In November 2017, the “heavenly leaders”, that is, additional planetary patrons, will bypass the element of Air with their attention. This is an important, but not a key point, which only suggests that, all other things being equal, representatives of this element (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) will have to rely more on their own strengths. However, this does not negate the support of key celestial assistants common to all signs. So, overall, air signs have nothing to worry about. At the same time, the Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will have Pluto at their disposal, a rather contradictory, but at this stage positive-minded planet. This means that it makes sense to devote Special attention to your instincts and some deep, inner urges. Some people clearly need to control themselves better, while others, on the contrary, can become freer in their ideological positions. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) can say “thank you” to the Moon, which has been providing them with additional vital energy, and the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) will rightly count on help from Venus, which for them will become another heavenly guardian with unique capabilities.

In the most general outline November 2017 will be calmer than most previous months. Now the energy of the Fire (Red) Rooster will not decline, it will simply undergo significant metamorphoses. This good time in order to reconsider your position in life, without taking any active action for the time being. Actually, we are talking about a period of creation, which was literally created for thinking, planning, and developing strategic directions. However, it would be unfair not to note the potential dangers expressed in the unfavorable placement of Saturn and the Black Moon. And if the astral Black Moon is more passive, then Saturn will try to play on your weaknesses. It makes sense to control yourself, not allowing emotions to take over your reason. This is a time for a rational approach rather than a sensory one, so be especially careful when you decide that your heart is clearly right and your brain, as is often the case, is wrong.

The November 2017 horoscope, being a general and speculative document, is nevertheless capable of having a significant impact on our daily life. Simply put, he is an intermediary between our ideal desires and objective trends in the development of the world around us. Everything that has happened and will happen is subject to powerful influence celestial bodies. What will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us will depend on the configuration in which the planets are located. Having reliable information on this matter, we can most accurately plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, detailed and accurate horoscope for November 2017 you will find in the personal horoscopes section.

I always listen to the advice of this astrologer! More than once he helped out and helped in the most difficult situations!

Every person deserves to love and be loved! Love inspires and inspires us!

Love and relationships are a lot of work! If we don’t try, then the relationship won’t be strong!

Love compatibility is a topic that worries most people who are into horoscopes. The easiest way is to check compatibility by Zodiac Sign at the very early stages of dating and relationships, so that later there are no questions or bewilderments about why nothing worked out. Of course, in love, not everything is like in mathematics - there are exceptions, and there are many of them, but not everyone always wants to meet each other halfway. If you pull the blanket on your half, then be sure that your other half will sooner or later accuse you of selfishness, which is, perhaps, nothing worse for love.


Saturn will be your patron in love in November. He is destructive for you in this area of ​​life, but in order to turn everything upside down, he needs to be strong. He is in Scorpio, so he is moderately active. This is good because he won't be strong enough to stop your plans. Love is a feeling that cannot be deceived in any way. In November, you may still think that you are in love, but this will turn out to be just an illusion. This is relevant for those of you who are currently searching.

It may seem to you that your loved one is trying to change you, to change everything around you. Perhaps this will be partly true, but in reality your world will be full of inexplicable facts and misconceptions. Use meditation to seek answers to important spiritual questions. The advice of others will not help you now, and intuition even less so.

But we will remember that laziness is the engine of progress; at the global level, this can lead to the emergence of new high-tech inventions that make certain actions easier, and at the domestic level, it will push for the active use of everything that is created for convenience and quickly solving everyday problems.

In addition, during the period from November 1 to November 21, we will minimize communication, refuse to interact with those who are absolutely useless to us, who force us to experience negative emotions and feel awkward. Many will carry out a “cleansing” in the ranks of their acquaintances, without any special regrets, stopping contacts with people who are tired of them, are too intrusive, curious, and do not have a high IQ.

But after the 21st, we will want to close the voids left by “weeding,” so we will be willing to make new friends and acquaintances, including those from other cities and countries. We will try to surround ourselves with people who are on the same wavelength as us and share some of our hobbies and beliefs, with whom we can be ourselves and not choose our words too carefully in any dialogue.

But, despite all of the above, throughout the entire month we will avoid any conflicts at work, we will “bend under” our colleagues and superiors, so as not to provoke trouble and remain good to everyone. We will hide attacks of laziness and some carelessness behind smiles, apologies and small favors to employees, that is, we will do everything so that they do not curse at us, so that no one has the desire to punish us for mistakes and lack of zeal at work.

And in general, we will calculate the potential development of any situation, taking into account the psychotypes of those people with whom we are forced to coexist in the same territory at work and at home. And various kinds of psychological tricks will become practically the norm of behavior for many, as they will help to avoid unnecessary interference from others in business and in the emotional sphere.

At the beginning of November, many will make adjustments to their work schedule, refuse to perform those duties for which they are not paid, and try to shift some of their daily household chores to specially trained people from various household service companies. In the middle of the month we will rush to fulfill some of our special desires and spend a lot of money on it. At the end of November, many will start planning some trips and preparing for them.

Favorable days: from 1 to 3, from 5 to 9, from 11 to 17, from 19 to 25, from 27 to 30.

Not favorable days: 4, 10, 18, 26.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered “pure” signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign - both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

Horoscope for November for Aries (March 21 – April 20)

In November, Aries may be faced with the impossibility of realizing some of their professional plans due to the carelessness of those without whom the implementation of their intentions is, in principle, unrealistic. You will have to look for special methods of influencing these individuals or seek help from people who know how to manipulate and motivate.

In addition, it is not excluded financial difficulties, provoked by the fact that you are unable to timely assess potential risks and avoid large expenses. Try not to do anything expensive this month, especially if you cannot afford to overpay for everything. And you should refrain from making any global acquisitions.

At the beginning of November, due to unexpected obstacles, it will obviously be necessary to abandon some plans. In the middle of the month there is likely to be an exhausting confrontation with your boss or one of your colleagues. At the end of November, you will find new pleasant acquaintances with people who will subsequently help you in your work.

Most favorable days: 1, 2, 7, 29, 30.

3, 4, 10, 17, 18, 24, 25.

November horoscope for Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

In November, Taurus can radically “thin out” their social circle, refusing to interact with those individuals who, wittingly or unwittingly, harm, interfere in some way, or demand financial assistance and make you experience negative emotions. A worthy replacement for them will suddenly be people you almost forgot about: those you met in another country, friends early childhood, former colleagues and so on.

In addition, this month you will have to return to matters that you previously postponed due to a lack of some resources or because they simply were not urgent. Some specialists will most likely help you with solving the problems.

At the beginning of November, a spontaneous and rather drastic decision will be the beginning of some significant changes. In the middle of the month, you will have to develop a whole strategy to achieve an important goal. At the end of November, frequent meetings with people with whom you once had a lot in common are likely.

Most favorable days: 3, 6, 24.

Days to be careful: 7, 14, 21, 28.

Horoscope for November for Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Gemini will achieve considerable success in the business sphere in November. Not only your professionalism will help you with this, but also the special attitude of people for whom you are an interesting object for observation and study. Most likely, some influential people have been monitoring your work for some time, who will help you move to a higher position or receive some promising orders.

In addition, you obviously have to acquire useful connections, establish contact with new employees, participate in some social events, and even, perhaps, lead part of the workforce.

At the beginning of the month, the realization of some desire can give interesting, although unpredictable results. In mid-November, much will depend on your ability to calculate situations several steps ahead. At the end of the month, a quarrel with a friend to whom you entrusted some special secret some time ago is not excluded.

Most favorable days: 5, 6, 12.

Days to be careful: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30.

Horoscope for November for Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

In November, Cancers may get caught up in some kind of intrigue started by someone “for the common good.” Live by your own wits, do not believe the pompous speeches of others and do not allow yourself to be manipulated, otherwise your professional reputation will suffer, which in turn will lead to a decrease in your income.

In addition, you should not start two large projects in parallel - you will not be able to do both of them without compromising the quality of the results, and such an intensive course will not have the best effect on your psychological state. Also, this month you are not recommended to shoulder other people’s responsibilities and take on things that you were not taught at a professional level.

At the beginning of November, avoid any spontaneous decisions - they will not be yours, but cleverly placed in your head. In the middle of the month, you are expected to meet a person who will teach you important and useful lesson. At the end of November, a trip to a place where you feel very good is possible.

Most favorable days: 2, 6, 8, 16, 20, 30.

Days to be careful: 4, 11, 18, 21.

November horoscope for Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos in November will most likely be simultaneously engaged in fulfilling their immediate job responsibilities, and some private, individual projects. This, in turn, will bring large profits, but can provoke not only a loss of strength, but also discontent among less successful individuals.

In addition, you obviously have to organize a trip for some creative team or group of like-minded people. True, at the first stage there are likely to be obstacles, and in order to overcome them, you will be forced to accept some conditions that do not suit you, but then the situation will level out, you will be able to change what you don’t like, and everything will go just fine.

At the beginning of the month, something will come very easily to you, and this will cause the envy of others. In mid-November, squabbles with friends are not excluded, especially if you do not know how to restrain your emotions. At the end of the month, some controversial issue will be resolved in your favor.

Most favorable days: 5, 9.

Days to be careful: 4, 18, 25.

November horoscope for Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

In November, Virgos will obviously have to put some affairs in order, one way or another connected with controversial issues, with notary or jurisprudence. It is possible that you will be forced to do this in order to pay off some debts or resolve a conflict with some person.

In addition, new professional projects are likely that will be based on recently acquired skills or knowledge. Perhaps you will be drawn into them by people who have warmed to you and respected you during your previous interactions with them. Some event is also expected this month, which will be very difficult for you to explain logically.

At the beginning of November something in your existence will demand decisive action and radical measures. In the middle of the month, some trip will not give the expected results. At the end of November, someone with whom relations have temporarily improved may become an enemy again.

Most favorable days: 1, 12, 13, 15.

Days to be careful: 10, 16, 17, 23.

Horoscope for November for Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra may begin a new phase in November professional activity. It is possible that you will change your job or move to a higher position, but in any case this will be accompanied by adjustments with others, some misunderstandings and emotional tension. The reward for the inconvenience will be an increase in monthly income and the opportunity for full self-realization.

In addition, there is a possibility of a trip that will be conceived as an entertaining voyage, but in reality will bring practical benefits - you will be able to get acquainted with the right people, buy something big or find a source of inspiration if you - creative person making money with her creations.

At the beginning of the month there will be a chance to fulfill a long-standing desire. In mid-November, try not to react to statements addressed to you. At the end of the month, you may begin a business and friendly relationship with a person from another country.

Most favorable days: 15, 24.

Days to be careful: 5, 19, 26.

Horoscope for November for Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

In November, Scorpios will most likely be forced to change tactics in achieving professional goals and somewhat hide their difficult character. You will not achieve anything in the business sphere if you do not become friendlier and more flexible, since during this period the leading role in the implementation of your projects and in solving assigned tasks will be played by the sympathy for you of the people with whom you will have to interact closely.

In addition, this month, obviously, you will experience a full-fledged reassessment of values, which will lead to personal growth. You have to change in better side, become wiser, find some new spiritual guidelines, learn something that you did not possess before because you simply were not ready for it.

At the beginning of November, some brilliant idea of ​​yours will help you get some benefits. In the middle of the month, progress is expected in social sphere. At the end of November, you will have to establish relationships with a person who knows a lot.

Most favorable days: 16, 21.

Days to be careful: 3, 6, 10, 13, 20, 24, 27.

November horoscope for Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

In November, Sagittarians will most likely successfully combine two types of activities - professional and creative, or performing official tasks with the implementation of some kind of side project that is not related to their main specialty. Both will satisfy your ambitions and bring good profits. In addition, you will become a key figure in some event.

But at the interpersonal level, permanent difficulties are likely due to confrontation with those who are no less assertive than you, but also know how to act with cunning, hit on the sly, intrigue and be hypocritical.

At the beginning of the month, you will obviously insist on some kind of meeting, and as a result you will be able to organize it. In mid-November, several fresh ideas will appear that will help you in your work. At the end of the month, one of your colleagues may become good friends or become someone with whom you will create your own business.

Most favorable days: 9, 16, 19, 20, 30.

Days to be careful: 1, 22, 29.

In November 2017, the world will decide to take a break from all the psychological disasters that took place a month earlier. If October was ruled by a destructive spirit, then at the end of autumn the mood of the inhabitants of our planet will change in the diametrically opposite direction. There will be no more unexpected quarrels, desires to destroy their long-standing foundations, and in general, rather creative moods will replace October anarchism. Someone will begin to arrange their life, someone will think about their offspring, and someone will go further than everyone else and will schedule the construction of a new house, marriage registration, opening a personal business and conceiving a baby in November. In general, the scale of November’s creative mood depends only on you and what you specifically want from life.

Circumstances, in turn, will favor everything you outline. Tired of going to work and receiving a pitiful salary? Well, in November 2017 you can safely try your hand at entrepreneurial activity! This is not to say that success in this difficult matter will come to you as if by magic (you will still have to work). You will have to improve your professionalism in the field of doing business, and also find suitable associates, start-up capital, and so on. Are you ready to work hard to make your cherished dream come true? So, feel free to get down to business, without doubting for a moment that everything will certainly work out for you!

If you have been “swimming” in the ocean of small or medium-sized businesses for several years, in November 2017 you also should not sit idly by. While you are soaring in the clouds, your more active competitors can take and introduce a number of promising innovations, after which their enterprises will move up sharply, and yours will remain in its previous position. You should not be afraid of innovations, because they and only they can become for you the very key to the door behind which lies the success and prosperity of your company.

Even more tempting prospects will open up for large businesses in November, and there are a number of simple explanations for this. It is at the end of autumn that world capital will unite with each other, and this integration will take place surprisingly amicably and without conflict. Have you ever wanted to open a branch somewhere in London or New York? You will also have this opportunity if you carefully, like an experienced strategist, calculate to the smallest detail every step you take in the chosen direction.

But not only for financial matters, November 2017 will turn out to be a surprisingly promising period! If your the main objective– start happy love story, bring it to the walls of the nearest registry office, and then for many years enjoy communication with your beloved chosen one and raise joint offspring, do not lock yourself within the walls of your home. Yes, November is not suitable for lively parties, but we are not talking about them, but about simple human communication, which all singles should open up to at the end of this autumn. Who knows, maybe “that” guy from the cafe or the girl from the hairdresser is your ideal soulmate...

Family people should devote this calm and leisurely November to putting things in order within the walls of their house or apartment. This advice should be taken literally - start with general cleaning, free your living space from the clutter of unnecessary things, and throw out all the trash that has been stored on the balcony for many years without the slightest regret! As soon as you point around full order, comfort and a calm, peaceful atmosphere will return to your home. This will not happen by magic, but on the basis of the most logical laws (in a house where everything is laid out in its place, where there is no trash that everyone trips over, nothing prevents positive energy from moving calmly and easily from one household member to another) . You will understand exactly what we are talking about as soon as, instead of morning quarrels over the queue for the shower, your family has a place for jokes, smiles and friendly pranks. This is just an example designed to show that everyday life will no longer interfere with your family happiness as soon as you completely improve your life and get rid of everything that you are used to considering as an unnecessary trifle. Try this advice in November 2017 and you will be surprised how effective it is!

Horoscopes for January 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for February 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for March 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for April 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for May 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for June 2017 by zodiac sign

Horoscopes for July 2017 by zodiac sign
