Accurate horoscope for December Libra man. Tarot horoscope for Libra for December

In December 2017, Libra will be able to do a lot, especially if you show persistence, endurance and patience.

Work, career. Libra December 2017

In December 2017, Libra's main concern will be relationships with partners from other cities or countries. Colleagues from afar may behave evasively and contradictoryly, however, you are also persistent, so by “washing or rolling” towards the end of December you will be able to achieve your goal. It is possible to sign important agreements and conclude a contract. In this case, the stars recommend that Libra take his time, think everything through and sign the documents no earlier than December 24th. Until this time, Mercury is going retrograde, which means that much of what is being discussed needs to be finalized and additional approvals. Moreover, in the first days of the month, conflict situations in the environment are possible. This will once again show that partners are unpredictable, unreliable, and all precautions must be taken with them. In all matters this month, bosses can count on their subordinates, and employees can count on their colleagues.

Money. Libra December 2017

The financial situation of the Libra sign is improving day by day, money will become a permanent phenomenon, and its quantity will increase noticeably. An employee can count on a salary increase, and in some cases this is due to a new position or additional responsibilities. An entrepreneur will increase his income thanks to lucrative contracts. The approximate dates for receipt of the most significant amounts are December 5, 6, 14, 15, 23–25.

Love, family. Libra December 2017

If in professional activity Libra is clearly “on horseback”, but in personal life everything is completely different. Conflicts are quite likely at the beginning of the month, and this is a clear continuation of the hostilities of the recent past. What will happen next? Most likely, those who never achieved peace will part forever. The influence of relatives can soften the situation for those who have not yet made a final decision and are in doubt about their future path. December is favorable for meeting with old friends, acquaintances whom you have not seen for quite a long time, and of course, with old passions. However, new acquaintances who appear on your horizon between December 3 and December 23 may disappear, leaving behind not very pleasant memories of themselves.

The final stage of the outgoing year does not promise Libra productivity in business. After all, the New Year holidays are approaching and the mood is appropriate. And the December 2017 horoscope for Libra warns that it will be very difficult to concentrate on work. Moreover, in December, the planet Mercury, the patron of trade, various communications and messages, will again influence the business situation. Therefore, there will be tension and all sorts of confusion in the areas under his control. And then there’s the pre-New Year bustle. In general, you can expect complete confusion until December 23, 2017, when Mercury “calms down” and returns to its normal course.

Libra, who are going to New Year When traveling, you should carefully check all your documents and tickets to ensure there are no errors, typos or inaccuracies. Also, you should not purchase any equipment during this period - there is a high probability that it will not last you long.

Favorable days for December 2017 for Libra:

Love horoscope for December 2017 Libra

Libra will spend most of their time with their household and deal with family issues and household chores. Your relatives may need help, show them care and warmth. In addition, children may catch a cold in December, which will require additional care and support on your part.

For Libra, who is still in search of a second half, the horoscope for December 2017 provides the following information: last days years old connections and old acquaintances can make themselves known. Whether to return to them or not is up to you. As for new meetings and relationships, this period is rather unfavorable.

Favorable days for love in December 2017 for Libra:

Libra financial horoscope for December 2017

The end of the year does not imply the adoption of any important and cardinal decisions, difficult undertakings, or the start of new projects. After all, December symbolizes completion. Therefore, according to the December 2017 horoscope for Libra, it is recommended to put things in order and bring everything to a logical end. This time is favorable for summing up results, drawing up reports, analyzing work over the past year and recording results achieved. Be sure to pay off all debts before the end of the year.

If you are forced to sign any new agreements, carefully study them first. Do not forget, until December 23, 2017, Mercury is in its retrograde phase, as a result of which various kinds of shortcomings and inaccuracies are possible.

Favorable days for money in December 2017 for the sign Libra:

Libra health horoscope for December 2017

In the first decade of winter Special attention Focus on the liver and pelvic area. Judging by the December 2017 horoscope for Libra, these organs will become especially sensitive to overload. Continue to watch your lifestyle and what you eat and drink. Moreover, more than one feast awaits you ahead; prepare your body for such a development of events.

In the second part of the month, take care of your bones, spine and teeth. Be careful to avoid possible injury to limbs. It is so easy to slip and fall during this period. The time is also favorable for visiting the dentist.

Stressful days for Libra in December 2017.

The zodiac sign of Libra at this stage will be helped not only by Venus, its traditional patron, but also by the Sun, which in its normal position is quite neutral in relation to Libra or even downright aggressive. However, in December 2017 you will indeed have many helpers on the celestial ribbon, which means missing out on opportunities now is an involuntary luxury. Moreover, these (in the sense of possibilities) will definitely take place. It is difficult to say which decade will be the most dynamic in terms of work direction. You clearly shouldn’t try to save resources for future projects; if there is something to focus on right now, then that’s what you should do, without waiting for other opportunities. This good time in order to invest finances in some large-scale business. Moreover, this trend is equally true for both those who have their own business and those who do not have their own business. On the “love front,” the trends will be approximately the same, that is, the stars advise not to wait for an “opportunity,” but to go on the offensive. At the same time, it is still worth making allowances for circumstances and acting adaptively. The unfavorable position of Pluto and Mars can become a problem for you if you do not think through your plan of action or are not ready for change.

In general, the work direction in December 2017 for Libra, as already noted, will be promising. Of course, no one guarantees your success, especially in difficult situations. You will have to act, thinking through every step, but with a scrupulous approach to the issue, the result will please you and allow you to beat even the most serious competitors. If we are talking about Libra, who has his own business, then the stars recommend that they slow down a little, at least in the first ten days of the month. Now you will need to think carefully, because we are talking about serious investments. Do not distance yourself from your colleagues under any circumstances; if possible, listen to them, take in outside experience. At the same time, of course, this must be entirely your decision, otherwise you cannot expect a positive outcome. Be vigilant, pay attention to all sorts of little things, such as technical flaws. Now there will be no unimportant moments, and attentiveness will pay off handsomely. For Libras who don’t have their own business, the stars recommend thinking about it. So what, it's the end of the year! This is only a temporary period that actually does not limit anything; it is no worse or better than any other time, including in terms of starting a business. You just need to think through everything, you shouldn’t throw yourself headlong into a pool that you haven’t gutted with a hook at least a couple of times. The position of Mars at this stage suggests that you should not make hasty decisions in general, in any situation. You also don’t need to be led by your feelings, this will lead to unfavorable circumstances.

In terms of personal relationships, Libra can count on a wide variety of bonuses in December 2017, but you need to understand that no favorable circumstances or total help from your heavenly patrons can replace your own decisions. Try to act consistently but confidently. Now it clearly makes sense to go on the attack, even head-on, but under appropriate circumstances. Lonely Libras will have the opportunity to make new contacts, which are very important for them, but with a high degree of probability - only in the future. The stars also recommend not to forget about friends; at this stage, it is friendships that will be of particular importance to you, providing opportunities and opening up new horizons, mostly creative ones. Family Libra can focus on general atmosphere in the house. Now conflicts are unlikely, however, if a difficult situation does take you by surprise, remember at least for a moment that you are not alone. Your loved ones will definitely help you, and this is the very key vector that definitely makes sense to focus on. But don't forget about Mars and Pluto. Don’t play with the feelings of others, and if you don’t want to resolve the issue, just say so, don’t fuss. Ambiguity and injustice towards others will prevent you from moving forward.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for December 2017 for the zodiac sign Libra, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Libra. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the sign Libra: Personal horoscopes for the sign Libra:

Libra will become especially sensitive in December 2017, and will be able to calmly rely on intuition in everything they do. Under the influence of the astrological situation, your sixth sense will be developed so much that you will be able to foresee the development of upcoming events several steps ahead. Such aggravation of feelings will become a faithful assistant on the path to achieving your goals and will save you from many mistakes. The main thing is to be much more attentive during this period and not ignore the signs of fate. Perhaps they will manifest themselves in dreams, chance encounters, conversations, premonitions. Even if you are not a superstitious person, you will be able to recognize these signs because they will be so obvious that it will be very difficult not to notice them.

Horoscope for December 2017 Libra (video)

In the first ten days of December 2017, pay attention to the fact that even while sitting at home on the couch and thinking about some problem, you will accidentally hear on TV or read on the Internet some phrase that will be a direct answer to the question that is tormenting you. This will be the sign that you should pay attention to and take note of. Fate very often protects us from all sorts of problems on our way, but many people point-blank do not want to see and notice this. Now, more than ever, it will be easy and simple for you if you give free rein to your insight and do not hinder its development with your conclusions. It's hard to believe in what you don't see, but Libra will still have to do it in order to prevent possible mistakes and act in the right direction. The beginning of December will be marked by success in solving complex problems and issues. The first ten days of the month for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra is a great time to start creating coziness and comfort in your family nest. Great solution It will be a good idea to change the color palette in the house to a more cheerful and inspiring one; it would also be nice if you start changing the interior during this period. Change the furniture or add some design elements that will fit well into the overall picture and emphasize its elegance.

In the second ten days of December 2017, Libra will have a well-developed sense of taste and harmony, so everything that you do in relation to the interior and design of your home will look very successful and advantageous against the background of what came before. Unlike other signs of the Zodiac, in the middle of the month it is better for Libra to give preference to single projects that require focus and concentration, and it is better to spend leisure time not in a noisy company of friends, but alone or in a narrow circle of the people closest and dearest to the heart. In mid-December, many Libras, under the influence of Jupiter, will establish old connections and acquire new ones, which will come in very handy to improve their well-being and realize their plans. Resolving issues related to the acquisition of real estate will be especially successful and profitable. To win the patronage of influential people, Libra will need to show patience and restraint, since opponents will insist on their own for a long time, and you will need to convince them of the opposite. But in the end, all your efforts will be crowned with success, and you will get what you were striving for. During this period of the month, everything related to financial issues will be beneficial for you, so you can safely resolve all issues with lending, mortgages, deposits and investments, in any case, you will either win or lose nothing, everything else depends on your resourcefulness and creativity. Those who work under the strict guidance of their superiors should not count on a promotion, it is of no use to you now, especially since you have a lot of other prospects into which you need to direct all your efforts. By remaining temporarily in your current position, you lose absolutely nothing, but simply save your energy for future achievements.

The third ten days of December 2017, under the influence of aspects of Venus and Mars, will become the most romantic period of this year in the life of single representatives of the Zodiac sign Libra. Not only will you meet a person in life who will fill it with positivity and a powerful flow positive energy, so you will also find a sea of ​​passion and a storm of emotions that this person will give. To Libra, from among those who have connected their lives with the life of the chosen one by the bonds of Hymen, the stars advise everyone possible ways diversify your family life. The flow of energy will be so powerful that it will need to be put somewhere, but it is simply impossible to do this alone and without leaving home, and an excess of feelings can provoke disagreements. Therefore, do not sit at home, visit friends, meet colleagues outside of work, go to the cinema, theater, skating rink or swimming pool. All this is both useful and exciting. Try not to sit at the computer for a long time, even if it requires it job description. Every hour, find 10-15 minutes to warm up and relax, take care of your health and strength, you will need them very soon.

Horoscope for December 2017 year shows that the approach New Year's holidays many representatives zodiac sign Libra will relax. Concentrating on work and serious responsibilities will not be easy. Therefore, it is better to do only the main tasks and, if possible, not overload yourself. Until December 20th there will be a rather hectic period. But “boiling” is unlikely to affect the important life spheres of the representatives of this zodiac constellation. So the stars advise simply not to pay attention to trivial changes and try to preserve inner harmony.

Libra financial horoscope for December 2017

Cardinal changes of a financial nature for the majority of representatives zodiac sign Libra, is not scheduled for December 2017. Decide calmly necessary questions in this domain. And most importantly, do everything in your power to get out of debt before the new year. It is not advisable to lend it to someone. Be careful when counting funds and working with financial-related documents. Otherwise you may make mistakes. If necessary, you can make significant purchases. The only thing to buy in given time undesirable - this household appliances and trips somewhere.

The most successful professional life will be for those Libra whose activities are related to communication technologies. Despite the fact that in some matters there may be confusion, you will probably figure it out quickly and get many opportunities to move up the ladder. career ladder. At the end of the year, representatives of this zodiac sign are not recommended to take important decisions. You may not take into account all the nuances and encounter offensive mistakes.

Libra love horoscope for December 2017

Family members and those living with their other half zodiac sign Libra, would like to hold maximum amount time at home in a quiet environment. And the stars do not advise resisting this desire. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. If you don’t want to go out, for example, to a noisy friendly party, honestly, tell your friends about it. Surely they will understand everything. For now, for single Libra, the astro forecast predicts a “resumption” of previous relationships. There is a high probability that you will meet your old passion again, and a whirlwind of passion will simply whirl you around. new strength. But you should only start a relationship with a new person in your life if you feel that “this is yours.” If you have the slightest doubt, it’s better to slow down. Trust yourself and your heart.

Libra health horoscope for December 2017

At first winter month Libra needs to pay special attention to the condition of the liver - avoid strong alcoholic drinks and fatty foods, otherwise serious problems with its functioning are unlikely to be avoided. To the same representatives zodiac sign Libra For those who play sports, it is important to be careful when performing exercises on the leg area. There is a high chance of injury. If you are just getting acquainted with training, it is advisable to do it under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Favorable and unfavorable days for December 2017 Libra

Favorable days for Libra December 2017 5th of December, December 10, December 16, 21 December, 27th of December, December 30, 2017 .
