Olsen sisters drug addiction. Famous twin Ashley Olsen is terminally ill

Mary-Kate Olsen is a famous American actress, one of the famous Olsen twins. Mary-Kate and her sister Ashley Olsen made their debut on screens when they were barely 9 months old, and by the time they reached adulthood, each had accumulated an impressive amount of $150 million. In the 90s, the faces of the young Olsen sisters did not leave the screens: “Two: Me and My Shadow”, “Poster Dad”, “Passport to Paris” - all these films are well known to connoisseurs of good family comedies.

Having matured, Mary-Kate realized herself outside the sister tandem, going into the design and publishing business.

Childhood and family

The future TV star was born on June 13, 1986 in sunny Los Angeles. Surely many are familiar with her twin sister Ashley Olsen, who was born two minutes later. As a child, it was quite difficult to distinguish the girls, however, if you look closely, you will notice that Ashley is right-handed, and Mary-Kate is left-handed.

The sisters' father, David Olsen, devoted his life to banking, and their mother, Jarnett Fuller, was once a ballerina. In 1984, their eldest son James was born, two years later a double addition to the family appeared in the persons of Mary-Kate and Ashley, and another 5 years later their youngest daughter Lizzie was born. Growing up, all the Olsen children chose a creative path. By the way, such a memorable appearance of the sisters, and the rest of the younger Olsens, is the fruit of a mixture of British and Scandinavian blood.

In 1996, the girls' father left the family and started new family, having married Martha MacKenzie. In his second marriage, he had two children - daughter Taylor and son Jack. Despite the difficult relationship between the parents, the half-brothers and sisters were always friendly.

First roles

As soon as babies Ashley and Mary-Kate turned 9 months old, their parents sent their sisters to star in the Full House project. The twin girls took turns playing the role of Michelle Tanner, youngest daughter the main character is a common practice for the American film industry, where there are strict working hours for young actors. It is noteworthy that for some reason the crew liked Mary-Kate more, and she was given more screen time, to Ashley's deep frustration.

It was with this project that it began Star Trek Mary-Kate and Ashley, the girls, were involved in the project until its completion in 1995. By the way, at first the creators of the series wanted to hide the fact that one heroine was played by two different girls, so for a long time the sisters were listed in the credits as one person - Mary-Kate Ashley Olsen.

When the girls were 11 years old, their dad, who took on the role of their agent, founded the Dualstar company, which dealt exclusively with the affairs of the star sisters.

The rise of an acting career

In 1995, the film “Two: Me and My Shadow” appeared on television screens, which brought the twins, without exaggeration, world fame. According to the plot, an exemplary girl from rich family Quite by chance he meets his exact copy on the street. It turns out that the stranger is an orphan and most spent her life wandering. Together they try to disrupt the wedding of their father, who has decided to throw in his lot with a cruel and vulgar woman.

Three years later, another film was released, “Poster Dad,” the plot of which echoed the script of the first film. This time the girls decided to find a bride for dad and placed a huge photo of their father on the billboard.

In 2000, Mattel launched the production of Barbie dolls, which were exact copies twins. This marketing ploy significantly increased the company's revenue.

Subsequently, the actresses starred in a number of good comedies, where the theme of twins was played out in one way or another: “Passport in Paris”, “Lock Your Mouth”, “Changing Gates”, “Once Upon a Time in Rome” and many others.

In 2003, the sisters found themselves in 61st place in the list of “100 most attractive girls on the planet” according to the FHM gloss. And this despite the fact that many considered them too small for the modeling business. The next year, another significant event occurred in the lives of the actresses - they were awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen sing

After this, a dark streak began in the lives of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. In 2004, Mary made a terrible confession, telling the whole world that she had anorexia nervosa. A little later, doctors discovered a kidney infection - a consequence of intense exercise from a young age.

The same year, the film New York Minutes was released, in which the twins last time appeared together. Great hopes were placed on this film - it was assumed that it would become a transition point from children's frivolous roles to deeper characters. But the film failed at the box office.

After some time, a series of rumors circulated in the press, the leitmotif of which was the debauchery and depravity of the Olsen sisters. Intrusive journalists accused Mary-Kate of drug abuse after her death close friend Heath Ledger, who died due to an overdose of painkillers.

It is not surprising that the sisters decided to “lay low”: they stopped acting in films and discovered new industries. In 2006, Ashley and Mary tried their hand as TV presenters of a comedy program that aired on the Saturday Night Live channel. In parallel with this, they released their own clothing line, The Row, which very quickly gained popularity among the stars. Over time, the girl became creative director brand "Superga".

In 2012, the sisters opened their own shoe store in New York and released their first collection. In 2013, a new perfume was created and a collection of chic bags was released. In the summer, the twins signed a lucrative contract with the Norwegian brand Bik Bok and began working on a new fashion line, which included handbags, accessories and, of course, clothing.

The girl always believed that her sister Ashley was more popular, so she decided to test her strength alone, appearing in the film “I Seduced Andy Warhol” (2006). The main roles in the film were played by Sienna Miller, Guy Pearce and Mina Suvari.

In 2008, Mary was lucky enough to star with such famous personalities as Ben Kingsley and Famke Janssen in the dramatic thriller Madness.

In 2011, the actress appeared as the main character in the fairy-tale drama “Terribly Beautiful”, where the following films were filmed with her on the set: famous personalities like Alex Pettyfer and Vanessa Anne Hudgens.

Mary-Kate Olsen in the movie "Beautiful" (trailer)

Also that year, the Olsen sisters' book Influence was published. On 272 pages, the sisters talked about the most interesting moments from your life. In order not to offend each other, the sisters decided to publish 2 different copies. Ashley showed off on one, and Mary-Kate on the other.

In 2014, Mary-Kate underwent plastic surgery, which most of her fans unanimously called unsuccessful.

Personal life of Mary-Kate Olsen

Mary-Kate's first choice was the popular film director Max Winkler. Their relationship lasted only 2 years. In 2004, the actress met another director, David Katzenberg. At first there was passion and love between them, but over time the feeling disappeared, and Kate was left alone again.

After this affair, the paparazzi spotted her with the founder of Genetic Denim, Ali Fatureshim. Their relationship also ended in failure.

In 2005, Greek multimillionaire Stavros Niarchos III proposed to the girl, for which Mary dropped out of university. Unfortunately, their plans were ruined by Paris Hilton. The actress learned about the affair between her future husband and the famous glamorous heartbreaker from the newspapers.

In 2006, Mary dated photographer Maxwell Snow, and in 2008 she tried to build a relationship with artist Nate Lowman. In 2012, the young beauty attracted the attention of Olivier Sarkozy, brother of Nicolas Sarkozy. He is 17 years older than her. The couple dated for three years, after which the man proposed to her. On November 27, 2015, the young people got married.

Mary-Kate Olsen today

Now the main actress in the Olsen family is the youngest Elizabeth, and Mary-Kate has devoted herself entirely to developing new designer clothing lines. Together with her sister, she promotes the Elizabeth&James brand, which produces clothing, perfumes and fashion accessories. In 2016, the Olsen sisters turned 30 - a serious number, and it is possible that a completely new stage in their lives is just around the corner.

Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen: Young and Beautiful (2003)

Is it normal to look the same age as your betrothed, who is 15-20 years older? The paparazzi slander: whatever the Olsen sisters do to achieve such a haggard and exhausted look, they do it beautifully.

Old age is not a joy: Ashley and Mary-Kate ─ 31 years old (2017)

Maybe, of course appearance proportional to fame and wealth. We are not hinting at the example of Dorian Gray, but we remember that the business that the sisters began to build at the age of 6 brought millions of fans and millions of dollars. There is an opinion that girls are so tired of being “sweet cuties” that they began to desperately strive to grow up and began to do everything in order to look more mature (lose weight, smoke, drink liters of coffee and not only coffee, wear more “appropriate” clothes, etc. .).

Costume Institute Ball (May 1, 2017)

Sisters tend to disappear from secular radars for a long time, so each of their appearances becomes almost an epiphany, allowing one to assess the level - with quality everything has long been clear - of change. So, throughout 2017, the foreign press rejoiced: finally, you can tell the Olsen twins apart at first glance - and it’s not at all about hair color or makeup.

“Can anyone tell me what Olsen is taking that looks so disgusting? I need to know so I never do this!” ─ perhaps one of the softest comments on Twitter after the appearance of Mary-Kate and Ashley at the MET Gala 2017. Everyone who closely followed the Costume Institute ball was not interested in the sisters’ boho-style outfits, but in their mourning makeup and haggard, sunken faces.

How about a photo with American rap singer Nicki Menage, who - just a second! – 4 years older than the twins, but amazingly looks younger?

Mary-Kate Olsen, who accompanied Oliver Sarkozy at The Take Home A Nude exhibition, once again made people talk about herself. True, not because her husband is keeping a secret family life intact, and every appearance of the spouses is a holiday for secular journalists. The reason was the sickly and very unpresentable appearance of the girl. Fashion observers have long been reproaching Mary-Kate for her lack of makeup and decent hairstyle (and shiny hair roots). But this time they also noted something barely perceptible solemn and sad in her image.

Oliver Sarkozy and Mary-Kate Olsen in New York (October 11, 2017)

Mysterious Mary-Kate: as if something has changed again

Fully sharing these emotions, we decided to find out what happened to Mary-Kate and compiled a complete photo chronology of her beauty evolution (or rather, degradation). We also asked a professional expert to explain how and why you can age so quickly so as not to repeat mistakes.

Mary-Kate Olsen (potentially Ashley Olsen), 2003

This photo was taken more than ten years ago, when the Olsen sisters stepped into the fashion world with their “signature” line of clothing for teenagers. Medium brown hair, huge eyes, chubby cheeks - she's a cutie, right?

She diluted her hair with several bleached strands, but even without this, the freshness of her face continues to captivate. That's exactly it Golden time, when the Olsen twins looked so similar that it was easy to confuse one sister for the other. This is also the time when Mary-Kate announced that she was being treated for anorexia nervosa. Hmm, is it noticeable?

At the age of 19, Mary-Kate changed her teenage style to an elegant, sophisticated one. Her skin still glows with health and hydration (even if some imperfections are noticeable). Eyebrows – a la “naturel”, hair color – an elusive natural “something in between”. Trying on the adult style went perfectly - it suits her very well.

Here is Mary-Kate in her favorite boho style (we still have to talk about changing the visual component - hairstyle, makeup). Let's not blame her for excessive promiscuity, because this happened in the era of Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan, and she was still almost a child. Note that the oval of the face remained almost unchanged.

This year is the time marker that marked the first tangible difference between the twins. Thick textured blonde waves in the style of Britney Spears of the 2000s, dark eyeliner and intense eye makeup ─ can you believe that the young lady is 21 years old?

Over the year, Mary-Kate's image has hardly changed: it is still the same “polished” in the best sense of the word. She is very glamorous and very fashionable. The love for eyelash extensions continues to bloom wildly. And, perhaps, my nose has become a little thinner ─ or was it my imagination?

Olsen seems to look his usual self here. But all beauty observers believe that 2010 was the turning point for Mary-Kate, after which she no longer looked the same. There were still no wrinkles, but something had changed. Her face seemed to “deflate.”

Mary-Kate is 24 years old in this photo. You probably also have a question: is this the same person? Her eyes seem less round and open (it's not so cute anymore), her cheeks aren't full at all (and it's not a matter of contouring), and the shape of her nose is even more refined. Even the lips seemed to shrink a little and decrease in size, becoming “dense.” Of course, this could be a random shot, but the changes are still surprising.

We're loving this bright blonde look that Mary-Kate briefly tried on. Pink makeup The eye is also unusual (unlike her favorite matte pale pink lipstick). But is it just about the makeup? There is not a hint of wrinkles on the forehead, but the smile looks very unnatural. Is it because Olsen has long been a red carpet pro, or is there another reason?

Mary-Kate has returned to dark hair. But what makes her older is not the color of her hair, but the oval of her face, cheeks and jaw, which have clearly lost weight and become much more sculpted, if not sharper. Let us remind you that she is only 26 years old, and for physiological fat loss this is still too early an age!

The last appeal for today to the blonde (it looks, we admit, a little sloppy and not too chic). The eyebrows are still in a magnificent artistic mess - even Cara Delevingne could envy them, and the eyeliner is aggressively provocative. But that's not the point. Where did those cheekbones come from, that is, where were they before?

Three years ago, photos of Mary-Kate began to shock even the public, accustomed to Hollywood beauty experiments. Why didn't her chin jut out like it did now? Where did the cheeks go? Perhaps the reason for such a bright contrast was the new hairstyle - with “oily” roots, curled ends and a strict parting in the middle. But still, it cannot be denied that she looks completely different.

Control shot, almost to kill - how different is a sister from a sister! Is this normal aging (Mary-Kate is 28 years old), or has she done something to herself (besides marrying Oliver Sarkozy)?

Summary: back in 2007, foreign secular observers began to speculate that the twins practiced rhinoplasty (almost a pair). Usually, with age, the tip of the nose becomes wider and softer, but not narrower or sharper. True, it is unlikely that a nose job can fully explain the changes that have occurred in Mary-Kate’s appearance in such a short time. It is also believed that she suffered several (apparently not very successful) plastic surgery. For example, someone notes that Olsen's eyebrows have clearly become taller with age - the result of an endoscopic brow lift. Her cheekbones also look very, very sculpted to say the least. In general, whatever it is, beauty experts are sure that it is not 100% the result of natural aging.

Natalya Grigorieva, a specialist in anti-age medicine, comments: CEO Premium Aesthetics clinics:

Early ptosis is often cited as the cause of Mary-Kate's pronounced age-related changes. However, the loss of skin elasticity, due to which the face “slips,” is secondary in this case. Mary had serious eating problems in the past, suffering from anorexia. As a result, the girl suddenly and greatly lost weight, which could not but affect her face: the layer of subcutaneous fat thinned, her cheekbones became more pronounced, and her cheeks became more sunken. For example, on latest photos There is already noticeable sagging of the skin in the area of ​​the angle of the neck and lower jaw. In fact, all this is largely the result of poor nutrition (apparently, lifestyle in general) and sudden weight loss.

Mary-Kate and Ashley: where are my happy 16 years?

Mary-Kate: a history of global weight loss with a history of anorexia

Among the radical changes, nose plastic surgery is noticeable - its back and tip have become narrower. And Mary-Kate also does contour plastic surgery lips - the upper lip became noticeably fuller in later photographs. But this correction is always done very carefully, without excesses, so it does not spoil the face, unlike hair color, a little “grandmother’s” hairstyle and makeup.

Also pay attention to the color of Mary-Kate's skin - her shade is noticeably darker than her sister's. Tanned faces always look older, and tanning itself accelerates skin ptosis.

Early age-related changes indicate that Mary-Kate (left) is a big fan of sunbathing and tanning beds, not car bronzers (with sisters Elizabeth Olsen and Ashley Olsen, 2016)

Now about how to not look over 40 at 30 years old. We are talking about the importance of proper nutrition and the inadmissibility of sudden weight loss, including because this is the key to the productive synthesis of estrogens and female sex hormones (in the absence of gynecological and endocrine diseases, which also reduce it). Hormonal levels are very important for the condition of a woman’s skin, because a decrease in estrogen synthesis also slows down the synthesis of new skin fibers - elastin and collagen. The skin gradually begins to lose its elasticity and sag. Women encounter similar changes ─ they are often called gravitational ptosis ─ during menopause, but sometimes earlier. When we ourselves accelerate the changes that ideally occur in the skin over time, then signs of loss of elasticity and firmness may appear at 25-30 years of age.

Abundance of simple carbohydrates in the diet.
A regular strong increase in blood glucose levels leads to glucose reacting with proteins (read also: “6 consequences of protein deficiency (and how to deal with it)”), which form the basis of all hormones, enzymes, vascular walls, epithelium, cell membranes. As a result of this interaction, the protein is oxidized - “sugared” (this process is called glycation). As a result, there is a gradual destruction of the tissue of one or another organ and disruption of its function. Glycation of dermal collagen proteins is a major factor in aging. For those who consume more simple sugars, age-related changes appear much earlier. One of the most important (and basic) anti-aging tools is limiting simple sugars in the diet.

Protein deficiency (in particular essential amino acids).
It is most often encountered by people who adhere to vegetarianism, compiling a menu from a limited group of products. The skin of “non-meat eaters” is usually dull and flabby, and loses turgor prematurely.

How to prevent early aging:

First, you need to eliminate the internal problems that became the root cause of early ptosis. The most basic thing: break up with bad habits(regular lack of sleep also means this), normalize your diet, give up tanning in a solarium, learn to regularly use products with SPF. Cosmetic procedures will also help put your skin in order - they will help strengthen the skin frame, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, activate fibroblasts, and replenish the deficiency of hyaluronic acid in the skin.

Face massage. Various types - from hardware to manual. Massage allows you to work with muscles, maintaining their tone. This is a kind of “gym” for the face. As a result of such influences, the muscles fall into place and become stronger, and lymphatic drainage is provided (

Well, who among us has not heard of the Olsen sisters? These charming twins won hundreds of thousands of hearts in the 2000s, starring in such popular and well-known films as “Passport to Paris”, “Me and My Shadow” and many others. Now the girls are only thirty-one years old, but they don’t look that great, to put it mildly. Recent photographs of them have spread all over the World Wide Web and caused many controversial reviews and comments.

Twin sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen became popular throughout the world in early childhood. Their parents sent the girls to casting for the TV series “Full House” when the sisters were only six years old. The series was not particularly popular, but many people liked the cute and charming twin girls, so Olsen later starred in many famous films. However, for various reasons, the girls were not able to fully find themselves in the acting profession. Therefore, they entered the fashion industry and succeeded in many ways.

Ten years ago, the general public learned that Mary-Kate had been treated in a paid private hospital for six months. The cause was severe anorexia (considered a mental illness by most doctors), allegedly caused (this could not be officially proven, but persistent rumors still circulate) by the use of illegal drugs. Many years have passed since then, Mary-Kate was cured, but radical changes occurred in the girl’s appearance. Her chin protruded strongly and her cheekbones became very visible. And after the girl married Olivier Sarkozy (brother of the former French President, almost twenty years older than Mary-Kate), people began to discuss on the Internet that Olsen herself had aged a lot. At thirty-one, she looks at least ten to fifteen years older.

Her sister, Ashley Olsen, also did not have the easiest fate. Several years ago, a girl contracted an extremely rare disease - borreliosis. Its causative agent is practically known to science mite. This disease is so rare that all last years Ashley didn't even appear in public. Now everything is fine with her, but the consequences of the disease are obvious: Ashley, like her sister Mary-Kate, looks much older than her age.

Today, the Olsen twins are no longer as similar to each other as they used to be. They are practically invisible family connection. In addition, at thirty-one years old, the girls look more likely to be forty-five to fifty. Now you no longer recognize them as those charming girls that audiences loved so many years ago. However, what can you do? Time moves forward and does not spare anyone, and everyone’s appearance changes, some earlier and some later. In the end, the main thing is what’s inside a person, not the outside, isn’t it?

The whole world is wondering: what happened to the Olsen sisters? In the 90s, the charming twins were successful Hollywood movie stars, but now they look like old ladies. Early fame clearly did not benefit the beauties.

The famous twins were born in 1986. WITH early childhood they gained worldwide popularity.

Most recently, the girls celebrated their 30th anniversary, but they look much older. The pace of their aging horrifies fans.

This is what the Olsen sisters looked like in 2017 at age 31

The reasons for early aging of twins are associated not only with age-related changes. Mary-Kate was treated for anorexia, and Ashley suffered a serious illness - tick-borne borreliosis.

The media also attributed Ashley to alcohol and drug addiction, but the girl denied these statements.

Fans couldn't help but notice that in 2014, actress Mary-Kate Olsen had plastic surgery on her face and pumped up her lips. The cheekbones have become more pointed, and now the sisters cannot be confused at all.

Mary-Kate Olsen in 2010 and 2015

Plastic surgeons argue that it is not the surgery that is the issue. The reason for the sudden change in appearance was the girl’s sudden weight loss.

The twins appeared on screen at the age of six months. For 8 years, they took turns starring in the TV series “Full House.”

After the sitcom, the sisters gained incredible popularity. They starred in more than 20 films.

The most famous paintings: “Two - me and my shadow”, “Passport to Paris”, “Mouth shut”, etc.

The actresses became the youngest producers of the 90s and were included in the Forbes Celebrity 100 of 2002.

The Olsen sisters then and now are completely different people.

The acting careers of the twins, unfortunately, did not work out. The last film with both of them was a drama called New York Minute, released in 2004. It failed at the box office. After that, Ashley did not appear on the screen, and Mary-Kate played cameo roles in second-rate films.

The 27-year-old girl is in demand in the film profession, unlike her older sisters. She played roles in The Avengers, Godzilla, and Oldboy.

Now Mary-Kate and Ashley are no longer those sweet girls who delighted us on screens with their childish spontaneity. But fans did not stop loving the charming twins.

Olsen sisters through the years in the photo updated: July 31, 2018 by: cheekysun

Twin sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley Fuller Olsen were born on June 13, 1986 in Los Angeles (USA).

Mary-Kate is two minutes younger than Ashley; Mary-Kate is left-handed, Ashley is right-handed.

Mary-Kate and Ashley have an older brother, Trent, and a younger sister, Elizabeth (Lisey).

When the twins were just nine months old, they made their first appearance on set, where the Olsen sisters played the role of Michelle Tenner in the ABC comedy series Full House. The girls played one role for two for quite a long time - from 1987 to 1995.

All photos 15

Interestingly, at first the producers of Full House did not want viewers to know that the role of Michelle Tenner was played by two actresses, so for some time their names were listed in the credits as “Mary Kate Ashley Olsen”.

But the truth came out in 1992, when each of the sisters was invited to a separate role in the film “Hide, Grandma! We're going" (To Grandmother's House We Go, 1992).

The charming little Olsen sisters instantly won the love of the public and became real stars. In 1992, the twins' manager Robert Thorne founded the Dualstar Intertainment Group, owned by Mary-Kate and Ashley. This makes them the youngest producers in Hollywood history.

Meanwhile, the Olsen sisters' careers were rapidly rising.

In 1993, the twins launched their detective series “The Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley” (The Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley, 1993) - the famous film “Mystery in High Waters” was based on this series.

Then the film “Passion-face” (Double Double, Toil & Trouble, 1993) comes out.

In March 1995, the Olsen sisters' parents divorced, but this did not affect the twins' careers - they are releasing a new series, You're Invited to Mary-Kate & Ashley's Sleepover Party, 1995−1999 ), which was a great success.

On November 17, 1995, the Olsen sisters' first wide-screen film, It Takes Two (1995), was released. The release of this film on video literally creates a sensation both in America and abroad.

On November 9, 1998, another full-length film, “Billboard Dad” (1998), was released on video.

Until 1999, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, under the strict guidance of their manager, continued to release discs with recordings of songs and films of their own production - fans swept the products off the shelves in a matter of minutes.

In 1999, the films Switching Goals were released. Then there were the films “Passport to Paris” (1999), “Olympic Secret” (Our lips are sealed, 2000) and “Winning London” (2001).

In their free time from their film careers, Mary-Kate and Ashley wrote books - the “New Adventures of MK-A” series. Also, the girls have already written memoirs.

In 2000, Mary-Kate and Ashley dolls entered the market - the result of the sisters' collaboration with Mattel. Needless to say, the dolls are becoming a hit...

Despite their rapidly developing careers from early childhood, Mary-Kate and Ashley never forgot about education - first they became school graduates, and in 2004 they graduated from New York University.

In 2004, the film New York Minute (2004) appeared in theaters, which turned out to be a real failure. But Mary-Kate and Ashley learned a lesson from this - from now on they must appear together in films very carefully, choosing their roles carefully.

In 2005, Mary-Kate moved to California, where she and her sister successfully managed a production company; Ashley remains in New York. Of course, the sisters often meet and are in the most good relations.

In 2006, Mary-Kate took a risk and took on a cameo role in the film Factory Girl (2006). After that, Mary-Kate appeared as a guest star in several popular American TV series - Showtime, Weeds, etc.

In turn, Ashley starred in the independent drama The Informers (2008), where her partners were Billy Bob Thornton and Kim Basinger.

Also in 2006, Mary-Kate and Ashley became the faces of the Badgley Mischka clothing brand. It should be noted that this contract was signed not only due to the popularity of the sisters among young people - by that time Mary-Kate and Ashley had become real style icons.

Like Kate Moss and Sienna Miller, they love "street style" and bohemian chic. As soon as one of them appears with a bag from an unknown designer, it immediately becomes the main bag of the season! It’s not surprising that the sisters thought about creating their own clothing brand...

In 2007, Mary-Kate and Ashley launched their own clothing line, The Row. Six months before the appearance of your new collection the twins started wearing their own clothes, which was, in fact, the best thing advertising campaign, which you can only imagine.

At the end of 2007, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen were sharply criticized by PETA - the twins suffered for their love for real fur.

In 2008, the Olsen sisters launched their own line of jewelry. Together with Robert Lee Morris they are releasing a collection for their brand Elizabeth and James. In total there will be about 80 pieces - rings, earrings, chains with crosses, turquoise jewelry, bracelets. Prices for all this Olsen-style splendor range from $65 to $700.

On this moment Mary-Kate and Ashley's net worth is estimated at more than $800 million for each of the sisters.

The personal life of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen has always been under close media attention.

The fact that in 2004 Mary-Kate spent six weeks in a rehabilitation clinic, where she was treated for anorexia, caused a lot of noise - the girl was literally taught to eat again.

And in 2006, Mary-Kate's name appeared on the front pages of newspapers in connection with her affair with millionaire Stavros Niarchos. That same year, Ashley Olsen loudly sued the National Enquirer, which published photographs of her allegedly taken while Ashley was under the influence of drugs.

Ashley had brief affairs with actor Jared Leto and 36-year-old cyclist Lance Armstrong, which also received high publicity.

Ashley Olsen's affair with 30-year-old New York playboy Scott Sarantino, which ended in a breakup, also became public knowledge.

In 2008, the Olsen sisters presented their book Influence (Influence) - a work about fashion and style.

And if Ashley focused all her attention on fashion, then Mary-Kate did not forget about acting career– in 2008 she took part in the filming of Samantha Who? - an ABC sitcom, and in 2011 - the film “Terribly Beautiful.”

In 2015, Mary-Kate married Olivier Sarkozy, brother of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The couple is expecting a child.
