A combination of seven of swords cards. Meaning of the tarot seven of swords

Tarot cards are helpers that came to us from antiquity. It is impossible to underestimate the help of the deck in solving problems. After all, maps help not only to solve them, but also to understand own feelings. To enlist the help of Tarot, it is enough to study the meaning of all the symbols. It is advised to start acquaintance with the minor arcana. For example, with 7 Swords.

Characteristics of the suit of Swords

Any suit of Tarot is responsible for a certain area of ​​life. Swords are intangible phenomena and symbolize contact inner peace person with the outside.

Swords describe everything related to communication, external contacts, diplomacy and conflict. The sword is a weapon. It can be directed to external world as well as against the questioner himself.

If Wands symbolize motivation, then Swords are action. The suit symbolizes power, leadership and the pursuit of achievement. Every thought is a decision. Accepted, it cuts off doubts and fears. That is why the suit is depicted as a saber. In any scenario, Swords describe a battle. It can be a battle for justice, upholding one's own opinion, or an internal struggle with one's own demons.

The appearance of cards of Swords in the layout of the Tarot of Thoth is a sign of danger. This is a force that threatens to break free from minute to minute. Under the auspices of the Sabers is reason, intelligence, courage and strength.

In astrology, Swords correspond to the elements of Air. Like her signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius), the characters of Swords are constantly in conflict with the outside world. They are brave defenders of truth and fighters for freedom. Court cards of this suit describe a person who is able to oppose himself to society.

Description of the Seven of Sabers

The meaning of the Seven of Swords in the Tarot is quite eloquently depicted in the drawing of the card itself. The image of the lasso shows a person committing a dubious act. Tarologists call this symbol "theft."

The picture shows a young man stalking the enemy camp at dawn. He just stole a weapon from an opponent and rejoices about it.

The five swords that the guy managed to steal indicate clearly foul play. He himself understands this, looking around with apprehension. The smile on his face shows self-confidence.

However, not everything is as rosy as it seems to this youngster. In his hands are only five sabers. Two of them remained in the camp, stuck in the ground. Yes, and stolen swords cut hands. Taking the weapon by the blades, the thief injures his own palms.

In the Tarot of Aquarius, the card is depicted in a slightly different way. The guy in the picture has already returned to his camp and is inspecting the “prey”. From his facial expression, it is clear that the essence of the act is already causing him doubts.

The meaning of the 7 of Swords in the Tarot is a symbol of unfair rivalry. A person characterized by this lasso uses dastardly methods in an attempt to win some kind of “battle”. Impulsive desire has not only led a person onto a dangerous path, but has already damaged him. Hands are hurt. It will be more difficult to fight further.

The meaning of the correct lasso

In the correct position, the card has a twofold interpretation. The meaning of the card is negative, but it points to the wrong path. and therefore can help solve the problem.

A brief description of the correct lasso:

In a detailed interpretation of the lasso, a red thread of the main meaning is visible. "A bad peace is better than a good quarrel." The card describes the cowardice of a person who is not ready to enter into confrontation. This is both cowardice and caution in one bottle.

Often the card speaks of fraud. If a person tries to solve the problem in a dishonest way, he will soon be defeated. The card justifies only the so-called lie for the good, when by understatement it is possible to avoid conflict.

Arkan calls to adapt to the situation and not to show their intentions openly. You should not expect that the impulses of one soul will be understood by the rest. The Seven of Sabers is cunning combined with diplomacy.

Neighboring arcana will help determine correct value Sevens. For example, the Ten of Staves speaks of the inevitability of a decision. Running away from the situation no longer makes sense. Arcana Mage advises to cheat in order to avoid a clash of interests.

Reversed tarot card

Most tarot cards in an inverted orientation take on different interpretations than in the standard position. The Seven of Sabers is no exception, indicating unpleasant events.

A brief description of the inverted lasso:

In the reversed position, the Seven of Swords speaks of hypocrisy and unpleasant behavior. The reason for the problems lies in the approach to the situation. Do not believe gossip and succumb to provocations. Intrigues also will not lead to anything good.

Often the wrong lasso speaks of situations where the questioner has become a victim of circumstances. The "sword" in this case is directed at him. The card describes extraneous influence, when it is impossible to get rid of someone else's influence.

Arkan describes the instability of the situation. The querent is in a precarious position, so every step he takes must be carefully weighed.

The combination of some arcana with the Seven of Swords will be important. Its combination with the Hanged Man symbolizes the sacrifices that will inevitably have to be made. The Strength card speaks of lies and pretense. The Wheel of Fortune predicts the exit of one opponent from the game.

Career and money questions

In the schedule for professional activity The map has several interpretations. They depend on the position of the lasso in divination.

Standard character position

In the correct position, the card calls for a closer look at business partners. It is necessary to make sure of their honesty and transparency of joint plans. Arkan speaks of deceit, hidden or explicit. Most often, unsaid information is important, but hidden. This is the same small font that hides the essence of the document.

Seven describes obstacles on the way to the goal. The reason for this is an impulsive decision or ill-considered actions. Before cutting, you need to measure seven times.

Arcanum Justice in the layout indicates that the interference is concentrated in the legal sphere. The Death Card advises using only proven methods. Moderation speaks of the need to pacify your ardor and seek a compromise, even if you don’t want to solve the problem peacefully.

Dangerous omen

In the wrong position, the Seven directly indicates an extraneous influence. Failures in work are connected with other people's tricks. It is quite possible that the ill-wisher penetrated the "camp" of the querent, pretending to be his ally. The value is especially relevant if the Hermit card lay next to it.

Often, the lasso speaks of a desire to retreat when the risk of defeat becomes very clear. But this does not mean that the difficulties are insurmountable. Tarot advises to act decisively if the goal has good intentions.

The most interesting meaning is the Seven in combination with the lasso of the Sun. The combination describes isolation and the inability to find a common language with like-minded people. The Court card predicts impunity, and the Tower warns of a destructive trick that will soon lead to sad events.

Love relationships and marriage

In divination on love relationship The Seven of Sabers card symbolizes dishonesty. However, a lie can come both from outside and be generated in the union itself. The orientation of the map will help in interpreting.

Standard Symbol Prediction

In the correct position, the interpretation of the 7 Swords Tarot card will be eloquent. The value in the relationship of this lasso is unfavorable. The symbol speaks of hidden problems that have arisen in a couple. It could be hypocrisy, lies, or ulterior motives. Often, the lasso warns of the unreliability of the companion, his polygamy or insidious plans.

A less dangerous interpretation concerns the secrecy that is inherent in one of the chosen ones. It is about the inability to openly talk about problems and feelings. Perhaps the partner suffers from complexes, but it may turn out that he is driven by selfish motives. The Seven of Swords is a symbol of calculated love, so the card in any position is considered negative.

Paired with the Empress, such a lasso describes negligent parents who neglect the upbringing of their children. The emperor, on the contrary, points to the irresponsibility of children in relation to the older generation.

bad news decks

In the wrong orientation, the lasso speaks of the influence strangers on relationships. For example, too persistent advice from loved ones or emotional pressure on one of the lovers. Slander from the outside can destroy this relationship, says the wrong Seven of Swords.

Often the card indicates the passivity of one of the partners. He does not want to make an effort to make a love union comfortable.

About the desire to avoid conflict, which only leads to a delay in the situation, says the Chariot paired with 7 of Swords.

As a prediction for the coming day, the Seven of Swords carries a warning interpretation. Arkan advises to be on your guard. It is possible that today they will try to fool the questioner. It is important not to let yourself be deceived by being gullible. Also, do not trust the words of others and, if possible, document all important facts.

Sometimes the lasso advises the querent himself to resort to cunning, for the suit of Swords is victory. But there is no gain without loss. One of the sides in today's battle must lose.

Health Analysis

In fortune-telling on the state of health, the Seven Sabers warns the questioner about some kind of hidden illness, the symptoms of which have not yet appeared.

In questions about the psychological state, the lasso speaks of emotional exhaustion. This is apathy, depressive thoughts and fatigue caused by difficult experiences.

In an inverted position, the card gives a favorable prediction and portends a speedy recovery.

The combination of characters in the layout

In any scenario, all the cards received form one picture, so they should be read together. The Seven of Swords is no exception. A combination with some cards can enhance its value. Other arcana weaken the interpretation of 7 Sabers.

The combination of the Seven of Swords with the Major Arcana:

Tarot cards are a book written in the language of intuition. It is unlikely that it will be possible to read its symbols with the help of logic. Understanding the deck requires, first of all, an understanding of your emotions and subconsciousness.

The interpretation of the Tarot card 7 of Swords is multifaceted. It changes depending on the question posed and the surrounding cards, but rarely has positive value. The presence of sevens in the layout speaks of a non-standard approach, the resources of intelligence involved, independence, dispassion in the search for truth. The 7 of Swords first of all notifies that the current position of the questioner cannot be resolved in the traditional way and gives useful indications as to what is happening. The card warns against haste, hindsight, unreasonable decisions, reminds that it is impossible to appropriate someone else's. Any plans involving dishonest ways will fail.

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      General value

      The image of the card represents a man resembling a clown, quietly leaving the enemy camp and taking five swords with him, leaving two with the opponents. He is not protected from the chase: the card draws attention to the fact that the usual way of deception in this situation will not help.

      • The seven swords in the Tarot symbolize deceit, meanness, intrigue - the qualities that a fortuneteller or a person who is guessing will show. The questioner is opposed by some kind of opposition, his plans are violated, the process of moving towards the goal is slowed down, there is a danger of being drawn into illegal actions, the help of a lawyer may be required.

        If the querent harms himself, the card warns of unwillingness to notice the obvious, gossip, bad intentions, arrogance, embezzlement. At the level of consciousness, this is a lack of readiness to see facts, avoidance of logical reasoning, self-deception. Sometimes in practice it turns out that the time of the fortuneteller was not devoted to the real business of his life.

        In the scenario for the situation, this is advice to act in detours, to avoid direct pressure. The fortuneteller should exclude the demonstration of his own superiority, smooth out the conflict.

        Direct position

        IN upright position the card says that the questioner is able to solve his problems if he gives up his habits. In addition to cowardice, deception, fraud, the card indicates various kinds of obstacles, to overcome which the fortuneteller will be forced to use dishonest methods. In a positive sense, it is the ability to adapt to difficult circumstances. Hard work, talent and flexibility are the possible means to win.

        Additions to the direct meanings of the map:

        • solving new problems in old ways;
        • unsuccessful trick;
        • a warning about impulsivity;
        • failure of plans;
        • slander, arrogance, hypocrisy;
        • self harm;
        • theft, self-interest, guilt, disorder;
        • relocation, job change;
        • difficulties, oppositions, intentions;
        • advice to avoid confrontation, not to build your own opinion into an absolute.

        The inner meaning for the direct position of the card: the worst is behind, self-confidence is revived, the experience gained will help; to be successful, you should avoid sudden leaps forward and stop bluffing.

        Reversed position

        Reversed 7 of Swords Meaning:

        • gradual improvement of the situation;
        • restoration of the lost;
        • receiving valuable advice and constructive criticism.

        You should get rid of excessive self-confidence, beware of ridiculous obstacles in the form of gossip, lies, dubious recommendations. It is unacceptable to lose vigilance and neglect the imagination. It is necessary to show wisdom, not to ignore advice and warnings that may be valuable.

        The card indicates a possible involvement in other people's secrets and related showdowns. The affairs of the fortuneteller are negatively influenced by ill-wishers. The inverted Seven of Swords is the lack of opportunities to solve problems in the available ways; if inaction, plans to remove obstacles will fail.

        Additions to inverted values:

        • unwavering conservatism;
        • return of lost, stolen;
        • restoring trust;
        • indecision, pessimism, laziness, missed chances;
        • reprimand, reproach;
        • news.

        Personal alignment

        In the layout of the character of the personality, the card changes its meaning depending on the question posed. It denotes the high ingenuity of a person who is intellectually developed, dexterous in every sense. The Seven of Swords usually falls out as a description of thieves and informers, but can also characterize a person who does not have a permanent residence.

        In the layout of the questioner, the card sometimes characterizes him as an unreliable person who let others down, is ashamed of his actions, intends to evade responsibility, hide from a well-deserved punishment.

        An inverted position indicates that the person being guessed can be trusted. This person is able to give good advice, or vice versa, receive constructive criticism from others, depending on the goals of the alignment. The stolen will be returned, if there was an insult - an apology will be received. The inverted position of the seven does not exclude such personality traits as laziness, cowardice, hypocrisy. If a person is a thief, then he is unsuccessful, not far gone in his skill.

        Love, relationships

        In divination on relationships, the meaning of the card is ambiguous. Endless disagreements, revenge, meanness, betrayal, lies, loss of trust, after which love turns into hatred, are not ruled out. This is the presence of internal problems hidden under apparent well-being.

        Relationships include:

        • lack of openness, susceptibility to other people's influence;
        • slander and other destructive manifestations;
        • overly emotional attitude to criticism of a partner;
        • passivity in the conquest of the desired object;
        • polygamy of one of the partners;
        • sometimes - complexes, leading to a break.

        The questioner delays the start of an important conversation, avoids direct answers to questions that he should give. If this is a hidden love, you should take a step towards the necessary changes. With the Chariot, the card characterizes a person who is trying to get away from the conflict in any way, by which he creates many problems for himself.

        Work, business

        The main meaning of the card regarding work, business is deception. Depending on the situation, the querent will try to get his way in a dishonest way, or his detractors will turn to dubious deals, hypocrisy and manipulation. The employee is characterized as evading responsibility, prone to dishonesty, substituting innocent people.

        In work, these are unlikely prospects, missed opportunities, lack of positive thinking. It is worth asking yourself the question of how transparent everything is in business cooperation, whether the state of affairs corresponds to the one declared by the employer, or is it the usual ill-conceivedness and objective obstacles on the way.

        In an inverted position, 7 swords marks a lack of funds for the implementation of an idea, uncertainty about success, instability of career conditions, retreat from the goal. In combination with the Hermit means the likely machinations of ill-wishers, with the Sun - a lack of diplomacy for success, with the Tower - a trick that will not lead to success.

        Map of the day

        The actions planned for this day will be completed thanks to the efforts of the mind.

        Advice in various areas:

    1. 1. In a relationship. It is worth being tactful, avoiding sensitive questions.
    2. 2. At work. Problems that arise must be met head-on.
    3. 3. Regarding finances. With perseverance, well-being is guaranteed.
    4. 4. For health. Hardening procedures will be useful.

    The 7 of Swords card of the day portends a successful trip. It will be fruitful work in the field of:

    • Sciences;
    • computer technologies;
    • various studies;
    • writing works of art;
    • study of the occult sciences.

    The time is right for spiritual growth, meditation.

    Card tip: do not close your eyes to problems, keep an inner core in yourself that will help you survive.

    Card Combinations

    It is known that a combination of cards can clarify the meaning of the alignment. Sometimes it is even the opposite of what is intended.

    The Seven of Swords in combination with other cards has the following interpretations:

    1. 1. With the Hierophant - lies for the sake of salvation, compromises with conscience, ostentatious kindness for the sake of covering up deceit. Seven in an inverted position - an act associated with deceit, but excluding self-interest and meanness.
    2. 2. With the Force - pretense.
    3. 3. With the Magician - cunning and diplomacy will help to achieve what you want.
    4. 4. With the Priestess - concealment of feelings.
    5. 5. With the Empress - neglect of parental responsibilities.
    6. 6. With the Emperor - failure to fulfill filial duty.
    7. 7. With Justice - false accusations, problems with the law.
    8. 8. With the Hanged Man - betrayal, the unwillingness of the fortuneteller to make sacrifices.
    9. 9. With the Devil - an incorrigible professional liar.
    10. 10. With the Tower - deceit combined with fraud, harm.
    11. 11. With the Wheel of Fortune - the hidden person will do everything to get out of the game.
    12. 12. With the Sun - skill in negotiating.
    13. 13. With Peace - advice to turn to logic and prudence.
    14. 14. With the Court - successful evasion of punishment.
    15. 15. With Death - you should act only with proven methods.
    16. 16. With the Two of Wands - advice to hide or information that a person is trying to escape.
    17. 17. With a dozen of Wands - you will have to take on unpleasant obligations.
    18. 18. With the Ace of Cups - the recommendation of the cards to keep their feelings secret.

    Thoth Deck

    In the deck of Thoth, the great sword is attacked by six minor ones, losing energy and stamina. The meaning of the card is pessimism, which limits the achievement of success. Subconscious negative expectations overshadow the joy of opportunities, existing potential.

To learn how to read Tarot cards, it is important to study the detailed interpretation of each symbol. In this article, we will talk in detail about the meaning of the Tarot card 7 (Seven) of Swords, its combination with other Arcana of the deck, etc. Enjoy reading!

Brief description of the 7 of Swords card

The image of this card of the Rider-Waite deck is rather concise. The drawing shows a middle-aged man carrying away five swords, leaving two of them stuck in the ground. Not far from the character is a military camp.

The fortuneteller will be able to understand the symbolism of the drawing by paying attention to the swords - the man holds them in an armful. This allows him to carry more weapons than if he carried it by the handle.

The main character is not a warrior. The clothes of the character, his facial expression allow the fortuneteller to assume that in front of him is a squire, a spy or a thief.

You can learn more about this Minor Arcana from Sergey Savchenko’s book “Evening Tea by Candlelight and Tarot Cards” or by signing up for courses with specialists from the Russian Tarot School.


Consider keywords characterizing the Seven of Swords. Details below.

  • Lies, slander
  • Lack of foresight
  • Cunning, cunning
  • Tendency to cheat
  • Wits
  • Duality of thinking, desire to shift responsibility to others
  • Lack of sincerity
  • Desire to travel
  • Change of professional activity
  • Use of prohibited/evasive practices
  • Caution, diplomacy, dexterity
  • Mind over manifestations of physical strength
  • Dishonesty, illegal actions
  • Robbery, theft, chronic bad luck
  • Escape, evasion, persecution
  • Awkwardness, unwillingness to accept reality
  • Feelings of betrayal, defeat in relation to loved ones

Key Ideas

The Seven of Swords indicates that events are not going according to schedule. To achieve the goal, some moral values ​​\u200b\u200bought to be sacrificed. Go forward without looking back, breaking old, unnecessary ties. Turn on perseverance, self-confidence, sometimes stubbornness - this will help develop the necessary level of willpower, get rid of problems.

The main meaning of card 7 (Seven)

The sign speaks of a compromise reached dishonestly. Can indicate a person who achieves a goal using the "all means are good" method. The card personifies a dishonest person, for whom moral principles, foundations are "an empty phrase." Good dexterity, cunning, cunning, analytical mind, prudence - these are options for interpreting this Minor Arcana.

The meaning of the inverted lasso

The inverted position of the Seven of Swords indicates the following - you can easily get out of the created problem if you use illegal methods to solve the situation. Arkan advises to follow the usual path without taking fraudulent actions. Ignoring the remark can lead to devastation, helplessness, physical weakness, emotional instability of a person.

Another interpretation of the inverted meaning of the card is exposure, "breaking the masks", forced display of the "true face". Approach the issue in a balanced, rational way and be extremely careful.

7 of Swords combined with the Major Arcana

Consider the combination of the Tarot Seven of Swords with the meanings of the Major Arcana (“trump cards”).

  • Jester: Unwillingness to take responsibility
  • Mage: Cunning, dexterity, cunning
  • : Withholding the truth, concealing true information
  • Empress: Irresponsibility, frivolity of actions
  • Emperor: Deception of an authority figure and/or pursuit of free will
  • "Better a sweet lie than a bitter truth"
  • Lovers: Fear, cowardice, unwillingness to make serious decisions
  • Chariot: Desire to avoid disputes, resourcefulness
  • Strength: Lies, falsehood, ambiguity of actions
  • : Concealment of true intentions
  • Wheel of Fortune: Situation from the series "either pan or go"
  • : Gossip, slander, malicious intent
  • Hanged Man: Treason, deceit.
  • Death: The ability of a person to act according to accumulated experience, knowledge
  • Moderation: Finding the optimal, beneficial solution for a range of individuals
  • Devil: Envious, dangerous, treacherous person, rubbing himself into the trust of a fortuneteller
  • Tower: meanness, meanness
  • Star: Making the wrong decision, unwillingness to accept the harsh reality
  • Moon: Misconduct, scams
  • Sun: Reconciliation, the desire to conclude a "settlement agreement"
  • Judgment: Getting rid of problems by the method of "getting dry from the water"
  • World: To resolve a conflict, a dispute, you should turn on the "diplomatic mode"

The meaning of the card in divination for relationships and love

Consider the meaning of the 7 (Seven) Tarot Swords in love and relationships. The details of the interpretation are given below.

The card indicates a complex alliance, the fundamentals of which are deceit, insincerity, betrayal, betrayal. From the outside, the couple looks prosperous, but inside there is an ostentatious idyll. One of the partners manipulates the feelings of the other, cunning, cunning with the help of all available means. At the same time, the other person does not even notice the betrayal on the part of the beloved / beloved.

The inverted position says the following - the dependence of one of the partners on the other. Painful perception of criticism, insecurity in relationships, passivity, depression, apathy are just some of the aspects of such an alliance.

Seven of Swords combined with the suit of Wands

Consider the meaning of the 7 of Swords in relation to the suit of Wands. Details below.

  • : Tendency to manifestations of adventurism
  • : Ignoring problems, escaping punishment
  • Three: Cunning, thinking through a cunning plan
  • Four: An imaginary agreement with a partner / partners (love sphere, work)
  • Five: Unfair competition, slander
  • Six: Using any method to achieve the desired goal
  • Seven: Revealing, "tearing off the masks"
  • 8: Defeating the competition
  • Nine: "Put on a mask", hiding the true face will not lead to success
  • Ten: The desire to hide the real state of affairs will fail
  • : Dishonest behavior towards a weak person
  • Knight: Unexpected turn events, surprise
  • : Deceit, deceit, betrayal
  • King: Loss of trust in a certain person

The psychological state characterized by the map

The Seven of Swords indicates the following - the fortuneteller does not like to admit the obvious, not wanting discussions on this topic. Such behavior is dishonest in relation to one's own person, it closes the way of knowing the Truth.

The inverted position of the card indicates emotional exhaustion, hopelessness in relation to a certain situation. Cowardice, unwillingness to accept help from close people, "self-winding" contribute to global development existing problems.

7 of Swords combined with the suit of Cups

Below are the meanings of the Seven of Swords combined with the symbols of the suit of Cups.

  • : Hiding feelings, thoughts, intentions
  • : Behavior bordering on irresponsibility
  • Three: Traitor, cunning, hiding his true, selfish intentions
  • Fourth: Purposeful actions against oneself
  • Five: Dismissal from a permanent job, moving to a new place of residence, change of occupation
  • Six: Past covered in darkness, mystery
  • Seven: Quite a confusing situation
  • Eight: Leaving without goodbye, "in English"
  • Nine: The Stolen Idea
  • Ten: Ignoring principles, moral principles, a campaign "against the system"
  • Page: Unsuccessful proposal from the "well-wishers"
  • : Cunning, deceit, fraud
  • Queen: A vile, treacherous woman
  • King: Liar, traitor

The meaning of the card in matters of health

The significance of the Seven of Swords in health indicates the following - a fortuneteller should undergo a comprehensive examination for the presence of diseases. A person is prone to depression, melancholy, apathy.

The inverted position of the card indicates the beginning of recovery, the retreat of the crisis, the beginning of the rehabilitation period.

Seven of Swords and the Suit of Swords

Consider the meaning of the above Minor Arcana with representatives of their suit.

  • Ace: The desire to show cunning in their deeds
  • Two: Uncertainty of actions, doubts about one's own abilities
  • Three: Betrayal, deceit, betrayal by a loved one
  • Four: Desire to rest, avoidance of duties, moral / physical fatigue
  • Five: Self-centeredness, overconfidence
  • Six: Avoiding conflict situations, disputes, moving to another place of residence. In the love sphere - unwillingness to go into details, showdown
  • Eight: The presence of difficulties, obstacles.
  • Nine: Experiences about past actions, manifestations of conscience, causeless fears
  • Ten: Bad luck, disappointments
  • Page: Gossip, intrigue, intrigue
  • Knight: Quarrels, conflicts
  • Queen: Desire to defend independence
  • King: Making an Informed Decision

Value in divination for work and business

The meaning of the Seven of Swords Tarot in the work depends on the position of the card. A direct position indicates the need to achieve goals through the use of peculiar maneuvers. Proper planning of work, a rational approach to business, a preliminary calculation of actions are the keys to successful results.

Another interpretation of the interpretation is to receive competent (cunning) advice from an authoritative (knowledgeable) person. Opportunity to gain new, useful knowledge, power. If the surrounding cards have an unfavorable value, this means dubious transactions, manipulations with finances, documents, “dark deeds”.

Card combined with the suit of Pentacles

The interpretation of the Seven of Swords with the suit of Pentacles is as follows:

  • Ace: You will soon overcome difficulties
  • Two: Consider next steps
  • Three: You are pursued by a strong opponent, a skilled liar.
  • Four: Loss of purpose, meaning of life
  • : Humility, submissiveness towards a certain situation
  • Six: Retribution for deeds
  • Seven: Hopes in vain
  • Eight: Failure
  • Nine: Achieving goals in spite of obstacles
  • Ten: Thinking out a cunning strategy
  • Page: To achieve your plan, use the existing knowledge
  • Knight: Stability of the situation
  • : Obtaining material gain
  • King: Deserved financial well-being

The meaning of the Seven of Swords "Card of the Day" symbolizes the following - the stolen property will be returned to you, an unfair attitude will be rewarded a hundredfold. Wait good advice, assistance, support in difficult situation. Collect your thoughts, observe conventions, turn on rationality.


Hide important things - a high probability of theft of valuables. Betrayal, fraud will accompany you throughout the day. Resourcefulness, cunning will help solve pressing issues.

The inverted position of the card indicates that fortunetellers will be overcome by laziness and fear, a lack of determination will prevent them from making important decisions.

Questions to ask when drawing the Seven of Swords

What should you ask the 7 of Swords? Question options are as follows.

  • Decide on your course of action, why are you holding on to it?
  • Do you tend to act in your own interests?
  • Is there a non-standard way out of this situation?
  • Is there a benefit to the existing problem?

Let this information help you better understand the interpretation of Tarot cards. Comment on the article, share with friends, do not forget to follow the updates. Good luck!

Direct position

Seven of Swords - Arcana is not easy. Having a generally negative connotation, he usually turns out to be very useful, since he is able to give practical instructions and recommendations.

The general interpretations of the Seven of Swords are, firstly, cowardice and cowardice, secondly, fraud, thirdly, self-deception, and fourthly, all sorts of obstacles. This card describes situations in which, in order to achieve success, it is desirable to act "bypass", without pressure. If the Seven of Swords fell out in the layout, then the fortuneteller should not go into conflict, clearly demonstrate his strength or superiority.

Such a card teaches that sometimes it would be nice to lie; that far from always human intentions are plausible and there is no need to be ashamed of this; that it is desirable to be able to adapt to the circumstances.

In addition, along with the Ten of Wands, the Seven of Swords suggests that you still have to take on unpleasant obligations that you would very much like to avoid. And with the Magician, this Arcana indicates that cunning and diplomacy are exactly what is needed to achieve success.

Reversed position

The inverted Seven of Swords indicates excessive self-confidence, obstacles that can be caused by gossip, lies, dubious advice.

On the other hand, such a card shows that a person has become involved in someone's unpleasant secrets or a showdown. And the Seven of Swords in an inverted form sometimes demonstrates that a certain ill-wisher influences the affairs of a fortuneteller implicitly, but tangibly.

It is worth taking note of other meanings of such an Arcana: excessive, mostly unjustified caution; instability of the current situation; feelings of weakness and even helplessness.

If the Hanged Man fell out with the inverted Seven of Swords, then the person is completely unprepared to make sacrifices and experiences acute discomfort at the mere thought of this; if the Force turned out to be a couple, then this symbolizes pretense; if the Wheel of Fortune means that a person will do everything to get out of the game.

Love and relationships

Direct position

For the sphere of personal relationships, the Seven of Swords denotes the hypocrisy of partners, dishonesty, hidden problems that people hide under false, ostentatious well-being. This Arcana indicates inconstancy, the polygamy of one of the partners, and sometimes even deceit.

The other side of the “medal” for the Seven of Swords is the concealment of feelings (especially with the Priestess). That is, such a card can fall out for a situation where a person does not want or cannot show his feelings. The reason for this may be his complexes, or rather, some selfish motives. That is, a person, for example, tries to fall in love with a “profitable” woman (man) or, say, right person in order to extract useful information from him.

In combination with the Empress, the Seven of Swords should be interpreted as a neglect of one's parental duties, and with the Emperor, on the contrary, as a failure to fulfill a filial (daughter) duty.

Reversed position

In an inverted form, the Seven of Swords symbolizes susceptibility to other people's influence and, accordingly, blindly following someone's advice, an overly emotional attitude to reproaches and criticism from a partner. Another interpretation of such a card is passivity and unwillingness to make a lot of efforts in order to achieve a loved one.

A fairly common interpretation of the inverted Seven of Swords is slander, which can destroy the development of relationships and lead to destructive emotions and worsening relationships.

When paired with the Hierophant, the inverted Seven of Swords loses a lot of its inherent negativity and indicates that dishonesty or immorality is definitely not the basis of relationship problems. If such an Arcana fell out along with the Chariot, then this means that a person is trying to get away from the conflict by any means and thus creates significant problems for himself.


Direct position

If the Seven of Swords fell out in the layout for professional activities, then the fortuneteller should be concerned: are business partners honest, is everything as simple and clear in work duties as the employer declares, etc. The fact is that this Arcana testifies to deceit, interference, dark deeds and other moments that are by no means conducive to career or business development.

However, the Seven of Swords is not always only the destructive aspects of the professional sphere. In some cases, it denotes difficulties associated with some ill-conceived plans or objective obstacles to the goal. However, if a person has enough willpower, personal virtues and assistants, then success can be achieved.

About what kind of information this card carries, the Arcana surrounding it can tell. So, in combination with Justice, it symbolizes problems with legality, which, however, are completely surmountable; with Death, it should be taken as advice to act only by tried and tested methods and means; with Moderation - as a recommendation in ambiguous situations not to go on the rampage, but to compromise.

Reversed position

In an inverted position, the Seven of Swords can be interpreted as a lack of funds and opportunities to bring what has been started to its logical conclusion. Or as instability in a career associated with the machinations of ill-wishers (this is especially true in combination with the Hermit) or with their own lack of confidence in success and the corresponding defeatist actions.

Among other things, the inverted Seven of Swords can describe a situation where a person retreats already halfway from the goal, because he sees too well, knows, feels the likely difficulties and obstacles, and begins to consider his business hopeless.

The most interesting combinations are the inverted Seven of Swords with the Sun (interpreted as a lack of diplomacy and sociability), with the Court (impunity), with the Tower (a trick that will be disastrous for the fortuneteller himself).

Do not forget that well-being is often only an apparent appearance. And besides this, that, as you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions ... Therefore, you need not close your eyes to problems and obstacles and underestimate them, but keep an inner core in yourself that will help you survive in difficult situations.

Description of the Tarot card Seven of Swords

In most decks, the Seven of Swords tarot card depicts a tent city. In the foreground - a man hesitantly carries five swords, looking back at two more, which he did not take, apparently due to absent-mindedness. Or maybe he simply cannot take with him all the weapons that he found in the enemy camp at once.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Seven of Swords in divination and layouts

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Seven of Swords most often indicates a feeling of futility of efforts, strong pessimism, causing a sense of the meaninglessness of any action. Faith in one's abilities is completely absent, and the successful implementation of any plan or deed seems completely impossible. In a milder form, it can be an evil tongue, intellectual arrogance, or the position of "my hut is on the edge" - unwillingness to notice some things, the habit of playing around, evading, etc. At the same time, it is not clear who is deceiving whom here, who we are - a swindler or a victim. The card describes situations in which, in order to achieve success, it is desirable not to go into conflict, clearly demonstrating one's strength or superiority, but to act carefully, "bypassing", without pressure. The card suggests that sometimes you can lie, that you need to be able to adapt to the circumstances.

Reversed card position

The reversed Seven of Swords speaks of excessive self-confidence; about difficulties and obstacles due to gossip, lies, dubious advice; indicates the instability of the current situation; feeling weak or helpless. Sometimes the card shows that the fortuneteller was involved in someone's secrets, a showdown, or that his affairs are hidden and implicit, but some kind of ill-wisher is very tangibly influenced.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Swords card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The direct card of the Seven of Swords indicates that the fortuneteller can be deceived, or he himself can be deceived; perhaps a person is trying to achieve something in a dishonest, fraudulent way. In addition, the Seven of Swords indicates a complete disbelief in the success of any business or in one's abilities in any activity, a feeling of complete senselessness to continue working in the current position. The lasso testifies to interference, dark deeds and other moments that are not conducive to career and business development. In some cases, the Seven of Swords denotes difficulties associated with ill-conceived plans or objective obstacles to the goal.

Reversed card position

The inverted Seven of Swords indicates a lack of funds and opportunities to bring what has been started to completion, instability in a career associated with the machinations of ill-wishers, or with one's own lack of confidence in success. Sometimes Arkan describes a situation when a person retreats, being already halfway to the goal, because he sees the upcoming difficulties, is afraid of them and begins to consider his business or plan hopeless and failure.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Swords card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

The latent course of the disease, undiagnosed diseases. Difficulties and errors in the diagnosis. If the question is about a change in state, then it means recovery, despite the circumstances.

Reversed card position

Favorable card. Identified diseases, correct diagnosis.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Swords card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

Here, the spectrum of the direct Seven of Swords is very wide: from minor troubles, such as gloating and hypocrisy, to low lies, malice, meanness and betrayal. On the other hand, the card may indicate a lack of openness in a relationship, when partners avoid direct conversations or dodge important decision; talk about hidden problems that hide under false, ostentatious well-being. In matters of fidelity, Arkan unequivocally points to treason, "going to the left", a double life.

Reversed card position

The inverted Seven of Swords means excessive exposure to other people's influence, blindly following the advice of others, too emotional attitude to reproaches and criticism from a partner. Often Arkan is interpreted as slander, which can lead to negative emotions and destroy relationships.

The meaning and interpretation of the Seven of Swords card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

Describes a man dexterous, cunning, able to circle many around his finger.

Reversed card position

An unmasked man caught by the hand.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the Seven of Swords as a Card of the Day

Be on your guard. It is possible that today they will want to deceive you. Show everyone that you won't be fooled. When negotiating or signing documents, be especially careful and read everything that is written in small print, so as not to get into trouble later. It is possible, however, that this card advises you to cheat today so that you are treated with due respect or not left in the cold.

Seven of Swords card advice in divination and layouts

Try not to close your eyes to problems and obstacles, evaluate them objectively, take care of your inner core, which will help you survive in difficult situations.
