Actor husband piebald. Pegova Irina Sergeevna: biography, personal life

Name: Irina Pegova. Date of birth: June 18, 1978. Place of birth: Vyksa (Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia).

Childhood and youth

Irina Sergeevna Pegova was born on June 18, 1978 in Vyksa, Gorky region (now Nizhny Novgorod region). By that time, the family already had a daughter, Tatyana.

The girls’ mother, Vera Aleksandrovna, worked at a metallurgical plant, and their father, Sergei Zakharovich, was a physical education teacher, so from childhood he instilled in his sisters a love of sports.

Young Irina was involved in athletics, figure skating, fencing, swimming and skiing, and also attended music school. By the way, Pegova retained her interest in physical activity into adulthood.

According to data from open sources, the father wanted the girl to follow in his footsteps and connect her life with professional sports, but Irina chose a different path.

In high school, Pegova took part in a creative competition and seriously thought about a career as a singer. The girl began visiting a vocal teacher and writing her own songs.

Irina’s parents were against choosing this type of occupation, so the girl had to compromise and enter two universities: the one that her parents chose, and the one that she herself wanted. Pegova became a student at the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute and the local theater school (Vasily’s workshop Bogomazova).

Youth and theater

In her second year, the Pyotr Fomenko Theater came to Novgorod, and its appearance in the city became fateful for Irina. The girl was impressed by the director’s work, and he also noticed a bright student on stage.

In 1997, Pegova dropped out of her studies at a Nizhny Novgorod university, moved to Moscow and entered GITIS, which she graduated from in 2001.

Irina Pegova in her youth

Immediately after this, the girl joined the troupe of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop and began appearing on stage in theater performances. In particular, during that period, Irina was involved in the productions of “Wolves and Sheep”, “War and Peace”, “Barbarians” and “The Madwoman of Chaillot”.

In 2004, Pegova also began collaborating with the Moscow Theater-Studio of Oleg Tabakov, and at the same time, until 2006, she also played with Fomenko.

With Tabakov, with whom the actress still works, she appears on stage in such productions as “The Wife,” “Uncle Vanya,” “The Story of Happy Moscow” and “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro.”

By the way, for the role of Sonya in Uncle Vanya, the actress received the prestigious Golden Mask theater award in 2005.

Pegova won the second “mask” in 2008, also for a performance at the Tabakov Theater; she was noted for her role as Moscow Chestnova in “The Story of Happy Moscow.”

In 2006, Irina parted ways with the Fomenko Theater and became an actress at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, at the same time she continued to collaborate with Tabakerka. On the new stage, Pegova appeared in the productions of “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” “Marriage,” “The Seagull,” “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones” and “A Streetcar Named Desire.”

In 2012, the actress became a laureate of the award. Andrei Mironov’s “Figaro”, and in 2013 she received the audience award “Live Theater”.

In addition, in 2012, Pegova was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of Russia” with the wording “for services to the field of art.”

Cinema and career blossoming

Irina’s debut in cinema took place shortly after graduating from GITIS. In 2002, the girl appeared as a veterinarian in the film “Spartak and Kalashnikov.”

The role was small, but the directors noticed the talented actress, and the very next year Pegova played Olga in the famous “Walk” by Alexei Uchitel.

For this work, the girl received the Golden Eagle award and the Window to Europe festival prize.

Irina Pegova in the film “Walk”

Interestingly, the actress also starred in Teacher’s next project, the drama “Space as a Premonition” (2005).

Over the next five years, Irina played in a dozen television series and films, among them “Admiral”, “Vanka the Terrible”, “Return of the Musketeers” and “Varenka”.

The beginning of the 2010s was marked for Pegova by her participation in the films “Five Brides”, “Fairy Tale. Yes" and "Love with an Accent" and the TV series "Masha in Law" and "Lonely Hearts".

In 2013, such projects with Irina were released as “What Girls Are Silent About,” “Eight” (by the way, a film by Teacher), “Country of Good Kids,” “Seven Main Desires” and “I Leave You Love.”

In 2014-2015, Pegova starred mainly in TV series, and also won the TV show “Dancing with the Stars” (paired with Andrei Kozlovsky).

Irina Pegova in 2016

In 2016, the actress again appeared on the big screens, in several successful films at once - “ Good boy", "Crew" and "Super Beavers".

Irina Pegova currently

The year 2017 was no less active for the artist in terms of work than the previous one - she starred in the series “Commissar” and “Doctor Richter” and the films “Midwife” and “Myths”.

In 2018, Irina will return to the role of Rita Bobrova, a girl who received the ability to fly after a meteorite fell. This will happen in the film “Super Beavers. Time to go home".

Irina Pegova in the film “SuperBeavers”

In addition, two more projects with Pegova’s participation have been announced for this and next years - “Temporary Difficulties” and “Forgive us, Yushka!”

Personal life

According to open sources, in student years Pegova met with theater director Pyotr Fomenko, they broke up at the beginning of the 2000s.

Irina first got married in 2005, her chosen one was actor Dmitry Orlov. The press wrote about this star couple as an example ideal family, however, seven years later the couple separated.

By that time, Pegova and Orlov already had a daughter, Tatyana, now the girl is 13 years old. By the way, Irina does not limit her daughter’s communication with her father.

After the divorce, the artist lost a lot of weight, and in 2013 she began dating theater actor Sergei Kempo, who is seven years younger than her. However, this romance lasted about a year, and in 2014 the couple broke up.

However, Irina was not alone for long - already in 2015, on the “Dancing with the Stars” project, she met choreographer Evgeniy Raev. The young man is 15 years younger than his beloved, but this does not bother the couple at all.

As of January 2018, Irina and Evgeniy are still dating. Judging by the pictures in Instagram actress, new year holidays she spent it with her beloved, daughter and friends.

Irina Pegova with her daughter in 2018

It is interesting that the artist’s height is only 155 cm, and Pegova is a woman, so to speak, in the body, but she does not refuse roles where the heroines appear in very revealing outfits.

Irina Pegova – Honored Artist Russian Federation theater and cinema, winner of the Golden Mask theater award, laureate of the Golden Eagle film award. This is not the first year that he has delighted audiences with brilliantly talented performances.

At the beginning of her journey, Irina did not think about a career as an actress, because since childhood, her parents wanted her to become a great athlete, like her father. But the girl decided to become famous as an actress, and she was not mistaken, because her acting is simply excellent, she gets used to the role so well that the viewer immediately begins to trust her.

The actress stands out quite favorably with her appearance, compared to the rest, with a typical model appearance. Her curves are quite cute, she is sweet and kind. And Irina herself prefers to stand out not with her appearance, but with her charisma, talent and charm.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Pegova

Most people want to clarify their height, weight, and age. How old Irina Pegova is can be determined by her date of birth, because the actress does not hide her age at all. Irina was born in 1978, on this moment she is 39 years old. Her weight is 65 kilograms and her height is 155 centimeters.

According to the zodiac sign - Bilznets, according to eastern calendar- Earth Horse. There is duality in her character, and she is also almost always unpredictable in her emotions, and this is what helps her get into the role so well.

Irina cannot be called thin, but as mentioned earlier, it is her non-standard appearance that adds some zest to the actress. The actress has never been embarrassed by her appearance, she is self-confident, and persistently and purposefully moves towards her goal, to be a good theater and film actress.

Biography of Irina Pegova

The biography of Irina Pegova began in the town of Vyska, Russia. A girl was born on June 18, 1978 in a very friendly sports family. From childhood, the father instilled in his daughters a love of sports. Therefore, the girl tried herself in the most different types sports. She devoted a lot of time to athletics, then figure skating, skiing, fencing, swimming and even equestrianism. But I couldn’t settle my preference on any of the selected species.

The girl also learned to play the violin and already in her school years she masterfully played this instrument.

A little later, Irina began to take part in various music and vocal competitions, where she took first place, as a result of which she decided to immerse herself in the world of music. Therefore, I decided to enroll in a special studio. There they and other girls began to remake famous songs and re-sing them in their own way. Then they composed their own works, after which Irina and the entire studio began to go on tour.

In the mid-90s, the girl graduated from high school and, with the dream of becoming a famous singer, decided to enter the theater institute. But the parents did not like their daughter’s choice, since they wanted her to have a serious education and Irina entered the polytechnic institute, and then the theater institute. After all, she really wanted to become a star. After graduating from college, the girl wanted to enter GITIS, but there was no money for the trip. This did not stop the girl, because from her youth she was accustomed to achieving her goal, and she went to work as a cleaner at her home institute. Having saved up some money, Irina went towards her dream and entered the directing department at GITIS.

Pegova's creative activity began in the 20s. She began working in the theater troupe “Pyotr Fomenko Workshop”, as a result of which she immediately played in several performances. The actress coped with all the roles simply admirably. But besides the theater, the girl wanted to act in films, and her dream came true.

And already in 2002, a favorable moment came for the actress, she began acting in films. In the film “Spartak and Kalashnikov” she played her debut role as a veterinarian. After which Irina Pegova received a lot of offers, in which she began to take part with great pleasure. She starred in such films as: “Space as a Premonition”, “Admiral”, “Love with an Accent”, “Moscow Fireworks” and others.

Definitely, Irina Pegova’s skill level has risen to high level, and now the actress can choose the role she wants to play. The actress prefers to act only in full-length films and treats TV series with skepticism, but if Irina is offered a worthy role that the actress likes, she will definitely take part in creating something beautiful. For example, TV series like “Girlfriend” special purpose", "Zoya", "Masha in Law".

Personal life of Irina Pegova

Like any girl, Irina wanted simple female happiness. For some time she did just that. The actress met and married actor Dmitry Orlov. The couple had a daughter, Tatyana. Everything seemed to be fine, but after being married for 7 long years, Dmitry and Irina filed for divorce. According to Dmitry, his wife has changed a lot and she is only interested in her career.

After the divorce, the actress decided to change her appearance and went to the StarHit project to lose weight. Having achieved the desired result, the actress performed several more cosmetic procedures to rejuvenate her face. Such a transformation did not take long to happen, and already in 2013 Irina found her love again. The chosen one was the artist Sergei Kemp, who was 7 years older than the woman. But their relationship did not last long, and already in 2014 the couple broke up.

Then the actress again decides to radically change her appearance, dyes her hair blonde and gets a new haircut.

In 2015, during the “Dancing with the Stars” project, Irina Pegova formed a new romance with 22-year-old dancer Evgeniy Rayov. During the dance project, the couple kept their relationship a secret, but already at the premiere screening of the film “He is a Dragon,” where the actress played the main role, Irina Pegova and Evgeniy Raiov came together holding hands. Thus officially declaring themselves a couple. After some time, the couple separated.

At the moment, Irina Pegova is alone. She devotes her all free time daughter Tatyana and claims that she feels great alone.

Family of Irina Pegova

Overcoming obstacles, the desire to be first - Irina’s parents taught all this.

Father - Sergei Zakharovich Pegov, a famous athlete and ski coach. At one time he was one of the best skiers.

Mom - Vera Aleksandrovna Pegova, worked as an accountant at a metallurgical plant, has nothing to do with sports, but spent every weekend with her family quite actively.

Irina also has elder sister- Tatiana. They went hiking together and attended all kinds of sports clubs. After all, my parents really wanted to raise Olympic champions. Irina Pegova’s family knew that she would definitely achieve great heights, recognition and success.

The actress greatly respects family bonds, despite the fact that her first marriage did not work out, she has a wonderful daughter, to whom she devotes all her love, care and warmth.

Children of Irina Pegova

Many fans of the actress enter information on the topic “Children of Irina Pegova” into a search engine, and can immediately find out that the star has a beloved daughter, Tatyana. Ira spends all her free time with her daughter; together they like to watch films in which the actress herself starred, and discuss and analyze the role she played.

Tanya herself is very proud of her mother for her success and understands that all roads are open to her, so she is in no hurry to choose a profession. The star mother says that first you need to do well in school, and then you will decide in life, because everything in this world is given only through work and determination.

Daughter of Irina Pegova - Tatyana

Irina Pegova’s daughter, Tatyana, is a pretty, cheerful, smart girl. According to Irina, the girl has a rather capricious character and is quite stubborn; she will stand her ground to the last. Currently studying at school, thinking about what profession to choose.

Once I starred in the film “Eight” with my mother, after which the child had a lot of impressions. Tanya also periodically goes to her mother for rehearsals at the theater and spends a lot of time behind the scenes. Madly loves both parents, even though they are no longer together. Parents do not have division or jealousy about the child. The girl lives with her mother, but also spends a fair amount of time with her father.

Irina Pegova's ex-husband - Dmitry Orlov

The ex-husband of Irina Pegova, Dmitry Orlov, is famous actor, a good director and a talented screenwriter. Married to Irina, they lived in perfect harmony. Dmitry repeatedly said that Irochka was the best thing he had and he was simply lucky to be with such an excellent woman. But as often happens, people change and their family life goes wrong, nothing will be the same again.

At the moment, Dmitry Orlov is married again and is building new family. But he still has warm and friendly feelings towards Irina, despite some grievances in the past. He sees his daughter regularly and supports her in all her endeavors.

Some fans, due to the impressive forms of the actress, often try to find “Photo of Irina Pegova in Maxim magazine” or simply “Irina Pegova in a swimsuit photo” on the Internet. It is worth immediately assuring and disappointing that the actress has never starred in Maxim magazine, much less been photographed naked.

Photos of Irina in a swimsuit can be found on her Instagram page, which she personally posted after a vacation with her daughter at sea. candid photos the actress’s arsenal was not recorded, because Irina, so, is quite a spectacular woman and has a sense of self-esteem and boundaries of decency.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Pegova

Irina Pegova is a famous actress and it is quite easy to find information about her. For example, you can find it on Wikipedia or simply enter it in a search engine, where there will be a lot of groups dedicated to Irina or Fake pages with information. The star also has a personal page on Instagram, where the woman herself posts her private photos, shoots videos, writes the latest news and his own experiences.

Irina Pegova’s Instagram and Wikipedia are always at your service, subscribe and keep abreast of all the events of the actress. Article found on

Irina Pegova's ex-husband quickly found a replacement for her. And the actress herself did not grieve alone for long. Do you want to know their love story and the reason for their divorce? Or maybe you are interested in the details of their new life? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Brief biography of the actress

Pegova Irina was born on June 18, 1978 in the maternity hospital in the city of Vyksa, in the Nizhny Novgorod region. My father was a professional athlete (skier and track and field athlete). And my mother worked for many years at a local metallurgical plant. The parents tried to provide their daughter with all-round development. They sent her to a music school, where Ira quickly mastered the violin.

After school, our heroine firmly decided that she would enter a theater university. Her father and mother did not approve of her choice, but later came to terms with it.

In 1997, Pegova, along with other Nizhny Novgorod students, went to Moscow. Each of them wanted to study at GITIS. But only Irina was enrolled.

The first film in which our heroine starred was called “Walk”. The film was directed by A. Uchitel. The debut turned out to be extremely successful. Soon, Irina seemed to be showered with offers. She carefully studied the scripts and chose the most suitable roles for herself. Today this actress is known and loved by thousands of Russian viewers. Fans want to know the details of her personal life. Who is he - Irina Pegova's husband? What is your daughter's name? We will definitely tell you about all this later.


By the time our heroine met her future husband, she was already known in narrow theater circles. On many posters she was written like this: Pegova Irina Sergeevna. A husband is what the girl lacked for complete happiness. Soon fate corrected this mistake.

For the first time, Dmitry Orlov (husband of actress Irina Pegova) saw her at the play “War and Peace.” Sweet smile, dimples on the cheeks, curvaceous figures - all this captivated young man. But he never dared to approach Irina. But fate once again brought them together in one place. This time at the Moscow Film Festival in Warsaw. Now Dmitry realized that he needed to act immediately. He invited a charming girl to walk around the city with him. Pegova agreed. She later admitted that it was one of the most romantic evenings of her life.


The film festival is over. Our heroes returned to Moscow. Irina had to leave for almost a month with the theater on a tour of Europe. Their communication with Dmitry came to naught. When the actress returned from tour, she tried to establish contact with Orlov. However, he showed indifference. It is not difficult to guess that it was just a mask. In fact, he really liked the girl. Irina did not give up. Their meetings became more frequent. On one of the dates, Orlov confessed his love to her. After a couple of months, the actors began to live under the same roof.

Starting a family

Everyone in the acting circle knew that Dmitry Orlov was the husband of Irina Pegova. But at the same time they did not enter into official marriage. Neither Dima nor Ira dreamed of a magnificent wedding and large quantities guests. And the stamp in the passport was just a formality for them. But at the insistence of relatives, the couple got married in 2005. Soon they had a daughter, who was named Tatyana.

Friends and colleagues never ceased to admire the Orlov family. Dima and Ira spent all their free time with their daughter. They traveled a lot, visited attractions and exhibitions.


Irina Pegova’s husband constantly told friends and journalists about how wonderful his wife was. No one could have imagined that this married couple had a misunderstanding or any problems. But in 2011, rumors appeared about their divorce. A little later they were confirmed.

At the end of 2011, the Orlov family officially ceased to exist. The division began, namely, of a Moscow apartment and a spacious house under Nizhny Novgorod. According to the court decision, daughter Tanya remained with her mother. But dad promised that he would visit her regularly, bring her sweets and toys. Did Dmitry keep his word? Only he knows about this ex-wife- Irina Pegova.

Dmitry Orlov's new passion

The divorce from Irina Pegova took place almost 4 years ago. Dima is a young and attractive man. Therefore, it is not surprising that he did not stay single for too long. IN different time he was credited with having affairs with famous Russian actresses. But the sources of such information were usually the yellow press. Dmitry himself has repeatedly urged fans not to believe rumors and slander.

Last year, photographs of Dmitry with some blonde began to appear in print publications and on Internet portals. They both looked happy. Those who are well versed in Russian cinema recognized actress Ksenia Entelis in the blonde young lady. It turns out that Dmitry has known her since school. He was even in love with a girl. Really, after so many years, feelings flared up with new strength? Fans were left to wonder.

A photograph that appeared online in October 2014 put everything in its place. On it Ksenia and Dmitry show off their hands with wedding rings. They had a secret wedding. They invited only close friends and relatives to the celebration. Representatives of the journalistic fraternity did not know about this event until the last moment. But why such secrecy? Perhaps Dima and Ksyusha did not want to attract too much attention to themselves.

Personal life of Irina Pegova

As we see, everything is simply excellent with Dmitry Orlov: he is happy in his new marriage, continues to act in films and does not remember ex-wife. What about our heroine? Fans are eagerly waiting for Irina Pegova’s second husband to appear on the horizon. The actress is in no hurry to put on White dress and walk down the aisle.

Now her heart is occupied. Irina's chosen one is called He is also an actor. The man devoted 5 years to work in but then moved to another theater - to them. Ermolova. Recently, Sergei starred in the film “Legend No. 17”, where he successfully got used to the image of a hockey champion

Last summer, Pegova and Kempo vacationed together in the Mediterranean Sea. The actress’s 7-year-old daughter also flew to Cyprus with them. She really likes her mother's new boyfriend.


Irina Pegova’s husband and the actress herself are happy in their new relationship. The only thing that unites them now is their daughter Tanechka. She loves both mom and dad equally.

Irina Pegova is a famous film and theater actress who has been delighting audiences with her high-quality performances for several years now. Just by looking at her and her performances, you can immediately understand that she really loves her profession and puts her soul into what she does.

She stands out favorably with her appearance, because she is completely unlike stereotypical models; she prefers to stand out with charisma, charm and talent. Although the actress is also not offended by nature in appearance, she is bright, sweet, pretty.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Pegova

When it comes to any pop actress, of course, fans are interested in how old the idol is and his parameters. Irina Pegova is no exception, so we are sharing her data. Today, Irina is 38 years old, height is 155 centimeters, weight 65 kilograms. That is, Irina cannot be called too thin, but as mentioned above, it is precisely the non-standard appearance adds a certain charm to her and allows her to stand out from the rest of the stereotypical beauties. Irina has always been confident in herself, stands strong, acts in films, plays on stage.

“Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Pegova?”, all these questions can be easily found on the Internet. I also always wonder where it started creative way stars. After all, hardly any of us are born a star. To do this, you need to go through a lot, try, make sure that you are talented. Irina understood all this for herself a long time ago. Now let's look at how it all began and why this sweet woman decided to conquer the screen and stage in the first place.

Biography of Irina Pegova

The future star was born in the city of Vyksa on June 18, 1978. The head of the family was an outstanding, famous athlete. Therefore, the parents wanted their daughter to follow in his footsteps. Therefore, the girl tried herself in different sports. But the parents did not forget to develop their daughter not only in this, they wanted her development to be versatile. Already in her school years, the girl played the violin masterfully.

Irina Pegova decided to plunge into the world of music when, taking part in various music competitions, she began to take pride of place there. Therefore, I decided to enter a special studio in order to study music. There, together with other girls, she remade songs of popular singers. After which many girls began to create their own songs, of their own authorship. It was then that she first learned what touring was like, which was done together with the studio.

In the mid-nineties, the girl graduated from school and already in her dreams saw herself as a famous and sought-after singer. To do this, she needed to continue to practice vocals and work on her speech. For this purpose, the young girl wanted to enter a theater university, but her parents didn’t particularly like it. Therefore, the girl had to make some concessions. First I entered a polytechnic university, then immediately entered a theater school. But at the same time she did not forget that she wanted to go further in terms of acting career.

Therefore, when the students received their diplomas, Ira, like many other students, went to enroll in GITIS. But fate turned out that she was the only one who managed to enter the directing department. It is also known that the girl had been collecting money for this trip for a long time, and for this she worked as a cleaner at her native school. From her youth, she was not afraid of any work in order to achieve her goal.

Irina Pegova’s creative activity began at the beginning of the two thousandth. She joined the theater troupe of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop, after which she immediately got into several performances. She coped with all the roles perfectly, no matter how diverse they were. For one of her performances, she received the Golden Mask award. But in addition to theatrical performances, the young woman dreamed of acting in films. And this dream also came true.

Filmography: films starring Irina Pegova

She starred in films for the first time in 2002, and over the years she has managed to appear in many interesting films, mostly full-length. By the way, a woman tries to refuse roles in television series because she believes that this lowers her standards. He continues to work on himself, believes that there is no limit to perfection, wants to show himself more and more.

Today, Irina Pegova is very popular and popular actress. She is receiving more and more film offers. As you can see, the biography of Irina Pegova is rich, bright, interesting, because this amazing woman simply does not know how to live differently. She knows that no matter what turn fate throws at her, she will cope with any problems and will still do what she loves.

Personal life of Irina Pegova

Like any woman, Irina Pegova dreamed not only of a career as an actress, but also of a happy personal life. But we can’t say that she succeeded in everything. Irina Pegova’s personal life began fully when she married actor Dmitry Orlov, and they created ideal family. Dmitry even admitted that he was incredibly lucky to have met such an amazing girl as Ira. His wife was not only a talented friend, but also a wonderful housewife, mother and faithful friend to her husband. They soon had a daughter, Tatyana, in their family. Husband and wife built a beautiful common Home, moved there, lived in perfect harmony. But, unfortunately, their happiness did not last forever, as they wanted. After living like this for seven years, the couple filed for divorce. Dmitry stated that the reason was that his wife, in his opinion, had changed a lot. Now for her, not home, not family, but career came first.

At first, the ex-spouses were very angry with each other and offended. But time passed, the emotions subsided and they calmed down. Now they have warm memories offensive words no longer speak to each other.

However, Lately Irina began to be noticed in the company of a young dancer Evgeny Raev. Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev together - the Internet and journalists have repeatedly talked about this. And with good reason, because celebrities are increasingly appearing hand-in-hand on the red carpet. The program “Dancing with the Stars” brought them together and, probably, the couple does not want to leave after they have danced theirs.

Initially, Irina and Evgeniy hid their relationship, but recently the mutual sympathy of the stars has become too obvious. However, they still refuse to give specific comments about this theme.

Family of Irina Pegova

So, as mentioned above, initially Irina Pegova’s family consisted of herself, her husband and daughter. She was happily married for seven whole years, raising her daughter with her husband until they divorced.

Today, Irina is alone, devotes a lot of time to raising her daughter, and wants to raise her as a worthy person. She also began to devote a lot of time to her own appearance and claims that she feels good alone. Who knows what the actress really feels? But, one way or another, she knows how to control her own destiny and always holds life in her hands. And it is quite possible that fans will soon learn about the actress’s new crush and the sudden feeling that has flared up.

Children of Irina Pegova

If you search the Internet for information on the topic “Children of Irina Pegova,” you can immediately find facts that she has a beloved daughter, whose name is Tanya. Ira devotes a lot of time to raising her daughter and helping her find her own path in life.

Tanya herself understands that any path is open to her, so she is in no hurry to make a final choice. For now, the task is to study well and understand that everything in life is not easy.

Daughter of Irina Pegova - Tatyana

Irina Pegova’s daughter Tatyana is a sweet and cheerful girl who is the pride of her star mom. She is now in school, thinking about who to be in life. Should I follow in my mother's footsteps or choose my own path? She sees her father, receives gifts from each of her parents, tries to do everything right, so as not to lower the bar set for her by her stellar ancestors.

Daughter of Irina Pegova - Tatyana photo

Whether she will become an actress will be known later; for now, the girl is clearly not ready for this. Although, it should be noted that the girl has already starred in a film once with her mother. But, again, this is not an indicator, because Irina believes that her daughter has the right to choose her own destiny, just like she herself once did.

Irina Pegova's ex-husband - Dmitry Orlov

Irina Pegova's ex-husband Dmitry Orlov is famous actor, director, screenwriter, that is, he is quite consistent with his star, albeit ex-wife.

Irina Pegova's ex-husband - Dmitry Orlov photo

At the moment, he is remarried, but he still has good, friendly feelings towards Irina, despite the fact that initially the husband and wife were very offended by each other. He regularly tries to see his daughter Tatyana, continues to act in films and builds a life in new family.

Photos of Irina Pegova before and after plastic surgery found on the Internet are causing controversy among both fans and the yellow press. The fact is that there have been rumors repeatedly that Irina Pegova is undergoing breast surgery, increasing her size, and so on. It is also believed that she does not hesitate to have a facelift in order to remain young as long as possible. But no one knows for sure. Irina herself claims that she does not need to visit the surgeon’s office to act in films. She prefers to remain herself and is not going to change anything about herself radically. Irina Pegova in a swimsuit, a photo that can be found on the Internet confirms this. She is beautiful without any plastic surgery.

Whether this is true or not, we must admit that Irina Pegova looks great, both for her age and in general. Of course, there are obviously massages, beauty salons and fitness classes here, but this is not plastic surgery. Most likely, Irina Pegova is really just naturally good and does not need outside intervention.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Pegova

For those interested general facts about the life and work of Irina Pegova, can use the Wikipedia page (,_Irina_Sergeevna). It contains the necessary information that will allow you to get a superficial look at who the actress is. But you can also find it social pages, which will tell about her life and work through her lips. The actress actively maintains her page on Instagram (, where she posts news from her life, photographs, shares plans for the future and much more that will be interesting to fans.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Pegova are always at your service so that you can get closer to the actress. Of course, there is a possibility of ending up on fake pages, but with us you don’t have to worry about the reliability of the information.

Irina Pegova’s life could have turned out completely differently, because they predicted a different future for her. She could become a famous athlete, as her father wanted, or work at a metallurgical plant, which her mother could arrange for her. But it is often already known from above who this or that person will become. Irina's destiny was to bring into the world the wonderful creativity of which she was capable. Which is what she did, starting small. Using the example of this bright woman, we can say with confidence that you should never give up, no matter what happens, no matter what difficulties occur. She managed to survive a divorce from her beloved husband, now she is raising a daughter and enjoying freedom, because beautiful, confident women never give up.

Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair! This news became a real sensation. Some associate the new image famous actress with the recent divorce from her husband Dmitry Orlov, someone is talking about new novel Pegova with dancer Evgeny Raev and, as a result, the woman’s desire to start everything “with clean slate". The personal life of Irina Pegova with all the twists and turns and scandals is in our material.

Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair: the actress talks about her new image

Photos of a prettier Irina Pegova in a swimsuit spread across the media at lightning speed. Beautiful, slender, with a sincere smile, charming dimples - the actress literally glows! How Irina Pegova lost weight - the girl talks about this without a hint of coquetry.

“Firstly, the volume of what you eat should be equal to the size of your fist... The second rule: you need to eat slowly. If you don't rush, you will catch the moment when you are full. Ideally, lunch should take an hour. And third: very important role water plays, drowning out the false feeling of hunger. Are you hungry? Drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes - it’s quite possible that when your stomach is filled with liquid, your appetite will go back to sleep.”

Diet from Irina Pegova

Morning: For breakfast, eat any cheese (hard, soft - it doesn’t matter) with whole grain bread or a bun without yeast. You can also eat some cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes. A sandwich with red fish is also allowed.

Noon: For a second breakfast, a healthy snack of dried fruits, nuts or fresh fruits is suitable.

Day: cold or warm salad of vegetables, shrimp or lean beef without mayonnaise.

Evening: boiled or steamed (air grilled) meat or fish with a side dish of vegetable salad.

And just recently, Russian film star Irina Pegova was the standard of Slavic beauty - “blood and milk.” She adored dresses, which brought her even closer to the popularized image of the Russian beauty. Today's Pegova is a brave and self-confident woman, a kind of cat for whom men are akin to her favorite toy, a mouse. Let's compare Irina Pegova before and after a radical change of image.

Photo of Irina Pegova before losing weight

Irina Pegova in a swimsuit, photo after losing weight

Although, according to the actress herself, she had never suffered from a lack of male attention before, but after Irina Pegova lost weight and cut her hair, her fans increased significantly. In addition, as the project “Dancing with the Stars” showed, the girl dances no worse than she plays on stage. Together with Andrei Kozlovsky, the artist became the winner of the project. And dancing, as you know, also helps maintain ideal forms.

Sorrows and joys: the personal life of Irina Pegova

The actress's first great love is actor and director Dmitry Orlov. It seemed that here he was, the hero of her novel. They met at a film festival in Warsaw. As Irina herself claims, it was love at first sight. Beautiful courtship, then the registry office, then long-awaited child- the couple had a daughter, Tatyana. But then, like a bolt from the blue, Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov are getting divorced! The actress was very restrained in her comments on this matter... unlike her ex-husband, who did not hide his emotions and did not choose expressions when talking about family life with Pegova.

« I felt untalented, helpless, a loser incapable of anything. Then I realized that this was how the woman I loved assessed me...She looked at me like I was an insignificant personI tried to adjust, convince, force, break or break myself, start all over again, and so on. It was a whole complex of attempts. But nothing helped. That's why we decided to get a divorce."

In the photo Irina Pegova with her ex-husband Dmitry Orlov and daughter

This is how the 8 years of happy married life of the acting couple ended ingloriously. Today there are persistent rumors that the ex-spouses cannot divide the child and property. The actress herself still does not comment on Orlov’s words, but, apparently, Irina Pegova’s personal life is slowly getting better. At first, the actress was credited with an affair with Andrei Kozlovsky, a partner in the “Dancing with the Stars” project. How can one not believe in the passion and feelings flowing over the edge while watching the passionate tango performed by them!

Irina Pegova and Andrei Kozlovsky on the project “Dancing with the Stars”

But these rumors were never confirmed. Although, you must admit, the couple would be very beautiful!

Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev

Then it was time to discuss the sensitive topic of “Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev together.” Another dancer from a top-rated TV program managed to win the favor of the star of the film “The Walk.” And even the age difference does not bother this couple at all: Pegova is 15 years older than Raev! The actress and dancer are seen together every now and then: either at the premiere of a film, or just while out for a walk. Each time the couple reverently holds hands and does not take their eyes off each other.

Irina Pegova and Evgeny Raev

However, Irina Pegova herself today does not comment in any way on the rumors about the novels that are attributed to her. She still calls the main person in her life her daughter Tatyana, who, by the way, not long ago made her debut in the new film by Alexei Uchitel. The same one with whom Irina Pegova once began her long career in cinema. The actress starred in “The Walk,” which brought her all-Russian fame and the love of millions of viewers.

Irina Pegova and daughter Tanya

Irina Pegova (still from the film “Walk”)

Irina Pegova's husband and children: Is there happiness?

The actress was married once - to a “colleague” Dmitry Orlov. A marriage of 8 years - by artistic standards this is a very long time - could not withstand the temperament of both spouses and cracked. During their life together, Irina Pegova’s husband and the actress herself managed to significantly improve their financial situation by purchasing a good apartment in the center of Moscow and a large country house. Now, judging by media reports, the spouses face a lengthy procedure for dividing their jointly acquired property. And it seemed that this family idyll would last forever!

ex a happy family Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov

But with the divorce and Orlov’s unflattering statements about his ex-wife the case is not over. Soon, the ex-husband accused Pegova of stealing money. Allegedly, the actress, contrary to the agreements, secretly withdrew 7 million rubles from the spouses’ joint account, which, according to Orlov, was due to him during the divorce. And then the actor decided to seek sole custody of his common daughter through the court. But in both cases, the judicial system was on the side of the artist - she retained the right to raise a child. She left by law most of property acquired during marriage.

Irina Pegova with her ex-husband

Now Dmitry Orlov is often seen in the company of new girlfriends: either the actress Polya Polyakova, or even a completely unknown blonde. This is probably how he decided to heal his mental wounds after his “difficult, unbearable” marriage with Pegova.

(photo 12)Pegova's ex-husband Dmitry Orlov with a new girlfriend

Dmitry Orlov and Polya Polyakova

And not so long ago there was news that ex-husband Irina Pegova married actress Xenia Entelis! But, as it turned out later, the wedding was not real, but a screen one. In the new film, Orlov and Entelis play a couple in love, who, according to all the laws of the genre, ultimately go to the altar.

Dmitry Orlov and Ksenia Entelis

Despite all the family discord and tense relations between parents, the daughter of Irina Pegova and Dmitry Orlov, Tatyana, is growing up both smart and beautiful. Mom never ceases to rejoice at all the new successes of her little princess. Despite her young age, the girl has already tried her hand at ballet, rhythmic gymnastics and even... taewondo! True, I have settled on music school for now - Tatyana is learning to play the piano. And mother and daughter are best friends who love to fool around and share their most intimate things with each other.

In the photo Irina Pegova with her daughter
