Six of Pentacles tarot card meaning. Six of Pentacles: meaning and interpretation

Meaning of the Six of Pentacles in the upright position

Generosity, goodwill, support, generosity. You will get more money than you deserve. Serious financial success, achieving your goals. The card also advises you to help other people. This could be money, advice, or some other action. This will serve you well in the future.

In relationships, the card speaks of strong love and devotion. A person’s feelings are not subject to any doubt; you can completely trust your soulmate.

  • material stability, success of financial enterprises
  • solvency, charity

The Six of Pentacles of the Tarot in the correct position speaks of success and prosperity, going hand in hand with generosity and philanthropy. The client will achieve rewards in commerce and this will bring him satisfaction and a secure position. The Six of Pentacles tarot card also indicates generosity and responsiveness, resulting in charity and care. On the other hand, the Client can also be an object of charity.

Tarot card six of pentacles means it has come the right time to take commendable action. Hopes come true. Heartfelt kindness. Gifts, gratitude, abundance, prosperity. Material wealth and donations.

Meaning of the Six of Pentacles in reversed position

Deception, financial losses, conflict, jealousy. Someone may lead you astray from the path that leads to increasing your status. It’s better not to trust your feelings about the events happening now, everything is worse than you think. Events should not develop according to the worst-case scenario; you will most likely avoid acute losses. But you will have to go through some very unpleasant moments. You need to look at things realistically, not cling to the unattainable, and stop tempting fate with your reckless actions.

In personal relationships, the card means deception and serious enmity.

  • financial fraud
  • financial recklessness, losses, enmity

The reversed Six of Pentacles Tarot shows that the positive aspects of generosity turn into financial recklessness and waste of resources. The client is expected to lose not only a material, but also an emotional nature as a result of theft or his own carelessness, as well as due to jealousy or someone’s secret machinations.

The six of pentacles tarot card reversed means lust, jealousy, envy, illusion, loss. Misfortune, whims.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Six of Pentacles tarot card indicates that the Questioner's previous problems have been resolved. There are indications that he is about to start a new, praiseworthy enterprise (for example, doing charity work); but this same card suggests that he has the ability and means for this noble cause.

Distribution. Equilibrium. Calculation. You - for me, I - for you. Payment in the same coin. Evaluation of people, marriage - in the sense of whether it is beneficial or not. Cooperation. Willingness to involve others in the implementation of your plans and share profits with them. Fair financial transactions. Debt repayment. Good pay for the work. Extra money. Generosity. Charity. A merciful man. Sponsor.

Be generous and you will be rewarded with generosity.

Do not disturb the existing balance with your excessive or purely selfish claims.

Card of the day
Today you are supposed to show generosity. Help the person who comes to you with his troubles, lend him money, or at least try to be lenient with his problems, shortcomings and views. It is also possible that you yourself need help, or the time has come for you to gratefully accept the reward that you have earned through your previous deeds, kindness and generosity.

Reversed card
Reluctance to share. Problems with money. Unfair deals. Unequal exchange. Financial fraud. Double-entry bookkeeping. Unpaid bills. Big debts. Greed. Selfishness. Stinginess. Hoarding.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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Six of Pentacles is a card of participation, distribution of benefits.

A well-dressed man weighs coins on a scale, distributing them to those in need. Libra means that help in life comes exactly at the very moment when it is needed. Think about the book you are holding in your hands. You chose it because you began to ask yourself the most important questions of life. If you had opened this book five or ten years ago, you would not have been able to understand it. You were not ready for perception then. Now you are reading it because you are ready to understand it.

Questions to ask yourself if you draw the Six of Pentacles
  • What are you giving?
  • What are you getting?
  • Are you giving away too much?
  • Don't they give you a lot?
  • What do you share and what do you need?
Key Ideas
Giving is a win-win. What is given to others will be returned a hundredfold. When another person gets the help they need from you, you also feel good knowing that you are able to provide that help. This helps you develop confidence and self-esteem, which in turn helps you create your own success.
Direct card: Your friend is in need. Fortunately, you are able to help him.

Reversed card: Who are you offering a bribe to? Who is trying to bribe you?

Direct Card: One of your teachers has a special gift - to draw from the depths of your soul all the best that is there. In communication with him, you reveal your nature.

Reversed Card: Stop comparing yourself to your classmates. The only person you need to compete with is yourself.

Direct card: You are one of the givers in this life, so it’s easy for you to get acquainted and meet. It's not difficult with you either. Try saying “no” a little more often.

Reversed Card: Why do you hurt? You are hurting someone who truly cares about you.

Direct card: Generosity and love - the atmosphere of your home - have brought up nobility in you. It sounds like the same people you care about are giving you the support you need.

Reversed card: You take and take without giving anything in return. Tame your selfishness.

Direct Card: You become increasingly involved in collaborative projects and meet adults who prove to be powerful role models for you. This is a card of charity, altruism and kindness.

Reversed Card: You are not aware of your talent. Don't bury it in the ground! Let the world see how much you can give to it!

Direct card: Your sense of style is the envy of everyone you know.

Reversed card: Beware of the envy of others. If such emotions take over, you lose.

Direct Card: You are glad that you can finally pay off your debts, and you are determined not to get into similar situations in the future. Perhaps you will meet someone who will provide you with financial assistance.

Reversed card: There is a risk that you will get into debt that you will not be able to repay for a long time. A period of financial uncertainty and insecurity is looming.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Jeremy had absolutely no idea what he would do when he grew up. He was starting to worry because many of his friends seemed to know exactly what direction they wanted to go. The card said there is no need to make a decision right now. You need to try to get the most out of school, while also allowing yourself time to explore career options, so Jeremy will find a path that piques his interest and develops his abilities.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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The merchant symbolizes financial stability and security, embodied by the suit of Pentacles.

Generosity. Faith. Kindness.

This card is usually considered lucky and means that everything that is destined for us must come true for our benefit. “Whatever God does is for the best,” is the motto of the Six of Pentacles, and we can all expect to get out of life what is best for each of us. In the not too distant future we may receive financial assistance, and through either our own efforts or fortunate circumstances we will receive the support we need at just the right time. Likewise, when we are generous to others and want to show them our understanding, we may have a chance to fulfill our karma, pay off our debt, or repay people for their kindness to us. In this way we can recoup our losses and regain our faith in human nature. This map shows the relationship between ethical principles and the material world.
When the Six of Pentacles appears in a reading, you should know that the opportunity to share your resources with others will soon arise. You may receive an inheritance, win a lottery, receive a profit on your investment, or receive a gift. This is a time when you can allow yourself to be mindful of other people's needs and be generous. Likewise, someone strong or influential can help you. For example, you may be offered financial support to start a business venture. You will enjoy prosperity and stability and will be happy to discover that your efforts have finally come to fruition. Now is the time to show generosity and mercy in your actions, and also to experience the kindness of other people.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Meaning in fortune telling
Generosity. Philanthropy. Charity. Kindness. Reward. Present. Material profit.
Reversed meaning
Greed. Selfishness. Envy. Jealousy. Hiding one's self. Serious debts. Unpaid loans.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Six of Coins says that previous problems have been resolved; it describes you as a person who cares about others and uses your wealth to help those in need.

Inner meaning
This card indicates that the Questioner's previous problems have been resolved. There are indications that he is about to start a new, praiseworthy enterprise (for example, doing charity work); but this same card suggests that he has the ability and means for this noble cause.
Value in the layout
Direct or positive: the right time to take meritorious action. Hopes come true. Heartfelt kindness. Gifts, gratitude, abundance, prosperity. Material wealth and donations.

Reversed or negative: lust, jealousy, envy, illusions. Possible loss. Misfortune, whims.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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Two beggars from the Five of Pentacles in the Six find a benefactor. In the Order of the Golden Dawn, sixes were considered the pinnacle of each suit and element. Six is ​​the number of harmony, reciprocity and social relations, since any patron needs people to patronize, and a benefactor needs the disadvantaged. You can give or accept money or gifts, offer and receive help. Perhaps this will be financial support, royalties or just a salary. The card may mean receiving a loan. Or you can make donations, share profits, or divide marital property in a divorce. At its worst, it can be a situation associated with dominance and submission, with codependency, with possession and lack thereof, with formal changes. Depending on which character you most identify with, the card's image may be perceived very differently. IN best case scenario the card signifies material abundance and the generous distribution of resources, the flow of funds reaching all levels of society, and true philanthropy inspired by selflessness and honesty. Other meanings include repaying a loan, winning a case in court, and receiving an inheritance. The scales are in balance, and problems are resolved.

You may find yourself asking for a raise or fawning over your boss in the near future. The situation may involve sponsors and investors, as well as monetary donations. Deals will be made and services will be exchanged. At the same time, money may not play any role at all, in which case the card will mean scheduling, time management and working with other types of resources.

Traditional meanings: present time, current events, now, suddenly, today. Attentive, vigilant. Gifts, gifts, rewards. Prosper in the present. Philanthropy, kindness, charity. Loan reimbursement.

Reversed Six of Pentacles
When reversed, this card resembles Robin Hood: it signifies the redistribution of funds from rich to poor. Inequality of power may increase, as well as the desire to tip the scales in one’s favor at any cost. You may feel rejected or deceived. At some point, greed may take precedence over the honesty inherent in a straightforward position. On the other hand, there may be bad debts, bad loans, get-rich-quick schemes, or financial expectations that do not materialize. You may have to make a request to someone, enter into an agreement, or provide services, and none of this evokes positive emotions. Possible misappropriation or misuse of money. Loans remain unpaid, inheritances disappear as if by magic. Winning may be an illusion. It is also likely to show ingratitude on your part. An abyss may arise between a desire and its fulfillment, and all attempts to overcome it will be similar to the unsuccessful efforts of the Danaids to fill a bottomless vessel with water.

You may refuse to give to charity or deny your needs or the needs of others.

When this card is projected onto the latter, it will seem to you that they lack generosity or that they cannot be satisfied.

If you have been treated with disdain in the past, you may experience severe lack of attention. Give yourself a gift. If you are asked for a loan, keep in mind that the loan may not be repaid, so frame it as a donation or gift.

This card may also indicate overcoming social stratification and equalization of ranks. Reconsider how you spend your time and money. Think about how you can change the existing ones this moment circumstances so that they meet your standards. And yet the card may advise you not to give or borrow money, but to save it for the future.

When it comes to healing, be aware of the possibility of spreading infectious diseases and pay attention to the correct dosage of your medications.

From a shamanic and magical point of view, the card is associated with the ability to discern what each individual student is capable of and can handle. Clients and students always expect ready-made recipes and quick solutions, but a wise practitioner always knows best what they need. Or the card may show a charlatan who himself does not have magical knowledge, but asks a lot for his services.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: desire, desire, passion, ardor. Zeal, desire. Greed, envy, jealousy, greed, greed. Selfishness, selfishness. Ambition, determination. Illusions. Bad debts. A controversial legacy. Lack of balance. Injustice.

Inverted - you do not get what you deserve: you are faced with financial fraud, extortion, and unfair division of money.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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VI. Six - a man, apparently a merchant, pours money into the scales and scatters it to the poor and needy.

Straight position:
gifts, gifts, rewards; according to another interpretation - attention, vigilance; the generally accepted interpretation is real prosperity, etc.

Reverse position:
strong desire, greed, envy (jealousy), suspicion, illusion.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Jupiter in Pisces as willingness to help, Jupiter in Leo as generosity, Jupiter in Aquarius as tolerance.
The Six of Denarii denotes qualities such as willingness to help, generosity and tolerance. It may indicate that we ourselves possess such qualities, or that someone will show them in relation to us. And we are talking here not about a momentary impulse or ostentatious piety, but about immanent character traits, natural and permanent. On a practical level, this card can mean a reward, success, or a promising project.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Second decade of Taurus from May 1 to May 9.
Astrological equivalents: Taurus, Virgo, Venus, Venus in the Second House.
The second decade of Taurus symbolizes the success achieved as a result of the right attitude towards matter. This is the most creative decade of Taurus, appreciating beauty and understanding art and their feelings: it is under the auspices of the Moon, which rules our emotions. This decade is characterized by sensuality, tenderness, and careful attitude towards what has already been created. This decade imitates nature and has its naturalness to create comfort. The other side of the coin is too much power of the sensual principle, when the habit of pleasure: from the taste for food and love for comfort to sensual ecstasy - can become uncontrollable. Then a person loses both internal abilities and material wealth, and from the happy owner of half the world turns into a helpless observer, waiting for mercy from nature.
The Tarot card shows a man in rich clothes: in one hand he holds a Libra, and with the other he gives alms to the poor. The dilemma of this decade is whether to be in the role of a benefactor, giving your wealth to others, or in the role of a passive recipient.
Internal balance of feelings and a correct assessment of the situation - weighing all the pros and cons - help a person achieve success in all his undertakings. If we do not control the situation and cannot create our own scenario of events, then we have no choice but to surrender to the harmony of the world and accept what it deigns to send to us.
Trap. Give more than you can. Take more than they can give.
The successful passage of the Five of Pentacles situation is expressed by the Six of Pentacles, which means prosperity, health, financial well-being. In the suit of Pentacles, Six is ​​perhaps one of best cards. The influence of the planets Mercury, Venus and the sign of Virgo is noticeable here. This card symbolizes the well-being that you have built with your own hands and achieved through your labor. Through the Six of Pentacles, a well-deserved reward comes to you.
The card may indicate recognition of your merits. It can also serve as a signifier of your need for someone (someone needs your help). Therefore, the Six of Pentacles also symbolizes an act of mercy.

Straight position:
In an upright position, the Six of Pentacles can indicate that period of well-being that comes after life throws you another exam, and you have successfully passed it.

Inverted position:
In an inverted position, the Six of Pentacles indicates the possibility of illness, the need to more closely monitor your health, disharmony between the physical and mental (do a lot of mental work, sit still - muscle atrophy; or vice versa - pump iron, forgetting about brain training). In addition, the Six of Pentacles can reflect low Virgo (greed, selfishness, quarrelsomeness, envy, unpaid debts, desire to sit on the neck).

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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It means that a person will not listen to this advice, which risks being deceived.

The Six of Pentacles (Coins, Denariev, Money) has another name - the Lord of monetary success. This is one of the most favorable Tarot cards, indicating positive changes, primarily in the field of finance. Unlike the Ace of Pentacles, which should be interpreted as “gifts of fate,” benefit, according to the Six of Pentacles, has more to do with the everyday sphere, gifts - expected and deserved, which are given in gratitude for the efforts made. The answer to the question is positive.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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      General value

      The main meanings of the Six of Pentacles are the reward for the work done; achieving goals through skill, experience, patience, and hard work. Well-deserved success; prosperity through one's own efforts; well-deserved financial well-being; help or valuable advice. A person will be rewarded according to his deeds, according to the laws of the Universe.

      • Description of the card: a man and a woman are asking for alms; the place of the alleged event is the threshold of the temple. A parishioner in luxurious clothing answers their plea. A respectable man wants to look generous in front of a girl, so he gives gold coins to a beggar.

        Straight position:

        • success, development;
        • career growth;
        • successful transactions, implementation of plans;
        • profit, increase in wealth;
        • Giving help.

        In the sphere of consciousness: personality qualities can be successfully used in practice; there is no need to be afraid of someone else's superiority.

        A person’s emotional state is elevated; success and collective recognition inspire him. He is ready to show generosity and compassion towards people below him in status. Such a person will provide support to those who need it.

        Card tip: do what you have at the moment, avoid wasteful spending.


        • disharmony in the mental and physical spheres;
        • development of diseases;
        • greed, selfishness, envy, debt.

        A person exaggerates his capabilities and behaves with exaggerated arrogance. At the event level: concealment of the truth, behavior does not correspond to the situation.

        Advice: beware of insincerity and fraud.


        The Six of Coins describes a generous, noble person who patronizes others, a person with business acumen who never misses his profit, but acts by honest methods. You can rely on a person and ask for advice.

        The inverted position of the lasso indicates a person whose moral principles are not constant. He is ready to use deception and betrayal, obtaining benefits by any means. This is a ruthless, cunning, calculating person.

        Caution: Don't do it expensive gifts, do not accept anything as a gift from people you don’t know enough.


        The Six of Coins describes the current situation as a time of happiness and fulfillment of desires. The man reaps the fruits of his efforts. Against this background, a manifestation of pride is possible.

        The card encourages you not to lose self-control and pay attention to those who need attention and help.

        The Reversed Six of Pentacles describes a different situation: past events related to betrayal or loss. The questioner should be vigilant, not trust those who raise doubts, so as not to become a hostage to his own inattention, and not to fall for the tricks of scammers.

        Love, relationships

        In a personal life scenario, the Six of Pentacles describes calm, harmonious relationships. Partners are interested in each other, they have goals and dreams, they take initiative, bringing joyful moments to each other, sharing joys and sorrows, giving reciprocity and support.

        In a relationship, there is a situation when one of the partners demonstrates his merits to the other. A person may have vanity and a desire to dramatize events. Sometimes one partner uses the position of the other to stand out against his background or to receive some kind of support from him. An unequal marriage is possible.

        For the initial stage of a relationship, the card characterizes a situation when a person is ready to do anything to win his soul mate. He gives his all without asking for anything in return. Partners recognize each other’s right to live based on their own choices and treat them with understanding.

        Inverted, the Six of Pentacles speaks of the reluctance of one of the partners to create a strong alliance and unwillingness to take initiative. When this card appears in a relationship, one partner loves, and the other allows himself to be loved.

        Business, work

        Six of Pentacles in a reading for business, finance, professional activity promises stability, controllability, controllability. General value: there is a need, but the condition is favorable, not alarming, the existing problem will be resolved.

        • The help characteristic of this card is one-time, episodic, depending on the desire of the giver.
        • Instructions for increasing income: use other people's funds - a free financial injection, a loan.
        • In business: increasing income, creating promising partnerships, timely financial contributions, outside patronage.
        • In the career scenario: prospects, achievement of goals, income growth, interesting work, satisfaction with professional activities.

        The inverted position of the lasso symbolizes unhealthy competition, battle for position, betrayal of colleagues, injustice of management, salary reduction, impossibility of implementing plans due to lack of time, experience, or money. In business - wasted efforts, the need for large entertainment expenses, unsuccessful investments. Undemanding attitude of the boss towards employees.


        In matters of health, the Six of Pentacles is a card with dual meaning. It characterizes good health, but sometimes indicates a person’s need for help; regarding treatment, advises to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

        In the upright position, the 6 of Pentacles speaks of strong immunity, good mood and uplifting vitality. But at the same time it points to possible problems which can occur as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, improper daily routine, or excessive workload. Problems with the cardiovascular system and nervous diseases are likely; rest is recommended. Regarding recovery: the card promises speedy healing and restoration of strength.

        In an inverted position, the card means that the recovery period will be delayed, and a substantial amount of money will be needed for treatment.

        Arcana advice: lead a measured lifestyle, pay attention to well-being; afford expensive treatment; apply for financial assistance for therapy.

        Card of the day

        In the “Card of the Day” layout, the 6 of Pentacles advises accepting help; provide assistance and be tolerant of people’s shortcomings.

        Questions to ask yourself when a card comes up:

        • "Who can I help?"
        • "Why am I helping?"
        • “Whose help could be useful to me?”

        Warning: it is not easy for a person to cope with the task; it is worth resorting to outside help.

        Card tip of the day:

        • in an upright position: doing charity, helping those in need, providing support to loved ones - this can bring great benefits;
        • in an inverted position: do not spend money on trifles, focus on saving; day promotes good deeds, communication, frank conversations.


        The interpretation of the 6 Pentacles card varies depending on the arcana present nearby.

        Six of Pentacles in combination with other cards - the major arcana:

        • Jester - charity, manifestation of mercy.
        • Magician - providing assistance.
        • Priestess - will have to share experience or give advice.
        • The Empress is a profitable idea, distribution of funds.
        • Emperor – housing issue will be solved with the help of a loan.
        • Hierophant – spiritual development, self-improvement.
        • Lovers - optimal solution; compromise.
        • Chariot – debt funds.
        • Strength – energy restoration, recovery.
        • Hermit - refusal of help, new experience.
        • Wheel of Fortune – financial instability.
        • Justice is getting money.
        • Hanged Man - loneliness and loss.
        • Death is like-minded people; the onset of change.
        • Moderation - strength will be restored, recovery.
        • The devil is a deceiver.
        • Tower – judicial, conflict cases.
        • Star – belief in the best result.
        • The Moon is the concealment of true intentions.
        • The sun is a worthy reward.
        • Court - help from old friends, return of debt.
        • The world is positive change.


        • two - planning and successful investments;
        • troika – well-established work with material benefits and moral satisfaction;
        • four - receiving a gift, inheritance, money;
        • five - winning a difficult battle;
        • six - first successes, work progress, the right direction;
        • seven - resolving inheritance issues, conflicts over money;
        • eight - repayment of debts;
        • nine - dishonesty, deception, intrigue of competitors;
        • ten - unbearable financial obligations;
        • Page - good news;
        • Knight - financial instability due to extravagance;
        • Queen - achieving your plans;
        • King - disposition, willingness to show generosity;
        • Ace – sponsorship support in endeavors.


        • two – financial instability;
        • three - a good deal;
        • four - an irrational waste of money;
        • five - ruin, poverty, loans;
        • seven - calculations, plans;
        • eight - gray everyday life;
        • nine - successful achievement of the goal;
        • ten - easy money, inheritance;
        • Page - new perspectives;
        • Knight – professionalism;
        • Queen – competition;
        • The king is an influential person, stability;
        • Ace – increased income.


        • two – teamwork;
        • three - celebration, successful completion of the project;
        • four - a new idea;
        • five - losses;
        • six - enthusiasm, attracting support;
        • seven - pride, narcissism;
        • eight - rejection of the material;
        • nine - successful completion of affairs;
        • ten - harmony, joy, success;
        • Page - frivolity;
        • Knight - recognition;
        • Queen - help, accompanying circumstances;
        • The king is a patron, mentor;
        • Ace - victory.


        • two - successful summing up of the court case;
        • three - bad news;
        • four - renunciation of worldly pleasures;
        • five - negative experiences;
        • six - change;
        • seven - dishonest methods of achieving goals;
        • eight - uncertainty;
        • nine - unjustified waste of money;
        • ten - a situation of instability;
        • Page – amateurishness;
        • Knight – stability;
        • Queen - impressions;
        • The king is a powerful person;
        • Ace – acceptance of responsibility.

        Waite Tarot

        The overall meaning of the Six of Pentacles card in the Rider Waite Tarot is nobility and sensitivity to the needs of those around you. These qualities are not a random impulse or ostentatious piety - they are a natural, permanent characteristic of a person.

        Straight position: prosperity through one's own efforts, health, financial well-being, recognition, mercy.

        Inverted position: possible illnesses, imbalance between the physical and spiritual; greed, selfishness, envy, debt.

        Additional values:

        • in work - people are interested in the matter, ready to provide support, ideas meet the plans of others; the opportunity to realize creative potential;
        • for consciousness - free self-expression, manifestation of higher qualities, the joy of providing help;
        • personal relationships - harmonious communication, a matter beneficial to both; ability to empathize.

        Thoth Tarot

        Card name: Lord of material success.

        Image: in the center of the hexagram a pink dawn glows, and around it there are three rings: pink, gold and amber.

        The interaction of six planets provides integral components of success:

        • Saturn is a meticulous approach.
        • Jupiter - openness to risk and miracles.
        • Venus - deep emotional involvement and motivation.
        • Moon - growth and development of internal potential.
        • Mercury - effective communications with people.
        • Mars - endurance and determination.

        The main meaning of the 6 Pentacles in the Thoth Tarot is increase, rise, power of abundance, beneficial interaction, development; reward according to deserts; practical advice. The card may indicate the qualities of the fortuneteller himself, as well as his readiness to demonstrate them. Practical significance 6 of Pentacles: reward, promising project.

        Additional values:

        • character - generous, noble, protective;
        • in work - fruitful work; a worthwhile cause that resonates with others;
        • finances - good timing, excellent planning, prospects; increased income; timely investment;
        • consciousness - overcoming internal contradictions, harmony with oneself, generosity, tolerance; find worthy use of your talents;
        • relationships - measured, harmonious; mutual support, happiness of love; recognition of the right to choose a partner; unequal marriage;
        • health - you will have to invest money in treatment.

        Advice: accept or provide assistance; do not make expensive gifts; reject bribes; gratitude for past services. Positive prognosis. Card recommendations: be confident and open to success, visualize details.

        The general meaning of the inverted card: exaggeration of one’s capabilities, hypocrisy.

        Additional values:

        • high expenses, overpayments, wrong efforts, unsuccessful investments;
        • inflated cost of treatment;
        • emphasis on one's own merits;
        • boastfulness, swagger, playing to the public.

        Advice: in order not to regret what you spent, it makes sense to embellish what you have already acquired; Don’t waste your money: the ways to solve the problem are too expensive.

        Tarot 78 doors

        In the tarot there are 78 doors and the 6 of Pentacles means an unexpected increase in wealth and gifts. The map shows a situation of unexpected help, happy event associated with an increase in wealth, although insignificant, but pleasant and necessary; a single-parent family receives a gift from a generous person.

        The Six of Coins characterizes a person who is disposed to generosity, who considers himself fair and who has volunteered to decide who and how much alms are due. Help from him can be both financial and moral. In reality, he strokes his pride. Beggars acquire the ability to flatter the rich - in order to receive dividends without working.

        Advice: when providing assistance, one should reduce arrogance and reject judgment; look around at what people are nearby - whether they really need it or are just playing along.

        Inverted position:

        • personality - inclined to listen to advice, therefore susceptible to deception;
        • finance - shared resources for prosperity, participation in a financial enterprise and mutual benefit;
        • love is a time of mutual concessions and compromises, acceptance of help and proposed ideas; a profitable enterprise organized by joint efforts;
        • work - teamwork, fair distribution of responsibilities; a chance to work on an interesting project together;
        • personal growth - mutual assistance, support of others.

        According to this card, the querent's problems are solved; the new venture or charity deserves praise and is well positioned to do so. If the card falls upside down, you should be careful and quick.

People have been using Tarot cards for a very long time. The high popularity of the latter is due to accurate predictions and relative ease of use. The main thing is to learn the meaning of each Tarot arcana and be able to apply it in practice. In this material we will tell you what the 6 of Pentacles means.

General value

Success and luck await a person. You can take on any new projects, because they will all bring profit and well-deserved respect.


The couple has a beautiful, measured relationship. However, in such a union, one partner dominates or patronizes the other.


To avoid the occurrence of diseases, you need to undergo regular examinations and adhere to preventive procedures. For a sick person, the lasso indicates the need for expensive therapy.


Things will go well. A successful investment of money or search for partners is possible. The fortuneteller expects profit.

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✚ For the future

This card reveals something that has been troubling your soul for a long period of time. This is purely related to the financial side. Possibly due to dishonest receipt of funds. Let go of the money situation, so avoid breaking the law. You must lead your life as honestly as possible so as not to worry. Finance is only one component happy life, but the main thing is love and mutual understanding. Try to achieve the harmony you need.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

This is a very positive card in a relationship scenario; if you get it now, you can be sure that now is a favorable moment to move to a new level romantic relationships. True, for this step you need to forget all the old grievances; perhaps it would not be amiss to sit down at the table and carefully discuss the problems that now haunt the couple. This card is also for new relationships. good sign, but to reach this level of life where you are ready for new encounters, try to get rid of stereotypes and other people's influence.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

A balanced situation, restoring balance, dynamics and receiving a reward. In the work aspect, the Card indicates a good job, successful for career growth, constant significant profit and a good relationship a team. You are simply in excellent health, and if you are sick, expect a speedy recovery. A calm and harmonious relationship with respect and mutual understanding awaits you. You are a generous and sympathetic person, always lending a helping hand. Not only help others yourself, but also don’t be afraid to accept help from them!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A map of dynamics and development, risky actions and courage, creative enthusiasm. It can represent someone’s gratuitous help, gifts and exchange.

Tomorrow brings some surprises to the questioner. These may be unexpectedly awakened forces for great achievements, new interesting projects, business plans, and maybe small but pleasant gifts, sometimes presented for no apparent reason.

In personal relationships, it speaks of a possible upcoming surprise from a loved one

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

Joyful emotions await you, because love is constantly reinforced by surprises and gifts. Your partner is very generous to you, so you always feel like a protected little girl. Try to stop your loved one from showering you with gifts that cost a lot of money. You must give him the same positive emotions, only in this case there will be equality in love, which will lead to a strong family union.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

The wish will come true, but only after a certain period of time. There are no special obstacles to speak of. The only thing is that on the path to desire, do not lose your spirituality, otherwise there is a risk that materialism will begin to dominate you. Should such a goal be achieved? Here the choice is obviously entirely yours. If the desire is so enticing, then it’s really worth it. But don't forget about back side medals.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Our own efforts led to a well-deserved result. The time has come for fair recognition of work. Earned well-being. You have received gratitude for your services. Everything is decided in your favor.

Possible Negative consequences from gifts from strangers. Don't rely too much on outside help.

The future will bring success in business, necessary help, and a positive resolution of the situation. Do not hesitate to accept help from others and, in turn, help those who are suffering. Show mercy!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The arcana symbolizes happy love and marriage. This union will be based solely on love and devotion, which will create an indestructible frame that is not subject to either time or jealousy. Loved ones will be happy to be together, receive the necessary dose of love and affection that they would not receive anywhere else. We can say that such families destroy the stereotype about the absence of ideal relationships. Everything will be fine, and others will see it!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Wisdom under dirty rags, as Cicero said. Need came into a person’s life so that he could learn his lesson.

You are in extreme predicament, you feel pain and resentment towards people who did not provide the help you so hoped for.

Only by drawing important conclusions and fully learning the lesson can you overcome a difficult situation. From time to time we all receive challenges, overcoming which we enter the broad road of new opportunities.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

If your chosen one is experiencing financial difficulties, then help him. It is at this time that the help you provide will be very important for your loved one. Subsequently, the relationship will reach a completely new level and you will receive full gratitude, respect and love. Your loyalty will be rewarded. A new relationship will begin only after an act of generosity and help, either from you or from the person you like. Expect a gift.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For treason

When the 6 of Pentacles card appears in a pair, feelings of tolerance and respect prevail. Such partners are always ready to help each other and support each other in difficult times. Relationships are sincere and open, here they share joys and sorrows with an open heart, and are always ready to lend their shoulder. There is no place for third parties in such a union.

A full description of the map is available at

Tarot cards are a special teaching that is difficult for many. Knowledgeable people They say that you can’t get around this without talent. And we all know that almost 80–90% of it consists of effort. In order to reveal the meaning of the lasso correctly, you need to study them all in detail. The Six of Pentacles is considered by many to be a useless card. But they are deeply mistaken. After all, being minor arcana, often she is even able to influence the major arcana. The Six of Pentacles Tarot card shows a man giving alms. On his left side he holds a scale in his hand. From the outside it looks like he gives as much as he weighs. But the real point is that everyone gets what they deserve. The arcan speaks of mental balance, which allows a person to show kindness and help those who need it.

Tarot cards are a special teaching that is difficult for many

Detailed description and meaning of the Six Coins card

The Six of Pentacles Tarot is most often associated with financial aspects of life. To be precise, it broadcasts new profits or losses, depending on the situation. This is the default value. The picture can be called positive. This card is very positive and open in its meaning:

  • gives faith in the coming day;
  • shows generosity;
  • brings generosity.

The 6 of Pentacles is a prize after a long disadvantage (five). The man correctly learned the lesson that life had prepared for him. But this is a temporary condition. After a while, success will end, you will need to work again, feel inconvenience, being in awkward situations (seven of the same suit). Definitely The 6 of Pentacles Tarot has an unstable meaning. Often this lasso speaks of “relaxation”. The difficulties are over, you can relax and leave things alone for the time being. This is a period of preparation for a new stage of change in the financial world. But it won’t last long, and until then you can rest and enjoy the fruits of your work.

The card denotes the acquisition of material and financial values.

It's a salary or a gift, but not a surprise. The Arcanum does not send hints of unexpected gifts or treasures that fall from heaven. This is a symbol of planned, earned cash.

What does the reversed Six of Pentacles tell you?

This lasso can be not only optimistic. If the card falls upside down, you can expect a difficult time. The fortuneteller failed to correctly complete the lesson of the Five of Pentacles. It may be that the lack of financial well-being drove him into apathy and despair. There is no reward in sight. A reversed card predicts losses and damages. The fortuneteller will regret some of his decisions and actions. Once upon a time there was a mistake for which you now need to answer. This is a time of decreasing strength, obstacles and difficulties. The material world is ahead, and the fortuneteller will again have to experience an unlearned lesson. There will definitely be no achievements during this period of time. You need to change your position towards material and other benefits.

An inverted lasso speaks of a wrong position in life, which leads to devastation, damage, and troubles.

But this time can be easily overcome if you treat it correctly. This is not total ruin, but rather the need to return what was illegally received (according to our universe). Tarot cards are subject not just to rules, but to the laws of the Universe. A person often loses something not because of his wrong actions. This is a kind of punishment for claims to life or pride. This is what the deck says. Tarot cards Six of Pentacles inverted inspires you to work in the sphere of the “soul”, thinking about your life credo and plans.

The Six of Pentacles Tarot is most often associated with financial aspects of life.

The influence of the card in the upright position on the business sphere

As experienced fortune tellers say, the 6 Pentacles card opens the way to peace material assets. If you see it in the financial situation, rejoice. Arkan predicts:

  • earning a certain amount;
  • income growth;
  • random enrichment;
  • receiving long-awaited profits.

You need to realize that finances will not appear instantly. Often the fortuneteller knows in advance that there will be money.

The map indicates funds that were already in the plans.

It is also important that the Six indicates the absence of material difficulties and the receipt of rewards for successfully completed work. But don't expect millions of dollars.

If you have plans business meeting- they will be successful. Your mutual work with partners will bring good results. Sometimes the meaning of a card may change, but not in negative side. New information may also become available. It’s worth understanding it and using it in practice, soon you will see the result, and your pocket will be filled with coins.

The influence of the inverted Six on the business alignment

If you come across such a card, don’t expect luck. Under any circumstances there will be losses. Arkan talks about:

  • lack of strength to correct the situation;
  • monetary losses;
  • accidental losses;
  • unexpected and complex problems.

If you have competitors, then consider that they have now won. It will not be possible to overcome the influence of the card right away. It will take a lot of work to correct what has been done before. For a worker, the card indicates payment of a fine or reduction wages. Or that the money will come, but with a delay. If you were interested in the question of the work you started, then you should not continue it. Because the result will not please you. An inverted 6 indicates mistakes made in calculations or negative facts, the presence of which the fortuneteller does not yet know. But don't be alarmed, this is temporary. If you work hard on yourself and your projects, then everything will work out for you.

For a businessman, a card in a duet with the Tower is especially unpleasant.

This can mean failure over a long period of time. And if the Moon is near 6, there is a thief next to you. Someone is leading you by the nose in the money sphere.

The meaning of Six in relationships

Many people think that the Six in love readings has no meaning. But she still predicts something. Do not forget that the 6 Pentacles is responsible for the material sphere. In relationships, she talks about an acquisition or gift from a companion. If you were worried about your partner’s feelings, then you can see evidence of a love mood. The card can also mean that material wealth will come with love. This happens in a situation where a young man is trying to win you over with gifts or surprises. If the relationship is long-term, then events will develop without anomalies. There are no threats, except for the “gray” monotony.

In a duet with the 8 of Wands, a trip or vacation abroad awaits you.

The lasso can also talk about an imminent call that the customer is waiting for. Always a 6 says the relationship will improve over time.

The 6 of Pentacles is responsible for the material sphere

Reversed card and love

Relationships are often not what you want. This is exactly what the map wants to say. If you wanted to know about your future partner, then know that he will not be generous. You don't even need to start a relationship with him. You will not be pleased with the situation if you are a family man. Even divorce cannot be ruled out. Moreover, the spouse plans to take a significant share of the property. The card speaks of the dishonest division of acquired property. If the card falls from the 3 of Swords (also upside down), then this may mean illness or even the loss of a spouse. The partner may suffer from an accident and die. This will be a difficult test for the fortuneteller. The upright position of the Three changes the situation. You can avoid worse outcomes by preventing them. Try to find balance in your soul, and your relationship will find harmony.

Influence on other cards (direct position)

Possible combinations include a large number of. There is no particular need to know everything. But there are important ones that are worth paying attention to. The direct position of the card can strengthen the major arcana. If the World, Empress, Sun or Hierophant is nearby, there will be good luck. This alignment speaks of payment for efforts, positive moments, and victory. If these cards are upside down next to each other, then the 6 of Pentacles will reduce their negative influence. Everything unpleasant will be easier to perceive. A scandal at work will end with a bonus, a quarrel with a partner will end in a surprise. If combined with negative arcana, then expect to be disappointed, upset and shed tears.

If a Tower appears next to the Six of Coins, you will lose control of what is happening.

What used to generate income will no longer be profitable. Death in a duet with our card means positive changes in life, if it happens in direct form. This may mean having a new source of finance. Inverted - you can get rich through heredity.

Influence on other cards (reversed position)

There are alarming and not very pleasant combinations in a duet with the “Dark” Arcana:

  • in combination with the Moon - lies, theft;
  • with the Tower - bankruptcy of the company;
  • with the Hanged Man - deviation in help;
  • with the Magician - a destructive mistake;
  • with the Court - lack of luck;
  • with the Fool - losses due to one’s own fault;
  • with the Devil - reckless stinginess;
  • with the Hermit, powerlessness in situations, which leads to great losses.

It is important to note that if these cards are also reversed, then things get more complicated. Losses will affect the fortuneteller’s state in a negative way. If you came across combinations in fortune-telling “for the past,” then the bad things are behind you. When “in the council” it is possible to change the situation.

Six of Coins as the Arcana of the Day

There are times when people make fortunes for a short period of time. When the Six of Pentacles appears in an upright position, you need to be prepared for material receipts. Can also mean surprise or support at the right time. The 6 of Pentacles meaning for a student or schoolchild foretells a carefree day. Questions and assignments from teachers will be easy, grades will be positive. A favorable day awaits lovers too. Your companion will make you happy in every possible way when you don't expect it. There will be no health problems either.

When the Six of Pentacles appears in an upright position, you need to be prepared for material receipts

The same cannot be said about an inverted card. It indicates problems with money, violation of contracts, and unwillingness of partners to fulfill their obligations. The car may break down unexpectedly, the facts will become lies, etc. You should not accept serious decisions. If you have a trial planned on the day of fortune telling, there will be no winnings. It’s better to reschedule it under any pretext.

Magic in Tarot cards and the Six of Coins itself

The Tarot deck is used not only in fortune telling, but also in magical rituals. This usually occurs with the participation of the major arcana. But the Six of Pentacles is also useful. When you urgently need a certain amount of zlotys, magic words are said above the card and placed under the pillow. The next morning, they again read the spell over the card and carry it with them all the time. Within 24 hours the money will appear. You can also use the card to influence a person. He is forced to call and write letters to the customer. Only experienced magicians are capable of this, so this ritual is rare.

There is not a single card in the entire deck that is unimportant. Each of the 78 carries an incredible amount of information. Various combinations only increase this volume and possible outcomes of situations. In order to master the skill of reading these layouts, to be completely convinced of the predictions, incredible efforts are needed. It’s not enough just to know the cards; you need to practice whenever possible. Only in this case can you achieve positive results and gain the skills of a master and reveal your talent. Maybe you should try it too?
