Dream Interpretation to see beautifully painted arrows. Where did you paint your lips in a dream? Other interpretations of such dreams

A lot of symbols and signs in our dreams are implicit, hidden, it’s not so easy to even notice them, let alone remember them.

But if you remember what you dreamed in the morning, this is a sign - and it must be deciphered. Especially if the sign is so bright and unusual, like the eyes - of a person or an animal, mystical green, bottomless blue, magical black, good or evil ...

This is such a deep, interesting and complex symbol that it is simply unwise to ignore it. After all, as you know, this is both the mirror of our soul, and the connection with the cosmic mind (third eye), and the “all-seeing eye”, and many, many other things ... So how can one unmistakably decipher what eyes are dreaming of if this symbol has so many different interpretations?

In fact, dream books give quite accurate and reliable interpretations of this complex symbol. The main thing is to remember what you saw in detail, to recall and take into account all the nuances, not to confuse anything. Because there are a lot of meanings, and they are all unique and vary greatly - the interpretation depends on the color of the eyes seen, and not only on it.

Lots of features. The most common scenarios and variants of such dreams are:

  • You dreamed very beautiful eyes some person.
  • They were strange, or on their own, without a face.
  • A sidelong glance in a dream.
  • The eyes of the animal are dreaming.
  • Green eyes in a dream.
  • They were blue.
  • Black.
  • Closed eyelids.
  • Big human eyes.
  • Red.
  • You paint in your sleep.
  • You scratch your eyelids.
  • Watch in a dream and see everything incredibly clearly, clearly.
  • It is very bad to look and see in dreams.
  • Your eyes hurt in a dream.
  • Lose one eye in a dream.
  • Go blind.

Dreams of this kind can be of a different nature, be strange, mysterious or even scary - but do not be afraid, and do not rush to give vent to emotions.

First, find out from the interpreter what your eyes are dreaming of, and only then draw reasonable conclusions on how to apply knowledge in reality. But most importantly, before revealing the interpreter, remember all the details - they will help you get a reliable answer.

I dreamed of someone's gaze ...

Dreams with this unusual symbol can be of two types - either the eyes were of someone, a certain person, animal, or simply as a separate vision. Or they belonged to you, and not only belonged, but something happened to them.

If your case is the first, then let's try to figure out what the eyes seen from the side are dreaming of. The main thing here is to remember accurately what they were. In addition, it is important emotional condition- if in dreams you felt anxiety or fear, then most likely this is a warning - and even positive interpretation will have some unfavorable accent, and vice versa.

1. As the wise dream book assures, eyes of incredible beauty, from which you simply can’t take your eyes off, are a very favorable omen. A rare and happy event awaits the dreamer in reality! You will not only be pleasantly surprised, but your whole life will suddenly take a happy turn, and many things in it will change for the better.

2. It is curious to know why the eyes are strange, any unusual, or without a face at all. Even if this dream was creepy, it has a good meaning, and promises you good changes in life. Things will get better, the life streak will finally become bright, and a lot will change.

3. Such a dream, in which the eyes of a person were slanting, definitely portends you good luck in money matters. The work will go more successfully, the financial situation will improve significantly.

So, if you wanted to give up, don't hesitate! Soon your business will finally start to generate income, keep going!

4. As the dream book says, the eyes of some animal in dreams are a symbol of jealousy and causeless anger. These feelings are destructive and show weakness - in addition, they spoil any relationship.

A wise person, reasonable and whole, will never allow these feelings to take possession of him. So try not to let jealousy and anger ruin your personal life.

5. Looking into green eyes in a dream is a sign that very soon it will appear next to you. clever man. And it will be right if you manage not to miss him, get some knowledge, experience from him, or just chat. Or maybe even get a new friend.

6. "Black eyes", the very ones about which they composed songs - what do they promise? Rarely seen in reality, black eyes through a dream warn you of wrong thoughts, an unclean conscience, or dark, wrong deeds. The interpreter highly recommends thinking seriously about your behavior - perhaps it is leading you in a dangerous direction, and you need to change it.

7. Blue eyes are a symbol of beauty, charm, and many handsome literary heroes (as well as beauties) are portrayed by writers and poets with precisely this color of eyes.

If you happened to look into blue eyes in a dream, this is a hint that in reality, when communicating or meeting people, you notice only the external. And look inside, look into the soul - you lack this skill. And this skill is very valuable - after all, something completely different can be hidden behind external tinsel.

8. The drooping eyelids are an interesting, intriguing symbol. The dream interpretation says that great and pure love is next to you, but it is still hidden - and is waiting in the wings. This hour will come very soon, and a great feeling will knock on your door - just wait patiently, do not rush things.

9. Huge eyes are a clear symbol of happiness approaching the dreamer. Know that it is true - the interpreter does not exaggerate - amazing events await you that will change your life. And not just for the better, but for the best, for something that you only timidly and secretly dreamed of!

10. The red eyes seen in a dream are a symbol of great fatigue. You may not notice it in the hustle and bustle of every day, but this dream is not in vain - it's time for you to rest, otherwise you will break down, get sick, or simply lose your strength and energy.

own, relatives

And these are already other dreams, and their meanings are different. If you dreamed about your eyes, and you did something with them, then the interpreter will tell you what awaits in reality. Just remember exactly what you did.

1. The first question is why do you dream of painting your eyes, bringing them down, putting on makeup or even makeup. Oddly enough, but the interpreter defines this daily female occupation as a symbol of lies.

It is her that you need to beware of and avoid in reality. Try to be truthful in communication, otherwise you will hurt yourself.

2. Scratching or rubbing your eyelids in dreams is a clear symbol of imminent change. Perhaps they will be unexpected and even unwanted, and you will not easily accept them, but you should prepare for the inevitable and understand that change is for the better, this is life.

3. To see clearly and clearly in a dream, even better and farther than in everyday life - a wonderful sign, very favorable. This promises the dreamer good, great happiness, a clear and bright future - and in all areas.

4. On the contrary, it is bad to see - a symbol of difficulties. But do not be afraid of them, they will only give you valuable experience and make you stronger.

5. If your eyes hurt in a dream, you feel pain or “sand” - this is a hint of an unclean conscience. Here you should think about your behavior and change it, if necessary.

6. If you have lost your eye, this indicates some kind of intricate, complex matter. In order to understand it, it may be worth stepping back and looking from the outside, without emotions - this will help to soberly assess the situation, find the right way out.

7. Going blind in a dream is a sign that in everyday life you do not see the obvious reality. You fantasize and think a lot, but you don’t want to notice what is obvious.

Whatever the interpreter predicts, try to apply the new knowledge wisely. Remember that the dream book does not decide anything for the dreamer - and only you always choose what to do. Author: Vasilina Serova

Why dream of painting your eyes?

From time immemorial, people have tried to unravel the meaning of their dreams. To date, created various dream books and interpreters, there is even a separate science of sleep called oneirology. There are many theories about dreams. What do dreams mean?

What if you dream of painting your eyes?

Everyone knows that a person's eyes are the mirror of his soul. That is why when someone dreams of something related to them, it can make a huge difference in real life and can tell a lot about a person. Here it is important to figure out why dream of painting eyes.

If a woman sees how she paints her eyes in a dream, this dream can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on the circumstances of the dream itself. If a young girl has such a dream, it may mean the appearance of a man in her life, whose active courtship should definitely be paid attention to.

If in a dream the eyelashes in front of the eyes of a woman or girl are made up too brightly and defiantly (or they are generally artificial) - perhaps the one who had such a dream looks incorrectly at many important things in his life. And also stereotypes are imposed on him, which make it very difficult to see the real state of affairs.

Such a dream can also speak of insincerity in feelings or even hypocrisy. To paint eyes in a dream may mean that the one who sees such a dream does not want to let anyone close to him, strives not to let anyone into his inner world outsiders, and therefore, as it were, wears a mask and is afraid to trust someone.

If in a dream a person removes makeup from his eyes, this, on the contrary, speaks of his desire and desire to be himself, the way he really is. Perhaps the one who sees this dream is tired of pretending and wearing masks or being the way they want to be seen, and not the way he is.

What portends?

If someone dreams about how he paints other people's eyes, this may mean that in reality a situation may arise when, due to some circumstances, you will have to mislead or deceive a friend or friend. It is also possible that this dream means a desire to understand some issues or problems, as well as to get to know people who have recently met. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to this dream.

Of considerable importance is the condition of the eyes, which can express a lot in their eyes.

If they are red, tired, sick - in reality, to the one who dreams about it, they can cause offense or a serious insult from friends or relatives, and maybe even from strangers.

Eye color also plays a role, for example, blue - a person cannot decide on some necessary step, and the reason for his many failures lies in his character.

And if the eyes are gray - you should be wary of a flattering person. Brown eyes represent goodness, and such a dream has a positive meaning and promises support to a person. Just do not react strongly to dreams and their meaning. First you need to determine its value.

Dream eyes

Eyes are one of the brightest, metaphysical, symbolic images. When these sense organs, which play an exceptional role in the life of every person, are closed, the feeling of the illusory nature of the world intensifies. It is not for nothing that in many cultures the eye in symbolism occupies a special place.

A dream, the main element of which are these bottomless oceans of the soul, primarily reflects the state of mind of the sleeping person. And the smallest details of the dream will help you find out from the dream book what fate has prepared for you.

If in a dream it is not possible to consider the color of the interlocutor's eyes, then in reality you will not yet find the answer to exciting questions. Coming straight Talk. There is a risk of getting into trouble.

Why do green eyes dream - to meet with passionate love, to find true friends. This is a sign of sincerity, faith, balance, harmony, healing. However, the dream book warns of the evil eye, jealousy and envy, if the main character of the dream was a stranger with an evil look of olive eyes.

If you saw in a dream Blue eyes- soon you will receive useful information or a gift, meet a big one, passionate love. Some dream books interpret this dream as a harbinger of failure due to gullibility, indecision, self-doubt.

You had black eyes in a dream - you will spend the coming evening in a pleasant company, cheerfully and carefree.

According to the dream book, black or Brown eyes people around you in a dream talk about deceit, deceit. Beware of crafty partners and two-faced comrades who build dishonest plans behind your back.

The appearance of red eyes in a dream indicates extreme overwork of the sleeper. It seems that you need to take a vacation and have a good rest, and the dream book persuades you to give preference to active entertainment, sports pastime.

Why does a person with different eyes dream - the dream book believes that it is due to a connection with a deceitful, two-faced companion.

In general, eyes of different colors in a dream notify of the betrayal of a husband, wife, children. Parental opinion for the child is no longer authoritative, the position of peers is closer and more important to him. In this regard, you feel abandoned, lonely, unnecessary.

See in a dream grey eyes- to unreasonable, ingratiating praises. The dream book warns against rash actions imposed by flattering speeches.

Blue eyes dream of love or flattery.

Seeing yourself in a dream with white eyes is dissatisfaction with your behavior, inconsistency with moral standards.

But yellow eyes in a dream mean torment, sorrow, mental throwing. In some cases, the dream book portends damage to health, especially psychological.

Seeing bloody eyes in a dream, the dream book notifies of impending trouble with relatives, the existence of an enemy in the immediate environment.

In a dream, look into the eyes of someone - show genuine interest in this person, strive to look into his soul. Relationships may deteriorate, mutual understanding will disappear. If in a dream you were interested in the eyes of a stranger, then the dream book notifies you of a vigilant rival.

Why dream of blood from the eyes - there will be difficulties at work, the management will set tasks that require maximum concentration on details. The dream interpretation recommends paying attention to your well-being.

Closed eyes in a dream promise the dreamer great news, as well as a stormy but short romance. In a dream, you closed your eyelids - a strong attachment. I dreamed of an object of passion with my eyes closed - the dream book informs about disagreements in a relationship. Your soul mate is hiding something, and you guess it.

Looking in a dream into the beautiful eyes of a child is a symbol of exorbitant surprise, unexpected news, discovery, enlightenment.

Did you remember that it was the blue eyes of the child that you dreamed about? This means that in real life you will be shrouded in tenderness, care and gladly give your loved ones warmth and affection.

In a dream, you have a black eye - public humiliation. The dream interpretation advises not to succumb to provocations, to remain calm and dignified. IN Lately you are haunted by thoughts of forbidden pleasure. Obsession breeds mental anguish.

In a dream, they found a black eye under the eye - a dream for profit.

Why cat eyes dream - you will find the perfect solution in an extremely difficult situation. According to the dream book, you will soon find peace, and the fear of the unknown will go away forever. Along with this, a dream in which another animal is looking at you warns of an envious and jealous person.

Glow in the dark cat eyes - a dream tip: do not lose your temper during misunderstandings in the bosom of the family. Only composure and tact will help to avoid an unpleasant scandal.

Miller's dream book interprets the eyes as relentless surveillance by ill-wishers, meanness, treason, failure. The one-eyed dream hero notifies you of the misfortunes and misadventures that threaten you.

Three eyes prophesy pregnancy, the birth of a baby. If your third eye opened in a dream, then your intuition is activated, you are ready for spiritual development.

Big eyes in a dream promise happiness, prosperity, a rich inheritance. The dream interpretation marks that you will meet a smart, talented and honest person.

What does the dream mean in which you began to paint your own eyes? For young women, such a dream reads a very obsessive admirer. By the way, his intentions are serious, and courtship can develop into a strong union.

Why do eye shadows dream - a deceiver is near you, but soon you will be able to convict him of a lie.

If in a dream you painted someone's eyes with shadows, then you plan to sin against the truth. The dream book offers another meaning of sleep - you are trying to get to know your friends better, to understand the motives of their actions.

To paint eyes - the dream book considers sleep as a sign of secrecy, a desire to carefully hide your inner world from strangers.

Heavily painted eyes in a dream indicate a desire to match the imposed image. At this stage, it is easier to put on a mask than to allow yourself to open up, to be real. Something prevents a sober assessment of circumstances. The dream interpretation recommends getting rid of stereotypical thinking.

Why else dream eyes in a dream

If in a dream you carefully lined your eyes, then there is a person who is madly in love with you, and he will accomplish any feat for the sake of your reciprocity.

Doing eyeliner in a dream is a dream for a happy marriage, a blissful family life. Sharpening a pencil before use is a positive event, a journey, a surprise.

The dream in which you painted the eyes with a pencil to another person marks an extraordinary, fascinating phenomenon, good news from an old friend.

Why dream of eye makeup - a dream signal of involuntary self-defense, isolation, isolation. For a girl who is interested in all kinds of cosmetics and in reality devotes a lot of time to her own appearance, this dream is just a projection of everyday activities.

The dream book warns that dull, lifeless, sore eyes in a dream - bad sign. You are threatened by illness, failure in business, anxiety, various troubles, mortal danger.

Gouged out eyes signal the loss of a person dear to the heart. If in a dream you personally gouged them out to someone, then your manner of holding yourself surprises and repels others. Dream book hint: behave more modestly and simply, then it will be much easier to find a common language with people.

I dreamed of kind, beautiful eyes - life will be long, successful, secure, and love will be sincere and true.

We noticed that in a dream you have barley on your eye - in reality you will be indecently rich.

I dreamed of worms in my eyes - a dream warning of huge troubles due to deliberately postponing the resolution of the problem. Do not fall into the nets stretched by enemies. Moderate your ardor, get rid of hatred, rage, arrogance.

Why does a person without eyes dream - a dream to break the connection, divorce or death of a spouse.

In a dream, look into the eyes of a man - you are trying to figure out his plans. This representative of the stronger sex is incredibly curious to you. Perhaps you are afraid of him or do not understand him, so you want to find out his weaknesses.

If for a long time and inseparably looked into the eyes of a loved one, the dream book sees an alarm in a dream, anxiety about some secret. You feel a wall of misunderstanding, you worry that the other half no longer supports the previously common ideals and worldview.

In a dream, you have cloudy eyes - you lack money, evil fate pursues, failure in business.

I dreamed of swollen eyes - employees or co-owners of the business will be deceived, let down for personal gain. Strictly follow the letter of the law, otherwise fines and litigation are inevitable.

Slanting eyes in a dream are a harbinger of fantastic luck, unexpected luck, healthy and smart children, unearthly love. However, if a woman was horrified by the strabismus that developed in a dream, then the dream book predicts damage to her reputation.

Why dream of an eyesore - a dream of obstacles on the way, difficulties, pretense and self-deception, a quarrel, meeting an annoying person. If the thorn is on the right, the man is cheating, on the left, the woman is cheating.

I dreamed that a friend's eyes change color - there is a reason to take a closer look at this person. It is possible that a friend is actually a chameleon who will put a pig on you.

Since the organs of vision in the dream book are associated with the people most beloved and close to you, the dream in which the eye fell out often carries a bad omen. Serious problems with one of the relatives are likely. However, a dream may be the result of excessive excitement in connection with the upcoming solemn event or a joyful episode.

In a dream, to see your eyes without pupils - a lot escapes your field of vision. Too frequent withdrawal into oneself is fraught with the loss of the thread of what is happening around you. Try to maximize contacts with outside world, engage in effective projects that are necessary for society.

Why dream of a kiss in the eye - a dream for a holiday, fun, fulfillment of the most cherished dreams. The dream interpretation promises that very soon life will get better and go according to the planned scenario.

I dreamed of colored lenses for the eyes - expect changes in relations with the chosen one. For someone who wore contact lenses in a dream with 100% vision, the dream book prepared a curious piece of advice - immediately choose a goal in life. In addition, stop wasting your energy and time on trifles, identify a priority task and focus on it. Drop lenses in a dream - doubts, timidity and stiffness prevent you from realizing your plan.

To experience discomfort in a dream due to a mote in the eye - there will be hassle due to offspring. To see a mote - in reality you will make excuses, look for a scapegoat. The dream interpretation claims that you are blind in controversial issue, although the truth in the story that happened is known to almost everyone.

For married women blindfolded in a dream - a warning that her marriage is in jeopardy. Someone will make every effort to destroy the family idyll. For the rest, a dream means a secret, a game, mysterious phenomenon. You seem to be missing the obvious facts. Before committing an act, carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

Why dream that the dead man opened his eyes - a dream to obstacles in the professional field, losses. Sometimes such a dream is a bad sign, portending the death of a relative. In any case, the dream book tells you to keep other people's secrets, otherwise you will suffer through the fault of talkativeness.

If in a dream they could not open their eyes, then the subconscious mind thus tries to show a high degree of mental fatigue. The dream book calls for at least a short change in occupation.

The dream in which you underwent eye surgery is very symbolic. Finally look at the play of your life being played out objectively and intently. There will be an opportunity to re-evaluate victories and fiascos, to discover still absolutely unknown aspects of life.

In a dream, losing your eyes - to vain work, trouble, overwhelming tasks, risky ventures. However, there is a completely opposite interpretation of the dream book. If in a dream you suddenly lost both visual organs at the same time, then your material well-being is guaranteed.

Why do wrinkles under the eyes dream - a dream for joy, a carefree life, a party, exciting activity. In general, a dream in which there are wrinkles on the face predicts longevity. The so-called crow's feet hint at a long, boring and dynamic life.

What did the eyes dream about?

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at the Women's Club!

A lot of symbols and signs in our dreams are implicit, hidden, it’s not so easy to even notice them, let alone remember them.

But if you remember what you dreamed in the morning, this is a sign - and it must be deciphered. Especially if the sign is so bright and unusual, like the eyes - of a person or an animal, mystical green, bottomless blue, magical black, good or evil ...

This is such a deep, interesting and complex symbol that it is simply unwise to ignore it. After all, as you know, this is both the mirror of our soul, and the connection with the cosmic mind (third eye), and the “all-seeing eye”, and many, many other things ... So how can one unmistakably decipher what eyes are dreaming of if this symbol has so many different interpretations?

In fact, dream books give quite accurate and reliable interpretations of this complex symbol. The main thing is to remember what you saw in detail, to recall and take into account all the nuances, not to confuse anything. Because there are a lot of meanings, and they are all unique and vary greatly - the interpretation depends on the color of the eyes seen, and not only on it.

Lots of features. The most common scenarios and variants of such dreams are:

  • You dreamed about the very beautiful eyes of a person.
  • They were strange, or on their own, without a face.
  • A sidelong glance in a dream.
  • The eyes of the animal are dreaming.
  • Green eyes in a dream.
  • They were blue.
  • Black.
  • Closed eyelids.
  • Big human eyes.
  • Red.
  • You paint in your sleep.
  • You scratch your eyelids.
  • Watch in a dream and see everything incredibly clearly, clearly.
  • It is very bad to look and see in dreams.
  • Your eyes hurt in a dream.
  • Lose one eye in a dream.
  • Go blind.
  • Dreams of this kind can be of a different nature, be strange, mysterious or even scary - but do not be afraid, and do not rush to give vent to emotions.

    First, find out from the interpreter what your eyes are dreaming of, and only then draw reasonable conclusions on how to apply knowledge in reality. But most importantly, before revealing the interpreter, remember all the details - they will help you get a reliable answer.

    I dreamed of someone's gaze ...

    Dreams with this unusual symbol can be of two types - either the eyes were of someone, a certain person, animal, or simply as a separate vision. Or they belonged to you, and not only belonged, but something happened to them.

    If your case is the first, then let's try to figure out what the eyes seen from the side are dreaming of. The main thing here is to remember accurately what they were. In addition, the emotional state is important - if you felt anxiety or fear in your dreams, then most likely this is a warning - and even a positive interpretation will have some unfavorable accent, and vice versa.

    1. As the wise dream book assures, eyes of incredible beauty, from which you simply can’t take your eyes off, are a very favorable omen. A rare and happy event awaits the dreamer in reality! You will not only be pleasantly surprised, but your whole life will suddenly take a happy turn, and many things in it will change for the better.

    2. It is curious to know why the eyes are strange, any unusual, or without a face at all. Even if this dream was creepy, it has a good meaning, and promises you good changes in life. Things will get better, the life streak will finally become bright, and a lot will change.

    3. Such a dream, in which the eyes of a person were slanting, definitely portends you good luck in money matters. The work will go more successfully, the financial situation will improve significantly.

    So, if you wanted to give up, don't hesitate! Soon your business will finally start to generate income, keep going!

    4. As the dream book says, the eyes of some animal in dreams are a symbol of jealousy and causeless anger. These feelings are destructive and show weakness - in addition, they spoil any relationship.

    A wise person, reasonable and whole, will never allow these feelings to take possession of him. So try not to let jealousy and anger ruin your personal life.

    5. Looking into green eyes in a dream is a sign that a very reasonable person will soon appear next to you. And it will be right if you manage not to miss him, get some knowledge, experience from him, or just chat. Or maybe even get a new friend.

    6. "Black eyes", the very ones about which they composed songs - what do they promise? Rarely seen in reality, black eyes through a dream warn you of wrong thoughts, an unclean conscience, or dark, wrong deeds. The interpreter highly recommends thinking seriously about your behavior - perhaps it is leading you in a dangerous direction, and you need to change it.

    7. Blue eyes are a symbol of beauty, charm, and many handsome literary heroes (as well as beauties) are portrayed by writers and poets with precisely this color of eyes.

    If you happened to look into blue eyes in a dream, this is a hint that in reality, when communicating or meeting people, you notice only the external. And look inside, look into the soul - you lack this skill. And this skill is very valuable - after all, something completely different can be hidden behind external tinsel.

    8. The drooping eyelids are an interesting, intriguing symbol. The dream interpretation says that great and pure love is next to you, but it is still hidden - and is waiting in the wings. This hour will come very soon, and a great feeling will knock on your door - just wait patiently, do not rush things.

    9. Huge eyes - a clear symbol of happiness approaching the dreamer. Know that it is true - the interpreter does not exaggerate - amazing events await you that will change your life. And not just for the better, but for the best, for something that you only timidly and secretly dreamed of!

    10. Red eyes seen in a dream are a symbol of great fatigue. You may not notice it in the hustle and bustle of every day, but this dream is not in vain - it's time for you to rest, otherwise you will break down, get sick, or simply lose your strength and energy.

    own, relatives

    And these are already other dreams, and their meanings are different. If you dreamed about your eyes, and you did something with them, then the interpreter will tell you what awaits in reality. Just remember exactly what you did.

    1. The first question is why do you dream of painting your eyes, bringing them down, putting on makeup or even makeup. Oddly enough, but the interpreter defines this daily female occupation as a symbol of lies.

    It is her that you need to beware of and avoid in reality. Try to be truthful in communication, otherwise you will hurt yourself.

    2. Scratching or rubbing your eyelids in dreams is a clear symbol of imminent change. Perhaps they will be unexpected and even unwanted, and you will not easily accept them, but you should prepare for the inevitable and understand that change is for the better, this is life.

    3. To see clearly and clearly in a dream, even better and farther than in everyday life - a wonderful sign, very favorable. This promises the dreamer good, great happiness, a clear and bright future - and in all areas.

    4. On the contrary, it is bad to see - a symbol of difficulties. But do not be afraid of them, they will only give you valuable experience and make you stronger.

    5. If your eyes hurt in a dream, you feel pain or “sand” - this is a hint of a bad conscience. Here you should think about your behavior and change it, if necessary.

    6. If you have lost your eye, this speaks of some intricate, complex matter. In order to understand it, it may be worth stepping back and looking from the outside, without emotions - this will help to soberly assess the situation, find the right way out.

    7. Going blind in a dream is a sign that in everyday life you do not see the obvious reality. You fantasize and think a lot, but you don’t want to notice what is obvious.

    Whatever the interpreter predicts, try to apply the new knowledge wisely. Remember that the dream book does not decide anything for the dreamer - and only you always choose what to do.

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    What can painted eyes dream about?

    The meaning of the dream in which you painted your eyes. As the saying goes famous saying, Eyes are the mirror of the soul. They can tell a lot about a person, both in reality and being the main plot of dreams. Therefore, it is so important to analyze all the details and pay special attention to dreams in which you applied cosmetics.

    Why dream of painting eyes in a dream?

  • If you have seen how to carefully bring them down, then take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps among your acquaintances there is a person who is madly in love with you and is ready for any crazy act so that you pay attention to him and reciprocate.
  • Tinting your eyes with a pencil in front of a mirror promises the dreamer a happy marriage and a comfortable life. family life. And if you also sharpened a pencil before makeup, then some pleasant surprise awaits you ahead, for example, a trip or an event.
  • To paint someone's eyes means that an unusual event awaits you in the near future. It is also possible that you will receive good news from an old friend who has not been in touch for a long time.

  • To dream about how you do a thorough make-up and paint your eyes with shadows, mascara and pencil, from a psychological point of view, means that you are afraid of the world around you and strive to withdraw into yourself as much as possible. But those representatives of the weaker sex who actively use decorative cosmetics in reality should not expect much from such a night vision. Most likely, this is just a projection of real life.
  • The dream interpretation interprets that if a girl unnaturally brightly paints with mascara or even glues artificial eyelashes, then she has developed wrong judgments about life, and stereotypes instilled from childhood prevent her from correctly assessing various events.
  • Also, such a dream is a sure sign that the dreamer is not entirely sincere in his behavior and does not want to let anyone close to him.
  • Miller's dream book says that washing off eye makeup speaks of a person's subconscious desire to be himself and not pretend to others.
  • Other interpretations of such dreams

    When a person dreams that he is applying shadows or mascara to the eyes of another person, this can be regarded as a warning that in reality he will have to use “lie for good” in order to help a friend get out of a difficult life situation.

    Be sure to pay close attention to the people around you after such a vision. You need to get to know the people you've recently met in order to avoid possible difficulties.

    Color is also important general form eye. If they are red and look painful, then the dreamer should mentally prepare for the fact that one of his friends or relatives will offend him. But eyes sparkling with kindness are a sure sign that a long, prosperous life awaits a person, full of good luck and mutual love.

    Blue painted eyes dream of indecisive people who, due to the peculiarities of their character, cannot achieve their desired goal.

    Grays can be seen as a warning that a flattering and deceitful person has appeared in the environment of the dreamer. Brown pupils are a symbol of kindness and promise the dreamer a quick meeting with a person who will provide great support in his endeavors.

    Dreams sometimes throw us such incomprehensible symbols that it is difficult to forget them. For example, eyes! In reality, we are so used to them, but in a dream - what do they mean? After all, such a strange symbol is not dreamed of by everyone and not often. What to expect from sleep?

    First of all, looking into the dream book, you can understand that the eyes in it are an ambiguous symbol and it can mean both happiness and the machinations of ill-wishers. If you dreamed of eyes, this is definitely not just like that, this is an important message from above. Remember all the details in order to understand what the eyes are dreaming of: they were yours or strangers, what color, what happened to them. The interpreter offers many options:

    • Your own eyes in dreams.
    • Open or closed, healthy or blind.
    • To look or peer into something, to be unable to discover.
    • Paint eyes in a dream or see brightly let down.
    • Shades: green eyes, blue or blue, brown, black.
    • To see the eyes of a man, a child, an animal.
    • Strange or nightmare dreams with this symbol.

    If you remembered everything that you could and clearly formulated the question to the dream book - for example, why green eyes dream or why I can’t open them, then you can find out the exact answer. To begin with, without diving into details, let's see what kind of symbol - eyes - and what the dream book says about the meaning of this symbol.

    Eyes in a dream book are a metaphorical embodiment of your vision of the world. The advice is to see everything as it is, to look at the world realistically and without rose-colored glasses. Learn to perceive the reality around you in reality as it really is, and not to exaggerate it in your imagination.

    Of course, and not only the dream book will say this, the eyes are the mirror of our soul, and by the way they were in dreams, one can judge one's spiritual state. Analyze your dream yourself and understand what higher powers are hinting at.

    Of course, closed eyelids are a direct hint at the limited perception of the world. You must learn to look and see the world, not to be afraid of it and to perceive it normally, soberly. Accepting the world and life is an art; if you master it, life will become harmonious and happy.

    Also, according to the dream book, the eye is an expression of the metaphorical meaning "to cherish like the apple of an eye." Perhaps the dream is telling you: take care of what you have so as not to lose it. And on the contrary, you should not hold on too tightly to what you have, find a middle ground.

    Yours, the real ones. Actions

    If you dreamed of your own eyes in dreams, then remember what they were and what happened to them. This will reveal the secret of the dream and its meaning.

    We will find out why we dream of painting our eyes, bringing eyelids or applying mascara to eyelashes in a dream. As the dream book tells us, painting the eyes is a hint of some kind of insincerity or even deceit. Are you honest or are you trying to hide the deceit behind a mask? Think. Higher powers send this vision not without reason - this means you need to reconsider your own behavior, otherwise deceit or insincerity can harm you.

    Scratching your eyelids in dreams - to change. Not the fact that they will be very pleasant, but know in advance: they will lead to a better life. Any changes that do not depend on us are sent to us from above, and are always needed. So see even unwanted changes as necessary.

    Can't open my eyelids! Is it about you? Or did you see badly in a dream? In any case, such a dream for both a woman and a man indicates a limited ability to see the world in all its details: you do not see the whole picture of what is happening around, and perhaps you yourself do not want to. Try to look around you clearly and soberly, do not deceive yourself, see the reality.

    On the contrary, if the vision in dreams was very clear or you saw incredibly far, then a wonderful spiritual and physical health, and there will be great happiness ahead. You are in harmony with the world! Cutting and pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe organs of vision is a hint that you have a bad conscience: maybe you offended or deceived someone, intentionally or not. Try to think about it - for sure you will be able to fix everything.

    To lose an eye in dreams is to difficulties. Do not be afraid of this dream, even if it was creepy and scary. This is just advice: do not be afraid of difficulties in business, you can handle it. You know that we need any obstacles for experience and spiritual growth!

    Going completely blind is advice not to expect anything from anyone. You will be disappointed if you completely rely on someone or expect something from others. This does not mean that no one can be trusted, but the responsibility should always be on yourself.

    Aliens, from the side

    What eyes did you see in your dream? Unrealistically large or very beautiful, scary or strange - this is the key to unraveling the vision.

    Beautiful, attractive eyes are a wonderful symbol . In reality, very happy events will happen to you very soon, which you do not expect. It is also a symbol of health and excellent state of mind.

    Brightly painted eyelids, seen from the side, warn that you can be deceived or deceived. Be careful and attentive to everything you see and hear from others, check the information.

    A pupil with a thorn is a warning that you have ill-wishers or competitors in life or at work. And they are closely watching your actions in reality. Do not be afraid, do the right thing and in good conscience, but be careful and know that not everyone can be trusted.

    If you saw only one eye, without their owner and without a face, it means that you are very interesting to someone. Someone is watching you - maybe it's a secret lover or someone else. Take a closer look and you will find out who is so interested in you. If they were somehow strange, fabulous or unusual, it always means happiness. Even if they scared you in a dream, all the same, this vision does not portend you anything but happy events.

    A sidelong glance is a wonderful omen! Expect good luck in all your affairs. In work and study, in business and career, great sudden success awaits you. You are doing everything right, you are on the right path. Don't back down and don't lose your motivation to move forward - and you will get a great reward!

    Very big eyes - this is for money that will literally fall on you from nowhere, unexpectedly and unpredictably. Inheritance, winnings, a big cash gift - fate itself will find how to make this surprise for you.

    The look of the animal indicates envy. This bad feeling will poison your life if you don't get rid of it. And if you have envious people, then try to avoid them.

    Different colors

    What color were the eyes you saw? The meaning of sleep depends on whether they were blue or blue, brown or even red.

    A bright, clear look is a symbol of help from above. You can not be afraid of difficulties in your life, because higher powers will help you, protect and support you at the right time. Dark, deep eyes are your thoughts. Maybe lately not very good intentions have visited you, a desire to do something not very good? Think carefully so as not to stain your own conscience.

    Bright, incredible eye color is good sign. Some very smart person will appear nearby and be able to help you in difficult situation, your task is not to overlook it. Blue, beautiful - this is love, a clear sign that soon in reality you will be surrounded by love and your heart will respond to it!

    Black - to falsehood. Not all of your friends are actually friends - someone harbors bad intentions, maybe envy or resentment towards you. Be careful. Try to understand for yourself what kind of person is hiding under the mask of a good friend, and either limit your communication with him, or change the situation and his attitude towards you in a positive direction.

    Beautiful brown eyes are a symbol of fidelity. Do not doubt that the person, beloved or friend who is next to you, is faithful and devoted to you with his soul. Do not be jealous of him in vain and do not suspect: higher powers have sent you a clear sign that any suspicions are in vain!

    Red eyelids or pupils are a symbol of fatigue. Only and everything! It's time for you to have a good rest. But not to have fun, namely to relax, relax. Be alone for at least a day, take a day off. Nature or home comfort, silence and idleness - this will do you good.

    Try to analyze the interpretation of your dream correctly, and intuition will surely tell you what exactly the dream means. And higher powers will always help you choose the right path!

    Other interpretations of such dreams

    When a person dreams that he is applying shadows or mascara to the eyes of another person, this can be regarded as a warning that in reality he will have to use “lie for good” in order to help a friend get out of a difficult life situation.

    Be sure to pay close attention to the people around you after such a vision. You need to get to know the people you've recently met in order to avoid possible difficulties.

    Of great importance is also the color and general appearance of the eyes. If they are red and look painful, then the dreamer should mentally prepare for the fact that one of his friends or relatives will offend him. But eyes sparkling with kindness are a sure sign that a long, prosperous life awaits a person, full of good luck and mutual love.

    Blue painted eyes dream of indecisive people who, due to the peculiarities of their character, cannot achieve their desired goal.

    Grays can be seen as a warning that a flattering and deceitful person has appeared in the environment of the dreamer. Brown pupils are a symbol of kindness and promise the dreamer a quick meeting with a person who will provide great support in his endeavors.

    To dream that barley has jumped up in front of your eye is a favorable sign. This means that in reality you will find fabulous wealth, to achieve which you will make almost no effort.

    As you can see, the interpretation of dreams about painted eyes is quite versatile, but, as in reality, they reflect all the hidden desires of a person and hidden sides his character.

    To paint something in a dream means that in reality you yourself will involuntarily betray your secret if at the same time you cover walls, objects, etc. with oil or other paint.

    To paint lips, eyelashes, etc. is a sign of universal recognition, but eternal dissatisfaction with oneself.

    Dye fabric, leather or fur at a dry-cleaning factory - it means that you will suddenly find something that you have long lost and unsuccessfully searched for.

    Color something dark White color- a risky business that can bring either big profits or big losses.

    To paint black - to bad luck, perhaps to the loss of a friend; if the face - to great grief.

    paint in green color- a sign of gaining hope, financial success, a long trip is ahead or the reception of business visitors from afar.

    If you paint something red in a dream, it means that you will soon receive an invitation to a celebration; bright red color - improve your health on vacation.

    The blue or blue color in which you paint the walls in an apartment during repairs is a harbinger of fun about the happy fulfillment of your plans.

    To paint in yellow or ocher color - in reality arouse someone's envy by the successful course of your affairs, you will be prevented in every possible way from completing them.

    If you use when dyeing Brown color or tones close to it, say, coffee, - in reality you will face big troubles in the family.

    A dream in which you paint something with gold paint means that you will emerge victorious in a long and difficult struggle thanks to optimism and self-confidence.

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