Advice for those going on the Hajj. Dear Brothers on Hajj! assalyamu alaikum

الحمد لله و الصلاة و السلام على من لا نبي بعده نبينا محمد و على آله و صحبه و سلم

Dear Brothers on Hajj! Assalyamu alaikum!

May Allah welcome you!

Welcome to the blessed land, to these holy places. The Committee on Islamic Enlightenment during the Hajj period is pleased to present to pilgrims this short guide containing what a pilgrim needs to know about the rites of Hajj and Umrah.

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, describing those who escaped His wrath and His punishment in this life and in the next, said that they:

و تواصوا بالحق و تواصوا بالصبر) (

“They commanded one another truth and patience.” He also commanded:

(و تعاونوا على البر و التقوى و لا تعاونوا على الإثم و العدوان)

"And help one another in piety and fear of God, but do not help in sin and enmity." And therefore, based on the mentioned words of Allah, and obeying His command, we want to start this guide with some important recommendations and instructions.

We ask you: before you begin to perform the rites of the Hajj, carefully read this guide in order to correctly fulfill the prescriptions of the religion regarding the Hajj. In the handbook you can find answers to many questions (may Allah willing) that you may have when performing this great rite.

We ask Allah Almighty to accept your Hajj and all your good deeds!

Pilgrim brothers, praise be to Allah for helping you come here to perform Hajj! We ask Him to accept our and your righteous deeds and increase their reward.

1 -Remember that you are on a blessed journey, the basis of which is monotheism and sincerity in worshiping Him. Your trip is a response to the call of Allah, it is submission to Him and the desire for His reward. And also, this is obedience to His prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

And remember that the reward for the pious Hajj PARADISE.

2 -Beware of Satan, who is ready to take advantage of any opportunity to carry out an evil influence on you. Respect and love one another for the sake of Allah, shun and protect yourselves from disputes and sins. Know that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "None of you will have complete faith until he wishes his Muslim brother what he wishes for himself."

3 -If you have any questions regarding religion, especially if they affect the procedure for performing the Hajj, then contact the scientists in order to avoid mistakes during the performance of the rites. The Almighty says in the Quran:

(فسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون)

"So ask the scientists if you don't know." And the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If Allah wants good for someone, He will teach him religion.”

4 -Know that Allah Almighty has prescribed fard (obligations) for us and established sunnah (desirable actions). And He will not accept the sunnah from the one who does not perform the prescribed fard (since not fulfilling the fard is considered a sin and is punished, and not fulfilling the sunnah is not a sin and is not punished). Some pilgrims, not knowing this, create inconvenience for themselves and their Muslim brothers. An example of this: creating pandemonium and crush, trying to kiss the black stone ( it is a stone embedded in the corner of the Kaaba) or trying to pray for maqam Ibrahim ( this is a stone with traces of the prophet Ibrahim - may Allah welcome him - located a few meters from the Kaaba), or trying to drink water at the source of Zam-zam. This causes inconvenience to Muslims and makes it difficult to perform obligatory rites. While all of the mentioned types of worship are Sunnah, causing harm and inconvenience to Muslims is a sin. How can you commit a sin for the sake of committing the Sunnah?! So try not to cause each other inconvenience and harm! May Allah have mercy on you and increase your rewards!

In addition, you need to remember that :

1-A Muslim, if he has the opportunity, should not perform prayer standing behind or near women in the Haram mosque, as well as in any other mosque. And women, in turn, should pray, being behind men.

2-One should not perform prayers near the doors of the Haram mosque, as well as in its aisles, and thereby interfere with those passing by and cause inconvenience to oneself.

3-You must not interfere with the movement of the tawaf ( tawaf is a circumambulation around the sacred Kaaba).

TO When the Kaaba is crowded, Muslims should not:

sit around her; to pray in the vicinity of her; stand at the black stone or at the hijra Ismail ( this is a semi-circular building located on the north side of the Kaaba and is an integral part of it) or at maqam Ibrahim.

4-Kissing a black stone is a sunnah, and maintaining the dignity of a Muslim is a wajib (ie an obligation), so one should not violate the wabib for the sake of committing a sunnah. When there are many people, it is enough just to point to the black stone with your hand, saying : Allahu Akbar. And at the end of the tawaf, you need to go out calmly, without causing inconvenience to anyone.

5-Kiss ruqn al-Yamaniy ( those. the corner of the Kaaba located in the direction of the tawaf to the black stone) is not sunnah, but if there is no pandemonium near him and there is an opportunity to approach him, then it is sunnah to touch him with his right hand while saying: " Bismil-Lahi, Allahu Akbar ". But if it is not possible to approach him without creating inconvenience for the Muslims, then you do not stop and say nothing, go further, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did just that in this case.

When a Muslim is between rukn al-Yamaniy and a black stone, it is desirable that he read the following

) Rabbana aatina fid-dunya hasanatan va fil-aakhirati hasanatan va kyna azaban-nar(

« O our Lord, grant us blessings in this life and blessings in the next life and protect us from the torment of hellfire » .

And summing up this section, I would like every pilgrim to remember that he should try to follow the instructions of the Koran and the Sunnah in everything. The Almighty said in the Quran:

(و أطيعوا الله و الرسول لعلكم ترحمون)

"Obey Allah and his messenger so that you may have mercy."

Actions that take a person out

from Islam

Muslim brother, know that there are deeds that lead a person out of Islam. Therefore, they need to beware. Here we give ten actions that are most often performed by people.

First: Associating partners with Allah. Allah said about this in the Quran:

The ين من أنصار) “Verily, the one who assigns partners to Allah, Allah will never enter into paradise, and hell will be his dwelling place and the unrighteous will have no helpers.”

Those who call on the dead, ask them for help, make vows to them, make sacrifices to them - they associate partners with Allah, likening others to Him.

Second: Invoking Allah through intermediaries who are relied upon and who are invoked with prayers and ask for intercession before the Almighty. This action undeniably leads to disbelief.

Third: Anyone who doubts the unbelief of the pagans, idolaters and the like, himself falls into kufr (unbelief).

fourth: The belief that there is a more correct and perfect path than the path of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and that there are laws and norms better than the norms of Islam. This is as disbelief as the preference for non-Islamic laws and norms over Islamic ones.

This section also includes:

-TO he believes that the laws and rules invented by people are better than the Islamic Sharia. - TO It considers the practice of Islamic law impossible in the present and future.

-TO He believes that Islam is the cause of the backwardness of Muslims.

-TO it considers that religion is limited to man's relationship with his Lord and that it does not affect any other aspects of life.

-TO he considers that the execution of the prescribed punishments of Allah Almighty, such as cutting off the hand of a thief, throwing stones at a married fornicator, does not correspond to our time.

-TO then he considers it permissible and possible to judge not according to Sharia, even if he is convinced that Sharia judging is better. In this case, he makes permitted what was forbidden by Allah. And anyone who considers permitted what is forbidden by Allah, the prohibition of which is known and beyond doubt, such as: adultery, alcohol, usury, the administration of non-Sharia laws, is a kafir (infidel) in the opinion of all Muslims.

Fifth: Anyone who hates any of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is considered one of the unbelievers, even if he acts according to this teaching. Allah Almighty says:

ذلك بأنهم كرهوا ما أنزل الله فأحبط أعمالهم))

"... and this is because they disliked what was sent down by Allah and therefore He made their deeds in vain."

sixth: And also from the actions leading out of Islam is mockery and mockery of Allah, His book, His prophet Muhammad) may Allah bless him and welcome (or over anything from the religion of Allah. The Almighty said:

(قل أبالله و ءاياته و رسوله كنتم تستهزءون لا تعتذروا قد كفرتم بعد إيمانكم)

“Say: Did you mock Allah and His verses and His Messenger? Do not make excuses, indeed you fell into unbelief after you were believers.

seventh: And also from these actions, witchcraft with all its types.

eighth: And also, providing assistance to infidels and pagans or entering into an alliance with them against Muslims. Whoever does this is considered one of the infidels. What the verse indicates:

(و من يتولهم منكم فإنه منهم إن الله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين)

"... and who assists them) unbelievers (of you, verily he is one of them, Allah will not guide the unrighteous people on the true path."

ninth: Whoever thinks that some Muslims can go beyond the Sharia is also in disbelief. Since Allah said:

(و من يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه و هو في الآخرة من الخاسرين)

“And whoever desires another religion besides Islam, it will not be accepted from him, and in the life to come he will be one of the losers.”

tenth: Not only the one who renounces Islam is considered unbeliever, but also the one who renounces its main parts, without which Islam is not considered complete. Or one who does not try to learn more about religion or is not guided by what he has learned. Allah Almighty says:

(و من أظلم ممن ذكر بئايات ربه ثم أعرض عنها إنا من المجرمين منتقمون)

“And who is more unjust (unrighteous) than the one who was reminded of the verses of his Lord, and he turned away from them. Verily, We will punish the guilty."

Know that there is no difference in all the above forbidden deeds between the one who does them jokingly, or seriously, or out of fear. All who commit these acts come out of the ranks of the Muslims, except for those who rejected the soul, but were forced.

May Allah save us from committing that which leads to the wrath of Allah and the painful punishment of Hell.

How the rites of Hajj, Umrah and visiting the mosque of the Prophet are performed

)may Allah bless and greet him(.

Noble Muslim!

There are three ways to perform Hajj:

1 -Tamattu 2 -Kyran 3 -Ifrad.

1-Tamattu - this is when a Muslim dresses in ihram to perform Umrah in the months of Hajj (the months of Hajj from the beginning of the month of Shawwal until sunrise on the tenth day of the month of Zul-Hijj). Having made it, the pilgrim takes off ihram, and then puts it on again for the Hajj on the eighth day of the month of Zul-Hijjah of the same year.

2-Kyran when a Muslim wears ihram during the months of Hajj: Shawwal, Zul-Qida and the first ten days of the month of Zul-Hijja) to perform Umrah and Hajj at the same time and remove ihram only on the tenth day of the month of Zul-Hijj; or at the beginning puts on ihram for Umrah, and then before the start of tawaf ( those. before the start of the rites of Umrah), makes the intention to perform Hajj and Umrah together.

3-Ifrad - This is when a Muslim wears ihram during the months of Hajj to perform Hajj without Umrah. He performs ihram with mikat ) those . clothes there ihram and makes niyat (intention) to perform Hajj by saying:

" لبيك اللهم حجا" ) Labbaikal-LahUmmah Hajan(

“O Allah, I am in front of You to perform Hajj» ( or from his home if he is between the Miqat and Mecca, or from Mecca itself if he lives there. Then he remains in ihram until the tenth day of the month of Zul-Hijjah (the day of sacrifice). In the event that there is no sacrificial animal with him, he is allowed to change his Hajj to Hajj-Tamattu. In the same case, the one who intended to perform Hajj-Kyran can also change his Hajj.

For those who do not have a sacrificial animal with them, Hajj-Tamattu is better, since the Prophet ( bless him Allah and welcome) ordered his companions to do just that.


Upon arrival at the miqat, performing Umrah according to the Sunnah of the Prophet ( may Allah bless and greet him) it is advisable to do a full bath and perfume, and then put on ihram. It is better if there is ihram white color. The woman wears ordinary clothes without jewelry and cosmetics. Her clothes should not be like the clothes of men. Then you need to make the intention of committing Umrah and say the following words aloud:

" " لبيك عـمرة (Lyabbeyka Umratan)

“O Allah, I am in front of You in order to make Umrah.”

And then say talbiyah:

(لبيك اللهم لبيك لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك إن الحمد و النعمة لك و الملك لا شريك لك)

(Lyabbyakal-lahumma labbyayk lyabbyayka lyaya sharika lyakya lab-byayk innal-hamda van-ni'mata lyakya val-mulk lyaya sharika lyak.)

“Here I am in front of You, O Allah! Here I am before You (i.e. I answer you every time and hasten to obey you with all my heart, soul and body, without delay. Here I am before You, I obey Your command and rush to You) ! Here I am in front of You! You have no partner! And here I am in front of You. Truly, all mercy and power belong to You! You have no partner." Men say it out loud, and women say it to themselves or in a low voice.

It is necessary to make dua as much as possible and ask Allah for forgiveness, as well as to do good deeds and avoid the prohibitions of Allah. Upon arrival in Mecca, one must perform tawaaf (i.e. seven laps) around the sacred Kaaba. Each circle begins with a black stone with the words: ) Bismil-Lahand Allahhat Akbar.(

During tawaf, the pilgrim calls out to Allah, turns to Him with a dua. And preferably on each circle, between the corner of rukn al-Yamaniy and the corner in which the black stone is located, read the verse from the Koran:

(ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة و في الآخرة حسنة و قنا عذاب النار)

(Rabbana aatin fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil aakhirati hasanatan wa kyna azaban-nar.)

From the beginning of tawaf until its end, a man strips from ihram right shoulder- it is Sunnah! It is also sunnah for him to walk fast in the first three rounds of tawaf. Then, after tawaf, you need to perform two rak'ahs of prayer behind Ibrahim's maqam and it's not scary if you have to move far from him. And if it is not possible (because of the crowd), then it can be read in any other place of the mosque.

Then he goes to Mount Safa and climbing it reads the words of Allah:

(إن الصفا و المروة من شعائر الله فمن حج البيت أو اعتمر فلا جناح عليه أن يطوف بهما و من تطوع خيرا فإن الله شاكر عليم)

(Innas-Safa wal Maruata min shaairil-LahAnd,famanhajja lbeitaayitamarafalayajunahaalleyhAndenyattauafabihimayamantatauuaaakhairanfiinnal- lahand Shaakirun Alim).

Then, turning to face the Kaaba, he says:

" لله الحمد " (Alhamdu LillehAnd)"Praise be to Allah"

and three times: الله أكبر "" (Allahat Akbar)"Allah is Great."

Then he raises his hands and makes dua. Then he says:

(لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك و له الحمد و هو على كلي شيء قدير لا إله إلا الله وحده أنجز وعده و نصر عبده و هزم الأحزاب وحده)

(La ilaha illal-lahu wahdahu la ball lahUlyahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wahuva ala kulli sheyin ilaha illal-lahu wahdahat anjaz wadahu wa nasara abdahu yahazamal-ahzaba wahdahu.)

“There is no deity but Allah, He has no partner, glory to Allah and He is the Almighty. There is no deity but Allah, He fulfilled His promise, and supported His servant, and He alone defeated the allied army of the infidels.

Then he does sai ( walking) between mountains Safa and Marwa seven times (from Safa to Marva is counted as one time, from Marva to Safa as the second), and the distance between the two green signs between Safa and Marwa must be run (this is for men only). Then, having climbed Mount Marwa, he praises Allah and performs the same actions as on Mount Safa. There is no specific, obligatory dua for tawaf and saya. A Muslim, making tawaf and sai, makes any dua, and also reads the Koran.

At the end of the sayia, you need to shorten your hair, or better if you shave it off. This is how his death ends. After that, you can do everything that was forbidden during ihram. It is better for the one who does Hajj-Tamattu to shorten his hair, so that later during the Hajj there will be something left to shave.

If you perform Hajj-Tamattu or Kyran, then on the tenth day you need to make a sacrifice. If funds do not allow you, then you must fast for ten days: three of them during the Hajj (preferably before the day of Arafat), and the remaining seven on their return home.


1-When performing Hajj-Ifrad (Hajj without death) or Hajj

Kyran ( hajj with death) you need to wear ihram in the miqat which is on your way to Mecca. If you live between Mecca and Miqat, then you can wear ihram from your location. When performing Hajj-Tamattu, you put on ihram for death from the miqat, and on the eighth day of the month of Zul-Hijja you put on ihram for Hajj from where you are, then you say: "لبيك حجا" (Lyabbeikya hajan)

“O Allah, I am in front of You to perform Hajj” and say talbiyah:

لبيك اللهم لبيك, لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك إن الحمد و النعمة لك و الملك لا شريك لك

(Labbeykal-lahummah lyabbeik lyabbeika lyaya sharka lyaka lyabbeik innal-hamda van-ni'mata laka val-mulk lyaya sharka lyak.)

“Here I am in front of You, O Allah! Here I am in front of You) i.e. I answer you every time and hasten to obey you with all my heart, soul and body, without delay. I obey Your order and rush to You (! Here I am in front of You! You have no partner! I am in front of You. Truly, all praise, mercy and power belong to You! You have no partner».

Men say it out loud, and women say it to themselves or in a low voice.

2-Then, you go to Mina and perform there midday, afternoon, evening, night and morning prayers. Here, four-rakah prayers are performed in an abbreviated form of two rak'ahs, and all prayers are read at their own specific time without combining with others.

3-After sunrise on the ninth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, all pilgrims head to the Arafat valley. There they perform midday and afternoon prayers in an abbreviated form during the midday prayer. For both prayers, one azan is done and for each separately iqamat.

And make sure you're in Arafat's territory!

On this day in Arafat, a Muslim must do dhikr, dua, read the Koran as much as possible, ask Allah for forgiveness and whatever he wants.

4-After sunset, the pilgrims reciting the Talbiyah: (labbeikal-Lahumma lyabbeik, lyabbeika laya sharika laka labbeik, innal-hamda van-ni'mata laka wal-mulk, laya ball lak), heading towards Muzdalifa.

There they perform evening and night prayers at the same time, and the night prayer is abbreviated. Then after morning prayer make dua until dawn.

5-Before sunrise, taking with him seven pebbles ( to br O si T b their V Jamara t), the pilgrims go to Mina, reciting talbia (Lyabbeikyal-Lahumma lab-beik...). Elderly people, weak people, women can leave Muzdalifah to Mina in the second half of the night, that is, before the morning prayer.

6-Arriving in Mina, the pilgrims go to Jamarat al-Aqaba ( she is al-Kubra, the closest to Mecca) and throw seven stones at it, saying with each stone: "الله أكبر" (Allahat Akbar).

The pilgrim then slaughters the sacrificial animal if he must do so. He can eat part of it himself, and distribute the rest to the poor.

Then he cuts the hair of his head, or better if he shaves it off. A woman shortens her hair to the size of a fingertip. It is better to perform these actions in the order in which we mentioned. If you fail to follow the sequence, then there is no sin.

* After the pilgrim throws stones at Jamarat al-Aqaba and cuts his hair (or shaves), he is allowed everything that was forbidden during ihram, except for getting close to his wife - this is called the first tahallul.

7-For complete tahallul (i.e. for complete liberation from the prohibitions of ihram) the pilgrim must perform tawaf al-Ifada and sayi between Safa and Marwa ( this is for the one who performs Hajj-Tamattu). As for the pilgrim who performs Hajj-Kiran or Hajj-Ifrad, then he should not perform sayi if he performed it upon arrival, after the tawaf of Greetings (tawaf al-Qudum). After performing tawaf al-Ifada, the pilgrim is allowed everything that was forbidden during ihram, even rapprochement with his wife.

The pilgrim may postpone the tawaf al-Ifada and sayi and perform them after the end of the 3rd day of stay in Mina (see the next paragraph).

8-From the day of the Sacrifice (10 Dhul-Hijjah) pilgrims spend the night in Mina for three days, and if they are in a hurry, then two.

9-In those three or two days, in the afternoon, the pilgrim should throw stones at the Jamarats, starting from the first (farthest from Mecca), then the middle one, then Jamarat al-Aqab. At each of them he throws seven stones, wearing out with each stone: “Allahat Akbar. At the first Jamarat and at the middle one, the pilgrim, after throwing stones, turns to Qibla and raises his hands and makes dua. But Jamarat al-Aqab does not make a dua.

If he decides to stay in Mina for two days, then he must leave it before sunset on the second day (i.e. on the 12th of the month of Zul-Hijjah). And if he does not have time before this time, then he must stay on the third day and in the afternoon throw stones at three Jamarats, as in the first two days.

People of advanced age or poor health can ask another person to throw stones for them, and he first throws for himself, and then for the person who asked him, and so on for each Jamarat.

10-Before leaving, the pilgrim is obliged to make a farewell tawaf (tawaf al-Wada') around the Kaaba, and a woman who has started "haid" (menstruation) or "nifas" (postpartum blood) does not perform this tawaf.

Obligations of a Muslim during Ihram

A Muslim (male and female) who wears ihram for Hajj or Umrah must observe the following:

1-To do what Almighty Allah has commanded, for example: doing obligatory prayers on time and with jamaat (collectively).

2-Avoid committing everything that Allah has forbidden: foul language, debauchery, conflicts, etc.

3-Avoid anything that might offend other Muslims in words or actions.

4- Avoid committing all actions prohibited during ihram: cut hair, nails; use incense; hunt or point to prey; to register marriage (For yourself or for others); have sexual intimacy with a wife or show feelings of passion for her (strong desire to get closer).

You need to pay attention to the following:

A man is not allowed to cover his head, but you can be under the shade of an umbrella or in a tent or in a car. Also, you can't wear tailored clothes. (trousers, shirt, etc.), but if the pilgrim could not find ihram, he can wear trousers.

A woman during ihram is forbidden to wear gloves and cover her face with a veil or veil, but in the presence of strangers, she must cover her face. If a pilgrim, out of ignorance or forgetfulness, performed an action that is prohibited during ihram, then there is no sin and sacrifice on him. But when he finds out that his action is forbidden, he must immediately stop it.

You can wear sandals, wear rings, glasses, a hearing aid, a watch and a belt in which the pilgrim keeps his money and documents.

It is allowed: to change and erase ihram; wash your head and body, and there is no sin if your hair accidentally falls off.

Visiting the Prophet's Mosque

(may Allah bless him

and hello)

1-Visit the mosque of the Prophet Muhammad (yeah bless t it Allah and hello T With T wow m) and performing prayers there is considered sunnah. Because a prayer in this mosque is better than a thousand prayers in any other mosque, except for the holy mosque al-Haram in Mecca, since the prayer in the mosque al-Haram, where sacred Kaaba better than in others a hundred thousand times).

Please note that visiting the mosque of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Medina is not one of the rites of the Hajj.

2-To visit the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) do not wear ihram and do not pronounce talbiyah (Lyabbeikal-Lahumma lyabbeyk).

3-Enter the mosque of the Prophet in the same way as any other mosque from the right foot, saying: “Bismillahhand you-salatu you-salamu ala Rasulil-LahAnd"(In the name of Allah and may Allah bless and greet His Messenger Muhammad). And then recites the following dua:

(أعوذ بالله العظيم و وجهه الكريم و سلطانه القديم من الشيطان الرجيم اللهم افتح لي أبواب رحمتك)

(Auzu Billhil-Azym wa wajhAndhil-Karim wa sultanihil-kadim minash-shay-tan ir-rajim. Allahumma iftah li abwaba rahmatika)

“I resort to the Great Allah and to His noble face and His eternal dominion from the accursed shaitan. O Allah, open for me the gates of Your mercy."

4- Entering the mosque, pray two rak'ahs (prayer greetings of the mosque). If it is possible to pray in Raud (the place between the room of Aisha - may Allah be pleased with her - and the minbar of the Prophet), then it's better.

5-Then approaching the grave of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), say:

(السلام عـليك أيها النبي و رحمة الله و بركاتـــه

اللهم آته الوسيلة و الفـضيلة و ابعثه مقاما محمودا الذي وعدته)

(Assalamu alaika ayuhan-nabiyu wa rahmatullahhand wa barakatuhy. Allahumma aatihand al-wasilata wal-fadilata wab-ashu maqamam-mahmudan allazi vaadtahy).

Then, moving a little to the right, stop in front of the grave of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) and say:

السلام عليك يا خليفة رسول الله و رحمة الله و بركاته

(Assalamu aleyka yaya caliphate Rasulillahhand va rahmatullahhand wa barakatuhy).

Then ask Allah for forgiveness and mercy.

Then, moving a little to the right, stop at the grave of Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) and say:

السلام عليك يا أمير المؤمنين و رحمة الله و بركاته

(Assalamu alaikya yaya amir al-mu'minina wa rahma-tullahand wa barakatuhy).

Then ask Allah for forgiveness and mercy.

6-According to the Sunnah, after taking a bath, you can visit the Quba Mosque and pray there.

7-According to the Sunnah, you can visit the cemetery "Baki", where the grave of Usman (may Allah be pleased with him) is located and visit the graves of martyrs who died in the battle of Uhud, among whom was Hamza (may Allah be pleased with him). Arriving there, you should greet them and ask Allah for forgiveness and mercy. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught his

their companions, when visiting the graves, say the following:

(السلام عليكم أهل الديار من المؤمنين و المسلمين و إنا إن شاء الله بكم لاحقون نسأل الله لنا و لكم العافية)

(Assalamu alaikum ahlyad-diyar minal-mu'minina wal-muslimin wa inna in sha'Allahhu bikum lyakhikun, nasalullAha lana wa lakum al-aafiya)

“Peace be upon you, the inhabitants of these graves from believers and Muslims. Indeed, if Allah wills, we will follow you. We ask Allah for well-being for us and for you. »

There are no other places in Medina (other than those listed above) that are allowed to visit. Therefore, do not trouble yourself with something that has no reward, and maybe even on the contrary will bring you sin.

Mistakes made by some pilgrims


Mistakes in ihram (i.e., when entering the rites of the Hajj).

1-When a Muslim, without performing ihram, crosses the miqat (place with co T orogo pilgrim begins the rites of the Hajj) is on his way to Mecca and intends to perform ihram in Jeddah or elsewhere, he is contrary to the order of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Since the Prophet pointed out that every pilgrim needs to perform ihram in the miqat, which is on his way to Mecca. If the pilgrim nevertheless crosses the miqat without performing ihram, then he must return to the miqat he crossed and perform ihram there. If this is not possible and he cannot return there, then in Mecca he needs to slaughter a ram and distribute it to the poor. And this is all regardless of what means of transportation he used. If none of the five known miqats is on the path of a Muslim, then he performs ihram while being at the level of the nearest miqat.


Tawaf errors.

1-It is considered incorrect when a pilgrim begins tawaf before the black stone.

2-You cannot perform tawaf from inside the Hijra Kaaba (this is a building in the form of a semicircle on the northern side of the Kaaba) because it is part of the Kaaba. And therefore, the circle passed in this way does not count, since it is completed only around a part of the Kaaba, at a time when it should be completed completely around the entire Kaaba.

3-And it is also wrong when a pilgrim makes "Ramal" (walking fast) in all seven circles of tawaf. A quick step should be taken only in the first three circles of the tawaf "Greetings" (tawaf al-Qudum) in particular.

4-Wishing to kiss the black stone, people create pandemonium, sometimes accompanied by swearing, scolding, fighting. This should not be done, as it is considered an encroachment on Muslims.

The tawaf of the one who performs it without kissing the black stone is considered correct, since it is enough for him, passing in front of the black stone, to say: “Bismillahhand Allahhat Akbar" and point at him with his palm, even if he does it from the delek.

5- You cannot wipe the black stone, wanting to get barakat from it. The Sunnah indicates that if possible, you can only kiss or touch him with your hand in order to worship Allah (i.e. this is one of the rites of worship).

6- It is also considered wrong: wiping all the corners and walls of the Kaaba, while the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) touched only the black stone and rukn al-Yamaniy.

7-It is wrong to use a certain dua for each circle, because it is known from the sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that a certain dua is only between the rukn al-Yamaniy and the black stone where the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Rabbana aatina fid-dunya hasanatan va fil-aakhirati hasanatan va kyna azaban-nar.” And when he reached the black stone, he said: “Allahat Akbar.

9-It is impossible to create pandemonium when performing prayer at Maqam Ibrahim, as this prevents other pilgrims from performing tawaf. In case of crowded people, this prayer can be performed in any other place of the al-Haram mosque.


Mistakes in Sai

(Sai is walking between the Safa and Marwa mountains).

1-One of the mistakes is considered when a pilgrim, having climbed Safa or Marwa, and heading towards the Kaaba, performs takbir and at the same time raises his hands as he raises them during prayer. Accordingly, the sunnah should raise them as they raise during the dua.

2-Wrong, when the pilgrim runs the entire distance between the mountains of Safa and Marwa. According to the sunnah, you need to run only between two green signs.


Mistakes made by pilgrims in the Arafat valley.

1-It is considered a big mistake when pilgrims on the ninth day of the month of Zul-Hijja before sunset are outside the Arafat valley, and then head to Muzdalifa without entering Arafat. Such a hajj is considered invalid, since being in Arafat is a pillar ) basis( Hajj. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Hajj is Arafat." Therefore, every pilgrim must make sure that he is within Arafat. But even if the pilgrim did not enter Arafat before sunset, he can enter it after sunset before going to Muzdalifah.

2-Some Muslims leave Arafat before sunset. This cannot be done, since the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was in Arafat until full sunset.

3-You can not create pandemonium in order to climb Mount Arafat, because this creates inconvenience for other pilgrims. Know that the duty of Muslims on this day is to be in the territory of the Arafat valley, and not to climb the mountain ! And it is also not sunnah to perform a certain prayer on this mountain.

4-Some Muslims make dua while facing Mount Arafat. But according to the Sunnah, one must make dua while heading towards Qibla.

5-On the day of Arafat, some Muslims collect grains of sand and stones in certain places. This action has no justification in the Shariah of Allah.


Errors allowed

in Muzdalifa.

1- Upon entering Muzdalifah, some Muslims, instead of immediately performing evening and night prayers, begin to collect stones, thinking that this must be done only in Muzdalifah. But this is not the case, as stones can be collected throughout the Haram (uh T o forbidden or sacred T the territory that includes Mecca and some T some of its outskirts). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not indicate that it was necessary to collect stones for Jamarat al-Aqab in Muzdalifah. The pebbles were collected for him in the morning, when he had already left Muzdalifah and entered Mina. And also the rest of the stones he collected in Mina.

2-Some pilgrims wash the stones with water. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not do this.

At sixth:

Errors when throwing stones.

1-Some Muslims think that by throwing stones they are throwing at Satan, so this is accompanied by anger and scolding. This is wrong, because throwing stones is actually one of the rites of worship and exaltation of Allah.

2-Some Muslims throw big stones, shoes and branches. This is fanaticism which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade. It is allowed to throw only small stones the size of the nail of the little finger.

3-Many, when throwing stones, push, create pandemonium, swear. All this is contrary to the principles of Islam.

4-It is considered wrong to throw stones all together at the same time. The scholars of Islam pointed out that in this case the thrown stones are counted as one thrown stone. The pilgrim must throw stones one by one, saying the words: "Allahu Akbar" with every stone.

5-It is a mistake that some pilgrims, fearing crowds and not wanting to get tired, instruct others to throw stones for them. But this can be done only when a person himself cannot do this due to illness or old age.


Mistakes in farewell tawaf.

1-Pilgrims who want to go home on the thirteenth day of the month of Dhul-Hijja, throwing stones, must make a farewell tawaf before leaving. But some, before throwing stones, first make a farewell tawaf, and then, returning to Mina, throw stones and go home from there. This is wrong, since the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) bequeathed that the farewell tawaf be the last thing a pilgrim does in Mecca before leaving. A Muslim may stay in Mecca after farewell tawaf only for unforeseen reasons.

2-Some Muslims consider it a tradition when leaving the Haram Mosque to take a last look at the Kaaba or read a certain farewell dua. And some ignorant Muslims go out of the al-Haram mosque backwards, facing the Kaaba, believing that by doing so they glorify the Kaaba and show respect for it. There are no such rituals in Islam, and the mentioned actions are ignorance and innovation.


Mistakes Committed When Visiting the Prophet's Mosque

(peace and blessings be upon him).

1-Some Muslims, when visiting the grave of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), touch the walls around the grave and its gratings, tie shreds on them, wanting to get barakat from this. But there is barakat only in those things pointed out by Allah and His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and not in those that some people assume. And therefore, the grave of the Prophet is not the subject of touching and rubbing in order to get barakat.

2-Some Muslims consider it obligatory to visit the caves: Hira, Thaur in Mecca and the caves on Mount Uhud in Medina. And some even tie caresses there, make dua not permitted by Allah. All this has no basis in Shariah.

3-Some Muslims visit historical places where the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was and take land from there, thinking to get barakah from it. This is wrong and it has no basis in Islamic Sharia.

4-According to the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the unanimous opinion of the scholars of Islam, it is considered not only a gross mistake, but also shirk (i.e. associating partners with Allah, leading out of Islam) when a Muslim visits the "Baki" cemetery or the cemetery of the dead at Uhud, he begins to cry out to the dead, throw money on their graves, wanting to receive intercession and barakat from them. Because calling, offering a sacrifice, making a vow, etc. is worship, and worship cannot be performed by anyone except Allah, the Only One worthy of worship. The Almighty said:

(و ما أمروا إلا ليعبدوا الله مخلصين له الدين)

“And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, being sincere in worship

We ask Allah to grant us knowledge in religion and save us all from delusions and temptations! Truly He is the Hearing, the Answering!

(peace and blessings be upon him)

A Muslim, with the intention of performing the Hajj, Umrah and visiting the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), must follow the following recommendations:

1-A person must make sincere repentance and use "clean" money for Hajj and Umrah, obtained by methods permitted by Islam.

2-Protect your tongue from lies, slander, gossip and mockery.

3-Have the intention to perform your Hajj for the sake of Allah, desiring His reward, and not for the sake of show or glory.

4-Find out in advance how the Hajj and Umrah are performed, and ask the scientists about the incomprehensible.

5-Arriving at the miqat, the pilgrim can choose one of the three rites of the Hajj:

1-Tamattu 2-Kyran 3-Ifrad.

Tamattu is better for those who did not bring a sacrificial animal with them. ( those. vividly T prepared for sacrifice). And for the one who brought it with him, Kyran is better.

6-If the pilgrim is afraid that he

is able to perform the Hajj to the end, then he can, when entering the rites of the Hajj, set the condition that his Hajj ends at the place where it breaks off:

" أن محلي حيث حبستني"

(Anna mahilli haysu habastani)

7-The hajj performed by young children is considered correct, but it does not compensate for the hajj that they must perform when they reach the age of majority.

8-When ihram, a Muslim can swim. And if necessary, wash and scratch your head.

9-A woman is allowed to cover her face with a veil if she is afraid that a strange man will see her.

10-Some women, in order not to cover their face with a veil, lift it up with a visor, which they wear under the veil. This is not in Shariah.

11-The pilgrim may wash his ihram or put on a new one.

12-If a pilgrim during ihram put on sewn clothes, or covered his head, or used incense out of ignorance or forgetfulness, then he should not kill a ram for these mistakes.

13-A pilgrim performing Umrah or Hajj-Tamattu, seeing the Kaaba before the start of tawaf, stops pronouncing the talbiyah: (Labbeikal-Lahummu labbake...).

14-Fast walking in the first three circles of tawaf, as well as opening the right shoulder from the beginning to the end of tawaf, is allowed only for men and only in tawaf al-Qudum (Greetings) in particular.

15- If a Muslim doubts the number of circles completed in tawaf or sayi, for example three or four, then he should consider that he has completed the smallest number of circles, that is, only three.

16-When there are many people, you can perform tawaf after Zam-zam and Ibrahim's maqam, since the entire mosque is a place for tawaf, and regardless of whether you perform it on the first floor, or on the second or third.

17-It is a sin when a woman performs tawaf in jewelry or with the smell of fragrant perfume or improperly covered.

18-A woman cannot perform tawaf if she had menstruation or postpartum blood after performing ihram (before tawaf) until she performs ghusl (full ablution).

19- A woman can perform Hajj and Umrah in any clothes, the main thing is that her clothes should not be seductive or similar to men, that is, they must comply with Sharia requirements.

20-For Hajj and for Umrah niyat (intention) can be spoken aloud. And in other worships, niyat is not pronounced out loud, since the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not do this.

21-A Muslim who intends to perform Hajj or Umrah is prohibited from crossing the miqat without performing ihram.

22-A Muslim who arrives for Hajj by plane performs ihram in the plane, flying over the miqat. He must prepare for this in advance. And if he is afraid to oversleep or miss the flight over the miqat, then it is okay if he performs ihram before he flies over it.

23-Some pilgrims, after they finish the Hajj or Umrah, repeat Umrah several times before leaving for home. This action has no facts proving its legitimacy.

24-On the eighth day of the month of Dhul-Hijja, a Muslim puts on ihram in the place of Mecca where he is and for this you do not need to go beyond the territory of Harama or go to the miqat (this applies to those who do Hajj-Ta-mattu and residents of the city of Mecca). And when leaving Mecca for Mina, you do not need to make a farewell tawaf.

24-Depart from Mina to Arafat on the ninth day, preferably after sunrise.

25-You must not leave Arafat before sunset. And upon the arrival of time, i.e. after sunset, you need to go out without creating pandemonium.

26-Upon arrival in Muzdalifah, evening and night prayers are performed combined during the evening prayer or during the night.

27-Collecting stones for throwing at Jamarat can be done anywhere and not necessarily in Muzdalifah.

28-It is not advisable to wash the stones, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions did not do this.

29-People in poor health among women and children may leave Muzdalifah at the end of the night.

30-On the day of sacrifice (10th day of Dhul-Hijja) the pilgrim, reaching Mina, stops pronouncing the talbiyah.

31-Throwing stones at Jamarat should be done one by one. They need to get to the right place. (i.e. in a circle) and it's not scary if they bounce to the side.

32-Tawaf al-Ifada is one of the foundations of the Hajj, without which the Hajj is considered invalid. It can be performed on the day of the Sacrifice or after the days spent in Mina.

33-The time of the sacrifice ends at sunset on the 13th day of the month of Zul-Hijjah.

34-He who performs Hajj-Kiran or Hajj-Ifrad must perform sayi only once.

35-On the tenth day of Zul-Hijja, the pilgrim performs the rites in the following order:

1-throws stones

2-Kills the sacrificial animal

3-Shaves or cuts hair

4-Tawaf al-Ifada

5-Sai between Safa and Marwa.

If he changes the sequence, then there is no sin on him.

36-In order for the pilgrim to completely leave ihram, you need to:

1-Throw stones at Jamarat al-Aqaba

2-Shave or cut your hair

3-Perform tawaf al-Ifada and sayi.

37-Those who do not want to stay in Mina on the third day must leave it before sunset on the second day (i.e. the 12th of the month of Zul-Hijjah).

38-For a child, the person responsible for him throws stones after he throws them for himself.

39-Weak Muslims due to illness, old age, etc. may ask another to throw for them.

40-He who throws for another may throw at each of the three Jamarats at the same time, first for himself, then for the other.

41-A pilgrim who does not live in Mecca, who performs Hajj-Tamattu or Kyran, is obliged to make a sacrifice (one ram for one person, one cow or camel for seven).

42-If a Muslim performing Hajj-Tamattu or Kyran does not have the means to stab the victim, then he is obliged to fast for three days during the Hajj and seven upon returning home. And it is better if he finishes the three days of fasting before the day of Arafat, so that on the day of Arafat he will be in conversation. If not, then he must fast after the day of Sacrifice. (after 10 Dhul-Hijjah).

43-Three days of fasting in the Hajj are allowed to fast without interruption, or you can fast separately, but you must finish them before the 14th day of the month of Zul-Hijj. The same applies to the seven days of fasting that must be completed upon arrival home: you can make them in a row, or you can do them separately.

44-Performing a farewell tawaf is obligatory for everyone, except for women who have "monthly" or "postnatal blood".

45-According to the sunnah, you can visit the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) before or after the Hajj and in general at any time.

46-According to the Sunnah, a visitor to the mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) must perform a two-rakah prayer “greeting the mosque”. It can be performed anywhere in the mosque, but it is better if it is in Raud (noble garden).

47-Visiting the tomb of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and in general all cemeteries is allowed only for men with the condition that they do not arrange a special trip for this.

48-Wiping the walls of the tomb of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and kissing them, as well as performing tawaf around it is an innovation that was not done by the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and those who came after them. And people who perform tawaf in order to obtain the mercy of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commit big shirk.

49-None of the people should ask the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to solve their problems and help in troubles, because this is shirk.

50-The life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the grave is barzakh (afterlife), unlike his life before death, and no one except Allah Almighty knows its essence and image.

51-Some Muslims make dua while facing the tomb of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) - this is an unacceptable innovation. According to the Sunnah, dua is made by turning towards the Qibla.

52-A visit to the grave of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is not obligatory in the Hajj and is not considered one of its conditions, as some Muslims think.

53-The hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) by which some try to prove the legitimacy of specially arranged trips to visit the tomb of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) are either unauthentic, or fake, or misinterpreted!

This is the end of this quick guide!

May Allah bless and greet our Prophet Muhammad!

According to the Shafi'i madhhab:

  1. Ihram.
  2. Standing on Arafat.
  3. Walking around the Kaaba (Tawaf al-Ifada).
  4. Ritual run between the slopes of Safa and Marwa.
  5. Shaving or cutting hair on the head.

Types of Hajj

There are three types of rituals associated with the fulfillment of the sacred duty of the Hajj:

  1. Al-Ifrad, performing only Hajj, without Umrah.
  2. At-Tamattu, first performing Umrah, and then Hajj, separately.
  3. Al-Kiran, Umrah and Hajj combined.

The most preferred species is At-Tamattu. This method of performing the Hajj was recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) to his companions. Hajj at-Tamattu implies the performance during the designated months of the Hajj, first of the rites of Umra (small pilgrimage), and then the Hajj (main). A pilgrim performing Hajj At-Tamattu must sacrifice an animal. Those who are unable to perform the sacrifice observe the fast for three days during the Hajj and seven days after it.

How to perform Hajj Tamattu

ihram. A man must take off all his clothes and put on two pieces of white cloth, which is called ihram. He should also wear slippers. For women, ihram is ordinary clothing in accordance with Shariah. Ihram should be worn in the state of ablution.

Intention. Pilgrims traveling to Mecca by land, dress in ihram and make their intention on the spot in the miqat. (The leader of the group must report the location of the mikat).

Pilgrims traveling to Mecca by air make an intention for the Hajj above mikatom. 15 minutes before being over the miqat and while crossing the miqat point, the pilot announces this to the pilgrims, and if necessary, his announcement is translated into Russian by the group leaders. It is enough to make the intention in the heart, but it is better to express it in words:

اللهم لبيك عمرة

"Allahumma lyabbeyka is dead"

After the intention to commit Umrah throughout the pilgrimage, it is recommended for men to loudly, and for women to themselves, it is recommended to repeat the talbiyya:

لَبَّيْكَ اللّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ، لَبَّيْكَ لا شَرِيكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ، إِنّ الحَمْدَ وَ النِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَ الملكَ، لا شَرِيكَ لَكَ

Lyabbaik-Llahumma, lyabbaik. Lyabbayka la lyaka ball, lyabbayka! Inna-l-hamda wan-ni 'amata laka wa-l-mulk, la ball lak!

(Here I am in front of You, O Allah! Here I am in front of You! Here I am in front of You! You have no partner! Praise to You, mercy and power belong to You! You have no partner!)

After arriving in Mecca for accommodation and a short rest, the pilgrim should go to the al-Haram mosque to the Kaaba to perform Umrah. First, they make a tawaf (a seven-fold circuit around the Kaaba).

Tawaf start and finish at the place marked with a black line and luminous green sign on the wall of the mosque. At the beginning of each circle, the pilgrim salutes the Black Stone with his right hand and turn of his head with the words:

بسم الله الله أكبر

"Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!"

It is desirable that during tawaf the right shoulder be open and the left shoulder closed with ihram:

During tawaf, you should turn to the Almighty with requests and dua, you can read the Koran. At the end of each circle between the Yemeni Corner and the Black Stone, the pilgrim says:

رَبَّنَا ءَاتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَ فِي الأَخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَ قِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

Rabbana! Ati-na fi-d-dunya hasanatan wa Fi-l-akhirati hasanatan, va kyna ’azaba-n-nar!

(Our Lord! Give us good things in this and the next life and save us from the torment of Hell!)

If the pilgrim doubts how many circles he has made, for example, whether he has made three or four circles, then he continues, counting from three, that is, from the number in which he is sure.

After the end of the tawaf, the pilgrim performs a prayer of two rak'ahs, if possible, in the place of Maqam Ibrahim, but if this prevents other pilgrims from performing the tawaf, you can perform this prayer anywhere in the mosque. It is advisable to cover both shoulders during this prayer with ihram. According to the Sunnah, in the first rak'ah they read the sura "al-Kafirun", in the second - "al-Ikhlyas".

Then the pilgrim sets off towards the as-Safa hill, drinking Zamzam water along the way.

إِنَّ الصَّفَا وَ الْمَرْوَةَ مِنْ شَعَائِرِ اللهِ فَمَنْ حَجَّ الْبَيْتَ أَوِ اعْتَمَرَ فَلاَ جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِ أَن يَطَّوَّفَ بِهِمَا

(Indeed, as-Safa and al-Marwa are among the signs of Allah. Whoever performs the Hajj to the House or Umrah is allowed to go around them. And whoever chooses good on his own initiative, [let him know] that Allah is Rewarding according to merit and Knowing). (Sura Al-Baqara, verse 158).

لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ الله وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَ لَهُ الْحَمْدُ وَ هُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ، لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ الله وَحْدَهُ، أَنْجَزَ وَعْدَهُ، وَ نَصَرَ عَبْدَهُ، وَ هَزَمَ الأَحْزَابَ وَحْدَهُ.

La ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu la shara lahu, lahu-l-mulku, wa lahu-l-hamdu wa hua 'ala kulli shayin kadir! La ilaha illa-llahu wahdahu, anjaza wa 'dahu, wa nasara 'abdahu wa hazama-l-ahzaba wahdah!

(There is no god but Allah, who has no partner, He owns dominion, praise be to Him, He is Almighty! There is no god but Allah, who fulfilled His promise, helped His servant and alone defeated (enemy) tribes!)

Then the pilgrim begins Sa'i - movement from as-Safa hill towards al-Marwa hill and back. Between the segments of the path marked with a green light, men should speed up their pace. Having reached al-Marwa, the pilgrim turns towards the Kaaba, and repeats the ayat and dua read on al-Safa (see above). Then the pilgrim again returns to as-Safa and reads the ayah and dua mentioned. This is repeated seven times. The path from as-Safa to al-Marwa is considered one segment, and back - another. Thus, it turns out that the pilgrim ends Sa'i in al-Marw, having reached it for the fourth time. Throughout the ceremony, it is advisable to read the dua, sacred verses and zikry. Having reached al-Marwa for the last, seventh time, the pilgrim, without reading the above ayat and dua, can leave as-Safa and al-Marwa. Sa'i is considered complete, and the pilgrim can perform the rite of hair shortening. Men cut their hair or shave their heads, women only need to cut a lock of hair the length of a finger.

At this Umrah is considered complete and the pilgrim may take off ihram and wear normal clothes until the 8th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah (the day of tarwiyyah).

On the 8th day of the month of Zul-Hijja, the next stage of the Hajj begins. At the place of residence in Mecca, the pilgrim puts on ihram (performing the same actions as for the first time: full ablution, cutting nails, etc.) and goes to Mina. There he is accommodated in one of the tents for pilgrims. In Mina, prayers az-Zuhr, al-Asr and al-Isha are performed in an abbreviated form in two rak'ahs, but they do not connect in time.

On the 9th day of Zul-Hijjah, on the day of Arafah, after the morning prayer, the pilgrim leaves Mina for the valley of Arafah. Staying in the valley of Araf on the 9th day of the month of Zul-Hijjah is considered an obligatory and main condition for the Hajj. On this day, Az-Zuhr and al-Asr prayers are shortened and combined, performing them during Az-Zuhr. On the day of Arafah, before sunset, the pilgrim should leave worldly affairs and devote all this time to worship, reading the Koran, dua, dhikr. It should also be remembered that on this day almost four million pilgrims are in the Arafa Valley at the same time. Therefore, it is important to be as organized as possible and follow the instructions of the leaders in order not to get lost and keep up with your group.

After sunset, the pilgrims are taken to the Muzdalifah valley. It should be especially noted that it is better to wait for the transport in tents, and to board only at the invitation of the leaders. Pilgrims should observe calmness and dignity, let the elderly and women go ahead, help them when boarding transport.

In Muzdalifah, pilgrims pray by combining al-maghrib and al-isha during al-isha, while al-isha prayer is reduced to two rak'ahs. Namaz al-maghrib and al-isha in Muzdalifah is desirable to perform immediately upon arrival, without delay. If a pilgrim is delayed on the way to Muzdalifa, then he is allowed to perform these prayers on the way. In Muzdalifah, stones should be collected for the rite of throwing stones (49-70 pieces). The size of the stones is indicated in the picture.

After midnight (dawn), the pilgrims return to Mina. After the morning prayer, the first day of ayyam-tashrik (days of throwing stones) begins. The time of throwing stones lasts 24 hours: from morning prayer to morning prayer next day. On the first day of throwing stones, the pilgrim goes to the place of al-Jamarat. On this day, he throws 7 pebbles only at Jamra al-kubra. Throwing each pebble, the pilgrim says: "Bismillah, Allahu Akbar!" After returning to Mina, the pilgrim cuts (instructs to cut) the sacrificial animal, cuts his hair and removes ihram. His state is called small tahallul, he is allowed everything that is possible outside the Hajj, except marital intimacy. After that, the pilgrim goes to Mecca to perform Tawaf Al-Ifada and sa'y between Safa and Marwa. It is allowed to postpone Tawaf al-Ifada until arrival in Mecca and perform it after all the rites in Mina. Further, the pilgrim can stay in Mina until the 12th of the month of Zul-Hijja, but he will have to leave Mina before the time of al-Maghrib prayer (or the pilgrim should stay until 13 of Zul-Hijja). Every day of stay in Mina during the days of ayyamu-tashrik (except the first), the pilgrim must perform the ceremony of throwing pebbles, throwing seven pebbles into each Jamra, starting with a small Jamra.

After the completion of the rite of throwing stones, the Hajj is considered completed, but before leaving Mecca, the pilgrim should perform tawaf al-vada` (farewell tawaf). Tawaf al-wadah (like any tawaf) consists of going around the Kaaba seven times. After its completion, the pilgrim must leave Mecca. At the same time, it is advisable not to linger in Mecca without a reason, and not to make purchases (this can be done before tawaf al-wada).


  • A minor can perform Hajj, but this does not relieve him of the obligation to perform Hajj in the future, when he reaches the age of majority.
  • Rituals that a child cannot perform (for example, throwing stones) are done for him by parents or accompanying adults.
  • Women during the period of menstruation perform all the rites except for tawaf, which can be performed after the end of this period.
  • Women, the elderly and the infirm are allowed to entrust other pilgrims with throwing stones. A pilgrim who is entrusted with throwing stones for others must first throw stones for himself, then (immediately) for the person instructing.
  • The elderly and the sick, who have no hope of recovery, have the right to entrust someone else to perform the Hajj for themselves, provided that he has already performed the Hajj for himself.
  • Also, those who have already performed the Hajj are allowed to perform the Hajj for the deceased.

What is prohibited in ihram

  1. Cut hair and nails.
  2. Apply perfume to the body or ihram.
  3. Men wear a hat.
  4. Marry or be married.
  5. Marital intimacy and affection.
  6. Men wear tailored clothing.
  7. Hunt.

It is considered excusable if the one who violated one of these prohibitions did it out of ignorance, forgetfulness or coercion. Whoever did this intentionally should ask the Imam or Ulama for clarification on what he should do as atonement.

The most common mistakes and violations

  • Participate in unjustified and excessive crowds, for example, in order to touch the Black Stone, or to quickly complete the rite of throwing stones.
  • Throw and leave trash behind.
  • Women to use cosmetics and be among men unnecessarily. (During tawaf and throwing stones, women should try not to collide with men).

May Almighty Allah accept your Hajj and forgive us all our sins and mistakes!

News from Islamic countries


The pilgrimage is quite a difficult task. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said that Hajj is the jihad of a woman. In an attempt to alleviate some of its complexities, in this article we will break down its main points: precaution, food, transportation, clothing, and so on. Proper preparation for the Hajj will ensure the best performance of the pilgrimage and understanding of its meaning.


Copy required documents including passport. Make several copies of the documents, one of which will always be with you in case of any difficulties or the need to verify your identity.

Gather Information

1. Study thoroughly every aspect of the Hajj ritual. Study the Hajj plan in advance.
2. Refresh your knowledge about Islam. Those who perform the Hajj should know how ablution, prayer and dua are performed for the dead.
3. Read the stories about the rituals of the Hajj, as did the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him).
4. Surround yourself knowledgeable people who can competently explain the rites associated with the pilgrimage.
5. Read books on the subject of the Hajj.

1. Learn the dua made during the Hajj.
2. Do not read dua only from books, pray from a pure heart.
3. Plan in advance your conversation with the Almighty during the Hajj.
4. Pray for those people who work during the Hajj to keep you safe: police officers, doctors, guides and cleaners.
5. Make dua for the oppressed, the refugees and the deprived people.

What to wear

1. Put on a comfortable, sturdy pair of shoes.
2. Don't forget that you might want to put your slippers in your bag when you enter the forbidden mosque, where the floor is granite.
3. Take socks with you to make it easier on your feet.

What to take

1. Go on Hajj light. Take only what you need.
2. prayer rug in Mecca, carry everywhere with you. Praying on a hard floor can be uncomfortable.
3. Take sunglasses.
4. Take Vaseline with you to protect your feet from the formation of calluses, as you will have to walk a lot.
5. Take the necessary remedies for bruises and cuts.
6. Don't forget hair clippers.

Bath accessories

1. Take liquid soap. Unlike bar soap, it is easier to transport from place to place.
2. Place all your hygiene items in a small cosmetic bag. This will be especially convenient in Mina.

physical health

1. Be in shape before leaving for the Hajj. Accustom yourself to walking, as there will be situations when there will be no transport for a long time.


1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Take a healthy snack with you in case you have to stay at the airport.
3. Take medicines and vitamins with you in case of illness.

Interaction with other people

1. Be kind to other hajjis.
2. Don't neglect their rights. Put them ahead of yours.
3. Have enough money with you to donate to those in need.
4. Greet Muslims from other countries. Hajj is the largest gathering of the ummah.
5. When it's time to collect stones in Muzdalifah, take more stones.
6. Also help the elderly in collecting stones.
7. Get organized

At the Forbidden Mosque

1. If you see that many people are praying in the rows outside the mosque, try to go inside, as there may be a place. Some people prefer to pray outside as it is easier to get back in.
2. Arrive at Friday prayer early - around 9 o'clock.
3. Zamzam sources are everywhere, no need to swear after tawaf. Just look for another source.

Mina, Arafah and Muzdalifah

1. Take your time and save time by planning toilet trips in Mecca, Mina, Araf and Muzdalifah.
2. When you get to Mina and are settled, take a few friends from the tent with you and check out the sights around.

3. Throwing stones after Zuhr is most beneficial when it is not crowded.

group situations

1. Stick with the group. Make sure there is a designated meeting point that everyone knows in case they get lost.
2. Be clean, tidy and don't litter.

Pilgrimage to the Kaaba is one of the five pillars of Islam. Every adult Muslim (male or female) with physical and material capabilities is obliged to make a hajj to Mecca once in a lifetime. Hajj symbolizes the faith, unity and equality of Muslims.


Part 1

Preparing for the Hajj

    Hajj, like any other kind of worship, must be performed with the right intention. Treat Hajj properly. It's not just a trip. Previously, the performance of the Hajj was accompanied by great difficulties on the way and, often, the death of pilgrims. Despite the safety and comfort of modern vehicles, you should not forget that this may be your last trip in life. So take your Hajj trip seriously. Start learning the procedure for performing the Hajj in advance so that during the performance of the Hajj you are busy with sincere worship, and not learning the sequence of actions.

    Types of Hajj. There are three types of hajj: tamattu', kyran, ifrad. Each of the types is slightly different both in the sequence of actions and in the time of completion:

    Organizational matters. Decide in advance all organizational matters: passports, visas, tickets. If your passport is about to expire, then apply for renewal in advance. The issuance of a new passport may be delayed.

    mentality. Keep in mind that Saudi Arabia- a country with a strict theocratic structure. Many things may seem unusual to you. Do not be surprised to see women with a closed face. Niqab is a traditional element women's clothing in Muslim countries.

    • For Muslim women performing Hajj additional terms- the presence of a mahram on a trip with her - close relative male. For women over 45 years of age, provided that they travel in a group of other women, mahram is not obligatory.

Part 2

Making a death.
  1. Before performing the Hajj and Umrah, the pilgrim enters ihram - a ritual symbolizing spiritual and physical purity. The state of ihram imposes certain restrictions: the pilgrim must not use perfume, cosmetics, scented soap, hair on any part of the body, cut nails, swear, quarrel. You also shouldn't have intimacy. The ihram of a woman is different from the ihram of a man. A man's ihram consists of two pieces of white cloth. One of them is wound around the belt, the other is thrown over upper part body. Men are forbidden to wear tailored clothes, while women remain in regular clothes. Also, men should not wear any headgear or cover their head and face.

    • Men perform ghusl, remove hair under the armpits, in the groin area, cut their nails. All actions are performed with the intention of ihram. After entering ihram, you can not use all types of incense. Shoes should be open and without a back, and should not cover the toes.
      • Two pieces of white matter, the same for all, symbolize the equality of Muslims, regardless of their social status.
    • Women, like men, perform ghusl, remove their hair, cut their nails. Perfume, cosmetics, as well as any aromatic oils are prohibited.
      • The requirement for women's shoes is the same as for men. Women are not wrapped in pieces of cloth, but remain in their ordinary clothes.
  2. After putting on ihram, the pilgrims recite the talbiyah. There are five places for putting on ihram, which are called miqats, and each pilgrim must enter the state of ihram only in them. The pilgrim is forbidden to pass the miqat without entering the state of ihram. When the pilgrim reaches the miqat, he pronounces the talbiyah - the intention to perform the hajj or die. Talbiyah should be repeated in a loud voice until the pilgrim reaches Mecca. Talbiya words:

    The Kaaba is the main shrine of Islam, Muslims turn towards it during daily prayers. When you see the Kaaba, you can make a prayer. This is one of the moments when the Almighty can answer your prayer. The mosque should be entered from the right foot.

    Tawaf is the circumambulation of the Kaaba seven times. From the very beginning of the circumambulation of the Kaaba and up to its completion, men should expose their right shoulder. Bypassing the Kaaba is done counterclockwise, so that the Kaaba is to the left of the pilgrim. While circumambulating the Kaaba, one should pass behind the al-hijr wall. The first three laps must be completed at a fast pace, and the remaining four laps at a normal pace.

    • During the walk, try to get close to the black stone and kiss it, or at least touch it. If it is not possible to approach him, then during the detour, having caught up with him, stretch your hand in his direction and say: “Bismi Llahi, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi al-hamd.” You should not push and push people in order to get closer to the black stone.
    • There are no specific duas during the performance of tawaf, so I can turn to you with any prayer and read any prayers.
    • When the pilgrim completes the seventh circle, he covers his right shoulder and goes to the place of Ibrahim, where he performs 2 rak'ahs of prayer. After that, it is advisable to drink zamzam.
  3. Sa'i. Sa'i is a seven-fold circumambulation between two hills: as-Safa and al-Marwa. Approaching as-Safa, he reads the following words of the Almighty: “Inna-s-Safa wa-l-Marwata min sha" airi-Llah, faman hajja-l-bayta aui’tamara falla junaha ‘alaihi ay-y-yattavvafa bihima, wa man tatavvaa khairan fa-inna-Llaha Shakirun ‘Ali m.

    • Formerly, al-Safa and al-Marwa were under open sky, but during the expansion of the Sacred Mosque, these two hills are inside a long corridor. Starting the ritual from the hill as-Safa, the pilgrim, turning towards the Kaaba, says three times: “Allahu Akbar!”, After which he heads towards al-Marwa. During the circumambulation between as-Safa and al-Marwa there are no specific duas, so the pilgrim can read any prayers.
    • Having reached the al-Marwa hill, the pilgrim, also turning towards the Kaaba, exalts the Almighty three times.
    • When the pilgrim completes the seventh passage on al-Marwa, he cuts his hair on his head, and this ends his umrah.
  4. Hair cutting. After performing sa’i, the pilgrim should leave the state of ihram. This is done by shaving off the hair on the head or cutting off a small section of hair. Women do not shave off their hair, but only cut off a small strand.

    • Coming out of the state of ihram, the pilgrim is allowed to wear ordinary clothes and becomes permissible what was forbidden in the state of ihram. The pilgrim remains in this state until the 8th, when the Hajj ceremony begins and he will again have to put on ihram. Therefore, you should not shave your head baldly, as the hair may not have time to grow back by the end of the Hajj, when he will have to shorten it again.

Part 3

Performing the Hajj
  1. When the 8th day of the month of Zul-Hijj arrives, the pilgrim enters the state of ihram and proclaims the talbiyah to perform the hajj. He does everything that he did to enter the state of ihram for performing umrah: full ablution, dressing in two pieces of white cloth and pronouncing talbiyah. He does not stop reciting the talbiyah, even to the point of ritually throwing pebbles. The pilgrim enters the state of ihram at the place where he stopped for residence.

    • All rites of the Hajj end on the 12th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, however, it will be possible to leave ihram only on the 10th day. All this time, the restrictions of ihram are again imposed on the pilgrim.
  2. Then the pilgrims go to Mina - the neighborhood of Mecca, where they stay in tents prepared in advance for pilgrims. Pilgrims perform their lunch prayer in Mina and stay here until the next morning. There are no special rituals on this day, the pilgrims rest, get acquainted, communicate with other pilgrims.

  3. The next day, on the 9th, after sunrise, the pilgrims head to the nearby Mount Arafat. It is advisable to arrive there by noon. Until the evening prayers, the pilgrims are on Arafat, turning to the Almighty with their prayers and asking for forgiveness.

    • Until the evening prayers, the pilgrims are on Arafat, turning to the Almighty with their prayers and asking for forgiveness.

1 to 8 Dhul Hiji
1. On the way to Mecca: put on ihram.
2. Check into a hotel in Mecca.
3. Visit the al-Haram mosque.
4. Enter the mosque with your right foot and read the dua.
5. Go around the Kaaba 7 times, pray for the maqam.
6. Run 7 times between Safa and Marva, drink Zamzam.
7. Go to the salon and get a haircut.
8. Read the obligatory prayers together with the jamaat.
9. Return to the hotel, remove ihram and change clothes.

8-dhul-hiji number
1. After sunrise: ihram, then to the valley of Mina.
2. During the day: prayers in the jamaat in Mina.

9-dhul-hiji number
1. After the morning prayer: to Mount Arafat
2. At lunchtime: prayers in the Jamaat at the Namir Mosque
3. Read prayers, dhikrs and ask for forgiveness.
4. After the evening prayer: go to Muzdalifah.

10 is the number of dhul-hiji
1. After the morning prayer: head to Mina.
2. Go throw 7 pebbles at Jamarat al-Aqaba.
3. Sacrifice (if you have not entrusted it to others).
4. Get a haircut, remove ihram and change clothes in tents
5. Go to al-Haram, do tawaf and say

11,12,13 - Dhul-Hijji numbers
1. After lunch prayer: visit 3 jamarats.
2. Before leaving, perform tawaf al-wada'


Hajj starts from Dhul-Hijj on the 8th and which is called "Day of Tarvia". After sunrise, the pilgrim making Hajj tamattu enters the state of ihram. Before that, he does the same as before ihram umrah: he takes a ghusl, anoints himself with incense and performs prayer. Then he puts on ihram in the place where he lives or stays. As for the pilgrims performing Hajj Kiran and Ifrad, they do not enter the state of ihram, since they have not left it all this time.

Overnight in Mina Valley.

Further, pilgrims (performing all three types of Hajj) head to the valley Mina (1)(Staying overnight in Mina on the Day of Tharwiyah is Sunnah being a voluntary act), before the time of Zuhr prayer (noon prayer). In Mina, Zuhr, Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (evening) and Isha (night) prayers are performed, and 4 rak'ah prayers are reduced to 2 rak'at. Pilgrims spend the night in Mina, and in the morning 9th Dhul Hiji performing Fajr prayer (morning prayer), heading for Mount Arafat. Those who arrived in Mina before 8th Dhul Hiji, enter ihram after sunrise here.


The second day of the Hajj is called Arafah Day.

9th Dhul Hiji, after the morning prayer, the pilgrims wait for the sunrise, after which they head to Mount Arafat (2) calmly, without fuss and crush, performing dhikr (remembrance of Allah), reading the Koran, pronouncing the words of talbiyy, they read: “La ilaha illallah, Allahu akbar, Alhamdu lillah”, giving thanks to the Lord of the worlds.

Standing on Arafat
Standing on Arafat is one of the obligatory pillars of the Hajj, without which the latter will not be valid. As the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Hajj is Arafat". (Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi)

The day of Arafat is the best of the days on which the sun rose. On this Great Day, all pilgrims gather at Arafat and stand here from sunrise to sunset. In the Sahih Muslim collection, there is a hadith from Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her!), That the prophet (saw) said:

“There is no day like the day of Arafat, in which Allah frees His slave so much from the fire. And the Almighty, descending to the nearest heaven, boasts before His angels, saying: “What do these (My servants) want?”.

It is advisable for the pilgrim, if possible, to stop at the Namir Mosque before the onset of Zuhr prayer, as this is Sunnah. During the zuhr prayer, one adhan and two iqamat are read (ikamah is pronounced immediately before the beginning of each obligatory prayer).

Then the imam reads a khutba (sermon) with instructions for the people and, together with the rest of the Muslims, prays zuhr and asr, combining them and reducing each of the prayers to two cancers "at, as the prophet did ( Additional prayers are made at will. Because part of the mosque is outside the boundaries of Mount Arafat, then the pilgrim after prayer should make sure that he is really within its limits.

It is reported that ‘Urwa ibn Mudarris, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:

“Whoever was present at our prayer in Muzdalifah and stood with us until we set off, and even earlier stood in the Arafat valley day or night, he performed the Hajj and performed its rites.” (Ahmad, Abu Dawood, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai and Ibn Maja)

It's important to know:

1. On the day of Arafah, the pilgrim must be on the territory of Mount Arafat before sunset.
2. The Namir Mosque is located on the territory of Mount Arafat, but part of it, namely east side, is outside the borders of Arafat. Therefore, the pilgrim needs to remember this and pay attention to the signs inside the mosque.

Note: The day of Arafah is the most important day of the Hajj. Therefore, pilgrims need to beware of any mistakes that may deprive them of the reward and recompense of the Hajj.

1. You should not stop outside of Arafat, stay there before sunset and go to the Muzdalifah valley ahead of time. Whoever did this did not perform the Hajj;

2. You can not leave Arafat before sunset. This is forbidden, as it contradicts the actions of the prophet (s.a.u.);

3. It is not allowed to create a crush and push with the use of force in order to climb Mount Arafat (Jabal ar-Rahmah) and reach the top, wipe the stones in order to receive blessings and perform prayers on the top of the mountain.

4. A big mistake is to point your face towards Mount Arafat during du "a.

Prophet's Farewell Sermon (S.A.U.)

On the day of the sacrifice, the Prophet (S.A.U.) delivered a sermon and said, “Do you know what day it is today?” The people replied: “Allah and His Messenger know best!”

He was silent for a while, and the companions thought that he would call this day by another name, but he asked: “Is this not the day of sacrifice?” The people replied, "Of course." He said, “What month is it now?” They replied: “Allah and His Messenger know best!”

He was silent again for a bit, and the Companions thought that he would call this month by another name, but he asked: “Is not now the month of Dhu-l-Hijj?” People said, "Of course." He said, "What city is this?" The people replied: “Allah and His Messenger know best!”

He was silent again for a bit, and the Companions again thought that he would call this city by another name, but he asked: “Is this not a holy city?” People said, "Of course."

Then he said: “Indeed, your blood and your property is also inviolable and holy, as this day, this month and this earth are holy, and they will remain inviolable until the day when you meet your Lord. Have I conveyed a message to you?" The people answered, "Yes." He exclaimed: “O Allah, be a witness! And let those present inform those who were absent, for
it may happen that the person to whom the knowledge is conveyed will be better able to preserve it than the one who heard it for the first time ... ". (al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Muzdalifa Valley

9th Dhul Hiji after sunset, the pilgrims head towards the valley Muzdalifa (3).

Upon arrival, without delay, they perform the Maghrib and Isha prayers, combining and shortening the Isha prayer, with one azan and two ikamats. Pilgrims stay overnight in Muzdalifa, often saying talbiyah, remembering Allah, being grateful to Him for the mercy and good deed in performing the rites of the Hajj.

Common mistakes in Muzdalifah:

1. You should not collect pebbles immediately upon arrival in Muzdalifa, before performing Maghrib and Isha prayers;

2. To be convinced that pebbles for throwing at the Jamarat must be collected exclusively in Muzdalifah;

3. Washing pebbles intended to be thrown into the Jamarat, as there are no reliable hadiths that state that the Prophet (s.a.w.) did something like that.

Right Action in Muzdalifah

It is sunnah to spend the night in Muzdalifah and perform morning prayers in this valley. Women, debilitated people, children and those responsible for them are allowed to leave the Muzdalifa valley after midnight and go to the tents in Mina.


Sunnah 10th Dhul Hiji, the pilgrim after the morning prayer is preferably located in Muzdalifa near the mountain "al-Mash'ar al-haram". He should, turning towards the qibla, often remember Allah, exalt Him and ask for whatever he wants.

Then, shortly before sunrise, all the pilgrims go to the valley of Mina, where along the way they collect seven small stones, the size of a phalanx, to throw them into Jamarat al-Aqaba (4). The remaining stones for the following days are collected in Mina. Thus, the pilgrim, pronouncing the talbiyah, in humility and remembrance of Allah, keeps his way to Mina.

"It is reported that Jabir, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) on the day of sacrifice threw stones before noon, and on other days - in the afternoon." (Muslim)
Mina Valley.

Throwing pebbles
a) Arriving in Mina, the pilgrim hurries to Jamarat al-Aqaba located next to Mecca. When approaching Jamarat al-Aqaba, the talbiyya stops and the pilgrim throws it at the wall 7 pebbles. You need to throw the pebbles one by one. Throwing multiple pebbles at once only counts as one throw. Also, with each throw, it is desirable to exalt Allah with the words: “Allahu Akbar”.

Be vigilant and careful on the 1st day of Jamarats. If you are with your family or weak people, then you should wait and
go to the Jamarat later. Since by the beginning of the opening time of jamarats, there accumulates the largest number of people. After throwing stones at Jamarat al-Aqaba, the pilgrim begins to exalt the Almighty:

"Allahu әkbar Allahu әkbar Allahu әkbar La ilәһә illallaһu Allahu әkbar Allahu әkbar ua lillaһil hamd".

Translation: "Allah is great (thrice), there is no deity but Allah. Allah is great, Allah is great, and to Him belongs all praise."
b) Animal sacrifice. Everyone on whom the obligation to perform a sacrifice lies must slaughter one of the three sacrificial animals: a ram, a cow or a camel. The meat is eaten and distributed to the poor. Today, the duty to cut and distribute to the needy is assumed by some enterprises that will issue you a check and perform this ceremony for you.

The Day of Sacrifice is the first day of Eid al-Adha (Kurban Ait). All Muslims on Earth, in the east and west, in the north and south, and pilgrims in Mina are happy to meet the blessed feast of sacrifice, slaughter the sacrificial animal, thereby approaching Allah Almighty.
Shaving or trimming hair
c) After the pilgrim has finished throwing pebbles at Jamarat al-Aqaba on the 10th day of Dhul Hiji, he should shave his head or shorten his hair. But shaving is preferable, as for a woman, she shortens her hair to the length of one phalanx. After shaving his head, a Muslim takes off the two white cloths he was wearing, changes into everyday clothes and partially leaves the state of ihram, after which he is allowed all things except intimacy with his wife.

This order is preferred, although it is permitted to perform these rites in a different order.

Common mistakes made when throwing pebbles:

1. The conviction of some pilgrims that pebbles are thrown at shaitans. Therefore, throwing is accompanied by swearing and cursing. In fact, this is not so; in Sharia, the rite of throwing pebbles is intended for the remembrance of Allah.

2. When people don't look at signs, go against the main flow, trying to do everything quickly. You can not take with you any luggage that can fall apart, and other people stumble over it. It is these actions that very often lead to crushing, crushing and death, especially on the bridge where the jamarats are located.

3. When pilgrims throw large stones, shoes, sticks, etc. into the jamarah, which is excessive in a religion forbidden by our prophet (saw). The pilgrim should show gentleness and friendliness towards his brothers, choose a convenient and safe place for throwing. It is not necessary for stones to hit the wall, it is enough to get into the well.

Tawaf al-ifada (tawaf hajj)

Tawaf al-Ifada is one of the pillars of the Hajj, without which the latter would be incomplete. After throwing stones at Jamarat al-Aqaba, in the morning holiday, the pilgrim is heading To Mecca (5) to perform seven circles of Tawaf al-ifada, then seven times sa "th, if he performs Hajj tamattu. Or if he performs hajj ifrad and qiran, but upon arrival in Mecca after Tawaf al-kudum did not perform sa" th for the hajj. Tawaf al-ifada can be postponed and performed upon returning from Mina on the 4th day of Eid al-Adha after jamarats.

After tawaf al-ifada on the day of the sacrifice, the pilgrim is allowed things forbidden during ihram, up to intimacy with his wife.

DAYS OF TASHRIK. 11-13 Dhul Hijjah

The days of Tashriq begin from the moment the night of the 11th of Dhul-Hijji enters and continue until the 13th of the same month. Those. The days of Tashriq are the 4th, 5th, 6th days of Hajj or the 2nd, 3rd, 4th days of Eid al-Adha.

1. After tawaf al-ifada on the Day of Sacrifice, the pilgrim returns to Mina to spend the night there for three days of tashriq.

2. Or stays in Mina for only two nights, if he is in a hurry.

Days of tashriq, schedule for 3 days:

1. Performing morning prayers with jamaat (possible in tents, but best of all in a mosque)

2. Frequent remembrance of Allah with the help of dhikrs and du "a;

3. In the afternoon (when the sun passes its zenith) performing zuhr prayer and throwing stones at all three jamarats. At the same time, do not forget to pronounce the words "Allahu Akbar" with every throw of the stone. It is necessary to calmly perform rituals, without swearing, not being rude and not bickering with others .;

4. If possible, it is advisable to go to the city and spend time in Masjid al-Haram until the evening, making tawaf, as well as additional. and obligatory prayers.

5. It is also allowed to spend the night in Mina not for 3 days of tashrik, but only 2.

"Remember Allah in a matter of days (during three days of tashriq). Whoever rushes and completes the ceremony in two days, he does not commit a sin. And whoever lingers, he also does not commit a sin. This applies to the God-fearing. Fear Allah and know that you will be gathered to Him"(al-Baqara, 203).

According to the Sunnah, after throwing stones at Jamarat as-sughra and al-wusta, the pilgrim should, facing the qibla and raising his hands, ask the Almighty for whatever he wants. As for Jamarat al-Aqaba, after it they do not stop and do not make du "a;

Whoever wishes to leave Mina one day early should throw stones at three jamarats on the 12th of Dhul Hiji in the afternoon. Then leave Mina before sunset. If the pilgrim does not have time to leave here, then he is obliged to stay overnight until the 13th of Dhul-Hijji and the next day to throw stones at the jamarats. And who was going to leave Mina, but for reasons beyond his control (for example, traffic jams) did not manage to do this before sunset, he is not obliged to stay overnight on the 13th of Dhul Hiji.

Tawaf al-wada

Leaving Mina, the pilgrims go to the Blessed Mecca in order to perform tawaf around the Kaaba.

Tawaf al-vada (farewell tawaf) is considered the last of the Hajj rituals, which is performed after the completion of all obligatory rites. Only women with menstrual and postpartum discharge are exempted from tawaf al-wada'.

The Prophet (SAW) said: "Let none of you leave (from Mecca) until he performs the last rites at the House (Kaaba)." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Tawaf al-wada is the last obligatory action of the Hajj, imposed on the pilgrim immediately before leaving for his homeland.

Tips for a pilgrim:

1. You can dial Zamzam in Mecca, but it is better to do it just before leaving in the city of Medina, if your Hajj program involves visiting this holy city.

2. Don't take too much water, because there are cargo restrictions on the plane, by overloading the aircraft, you endanger yourself and other people. Therefore, we recommend buying an already packaged gift version of Zam-zam.

3. It is advisable to buy Sivak in a sealed package, in which it retains its beneficial properties better.
