Saint Veronica is an example of Christian piety. Martyr Veronica life

Veronica is a divine name that is known to every Orthodox believer from biblical legends. The Bible says that Veronica was the name of a Jerusalem woman who, in the role of the natural mother of Jesus Christ, helped him carry the cross. Due to such actions of the female heroine, her name in Christian Orthodox religion is highly revered and of no small importance. It is also worth noting that the name Veronica carries a certain energy and is euphonious, therefore given name widespread not only among Orthodox Christians, but also among people of other faiths, according to a variety of religious beliefs.

Angel's Day or Name Day is a special holiday for women and girls who bear the name Veronica.

According to the Orthodox church calendar, Veronica's name day is celebrated several times a year, namely on July 25, July 20 and October 17. These dates are the days of memory of Veronica the Righteous, Veronica the Martyr and Veronica the Great Martyr of Edessa.

History of the origin of the name

And so it becomes clear that the name Veronica sounds in a biblical legend, but at the same time it is ancient and takes its roots from the ancient times of ancient Greece. Experts have divided the meaning of this name into several parts. One part of the name Veronica is translated literally as “Victory”, and the other as “to bring”. Consequently, if you literally translate the name Veronica from ancient Greek into Russian, you get a phrase that sounds like this: “bring victory.” In addition to the fact that this word is extremely ancient, Orthodox believers know that Veronica is one of the goddesses who, in her own name and image, personifies a certain victory. At a certain time, all the warriors turned to this particular woman in order to bring their own bows and provide various types of honors, since it was Veronica who gave the warriors a blessing for further successful battle.

Some scientists and a large number of historians claim that this name comes from the name of the wife of the Egyptian ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty. It is worth noting that the wife of the Egyptian ruler was named Fereniki.

That is why there are two variations of the origin of this name. One option says that the name has ancient Greek roots. If you translate the name from Greek into Latin, you get a completely different meaning, since in the previous translation the name sounds like “bringing victory,” and if you translate it from Latin, you get “true image.” Due to such discrepancies, historians argue that such discrepancies in meaning depend on pronunciation.

When to celebrate name day?

Women who were named Veronica at the time of baptism are distinguished by their extraordinary timbre of voice, but at the same time are considered to have the most stubborn character. At the same time, a woman has a pronounced maternal instinct, and it is accompanied by femininity and tenderness. It is important to remember that Remembrance Day is celebrated several times throughout the calendar year.

Modern Orthodox Christian believers, performing the baptismal ceremony for a small child, ask the clergy the question, on what date should little Veronica’s name day be celebrated? The clergy answer that Angel Day or Veronica’s name day is celebrated depending on the day of remembrance of the nearest guardian angel.

Therefore, if a child is born before July 25, then her patron saint is Veronica the Righteous, and it is she who will protect the little girl throughout her life. If a girl was born before July 30, then her guardian angel will be the martyr Veronica. Well, if the child was born before October 17, then the Great Martyr Saint Veronica of Edessa will represent her interests before the Almighty. However, modern parishioners should not worry about this, since in an Orthodox church, during the baptismal ceremony, the minister will definitely tell young parents when to celebrate the baby’s name day in order to honor the memory of the saints.

Veronica the Righteous, July 25

The primary name of this Shrine is mentioned in the Gospel. The legend in this book says that during the existence of Jesus Christ in the most ancient city, there lived a certain woman whose name was Veronica. For 12 years, the girl suffered from various diseases and painful bleeding. The Gospel says that a woman from the Ancient City turned to a large number doctors and followed all their orders, but could not recover from the disease.

It so happened one day that a woman heard a story about Jesus Christ, who could heal people with just his own touch. Therefore, at that moment, when the Almighty was carrying his own cross, the woman joined him and walked behind Jesus Christ all the way. At that moment, when the Almighty fell under the weight of the Shrine, the woman leaned over to him, wiped traces of blood from his face and gave him a drink. clean water, the very second she touched Jesus Christ, Veronica felt better and decided that her illness was cured. This is exactly what happened, after 12 years of suffering and torment, with just one touch to the Almighty, the woman was healed.

However, this was not the only miracle that happened to Veronica at that moment. After the girl returned to her own house, she saw that his image appeared on the canvas with which she had previously wiped the face of Jesus Christ from the blood. It is worth noting that a fragment of this canvas with the image of the Almighty is still considered one of the holiest icons not made by hands.

Due to the fact that Jesus Christ helped a woman to be healed of her illness, she installed a copper statue of her own Savior near her home. According to various sources, it is believed that the herb located below at the foot of the statue was miraculous, since it could cure women from various diseases, especially those who were bleeding. However, after a while, during the reign of Emperor Julian the Apostate, the copper statue of Jesus Christ was destroyed forever.

July 25 Orthodox Christian church celebrates Veronica's day, and also remember the appearance of the most Holy Icon Not Made by Hands with the image of the Almighty. It is important to note that many sources say that the woman bore a different name, and she took the name Veronica after the Almighty healed her; it was derived from the Latin language and is translated as “true image.”

Veronica's name day July 30

On July 30, the Orthodox Christian Church remembers the martyr Veronica, however, there is very little different information about the great exploits and torments of a woman for the sake of faith in the Almighty.

It is worth noting that since the Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Veronica and the Righteous Veronica coincide with a difference of several days, the parents of the child during baptism have the right to independently choose which of the great women with the name Veronica will become the heavenly patron of the young baby.

Martyr Virinea (Veronica). Orthodox Angel Day - October 17

This martyr has been known to the Orthodox Christian Church and the whole world since 304. She lived during the reign of the famous emperor Diocletian, who carried out various persecutions of religious people. It is worth noting that he not only forbade believing in the Almighty, but also created various tortures so that people who believed in Jesus Christ would convert to a different faith. As a result of such acts of the emperor, many believers of that time were doomed to death. A certain Christian woman who lived in Rome with her little sister and mother during the reign of the emperor was forced to flee to the city of Edessa. It is worth noting that it was from then on that the name of the city was attached to the name of the Great Martyr Veronica, and since then she has been highly revered under the name Veronica of Edessa.

After escaping from Antioch, young Veronica, her sister and mother remained free for a short time, as they were pursued and the family was soon returned back to Rome under escort. The women waited until the emperor's soldiers sat down at the table, after which they dressed in their most best clothes who had and offered a prayer of praise directed to the Almighty, after these acts they threw themselves into boiling water. Thus, we can say that the Holy Martyr Veronica accepted a terrible death, thus they did not surrender into the hands of their own persecutors.

This act happened on October 17, since 304 the Orthodox Christian Church has been celebrating the day of remembrance and name day of the Great Martyr Veronica, who gave her own life for faith in the Almighty.

Character of the name

Veronica is often a timid and shy girl who is extremely indecisive. Later, as you grow older, your character may change, resulting in stubbornness and some irritability. It is worth noting that it is often easier for women who bear the name Veronica to communicate in men's company than in women, since girls exhibit behavioral characteristics similar to their father’s traits.

Experts, having conducted a lot of research and observations, have found that Veronica does not lower her head throughout her life, as a result of which she is not afraid of various difficulties and any obstacles are successfully overcome. It is also worth noting that women exhibit benevolence, caring, femininity and tenderness.

How to congratulate Veronica on Angel's Day

It is important to note that on Angel's Day or Veronica's name day, you need to give her a special gift. But at the same time it is enough just to say congratulatory words and mention exceptional characteristic qualities, as a result of which the girl will be delighted, since women with this name are very fond of compliments.

Servants of temples and churches claim that Veronica’s name day should be held in the family circle, but with special pomp. At the same time, a woman on her own day, name day, should not forget to visit the church in order to express gratitude to her patroness and the Almighty Jesus Christ. Thus, once a year, she thanks the saints for their assistance in any endeavor.

It is important to note that if the day of the angel According to church calendar celebrate in summer time Therefore, women have a lot of supportive energy, which is often directed in the right direction.

Women who received the name Veronica at baptism differ in character and temperament in different times of the year.

Therefore, girls born in summer or autumn are distinguished by their showiness, brightness and excessive activity.

If a girl was born in the spring, then she may have some health problems and an unstable character.

It is believed that Veronicas, who were born in winter, catch luck by the tail, so throughout their lives they are accompanied by success.

There are two possible origins for the name Veronica. According to the first version, the name has Greek roots. Nika was the name of the goddess who brought victory to the warriors in every battle. But when translated from Latin, the name has a completely different meaning. It means “true image”, and is believed to come from two words - vera icon. The incomplete coincidence with the name itself is explained by incorrect pronunciation.

Days of Angel Veronica: dates for congratulations

A woman with such an unusual and beautifully pronounced name is the owner of a stubborn character. She has a very strongly developed maternal instinct, she is gentle and feminine. Veronica's Angel Days are celebrated three times a year. They fall on the following dates: July 25, July 30 and October 17.

Veronica's Angel's Day (what date her name day will be celebrated) will be found out by the girl's parents at baptism. For an adult woman with this, it is determined by the date closest to her birthday. The patroness of Veronica, born on July 25, will be Veronica the Righteous, on July 30 - the martyr Veronica, on October 17 - the martyr Virinea (Veronica) of Edessa.

Veronica the Righteous, July 25

The first mentions of the name Veronica are found in the Gospel. The book tells that back in the time of Jesus Christ, a woman lived in the ancient city of Paneas. She suffered from painful bleeding for twelve years. During this time, the woman exhausted all her resources on the doctors, but was never cured.

She heard about the miraculous healings of people touched by Jesus Christ. When the Savior carried his cross to Calvary, the woman began to walk behind him, joining the crowd. When Jesus fell under the weight of the cross, Veronica leaned over to him, gave him water and wiped the blood from his face. At the same moment when she touched the Savior, the woman felt that her illness had gone away. With one touch of Jesus Christ, Veronica was healed after twelve years of suffering.

But this was not the only miracle that happened at that moment. When the woman came home, she saw that his image appeared on the cloth with which she wiped the face of Christ. A fragment of this canvas depicting the Savior is still considered a miraculous icon to this day.

After her healing, the woman placed a copper statue of the Savior near her house. The grass that grew at its foot was miraculous. She healed other bleeding women from illness. The copper statue was destroyed only under Emperor Julian the Apostate.

On the day of the Angel Veronica, which falls on July 25, the church remembers the Righteous Saint and celebrates the miraculous appearance of the miraculous icon of Christ. By the way, some sources indicate that the woman had a different name. She took the name Veronica after the healing, and it was formed from the Latin words vera icon (“true image”).

Veronica's name day July 30

Another Angel Day for women named Veronica falls on July 30th. On this date, the church remembers the martyr Veronica. However, information about who this woman was and how she was tortured for her faith in Jesus Christ has not been preserved.

The days of Veronica's Angel, which fall in July, are located very close to each other. That is why the parents of a girl with this name have the right to choose for their child.

Martyr Virinea (Veronica). Orthodox Angel Day - October 17

In 304 AD, during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, Christian persecution was not only not prohibited, but was even welcomed. Because of this, believers were simply doomed to death. Christian Veronica, together with her mother and sister, was forced to flee from Antioch at the same time. They stopped in the neighboring city of Edessa. Hence the word Edessa was added to the name Veronica.

The girl, her mother and sister did not remain free for long. Their pursuers soon captured them and took them under escort back to Antioch. But true Christian women waited until the soldiers sat down to dinner, put on their best clothes, turned to the Lord in prayer and rushed into the seething water. Veronica, her mother and sister suffered martyrdom, but did not fall into the hands of the persecutors.

Celebrated not only on July 25 and 30, but also on October 17. On this day Orthodox Church remembers a martyr named Virinea (Veronica), who suffered for her faith in the Lord.

Birthdays for girls and women named Veronica happen three times a year. They are celebrated on the day closest to the date of birth. According to Orthodox calendar the church and secular name are the same. In all Orthodox rites the name remains unchanged - Veronica.

  • 25.07 – St. Veronica the Righteous
  • 30.07 – Martyr Veronica
  • 17.10 – Martyr Veronica (Virineya) of Edessa

Character and interpretation of the name Veronica

According to the translation from Greek, the name Veronica is interpreted as “bringer of victory.” It appeared in honor of the goddess of Victory - Nika. There is also a translation from Latin and it is interpreted as “genuine image”.

Veronica's character is very difficult to define in one word. Little Veronica is a timid, indecisive and shy girl. With age, her character becomes stronger. She becomes more confident and decisive, but can be stubborn and even irritable. She is always different. On the one hand, it is full of fun and lightness. On the other hand, she is full of wisdom and whims. She is very sociable. In the company of friends and acquaintances - the soul of the company. Veronica has a sharp mind, wild imagination and creative potential. She loves art, studies music, theater, dance, writes poetry and paints. Veronica constantly has her head in the clouds, dreams and fantasizes.

Veronica is a very amorous, flighty and stubborn person. She always has a lot of fans and suitors. She always prefers male society to female society. Her relationships are short-lived and she may be married several times. She can play dirty tricks on her rivals in love affairs or men who have rejected her and do everything out of spite. She has many acquaintances and friends. She worries about them, helps them difficult situations and supports. Just don’t abuse her kindness and mutual assistance. She might get tired of it. She will not allow herself to be pushed around and put under pressure. She is characterized by pride and pride. Negative trait character can be called her prudence. Veronica uses people so cleverly for her purposes that they don’t even suspect it.

A woman named Veronica is full of energy and liveliness. She is very restless and obstinate. She never loses heart and goes through life with her head raised towards her goals and victories, because this is inherent in the energy of her name. She achieves everything in life that she deems necessary. With all her strength and tenacity, she remains a feminine and gentle person, so attractive to the stronger sex. IN family relationships she is gentle, caring and reverent, and in her career she is wise and purposeful. will become happy wife with a good, patient husband, but she will get married quite late. Since she loves to be the object of attention of everyone around her, public professions are suitable for her, for example, TV presenter, journalist, actress. Veronica, with her attractive appearance, will become a successful model.

Patrons of the name

On July 25, Saint Veronica is venerated. It was Veronica who helped Jesus when he, condemned to death, followed the path to Golgotha. She was among the people accompanying the procession. She wanted Christ to heal her from an illness from which she had suffered for many years. When the Savior fell along with the cross, Veronica gave him water to drink and wiped the sweat and blood from his forehead. At that moment she felt that with one touch her illness went away. Returning home, she saw that the holy face remained on the piece of cloth with which she wiped Jesus. Veronica placed a copper statue of Christ near her house. The grass that grew near the monument became healing and made many women healthier. The miraculous image was sent to Rome and to this day is considered an icon not made by hands, and Veronica was canonized. Saint Veronica is considered the patroness of photography and photographers.

Martyr Veronica (Virinea) of Edessa lived during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, for whom torture and persecution of Christians were commonplace. Together with her mother and sister, she fled to Edes, where they were captured and tried to be returned to hometown Antioch. To avoid torture and bullying, in the name of faith, they accepted martyrdom by throwing themselves into the river. A particle of the relics of Saint Veronica is in Kolomna, in the Staro-Golutvinsky Monastery.

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Martyr Veronica (bleeding)
(1st century. The church celebrates her memory on July 25/12th century.)
During the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. There lived a woman in Judea, her name was Veronica. For 12 years she suffered from a serious illness, female bleeding, which exhausted her entire condition, and none of the doctors she contacted could cure her. She exhausted all her property during the long years of her illness, but she came to an even worse state. Her illness was also serious because, according to Deuteronomy, a Jew cannot touch a woman while unclean. That is, on top of everything else, she was also an outcast among her people. Veronica was already desperate and had lost all hope of being cured of her illness. You can imagine how she lived for those 12 years.
One day, while walking through the city, she saw the Lord passing by. Her heart flared up. She had heard a lot about Jesus and knew about the controversy about him. But she firmly believed that he was the Messiah, Christ. Many thoughts rushed through her heart like a whirlwind, and after weighing all the pros and cons, she firmly decided to take a desperate and daring step. So that for her intention, she could be stoned. And her intention was to approach quietly from behind and touch at least the hem of His garment, and come what may. She firmly believed that if she touched even the hem of His garment, she would be healed. And without hesitating for a moment, she moved forward. Squeezing through the crowd that pressed the Lord, Veronica came up from behind and touched the hem of His robe “29 And immediately her source of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her illness. 30 At the same time Jesus, perceiving within Himself that power had gone out from Him, turned among the people and said, Who touched My garment? 31 The disciples said to Him: You see that the people are crowding You, and you say: Who touched Me? 32 But He looked around to see the one who did this. 33 The woman, in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth. 34 He said to her: daughter! your faith has saved you; Go in peace and be well from your illness. (Ev. from mark chapter 5).” From that hour, Veronica became healthy, and moreover, she became a Christian. And she always tried to be where the Lord passed.
And in honor of her miraculous healing, Veronica ordered a statue from the sculptor, but unfortunately it has not survived to this day, although perhaps it has yet to be found. Unfortunately, we don’t even know what kind of statue it was; most likely we should assume that it was a statue of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Some time later, Veronica was in Jerusalem on the occasion of Easter. All Jews always tried to get to Jerusalem on Easter, and accordingly, on these days the city turned into a boiling anthill. It was Friday, Veronica already knew that the high priests had condemned the Lord and demanded His crucifixion from the procurator Pontius Pilate.
A large crowd was moving along the street, everything was buzzing. Veronica was in the thick of it, she again squeezed forward, again to the Lord. And then a terrifying picture appeared before her eyes. She saw the Lord covered with many wounds, almost His entire pure body was covered with bleeding wounds. He carried a cross on himself, a cross on which he would soon be crucified. Under its weight He almost bowed to the ground. The entire road traveled was covered with large and frequent drops of blood, His most pure blood. Exhausted along this path, the Lord fell under the weight of the cross. Veronica, seeing the fallen Lord, immediately rushed to Him, her heart sank into a ball of pain. Running up, she fell to the ground to the Lord, gave Him clean water to drink, and wiped His most pure face with a cloth. The guards, not immediately realizing what had happened, and hesitating a little, nevertheless rushed to pull Veronica away. Pulling her aside, they swore angrily and threatened her, but Veronica did not hear them. Her gaze was fixed on the Lord, she wanted to scream that this was madness, that this should not be done. But she couldn’t scream, it was as if she was paralyzed. And what could this weak woman do?
Later, after all the well-known events, coming home, Veronica fell to the floor from powerlessness and sobbed bitterly for a long time. When she calmed down a little and came to her senses, she took out a cloth with which she wiped her pure face. Unfolding it, she involuntarily became frightened. The board displayed the most pure face of our Lord Jesus Christ. This board is known to us as one of two miraculous images. Now it is located in Rome, in the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter.
Veronica became a zealous Christian, her details later life unknown. What is known is that Saint Veronica suffered a martyr’s death. The church celebrates her memory on July 25/12.

Women in heavy prayers pray to Saint Veronica women's diseases. Also, people who are terminally ill, who are already doomed by doctors, either to death or to life with an incurable illness, pray to her. Prisoners tormented and tormented by their overseers pray to her. People resort to it in prayers to strengthen faith.
Holy Martyr of Christ Veronica, pray to God for us.
Troparion (voice
Showing fiery faith. You received healing. Wipe your clean face with a cloth. You have found an image not made by hands. At the throne of God is coming. Pray for healing. Our souls and bodies. Hail Lamb of Christ Veraniko.

Not afraid of earthly suffering. You endured to the end. Walking after Christ. You have soared into the kingdom of heaven. Rejoice, dove of Christ Veraniko.
We magnify you. Martyr of Christ Veraniko. You showed fiery faith. And we honor your honest suffering. You have suffered even for Christ.

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Veraniko. Showing fiery faith. She had boldness before God. Having touched the Savior's clothes. Hearing the voice of the Sweetest Jesus: “Be of good cheer, daughter, your faith will save you.” Make it easy for you to receive healing. Pray to the Most Merciful Savior. About the gift of healing, our souls and bodies. Now I stand before the throne of God. Pray to the Lord, the Giver of good things. About increasing faith in us. You yourself are filled with it. So that we too may be inflamed with faith. Both wise and active. Followed Christ to the end. Yes, and we will be honored with the sweetest voice: “Your faith will save you.” Amen.
Prayer 2 (for women)
Oh, holy, all-praised martyr of Christ Veraniko. Called the woman of bleeding. I have been ill with female bleeding for twelve years. You weigh this measure of suffering. Having acquired fiery faith, you received healing from this illness. For this reason, I ran boldly to the Lord and begged him for the sick. Like Imashi herself is feminine nature. Do not despise me, a sinner who prays to you. For through my sin I accept this illness. Beg for the forgiveness of my sins, the Humane God. And about the granting of healing to my flesh. Ineffable for the mercy of the All-Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
(compiled 2012-2014)
