Therapeutic exercise for the spine for children. Exercise therapy for children - types and rules of exercises, contraindications

For many parents it is actual problem correct posture The child has. Unfortunately, many reasons now lead to incorrect formation of children's posture. This may be improper sleep, constant sitting, the habit of slouching, and so on. But incorrect posture is not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health. The correct set of exercises for curvature of posture in children helps to solve the problem, because the baby’s spine has not yet formed, which means it is easy to change.

A little about correct posture

Correct posture is usually understood as a body position in which the head is slightly raised, the shoulders are turned, the shoulder blades are close to the spine without protruding, and the abdominal line does not extend beyond the level of the chest.

Correct posture is the key to health. And these are not just big words. It is important to take this responsibly, since curvature of the spine and disturbances in the functioning of the back muscles provoke serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. A child with a curved back is more susceptible to colds, bronchitis, gastritis, constipation, and problems in the development of the heart and lungs.

You need to take care of your baby's spine from the very beginning. early years. You need to simply and clearly explain to your child that if he holds his back unevenly and sits incorrectly, he may get sick. It is important to make it a rule to do light exercises with your baby for prevention - this will prevent many troubles.

Poor posture often appears at school age. Schoolchildren have to stay in the same position for a long time, their muscles are constantly tense, they get tired, and pain occurs. To relieve tension, the child needs to constantly change position, bend the spine and lean to the side.

If your child has symptoms such as constant fatigue, clumsiness, headache and neck pain, he refuses activity, complains of cracking joints and pain in the limbs during movement, it is important to consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate, otherwise you will only make the situation worse. Only a specialist can determine the level of poor posture and recommend procedures that will be useful in your case.

The formation of posture is a fairly long process, starting at birth and lasting up to 25 years. Special attention You need to pay attention to posture during the period when children are actively growing - 5-6 years for preschoolers, as well as adolescence: 11-13 years for girls and 13-15 years for boys.

To avoid poor posture in children, adhere to the following principles:

  • Proper organization of sleep. It is necessary to use a hard mattress and a special orthopedic pillow, which will help ensure proper functioning of the spine. Try to teach your baby to sleep on his back.
  • Fighting inactivity. Pay attention to the fact that the child leads an active lifestyle, walks more, and plays outdoor games.
  • Correct selection of shoes. Try to buy shoes with arch support, which will help ensure proper gait. Also make sure that the child does not twist his feet when walking.
  • Control of the load on the spine. Make sure it is even. Do not allow excessively heavy briefcases or carry a bag on one shoulder at all times.
  • Correct walking. It is important to rid your child of the habit of standing on one leg. This provokes an oblique position of the body, which in turn leads to improper curvature of the spine.
  • The right choice of furniture. Furniture should be selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the baby. Teach him to sit correctly at the table. The optimal distance between the table and the eyes is 30-35 cm. In this position, the posture will be as correct as possible, and the spine will be unloaded. It is better to use chairs with a backrest. Let the child not lie down on the table. If he feels tired in his back, let him take a break - lie down or move around.

Exercises to correct posture in children

Exists a large number of sets of exercises for posture for children. Below you will find basic complex, which can be used both to correct posture and to prevent its violations.

  • You need to walk in place, keeping your posture straight for 10-15 minutes.
  • Perform ten squats, stretching your arms out in front of you and keeping your back straight.
  • Standing straight, you need to relax all the muscles of the body one by one, and then tense them without bending your back.
  • Sit on a chair or on the floor. Bring your shoulder blades as close to each other as possible, then relax. Repeat the exercise ten times.
  • Starting position – lying on your back. Raise your legs one at a time, holding them in the upper position for five seconds. Repeat ten times.
  • You need to stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and place your hands on your belt. As you inhale, spread your elbows so that your shoulder blades meet. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Hands need to be joined behind your back. Do five side bends. Breathing may be arbitrary.
  • You need to take a gymnastic stick in your hands and stretch your arms in front of you. As you exhale, squat down, while inhaling, return to the starting position.
  • For the next exercise, you need to lie on your stomach with your arms stretched forward. At the same time, raise your arms and legs up, bending slightly at the lower back. Repeat the exercise five times.
  • The next exercise is walking on your toes with a book on your head. You can arrange a competition with your child and walk with him.
  • Another exercise that perfectly shapes posture is the “cat”. While kneeling, the baby should rest his hands on the floor, head down. The baby needs to arch his back as a bridge, and then bend it, raising his head high and arching in the opposite direction.
  • The baby needs to sit cross-legged. Let him keep his back straight, and stretch his arms above his head and stretch as high as possible. It is recommended to perform 2-3 repetitions.

These posture exercises are universal, they Can be done for children 10 years old, older or younger, as well as adults.

Exercises for poor posture in children aimed at strengthening back muscles

Exercises for correct posture in children should also strengthen the back muscles. Their execution time is 30 seconds - three minutes. They may be as follows:

  • Sit on the floor, pull your knees towards you, clasping them with your hands. You need to roll on your back on the floor and then return to the starting position.
  • Starting position – lying on your back. Perform circular movements with your legs, simulating riding on your back.
  • Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body, bend your legs at the knees. Lift your pelvis as high as possible from the floor, hold this position for five seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise five times.
  • The child needs to rest his hands on the floor, while the mother should take his ankles at this time. Let the baby walk in your arms for 2-3 minutes.
  • Alternately walk on your heels, toes, and outer edges of your feet for half a minute. Then get on all fours and stretch left hand and right leg, and then change them.

Posture exercises for children under 4 years old

Posture exercises for children 3-4 years old must be performed as a game. They may be as follows:

  • Walking on a rope located on the floor, like a tightrope walker.
  • Let the baby crawl on the floor under a stretched rope.
  • Exercise "crocodile". The baby needs to lie on his stomach on the floor, stretch his arms forward. Then let him raise his head smoothly upward, while arching his lower back and without lifting his hands from the floor. Smoothly return to the starting position. The exercise must be repeated several times.
  • Lumberjack exercise. The baby needs to bend over as if he were chopping wood.

In order for the baby’s posture to form correctly, sports such as swimming, volleyball, and basketball are useful. It is also recommended to do small physical exercises every couple of hours.

A set of exercises for children with poor posture It is best to perform it after or an hour before meals in the morning or evening.

Posture Exercises for Teens

It is important to choose the right exercises to correct posture in adolescents. They may be as follows:

  • Lie on the floor on your back. Try to lift your head and shoulders while keeping your torso pressed to the floor. Hold for a few seconds.
  • While lying down, as you exhale, first lift the knee of one leg towards your stomach, and then the other.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet on the floor, arms along your body. You need to perform pelvic lifts without lifting your hands from the floor.
  • Exercise "bicycle". Performed in a supine position, arms along the body. Use your legs in a circular motion as if you were riding a bicycle.
  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands on your waist. Raise your head and shoulders, trying to squeeze your shoulder blades together, then carefully return to the starting position.
  • While lying on your stomach, lift your head, arms and legs at the same time. The exercise is performed for ten seconds. You need to repeat it five times. The amount of time increases gradually.
  • Lie on your stomach, place your hands in front of you. Raise your arms and legs at the same time, hold for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Perform 15 times.
  • Lying on your stomach, grab your ankles. Bend as far as possible from the floor level. Return to the starting position.
  • Perform push-ups, keeping your back straight, at least five times.
  • Starting position standing. Walk on your toes and then on your heels for 40 seconds. Repeat four times.
  • Exercise "Cat". Get on your knees with your hands on the floor. Arch your back upward in a semicircle with your head down. Then lift your head up and bend your back inward. Repeat several times.
  • In a standing position, join your hands behind your back and perform several bends.
  • Standing on the floor with your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your torso horizontally. Then relax and shake your hands. Return to the starting position. It is recommended to repeat six times.

The correct set of exercises for correcting posture in children, which can be performed at home, will help solve existing problems. Remember that the sooner you start working on correct posture, the higher the likelihood that you will prevent all possible Negative consequences further.

Reading time: 14 minutes

Even posture is not only beauty and grace, but also healthy spine. Poor posture is not just an aesthetic problem, but also the cause of back pain, which will cause constant discomfort and inconvenience in everyday life. If you feel that you have begun to slouch and want to work on straightening your back, then we offer you an excellent set of exercises to correct your posture.

Today, when an inactive lifestyle has become almost the norm for most people, spinal curvature is a particularly common problem for both children and adults. Slouching can cause many various diseases, and if you don’t do exercises to correct your posture, this can lead to serious problems.

Correct posture: basic rules

Correct posture is the ability to keep your back straight and relaxed. If supporting a straight back is accompanied by additional efforts or tension in the spinal region, then most likely we can talk about poor posture (or stooping).

Poor posture and stooping can provoke:

  • Acute back pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Intervertebral hernia and protrusion
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Poor circulation
  • Compression of internal organs
  • Dizziness and general malaise

In addition, with poor posture yours is suffering appearance, gait is disturbed, the stomach protrudes and the chest falls in. Therefore, both from a health and an aesthetic point of view, stooping has extremely negative consequences. However, there is also good news. Regularly performing posture exercises will help straighten the spine, minimize slouching and relieve back pain.

10 rules for maintaining posture

Before moving on to posture exercises, let's look at the basic rules that will help you maintain a healthy spine.

1. Correct posture must be constantly monitored: when you walk, when you sit, when you stand. Pay attention to the position of the body: shoulders straightened and lowered, chest looking forward, spine straight, stomach tucked. When walking, try not to look at your feet.

3. An excellent prevention of spinal curvature is walking with a book on your head. You can only hold a book with a straight back, so this is good exercise for posture.

4. Many of us spend a lot of time sitting, so proper posture at the desk is important. vital role in maintaining posture.

6. When bending (for example, during physical work), do not round your back or slouch. If you can’t bend over with a straight back, then it’s better to bend your knees. When carrying heavy objects, distribute the weight on both hands; it is unacceptable to carry the bag on only one side.

7. Choose comfortable casual shoes. Heels put serious stress on the spine and also provoke poor posture.

9. To prevent back disease and poor posture, it is recommended to sleep on a hard mattress. You can also purchase an orthopedic mattress.

10. It is better to buy an orthopedic brace for posture only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, you run the risk of fixing an incorrect back position due to the bandage, rather than correcting it.

Top 20 exercises to correct posture

If you want to improve your posture, then 20-30 minutes of daily exercise is enough for you to notice positive changes in your body within a month. thoracic region spine. Take before and after photos of your back and compare the results after a month of regular exercise. Slouching can be corrected if you regularly perform posture exercises! For acute and chronic diseases, it is better to additionally consult a doctor before training.

Perform the exercise 10-20 times if it is performed on a count, or for 30-60 seconds if it is static. Be sure to repeat each exercise on the right and left sides. Monitor your feelings and try to adjust the duration of the exercise at your discretion. During class, after each strenuous exercise, relax in child's pose. This will balance the workout and help avoid overload.

1. Low lunge

Take a deep lunge position, straighten your back and raise your arms up. Stretch your arms up, feel the stretch in your spine. Hold this position for 60 seconds and switch sides.

Stand against the wall, bend over and press your palms against it so that your body forms a right angle. Try to bend down as low as possible while keeping your back straight. This posture exercise is also useful for opening up the shoulder joints. Stay in this position for 40-60 seconds.

Get down on all fours, placing your palms on the floor. As you inhale, bend your back, hold for 5-10 seconds and as you exhale, round your back. The movement should be carried out due to deflection in the spinal region. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.

4. Raising arms and legs in table position

Remaining in the same position on all fours, lift the opposite arm and leg up so that together with the body they form a straight line. Stretch your palms forward and your feet back, while lifting them as high as possible. Stay in this position for 30-40 seconds and change sides. Repeat this exercise for posture and strengthening the muscle corset 3-4 times on each side.

5. Leg grip in table position

From the position with your arm and leg raised, which is described in the previous exercise, grab your foot with your palms and hold in this position for 30-40 seconds. Switch sides and then repeat 2 more times on each side. Do not turn your body; your pelvic bones are facing forward. The grip should be carried out by extending the arm, bending into the spine and lifting the leg.

The Sphinx is one of the best exercises for correcting posture. Lie on your stomach on the floor, then lift your body and rest your forearms on the floor. The movement is carried out by bending the spine; feel the pleasant tension in your back. Hold the sphinx pose for 40-60 seconds, repeat in 2-3 sets.

This exercise will not only improve your posture, but also strengthen your muscle corset. Lying on your back, lift your opposite arm and leg as high as possible and hold for 5-10 seconds. Then switch sides. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times on each side. Make sure your chest, stomach, and pelvis remain on the floor. Do not strain your neck while raising your arms; it should remain relaxed and free. Lift your knees off the floor, keeping your legs straight.

Lie on your stomach and spread your arms out to the sides, bending them at the elbow. Lift your chest off the floor, leave your arms apart, and your stomach lies on the floor. Don't throw your head back or strain your neck. This posture exercise is incredibly useful and effective. Do it 15-20 times and practice as often as possible.

This is another useful exercise for improving posture, which is also performed while lying on your stomach. Cross your fingers behind your head and raise top part torso up. Do not put pressure on your head with your hands or strain your neck. Perform the exercise 15-20 times.

Lying on your stomach, lift your chest and legs up. The hands are clasped behind each other, the shoulder blades are brought together, the legs are crossed. The body and hips are pulled up, but the stomach and pelvis remain on the floor. Stay in this position for 20-40 seconds, repeat 3-4 times. Boat - more difficult exercise for posture. You can make it easier if you don't lift your legs up, but limit yourself to lifting your upper body.

And another difficult, but very useful exercise for posture. Raise your upper body and move your arms back, grabbing your feet with your palms. The knees, chest, and stomach are torn off the floor, the shoulder blades are brought together, the arms are straight, the pelvis remains on the floor (Fig. 2). Stay in this position for 20-40 seconds, repeat 2-3 times. If it is still difficult for you to hold the bow pose, then take the position as in the first picture.

The elbow plank is one of the most effective exercises to strengthen the muscle corset. And it is also very useful for improving posture. Take a static pose with support on your forearms and toes so that your body forms a straight line. Make sure your back is straight (did not sag or bend), the stomach and knees are pulled up, the pelvis does not go up or down. Hold the plank for 30-60 seconds, you can repeat in 2-3 approaches.

And another option for a static exercise for posture and muscle corset is the hand plank. The principle of execution is similar to the previous exercise, only in this exercise you rest your palms on the floor. The body remains straight and toned. Hold the plank for 30-60 seconds, you can repeat in 2-3 approaches.

Get into a downward-facing dog position. To do this, from the plank position, lift your buttocks up so that your back and legs form a slide. What should you pay attention to in this situation? The spine remains straight, arms, neck and back form a straight line. Try to stretch your tailbone up and make the angle between your body and legs more acute. If you lack flexibility, then bend your knees and lift your heels off the floor. Stay in this position for 50-60 seconds.

Get on your knees and place your hands on your buttocks. Arch your back, moving your shoulders back. The movement should be carried out by arching the back, and not by throwing back the head. If flexibility allows, then deepen the arch and place your hands on your feet (Fig. 2). Stay in camel pose for about a minute.

16. Inverted Table Pose

This exercise is useful for both posture and elastic abs. Sit on the mat with your legs extended in front of you, your palms on the floor next to your buttocks, and your arms straight. Tilt your head back and lift your torso parallel to the floor. Lean on your hands and legs bent at the knees. Make sure to keep your feet on the floor and keep your head in line with your spine. Stay in this pose for 30-60 seconds, repeat 2-3 times.

First we do the half-bridge pose (Fig. 1). Lie on your back, bend your knees and lift your pelvis as high as possible. Rest your feet, neck and head on the floor, as well as your hands, which are connected together in a lock. Stay in this position for 60-90 seconds. Then, if possible, assume the bridge position. Place your palms on the floor and lift your pelvis higher. The arms are fully straightened, while the palms and feet are quite close to each other.

Lie on your back, left leg bent, right leg straight, left arm extended to the side. Cross your left leg over your right, twisting at the back so that your shoulder blades remain on the floor. Feel the stretch in your spine. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes and repeat on the other side.

Lie on your stomach, left arm extended to the side, left leg straightened. Place your right leg behind your left, turning your body and moving to your side. Hold the position with your right hand. The shoulder of the left hand lies completely on the floor. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes and repeat on the other side.

From the previous pose, in a position on your side, grab the foot of the same leg with your hand. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, stretching your spine. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes and repeat on the other side.

21. Child's pose

As we said at the beginning, after each exercise (planks, backbends, twists), you can return to child’s pose to relax your back and relieve tension. To do Child's Pose, kneel, extend your arms, and lie on your stomach on your feet. To benefit your back, you can turn first to one side, then to the other, and then to the center. Maintain child's pose for 45-60 seconds. At the end of the workout, you can linger in child's pose for a few minutes.

Finish your workout with a pose that is very beneficial for the spine and improves posture. To do this, place pillows under your knees and under your back so that a arch forms in your back. Lie in this position for 5-10 minutes.

Video for correcting posture

1. A set of exercises for posture and a healthy back

2. How to get rid of stoop and create beautiful posture

3. Beautiful posture in five minutes a day

4. Gymnastics for posture and back strengthening

5. Exercises for the back and beautiful posture

It is important to start forming early childhood. A sedentary lifestyle associated with a long educational process and hobbies computer games, leads to curvature of the spine. Incorrect posture caused by problems with the spinal column will also negatively affect the healthy development of internal organs. Regular physical therapy for children is a chance to avoid the development of serious diseases or correct existing health problems.

Exercise therapy for poor posture

Posture is the ability of the human body to control its position in space, which is influenced by action. external forces. This definition is true for a static posture and body position during movement.

At certain periods of children’s lives (6-7, 13-15 years old), accelerated growth of bone mass begins and they rapidly increase in size. internal organs. If by this time their muscle tissue is “not prepared,” then the spine remains without “support.” It is vulnerable to the development of pathological changes and the formation of irregular bends. With such disorders in children, the range of breathing decreases, and disruptions in the functioning of the digestive tract, heart and blood vessels begin. The development of myopia is observed.

To prevent such dangerous consequences from occurring, the child must regularly develop muscle mass. Starting from 5-6 years old, children are aimed at preventing problems with the spine. If pathological changes have already begun, exercise therapy for children with poor posture will come to the rescue.

The sooner classes begin, the easier it is to correct your posture.

Exercise therapy consists of a set of therapeutic exercises that perform the following tasks:

  1. Train the muscles and ligaments of the back (used for preventive purposes);
  2. Correct (used for identified postural defects).

Use posture exercises designed for children for the following purposes:

  • Strengthen muscle tissue so as to achieve correct symmetry;
  • Develop the function of motor activity;
  • Stimulate proper metabolism, heart and lung function;
  • Stabilize the emotional background;
  • Eliminate mild deformation;
  • Stop the progression of complex forms.

Exercise therapy classes for poor posture in children of preschool and school age are carried out 2 to 4 times a week for 2-3 months. Then a break of 1 month is taken and training is resumed. To achieve an effective result, the child must go through 4 such “approaches”, and each time the set of exercises becomes more complicated.


  • Diseases caused by acute inflammatory processes;
  • Viral or infectious pathologies that cause elevated body temperature;
  • Severe joint or muscle pain;
  • Progressive scoliosis.

After the diseases have been eliminated, you can begin training.

Preparatory stage

Despite the fact that exercise therapy is necessary for children, most of them are in no hurry to do the necessary exercises. In this case, adults should come to their aid. Proper motivation and control are important components of classroom success.

They prepare for classes after the doctor determines the type of postural disorder and excludes possible contraindications. Regardless of what set of exercises doctors determine for children for poor posture, you need to prepare for them:

  1. Eat no earlier than 2 hours before classes. Preference should be given to foods containing complex carbohydrates.
  2. Always have drinking water with you.
  3. Ventilate the room before training.
  4. Wear loose-fitting sportswear so that it does not restrict movement.

Initially, classes are conducted in specially equipped rooms under the guidance of an instructor. Then, if the child’s health and general well-being allows, you can continue training at home.

Before classes, children are explained the rules of physical therapy classes.

  • You cannot skip training without a good reason, or shorten or increase its duration;
  • During exercises, be sure to monitor proper breathing;
  • Perform all movements slowly, without jerking;
  • If pain or discomfort occurs, inform the instructor;
  • If you feel unwell on the day of classes, they should be cancelled.

Like all physical education activities, therapeutic exercises are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Warm-up;
  2. Basic exercises;

Exercises to correct posture

Here are examples of performing basic exercises for children of different ages.


Exercise 1

Classes begin with a warm-up. It should “prepare” the muscles and ligaments for subsequent loads, “warm up” them. For children 7 years old, you can start exercising with this exercise.

  • Starting position (IP) – stand straight with your arms down;
  • While inhaling deeply, we slowly stand on our toes and raise our arms up;
  • We pull our hands up, trying to “reach the ceiling”;
  • We return to the starting position, exhale.

To properly “warm up” you will need 10 approaches.

Exercise 2

The following exercise is aimed at warming up the muscles of the arms and neck:

  • I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body;
  • We take turns raising our shoulders 5 times each;
  • We swing with our right hand 5 times;
  • We swing with our left hand 5 times;
  • We move our right hand in a circular motion along the body 5 times;
  • We repeat this movement with our left hand 5 times;
  • We make circular movements with both hands at the same time 5 times;
  • We return to I.p.

Exercise 3

Children 10 years old will be able to perform this exercise, intensively “stretching” muscle and joint tissue:

  • I.p. – stand with your legs spread wide, your arms down along your body;
  • Walking in place with high knees for 2 minutes;
  • Return to starting position;
  • Jump on your right leg 5 times;
  • Jump on your left leg 5 times;
  • Jump on two legs 5 times;
  • Jump, turning 180 degrees, 5 times;
  • Return to starting position;

Basic exercises

Exercise 1

  • I.p. – stand with your legs spread wide apart and your elbows bent;
  • A gymnastic stick is placed on your back, holding it with your elbows;
  • Bend forward, keeping your back straight;
  • We return to I.p.

Exercise 2

  • I.p. – standing, legs spread wide and arms bent at the elbows;
  • We hold the gymnastic stick behind our back near our shoulders;
  • Slowly raise our hands with a fixed stick up;
  • We return to the starting position.

Exercise 3

  • I.p. – lying on your stomach, with your arms and legs straightened in line with your body;
  • As you exhale, slowly raise your legs as high as possible;
  • We return to I.p.

Exercise 4

  • I.p. – standing on all fours, focusing on your knees;
  • Inhale and lower your buttocks onto your feet;
  • Exhale and stretch your whole body forward, slowly arching your back;

Poor posture most often appears at school age in children who most Spend time sitting at the computer, TV, or doing schoolwork.

For the purpose of correction and prevention of the spine for children of different age groups It is recommended to carry out physical therapy exercises. From physical development The child depends not only on his appearance, but also on the health of his internal organs.

During the period of rapid skeletal growth, that is, between the ages of 7 and 16 years, great danger posture disorders. Parents do not often scold their child for their position at the table, and in vain. Improper organization of the workplace and heavy physical stress on the spine, when sitting for a long time at the computer, provoke curvatures.

Insufficient muscle development, which is observed at a young age, leads to the fact that the spine becomes vulnerable and curves are formed.

The child not only hunches unsightly, but he begins to develop problems with the functioning of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, and digestive tract. Exercise therapy exercises for poor posture in children are aimed at:

  • correct abnormal curvature of the spine;
  • strengthen and normalize the back muscles;
  • The child is used to keeping his back straight in any position.

If you do not develop your back muscles in childhood, you will become more mature age serious problems will arise related to the displacement of the vertebrae.


Exercise therapy for children with poor posture is not suitable for everyone. There are several categories of people who are not recommended to resort to therapeutic exercises. So, the contraindications are:

  1. Presence of injuries, fractures.
  2. Very low pain threshold.
  3. Back muscle tension.
  4. Acute course of the disease.
  5. The presence of inflammatory processes in the body.
  6. There is a large accumulation of vessels in the vertebrobasilar basin, which will lead to poor circulation.
  7. Compression syndrome.

Important: therapeutic exercises are prescribed only by an orthopedic doctor after examination. Self-selected exercises and self-medication can lead to damage to the back muscles.

Rules for performing exercises

To minimize the risk of injury and maximize the benefits of the exercises, it is recommended to adhere to the following general rules:

  1. Follow all recommendations given to you by your doctor. Watch your child's posture while doing gymnastics.
  2. The set of exercises can be done both in a clinic, under the supervision of a doctor, and at home. The main thing is that the child is always under control and supervision.
  3. Before starting home procedures, parents, together with their child, need to take a training course at the clinic.
  4. Before each session of exercise therapy for posture, children should do a five-minute warm-up. Give them a back massage.
  5. Never rush your child - speed is not needed here. Let him perform all the exercises at a calm rhythm, so that sudden movements and jerks do not harm the muscles.
  6. Do not use barbells and dumbbells, as increased physical activity is not recommended for back problems.
  7. The child should not feel pain.
  8. It is prohibited to use methods that will be aimed at stretching the spine, for example, hanging on a bar.
  9. The loads should gradually increase each time, moving from simple elements to more complex ones.
  10. In addition to regular physical activity, use breathing exercises.

Thus, you must distinguish between ordinary sports exercises and therapeutic exercises. The child should not demonstrate good results, but simply to develop the muscles of the spine for normal physical development.

Exercise therapy to correct posture

Exercise therapy for a five-year-old child with poor posture is carried out in a playful way, since he may not understand the need to perform certain exercises.

  1. We'll start the lesson with walking, which will become a kind of warm-up. Walk normally for 20 seconds, then walk on your toes for 20 seconds. Your posture should be correct, your hands should be on your belt. For the next 20 seconds you need to walk with your knees high.
  2. Feet should be shoulder-width apart. The child takes a deep breath, stretches his arms up and arches his back. Then he exhales and lowers his arms to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times.
  3. Lying position, arms lie along the body. He must raise right hand up and at the same time raise your left leg up as high as possible. Repeat, switching arms and legs. The child should then lift both arms and pull both legs. Repeat at least 10 times.
  4. While lying down, the child raises his legs one at a time without bending his knees. Repeat the exercise on each leg 5 times.
  5. In a lying position, the child arches his back, while raising his arms and legs up. He should fixate in this position for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat 5-10 times.

If doctors have not identified abnormal formation of the spine, this is not a reason to relax. Exercise therapy for the prevention of postural curvature in children includes the following exercises that are easy to do at home:

  1. The child picks up a gymnastic stick. He then raises his arms up, arching his back and moving one leg back. Returns to the starting position and repeats 10 times, changing legs in turn. The parent’s task is to observe whether he bends enough in the lumbar area.
  2. Feet together, gymnastic stick in hands. Dite rises on his toes, raises his arms up and takes them as far back as possible. Returns them to their original position and repeats the manipulations 8 times.
  3. Straight posture, the child raises his arms up, and after 2 seconds lowers them to his chest. Repeat 10 times with a straight back.

Effective exercise therapy for curvature of posture in children is shown in the video. You can add squats to standard exercises.

Exercise therapy for schoolchildren

Due to insufficient physical activity, a medical examination before first grade often reveals developmental disorders. Daily morning work-out can prevent such situations from happening. An older family member should supervise the activities. If curvatures are detected, doctors prescribe exercise therapy for children with poor posture. The video shows in detail the sequence of exercises and the correctness of their implementation.

  1. The feet are positioned shoulder-width apart, the child lifts the ball up with his hands. Then he lowers their breasts. In this case, you need to look at the ball and raise your head with it.
  2. He holds the ball in one hand, brings it behind his back and intercepts it with the other hand. The back should be straight, repeat 10 times.
  3. Raise the ball above your head with both hands. The elbows are spread in different directions, while the shoulder blades should almost connect. You need to bend to the right and left.
  4. Lying on your back, both legs are raised. You must first separate them to the sides, and then bring them together, crossing one after the other. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Without changing the starting position, raise your knees and imitate riding a bicycle with them. Repeat for a minute.
  6. The child lies on his stomach, stretches his arms and legs, lifts them by weight and holds his torso in this position for 1 minute.

Doctors say that you need to start taking care of posture when the child just begins to stand confidently on his feet. Regular training in the initial stages of spinal curvature allows you to stop the pathological process and enjoy a straight back.

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Exercise therapy exercises for children with poor posture are the most effective method prevention and correction of spinal curvatures. Modern preschoolers and primary schoolchildren spend too much time in front of TV screens, in school lessons and doing homework. But not only the beauty and slimness of the figure, but also the health of many internal organs depends on general physical development.

With accelerated skeletal growth (at about 7 years of age), muscle mass increases slightly. Children at this age stretch out and appear taller and slimmer. But insufficient muscle development leads to the fact that the fragile spine, which does not have muscular support, becomes vulnerable to the formation of bends that are unusual for normal physiology.

It is customary to distinguish 2 types of violations:

  • curvature of the spine in the sagittal region (natural curves are increased or decreased, stooping occurs, flat, round back, etc.);
  • changes in the frontal plane - scoliosis.

As a result, the child’s volume of respiratory movements decreases, the functioning of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system is disrupted, and myopia often develops.

To prevent postural defects from occurring, the spine needs a powerful muscle corset. This is the name given to the muscles surrounding the spinal column: they support the flexible bone organ in an upright position, return the vertebrae to a physiological state after work (bending, lifting weights, etc.), and play a shock-absorbing role when moving, jumping, running. With undeveloped back muscles in an adult, many diseases associated with the displacement of the vertebrae occur.

To build strong muscles that will keep the spine in the correct position, posture exercises have been developed: they are available to children aged 5–7 years.

If a posture disorder has already formed at this age, it can be corrected with the help of special, therapeutic exercises. They are aimed at strengthening muscles in the problem area and general development muscle corset.

A set of exercises for preschool children

Preschoolers do not have access to targeted training. The child may simply not understand why he needs to do certain movements when he just wants to run and play. Therefore, children's gymnastics is carried out in a playful way.

Exercises that can be performed by a child 6–7 years old:

  1. The lesson begins with walking, which simultaneously serves as preparation and warm-up. For the first 10–15 seconds, normal walking is performed, but the parent or instructor must monitor the child’s correct posture. For the next 10–15 seconds, walk on your toes (put your hands on your belt). To warm up the muscles, walk with high knees for the next 10-15 seconds.
  2. An exercise that stretches the spine is performed from a starting position with feet shoulder-width apart. As he inhales, the child smoothly raises his arms and stretches upward. As you exhale, slowly lower your arms. Perform 5-6 times. Make sure that the child does not bend in the lower back when raising his arms.
  3. Accept i.p. lying on your back. Stretch your arms freely along your body. The child should simultaneously raise his left arm and pull his right leg towards his stomach. Repeat with the other arm and leg, and then perform the exercise by lifting both arms and legs at once. Repeat 6–9 times (alternate each position 2–3 times).
  4. I.p. Same. As you exhale, raise your straight leg to a vertical position, hold for 1–2 seconds, and lower. Repeat 2-3 times with each limb. The parent makes sure that the leg does not bend at the knee.
  5. From i.p. You can do the Boxer exercise on your stomach. When performing, raise the shoulder girdle and imitate punches (3-4 movements each).
  6. I.p. the same, arms along the body. Slowly tensing, the child gradually raises his chest, arms and legs. Having bent a little, you need to fix the position for 3-4 seconds, relax, returning to the position. The number of approaches is 4–5 times.
  7. Get on your knees, lower your arms, shins together. Extend your arms straight to the sides, straighten your leg and move it to the side. Return to i.p. and repeat with the other leg. Do the exercise 4-6 times. The parent monitors the child's posture.

Preventive exercises

A set of exercise therapy exercises for poor posture can be performed with a child and in for preventive purposes until scoliosis is formed. They are simple and available at home. You can supplement them with movements with a gymnastic stick:

  1. Take the stick so that your hands are in front and below. Raising your arms, move your leg back. Return to IP, repeat with the other leg. Perform 6–8 movements. The parent makes sure that the child bends backward at the waist.
  2. Take the stick so that it is at the back. Hands down, feet together. Rising onto your toes, move your arms back as far as possible. Return to i.p. and repeat 4-6 times. The parent makes sure that the child does not bend his elbows or lean forward.
  3. The stick is in front, below. Raise your arms, lower them to your chest, return to standing position. Do the exercise 4-5 times. Make sure your child maintains good posture.

At the end of the lesson, walk at a calm pace for 30 seconds. At the same time, posture must be maintained, to which the parent draws the child’s attention.

Exercise therapy complex for junior schoolchildren

In first-graders, disorders are most often first identified during a medical examination at school. They are a consequence of insufficient attention to the development of the child before school. But your posture can still be corrected by doing daily exercises at home. Daily morning exercises can also contain elements of exercise therapy.

It is already possible for children to take and maintain a control pose: go to the wall and lean on it with their heels, shins, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of their head. Do not raise your shoulders. During the warm-up (walking, as indicated above), it is important to ensure compliance with the control pose.

After warming up, a first-grader can perform simple therapeutic physical exercises with a ball, a gymnastic stick, or without equipment. He is not able to independently monitor the correct execution and posture, so the presence of an older family member is required who can control the student and correct his mistakes.

Physical therapy to correct posture may include the following exercises:

  1. From i.p. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, lift the ball (or stick). When raising your hands, look at the object. Lower it onto your chest, return to IP. Do 5-6 repetitions.
  2. Ball in 1 hand. Place it behind your back, transfer it to your other hand, and return to IP. Ensure compliance with the control pose. Perform 5-6 movements.
  3. Raise your hands with a ball or stick above your head. Spread your elbows to the sides, connecting your shoulder blades. Make 4-6 tilts to the left and right.
  4. Accept i.p. lying on your back. Raising your legs, spread them to the sides and then cross them. Perform 7–8 movements, return to IP.
  5. The “Bicycle” exercise trains the abdominal wall well. Raise your legs and bend your knees. Imitate the movements of a cyclist for 20–30 seconds.
  6. Use the movements of the Boxer and Swallow exercises. Options include chest lifts with your legs pressed to the floor or just your legs. You can use a stick, which should be held at shoulder level behind the neck. Repeat movements 4–6 times.

In addition to exercises aimed at developing the back muscles, primary schoolchildren should perform squats at least 10–15 times per lesson. They can be performed without a projectile by stretching your arms forward while bending your legs. If there is a stick, it is either held in front or placed behind the back at shoulder level. The latter option helps control posture on the part of the child himself.


In addition to performing exercise therapy complexes, it is necessary to provide the child with maximum physical activity. This could be hiking or cycling, skiing and skating, or outdoor games.

Posture refers to a relaxed posture without excessive muscle tension, which a person usually assumes in a sitting or standing position.

Features of gymnastics for various types of posture disorders

Posture is formed in childhood, so therapeutic exercises at this age give the best effect. Specially selected exercises allow you to correct the angle of the pelvis, restore the symmetrical position of the shoulder blades, head, etc.

Important: therapeutic exercises to correct posture can give a noticeable effect only if the exercises are performed regularly. If you do gymnastics 1-2 times every two weeks, then there will be no result.

A set of exercises to correct posture

Starting position: standing with your back against the wall

  1. Stand against the wall, touching it simultaneously with the back of your head and shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels. Remember the position and move a little away from the wall.
  2. Maintaining your posture, extend your arms in front of you, squat down and stand up. Perform squats 5-6 times.
  3. In the same correct standing position, successively relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders, waist, then the muscles of the arms and the rest of the muscles of the body. Repeat the exercise 6-7 times.
  4. Stand on your toes with your back straight and hold for 5-7 seconds. Repeat 7-8 times.
  5. Sit down, spreading your knees to the sides. Straighten your back, raise your chin, and slowly stand up. Repeat 6-7 times.

Starting position: sitting on a bench without a back against the wall

  1. Straighten your back, lightly press the back of your head, shoulder blades and buttocks against the wall.
  2. Gradually relax your neck and shoulder muscles, lower your head, relax your back muscles, then straighten up.

Starting position: lying on the floor

  1. Lying on your stomach, bend your elbows and place your forehead on back side brushes Raise your right elbow and make 2 springing movements backwards, while not raising your head and left elbow. Do the same with the left elbow.
  2. Lying on your back, raise your arms up and stretch upward, first with your right hand, then with your left hand. At the same time, tighten your abdominal muscles and press your straightened legs to the floor.
  3. Lie on your back so that your head, torso and legs are in a straight line. Place your arms at your sides to your body. Raise your head and shoulders as much as possible without changing the position of the rest of your body. Hold in this position for 6-7 seconds.
  4. Press your back and lower back to the floor, try to remember the position. Get up and walk around the room, maintaining the correct position.

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscular frame of the back

Starting body position: lying on your stomach

  • Place under the back of your hands. Smoothly move your hands to the lumbar region, raise your head, shoulders and shoulder blades as much as possible. Hold this position for 6-7 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • In the same position, place your palms on your head, raise your shoulders and head for 5-6 seconds. Then relax.
  • Raise your head and shoulders, smoothly raise your arms up and gradually move them to the sides, then to your shoulders. Take the starting position.
  • Lying down, raise your head and perform circular movements with straightened arms.
  • Raise your legs, bent at the knees, off the floor, without lifting your pelvic area and stomach from the floor. Hold the position for 6-7 seconds.
  • Lying on your stomach, imitate the movements of a swimmer with your hands.

All of the above exercises for poor posture should be repeated 5-7 times per procedure. It is best to do corrective gymnastics at the same time every day. There are many more exercises, for example, using a stick or a jump rope, but they are more aimed at specific muscle groups, and they can be recommended by a physical therapy doctor after an examination.

Important: before starting therapeutic exercises, consult your doctor. The help of a specialist is especially necessary if the child’s posture is impaired. In this case, the doctor may prescribe other exercises, taking into account the degree and form of the violations.

I have long wanted to choose a set of exercises for my child to strengthen the spine. I read the article with interest. I always thought that training 2-3 times a week was enough. Now we will do the exercises every day.

The author says very correctly that you need to do gymnastics regularly. After all, the main task is to strengthen the muscle corset, and if you perform exercises once a week, this is difficult to do. I would like to suggest another simple exercise that the doctor recommended to us - walking around the room with a book on your head.

In general, the restrictions on poor posture are very serious. Our experts allow you to practice in the pool and horseback riding - horseback riding, and exercise therapy with massage, of course.

Nowadays, due to a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work and lack of sports, many people have problems with the spine. And this is especially true for schoolchildren! Very easy and simple exercises that anyone can master. Takes a little time. The main thing is regularity so that it becomes a habit.

1. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in hands. Hands up, stretch, look at the ball, put it on your chest, spreading your elbows to the sides, and lower it down (Fig. 39, position 1). 5-6 times.
2. I. p. - the same. Hands up, stretch, throw the ball back, through the sides of the arms downwards (Fig. 39, position 2). 3-4 times.
3. I. p. - standing, ball in hand. Bend your arms and place them behind your back: one on top, the other on bottom. Transfer the ball behind your back to your other hand (Fig. 39, position 3). Make sure to maintain correct posture. 4-6 times.
4. I. p. - standing, feet hip-width apart, ball in hands. Raise the ball above your head, spread your elbows and connect your shoulder blades, look forward. Tilts to the right and left (Fig. 39, position 4).

5. I. p. - lying on your back. Raise your legs straight, spread them apart, cross them (“scissors”), without lifting your torso and arms from the floor. Do not hold your breath (Fig. 39, position 5). 8-10 times.
6. I. p. - lying on your back, one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Breathing exercise. Make sure that when you inhale, both arms rise simultaneously, and when you exhale, they lower (Fig. 39, position 6). 3-4 times.
7. I. p. - lying on your stomach, hands on the back of your head, elbows to the sides, shoulder blades connected. Raise your upper body and hold in this position, counting to 5-10 (Fig. 39, position 7). 3-4 times.
8. I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms along the body, palms down. Alternately raising straight legs with a delay in the upper position, counting to 3-5 (Fig. 39, position 8). 4-6 times with each leg.
9. I. p. - lying on the stomach, arms bent with support on the hands, elbows apart. Raise the upper half of the body while simultaneously straightening your arms to the sides - inhale; return to i. p. - exhale (Fig. 39, position 9). 3-4 times.
10. Lying on your back. Alternate bending and extension of the legs (imitation of cycling). 8-10 times with each leg (Fig. 39, position 10).

Rest lying on your back, calm breathing at an arbitrary pace - 20-30 s.
11. I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms to the sides, palms down. Raise your straight legs and upper torso, bending and bringing your shoulder blades together; lie down, relaxing the muscles (Fig. 39, position 3-4 times.
12. I. p. - lying on your back, arms bent at the elbows. Bend in the thoracic and lumbar spine with support on the pelvis and elbows - “bridge” (Fig. 39, position 12). 2-3 times at a slow pace.
13. I. p. - lying on your back, arms along the body, palms up. Without lifting your hands from the floor, arms to the sides, up, stretch, arms to the sides and down (Fig. 39, position 13). 4-5 times.
14. I. p. - standing on all fours. Raise your right arm and left leg at the same time, without bending too much, and stay in this position for 3-5 seconds. Do the same with the other hand and leg (Fig. 39, position 14). 3-4 times at a slow pace.
15. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows, clenching your fingers into a fist; raise your arms, straightening your fingers, and stretch. Through the sides of the arms downwards (Fig. 39, position 15). 4-5 times at a slow pace.
16. I. p. - basic stance, stick in hands, horizontally in front of you. Raise the stick up, lower it onto your shoulder blades, squat down, straighten up, lift the stick up, stretch and lower it in front of you (Fig. 39, position 16). 6-8 times at a slow pace.
17. I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, stick in hands. Raising the stick up, tilt to the side, look in front of you. Lowering the stick, straighten up. The same in the other direction (Fig. 39, position 17). 2-3 times in each direction at a slow pace.

When performing exercises, you need to make sure that children breathe correctly without holding their breath. After completing the exercises, it is recommended to walk around the room at a normal pace, maintaining correct posture; breathing is complete, deep (inhale for 3 steps, exhale completely for 5-6 steps). Walking duration is 2-3 minutes.

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Exercise therapy for children with poor posture is a complex physical exercise, specially designed to correct the physiological curves of the spine and tone the child’s muscle corset.

Therapeutic gymnastics refers to conservative methods of treating spinal curvatures and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Its regular implementation will allow the child to correct his posture and prevent complications.

Reasons for violation

The group most at risk for spinal curvature is children aged 6 to 16 years. Rapid growth of the skeleton with a slight increase in muscle mass leads to the fact that the fragile spine becomes more vulnerable.

The main reasons that provoke curvature of posture:

Leading a sedentary lifestyle (lack of physical activity, active games, etc.) leads to a weakening of the muscular corset, one of the functions of which is to maintain the spinal column.

  • Incorrect organization of the place of study/work.

Performance homework, reading a book, playing on the computer, coloring and other activities should be carried out in a prepared place (optimal chair height, proper lighting, sufficient table area).

  • Frequent loads with violations.

When performing physical exercises with errors, constantly sitting at the computer and reading books while lying down, a gradual formation of spinal disorders is observed.

Among the factors that increase the likelihood of postural disorders are improper (unbalanced) nutrition, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, congenital diseases (achondroplasia, spondylolisthesis, etc.).

Types of violation

The main types of spinal curvatures are lordosis, kyphosis and scoliosis. They differ in the causes of occurrence, the nature of the manifestation and the clinical picture.

For greater convenience, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table:

Curvature of the spine in the lumbar region forward (towards the stomach).

Feeling of heaviness in the lower back (buttock area).

Stooping, i.e. increased curvature of the spinal column in the thoracic region.

Persistent fatigue in the back and legs.

Has an S or C-shape.

The body is more inclined to one side.

Another spinal disorder that is common among infants and children is torticollis. It is a pathological change in which the head is tilted to the right or left (less often, turned to the side).

The consequence of torticollis is postural and skeletal defects that occur during the growth and development of a child. Treatment in infants is carried out conservatively - exercise therapy, massages, electrophoresis and wearing Shants collars.

The essence and purpose of physical exercises

Medical Physical Culture develops various muscle groups, strengthening and developing the muscle corset. It provides basic support to the spinal column, preventing it from deforming.

Performing physical exercises will not only stop the progression of disorders or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also correct incorrect posture.

Useful properties of exercise therapy

By regularly performing exercise therapy in compliance with the rules and sequence of exercises, you will be able to achieve the following effect:

  • posture straightening,
  • increasing muscle endurance,
  • minimizing the adverse effects of back and skeletal diseases,
  • improving general well-being,
  • increasing joint mobility,
  • acceleration of blood circulation.

Exercise therapy for poor posture in children preschool age is carried out with the mandatory participation of an adult family member.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for exercise therapy:

  • various postural disorders,
  • intervertebral hernia,
  • impaired mobility of the hip joints,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • osteoporosis,
  • other diseases of the spine.

Contraindications to exercise therapy:

  • bleeding,
  • chronic cardiovascular diseases,
  • compression syndrome,
  • general poor health,
  • low pain threshold.

Attention! The decision to prescribe exercise therapy in the presence of contraindications is made only by the doctor after an examination.

Sets of exercises and rules of execution

Posture exercises for children are performed in a well-ventilated room, the air temperature in which does not exceed 22-24°C. It is recommended to exercise before meals (30-40 minutes); if classes are scheduled after meals, then start them no earlier than 1 hour later.

A prerequisite is to follow the sequence of exercise blocks:

  • warm-up (preparation),
  • main part (complex),
  • conclusion (rest, relaxation).

Posture exercises at home for children under 1 year of age should begin with light stroking.


If classes seem boring to you, try to diversify them - turn on your favorite music, invite other relatives to train with you, look for new and interesting exercises, use a fitball.

Warm-up before exercise therapy:

  1. Place your hands on your belt, bend your torso in different directions (left-right, forward-back).
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your palms on your shoulders, tilt your head forward and perform bends in different directions.
  3. Stretch your arms up, then forward and down, with your knees slightly bent (pause for 3-5 seconds in each pose).

Any basic exercises are suitable for preparation - fast walking, running at an easy pace for 2-3 minutes, rotating your arms in a circular axis, etc. Make sure your back is in a straight position and remember that the exercises should not cause absolutely any discomfort.

Basic set of exercises

  1. Straighten your arms, raise them up, synchronously perform circular movements with them (back and forth).
  2. Place your hands behind your back, clasp your palms together, bend forward, moving your hands back as much as possible.
  3. Raise and lower your shoulders, first work them synchronously, and then switch to alternating movements.
  4. Take your right hand back, throw your left hand over your shoulder, stretch, connecting your fingers.
  5. Change the starting position - lie on your stomach, extend your arms (palms up). Raise your toes and upper body in unison.
  6. In a lying position, place your palms at shoulder height, lift your body up while straightening your arms.

Each lesson is repeated for 3-4 minutes, rest between them - 1-2 minutes.

Exercises for severe curvature

Sequence of exercises to correct posture in children with severe curvature:

  1. Starting position – standing against the wall, touching it with your back. Algorithm: extend your arms in different directions so that they touch the surface. Gradually lift them up without lifting them from the wall or changing the position of your back. The muscles of the back and arms should be tense.
  2. Starting position – standing in front of the mirror, leaning your back against the wall. Algorithm: slowly move away from the wall so that your back does not change its position (as if you continue to “hold on” to the wall). Observe your posture in the mirror - make sure that it does not change its even position.
  3. Starting position – standing against the wall, touching it with your back. Algorithm: touch the wall with your elbows, and then slowly squat down, without lifting your back, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head from it. Rise up slowly.

Attention! Gymnastics classes for poor posture in children include standard exercises - bicycle (lying on the back), boat, bending over with a gymnastic stick on the shoulder blades, etc.

Each exercise for poor posture in children is performed 7-8 times, resting between exercises for 3-4 minutes.

Exercises for prevention

Preventive exercises for correct posture in children, recommended for children under 16 years of age:

  1. In the “half-squat” position, holding a stick in your hands, move your legs back and forth. Condition – the child must bend backward at the waist.
  2. Take the stick behind your back, hands down, feet together. Rise up, moving your arms back. When doing the activity, take your time.
  3. Stand against the wall, take a stick in your hands, lower them down. Raise your arms up, lower them to chest level, return to the starting position. Condition – the child should not lift his back from the wall.

Daily exercise for 5-15 minutes helps maintain upright posture in children.

Prohibited exercises

Prohibited exercises include strong forward or backward bending, gymnastic stretching exercises, somersaults over the head, jumping with landing on the back, and grueling physical training.

Any exercises during which the child feels discomfort or pain are prohibited.

Activities that require significant strength or could lead to back injury are excluded.

Exercise therapy for poor posture

Possible consequences and complications

Refusal of exercise therapy, neglect of the rules and performing prohibited exercises will lead to the following complications:

  • progression of spinal column disorders,
  • deterioration in the child’s general well-being,
  • occurrence (intensification) of pain,
  • the appearance of compression syndrome, etc.

In order for exercise therapy complexes to help in the fight against spinal disorders, it is recommended to provide the child with additional physical activity (daily walking, cycling, etc.).

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