In the summer they converge. Ancient and modern sayings about summer

Proverbs about summer for children. Proverbs about beauty summer nature, about the importance of summer, about the harvest, which then feeds the weight of the year

Proverbs about summer

Summer is a supply, winter is a pick-me-up.

In the summer, every bush will let you spend the night.

Summer day - for winter week.

IN summer time dawn meets dawn.

What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.

If you can’t collect it in the summer, you won’t find it in the winter.

In June, the yard is empty, but the field is thick.

June passed through the meadows with a scythe, and July ran through the grain with a sickle.

July is the peak of summer.

In August, the sickles are warm and the water is cold.

Summer stores, winter eats.

Proverbs and sayings about summer for younger schoolchildren

If there is winter, there will be summer.

It was summer and cow weather.

Prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter.

Summer doesn't happen twice a year.

It's not raspberries - they won't fall in the summer.

Rainy summer is no match for autumn.

You’ll remember the summer when you don’t have a fur coat.

Eat, horse, hay and remember the summer.

Women's summer on Peter's Day.

Winter scares summer, but it still melts.

In winter with a harrow, and in summer in a carrier.

As is the summer, so is the hay.

Red summer - green mowing.

Red summer - no one bothered.

Summer is not without thunderstorms, farewells are not without tears.

Summer is a supply, and winter is a pick-me-up.

You'll spend the summer, but in the winter you'll run away with your bag.

Summer works for winter, and winter for summer.

Summer gathers and winter gathers.

In the summer you will scatter, but in the winter you will not collect.

In the summer, every bush will let you spend the night.

In the summer you'll get plenty of exercise, in the winter you'll get hungry.

You won't sweat in the summer, and you won't get warm in the winter.

You can’t store it in the summer, you can’t bring it in the winter.

In the summer we sing, in the fall we howl.

In summer there is dust, in winter there is snow.

In summer with a fishing rod, in winter with a handbag.

Collect bread in summer, manure in winter.

Summer is a habit for a man, winter is a custom for a wolf.

It's always red summer on the stove.

Never mind, I bought a cow: will there be grass for the summer?

When summer ends, people don’t go into the forest to pick raspberries.

The little birds chirped - summer is ending.

Having missed the summer, go to the forest for raspberries.

Sun for summer, winter for frost.

After the summer they don’t walk on raspberries.

Warm, but not like summer; kind, but not like my mother.

Warm, warm, not summer.

Winter and summer are at odds.

God killed summer with flies.

Summer is bad when there is no sun.

What you drag with your feet in summer, you pick up with your lips in winter.

What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.

Riddles and nursery rhymes are the heritage of folk art. Over the centuries, folklore has absorbed the wisdom of times, becoming part of folk culture. The peasant, observing changes in nature, was interested in the future harvest. He passed on many superstitions about the weather and seasons to his children and grandchildren. The most accurate and sonorous expressions remained in the memory of generations. This is how proverbs and sayings about summer appeared.

Proverb - what is it

Now, to find out forecasts for the summer, you just need to turn on the TV or computer. In ancient times, man watched changes in nature and weather events throughout his life. Centuries-old observations of the people were embodied in oral proverbs and sayings. It is difficult to say when they arose in Ancient Rus' eloquent expressions that aptly describe an ongoing phenomenon. For a long time, they have been precise turns of phrase in Russian speech, carrying their wisdom through the centuries.

A proverb is a popular assessment of a recurring event, the cyclical nature of which may be accompanied by similar phenomena. The change of seasons played a special role in the life and work of Russian people. Many hopes were placed on summer period, trying to remember and convey their observations to future generations. Sayings on the topic “Summer” have not lost their relevance in modern speech. With the help of succinct phrases, everyday speech can be given a bright emotional coloring.

Sayings - harbingers of the season

Winter in former times was a period of rest from tedious labor for those who worked in the arable land and in the fields. Proverbs and sayings about summer were formed when there was still snow in the yard. We were preparing for this time, waiting for it, spending long winter evenings not in idle pleasures, but in preparation for the season of plowing and suffering.

  • Winter and summer there is no friendship.
  • Winter sun towards the summer window.
  • As you can see around the world, things are heading towards summer.

The prosperous life of the Russian peasant depended on a successful harvest. Many folklore sketches tell about the difficult period of work in the fields. People did not make up sayings about summer for fun; people knew the value of hard work and treated work with respect.

  • In summer, the day feeds the whole year.
  • In summer they reap, in winter they chew.
  • Anyone who has grown up, run to the hayfield.
  • During difficult times, go to bed with the chickens, get up to work with the roosters.
  • You'll spend a lot of time in the summer, but you'll be full in the winter.
  • Store it in the summer and pick it up in the winter.

In order not to waste precious minutes, the workers did not go home to spend the night, stayed overnight in the field, and slept by the fire.

  • Every haystack in summer is a bedroom.
  • Every bush will let you sleep in the summer.
  • In summer, green grass is a bed, and a hummock is a pillow.

Seasonal work in each month had a certain character.

  • June will not let you get bored and will discourage you from going for a walk.
  • June is a colorful month - there is no rest in work.
  • In July the fields are thick and the bins are empty.
  • It is not the ax that will feed the peasant, but the July suffering.
  • Augustus the gustaar, the sovereign himself is in suffering.
  • Father Augustus cools the water and orders us to work.

About the weather

What the land and arable land will benefit from depends on what the summer will be like. Rainy and cold weather the harvest will not increase, drought and heat are also not good. For field and garden crops, a harmonious combination of all necessary factors is important. Watching the weather and hoping for favorable conditions, the field worker wrote sayings about summer.

  • An early rain will endow the treasury, but a late rain will completely ruin you.
  • Summer is not good if there is no sun.
  • Don't ask for a long summer, ask for a warm one.

Signs for the winter

Based on the summer weather, they predicted what the coming winter would be like. Sayings about summer have been remembered for a long time. If they matched, the phrases were remembered and passed on to subsequent generations. This is how they arose folk signs, which still surprise us with the reliability of their predictions.

  • If it rains in summer, expect a lot of snow in winter.
  • Hot summer - cold winter.
  • In summer there is heat and dryness - wait for the winter cold.
  • Thunderstorms in summer, frosts in winter.

The most capacious and accurate sayings conveyed ancient observations and advice to modern people.

Modern proverbs about summer

Times change, old knowledge is replaced by new knowledge. City dwellers are no strangers to thoughts about summer, the period of long-awaited vacation and active rest Outdoors. Modern sayings about summer differ from ancient ones in style and language, but not in meaning. Sarcasm inherent in folklore has remained in the same inimitable manner that is inherent in oral folk art at all times.

  • It's good in winter to dream about how it lights up in summer.
  • To be on the beach starfish must be depicted in winter work horse imitate.

Passed on by older generations, enriches and decorates oral speech. Proverbs are sayings that have absorbed the mind and logic of many generations. It is true that folk art reflects the spiritual image of an entire nation. Short colloquial expressions help to penetrate the spirit of the past and are part of our history. This genre of Russian folklore has historical and cultural value.

Oh, summer is red! I would love you
If only it weren't for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies.

Everyone knows that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin did not really like the summer season. great poet appreciated much more bright colors autumn. But not every adult is ready to agree with Pushkin on this issue, and there is nothing to say about children. After all, almost every child knows that summer is the sea, mountains, river, forest, sun, holidays, friends and football from morning to evening. There is no homework or school in the summer or kindergarten, in the summer, parents are ready to feed their children ice cream without much regard for possible sore throats and scarlet fever. Eh... Needless to say, we were all once children.

This page contains materials about children's favorite time of year. There are riddles about summer, poems about summer, proverbs and sayings about summer and something else. We will try to add materials to the best of our ability.

Riddles about summer

The sun is burning,
Linden blossoms.
The rye is ripening
When does this happen?
(In summer)

Emerald meadows,
There is a rainbow-arc in the sky.
The lake is warmed by the sun:
Everyone is invited to swim...

I am made of heat,
I carry the warmth with me,
I warm the rivers
"Take a bath!" - I invite you.
And love for it
Y'all me, I'm...

The long-awaited time!
The kids shout: “Hurray!”
What kind of joy is this?
It just came...

Everyone wishes at this time
Take a vacation and go to the sea.

What a sweet time -
Sun, greenery and heat?

Poems about summer

Why is there so much light?

I. Maznin

Why is there so much light?
Why is it suddenly so warm?
Because it's summer
It came to us for the whole summer.
That's why every day
Every day gets longer
Well, the nights
Night after night
It's getting shorter and shorter.

Summer day

How beautiful it is, a summer day,
The shadow plays merrily
A butterfly flutters in the garden,
The finch hums something
By the bush of blooming roses
A flock of dancing dragonflies,
And the bee buzzes all day -
She brought fragrant honey.

I draw summer

P. Pranuza

I paint summer -
What color?
Red paint -
There are roses on the lawns,
And green is the field,
There are mowings in the meadows.
Blue paint - the sky
And the stream is singing.
What kind of paint?
Will I leave the cloud?
I paint summer -
It's very difficult.

Summer is a ray of sunshine
Warm rain from under the clouds,
Summer - bright flowers
Of unusual beauty,
Summer is a warm river,
A flock of clouds in the sky.
Summer! Summer is coming to us!
Everything rejoices and sings.

What will you give me, summer?

Vladimir Orlov

What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
There's a rainbow in the sky!
And daisies in the meadow!
- What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks,
Strawberries and mushrooms!
I'll give you a cookie,
So that, going out to the edge,
You shouted to her louder:
“Tell me your fortune quickly!”
And she answers you
I guessed for many years!

In summer

Nikolay Grekov

Cherries and plums have browned,
The golden rye has poured,
And how the sea worries the fields,
And you can’t walk in the grass in the meadows.

The sun walks high above the vault
The skies are hot from the heat,
Linden smells like honey,
And the forest full of darkness rustles...


Boris Zakhoder

“Walk!” - beckoned
Forest path.
And so he walked
Along the path Alyoshka...
After all, in the summer in the forest
Interesting, like in a fairy tale:
Bushes and trees
Flowers and frogs,
And the grass is green
Softer than a pillow!

Summer shower

I. Tokmakova

The summer shower filled the puddles -
Whole seas!
The dacha stood at the pier,
Having dropped anchor.
Only my ship is brave
Fighting the wave
And it doesn’t matter that it’s paper
The sail is above me.


In summer the sun laughs
And the path winds like a snake,
The forest invites everyone to visit,
Treats you with berries.
You will go along the path into the forest -
You will pick a lot of berries.
The path runs far away,
A basket full of berries.

Proverbs and sayings about summer

Rainy summer is worse than autumn.
There are frosts in winter and thunderstorms in summer.
No one gets bored of Red Summer.
A summer day feeds a winter week.
Sitting at home in the summer means not having bread in the winter.
What summer collects, winter eats up.
In summer you will lie there all day, but in winter you will run away with your bag.
In the summer, every bush will let you spend the night.
Don't ask for a long summer, but ask for a warm one.
Summer is bad if there is no sun.
The sun is warm in summer, but freezing in winter.
It would be nice if it was summer, but there were flies.
Whatever is produced in the summer will be useful in the winter.

Hello, our dear friends, regular and new visitors to the Island of Good Hope!

The long-awaited summer has come, a time of warm sun and gentle breeze, a time when everyone, both adults and children, needs to gain strength for the next year.

And according to tradition, with the onset of a new season, we open our nature calendar.

And today they are waiting for you proverbs and sayings about summer, probably the most favorite time of the year for children.

Happy summer! You are dear to everyone! In the fragrant meadows, flowers are full of flowers, And in the grove of birds, voices are ringing, Their songs of praise fly to the skies. Shiny midges swirl in a crowd, and the sun sends them its golden ray. The world of God lives so wonderfully, so harmoniously; The Creator calls everything to life, everything to happiness.

A. Pleshcheev

Summer proverbs.

No one got tired of the red summer.

A summer day during a winter week.

Summer is a hard time.

Don’t pray for a long summer, but pray for a warm one.

June is grain growing.

Sultry June - spit on boletus mushrooms.

June - blow into the bins: is there life forgotten in the corners?

The month of June has arrived and there is no end to work.

July is a thunderstorm, it throws lightning and cripples your teeth.

July is the tip of summer, December is the tip of winter.

July freedom is freedom for bees.

July is the beauty of color, mid-summer.

August is stubble, the month of harvest.

In August the sickles are warm.

Father August destroys a man with his work and care, but afterwards he warms him up.

The August night is long, the water is cold.

Oak in August is rich in acorns - for the harvest.

Look at oats and flax in August.

Of course, this is only a small grain of what the Russian people have gathered about this blessed time of year. Therefore, we will be very glad if you write to us what proverbs and sayings about summer known to you and share with us in your comments.

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A collection of sayings about summer, the warmest and most joyful time of the year, will brighten up your life in any situation. Read the best sayings about summer collected from all over the Internet on the website

  • Sayings
  • Seasons
  • About summer

    July tells Mother Rzhitsa and the land to bow.

    June, blow into the bins: is there life forgotten in the corners?

    July will knock the arrogance out of a man if he has no time to sit down.

    July is the peak of summer: he doesn’t know how to get tired, he tidies everything up.

    All kinds of net have been stocked up since the summer.

    It's always red summer on the stove.

    In July, even if you take off your clothes, things won’t get any easier.

    Many summers, but many are gone.

Summer is a wonderful time. The children are looking forward to it. Do you know that our ancestors noticed a natural connection between summer and changes in nature. Thanks to this, proverbs and sayings appeared. Each line contains folk wisdom.

What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.
Prepare a sleigh in the summer, a cart in the winter.
A summer day during a winter week.
Place one berry at a time and you'll get a box.
Grain to grain - there will be a bag.
A bee lands on every flower, but doesn’t take it from every flower.
One bee does not produce much honey.
The cricket is not big, but it sings loudly.
He who gets up early takes his own mushrooms, and the sleepy and lazy one goes after to get nettles.

Proverbs and sayings for the beginning of summer

June warmth is sweeter than a fur coat.
On a sharp scythe - a lot of haymaking.
In every heap, as long as it is not raked in the rain, you will find a pound of honey.
Boast about hay, but not grass.
Three winters will not dispel the grass spirit.

Proverbs and sayings for the middle of summer

July is the crown of summer, the middle of color.
July is a thunderstorm, it throws lightning, cripples oaks.
In July the sun rejoices.
Summer is beautiful for everyone, but the top of your head is painfully heavy.
June passed through the meadows with a scythe, and July ran through the grain with a sickle.
Harvest is an expensive time, there is no peace for anyone here.
Sweat pours out, but the reaper takes its toll.
Only lazy people get married in times of trouble.
Work quickly and there will be mountains of bread.
Anyone who has grown up, hurry to the haymaking.
In July it is hot, stuffy, and parting with it is sad and boring.

Proverbs and sayings for the end of summer

August prepares pickles for the winter table.
August warms your back and cools your chest.
Whoever sleeps in August will go hungry.
The ford is praised after they cross, the harvest is praised when the bins are filled.

This article features Russians folk proverbs and sayings about summer, as well as interesting proverbs about summer and
