Speech games for the development of coherent oral speech of younger students. The development of coherent speech of younger students

The basis initial course The Russian language is supposed to have a comprehensive development of speech. The study of phonetics, morphology, elements of vocabulary and syntax is subordinated to this task. What could be more important than a well-developed speech? Without it, there is no real progress in learning, no real communication.

The main task of working on the development of coherent speech in elementary school is to teach children to freely and correctly express their thoughts orally and in writing. The solution of this problem is carried out by forming in students a set of speech skills that allow them to perceive the statement, convey its content and create their own. What is common in this case is that both in perception, and in the transmission of content, and in the creation of their statement, the actions of students are directed to the text, to such aspects of it as content, construction and speech design.

All of these exercises run in parallel at all stages of schooling. The most important requirement for speech exercises is systematic (consistency, perspective, interconnection of various exercises, the ability to subordinate them to a single goal). It is important to provide a specific, specific goal for each speech exercise. This means determining what new skill, compared to the one already learned, will form this exercise.

A set of exercises for the development of speech of younger students.

1. Dividing a continuous text into separate sentences.

Task: Divide the text into sentences. Put the appropriate punctuation marks.

№ 1. At the Christmas tree festival

The favorite holiday of the kids is coming at school there will be a matinee the guys are preparing costumes masks hats, the boys cut out glasses from paper the girls sew skirts dresses from gauze and now the winter ball in the hall is thundering music light snowflakes are circling in the dance it is difficult to recognize the guys at the masquerade who is in the costume of Emelya who is in a hat in boots Cinderella in the dance lost a crystal shoe the prince ran up the stairs for an unknown beauty the ball was in full swing The joy of the children was endless. (75)

№ 2. spring

A spring springs from under the rocky shore, the hunters opened it, they dug a hole, surrounded the spring with a stone, filled the hole and flowed now they draw water from the hole, as from a well I visited the Caucasus and saw in the mountains, their springs are found by dewy moisture on the rocks, they cut through the rock, they bring the spring out of the stones along the path, they lay out a well, the traveler can quench their thirst, the spring in the mountains is called the name of a person, who opened it. (66)

2. Dividing continuous text into paragraphs.

Task: Divide the text into paragraphs.

№ 1. berry places

Strawberries love to grow in forest clearings, bright places. You will find scarlet, fragrant berries near forest stumps. Not every bush can grow in a spruce shady forest. But there are a lot of blueberries. The blueberry bush can live for many years. The address of the cranberry is a swamp where moss grows. The stems of cranberries creep. They rise with the moss and float on the water. The berries ripen and lie in the moss like red beads. (64)

№ 2. Builder

There was a mound of red clay in the yard. The boys were building a fort. Everyone had fun. Suddenly, in the distance, they noticed another boy. He dug in the clay, dipped his red hands into the water. He built tall houses. The boys approached him and began to break buildings with their feet. The kid was silent. Here comes the last wall. The merry ones are gone. The next day the baby was sitting in the same place. He diligently built the house. (62) (According to V. Oseeva)

3. Drawing up a coherent text from these paragraphs.

Task: Arrange the paragraphs so that you get a coherent story.

№ 1. Grandfather Krylov

At his monument in the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, children always play on the playground. She examines with great attention the thoughtful poet sitting in an armchair, the heroes of his fables - various animals and birds.

Many years later. But the fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov are known, loved and appreciated.

Lines from many of his fables have long become proverbs and sayings.

The great Russian fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov has long been called grandfather Krylov by our people. (65)

№ 2. Golden Rain

Noisy in the forest golden rain. All summer the leaves exposed their palms, cheeks, backs to the sun. They were soaked in the sun and turned golden.

Flying, jumping, floating leaves. They gilded the paths and paths. The Christmas trees were decorated with leaves. Mushrooms hid under the leaves.

Autumn came. Golden rain rustled in the forest. Leaves flew like orioles in the wind. They jumped with squirrels over the knots. They rushed like martens on the ground. Cheerfully circling wind forest gold. (According to N. Sladkov)

4. Drawing up a coherent text from these sentences.

Task: Arrange the sentences to make a coherent story.

№ 1. Our observations

We saw tender peony petals, red poppy heads.

They ended in late autumn, when the leaves fell from maple, ash, elm, poplar and other trees.

We liked to watch the dew drops tremble on a pure lily.

In spring, summer and autumn, we studied the vegetation of our area as a class.

We also admired the motley carpet of wildflowers.

Our observations began in early spring when we saw the first flowers.

Task: Put in the missing punctuation marks.

The air was amazingly clean.

Its head and back are black, with red spots on the back of the head.

I see: a woodpecker perched on one of the trees.

The first snow fell.

On the black wings are white spots and stripes.

The earth, branches of bushes, trees - everything is white and fluffy.

I was walking through the forest at that time.

How handsome he is! (According to G. Skrebitsky)

Task: Write a title for your story.

5. Composing a coherent text from deformed sentences. Task: Compose and write down a coherent text from deformed sentences. Choose a name for it.

winter, played, amber, lit; snow, light, over, sun,

ascended, forest, and

from, beam, solar, sparkled, snowy, on, window, pattern, glass,

sparkle, bright

on, intricate, footprints, snow; intertwined, white, patterned, birds

boy snorting, hear, beast

behold, grass, nose, out, beast, protrude, wet

long, air, sniff, tremble, and, from, greed, nose

from, show up, first, herbs; muzzle, sharp, then, a, skin, striped

thicket, out, get out, badger, small

run out, he, paw, carefully, and, look, me, on

Task: Change the highlighted words according to their meaning.

6. Free dictations

Task: Read (listen to) the text paragraph by paragraph. Write down each part of the story as you remember it.

№ 1. wheat ear

1. Serezha's brother serves on the border. He guards our country. The harsh and mighty sea rages there day and night. Stone all around.

2. Once a brother asked Seryozha to send him a spike of wheat.

The wheat field began behind the village. Why does a soldier need a spikelet? What does he hide in himself?

3. Sergei went to the field and plucked an ear. He put it in an envelope. In the letter, the boy wrote that the ear grew in the field, which begins behind the house. Seryozha wrote this, and immediately guessed why his brother asked for a spikelet. (78)

(According to V. Sukhomlinsky).

Words for reference: guards, rages, began, why, needed, in oneself, went, which, begins, him.

№ 2. Sparrow

1. I was returning from hunting and walking along the alley of the garden. The dog ran ahead of me.

2. Suddenly she stopped. I looked along the road and saw a young sparrow. He fell from the nest and sat motionless.

3. My dog ​​was slowly approaching him. An old sparrow fell like a stone from a nearby tree. He shielded his creation. His entire little body was trembling with fear. He froze. He sacrificed himself.

4. My Trezor stopped and backed away. I hurriedly called him back and withdrew from the garden. (According to I. Turgenev)

Words for reference: motionless, brainchild, trembled, froze, sacrificed.

7. Story with elements of description.

№ 1. elegant bird

I sat down to rest on the young grass. Turned off the engine of the car.

A magpie flew out onto the road. The magpie has a nickname - white-sided. She has white feathers on the sides. But the head, wings, tail are black, like those of a crow. The magpie's tail is very beautiful - long, straight, like an arrow. And the feathers on it are not just black, but with a greenish tint. Magpie rarely sits quietly, fussing more and more. Agile, mobile bird and very elegant.

A convoy of cars has gone. The bird fluttered and flew towards the forest.

Task: Find in the text and write down the description of the magpie.

№ 2. marvelous flower

A lovely flower of golden color was taken from distant America.

A rare miracle was very tall. Overseas handsome planted in the center of the flower bed. He reigned over the rest of the garden flowers. The flower was held on a straight thick stem. It was decorated with wide elegant leaves. On a large round head was a crown of delicate yellow petals. The head of a wonderful flower resembled the sun.

The plant loved warmth and always turned its face towards the bright sunshine. It was possible to recognize the time by a marvelous flower. The flower was named sunflower. Named for the bright sun. (81) (According to E. Permyak)

Task: Find in the text and write down the description of the sunflower.

8. Selective writing out from the text on assignment.

№ 1. Spruce

Spruce forest is gloomy. In such a forest, there is always a smell of dampness.

The prickly paws of fir trees scratch the face and hands. Lush Christmas trees grow along the edge. Nice little ones forest beauties! The resinous spirit comes from the Christmas tree. How to decorate such Christmas trees beloved children's holiday!

Spruce - very valuable tree. Paper is made from spruce wood. Spruce sings in the violin, in the piano. A lot of different furniture is made from spruce. Spruce feeds forest dwellers. In a dense spruce forest, birds take refuge from the cold and snowstorms. (73)

Task: Write out a passage from the story that says what benefits spruce brings.

№ 2. What is snow

Timid, quiet, the first snow fell on the black earth. The sky is gray and the snow is white, light.

In January, the snow covers the fields with a heavy and cold blanket. Knee-deep snow piled up all around. And even to the waist. He stepped a little off the path - he drowned in a free-flowing snow swamp.

Prickly February snow falls from a low and misty sky. The snow is fierce, hits the traveler on the cottony back, throws him like a paper one.

Last snow in March and April. It became thick and sticky. Skis don't glide well on snowy snow. (81) (According to S. Ivanov)

Task: Find in the text the words that the author uses to describe snow. Write them out.

9. Written answers to questions.

Task: Write down the answers to the questions.

Sparrow settled at the window of my room. I named him Filka. He got to know me with great care. Near the frame hung a bell. His ringing amused Filka. He himself began to try to pull the string.

I watched the sparrow. His skill grew every day. He soon became a good ringer. I gave him tasty seeds for that.

Where did the sparrow live?

How did he get to know me?

What hung near my window?

How did Filka react to the ringing of the bell?

What did I notice while watching the bird?

What did I feed the sparrow?

№ 2. Enemies of snakes

Snake venom is very dangerous for all animals. But some animals boldly enter into battle with snakes. Especially deftly deals with the snake hedgehog. He exposes his thorns to the snake. When the snake gets tired of jumping, the hedgehog sinks its teeth into the body of the snake.

Mongooses became famous for victories over snakes. This is a small animal. The mongoose has a tough coat and thick skin.

In the fight against spectacle snake jumping helps the animal. He jumps very high and in any direction. Jump - and the teeth of the mongoose pierce the neck of the snake. The mongoose won. (82) (According to N. Korostelev)

How does a hedgehog deal with a snake?

What is the appearance of a mongoose?

How the mongoose wins spectacle snake?

10. Compilation of a short story.

№ 1. How a squirrel prepares for winter

Agile squirrels flicker in the spruce forest from morning until late evening. Here the squirrels climbed to the top of a tall spruce, jumped from branch to branch and descended to the ground for nuts.

In the fork of a spruce knot, the squirrel hung out to dry a strong boletus, thin mushrooms. I hid delicious nuts in the forest pantries.

In late autumn, the squirrel will change its red dress for a gray winter coat. At the top dense Christmas tree the squirrel made a warm nest. In this nest she raises her little squirrels.

The nimble squirrel is the most cheerful and agile animal in our forests. (83)

(According to I. Sokolov - Mikitov)

Task: What is the main idea of ​​the story. Read the first part of the text.

Find sentences that are important to express the main idea, omit the details. Write it down.

Read the second part of the text. Find sentences that are important to express the main idea, omit the details. Write it down.

Read the third part of the text. Find sentences that are important to express the main idea, omit the details. Write it down.

№ 2. chick

The storm knocked the nest off the tree. There was a chick on the ground. He flapped his wings, but could not fly. The paw caught on the branches. The chick opened its long beak and yelled

Here appeared the cat Vaska. His tail stood up like a pipe, his eyes lit up with green fire. The cat was ready to jump. Kostya pushed the cat away with his foot and freed the chick.

He brought him home and put him in a cage. My brother dug up worms in the garden. The boy fed the bird. Every day he released a chick, but he still could not fly. Vaska at this time was locked in a closet. (87)

Words for reference: knocked down, caught fire, at this time, locked up.

Task: What is the main idea of ​​the story?

Read the first part of the text. Find sentences that are important to express the main idea, omit the details. Write it down.

Do this work on separate parts of the text. Write the text briefly.

11. Creative dictation.

Task: Complete the sentences.

Winter has come. Fluffy snow covered fields, meadows ... . On rivers and lakes, the ice is transparent, like ... . Snowflakes sparkle like... Spruces and pines stand in the snow, as if put on ... and .... The trees were decorated with hoarfrost, for sure ... .

It was… a day. I look at ... the sky. Clouds float across the sky. Swallows are circling high under the clouds. With a sonorous whistle, swifts rush by.

12. Drawing up a text based on key words (phrases).

Task: Write a text using the given words (phrases)

№ 1. Day in the park

morning frost, autumn outfit, multi-colored leaves, a holiday near a birch, a wonderful mood.

Task: Compose a text from these words (phrases). Choose a name for it.

Summer, village, garden, garden, dill, lettuce, carrots, parsley, apple trees,

pears, berries, vegetable garden.

13. Compilation of the text on the given beginning or on its end.

Task: Write a story based on its beginning.

Cat Vaska and the old man often went fishing. The old man was fishing. Vaska was sitting next to him. One day…

The rain rustles on the leaves. The leaves are wet and shiny! Droplets from them roll into the grass. …

There was a strong frost at night. The puddles are frozen. Smooth clear ice appeared. The kids ran out into the yard. …

14. Text editing.

Task: Read the text. Replace repeated words with synonyms.

№ 1. Woodpecker

I walked quietly through the forest. Suddenly I noticed a woodpecker. The woodpecker perched on the trunk of an old tree. The woodpecker loudly began to peck at the dry bark. The sound of a woodpecker was heard in the distance. Nimble tits are spinning near the woodpecker. They pick up bugs and worms. The woodpecker helps everyone.

№ 2. Fox

There is a bad reputation about the fox, as if the fox carries chickens. But in reality, the fox rarely succeeds. Most often, the fox hunts for mice. The fox has a keen ear. Only the mouse squeaks, the fox is already right there.

15. Write down sentences, choosing a more accurate word.

By the stream (waving, growing) a beautiful rose. On a branch in front of her (sat, perched) a nightingale. He (stared, looked) at the rose and (praised, sang) its beauty. Nightingale (trills, songs) sounded over the stream. The stream echoed them with a quiet (ringing, murmuring, gurgling).

№ 2. Meeting on the road.

With such a miracle, I (met, encountered) for the first time in my life. My friend and I were driving. Suddenly, a fox cub (ran out, jumped out) onto the road from the forest. The driver stopped the car. The little fox with curiosity began to (examine, examine) her. He (wanted, strove, tried) to guess what kind of animal it was.

We (called, beckoned) a fox. He is closer (ran up, jumped up, approached) to the car. The animal was red, on the chest there was a light tie, and the paws were in black stockings. He sat in front of the car. We began with him (talk, talk). The fox listened attentively. Here's a curious baby! At the edge of the forest (buzzed, rustled) a column of cars. The animal (rushed, rushed, rushed) into the forest. That's the meeting!

The education of the sound culture of speech includes the work of teaching the correct sound pronunciation, which has always stood out as the leading line in the development of the speech of children 3-4 years old.

For the development of the articulatory apparatus, onomatopoeic words and animal voices are widely used. For example, children are given musical instruments- pipe and bell; the pipe blows “doo-doo”, the bell rings “ding-ding”, thereby fixing the pronunciation of hard and soft sounds.

Diction (distinct and clear pronunciation of words, syllables and sounds) is worked out with the help of special speech material; these are tongue-twisting jokes (“Would-would-be-there is smoke from the chimney”), as well as nursery rhymes, sayings, phrases containing a certain group of sounds (“Sanya’s sleigh rides themselves”), exercises for syllables, naming words similar in sound (mouse - bear).

Games and exercises for the pronunciation of hissing sounds can be thematically combined. So, after looking at the picture “Hedgehog and hedgehog”, an adult offers to perform a number of tasks: clearly pronounce phrases with the sounds “Sh” and “F” (“Sha-sha-sha - we bathe the baby; shu-shu-shu - I will give the mushroom to the baby; shi-shi-shi - where do the kids walk? hedgehogs?"). Such exercises help children master the intonation of the question and develop their sense of rhythm.

Isolating the sound with a clear pronunciation of a word, phrase, the child is led to an understanding of the terms "sound", "word".

It is necessary to pay closer attention to the development of intonation instinct, tempo of speech, diction, voice power, since these skills contain the most important conditions for the further development of all aspects of speech. To do this, for example, the following game is played.

Figures for the text are at the end of the Appendix.

Purpose of the game: To distinguish between adult animals and cubs by onomatopoeia, to correlate the names of an adult animal and its cub.

For this game you will need figures: a mouse and a mouse, a duck and a duckling, a frog and a frog, a cow and a calf, a cat and a kitten.

If the selection of figures causes difficulties, you can pick up pictures or sculpt toys from plasticine, involving the child in joint activities.

Animals come to visit the child (they come by car, by train), they want to play. The child must guess whose voice he heard.

  • -- Meow meow. Who is meowing? (Cat.) And who meows in a thin voice? (Kitten.) The mother cat has a baby. How does he meow? (Meow meow.)
  • - Moo-oo-who is mooing like that? (Cow.) And who is her cub? (A calf.) In what voice does he bellow? (Thin.) Now listen again and guess who is mooing - a cow or a calf.
  • “Kwa-kva—whose rough voice is that?” (Frogs.) And who croaks thinly? (The frog.) The frog is large and croaks in a rough voice, and its cub croaks thinly. Who is the frog's baby?

Other toys are played in the same way. You can invite the child to call the toy correctly, then he will be able to play. (“Frog, come to me”, “Duckling, play with me.”)

In such games, children learn to distinguish between adult animals and their cubs by onomatopoeia (cow mooing in a loud voice, and the calf is quiet, thin; the frog croaks loudly, and the frog thinly).

Similar games can be played with different animals. For example, an adult shows a picture to a child. It has a bird on it.

  • - It's a bird. She lives in the forest and sings her song: cuckoo, cuckoo. Who is this? (Ku ... - an adult invites the child to pronounce the word on his own.)
  • -- And who is this? (Rooster.) And affectionately we call him ... (Cockerel). Petya-Cockerel screams ... (ku-ka-re-ku).
  • - Listen to the words “cuckoo”, “petuuuh”, “uuutka” (the sound “y” stands out in a voice). These words have the "y" sound.

Its emotionality and expressiveness depend on the sound design of the statement, therefore it is important to teach children the ability to clearly pronounce simple phrases using the intonation of a whole sentence, question or answer.

For example, the Russian folk song "Ryabushechka Hen" is read to children. The adult first reads the whole song to the child, and then the dialogue begins. You can make a child a chicken hat and invite him to answer the questions:

  • "Ribboned hen, where are you going?"
  • -- To the river.
  • "Ribouchet hen, why are you going?"
  • - For water.
  • "Ribouchet hen, why do you need water?"
  • - Water the chickens. They want to drink.

They squeak all over the street - pee-pee-pee!

Children are also offered tongue twisters, phrases from poems, they pronounce them with different strength voices (quietly - loudly - in a whisper) or at a different pace (quickly - slowly). In parallel, you can change intonations (ask, answer, convey joy, sadness, surprise).

The main attention in vocabulary work is paid to the accumulation and enrichment of the vocabulary based on knowledge and ideas from the life around the child; activation different parts speech, not only nouns, but also verbs, adjectives, adverbs.

It is necessary to show children that each object, its properties and actions have names. To do this, it is necessary to teach them to distinguish objects according to their essential features, to correctly name them, answering the questions “what is this?”, “Who is this?”, to see the features of objects, to highlight characteristics and qualities (“what kind?”), as well as actions related to the movement of toys, animals, their condition, possible human actions (“what is he doing?”, “what can be done with him?”). Such training is carried out in the games “What kind of subject?”, “Tell me what”, “Who can do what?”.

"Guess the toy"

Purpose: to form the ability to find an object, focusing on its signs and actions.

An adult shows a child 3-4 toys, he names them. It is necessary to immediately teach how to correctly name the object: “This is ... (hare, fox, duckling)”. An adult talks about each toy, naming external signs: “This is a soft toy. She is grey. The tail is short and the ears are long. He loves carrots, jumps deftly. Other toys are described similarly, the child names them.

"Who am I talking about"

Purpose: to develop observation, the ability to focus on the main features of the described object.

An adult describes the child sitting in front of him, naming the details of his clothes and appearance, for example: “This is a girl, she is wearing a skirt and blouse, her hair is blond, the bow is red. She loves to play with Tanya doll."

"Tell me what"

Purpose: to teach to identify and name the signs of an object.

The adult takes out objects from the box, names them (“This is a pear”), and the child names the signs (“It is yellow, soft, tasty.” “This is a tomato.” - “It is red, round, ripe, juicy.” “This is a cucumber.” - “It ... is oblong, green, crispy”).

"Fix the mistake"

Purpose: to teach to see the discrepancy between the signs of familiar objects shown in the figure and name them.

An adult draws himself or shows a picture and invites the child to find inaccuracies: a red chicken pecks at a carrot; teddy bear with hare ears; the fox is blue without a tail, etc. The child corrects: the chicken is yellow, pecking at the grains; the bear cub has round little ears; at the fox a long tail and a red coat.

"Who will see and name more"

Purpose: to highlight and designate the external signs of an object with a word.

An adult and a child examine the doll, name items of clothing and appearance (eyes, hair). Then comes the bunny. They say that he has a gray (soft, fluffy) fur coat, long ears, in one word we can say: the hare is long ... eared (long-eared). And the tail of the hare ... (short), so it is short-tailed. The cat is smooth, fluffy, her paws are white, which means she is ... white-footed. For the correct answers, the doll gives the child flags (ribbons, rings from the pyramid).

“What messed up Pinocchio?”

Purpose: to find errors in the description and correct them.

Pinocchio comes to visit the child with his duck friend. When talking about his friend, Pinocchio makes mistakes and makes inaccuracies in the description, for example: “The duckling has a blue beak and small paws, it screams “meow!”. "The hare has small ears, it is green." "The cat prickly coat". The child corrects inaccuracies.

"What a doll"

Purpose: to teach to name various signs of the appearance of a toy or object.

The adult says that the doll was called ugly, and she was upset. We must help her and tell everything about her, how beautiful she is. - Who is this? (Doll.) What is she like? (Elegant, beautiful.) What can Tanya do? (Play, draw, sing, dance.) Let's talk about Tanya together. The adult begins: “Our Tanya ... (the most beautiful). She has ... (an elegant red dress, a white bow, brown shoes, white socks).

From naming visible and vivid signs (color, shape, size), you need to move on to listing properties, internal qualities object, its characteristics, comparison (for example, in the game “Who will say more words about an apple, what is it, and what is an orange?”; “Compare an orange and an apple. How are they similar and how are they different?”).

"Compare Dolls"

Purpose: to teach children to correlate objects with different characteristics.

An adult offers to consider two dolls and say how they differ. The child gives the dolls names (Katya and Tanya) and says: Tanya has bright and short hair, Katya's - dark and long, Tanya's Blue eyes, Katya's are black, Tanya is in a dress, and Katya is in trousers, the dolls have different clothes.

  • - The dolls wanted to play, they took ... (balls). This ball... (round, rubber, blue, small). And the other ball ... (big, red). What can you do with balls ... (throw, throw, catch, toss, toss)?
  • - Look at this ball. It is more than blue, but less than red. What is he? (Average.)

"Compare the cubs"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish objects (toys) by characteristic features.

An adult offers to consider two cubs of different colors: one is black and large, the other is brown and small.

  • - Name who they are and how they differ. One big bear is black.
  • What can you call him so that you can see that he is black? (Blackie.) What can he do? (Growl, eat raspberries, honey, run.)
  • - How to name another bear so that it is clear that it is small? (Baby.)

"Compare different animals"

Purpose: to teach to compare different animals, highlighting opposite signs.

The teacher offers to consider a bear and a mouse.

  • - The bear is big, and the mouse ... (small). What other Mishka ... (fat, fat-fifted, clubfoot)? And what kind of mouse ... (small, gray, fast, dexterous)? What Mishka loves ... (honey, raspberries), and the mouse loves ... (cheese, crackers).
  • - Mishka's paws are thick, and the mouse's ... (thin). The bear screams in a loud, rough voice, and the mouse ... (thin). Who has a longer tail? The mouse has a long tail, and Mishka ... (short).

Similarly, one can compare other animals - a fox and a hare, a wolf and a bear.

On the basis of clarity, children learn to name words with the opposite meaning: Katya's doll is big, and Tanya ... (small); the red pencil is long, and the blue ... (short), the green ribbon is narrow, and the white ... (wide); one tree is tall and the other ... (low); Katya's doll's hair is light, and Tanya's ... (dark).

Children develop an understanding and use of generalizing concepts (a dress, a shirt are ... clothes; a doll, a ball are toys; a cup, a plate are dishes), the ability to compare objects (toys, pictures) develops, to correlate the whole and its parts (locomotive, pipes, windows, wagons, wheels - a train).

Children are taught to understand the semantic relations of words of different parts of speech in a single thematic space: a bird flies, a fish ... (floats); they build a house, soup ... (cook); the ball is made of rubber, the pencil ... (of wood). They can continue the started series of words: plates, cups ... (spoons, forks); jacket, dress ... (shirt, skirt, trousers).

On the basis of clarity, work is also carried out with familiarization with polysemantic words (chair leg - table leg - mushroom leg; handle by the bag - handle by the umbrella - handle by the cup; sewing needle - needle by the hedgehog on the back - needle by the Christmas tree).

"Who will praise better"

Purpose: to be able to name the signs of animals according to the model of an adult. The adult takes one toy (bear) for himself, and gives the child a hare. And begins: "I have a bear."

Child: And I have a hare.

  • - The bear has a brown coat.
  • - And the hare is white.
  • The bear has small round ears.
  • - A hare has long ears.

"Dolls draw and walk"

Purpose: to pay attention to words that are close and opposite in meaning, as well as to intermediate signs.

Two dolls again come to visit the child: a large one and a small one. The teacher says that the dolls wanted to draw. A large doll will take a long pencil, and a small one ... (short). The big doll drew a big house, and the little one ... (small). What is another name for a small house? (House, house.)

The dolls went for a walk, but they did not take an umbrella with them. Here went heavy rain they hid under the Christmas tree. A large doll hid under a tall tree, and a small one ... (under a low one). The rain stopped, the dolls went home. The big doll went along the wide road, and the little one ... (on the narrow one). They came home and started washing their hands. First, the dolls turned the tap with hot water, and then ... (with cold). And if you mix cold water with hot, then what kind of water will turn out? (Warm, cool.) Let the dolls go to bed. They had different beds. Which? (High and low, big and small, wide and narrow.)

"Dolls: cheerful and sad"

Purpose: to introduce children to the opposite states: cheerful - sad.

The girl Masha began to play with her dolls Katya and Tanya and noticed that Katya was always cheerful, and Tanya was sad. How do you think why? (Katya was offended, she felt pain, she became sad.) What other words can I say that Katya is sad, what is she like? (Sad, upset.) What is Katya doing? (He is sad, sad, upset.) What needs to be done to cheer up Katya? (Tell a funny story, play with it, watch a cartoon.) What did Katya and Tanya become? (Cheerful, joyful.)

"Say one word"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about generalizing words.

  • Do you remember what our dolls slept on? (On the bed.) Where do they put their things? (To the closet, to the wardrobe.) What are they sitting on? (On chairs.) I will start talking, and you continue: bed, wardrobe ... (table, chair, sofa, chair). How to call all these objects in one word? (Furniture.) What kind of furniture do you have in your room?
  • What do the dolls put in the closet? What lies and hangs there? Continue: dress, trousers ... (skirts, sweaters, shirts). All these things are called ... (clothes). What clothes are you wearing?
  • - The dolls sat down at the table. And there are ... (plates, cups, saucers, spoons, forks). This is ... (dishes). From what dishes do you eat soup, porridge? (From plates, deep and shallow.)
  • Our dolls love to play. What do they need for this? (Toys.) What toys do you know and love?

Generally vocabulary work is aimed at leading the child to understand the meaning of the word, enriching his speech with semantic content, i.e. on the quality of the vocabulary.

In working with children of primary preschool age, work on the development of understanding and use of grammatical means in speech, the child’s active search for the correct form of the word, i.e. formation of the grammatical structure of speech. This task is closely related to the enrichment and activation of the child's vocabulary.

Learning to change words in cases, agree on nouns in gender and number is carried out in special games and exercises. (Little horse, long tail, long ears.)

"What's gone?"

Purpose: exercise in the formation of forms of the genitive plural of nouns.

An adult picks up pairs of items: a nesting doll with inserts, large and small pyramids, ribbons (of different colors and different sizes - long and short), horses (or ducklings, chickens).

First, the adult invites the child to consider toys:

What is this? (Matryoshka.) Let's see what the nesting doll has inside. (Another nesting doll.) Is it smaller or larger than the first one? (Less.) Now look at the pyramids: what are they? One is big, the other ... (smaller, small).

Other toys are treated similarly.

Remember what items are on the table. Here nesting dolls, pyramids, ribbons, ducklings. Now you will close your eyes, and I will hide the toys, then you will tell me which toys are gone. (Matryoshkas, pyramids, ribbons.) “Who is gone?” (Horses, ducklings, chickens.) At the end, all toys are removed, the child is asked: “What is missing?” (Toys.) "What toys are gone?"

So in games with objects (“What is missing?”, “What is missing from the doll?”), Children learn the genitive singular and plural forms (“ducklings, toys are gone”, “no slippers, dresses, shirts”).

"Hide and Seek"

Purpose: to exercise in understanding and using spatial prepositions: in, on, for, under, about.

Doll furniture is placed on the table: table, chair, sofa, wardrobe, bed.

  • A girl lives in this room. Her name is ... (the child gives a name, for example, Sveta). Here is her room. Name all items. How to call them in one word? (Furniture.) Friends came to visit Sveta. These are ... kittens, hares, frogs. They began to play hide and seek. The kittens climbed under ... (bed), the frogs jumped on ... (sofa), the hares hid behind ... (wardrobe).
  • - Sveta began to look for animals. Not on the chair, not under the table, not near the sofa. Help Sveta find the kids. Where are the kittens? Where are the frogs? Where are the rabbits hiding?

The game is repeated several times. Toddlers hide in different places, which the child himself calls. Kittens can be hidden... The frog decided to hide... And in the end, the kittens hid so far away that Sveta searched for them for a long time, then asked: "Give a vote!" The kittens have become ... (meow). How did they meow? (Meow-meow.) The frogs began to ... (croak). How did they croak? (Qua-qua.)

Let's tell you together how Sveta played hide and seek with her friends. Once to the Light ... (friends came). They began ... (play hide and seek). The kittens climbed ... (under the bed), the frogs jumped ... (on the sofa), and the hares hid ... (behind the closet). And Sveta ... (found everyone).

Activation of spatial prepositions (in, on, behind, under, about) leads the child to use case forms, and the game of hide and seek helps to master these grammatical forms (toys are hidden in different places, the child, finding them, correctly names the words with prepositions: in the closet, on the chair, behind the sofa, under the table, near the bed).

A special place is occupied by work with verbal vocabulary. It is necessary to teach children to correctly use the form of the imperative mood of singular and plural verbs (run, catch, dance, spin), conjugate the verb for persons and numbers (run, run, run, run), form aspectual pairs of verbs (one child has already got up, and the other is just getting up; washed - washes, dressed - dresses). For this, various games are held (“Flying - not flying”, “Who is doing what?”).


Purpose: to exercise in the formation of forms of the imperative mood of verbs.

Toys come to visit the child by car: Mouse and Bear.

Do you want Mishka to ride the Mouse? We must ask him: "Bear, go!" And now you ask Mishka to sing, dance, and tell the mouse to hide, lie on your side, on your back. (Mouse, lie on your side! Bear, sing!)

You can give the Mouse and the Bear different tasks: jump, jump, run, play, etc.

So in games, the child masters the ability to form words in a suffix-prefix way (come out - enter - move away; climb in - climb out; quack, crow, snort; jump, bend over, jump over, sit down).

When naming the actions of an object (object) or actions with this object, children are taught to see the beginning, middle and end of the action - for this, a game with pictures is played ("What first, what next?"). In one picture, the girl is washing the doll's linen, in the other, she is hanging it up. The child not only names the actions (erases, hangs up), but can also tell about the girl, how she played with the doll. The actions in the pictures can be very different (sleeping - doing exercises, having dinner - washing the dishes).

"Spread the pictures"

Purpose: to highlight the beginning and end of the action and correctly name them.

The children are given two pictures each, depicting two consecutive actions (Fig. 1) (the boy is sleeping and doing exercises; the girl is having dinner and washing the dishes; the mother is washing and hanging up the clothes, etc.). The child must name the actions of the characters and make up a short story in which the beginning and end of the action should be clearly visible.

"Who Can Do What"

Purpose: to choose verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals.

The child is shown pictures of animals, and he says what they like to do, how they scream (Fig. 2). For example, a cat meows, purrs, scratches, laps milk, catches mice, plays with a ball; dog - barks, guards the house, gnaws bones, growls, wags its tail, runs. Such a game can be played on different topics. For example, animals and birds: a sparrow chirps, a rooster crows, a pig grunts, a duck quacks, a frog croaks.

"Who will name more actions"

Purpose: to choose verbs denoting actions.

What can you do with flowers? (Tear, plant, water, look, admire, give, sniff, put in a vase.) What does the janitor do? (Sweeps, cleans, waters flowers, clears snow from paths, sprinkles them with sand.) What does the plane do? (Flies, buzzes, rises, takes off, sits down.) What can be done with the doll? (Play, walk, feed, treat, bathe, dress up.)

For each correct answer, the child is given a colored ribbon. The winner is the one who picks up ribbons of all colors.

"Where to do what"

Purpose: activation of verbs used in a certain situation.

What can you do in the forest? (Walk, pick mushrooms, berries, listen to birds, relax.) What can you do on the river? (Swim, dive, sunbathe, ride a boat (boat, motor ship), fish.)

"Finish the sentence"

Purpose: to select verbs denoting the end of actions.

The adult begins the sentence, and the child finishes: Olya woke up and ... (she went to wash, brush her teeth, do exercises). Kolya got dressed and ... (went for a walk, played football, went out into the street). The bunny got scared and ... (hid in the bushes, trembled, rushed away). Ira was offended and ... (she began to cry, did not talk to the children). Incompleteness of sentences adult suggests intonation.

Much work is being done on education different ways word formation. So, the name of animals and their cubs, utensils is formed with the help of different suffixes (hare - hare - rabbits; sugar bowl - bread box). It is necessary to use verbs more widely to teach children different ways of verbal prefix word formation (in - out, in - out)

Children are also introduced to the methods of forming verbs on the material of imitations (the sparrow “chik-chirik” - chirps, the duck “quack-quack” - quacks, the frog “qua-quaw” - croaks).

On the material of the name of the game on musical instruments, children are shown a way to form verbs with the help of suffixes (they drum on the drum, they blow on the pipe, they blow on the trumpet, and they play the guitar and harmonica). Questions such as: “What will the bunny do if he picks up a drum? pipe? trumpet?” - bring children to the understanding that playing musical instruments is an action, and it has its own name.


Purpose: to form verbs from the names of musical instruments.

For this game you will need toy musical instruments - a drum, a balalaika, an accordion, a pipe, bells.

A hare comes to visit a child and makes riddles from Emma Moszkowska’s book “What are the gifts”:

Oh, she's ringing, she's ringing

Makes everyone happy with the game

But only three strings

She needs music.

Who is she? Guess!

This is our ... (balalaika).

What do the bells do? (They ring.) Rattles? (Thundering.) Drum? (Drumming.) Pipes? (Puffing.)


Purpose: to match nouns with a verb.

For this game, you need to pick up pictures (photos) depicting people of different professions (Fig. 3) (farmer, baker, pharmacist, tailor, seller, postman, soldier).

The adult asks questions, the child answers.

  • - Plows, sows, harvests bread, who? (Grain grower.)
  • - Who bakes the bread? (Baker.)
  • Who dispenses medicines? (Pharmacist.)
  • - Who sews clothes for us in the cold and heat? (Tailor.)
  • - Who sells it, finally? (Salesman.)
  • - Comes to us with a letter

Straight to the house. Who is he? (Postman.)

Serves dear fatherland

Older brother.

Guards our lives.

He ... (soldier).

sound culture speech exercise

Various ways of forming verbs are fixed in the games “Add a word”, “Who does what”, “Who will name more actions”, “What do they do on musical instruments?”, “What professions do you know? What does the teacher do? builder?". In the game "What? Where? When?" questions are asked in three versions: “What do you do at home, on the street?”, “Where do you play, sleep, wash your face?”, “When you say hello, say goodbye, undress?”. Such tasks can be carried out on the street, asking about the seasons, about the environment familiar to the child.

When working on the syntax of children's speech, it is necessary to develop the ability to build different types sentences - simple and complex. Using game plots helps children complete sentences. For example, in the game “What can Gena do?” the adult begins: "Gena knows how ... the floor (sweep), flowers (water), dishes (wash, wipe)". Children are offered pictures, and they name the actions of the characters, visible and imaginary, i.e. list the homogeneous members of the sentence, making sentences according to the picture, build common and complex constructions, linking them in meaning and using different means of communication.

The development of coherent speech occurs in the classroom for retelling literary works, while talking about a toy and a picture, when all speech tasks are solved in a complex. However, the main task is teaching storytelling.

Children are led to the retelling of a literary work, learning the ability to reproduce the text of a familiar fairy tale or a short story, first on the questions of the teacher, then together with him (an adult calls one word or phrase, and the child completes the sentence) and, finally, independently.

When looking at pictures, children also learn to first answer questions about the content of the picture, their attention is drawn to the characters in the picture, their actions, and then they are led to compose a short story, first together with an adult, then on their own.

It is necessary to form in children an idea of ​​the elementary structure of the statement (descriptive and narrative type). First, when examining an object (toy), an adult draws the attention of children to the features and characteristic features of the object. For this, the games "Find out by description", "Guess who it is?", "What kind of toy is it?" are held. Children find the described objects first by two or three visible signs, and then by signs that are not visible, but relate to the toy in question (the games are presented above).

When examining toys and objects, children answer questions about the description of the toy (its properties, qualities and actions), the purpose of well-known objects, and are led to compose stories about the toy. First, an adult draws the attention of children to the features and characteristics of the object. When describing an object, it is first called (This is ... a bunny), then its qualities, properties, purpose, color, shape are revealed, and then the features and characteristics of the object, as well as its actions (objects for description can be toys, vegetables, fruits, clothes, children, pictures, household items). Collaborative storytelling is widely used for description. The adult starts the sentence, the child finishes it: “This is ... (fox). She ... (red, fluffy, soft, golden). The fox (long tail, shiny fur). Chanterelle loves ... (run, hunt, cover up traces). I like... (to play with this toy)."

Children of younger preschool age can compose stories of a narrative type. It is necessary to develop in them the ability to see the structure of the story (beginning, middle, end), to activate verbal vocabulary in a certain specific situation (for example, a plot with verbs of communication or movement: asked - answered, asked - did, ran - caught up), since the verb is the main means of plot development.

"Let's talk about Olya and the bunny"

Purpose: to compose a joint narrative text, to learn how to finish the sentences of the story intonation according to the scheme that the children will fill out.

The teacher offers to tell about Olya: “Once Olya ... (woke up, did exercises and decided to go to the forest). She ... (invited her brother Kolya for a walk). The children took with them ... (balls, jump ropes). In the clearing... (they saw a bunny), which... (was so frightened that he couldn't move). And suddenly ... (the hare ran away from the guys). And Olya and Kolya ... (it became very fun).

"Staging games with toys"

Purpose: to teach children to play dramatizations according to the content of well-known works.

First, a fairy tale is read, then there is a joint retelling, then a dramatization. For example, in the fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Teremok" you can change the plot or its ending, include new characters. In the fairy tale "The Goat with the Kids" it is not the wolf that comes to the hut, but the hare. In the new plot, children are involved in the dialogue of the heroes of the fairy tale.

The formation of the ability to see the beginning and end of actions is facilitated by tasks for laying out pictures depicting the actions of characters in their sequence (the boy builds - collects toys; children go to the forest - pick mushrooms - go home with full baskets). Exercises for naming subsequent actions help to learn the logical sequence of actions of the characters in the story: "Tell me what you are doing ... (girl, boy, doll) and what you will do next."

"Add a word"

Purpose: to select verbs denoting the end of the action.

The adult names the beginning of the action, and the child names its continuation and end:

  • - Olya woke up and ... (began to wash).
  • - Kolya got dressed and ... (ran for a walk).
  • - He froze and ... (went home).
  • - They began to play ... (with a bunny).
  • - The bunny got scared ... and (ran, hid)
  • - The girl was offended and ... (left, cried).

In such games, you need to pay attention to the intonation of the completeness of the sentence.

It is necessary to give children a variety of storytelling schemes. First you need to teach children to build a statement consisting of three sentences (“A bunny went ... There he met ... They began ...”), and then increase their number. When compiling such stories, it is necessary to let the children feel the intonation of the first, central and final sentence - this is important when forming the ability to build even a text of three sentences.

In the joint storytelling of the educator and the child, the teacher takes over the planning function. He sets the scheme of the utterance, and the child fills this scheme with various content. You can also include dialogue in the narratives. actors, while it is very important to correctly convey the intonation of the question, answer, exclamation, statement. After compiling a joint story, the adult clarifies the characteristics and actions of the characters and invites the child to tell it again, but on his own. It is best to bring children to independent storytelling in a dramatization game based on the plot of familiar fairy tales (“The Wolf and the Goats”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Zayushkina's Hut”); suggesting a certain sequence of narration or description, you can include elements of the description in the text of the narration, suggest the necessary means of communication between phrases, as well as intonation.

"Kids and Bunny"

Purpose: to teach children to come up with a new ending to a familiar fairy tale.

First you need to remember the fairy tale "Kids and the wolf." The tale is over, but the adult offers to listen to what happened next: “The goat went back to the forest. The goats were left alone at home. Suddenly there was a knock on the door again. The kids got scared and hid. And it was a small ... (a toy is shown) a bunny. The bunny says: ... ("Don't be afraid of me; it's me, a little bunny"). Goats ... (let the bunny in). They treated him ... (cabbage, carrots). The kids ate and began ... (play, have fun, frolic). The bunny played ... (on the drum). And the kids ... (jumping merrily).

Note. In the future, you can play any simple stories invented together with the children in a specially created situation. For example, a doll with balloons comes, and the story “How Gali’s balloons flew away” is compiled, or Mishutka walks with skis and a bandaged paw, and the story is called “How Mishka learned to ski”. The main plot line is outlined by adults: “Galya was presented ... (balloons). They were ... (red, yellow, blue, multi-colored). Galya went ... (for a walk with her balls). Suddenly it blew ... (strong wind). Galya did not hold back ... (balls, and they flew away). The girl began to cry. I ran past ... (her friend). He asked: "Why are you crying?" Galya answered: "The trouble happened, the balls flew away." The boy reassured Galya and said: "Don't worry, I have balloons at home, I'll bring you now."

To maintain interest in staging games, you can specially select a set of toys: a Christmas tree, a girl with a basket, a hedgehog with hedgehogs, mushrooms of different colors and sizes; squirrel, pine, cones, mushrooms, bunny, bear cub. After examining the toys, the adult invites the child to tell a fairy tale about a girl and a hedgehog, about a squirrel and her friends.

The development of the speech abilities of each child takes place under the guidance of an adult and is carried out in an atmosphere of natural communication of partners in the game.

You can offer the child short, but rather complex schemes (“Come on ... Guys ... They became ... And suddenly ... Then ...”; “One day the children ... They see ... They tell him ... And then ...”).

If adults constantly make up stories with a child from personal experience(about favorite toys, about family members, about weekend vacations, about interesting events in the life of the child and his relatives), this leads to the development of interest in the word, which the child needs to further master the richness of his native language.

Such exercises prepare children for the independent compilation of stories such as description and narration, they also include individual elements of reasoning; thus, children develop creative skills, they understand the tasks: compose a story, come up with a continuation (end) of a fairy tale, compose, describe, tell together with an adult.

"Didactic games and exercises in Russian language lessons"
Primary School

Compiled by: Kuznetsova Elena Vladimirovna,
teacher primary school
MBOU "Gymnasium No. 26"

A school of properly directed play opens a wider and more reliable window to the child than reading.
Fabre J.
How to make a Russian language lesson interesting, entertaining, loved and understandable for a child? One of the means of preserving and getting joy while studying is the game. It's no secret that play is part of the learning process.
The use of games in education develops activity, logic, thinking, observation, attentiveness, and creative imagination. As a result, children have an interest in the Russian language.
The purpose of the game is to help make serious hard work entertaining and interesting for students. Didactic games are used to increase interest in the lessons of the Russian language, to create the psychological readiness of children for verbal communication.
Games and exercises
1. A mini-essay on the supporting words that we will come up with ourselves, except for one - frost: (you can use the ball, throw the ball to the student, and the student in response - the word):
h and mao stiffen the trees
snowy call
dream kettlebell
c numb2. To repeat the rules, the game "Auction" is used to sell the name of a noun, adjective, verb. These parts of speech children protect in unusual shape- they come up with fairy tales, for example: “There was a king in the world, a verb, he liked to ask “what to do?”, “What is he doing?”, “What to do?” etc., most often the king of the verb was friends with the noun, together they were sometimes in the singular, sometimes in the plural. The verb in the family was the main one, ”etc.
3. Burime
At the lesson of the Russian language, instead of physical education minutes, in order to develop speech, logical thinking, and enhance mental activity, you can write poetry - they played in burim:
Falling, falling white snow.
And covers the green meadow.
The guys made a snowball
Cheerfully stood in a wide circle.
The guys began to play in the snow,
The dog Druzhok plays with them.
Everyone has fun, everyone is happy for winter,
These winter days will not be forgotten to me.
4. Game "Postman":
Purpose: to consolidate students' knowledge of the selection of a test word, expand vocabulary, develop phonemic hearing.
Progress: The postman distributes invitations to a group of children (4-5 people each).
Children determine where they are invited.
vegetable garden park sea school cafeteria zoo
kali-ka bere-kifla-kyoblo-cypiro-kimarty-ka
redi-ka du-kilo-kitetra-ka sli-kitra-kamorko-ka li-kyostro-kipromoka-ka golu-tsireshe-ka
Explain spellings by choosing test words.
Make sentences using these words.
5. The game "Cryptists"
Purpose: automation of sounds, development of phonetic and phonemic perception, processes of analysis and synthesis, understanding of the semantic-distinctive function of sound and letters, enrichment of students' vocabulary, development of logical thinking.
Move: They play in pairs: one as a cryptographer, the other as a guesser. The cryptographer conceives a word and encrypts it. Players can try their hand at deciphering phrases and sentences. It is necessary not only to guess the words, but also to choose an extra word from each group.
For example:
1. Aaltrek, lazhok, raukzhk, zoonkv (plate, spoon, mug, bell)
2. Oars, straa, enkl, roamksha (rose, aster, maple, chamomile)
3. Plnaeat, zdzeav, otrbia, sgen (planet, star, orbit, snow)
6. Didactic game "Hard - soft"
Purpose: repetition of the spelling of hard and soft characters.
The students are divided into two teams. One team is called “Stone”, the other is called “Water”. The “Stone” team gets up if I read a word with a solid sign, if I read a word with soft sign, the “Vata” team gets up.
Words: congress, drive in, blizzard, pours, entrance, pour, announcement, stakes, runners, detour, ears, drink, shooting, etc. 7. Didactic game "Be careful."
Purpose: to activate memory, attention, vocabulary, based on knowledge of the rules.
From the proposed poems write out words with combinations of zhi, shi:
1. They lived in a hut siskins,
Mice, hedgehogs, swifts,
Walruses come to visit them
And giraffes and snakes.
2. Vest, animal, belly,
giraffes, painting, lives,
Rosehip, tires, reeds,
Cars and pencils
Circle, serve, make friends and live,
Hurry, mix
Hiss and sew.
All combinations of ZhI and SHI
Only with the letter And write!
8. Game "Boomerang"
educates children's attention and speed of reaction: the student needs to remember the right word and "return" it to the teacher.
Find a synonym.
Simple man (simple), simple task (easy), simple truth (capital); restless person (restless), restless look (anxious); strong friendship (reliable), strong sole (strong).
Find an antonym.
Close shore (far) close person(stranger); funny comedy (boring), cheerful mood (sad); deep well (shallow), deep knowledge (superficial); small fish(large), shallow river (deep). 9. "Phraseological menagerie".
Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of students.
Add the missing word - the name of the animal. Hungry like ... (wolf). Cunning, like ... (fox). Cowardly, like ... (hare). It's like ... (fish). Prickly like ... (hedgehog). Healthy as ... (bull).
10. "How many points - so many sounds"
Equipment: a cube, on the sides of which different number points: two, three, four, five, six; one face is empty. Children take turns throwing a die and calling out words in which the number of sounds is equal to the number of dots on the top face of the die. If zero is rolled, the player skips a turn and passes the die to the next player.
11. Didactic game: "In a word."
Purpose: to activate the vocabulary of children, to develop the ability to generalize.
Students are invited to replace combinations of words and sentences with one word that has the syllables cha, shcha, chu.shu.
1. Stump of a tree - ... (block).
2. Sixty minutes - ... (hour).
3. Dense frequent forest - ... (thicket).
4. predatory fish with sharp teeth - ... (pike).
5. What heavy pans are made of - ... (cast iron).
6. Cover your eyes from the sun - ... (squint).
7. A vessel with a handle and a spout for boiling water or brewing tea - ... (teapot) and
12. Didactic game: "All the way around."
Purpose: to fix the spelling of words with the combination -ch-
The teacher invites the children to replace the word combinations of the noun + noun type proposed by them with another one so that one of the words includes the combination -ch- in its composition.
Christmas tree toy - ... (Christmas tree toy)
Fairy tale hero - ... (fairy tale hero)
Apple juice-… (apple juice)
Milk soup - ... (milk soup)
Strawberry jam - ... (strawberry jam)
Buckwheat porridge - ... (buckwheat porridge)
Water from the river - ... (river water)
Well in the castle - ... (keyhole)
Wheat flour - ... (wheat flour), etc.
13. Didactic game: "Replace the letter."
Purpose: to activate the mental activity of students, to develop spelling and phonetic vigilance, attentiveness, logical thinking.
Children are offered the original word with a spelling, they change either one or two sounds in it sequentially, while maintaining the combination -chk-, and get new words. Whoever makes it wins the largest number words.
daughter pen
barrel river
night candle
tussock stove
kidney point
cloud daughter
wheelbarrow night
14. Didactic game "Find the mistake."
Purpose: to develop the ability to highlight in speech words denoting an object.
The teacher names a number of words denoting the names of objects and makes one "mistake". Pupils must determine which word is superfluous and why.
1. Doll, house, sea, left, student.
2. Map, sun, iron, door, sailor.
3. Girl, chalk, more, pencil, toad.
4. Castle, hard, rooster, plate, cherry.
5. Runs, book, window, gate, elephant, etc.
15. Didactic game "Find a couple."
Purpose: to develop the ability to correctly correlate the name of the object and action.
Equipment: each student has a card on the desk, on which the words are written in one column: blizzard, thunder, sun, lightning, wind, rain, snow, clouds, fog, frost, and in the other column words-actions: dripping, floating, falling, spreading, floating, sweeping, thundering, baking, sparkling, blowing, cracking.
For each word denoting the name of the phenomenon, students select a word denoting the action of the object, marking with an arrow.
16. Didactic tasks and exercises.
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge on the topic "Dividing soft sign", develop memory, thinking.
1. First name the words in which you need to write the letter b at the end, and then in the middle.
2. Find words with a dividing soft sign. Emphasize them: drink, sew, beat, family, ring, spear, pony, dress, coat, sparrow, sew, etc. 3. Write out the words with a separating b:
The seal lies all day
And he is not too lazy to lie down.
It's a pity, seal diligence
Not a role model.
(B. Zakhoder)
Here you are, hare, and fox teeth!
I wish you gray, but wolf legs!
Here you are, oblique, and lynx claws!
-Uh, what do I need fangs and claws?
Soul - then I still have a hare.
4. Charades.
I'm with L softened - underground With hard L I'm on the wall
I am stone and brown. (books, for example, on me),
And with a hard one - in any room, But as soon as you soften L,
IN geometric figure. Turn it into a dance.
(Coal-corner) (Polka-shelf).
Without M - in the forest I show off;
With M - the courts are afraid of me.
(Spruce strand).
17. The game "Compositor" - write one word for each letter;
Book: k- cat; n- nose; i-needle; Mr. goose; a- watermelon;
18. The game "Find the letter", for example: t..kv. (pumpkin), b.n.n (banana), sh.o.l. (school). it.d19. The game "Confusion" - watermelon rabouz, onkfety-sweets, kaley-watering can, beyrovo-sparrow; feltrop (briefcase), malbo (album), migazian (gymnasium), dinaro (Motherland), tsoyai (egg).
20. The game "Snake", for example: aster-stork-shoes-needle-orange-nose-sled-toy, etc. Who gives a voice? Sparrow (chirps), crow (croaks), dog (barks), etc.
Who is whose child? Point with arrows:
cow foal,
Chicken calf;
horse chick
21. Compose words from syllables: mo, ko, lo; (milk); a, blue, pel (orange); re, for, be (birch); ko, lo, yab (apple); after all, honey (bear), etc.22. Correct mistakes:
camel (d), kaza (o), achki (o), call (o), agarot (o, o, d), zagatka (d), daska (o), so\ntse (l), garoh (o), vnushka (h), ana (o), krushka (f).
23. Missing syllables: .... strulya; ..chik; ... for the sake of; ... sa; ... after all; ...nan; .... la; In this game, children give many answers to one word, for example (chick) - boy, bunny, tip, finger, etc., that is, again, interest in the subject, vocabulary is replenished, activity develops, logic, pronunciation of words is honed.
24. Complicated types of tasks: "Anagram" by rearranging letters to form new words. Here children learn new words
Forest - sat down; spoon-sorry; pine pump; bank-boar; mole court; lama-mala, Kazan- punishment;
"Who lives where?" match with arrows:
bear hole
squirrel lair fox hollow
25. Game "What word is hidden?" inside-three, basement-two, agave-one hundred, years; fishing rod-daughter; mustache beads; a sharp wind drove Moska into the doorway - a thermos;
26. The game “Replace the numbers with words” os3ё (point), 100l (table), pi100let-gun, o5- again, ose3na (sturgeon), vi3na (showcase), za1ka (hairpin),
before the whole family sits down for 100l, derogatoryly check all 100l sets (before the whole family sits down at the table again, first wipe all the cutlery sets)
27. The game "What is superfluous?" tinasplin, lake, malbo, teerv, kaline (plasticine, glue, album, ruler, excess wind)
28. Guess the words: ВLGEUCRNA- SPRING; SDUFVTRKLA- DUCK: GWURZUSHFA-PEAR; such games develop observation, attentiveness, teach to distinguish and find "extra" letters;
One of the favorite tasks for children is solving puzzles in the form of encrypted numbers; from A to Z - correspond to numbers; 33 letters - 33 numbers.
A, B, C, D, D, E, E, F, H, I, Y, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, C, T, U, F, X, C, H, W, W, b, S, b,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 1516 17 1819 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930
E, Yu, I
31 32 33
Task: Write words and phrases. 1416? 1213 1 1919; 1416? 14 1 14 1 ; 4 10 14 15 19 10 33
12 16 18 10 5 16 18 (corridor), 13 6 19 20 15 10 24 1 ; 23 16 13 13; 21 25 10 20 6 13 30 15 10 24 1.
29. Pick a word
The goal is to teach to carry out phonetic analysis, to expand vocabulary.
The teacher shows a graphic diagram of the word, the children select words for it. The one who picks up the most words wins.
For example:
(table, fish window, throne).
You can complicate the condition: mark - vowel sound [one, two (optional) squares]. The most difficult option is to give the complete sound scheme of the word.
30. Do you know Russian?
The goal is to teach how to use the forms of units. hours and more h. n., forms of childbirth n.
a) - I will call the words in the singular, and you in chorus in the plural.
Cat-cats arc-arc bucket-bucket
Raft-rafts arm-arm hip-hip
Mole-moles flour-... feather-feathers
Grotto - grottoes trouble-troubles metro -...
Flower-flowers day-days calf-calves
Man-people stump-stump chick-chickens
Vessel-ship laziness-... goat-kids
Carrots-... food-... keg-kegs
b) - I will name masculine nouns, and you will correspond to them female.
Cook-cook weaver-weaver
Tailor-dressmaker merchant-merchants
Hare-bunny brave-...
Elephant-elephant doctor-... Rooster-.... teacher-teacher
Perch - ... student-student
c) -And now the opposite: I will call feminine nouns, and you, respectively, masculine.
Turkey-turkey dragonfly-.... Fox-fox lioness-lion
Goat-goat cat-cat
Wasp-... squirrel-...
31. Writing with drawings
The goal is to teach how to make sentences, words based on a picture, sound-letter analysis of a word, semantic unity of words in a sentence.
Given pictures. Two teams are playing. The guys from the first team have to "write a letter" by composing the drawings in a certain sequence. Children from the second team must "read" this letter, add the first letters of the names of objects.
For example: mushroom, fish, watermelon, tea, game, moving, cancer, game, ice, one, podium, one, ice, game (rooks have arrived)32. Come up with a proposal
The goal is to teach how to use indeclinable nouns in sentences.
The teacher names unchanging words: coat, subway, coffee, cocoa, etc.
Children make up sentences with these words. Then the teacher builds questions so that the unchangeable words in the students' answers are used in indirect cases.
33. What can be high (long, wide, low, narrow)?
The goal is to teach to agree on nouns. and adj.
The leader calls an adjective and throws the ball to one of the players, who must name an object characterized by this feature.
For example: high (house, tree). The student who named the object throws the ball to another player.
34. How much will it turn out?
The goal is to teach to distinguish semantic stress in a sentence depending on the order of words in a sentence.
From the words written on the board, make up several sentences that differ in the order of the words used.
For example, yesterday, I came home, in the evening, I. How many different proposals will there be?
35. Chain questions
The goal is to teach to reveal the unity of the text.
Children sit in a circle. The host asks a question to one of the players, he answers it and, based on his answer, builds his question to the next student, etc.
For example:
- What season is it now?
- Winter. What trees are in winter?
- All white, as if dressed in fur coats and hats. What do white drifts look like? etc.
36. Picture game
The goal is to teach how to make sentences according to plot pictures, to work out the intonation of sentences.
Schoolchildren are given pictures that depict the actions of people or animals. For example: a girl draws, children play, a cat plays with kittens. Students must make sentences based on the picture, and then, changing the purpose of the statement, make these sentences interrogative.
For example:
Mother cat plays with kittens. (Does the mother cat play with the kittens?).
37. What word is suitable?
The goal is to learn to select stable phrases.
For each animal drawn in the pictures (donkey, dog, ant, fox, wolf), choose a word that correctly characterizes it (loyal, stubborn, cunning, toothy, hardworking).
38. Lowercase or uppercase?
The goal is to learn to distinguish between words in common and proper meaning.
The teacher writes words on the board (fluff, faith, etc.);
The players are divided into two teams. The first one comes up with a sentence with one of the given words so that it is written with a lowercase letter, and the second one with an uppercase letter.
39. Tell me a word
The goal is to teach how to distribute offers.
The teacher starts the sentence, the students finish it. The teacher can start a sentence with homogeneous members of the sentence, so that the children continue to pick up other homogeneous members. (The train rushed past forests, fields, ...). 40. Make a combination
The goal is to teach how to make verb phrases with a preposition.
The players are given cards with prepositions: from, because of, from under, from, from, to, y, without, on, under, over (2-3 cards each). Children, using prepositions, make up combinations of a verb with nouns. For example: drove away from the house, got down from the tree.
The teacher calls the verbs:
drive off
get up
go out
run away
be treated
be treated
come back
The one who came up with the combination correctly receives a card with a word-verb, the one who scores ten such cards the fastest wins.
41. Who is the last one?
The goal is to learn to select adjectives as descriptions.
To the word named by the teacher, come up with definitions.
For example, a grandmother (old, kind, gray-haired, affectionate), a bus (small, new, blue, roomy), a carriage (empty, children's, covered), etc. The winner is the one who names more definitions or who is the last to say.
42. Four answers - one sentence
The goal is to teach how to make sentences, to consider the relationship of words in a sentence.
Children are divided into 4 teams. The teacher names an object, for example, a steamer.
1 team answers the question: What is he?
Team 2: What is he doing?
Team 3: How is the action going?
Team 4: Where does the action take place?
A sentence is made up of response words. The first proposal can be done by everyone together. For example: big steamer swims fast down the river.
Changed version of the game:
Each team is given a question and given the word to which the answer is selected. When all the answers are ready, a whole story is compiled. Keywords selected by the teacher according to a pre-planned plan.
43. Curious
The goal is to consolidate the ability to produce a sound-letter analysis of words, to highlight the first sound in a word.
Children sit in a circle, in the center of which is the leader; he is called "curious" in this game.
Having named some letter loudly and waiting a little so that the players can prepare, the “curious” bombards them with questions: “Who?”, “With whom?”, “Where?”, “Why?”. You need to answer them quickly with words starting with the letter that the host called. Anyone who does not immediately answer the question or gives the wrong answer (with a different letter) pays a forfeit.
44. Answer questions
The goal is to learn to select words of different parts of speech in verb phrases.
a) The teacher shows a picture with an image and asks the question: What is wrong with him
made? The answer must be unambiguous.
For example:
Tree - cut down
Potato - dug up
Porridge - eaten
Lamp - lit
Flag - Raised
Apple - plucked
b) Who will come up with more answers to the question "How?" for these verbs.
45. Vegetables, fruits, berries
The goal is to fix the spelling of words with a capital letter.
Write in a notebook the names of vegetables, fruits, berries that you know.
How are these words spelled?
Can they be capitalized?
46. ​​Two sentences
The goal is to fix the spelling of words with a capital letter.
Make sentences with the words Frost-frost, Starling-starling, etc. Write it down.
47. How to turn...
The goal is to consolidate the use of b in words as an indicator of the softness of the consonant.
Turn: chalk into a shallow place.
angle into fuel.
six in number.
48. How is it spelled?
The goal is to consolidate the continuous and separate spelling of prefixes and prepositions.
How to write a sentence with parentheses open?
The sun hid (behind) the forest.
Kotofey Ivanych Climbs onto (over) the forest-
Take a walk at night.
Ya. Kozlovsky.
49. Questions - riddles
The goal is to consolidate the knowledge that the preposition is a service part of speech.
Answer the tricky questions:
a) What two prepositions make up the name of a pet? (cat)
b) The name of which tree consists of four prepositions? (pine)
c) When does the personal pronoun we consist of two prepositions in the oblique case? (us)
50. Can't bear it
The goal is to work out the rules for word wrapping.
Write 5 words that have two syllables, but these words cannot be transferred, (iron, deer, family, food, neck-). Such puzzles, games, puzzles in the Russian language lessons contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary, broaden their horizons. They carry a huge emotional charge, bring up such qualities as initiative, perseverance, purposefulness. The atmosphere in the class is friendly. If they do not fit in before the call, they regret that they did not have time. In games, especially collective ones, moral qualities are formed. During the game, children learn to help their comrades, a sense of responsibility, collectivism appears, character, will, desire to win are brought up, a different worldview on the subject opens up - it has become accessible, understandable for him, and most importantly - interest and love for the Russian language.
"Grammar" coloring pages

The development of verbal-logical thinking and coherent speech of younger students.

Speech is one of the complex mental functions of a person. speech act It is carried out by a complex system in which the main, leading role belongs to the activity of the brain.

Knowing the word denoting a concept helps a person to operate with this concept, that is, to think. Verbal-logical thinking is formed in the primary grades and develops and improves throughout life. Thus, mastering the language, vocabulary and grammatical forms creates the prerequisites for the development of thinking. Psychologist N.I. Zhinkin wrote: "Speech is a channel for the development of intellect ... The sooner the language is mastered, the easier and more complete knowledge will be acquired." Therefore, speech development contributes to the development of thinking.

Thinking is wider than speech, it relies not only on language. Psychologists distinguish visual-figurative and effective thinking. These two types of thinking in practice are closely related to logical, verbal thinking, complement and support it. The work of thought, becoming more complicated in connection with labor, with observation, with other types of activity, requires the enrichment and complication of speech.

Logical thinking is thinking based on reasoning and proof. Judgments are interconnected, that is, a temporal sequence and cause-and-effect relationships are established between them. It is very important that schoolchildren learn to follow the temporal sequence in the presentation of their thoughts, knowledge and be able to justify their judgments causally.

The most favorable period for the development of intellectual and creative abilities of children is the period from 3 to 9 years. It is then that it is necessary to make maximum efforts for the development of speech, perception, memory, attention and thinking.

I have selected various speech exercises that develop logical thinking and speech of younger students. Adults, playing and studying with a child with any level of speech and intellectual development, improve the most valuable mental processes for a student: thinking, speech, attention, memory, imagination, creativity. Successful completion of the exercises will give the student self-confidence, a desire to continue studying.

Grammar arithmetic

Age determination tasks

1. In 10 years, Anton will be 4 years older than Ivan is now. Which one is older?

2. In 15 years, Nadya will be the same age as Lyudmila is now. Who is younger?

3. In many years, Vadim will be a little older than Pavel is now. Who is older?

4. In 7 years, Dmitry will be 4 years older than Vladimir is now. Which one is older?

5. November - September grandson, October - son, winter - dear father. Why do they say so?

6. Dima is older than Vanya, and Vanya is older than Marina. Who is older: Dima or Marina?

Answers: 1. Ivan; 2. Nadia; 3. Pavel; 4. Vladimir; 6.Dima.

Tasks for denial

  1. Olya and Masha went to rest during the holidays. One of the girls went to the dacha, and the other to the sanatorium. Where did Masha go if Olya did not go to the sanatorium?
  2. Maxim and Artem went to different kindergartens: someone in kindergarten"Bell", and someone in the kindergarten "Polyanka". Which kindergarten did Artem go to if Maxim did not go to the Polyanka kindergarten?
  3. Andrey, Vitya and Seryozha watched different films. One is about animals, another is about birds, and the third is about travel. Who watched the film about what if Andrei did not watch about travel, and Vitya did not watch about birds and travel?

Answer: Andrei is about birds, Vitya is about animals, Seryozha is about travelling.

Tasks for difference

1. The girls were in pink dresses, and one was in blue. Which of them was dressed like that, if Marina and Natasha and Natasha and Yulia were in dresses of different colors?

2. Stas and Igor lived on different floors: one - on the first, the other - on the fifth. What floor did Igor live on if Stas lived on the fifth?

3. Mom bought shoes for her sons: some of them had light shoes with laces, some had dark shoes with laces, some had dark shoes without laces. Gena and Kirill had shoes with laces, while Gena and Gleb had dark ones. Who wore dark shoes with laces?

4. Masha and Lisa had cats: someone had a small cat with a bow and long hair, someone had a big one without a bow and short hair. A small cat meowed less often, a large one more often. Masha had a cat with a bow, and Liza had a short-haired one. Whose cat meowed more often?

Answers: 1. Marina and Yulia - in pink, Natasha - in blue. 2. On the ground floor.3. Gene. 4. Lisa's cat.

Tasks for comparison

1. Anton studies better than Anya. Anya studies better than Sveta. Which of them studies worse?

2. If a horse was smaller than a hare, but larger than a hippopotamus, then who would be the smallest?

3. Irina went home later than Anya. Anya left after Marina. Who left first?

4. Fluff caresses more than Barsik, but less than Vaska. Who caresses more often?

Combination tasks

1. Dasha and Lena were picking berries. One of the girls picked strawberries, the other raspberries. What berries did Lena pick if Dasha picked raspberries?

2. The woodpecker, chaffinch and warbler have houses in the forest. One of the birds lives in a high tree in a nest, the other lives in a high tree in a hollow, and the third lives in a low tree in a nest. The chaffinch and chaffinch have nests, and the woodpecker and chaffinch have houses on tall trees. Which bird has which house?

3. Natasha, Irina and Lilya bought new dresses. One is blue with frills, the other is pink with a bow, the third is blue with a bow. Natasha and Lily - blue dresses, at Irina and Lily - with bows. Which of the girls has which dresses?

Tasks for causal dependencies

Find the correct statement.

1. The sun rose because it became warm. 2. It became warm because the sun had risen.

1. Katya had a birthday because she was given a doll. 2. Katya was given a doll because it was her birthday.

1. Rooks have arrived because spring has come. 2. Spring has come because the rooks have arrived.

1. The guys went swimming because it was a hot day. 2. It was a hot day because the guys went swimming.

1. The fire went out because it got cold. It got cold because the fire went out.

Tasks for correlating concepts and objects

1. Hurrying to the bus, Alla forgot her headdress at home, and Valya - items for writing. Who left the beret at home, and who left the pen?

2. To make the trip interesting, Anton took tennis rackets and balls with him, and Volodya took a guitar and a drum. Which of the guys had musical instruments, and which had sports equipment?

3. Lesha and Andryusha had breakfast. Lesha chose dairy products, and Andryusha - fruits. Which of the guys ate cottage cheese, and which - plum?

4. The boys went to the market. Vitalik bought lemons and plums, and Seva bought gooseberries and black currants. Which of the boys bought the berries.

5. Guests came to the Ivanovs' dacha, and some of them had nothing to sit on. Brothers Boris and Vladimir went to the neighbors. Some of the boys brought a chair and a bench, and some brought a stool. Vladimir brought a chair. What happened to Boris?

6. To get to the dacha, Kirill and Kuzma folded their clothes: some of them put white shirts in a suitcase, and some put black trousers in a box. Cyril had a box. What did Kuzma fold?

7. Boys helped adults with housework. Grisha helped mend the handles of the kitchen utensils, and Denis supplied the wires for the lamps. Which of the boys helped mend the frying pan, and which the table lamp?

8. The boys drew with pencils. Petya drew a triangle and an oval, and Pasha drew cubes and a balloon. Which of the boys drew the figures and which of the objects?

Logical search tasks

1. The dog catches up with the cat, and the cat catches up with the mouse. Who is running ahead?

2. Mitya is taller than Seryozha, but shorter than Petya. Who is taller - Petya or Seryozha?

3. Bug barks louder than Trezor, but quieter than Druzhka. Who barks the loudest?

4. Petya bought a bear, a bunny and a fox for his birthday. A bear is more expensive than a fox, and a bunny is cheaper than a bear. What was the most expensive toy?

5. Two boys played the guitars and one the balalaika. What did Yura play if Misha and Petya and Petya and Yura played different instruments?

6. In a thin book more letters than in a children's magazine and less than in a newspaper. Where are more letters?

7. An oak trunk is thicker than a pine trunk, and a pine trunk is thicker than a birch trunk. What is thicker: an oak trunk or a birch trunk?

II. Say a word.

1. Insert a suitable word.

Better than these two guys

You won't find it in the world.

They are usually referred to as:

Water ... (do not spill).

We started the town

Literally along and ... (across),

And we are so tired on the road,

What they barely dragged ... (legs).

Little Pasha

Shoes are requested ... (porridge).

Mitya was a good boy

I didn’t hit the dirt ... (face).

2.Find a word within a word.

Calf, bangs, bison, zoo, thunderstorm, cobra, paint. Cattle, fodder, tussocks, shrubs. Jacket, jelly, shelter, nettle, taps, mole.

Answers: linen, tree, tooth, park, pose, goat, rose, steam, rose, bark, helmet. Cat, juice, lump, glasses, bush, shooting gallery, crust. Whale, spruce, spruce, village, ditch, thief, willow, cancer, var, wounds, cancer, cat, mouth, current.

3.Choose the necessary words according to the meaning.

A bear is a forest, a camel is ... (desert).

Man - clothes, candy - ... (wrapper).

Forest - tree, steppe - ... (grass).

Aircraft - hangar, car - ... (garage).

School - ... (childhood), institute - youth.

The eye is blind, the leg is ... (lame).

(Winter) ... - snow, summer - rain.

Adult - therapist, ... (child) - pediatrician.

Dentist - teeth, ... (oculist) - eyes.

Temperature - thermometer, ... (weight) - scales.

Winter is ice, ... (spring) is water.

Eyes - two, nose - ... (one).

Paws - an animal, hands - ... (human).

TV - watch, radio - ... (listen).

Cucumber - green, tomato - ... (red).

Pine - needles, aspen - ... (leaf).

A cow is milk, a bee is ... (honey).

Skiing - snow, skates - ... (skates).

Traffic light - three, rainbow - ... (seven).

Land - water, sky - ... (earth).

Bear - lair, stork - ... (nest).

The arrow is a clock, the wheel is ... (car).

Goat - cabbage, squirrel - ... (nuts, mushrooms).

Jacket - wool, fur coat - ... (fur).

Vase - glass, saucepan - ... (metal).

Tea - cookies, soup - ... (bread).

Day - lunch, evening - ... (dinner).

Shop - seller, hospital - ... (doctor).

Fish is a river, a bird is ... (sky).

Tool - work, doll - ... (game).

Milk - butter, meat - ... (minced meat).

The car is the steering wheel, the ship is ... (steering wheel).

An airplane is an airport, a ship is ... (port).

4. Pick up words according to definitions.

Deep, salty, black ... (sea).

Blue, brown, sad ... (eyes).

Dairy, sick, indigenous - ... (teeth).

Dessert, tea, dining ... (spoon).

Brewed, porcelain, electric ... (teapot).

Chess, snow, English ... (queen).

Cumulus, white, curly ... (cloud).

Brown, white, clubfoot ... (bear).

Capital, uppercase, printed ... (letter).

Gray, fair-haired, sparse ... (hair).

Evil, watchdog, yard ... (dog).

Glass, three-liter, canning ... (jar)

Dining, writing, kitchen ... (table).

White, fresh, cow ... (milk).

Linden, bee, fragrant ... (honey).

White-stemmed, sprawling, green ... (birch).

Spicy, Bulgarian, black ... (pepper).

Working, holiday, day off ... (day).

Children's, winter, cherry ... (garden).

Father's, multi-storey, children's ... (house).

Green, lawn, weed ... (grass).

Sunflower, olive, soybean ... (oil).

5. Pick up general concepts.

Kissel, kefir, juice, tea - (drinks).

Earrings, bracelet, chain, pendant - …

Anthill, burrow, lair, lair - ...

Two, three, five, one - ...

Axe, shovel, saw, screwdriver - ...

Clay, wool, wood, plastic - ...

Airplane, ship, boat, motorcycle - ...

Conductor, driver, educator, tailor - ...

Iron, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, coffee maker - …

Volleyball, basketball, football, water polo...

Courage, kindness, diligence, honesty - ...

6. Continue a series of words related to one generalization.

Table, chair, sofa, ...

Pine, birch, linden, …

Jasmine, rosehip, lilac, ...

Strawberries, cranberries, raspberries,…

Russula, chanterelle, boletus, ...

Juice, kefir, compote, ...

Cottage cheese, cheese, butter,…

Sausages, sausage, meatballs, …

Doctor, cook, pilot, ...

Bus, train, tram, …

TV, iron, table lamp, …

Textbook, pencil, notebook, ...

Cone, nut, acorn, ...

Ship, boat, yacht, ...

Rain, wind, frost, ...

III. Your conclusion.

1. Tell us what the following items will turn into.

A chair without a back ... (Stool.)

A cup without a handle ... (Glass.)

Cap without a visor ... (Hat.)

Sleeveless jacket ... (Vest.)

Snowman without cold ... (Water.)

Ice cream without a refrigerator ... (Milk.)

A tree without branches ... (Log.)

Matches without sulfur ... (Sticks.)

Sofa without a back ... (Bed.)

A briefcase without a handle ... (Folder.)

A pillow without feathers ... (Pillowcase.)

Rider without a horse ... (Pedestrian.)

2. Explain the error in the proposed comparison.

Cotton wool is light, and the weight is black. (Heavy.)

The zebra is striped, and the leopard is angry. (Spotted.)

The fridge is white and the carpet is soft. (Color.)

The vase is crystal and the glass is light. (Glass.)

goose Long neck and the chicken is small. (Short.)

The hare has long ears and the bear is brown. (Short.)

The carrot is orange and the cucumber grows on the ground. (Green.)

3. Distribute words logically.

May, March, April.

Night, morning, evening, day.

Porridge, peace, finger. (For example, in order of increasing number of letters.)

Old man, boy, man.

Ten, two, five, seven.

Grandmother, daughter, mother.

Wednesday, Friday, Tuesday.

4. Find a logical connection between the three objects. Prove that one object differs in some way.

Cow, horse, lion.

Rooster, goose, sparrow.

Christmas tree, birch, pine.

Sea, river, lake.

Goat, pig, cow.

Pants, shorts, skirt.

Beets, carrots, cucumber.

Plum, apple, peach.

Table, shelf, chair.

Tram, train, trolleybus .

Frying pan, cup, saucepan.

Eyes, nose, eyebrows.

Night light, floor lamp, candle.

Sheet, duvet cover, pillowcase .

5. Find and describe in detail the various features of two similar objects (objects).

Airplane and bird. Saucepan and frying pan.

Doll and girl. Wardrobe and bedside table.

Vase and bank. Pillowcase and duvet cover.

Stroller and sled. Umbrella and roof.

Bicycle and bus. Sun and moon.

Book and album. Tram and metro.

Pillar and tree. River and lake.

Knife and scissors. Dress and sundress.

6. Based on two judgments, make an independent conclusion.

All children grow up. Katya is still small. So ... (she will grow up, grow up, etc.).

All sweets are sweet. Petya can't eat sweets. Means …

All fish live in water. The catfish was put into the boat. Means …

All medicines are sold in pharmacies. Grandma needs analgin. Means …

All flowers need water. Katya did not water the flowers for a long time. Means …

All clothing must be kept clean. Serezha soiled his shirt. Means …

All plants need water. The summer was dry. Means …

All children love to draw. Kolya's pencils are dull. Means …

Water needs to be saved. The faucet is leaking in the bathroom. Means …

There is a lot of traffic on the road. The red light is on. Means …

7. What is the fallacy of the proposed statement.

The stream is wider than the river. (A river is wider than a stream.) And so on.

An anthill above the house.

The tiger is weaker than the cat.

The turtle crawls faster than the snake.

The plane is moving slower than the car.

The moon is brighter than the sun.

A cloud below the trees.

The table is squarer than the window.

The chair is more wooden than the nightstand.

Katya has more dolls than toys.

Petya collected more toadstools than mushrooms.

There is less dairy products in the refrigerator than kefir.

The father is younger than the son, but the grandfather is older.

IV. Phraseologisms.

1. Using the key to the cipher, encrypt the proverbs in the form of two-digit numbers.

0 - one cut off 5 - chickens in the fall

1 - what you sow 6 - while it's hot

2 - count 7 - you reap

3 - not all gold 8 - what glitters

4 - strike iron 9 - measure seven times

Answers: 90, 17, 52, 38, 46.

2. Read a number of proverbs and phraseological phrases and select from them those that deal with the qualities of the human soul.

For an ax do not go with an ax.

At least hang an axe.

He gave me an axe, give me an ax handle.

He said how he cut it off with an ax.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

As it sinks - the ax promises, you pull it out - and it's a pity for the ax handle.

The ax is sharper, so the matter is more difficult.

The ax dresses, the ax shoes.

Not an ax amuses, but a carpenter.

3. Choose phraseological phrases that are suitable in meaning.

People have different attitudes towards work. Some people get it all out of hand. These are what they say...

The latter prefer to sit back, but if possible, everyone is ready ...

The third is just...

However, the world rests on people about whom they say: ...

Answers: how without hands, to clean up, wash their hands, jack of all trades, golden hands.

4. For each phraseological phrase in the left column, find the phraseological unit-antonym in the right column.

Lasy to sharpen. Hands down.

Be careful. Keep your mouth shut.

Sit in one's hands. Take water in your mouth.

Earn with your hump- Keep in tight rein.

wat. To sit on someone else's neck.

5. Determine whether these proverbs can be combined into one group and on what basis.

A mushroom is not bread, and a berry is not grass.

You won't be full from one berry.

I haven't seen Yagoda for forty-two years, and even if it's a century, there's no need.

V. Riddles-puzzles.


1. My first syllable is lying in the mud,

The second is so necessary for the players.

And I - after all, everything happens -

Always in the traveler's pocket.

2. The cow will tell you the first syllable,

Laughing, easily find another.

The answer sits brazenly on the pie

Ile scratches his wings with his back foot.

3. My first syllable is a reward in the game,

The second one moves back

And I myself in the back streets of the garden

scare you dark night glad.

4. Pull the first syllable by the tail,

And in the other two you will forget everything in the world,

And the question will not seem difficult:

What dish is the answer?

5. Three letters flutter in clouds,

You see two on a man's face.

And the whole sometimes turns white

"In the mist of the blue sea."

6. There are many strange things in the world:

Here is a pretext for you, an alliance and again a pretext,

And I somehow met the whole in the forest -

With fear, he barely dragged his legs.

7. The sheep will bleat -

Here is your first syllable

In a short answer

You will find the second syllable,

And the sum is an undesirable result:

Unhappiness at home or at work.

8. Crow word + antonym of the word "top".

9. Old Russian name of the forehead + a period of time of one hundred years.

10. A group of singers + a large blood-sucking insect.

Answers: 1. Compass. 2. Fly. 3. Ghost. 4. Cutlet. 5. Sail. 6. Boa constrictor. 7. Trouble. 8. Cornice. 9. Man. 10. Round dance.

L o g o gr i f s

1. Grumbled a living castle,

Lie across the door.

If we insert "l" in the middle

And at the beginning of the "c" subtract,

Above me, above you

Water bags fly by.

2. Not that he looks scary and angry,

However, it itches all the time.

And if you add the letter "w" inside,

That will make life not good at all.

3. Arithmetic i sign,

You will find me in the task book

In many lines

Only "o" you insert, knowing how,

And I am a geographical point.

4. I am an unloved mark in the diary,

Because of me, a schoolboy's whole nature is gloomy.

But if you put "e" inside me,

That is among the female gender.

5. The number I is less than ten, it is easy for you to find me.

But if you order the letter "I" to stand next to you,

I am everything - father, and you, and grandfather, and mother.

6. To support a birdhouse or an antenna, I am fit.

With a soft sign, I, of course,

I'll be a number right away.

7. First, name a house outside the city,

In which we live only in the summer as a family.

Add two letters to the name at the same time,

It will turn out what is destined to be decided.

8. They put me under the rails and under the tracks,

When fascist trains and tanks were blown up.

Two letters only in me will be put by a student of any class,

And I will become the measure of time - fractions of an hour.

Answers: 1. Dog - clouds; 2. mosquito - a nightmare; 3. plus - pole;

  1. two is a virgin; 5. seven - family; 6. pole - six; 7. cottage - task; 8.

mina - minute.

Development of coherent speech

  1. Proposal work.

1. Say correctly (eliminate the repetition of thought).

Mom salted the soup.

Old people lived in the village.

There are a lot of little kids walking on the playground.

By spring, the greenery has turned green.

Yura had a young kitten.

The girl began to put clothes on the doll.

Linden smells like honey.

The soldiers spent the night in a dugout.

Anton tasted sour citric acid on his tongue.

Misha has a birthday in July.

Comrades ran to the aid of the brave brave man.

I saw this picture with my own eyes.

Valera told his friends an interesting story.

There was a cold chill.

Birds sang in the forest.

Katya had a lot of hanging pendants on her hairpin.

The crow pecked with the beak of the impudent cat.

A round ball rolled across the room.

Olya painted an autumn forest in her drawing.

There was always wet dampness in the lowlands.

Yesterday we bought a lot of purchases.

In March we will have holidays.

It was a huge giant.

In the shop you can buy souvenirs.

On the way, Grinev was caught by a snowstorm.

Icebergs appeared in the distance.

There are many hot geysers in Kamchatka.

The caravan moved along the sand dunes.

One day we got lost in the forest.

We resumed our correspondence.

A month later, the geologists left.

The boy fell ill with a serious illness.

Dima made friends in class with friends.

2.How to say in short?

It was a day that cannot be forgotten.

The work is done with a lot of grammatical errors.

He loves his country.

I was very bored because there was no one and I was alone.

The man in charge of the orchestra entered the hall.

The person who sells goods in the store gave me ice cream.

The writer who creates works for the theater was awarded a diploma.

I met a man who was riding.

The tourists had a rest stop along the way.

3. Finish the sentence.

Mom smiled because...

The kids ran home...

The dog growled ominously...

Mom opened the window...

Petya screamed loudly...

The teacher laughed merrily...

Grandma turned off the TV...

Sasha has a sore throat...

The boy decides to change...

The dog wagged its tail merrily...

The cat arched its back and hissed...

Cars slowed down...

The policeman whistled loudly...

The boy quickly ran to school, ...

A flock of crows rose above the field, ...

Dad bought flowers to...

Marina opened the window, ...

The children boarded the boat...

Lena poured soup into a bowl, ...

Mom answered the phone...

Workers brought bricks, ...

Peter covered his face with his hands...

Vova took the dog by the leash, ...

Mom put on a fancy dress...

Katya raised a chick from the ground, ...

Grandfather put a scarecrow in the garden, ...

The driver opened the trunk of the car, ...

The boy took the bike...

The mouse digs a mink...

4. How to say correctly?

Put on your coat, it's cold outside.

Cut the cheese, please.

Mom made fish soup.

The dog was a nobody.

An artificial master wove a carpet.

The stuffy scent of flowers wafted through the room.

Rainworms crawled along the asphalt after the rain.

A trusting conversation took place between the teacher and the student.

Early in the morning a throated rooster crowed.

A tall maple grows in our yard.

The driver asked me to pay the fare.

I want to tell about new book.

In these competitions, the athlete was defeated.

Kolya did not come to school due to illness.

Answers: put on, cut, fishy, ​​draw, skillful, fragrant, rainy, trusting, loud-mouthed, tall, pay the fare, about a new book, was defeated, due to illness.

5. Find logical errors in sentences. How can they be corrected?

It's raining back today.

Most of the task has already been completed.

The Greeks pierced the ships of the Persians with their sharp noses.

Above big tree there was a deep hole.

The sun is illuminated by the earth.

His father died when he was 9 years old.

My sister took a piece of paper out of the folder and handed it to me.

Dubrovsky killed the bear, Troekurov did not get angry and ordered to remove his skin.

The goalkeeper hits the ball with his fist, which falls close to the goal.

My friend Seryozha and I arrived at the collective farm, which he graduated from the seventh grade.

6. Determine the number of sentences in the text.

A raft floats on the river. And a boat.

The squirrel jumped through the trees. And dried the mushrooms.

Beavers blocked the channel in the middle of the forest, a beautiful lake appeared.

Makar approached his father. And he asked permission to take a walk.

Polkan was sitting near the kennel. On a leash.

Petya painted seeds with a thin brush. And sunflowers.

I'm walking along the path a snowball fell from a tree.

For three days a wet wind blew, it ate the snow on the mounds in the air, it smelled of melted snow, at night a downpour poured, it drummed on the windows, the wind in the darkness tore poplars in gusts by morning, the rain stopped.

According to A. Tolstoy.

So the winter came to an end somehow everything changed at once, the wind drove low clouds covered the whole sky, suddenly the first rain poured on the ground, then the clouds parted, the sun appeared and warmed the earth.

According to G. Skrebitsky.

  1. Work with text

1. Arrange the sentences so that a coherent story comes out.


Masha sleeps and sees a dream. His house was made of ice. He called Masha into the house.

Moroz Ivanovich is sitting on a bench. Snow stars glittered on the walls.

Fluffy snow lay on the floor.


Olya's mother fell ill. The mother looked at her daughter and smiled. "Come on, mom, I'll drink this bitterness." Olya decided to take pity on her mother. There was a doctor in the morning. He put bitter medicine on the table.

There lived an evil snake. On the way he met a fox. The fox was angry and hungry. The rabbit's heart fluttered. He ran towards the cave. The little rabbit ran home.


The animal waits for prey for hours. The leopard lives high in the mountains. Goats, sheep, mice - everything is in use. Leopard milk is fatty. He doesn't touch people. Kittens suck it and do not freeze. It is five times fatter than cow's milk. She pulls out the fur from her belly. Insulates the den with the female's hair.

2. Arrange the parts of the story in sequence.


Its trickles run over the sand, over the pebbles, over the flowers and over the mosses.

A transparent silvery stream ran out from under the gray stone.

In them, as in a mirror, both the sun, and the blue sky, and clouds affectionately look.


Serezha screamed loudly. The cat released the bird. The starling was lying on the floor and breathing heavily. The cat crushed him.

The boy put the starling in a cage. Soon the bird came to life. Sergei set her free.

Sergei opened the door. The cat ran into the room. She had a starling in her teeth.


She is a tireless mouse hunter. This is a very agile animal. She has a narrow, long body.

Early winter morning. Fluffy, soft snow fell the day before. There are clear footprints in the snow. Weasel left them.

Weasel will climb into any mouse hole. In the fight against mice, weasel is our first assistant.


Here is a crazy cucumber. Its fruit is a small cucumber. Such a cucumber ripens. You don't think anything about him. But it is worth touching him, as he immediately shoots seeds. The seeds are wet and sticky. Whoever hits, he will take them with him. Then the seeds dry up and fall off.

We have amazing plants. They shoot their seeds.

We have a lot of shooting plants. These are pansies, and sour, and sweet peas.

Types of texts

Narrative as a type of speech.

Narrative text answers questions such as: Who? What did you do? Where? When? How?

Actions take place in time, in succession, one after the other. In order to show the sequence of actions, the language has words such as:first, then, then, then, again, first, again, already and others.

The main feature of the narrative is the message about the developing actions and the completion of the action. There should be a lot of verbs in the story.

Scheme for constructing a narrative text.

1. Beginning of action.

A) place.

B) Time.

2. Development of action.

A) A statement about the acting person.

B) Features of the procedure.


4. Conclusion.

Description as a type of speech.

Description - this is a text in which the features of the subject (object of speech) are named.

The description answers the question what? For text - descriptions, adjectives are needed, since the text answers the question what? What? The description is helped by comparisons with something, for which the words are used as if, as, as if, similar to ...

There is no movement in the description. The features of the description are unchanging and constant.

The description is given so that the reader (listener) sees the subject of the description, presents it.

The character of the description is excited. The image is colorful.

Description - this is a text that indicates the features of the object of speech (size, shape, color, taste, smell, age, character, appearance).

The description should present the main features for this case.

Scheme for constructing a description.

1. Presentation of the object of speech.

2. The most characteristic features of the object of speech.

3. Evaluation of the object of speech.

4. Conclusion and conclusion.

Reasoning as a type of speech.

In reasoning, an explanation is given to any phenomenon, object, fact, event, etc. Why is it there? Why did it happen, did it happen? Why is that? Here are the main questions that the argument answers. In writing the reasoning, the words are used: firstly, secondly, since, therefore, because, because, therefore, in addition, therefore, so.

The construction of reasoning is most often like this: some thought is expressed, then there are proofs of this thought, and then a result is given, that is, a conclusion as a result of the evidence given.

Statements without any logical support are not evidence.

Scheme for constructing a reasoning text.


2.Thesis (the main idea that will be proved).

3. Arguments (evidence):

A) arguments

B) examples, cases, facts, figures;

4. Conclusion.

Theme and main idea of ​​the text.

What is the story about? By answering this question, we determine the theme of the story.

The heading reflects the main point in the text, that is, the main idea.

1. Correct the deformed story by Yu. Dmitriev "Here are miracles!". Determine the type of text, its topic and main idea.


Crossbills breed their chicks in winter. It's cold outside, and there are naked chicks in the nest. But why is it so? After all, babies need to be well fed. And the food of crossbills is fir cones. They ripen on Christmas trees at the end of the year, in winter. Therefore, the chicks of these birds hatch in autumn and winter.

In spring and summer, all birds have many worries. And only crossbills calmly fly from spruce to spruce.

  1. The development of understanding the conventions of speech in children of primary school age.

Choose the appropriate proverb for each fable.. (What is this fable about? Each proverb should be discussed separately, and not just naming "appropriate in meaning" to a particular fable.)

  1. Bug was carrying a bone across the bridge. Look, her shadow is in the water. It came to the mind of the Bug that there was not a shadow in the water, but a Bug and a bone. She let her bone in to take that one. She didn’t take that one, but her own went to the bottom.

L.N. Tolstoy


One hen laid an egg every day. The hostess thought that if more feed was given, the hen would double in size. And so she did. And the chicken got fat and stopped laying altogether.

L.N. Tolstoy


The monkey was carrying two full handfuls of peas. One pea jumped out: the monkey wanted to pick it up and spilled twenty peas, it rushed to pick it up and spilled everything. Then she got angry, scattered all the peas and ran away.

L.N. Tolstoy


The lion found a sleeping hare and was about to devour it, when he suddenly saw that a deer was running past. The lion left the hare and chased the deer, and the hare woke up from the noise and ran away. The lion chased the deer for a long time, but could not catch it and returned to the hare, and, seeing that it was not there, he said: “Fairly to me: I released the prey that was already in my hands, and chased empty hope.”



If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

The dog remembers who feeds it.

You chase after the edge - you will lose the loaf.

The hare is afraid of himself.

If you chase big, you won't see small.

A hen cackles in one place and lays eggs in another.

The lion is scary, the monkey is funny.

2. A man with a cart had to go across the river. There was a ferry across the river. The peasant unharnessed his horse and took the cart to the ferry, but the horse was stubborn and did not want to go to the ferry. The man dragged her with all his strength by the reins and could not get her onto the ferry - then he began to push her from behind, but could not push her off the shore. Then he decided to drag her by the tail away from the water. The horse was stubborn and did not go where it was dragged, but went to the ferry.

L.N. Tolstoy


Not the shooter who shoots, but the one who hits.

The horse is on four legs, and even then it stumbles.

Take the work with the mind, not with the hump.

Purposeful, consistent and systematic work will help students avoid unjustified repetitions, make their speech figurative, vivid and expressive, and most importantly, will help enrich and activate the vocabulary.

Work on the development and improvement of all aspects of oral speech - pronunciation in accordance with the norms of the language, grammatical correctness, coherence and sequence of statements, expressiveness - experienced teachers suggest starting from grade 1. So, already from the first grade, students of N.P. Rasskazova perform tasks of a creative nature, the ultimate goal of which is to teach how to compose stories. Here are some of them: .

1. Based on a series of plot pictures, finish the story orally, come up with a heading.

It was a warm day. Alyosha went into the forest. He goes and sees - a hedgehog lies ...

2. Make up a coherent story based on the picture “Family”, using the answers to the questions: who writes? Who's playing? What is grandma doing?

At the same time, the children are offered to help the beginning of the story, (The whole family is assembled ...) and its ending (Everyone is busy in the family. Adults and children live well in it).

Often Nadezhda Petrovna also uses such tasks: finishing stories at the beginning and end, working with deformed texts, heading, drawing up plans and abbreviated stories. For example, children are encouraged to change the story so that it is not about one fly, but about several. Sample:

First fly.

The sun got hotter. Streams gurgled. The first birds have arrived. looked in Sunbeam into a dusty corner, woke up a fly. She slept there all winter. A fly crawled out covered in dust and cobwebs, sleepy and lethargic. She warmed herself in the sun by the window, flew and buzzed merrily.

To form the skill of compiling an oral story, the teacher uses observations organized on excursions. So, in the 1st grade, on an excursion in the park under her guidance, the students examined the birch and noticed. That she has a white trunk with black speckles, a curly crown, the branches are lowered down. As a result, a story-description was collectively compiled.

The birch has a trunk with dark speckles. The leaves are carved, green in summer, yellow in autumn. Our birch is good at any time of the year.

In our opinion, great importance should be attached to the work on phraseological expressions. For example, during teaching practice in the 3rd grade, I suggested to the children the expression "I ate too much henbane." Children at home in the dictionary had to find the meaning of this phraseological unit, along the way explain the meaning of the word "henbane". At the next lesson, the children talked about their research, and I invited them to listen to an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin:

“- I don’t want to be a pillar noblewoman, but I want to be a free queen! The old man was frightened, he begged:

What are you, woman, ate henbane? You can neither step nor speak, you will make the whole kingdom laugh. I ask the children how they understood this expression in the text and why the poet chose this particular expression, and did not use the equivalent in meaning "completely mad", etc.

Of no small importance for expanding the active vocabulary is also this m o logical analysis dictionary words. For example, the word "agronomist". It turns out that the "origins" of this word are in the Greek language. In Greek "agros" - field, arable land, land; and nomos is the law. It turns out that an agronomist knows the laws of agriculture. The word "agronomist" came to us from French. And now there are many words in the Russian language, the first part of which was the part "agro-": "agrotechnician", "agrarian", "agrocollege", etc.

Teaching the speech activity of primary school students in Russian involves, first of all, mastering the skills and abilities in the most natural form - dialogic.

It is known that dialogue is born because of the human need for communication. For younger students, such a need exists, it arises in students in the course of performing various exercises in the lesson. In the experience of the work of advanced teachers, two types of communication-dialogue can be noted: through a teacher and without him. In the first case, students do not interact directly with each other, but communicate through the teacher, who in this case is an "intermediary" between the children in their questions, comments, suggestions to each other. In this regard, there are different opinions among teachers and methodologists, according to which mediated communication "deprives younger students of the opportunity to fully cooperate in the classroom, interferes with their self-expression, creativity, looseness and naturalness in speech activity." . On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the positive role of the intervention of the “intermediary” teacher, with the help of which organized communication between two students is built. The teacher, entering the "third wheel", does not spoil the dialogue, but directs the student and eliminates speech errors associated with pronunciation, word usage and the formation of various syntactic constructions.

“Using the situation,” suggests A. Sh. Asadullin, “it is possible to teach not only dialogic, but also monologue (oral) speech. So, for example, in a lesson on the topic “Family”, after question-and-answer work on the classroom environment, the children proceed to its description: This is a class. Here is the table. Here is a chair. There's a board. Etc.". .

Only when younger students learn the mechanism for constructing oral forms of communication (dialogue and monologue) and can carry on a conversation, there is a need for certain topics and situations.

The teacher should teach children to apply the acquired knowledge not only in this speech situation, but also in other speech situations. So, after studying the topic "Family", the teacher can call two students and invite them to talk to each other. At the same time, the teacher introduces them into a speech situation: Imagine that you have just met and you are interested in learning about each other, about your families, place of residence, about the profession of your parents, etc.

The teacher may suggest various themes: "Introduction", "Invitation to my place", "In the store", "Profession", "My school", "My day off" and many more. etc. It is important that each topic traces a specific goal. A very important step in teaching dialogic speech to younger students on the basis of texts is the construction of free dialogic speech based on ready-made samples.

Let's say the topic is "Knitting Circle". Purpose: to invite an interlocutor. Method of execution: question, invitation - answer, question, consent. Sample:

Marina, have you signed up for a knitting circle yet?

No, I doubt it.

You know, I go there and I already know how to cast on knit stitches.

What is "face knitting"?

I will definitely show you if you come with me.

Thank you, Uma, I agree, let's go.

For methodological purposes, substitution exercises are used, for example:

a) - Amina, what did you do at home yesterday?

I read a book (drawing, writing, helping my mother, watching TV, learning a poem, playing checkers with my sister).

b) -Zaire, what did you do in the summer camp?

In the summer, we rested in the camp (went hiking, played volleyball, football, picked mushrooms, sang around the fire).

Execution method:

students ask questions and answer them in a chain;

each student reproduces successively all the answers in a short form (phonetically correct, at a normal pace), in incomplete sentences.

Training and speech exercises in the form of an associative dialogue also seem to be methodically appropriate. The teacher in this case describes the situation, for example: “You two rested in the Friendship camp. You have different impressions of this place”, after which a dialogue appears:

Ali, did you enjoy the camp? (yes; have fun, play volleyball, go to the forest, pick mushrooms);

Murad, did you like the camp? (no; miss your parents; catch a cold; get sick).

Execution method:

the teacher leads the conversation, asking the same question to each student in turn, who, using the words written on the board, competently builds sentences.

Speech exercises are carried out in situations presented by the teacher. The dialogue in the initial speech situation is written on the board and is a model. Fruitful for the development of speech of younger students is a telephone conversation in the form of "question-answer". One of the specific situations is offered as a model (One student meets a girlfriend whom she has not seen all summer. Or: One student asks another for help in Russian, etc.).

Execution method:

the teacher describes the situation, the students have a coherent conversation in the form of a dialogue. Sample: (topic: “Back to school”; speech situation: a boy who has been sick for 2 days is finally going to go to school):

Hello, Zurab, hello!

Hi Arsene, how are you feeling?

OK, thank you. Are you going to school tomorrow?

Of course I'm going.

How many lessons do we have tomorrow?

Do you know if there will be physical education?

I know it will.

Will you take a soccer ball with you?

Okay, I'll take it.

Thanks, bye.

The exercise can also be performed on the basis of dialogues with a different structural scheme.

In the development of dialogue, a significant place is occupied by the speech activity of children: the ability to quickly orientate, find the right one, and if necessary, a sharp, witty answer, the ability to start a dialogue - ask a question. Some children do not show activity due to shortcomings in pronunciation skills, therefore it is very important, especially in grade I, speech therapy work, as well as work on diction.

Fiction is an excellent material for the development and enrichment of children's speech. A typical school version of the dialogue is a conversation between a teacher and students: as a rule, full sentences are used in it, speech approaches the literary norm, and the correct construction of sentences and text is taught. The school also practices dialogues between students: role-playing games, dramatizations, disputes, collective discussions, etc.

What did you read last?

Yesterday I read a fairy tale about Dobryn Nikitich.

Tell us who Dobrynya Nikitich is.

Dobrynya Nikitich is a Russian hero. He is very strong and brave.

How was Dobrynya's childhood?

From the age of seven, Dobrynya learned to read books briskly and wield an eagle feather. And at the age of twelve he played the harp.

Teacher A. S. Gasparyan notes that, depending on the stage of education, students may be given the following tasks:

memorize and conduct a conversation between the characters;

expand and supplement the dialogue given in the text;

independently express in the form of direct speech the thoughts expressed in the text.

“The speech of our children should be correct without errors in pronunciation, declension of conjugations of words (what, to, him, etc.; a coat, one sock, one sandal but a coat, socks, sandals, etc.; I want, you want, I can, but we can, etc.), - Z. D. Lobanovskaya shares her work experience. In order for the sample to be perceived consciously, I accompany it with an explanation. For example, explaining the meaning of a new word, I compare it with a student already familiar: a highway is an asphalt road, a guard is a soldier of the guard. Teaching the correct pronunciation of sounds, I use such works of art, like A. Barto’s “Word Game”, “How the boy Zhenya learned to say the letter “r” by E. Charushkin, I spend the games “Echo”, “Phone”, “Finish the sound” and others; I give a special place to vocabulary exercises, because they not only teach you to understand and use the right terms but also activate the student's speech.

Improving the oral speech of students, it is necessary to pay great attention to such facts as logic, accuracy, clarity, expressiveness and correctness of speech. The accuracy of speech implies the ability of the student not only to skillfully convey the facts of observation, but also to find the best language tools. The improvement of the culture of speech follows from these requirements.

So, having explained the spelling of the word wasp and made sentences with it, Z. D. Lobanovskaya informs the students that, thanks to these insects, cheap paper has appeared. She based her message on a small excerpt from The Young Naturalist (1969):

“One scientist, walking in the garden, found a hornet's nest knocked down by the wind. He wanted to see if there were any larvae left in the nest. Tearing the nest, the scientist suddenly discovered that it was made of paper. Wasps made a nest in a special way from wood. So paper can be made from wood. So the wasps helped people find new raw materials!

The child must live in the world of the beauty of a fairy tale, fantasy, creativity, and even when we want to teach him to read and write. For example, children read the words cucumbers, cabbage, said them in syllables. And here it is recommended to ask them a question: “Guys, do you know why the cucumber is covered with pimples?” If the children shrug their shoulders, look at the teacher in surprise, you can read them a little joke-tale.

Cucumber and cabbage. One day a head of cabbage and a cucumber went to swim in the river. The cucumber immediately rushed into the river, and as soon as the head of cabbage began to undress on the bank, it undressed until evening. The cucumber waited for him, waited, and from the cold all covered with pimples.

At all simple words, recorded next to a small moment of the game, bring their own emotional coloring to the work. For example, when getting acquainted with a new sound and a new letter “k”, we hang a picture with the image of a saucer of milk on the board and tell the first graders “Milk is getting cold in the saucer, and the kitten is far away. I can’t find a naughty girl, help me, kids!” Children compose and write down sentences, for example: “Kiss-kiss, for milk!” or “Kiss, Murka, for milk!” When the sentence is written down, next to the saucer we place a drawing depicting a kitten. Children can make many sentences, but only those that contain letters familiar to children should be selected for writing.

Work experience Z.D. Lobanovskaya suggests that music also helps in the development of children's speech, small pieces of music, fragments from them give children the opportunity to work creatively and with inspiration. Listening to a melody, experiencing or admiring its beauty, the teacher and the student become closer to each other.

In a writing lesson, when consolidating what has been passed, you can show the children a small Olympic bear. A cute bear will help them. The work can turn out to be small (after all, you can’t write much yet: children still know few letters), for example:

Our bear.

Here is a bear. He is small. He looks at us kindly. Good teddy bear!

Yes, there are few words, but in these words, sentences, compiled together with young schoolchildren, their sensitivity and kindness will be expressed. And the song “Goodbye, Moscow” (music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov) will help to awaken a vivid performance in children, make them write. With great excitement, the guys will listen to a song about the Olympic bear. This moment in the lesson is an incomparable means of education. Even the most silent will want to say something about the bear.

Poems are a pattern in the soul of children. Beginning in 1st grade, five minutes of each reading lesson can be devoted to poetry. On them, students read poems about the seasons, about friendship, about school, about the Motherland. The best reading is recommended to be recorded on a tape recorder. Often practiced reading is accompanied by music. Our pupils become adults, but their expressive reading will be listened to by children who have entered school again.

Very often, teachers complain that children do not know how to listen to each other, they build statements poorly. By themselves, students will not acquire the ability to listen and speak - they must be systematically taught this. Below are examples of exercises that contribute to the development of these skills in younger students.


Reduce the sentence to 4, 3, 2 words.

The teacher pronounces a sentence - the children comprehend it, the teacher repeats the sentence - the students memorize it, and then shorten it! the sentence is sequential, arbitrary, but retaining the main content, for example: Olya is reading to her grandmother interesting book. Olya reads a book to her grandmother. Olya reads to her grandmother. Olga is reading.

The work ends with the answer to the question: what changed when the supply was reduced?


Rearrange the words in the sentence.

The teacher pronounces a sentence and invites the children to change the word order. As a result of the work, it turns out what and how changes in this case. Children learn to pronounce a sentence expressively, changing the logical stress, clarifying the meaning, for example:

Masha went to school this morning.

Masha went to school this morning.

Masha went to school this morning.

Masha went to school this morning.

Masha went to school this morning.

Based on this exercise, the game "Such the same and different proposal" is played.

Students write sentences and offer alternatives. The winner is the one who can make up more options and demonstrate the ability to expressively pronounce the phrase.


Change one word.

The teacher invites the children to listen to the sentence and repeat it, replacing only one word in it, for example:

The children came from school. The guys came from school.

The boys came from school. The students came from school.

The girls came from school.

The sons came from school.

This exercise develops the ability to be attentive to the content of the statement, prepares for the conscious perception of the text and for retelling.


Listen, remember, answer: is everything right?

Children listen to sentences and determine: can what is described really be? If so, when and where might this happen? If the described cannot be, then it is necessary to convincingly explain that this is a fiction or nonsense, for example:

Snow fell, Alyosha went out to sunbathe. The boys went to the forest on skis to pick strawberries. The frog opened the umbrella because it started to rain.

This exercise is aimed at developing attention to the text, conscious mastering of what is being read, the ability to build a statement exactly in accordance with the plan, meaningfully using a particular word. After completing the training exercises, the children will be able to organize the game "Distinguish were and fables, notice the absurdities." Children choose the material for the game themselves.


Add an offer.

The teacher pronounces a sentence and invites the children to increase it by successively adding one or two words, for example: We are playing. We are playing football. We play football in the stadium. In the summer we play football at the stadium. In the summer we play football at the school stadium. The exercise forms the ability to quickly assimilate the meaning of what is read, read by guesswork, memorize, build a statement using all language possibilities, and also follow the statements of the interlocutor.


Finish the offer.

The teacher starts the sentence and the children have to finish it. It is assumed that there are many possible answers or just one case, for example:

The girl was walking...

The girl was walking along the path home.

The girl walked through the forest and sang.

The girl walked down the street and carried a heavy bag of groceries.

The girl was walking along a narrow mountain path.

These exercises teach to listen and understand the interlocutor, to read, relying on a hunch, to understand complex constructions and use them in speech.
