Vasily Smolny frenzied drying tasks for everyone. Project "Mad Drying": reviews, training program

A friend once told me about sports project FURIOUS DRYING , which at that time was actively promoted on instagram by the participants of this project and of course the creators.

And, of course, I could not resist, and if my friend still doubted, then I looked site [link] she said, we are still buying an entrance ticket, at that time there was a set for crazy drying 6. (and then I went to drying 7 and 9)

And, here I am the owner of a ticket to the sport. Yes, there is such an essence that you pay for participation (but in order to go to fitness, you also buy a subscription), but in a frenzied drying, everything is much more interesting, but you paid, at that time, 2500 rubles. But, you can fly out of the project on any Saturday ( Judgment Day) if you do not complete the mission to take off. And, it gives you strength to fight, because no one wants to lose money spent)

In short, you buy participation in the project, every day you are given certain tasks

--- THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS A BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTO(actually, the end result is estimated on this basis)

Every day in the system you get physical exercise- This CIRCULAR, give recommendations on nutrition, every day you write a report in the system, you are supervised by a very interesting and positive character, namely Minion , yes, yes, benevolent, cute, yellow creatures)))

AND Every Saturday you show Class or not)) And so 4 weeks, and then voting, and maybe you are among the winners, or maybe not, but with an improved body and changed views not only on sports and nutrition, but also in something friend) In any case, participation in the Crazy Drying project will not go in vain.

And, of course, which is important for someone, you can qualify for winning places, before there was a breast augmentation operation, a cash prize, a subscription to a fitness club for 3 years or more, now in every season the rates for prizes grow))) In 7 drying rates have increased, wow, the first place is not huhra muhra, but MINI COOPER))) I think it’s worth fighting for, someone will earn money for it, and someone can squat))) I’m already afraid to imagine what the first place is in the 8 drying))) (everyone already knows that it’s also a mini-cooper, and 2nd 1 million!!!)

A little about why I decided to participate in the project, I’m quite thin, and it would seem why I need it, but it was very interesting, and it doesn’t harm anyone to tighten the body.

And, by the way, I thought that I would last, well, two weeks, but no, everything turned out to be much more fun.



Day 1 you flutter like a butterfly because you don't know what to expect. A task comes and then you start to slowly wonder where you got to (this was the case with me) some goryzhops, rock climbers, burpees, for me these were some indecent words)))

All tasks arrive on your account in the evening at 21:00 Moscow time, everything is described in great detail, there are video clips, the organizer of this project, Vasily Smolny, gives parting words, in this regard, everything is very detailed and understandable, it is very difficult to blunt here, since the system with every season more and more adapted, everything is very clear and understandable.

So the tasks are called Circular- in the first week it is the same, it takes about 30-40 minutes, and plus special tasks, for example, squat 1000 times a day, or 300 burpees a day, etc.

In the evening you must write a report to Mignon , so you will probably even new love and friendship

In general, the whole first week was hell, because if you coped with the circular, then the special task exhausts you, and there is also such a moment that every day, this task for different groups muscles, then by the third day you are not you, everything hurts, ache, fasten. If before that I went to bed at 24:00, then at 22:00 it just cuts me out like a baby.

You also need to follow the rules in nutrition, 5-6 meals a day, I constantly cooked something, protein, carbohydrates, I counted all this, weighed it on the scales, there was something to do.

And you seem to have adapted, accepted everything, and then once Saturday crept up, and on Saturday we have what, we have Judgment Day (or offset) usually it was a job maximum amount Burpees in 90 seconds, and the thing is, you can't ramble you shoot it on video and send it for verification, but in this regard, control is tough.

I did my first flight task on the 3rd attempt, although it would seem, but I gave up, I fell, I said I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t, let them kick me out, then I pulled myself together and jumped 21 times (by the way, in 7 drying it’s already 25 once)

2 WEEK , already circular is different and special tasks are different, that is, nothing is repeated. Saturday Doomsday, in the 6th and 7th drying there were different tasks. so I don't think they will be repeated.

3 WEEK , the circular one also changes, but in the form of a special task, poetic cardio, i.e. running with songs, not good dancing, 40 minutes at a time convenient for you, and well, a contrast shower.

On Saturday, as always, Judgment Day, it is also the last one, and if you are still in the team, then you are smoothly approaching the final event.

4 WEEK, the most difficult, specific diet, carbohydrate-free days, etc., the body is being prepared for PHOTO AFTER

Then you do PHOTO AFTER, I decided to add, I still continue to participate in drying, and the photo turns out to be one of the most difficult tasks. Here at 9 drying, I also encountered this, before that my photos passed the first time, but at 9 they wrapped it up, and I had to redo it.

And what I figured out for myself to do good photo from the first time you need to carefully, very carefully read the Assignment, maybe even write out important points!

Take a person who knows how to use the phone at least a little bit, sincerely wants to help you and will also carefully read the task)

It is important to choose everything correctly, if there is no white wall at home, then you can hang a sheet, I did just that, the linen in which you are photographed BEFORE must be directly saved on the PHOTO AFTER, immediately removed to a secluded place. Remembering where you stood and where the operator stood is also not so difficult. In this regard, it’s generally simple for me, I’m at one wall, the operator is at the other, it’s hard not to remember the truth))

I read a lot of all sorts of comments, that someone takes three hours of photography, someone for half a day, someone for a day and manage to do everything wrong)

In fact, I’m not exactly such a photographer either, but everything about everything takes about 15 minutes, you just need to take a few shots, if you don’t remember how you held the phone before, take a picture straight, a little lower, a little higher and then it will be easier choose the right AFTER photo for the BEFORE photo.

The photo must be taken according to the rules and the main thing is not to be stupid at this moment, it will come for you VOTE photos BEFORE and AFTER , In fact, this is how the winners are determined.

I, I think it's honest, your whole result is on the face, so to speak, or rather on the body. If you approached everything seriously, did tasks, then your body will really become much better in 4 weeks, your fat will melt, and your muscles will sparkle with colors)))

Here are my results, I post exactly those parts of the body where everything is very clearly visible, this is the result for 4 weeks of classes, but everything can be seen there by dates))

I am writing, and my thoughts are confused whether I described everything, whether I missed anything. The essence is clear, now about what I heard from the people around me, what I got from this project, my emotions, feelings, experiences.

No one understood why I signed up to participate in this project, only I understood this, even thin people, and everyone, have some problem areas, and most importantly i was interested . Some people supported me, but some agreed that this was a scam, they were fooling people for 2,500 thousand, and so on. Although now, when I show the results, no one thinks anymore, I was doing nonsense

Yes, participation in the project is paid, and you are not immune from departure, but I made such conclusions for myself, if you do everything within a week, then you will master the task of departure and will not be kicked out anywhere and you will move on. It seems to me that only those who flew out all week were free or just blunted, took the wrong picture, sent it to the wrong place, etc. Everything depends on ourselves.

For example, in the second week, the take-off task was a plank, a static exercise, before that I could not defend even 30 seconds, and who would have known that in the take-off task I would stand 3 minutes, yes, yes 3 minutes, but it all started very sadly. And every Saturday I said goodbye to the project, but willpower works wonders)))

When all 4 weeks were over, a feeling of sadness gripped me, because I got used to it, the morning did not start with coffee)))) but with a circle. Sport entered my life, and I liked that it didn’t require any improvised means, simulators, only you, the body, the mat, and the desire to improve yourself.

I passed the 6th drying, and of course I went to the 7th, and I also passed it, although the prizes increased here, and the tasks for the flight were not as simple as they were. It seems to me that in the 8th drying there will be a task from the series to fall asleep in the plank, wake up in a high chair)))) Everything can be.

Judging by the photos from Instagram, everyone participates in this project, both full and thin and average, it is addictive, it is interesting and for you it is just a kick to start doing something.

I described everything I wanted, maybe I forgot something, but you can read everything))) I just expressed my opinion that it's super, it works and it's cool) In addition, all tasks remain with you and you can also continue do it, and it will be right))

I am writing a review, voting has begun in the game and people have so many opinions, since everyone is of a different physique, and the voting went on and on from the photos before and after, then everything was divided, someone thinks that the thin ones need to be merged, that this is a project for full ones, someone looks at the result, etc. I think that even though the motto of the project is to buy your fat dearly, anyway, this project is for everyone who wants to improve their body!

I advise you to participate, very interesting, fun, sometimes fun through pain. Only positive emotions remained))))

Crazy Drying- This online game with the opportunity to lose weight, start eating right, play sports and win money, a car and many other prizes. Or win nothing. It all depends on whether you will do workouts and. At the end of 2018, there are already 22 seasons of the game and recruitment for the 23rd season of Crazy Drying has begun. For 3 years of the game there are already more than 200,000 participants!

Many people find it difficult to start eating right, keeping their calorie intake, and exercising. I am among those. Therefore, I decided to try and became a member of the 8th season. In my blog you will find exercises from 8, 12, 18 and 20 seasons. I posted both standard exercises and “watch and do” workouts with Yulia Smolnaya.

Now the project has profiles on Instagram with recipes, has its own application in which you can take photos for drying, collages, and all tasks are there, and a timer. In general, you can not leave the application))

How much does it cost to participate in a frenzied drying?

Want to try your hand too? Then you need to sign up on the site madsushka.rf and buy a ticket. Its cost starts from 3500 rubles. If you are going to participate in a gang, then the cost will be lower. The gang is 4 members. Someone from the gang pays for the purchase. The rest, by agreement, discount the cost of their ticket to him.

Meals in the Crazy Drying project

BJU for 1-2-3 weeks: B-40% / W-30% / Y-30% BJU at week 4: Mon - B-50% / U-50%, Tue - B-60% / F-40%, SR - B-50% / U-50%,
Thu - B-60% / W-40%, Fri - B-60% / W-40%.
BJU at week 5: B-30% / F-20% / Y-50%

Firstly, it is proposed to eat 5-6 times a day, observe the drinking regimen (from 2 liters per day). To do this, you need to set yourself reminders or, which help you set up your drinking regimen and write down everything you eat.

You will also have to give up sweets in any of their manifestations. Eat cottage cheese, eggs, chicken breasts, beef, vegetables, cereals. Fruits are allowed to eat, but only with a low glycemic index and only in the morning (up to about 15 hours).

If you have started using the Crazy Drying project program, then use this calorie calculator here. According to it, you need to calculate the daily number of calories, ONLY if you are in the BS program.

List of permitted products for mad drying:

Vegetables(fresh, boiled, steamed, grilled, fried WITHOUT oil) :

  • avocado
  • eggplant
  • broccoli
  • White cabbage
  • bell pepper
  • mushrooms
  • greenery
  • green bean
  • zucchini
  • leaf lettuce
  • carrot
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • radish
  • radish
  • asparagus
  • beet
  • pumpkin
  • cauliflower
  • spinach

Squirrels(boiled, steamed, grilled, fried WITHOUT oil):

  • eggs (whites)
  • lean beef
  • veal
  • liver
  • chicken breasts (no skin!)
  • turkey (breast without skin)
  • low fat cottage cheese (maximum 5%)
  • seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid, scallops, crab meat (not to be confused with chopsticks), octopus, etc.)


  • Buckwheat
  • oatmeal
  • green peas (frozen/fresh)
  • lentils
  • beans
  • unpolished brown rice
  • long grain rice
  • bulgur
  • couscous
  • quinoa
  • wholemeal pasta
  • wholemeal bread (whole grain)
  • cereal loaves (you can Dr. Koerner)
  • bran

You can add salt and spices (but be sure to look at their composition, many come with sugar)

Ready-made sauces are prohibited! Allowed - soy sauce (no more than 1 tablespoon per day), balsamic vinegar, olive or linseed oil (or any other unrefined vegetable oil).

Daily Crazy Drying Quests

Do the same workout every day. This is one of the hardest weeks, because. You have to do everything and not lose motivation. And it is quite easy to lose, because the first results are not yet visible.

Various trainings begin from Smolny and from Yulia. You can do any of your choice.

Crazy drying often takes place at a very fast pace, because you don’t have time for anything at all. You need to have time to do exercises, exercise, cook, eat, swim, work, run, clean up and much more.

A new diet begins (protein-carbohydrate alternation), training and running continue, and “after” photos are taken.

Menu for every day for crazy drying for 1400 calories

In you will find a list of products for the week for 1 person and a menu with recipes for every day.

Editor's Note: We sent our special correspondent into the thick of things to write you an honest review of the sensational project "Mad Drying". With the million won by the author, we will open a branch of the editorial office in Bali, and you - read and make your own choice! * set up foolishly.

The game starts

A couple of weeks before summer, it dawned on me that it's still not so beautiful to put on a swimsuit and go to the beach - in best case I can roll out on him with a fat little bun. And then the almighty targeting gave me the idea to participate in the next season of Mad Drying.

This project has gained wild popularity, firstly, thanks to the strange charisma of Vasily Smolny (he is like Lena Miro, only a man and charming), and secondly, thanks to the prizes. The best dryers receive a Mini Cooper, a million rubles or a certificate for increasing the pile, and this season there are another hundred prizes of thirty thousand each.

Why not, I decided, why give up the opportunity to both lose weight and earn extra money?

If only I knew...

Rules of the game

There are a lot of rules in Mad Drying, the violation of which threatens to take you out of the project. And the first rule is don't be stupid. As it turned out, it is also the most important. Under no circumstances should you ask questions to Smolny on Instagram. And even when personal meeting not worth it. Never ever. I wonder why? (Stop, stop, this was not a question for Smolny!). Well, of course, you can not offend anyone and cheat. You can't advertise anything. And for some reason, write posts with the hashtag # rabid artist.

Every day for four weeks, Crazy Drying offers some tasks that you can do or not do. But on Saturday, you need to make and film the "Task for the Departure" - whoever did it, plays on, the rest are expected in the next seasons.

Quest reports are checked by the cutest creatures in the world - minions who love us, cheer us up and console us. Regularly getting banana hugs, warm words, and greenbacks helps you get through the month.

On nutrition in Sushka, everything is simple and banal: 40% carbohydrates, a complete ban on all sweets and joys, except for one cheat meal on Sunday, a rather large calorie intake, which, however, is compensated by a rather large energy consumption.

Week 1

There is one more contraindication for Crazy Drying: I would not recommend participation for people suffering from such a rare disease as arithmophobia - this is the fear of b
big numbers. Because in the first week the dryers consistently did:

  • 700 squats
  • 300 pushups
  • 600 jump lunges
  • 200 burpees
  • 1000 climbers.

And to make sure it wasn't too easy, each morning began with a circuit workout codenamed "Die But Do":

6 exercises, 4 circles, rest between circles 1 minute

  • 20 squats
  • 10 pushups
  • 20 hyperextensions
  • 5 burpees
  • 25 situps
  • 1 min. plank

By the way, the drying community has adopted its own dictionary, which slightly offends the gaze of a shy girl. And where all the dryers do “gorizhops” and “sisepoles”, I modestly do deep squats and push-ups.

Judgment Day

Saturday is departure day. In the first week it was necessary to do the maximum number of burpees in a minute and a half, film it all on video and
put it on youtube.

At the same time, the minimum passage number of burpees is not specified at all, that's the whole horror.

In the first week, a little more than a thousand people flew out of Sushka - those whose execution technique turned out to be incorrect, who posted the video but forgot to make it available via the link, who did not have time to post the report before 23:59, and those who did too little for 90 seconds. They say that last season everyone who did 14 burpees received credit, this time they passed with 12.

By the way, I did 26.

It's not that hard.

# Don't be stupid, buddy.

More interesting

- fitness game, in which participants complete tasks for a month, monitor nutrition and, at the end, take part in the drawing of prizes (minicooper, silicone breasts, new teeth and money-money-money). I wrote these lines and realized how ridiculous it all sounds. Here's their Instagram, by the way - @beshenayasushka.
And all because I am a little fan of such adventures and prefer to achieve my goals on my own (in this case, lose the remaining couple of kg to the desired weight). BS is actively promoting on Instagram, it was hard not to notice her when attractive collages with before / after photos flashed every now and then.
I have been watching nutrition for a long time, go in for sports, but at some point I thought maybe I was missing something, and there is a miracle training system that leads to impressive results in a short time. Let it be an experiment and bought participation in the project. I paid 3500 and got access to the internal site.
As it turned out, this money does not guarantee that the game will not be over for me in a week.

What is the point?
1.Photo BEFORE
To compete for prizes, let's call it that, you need to take a good photo. In drying, they are very confused about this. I redid the photo 3 times. In my opinion, this is a real waste of time, especially when you quickly take pictures in the morning, and only in the evening they answer you where the shortcomings should be corrected. My goal was not for prizes, after several rejected photos, I did not re-photograph.

2. Daily workouts except Sunday.
Every day there is a mailing with a training for next day. It took me from 20-30 minutes, a couple of times it was a little longer. If you wish, you can find these workouts on the Internet, a lot of people wrote about them - this is not so secret information. The exercises themselves are banal, but we must pay tribute, the order, the number of circles, the types of exercises changed every day. It was not boring (and for me it was important). As a rule, in addition to the main workout, there were always special tasks: 700 squats or 10 minutes of planks per day. It sounded scary. But I broke them into pieces during the day (such rules) and calmly followed them.

3. Doomsday (mission mission)
Once a week it was necessary to record a video with a mission to take off. The most recent was: 2 minutes of plank and then 3 minutes of burpee (how much you jump). It is assumed that if you do not do daily training, then it is not certain that you will be able to master the doomsday task. It was really difficult, but for me it was more difficult and time consuming to find when and where to shoot all this.

4. Photo after
The final stage before voting: photo and collage.

What can I say?
The first week of drying was for me the most annoying. I was waiting for someone to explain how to write daily reports, what to write in them, whether the speed of training is important, whether a heart rate monitor is needed. In the second week I resigned myself with the fact that I don’t understand why this whole undertaking was just doing training. I realized that not all questions can and should be asked in a general chat, opinions differ and there is no truth. After enduring 2 doomsday I have confidence that I am doing everything right. And continued to train not competing with anyone. I started writing cute reports to the minions, although at the beginning it seemed to me stupidity. In general, I got a little involved in the game. On the third doomsday there was even a little exciting, will I pass in the last week. But only a little. And the fourth week passed quietly, without sadness and longing that the project was over.

I responsibly performed all the workouts despite the skepticism, but the weight remained unchanged after a month and the volumes were gone by 1-2 cm. Conclusion: drying is not a miracle method for losing weight. At least not my method, since I initially approached her at a good weight, and the loads were rather weak for me. Was the project worth the money? No and no again. Only if I was a gambler and paying for BS as an opportunity to get more valuable prizes and recoup the cost. What new have I learned? Nothing. Unless I added a few exercises to my "piggy bank" of home workouts. Frustrated that you haven't lost weight? Probably yes, but that was to be expected. The difference in my photos is very minimal. Will I still take part in the BS? Absolutely not. But the habit of daily training has remained, and I have already outlined a training plan for the coming months.

And to make it clearer whether the BS is worth participating, here are the pros and cons for you.

- complete training system
- Opportunity to connect with like-minded people
- material motivation
- support (albeit not operational). Every day, minions (yellow funny men in chats) write kind letters with words of admiration and approval.
- very good explanation of technique youtube channel

Why such a ratio of KBJU, why do we need days without fat, why do we need to run and sing. I knew the answers to many questions, and if not, I found them on the Internet. But in my opinion, such things should be explained within the framework of the game, so that there is one common opinion, otherwise if you go into the chat, what was not written there.
- you need to count KBZhU every day and monitor their ratio
- support takes a long time to respond. It happened that the answer came in 2 days.

In conclusion. There will be no before and after photos of me here, they are in underwear and it is unreasonable to put them here.

A strong, slender and toned body is the dream of many. Of course, proper nutrition and regular exercise help with this. And today, the Crazy Drying online training is becoming more and more popular. Reviews about this program can be found in a wide variety, but all of them are left by people who are trying to fight excess weight and improve physical fitness.
Since participation in the project is paid, then, of course, people are trying to find the maximum additional information. How difficult will it be to complete the Crazy Drying program? Reviews, results of participants, cost - these are all important points that you should definitely read before paying.

What is a project?

What just does not come into play when trying to improve the figure - and diets, and fitness classes, and cosmetic procedures. Today, the online training "Crazy Drying" is becoming more and more popular. Feedback from participants suggests that the project really helps to cope with excess weight and improve the condition of the musculoskeletal system.
The essence in this case is quite simple - those who wish pay for participation in the project, after which every day for a month they receive exercise programs that need to be completed. Of course, the scheme includes not only physical activity, but also nutrition. Every week there is a progress check, after which many players are weeded out - sometimes due to incorrect assignments, but most often due to blank reports. The project does require daily efforts, but the time and money spent is returned in the form of a slim figure.
What do experts say about the Crazy Drying project? Reviews of doctors are ambiguous. Of course, the training and nutrition program is designed as efficiently as possible, and it can be considered safe. On the other hand, before starting the training, be sure to consult a doctor. The exercises in the project are quite complex and have contraindications. The program is not suitable for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. You should not start training if you have an infectious or inflammatory disease - you must first go through full course treatment.

Project organizers

The authors and organizers of the project are the Smolny family - Julia and Vasily (in fact, it can be seen on the official website of the program). At one time, the couple became interested in questions about proper nutrition, fitness and physical development body. This passion first grew into a lifestyle, and then into a huge business project.
The organizers set themselves one goal - to instill healthy habits in the participants and help them realize their dream, making the figure perfect.

Preparation for participation

After paying for participation in the project (read about prices below), a person gets access to Personal Area on the site, which will become the next month's "workplace". Here, members fill out daily reports and receive helpful recommendations.
The first step, by the way, is uploading "Before" photos. This is necessary first of all for the participant himself in order to track the results. In addition, all photos at the finish line participate in the drawing of very good prizes.
Before starting training, you need to upload photos in four projections. Need front, back, left and right views. The requirements for images are strict - some players even take them in photo studios, although this is not necessary. Photos must be taken in underwear. The face must be covered with a sheet of paper on which the start date is written.

What does the working week of the participants look like?

Every day, registered users receive tasks in their personal account. For example, a workout might look like this:
    25 squats; 15 push-ups; exercise "bike" 20 times on each leg; sitap 20 times; hyperextension 20 times; stand in a plank position for 1 minute.
Of course, the schedule changes every week. Circuit training always consists of 6 exercises, each of which must be repeated 4 times (in a circle). Between circles take a break of one minute. Training is recommended to be done in the morning, but any other time of the day will do. In most cases, four laps take about 40 minutes, although some participants complete it in 20.
In addition, every day the participants are given special tasks, for example, 300 push-ups, 700 sit-ups. This amount must be completed per day. Exercises change all the time so as to train all the muscles of the body.
In the evenings, you must fill out a report describing your progress - this is a prerequisite for further passage of the course.

Saturday: flight mission

Of course, daily reports are not everything. Control over training here is quite tight. Every Saturday, the participants are given the so-called flight task. If a person succeeds, he continues training, if not, he flies out of the program.
Assignments, of course, change every week. For example, you need to do the maximum number of repetitions of the exercise in a minute or hold out in the plank position for as long as possible. Participants film this weekly test and then submit the video to the moderators for review. The reason for deduction may be a completely wrong technique for performing an exercise or a too poor result.
This is exactly what control over training looks like in the Crazy Drying project. Feedback from participants suggests that the tasks are quite difficult, but doable. And no one wants to fly out of a project that has already been paid for. That's why it's important to complete all the daily tasks throughout the week, because they strengthen the muscles and increase endurance, which makes it possible to pass the test and hold out until the end of the project.

Proper nutrition during the course

Physical exercise is, without a doubt, important for body shaping. But do not forget about nutrition. A well-chosen diet helps burn fat and build muscle. Moreover, do not forget that during training, energy consumption increases - it must be compensated, but only with the right products.
In the personal account of the participant there are recommendations on nutrition. The diet should include 50-60% protein foods, 20-40% fats and 30-50% carbohydrates. At the time of the training, you need to completely abandon sugar, foods that contain glucose and fructose. Therefore, in general, the diet of those who are losing weight consists of meat dishes and fish (it is better to cook for a couple or in the oven), vegetables, fruits and cereals. You can add salt and spices to food, but in no case should you use ready-made sauces, ketchups, mayonnaises, etc.

Who is taking part?

Who is eligible to participate in the Crazy Drying program? Reviews say that the course is completely engaged different people. Here you can see participants with a fair amount of extra pounds who are striving to lose weight. There are also slender people who want to build muscle mass and make the body more prominent.
There are no age restrictions, but, of course, you should consult a doctor before starting. One has only to say that, despite the fact that teenagers can pay for participation and participate in the program, players under 18 years of age (according to the law) are not eligible for prizes.

How much does a project permit cost?

Reviews of the "Mad Drying" of Smolny are mostly worn positive character. But participation in the project is paid, which, in fact, creates some additional motivation, because people really don’t want to leave the game, losing not only the chance for an excellent figure, but also their own hard-earned money.
If you decide to take part in the online weight loss game, you can choose from several possible packages. You can pay for a participant's place, the cost of which is 3500 rubles. For this money you will get access to your personal account, regular support, the ability to communicate with other participants, daily tasks and regular projects. However, if at any stage you fail to complete the task or stop sending reports, you will be automatically expelled without a refund.
Many people prefer to pay for a package called "Tricky", which costs 4,500 rubles. Such membership gives one immunity, which can be used in any mission to take off (once). Since spouses often take part, the Family package is also offered, which costs 6,000 rubles. In addition, married couples are eligible for some additional draws.
A successful innovation was the "Gang" package, the cost of which is 12,000 rubles. You can purchase such membership by gathering a group of four people. By the way, many participants do just that, because a joint purchase makes it possible to save. The most expensive is the Major package, which costs 16,000 rubles. Such a membership gives you access to classes, but completely frees you from weekly checks and daily reports - in fact, participants can study when and how they want, which, alas, does not guarantee results.

Additional motivation for participants: contests and prizes

Of course, there are some other motivational factors that are used in the Crazy Drying project. Reviews, as well as official information, indicate that the prizes awarded to the best participants are really worth the daily efforts.
Generous prizes are handed out in the women's league, and 100 participants immediately receive cash rewards. The girl who takes first place is awarded a million rubles and a car. The prize for the second place is one million rubles and the opportunity to make a perfect smile in one of the most famous dental clinics in the country. The girl who takes third place receives a million rubles and a certificate for plastic breast correction.
The fourth in the ranking participant is awarded a very good amount of 500,000 rubles, and for the sixth place - 200 thousand rubles. Girls who take from 7th to 10th place are awarded 100,000 rubles, and participants who are in 11-100th place in the standings receive 30,000 rubles each.
Prizes in the men's league are not so diverse - the first ten men in the ranking receive 100,000 rubles each. There are separate prizes for the family league. Couples who take first, second and third place receive 500, 300 and 200 thousand rubles, respectively. Spouses who are in 4th-10th place in the standings are awarded 50,000 rubles.
Who is responsible for the distribution of the prize fund? The participants themselves. After the training is over, people post "after" photos in order to demonstrate the results. And then there is an open vote. Those participants who managed to achieve the most impressive results, according to the community, receive prizes. This is how the season of the Crazy Drying project ends. Reviews indicate that real participants receive gifts, there are no lies or fraud. And, of course, do not forget about the most important gift - a slender toned body and excellent health.

Project "Crazy Drying": feedback from participants

Probably the most important factor in deciding whether to participate in a project is the opinion of people who have already completed the training. How does the game actually look like, taking place on the site "Mad Drying.rf"? Reviews, results - this is just the most interesting moments.
It should be said right away that the program really gives results. Yes, the sets of exercises are really hard, and the first two weeks for many participants do not go smoothly, because you need to adapt to increased physical activity and a new diet. But it is simply impossible not to achieve a result - otherwise the player will be expelled, which is a powerful lever of movement.
The participant's account is easy to use - it's easy to fill out reports, monitor progress. The undoubted advantage is a powerful support team represented by administrators who communicate with players every evening and check tasks. It is difficult to get around the rules, so people have to follow all the instructions exactly.
What results can be achieved with the Crazy Drying training program? Reviews (photo also) say that fat deposits are literally melting before our eyes. Moreover, muscle mass builds up, the body becomes more prominent and attractive, and endurance is added. Many participants at the end of the monthly program immediately pay for participation in the second season.
Until recently, only Russians could take part in the game on the Mad Drying.rf website. Feedback and positive results made the project so popular and in demand that trainings began to be held in other countries. In particular, there is a Ukrainian version of the project, which also pleases with a huge number of prizes.

Negative aspects of the Crazy Drying project: negative feedback from participants

A lot of laudatory recommendations have already been written about the project. But is everything really so smooth in the Crazy Drying program? Negative reviews also exist, but most often they are related to organizational issues, and not to the training program itself.
For example, some users have problems uploading photos because the project has strict requirements for them. Frequently make and upload high quality picture succeeds far from the first time. Some players even talk about taking a whole day to take a photo. For other users, loading images is fast and smooth. In any case, it should be understood that the photographs in this project are very important, because they are the ones who take part in the final voting and the prize draw.
Some users complain that cash rewards distributed unfairly. There are no facts confirming the rigging of the voting results - these are only the subjective impressions of the participants.
Anyway former players recommend the Crazy Drying project. Reviews confirm that the regular implementation of all exercises (they are required) helps to achieve excellent results. And additional motivation only makes you work harder. Still, the most important reward for the project participants is precisely the improved physical form - you should not rely too much on cash prizes.