Project what the forest gives. What does the forest give us? "The forest is our friend"

Nature is a kind of absolute for man; without it, human life is simply impossible; this truth is not obvious to everyone, judging by the way people care about nature. Man receives everything he needs for life from the environment; nature provides conditions for the prosperity of all forms of life on earth. The role of nature in human life is fundamental. It is worth mentioning categorical facts and looking at specific examples of what nature gives to man. In nature, everything is interconnected; if one element disappears, the whole chain will fail.

What does nature give to man?

Air, earth, water, fire - the four elements, eternal manifestations of nature. There is no need to explain that without air, human life is simply impossible. Why don’t people, when clearing forests, worry about new plantings so that the trees can continue to work for the benefit of purifying the air? The earth gives people so many benefits that it is difficult to count: these are minerals, the opportunity to grow with Agriculture diverse cultures, live on earth. We get food from nature, be it plant foods (vegetables, fruits, grains) or food of animal origin (meat, dairy products). Material goods are sourced from the benefits of nature. Clothes are made from base fabrics, which are natural materials. Furniture in houses is made from wood, paper is made from wood. Cosmetics and household chemicals are based on herbal ingredients. Water is embodied in oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, groundwater, glaciers. Drinking water meets the needs of people around the world, people are made of water, which is why a person cannot live without water even a day. Without water, it is impossible to imagine life in everyday life: with the help of water, people wash, wash, wash anything, water is indispensable in production. Nature gives man heat in the form of fire; wood, coal, oil and gas are also sources of energy.

Nature charges a person with energy, inspires him to new achievements, and fills him with strength. What are sunsets and sunrises worth, moments filled with great meaning, the end of the day and the beginning of a new one, when everything becomes possible, despite the day that has passed. The sun is a source of joy, happiness, remember in sunny weather, somehow everything around is especially beautiful. The sun allows all living things on earth to live and develop. There are people who have given up their usual food and feed on solar energy.

Nature is capable of restoring human strength after exhausting mental or physical work; it is not without reason that many people go on vacation to the mountains, forests, ocean, sea, river or lake. The harmony of nature brings balance to the frantic rhythm of human existence.

Staying in nature in one of the above-mentioned areas has a beneficial effect on human health, headaches go away, and health improves. general state, human well-being. It's not for nothing that many people strive to spend time in nature. These forms of leisure include: camping, a picnic, or just a trip out of town for a couple of hours. In places far from the bustle of the city, you can renew yourself, sort out your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and look inside yourself. Many unique herbs and tree flowers surround a person, giving fragrance and benefits, take time to enjoy and admire them.

People are inextricably linked with nature, it takes care of it throughout a person’s existence, why does a person only take and give nothing in return. People pollute the environment every day and carelessly use the gifts of nature. Perhaps it’s worth stopping and thinking, since nature gives so much to man, isn’t it worth reciprocating and taking care of her as reverently as she takes care of us.

In economics

Our distant ancestors lived in forests, using their gifts as food. Modern man also continues to use natural resources. What does the forest give us? A lot of things:

  • materials for construction;
  • paper;
  • wood fuel;
  • furniture.

Of course, in order to save money, people have learned to create artificial materials, but still natural wood is very highly valued.


When working on the project “What does the forest give to people”, one more aspect should be revealed - medicinal plants. Centuries ago, folk healers used coltsfoot, cornflower, chamomile, calamus and other representatives of the flora to treat numerous ailments. Now medicinal properties These and many other plants have been scientifically proven, therefore their extracts and oils are widely used not only in pharmacology, but also in cosmetology.

Thus, blueberries are an excellent remedy for preventing heart and vascular diseases.


Grows in the forests a large number of mushrooms, which are very tasty; they can be fried, marinated, or salted. The rich mushroom soup is especially popular. Without forests, people would never have known this unusual taste!

Forest thickets contain trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants:

  • blueberry;
  • Rowan;
  • raspberries;
  • blueberry;
  • strawberries

Their berries are distinguished by a whole range of useful properties and are loved by children and adults.

Finally, wild animals, which found their home among the trees - a source of food for people since time immemorial, our ancestors used their meat for food, made clothes and shoes from their skins, and tools and weapons from bones, fangs and tusks. It is the ability to create them that is the key difference between humans and animals. Therefore, when studying in grade 3 what the forest gives people, it is necessary to voice to children the idea that without the forest and its inhabitants, human existence itself would become impossible. But that's not all, forest resources truly huge.

Useful properties of berries

Considering what the forest gives us, it should be noted that most of wild berries have a large number of beneficial properties. Thus, lingonberries, which prefer to grow in pine forests, contain a lot of sugar, so they are actively used for making jam. In addition, the leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes; they have a disinfectant effect.

Blueberries are a wonderful gift of the forest. Its delicious berries help improve vision, are used in the fight against scurvy, and are an excellent way to prevent cancer. The plant itself prefers rain forests.

Wild raspberry is a natural antipyretic.

Also, berries grown in forests have a large number advantages:

  • Thanks to their growth far from civilization, they are environmentally friendly and completely safe for health.
  • Due to the content of a large number of antioxidants, these gifts of the forest are a wonderful means of preventing aging.
  • They are rich in vitamins, but do not accumulate harmful substances and heavy metals in their composition.

All this allows us to answer the question of what the forest gives us: healthy products, big number vitamins

Role in the life of aboriginal peoples

There are some peoples who still survive only at the expense of forests: they hunt, collect berries and mushrooms, and often these types of activities are the main methods of obtaining food.

Such dependence on nature is inherent primarily in indigenous peoples who live far from civilization and do not have the opportunity to exist in any other way. Sometimes such nationalities come into contact with outside world, exchanging plants or animals they obtained in the forests for the benefits of civilization: clothes, shoes, equipment.

Other useful properties

Concluding our consideration of the question of what the forest gives us, let us note a few more points:

  • A large number of trees are an obstacle to rivers, preventing water from spreading over long distances.
  • The roots of trees and bushes protect the soil cover from being washed away.
  • In the wilderness, a large number of living creatures find a home: animals, birds, insects, many species are rare or endangered. Therefore, it is through forests that it is possible to preserve the species diversity of plants and animals. Active cutting down of trees leads to the fact that animals have nowhere to live.
  • Recreational tourism. The opportunity to go into the forest for a while and put up a tent is an excellent option for a recreational holiday that will give you a lot of positive emotions.
  • Use for home improvement in the now popular eco-style.

All this proves that forested areas are of great importance for humans, which is why the wealth bestowed by nature itself should be treated with care, consciously and rationally use this resource.

The answer to the question of what the forest gives us cannot be unambiguous. Without trees and shrubs, grasses and wild animals, life itself on the planet is not possible.

Sabirova Alina, Happy Vlad, Okishor Anna, Popov Nikita, Bogdanova Oksana

The goal of the project is to trace the image of the forest and find out its significance in human destiny.

The guys put forward a hypothesis: perhaps the forest is not only a source of raw materials and clean air, but the forest is a living soul.



Performed by: Popov Nikita, Okishor Anna,

Bogdanova Oksana, Happy Vlad,

Sabirova Alina

Head: Sabirova R.G.,

primary school teacher

G. Serov, 2014

1. Introduction.

2. What does the forest give to a person?

3.How are people and forests connected?

4.How to behave in the forest?

5. Conclusion.

6. Application.


You can see so many miracles in the forest,
The forest inspires us in life,
The trees sometimes laugh, sometimes they cry,
Sometimes they voice with their branches, sometimes they gossip.

Their life is filled with beauty
Sometimes kind, and sometimes powerful,
And like a person, the forest has a destiny,
It can be fatal, it can be joyful.

Our work is dedicated to the forest.

It was not by chance that we turned to this topic.

The forest is a green friend, a spacious house,

Everyone is comfortable in that house.

The dense forest is covered in mystery,
He keeps many secrets.

All the guys really wanted it

Get closer to forest resources.

The goal of our project is to trace the image of the forest and find out its significance in human destiny.

To achieve the goal, we have set ourselves the following tasks:

1. Study the literature on this topic.

2. Determine the role of the forest in human destiny.

3. Carry out measures to protect the forest.

We have chosen the following working methods:

  • Questionnaire, interview
  • Working with literature
  • Propaganda work
  • Analysis and synthesis

We structured our work as answers to the questions:

1What is a forest for?
2. What damage has man done to forests?
3. How are forests and people connected?
4. How to behave in the forest?

We put forward a hypothesis: perhaps the forest is not only a source of raw materials and clean air, but the forest is a living soul.

What does the forest give to a person?

Before starting to work with the literature, we decided to conduct a survey among students and received the following results:

Do you love the forest? - 19 people. - yes 1 person - no

What pleases you most about the forest?

Beauty - 11 people

silence - 5 people

peace of mind - 4 people

As we can see from the survey, the vast majority of children are connected with the forest, so we consider the topic to be relevant.

Forests are often called the green ocean, and rightly so. Forests are part of nature; man cannot do without them, just like without water or air. They are spread across vast expanses of the country. This is ours national wealth and we must dispose of it in a businesslike manner. The forest is a friend and protector of man. He feeds, clothes, heals people. Scientists have calculated that one hectare of forest purifies 18 million cubic meters of air over the course of a year and absorbs in one hour as much carbon dioxide as 200 people exhale during that time.

It is difficult to list everything that the forest gives to people. Until now, another 2/3 of humanity cooks with wood fuel. From the green treasury, our country annually receives 400 million m3 of wood, which serves as a source for 200 thousand species various materials, substances and compounds: construction parts, paper, cardboard, furniture, plastics, artificial silk and fur, protein concentrates, glucose and much, much more.

In addition, the forests are rich in fodder and medicinal herbs, berries and mushrooms. Hunting is developing in the forests, and fish farming is developing in forest reservoirs. The forest protects rivers from shallowing, fields from drought. The forest is cool on a hot day, a break from city noise, and a refuge from the freezing wind and blizzard. The forest air has healing properties. Hygienists have calculated that the noise of trees, the sound of falling water and almost all noises occurring in nature have a frequency within the range1000 vibrations per second.These noises create a useful, much needed acoustic background..

The leaf surface traps dust and industrial emissions and purifies the air. On one hectare of spruce forest, up to 32 tons of dust settles on the needles. People cannot live without forests and rivers. As soon as you cut down trees along the banks of rivers, they immediately become shallow, the soil is washed away and ravines are formed.

It is difficult to list everything that the forest gives to people:

What are we planting when we plant forests?
Masts and yards - hold the sails,
The deckhouse and the deck, the ribs and the keel -
Wander the sea in storm and calm.
What are we planting when we plant forests?
Radio masts - catching voices,
The table at which you will write,
Pen, ruler, pencil case and notebook.
What are we planting when we plant forests?
Light wings - fly to the skies,
House and swing, shuttle and bench,
And your wooden horse.
What are we planting when we plant forests?
The thicket where the badger and the fox roam,
Thicket where the squirrel hides the baby squirrels,
A thicket where crows cry in the morning.
What are we planting when we plant forests?
The leaf on which the dew falls
Air for the lungs, and moisture and shade,
This is what we are planting today!

As we can see, forests have very great importance for a person. Without him on our territory full life human is impossible.

What damage does man do to forests?

A person receives a lot from the forest, but he himself often becomes, intentionally or unintentionally, the source of many troubles: the destruction of forests by improper management, destruction by fires, and poaching. Where there are relatively few people and economic impact on forests is insignificant, forests more or less successfully cope with the consequences of human impact. But in populated areas, where forests are frequently visited by people and used for a variety of economic activity, people have to make some efforts to ensure that the forest does not die, does not lose its attractiveness for recreation, its ability to save water, air and the human environment in general.
According to research by one information and review magazine, over the past 50 years, humans have destroyed 70% of the world's forests. About 30% of the forests still remaining on Earth are fragmented and dying out; deforestation is proceeding at a very high speed.

The use of forests for recreation and tourism, to one degree or another, also harms our green friend. The presence of even one person in him does not pass without a trace, especially if he believes that everything is permitted to him. But families or large groups usually go to the forest. Here we cannot do without fires, which leave behind lifeless areas of land for several years.

This means that we ourselves are destroying our “beloved nature” – mushroom pickers, hunters, tourists, participants in cheerful picnics. Therefore, when sitting down with a nice company by the fire, we must remember that our joy can easily turn into disaster, an irreparable loss for nature and society.

Changes in forest cover that are imperceptible at first glance are caused even by walking through the forest, as a result of which grass and young trees that have slightly risen above the ground are trampled. The people noticed: one person leaves a trail in the forest; a hundred - a path; a thousand - desert.

Even mature trees suffer from the same reason. To a large extent, trees also weaken from damage to the bark by knives and axes. No wonder the proverb says: “Whoever removes the bark from a tree kills it.”

Drying birch...

Zaruba - almost to the core

Birch tears

They run both bright and innocent.

From a deep wound

Cool moisture flows down...

Ah, the juice treat!

To whom

You turned around

A blessing?..

People should always remember that a tree is their friend. The Nature Conservation Society, nature lovers and everyone in general should not only protect green spaces, but also contribute to their increase

The time has come to understand

That the loss of forests must be replenished.

Future generations will suffer -

Grow quickly new forest will not work!

Forests of Russia are not a free store
We need to take care of them, and protect them, and cherish them.
And the man, alas, is not a master at all,

And the first one who will suffer from the pain caused to the forest.

It's time to understand how important it is to protect the forests of our Earth
From the crafts of people, from the terrible drought...

Can't be destroyed in vain

Respiratory organs of the Earth,
Otherwise, you will be happy to breathe clean air

We won't be able to experience it any time soon!

Everyone must understand that not only the forester

The forest must be protected from sparks and smoke,

For many people the forest is talking, living -

We need to take care of it together!

The forest gives strength, without a doubt,
Let the environment improve
And the forest will give those people inspiration,

Who will remember the law: “Protect the forest!”

How are forests and people connected?

Russian forest! No landscape is as rich in colors as the Russian forest. And how much poetry is contained in it! The forest is beautiful at any time of the year. There are many songs, proverbs, sayings, riddles, and jokes about the forest.
Our forests excite every person who loves his homeland and have a beneficial effect on his soul. The beauty of the forest is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, writers, composers, and artists. Many poems, paintings, and musical works were born out of love for nature and the forest.

There is nothing nicer to wander and think here,

It will heal, warm, and feed the Russian forest...

Life seems different and my heart doesn’t hurt,

when overhead, like an eternity, the forest is noisy.

Forest... This is a special world that attracts us with its mystery, beauty, and cheerful noise. The forest, like a magician, takes possession of a person’s emotional world, giving rise to a feeling of admiration, peace of mind, bright poetic moods, and outbreaks of diverse talents.

It is thanks to the love of the forest that we can read interesting works by such writers as K. Paustovsky, M. Prishvin, V. Bianchi, I. Sokolov - Mikitov. The artist I. Shishkin can be called the singer of the forest.

Any ordinary person, having been in the forest and interacted with the trees, is filled with special energy.

Love for the homeland has always been a national trait of Russian poets; they were able to find deep meaning in the inconspicuous, outwardly shy Russian nature.

A wonderful person lives in our village - Sergei Semenovich Merzlyakov, he is the grandfather of our classmate. Sergey Semenovich with early childhood loved to walk through the forest, he was captivated by the beauty of the Ural forests. Communication with nature gave him inspiration. He poured out all his feelings and impressions in his poems.

The winds shake the willow branches,

Shaking off the long winter sleep,

Having difficulty combing your mane

Bare crowns woven into braids.

In the warmth of spring breath,

Spreading out the emerald plush,

The pine tree is full of charm,

Taking my first shower in April.

We had a meeting with a wonderful poet and received answers to the following questions:

At what age have you been writing poetry?

From the age of 15.

What is your creativity most devoted to?

Of course. Nature, our rich Ural forests.

What does the forest mean in your life?

The forest is my whole life! I really love going to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, I love fishing on forest lakes, I love just admiring the beauty and breathing clean, healthy air.

Are there any poems that were written after communicating with nature, with the forest?

Almost all poems are born after communication with nature, inspiration appears.

The forest can be called a sage, since he is always ready to listen carefully and with his calmness helps to make the right decision.

The forest is a doctor who heals the soul. But only a kind person who has an open soul himself.

We enter the forest as if into a wonderful fairy tale tower,
Into a world of coolness, silence and magic.
We enter, holding our breath, into the riot bright colors,
In the triumph of good over dark evil,
To contemplate a forest fairy tale,
To become kinder and better later.

The forest helps you find peace and feel at home:

I am human! I'm not given

Become a forest dweller

But, having opened only a window into nature,

I am becoming different.

Nourishes the forest with its energy

And gives me strength.

And every time I rush faster

To the call of birds, animals.

I can't comprehend with my mind

But I feel in my soul

That the forest is my second home:

I find peace here!

It is no coincidence that psychologists advise people who experience mental anxiety to wander through a pine forest and communicate with nature. hear her voice.

How to behave in the forest

A person, being in the forest, cannot help but influence the forest ecosystem, especially if he stays in the forest for a long time, picks mushrooms or berries, makes a fire, or puts up a tent. But a person's influence can be different. Those who treat the forest with care leave barely noticeable traces, which can completely disappear in a week. Careless vacationers who do not care about nature and other people leave mountains of garbage and damaged trees in the forests, and often their vacation ends in a forest fire. Careless and thoughtless vacationers cause no less damage to the forest than attackers - poachers, “black loggers”, arsonists. To ensure that our stay in the forest does not lead to trouble and does not leave unpleasant traces, we must follow a few simple rules.

Fire safety.The biggest disaster that can be caused by a person in the forest is a forest or peat fire. A forest fire can arise from the slightest source - a thrown unextinguished match, a cigarette butt, a spark from the muffler of a motorcycle or car, a smoldering gun wad, and, of course, from an unextinguished fire or dry grass set on fire in the forest or nearby. Dry moss or lichen, forest litter, or peat can smolder for hours before the smoldering turns into an open flame. Therefore, often a person does not even know that he has become the culprit forest fire- but the forest, nevertheless, burns down (and sometimes not only the forest burns down, but also the houses located next to it, and even entire villages).
In order to avoid becoming an unwitting culprit of a forest fire, you must follow a few simple rules.
Firstly, never set fire to dry grass anywhere. The vast majority of spring forest and peat fires arise precisely as a result of arson of dry grass (in addition, arson of dry grass burns down several hundred houses in our country every year; grass smoke causes enormous damage to people suffering from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory organs). Not every person is able to cope with a grass fire, especially on a windy day - as a result, dry grass burns sometimes spread for many kilometers, causing fires in forests and shelterbelts, destroying young tree growth.

Secondly, do not make fires unnecessarily, and if you do make them, do so only where there is no danger that the fire will start to smolder peat, forest litter or rags accumulated between the stones. In forests with thick moss or lichen cover, or with thick forest litter, it is necessary to clear the fireplace and the adjacent strip of flammable residues. The fire should not be left unattended, and before leaving it must be carefully extinguished - so that there is not the slightest trace of smoke from it, and so that the heat cannot be felt with your hands.

Thirdly, do not allow sparks, unextinguished matches, cigarette butts, firecrackers, firecrackers and similar objects that could become a source of smoldering and fire to fall on the ground. In summer, in a dry forest, and especially on a peat bog, you need to behave as if you were in a powder warehouse - this will be the only correct and safe behavior for the forest.

Fourthly, if you find a fire in the forest (an abandoned fire, smoldering moss or litter, burning grass), try to extinguish the fire on your own, and if this does not work, report it to the fire department or the nearest forestry department as quickly as possible by calling by phone 8-800-100-94-00 (this is the all-Russian forest guard telephone number), 01, 112, or any other emergency phone number known to you.

Maintaining cleanliness.One of the most noticeable traces of human presence in the forest is garbage. Forests near cities, towns and main roads throughout the country very quickly turn into continuous dumps of a wide variety of waste, mainly left by citizens resting in the forests. Although, according to the current forest legislation, forests must be protected from pollution, no one can cope with millions of citizens littering in the forests. And the more littered the forest is, the more willing its subsequent visitors are to leave their trash in it.

Only through the common efforts of all people can forests be saved from garbage. A cultured person who respects himself and others should under no circumstances leave any waste from his life in the forest - all garbage should be taken with him and thrown away where it is collected and disposed of. Only for rapidly decomposing organic waste can an exception be made, but they should also be hidden, since any garbage in the forest may lead the next visitor to the idea that littering is common here.

In exceptional cases, if for some reason it is impossible to take all the garbage with you, safe and degradable waste can be buried, having previously taken measures to ensure that it decomposes as quickly as possible. Non-flammable waste that cannot be taken with you should be burned, and cans should be burned. Glass and plastic must be taken with you - they practically do not decompose in natural environment, and burning plastic is dangerous in itself.

If possible, it is worth removing the trash left by other people - after all, we have only one Earth, and someone always has to correct the consequences of the bad manners of others.

Maintaining silence.The noise made by people can cause a lot of trouble to the forest and its inhabitants. Many animals and birds, especially during the breeding season (spring and summer), are very sensitive to extraneous loud sounds. Loud screams, music, firecrackers, the noise of motorcycles and mopeds and other similar sounds can frighten animals and birds, force them to abandon their nests, offspring, and move to other areas. Noise is one of the main reasons why animal world Forests around cities, businesses, roads and other places where there are a lot of people and technology are much poorer than the fauna of wild forests.

Loud sounds made by some people often greatly disturb other people from resting and enjoying the silence of the forest. For most of those who like to relax in the forest, pick mushrooms and berries, silence is one of the main advantages of such a vacation. It can be very unpleasant for these people to listen to loud music and the screams of other vacationers, from which, especially in the suburbs and other densely populated areas, there is often simply nowhere to hide.

Finally, someone who constantly makes loud noises in the forest has virtually no chance of encountering interesting wild animals. Animals are not very afraid of a person who simply walks quietly through the forest, but most animals and birds are afraid of a person who walks through the forest with the radio on, rides a motorcycle, screams loudly for no reason.

Therefore, the most correct thing is to always try to behave as quietly as possible in the forest - not only for the sake of the forest itself, but also out of respect for other people relaxing in this forest.

Compliance with laws and regulations.According to Russian forestry legislation, citizens have the right to freely and freely stay in the forest and collect mushrooms, berries, nuts, and medicinal plants for their own needs. But there are also things that cannot be done in the forest without special permission, or even cannot be done at all.

Without a special permit (purchase and sale agreement), citizens do not have the right to harvest wood from the forest. According to current legislation, one or another responsibility is provided for the harvesting of any wood, including dead and fallen trees. Illegal logging carries very serious penalties - damages (which depend on many conditions and can be very large even for one tree), heavy fines, and even imprisonment for up to six years.

Without special permission (usually a purchase and sale agreement), you cannot harvest Christmas trees and other coniferous trees For New Year's holidays, even if cutting down a particular tree will not cause damage to the forest - for example, under a power line or on the side of a road.

Rare and endangered plants listed in the Red Book must not be damaged or destroyed. Russian Federation or regional Red Books. These species include many beautifully flowering plants that people love to collect in bouquets (which is why such plant species are becoming rare or even disappearing). Therefore, collecting bouquets of beautiful forest flowers may well turn into a violation, and even a crime. It is best not to pick beautiful flowers in the forest - this will not only help preserve rare species plants, but will also allow other people to look at them.

Do not damage or destroy various forestry signs (posts, posters, etc.), plantings forest trees, various forestry equipment left in the forest during non-working hours.

You cannot set fire to the forest or leave an open fire in the forest, you cannot litter the forest - these are not only good manners, but also a requirement of the current forest legislation. Liability for setting fire to a forest, including accidental one, and for organizing an illegal dump in a forest can be very severe.

We organized a meeting with a representative of our Serovsky forestry, chief specialist in reforestation Svetlana Vladimirovna Novoselova and found out interesting information:

The area of ​​Serovsky forestry is 428,012 hectares

Every year, for artificial reforestation, pine and spruce seedlings are planted on an area of ​​200 hectares (of which 110 hectares are in burnt areas). For this purpose, 600 thousand seedlings are used.

Over the past 3 years, all fires have occurred due to human fault:

2011 - 47 fires, area -472 hectares

2012 - 2 fires, area - 22.5 hectares

2013 - 3 fires, area - 12.7 hectares

The forest is our wealth, so it needs to be preserved. It is impossible to list all the disasters that come from the destruction of forests, so people must reconsider their attitude towards the forest.


So, while working on the project, we decided that our hypothesis was confirmed:

The forest gives us not only material benefits, but the forest’s living soul, which rejoices with us and cries in pain, the forest is our friend, the source of everything beautiful, the healer of our souls.

Our forests excite every person who loves his homeland and have a beneficial effect on his soul. The beauty of the forest is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, writers, composers, and artists.

There is nothing nicer to wander and think here,

It will heal, warm, and feed the Russian forest...

Life seems different and my heart doesn’t hurt,

When the forest is noisy overhead, like an eternity.


1.In a birch grove. Stories./ V. Gakina-M.: Children's literature, 1976

2. Great paintings by Russian artists./A. Astakhov - M.: White City, 2009

3.Yu. Dmitriev, N. Pozharitskaya. Book of Nature.-M.: Children's literature, 1990

4. Hello, sun! - M.: Children's literature, 1976

5. S. Merzlyakov. I love you, birch Rus'

6. I. Sokolov-Mikitov. Russian Forest - M.: Children's Literature, 1984

The importance of forests in our lives is great. The writer Konstantin Paustovsky, a passionate admirer of forests, wrote that forests not only bring great benefits to humans, decorate and heal the earth, but also support life itself on earth.

Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer forests on earth. There was a time when the territory of Europe was completely covered with magnificent forests. Today in England they have been cut down almost completely; in Italy, Spain, France and other countries no more than 10-15% remain.

Forest - main source replenishing the air with oxygen, an indispensable natural filter that cleanses the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and harmful gases; we owe our health to a huge extent to it. During photosynthesis of one cubic meter of wood pulp, about half a ton of oxygen is produced and at the same time the same amount of carbon dioxide is absorbed from the atmosphere. If we consider that approximately 800 million cubic meters of wood grow in Russian forests annually, it is easy to calculate the contribution of our forests to the air balance of the planet.

And how much dust the forest catches! IN summer period tree crowns absorb up to half of the dust in the air. A rough leaf of a tree is a filter created by nature itself,
The air in the forest contains 300 times less bacteria than in the city, and it is sterilized by phytoncides secreted by the leaves and flowers of plants. A few grams of phytoncides disinfect several hundred cubic meters of the atmosphere.

We largely owe our material wealth to the forest, because it is difficult to find a more universal material than wood. Not a single sector of the national economy can do without wood products.

Every year tens of thousands of tons are harvested from forests wild fruits and berries, nuts, mushrooms. Bees are the original inhabitants of forests, and the vast areas occupied by honey-bearing vegetation favored their reproduction and provided rich honey yields.

The Russian historian V. Klyuchevsky, in his book “Tales of Foreigners about the Moscow State,” wrote that the main products of the Moscow land, mined in the forest, were furs, honey and wax, and the whole country abounded in fertile bees, which laid excellent honey in the hollows of trees. Products obtained from bees were the primary goods of internal exchange and foreign trade.

Nowadays, the relationship between man and the forest has changed dramatically, which is largely due to technological progress and growing urbanization. The majority of the population currently lives in cities, and this is reflected in the natural connections between humans and humans that have developed during evolution. environment. The disruption of these connections has led to an increase in nervous and cardiovascular diseases. Scientists come to the conclusion that communication with nature should become a necessary condition for the normal functioning of the human body. Under the influence of favorable natural factors, metabolism improves, the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide increases, breathing becomes less frequent and deeper, disturbances in the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system disappear, the speed of blood flow and the number of functioning capillaries increase.

Green spaces, and especially forests, significantly reduce industrial radiation. Forests are capable of absorbing and neutralizing radioactive substances, and this is very important in our nuclear age.
With population growth, which led to deforestation for timber and arable land, forest areas have decreased noticeably, but even now they are quite large.

Our forests contain many honey-bearing trees and shrubs: linden - 1145, white acacia - 4.1, edible chestnut - 31.8 thousand hectares with a total honey productivity of about 500 thousand tons. Of the 16 species of linden growing in our forests, highest value has small-leaved linden, which is found in the groves of oak forests of the steppe, in oak forests and pine forests of the forest-steppe, in the strip of coniferous-deciduous forests of the southern taiga. IN

In Siberia it grows in islands almost to the Irtysh, in Altai and the Krasnoyarsk region. In the Far East, small-leaved linden is replaced by Amur, Manchurian, and Taketa linden. In most cases, as a tree of the first magnitude, it is included in coniferous-deciduous forests and oak forests as an admixture, but in the forests of the Middle Volga region, Southern Urals and the Urals forms highly productive mixed and even pure linden forests. In some places, linden occupies huge areas. For example, in Bashkiria, the Gafuriy forestry enterprise owns 200 thousand hectares of forest. Here, small-leaved linden occupies almost 50 thousand hectares.

In the European part of Russia, linden lives up to 400 and even 600 years, and on city streets - up to 100 years. Paws of seed origin begin to bloom from 20-25 years. With age, the number of flowers on a tree increases, and the sugar content in their nectar changes slightly. The highest nectar production in linden is observed at the age of 70-90 years.

Linden is not only an excellent honey plant - its wood and bast are widely used in national economy. In addition, it improves the soil, and mixed plantings with its participation are highly stable and productive.

Work is currently underway to preserve linden in forests and increase the area under its plantations.

A house in the village... On Sunday, I visited her with my grandmother older sister, who lives in a small village located in the forest. All day long, together with the village children, we ran through the forest and swam. When we returned home I felt balloon, filled with the scents of the countryside.

My impressions... When we arrived back in the city, I immediately ran into the yard to share my impressions with my friends. As I was going to bed, I caught myself thinking that the day had been so long and interesting, and I didn’t feel tired at all. When we arrived back in the city, I immediately ran into the yard to share my impressions with my friends. As I was going to bed, I caught myself thinking that the day had been so long and interesting, and I didn’t feel tired at all. In the morning I shared my thoughts with my mother, and she answered me with a question: where is it easier to breathe in the city or in the forest and why? In the morning I shared my thoughts with my mother, and she answered me with a question: where is it easier to breathe in the city or in the forest and why?

I sat down to books. Here's what I learned: Amazingly beautiful and rich broadleaf forests, which grow in the Far East! Forests are called “the lungs of the planet” because they are sources of oxygen. The broad-leaved forests that grow in the Far East are amazingly beautiful and rich! Forests are called “the lungs of the planet” because they are sources of oxygen on earth. yes on earth.

Green Pharmacy When you enter the forest, When you enter the forest, Where everything is sweet to us from childhood, Where everything is sweet to us from childhood, Where it’s nice to breathe in clean air, Where it’s nice to breathe in clean air, There is healing power in herbs and flowers. There is healing power in herbs and flowers.

Green Pharmacy Riddles There is a curly girl standing in the forest - A white shirt, In the middle there is a golden one, Who is she? (Chamomile) Thin stem near the path. At the end of his earring. There are leaves on the ground - small burlap. He's like us good friend, Treats wounds of legs and arms. (Plantain)

The Importance of Green Plants Without green plants, there would be no food on earth that is necessary for the life of all living things. Without green plants, the earth would not have the food necessary for the life of all living things. Green spaces enrich the atmosphere with oxygen necessary for breathing, and clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide from it. Green spaces enrich the atmosphere with oxygen necessary for breathing, and clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide from it.

Conclusion Now I realized that in the village the air is clean, it’s easy to breathe, so I felt like a balloon. Now I realized that in the village the air is clean, it’s easy to breathe, so I felt like a balloon. I advise all the guys to spend their weekends in the village. I advise all the guys to spend their weekends in the village.
