Fun competitions for the New Year. "We're jumping into the New Year"

Cheers cheers! One of everyone’s favorite times has begun—preparing for the New Year! And it will last until the very last day, until December 31st. And while you still have time, take five minutes to watch new competitions for the New Year 2017 for a fun company. These are the coolest and most interesting competitions that are suitable for both children and adults. We have come up with competitions, and with them you can really “light up” the New Year's Eve. Watch and use.

Competition - repeat after the rooster!
The first competition will help you take a lot of cool photos. But for this you need pictures with cool roosters, for example, like these:

The competition is simple to play: each guest takes out one picture in turn and tries to repeat what is there, that is, a rooster.
At the same time, others can take photographs that will always remind you of the most joyful New Year in your life.

Competition - cock dance.

It is known that most animals dance their mating dances during the mating season and thereby attract the attention of females. Roosters don't have to try so hard, they can all year round“work” with 10-15 chickens and not have any problems. But this is how it is in nature. Let's imagine if nature changes and roosters now have to perform a mating dance every time before trampling the hens.
3-5 men enter the competition. Their task is to invent and show the mating dance of a rooster. Then the girls decide the winner. And when the winner is determined, all the girls who voted for him dance on stage with him.

Competition - restructuring 2017.
For this competition to take place, you need 18 guests or make 9 signs with letters for each guest. The letters are: GODPETUKHA.
And so, each guest has 9 signs with these letters. The presenter reads out the task, and the guests must use their letters to form a word and show it. This will be the answer.
If you have 18 guests, then divide them into two teams and each team has its own set of signs. And then everything is the same: the leader reads the task, the teams guess the word and line up so that it works.
Examples for tasks:

Competition - oh, how he sings!
It's no secret that roosters are excellent singers. Their singing is especially pleasant in the morning, like at 4 am, when everyone is sleeping. Let us also listen to the cockerel crow in this competition.
Guys of 2-5 participants enter the competition. They will crow to win. But not just crow, but crow different music!
For example, the first to crow to the music of Mikhail Krug is the Vladimir Central. The second one crows a song - oh, what a woman! The third one is my bunny. And so on. Whoever copes with the role better is the winner.

Competition – cinema and roosters.
Shall we watch a movie? And why not, because New Year’s films are shown very often on New Year’s Day.
But we will not only watch films, but also guess them. A still frame from a movie or TV series appears on the screen, and guests guess the titles. But the faces of the actors are hidden under the masks of chickens and cockerels. So it will be difficult to guess. Then a second frame appears, where the actors are already without masks. And everyone immediately understands what kind of film this is.
Video for the competition:

Competition - forfeits on a New Year's theme.
Everyone loves to play forfeits, and if they are also New Year’s, they will play them with double the passion.
To play the game you need to prepare Kinder Surprise barrels, they will be like eggs. You put papers with assignments in them. The guests take out the barrel, open it and take out the piece of paper. Read the task and complete it. Of course, you can do it without barrels. Just write the tasks on the cards and put the cards in a bag.
Examples for tasks:

Competition - replace the word.
We all know catchphrases, which we often use ourselves. We remade these phrases and instead of some words we inserted the word: new year. your task is to find and say which word we replaced.
And so, the host reads the phrase, and the guests guess. Example phrases:
My “anniversary” is over, I don’t know anything.
“New Year” is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
You won’t be able to breathe enough before the “New Year.”
Dad, is there a “new year”?
It was me, postman Pechkin, who brought “New Year” about your boy.
“New Year” will not go any further, please vacate the carriages.
Wash your hands before the New Year. etc.
The winner is the one who can answer correctly the most times before anyone else.

Hurray – the new year 2017 is coming! Everyone has already prepared gifts, decorated the Christmas tree and is waiting. Waiting for the new year is the best thing about this New Year's Eve. And to make the wait more interesting, you can play funny and new competitions for the New Year 2017. It is not at all difficult for children to come up with competitions that they will like. After all, children usually play whatever adults offer them. We already have ideas for children's competitions, and we will be happy to share them with you. So, record and play.

Competition – palm or rooster?
This competition is for children who love to imagine and love to draw. The competition takes place in two stages, and each of them is interesting. First, children should trace their palm on paper. For example, like this:

Then having a drawing of your palm. Children should draw a cockerel1 yes, make a cockerel out of their palm! Do you think it's difficult? Look. it turns out like this:

See, everything is simple and beautiful. As we have already written, the main thing here is to use your imagination and then everything will work out.

Competition - oh, frost, frost!
New Year- this is winter. And winter is freezing! Let's play a little frosty game?
All children stand in one line. The presenter says how many degrees of frost there are, and the children make certain movements for each degree.
Minus ten - children rub hand in hand.
Minus twenty - the children are shuffling their feet.
Minus thirty - children are jumping.
Minus forty - the children are hiding in the house.
The presenter must confuse the children so that they show the wrong movements. For example, first try and tell everything to the degree in order. And then alternate: minus ten, and immediately minus forty! Whichever child made the wrong move is eliminated. And the winner is the one who did everything correctly and did not freeze.

Competition - tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?
The next competition is based on the song from the cartoon “Well, Just Wait”! Do you remember, there the wolf and the hare sang a song with the lines - tell the Snow Maiden, where was she? You need this song and this particular piece. And you also need a Snow Maiden who will show the actions.
The song turns on, and the Snow Maiden shows the actions where she was. And then the children must guess where the Snow Maiden was. For example, the Snow Maiden shows that she was swimming. Or that she was sleeping. Or that she decorated the Christmas tree and so on. Whichever child guesses the most wins a prize.

Competition - decoy riddles for children
Children really like this competition. And it’s easy to play - you make tricky riddles, and the children guess. And since they are fakes, the first answers are very funny and off topic. And whoever is more attentive will guess and receive a prize.

Competitions for the New Year 2017 should be fun, vigorous and interesting. The symbol of the coming year - - loves fun and games. Try to involve all the guests in the game, even the shy ones. Think over New Year's competitions in which both adults and young guests will be involved.

First of all, play with the children. To play with them, you can dress up in the costume of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Also, don’t forget to prepare gifts and prizes for winning games and competitions. They don’t have to be valuable, they can just be souvenirs:

  • Keyrings;
  • Candies;
  • Kinders;
  • Figurines;
  • Candles;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • Magnets;
  • Movie tickets;
  • Fruits.

The youngest guests are most looking forward to the games for the New Year 2017. They will be happy to play all the proposed games, laugh, have fun and have fun. It’s worth starting competitions for the New Year 2017 with children’s ones because the enthusiasm of children will push adults to have fun.

"Egg Relay"

The first competition should be the competition that everyone is quite tired of, but it will please the patron of next year - the Fire Rooster. In the original story, children must divide into two teams, stand next to each other, and place two trays opposite. At the leader’s command, the first player from the team takes a spoon, puts a tangerine in it and carries it to the tray. As soon as he does this, the next player on the team takes the spoon and repeats the procedure. The winner is the team that is the first to transfer all the tangerines to the tray.

To make this game themed, tangerines should be replaced with eggs. Don't forget to boil them so that if they fall, they won't break. If you want to make the game even more interesting for children, paint all the eggs in a New Year's theme.


An excellent children's competition for the New Year 2017 - “Cap”. To do this, all children must stand in a circle, the leader gives one player a New Year's cap and turns on the music. While she plays, the players pass the cap around until the music stops. The participant who still had the cap in his hands when the music stopped puts it on and completes the task of the presenter.

To make this competition please the Fire Rooster, the cap should be replaced with a hat with a tuft. You can make it yourself from cardboard, sew it, or simply purchase it in a store.


This competition for children for the New Year 2017 will again divide the company into two teams. You also need to prepare two easels, whatman paper, markers and blindfolds in advance. The first player of the team stands in front of an easel with a blank piece of paper on it. He is blindfolded, given a marker, and he begins to draw a New Year's picture: it can be anything - a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, a snowman, the Snow Maiden. The patron of 2017 must be present in the picture. eastern calendar– Fire Rooster.

When the first player draws one element of the picture, he removes the blindfold and passes it to the second player, who will have to continue the drawing blindfolded. The team whose drawing is the most beautiful wins.


A classic game that both adults and children enjoy playing. Two people start playing, the first one tells the second a New Year's fairy tale or song. The second player, without the help of words, but only by showing with facial expressions and body, tries to convey to the other participants what was wished for him. The player who guessed correctly leaves, and the one who just showed the hidden fairy tale or song comes up with a new one for the winning child.

The game can last as long as the children are interested in playing it. Since the coming year will be the Year of the Fire Rooster, in addition to New Year's songs and fairy tales, you can expand the list of riddled phrases and words to those related to the Rooster and the eastern horoscope.

Adults love games and competitions for the New Year no less than children. In 2017, try to come up with as much entertainment as possible for all guests in order to appease the Fire Rooster with fun and laughter.

Competitions for adults should be selected depending on the company. If you have invited the whole family, including grandparents, then consider several calm competitions where they will not need to run and jump. If among the invitees there are only young people, then the competitions can be a little “piquant”.

"Snow Sniper"

This competition for the New Year 2017 involves the presence of 2 buckets and many balls of cotton wool. Guests are divided into two or three teams, depending on their number. Each team is given the same number of cotton wool balls that will replace snowballs. A bucket is placed at a distance of 5-7 meters, and each team begins to throw snowballs into it. The smaller the bucket, the harder it will be to get into it, so if you want to make the competition more challenging, use baby buckets or even glasses. The team that manages to throw the most snowballs into the container wins.

To this New Year's competition I liked the Fire Rooster, the symbol of 2017, even more; you can exchange snowballs for grains, and buckets for small glasses. This will make the competition unusual and more challenging.


A fun competition for the New Year 2017 for adults - “Gatherings”. The only props you will need for it are mittens. To participate in the competition, the host selects all guests whose clothes are fastened with buttons. Anyone can join them and receive mittens. The task of the player wearing mittens is to gather his partner for the holiday. To do this, he needs to put a shirt on him and fasten all the buttons (even on the sleeves). The team that completes its task the fastest wins.

The competition can become even funnier if the person wearing mittens wears a festive cap. But you need to put it on your face, not your head, so that it looks like a bird’s beak. This detail will not only prevent participants from taking a closer look at the buttons to make them easier to fasten, but will also please the patron of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

"Princess on the Pea"

“The Princess and the Pea” is an excellent competition for the New Year 2017 for a cheerful youth company. Only girls participate in it. The presenter places chairs behind each girl. They stand with their backs to the chair, and at this time small objects are placed on it (grains, caramels, construction parts, etc.). Sitting on a chair behind her, the participant must guess what is on the chair and how many pieces. The participant who is closest to the correct answer wins.

If all the guests understand the jokes, then you can put nothing on one chair or place a drawing with the image of the Fire Rooster - the symbol of 2017. Then the girl will try for a very long time to understand what she sat on, especially if several girls in front of her have already given the correct answers.

"Who am I"

Another cool competition for the New Year 2017 is “Who Am I.” To organize it, you only need sticky notes, a marker and a stopwatch. All guests are divided into teams so that each succeeds equal number participants. One player from the team takes turns, the leader sticks a sticker on his forehead with a noun already written on it. The word must be somehow related to the holiday.

A participant with a sticker on his forehead begins to ask questions: “Am I alive?”, “Am I an actor?”, “Do I have magical powers?”, and the players from his team can only answer “yes” or “no”. You shouldn't guess the most simple words, otherwise the competition will be too easy. Once a player guesses who they are, the next team comes into play. In this case, the presenter records the exact time during which a player from each team was able to guess who he is. Next, the second team members come out, etc. The team that completes its task the fastest wins.

This competition is good because it can last as long as you like, and absolutely all guests can participate in it - from children to grandparents. Such a competition for the New Year 2017 for the whole family will please the Fire Rooster, and it will definitely bring good luck to your home.

“How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it” - remember this saying when you plan your holiday night. The more fun, laughter and smiles there are, the happier the coming 2017 will be for you.

Try, together with your whole family, to think in advance about how to celebrate the New Year 2017. Dream about what it will be like for you, make a list of wishes and goals. And, of course, don’t forget to come up with a plan in advance festive table, choose for yourself and your children, and for all your family and friends.

New Year is always laughter and fun, children playing and a lot of positive things. But all this will happen only if you hold funny competitions on your New Year tree for the New Year 2017. A variety of competitions are suitable for children: moving ones, with music and with cards. We have wonderful competitions that you will love, and you will be able to organize an unforgettable holiday for your children.

Competition - shoot down the rooster!
Since 2017 will be the year of the cockerel, then let's play with it right away. For this you need drawings of roosters. The sizes of the drawings vary: from large to small. And you also need paper snowballs. Attach pictures of roosters to the wall, and place snowballs on the table. The children's task is to hit the roosters with snowballs. For example, you have 5 pictures, and then there will be 7-9 snowballs. Whichever child can hit all the cockerels wins a prize. But don't deprive others either. For example, for 4 hits we give a smaller prize, for 3 hits a symbolic prize. And for the rest who didn't make it, let's color them.

Competition - complete the drawing of the cockerel.

And again we play with the cockerel, only we need to draw it. This is not difficult to do, but we will draw the cockerel in a different way, and the children will like it.
The competition takes place in two stages. On the first one, children need to trace their palm on paper. Just place your palm, spread your fingers and trace. Like this:

And at the second stage we already draw a cockerel. And we do this with the help of a circled palm. That is. We need to finish drawing the rooster to the palms. Like this:

Afterwards, show all the drawings to the guests and give gifts to the children.

Competition - deception riddles!
And in the next competition, children need to be more careful. After all, they have to guess riddles that are deceptions! And sometimes it seems that the answer lies on the surface, and it rhymes. But in reality this is not the case, and the children will have to think about it.
Watch deception riddles and play with children:

Competition - who is louder?
The roosters crow loudly and beautifully. Some will say that they scream, but they sing. Let's try to sing like roosters. To do this, we leave children in teams. And each team takes turns shouting in unison, that is, singing: KU-KA-RE-KU!
We do this three times, then we give all the children gifts - juice boxes to moisten the neck.

Competition - cock dance!
And again the children play in teams. But adults should help them. The point of the competition is to come up with your own cock dance! Teams, together with adults, come up with movements for the dance and take turns showing it. It turns out a children's flash mob that both children and adults really like.

Here it is - the New Year's rush. Everyone is in a hurry somewhere, buying and doing something. These minutes cannot be compared with anything. Even the air on these New Year's days is special, somehow festive and as if not from this earth. And after all this fuss, the holiday itself will come - a cheerful and bright new year. it will be even brighter and even more fun if you hold new competitions for the New Year 2017 for a fun company. The most cool competitions and the most unusual games will help you arrange an unforgettable New Year for your entire company. Our selection of competitions includes raffles, dance competitions, sit-down competitions, and more. interesting ideas. In general, watch and enjoy!

Competition - which New Year's character are you?
Everyone associates the New Year with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman, and so on. And our first competition is just about this.
Call 4 people for a competition. They sit on chairs with their backs to the other guests. We stick signs on their backs with the words who they are. For example, for a guy - Santa Claus. For the second guy - a Christmas tree. The girl is a snow maiden. The second girl is a snowman. We repeat - only guests see the signs and that’s it. The presenter asks the competition participants questions, and they answer them.
Examples of questions:
- are you comfortable in this role?
- what bothers you (or what suits you most)
- what qualities do you have the most positive?
- what's bad about you?
- where do you usually go in this look?
- what is your life motto?
And so on. The participants answer and the guests laugh. Since they know what the images are, but the participants do not know their images.

Competition - guess the chicken, that is, the movie.

And this is a video competition. In it, guests will have to guess a movie or TV series based on a still frame. Everything seems simple, but not everything is so obvious! And all because the actors’ faces will be hidden under the masks of cockerels and hens. When all the guests made their guesses. Then the next freeze frame is shown, where the masks are no longer there, and everyone sees what kind of film this is.
Here is the video for the competition:

Competition - music connected us...
Yes, we love listening to music and often sing ourselves. And in this competition we also have to sing!
Five people are participating. They go on stage, and their task is to sing a song: a Christmas tree was born in the forest. Just? Yes, only they will sing this song in different styles: rap style, chanson style, rock style. In the style of Russian folk song, and in the style of opera! By lot we determine who sings what and for the cause!

Competition - rooster actors.
Have you ever watched roosters walking? Have you seen how they behave? If yes, then you will find it easy in this competition, if not, then you need to imagine a rooster in different situations.
And so, for the competition we need 3-5 people. The task here is simple - to show the rooster in different situations. For example:
- the rooster is frozen
- the rooster is hoarse
- the rooster saw grilled chickens spinning on a spit
- the rooster saw the owner walking with an ax
- the rooster saw a new rooster in the barn
We decide by lot who shows what and move on. Whoever comes up with the funniest is the winner.

New Year's forfeits.
Do you like to play forfeits? Then this competition is definitely right for you.
They are simple to play: take turns taking out cards with tasks and completing these tasks.
Here's an example of what can be done.

Competition - New Year's selfie.
Everyone knows what a selfie is. And everyone does it several times a day every day. And today your skills will come in handy.
So. 3-7 people participate. They should have phones with cameras on the front to take selfies. Although it is possible with cameras on the back, it is not very convenient. At the leader's command, they begin to run and take selfies. But not just like that, but with what the presenter said.
For example:
- take a selfie with a salad under a fur coat.
- take a selfie with an icicle on the Christmas tree.
- take a selfie with a spoon in your teeth.
- take a selfie with something blue.
- take a selfie with (guest name)
- take a selfie with each other (all together)
There is no need to determine the winner, because everyone will have bright New Year’s photos as a keepsake.
