Military dangers and military threats to the Russian Federation. Military and army terms and concepts from a to z Examples of sentences with the paronym - military

Aviation, Air Force - a type of armed forces for combat in the air and striking ground and sea targets, equipped with airplanes and helicopters. Performs both independent tasks and support of other types of troops.
Automatic - weapon. Effective fire up to 400 m, rate of fire up to 100 rounds per minute. One of the best in the world is the Kalashnikov assault rifle.
Army - the totality of armed forces; military association of formations and units.
Artillery is a branch of the military, the main striking firepower - guns, mortars, rockets, etc.
An attack is the decisive moment in the offensive actions of troops - fire and movement forward.
Battalion is a subdivision of a regiment or a separate one. Consists of 3-4 companies and special platoons.
Biological weapons - pathogenic bacteria, viruses, toxins. Forbidden.
BMP - infantry fighting vehicle. Armored, allows you to fight without leaving it.
A platoon is a unit within a company. Consists of 2-4 compartments.

A rifle is a small weapon with a rifled barrel.
The navy or navy is a branch of the armed forces. Designed for operations at sea and on land. Includes ships, marines, aviation,
Coastal artillery.
War is a large-scale armed conflict, the achievement of political goals through violent methods.
Air defense troops - designed to repel enemy air strikes.
The Guard is a selected, privileged part of the troops.
Grenade is ammunition for destroying enemy personnel and equipment at a distance of up to 100 m. Designed for firing from grenade launchers and throwing (hand grenades).
Landing troops - designed to land on enemy territory.
A division is the main tactical formation. Consists of regiments, separate 6atadions, etc.
Military doctrine is an accepted system of views on the goals and methods of warfare.
Military rank is assigned personally to each military personnel and those liable for military service. Determines seniority in the armed forces.
Caliber is one of the main characteristics of a weapon, barrel diameter firearms in millimeters or the mass of an aerial bomb in kilograms.
Surrender - the cessation of armed struggle and the surrender of troops of one state to another.
A corps is a higher combined arms formation or operational-tactical formation, consisting of several divisions, individual regiments, etc.
A sailor is a private in the navy.
Mine - exploding ammunition for firing from mortars; weapon for the construction of explosive barriers.
A mortar is a smooth-bore weapon for mounted firing at hidden targets.
An offensive is a type of military action aimed at defeating the enemy and capturing important lines or areas.
Defense is a type of combat used to disrupt the enemy’s offensive.
Weapons are the general name for devices and means used to destroy enemy personnel, equipment and structures.
A squad is a military unit of 6-12 people within a platoon.
Retreat is the withdrawal of troops from their positions for tactical purposes or under enemy pressure.
Truce is a temporary cessation of hostilities by agreement of the warring parties.
Infantry - motorized rifle units, formerly the oldest type of ground forces.
Regiment - military unit, an organizationally independent combat unit.
A submarine is a ship capable of sailing and performing combat missions both above and below the water. Can carry intercontinental missiles.
An order is a written or oral order from a superior to a subordinate, which is law for him.
A gun- artillery piece with a firing range of up to 30 km, caliber 20-100 mm.

Missile forces are a type of armed forces armed with missiles capable of hitting targets in any area of ​​the globe.
Type of army - component type of armed forces, distinguished by its inherent weapons, military equipment and characteristic combat properties.
A company is a unit of several platoons within a battalion or a separate one.
Formation is the general name of a brigade, division, corps in various branches of the military.
A soldier is a military man. In a more narrow sense - military rank private.
Special forces are units and subunits trained and equipped to perform particularly important tasks.
Strategy - highest region military art. 06ensures the implementation of the tasks set by the policy.
Tactics is an integral part of the art of war, subordinate to strategy. Includes theory and practice of combat.
Tank is an armored tracked combat vehicle. The main weapon is a cannon with a caliber of up to 152 mm and a machine gun. Crew - 3-4 people. Speed ​​up to 70 km/h.
The rear is the entire territory of a warring country, except for the area of ​​military operations.
Charter official document, regulating all aspects of life in the armed forces.
Front line of deployment of armed forces and their contact with the enemy.
Chemical weapons - toxic substances and means of their use (shells, bombs).
Part - military formation as part of a compound; it includes divisions.
Nuclear weapon-type weapons mass destruction; operating factors: shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination.

10.25.2018 at 14:27, views: 3130

More than 100 thousand women serve in Russian army. This data is provided by the publication Army Standard. Representatives of the “weaker” sex occupy positions in the service that are not only typically “female” - cooks, nurses, clerks, signalmen or storekeepers. They feel quite confident even at training grounds and command posts. Today, when the army offers servicemen a very decent “social service” - sometimes an order of magnitude higher than in civilian life - psychologists still advise applicants trying on shoulder straps to weigh the pros and cons.

As it turned out, romance - remember “G.I. Jane” - is far from the main thing that forces women to stand up in ranks on an equal basis with men. They are known to be much more practical than men. Therefore, in the army they are more attracted to social security, the prospect of getting housing, a good salary and the opportunity to successfully marry a “normal guy”.

At the same time, as psychologists note, women in the service have a much more difficult time than men. Despite the fact that they are inferior to men, according to military psychologist Alexander Zabrodin, only in one thing - in physical strength. He notes that female soldiers are resilient, hardworking and even no less determined than their male counterparts. And when it comes to responsibility and accuracy, men, as a rule, are no match for them.

“There is an opinion that women are less psychologically stable, but this is not true at all,” says Zabrodin. - Stress resistance in no way depends on gender. And the increased physical vulnerability of women to general condition the army is more likely not a minus, but a plus.”

Zabrodin explains this unexpected statement this way: it is for the sake of the fair sex that army conditions, willy-nilly, have to be made more convenient and comfortable, which has a positive effect on male military personnel. Moreover, thanks to women, the Armed Forces are becoming more progressive and diversified.

If you are a representative of the fair sex and are already wondering whether you should try on military uniform, then military psychologists warn that such a decision must be carefully weighed. And they tell you exactly where disappointments can await a woman in the army.

In particular, a woman may regret her decision if her motivation was excessive romantic ideas about army service. Or, if the woman turns out to be overly ambitious and aims straight at becoming a general. Then, according to experts, it is better for her to try to prove herself in the police, the prosecutor's office or the FSB, where this is more realistic.

Info lesson plan:

1. Lexical meaning of paronyms military - military - military

2.Examples of phrases with paronyms military

3.Examples of sentences with a paronym military

4.Examples of phrases with paronyms military

5.Examples of sentences with a paronym military

6.Examples of phrases with paronyms military

7.Examples of sentences with a paronym military


MILITARY - 1. adjective from noun war. Relating to military service, service to the army, military personnel. 2 . The same as among military personnel, among army men, characteristic of them. 3 . Same as a military man.

MILITARY - adjective from noun warrior. Relating to military affairs, military service.

MILITARY- 1. Characteristic of an army, troops, characteristic of them. 2.Belonging to the army, troops.


1) military industry

2) military life

3) military team

4)military exercises

5) military service

6) military pension

7) military command

8) military commissariat

9) military prosecutor's office

10) military commandant's office

11) military property

12)military uniform

13) military uniform

14) military overcoat

15)military shoulder straps

16)military stripes

17) military cap

18)military history

19)war era

20)war years

21) war time

22)military events

23) military merits

24) military exploits

25) military medical service

26)military doctor

27)military man

28)military personnel

29)military specialist

30)military brass band

31) military science

32)military affairs

33)military secret

34) military secret

35)war crime

36)war criminal

37)military conflict

38)military professions

39) wartime children

40)military threats

41)military equipment

42) warship

43) military aircraft

44)military pilot

45) military maneuver

46)war prose

47)military music

48)war lyrics

49)songs of the war years

50)war folklore

51) military theme

52)war prose

53) war song

54)military march

55)war film

56)war newsreel

57)military parade

58)military history

59)military losses

60)military actions

61)military operations

62) military campaign

63)military roads

64)military aspects of international law

65) military settlements

66)military sphere

67)military reform

68)martial law

69)military democracy

70)military persons

71) war game

72) military pathfinders

73) Russian military school of the 18th century

74)military educational institutions

75) military department

76) military school

77)military academy

78) military report

79) military flotilla

80)military forces

81)war relics

82)military collection

83)military training

84)military leadership

85)military leader

86) military review

87)military observer

88)war correspondent

89)military program

90)military exhibition

91)military names

92)military camp

93)military base

94)military plant

95)military power

96)military superiority

97)military power

98)war plan

99)military equipment

100)military district

101)military garrison

102)military badge

103)military exercises

104)military translator

105)military clash

106)military figure

107)war childhood

109)military bearing

110)military training

111)military brotherhood

112)military antiques

113)war letters

114)military archive

115)military materials

116)war chronicle

117)military company

118)military situation

119)military hospital

120military council

121) military court




3)Military situation - a situation established by the authorities under exceptional circumstances in a country, city, when the functions of maintaining order and state security transferred to the army.

4)Military preparation is study military affairs (combat and shooting training, hand-to-hand combat), military sports competitions, excursions to military units, summer military field practice.

5) The war in Chechnya became the largest military clash on the territory of our country.

6) Songs about war were born not only in military period.

7) Today songs military

8) Since the 15th century, medals have been awarded to participants in campaigns and battles. The higher military

9) The Order of St. Alexander Nevsky was awarded for military or civic merit.

10) The Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was celebrated military

11) The most revered in Russia military the award was the Order of St. George, named after the brave warrior who was considered the patron saint of the defenders of the Earth, Russa. Peter the Great also planned to establish an award exclusively for military merit. Catherine II was able to implement this idea. On November 26, 1769, she established military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. This order was awarded to officers who showed courage on the battlefield, as well as for special distinctions that “brought benefit and glory Russian weapons" The order was considered the highest military reward. The motto of the order is “For service and bravery.”

12) M.I.Kutuzov began military service since 15 years.

13) In 1854-1855 Nakhimov P.S. was the commander of the Sevastopol port and military governor.

14)Military They don’t trust anyone with the secret.

15) Why military

16)Military The actions destroyed almost the entire housing stock of the city - about 42 thousand buildings.

17) Rokossovsky K.K. began military

18)Each of military

19)What military

20)What are the reasons military

21)Petr Grinev, main character A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", on the eve of the battle with the Pugachevites he dreamed of heroic military feat.


23) Writer Vsevolod Vishnevsky noted in his diary military years: “The role of national Russian self-awareness and pride is increasing.”

24) The Mongols had a strong military

25)Victims of war - military

26) Russian soldiers were different military training, valor and perseverance.

27) Vladimir Vysotsky repeated more than once that military

28) Musical art deeply and truthfully revealed the theme military years.

29) Sparta reminded military a camp where no one was allowed to live the way he wanted. Only one activity was allowed - military case.

31) In everyone's history Russian family There is military page.

32) Arsenal - warehouse military equipment.

33) Huge contribution to improvement military art and military science was introduced by Peter the Great.

34)Military letters - imperishable archives military years.

35) The young man who passed military service, gains more than it loses.


1) military oath

2) military banner

3) military traditions

4) military rituals

5) military regulations

6) military address

7) military team

8) military duty

9) military awards

10) military ranks

11) military town

12) military unit

13) military formation

14) military units

15) military registration

16) military duty

17) military discipline

18) military formation

19) military labor

20) military glory

21) martial arts

22) military honor

23) military echelon

24) military discipline

25) military service

26) military courage

27) military courage

28) military courage

29) military skill

30) military mass grave



military duty.

military glory of Russia.

4) Over the years, weapons and military mastery of the Slavic peoples.

5) Quite a lot military

6) Has understanding changed? military


8) A.V. Suvorov passed everything military ranks.

9) Many military personnel were awarded the Order of Courage for their performance military debt.

10) Battle banner of the unit - symbol military honor and glory.

11)What order was awarded in Russia exclusively for military bravery?

12) Pyotr Grinev, the main character of A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” arouses our sympathies with his honesty and loyalty military debt.

13) Smolensk is called a city military glory, shield city.

14) Combat traditions of the armed forces are the basis military morality.

15)Military The article of Peter I (1716) prohibited robbery and called for sparing women and children.

16)Patriotism and loyalty military

17)Many monuments have been built in Bulgaria and Russia military glory.


19) The fundamental and inviolable law military life is an oath.


1) military unit

2) troop transport

3) military chieftain

4) military office

5) military circle (meeting of Cossack representatives of the region)

6) military foreman

7) military detachment

8) military reconnaissance


1) Who led the first military partisan detachment?

2)They are preparing to learn the secrets military intelligence.


1)Military science is a system of knowledge about the laws of war, preparation for it and methods of waging it.

2)Military business is a circle of knowledge covering issues of military theory and practice in relation to war and peacetime.

3) The Order of St. Alexander Nevsky was awarded for military or civic merit.

4) What order was awarded in Russia exclusively for military bravery?

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word INCORRECTLY. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) Songs about war were born not only in military period.

2) In the hour of testing, he fulfilled his task with honor military duty.

3) Defenders of the Fatherland Day - day military glory of Russia.

4) The fundamental and inviolable law military life is an oath.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word INCORRECTLY. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1)Each of military songs are a true masterpiece, with their own life and history.

2) Combat traditions of the armed forces are the basis military morality.

3)What military did the operations end the Great Patriotic War?

4)What are the reasons military failures of Russia in the campaigns of 1805-1807?

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word INCORRECTLY. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1)Military duty - the duty of citizens established by law to serve in the ranks Armed Forces and perform other duties related to the defense of the country.

3) A.V. Suvorov passed everything military ranks.

4) Many military personnel were awarded the Order of Courage for their performance military debt.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word INCORRECTLY. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) Pyotr Grinev, the main character of A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter,” dreamed of heroism on the eve of the battle with the Pugachevites military feat.

2)Military medics saved the wounded in battle.

3)Patriotism and loyalty military duty - the main qualities of a defender of the Fatherland.

4) In 1854-1855 Nakhimov P.S. was the commander of the Sevastopol port and military governor.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word INCORRECTLY. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) Smolensk is called a city military glory, shield city.

2) Victims of war - military and civilians suffering during wars and armed conflicts.

3) Vladimir Vysotsky repeated more than once that military the songs have a contemporary feel.

4) The Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was celebrated military exploits and impeccable public service.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word INCORRECTLY. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) In the history of every Russian family there is military page.

2) Arsenal - warehouse military equipment.

3) Quite a lot military connections were created using public funds.

4) Rokossovsky K.K. began military served as a private in the First World War.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word INCORRECTLY. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1)Military They don’t trust anyone with the secret.

2)Military the glory of the ancient Russian prince Svyatoslav prompted the Pecheneg prince to make a cup from his skull: he hoped, using it, to adopt the valor and military talent of the prince.

3) Why military Do events in human history always change the fate of nations?

4) Musical art deeply and truthfully revealed the theme military years.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word INCORRECTLY. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) M.I. Kutuzov began military service since 15 years.

3)Military ranks determine seniority in relationships between military personnel.

4) Battle banner of the unit - symbol military honor and glory.

One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word INCORRECTLY. Find the error and fix it. Write the sentence number and the correct word.

1) Today songs military years appear before listeners as historical monuments, covered in the romance of the heroism of the people.

2) Since the 15th century, medals have been awarded to participants in campaigns and battles. The higher military the post was occupied by the recipient, the larger in size and weight his medal was.

3) Has understanding changed? military duty, army camaraderie?

4) The Mongols had a strong military organization: the entire large army was divided into “darknesses”, 10,000 people in each, “darknesses” in turn into “thousands”, “hundreds”, “tens”.


Test task no.

Offer no.


The art of warfare has appeared since the formation of states and exists to this day. For the defense and protection of their territories, a constant composition of physically resilient and professional specialists is required. Even in Peaceful time The armed forces are constantly being trained. This is not only the construction of military bases and the production of equipment, but also human resources. Special educational institutions have been created to train highly qualified military personnel.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Serviceman are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Military personnel.

All statistics

Description of activity

What knowledge should a soldier have? Not only theory is important here, but also the practice of preparing and conducting military operations on land, sea or in the air. Each serviceman adheres to the Charter of the Armed Forces, the norms of international humanitarian law, as well as the rules for treating the wounded and prisoners. Military personnel have their own special obligations. They can't do it entrepreneurial activity, divulge military secrets and refuse to complete the assigned task.


Moscow average:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Serviceman cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Serviceman, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

How users rated this criterion:
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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Serviceman You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work For military personnel(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become For military personnel.

How users rated this criterion:
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Job responsibilities

The responsibilities of military personnel are determined by the Charter of the Armed Forces, as well as the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation. The soldier protects territory, equipment and human resources. Depending on his rank, he can supervise his subordinates, make decisions and give orders. Before this, the serviceman analyzes the available facts and predicts possible danger. His responsibilities include not only physical training and studying the regulations, but also drawing up documentation about the operations or events carried out. A serviceman can also work in educational military institutions and perform the functions of a teacher.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Serviceman- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Serviceman the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

How users rated this criterion:
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Features of career growth

A serviceman's career growth depends on receiving ranks and awards. This requires positive feedback from higher command and a certain period of service. Currently, contract service is popular. This has its advantages: it is high wage, possible provision of housing and benefits for admission to educational institutions.

Career Opportunities

There are enough opportunities

The vast majority of representatives of the profession Serviceman believe that they have enough opportunities for advancement career ladder. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite possible for him to occupy a leadership position in this area.

How users rated this criterion:

A -
Axel - aiguillette, wicker pendant.

B -
Babos - money.
Baksitki are money.
Balabas is some kind of food, often something very tasty, but when you want to eat, then any food! One can only guess about the origin of the word.
Balabash - eat, eat, take food.
Mess - BRDM - combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle.
Beluga - underwear - shirt and long johns.
Without fawning - secretly, unnoticed, observing secrecy and maintaining the effect of surprise.
Beaver is a morally and physically depressed soldier. The beaver is always sloppily dressed, dirty and prone to humiliation. In the Navy, a beaver is a sailor before taking the Oath.
Bolts are pearl barley porridge, which, due to its high taste and nutritional qualities, is very “adored” by the personnel of the RF Armed Forces.
Armored - tankers.
Paper Grandfather - that is, not real. After graduating from higher education educational institution, "towers". A soldier called up for a year and after six months of service becomes a paper grandfather.
Boomer - BMP, Fighting machine Infantry.
Bams is a combat vehicle of a duty unit.
Baters - linen lice - from the word armored personnel carrier, since their shape resembles a Combat Reconnaissance Transporter. Linen lice appear if a soldier does not change his underwear and does not wash for a long time. They are easily carried and moved from the clothes of one soldier to the clothes of someone standing next to him. The source of spread is often hot spots where soldiers do not have the opportunity to wash themselves and take care of their clothes. The soldier's method is removed using heat treatment of all folds on the linen and uniform (for example, using an iron), as well as by boiling or steaming the linen and uniform. It is also necessary to shave the hair under the arms and on the groin, where Baters lay eggs.
Beha - BMP (Infantry Fighting Vehicle).

IN -
Varkul - a strike with the palm of the hand to the neck area.
The take-off is the central passage in the barracks.
Getting stuck means getting into trouble, getting a job you don’t want, getting into trouble, and the like.
Get on skis - escape, leave without permission military unit, desert.
To rub in is to say something convincingly, to prove your point of view to someone.
To suck - the expression describes all the problems of soldiers with a short service life. Constantly work, humiliate yourself, fulfill the whims of the senior call.
To wallow is to do nothing, sit with folded arms, and rest.
To pass out is to fall into a deep sleep.
Tower - higher education, higher education institution.

G -
To persecute is to confidently tell a lie, to lie to someone.
Granik - grenade launcher.
Guba is a guardhouse - a place where a sentence is served, something like a punishment cell.
Goose - pull a hundred days.

D -
Put pressure on the mass - sleep soundly.
Give yourself some slack - relax, forget about responsibilities.
Grandfather is a soldier who has less than half a year left until the end of his service.
The grandfather in nature is a soldier in the junior conscription, who is over 25 years old at the time of conscription.
Hazing is a principle of relationships in a military team, according to which soldiers of senior conscription have more privileges than soldiers of junior conscription.
Dembel is the Grandfather who will be transferred to the reserve in the coming months. From the word demobilization, transfer to the reserve.
Wooden demobilization - that is, not real. After graduating from higher education
establishments, "towers". A soldier called up for a year and after nine months
service becoming a Wooden demobilization.
Dembel porridge, Dembelyukha - a dish made from cookies, condensed milk and something else sweet.
Dembel chord - this means that Dembel, before leaving home, will need to do something useful for the company or military unit. Usually exactly what they learned to do well during their service.
The demobilization lump is a very beautifully designed uniform that the demobilizer makes in order to boast at home that he served in the Army.
To extract asphalt - to clear the parade ground of snow.
The spirit is a soldier with a service period of up to six months (from taking the Oath). Transcript - Home I really want to. In the navy - Karas.
Duhanka is a period for a soldier while he is considered a Spirit.

To burst - to explode.

Z -
To score is to be indifferent, to show negligence, to not pay attention.
Shave - deprive.
To be driven, To be driven - to come up with something unusual, at first glance stupid (to someone who is driven, this idea never seems stupid), to go deeper into reflection or into some kind of creative thought.
To suffocate is to fall asleep, usually for a short time.
Castle - deputy platoon commander.
Flying - a violation of some ancient law, rule, custom, etc., as a rule, carries with it punishment.
To get stuck is to refuse to do something.
The smell is a soldier before taking the Oath.
Gas station - kiosk (outside the territory of the unit).
To fumble - there are several options: 1. Get a job where no one is pushing you, no one is taking a vow, no one is standing over your soul. 2. Rest while everyone else is working. 3. Get civilian food. 4. And in general, get what brings joy in army life.
Zold is a soldier (from the lips of officers).

We haven’t remembered the words yet!

TO -
Kalabashka - a blow to the neck with the palm of the hand.
Kalich is a sick person, usually someone who is constantly sick or pretends to be sick. From the word feces (poop).
The kapterka is a room where the personal belongings of all soldiers are stored; as a rule, they are not kept there for a long time, they are stolen.
Corporal - in some military units the unofficial title of a junior sergeant, as a rule, is used disparagingly for the sergeant.
Quarantine is a course for a young soldier, a period during which all newly conscripted soldiers are forced into drill training, forced to learn the regulations, walk side by side, conduct all sorts of exercises: waking up on alarm, shooting, and so on, begins from the moment of conscription and lasts until the oath or longer - from 2 -x weeks to 4 months.
Pumping or pumping is an intense, meaningless exercise to the point of physical and moral exhaustion of the “athletes”.
Swing - perform physical exercise in huge numbers, most often under duress from senior conscript soldiers.
To cheat is to deceive someone by not fulfilling your part of a promise or contract.
Chest of drawers - squad leader.
Komok is a uniform camouflage suit. The lumps are “glass”, “birch”, “watermelon”, “ dirty snow", "wave", "raincoat" and many others. They are divided according to the quality of the fabric, color, and direction of the stripes.
Kompot is the regiment commander.
Double bass - contract worker, appeared in connection with the transition to a contract.
Mower - 1000 rubles.
To mess up is to make mistakes, to do something incorrectly.
Kosepor, joint - one who often squints.
Cardan is a car depot employee.
The Rat (close) is a greedy soldier who hides and does not share anything with anyone. A soldier caught stealing.
Piece - ensign.

L -
Leaf - 100 rubles.
To fly is to pull a hundred days.
Lobar - slap the spelled palm with your palm.
Lyulya is an ordinary bed for sleeping.
A skier is a soldier who left a military unit without permission, a deserter.
A stripe is a small strip on the shoulder straps: 1 stripe - a corporal, 2 stripes - a junior sergeant, 3 stripes - a sergeant, and so on. A large number of The badge gives you the right to walk next to a crowd of soldiers and yell at them to keep pace.

Mabuta - motorized rifle troops.
Matsubari - smoking.
Mechanic, mechanic - driver.
Mobile - cell phone, mobile rapid response company.
Murlocatans are an affectionate term for soldiers.
Fly swatters are anti-aircraft gunners.
Matl, Motolyga - a multi-purpose light armored tractor, originally and correctly - MT-LB, however, these words have become firmly established in everyday life.

N -
Stress - loads, constant burdens and deprivations.
Underweight - a soldier with a deficient body weight, who was put on enhanced nutrition.
Lack is a constantly hungry soldier who always has little food and always wants to eat.

OZK - Combined Arms Protective Kit.
The monkey is a soldier, from the lips of the officers.
To puzzle is the same as to order, but in the language of soldiers. They are usually puzzled by something complex and difficult to accomplish.
Deer is a stupid soldier.
To fight off - go to bed.
To excuse yourself is to skillfully help someone avoid punishment or an unpleasant situation or unnecessary work.
To be enchanted is to think, to forget for a while.

P -
Fade - the threat of revealing a secret. Sudden threat.
Pepper is the name given to soldiers who place themselves higher than they should be in their service life.
The dog is an employee of the guard units, respectfully.
A jacket is an officer serving on conscription, after graduating from a university in which there was a military department; as a rule, personnel and career officers experience an acute dislike for the “jacket”.
Flattening (wetting) a mug is the same as pinching it, that is, sleeping without a fawn.
To shave is to make someone hope for something, and then not live up to their expectations.
Fit (fit) - gift (give).
Hemming is a collar, a strip of white fabric that is sewn onto the collar of a tunic or simply onto the collar of clothing. Serves to prevent surface hygiene skin in contact with clothing.
To catch silence is to shut up.
Buyer - this is the name of the person who recruits and accompanies the team to places of further service, usually with the rank of officer
Confuse - 1. Experience shock. 2. Get out of hand (become impudent).
Porthos - foot wraps.
To get lost (get lost) - to disappear somewhere in a short time, to disappear out of sight of the person who ordered it.
The order is the day when Grandfathers will begin to be transferred to the reserve.
A funny thing is a joke, a funny thing, a funny incident.
Pierce the soul (ballast, pierce plywood) - hit in the chest.
To pierce is to lose something.
Prosharenny - smart, cunning, thoughtful, taught by bitter experience.
Gingerbread (zampushka) - a blow to the forehead with the palm of the hand, with a slap.

R -
Unwind - relax.
Rubber day - Wednesday, RCBZ (Radiation-Chemical-Biological Protection) day.
To give birth (to give birth) - to find, to obtain. Find something urgently.
It chops (chops me) - it makes me very sleepy. Possible non-voluntary falling asleep "on the go".
Steer - command.

Salaga is a young, inexperienced soldier.
Self-propelled gun - to leave the unit without permission, to go AWOL.
A swineherd is a support company employee.
To become two hundred means the death of a person or the breakdown of some thing.
A malingerer is one who pretends to be sick, feigns illness.
To commune is to borrow something without permission.
The violinist is a soldier who is suicidal or has already attempted suicide.
An elephant is a soldier with a service life of six months to a year. Transcript - Soldier Loving Awesome Loads. In the fleet - Vigorous crucian carp.
Elephant - a period for a soldier while he is considered an Elephant.
Elephant radio - false information, unfounded rumors, empty promise, untruth.
SOCH (to go to socha) - Unauthorized Leaving a Unit (to leave a unit without permission).
Stodnevka - the period of service 100 days before the release of the Order.
Arrow - a secret meeting of colleagues to resolve a controversial issue.
Snitch, bitch - I think there’s no need to explain...
Snot is the same as Lychka, that is, a strip of military distinction on a shoulder strap.
A Sochi resident is a serviceman who left his unit without permission.
Burn a chip - notice that something is happening.
To burn yourself down means to become noticeable, to lose secrets and mysteries.
Chest - ensign.

T -
Tasks - also something that is hanging around, not doing anything, from the word “drag.” In the sense of relaxing when others are working.
To trudge - to enjoy something, to have fun.
The body is a living combat unit, a unit. Unit of quantitative measurement of subordinate personnel.
A brake is a soldier who follows orders incorrectly or correctly, but slowly.
Tochevo (to sharpen) - food, eat.
A tracer is a soldier sent somewhere, for something. Derived from the name of a bullet that glows during flight, used for night shooting practice, tracer bullet.
Trindets is the final and irrevocable end, the tragic culmination of the action.
The torso is a soldier with a short service life, offensive.
To pull a baby elephant is to drag out a hundred days.

U -
A dismissal card is a dismissal ticket.
Regulations are a variant of corporal-sergeant hazing.
Umiralovka is a punishment for flying, it can be applied to one or all at once.
Charter - in addition to the generally accepted concept (a set of military laws), these are also cigarettes that are issued to soldiers (statutory cigarettes).

F -
Fibring means making the chevrons and all the various stripes stiffer to make them look cooler.
The trick (to stand on the chip) is to make sure that no one notices anything.

X -
The trunk is the nose of a soldier with a short service life.
The hamster is a greedy soldier who hides everything and shares only with “his own”. A soldier noted for his habit of stockpiling supplies for a rainy day.

C -
Integrity - accuracy.
Center - the central passage in the barracks (take-off).

H -
Chapala - An unprepossessing, sloppy fighter in everything. They often call those whose uniform is 2-3 sizes larger and weighs like a bag.
Scoop, skull - a soldier with a service life of one to one and a half years. Transcript - The Man Every Day Destroying the Peace of the Army Barracks. In the navy - Godok.
Chipok is a soldier's teahouse and cafe on the territory of a military unit.
Rubbish - unkempt, dirty, sloppy, worn out, and so on.

Sh -
Jackals - officers and warrant officers, from the lips of privates and sergeants, disrespectful.
Shisharik - GAZ-66 car.
Shkonka is a bed.
Shmon is a sudden and thorough inspection.
The screws are all soldiers from the mouths of the border guards, except for the border guards, of course.
Rustle - actively work.
A joke is a sudden threat of revealing a secret.

To pinch (boil, boil) - doze, sleep without fawning, that is, unnoticed by those who can interfere with sleep.

E -
Equator (day of the spirit) - half a hundred days. Only 50 days left until the order!
The electric train is a noticeable blow to the shin, used to improve the quality of training in drill training.

YU -
Use - use.

I -
An anchor is a soldier who constantly slows down, is dull, and is incapable of learning.
