All photos of Leps. Grigory Leps - personal life (14 photos)

The voice of Grigory Leps cannot be confused with anyone else’s - the singer is used to working “to rupture the aorta,” constantly risking his vocal cords for live performances. Several times being on the verge of life and death, he was again reborn as a Phoenix from the ashes to delight fans with his unique talent.

Having started his musical career as a restaurant singer, he became a living legend of the national stage, a true symbol of the era. Not a single feast is complete without his famous “Glass of Vodka on the Table”; the song is recognized as hit No. 1 in Russian-speaking karaoke playlists. And star duets with Stas Piekha, Irina Allegrova, Timati, Ani Lorak and other popular performers have already become classics of modern Russian pop music.

Childhood and family

Our hero was born and raised in Sochi, in a simple working family. Of the relatives, only my uncle had anything to do with music - he played drums in local restaurants. Father, Viktor Antonovich Lepsveridze, cut up carcasses at a meat processing plant for more than forty years. Mom, Natella Semyonovna, a nurse by profession, worked at a bread factory and raised two children (the singer has a younger sister, Eteri).

Grisha grew up as a sociable and restless child and caused his parents a lot of trouble. Most He spent time in the company of yard boys, among whom he was the undisputed leader. I also had to take part in street fights, which often ended in violent brawls. At the same time, his childhood friends always noted his nobility and sense of justice - Grisha was never the first to get into trouble and preferred, whenever possible, to resolve conflicts peacefully.

At school, he alternated between grades of two and three, although he was a well-read and intelligent boy. He also could not boast of exemplary behavior; he often ran away from classes and came up with various pranks. WITH early childhood Grisha Leps (as his friends nicknamed him) was seriously interested in football, and in high school he began playing drums in the school ensemble.

His uncle instilled in him a love for drums, and the boy also had an innate sense of rhythm and an absolute ear for music. WITH youth he drummed wherever he had to, including on his desk during lessons, which infuriated his teachers.

In 1976, Grigory graduated from eight classes with a sin in half and entered the music school in the department of percussion instruments. After graduation, the young man was drafted into the army and sent to distant Khabarovsk. There he continued to study music, performed in a military ensemble, where he played drums and sang patriotic songs.

After demobilization, Leps found himself at a crossroads - playing music did not seem to him a serious matter for a man, and he could not do anything else except sing and beat the drums. After working for some time at a military factory, the young man returned to hometown and soon found himself in the center of the Sochi music scene.

The beginning of a creative journey

First, Leps was invited to the Index-398 group, where he sang and played drums. Thanks to Uncle Gregory’s connections, the group often performed in restaurants and quickly became popular with the local public. After some time, the guys parted ways, and our hero began to appear on stage as a solo vocalist.

He developed his own style of performance, which appealed to the regulars of Sochi establishments. Most of them were local authorities and thieves in law, who generously paid the young man and often invited him to their table. Leps began to earn good money, sometimes his fee per night was equal to the monthly salary of an ordinary Soviet worker.

Grigory Leps in the group "Index-398"

Soon Grigory became a real Sochi celebrity; he performed in the best restaurants in the city, where very influential people gathered. Among them were many show business stars, such as Igor Krutoy, Mikhail Shufutinsky and Alexander Rosenbaum, who more than once suggested that the singer move to Moscow and pursue a serious solo career.

However, Leps was in no hurry to leave his hometown, where everyone knew and loved him. He easily spent his fabulous fees on booze, women and gambling, lived one day at a time and didn’t really think about the distant future.

Moving to Moscow

The brutal murder was a huge shock for Gregory. cousin Natalie, a well-known lawyer in Sochi. A young girl was stabbed several times right on her doorstep. stab wounds, from which she died on the spot. Leps took this tragedy seriously, tried to drown out the pain of loss with alcohol and drugs, and in order not to completely fall to the bottom, he decided to radically change his life and move to Moscow.

The capital did not greet the Sochi celebrity kindly - the money quickly ran out, and considerable funds were required to record the album and promote it. In addition, Grigory was not in the best physical and moral shape, drank a lot, sometimes behaved inappropriately and had absolutely no idea what to do next.

The singer was about to return home when he unexpectedly received help from a very influential and rich man who appreciated his talent. He provided the singer with the necessary amount without even requiring a receipt, thereby giving the Sochi nugget a chance to make it to the big stage.

Leps immediately began recording his first album, “God Bless You,” which was released in 1995. The first song in the collection was “Natalie,” which the singer dedicated to his deceased cousin. A video was shot for it, and soon this composition became a super hit and business card aspiring singer.

Grigory Leps - Natalie

A busy work schedule, endless rehearsals and filming undermined Leps’s already fragile health, and the artist ended up in the hospital with an acute attack of pancreatitis. He needed an urgent operation, for which his mother sold her apartment in Sochi. And although the doctors did not give the singer much chance of recovery, he managed to get out and return to life again. full life. This incident led our hero to faith and made him think seriously about his earthly destiny.

First steps on the big stage

Miraculously escaping from the embrace of death, Grigory stopped drinking, lost 35 kilograms and set to work with unprecedented zeal. He did not leave the studio for almost a year and in 1997 released a new album, “A Whole Life,” which was warmly received by the public and music critics.

With the song “My Thoughts” he first appeared on the “Songs of the Year” stage, and at the beginning of 1998 he took part in the famous “Christmas Meetings” of Alla Pugacheva. In the same year, he performed Vysotsky’s song “Sail” in a large-scale concert dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the legendary artist. In the late 90s, videos were also shot for the songs “Rat-Jealousy”, “First Birthday” and “My Thoughts”, which added to the singer’s popularity.

Grigory Leps – Sail

In 2000, Leps recorded his third album, “Thank you, people...” and went on a tour around the country with it, during which he tore his ligaments and lost his voice. Gregory’s young wife Anna, a former show ballet dancer of Laima Vaikule, helped him survive the operation and return to duty.

In 2001, the singer gave several solo concerts in Moscow and was awarded the “Chanson of the Year” award for the song “Tango broken hearts" The following year, the singer’s next album, “On the Strings of Rain,” was released, which included the famous “A Glass of Vodka on the Table,” which became the artist’s calling card and the leader of Russian-language karaoke.

In 2004, the collection “Sail” was released, composed of songs by Vladimir Vysotsky performed by Grigory Leps. In the same year, the artist gave several concerts in support of the album and was awarded the next “Chanson of the Year” award for the song “Dome”.

Documentary film about Grigory Leps

The singer celebrated a decade of creative activity with sold-out solo performances at the Rossiya Concert Hall and a large-scale tour “Favorites...10 Years,” which included the best songs collected in the album of the same name.

The flourishing of creative activity

The second half of the 2000s was marked by Leps' smooth transition from chanson to popular music with rock elements. This period is also interesting for creative collaborations with other pop performers.

In the spring of 2006, the presentation of the singer’s next album, “Labyrinth,” took place, which differed from previous ones in its new sound and original creative discoveries. Vladimir Spivakov and his “Moscow Virtuosi” took part in the filming of the “Blizzard” video; many ideas were suggested to Grigory Viktorovich by Alla Pugacheva. With the new program, Leps went on a tour of the United States for the first time, where he received an enthusiastic reception.

Grigory Leps – Blizzard

The prima donna also introduced the singer to Viktor Drobysh, who invited our hero to record duets with Irina Allegrova and Stas Piekha. The compositions “I Don’t Believe You” and “She’s Not Yours” immediately became hits and firmly established themselves on the first lines of the country’s leading charts. Spectacular video clips were shot for both songs, and the Leps-Allegrova duet was awarded the “Golden Gramophone” and the festival award “Song of the Year - 2007”.

The year 2008 began with the star duets of Leps with Alexander Rosenbaum and Stas Piekha in the television show “Two Stars”. In the spring, the singer presented to the audience a new concert program “Words”, which premiered at the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky.

In the summer of the same year, Leps was awarded the Muz-TV Prize, performed at the closing of the New Wave festival and a creative evening with Igor Nikolaev, and also took part in a large-scale concert on Kharkov City Day, which gathered 250 thousand people on the central square.

In November, the artist was urgently hospitalized at the Botkin Hospital with internal bleeding due to a perforated ulcer. The singer spent several days in intensive care, doctors fought with all their might for his life, although the prognosis was the most disappointing. Next to Gregory, his mother and wife were tirelessly on duty, and with their prayers and the power of love they practically brought him back from the other world. A month later, the singer already received his next Golden Gramophone with Stas Piekha, and on December 1 he performed in St. Petersburg with a three-hour solo concert.

In February of the following year, Leps presented a new concert program “Waterfall” at the Kremlin Palace, and a month later he was again hospitalized with a diagnosis of acute bronchitis. After receiving treatment, in May he went on a large-scale tour of Germany, in which he again appeared before the audience cheerful and full of strength.

Over the next fifteen years, the singer repeatedly won the Golden Gramophone and other prestigious music awards, and in 2014 he was awarded The World Music Awards as the best Russian-language performer. In 2011 he received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, in 2015 he became People's Artist Karachay-Cherkessia.

Leps ft. Timati – London

Recorded four studio collections and presented six concert programs. His above-described collaborations with Irina Allegrova and Stas Piekha, as well as star duets with Timati (“London”), Ani Lorak (“Mirrors”), Valery Meladze (“Turn Around”), Joseph Kobzon and Alexander Rosenbaum (“Evening Table”) included into the Golden Fund of the Russian stage and have already become classics of modern Russian songs. And the composition “A Glass of Vodka on the Table” was named the main karaoke hit throughout the post-Soviet space.

Leps ft. Meladze - Turn around

The artist celebrated his 55th anniversary with a concert tour “You Are So Serious” and a large-scale benefit performance as part of the “Heat” festival, in which stars took part Russian show business.

Leps in “The Voice”

Leps is a frequent guest on television, and in Lately not only as a pop performer and participant in annual music awards. In 2015, he took the mentor’s chair in the talent show “The Voice” on the Russia channel, joining the company of rapper Basta, Polina Gagarina and Alexander Gradsky.

The debut turned out to be successful - Leps’s ward, Hieromonk Photius, won a landslide victory, beating Mikhail Ozerov from the team of project old-timer Alexander Gradsky in the final.

The next season, Grigory Viktorovich did not turn to his own daughter Inga Lepsveridze at the blind auditions, although he recognized her voice. Thus, he did not leave her a chance to compete for victory, surprising with his action not only the audience, but also the jury members.

But he was more than loyal to Alexander Panayotov, who ultimately took second place, looked after him in every possible way during the competition and began producing after the end of the project.

Producer and businessman

On September 29, 2011, the official opening of the production center of Grigory Leps took place, designed to help young talented artists find their way in domestic show business. Among his wards are Alina Grosu, Alexander Panayotov, Sharif, winners of the TV competition “Highest Standard” Daniil Buranov and Romadi.

The center also organizes competitions for young talents, music festivals and concerts of popular performers. With the direct participation of the Human Rights Center, large-scale annual festivals “Christmas on Rosa Khutor”, “ZHARA” and “New Wave” are held, as well as large cultural events in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In parallel with his creative and production activities, Grigory Viktorovich is successfully engaged in several business projects, which can be called his favorite hobby, which also brings good financial dividends. Leps owns the karaoke club “Leps Bar” in Moscow, a joint restaurant with Emin Agalarov “A Glass of Vodka” in the center of the capital, and a recently opened pie shop at Pyatnitskaya, 82.

The singer also founded his own jewelry house, GL Jewelry, which produces stylish jewelry and accessories for men and women, made primarily of silver. A bestseller is an original bandoleer-shaped bracelet with engraved words of the Lord's Prayer. A similar decoration can be seen on Leps’s own hand; the artist also gladly gives his personalized items to friends and colleagues on stage.

Another passion of Grigory Viktorovich is sunglasses, of which there are already more than three hundred in his home collection. It is not surprising that he came up with the idea to design and produce glasses under his own brand, Leps Optics.

The artist is also a serious connoisseur and collector of icons; some items from his collection are simply priceless. In 2018, Leps organized an exhibition in one of the halls of the State Historical Museum - according to experts, the total cost of the exhibits was about forty million dollars. All the singer’s icons are described in a special catalog and are kept in his home. To questions from journalists, Grigory Viktorovich answers with a laugh that they can steal them, but it’s unlikely to sell them, God will immediately punish them!

Leps has been among the top ten highest-paid stars of Russian show business for many years in a row; in Forbes magazine’s 2018 list, he took an honorable third place, behind only Sergei Shnurov and Philip Kirkorov.

The artist gives charity concerts, part of the funds from which is transferred to the Balashikha Children's Oncology Center. He does not ignore the personal requests of people who turn to him for help in difficult moments of life.

Political and social views

In 2012, Leps supported Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections - he starred in a campaign video, spoke at a rally on February 23 and at the inauguration on May 7. This was the first manifestation of the singer’s civic position, who had previously been neutral about the political situation in the country.

Leps about Putin's autograph on the icon of Christ

And in the fall of 2013, the artist himself needed the support of the authorities - the US Treasury accused Leps of connections with crime and the mafia and banned him from entering the country. Joseph Kobzon, who himself was on the “black list” of persons prohibited from entering the United States, immediately stood up for Leps. The singer was also supported by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, calling him Putin’s confidant and the favorite of the whole country. And the Russian Foreign Ministry in an official statement accused the American authorities of violating norms international law and the principles of the presumption of innocence. Leps himself reacted to the current situation with his characteristic humor - he called his next album “Gangster No. 1”.

In 2015, the artist was included in another “black list” - he was banned from entering Ukraine, and four years later Latvia and Lithuania joined the sanctions.

Personal life of Grigory Leps

Leps's first wife was Svetlana Dubinskaya, his classmate at the music school. In 1984, the young couple had a daughter, Inga.

Although this marriage lasted only two years, after the divorce Gregory did not stop caring for his daughter and participating in her life. He paid for her studies abroad (the girl graduated from university in London and acting courses in Los Angeles) and is promoting her musical career.

In 2000, the singer met the young dancer Anna Shaplykova, a show ballet dancer in Laima Vaikule, and immediately proposed marriage to her. At first, the girl did not take seriously the advances of the hot Georgian macho, but Leps still managed to win her affection.

IN official marriage they joined in 2002, after the birth of their daughter Eva, then the couple had two more children - daughter Nicole (2007) and son Ivan (2010). For the sake of her family, Anna left the stage and turned into a housewife and homemaker. She was by her husband’s side in the most difficult life situations, nursed him after operations, and now has taken over his jewelry business.

Their eldest daughter Eva followed in her father’s footsteps and now performs as part of the female trio COSMOS girls. In addition to her, the group includes Alexandra Giner, the daughter of the owner of FC CSKA, and a participant in the fifth season of “The Voice. Children" Eden Golan. The promotion of the musical group is carried out by the Grigory Leps Production Center; the debut video for the song MAMA AMA RICH starred Philip Kirkorov, Dima Bilan, Emin, Olga Buzova and, of course, Eva’s dad himself.

For Natella Semyonovna’s anniversary, all members of her family gathered in one of the Sochi restaurants. After the concert in Minsk, my son arrived for a day with his wife Anna and children: Eva, Nicole and Ivan - it was he who remotely organized the holiday together with his sister Eteri.

And the singer’s eldest daughter, Inga, flew in from Holland to attend the exhibition. In honor of the anniversary, Grigory presented his mother with a huge bouquet of red roses and also arranged a luxurious banquet - about 50 guests greeted her with applause. “One of the most touching toasts was from my cousin Ilona - she called Natella Semyonovna her mascot,” Inga Leps shared with StarHit. – Vanya and Nika read poems to their grandmother. Much has been said sincere words. And we cried and we laughed.” And the evening ended with the cutting of the cake and a performance by Leps - he dedicated her favorite song “Natalie” to his mother.

The relationship between Grigory and Natella Semyonovna has always been close - several years ago he gave his mother a spacious two-room apartment in Sochi, and paid for an expensive operation in France to replace a heart valve. But due to a busy work schedule, visiting guests is quite rare - usually during tours.

“He’ll hug you, rush around the apartment, the refrigerator will open: “Why is it empty here?” He sits down, asks questions for about 15 minutes, puts money on the table: “Spend it, don’t worry, so that you don’t deny yourself anything. Take your medicine,” Natella Semyonovna said in an interview with StarHit. - And it’s time for him to leave - to prepare for the concert, a taxi is waiting below. And he calls almost every day, asking how I’m feeling.”

But often the grandchildren come to visit their grandmother - Eva, Nicole and Vanya. She also visits them in Moscow. “I know who to bring a book to, who to bring pajamas, shorts, T-shirts,” continues the singer’s mother. - I’m also bringing fruit, Sukhumi tangerines. They also love adjika and Chechil cheese. But Anya doesn’t give much at once. They have a strict diet - they eat by the hour. She works with them very closely: they learn languages ​​and go swimming. Nicole is a theatergoer; when we arrive, she reads poetry to us and acts out skits. Eva is fond of ballet and took part in modeling tests in Italy. Successfully, but Grisha didn’t seem to like something - he’s a strict dad, the last word behind him. The youngest, Vanya, is as chatty as Grisha in childhood. And just as vocal. He has perfect pitch. He organizes home concerts for us: “A Glass of Vodka”, “Natalie” and “Thank you, guys”. We are crying! And he also drums to the beat!”

The phenomenon of Grigory Leps haunts both critics and fans of the work of the singer of Georgian origin. He is the idol of millions of women and strong-willed men, and for all that, he is the owner of unique vocals.
The singer has never advertised his personal life, we invite you to find out some details...

Grigory Leps was married more than once. For the first time, Grigory married his friend, with whom he studied at the Music Institute, Svetlana Dubinskaya. In a word, Sveta was popular among males, of course, Grisha could not help but notice such a girl! At this time, after studying, Grigory made a living by singing in nightclubs.

This romance developed beautifully and rapidly, but soon the musician was drafted into the army. Despite everything, Svetalana waited for her lover, after which the couple got married. They had a girl in 1984 and named her Inga. However, constant conflicts with the parents of her beloved husband led to the fact that one fine day Dubinskaya packed her things and left home.

Grigory Leps met his second wife in 2000. Anya worked as a backup dancer for Laima Vaikule. A blonde with a pretty appearance won the heart of a bachelor disappointed in love.

After meeting Anna, Leps seemed to come to life and a little later proposed to the girl. Naturally, the dancer refused, since she was already in a relationship.

But the artist was not used to accepting refusals and decided to achieve the ballerina’s consent at any cost. He gave her flowers, took her to the best restaurants, pampered her with jewelry. Finally, the dancer’s heart melted: Gregory and Anna began to live together

Only after the birth of their daughter Eva in 2002, the lovers decided to legalize their relationship.

The singer now has four children: daughter Inga from the first barque, who is studying in the UK; second daughter - Eva; third Nicole (born in 2007) and The only son Vano (Ivan), who was born on May 6, 2010.

It is worth noting that the eldest daughter Inga maintains a warm relationship with her father and his new family and is a frequent guest in their house.

I won’t say that I’m a fan of Grigory Leps, but I certainly recognize his talent, I understand that this singer has a unique, powerful voice. And now, on the eve of the New Year 2018, when feasts and general fun begin, endless “Blue Lights” and others will begin to be shown on TV musical programms, of course, Grigory Leps will sing, what would we do without him? This artist has not become boring to the public, by the way, according to polls of TV viewers, Grigory Leps takes first place in demand - it is him that Russians want to see and hear during New Year's holidays, and at other times, respectively: in summer, spring, and autumn, around the clock and preferably more often and in large quantities. So I began to wonder - who is this singer’s wife, how many children does he have and does he have any at all? Grigory Leps turned out to be a father of many children, he has four children!

I also became interested in what this singer looked like in his youth, how he likes to dress now, his nationality, how old he is. In a word, I am curious. And here's a selection for you best photos Grigory Leps, as well as a photo of his wife Anna Shaplykova and children (two joint daughters of Eva and Nicole, son Ivan and eldest daughter from his first marriage, Inga).

Well, the truth is, I didn’t know that real name Grigory Leps - Lepsveridze, his father is Georgian, and his mother, according to some sources, is of the same nationality, nee Chkhetiani.

Grigory Leps and Anna Shaplykova met when they were already mature individuals; he was 38 years old, but he was still an aspiring singer, his popularity was just beginning to gain momentum. And Anna was 28 years old, she danced in the ballet of Laima Vaikule, it was time for the girl to think about ending her career as a dancer and decide on further self-realization: to start teaching activities choreographer or devote all your energy to creating a family and having children. Judging by the fact that Grigory Leps and his wife had three children, it becomes clear that Anna chose the second option.

His wife Anna understands her man perfectly, she creates comfort in the house, raises their common children, and is always happy to support her beloved husband in any endeavor. But the spouses do not have the opportunity to see each other often, Grigory Leps performs a lot and constantly disappears on tour, but Anna does not lose heart, she takes everything for granted, the husband must do what he loves and provide for the family, the woman’s job is to be his reliable rear.

Twice Grigory Leps was between life and death, and it was all because of his excessive need to relieve tension after a concert. Being not in demand, but at the same time tired of night performances in restaurants, he relieved fatigue and despondency with non-mineral water. The first time Leps spent three weeks in intensive care, from there he was transferred to the general ward, where he had to stay for six months! I lost 35 kilograms. At the beginning of his career, Grigory Leps earned good money in a restaurant, but he squandered it all, squandered it on women, the singer himself said that there were “washing powders” in his life. But now, when Grigory Leps has so many children, and his beloved wife is eagerly waiting for him at home, he decided to give up bad habits.

With daughter Eva.

Grigory Leps collects dark glasses.

School photo of Grigory Leps, here he is still just a boy. Is it possible that this is a photo from a music school?

Daughter Eva has already grown up; she was born in 2002, at the time of writing this article she is already 15 years old.

And in this photo you see the first wife of Grigory Leps, this young lady’s name is Svetlana Dubinskaya, next to her is her daughter Inga, whom she gave birth to from Leps in 1984.
