Zamyatin we are characters. Visual or auditory associations associated with the name (number) of the character

In 1921, a work was written in Russian prose, one of the main characters of which was an intellectual - a mathematician. From his point of view, it is perceived the world future. D-503 experiences the highest bliss on the Day of Unanimity, which allows everyone to feel with special force that they are a small part of a huge “we”. It is noteworthy that, talking with admiration about this day, the hero reflects with bewilderment and irony on the elections of the ancients (that is, on the secret ballot). But in fact, elections without the right to choose are absurd, a society that has preferred unanimity to freedom of thought is absurd.

Main character merges with the mass, dissolves his "I" in it, subordinates the personal will to public interests. How does D-503 describe the achievement of universal happiness? Material problems had already been solved during the Bicentennial War. The victory over hunger was won due to the death of 0.8 of the population. Life has ceased to be considered the highest value: people have ceased to be considered people, they have become numbers. At the same time, the narrator calls the ten Numers who died during the test an infinite small of the third order.
D-503 says that the city conquers the village, a person is completely alienated from mother earth, content with oil food. The state completely suppresses the spiritual needs of its citizens, severely restricts them.

The first step towards this was the introduction of sexual restrictions, which the main character accepts. The great feeling of love was reduced to a "pleasant-useful function of the organism." Narrator D-503 puts it on a par with sleep, work, and eating. Having reduced love to pure physiology, United State deprived a person of personal attachments, a sense of kinship. After all, any connection with the United State is criminal.

The rooms are separated, so it is easy to manage. People have the illusion of happiness. The Green Wall plays a big role in this. In the image of the main character, we see that he is happy, shielded from the whole world, without the ability to compare and analyze. The state also subjugated the time of each number, creating the Hourly Tablet. The possibility of creativity was taken away from D-503, replacing it with a sense of belonging to the United State, its mechanical music, science, and poetry. The element of creativity is forcibly placed at the service of society. To suppress dissent, a whole Bureau of Guardians has been created (spies make sure that everyone is happy).
The protagonist is constantly looking for more and more confirmation of the correctness of the One State. He finds an excuse for unfreedom. An engineer, he looks at the dance from this point of view, the inspiration in the dance allows him to conclude only that the “instinct of unfreedom” has been inherent in man since ancient times. He has a language exact sciences: “Freedom and crime are as inextricably linked as ... well, like the movement of an aero and its speed, the speed of an aero = 0 and it does not move, the freedom of a person = 0 and it does not commit crimes. It is clear. The only way to save a person from crime is to deprive him of his freedom.” Hence - the distribution: a ton - rights, a gram - duties. The only way from nothingness to greatness: "forget that you are a gram and feel like a millionth of a ton."

The hero has developed a special type of consciousness, which is the main achievement and the main crime of the United State. In this consciousness there was a substitution of all human values. Here lack of freedom is happiness, cruelty is a manifestation of love, and human individuality is a crime. Naturally, the personality of the protagonist, formed in such conditions, feels like nothingness compared to the strength and power of the state. This is how the hero assesses his position at the beginning of the novel. But E. Zamyatin depicts the spiritual evolution of the hero: from the consciousness of himself as a microbe in this world, D-503 comes to the feeling of the universe within himself.

From the very beginning, the hero is not without doubts. A complete sense of happiness is hindered by the annoying flaws of this "ideal" world. The hero is haunted by noses, which, for all the same Numbers, have different forms, a personal watch that everyone winds in their own way. Although he drives away such thoughts, D-503 guesses that there is something else in the world that defies reason, logic. Keeping records, an attempt at self-consciousness, not encouraged by the state ideology, speaks of the unusualness of the hero. But turbulent changes begin to happen to him from the moment he met I-330. The first feeling of excitement comes to the hero when he listens to Scriabin in her performance. This is a symbol of irrationality, the ignorance of human nature. The feeling of loss of balance is aggravated after visiting the Ancient House. Clouds, chaos inside the house lead the hero into confusion. The fact that he does not inform on I-330 speaks of the deep changes in his soul.

The usual clarity of thought is lost. Clarity is replaced by uncertainty, wholeness is replaced by painful duality. The clear, cloudless sky gradually turns into something heavy, cast-iron in the mind of the hero. The speech of the hero also changes. Usually logically built, it becomes confused, full of repetitions and reticence. The point here is not only confusion, extreme emotional stress, but also the fact that the main character is unfamiliar with jealousy and love. He was accustomed to relationships with women as a duty to the One State. The right of each number to any other number was for him proof of the equality, the sameness of people. Loving I-330 is something else entirely. The unimaginable happens to the main character: real, deep feelings embrace him, his soul awakens in him. The leveling, violent laws of the One State no longer have power over him.

D-503 falls into the insurgency, which seeks to open people's eyes, destroy illusions, break the Green Wall. The protagonist is surprised: he did not even suspect dissent in the state, to which he became completely alien, but he found like-minded people. So from the defender of the accepted foundations, the hero turned into their ardent opponent. He began to encroach on hitherto unshakable rules, even on the Benefactor himself.
But the rebellion of a small group of people against the whole system failed. I-330 was put to death, and D-503's mind was erased of all memories. But even returning to the usual indifferent state, the main character does not leave vague sensations. The evolution he went through was not in vain. His path symbolizes the natural aspirations of man, his spiritual contradictions, which are not subject to any violent principles.
The idea of ​​exalting humanity is the main idea of ​​E. Zamyatin's novel.

story about the main characters of the novel "We". novel "We" by Zamyatin and received the best answer

Answer from Џgodka[guru]
The main characters in Yevgeny Zamyatin's utopian novel "We"
D-503 (D) - male "number", the main character-narrator, author of the notes that make up the text of the novel; the position of the hero is twofold: he experiences spiritual evolution and at the same time registers with alarm the ongoing changes as undesirable (up to a certain point) deviations from the “norm”. D - engineer and mathematician, designer and builder spaceship"Integral", the name of which symbolizes the ultimate goal of the United State - "to integrate the infinite equation of the Universe." At the beginning of the novel, D appears as an unconditional adherent of the totalitarian ideology - "ideal lack of freedom." At the same time, attention is drawn to his hairy hands - an atavism that is clearly opposed to the general "orderliness". Hearing 1-330 play on the piano, D cannot laugh at ancient music like the rest of the "numbers" and this worries him. He calms down only in the arms of 0-90. When soon I appoints him a date, D agrees, although the heroine "irritates, repels, almost frightens" him. In the Ancient House, the hero with fear feels "caught in a wild whirlwind ancient life". However, he refuses to offer I to skip the obligatory lecture. The next morning, in the carriage of the underground road, D meets one of the Guardians (that is, an employee of the secret police), 8-4711, to whom he tells that he was from 1-330 in the Ancient House, although he does not make a formal denunciation. In the evening, intending to nevertheless make a denunciation, the hero meets 0-90, spends time with her, and the time allotted for the denunciation turns out to be lost. In a conversation with the poet K-13, D defends "knowledge"; however, the interlocutor says: “Your knowledge is the very thing - cowardice.<...>You just want to fence off the infinite with a wall, but you are afraid to look behind the wall.
In his notes, D tells about the accepted ritual of the execution of sentences on criminals against the One State: he sees in executions an analogue of the majestic sacrifices of ancient times. D receives a letter from I, who “signed up for him” (i.e., made the required request for a sexual relationship) and invites the hero to her place. Appearing to her, D, under the influence of “temptation”, for the first time clearly realizes his own “bifurcation”: “We, on earth, all the time walk over the seething, crimson sea of ​​fire hidden there - in the belly of the earth. But we never think about it. And suddenly the thin shell under our feet would turn glass, suddenly we would see...<...>I became glassy. I saw - in myself, inside.<...>There were two me. One is me, the former one, D-503, numbered D-503, and the other... Previously, he only stuck his shaggy paws out of the shell, but now he crawled out all over, the shell cracked, now it will shatter into pieces and ... what then? » However, realizing that in 5 minutes he should be at home (it is forbidden to appear on the streets after 22.30), the hero literally runs away from I. D spends a sleepless night and admits to himself: “I am dying. I am unable to fulfill my obligations to the One State." The hero experiences a crisis of faith and for the first time sees himself in the mirror in a detached way, as some kind of “him”. K-13 tells D the idea of ​​his poem about the “returned paradise”, in which people of the United State now live, who do not distinguish between good and evil, like Adam and Eve. The poet's idea is full of irony in relation to a totalitarian society, but D takes the parodic eulogy for the true one. I calls the hero, makes an appointment with him, takes him to the Medical Bureau, where D receives a fictitious certificate of illness; then they fly to Ancient House where their long-awaited rapprochement takes place. D returns home alone as I mysteriously disappears. 0-90, who came to the hero in the evening, tells him: “You are not the same, you are not the same, you are not mine!” D, who now lives not in the "reasonable", but in the "ancient, delusional" world, understands the justice of O's words, but cannot explain anything to her.
At his workplace - on the boathouse where the "Integral" is being built, D. feels that he, "a poisoned criminal, does not belong here," since the idea of ​​the One State (and, accordingly, the ship) has ceased to be the meaning of life for him.

In the work "We" there are a lot of interesting and controversial characters. One of these heroines is O-90. This girl is a permanent partner of the builder of Integral D-503. The author tried to describe the characters according to their numbers. Therefore, O-90 appears to the reader as a round girl, pink, with blue eyes. According to the description, this girl looks like a child. The fact that she looks like a child is not surprising. She really wants to have children, but the state forbids her to test her maternal instinct, because according to the law, she has not reached the maternal norm.

O-90 eventually realizes that D-503 has fallen out of love with her and lets her go. O-90 is a girl with family and romantic values. If she sees that a person has cooled off towards her, she will leave him behind so as not to interfere with his happiness. O-90 is one of those girls who are ready to do anything for the sake of their dreams. And her dream is to have a child of her own. Therefore, she asks D-503 for help. This is her last request to him: to give her a new little man.

Upon learning that she is pregnant, O-90 informs D-503, but she does not want to ruin his happiness with I-330. She just wants to tell the father of her child about it. But knowing she's in for a merciless cleansing procedure, D-503 asks for I-330's help to get O-90 past the green wall. O-90 is too proud to ask for help from the child's father's mistress. But for the sake of her future baby, she is ready to step on the throat of her pride and accept help from I-330. O-90 finds herself behind a green wall, where she is not threatened by the reprisal of a single state.

A child born from O-90 is a symbol of victory over totalitarianism. Evgeny Zamyatin wanted to show that during the time of total lack of freedom and dislike, in a world where there is no individuality, and names are replaced by numbers, to be happy man impossible. Only by escaping from this prison can one become a real person, and O-90 became one. Her dream came true. She became a mother, and the future of her child is in good hands.

Thus, O-90 is a sweet, round girl who dreams of becoming a mother, despite the prohibition of a single state. This person goes to his dream, turning a blind eye to some of his principles. She is ready to fight for her happiness even when the whole world is against her. And when a person's goals are real, coming from the heart, then they are realized.

Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" is a classic dystopia written in the twentieth century. Inspired by the Russian dystopian, George Orwell wrote his most popular rum, 1984. Evgeny Zamyatin became a pioneer in Russian dystopian literature of the twentieth century.

Option 2

How, just by opening the book, the reader can understand that the characters in Yevgeny Zamyatin's novel "We" are rather unusual. All actions take place in the distant future in the 26th century, after the Great Bicentennial War, where people lost their identity and their selves. They don't all have names, just symbols, letters and numbers. All these numbers show the identity of people, uniting them into one joint “we”. In this world, there are a huge number of rules, prohibitions that in our world seem brutal. The world itself becomes a single state.

The main character is called D-503. He keeps a kind of diary in which he describes the events taking place in the United State. All people live in glass houses so that the Guardians can keep track of all of them and their delinquencies. All people must follow a sensitive routine, which is identical for everyone, everyone must walk in formations and ranks. Love itself, marriages are forbidden here, and women who have given birth have no rights to a child. As D-503 himself wrote, that their freedom was stolen from them and this made all the people happy. But not all people have a similar point of view as a hero, many still oppose the dictatorship of the One State.

So, for example, a woman with the code O-90 is the sexual partner of the protagonist. But, despite all the laws of the state, she wants to become the wife and mother of her child.

Her image conveys the feelings of most women who are not able to raise a child. It is registered to the main character D-503 and to his friend the poet R-13. The two men are not jealous of each other, and D-503 believes that they have an ideal relationship, almost family.

The main character has tender feelings for O-90, but it's definitely not love. She instills in him feelings about childhood, about happy and bright times. In his book, D-503 describes her as "round" and "pink". That she smiled a "pink" smile, extended a "pink" hand, kissed him with "pink" lips. Quite often during the general time, they just do math examples. And during this for D-503, O-90 seems very sweet and kind.

A woman is a constant sexual partner, the main character, but she does not feel for him, not friendly, not just sweet feelings. She loves D-503 with all her heart. But soon, contrary to her feelings, he falls in love with the rebel I-330, who goes against the rules of the United State, and the hero himself, despite the fact that he supports the rules of this world, loves her

But before that, poor O-90 managed to get pregnant illegally and the woman wants with all her heart to keep the child and raise herself. So she asks for help from a rebel she hates because of her feelings for D-503. She runs behind the Green Wall, where the United State no longer exists.

After she gave birth to a child, as a symbol that even the worst dictatorship can be avoided. This small man, become a symbol of freedom and victory against a cruel world.

Essay 3

In this work, there are many extraordinary and diverse characters. A woman named 0-90 just refers to this type of personality. Her permanent partner is a builder whose name is D-503. Zamyatin tried to describe the characters so that they were similar to his name. 0-90 the author describes as round in the truest sense of the word, Pink colour skin with beautiful blue eyes. Her main desire is the birth and upbringing of a child. However, a tough and totalitarian country forbids her to have children. There is a good reason for this: the woman has not reached the norm of motherhood.

After some time, it becomes clear to the woman that D-503 no longer loves her. He leaves her to her fate. The girl has her own values, which include the share of romance and family principles. As soon as she noticed that the man fell out of love with her, she did not begin to impose her person on him again. It refers to those who are ready to complete any task, just to achieve their happiness. Her only desire is still to have her children. She asks D-503 to help her have a baby. This is the last thing she asks him.

When the girl finds out she is pregnant, she immediately informs D-503. However, she is not going to ruin his plans with I-330. 0-90 just wants to tell D-503 that he is now a father. D-503 then asks I-330 for help to get 0-90 past the green wall. Behind this wall, the girl is not afraid of the cruelty of the state. Of course, 0-90 has own feeling pride and pride, she does not want to be helped by her mistress. However, she still agrees to this only opportunity to keep her child.

The new child is a symbol of victory over the totalitarian system of the state. The author shows us that under a cruel totalitarian rule, where there is no freedom of speech, action, no love, everything is exclusively public, it is unrealistic to live a happy and carefree person. Only by hiding from this impregnable world, you can be a free person, which later became 0-90.

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  • >Characteristics of heroes

    Characteristics of the main characters

    The protagonist and narrator in the novel, the author of notes, a talented engineer, mathematician and builder of the Integral. This is a resident of a fantastic and utopian state that exists in the distant future. D-503, like all inhabitants of the United State, is deprived of its own name, but endowed with a unique number.

    One of the main characters in the novel, female number, beloved D-503 from the organization of conspirators. This is a "demonic" character that seduces the protagonist. Everything in her appearance indicates a predatory nature: stubbornly flexible like a whip, thin, sharp, with sharp, very white teeth, bloody red lips. She is the embodiment of passionate and painful love, "archaic" from the point of view of the new state.

    One of the heroines of the dystopian novel, the constant partner of the builder of the "Integral" D-503. She outwardly resembles her number: round, pink, short stature, blue-eyed, like a child. The dominant quality of her character is maternal instinct. She very much wants to have a child, but according to the laws of the State, she has not yet reached the Maternal Norm. For such a violation, she can be punished by the Benefactor Machine, but she does not renounce her dream.


    One of the characters, the head of the United State. He set in motion the Machine - a weapon for killing citizens of the state who disagreed with the regime. He was unanimously elected every year. On the election day of the Benefactor described by D-503, disobedience occurred, and hundreds of people voted against him, for which he then executed them all.

    One of the secondary characters in the novel, a poet, friend of D-503 and assigned to O-90 for love. He had thick lips, so when he spoke, spray flew from his mouth. Once he read out the sentence to one of those who violated the laws of the state, after which he was executed.

    D-503 - the hero of the novel by E.I. Zamyatin "We" (1920). A resident of a fantastic state of the future, which embodied the technocratic utopia of a mechanized and totally organized society, where all communications and relations between people are “integrated”, D-503 (the inhabitants of this state are deprived of their own names and exist under “numbers”) is the first incarnation of the type that later became traditional the hero of a dystopian novel (or dystopia). Like Winston Smith (“1984” by D. Orwell), whose image arose under the direct influence of Zamyatin, like the heroes of the novels “O wonderful new world» O. Huxley, “451° Fahrenheit” by R. Bradbury, D-503 violates the laws of a utopian society, in the justice of which he had no doubt before, goes through trials and finally capitulates, giving himself (morally and physically) to the mercy of the winner - United State.

    Despite the novelty of the image created by Zamyatin, it captures the "archetype" of the hero-traveler, leading the reader through the described events, of which he is a witness and participant. (Among the literary predecessors of the hero, Gulliver, Candide is sometimes called.) On the one hand, D-503 is objectified in what is happening; on the other hand, it acts as a chronicler of events shown through the prism of his subjective perception. The entire text of the novel is a synopsis of a poem conceived for the glory of the State, this "single mighty million-celled organism" - a task with which the hero, as it turns out later, did not cope. By occupation, D-503 is a mathematician, the creator of the Integral interplanetary ship, designed to subordinate the entire universe to the “benevolent yoke of the mind”; by nature - a philosopher, prone to reflection. “Fed from childhood by the Taylor system”, he enters the plot as an optant of “we”, convinced of the expediency of an organized society, for which “only the reasonable and useful is beautiful: cars, boots, formulas, food”. The hero sincerely does not understand how in the ancient XX century people lived in a "wild state of freedom", slept and ate when they wished, went anywhere. Love for a woman changes the whole life of the hero. The awakened feeling leads him out of the state of totalitarian eudemonism, makes him an apostate, a "fallen angel" and pushes him to crime. D-503 penetrates the Green Wall encircling the One State, and discovers that there, behind the wall, another life flows, inhabited by wild and free people. Having known love, the hero discovers that he "has ceased to be a term"; he becomes aware of himself as a person (“I was me, separate, world”) and comes to the “criminal” conclusion that “we” is not necessary. Now he is not a “number” and not a “molecule”, but a “simple human piece”. However, this "human piece" has a soul, which number D-503 was deprived of. The presence of the soul in the system of concepts of "Taylorism" is a serious illness. The hero's illness is cured by a brain operation, which he was subjected to along with other inhabitants of this State. At the end of the novel, D-503 watches blankly as his lover is tortured in a gas chamber. Now he is completely healthy. It seems to him that “some kind of splinter was pulled out of his head, it’s easy, empty in his head”, there are no fantasies - only a cold mind and the belief that “reason must win”. Zamyatin's novel was a direct response to the ideas of "mathematical civilization" that hovered in the circles of the futurists: V. Khlebnikov has "made-up humanity", inhabiting the city of Solntstan, where people instead of faith have a measure, where "only numbers remain". (From this point of view, it is noteworthy that D-503 is a mathematician.) However, over time, the novel became overgrown with allusions that were not foreseen by the author (for example, the Green Wall was associated either with the "Iron Curtain", or with the "Berlin Wall"), and became that mirror , in which the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century were ruthlessly reflected. In this context, Zamyatin's hero, described rather schematically, became a vitally recognizable character.
