Plant what branch of the economy. Branches of the production sphere

The manufacturing sector includes.

Industries that create wealth - industry, agriculture, construction;

Industries that deliver material benefits to the consumer - transport and communications;

Industries associated with the production process in the sphere of circulation - trade, catering, logistics, marketing, procurement.

Wealth Creation Industries are divided into the primary sector (mining, raw materials) and the secondary sector (processing).

Part primary sector includes coal, gas, oil, mining, timber harvesting, fishing, agriculture, mining and processing, etc.

Part secondary sector includes oil refining, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical, mechanical engineering and metalworking, production of industrial building materials, woodworking, pulp and paper, light and food industry.

Each of the branches structurally consists of enterprises, corporations, organizations.

Non-manufacturing sphere consists of the following branches:

Industries of services, these include: housing and communal services, consumer services, transport and communications related to servicing the population;

Branches of social service - education, health care, culture, art, science and scientific service;

Industries including lending, finance and insurance;

Branches of management and defense.

Directions for improving the sectoral structure:

Ensuring the socio-economic efficiency of production, the conformity of the structure of the manufactured product with the effective market demand;

Security economic security region and country as a whole;

Changing the ratio between extractive and processing industries by reducing the share of fuel and energy complex industries;

Development of service industries;

Increasing the share of entrepreneurial activities associated with the pre-production stage of the process of social reproduction;

Development and strengthening of intra- and intersectoral relations based on the development of corporatization of the economy.

Industry includes more than 130 sub-sectors. In the existing classification of industry, 11 complex industries are distinguished.

Industry subdivided into mining and processing. Manufacturing industries form the backbone of heavy industry.

According to the economic purpose of products the whole industry is divided into two large groups:

production of means of production (group A). Group A can be divided into subgroups: A (1) - production of labor instruments and A (2) - production of labor objects, the ratio between which is approximately 1: 4

production of consumer goods (group B). Group B is divided into the production of goods for personal consumption B(1) and B(2) - the production of goods for collective consumption. Proportions and production relations between sectors form the sectoral structure of industry, which testifies to the degree of development of the social division of labor and, at the same time, to its cooperation.

Specialized industries on the basis of homogeneity, that is, similar to each other in terms of the purpose of their products (for example, the fuel industry), the commonality of the raw materials used (for example, the engineering industry) or the nature of the technology (for example, the chemical industry), are grouped into so-called complex industries (heavy industry: fuel, electric power, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking, building materials etc.; light industry: textile, clothing, leather, fur and footwear; processing branches of the agro-industrial complex: food and flavoring, meat and dairy, fish).

Fuel and energy complex includes fuel industries (coal, oil, gas, shale, peat, oil refining and gas processing) and electric power industry. The fuel and energy complex is closely connected with all industries National economy as consumers of fuel and energy, and technologically - with power engineering, electrical engineering, and the chemical industry.

Metallurgical complex, including ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy - this is a set of interconnected industries and stages of the production process from the extraction of raw materials to the release finished products(ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys). The integrity of this intersectoral complex is due to the similarity of the industries that form it in terms of the nature of mining and processing technology of ore raw materials, as well as the use of finished products as structural materials.

Machine building complex includes two groups of industries:

mechanical engineering;


The main groups of the machine-building complex(according to the features of the products):

Heavy engineering, producing metal-intensive products of relatively low labor intensity. This includes the production of metallurgical, mining, oil and gas and power equipment;

General mechanical engineering produces equipment and machines of medium metal consumption and labor intensity, technically relatively simple and, as a rule, of considerable dimensions. It includes transport engineering (excluding automotive and aircraft building), agricultural engineering (excluding tractor building), production of chemical, oil refining, forestry, pulp and paper and construction equipment;

Medium mechanical engineering includes production facilities that produce products of medium metal consumption and increased labor intensity. This includes the automotive industry, aircraft industry, tractor industry, machine tool industry, production of equipment for food and light industry;

Precision engineering of low metal consumption, but high labor intensity and science intensity. It includes such industries as electronics, electrical engineering, instrument making, etc.;

Manufacture of metal products, including the production of tools, some simple household goods and agricultural implements;

Repair of machines and equipment.

Chemical industry includes five industry groups:

- mining industry, including the extraction of primary chemical raw materials: apatite, phosphorites, sulfur, potassium salts, boron, chalk, limestone, etc. Some types of primary chemical raw materials may be developed outside the scope of this industry (for example, salt produced by the food industry);

- basic chemistry, specializing in the production of mineral fertilizers (phosphorus, nitrogen, potash), sulfuric acid, gases, alkalis, elemental phosphorus, soda ash and a number of products that are raw materials for other sectors of the economy;

- production of polymeric substances: hydrocarbons and their derivatives, alcohols, aldehydes, ethers, etc. We are talking about the main organic synthesis, the products of which are used in the production of synthetic rubbers and fibers, plastics, dyes. The raw material base of this group of industries is oil, gas, coal and wood-chemical raw materials;

- processing of polymeric materials, uniting industries for the production of chemical fibers, plastics, synthetic rubber and resins, aniline dyes and pigments, varnishes, paints, etc.

Forest complex includes the production of harvesting, mechanical and chemical processing of wood. The common thing in the forest industry is raw materials, but the technological processes differ significantly. In accordance with the latter, the industry is divided into logging, woodworking, furniture, pulp and paper and hydrolysis industries.

Light industry includes a set of industries that produce consumer goods from various types of raw materials. The main branches of light industry are textile, clothing, leather, fur and footwear. The products of these industries, in addition to being consumed by the population, are also used in furniture, aviation, automotive, food and other industries, agriculture, transport and healthcare.

Agro-industrial complex includes industries with close economic and production relationships, specializing in the production of agricultural products, their processing and storage, as well as providing agriculture and the processing industry with the means of production. The main groups of branches of the agro-industrial complex are:

Industries producing means of production for Agriculture: tractor and agricultural machine building, machine building for animal husbandry and fodder production, production of ameliorative equipment, mineral fertilizers, rural industrial construction, feed and microbiological industry, production serving agriculture, etc .;

Agriculture (agriculture and animal husbandry) and forestry;

Industries processing agricultural raw materials: food, light industries associated with the primary processing of flax, wool, etc.;

Industries that provide procurement, storage, transportation and sale of agricultural products.

Building complex The country is a developed system of construction industries, differentiated by industry and individual enterprises. The main sectors of the complex: the cement industry, the industry of asbestos-cement products, the industry of soft roofing and waterproofing materials, the industry of prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures and products, the wall materials industry, the production of building bricks and ceramic tiles, the building ceramics industry, the industry of non-metallic building materials (crushed stone, gravel , building sand), the industry of heat-insulating materials, the asbestos industry. Building complex is based on the integration of construction and industry. Includes three groups of industries:

Construction industry;

Building materials industry;

Construction and road engineering, production of machinery and equipment for the building materials industry.

Transport complex provides links between individual industries and regions of the country, timely and complete satisfaction of the needs of the national economy and the population in transportation. When locating production, the need for transportation, the mass of raw materials for finished products, their transportability, availability of transport routes, their throughput, etc. are taken into account. There are the following main types of transport: - railway, - road, - aviation, - pipeline, - sea, - inland water. Interacting with each other, they form the transport system of Russia.

Transport system- this is a set of all modes of transport, interconnected by transport hubs, that is, points at which several modes of transport converge and goods are exchanged between them.


Spheres of the economy, as already noted, are divided into specialized industries. The sectoral division of the economy is the result of the historical process of development of the social division of labor.

It is expressed in three forms:



The general is expressed in the division of social production into large spheres of material production: industry, agriculture, construction, and transport.

The private is manifested in the isolation of individual branches and industries within industry, agriculture and other branches of material production.

The individual is reflected in the division and organization of labor directly at the enterprises.

The production of a particular product becomes an independent industry or independent production, provided that there are a number of homogeneous enterprises specially engaged in the manufacture of certain types products.

An industry can be viewed as a set of subjects economic activity regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing and (or) producing products (performing work and providing services) of certain types that have a homogeneous consumer or functional purpose. In addition to the commonality of manufactured products and the needs met, enterprises of the same industry are characterized by a common production technology, fixed assets, and professional training of workers.

Thus, an industry is a set of enterprises and organizations characterized by a common field of activity in the system of social division of labor, products, production technology, use of resources (raw materials, fixed assets, professional skills of workers).

One of the goals of dividing the national economy into sectors is the comparability of statistical information on international level. In this regard, the All-Russian Classification of Economic Activities (OKVED) was put into effect, which provides for the classification of types of economic activities adopted in the European Economic Community.

The development of the economy, the further deepening of specialization leads to the formation of new industries and types of production, at the same time there are processes of cooperation and integration. This leads to stable ties between industries, to the creation of mixed industries and intersectoral complexes.

Intersectoral complex - an integration structure that characterizes the interaction of various industries and their elements, various stages of production and distribution of the product.

Intersectoral complexes arise within individual sectors of the economy and between different sectors. For example, such complexes as fuel and energy, metallurgical, machine-building, etc. function as part of industry. The construction and agro-industrial complexes, which unite different sectors of the national economy, are distinguished by a more complex structure.

Intersectoral national economic complexes are divided into target and functional ones.

The basis of the target complexes is the reproductive principle and the criterion of participation in the creation of the final product, for example, the fuel and energy and agro-industrial complex, the transport complex, etc. ).

Complexity, i.e. the unity of the growing diversity is a consequence of the qualitative growth of the social nature of production, its socialization.

Russian industries are united in the following complexes:

1) fuel and energy;

2) metallurgical;

3) machine-building;

4) chemical-forest;

5) agro-industrial;

6) social (production of consumer goods in light industry);

7) building complex (building materials industry).

Let's take a closer look at some of these complexes. The fuel and energy complex is an integrated system of coal, gas, oil, peat, shale industries, energy, industries for the production of energy and other types of equipment, united common goal in meeting the needs of the national economy in fuel, heat, and electricity. It includes more than 2000 enterprises and joint-stock companies.

Russia is the only major industrial developed country, which fully provides itself with fuel and energy at the expense of its own natural resources and exports fuel and electricity in significant volumes.

The share of exports of fuel and energy products is about 50% of the country's export potential, tax revenues from fuel and energy complex structures reach 55-65% of the total tax collection, although their share in the gross product is about 15%.

However, in our country the most economical and rational use fuel and energy resources, as well as all other types material resources acquires a special national economic significance. This must be taken into account when considering the reserves for improving the efficiency of enterprises.

The agro-industrial complex differs from other intersectoral complexes in that it includes sectors of the economy that are heterogeneous in their technology and production orientation.

The agro-industrial complex includes agriculture, processing industries, agricultural engineering, engineering for light and food industries, production of mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, veterinary drugs; construction of industrial facilities, including reclamation and water management.

About 80 industries are directly or indirectly involved in the activities of the agro-industrial complex. The sectors included in the agro-industrial complex are united by a common ultimate function - supplying the country with food and agricultural raw materials. Ensuring food security is the main task of the agro-industrial complex.

In the practice of planning and accounting, the sectoral structure is determined, i.e. finding the share of individual industries in total volume production or in the total value of fixed assets, or in the total number of employees.

All professions can be attributed to certain types according to the subject and means of labor. Each has its own profile and code. Usually, by its name, you can easily determine which industry it belongs to and understand what means of labor it uses. Having considered the existing general professions of all branches of the national economy, any person can choose a preferred occupation for himself. In this article, we will give examples of professions from different industries, so that after reading them you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Professions of branches of the economy

There is an extensive list that includes both cross-cutting professions and positions in all sectors of the economy, as well as highly specialized jobs. The choice of activity is primarily influenced by the education of the applicant. Thus, specialists with a higher economic education can count on positions in micro- and macroeconomics, external finance and specialized industries. If we consider professions common to all sectors of the economy, then this is primarily an accountant. IN last years the list of professions of bank employees has significantly expanded.

List of industries and professions

In industry, there are professions of different branches in which people of numerous specialties are employed. All vacancies can be divided into workers and engineering professions. The most popular working professions are:

  • metallurgy - rolling, rolling and steelworkers;
  • extractive industry - cutters, sinkers and miners;
  • construction - concrete workers, masons, installers and slingers;
  • food industry - bakers, dough mixers and confectioners;
  • light industry - cutters, weavers and seamstresses;

There are service professions for workers common to all sectors of the economy. These are locksmiths, oilers, electricians and security guards.

Professions in the oil and gas industry

The petrochemical industry is a complex and responsible profession, but highly paid. You can give specific examples of professions related to different sectors of the economy in oil production. The list includes the main occupations in the oil industry:

  • geologist;
  • geophysicist;
  • drilling engineer;
  • OT specialist;
  • manager.

Geologists and geophysicists are directly involved in geological and seismic exploration. Drilling engineers extract minerals. OT specialists supervise the work process to avoid accidents. Since the sphere is extremely expensive economically, managers are always needed to optimize costs.

Construction Industry Professions

When evaluating the industry of material production, the profession of a builder can be identified as the most relevant. There is a large list of vacancies employed at any construction site:

  • masons and concrete workers;
  • plasterers and tilers;
  • glaziers;
  • installers and crane operators;
  • carpenters.

In addition to these specialists, each team has multidisciplinary specialists who perform a large number of responsibilities. Therefore, the level of professional training of specialists in construction may go beyond their main duties.

Trade branch of economics profession

For the sector of the economy, examples of professions are few, since the main vacancy is the position of a cashier, to which any trade specialist can be attributed. However, currency and operational cashiers are necessary professions in various sectors of the economy, ensuring the conduct of any financial transactions.

Professions in the education industry

Educational professions are directly related to scientific activity. In the branch of historical activity, anthropologists, paleontologists and archaeologists can be distinguished. Animal world studied by bioengineers, ichthyologists and oceanologists. Romantic professions: speleology, hydrology, crystallography, meteorology and the position of a glacier.

Creative professions include sociology, philology, ethnography, genealogy, the positions of an art historian and restorer. Professions of the future: nanotechnology, genetic engineering and chemical specialties.

Health Care Professions

Health professionals are employed in the medical industry and can be grouped under the general name - doctors. Traditional general practitioners are internists, nurses and paramedics. Obstetricians and pediatricians work with children. Surgeons and anesthesiologists are involved in saving lives directly.

Dental medicine employs dentists, hygienists and dental technicians. Technical medical specialties include radiologists, laboratory technicians, technologists, ophthalmologists and optometrists. Virologists, nutritionists, biophysicists, biologists and gerontologists are employed in the scientific field. Manufacturing and sale medicines engaged in pharmacists and pharmacists.

Transport industry of the profession economy

If for the branch of material production examples of professions include a very extensive and varied list, then transport sector contains only a few sections:

  • aviation;
  • navigation;
  • Railway;
  • logistics;
  • travel professions.

The essence of this work is the movement of goods, cargo or people between destinations, including outside the state.

Agricultural professions

The agricultural sector provides the population with food. The most demanded agricultural professions are agronomists and machine operators, veterinarians, livestock breeders and poultry farmers. All professions require specific knowledge and skills and always remain vacant.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Even before I went to school, I had a vague idea of ​​what economics is all about. But what is the material economy is an interesting question.

material housekeeper

In order to clearly understand what economics is in general, and material economics in particular, it is necessary to slightly delve into the terminology.

The concept of "economy" is inherently complex. It can be interpreted in different ways. But the basis is necessarily some kind of activity of a person or society, aimed at obtaining benefits of a certain type.

Depending on what benefits we want to receive, the economy is divided into parts - sectors. Economists distinguish three main sectors of the economy - real (aka material), financial and non-productive.

A non-productive economy is necessary to create a base of services (benefits) that make life easier for us: household services for the population, housing and communal services, conducting and maintaining various communications, and so on.

financial economics is an intermediary created to move resources in the form of securities or monetary obligations between other sectors. There is no clear distinction in its activities.

The material economy is the main, basic sector of the economy that is engaged in the production, distribution or sale of consumer products.

The structure of the material economy

As you might guess, the structure of the material economy is the sphere of the national economy. Here are the main branches of the national economy, which are considered to be part of the material economy:

  • industry (production);
  • agro-industrial complex;
  • trade.

Not a single modern material economy can do without an industrial complex. The industrial complex includes "light" and "heavy" enterprises for the extraction, processing of raw materials and the production of final commercial products.

The agro-industrial complex is not only the cultivation of food or livestock, but also their processing.

Well, where without trade? Trade is a mechanism for the sale of both production and agriculture.

Science and education are areas of the economy that are responsible for the development, systematization and storage of knowledge about the world and man, the transfer of this knowledge to other generations. Science, expanding the field known to man helps to solve the world's pressing problems. How to improve the ecology on the planet? How can the country overcome the economic crisis and develop sustainably? The world's population is growing - how to feed more and more people? Science is looking for answers to these and other world questions and offers strategies for the development of mankind in the future.

Science and education interact with all sectors of the economy: intensive development of the country's economy is possible only if scientific principles and achievements are introduced into production and educational institutions train qualified personnel for industries.

What is included: social and humanitarian, natural, technical sciences and primary, secondary, higher education.
Profession examples: educator, teacher, business coach, methodologist, researchers and scientists: physicist, cyberneticist, chemist, biologist, geneticist, oceanologist, ecologist, meteorologist, sociologist, psychologist, philologist, etc.

The scientific community of Russia has about 800 thousand scientists and researchers, and more than 6 million specialists are involved in the field of education (8% of all labor resources countries). Main government bodies responsible for education and science in Russia is the Russian Academy of Sciences ( Russian Academy Sciences) and RAO (Russian Academy of Education). But science and education have long gone beyond state borders and are an international phenomenon: more than 10 prizes are awarded annually for contributions to world science. And the winners of the awards are scientists and researchers from different countries.

Financing of Russian science in absolute terms has increased by 3.3 times since 2000, although, unfortunately, it has been gradually declining over the past 4 years. Over the past 15 years, modern scientific and educational centers have appeared - Skolkovo (Moscow), Innopolis (Tatarstan), Koltsovo (Novosibirsk). The industry has many problems, the greatness of Soviet science is a thing of the past. It is all the more interesting and important to create a new modern science!

Forecast. How do you see the future of science and education? The availability of education will expand - if desired, it will be possible to enroll at any educational institution the world and learn remotely. Already, not only online courses of English, playing the guitar or beading have appeared in Russia, but also full-fledged secondary education schools where you can study online and receive a state-recognized diploma of finishing 11 classes.

New technologies and devices. The school of the future will not have paper textbooks. Instead, schoolchildren will carry with them a universal electronic textbook, that is, a tablet or smartphone, into which all study materials are downloaded, fiction and films to help you learn. And the library will be the same unusual place to visit, as well as an archive with manuscripts.

Future lifestyle a person can be characterized by the proverb "Live for a century - learn a century": due to the increased life expectancy, a person will be able to change the direction of activity more often and retrain, getting new specialties and mastering new professions. In connection with the interest in new objects, all more sciences will appear at the intersection of traditional specializations - nanoengineering, cosmobiology, etc.

Professions of the future:
    game educator(applies game methods in the educational process)
    Online Education Platform Coordinator(oversees the development of courses for online learning)
    Individual Education Consultant(provide services for planning effective educational programs)
    Nanoengineer(explores the physics of the microworld to create new products and materials)
    bioinformatician(examines the information contained in biological cells)
    Cosmobiologist(explores the behavior of biological systems on other planets and in space)

How to become a scientist
Scientists are curious people. Therefore, in order to become a scientist, one must not lose the curiosity given from birth. What else does a future scientist need?

    Find a subject to study in which you will be interested to dive. Although, most likely, it is he who will choose you, and not you him.
    Doing well in school, at least in those subjects in which you plan to specialize. Studying at school is the path of scientific knowledge. Perhaps school knowledge will be of little use to a future designer, rescuer or actor, but a researcher and teacher need it.
    Engage in education and self-education. The school course, of course, is not enough to immerse yourself in biology, physics or linguistics. Therefore, look for information in different sources: books, online courses, museums, documentaries. It is important to evaluate each source, because you are a future scientist, and scientists are critical of any information and check it.
    Learn several foreign languages. They will be needed for communication in the scientific community: attend conferences, read literature (and this is also communication), listen to online lectures by scientists from all over the world.
    Participate in olympiads, scientific conferences and forums for schoolchildren, competitions research work and other events taking place in your area. This is a chance to meet like-minded people, find a mentor and expand your understanding of the world.
    Attend circles at universities and schools for future scientists. Such projects for schoolchildren include the Pushchino Winter School, the Summer Linguistic School, the Summer Ecological School, the International Computer School and profile shifts in our children's camp "Professionals of the Future". A trip to a real science camp inspires self-development and helps in career guidance.

Where to go to become a scientist
If you are thinking about a career as a scientist, then you need to enroll in prestigious university where strong theoretical disciplines are taught. In Russia, the best scientific universities are considered to be Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, MSTU im. H.E. Bauman, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg State University, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", TSU (Tomsk University), NSU (Novosibirsk State University).

Being a scientist or a teacher (or perhaps both) is hard work. But the joy of discovery, the benefits of your work, the freedom to choose a topic for research and the possibility of career growth cover all the disadvantages of these professions.
We wish you success in your scientific career!

If you want to know what areas you can excel in as a scientist, take our two free quizzes:
✎ Abilities and profession: technical potential
✎ Abilities and profession: humanitarian potential

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