Animal world of the Urals. The fauna of the Urals impresses with its pleasant charm, diversity of the animal world

The Urals is a special region serving as the border between Europe and Asia. It shares the western part with the eastern part. Such an imposing boundary no longer exists in nature.

Its length exceeds 2000 km, and its width from north to south is 40-150 km. The highest point of the Ural mountains is Mount Narodnaya, which rises up to 1895 m.

On such a vast territory, accordingly, there should be a huge natural diversity. It really is. In the Urals, you can see everything - forests, steppes, tundra and even glaciers.

Great lovers of nature and all kinds of adventures will be more than interested here. Many mountains and caves, rivers and lakes, forests and stone deposits lure people with their mystical beauty and charm.

In such places, people can test and test themselves for strength and endurance. Amazing and mysterious places The Urals are rich in diverse flora. It strikes variety of Ural animals.

Except wildlife there are many nature reserves where they live in complete safety and comfort animals red Ural. To tell about all the inhabitants of these places in a nutshell will not work, but you can still consider their interesting specimens.

TO animals Southern Urals include reindeer, ungulate lemmings, arctic foxes, Middendorff voles and partridges. Animals of the Northern Urals also amaze with their huge number of species. Among them you can find moose, foxes, wolverines, lynxes, sables, martens, beavers, otters.


This animal belongs to artiodactyl mammals. Only in this species, females wear horns in the same way as males. They move without problems on the snowy surface, thanks to their wide hooves.

Deer have excellent hearing. But their vision leaves much to be desired. In deer herds, the leadership belongs to the leader. IN winter time years, animals get food from under the snow.

Sometimes hares become victims of foxes. But it doesn't happen as often as people say. As for, he is a much more serious predator. Wild ungulates become its victims. The wolf prefers moose and.

Most often attacks them when they are not healthy and weakened. Wolves never refuse from hares, foxes and small ones. In the winter season, these animals unite in flocks and represent great danger a person, although cases of their attacks on people are isolated.


This animal is large predator. He has big paws and a rather bushy tail. Moose corpses and reindeer are the most popular food. Sometimes they attack these animals.

This happens when they are sick. Otherwise, Wolverine will not be able to defeat them. Also in the course are rodents, game and medium-sized foxes. For these animals, it is not important to live in any particular place. They can travel long distances in search of food.

Pictured is a wolverine


Can attack a fox. But not in order to eat it, but simply for the sake of prey. Lynx needs two kilograms of meat per day. This beautiful wild cat not a terrible person.


This taiga resident differs from many animals in his dexterity and strength. Lives on earth. Moves by jumping. Together with this, they are perfectly able to move through the trees.

They have well developed hearing and sense of smell. At the expense of vision, this cannot be said; sable cannot boast of it. This animal makes a cat-like purr. Moves easily on loose snow.

The activity of the animal falls in the morning and evening. His favorite habitats are cedar, upper mountain rivers, thickets of elfin, stony placers. Only occasionally you can see sable in the crown of a tree. They prefer to hunt alone. Most of all they do not like to observe on their lands.

Pictured is an animal sable


She has a beautiful slender body, 50-80 cm long. The length of the fluffy tail of the animal is 35-50 cm. They weigh from 0.5 to 5.7 kg. Usually males are larger than females. Martens have a brownish color.

These are dexterous animals that can do any acrobatic trick. small most spend their free time in games. They never attack a person.

But, if the marten, his home or children are in danger, they become monstrously aggressive. The sharp teeth and claws of animals are used, with which they can cause great harm.


This animal is the most large rodent throughout Russia. It can live both in water and in a hole. Thanks to the peculiar swimming membranes, it feels great in the water.

It has a flat, hairless, plated tail. Beavers build dams to protect their burrows from intruders. They are made up of branches and trees.

Such dams can be up to 15 meters wide and block the flow of water to such an extent that it rises up to 1.5 meters. These animals feed on branches of willow, bird cherry, birch and aspen. Grass is in use in summer.


She possesses one of the most valuable furs. Out of many descriptions of Ural animals it is known that the number has declined markedly. They are near-water predators, so their burrows can be seen right next to the water.

Pictured animal otter

Fauna of the Urals so interesting and rich that one can talk about it with enthusiasm and endlessly. Not everyone has the opportunity to visit this wonderful and fabulous corner. Will serve to help photos of Ural animals, in which they look almost the same as in real life.

The fauna of the Urals impresses with its pleasant charm, diversity of the animal world. It is composed of forest, tundra and steppe animals. The rockiness of the mountains affects the living conditions of animals, it is very difficult for them to survive in such conditions. rich life The Ural can be studied for a very long time.

Tundra Tundra animals inhabiting the Polar Urals include reindeer, hoofed lemming, arctic fox, Middendorf's vole, partridges. In the tundra of the Urals, among the predators, the snowy owl, the furry-legged buzzard, and the peregrine falcon live here. Of the birds, snow bunting, Lapland plantain, ptarmigan, red-throated pipit are numerous.

Reindeer Reindeer is an artiodactyl mammal. The only deer that bear antlers are both males and females. These animals have wide hooves, which allows them not to fall through the snow. Deer have very good hearing, but very poor eyesight. In herds, they are guided by the behavior of the leader. In winter, they can get food from under the snow. Deer eat mushrooms, collect bird eggs, drink sea ​​water eating algae. Reindeer always remain wild. In captivity, they become tame, but you need to watch them very much, if you don’t watch them, then the proud son of the North will run wild again. In the North, a rich man is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one who has more deer.

Arctic fox Arctic fox is a small species of fox, rather small, length 45 - 70 cm, weight - from 2 to 8 kg. Arctic foxes tend to have thick, white fur that is meant to protect them from frost. They live in areas of the northern hemisphere with low air temperatures. Arctic foxes eat whatever they find. In cases of food shortage, they try to scraps big predators. Arctic foxes are amazing animals, they live in regions that people consider unsuitable for living.

Broad-leaved forests There are much more inhabitants in broad-leaved forests than in taiga ones. Hedgehogs, brown bears, elks, forest polecats, badgers, hares, wolverines live in the forests. Birds include nightingales, orioles, finches, siskins, goldfinches, starlings and rooks. And from amphibians there are non-poisonous snakes, toads and newts.

Brown bear The brown bear lives in the Urals. This is one of the largest animals in the fauna kg weight of a bear. In the Urals, the bear was a widespread animal. It cannot be called a predator, as it eats a variety of foods, both animals and wild berries. In autumn, bears get fat and go into hibernation. They build lairs on a dry surface, under the twisted roots of a tree. The period after which they come out of hibernation depends on the bear itself. Weakly well-fed bears leave the den earlier.

Squirrel Squirrel lives in the forests of the Urals. The squirrel has an elongated body with a fluffy long tail, the color is dark brown, red, sometimes gray (especially in winter) with a white belly. The paws of the animal are armed with sharp claws, and it can run up and down the tree trunks up and down its head. Squirrels sleep on a tree, in a hollow or in a self-built warm spherical nest. proteins are not able to absorb fiber, and therefore feed on vegetation rich in proteins, carbohydrates and fats - seeds, nuts, berries, and also eat insects, eggs and even small birds, mammals and frogs

Elk The bark of a young aspen is the best food for moose in winter. In summer they are found in high-mountain subalpine meadows. Moose periodically move in winter in search of better conditions, and can go even three hundred kilometers. They like to eat the bark of a young aspen, and in summer they prefer grassy vegetation. The norm of the summer daily diet is thirty kilograms of food. Moose run fast and swim well.

Steppes The steppes of the Urals are rich in various rodents. Here you can see a bobak, a steppe marmot, a ground squirrel, a pika and hamsters. Rodents attract their attention from birds of prey such as the steppe eagle, harrier, golden eagle, kite and steppe kestrel. Predators are also characteristic - corsac fox, steppe polecat and wolf.

Ground squirrel In the steppe zone of the Urals, there is a ground squirrel - a medium-sized rodent, a representative of the squirrel family. Gopher, depending on the species, can have different sizes - from medium to very small. Body length 14 ... 40 centimeters. The length of the tail is from 4 to 25 centimeters. The forelimbs of the ground squirrel are usually shorter than the hind limbs. Ears - small, short, slightly protruding from the fur, slightly pubescent. The ground squirrel's diet includes underground and ground parts of grasses that grow in the immediate vicinity of their homes.

Steppe Eagle The Steppe Eagle is a bird of prey and belongs to the hawk family. It feeds on small and medium-sized vertebrates, insects and carrion. The body length of the Steppe Eagle is cm, weight is kg. The wings of the bird are cm long. Male steppe eagles are smaller than females. The color of an adult bird is dark brown, sometimes with a red spot on the back of the head. The steppe eagle is under protection. It is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

The Ural conquers the true connoisseurs of beauty with its immense beauty and riches: the purest rivers, crystal lakes, beautiful waterfalls, unexplored caves. Fauna of the Urals represented by tundra, forest and steppe animals.

The conditions of their life, as well as the territorial distribution entirely depend on the rockiness of the mountains and foothills. The world of fauna in the Urals differs from other regions in a huge variety of commercial mammals and steppe birds, including bustard, crane, steppe eagle, partridge, horned lark, harrier, belladonna.

Animals of the Urals- these are various representatives of the world of fauna, the description of which can take quite a long time. In the framework of this article, we will consider, perhaps, the most striking animals of this truly beautiful region of our country.

Animals of the Subpolar Urals

Subpolar Ural is the highest part of the famous Ural Mountains. Here is their highest point - Mount Narodnaya. At present, the fauna of this region is extremely impoverished. The fact is that after the extinction and extermination of almost all truly large animals, the only big beast here is the reindeer, whose population is also on the verge of extinction.

On the eastern slopes of the Subpolar Urals there are ungulate lemmings, arctic foxes, wolves, partridges, chipmunks, badgers and hare hares. Brown bears also live here - the main force of the fauna not only in this region, but throughout the country. Representatives underwater world- pike, herring, pizhyan, cheese.

arctic fox

Arctic foxes are small relatives of foxes. Their length varies from 45 to 70 cm, and their weight varies from 2 to 8 kg.

These small animals have thick fur dyed in White color. The fur of the polar fox perfectly warms the animal in cold weather. They feed on whatever they find. In times of famine, arctic foxes eat the leftovers of large predatory animals.


You can meet him quite often. The vast majority of these animals are domesticated here. They constitute the main wealth of the local population. If we talk about the wild form of the reindeer, then these animals of the Subpolar Urals are now almost completely exterminated.

This noble animal owes its existence to many northern peoples planet Earth: the reindeer gives a person both food and a skin for clothes, and is also an excellent means of transportation in the conditions of northern snow-covered impassability.

In length, these animals reach 2 meters. The height of the reindeer at the withers is 1 meter. The wool of the reindeer is thick, long, wavy. It is colored dark brown in domestic individuals and gray in wild ones.

hallmark reindeer - the presence of horns not only in males, but also in females. The hooves of reindeer are wide, which allows them not to fall into the snow. It cannot be said that reindeer are as beautiful as their relatives - red deer. Reindeer have short legs, small tails, and males sometimes have fangs growing on their upper jaws.

It is worth noting that the domesticated reindeer is a very conditional concept. This beast always remains wild: a small oversight of the owner - and the proud domesticated handsome man runs wild again.

Unfortunately, wild reindeer may soon share the fate of musk oxen, wild horses, bison and saigas, which were once with prehistoric woolly rhinos and well-known mammoths massively inhabited the local tundra.

Animals of the South Urals

It combines forest, steppe and tundra vegetation zones. The rich world of the flora of the Southern Urals has allowed few and rare animals to survive in this territory. In particular, it is here that representatives steppe zones: voles, ground squirrels, jerboas, hamsters, steppe marmots.

Animals of the South Urals represented by wolverines, brown bears, squirrels, arctic foxes, sables, hazel grouses, capercaillie, horned larks and even reindeer. It's hard to believe, but the horned representative of the Subpolar Urals migrated to the southern region following the movement of vegetation.

Brown bear

These animals are found everywhere here, but, fortunately, it is quite rare to see them. The weight of an adult male varies from 3 to 5 centners. In general, the bear is a common representative of the world of fauna, not only among the animals of the South Urals, but in general among everything. fauna of the Urals.

By the way, the language does not turn to call a bear a predator. The fact is that these hairy heavyweights are omnivores: they eat both meat and fish, as well as honey and wild berries.

In autumn, brown bears gain subcutaneous fat and hibernate. Bears that have not gained fat by autumn and have not fallen asleep for the winter become rods. South Ural brown bears, like other brown bears, build dens on a dry surface - under twisted tree roots.


Among the animals of this area, one can distinguish the so-called "pearl of the Siberian taiga" - sable. This animal is national pride Russia, since since Russian Empire forms the basis of the country's fur wealth. This is a brave and agile predator. During the day, the animal is able to run a huge multi-kilometer distance. He willingly climbs trees, but walks on the ground.

This animal hunts in different ways. He can, like a cat, sit in ambush and guard the mouse, or he can stubbornly pursue the musk deer through loose snow until it runs out of steam. The main diet of the sable is small rodents. Often sable preys on large birds, for fish, for squirrels, and even for their smaller relatives - ermine and column. The sable also eats cranberries, blueberries, mountain ash, and cedar cones.

Animals of the Middle Urals

Almost the entire territory of the Middle Urals is located in the forest zone. Animals and birds live here, fully adapted to existence in coniferous forests: wolverines, columns, sables, chipmunks, black grouses, wood grouses, hazel grouses. There were no large animals, except for moose. But moose have already been taken under protection due to a decrease in their population.

In the upper mountain belt of the Middle Urals, you can meet wild reindeer, brown bears, martens, lynxes, squirrels, white hares, elk, moles, owls, woodpeckers, bullfinches, tits, and cuckoos live in the taiga. Amphibians and reptiles are few in the taiga forests of the Middle Urals: grass frogs, common vipers, viviparous lizards.

In the forest-steppe regions of the Middle Urals, one can meet wolves, foxes, ermines, weasels, and hawks. European minks, otters, and water voles live along river banks and in valleys. In the swamps you can meet waterfowl: ducks, wild geese, partridges, waders.

On the western slope of the Middle Urals there are typical representatives deciduous forests: forest hori, hedgehogs, badgers, European hares, orioles, finches, nightingales, goldfinches, siskins, starlings and rooks. Reptiles and amphibians are represented here by toads, newts and poisonous snakes.


Bright representative animals of the Middle Urals- lynx. This large cat does not exceed the size of an average dog, it is no more than 1 meter in length, and its weight does not exceed 17 kg. According to the observations of Siberian and Ural zoologists, the muzzle of the lynx looks very interesting: hard bulges that frame the pale muzzle, graceful ears with tassels and a haughty look.

Alas, only the muzzle is considered graceful in a lynx. The body of this cat does not cause much admiration: the hind legs are too long, the front legs are too short, the tail is small, as if it had been chopped off. In addition, the lynx has very wide paws. Such an awkward body structure brings great benefits to the lynx: the animal is perfectly adapted not only to ordinary, but also to the harsh northern conditions of life.

For example, wide paws help this animal to keep perfectly in the snow while chasing the main prey - a hare. The tassels on the ears of the lynx are not just decoration, but some kind of transmitter antenna that helps the cat hear very quiet sounds.

Lynx is true Ural wild animal. Under natural conditions, it is almost impossible to see this cat. The fact is that lynxes are cautious creatures, they hunt either early in the morning or at the end of the day. Lynxes, like tigers, are solitary hunters. The place of hunting is a pre-marked territory.

European Hare and White Hare

Both types of long-eared panties are animals of the Middle Urals. Both hares are brown-gray in summer, and in winter the white hare abruptly changes its gray coat to snow-white. Rusak remains gray-brown all year round. Belyaki, as a rule, - forest dwellers, while the hares are the inhabitants of the steppes and fields.


During the day, the hare sleeps, and at night it goes out in search of food. This long-eared coward eats the bark of trees. His favorite "victims" are young aspen, birch, willow. Belyaki easily move through deep snow. When a hare makes a jump, he, like a squirrel, brings his hind legs far forward.

Brown hares are not as adapted to winter as their white relatives. For example, when the first snow falls on the ground, the hare is unable to get to winter, he has to jump to people in gardens and vegetable gardens - to gnaw cabbage stalks. If there are no stumps, hare hares jump at full speed to the haystacks. Often these animals harm young apple trees by gnawing their bark.

white hare

Animals of the Northern Urals

The territory of the Northern Urals covers dense taiga forests, swamps and tall-grass subalpine meadows. Animals of the Northern Urals- these are species characteristic of both European and Siberian forests. In the highlands, typical representatives of arctic species generally live.

In the taiga of the Northern Urals, there are brown bears, hares, foxes, elks, reindeer, lynxes, wolverines, ermines, beavers, black grouses, wood grouses, hazel grouses, ducks, partridges. Also, martens, sables, weasels, crossbreeds of martens and sables - kiduses, otters - have adapted to the difficult conditions of the North Urals. Otter and badger - rare animals of the Urals.

In the taiga forests of the Middle Urals one can hear crossbill and nutcracker. Tits here are, perhaps, one of the main representatives of this area. On the tops of the trees you can see proud handsome men - bullfinches and the main orderlies of the taiga forests - woodpeckers.

The animals of this area are also represented by a variety of small rodents. Here you can meet mice, forest voles, baby mice. In the shade of tree trunks, the smallest mammals in the world live - shrews.


This representative of the detachment of predatory animals received the popular name "glutton", "skunk bear", "demon of the north". Wolverines are the most ferocious and powerful hunters of the weasel family. Outwardly, these animals look like small bears with fluffy tails. In length, wolverines do not exceed 1 meter, and weigh no more than 15 kg.

Despite their modest size, these predatory animals are capable of killing a wolf or driving an adult lynx up a tree with just one bite. Wolverine is able to catch up with a reindeer or elk, jump on the back of this animal and stubbornly bite into the scruff of the neck until the huge carcass of the artiodactyl collapses to the ground.

Also, the wolverine's menu is made up of squirrels, hares, foxes. These predators can boast of bloodthirstiness only in winter. In summer, wolverines behave more modestly in the choice of food: they devour carrion, bird eggs, insect larvae, and sometimes, along with brown bears, they regale themselves with nuts, berries and fruits.

Middendorf's vole

This small mammal from the order of rodents can be found in moss swamps in the North Ural tundra. The length of her body is 13 cm, the length of the tail is 3.5 cm. summer period Middendorf's voles eat sedge stems and leaves, and in winter - root parts.

For the winter, they make preparations of rhizomes. Voles, as a rule, build nests in blueberry bushes and in the wilds of carp birches at low altitudes.


At present, the Urals is unthinkable without a giant from the deer family - the elk. These huge long-legged artiodactyl animals are not often found in the taiga forests of the North Urals. The body length of an adult male is at least 3 meters, and the height at the withers is up to 2.7 meters. These giants weigh from 2.5 to 5.8 centners.

Moose males are easily recognizable by their huge branched horns, which are absent in females. As in ancient times, now they are trying to domesticate moose. In Russia, there are even special elk farms where these artiodactyl giants are bred. And, I must admit, not without success.

These animals look somewhat awkward: their stilted legs visually appear too thin compared to their massive body. The short tail is generally invisible. Moose have huge ears and small eyes. The nose is humpbacked and drooping, on the neck there is a soft leathery outgrowth - an “earring”. Despite such appearance, moose is the largest representative deer family and the undisputed master of forests and swamps.

Animals of the Red Book of the Urals

As such, the Red Book of the Urals does not exist. Each region has its own Red Book. Basically, create common list rare and endangered species of animals for the entire Urals as a whole is not difficult, but it will add little to the regional registers, and in order to provide practical assistance, it will still be necessary to focus on local regulations.

Animals of the Red Book of the Urals- this and the bats(water night, mustachioed bat, pond bat, northern kozhanok, etc.), and rodents (flying squirrel, garden dormouse, Djungarian hamster, wood lemming, big jerboa, gray hamster). Let's consider some types in more detail.


This representative of the order of insectivorous animals is listed in the Red Book Sverdlovsk region. These animals eat a lot of insects and slugs, which are dangerous for both forests and garden plots.

An ordinary hedgehog is, perhaps, one of the few animals that let a person close to him at a very close quarters. But this happens, by no means, not because the hedgehog is a brave fellow, but because of his poor eyesight. Therefore, hedgehogs prefer to rely on their scent. But their nose often fails: if the wind blows in the opposite direction, these animals are not able to smell the approach of a person or animal to them.

These insectivores hunt at night. On the hunt, the common hedgehog is a dexterous and agile animal. The animal not only exterminates harmful insects, but is also not averse to eating poisonous snakes. By the way, the poison of a viper has practically no effect on an ordinary hedgehog.

Despite its spines, the hedgehog cannot boast of full-fledged protection from the enemies that it has in abundance: large owls, eagle owls, hawks, foxes and, of course, a man who did everything so that the population of this insectivore was endangered.


The human factor, namely human greed, is the reason why these animals are on the verge of extinction. When their population was at the proper level, desmans were massively exterminated because of their beautiful and valuable fur. Muskrat breeding for the same purpose contributed to the displacement of desmans from their natural places a habitat.

steppe cat

This animal in the Red Book of the Orenburg region has been assigned a not too dangerous category No. 3. The prey of the steppe cats are birds and small rodents. The winter period, as you know, is a difficult time for the wild animals of the Urals. Steppe cats, for lack of prey, can wander to a person to profit, for example, from chickens.

European mink

According to the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk region, the European mink is listed in category No. 1, and in the Red Book of Bashkortostan this animal appears in category No. 2. It is curious that in the Red Book Perm Territory the European mink is completely absent.

Game for younger students "Animals of the Urals"

Description: this game can be played with elementary school students, consolidating knowledge about the animals of the Urals, so it will be useful to students, organizers, class teachers and educators.

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the animals of the Urals through your game.
- consolidate knowledge about the animals of the Urals;
- develop memory, attention, thinking;
- broaden your horizons.

The participants of the game are offered a scoreboard with four topics: "Animals", "Birds", "Insects", "Fish", in each topic there are questions for 5, 10, 15 and 20 points according to the level of difficulty. The player chooses a topic and a question for the number of points, the one with the most points wins.
Theme "Beasts"

5 points
Tail with a fluffy arc,
Do you know such an animal?
Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,
Likes to climb trees
10 points
Behind the trees, bushes
Flashed like a flame
Flashed, ran...
There is no smoke or fire.
15 points
In which animals of the Urals in winter on the abdomen, the hair lengthens by a couple of millimeters. What kind of animals are these.
20 points
What animals of the Urals can reach a weight of 60 - 100 kg. What are these animals?
Theme "Birds"

5 points
Who is among the coniferous branches in winter
Are you bringing your kids out in February?
Unusual beak - a cross,
That bird's name is...
10 points
Who is guessing in the forest
Does he know everything about fate and life?
Cuckoo - count -
How long do you live, you know! -
Bird, gray girlfriend,
And her name is...
15 points
The name of this bird comes from the structure of the auditory system. She loses her hearing only for a while.
20 points
This bird is very fond of cinnamon (pitted raisins). Her voice is a soft drawling “day” or “fu-fu”; the song is crackling, with flute and whistle sounds. What is this bird?
Theme "Insects"

5 points
Airplane light fast
Fragrant flies over the flower.
Wings, tail and eyes.
This is a miracle...
10 points
She eats aphids from the leaves,
It helps to take care of the garden.
Here she took off deftly.
This -
15 points
What insect can stay under water for several days?
20 points
This insect performs a "circular" dance if it has found a source of food at a short distance.
Theme "Pisces"

5 points
It is related to perch,
And has a menacing look
If someone suddenly scares
Fin sharp dissolves!
10 points
Her eyes are moving
She sees everything perfectly
When the fish gape,
Swallow and don't choke!
15 points
This fish is omnivorous, consumes food of plant and animal origin. Eats different types fry, caviar of other fish, lettuce, watermelon and peas. What is this fish?
20 points
This fish is a giant among salmon fish. It can live for more than 30 years, while it grows every year until the end of life.

Presentation on the topic: Journey to the country of animals of the Urals
