Life description of the prophet Muhammad dominoes. Medina period of the prophetic mission

Mawlid an-Nabi, which in Arabic means the birth of the Prophet, the main currents in Islam celebrate on different days - the Sunnis celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad on the 12th of Rabi al-awwal, and the Shiites on the 17th.

The month of Rabi al-awwal, which means the beginning of spring, occupies a special place in the Muslim calendar, in which the Prophet Muhammad was born and then died.

The birth of the Prophet Muhammad began to be celebrated only 300 years after the advent of Islam.

Where and when was the Prophet born?

The Prophet Muhammad, according to tradition, was born around 570 (according to other sources in 571) AD according to the Gregorian calendar in the holy city of Mecca ( Saudi Arabia) - the interpreters of the Qur'an say that this event occurred on the 12th day of the third month lunar calendar, in the year of the elephant, on Monday.

The exact date of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad remained unknown, so in Islam, the birth holiday is actually timed to coincide with the date of his death - according to Islam, death is nothing but a birth for eternal life.

The father of the Prophet Muhammad died a few months before his birth, and an angel appeared in a dream to his mother, Amina, who said that she was carrying a special child under her heart.

The very birth of the Prophet was accompanied by extraordinary events. He was born already circumcised and was immediately able to lean on his arms and raise his head.

The aunt of the Prophet Safiya told about his birth as follows: “At the birth of Muhammad, the whole world was flooded with light. As he appeared, he immediately made a sazha (bow). And, raising his head, he clearly said: “There is no God but Allah, I am the Messenger of Allah.”

Orphan's share

Muhammad was orphaned when he was about six and his grandfather Abdul Mutalib, the head of the Hashemite clan, became his guardian. Two years later, after the death of his grandfather, the boy ended up in the house of his uncle Abu Talib, who began to teach him the art of trade.

The future prophet became a merchant, but questions of faith did not leave him. As a teenager, he met religious movements Christianity, Judaism and other faiths.

© photo: Sputnik / Radik Amirov

Among the rich people of Mecca was the twice widowed Khadija, who, fascinated by Muhammad, despite the fact that she was 15 years older than him, offered the 25-year-old boy to marry herself.

The marriage turned out to be happy, Muhammad loved and respected Khadija. Marriage brought prosperity to Muhammad - free time he devoted himself to spiritual quests, to which he was attracted from young years. Thus began the biography of the Prophet and preacher.

prophetic mission

Muhammad was 40 years old when his prophetic mission began.

The biography of the founder of the Islamic religion says that Muhammad often liked to retire from the hustle and bustle of the world in the cave of Mount Hira, where he immersed himself in contemplation and meditation.

The first sura of the Koran was sent down to the Prophet in the cave of Mount Hira on the Night of Power and Predestination or Laylat al-Qadr, in 610.

By order of Allah, one of the angels, Jabrail (Gabriel), appeared to the Prophet Muhammad and said to Him: "Read." The word "read" means "Quran". With these words, the revelation of the Qur'an began - that night the angel Jabrail transmitted the first five verses (revelations) from Surah Clot.

© photo: Sputnik / Nataliya Seliverstova

But the mission lasted until the death of Muhammad, as the Great Quran was sent down to the Prophet for 23 years.

After meeting with the angel Gabriel, Muhammad began to preach and the number of his followers constantly grew. The Prophet said that Almighty Allah created man, and with him all living and non-living things on earth, and called his fellow tribesmen to righteous life keep the commandments, and prepare for the coming judgment of God.

In the sermons of Muhammad, the influential inhabitants of Mecca saw a threat to power and planned a conspiracy against him, and the followers of the Prophet were subjected to bullying, violence and even torture.

Companions persuaded the Prophet to leave the dangerous land and move from Mecca to Yathrib (later called Medina). The migration took place gradually and the last to migrate was the Prophet Muhammad, who left Mecca on the day corresponding to July 16 and arrived in Medina on September 22, 622.

© photo: Sputnik / Maxim Bogodvid

It is from this great event that the Muslim chronology begins its countdown. The new Hijri year 1439 - Ras-as-Sana (Day of the Hijri), came on the first day of the holy month of Muharram - according to the Gregorian calendar, this day in 2017 fell on September 21.

The resettlement made it possible to save many believers from the oppression of the pagans, to establish a safe life, and from that moment on, the spread of Islam began not only within the Arabian Peninsula, but throughout the world.

The Prophet Muhammad returned to Mecca in 630, solemnly entering the holy city 8 years after the exile, where the Prophet was met by crowds of admirers from all over Arabia.

After bloody wars, the surrounding tribes recognized the Prophet Muhammad and accepted the Koran. And soon he became the ruler of Arabia and created a powerful Arab state.

Death of the Prophet

The health of the preacher was crippled by the sudden death of his son - he again went on his way to see the holy city before his death and pray in the Kaaba.

In Mecca, 10 thousand pilgrims gathered to pray with the Prophet Muhammad - he traveled around the Kaaba on a camel and sacrificed animals. With a heavy heart, the pilgrims listened to the words of Muhammad, realizing that they were listening to him for the last time.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresenskiy

Returning to Medina, he said goodbye to the people around him and asked their forgiveness, set his slaves free, and ordered his money to be given to the poor. The Prophet Muhammad died on the night of June 8, 632

The Prophet Muhammad was buried where he died, in the house of his wife Aisha. Subsequently, a beautiful mosque was erected over the ashes of the Prophet, which became one of the shrines of the Muslim world. Bowing to the coffin of the Prophet Muhammad is for Muslims the same charitable deed as the pilgrimage to Mecca.

How they celebrate

The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad is the third date of reverence for Muslims. The first two places are occupied by the holidays that the Prophet celebrated during his lifetime - Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha.

On the days of celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, the most pious deed can be visiting the grave of the Messenger of Allah in Medina, praying in his mosque. Not everyone succeeds, but everyone should read the prayers dedicated to Muhammad, both in the mosque and at home.

On the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, Islamic countries traditionally hold mawlids - solemn events where Muslims praise the Prophet, talk about his life, his family and everything connected with him.

© photo: Sputnik / Michael Voskresenskiy

In some Muslim countries, the holiday is celebrated quite magnificently - posters with verses from Holy Quran, people gather in mosques and sing religious chants (nasheeds).

Among Islamic theologians, there are disagreements about the permissibility of a holiday in honor of the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad. For example, the Salafis consider Mawlid al-Nabi an innovation and note that the Prophet called "every innovation" a delusion, without making a distinction between "good" and "bad" innovation.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

The Quraysh, in turn, came from the ancient tribe "Kinan", who were the descendants of Ismail, the son of the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). The Quraish belonged to the Arab elite and were the trustees and keepers of the keys to the Kaaba. The clan of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was called the Hashemites and was the most influential clan in the Quraysh. This clan took its name from Hashim, one of the most respected Arabs of his time, whose duties included watering and feeding pilgrims. Hashim crumbled the bread and mixed it with the meat, and thus prepared the stew for the pilgrims, from which he got his nickname "Hashim" (breaking, that is, preparing the stew for the pilgrims), while his real name was Amr. Hashim was one of the first to start sending Quraysh trade caravans to Yemen in winter and to Syria in summer. These caravans enriched the Quraysh, which Almighty Allah mentioned in the Qur'an by sending down the Surah “Quraysh”: “For the sake of the unity of the Quraysh, their unity during winter and summer trips (winter and summer caravan). Let them worship the Lord of this House (Kaaba), who fed them after the famine and delivered them from fear.

Hashim married a woman from the city of Yathrib (the future city of the Prophet - Medina) on his way to Syria, but died shortly after he left Medina, leaving his pregnant wife there. Some time after Hashim's wife gave birth to a son, the grown-up boy was taken by his uncle Al-Muttalib. When the Meccans saw Al-Muttalib with the boy, they decided that this was his servant and called the boy "Abdul-Muttalib" (which means the slave of Al-Muttalib) and this nickname stuck with the boy for life. Abdul-Muttalib was a respected man and soon became the leader of the Quraysh. He was known for his generosity and fed not only people but also animals. It was Abdul-Muttalib who cleared the Zamzam well, which had previously been filled up, after he had a dream in which he was shown the location of the buried well and was ordered to clear it.

Also, during the life of Abdul-Mutallib, there was a story about which the Almighty told in the sura “Elephant”: “Didn’t you see what your Lord did with the army of the elephant? Did He not confuse their wiles and send flocks of birds upon them? They threw stones of baked clay at them and turned them into the likeness of corroded withered cereal leaves. The sixty-thousandth army of Ethiopians with an elephant intended to destroy the Kaaba. Before reaching the Kaaba, the army was destroyed by a flock of birds, which threw them with pieces of petrified clay and they turned into a kind of "corroded withered leaves." This story took place two months before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

The father of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was Abdullah - the beloved son of Abdul-Muttalib. The name of the mother of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was Amina, and she was from the Qurashi family of Banu Zuhra. After their marriage and during Amina's pregnancy, Abdullah went on a trading trip, during which he died without seeing his future son. So, the future chosen one of God (peace and blessings be upon him) was born on the 20th of the month of Rabi-ul-Aual (April 22, 570) - in the year of the destruction of the army of the elephant. The grandfather of the newborn boy Abdul-Muttalib named him Muhammad, which means "worthy of praise" and on the 7th day circumcised him according to the Abrahamic religious tradition of all God's prophets. Further, among the Arabs, it was customary to hire a Bedouin breadwinner, which was done so that the children would grow up healthy, away from the diseases of the city, and learn to speak pure Arabic. The nurse of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was a woman named Halima bint Abu Zuwayb.

Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) lived with Halima for several years. Every six months, Halima took the child home to her mother and returned with him back. When the feeding period ended, Halima did not want to return the child home, because during his stay in Halima's family, many good things happened - for example, cattle gave a lot of milk, while Halima's neighbors were deprived of it. For this reason, Halima came up with an excuse to keep Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) for some more time, the excuse was that in Mecca he might contract the plague. So the future Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) lived for several more years in the house of Halima. Then an incident occurred that greatly frightened Halima and her husband, for which reason they decided to return Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to his mother: Once when Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was playing with other children, the angel Jibril appeared to him, who cut his chest and took out a blood clot from his heart, saying: “This is the lot of Shaitan in you.” After which Jibril washed his heart in Zamzam water and returned it to its place. And the children who were playing with Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) ran to Halima to report that he had been killed. Later, many of the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) reported seeing scars on his chest.

Returning home, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) lived with his mother for about two years. Amina decided to go to Medina, accompanied by Muhammad and Abdul-Muttalib, but on the way back she fell ill and died. After this loss, grandfather Abdul-Muttalib began to treat the child as his son, giving him attention and respect in every possible way. But two years later, when Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was 8 years old, Abdul-Muttalib also left this world. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was taken into his care by his paternal uncle Abu Talib. Like his grandfather, his uncle showed him love and kindness. Abu Talib, although he was an influential Arab, lived in poverty and the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) grew up unpretentious, patient and content with what Allah sent down to him. So, as a child, he looked after the sheep for pay, like all the other prophets of God, and already in the future, becoming the same prophet himself, he said: "There was no such prophet who did not feed the sheep" . And already in his youth he was engaged in trade and earned a reputation as a reliable and an honest man, for which reason he received the nickname "Amin" (reliable).

At that time, among the Arabs lived a noble and wealthy widow of Quraish named Khadija bint Khuwaylid. She gave money to merchants, with which they traded for a fee. Upon learning about Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), she gave him a large sum of money and sent him on a trading trip to Syria. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) returned from Syria with a large profit and returned the money to Khadija. The servant of Khadija, who accompanied Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) on the trip, told her about the high moral qualities of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his virtues. After that, Khadija wanted to marry Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and sent her girlfriend to him with an offer to marry Khadija. He accepted the offer and his uncles married Khadija. Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) at that time was 25 years old, and Khadija was 40. Khadija had been married twice before, but both of her husbands died, and she had a son from her second marriage. She was the first wife of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and during her lifetime he did not take other wives. She was the mother of all his children, with the exception of Ibrahim, who was born to him by Maria, a Copt. Khadija gave birth to 6 children: boys - Al-Qasim and Abudullah, and girls - Zainab, Ruqaiya, Umm Kulthum and Fatima. Sons died in early childhood, and the girls lived to see the Prophecy. They all accepted Islam and moved from Mecca to Medina. Of all the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), only Fatima lived longer than him by 6 months.

When Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was 30 years old, the Kaaba suffered from a flood and the Quraysh decided to rebuild the Kaaba. It was agreed that only pure money (halal), earned by honest and legal labor, would be used for the construction of the Kaaba.

The Kaaba was dismantled to the foundation laid by the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him), and each tribe was given a separate plot for construction. The money earned by honest labor was not enough to complete the reconstruction of the Kaaba. Therefore, it was decided to reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Kaaba, reducing it by 6 cubits from the northern part. In place of the old wall, a semi-circular wall was built to mark the actual boundary of the Kaaba. The area between the new wall of the Kaaba and the semicircle is called Al-Hijr, and the semicircular wall itself is called Al-Khatim.

At the end of construction, it was necessary to bring the black stone sent down by Allah to the earth (al-hajr al-aswad) and the symbol of His greatness, inside the Kaaba. None of the elders wanted to concede such an honor to others, and disputes began. The disputes continued for 5 days, until one of the elders named Abu Umayya ibn Al-Mughira offered to judge this dispute to the one who first enters the temple through the gate. The elders agreed to this and waited. The first to enter through the gate was Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and everyone began to shout out "This is Amin (reliable), and we are pleased with this, this is Muhammad." Then Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) offered to put a stone on a cloak and all the elders take hold of its edges and together carry the black stone to the Kaaba, and then he personally installed it in its intended place and all the elders agreed with this. So, after the reconstruction, the walls of the Kaaba became twice as high as before, and pillars were erected inside the Kaaba, on which a roof was installed, although before the Kaaba had neither pillars nor a roof.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) from childhood was noted for his sanity and honesty. Having reached the age of majority, he collected in himself the best virtues that can be described a real man. He towered over the rest of the Arabs with his courage, justice, condescension, wisdom, meekness, generosity, modesty, fidelity and other qualities that would take a long time to list. There was no man more beautiful in his disposition. He helped relatives, the poor, orphans, widows and all those who asked him for help, as evidenced by all his contemporaries from those who knew him personally. For this reason, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) enjoyed great respect among the people.

By the grace of Allah Almighty, even before his prophethood, he never worshiped idols, avoided the festivals of the pagans and did not eat the meat of an animal sacrificed to anyone other than Allah. Also, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was far from everything idle and reprehensible, did not drink wine and shunned various places of entertainment popular among young Arabs of that time.

Such was the life of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) before the start of his prophetic mission to mankind.

Based on the book "The Life of the Messenger of Allah" by Sheikh Safi Ar Rahman Al Mubarakfuri

Muhammad was born around 570 in Mecca, a city of merchants and pagan sanctuaries. Mecca lay in the middle of the Hijaz on trade route to Syria. As the Arabs believed, Mecca arose approximately at the place where Hagar and his son once got lost. The Meccans made a living from trade, delivering Yemeni and Indian goods to Syria and Palestine. In Mecca, there was also the main pagan sanctuary in Hijaz, in which there were 360 ​​idols.

Muhammad was left an orphan very early and was brought up by his relatives. When Muhammad was a child, legend says, omens already pointed to his great future.

Once, frightened and trembling children, Muhammad's friends in games, ran to the nurse of the future prophet. They reported that someone radiant and huge approached Muhammad, opened his chest, took something out of his chest and threw it on the ground. The stranger then washed the wound with water and healed it. The nurse was frightened and ran to look for Mohammed. She found Mohammed lying in a field, he was pale, and on his chest there was a purple scar. It was the head of the angels Gabriel (Jabrail in Arabic) who cleansed the soul of Muhammad.

When Mohammed grew up, he lived in poverty for a long time, working for pennies for rich merchants and for his relatives. At the age of 25, Muhammad married a wealthy woman named Khadija and began to manage her business affairs. Khadija turns into the closest friend and like-minded person of Muhammad. The death of Khadija was painful for the prophet. The Meccans treated Muhammad with respect, he was known as a just and good-natured person.

Beginning of the sermon

Every year, Muhammad retired to mountain caves near Mecca. There he fasted and indulged in pious meditations. And then one day, in 610, Muhammad fell asleep in a cave, and Gabriel visited him in a dream. He ordered him, "Read," and then uttered a few phrases, forcing Muhammad to repeat them. So Muhammad was called to prophesy. Since then, Muhammad has received revelations from above, i.e., instructions in the new religion, and preaches them to the people.

Relocation to Yathrib

At first, Muhammad had very few followers. He opened only to close relatives and friends. But now he decides to inform all the inhabitants of Mecca about the new religion. The Meccans were very indignant when they heard the call of Muhammad to turn away from the pagan gods and believe in the One God. They considered him an apostate who betrayed the faith of his grandfathers, and in every possible way oppressed his family and associates. The very life of the prophet was threatened. Muhammad was fully convinced of the truth of the saying: "There is no prophet in his own country." Then Muhammad and a handful of his followers left Mecca and went north to the city of Yathrib. Yathrib was the nearest trading city from Mecca, inhabited by Arabs and Jews.

This event is called Hajra (migration) among the Arabs. From the year of resettlement (622) begins the countdown of the Muslim era.

victorious return

In Yathrib, Muhammad was received well. The Jews who lived there understood the meaning of the prophet's sermon, as well as the Yasrib Arabs, who had previously heard from them about the One God. The authority of the prophet grew so much that people renamed Yathrib the "City of the Prophet" or simply the "City", in Arabic - Medina. In Medina, Muhammad erected the first mosque, determined the order of Muslim worship. He becomes the ruler of Medina and starts a war with the Meccans, among whom a split quickly occurred. Most of them demanded that the rulers of the city surrender to the prophet. Notable people of the city, seeing the mood of the townspeople, gave Mecca without a fight. Muhammad, having entered the city, first of all cleared the main Meccan sanctuary, called the Kaaba (translated from Arabic as “Cube”), from idols, the Kaaba became a sacred place for all Muslims.

The Kaaba is recognized by Muslims as the main temple also because, according to Arabic tradition, Abraham himself erected the Kaaba, visiting his son Ishmael. Since Abraham professed monotheism, he dedicated the Kaaba to the One God. Later, according to Muslims, people defiled the temple with paganism.

The Kaaba is located in the center of the main Muslim mosque, called al-Haram (“Holy”), and is a cubic stone building, as high as a five-story building. Inside the Kaaba there is a “black stone”, which, according to legend, God gave to Adam, the first person on earth.

Arabian cities and nomadic tribes one by one joined Muhammad, but soon, in 632, Muhammad died.

Muslim religion (Islam)

The holy book of Muslims is the Quran. It records the revelations received by Muhammad from God, which are summarized in the Qur'an in chapters (suras). Islam, translated from Arabic, means a special action of a person in relation to God, namely, “surrendering oneself” to God. To surrender oneself to God means to believe in the One God and voluntarily agree to follow His will, which is the most kind and fair instruction for a person. A Muslim (the words "Islam" and "Muslim" have the same root) is a person who "surrendered himself" to God. According to Muslims, the first man Adam was the first to “surrender to God”. But the faith of the descendants of Adam weakened over time, and they fell into paganism. Then God chose the prophet Abraham to preach monotheism. Abraham converted his people to the true faith. To remind people of monotheism, God sent the Jewish prophet Moses, and then Jesus Christ.

Muhammad's sermon also called for faith in the True God and to abandon the worship of natural forces. The words of Muhammad were primarily addressed to the pagans - Arabs, Persians, etc. Muhammad warned people about the coming Last Judgment, which will occur at the end of time, and in which everyone will receive retribution from God for the good and evil done during life. Muhammad said that the teaching he preached did not contradict true Judaism and Christianity, but confirmed them.

Muhammad respectfully treated the Mother of God - the Mother of Christ. When the Muslims entered Mecca and began to destroy the idols in the Kaaba, one warrior wanted to wash off the wall image of the Virgin Mary with Christ with water. Muhammad forbade him to do this, covering the faces of the Virgin and the Child with his palms.

The beliefs of Christians, Jews and Muslims are similar in many ways. And the main thing is that the followers of all three religions worship the One Deity, while the differences relate primarily to the ways (ceremonies, dogmas, way of life) that the faith of Christians, Jews and Muslims in the One God is manifested.

prophet reigning

Having founded a new religion, Muhammad spread monotheism among many pagan tribes and peoples, which caused a rapid cultural upsurge in vast areas from Atlantic Ocean to Chinese borders. Muhammad was not only a religious teacher, but also a skilled politician. It took Christianity more than three centuries to transform from a small religious community into a state religion and become the basis of the lives of millions of people. Muhammad managed to accomplish a similar transformation in the last ten years of his life. Starting as a persecuted prophet, he ended his life as a sovereign of a Muslim state.

Hisham al-Kalbi on the worship of idols and stones

When Ishmael, the son of Abraham - God bless them! - settled in Mecca and had numerous offspring born to him there, so that they filled Mecca ... Mecca became cramped for them, and clashes and enmity began between them, and one of them expelled the others. And they dispersed throughout the country in search of food.

They were led to the worship of idols and stones by the fact that no one left Mecca without taking with him a stone from the Sanctuary ( This refers to the sanctuary of the Kaaba.) because of the reverence for this Sanctuary and attachment to Mecca. And wherever they settled, they placed this stone and went around it, as they went around the Kaaba, wanting to win her grace and out of affection and love for the Sanctuary.

From the Quran

From Sura Maryam, which tells about the Virgin Mary (Maryam) and Jesus Christ (Isa). The text is divided into ayat (signs), each of which begins on a new line.

And remember Mary in writing. So she retired from her family to an eastern place.

And she made herself a veil before them. We sent Our Spirit to her, and he assumed before her the guise of a perfect man ( It refers to the angel Gabriel.).

She said: "I seek protection from you from the Merciful, if you are God-fearing."

He said, "I am only a messenger from your Lord to give you a clean boy."

She said, “How can I have a boy? I was not touched by a man, and I was not a whore.

He said, “This is what your Lord said: “This is easy for Me. And We will make it a sign for the people and Our mercy. The matter is settled."

And she carried him and went with him to a far place.

And they brought her torment to the trunk of a palm tree. She said: "Oh, if only I had died before this and been forgotten, forgotten."

And he called Baby Jesus.) to her: “Do not grieve: your Lord has made a stream under you.”

And shake the trunk of a palm tree above you, it will drop fresh, ripe (fruits) towards you.

Eat and drink and cool your eyes! And if you see any of the people, then say: "I gave the Merciful vow of fasting and I will not talk to a person today."

She came with him to her people, carrying him. They said, “O Mary, you have done an unheard-of deed!

O sister of Aaron Sister of Aaron - an expression indicating that the Virgin Mary belongs to the people of Israel, the same as "daughter of the people of Israel." Aaron is the elder brother of the Jewish prophet Moses), your father was not a bad man, and your mother was not a whore.

And she pointed to him. They said, "How can we talk to a child in a cradle?"

He said, “I am a servant of God, he gave me the Scripture and made me a prophet.

And he made me blessed wherever I was, and commanded me prayer and alms while I live, and kindness to my parent, and did not make me an oppressor, unhappy.

And peace be upon me on the day I was born, and on the day that I die, and on the day when I am resurrected alive!”

This is Jesus, the son of Mary, according to the Word of Truth, ( God is meant here) in which they doubt ...

Hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad

Hadiths are the statements of the prophet, his remarks on this or that occasion, teachings to followers. If the Koranic revelations are considered by Muslims to be the speech of God himself, then the hadiths are only the opinion of a person, although they are extremely authoritative and weighty.

1. Anyone whom prayer does not keep from evil deeds has fallen far from God.

2. Contentment with little is inexhaustible wealth.

3. Paradise - under the feet of mothers.

4. Shame - from faith.

5. Dry eyes - a sign of a callous heart.

6. The best of you are those who call you to good.

7. It is a great betrayal if you said something to your brother, and he, (believing), confirmed what you said, and you lied to him.

8. In order to be a liar, it is enough to repeat everything that you heard.

9. In order to be ignorant, it is enough to say everything you know.

10. Friendliness to people is half the mind.

11. Asking well is half knowledge.

12. Seek knowledge even in China, the pursuit of knowledge is the duty of every Muslim man and woman.

13. Teacher and student are friends in good.

14. Anyone who died defending his property is a holy martyr.

15. The property of a Muslim is the blood of a Muslim.

16. Poverty is the threshold of disbelief, and envy is such that it changes the destiny of a person.


Islam is the third and last of the developed monotheistic religions. It originated in the Middle East, rooted in the same soil, nourished by the same ideas, based on the same cultural traditions as Christianity and Judaism.

This religious system, with its most rigorous and complete, monotheism taken to the limit, developed on the basis of its two predecessors, so that borrowings in terms of not only general cultural, but also purely theological, religious and cultural, are felt here at every step.

So, Islam arose in Western Arabia (the region of Hijaz) at the beginning of the 7th century. The founder of this religion is considered a resident of Mecca Mohammed (570--632). At the age of 40 (about 610), Muhammad declared himself the messenger of the one God and Allah, who revealed his will to him through revelations, which, together with the sayings of Muhammad himself, were later recorded in the Koran, the main sacred book of Muslims. The basis of Islam is the restoration of the faith of Abraham, which, according to Muhammad, was distorted by the Jews. Many issues relating to the life and work of the Prophet Muhammad are still debatable, and the authors did not consider themselves obliged to strictly follow any of the Islamic studies schools when covering them. At the same time, in the traditions of Russian culture (V. S. Solovyov, V. V. Bartold), the authors considered Islam as an independent monotheistic religion, no less developed than, say, Christianity.

The purpose of the work is to characterize the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

1. The life and work of the Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) around 570 CE. e., in the Hashim clan of the Quraish tribe. Muhammad's father, Abdallah, died before the birth of the Son, and Muhammad's mother, Amina, died when He was only six years old, leaving the Son an orphan. Muhammad was brought up first by His grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, a man of exceptional piety, and then by His uncle, the merchant Abu Talib.

At that time, the Arabs were inveterate pagans, among whom, however, a few adherents of Monotheism stood out, such as, for example, Abd al-Muttalib. Most Arabs lived a nomadic life in their original territories. There were few cities. Chief among them are Mecca, Yathrib and Taif.

From his youth, the Prophet was distinguished by exceptional piety and piety, believing, like His grandfather, in the One God. First He looked after the flocks, and then He became involved in the trading affairs of His uncle Abu Talib. He became famous, people loved him and, as a sign of respect for piety, honesty, justice and prudence, they gave him the honorary nickname al-Amin (Trustworthy).

Later, He ran the business of a wealthy widow named Khadija, who, some time later, proposed marriage to Muhammad. Despite their age difference, they lived a happy married life with six children. And although in those days polygamy among the Arabs was common. The Prophet did not take other wives for Himself while Khadijah was alive.

The newfound position freed up much more time for prayer and reflection. As usual, Mohammed retired to the mountains surrounding Mecca, and retired there for a long time. Sometimes His seclusion lasted for several days. He especially fell in love with the cave of Mount Hira (Jabal Hyp - Mountains of Light), majestically towering over Mecca. On one of these visits, which took place in the year 610, something happened to Muhammad, who was then about forty years old, that completely changed his whole life.

In a sudden vision, the angel angel Jabrail (Gabriel) appeared before Him and, pointing to the words that appeared from outside, ordered Him to pronounce them. Muhammad objected, declaring that he was illiterate and therefore would not be able to read them, but the angel continued to insist, and the meaning of these words was suddenly revealed to the Prophet. He was ordered to learn them and pass them on to the rest of the people exactly. In this way, the first revelation of the sayings of the Book, now known as the Koran (from Arabic "reading"), was marked.

This eventful night fell on the 27th day of the month of Ramadan, and was called Laylat al-Qadr. From now on, the life of the Prophet no longer belonged to him, but was given to the care of the One who called him to the prophetic mission, and he spent the rest of his days in the service of God, proclaiming His messages everywhere.

When receiving revelations, the Prophet did not always see the angel Gabriel, and when he did, the angel did not always appear in the same guise. Sometimes an angel appeared before Him in human form, eclipsing the horizon, and sometimes the Prophet managed only to catch his gaze on Himself. At times He only heard a voice speaking to Him. Sometimes He received revelations while deeply immersed in prayer, but at other times they appeared completely "at random" when Muhammad, for example, was busy with business. Everyday life, or went for a walk, or simply enthusiastically listened to a meaningful conversation.

At first, the Prophet avoided public sermons, preferring personal conversation with interested people and with those who noticed extraordinary changes in Him. He opened a special way muslim prayer, and He immediately set about daily pious exercises, which invariably caused a wave of reproaches from those who saw him. Having received the highest order to begin a public sermon, Muhammad was ridiculed and cursed by the people, who mocked his words and deeds to their heart's content. Meanwhile, many Quraish became seriously alarmed, realizing that Muhammad's insistence on asserting faith in the One True God could not only undermine the prestige of polytheism, but also lead to a complete decline in idolatry if people suddenly began to convert to the faith of the Prophet. Some of Muhammad's relatives turned into His main opponents: while humiliating and ridiculing the Prophet himself, they did not forget to do evil against the converts as well.

The Quraysh decided to ban all trade, business, military, and personal ties with the Hashim clan. Representatives of this clan were strictly forbidden to appear in Mecca. Very difficult times have come, and many Muslims were doomed to the most severe poverty.

In 619, the wife of the Prophet Khadija died. She was His most devoted supporter and helper. In the same year, Muhammad's uncle, Abu Talib, who defended Him from the most violent attacks from his fellow tribesmen, also died. The prophet, stricken with grief, left Mecca and went to Taif, where he tried to find refuge, but was rejected there too.

The friends of the Prophet betrothed him a pious widow named Sauda, ​​who turned out to be a very worthy woman, and besides, she was also a Muslim.

In 619, Muhammad experienced the second most important night of his life - the Night of the Ascension (Laylat al-Mi'raj). It is known that the Prophet was awakened and carried on a magical animal to Jerusalem. Above the location of the ancient Jewish Temple on Mount Zion, the heavens opened up and opened the way that led Muhammad to the throne of the Lord, but neither he nor the angel Gabriel accompanying him were allowed to enter the beyond. That night, the rules of Muslim prayer were revealed to the Prophet. They became the focus of faith and the unshakable foundation of the life of Muslims. Muhammad also met and talked with other prophets, including Jesus (Isa), Moses (Musa), and Abraham (Ibrahim). This miraculous event greatly comforted and strengthened the Prophet, adding confidence that Allah did not leave Him and did not leave him alone with sorrows.

From now on, the fate of the Prophet changed in the most decisive way. He was still persecuted and ridiculed in Mecca, but the Prophet's message had already been heard by people far beyond that city. Some of the elders of Yathrib urged Him to leave Mecca and move to their city, where He would be honored as a leader and judge. Arabs and Jews lived together in this city, constantly at enmity with each other. They hoped that Muhammad would bring them peace. The Prophet promptly advised many of His Muslim followers to move to Yathrib while He remained in Mecca, so as not to arouse undue suspicion. After the death of Abu Talib, the emboldened Quraysh could easily attack Muhammad, even kill him, and he perfectly understood that this must happen sooner or later.

The departure of the Prophet was accompanied by some dramatic events. Muhammad himself narrowly escaped captivity thanks to his exceptional knowledge of the local deserts. Several times the Quraish almost captured Him, but the Prophet still managed to reach the outskirts of Yathrib. He was eagerly expected in the city, and when Muhammad arrived in Yathrib, people rushed to meet him with offers of shelter. Embarrassed by their hospitality, Muhammad left the choice to his camel. The camel stopped at a place where dates were dried, and it was instantly given to the Prophet to build a house. The city received a new name - Madinat an-Nabi (City of the Prophet), now known as Medina in abbreviation.

The Prophet immediately proceeded to prepare a decree, according to which He was proclaimed the supreme head of all the warring tribes and clans of Medina, who henceforth were forced to obey His orders. He established that all citizens were free to practice their religion in peaceful coexistence without fear of persecution or the highest disgrace. He asked them for only one thing - to rally and repulse any enemy who dared to attack the city. The former tribal laws of the Arabs and Jews were replaced by the basic principle of "justice for all", regardless of social status, skin color and religion.

Becoming the ruler of the city-state and mastering untold wealth and influence. The prophet, however, never lived like a king. His dwelling consisted of simple earthen houses built for His wives; He never even had a room of his own. Not far from the houses there was a courtyard with a well - a place that has now become a mosque, where devout Muslims gather.

In the name of Allah, Merciful to everyone on this earth and only to believers on the day of the Great Judgment.

In this article we want to talk about some episodes from the life of our master (sayyid) Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). This is the minimum required amount of knowledge that every Muslim should know about the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). All scholars of Islam are unanimous in that parents are obliged to teach their children (even before performing the obligatory prayer) and inform them of the following information about the life and work of the last Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

They should know that our beloved (peace and blessings be upon him) was born in the venerable city of Mecca, and the prophetic mission was entrusted to him in Mecca. He moved to the radiant city of Medina, where he left this world, where his noble grave is located.

Also, we must teach our children from an early age what we entrusted to the Prophet, who was not taught to read and write, who was an Arab from the tribe of Quraish, from the noble family of Hashim and who is our master Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), to convey the message to all peoples - Arabs and non-Arabs, angels, people and genies, and even to inanimate objects. It is important to know that the Law with which he came - Shariah - annulled all previous laws that were given to the previous prophets. And his Shariah will remain unsurpassed until doomsday. Allah Almighty exalted Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) above all other creatures. And the words of monotheism are not accepted: “There is no god who should be worshiped except Allah alone” - without recognizing that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And the Almighty charged the Almighty with the obligation to confirm the truth of everything that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) told about Allah, and everything that he said about earthly and other worldly life.

The Beloved of Allah had the most beautiful complexion, skin, white with hints of blush. He was the most perfect of all people. It is imperative to tell children about the noble origin and pure genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) from the paternal and maternal line, as well as about his children, as they are the best representatives of the Ummah.

Childhood of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)

On the blessed days of Ayyamu-tashrik near Jamratul-wust, the light of the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) penetrated into the womb of Aminat. And he was born in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal, on the 12th, on Monday, before dawn. At the hour of the birth of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the walls cracked and 14 balconies of the famous palace Ivan, belonging to Khosrov, collapsed down, Lake Sava, which the pagans worshiped, dried up. At that moment, the fire that burned for a thousand years, which the Persians worshiped, went out.

The father of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) died when he was two months old in the womb. When she was six years old, her mother also died. After her death, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was taken up by his grandfather Abdul-Mutallib who died when the Prophet was eight years, two months and ten days old. After the death of the grandfather of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), his uncle Abu-Talib took care of him.

On his first journey, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) went at the age of twelve to Sham (the present territory of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine, which at that time was under the rule of Byzantine Empire) with Uncle Abu Talib's caravan. When they reached the city of Busra, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was seen by the priest Bakhir, he recognized him by the image described in the Bible. Approaching them and pointing to the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), he addressed with these words: “This is the messenger of the Creator of all worlds, who is a mercy for all beings. From the moment you set off, not a single stone and tree remained that did not bow to him. And they don't worship anyone but the prophets. Saints from ancient times spoke about him, and we see his image in our writings. Turning to Abu Talib, the priest said: “If you go with him to Sham, the Jews will kill him!” Fearing harm from the Jews, he sent them on their way back.

The second time the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) went to Sham, accompanying the trading caravan of Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her). Along with him on this journey was a slave named Khadija Maysara. When they entered the land of Sham, they stopped under the shade of a tree growing near the monastery. After a while, a monk approached them and said: "No one has ever stopped under this tree, except the prophets." Maysara said: “When noon approached and the heat increased, two angels descended from heaven. And I could see how a shadow fell from them on Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Upon his return from the journey, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) married Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her), the daughter of Khuwaylid. Then the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was 25 years old, two months and ten days old.

At the age of 35, Habib (peace and blessings be upon him) participated in the restoration of the Kaaba by the Quraysh and, with his blessed hands, installed the Black Stone in the wall of the Kaaba.

Ancestors of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

The ancestors of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) from his father's side were: Abdullah , Abdulmuttalib , Hashim , Abdumanaf , Kusayu , Kilab , Murrat , Kaaba , Loyyu , Ghalib , Fihr , Malik , Nazar , Keenanat , Khuzaymat , Mudrikat , Ilyas , Muzar , Nizar , Maaddi , Adnan .

The mother of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was Aminat - daughter Wahba , son Abdumanaf , son Zuhrata , son Kilaba . On Kilabe the genealogy of the father and mother of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) converges.

Dairy mothers of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

In infancy, Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was breastfed by his mother Aminat and several wet nurses. Among those who were fortunate enough to do so were Halimat , daughter of Abu Zuaib of the tribe Huzayl . When he was with her, two angels descended from heaven, cut open his chest and washed his heart with the holy water of Zamzam, filled it with faith and wisdom and removed a small piece from his heart. Every person has a particle in his heart, which is called "shaitan's share", this is a particle of the heart, which shaitan owns and introduces a person into doubt. It was this particle of the heart that was taken from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) by angels.

Also fed him Suwaybat - she was the slave of his uncle Abu Lahab. Suwaybat was the first milk mother of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), who also fed his uncle Khamzat, who became the foster brother of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Suwaybat was freed from slavery by Abu Lahab for the joyful news of the birth of her nephew.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was nursed by an Ethiopian slave, Ummu Ayman Barakat, whom he inherited from his father. When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) grew up, he freed her and married her to Zayd, the son of Harisat. Zayd was captured as an infant. It was bought and given to Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) by her uncle. She, in turn, presented it to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) freed and adopted the gifted slave.

May the Almighty bless us all sincere love to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and will help us to follow him in everything, and may he please us with a meeting with him in Paradise! Amine!

The days of Ayamu-tashrik are three days following Eid al-Adha.

Jamratul Wusta is the second of the three places where pebbles are thrown during the Hajj in the Mina area.

Khosrow is the title of the ancient Persian emperors.
