2 modern international law concept subject function. Concept, subject and functions of international law

Relations that are governed by international law are usually identified with the concept of "international legal relations". Such relationships can be divided into several main groups.

  • 1. Relations between states(bilateral, local, universal). Relations that affect the interests of the entire international community as a whole are of particular importance.
  • 2. Relations between states and MMPO. These relations arise mainly in connection with the membership of states in such organizations.
  • 3. Relations between states and GPOs; relations between states and nations fighting for independence.
  • 4. Relations of international organizations with each other.

All these types of relations are interstate relations, since they are mediated in one way or another by states. Interstate relations - these are any powerful public relations with the participation of the state. Legal relations acquire the character of international interstate due to the fact that they go beyond the competence and jurisdiction of one state, become the object of joint competence and jurisdiction of two or more states or the entire international community as a whole. Such relations always have a public law character.

Along with international interstate relations, the subject of regulation of international law is a certain group international relations non-state nature (relations between INGOs, between individuals and international organizations).

The most complex in terms of legal regulation are mixed international relations of a state-non-state nature (diagonal relations). These are relations between states and non-traditional subjects of international law: between the state and individuals, states and INGOs. Such relations arise mainly in connection with the implementation by non-traditional subjects of international law of the quality of their international legal personality. The particular complexity of these relations lies in the fact that their participants are obviously unequal partners - sovereign states(the main subjects of international law, with international legal personality to the maximum extent) and, for example, individuals with a limited amount of international legal personality.

International interstate relations, which are the main subject of regulation of international law, can be divided into several groups depending on the problems involved.

  • 1. Issues that are interstate in nature objectively outside the competence of domestic authorities, related to universal values ​​and interests. By definition, they cannot be resolved in the national order - international security, disarmament, global environmental processes, the regime of international territories.
  • 2. Problems not related to universal human values, but objectively being interstate. Their solution is possible only if there is cooperation between two or more states - the establishment of state borders, the provision of legal assistance, dual citizenship, visa or visa-free entry procedures.
  • 3. Problems objectively related to the internal competence of the state, but of interest to the entire international community. The settlement of these problems is possible within the framework of the independent activities of individual states, but it is immeasurably more effective to solve such issues at the level of international cooperation - the protection of human rights, the fight against international crimes, assistance in the event of a nuclear accident or radiation catastrophe.

Thus, subject international law are any public relations, in one form or another directly affecting the interests of states.

Functions international law are inextricably linked with the subject of its regulation. The functions of international law are the main directions of its impact on the interstate environment.

  • 1. Strengthening a stable system of international relations is the most important social function of international law.
  • 2. Legal regulation of international relations is the main legal function of international law.
  • 3. Countering the appearance in international relations of tendencies of destabilization and the use of force is the main protective function of international law.
  • 4. Internationalization of international relations - the expansion and deepening of ties between states, the development of the international division of labor, the international market for goods, services and labor.
  • 5. The information function of international law is the transfer of the accumulated experience of the rational behavior of states.

International law

1) between states;


The following functions are distinguished:

International recognition.

International legal recognition- this is an act of the state by which it considers it appropriate to enter into legal relations with the recognized party. This side could be:

The newly emerged state

The new government

a nation or peoples fighting for independence;

a rebel or belligerent;

an international organization.

You can talk about two doctrines of recognition:

1) constitutive- recognition is seen as the constitution of a new subject of international law;

2) declarative- recognition is a statement of the fact of the emergence of a new subject of international law.

Russian international law has always stood and stands on the positions of the declarative doctrine of recognition.

State succession.

The succession of states is the transfer of certain rights and obligations from one state subject to international law to another. Succession is a complex international legal institution, the rules of this institution were codified in the Vienna Convention of 1978 on the succession of States in respect of treaties and in the Vienna Convention of 1983 on the succession of States in respect of public property, public archives and public debts.

There are two main theories about state succession.

According to the universal theory of state succession, the successor state fully inherits the rights and obligations that belonged to the predecessor state. Representatives of this theory (Puffendorf, Vattel, Bluntschli) believed that all international rights and obligations of the predecessor state are transferred to the successor state, since the identity of the state remains unchanged.

Negative Succession Theory. Its representative, A. Cates, believed that when power changes in one state for another, the international treaties of the predecessor state are discarded. A variation of this theory is the concept of tabula rasa, which means that the new state begins its contractual relations anew.

Thus, in the succession of states, succession is distinguished in respect of international treaties, state property, state archives and in relation to public debts.

Succession in respect of international treaties implies that a newly independent state is not bound to maintain in force any treaty or become a party to it solely by virtue of the fact that, at the time of the succession, the treaty was in force in respect of the territory that was the object of the succession (Article 16 of the Vienna Convention). conventions of 1978).

Succession in relation to state property implies that the transfer of state property from the predecessor state to the successor state occurs without compensation, unless otherwise provided by agreement between the parties.

Succession in relation to state archives implies that the state archives pass to the new independent state from the predecessor state in full.

Succession in respect of public debts depends on which state is the successor state: part of the predecessor state, two united states or a newly independent state. The debt of the predecessor state passes to the successor state, the amount of debt depends on the type of successor state.

Contract structure.

· Preamble- this is the part of the contract in which the purpose of the contract is formulated and is used in its interpretation.

· Main part. This part treaty is divided into articles that can be grouped into sections (UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982), chapters (UN Charter) or parts (Chicago Convention on the International civil aviation 1944) In some treaties, articles, as well as sections (chapters, parts) may give names.

· Final part. The final part of the agreement sets out the provisions for the entry into force and termination of the agreement, as well as the language in which the text of the agreement is drawn up.

At present, applications have become widespread, but in order to give them the force of the treaty itself, a special indication in it or in an annex to it is necessary, otherwise such acts cannot be considered as part of the treaty.

Name of the contract. Treaties may have various names (for example, an agreement, a convention, an actual treaty, a protocol, a declaration, a charter, a charter, etc.), but there is no generally accepted classification of such names in international law. The name of the contract does not have any legal meaning, since an agreement under any name is a contract that creates rights and obligations for its participants.

international Court UN.

The International Court of Justice is the main judicial body of the UN, established in 1945. The International Court of Justice operates on the basis of the Statute of the International Court of Justice, as well as the Rules of Court.

The main purpose of the International Court of Justice is to conduct by peaceful means, in accordance with the principles of justice and international law, the settlement or resolution of international disputes or situations that can lead to a breach of peace.

The functions of the International Court of Justice are: consideration and resolution of disputes submitted by states, adoption of advisory opinions on legal issues.

The International Court of Justice is located in the Netherlands, in the city of The Hague. The International Court of Justice is made up of 15 judges who are elected for nine years and may be re-elected. Members of the Court are individual judges chosen from among persons of high moral character who meet the qualifications required in their countries for appointment to the highest judicial positions or who are jurists of recognized authority in the field of international law.

The members of the Court are elected by the General Assembly and the UN Security Council. Elections are held simultaneously and independently of each other. An absolute majority of votes must be obtained in both bodies to be elected. The President of the Court is elected for a term of three years with a possible re-election. In the performance of judicial duties, members of the Court enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. The Court is a permanent body and sits in its entirety. Chambers of judges consisting of three or more judges may be formed to consider a certain category of cases. Official language of the Court: French or English.

According to Art. 38 of the Statute, the Court decides disputes submitted to it on the basis of international law and applies:

1) international conventions, both general and special, establishing rules expressly recognized by the disputing states;

2) international custom as evidence of a general practice recognized as a legal norm;

3) general principles of law recognized by civilized nations;

4) Judicial decisions and doctrines of the most qualified specialists in public law of various nations as an aid to the determination of legal norms.

The decisions of the Court are binding on the states that were parties to the dispute. In the event that a party in a case fails to comply with the obligation imposed on it by the decision of the Court, the Security Council, at the request of the other party, “may, if it deems it necessary, make recommendations or decide to take measures to enforce the decision” (paragraph 2 of Art. 94 of the UN Charter).

Council of Europe.

The Council of Europe was founded by statute in May 1949. The purpose of the Organization is to achieve greater unity among its members in order to protect and implement the ideals and principles that are their common heritage and to promote their economic and social progress. The aim is achieved through the efforts of the bodies of the Council of Europe through the consideration of issues of common interest, the conclusion of agreements and the conduct of joint action in the economic, social, cultural, scientific, legal and administrative fields, as well as by maintaining and furthering the implementation of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The activities of the Council of Europe are focused on the following issues: legal support of human rights; promoting awareness and development of European cultural identity; search for joint solutions to social problems (national minorities, xenophobia, intolerance, environmental protection, bioethics, AIDS, drug addiction); development of political partnership with the new democratic countries of Europe.

Within the framework of the Council of Europe, a large number of international legal instruments have been developed, which are sources of international public law. Among them are the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950 and its protocols; European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 1987 and its protocols; Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities 1995

Within the framework of the Council of Europe, a mechanism has been created to control V and prevent violations of human rights in the member states of the European Court of Human Rights, which considers complaints from citizens of the member states of the Council of Europe, provided that they have used all effective national methods to protect and restore violated rights.

Governing bodies of the Council of Europe are the Committee of Ministers, the Consultative Assembly, the Line Ministerial Meetings and the Secretariat.

The Committee of Ministers is composed of the ministers for foreign affairs of the member states and is the highest body of the Council of Europe. It decides on the program of work of the organization, approves the recommendations of the Consultative Assembly. At the ministerial level, it usually meets twice a year. Monthly meetings at the level of permanent representatives of the member states of the Council of Europe are also envisaged. The Consultative Assembly consists of deputies and their deputies. The number of representatives from each country depends on the size of its population. The Assembly has five factions: Democrats and Reformers, Democrats, Liberals and Socialists.

According to Art. 4 of the Charter of the Council of Europe, a state wishing to join the Council of Europe must fulfill the following conditions: compliance of its institutions and legal structure with the fundamental principles of democracy, as well as respect for human rights; the election of people's representatives through free, equal and universal suffrage.

41 states are members of the Council of Europe, including Russia. The headquarters of the organization is located in Strasbourg.

IMF Official Targets

1. "promote international cooperation in the monetary and financial sphere";

2. "promote the expansion and balanced growth of international trade" in the interests of developing productive resources, achieving a high level of employment and real incomes of member states;

3. "to ensure the stability of currencies, to maintain orderly relations of the monetary area among the Member States" and not to allow "the depreciation of currencies in order to obtain competitive advantage»;

4. assist in the creation of a multilateral system of settlements between member states, as well as in the elimination of currency restrictions;

5. provide temporary foreign exchange funds to Member States that would enable them to "correct imbalances in their balance of payments".

Main Functions of the IMF

Promoting international cooperation in monetary policy

Expansion of world trade


stabilization of monetary exchange rates

advising debtor countries (debtors)

development of international financial statistics standards

collection and publication of international financial statistics

IBRD Goals

· Assistance in the reconstruction and development of the economy of member countries;

• promotion of private foreign investment;

· promoting a balanced growth of international trade and maintaining balance of payments;

collection and publication of statistical information,

Initially, IBRD was called upon with the help of accumulated budget funds capitalist states and attracting investor capital to stimulate private investment in the countries of Western Europe, whose economies suffered significantly during the Second World War. Since the mid-1950s, when the economies of Western European countries stabilized, the activities of the IBRD increasingly began to focus on the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Unlike the IMF, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development provides loans for economic development. IBRD is the largest creditor of development projects in developing countries with average income per capita and in creditworthy poor countries. Countries applying to join the IBRD must first be admitted to the IMF.

Unlike the IMF, the IBRD does not use standard lending terms. The terms, volumes and rates of IBRD loans are determined by the characteristics of the project being financed. Like the IMF, the IBRD usually makes loans subject to conditions. All bank loans must be guaranteed by member governments. Loans are allocated at an interest rate that changes every 6 months. Loans are provided, as a rule, for 15-20 years with deferred payments on the principal amount of the loan from three to five years.

The main goal, which was initially proclaimed by the founders of the IBRD, was that the bank, first of all, was the initiator and organizer of private investments, seeking favorable conditions and a “climate” for them in the borrowing countries. The bank could lend to governments under government guarantees, but had to shy away from investing its capital in high-yield, fast-paying businesses. It was assumed that the IBRD would focus its operations exclusively on those objects that are important to the states, but in which the private investor is reluctant to invest. In fact, the IBRD immediately began to interfere widely in the internal affairs of the borrowing countries in the interests of its owners (the United States), put pressure on governments, imposing its own “development programs”. As a result, all the programs of "reconstruction and development" implied the preservation of the borrowing countries as agrarian and raw material appendages of the industrial powers. The bank's missions, its "technical advice", "consultations" and "recommendations" were ultimately reduced to the development Agriculture in borrowing countries and to increase the extraction of minerals to increase their export to the United States and a number of other industrial capitals. countries.

Supreme bodies IBRD are the Board of Governors and the Directorate as an executive body. At the head of the bank is the president, as a rule, a representative of the highest business circles in the United States. Sessions of the Council, consisting of finance ministers or central bankers, are held once a year in conjunction with the IMF. Only members of the IMF can be members of the bank, votes are also determined by the country's quota in the capital of the IBRD (more than $180 billion). Although IBRD members are 186 countries, the leading position belongs to the seven: the USA, Japan, Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada and Italy.

Sources of the bank's resources in addition to equity capital are the placement of bond issues, mainly in the US market, and funds received from the sale of bonds.

Concept, subject and method of international law.

International law can be defined as a special system of law - a set of international legal principles and norms created by subjects of international law and regulating relations between states, peoples fighting for their independence, international organizations, state-like entities, and also, in some cases, relations with the participation of individuals and legal entities.

International law is a set of international legal norms, an independent branch of law that regulates international relations and some related domestic relations.

The role of international law in modern world is constantly growing due to the emergence of a number of problems and processes that states are not able to resolve with the help of domestic law and within the territory of one state.

Features of international law are manifested primarily in the scope of the rules of international law, the features of relations regulated by international law, the sources of international law, the specifics of the legal regulation of this industry, the features of the system of international law.

Like any branch of law, international law has its own subject and method.

Subject of legal regulation- this is what the legal regulation of the industry is aimed at. The subject of international law is the international relations that develop between the subjects of international law (states, international organizations, pseudo-state entities, peoples).

Relations that are the subject of international legal regulation can be divided into interstate and non-interstate.

Interstate relations include:

1) between states;

2) between states and nations fighting for independence.

International legal norms are aimed primarily at regulating relations between the main subjects of international relations - states.

Relations between states and peoples fighting for independence are, in fact, like "pre-states" and relations with them are relations with future states, if, of course, such states are created.

However, international law also regulates relations of a non-interstate character - i.e. relations in which the state is only one of the participants or does not participate at all.

International non-interstate relations are:

1) between states and international organizations, as well as state-like entities;

2) between international organizations;

3) between states, international organizations, on the one hand, and individuals and legal entities, on the other;

4) between individuals and legal entities.

Legal regulation method is the way in which the industry influences its regulation. In international law, both imperative and dispositive methods are used.

International law uses the following methods: Historical; Formal-logical; Comparative; Functional; Systemic

The general operating method covers five specific methods:

1) political and legal method - the norms of international law are implemented by the subjects with the help of political means;

2) moral and legal method - the use of the mechanism of action of morality for the implementation of the norms of international law; the main thing here is the mobilization of moral means in the name of ensuring conscientious performance norms of international law;

3) ideological and legal method - influencing international relations through ideology, strengthening the positions of international legal consciousness, clarifying goals, principles and norms, creating conviction in the need for their implementation;

4) organizational and legal method - the adoption of organizational measures to implement the norms of international law both within states and in international relations;

5) special-legal method - the use of specific legal means of influencing international relations. This method is the essence of international legal regulation.

The functions of international law are the main directions of influence on international relations.

International law fulfills the following features:

The following functions are distinguished:

1) stabilizing - its significance lies in the fact that international legal norms are called upon to organize the world community, establish a certain international legal order, strive to strengthen it, make it more stable;

2) regulatory - when it is implemented, the international legal order is established and public relations are regulated accordingly;

3) protective - consists in ensuring the proper protection of international legal relations. In case of violation of international obligations, the subjects of international legal relations have the right to use the measures of responsibility and sanctions allowed by international law;

4) informational and educational - consists in transferring the accumulated experience of the rational behavior of states, in educating about the possibilities of using the law, in educating in the spirit of respect for the law and the interests and values ​​\u200b\u200bprotected by it.

As a special system of law, MP is distinguished by its own subject of regulation. Relations that are the subject of international legal regulation, but the subject composition can be divided into interstate and non-interstate.

to international interstate relationships include:

  • 1) between states (for example, relations to reduce the armed forces);
  • 2) between states and nations fighting for independence (for example, the provision of assistance by states to the people to gain independence).

The norms of international relations are directed, first of all, to the regulation of relations between the main subjects of international relations - states. Strictly speaking, the MP took shape and developed (until very recently) exclusively as an interstate one.

As for the relations between states and nations fighting for independence, we note that the struggling nations are, as it were, "pre-states", and relations with them, in essence, are relations with states that are in the process of formation.

However, the MP also regulates relations of a non-interstate nature - i.e. relations in which the state is only one of the participants or does not participate at all. At present, the circle of participants in international communication has expanded enormously and many relations (for example, the fight against crime) have moved from the category of "cases within the internal competence of the state" to the sphere of "common interests of states."

International non-interstate relations are:

  • 1) between states and international organizations, as well as state-like entities (for example, Interpol's relations with member states);
  • 2) between international organizations (for example, relations between the WTO and the EU);
  • 3) between states, international organizations, on the one hand, and individuals and legal entities, on the other (service in UN agencies, representation of entrepreneurs in ILO bodies, etc.);
  • 4) between individuals and legal entities (international sale of goods, labor relations with migrants, marriage and family relations with foreign citizens, etc.).

Sometimes the subject of regulation of international legal and domestic norms coincides. For example, the issues of ensuring and protecting human rights are subject to both international legal and domestic norms. In this case, we can talk about the complex (most often joint) regulation of certain legal relations by the norms of both systems of law. The set of norms of international law and national law that regulate specific relations is called the law enforcement complex.

Given the above, international law can be defined as a special system of law - a set of international legal norms created by the subjects of international law and regulating relations between states, nations fighting for their independence, international organizations, state-like entities, relations with the participation of individuals and legal entities, other entities.

Functions of international law

The functions of the MT should be understood as the main directions of the influence of the MT on relations that are the subject of international legal regulation.

It must be said that the functions of the MP are diverse and depend not only on the object of international legal influence, but also on the achieved level of international legal regulation of certain areas of relations.

The main social purpose of international relations is the organization of international relations that meets the current level of human civilization. The result of the action of MP is the emergence, ordering, termination or reduction of certain relationships.

The actual legal functions of the MP can be considered stabilizing, regulatory and protective functions.

Stabilizing The function of the MT lies in the fact that the MT is called upon to organize the world community, to establish a certain international legal order, to strive to strengthen it, to make it more stable. Recently, this function has become increasingly important in connection with the change in the balance of power in the international arena and the US attempt to "remake the world according to itself."

The second function of the MP is regulatory function. Establishing the international legal order and regulating social relations, the norms of international relations endow participants in international relations with certain rights and obligations.

Protective function is to ensure proper protection of international legal relations. In case of violation of international obligations, the subjects of international legal relations have the right to use the measures of responsibility and sanctions allowed by the IL.

International law Legal system - Elements:

Subject of international law

International law - a special system of law

MP as a system of law - it is a set of principles and norms created by certain subjects of international relations and regulating international relations.

International law has a complex system, which is due to the combination of general legal norms-principles and general legal normative complexes, on the one hand, and industries as homogeneous complexes of norms in accordance with the subject of regulation, as well as intra-industry institutions, on the other.

1) basic principles of international law, which make up its core and are of decisive importance for the entire mechanism of international legal regulation;

2) institutions common to international law, each of which includes a set of norms of a specific functional purpose - a set of norms on international legal personality, a set of norms on international law-making, a set of norms on international law enforcement (implementation of legal prescriptions), a set of norms on international legal responsibility.

The second category includes branches of international law, i.e., complexes of homogeneous and established, according to the subject of legal regulation, norms. They are classified both on the grounds that are accepted in domestic law (with some adjustments), and on the grounds inherent in international legal regulation. The list of industries is not entirely based on objective criteria. The generally recognized ones include (without touching on the issue of names so far) such branches: the law of international treaties, the law of the sea, international space law and etc.

Within industries there are sub-sectors And legal institutions as regulatory mini-complexes on specific regulatory issues. Thus, in international maritime law - a group of norms regulating the regimes of the territorial sea, the continental shelf, the exclusive economic zone, the high seas, the seabed area beyond national jurisdiction.

State recognition.

In the MP, recognition is understood as an act by which one party ascertains the existence and legal personality of the other.

Ways of forming states:

1) As a result of fundamental changes in the economic and political system.

2) Unification of several states into one.

3) The division of one state into several states.

4) As a result of the separation from the state of a part of the territory and the formation of independent states on it.

5) The formation of a new state on the site of the former colony.

The moment from which the new state becomes the subject of the MP.


1) Constructive theory - only after recognition by all (majority) existing states.

Recognition in modern MT does not play a significant role. The fact of recognition by existing states is important only for the exercise of rights as a subject of MT.

State recognition methods:

1) De Jure (full) - the establishment of diplomatic relations with the new state, the exchange of diplomatic missions and consulates.

2) De Facto - the conclusion of international treaties on various issues.

Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples of 1960 (All peoples have the right to self-determination, by virtue of this right they freely determine their political status and carry out their economic, social and cultural development)

In this act, the principle of self-determination is moral and political.

The principle of self-determination is protected by international law.

The only condition for the self-determination of a nation is the existence of a special political body. (right from states to respect)

10. Legal personality of individuals: there are no rules in the MP that would prevent individuals from acquiring the rights represented by the MP. Modern norms of MT establish the rights, duties, and responsibilities of individuals. A draft code of crimes against the peace and security of mankind is being developed. Today, the statute of an international tribunal is applied in offenses related to the prosecution of persons responsible for violations of humanitarian law in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. There are many conventions on the prevention and punishment of crimes of an international character. The circle widened international norms that provide the individual with legal opportunities for their provision and protection. The contracts also protect civil, family, labor relations. European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, Part 3, Article 46 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: everyone has the right to apply to interstate bodies for the protection of human rights and freedoms if all domestic remedies have been exhausted.

Objects of Succession

International Treaties

State property

Government debts

Membership in International Organizations (Continuity Theory)

The Russian Federation is the successor of the USSR in the membership of international organizations. And also in other situations, the Russian Federation is the successor (under contracts, obligations, and so on).

There are unwritten (usual) norms in accordance with which there are issues that are resolved by the charters of international organizations.

UN General Assembly.

Sessional body (every 3rd Tuesday in September). M. to convene special sessions, at the request of the UN Security Council or most of the UN members (within 15 days). M.b. emergency session - in connection with a threat to peace, an act of aggression, at the request of the Security Council or most of the members (within 24 hours). Each state sends its representative, each delegation - 1 vote.


a) any issues within the charter, even those referred to the commission of other bodies.

d) elect non-permanent members of the Security Council, members of ECOSOC and the Board of Trustees,

e) appoints judges of m / n courts,

f) appoints the UN Secretary General on the recommendation of the Security Council,

g) approves the budget,

h) consider questions about the contributions of members of the UN. Decision-making procedure: is it important? - qualif large (2/3), others? – simple (1/2+1).

United Nations Security Council.

Permanent body. It consists of 15 states (5 permanent + 10 non-post), elected for 2 years. The Security Council acts on behalf of and in the interests of all UN member states.


a) is responsible for m / n peace and security;

b) investigates any situation that might lead to debates or disputes between the states, qualifies the situation as a threat to the peace or a breach of the peace or an act of aggression.

Depending on the qualification, he takes measures:

1) temporary (resolutions, in which recalls the need to comply with the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes, procedures, methods);

2) measures not related to the use of armed forces (sanctions - a complete / partial break in the economy, the termination of railway, air, sea communications). The resolutions are binding, and a sanctions committee is being created. If f / l, y / l under the jurisdiction of a UN member state violates the resolution, then the committee informs the state, and it takes action;

3) measures related to the use of military forces (unified military forces of the United Nations).

Decision-making: important - 9 members (permanent 5), others - any 9. If the state abstains, then the vote can pass, and if it is against, then a veto is imposed.

International Court of Justice.

The main court is the body of the UN in The Hague. Carry out their activities on the basis of the charter, which includes the statute of the m / n court. Disputes m / y state-mi: violation of the MP, compensation for damage, violating specific m / n dog-in. The court issues advisory opinions. 15 independent judges, who are elected and work in their personal capacity, are not representatives of states.

Jurisdiction: disputes can only be considered when the parties accept the jurisdiction of the court.

Recognition can be expressed:

1) at any time, the state may declare that it recognizes the jurisdiction of the court as binding, but may exclude certain disputes,

2) in a specific m / n dog-re, they may provide that disputes over the adoption of a m / n dog will be considered by the m / n court. The state can make a reservation that it does not recognize, but it can be withdrawn,

3) on a specific dispute. Any dispute with the consent of the parties can be referred to the m / n court. Faculty of Law, that is, not all disputes, but only with consent. The decision of the court is binding.

The collapse of the USSR 8.12.1991 Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. On the same day, an agreement was adopted on the creation of the CIS, which was signed by the so-called 3 states.

12/21/1991. – protocol, which was signed, except for Georgia, by all the former republics of the USSR (12).

January 22, 1993 - adoption of the CIS Charter, entered into force on January 22, 1994. Membership - 12 republics.

Main goals:

· cooperation in all spheres;

Creation of a single eq-th space;

Ensuring and protecting human rights;

Ensuring freedom. communication m / y by citizens of state-in - members of the CIS;

· maintaining m / n peace and security, including disarmament measures;

· peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts m/y of state-mi sodruzh-va;

· Realization of legal assistance m/y by state-mi-members of the CIS.

CIS structure:

1. Council of Heads of State- session body. At the level of heads of state in the CIS, the principle decides. questions concerning d-ti CIS.

2. Advice heads of rights - session body. At the level of heads of rights, he coordinates the cooperation of the OIV of the CIS member states.

3. Council of Ministers in. cases- session body. Carries out the coordination of the foreign field of the d-state-members of the CIS.

4. Coordinating Advisory Committee operates constantly. Implements the current d-t CIS. Prepares proposals and drafts of documents within the framework of CIS countries.

5. Economy court considers disputes m / y by state-mi-members of the CIS arising from dog-ditch ek-go har-ra, and gives an interpretation of the provisions of such a dog-ra.

6. Human Rights Commission develops projects m / n dog-ditch in the field of human rights. M. consider ind. appeals → recommended har-r resh-th.

7. Interparliamentary Assembly- session body. The delegations of the national parliaments are working. Introduced only in 1994. Meetings - in S-P.

8. Secretariat– adm.-tech. organ. Ensures the work of all other bodies of the CIS. Headed by a secretary. Acts on behalf of and in the interests of the CIS with other m / n org-tions and other states. He tries in Minsk.

The official language is Russian.

Council of Europe.

Created zap-evr state mi in 1949, open to dr evr state-in. Implement t d-th on the basis of the charter. Competence: considers issues of general interest, dedicated to the social economy, the cultural sphere, issues of science, education, rights, administrative issues, ensuring the protection of human rights, any issues other than military ones. May include state-va, which accept obligations under the charter.

Requirements for candidates: 1) must recognize the rule of law, 2) each state provides all persons on its territory and rights and freedoms, that is, to sign a convention on the rights and fundamental freedoms of people. The state can be excluded from the CE if it violates its obligations under the charter, if it does not guarantee rights and freedoms on its territory. Membership in the CE might be suspended. RF - member of the Council of Europe 1992.

The procedure for the adoption of state-in: an application for entry, the study of state-va.

Page of CE bodies:

Committee of Ministers

Parliamentary Assembly (PA)

Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

Commissioner for Human Rights


The PA CE initiated the issue of suspending the membership of the Russian Federation in the CE, but the decision was not adopted by the Committee of Ministers.

1. PA CE - for example, a delegation (2-18 people, in the Russian Federation - 12). Sessional body, broad competence, accepts declarations on any issues.

2. The Committee of Ministers is a non-police body that supervises the state-participants in the fulfillment of their obligations to the Council of Europe. Controls the execution of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.

3. The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities (created in 1994, was not provided for in the CoE initially). Coordinates d-t, promotes cooperation in this area with S-s - state-in-members of the CE and ATE.

4. Commissioner for human rights - introduced in 1995, studies situations of gross and massive violation of human rights in the member states of the Council of Europe, draws up a report and, for example, in the PACE of the Council of Europe. If it was violated, then:

Terminate Membership

Will suspend membership

Throw a finger.

5. Secretariat - adm.-tech. body that provides the work of all other organs, headed by the gene. secretary.

Official languages ​​of the CE - French, English.

Preparation and adoption of the text of the treaty. Powers.

Development it can be through diplomatic channels (without meetings) or through negotiations (with a small number of participants), within the framework of international organizations or international conferences, each state sends its representative to participate in various CBMs. He is given powers- a document certifying the right of a person to participate in the conclusion of the MD. Powers are not required for the head of state, head of government, ministers of foreign affairs - they do not need powers to carry out all actions to conclude an MT. The head of diplomatic missions, the head of missions to international organizations, the head of the delegation at the conference do not need powers only in the development and adoption of the text of the MD. The list of persons is in the Vienna Convention of 1969. In the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”, the list is expanded (the head of the federal executive authority under interdepartmental agreements).

The conference begins with the surrender of powers, for example, to the chief secretary; the person determined by the rules of the conference, the Secretary General (within the framework of an international organization).

Text acceptance method:

2) consensus - can drag on for many years until an agreement is reached.

Interpretation of m / n dog-ditch.

This is a clarification of the actual meaning and content.

VK 1969 establishes the principles of interpretation:

1. must be interpreted in good faith,

2. terms should be given their usual meaning,

3. for interpretation, use the context, including the preamble and all the documents adopted for this dog-ru.

The Vienna Convention provides additional Wed interpretation: conditions for the conclusion of m / n contracts, preparatory materials. But these auxiliary comparisons are used if the interpretation leads to ambiguous or absurd conclusions.

Types of interpretation:

1) authentic - something that is given by the state, concluded a contract (in special agreements, protocols). This tol-e has the highest power.

2) tol-e m / n org-mi,

3) one-sided interpretation - in interpretative statements - various state org.

4) scientific sense is carried out by the department of scientists, research teams.

War and international law

War is a phenomenon of organized collective violence. War is one of the manifestations of conflicts between human societies and the power structures of societies. War or the conduct of hostilities is governed by the law of armed conflict. The law of armed conflict is a sub-branch of international humanitarian law. The process of codifying armed conflicts took hundreds of years. The law of armed conflict is based mainly on the concept of war in the 19th century, when rules were established to regulate conflicts of an international character and to protect the rights of military personnel. Little has changed lately. At present, international humanitarian law continues to develop in the direction of improving the protection of civilians and strengthening the role of the rules of law applicable to non-international conflicts.

In general, now, the word "war" is not used in international law. A war between two states is called, in accordance with international law, an armed conflict of an international character. A civil war is accordingly called an armed conflict of a non-international character.

The literal and doctrinal differences between these conflicts do not coincide, but the difference in legal regulation. If an international armed conflict is regulated by the entire set of norms of international humanitarian law, then a conflict of a non-international character falls under the entire scope of Article 3 common to all Geneva conventions and the second additional protocol.

Literally interpreting the provisions of the Geneva Conventions, by international conflict we understand any interstate armed conflict, as well as the struggle of peoples against colonial domination, foreign occupation or racist regimes.

Non-international conflicts are understood to be a conflict on the territory of one state between the armed forces of that state and anti-government armed formations or other organized armed groups that, being under responsible command, exercise such control over a part of its territory that allows them to carry out continuous and concerted military actions.

In a situation of war, there is a massive use of violence by the armed forces in an organized and coordinated manner. The presence of a number of norms makes it possible to distinguish an armed conflict from chaos, for example, combatants must be organized into combat units, obey a higher command, and the command gives orders, ensures the maintenance of discipline, including obedience to the norms of humanitarian law.

Back in 1928, war in international relations was outlawed, it was established that this term was not applicable and the term armed conflict should be applied.

The UN Charter limits the use of force between states, and only in the event of aggression for self-defense can armed force be used. Armed conflict is only a transitional period, the methods of its conduct should not make the restoration of peace impossible. Avoid unnecessary or disproportionate suffering or destruction to a particular military advantage.

It is important to distinguish between military and civil conflicts. A military operation is legal only if it serves as a means to achieve a specific military purpose. The weapons used must be fit for that purpose and not cause wanton destruction and suffering. Prohibited types of weapons for example: nuclear, chemical, anti-personnel mines, self-exploding bullets.

The tactics of warfare should allow not only to distinguish between civil and military actions, but also to provide assistance to injured military personnel during the battle.

The Geneva Conventions have been signed by all the states of the world.

The statute of the international criminal court providing for responsibility for crimes against humanity that can be committed by states in person, but Russia has not signed or ratified this statute.

Open sea.

OM - all parts of the sea, which are not included in the exclusion. eq-kuyu zone, ter-noe sea or int. sea ​​waters c.-l. state-va. The legal regime is established by the convention of 1982. OM - space, which refers to m / n ter-ii, →, all state-va m. the exercise of freedom: navigation, flights, cable and pipeline laying, construction artificial islands, installations and structures, rublovstvo, scientific research. OM d. isp-Xia ie for peaceful purposes, i.e. it is forbidden to test weapons, conduct military maneuvers and exercises. Sea vessels in the OM are subject to the jurisdiction of the flag state. If the vessel has several nationalities, then it is recognized as having no nationality. This ship might be stopped and inspected by any warship, which m. state-va. Warships are immune. A warship may take action with respect to any vessel if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the vessel is engaged in piracy or the slave trade, or unauthorized items, if the flag is not raised and refuses to do so. Any coastal state may pursue hot pursuit if the coastal state has reason to believe that the vessel has violated the laws and regulations of that state. Such persecution should begin in the ext. sea ​​waters or the thorny sea or in the adjacent zone, if the vessel has violated the laws and regulations of the coastal state, which regulates the legal regime of exclusion of the ex zone and the counter shelf. The pursuit should be conducted continuously, until the vessel enters the Terrible Sea of ​​the other state. This right is exercised by so-called warships or aircraft.

Seas and oceans.

The legal regime of the mouth of the conv-tion of 1982. Bottom \u003d area, starting after the counter shelf. The area and its resources (all solid, liquid or gaseous mineral resources, including polymetallin, nodules in a state of real estate, located on the bottom surface and in its bowels) are the common property of all people. Not a single state can claim the sovereignty of a part of the bottom; no 1 state, f / u / l can appropriate parts of the bottom; on behalf of people, the seabed authority operates. The order of its creation and reg. Body - org-tion, members of which are participants in the 1982 convention, within the framework of which the state implements and controls d-th in the region. Seabed resources are not subject to alienation, but minerals can be. alienated on the terms stipulated by the contract m / y by the body and the relevant state-tion, f / y / l. The structure of the body includes an enterprise that carries out the current d-th, control over the d-tyu, which is carried out at the bottom. The bottom is open for scientific research. The bottom is partially demilitarized: it is forbidden to place nuclear weapons and any weapons on the bottom and its bowels mass destruction. State Islands are responsible for the conservation of bottom resources. To do this, conclude m / n dog-ry. Section IX of the 1982 Convention is devoted to

69. Legal regime of outer space and celestial bodies:

dog-r "on the principles of the states of the states on the exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies" 1967, agreement "on the states of the states on the moon and other celestial bodies ”1979. But the RF is only in the first. Outer space - m / n ter-ia, it is open for use and research for all states, free for scientific research, which are carried out for the benefit and interests of all states in, and the result is the property of all people. Outer space is, in part, a demilitarized territory, and it is impossible to test nuclear weapons and other mass destruction on the basis of the dog-ra “on the prohibition of testing poisonous weapons in the atmosphere, space space, under water ”1963. The Russian Federation participates in it. The moon and other heavenly bodies are completely demilitarized. It is forbidden to place military bases and conduct military exercises (agreement "on the Moon" 1979). On the demilitar, there is a bilateral m / n agreement between the USSR and the USA "on the limitation of anti-missile defense systems" 1972.

70. International legal regime natural resources includes living resource mode and mineral resources.

According to the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources of 1980, any fishery is carried out in accordance with the principles: 1) preventing the reduction of any population to levels below those that ensure their sustainable position; 2) maintaining ecological relationships between harvested and associated populations of marine living resources; 3) prevention of changes in the marine ecosystem that are fundamentally irreversible for two or three decades. To implement the objectives and principles of the Convention, a Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources is established from among its participants.

The 1972 Convention for the Conservation of the Antarctic Seals obliges not to slaughter or capture certain types of seals in the area, except in cases strictly specified in the Convention.

The 1988 Antarctic Minerals Management Convention was postponed because the environmental safety measures it provided were found to be insufficient.

On October 4, 1991, the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty was signed in Madrid. Its participants characterize Antarctica as a natural reserve, intended for peace and science. The Protocol prohibits any activity in Antarctica in relation to mineral resources, with the exception of scientific research (Article 7). The ban will remain in effect until the development of a new regime for the development of mineral resources, taking into account the acceptability of such activities in the interests of all states.

The competence of the consultative meetings provided for by the Treaty includes the exchange of information, mutual consultations, development of recommendations to the governments of the participating countries on the adoption of measures that contribute to the implementation of the principles and objectives of the Treaty, including measures regarding: 1) the use of Antarctica only for peaceful purposes; 2) promotion of scientific research in Antarctica; 3) promotion of scientific cooperation in Antarctica; 4) facilitating the implementation of inspections; 5) matters relating to the exercise of jurisdiction; 6) protection and conservation of the living resources of the Antarctic. Recommendations are subject to approval by all countries-participants of the Treaty. The recommendations that have entered into force are an integral part of the international legal regime of Antarctica.

Article V of the Antarctic Treaty prohibits conducting in Antarctica nuclear explosions and removal of radioactive materials to the area. The First Consultative Meeting of the States Parties to the Treaty recommended that the governments of their countries exchange information on the use of nuclear equipment and technology in the specified region.

Each state participating in the Consultative Meetings has the right to appoint an unlimited number of observers, who must be citizens of the state that appoints them. Any observer has complete freedom of access to all areas of Antarctica at any time.

The territory of this continent, as well as stations, installations and equipment within it, ships and aircraft at the points of unloading and loading equipment, materials or personnel are always open for inspection. Aerial observation may be carried out at any time over any area of ​​Antarctica. Observers draw up reports on the results of control, which are sent to the states participating in the Consultative Meetings.

States are obliged to inform each other in advance of all expeditions to this continent made by their ships or nationals, as well as of all expeditions organized on their territory or departing from their territory, of all stations in Antarctica occupied by their nationals, of any military personnel or equipment intended for departure to the Antarctic.

Observers and scientific personnel, as well as personnel accompanying them, are in Antarctica under the jurisdiction of the state of which they are citizens.

71. International air law represents a set of rules governing the relations of states in the field of the use of airspace, the organization of air communications, commercial activities and ensuring the safety of civil aviation. It covers two aspects: 1) legal regulation of international flights in the airspace of a particular state; 2) legal regulation of flights in international airspace.

Each state has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace within its land and water territory. In other words, the airspace within the specified limits is an integral part of the territory of the state. The legal regime of the airspace of the state is determined by national legislation. However, at the same time, the state also takes into account those international obligations that relate to international air relations. A state must follow the generally recognized principles of international law, in particular the principles of sovereign equality, non-interference in internal affairs and cooperation, which obliges it to manage its airspace taking into account the interests of other states, i.e. not violate their rights within their sovereign territory and within international airspace.

The main source of international air law are international treaties. The Paris Convention of 1919 became the first multilateral treaty that established the foundations of this branch of international law. It recognized the full exclusive sovereignty of a state over its airspace. At the same time, the Convention established the right of "innocent passage" of foreign aircraft in the airspace of other states.

72. International environmental law- it is a set of international legal principles and norms governing relations regarding the protection of the natural environment, its rational use and reproduction, regulating the cooperation of states in this area in order to ensure an ecosystem favorable for the life of mankind.

States have sovereignty over natural resources within their territory. The principle of inalienable sovereignty was reflected in a number of international documents, in particular in the resolution of the UN General Assembly "Inalienable sovereignty over natural resources" in 1962, in the Declaration on the environment adopted at the Stockholm Conference in 1972 on the problems of the human environment: "States have sovereign the right to develop their own resources in accordance with their environmental policy.”

States must rationally use natural resources, taking into account their potential, the need for reproduction, avoiding irreversible negative consequences. They must not change the natural natural conditions on its territory if it has a harmful effect on the nature of other states. This requirement is a specification of the general principle of law “use your own so as not to harm another”. In relation to international environmental law, this principle was formulated in the Stockholm Declaration of 1972: “States are responsible for ensuring that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other states or areas beyond national jurisdiction.” It is also expressed in international treaties, in particular in the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Means of Impact on the Environment of 1976, in the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution of 1979.

States bear international responsibility for environmental damage. This responsibility has been embodied in arbitration and court decisions in interstate disputes over pollution damage.

International law also contains provisions such as freedom to explore the environment, promotion of international environmental cooperation, assessment of transboundary environmental impacts, exchange of information and mutual consultations.

International law: concept and subject of regulation.

International law- a set of legal norms created by states and interstate organizations through agreements, and representing an independent legal system, the subject of regulation of which are interstate and other international relations, as well as certain intrastate relations. Legal system - it is the totality of all legal phenomena in the state. Elements: system of law; lawmaking; law enforcement; legal awareness; legal ideology.

Subject of international law- international relations - relations that go beyond the competence and jurisdiction of any state. Includes relationships:

between states - bilateral and multilateral relations;

between states and international intergovernmental organizations;

between states and state-like entities;

between international intergovernmental organizations.

In the modern period, in connection with the globalization of international relations, the strengthening of economic and economic integration between states, the role and importance of international public law is increasing. The development of international law in the 21st century is significantly influenced by the scientific and technological revolution, including the information revolution, which opens up huge opportunities for activities in a variety of, including new, areas, and gives rise to new complex problems in relations between states.

The development of international law in the XXI century is significantly influenced by the scientific and technological revolution, including the information revolution, which opens up huge opportunities for activities in a wide variety of, including new, areas, and generates new complex problems in relations between states.

All these factors require the creation of new norms of international law, as well as the modernization of old ones, since international law has developed throughout the history of mankind in order to adapt them to new conditions.

International law has developed throughout the history of mankind and will continue to improve, it is directly related to the development of civilization.

International law is a special system of law with great specificity. It is single, universal and indivisible for all states and its other subjects. Its purpose is to ensure the international legal order and preserve international legality.

International law is the only regulator of relations at the interstate level, and now and in the future we can already talk about the planetary level, since new objects of regulation appear and will arise (for example, new celestial bodies, so far only the legal status of the Moon has been settled)

We can formulate the following definition of international law: it is an independent legal system consisting of branches, sub-sectors and institutions containing principles and norms that comprehensively regulate very diverse international relations in highest level, i.e. at the level of states and other subjects of international public law on the basis of interstate agreements and other sources.

International law is coordinating and not subordinate in nature, since it primarily regulates legal relations between states that have unique property sovereignty, i.e. independence in foreign relations and full territorial supremacy over its territory and differs to a large extent from domestic law. It is a universal value, because it provides legal means for all-round cooperation between all its subjects.

International law is democratic in nature, since its norms protect not only the rights of states, but also peoples and individuals (individuals).

In the modern period, according to Professor Lukashuk I.I., there is a process of formation of the law of the international community - hallmark which is increased attention to ensuring the interests of the international community as a whole.

International law differs to a large extent from domestic law. It has a special subject of legal regulation, specific subjects, objects, methods of legal regulation, functions, sources. The mechanism of law-making in the field of international law is specific.

The subject of legal regulation of international law is a variety of relations: political, economic, cultural, scientific and technical and others that arise between states and its other subjects, such as: legal relations on issues of ensuring the security of states, legal relations regarding the conclusion of international treaties; the procedure for organizing international conferences; the procedure for the creation and functioning of international organizations; legal relations concerning the legal regime state territory, state borders, territorial spaces; legal relations regarding the legal status of domestic and foreign bodies of external relations; legal relations on the international protection of human rights and freedoms; legal relations concerning the rules and customs of conducting armed operations and protecting civilians during armed conflicts; legal relations on international cooperation of states in the fight against international crimes and crimes of an international character; as well as legal relations on environmental protection. Initially, international law arose as a law governing predominantly political relations, but later it developed more and more towards the regulation of international economic relations, while these economic relations became more and more diverse. At first, such relations were mainly commercial, then the states began to develop the rules of law governing international investment relations, international financial relations, international monetary relations, international tax relations, international customs relations, etc. In recent years, the subject of legal regulation of international law has expanded even more, since it began to regulate various international procedural relations, for example, legal relations for the creation and functioning of international criminal justice bodies: the International Criminal Court and ad hoc tribunals.

The object of international law is everything about which its subjects enter and can enter into mutual relations and that is regulated by the norms of international law.

The norms of international law are created by the subjects themselves on the basis of the coordination of their wills, i.e. as a result of reaching an agreement between them.

Violation of the norms of international law gives rise to the application of measures of international legal responsibility. The content of the norms of international law consists of the rights and obligations that are vested in states and other subjects of international law. An international legal norm regulates the behavior of participants in international relations.

A norm of international law is a rule of conduct recognized by states and other subjects of international law as legally binding.

Methods of legal regulation: in international law, three methods of legal regulation are used: direct - substantive-legal, imperative and dispositive.

The main method is direct - substantive. This is such a way of influencing a legal relationship, in which the rules of law regulate the legal relationship, contain a rule for the behavior of subjects and give an answer on how the subject should act in a particular legal situation.

The imperative method is such a way of influencing the legal relationship, in which the rules of law establish clear specific limits on the behavior of subjects.

The dispositive method is such a way of influencing the legal relationship, in which, within the framework of the norm, the subjects of international law can themselves determine the model of behavior in specific relations.

The functions of international law are: coordinating, regulating, securing and protecting.

The coordinating function is that states, as a result of interaction, establish for themselves certain standards of behavior in various areas of interstate relations.

The regulatory function is manifested in lawmaking, that is, in the adoption and observance by states of international legal norms that establish rules of conduct.

The protective function consists in the orientation of international legal norms to protect the security of states, their territorial integrity, state interests, rights and freedoms of citizens.

The system of international law is a complex of legal norms connected by the unity and relative independence of its individual parts (sectors, sub-sectors, institutions). The connecting factors of the elements of the system are the common principles and goals of international law. The system of international law is characterized by its characteristic structure. The system of international law combines various groups of norms binding on its subjects. The core of the system is formed by general international law, binding on all states. In addition, regional international legal complexes are distinguished that regulate relations between states of certain geographical areas. A significant number of norms govern bilateral relations. The system of international law is a complex phenomenon that is in the process of constant development.

The system of international law is distinguished by the fact that it includes the oldest, new and latest institutions, sub-sectors and industries, with industries representing the most constituent elements. Some branches and institutions arose in antiquity (for example, the institution of an international treaty, the institution of immunity of an ambassador; international maritime law); others appeared in the twentieth century. (branch of international space law, branch of international economic law and others); individual branches and sub-sectors are in the process of formation (the branch of international procedural law, the sub-branch of international tax law, the sub-branch of international customs law, and others).

In the system of international law, there are general and special parts. The general part is the general fundamental theoretical provisions, categories and institutions that underlie specific industries, sub-sectors and institutions of the special part of international law.

General part: a) institutions:

1) Concept, essence, system of international law; 2) sources of international law; 3) subjects of international law; 4) Correlation between international and national law; 5) Basic principles of international law; 6) Responsibility in international law.

b) branches of the general part:

1) The law of international treaties (moved from the special part to the general part, because the contract - main source international law). Treaties regulate relations in each industry, sub-sector, institution of international law.

2) The law of external relations (this name of the industry was introduced by Sandrovsky K.K.). It used to be called "Diplomatic and Consular Law", but it is only part of the more general "Law of External Relations".

Special part:

a) institutions:

1) International human rights law (some textbooks call international humanitarian law. 2) Territory and other spaces; 3) Peaceful means of resolving international disputes.

b) branches: 1) International security law; 2) International maritime law; 3) International air law; 4) International space law; 5) International economic law.

Within its framework, sub-branches of international economic law are distinguished: a) International trade law; b) International investment law; c) International financial law.

Different scientists call it differently, for example, international monetary law. It seems necessary to distinguish international financial law from international monetary law. It is possible to single out sub-sectors that are in the process of formation: a) International customs; b) International tax; c) International migration law d) International law of mutual assistance; e) International tourism law; f) International transport law;

The question of the relationship between international and national law remains very important. The Western science of international law has developed two main concepts on the issue of the relationship between international and national law: dualistic and monistic. Representatives of the dualistic approach (German lawyer Tripel, Italian lawyer D. Anzilotti, English lawyer L. Oppenheim) considered international and national law as independent legal systems related to different legal orders and not in subordination. Supporters of the dualistic concept emphasized their difference and independence from each other. The approach of the Soviet and post-Soviet doctrine of international law was and remains, in essence, dualistic, since international and domestic law are considered as independent legal systems. The essence of the monistic concept is the recognition of the unity of these two legal systems. International and domestic law are qualified as parts of a single legal system. Supporters of the monistic concept also did not differ in unity of views. Some proceeded from the primacy of domestic law over international law, others from the supremacy of international law over national law. Supporters of the concept of the primacy of domestic law over international law were mainly influenced by the theory of Hegel, who believed that “the state is absolute power on earth” and this power gives the right to change not only domestic, but also international law at will. Representatives of this approach (A. Zorn, V. Danevsky, V. Kaufman and others) considered international law as the sum of the external state rights of various states. To date, this theory is not widely supported. At present, the vast majority of supporters of the monistic theory are of the opinion that international law is superior to domestic law. Moreover, supporters of radical monism (the German scientist G. Kelsen) proceed from the existence of one system of law with a “higher legal order” (international law) and “subordinate” national legal orders. G. Kelsen believed that the norms of this unified system rights are in a dependency hierarchy. The lower rungs of this hierarchical ladder - the decisions of the court and administrative bodies - depend on all higher legal norms, the upper rungs - international legal norms - do not depend on any legal norm. Both supporters of the primacy of domestic law over international law and adherents of the supremacy of international law over national law oppose international law to such an objective reality as the principle of state sovereignty. If for supporters of the primacy of domestic law such opposition leads to a denial of international law, then for radical adherents of monistic theory it leads to a denial of sovereignty. But state sovereignty and international law presuppose interaction. The denial of one means the denial of the other. Supporters of the primacy of international law, denying sovereignty, are actually trying to replace international law with the law of a world state, i.e., in essence, they deny the real-life international law as law, first of all, interstate. In modern international relations (starting from the end of the Second World War), the recognition by a number of scientists of the supremacy of international law over domestic law is associated with their putting forward the idea of ​​a complete rejection of state sovereignty and the creation of a world state and world government. If the influence of the norms of domestic law on international law can be called primary, then in the process of interaction of already existing norms, it cannot recognize the principle of the primacy of the norms of international law. This principle was expressed in article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969, according to which a party to a treaty “may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as an excuse for its non-performance of a treaty. The correlation of international and domestic law in the theory of international law is usually understood, firstly, as the ratio of force applied against other states and domestic norms, and, secondly, the interaction of international and national law in the process of creating norms of international law and norms of national legislation . There are three main aspects of the problem of the relationship between international and domestic law.

The first aspect is the influence of the domestic law of individual states on the formation and development of the principles and norms of international law and the influence of international law on the formation and development of the principles and norms of the domestic law of individual states, in other words, the actual interaction of international and national law.

The second aspect is the legal force of the norms of international law, when it comes to the legal regulation of relations occurring within the state, and the legal force of domestic law, when it comes to the legal regulation of international relations, i.e. about issues of formally legal ways of applying the norms of international law on the territory of the state and the norms of domestic law outside the state that developed them, in particular, the issues of the reception of the norms of one legal system into another legal system, the transformation of the norms of one legal system into another, etc.

Finally, the third, main aspect of the general problem of the relationship between international and domestic law is the conflict between the norms of domestic and international law and ways to prevent and resolve such conflicts. This aspect is inextricably linked with the analysis of the provisions put forward both in theory and in practice on the primacy of international law over domestic law, or on the primacy of national law over international law, or, finally, on the legal equality of international and national law.

In international law, 3 models for systematizing the rules of law are used:

I. Simple systematization, i.e. arrangement of norms on any basis. It was carried out mainly in the past centuries.

II Codification - (a more complicated legal technique than just systematization). In the course of it, obsolete norms are eliminated, the content of existing norms is enriched, they are filled with more progressive and democratic content, new norms are being developed that meet the objective realities of the modern period. An example of successful codification: the codification of the “Rights of International Treaties” (2 Conventions of 1969 and 1985) the codification of the “International Law of the Sea” (UN Convention on the International Law of the Sea, 1982.)

III. Progressive development is the development of new institutions, branches and sub-branches of international law (international economic law, international investment law, etc.). So, within the framework of International Economic Law, new sub-sectors were identified - International Trade Law, International Financial Law and others).
