What is "competence"? Competence is the presence of knowledge and experience. Professional competence

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teacher of additional education

The problem of definitions comes down to their multitude and the absence of a generally accepted definition. It does not at all mean a denial of the new qualitative characteristics of education in general and higher education in particular. Let's take a look at the existing definitions and try to find out what they have in common.

I.A. Zimnyaya writes that there are two options for interpreting the relationship between these concepts: they are either identified or differentiated.

We will consider a generalized idea of ​​competence as a scientific category based on an analysis of some definitions of the concepts “competence”, “competence”, “educational competence”, taken from various sources:

Competence (lat. competens - suitable, appropriate, proper, capable, knowledgeable) is the quality of a person who has comprehensive knowledge in any field and whose opinion is therefore weighty and authoritative;

Competence is the ability to carry out real, life action and the qualification characteristics of an individual taken at the time of his inclusion in the activity; since any action has two aspects - resource and productive, then it is the development of competencies that determines the transformation of a resource into a product;

Competence - potential readiness to solve problems with knowledge of the matter; includes substantive (knowledge) and procedural (skill) components and presupposes knowledge of the essence of the problem and the ability to solve it; constant updating of knowledge, possession of new information for the successful application of this knowledge in specific conditions, i.e. possession of operational and mobile knowledge;

Competence is the possession of a certain competence, i.e. knowledge and experience of one’s own activities, allowing one to make judgments and make decisions;

The word "competence" comes from the Latin "competere", which means "to achieve, correspond, fit."

In dictionaries and scientific literature"competence" is explained in different ways:

Knowledge, skills, experience, theoretical and applied preparedness for the use of knowledge;

a range of issues in which someone is knowledgeable;

A set of issues in which a given subject has knowledge and experience of his own activities.

Competence and competence, V.A. Metaeva believes, are complementary and interdependent concepts: a competent person who does not have competence cannot fully implement it in socially significant aspects.

A.B. Khutorskoy divides the concepts of “competence” and “competence” as follows: “Competence translated from Latin competentia means a range of issues in which a person is knowledgeable, has knowledge and experience. A person competent in a particular area has the appropriate knowledge and abilities that enable him to make informed judgments about that area and act effectively in it. To separate the general and the individual, we will distinguish the often synonymously used concepts of “competence”. Competence includes a set of interrelated personality qualities (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), specified in relation to a certain range of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them. Competence -- possession, possession by a person of the corresponding competence, including his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity.

The Russian document “Strategies for modernizing the content of general education” formulated the main provisions of the competency-based approach in the system of modern Russian education, the key concept of which is competence. It was emphasized that this concept is broader than the concept of knowledge, or skill, or skill; it includes them (although, of course, we are not talking about competence as a simple additive sum of knowledge - ability - skill, this is a concept of a slightly different semantic series). The concept of competence includes not only cognitive and operational-technological components, but also motivational, ethical, social and behavioral ones. It includes learning outcomes (knowledge and skills), a system of value orientations, habits, etc. Competencies are formed in the learning process, and not only at school, but also under the influence of family, friends, work, politics, religion, culture, etc. In connection with this, the implementation of the competency-based approach depends on the entire educational and cultural situation in which the student lives and develops.

V.D. Shadrikov proceeds from the definition according to which competence is a range of issues in which someone is knowledgeable, the range of someone’s powers and rights. "Thus, we see that competence does not relate to the subject of the activity, but to the range of issues related to the activity. In other words, competences are functional tasks associated with the activity that someone can successfully solve. Competence relates to the subject activity. This is the acquisition of personality, thanks to which a person can solve specific problems."

According to V.D. Shadrikov, “competence is a systemic manifestation of knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal qualities. In each activity, the weight of these components and their combinations can vary significantly. In the educational process, there is a certain dialectic in the formation of competencies. Competencies are formed on the basis of knowledge, skills, abilities, personal qualities, but this knowledge itself, etc., in many ways are not competencies; they act as conditions for the formation of competencies. It would be a big mistake (which is coming) if, when implementing a competency-based approach, we contrast it with knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal qualities."

Do we know exactly what this word means? Let's figure it out, especially since it's not complicated.

Competence- from lat. competens- capable. Competence is, essentially, the ability to do what you do well. The criterion of true competence is the end result. It's so simple that people often don't realize it's true. And it wouldn’t hurt to repeat this.

The criterion of true competence is the end result. Dot.

Competence. What's the problem?

If a person inflates balloons, then obviously he wants to get the result - an inflated balloon. Not burst along the way and not half inflated.

Competence - By the way, this is something that can be easily checked. It is enough to ask the person to show the result (or past results).

Well, with balls everything is too simple - you say. Of course, but so does the rest! Do you know what the main problem is? Not that competence- this is something complicated, but the fact is that people do not think in terms of final results.

Once we define the end results that should be in some area, we will immediately, right there, understand what's happened competence in this area.

Of course, to become something for real those who are competent will have to put in a lot of effort. Look Our video clearly shows this.

Competency indicators

For example, what is job competency? Let's say you are in sales. Know how to sell? Fine. To make deals? Closer. If the seller's end result is called goods sold and money in the cash register, then it will immediately be clear which of the sellers actually meets the required level of competence (or standards of competence). No speculation.

It is clear that the final result can be written in more detail - for example, “goods (services) of the company sold at a set profit and the money for them lying in the cash register.” Of course, this can (and even should) be done, especially when it comes to business. But the essence remains the essence: there is a result = there is competence.

Well, it’s also quite clear with sellers. What about the accountant, the marketer and (oh my God!) the director himself? What will the competency test be like for them? Yes, everything is the same. The competency criteria are the same for everyone, you just need:
1. determine or find out what their end result is that should be obtained
2. see if they receive it (by the way, exactly look rather than listen to what they have to say about it)

Imagine what would happen if everyone in any business organization had their end result of work named and written down! This alone can greatly increase the overall competence.

Real Competency Assessment

Let's extend this principle to other parts of life.
On personal life, on family, on how we spend our holidays, even on the spiritual side of life. Yes to anything!

How can you see competence V family life? Well, you already understand where I'm going with this. What end results would be desirable?

This is a fun exercise that you can do yourself. I'll just give my examples.

If this is a relationship between spouses, then it would be something like “a happy husband or wife who happily continues to create a relationship.”

By the way, relationships are something that is constantly created, but this is a topic for another article.

What is the end result of sex? Well, do you have any competence in this area? If this concerns children, then the result could well be - “ healthy child who is prepared for independent adult life».

This is not necessarily the desired outcome for everyone, it just demonstrates the idea of ​​end results.

And now if we need to look at the competence of parents, then we need to look at this result. Has it been achieved?

Certificate of competence issued by life

We are usually impressed by someone's high level of competence. Athletes, famous actors, entrepreneurs. Yes, even the janitor who swept the yard perfectly. Or a minibus driver who dashingly, but without breaking the rules, took you to the metro. Perhaps even smiling at the end. But what exactly do we admire? Is it because the person beautifully got the result that was needed? That's the whole simplicity of this concept - Competence.

What would happen if we were surrounded by people who received the results expected of them and constantly demonstrated their professionalism and competence? What if life itself gave us a real certificate of competence? Our life would be nicer and more fun, wouldn’t it?

When you know what you are doing, it always works out.

Richard Bach. Seagull named Jonathan Livingston

Competence as a personality quality is the ability to to have thorough knowledge, to be well-versed in some area, to be recognized as an expert in some matter.

Caliph appointed Mulla Nasreddin as chief adviser to the court. Since his power rested not on competence, but on the patronage of the caliph, Nasreddin became a real punishment for everyone who came to him for consultation. One day one person ingratiatingly asked him: “Nasreddin, you are an experienced person, do you know a remedy for eye pain?” My eye has been hurting for a long time... “I’ll share my experience with you,” Nasreddin answered. - When I had a toothache, nothing helped until I had it removed.

Competence is when you are so well armed with knowledge that you know all the moves and exits in a given situation. Competence – knowledge, skill, efficiency.

According to Wikipedia, competence (lat. competens - suitable, appropriate, proper, capable, knowledgeable) is the quality of a person who has comprehensive knowledge in any field and whose opinion is therefore valid and authoritative.

Competence - potential readiness to solve problems with knowledge of the matter; includes substantive (knowledge) and procedural (skill) components and presupposes knowledge of the essence of the problem and the ability to solve it; constant updating of knowledge, possession of new information for the successful application of this knowledge in specific conditions, that is, the possession of operational and mobile knowledge.

Competence is the possession of a certain competence, that is, knowledge and experience of one’s own activities, allowing one to make objective judgments and make accurate decisions.

Guy De Maupassant in his novel “Dear Friend” writes: “It is not at all difficult to pass for a knowledgeable person. The whole point is to avoid being caught in obvious ignorance. We must maneuver, avoid predicaments, avoid obstacles and use encyclopedic dictionary put others in the galosh. All people are completely ignorant and stupid as logs.”

The male ego is tightly tied to displays of competence. It is a small death for a man to be incompetent in something, especially in his specialty, in the business he serves. Advice is often perceived by men as a hint of their incompetence. Women are safer giving advice than men. They usually perceive advice as an expression of friendly support, and not as a question of their competence. They have no paranoia about this. A woman should not be given advice if she is not in a good mood. Nevertheless, general rule: we must take into account that we are all different, everyone has the right to be different, so someone else, not like us, may perceive the advice as doubt about his competence, qualifications and professionalism. When the false ego is hurt, do not expect good things. The advice will be perceived as an attack on competence.

Competence is a bait for the ego, obsessed with its prestige, significance and importance. For a person in passion, it is very important that society recognizes his competence. He is sick and obsessed with competence. If others recognize your competence, this is equivalent to the fact that they will confirm that you are an authoritative, respected and significant person. If they don't spit in your back, it means you're regressing. You can either go forward or lag behind. Standing in one place is regression. It’s worth falling behind a little, and in the eyes of competent people you are already a loser and an ignoramus, in a word, an incompetent, ignorant person with unjustified claims.

Competence in kindness is expressed in the desire to care for others - the younger and weaker. The younger ones need support. When a person under the influence of the energy of goodness feels competent, he has a need to care, protect, patronize, protect. A competent teacher, doctor, educator will strive to pass on their experience and knowledge to other people.

True competence has nothing to do with philosophizing, posing and showing off.

One Patriarch began to be terrorized by smart, bearded men. Occultism was becoming fashionable. During three days the poor Teacher was besieged by doctors, professors and all sorts of candidates. He, tired and stunned, walked along the canal, and they respectfully, at a distance, but still stomped around in an insolent crowd. - What do you need? - Fu Shin asked one bearded and bespectacled intellectual. “You understand,” he began importantly, “I am very interested in the influence of the chemistry of the North Star on humans. The teacher sighed heavily. - How does a cow shit? - he asked calmly. The bearded man jumped to the side. - Well? - the patriarch asked again. “I don’t know,” the professor became embarrassed. “Well, well,” the Teacher continued encouragingly. “With flatbreads,” the bearded man burst out. “That’s right,” the Teacher smiled. - And the goat? “Peas,” the bearded man, who did not understand anything, answered more boldly. “That’s right,” the Teacher smiled again. - And why? “I don’t know,” the surprised professor tragically threw up his hands. “You see,” Fu Shin shook his head. - And you climb into the stars.

A similar story happened with Hadji Nasreddin.

Philosophers, logicians and experts in the law were called to the court to examine Nasreddin. The case was serious, since Nasreddin was credited with going from village to village and saying the following words: “The so-called wise men are ignorant, indecisive and stupid people.” He was accused of bombing state security. “You can speak first,” said the ruler. “Let them bring paper and feathers,” said Mulla. Brought. - Give them to the first seven scientists. Distributed. - Let each of them separately write an answer to the following question: “What is bread?” Scientists wrote. The papers were presented to the ruler, who read them out. The first one said: “Bread is food.” The second said: “This is flour and water.” Third: “The gift of the Lord God.” Fourth: “Baked dough.” Fifth: "Variable concept, to be in agreement with what you mean by the word bread." Sixth: " Nutrient" Seventh: “Nobody really knows.”

When they decide what bread is, Nasreddin said, it will be possible for them to solve other problems. For example: am I right or wrong. Can you trust matters of evaluation and judgment to people like these? Isn't it strange (or maybe not strange) that they can't agree on what they eat every day, and yet they unanimously consider me a heretic?

Petr Kovalev 2015


To begin with, let us outline the basic concepts with which we will operate when considering the topic of competencies. This is necessary for a uniform and clear understanding of the material presented. Considering the variety of different definitions and interpretations used in theory and practice, it should be remembered that the given definitions are not the ultimate truth, but only options. The proposed definitions are not standardized, but they allow us to correctly define the main terms.

Unfortunately, several popular and frequently used expressions have historically taken root in the Russian language, including words with the same root as the word “competence”. This is very confusing when trying to understand the essence of this concept in relation to business and the field of human resources management. For example, we like to say: “He is not competent”, “This is not within my area of ​​competence.” “He is not competent” does not mean that the person does not have any competencies. As a rule, behind these expressions lies an assessment of the level of authority of the subject. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the terminology used in the competency system.

First of all, let us outline the difference between the concepts of “competence” and “competence”. They are based on the Latin root competo- I achieve, I comply, I approach.

So, the competency-based approach is based on such basic concepts as “competence” and “competence”. Understanding the content of these terms determines the range of aspects that should be paid attention to when managing the personnel of an enterprise.

It should be noted that in the studies of Russian authors, the similarities and differences of the concepts of “competence” and “competence” were not deeply considered.

The term "competence" comes from the Latin word competere the main meaning of which is suitable. It was originally used in psychology as a concept characterizing an individual’s ability to meet the demands placed on him by his environment. In economics and sociology, it has been compared with the basic personality characteristics that are expressed in effective behavior at work.

Let us give an example of determining the competence of foreign schools (different approaches) indicating the relevant sources. So, the competence(s) is:

  • characteristics of the individual, underlying success in a given job or situation ( Spencer & Spencer 1993);
  • what an individual is what he knows and what he does (Brockbank, 1999);
  • detailed, expressed in behavioral terms description of skills and personality traits, necessary for an employee to successfully perform his or her job ( Mansfield, 1996);
  • certain characteristics or abilities of a person, which allow him to perform actions leading to the effective performance of work ( Boyatzis, 1982);
  • observed human characteristics, including the knowledge, skills and behaviors required to perform the job (Ledford, 1995);
  • knowledge, skills or personal attitudes, attitudes towards the surrounding reality necessary for the successful implementation of this professional activity (Lambrecht, 1991);
  • factors, contributing to achieving a high level of operational efficiency (Armstrong, 1999);
  • behavioral components in contrast to personal and intellectual characteristics (McClelland, 1973);
  • knowledge, skills, abilities and other attributes of an individual necessary to perform some activity (Blancero, Boroski, & Dyer, 1996);
  • manifested by the individual knowledge, skills or abilities (Ulrich, Brockbank, Yeung, & Lake, 1995);
  • forms of behavior, which are more typical for best employees than for the mediocre (Klein, 1996);
  • some body of knowledge, skills, abilities, motivation, beliefs, values ​​and interests (Fleishman, Wetrogen, Uhlman, & Marshall-Mies, 1995);
  • description of measured habitual ways of acting and skills individual used to achieve goals labor activity (Green, 1999);
  • one of characteristics of the individual, ensuring high efficiency of his work activity ( Mitrani, Dalziel & Fitts, 1992);
  • description of behavior(course of action) of employees necessary to achieve the goals of the organization and consistent with its corporate culture (U. Intagliata, D. Ulrich, & N. Smallwood, 2000);
  • individual human characteristics, ensuring the implementation of activities on top level efficiency (Weiss & Hartle, 1997).

L.M. Spencer and S.M. Spencer define competence as “a basic quality of an individual that is causally related to effective and/or criterion-based performance at work or in other situations.”

Basic quality means that competence is a very deep-lying and stable part of the human personality and can determine a person's behavior in a variety of situations and work tasks.

A causal relationship means that a competency predicts or causes a particular behavior and performance.

A criterion-based definition of competency means that the competency actually predicts good or poor performance as measured by a specific criterion or standard.

Examples of criteria might be dollar sales for salespeople or number of clients who quit drinking for alcohol addiction counselors.

Competencies - yes basic qualities of people. These are “patterns of behavior or thinking that extend across various situations and lasting for quite a significant period of time."

Exists five types of basic qualities.

1. Motives- what a person thinks about or wants constantly and what causes action. Motives aim, direct and select behavior towards certain actions or goals and away from others.

Example: Achievement-motivated people continually set challenging and challenging goals, take personal responsibility for achieving them, and take advantage of feedback to achieve better results.

2. Psycho physiological characteristics (or properties). « physical characteristics and appropriate responses to situations or information.

Example: reaction speed and good vision- physiological characteristics for the competence of a combat pilot."

Emotional self-control and initiative - more complex appropriate responses to situations. Some people do not lash out at others and act beyond the call of duty to solve problems under stress. Such properties are characteristic of the competence of successful managers. Motives and competencies are inherent in the operational or self-starting properties of a craftsman that predict long-term performance without close supervision.

3. Self-concept.“Attitudes, values ​​or image of the self as a person.

Example: self-concept—a person’s belief that he can act effectively in any situation—is part of a person’s self-image.”

Human values- these are response or reactive motives that predict a person’s actions for a short-term period in situations where others are in charge of the elder.

For example, a person who values ​​leadership is more likely to exhibit leadership behavior if given a task that tests leadership abilities. People who value the work of leadership but are reluctant to influence others on a motivational level often achieve leadership positions but fail to achieve them.

4. Knowledge. Information that a person has in certain content areas.

Example: A surgeon's knowledge of the nerves and muscles of the human body.

Knowledge - complex competence. Scores on knowledge tests often fail to predict job performance because they do not measure how knowledge and skills are used on the job. First, many knowledge tests measure rote memorization, when what really matters is the ability to retrieve information. Memorizing specific facts is less important than knowing what facts exist on a particular issue and where to find them if necessary. Secondly, knowledge tests are “response”. They measure test takers' ability to select the correct answer from multiple options, rather than a person's ability to act on their knowledge. For example, the ability to choose which of the five points is valid as evidence is very different from the ability to stand up in a conflict situation and make a convincing argument. Finally, knowledge is the best predictor of what a person can do.

5. Skill. The ability to perform a specific physical or mental task.

Example: a dentist’s skill in filling teeth without damaging the nerve; the ability of a programmer to write a program of 50,000 lines, logically formatted.

Mental or cognitive (cognitive) competencies include analytical thinking (processing knowledge and data, determining cause and effect, organizing data and plans) and conceptual thinking (identifying patterns and/or principles in complex data).

The type or level of competence has practical implications for human resource planning. In Fig. 2.4 shows that knowledge and skills tend to be visible and relatively superficial characteristics of people. “The self-concept, properties and motives inherent in competence are more hidden,deepand hidden in the very core of the personality.”

Rice. 2.4.

Superficial competencies(knowledge and skills) are relatively easy to develop. Training is the most cost-effective way to strengthen and maintain these abilities in employees.

Deep competencies(motives and properties) underlying the personality iceberg are more difficult to assess and develop; it is more cost-effective to select people for these competency characteristics based on self-concepts. Attitudes and values ​​such as self-confidence (seeing oneself as a leader rather than as a technical professional) can be changed through training, psychotherapy and/or positive development exercises, although this will require more time and effort.

Organizations must recruit people based on core competencies, including motives and attributes, and train them in the skills and knowledge needed for a specific job. Or, as one HR director put it: “You can teach a turkey to climb trees, but it’s easier to hire a squirrel.” In complex work, when forecasting best performance, competencies are relatively more important than task-related skills, mental capacity or diplomas. It's all about "time-limited consequences." In higher level technical, marketing, professional and management jobs, almost everyone has IQ (IQ) 120 points and above and an academic degree obtained in good university. In these jobs, what makes the best performer is motivation, interpersonal skills, and politeness skills—all of which are competencies. It turns out that studying competencies is the most cost-effective way to find personnel for the required positions.

A close definition of this definition is given by the Dictionary of Economics and Finance: “Competence is the unity of knowledge, professional experience, abilities to act and behavioral skills of an individual, determined by the goal, given situation and position.”

Brief dictionary in sociology gives the following interpretation of the concept of “competence”. This is 1) knowledge and experience in a certain field, special awareness in any issues; 2) the legal range, the scope of powers and rights of an official or institution.

Modern dictionary foreign words contains a definition of competence: 1) possession of competence; 2) competent - knowledgeable, knowledgeable in a certain area 1.

It should be noted that in the research process we took as a basis two main approaches to defining the concepts of competence and competency: psychological and economic (Tables 2.1, 2.2).

(psychological approach)

Table 2.1

Definition of the concepts “competence” and “competence”

V.S. Bezrukova

Competence is the possession of knowledge and skills that allow one to express professionally competent judgments, assessments, opinions

Personnel competence is a set of professional knowledge and skills, as well as methods of performing professional activities

J. Raven

Competence is a specific ability necessary for the effective performance of a specific action in a specific subject area and includes highly specialized knowledge, a special kind of subject skills, ways of thinking, and an understanding of responsibility for one’s actions

A.V. Rastyannikov

Competence is the ability of a subject to act adequately, in accordance with the conditions of the situation, in the direction of obtaining results of a certain value

S.E. Shishov, I.G. Agapov

Competence is the general ability and readiness of an individual for activity, based on knowledge and experience, aimed at the successful inclusion of the individual in work activity

Having analyzed various author's points of view and different approaches, we can conclude that in most definitions of the concept of “competence” there are (and this is quite logical) the following components: knowledge, skills, possession of skills, professionally important personality qualities.

The psychological approach involves defining competence as a concept that characterizes an individual’s ability to meet the requirements placed on him by the environment. The economic approach compares the concept of “competence” with the basic characteristics of an individual, which are expressed in effective behavior at work.

If you look closely at the definitions given, it turns out that competence is any quality of an individual that affects the effectiveness of his activities. But by and large, a variety of human qualities influence the effectiveness of his activities: knowledge, skills, abilities, motivation, beliefs, values, temperament, visual acuity, and behavioral characteristics. However, there are some nuances. For example, if from the secretary at the reception (English, reception) Presentable appearance is often required, therefore, hair color, waist size, and leg length can be called competencies. If the interpretation of competence is so broad, then the question arises: why invent new concepts? Why not stick to generally accepted terms, such as “professionally important qualities”?

Table 2.2

Definition of the concepts of “competence” and “competence” (economic approach)

Definition of the concepts “competence” and “competence”

AND I. Kibanov

Competence is a rational combination of knowledge and abilities, considered over a short period of time, possessed by employees of a given organization.

O.V. Ivanov

Personnel competence is the ability of a subject to act adequately, in accordance with the conditions of the situation, in the direction of obtaining results of a certain value

S.V. She-kshnya

Competencies are demonstrated ability systematically, i.e. constantly perform certain production functions or certain actions. These are the behaviours, actions and strategies that support high standards of performance.

V.A. Demin

Competence is a level of individual skills that reflects the degree of compliance with a certain competence and allows one to act constructively in changing social conditions

Definition of the concepts “competence” and “competence”

L.V. Labunsky

Personnel competencies are a system of interrelated elements: the personal qualifications of the employee, the powers delegated to him by the owner of capital in the form of the right to use the resources necessary to perform the function

Dictionary of management

Competencies represent a set of powers (rights, responsibilities) of bodies or officials that define the boundaries of their powers in the process of performing their functions. The boundaries of competence are established in accordance with the functions

C. Woodroffe

Competencies allow an employee to competently perform his job, however, each of these concepts, in his opinion, has its own specific meaning. In particular, competence is associated with a specific employee, i.e. the emphasis is on the personal aspect, the presence of competencies in an employee allows him to competently perform his work, to be competent, while the concept of “competence” is associated with a specific job

SOUTH. Olegov

Competence is a set of actively used knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as professionally important personality qualities necessary for an employee to effectively perform a certain job

H.Z. Ksenofontova

The competence of an organization is characterized by a set of competencies of the organization and competencies of personnel that influence the formation of its competitive advantages

E. Rudavina

Competence is a certain personal characteristic that is necessary to perform certain work and allows its owner to obtain the necessary work results.

Competence is the ability of an individual who has the personal characteristics to solve work problems to obtain the necessary work results

A. Stegantsev

Competence is a specialist’s possession of a set of competencies necessary for his work, or the compliance of this specialist with the requirements of his position, or the ability of a specialist to effectively carry out his professional activities

The term “competence” comes to us from in English. And English speakers have a term similar to PVK - this is Knowledge, Skills, Aptitudes and Other characteristics (KSAO) - knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics”, but in essence - knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics of an individual that affect the effectiveness of his activities. But HR professionals use the term “competencies.”

How do competencies differ from individual qualities of an individual? Let's try to give examples of competencies from different sources.

Strategic skills. Able to think ahead of events, keep the big picture in mind, even when immersed in solving current issues; makes long-term plans, perceives approaching threats and potential opportunities, is able to highlight the main and most significant things in a situation (.Archer North).

Enterprise. Recognizes opportunities for market development of new products and services inside and outside the organization, tends to initiate actions associated with reasonable risk and necessary to generate profit or achieve competitive advantage (HR-Survey, LLC).

Leadership. Mobilizes people to work toward common goals for the benefit of the unit, the people who work in it, and the people the unit serves. Attracts employees with different abilities to its team, provides them with comprehensive support, promotes their development and consolidation in the team. Takes care of the morale of his team (Saskatchewan Public Service).

Customer focus. Directs his efforts to discover and satisfy the client’s needs, which presupposes a genuine desire to help the client, provide him with a service and satisfy his requests (Hay Group).

Can these characteristics be called individual qualities of an individual or even a combination of individual qualities? Most likely no. In our opinion, competence is, first of all, a description of an individual’s behavior that is desirable for an organization.

In the process of working on this textbook, an attempt was made to systematize the theory and find vivid examples from practice that will allow students to understand how the competency-based approach to personnel management works. The following example demonstrates this very clearly. A person’s behavior largely depends on himself, on his individual characteristics, but competencies are not just their totality... Let's use an analogy. Pictures are painted using various paints. Competence can be represented by an image, the plot of a painting, and paint - by the individual quality of an employee.

For one picture the leading tones are blue, for the other - green. The same is true with competencies: for example, a leader’s understanding of the mood, aspirations and goals of subordinates (competence) occurs mainly due to the abilities of perception and emotional empathy (individual characteristics of the leader), for strategy formulation (competence) the leading ones are analytical thinking and decision-making style (individual characteristics).

The artist realizes his creative credo in certain subjects. Company strategy requires its employees to have certain competencies: an innovative strategy - creative competencies, a cost reduction strategy - control and reporting competencies.

Not all painting lovers understand the technique of applying paint to canvas (and not everyone needs it). However, almost any of them understands the plot of the picture (let’s limit the analogy to the realistic direction of painting). So it is with competencies. No special knowledge of psychological terminology is required. The description of competencies is clear to everyone: from ordinary employees to senior management of the organization. Compare the complexity of the formulation of one of the competencies given above and, for example, this psychological passage: “... a generalized and focused neuropsychic system (characteristic of the individual), with the ability to reproduce a functional equivalent relevant to a variety of stimuli, as well as to initiate and regulate stable (equivalent) forms of adaptive and expressive behavior" (Allport, 1937).

In order to determine which competencies are important for a particular position, it is necessary:

  • first, understanding organization strategy",
  • secondly, knowledge specifics of this position",
  • thirdly, the so-called competence dictionary, from which you can select those competencies that are directly related to the professional activity in question.

Thus, it becomes obvious that competence and competency are interrelated and interdependent concepts, but not identical. Competence is one of the main tools of the labor and personnel management system. Competence, as Yu.G. rightly notes. Odegov, is a set of actively used knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as professionally important personality qualities necessary for an employee to effectively perform a certain job. Competence allows you to describe almost all elements of a person’s readiness to efficient work in a given situation.

Competence is integral, i.e. broader concept. The competence of an employee is determined by the amount of competencies he has; each of them has the necessary level of development, characterizes the employee’s deep, thorough knowledge of his business, the essence of the work performed, ways and means of achieving the intended goals.

Competence in the generally accepted sense presupposes the presence of thorough knowledge, abilities and, accordingly, the weight and authority of a person in the eyes of society. Competence within a particular enterprise means the skillful and qualified performance by a person of the official and professional duties assigned to him.

Competence outlines the range of those problems (scope of action) in which this person has knowledge and experience, characterizes the totality of his powers, rights and obligations.

Competencies, in addition to qualification elements (theoretical and professional knowledge, work skills and universal skills, ability to master new types of activities), include value orientations and characteristics of motivation, as well as personality traits and psychophysiological characteristics.

It should be emphasized that the use of a competency-based approach is not just desirable, but necessary in enterprise personnel management, since it allows us to fully identify the potential and abilities of employees, competently build a system of training and development of personnel, and therefore, maximize the competitiveness and efficiency of the enterprise.

  • Spencer L.M., Spencer S.M. Competencies at work: trans. from English M.: HippoPublishing Ltd., 2005. P. 9. URL: http://slovari.yandex.ru/dict/glossary
  • See: Brief Dictionary of Sociology / author's compilation. P.A. Pavlenok. M.:INFRA-M, 2000.
  • URL: http://www.anthropos.ru
  • Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G., Babynina L.S. Labor Economics: textbook: in 2 volumes /ed. SOUTH. Odegova. M.: Alfa-press, 2007. T. 1. P. 674.
  • Rudavina E. Building a competency system in a company: method, manual. M.: MCFR; VKK - national union of personnel officers, 2008. P. 5.

You may hear words like “competence” and “competence.” The differences between their meanings are incomprehensible to most ordinary citizens. Within the framework of this article, these concepts will be analyzed so that they do not raise questions in the future. As an example, the field of education will also be considered.

general information

The problem with definitions lies in their multitude and generally accepted interpretation of terms. Therefore, within the framework of the article, various formulations that have been expressed by numerous scientific personnel will be considered. Moreover, two main approaches can be distinguished: identification and differentiation. All this has its own characteristics, which we will consider later.

About terms

So what are competence and competency? A few definitions will help you understand the differences between them. So, :

  1. The quality of a person who has comprehensive knowledge in a particular field. Thanks to this, his opinion is weighty and authoritative.
  2. The ability to carry out vital, real action. At the same time, the qualification characteristics of a person in this moment accomplishment allows you to turn a resource into a product.
  3. Potential willingness to take on problems, approaching them with knowledge of the matter. In this case, a person must have all the necessary knowledge and skills. In addition, it is necessary to understand the essence of the problem under consideration. To maintain a qualification level, it is necessary to constantly update knowledge and possess new information in order to apply it in all possible conditions.
  4. Possession of certain experience and knowledge that will allow you to make the right decisions.

What is competence? By it we mean:

  1. Knowledge, experience, skills and preparedness to use them.
  2. A range of issues in which a particular individual can boast of good knowledge.
  3. A set of problems for which a person has extensive knowledge and experience in solving them.

That's what competency and competency are. The differences between them are not overly significant, nevertheless they exist.

Use of terms

They can be found, as a rule, when performing psychological and pedagogical activities, or in the literature that describes this activity. Speaking about what competence and competency are, looking for differences in the formation of these concepts, it is impossible not to mention the fact that even among scientists there is no unity on this issue. And the analysis of these concepts and situations of use is supported by a very significant amount of research that has been conducted different people. Thus, to resolve the contradictions that arose, it was proposed to introduce a single correct term in order to avoid negative effects, but so far no consensus has been reached.

About competence and competency in general terms

If the previously given concepts are few, then competence and competency can be considered in more detail. The differences in pedagogy are as follows:

  1. Competencies include self-organization, self-control, independence, reflection, self-regulation and self-determination. Particular emphasis is placed on the fact that the basis is knowledge, as well as the ability to use it. The overall picture is complemented by psychological readiness to cooperate and interact to solve a different range of problems. In this case, actions are carried out with an eye on certain moral and ethical attitudes and personality traits. What, then, is the difference between competence and competence in practice? Let's look at this too.
  2. Competence is understood as an actual personal quality that is formed on the basis of existing knowledge. Moreover, this is based on the intellectual and professional characteristics of a person. Competence is based on an integrated model, which includes four levels of development: knowledge (and its organization); skills (and their use); human intellectual and creative potential; emotional and moral relations with the world. The latter often causes controversy, so the information needs to be supplemented. So, this also means emotional intelligence - that is, the ability to independently discipline and self-motivate. In addition, this concept also includes resistance to disappointment. An integral part here is control over emotional outbursts and the ability to refuse pleasure. Mood regulation skills are also helpful.

About competence

This term refers to the readiness of an individual for a certain activity. Moreover, this is based on existing knowledge and experience. They are acquired through training. It should be borne in mind that these personality qualities are interrelated. This allows us to say that competence is a person’s readiness to mobilize his knowledge, skills and external resources in order to act effectively in certain life situations. That is, all this is available in “ready-made form” and you just need to assemble a fancy mechanism of knowledge and skills at the moment of implementing something.

About competence

This is understood as an ability that gradually arises when a person masters social experience. Moreover, competence includes not only knowledge and operational and technological components, but also social, motivational, aesthetic and behavioral ones.

Noticed that the article is written in similar words? Don't worry, reader! As previously written, this is a feature of this article that examines competence and competency. Although there are differences between different authors, they are insignificant. Each individual judgment provides its own interest. And so that it does not get lost, you have to provide the information in full.

So, back to the topic of the article. Competence is the result of education. It also requires a certain set of competencies. This concept also includes a person’s personal attitude towards the subject of his activity. It should be recalled that many scientists have been studying these terms. It is not possible to cite all of their findings within the framework of this article. But a few of the most interesting moments, interpretations should still be highlighted.

Interpretation by A.V. Khutorskogo

So, let's continue to get acquainted with the meanings of terms such as competence and competency. Differences, according to A.V. Khutorskoy, here are:

  1. Competence is understood as a certain range of issues in which an individual has good knowledge, knowledge and experience. This is a set of interrelated qualities that a person possesses in relation to certain objects and processes. They can be knowledge, abilities, skills, and methods of activity. If all conditions are met, high-quality work is possible.
  2. Competence is when a person has the necessary competence, which also includes his personal attitude to the subject of activity.

Interpretation by V.D. Shadrikova

This scientist offers a slightly different vision:

  1. So, V.D. Shadrikov argues that competence must be understood as a range of issues where a person is knowledgeable. The peculiarity of this concept is that it does not refer to a specific subject of activity, but to the issues that accompany it. In other words, competence must be understood as functional tasks that can be successfully solved. If we talk about the educational process, then we can observe that a certain dialectic is being formed.
  2. Competence is a feature of the subject of activity. Thanks to it, a person can solve a certain range of problems.

Let's say a word about the educational sector

So we examined from a general theoretical point of view how competence differs from competence. Now let's turn our attention to the educational sector. Before us is a “spherical” teacher who deals with what jurisprudence expounds. So, if he has knowledge about the subject, skills in applying legislation in law enforcement agencies, the ability to protect your rights (search for the information necessary for this) and the fortitude that will help you survive difficult moments - this means the person has competence.

We can say that if a person is also interested in what he does, improves his communication and presentation skills, then he is also competent. Of course, this is all a little exaggerated, but, nevertheless, this small example will allow us to understand what the subject of the article is in reality.

We have considered the difference between competence and competency; there should be no more questions on this aspect. But in order to finally consolidate the material, let’s also consider the situation with other spheres of human activity.

Other areas

So let's say we have an engineer. His task is to create new machines that will have all the necessary functional range. Is there a difference between competence and competence here? There are differences between them, but in general the scheme looks like the one presented earlier. That is, if he has the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for work, then the person has competence. And if there is also a desire to go beyond what has been achieved, to work out of interest and for the good, when there is an interest in the result and the person wants to work himself, then this means that he has competence.


It is impossible not to note the fact that both society itself and each individual are interested in ensuring that each person has the greatest possible competence in solving certain issues. In this case, we could say that society works as efficiently and expediently as possible.

Is it possible? Yes. But before we talk about everyone, it is necessary to start with the individual. To change the world for the better, you just need to start with yourself. Moreover, you can work not only on the quality of skills, but also on culture and relationships. As a starting point, you can take your appearance. Then you should start taking care of your home so that it is clean and comfortable. When a person values ​​himself, he is more attentive to environment, and to people, and to what he does.
