The main symptoms of diabetes. How diabetes begins: signs and initial sensations

Diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system. The main manifestation of the disease is high blood sugar. In large volumes, it is considered toxic and adversely affects the body.

Women may not show signs of diabetes for a long time. The disease is fraught with complications. For example, cataracts, neuropathy, retinopathy, and other conditions may form.

The symptoms of diabetes can be referred to as high level glucose in the blood, and to late complications of the disease.

Primary signs

Women suffering from endocrine disorders show certain specific symptoms, ranging from slight pallor to excessive weight loss. In many cases, with an advanced stage of diabetes, gangrene of the legs occurs. As a result of this situation, the tissues die off, and a person may lose a leg.

Diabetes affects the liver most of all, eventually causing cirrhosis. Also violated respiratory system. Shortness of breath happens even without physical exertion, and during sleep. The woman has a emaciated appearance.

Also characteristic:

  1. pallor of the skin,
  2. severe weight loss or vice versa obesity,
  3. dizziness,
  4. increased need for fluid.

The person is constantly thirsty, the mucous membranes are dry, the saliva is viscous and thick.

Malfunctions of the genitourinary system are manifested, in particular, there is impaired urination, as well as pain with a full bladder. The main symptom of diabetes is acetone breath. If the smell is too strong, then this indicates the need for external insulin.

In addition, it is observed:

  • decreased physical activity
  • loss of motor orientation,
  • heaviness in the lower limbs.

Often, wounds do not heal well and bleeding is likely. This is very dangerous in cosmetic procedures, when there is a risk of tissue damage. Due to mechanical trauma, the wound fester, heals for a long time and can leave scars behind.

A decrease in temperature in women may indicate a violation of the endocrine system. This symptom indicates hormonal changes in the body of women. Men may have an excess volume of the female hormone.

Women, on the other hand, have more pronounced signs of the disease, which is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the hormonal basis and female hormones.

Signs of diabetes in men and women

Sugar level

There is a single symptom complex of diabetes, which is common to all patients without gender.

First of all, diabetics have a sleep disorder. There may be severe weight loss triggered by dehydration. Also, dyspeptic symptoms and intestinal disorders are not uncommon.

Some other people can put on a lot of pounds, regardless of nutrition. This is due to hormonal disruptions. The first group of people who lose weight feel the need for glucose due to the fact that the body begins to reject its own cells.

The second common symptom is deterioration in limb function. The outflow of lymph begins to linger, and severe edema appears. Over half of all diabetics in the process of developing the disease are faced with gangrene. In this case, surgery to remove the affected area or amputation of the leg may be required.

The third general set of manifestations is:

  1. dry mucous membranes,
  2. constant desire to drink.

Thus, an environment for various infections is created. Often we are talking about fungal lesions of the mucous membranes of a diabetic.

If women have severe obesity due to diabetes, then men have problems with the functioning of various internal organs. IN different time some symptoms may appear. It is impossible to predict their severity.

In many cases, the first sign of illness is bad breath. It is during this period that people begin to think about visiting a therapist.

The most serious violation in diabetes is a failure in the reproductive function of men. At the same time, women are exposed to hormonal system disturbances, hormone surges occur, and secondary lesions of the genital organs begin.

Signs of different types of diabetes

As a rule, type 1 or 2 diabetes occurs, as well as its gestational form. Type 1 diabetes is associated with a lack of insulin in the body. This type of pathology, as a rule, appears in people under 30 years old. Type 1 diabetes is characterized by a rapid decrease in body weight with a strong constant appetite. The patient eats a lot, but loses more than 10% of his weight.

In people with type 1 diabetes, ketone bodies are formed - products of the breakdown of adipose tissue. Urine and exhaled air begin to smell like acetone. The earlier the pathology began, the easier it is to stop. All symptoms can appear simultaneously, the condition worsens sharply, so the disease rarely goes undiagnosed.

Type 2 diabetes usually affects people over the age of 40, most often overweight women. Such a pathology has been hidden for a long time. Its cause is a decrease in the sensitivity of tissues to internal insulin. One of the early manifestations of the disease is a periodic decrease in blood sugar levels, that is, hypoglycemia.

Sweating can be expressed immediately after eating, especially sweet.

Doctors suspect diabetes mellitus in all people who have signs of insufficient tissue sensitivity to insulin.

Manifestations of insensitivity:

  1. extra fat in the waist
  2. high arterial pressure,
  3. a lot of cholesterol
  4. triglycerides and uric acid in the blood.

A sign of type 2 diabetes mellitus on the part of the skin is black acanthosis. This pathology is a rough area of ​​dark skin in places of skin folds.

Gestational diabetes can form in a woman while carrying a child. Signs of such a pathology are the large size of the fetus, as well as the strong thickness of the placenta or its earlier aging.

Against the background of gestational diabetes, a woman may have:

  • miscarriage,
  • dead child,
  • malformations of the child.

Gestational diabetes appears in women after 30 years of age who are overweight and have a heavy heredity.

Signs of latent diabetes mellitus in women

Latent diabetes has no symptoms and manifestations. A sick person does not feel any changes in his state of health. You can determine the presence of this form of diabetes using a glucose tolerance test.

If the fasting rate exceeds 120 mg and 200 mg after meals, this indicates latent diabetes. But there are indirect signs and symptoms of latent diabetes mellitus, for example, vascular pathology. People with latent diabetes begin various cardiovascular disorders.

In some cases, diabetes is only diagnosed after a stroke or heart attack. People with diabetes are at risk of developing heart failure. Signs of diabetes in women, these are problems with nervous system and vision. If there is a suspicion of diabetes, you need to take a fasting blood test, but such a study will not make it possible to detect a latent form of diabetes.

After the study on an empty stomach, a person should drink 75 g of glucose, eat something sweet, then a second analysis should be carried out. If a person is healthy, his indicators will return to normal, if there is diabetes mellitus, the indicators will be increased.

Often the latent type is found in women with polycystic ovaries. Also at risk are those who have:

  1. deficiency of potassium in the blood,
  2. genetic predisposition,
  3. hypertension,
  4. obesity.

Only half of people with a latent form of the disease transforms into the second type of diabetes. If you find the pathology in time and begin to eliminate the symptoms, you can avoid worsening the situation.

Signs of diabetes from systems and organs

Diabetes mellitus, especially its second form, is often not noticed for a long time. People do not feel the deterioration of health, or do not pay attention to the signs of illness. Sometimes early external signs diabetes mellitus in women go unnoticed by doctors.

People with signs of symmetrical damage to the nerves, feet, hands, and lower legs may experience numbness, goosebumps, and seizures. The symptoms are especially pronounced at night. If there is damage to the nervous tissue, then diabetic foot syndrome may appear.

This condition begins with long-term non-healing cracks and wounds on the legs. The syndrome is also the cause of gangrene. A strong decrease in visual acuity also becomes the first noticed manifestation of diabetes mellitus. A cataract or diabetic vascular disease of the fundus may form.

Scratches, wounds heal longer, more often occur:

  • complications,
  • infectious processes.

Any disease for a person with diabetes is more difficult. For example, cystitis is often complicated by an inflammatory process of the renal pelvis, and a cold is often complicated by pneumonia or bronchitis.

In addition, fungal infections of the skin and nails are observed. All this speaks of disorders in the immune system that are associated with the development of diabetes.


Many women are interested in how to avoid diabetes. Doctors advise you to eat well, stick to physical activity and set yourself up for positive changes.

Due to neglect of health, disability and a severe form of diabetes mellitus occur. Constant trips to hospitals and the purchase of expensive drugs become a necessity.

Diabetes develops due to:

  1. passive lifestyle,
  2. constant overeating,
  3. regular stress,
  4. high blood pressure,
  5. age factor.

Many women regret that they did not start timely treatment. In this case, one can only hope that the disease will not be rapid.

Experts will tell you about the symptoms of diabetes in the video in this article.

It will be useful for every person to read this article about the signs of diabetes. It is important not to miss the first manifestations of diabetes in yourself, in a spouse, an elderly person or a child. Because if you start treatment on time, it will be possible to prevent complications, prolong the life of a diabetic, save time, effort and money.

We will discuss common features diabetes, and what are the specific early symptoms high blood sugar in adult men and women and in children. Many people hesitate to visit a doctor for a long time when they see signs of diabetes. But the longer you wait in such a situation, the worse it will be.

The first signs of diabetes

If a person develops type 1 diabetes, their condition deteriorates quickly (within a few days) and significantly. May be observed:

  • increased thirst: a person drinks up to 3-5 liters of fluid per day;
  • the patient is constantly hungry, he eats well, but at the same time continues to inexplicably lose weight;
  • frequent and copious urination (called polyuria), especially at night
  • loss of consciousness (diabetic coma)

Signs of type 1 diabetes are hard to miss for others and the patient himself. The situation is different for people who develop type 2 diabetes. They can for a long time, for decades, not feel any special problems with their health. Because this disease grows gradually. And here it is important not to miss the first signs of diabetes. It is a question of how attentive a person is to his health.

Older people are more at risk for this type of diabetes than younger people. The disease develops for a long time, over several years, and its symptoms increase gradually. A person constantly feels tired, his skin lesions do not heal well. Vision weakens, memory deteriorates.

Usually the problems listed above are “written off” as a natural decline in health with age. Few of the patients realize that these are actually signs of diabetes, and go to the doctor in time. Most often, type 2 diabetes is discovered by accident or during a medical examination for other conditions.

  • general symptoms of poor health: fatigue, vision problems, poor memory for recent events;
  • problematic skin: itching, frequent fungi, wounds and any damage do not heal well;
  • in middle-aged patients - thirst, up to 3-5 liters of fluid per day;
  • in old age, thirst is poorly felt, and the body can become dehydrated in diabetes;
  • the patient often gets up to go to the toilet at night (!);
  • ulcers on the legs and feet, numbness or tingling in the legs, pain when walking;
  • the patient loses weight without diets and efforts - this is a sign of the late stage of type 2 diabetes - insulin injections are urgently needed;

Type 2 diabetes in 50% of patients proceeds without any special external signs. Often it is diagnosed, already when blindness develops, kidneys fail, a sudden heart attack, stroke occurs.

If you are overweight, as well as fatigue, wounds heal poorly, vision falls, memory deteriorates - do not be lazy. Get a blood test for. If it turns out to be elevated, you need to be treated. If you don’t treat diabetes, you will die early, but before that you will still have time to suffer from its serious complications (blindness, kidney failure, leg ulcers and gangrene, stroke, heart attack).

Specific signs of diabetes in women and men

An early sign of diabetes in women is frequent vaginal infections. Constantly worried about thrush, which is difficult to treat. If you have such a problem - hand it over. It is best to find out in the laboratory which one you have.

In men, problems with potency (weak erection or complete impotence) may indicate that there is increased risk diabetes, or this serious disease has already developed. Because diabetes also affects the vessels that fill the penis with blood, as well as the nerves that control this process.

First, a man needs to figure out what causes his difficulties in bed. Because “psychological” impotence happens much more often than “physical”. We recommend to your attention the article "". If it is obvious that not only your potency, but also your health in general is deteriorating, we recommend that you go take a blood test for.

If the glycated hemoglobin is between 5.7% and 6.4%, you have impaired glucose tolerance, i.e., prediabetes. It's time to take action so that "full-fledged" diabetes does not develop. The official lower limit of glycated hemoglobin for men and women is 5.7%. But - attention! - we strongly recommend taking care of your health, even if this figure is 4.9% and above.

Pay attention if the child has the following painful symptoms:

  • intense thirst (this is called polydipsia);
  • urinary incontinence at night began, although it was not there before;
  • the child is suspiciously losing weight;
  • vomit;
  • the child has become irritable, school performance is falling;
  • skin infections are often repeated - boils, barley, etc .;
  • in girls during puberty - vaginal candidiasis (thrush).

Signs of diabetes in children are usually mistaken by their parents for manifestations of other diseases: cold infections or digestive problems. Therefore, it is not always possible to diagnose diabetes in a child in time and immediately begin treatment in order to prevent the development of a diabetic coma.

The following are urgent (severe) signs of diabetes in children:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • severe dehydration of the body, noticeable dryness of the skin, and at the same time the child continues to have frequent urge to urinate;
  • weight loss “like in a concentration camp”, external signs of dystrophy;
  • the child has strange breathing - even, rare, with a deep noisy inhalation and increased exhalation - this is called Kussmaul breathing;
  • in the exhaled air - the smell of acetone;
  • disorder of consciousness: lethargy, disorientation in space, less often - loss of consciousness due to coma;
  • state of shock: rapid pulse, blue extremities.

If a child develops diabetes, it is most often type 1 diabetes, and its symptoms develop rapidly and acutely. Although with early XXI century, type 2 diabetes is also very “younger”. There have been cases when obese children aged 10 years old fell ill with this type of diabetes.

Recognizing the signs of diabetes in infants is especially difficult because they are not yet able to speak. As a rule, in an infant, diabetes is determined already when he is very lethargic (pre-coma) or falls into a coma. Parents should be concerned and contact the doctor if the baby is not gaining weight in due time. Because it can be a sign of diabetes.

We recommend to your attention. It explains the reasons why patients experience certain symptoms, and what needs to be done. Why do diabetic wounds heal poorly, and women are worried about thrush? Where does the smell of acetone in exhaled air come from? What causes increased thirst and diabetes? All these questions and questions are answered in detail in the article.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Women: This page tells you everything you need to know about them. Study the signs of the initial and advanced stages of impaired glucose metabolism. Read in detail about the acute symptoms as well as the signs of latent diabetes. Understand what tests you need to pass to confirm or refute the diagnosis. The features of diabetes in women aged about 30, 40 and 50 years are considered. Learn how to get rid of thrush without the help of toxic antifungal medications.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Women: Detailed Article

Keep in mind that high blood sugar for women represents great danger than for men. For example, for men, the risk of a heart attack increases by 2-3 times, and for women - by 6 times. Similar statistics are observed for other complications. Women with diabetes sometimes receive less quality care than men. Reasons for this:

  • women have more vague symptoms of complications than men, especially heart attacks;
  • occasionally manifested male chauvinism of doctors who consider women hypochondriacs.

And site site teach diabetics how to keep blood sugar at 3.9-5.5 mmol/l 24 hours a day. This is the level healthy people, which is guaranteed to protect against complications in the kidneys, legs and vision, as well as from cardiovascular diseases. To achieve excellent diabetes control, you do not have to go on a starvation diet, take expensive and harmful pills, or inject horse doses of insulin. Read more or. Recommendations are suitable for women and men who are overworked and family problems especially for pensioners.

Diet options depending on the diagnosis:

What are the first signs of diabetes in women? How is impaired glucose metabolism manifested?

Type 2 diabetes most often remains latent for several years. It causes mild symptoms, gradually worsening well-being and quality of life. As a rule, women put up with it, instead of raising the alarm, diagnosing and treating. Early signs of type 2 diabetes are fatigue, vision problems, and impaired concentration. As you can see, they can easily be mistaken for natural age-related changes. Wounds, cuts, bruises and other skin damage do not heal well.

Acute symptoms of type 2 and type 1 diabetes:
  • intense thirst, frequent urge to urinate;
  • rapid inexplicable weight loss, possibly against the background of increased appetite;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • irritability, tantrums;
  • the smell of acetone from the mouth;
  • tingling or numbness in the hands, and especially in the legs;
  • there may be blurred vision, double vision.

What are the early symptoms of diabetes? How to recognize this disease?

At the initial stage of diabetes, the patient may not have any pronounced symptoms for several years. In order to recognize this disease in time, it is advisable to undergo a preventive medical examination every year. Or at least take a blood test.

The appearance of acute symptoms listed above indicates that the patient's blood sugar is going through the roof. Perhaps not far from a diabetic coma. Unfortunately, most often the disease begins with an ambulance call due to impaired consciousness. Doctors fail to save lethal outcome 3-5% of such patients. To avoid ending up in intensive care and other unnecessary problems, do not be lazy to check your glucose level at the slightest suspicion of diabetes.

It is worth discussing in more detail the co-infections that latent or poorly controlled diabetes causes in women. The most common complaint is thrush. It is manifested by itching in the vagina, curdled discharge, problems in intimate life. You can get rid of it without resorting to toxic antifungal drugs if you switch to. Candida albicans, the fungus that causes thrush, can rarely cause oral problems.

Elevated blood sugar creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of yeast, as well as many other harmful bacteria. There may be urinary tract infections, in particular, cystitis - an inflammation of the bladder. Women are highly susceptible to them because of their anatomical features. These diseases are unpleasant in themselves. Worst of all, bacteria can get to the kidneys and begin to destroy them. Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys, the causative agents of which can be various pathogenic bacteria. It is difficult to treat.

Read about products for diabetics:

What manifestations of diabetes can be seen on the skin?

The skin may be dry, itchy and flaky. Type 2 diabetes sometimes causes darkening of the skin folds called acanthosis nigricans. However, impaired glucose metabolism does not always cause skin problems. You can not focus on the external symptoms of this disease. Usually, skin problems are not visible, even when the patient's blood sugar goes off scale. Diabetes accelerates the aging of the body, and this is reflected in the condition of the skin. Women are concerned about this, but changes for the worse are slow. Usually patients get used to them and do not raise the alarm.

What are the signs of diabetes in women in their 30s?

If a disturbed glucose metabolism appears in a woman around the age of 30, then this is most likely type 1 diabetes - a severe autoimmune disease. An increase in blood sugar caused by an unhealthy lifestyle usually does not develop at such an early age. Type 1 diabetes comes on quickly. It causes the acute symptoms listed above on this page almost immediately. At the age of about 30 years, you can not be afraid of latent diabetes.

Check your glucose level in the laboratory or at least with a home glucometer. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then study and follow its recommendations. Comfort yourself with the fact that it is impossible to protect yourself from this disease, it is not your fault that it appears. However, you have a responsibility to avoid disability, to protect against complications.

Read about prevention and treatment of complications:

What are the features of impaired glucose metabolism in women aged about 40 years?

Women around the age of 40 can have both types of diabetes. Blood sugar can rise due to an unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Autoimmune attacks on the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin can also begin. Their victims are more often people of a slender and thin physique. It makes no sense to take expensive blood tests for antibodies to establish an accurate diagnosis. Because it does not affect the methods of treatment.

Autoimmune diabetes in women and men aged 40 and over is called LADA. It occurs more frequently than previously thought. Doctors realized this after 2010. Now they are slowly changing the standard medical recommendations. Starting after the age of 40, the disease proceeds easily, subject to patient compliance. However, low-dose insulin shots may be needed even though you are eating a healthy diet.

Type 2 diabetes in women is more likely to develop after age 45. However, it can start earlier, especially if sugar has already increased during pregnancy. This disease can be easily brought under control by going to healthy lifestyle life. If only the patient had enough motivation to comply with the regimen. Unfortunately, type 2 diabetes also has autoimmune attacks on pancreatic beta cells. It depends on the predisposition to these attacks whether obesity will turn into diabetes mellitus. Insulin shots may be needed to compensate for autoimmune attacks. Do not be lazy and do not be afraid to be treated with insulin if the need arises. Especially during colds and other infectious diseases.

Treatment of diabetes with insulin - where to start:

What are the symptoms of diabetes in women over 50?

Autoimmune LADA diabetes in slender and thin people rarely begins over the age of 50 years. However, this disease can begin several years earlier, and then remain latent for a long time, with a belated diagnosis. Therefore, it should be considered as one of possible causes elevated blood sugar. However, type 2 diabetes is much more likely to be the real cause.

Menopause in women worsens metabolism, provokes the development of obesity, increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Moreover, the disease can remain hidden for many years. Possible mild and acute symptoms are listed above. If you have landed on this page, you are obviously a motivated patient. Therefore, you will not be foolish by ignoring the signs of impaired glucose metabolism. Take a blood sugar test. Best to check. Then use if necessary. Or do it, which is also suitable for LADA.

In recent decades, doctors have sounded the alarm due to the growth of dangerous diseases that affect the female body. Diabetes is one of them. It affects the endocrine system and is considered incurable. However, with this diagnosis, many women live to a ripe old age. There are many symptoms of the disease, the main thing is to notice them in time to avoid complications. If, however, one neglects obvious malfunctions in the functioning of the body, then it is easy at some point to enter the hospital in a critical condition.

The first signs and symptoms of diabetes in women

Keepers of the hearth have to work hard. Many of them do not pay due attention to minor changes in the body. However, these may be signs of high blood sugar. In order not to start the disease, you should know what signs of diabetes in women are observed. It is important what type of diabetes they belong to - insulin-dependent or non-insulin-dependent.


The first signs of the disease are difficult to miss. This:

  1. Pronounced constant thirst - ketoacidosis, accompanied by dry mouth.
  2. A sharp decrease in body weight is a sign of diabetes in women, which should be alarming if the diet is not followed, the same appetite remains. Weight loss occurs due to a deficiency of insulin, which is necessary for the delivery of glucose to fat cells.
  3. Frequent urination - begins to bother due to the accumulation of glucose in the urine. According to the observations of patients, the desire to urinate more often occurs at night than during the day.
  4. Insatiable hunger - also refers to the signs of diabetes in women. Violation of the processes of splitting, metabolism and their assimilation leads to the fact that cells constantly send signals to the brain about unbearable hunger.
  5. Non-healing wounds that turn into ulcers are the characteristic first signs of diabetes in girls and women.
  6. Visual impairment, clouding in the eyes - worries due to damage to the walls of blood vessels through which blood enters the retina.
  7. Osteoporosis - accompanies insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, because the lack of this hormone directly affects the formation of bone tissue.


You can also see the signs of the "second tier". This:

  1. Constant weakness, fatigue and memory impairment - appear against the background of a lack of insulin, which is needed for absorption nutrients and power generation.
  2. Unbearable itching - disturbs in places where the skin sweats quickly (groin, area under the chest, etc.).
  3. The bad smell of acetone coming from the mouth - begins to bother when cells break down proteins and fats due to problems with the use of glucose.
  4. Trophic ulcers on the legs are severe consequences of diabetes. The reasons for their development are the destruction of the inner walls of the arteries.
  5. Numbness of the extremities, convulsions are symptoms of high blood sugar in women that occur against the background of a decrease in tissue sensitivity.
  6. Obesity - develops gradually, but surely. A person with diabetes constantly wants to eat, he is drawn to sweets, so excess weight does not keep you waiting.

External signs of diabetes in women

The initial stage of diabetes manifests itself little, and women are in no hurry to see a specialist, attributing some signs to a large amount of work. But the progression of the disease necessarily leads to the appearance of signs that are visible to the naked eye. For example, there is more vegetation on the face, and in the chin area it is stiff. People with type 1 diabetes often have vitiligo, which affects skin pigmentation. It is covered with whitish spots, which negatively affects the appearance.

On the hands of women with diabetes for a long time, thickening of the skin is observed. Doctors call this symptom the “diabetic hand” syndrome. On the legs, lesions appear in the form of lipoid necrobiosis, localized mainly on the surface of the lower leg. In addition to the limbs, teeth and gums are destroyed, so gingivitis and other similar ailments are often detected in people with diabetes.

Disease prevention

Many women are interested in how to avoid diabetes. Experts recommend for preventive purposes to eat right, adhere to physical activity and constantly tune yourself in a positive way. Understand what causes diabetes mellitus to avoid provoking factors. Endocrinologists and other doctors agree that the causes of DM are:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • heredity;
  • constant overeating;
  • regular stress;
  • high blood pressure;
  • age factor (after 45 years, the likelihood of developing diabetes is higher).

The result of a negligent attitude to one's health can be disability in diabetes mellitus and life in an embrace with a glucometer. Constant visits to the clinic and the purchase of expensive drugs will also become a harsh reality. Many women are happy to turn back the clock to correct mistakes, but they can only hope that the disease will not be swift. Doctors strongly recommend that you adhere to the above rules.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Diabetes- This is a serious disease of the endocrine system, consisting in the absolute or relative insufficiency of insulin production, the hormone responsible for the absorption of glucose by the body. As a result of this disorder, glucose, which our body receives from carbohydrates, is not absorbed and accumulates in the blood. An excess amount of glucose leads to its appearance in the patient's urine (one of the main symptoms), metabolic disorders, etc. negative consequences, up to an extremely dangerous condition called diabetic coma.

Diabetic coma is expressed in loss of consciousness by a person and occurs due to too high or too low amount of glucose in the blood. This condition is very dangerous to health and therefore people diagnosed with diabetes should diligently control their blood sugar. Today, this is not difficult to do, since every diabetic has the opportunity to purchase special tests and periodically take measurements at home. It can be a glucometer or a special test strip for determining the level of sugar in the urine.

Causes of diabetes

What are the causes of diabetes development? One of the reasons is a predisposition that is inherited. If a person has diabetics in his family, then he has a certain risk of getting this disease, especially if he leads an unhealthy lifestyle. The reasons for the development of diabetes, even in those who do not have a predisposition to it, can be:
  • malnutrition and abuse of sweets;
  • stress and various psycho-emotional stress;
  • suffered a serious illness;
  • violation of the liver;
  • lifestyle change;
  • excess weight;
  • hard work, etc.

Insulin dependent or non-insulin dependent diabetes?

There are two types of diabetes: insulin-dependent (type I diabetes) and non-insulin-dependent (type II diabetes). The symptoms of diabetes mellitus for both types are somewhat similar, but, due to various causes of development, they differ. The main differences in symptoms are expressed in their intensity. In type I diabetes, the symptoms are more pronounced, but in type II diabetes, the patient may not suspect that he is sick for several years.

Insulin-dependent diabetes is manifested in the fact that the patient's body cannot produce insulin on its own and needs its constant administration. This disease is incurable, so doses of insulin artificially have to be administered throughout life.

In the second type of diabetes, the desired hormone is produced, but the body is insensitive to it. This is a more common form of the disease, and according to statistics, more than 85% of cases of the total number belong to it. This disease is also this moment is incurable completely, and its treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

Insulin-dependent diabetes is called a disease of youth, as it predominantly affects people under 30 years of age. But the second type of diabetes often comes to those whose age is more than 40 years. And most of such diabetics even before the detection of the disease have problems with being overweight.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Symptoms of diabetes can be divided into two groups:
1. Main symptoms.
2. Secondary symptoms.

The main symptoms include:
1. Polyuria. This problem is manifested in increased and increased frequency of urination. In the urine, glucose should not be detected, however, with disorders caused by diabetes, sugar is detected in the urine. The patient may even need nightly trips to the toilet. The thing is that excess sugar from the blood begins to leave through the kidneys into the urine, which leads to an intensive drawing of water from the body. At the same time, diabetes mellitus in children shows the same symptoms: a child can sleep in the middle of the night and still not wake up. If the child did not have problems with urination and suddenly began to urinate in the bed, then it is worth carefully checking his health.

2. The first symptom gives rise to the second - polydipsia- intense, obsessive thirst, which is very difficult to satisfy. This thirst is caused by a violation of the water balance in the body due to frequent urination. Patients often wake up in the middle of the night to drink a cup of water. Responsible for the constant desire to drink and dry mouth is the thirst center, which is activated by the brain of a diabetic after losing 5% or more of moisture from the body. The brain insistently demands to replenish the disturbed water balance in the body.

3. The third symptom of diabetes is polyphagia. This is also a thirst, however, no longer for water, but for food. A person eats and at the same time feels not satiety, but the filling of the stomach with food, which then quickly turns into a new hunger.

4. Intensive weight loss. This symptom is predominantly inherent in type I diabetes (insulin-dependent) and girls are often happy with it at first. However, their joy passes when they find out the true reason for losing weight. It is worth noting that weight loss takes place against the background of increased appetite and abundant nutrition, which cannot but be alarming. Quite often, weight loss leads to exhaustion.

Symptoms of diabetes - video

The intensity of symptoms indicates the type of diabetes

The listed symptoms can be both with insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, however, in the first case, as mentioned earlier, the symptoms are more pronounced. It is also worth noting that pronounced signs of type I diabetes are observed if more than 80% of the cells responsible for insulin production have already died in the patient's body. Up to this point, the symptoms are less noticeable and the patient often simply does not pay attention to them, not even suspecting that the disease is progressing. Therefore, if at least one of the listed symptoms is detected, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor to identify or exclude diabetes. Characteristic type I diabetes - the patient can approximately or even accurately report when exactly he felt health problems.

The second type of signs of diabetes mellitus are secondary symptoms.

Although not very pronounced, they often indicate the presence of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, although they may be a consequence of type I diabetes.

The secondary symptoms of diabetes in men and women are almost identical. However, women may be concerned about such a symptom as itching of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Having discomfort in the groin, the woman suspects the presence of a sexual infection and goes to the gynecologist. An experienced doctor will easily detect that there is no infection, and will poison the patient to check the blood and urine for sugar levels.

People who have discovered several symptoms of diabetes at once and suspect that they have this disease should not despair. Diabetes is not a death sentence. This is just a different way of life that imposes certain restrictions on a person in terms of nutrition and behavior. All diabetics gradually get used to the rules that are important for their health and well-being, after which they no longer seem uncomfortable.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.