Baldur's gate solo playthrough. Brief walkthrough

There are several ways to start playing Throne of Bhaal. You can generate a new character, he will receive 2.5 million exp and a bag with a bunch of junk, as well as running boots. You can import your character who has gone through fire and water into Shadows of Amn, or you can drag the entire party from the final save. In any case, we receive the Seldarine Amulet, promised to us for the victory over Irenicus.

Chapter Eight (Baldur's Gate II ends with Chapter 7)

The first location is the forest with stone heads (Grove of the Ancients), where Illesim took us. The elven heads mutter something incomprehensible, then Illasera, Bhaal's daughter, appears and tries to kill us (10,000exp, Boots of Speed, Sylvan Chain +2). We find ourselves in a certain world, a separate reality, which later turned out to be a pocket plan, where we are met by someone Solar, who says something unintelligible, then appears... Sarevok, repeatedly killed, but does not want to die. He offers his help, bro, I’ll help you in kind, just share your soul. Already tried to grab my soul, in the end I had to chase him all over Amn. But, as always, there are few options, either break off Sarevok, or wander endlessly in a confined space instead of completing the game. There are no options, in short. After revival, Sarevok opens one of the five passages in the plan and asks to come with us. Well, I didn’t even expect such impudence from him. But let him go, if something happens, we’ll still have dragons. leave the plan, we need to complete the task of clearing the passage, more precisely, the corridor that leads to a room for guests, judging by the interior, the demons at the door can call any character from Shadows of Amn to our aid, in this room we meet a crowd of enemies, after. removal appears in the hero's ability - pocket plane. Now you can go free.

In the city of Saradush we are greeted in a friendly manner. After killing the guards, we talk with Mellisan, who admits that it was she who brought all the children of Bhaal to this city. A whole city of brothers and sisters, just right to build communism. But now Saradush is besieged by Yaga-Shura (nothing of a name, right?), in addition, a general Gromnir behaves like a cretin, and we need to talk to him. In short, it’s immediately clear that this benefactress is to blame for everything, it’s a big deal, it would be no problem to finish her off right away, but we’ll have to work as a puppet, once again cursing the screenwriter. We must walk around the city carefully, gifts are flying in from behind the wall. In the barracks, we are asked to help in the investigation of one case, the essence of which is that the son of Countess Sentele has disappeared. Kiser, who is holding the boy hostage, is responsible for this. he, in turn, wants to slander the magician leading the defense on the walls, but we saw through his plans and finished off the asshole in his own house. There is a piece of meteorite ore lying in one of the boxes. Some boy asks to revive his daddy, homeless elves on the street - they need to be taken to the temple. The librarian Lazarus asks you to bring him a book of spells - Hektan has it in the tavern. By the way, the tavern sells Yamato +4 wakizashi. There are still a few guys there with whom you can talk. But don’t get distracted, our task is to get to Gromnir." A. To do this, we go to the barracks. In the Gromnir barracks in the southeast of the city, soldiers will attack us in huge numbers. In one of the chests there is a key to the sewer, through which shadows and orcs roam. From there there is a secret exit to the castle dungeon. The basement is guarded by orcs, in one of the boxes lies Fflar's Scabbard (part of Cespenar). There is another exit to the basement - through the old prison. The priestess in the temple will give you the key to the prison. But there are vampires at every turn. The only plus is that some ghost, in gratitude for the fact that you put the medallion and skull on his grave and consecrate it with elf water (hmm, I wonder what the elves eat?), will show you where the Bronze Ioun Stone lies. From the basements of the castle we penetrate to the first floor, where a showdown with the guards awaits us, and from there to the second, where we meet Gromnir himself (22.500exp, Roranch's Horn (part of Cespenar), Fullplate +2, Lavendar Ioun Stone, Ice Star +4). One of the soldiers has Grandmaster's Armor +6. Damn, this half-orc was the first to guess that Melissan was making a joke!

Our new task is to get out of the city and kill Yaga. Although actually Yaga is him, but who cares! Giants are giants. We return to the pocket plan. From there to the desert, where we meet Yaga-Shura soldiers. When we deal with them, a merchant appears, he talks about a temple nearby, he has Obsidian Ioun Stone, Rod of Resurrection and other useful things for sale. Nothing else happens on the map except the showdown with Yaga’s soldiers, so we move on.

Near the Temple we are met by the ghost of Gorion (30,500 exp) at the head of a crowd of spirits, and behind them - a bunch of skeletons. A skeleton magician is something new! Nyalee stands at the altar, she is ready to help kill her adopted son Yaga, for this you need to bring her two hearts, hers and Yaga’s. To make him vulnerable, you need to burn his heart. So we go to the mountains where the fire giants live. Inside we see a staircase guarded by giants, on the sides of it are three pairs of passages. In the upper two passages we take two rune stones and use them in the lower passages to open the middle ones. In the middle ones we take two more rune stones. All stones are well guarded. fire trolls and other nasty things. Among the artifacts are the Girdle of Fire Giant Strength belt and Psion's Blade +5. Having inserted all the stones into the machine at the top of the stairs, we gain further access. We pass higher, beating the giants, and enter the temple. The main one there is Berenn (40,500exp), on the altar lies the flaming heart of Yaga. We pass through the huge doors into the chambers behind the altar, there we meet the fire elemental Imix (50,000exp, halberd +4, Harper Amulet). In the middle of the room there is a huge bed, on it is Nyalee's heart, a bag of cores +1, Yaga's diary. There is also some kind of slave chained there, if you like it when you are rewarded for nothing in gratitude for a good deed with the mention of your mother, you can free her. She still won't be able to tell us any new information. That's it, there is nothing more to do here, we return to the forest Temple.

Nyalee takes both hearts from us, and, as promised, kills Yaga's heart. Oh my, what have I done?! But it's' too late. Having come to her senses, she summons the spirits of the forest, who attack us. Nyalee herself turns out to be a rather frail druid (12,000exp, Ring of Animal Friendship). We return to the deserted forest, and from there to the Yaga camp.

The Yaga armies meet us on the bridge and the fun begins. Raise your shoulder, swing your arm. Although after a while, the respawning of enemies begins to get on your nerves, especially as the number of available healing potions decreases. It’s better to immediately make our way to the camp, where Yaga himself will meet us. But after the first blow he escapes to return with his lieutenants. There are two options - either kill all the enemies one by one according to the hit-and-run principle, or fall on the toothy Shur (and this happens J), after his death all the others disappear. He has Shuruppak's Plate, Runehammer +4 and Shield of the Order +4. After his death, we are transferred to a plane where Solar talks about his childhood, then we return to the battlefield to receive a new task from Melissan"f - to kill two more relatives who are gathering their own armies, while she suggests using mountain fortress of Amkethran. Now we return back to the plane to come to our senses and check the second opened passage. There we will meet ourselves in the role of Sarevok, companions Angelo, Semah and Tamoko. Having dealt with them, you can return to the sinful earth and set off on the road to Amkethran.

On the way we come across an oasis where the Tetherians are waiting. Their leader, Jamis (10,000exp), is the owner of Full Plate +2 and The Answerer +4. Having destroyed the entire horde, we move on, because... there is nothing interesting in the oasis.

Chapter Nine

Here we are in Amkethran. It is full of mercenaries Balthazar, a monk, the head of the monastery, which towers over the entire city. All these mercenaries are uncultured people and constantly get into fights. There is a tavern, a shop of the same Lazarus, who fled from Saradush. In the square in the center they want to execute some girl, if you ransom her for 5000, then the father, who is also the mayor of the city, will give Montolio's Cloak, however, without a clasp it is useless. We also meet an old acquaintance Saemon Havarian, who again sets us up .In a cave nearby, his guys set up a smuggling shop, among other things, Glasses of Identification are sold there. Near the temple at the bottom of the map, the monk kills the cleric, we get an oak ring at the monastery gates, although he is not very kind in the tavern. Marlowe approaches us and asks us to help him, the essence of the matter is that the evil lich who settled in the cave (this is another cave, next to the first one) stole the soul of his daughter. We go to the cave, but from a conversation with the lich it turns out that he has concluded. with Marlowe an agreement to sell the soul, but he does not want to fulfill his obligations. He asks to persuade Marlowe to come to him. This is where the Lich should be killed, at least because of the artifacts that fall out, but if you are kind, then you should do it this way. First go to Marlowe and return with him to the lich. The lich will give the girl’s soul, now we can kill him, and return the soul to the grateful Marlowe, we don’t need it anyway.

It's time to drop by to see my relatives. In principle, who to visit first is not important. There is only one person guarding the entrance to Abazigal. However, he is only a man at first glance. The name Draconis already gives us some ideas. Our suspicions are fully justified, having shown off in human form for the sake of order, the dragon takes on a more familiar form, and the battle begins according to the rules." all for one." For the dragon they give 61,000 exp, Tzu Zan's Bracers and a head that allows you to open the door inside. We go into the cave, there are guards led by the Big Vyvern, the bastard regenerates quickly, we need to prepare protection against poison. On the corpses there is a bottle for a breath potion, the potion itself can be obtained if you dive into one of the passages, namely the left one. Then we dive into the right one and find ourselves in the Kuo-Toa caves, there is a captive monk sitting there, he has a rope and a dried paw (for luck, he probably grabbed it). Now we dive into the lower tunnel. It leads to a large cave where the dragon sits. what did the monk say? I need a scroll of conversion.

We return to the first cave and dive into the upper tunnel. We find ourselves in a cave where evil eyes without legs roam, on their own. There are several pools and a sculptural composition in the center. A crazy magician asks to bring him an eye, hinting that he can entrust this work to petrified warriors. You can, of course, pick the eye yourself, or kill the magician, but it’s more fun to send the dudes. They will catch your eye, an interesting scene will follow, and you will receive prize pantaloons. If you collect three pieces in all three parts of the game, the gnome blacksmith in Amkethran will forge super armor. In exchange for the eye, the magician will give the scroll, but do not forget to take the pages for the book of Golems from his table. Now go to the cave to the dragon. After reading the scroll , you will free him and receive a rune stone. If you decide to kill him, then also a ring of improved invisibility. Now in Abazigal's chambers.

Exterminating the ice lizards, we finally reach Abazigal himself. Like his son, he fights first in human form, and then turns into a blue dragon. For him they give 40,000 per brother, as, indeed, for all the other members of the Five . That leaves Blue Dragon Scales, Flail Head (for Flail of Ages), Gram the Sword of Grief +5. Another conversation with Solar, and the next passage in the plan is open. We are done with Abazigal, now it’s Sendai’s turn.

We find ourselves in a clearing where there is no one except a strange woodcutter, in whose house you can find Rune of Clangeddin. The woodcutter does not want to chop, he sings a song that he is a woodcutter, although only a blind person would not notice the two battle axes in his belt. First, he sends us into the clutches of the beholder, then to the graves, where the drow are sitting in ambush, and then he attacks his comrades. Only after his death does a secret passage deep into the domain of the dark elves open. Everything about these drows is not human. Well, okay, the hunt has begun. Sendai, I'm coming for you! Just like in the movies. First, we pass through the crowds of monsters to the area guarded by drow. From there, through the open door, into a room where a dozen more drow are hanging out with their captain, who has the Amulet of Cheetah Speed ​​and the key. We return to the site, there are two doors. In the first corridor we will have to fight our way through crowds of slaves, people and dwarfs until we kill their owner. In the second, hordes of spiders await us, led by the super spider Lasharra, who is capable of killing with one blow. We emerge from the tunnels onto another platform. The upward move leads to a closed door, the left-upward move leads to a tower guarded by a drow. Inside is the lich Odamaron, who has a Heart of the Damned, an Eye of Tyr for his sword hilt, and a Drow Wardstone. In one of the barrels there is a lich skull.

We return to the closed door, where we are greeted by the Sendai favorite Diaytha. So, first to the right, we kill the earth elemental Ogremoch (56,000exp), it helps well if you have stocked up on the absorption potion, then to the left, Diaytha (14,000exp, shield +4) is waiting for us at the head of a motley company: a beholder, a vampire, a demonic knight and who something else. Go ahead. Now we find ourselves in a room where the Egeissag captain is waiting for us with a group of archers. A lucky beholder offers a duel. Naturally, we agree. For Egeissag we get 20,000 exp, in addition, he has a Bowstring of Gond, with which you can improve bows. Having wished good luck to the beholder, who turned out to be an old acquaintance from the city of Sahuagin, we go to the illithid rooms. In one of the boxes we find a bottle of liquid mercury (Liquid Mercury) For the main illithid they give 19,000 exp. And finally, a surprise awaits us. Sendai transforms into a row of stone statues standing in a ring along the wall, and the drows rush into the room in pairs. seven of their incarnations representing the heroes different classes: warriors, thieves, magicians, Sendai himself appears. She teleports all the time, but she is not immortal either. She has Wong Fei's Ioun Stone, Studded Leather Armor of Thorns +6 and Wand of Cursing.

After her death, we learn that Balthazar is one of the five. And when we come to the surface, Elminster appears and says that the same Saemon Havarian can help penetrate the monastery. So I knew that I would have to deal with this cheater again! In the third passage of the pocket plan, we will meet ourselves in the guise of a slayer, and in the fourth, the god Kirik awaits. After talking with him, three assassins appear.

We return to Amkethran. In the cave where the smugglers were hiding, we will find Saemon. Our hands are itching to tear off his head, but this time we will have to take out our anger on anyone except this rogue. There are several options for entering the monastery. The first is to go with Saemon." ohm He will lead us through the gate, but only to lure us into an ambush, as one would expect. The second option is to go through the lich's lair, to do this you need to ask Saemon about the key, and then ask for this key from Fahid (the house at the top of the map). The third option is to break through the main gate, the captain of the guard has the key to the gate (20,000exp). Inside we will have to fight Balthazar and several monks. Balthazar is cool, but after him all that remains is a pile of stones, he was also a monk who took a vow of poverty, I guess he gave me a vow of poverty?

Now we know the truth, Melissan set us up, and we will have to fight it in the decisive battle. But first you need to complete the last task in the pocket plan. Kill Ravager, a terrible creature that constantly calls flying blades to help, and surrounds itself with a barrier of blades. After we kill him, we can move on to the decisive battle.

Chapter Ten

Once in the Abyss, we come face to face with Melissan. She fights hard, and even calls her henchmen. When we hit her hard, she fades away. Now we need to shut off the well of energy from which it is fed, the first and far from the last. To do this, you need to destroy the guard in the person of the air elemental. After this, the fight with Melissan is repeated again. And again she runs away. We destroy the ice elemental Cryonax and his henchmen, who are guarding the second source of energy. The third round is with Melissan. She calls four slayers at once. Oh, your mother! You can’t rest here! Having driven Melissan to the last source, we meet Fallen Solar there. with a pair of Mariliths and Succubus. The last round of this protracted battle ends with our victory with a clear advantage. Hmm, 4-0 in our favor.

There must only be one left! The throne of Bhaal was won in a fierce struggle, and it is up to me whether to take it or leave it empty. By the way, the game has several endings, or rather, there is one cartoon, but the text is read differently, depending on the alignment of the character.

A unique game, this Baldur's Gate. The first RPG in many years, which is pleasant and interesting to play through for the second time. Especially for this solution. And, of course, for yourself. Make a magician of the highest standard, select a harmonious party, collect good belongings - for future add-ons. For future use.

Necessary Preface

Why is this “atlas” needed? First of all, it's beautiful. Secondly, this way of presenting information is extremely clear and helps a lot to navigate the area. For example, remembering the names and locations of all the inns in the city of Baldur's Gate - which is where many key NPCs live - is very tedious. Thirdly, by folding the pages of the “atlas” according to a certain pattern, gluing some and cutting some, you will get a brand new and sparkling map of Sword Coast on a scale of 1:1000000. On the back of the card you will find a poster depicting correspondent Motolog with his family.

“Atlas” will also help you choose hunting grounds. Each area has its own flora and fauna - fortunately, basilisk and wyvern live only in special, inaccessible places. In general, monsters “become wild” as they move away from the road from Baldur’s Gate to Nashkel. The further into the forest, the more painful it is. Of course, progressing through the chapters also increases the risk of meeting particularly unpleasant company.

In the first part of the solution (that is, in this UCHU issue), we will look at the areas south of Candlekeep. The sequel will cover Larswood, Cloakwood, Baldur's Gate and all the game's dungeons.

About the abbreviations used. XP, exp. - this is nothing more than experience points. GP (Gold Points) - golden.

Map 0

In stock: gibberling, wolf.

Warm-up area. The opposition is very weak and does not bring XP.

You will find Gorion's corpse to the north. The remains of enemies lie around in picturesque poses. This means there is something to profit from.

Xzar And Montaron, a couple of negative characters, will join you in exchange for a promise to accompany them to Nashkel.

Map 1

The range includes: wolf, gibberling, xvart, ogre.

The most tiresome are gibberlings. Lots of yelling, screaming, fuss. And absolutely no benefit to the party. But this is precisely the path the newly created heroes will take to Nashkel. The opposition is doomed to be extremely primitive.

Ogre It can easily crush a couple of first-level characters - you'll have to run around. But on it you can find a pair of magic belts, one of which permanently changes the gender of the hero who tries it on.

Map 2

Available in: gibberling, gnoll, flind, lesser basilisk, greater basilisk.

Friends, this is the most unpleasant area in the first part of the “atlas”. Basilisks live here - such healthy cockroaches that turn your heroes into beautiful stone statues. And the only way to “freeze off” the unlucky ones is with a special scroll, which, of course, costs good money.

So, there are approximately four points of accumulation of basilisks. IN Basilisk 1 there are at least four of them: one greater (7000 XP) and three lesser (1400 XP each). Don't even bother without the second level spell Protection from Petrification. As a last resort, distract the lizard's attention by summoning monsters or skeletons.

In the center of the level lives an aspiring Rodin named Mutamin. This artist, with the feasible assistance of a greater basilisk and a pair of lesser basilisks, creates his own collection of sculptures. The “mutamin” skin itself will cost 1200 XP.

A company of warriors stopped a little further Kirian party. They challenge you to a fight, and it is quite difficult to refuse the offer. Composition: Kirian (mage, 600 XP), Baerin (archer, 300 XP), Peter (mage, 1200 XP), Lindin (warrior, 600 XP).

Shar-Teel, a gentle elven girl, will join your party only if your best warrior gives her a good beating. Go for it!

Hypnotized by a dire charm ghoul spell named Corax will not mind temporarily participating in your adventures. Of course, within the limits of this map.

Map 3

Available in: wild dog, worg, dread wolf, vampiric wolf, hobgoblin.

Priest Song of the Morning temple may ask for a favor - to neutralize a madman named Bassilus (card 5). By bringing his personal sign with you, you will receive 1000 XP and 5000 gold. Not bad at all for a start.

There's a party hanging out not far from the temple Hobgoblin Chill. As is known, mercenaries from Chill and Black Talon were recruited by Iron Throne and Sarevok personally. No mercy! Fighting against a group of hobgoblins armed with bows is quite difficult. You need to either quickly neutralize them with your archers, or get close, forcing the monsters to use swords. What they can do is much worse.

Hunting wolves with bows is a nice thing. Worgs and Dread Wolves are fairly easy to kill. But with Vampiric Wolf(2000 XP), it is not clear how those who got into this flock may have problems. Conventional weapons, including the most powerful bows, simply do not take it. This creature is capable of devouring a poorly armed party in one sitting. And don't choke.

Map 4

The city of Beregost, of course, cannot compare with the glorious Baldur's Gate. Although there are still a lot of hotels in the city.

A gnome living in a spacious room Kagain wants to hire several heroes for work. In fact, this negative dwarf will soon give up the idea of ​​​​searching for the son of Lord Silvershield and decide to just take a walk with you. By the way, Kagain wields an ax very deftly - four “stars”.

Upon entering Feldepost's Inn The party will not receive a very warm welcome. Too long tongues can be shortened. And get 650 XP.

After the end of the first chapter, a magician will appear on the second floor of Feldepost's Inn Tranzig. If you beat him up a bit, he will reveal the exact location of the bandit camp terrorizing Sword Coast.

Near Burning Wizard the bard is waiting in the wings Garrick. After you complete his quest (by killing a mage named Silke), he will be ready to follow you into thick and thin.

At the hotel Red Sheaf the warm welcome is organized by the gnome Kariat. Unfortunately, it only costs a few hundred exp.

Master Thunder Hummer Smithy might sell a couple of very nice chain mail shirts. In addition, for 4000 gp he is ready to make the one and only ankheg armor. You just need to bring the shell of a killed ankheg, pay in advance and wait 10 days.

Finally, in Jovial Juggler the party will be waiting Officer Vai. She is ready to pay 50 gold for each bandit's scalp - but only after the end of the first chapter.

Map 5

In stock: gnoll, skeleton, wolf, war dog.

Skeletons in High Hedge love to throw throwing knives and even darts at passing heroes. Not funny. Hurt.

Ranger Kivan will join the party if he is assured of his desire to fight evil. Not only is he an excellent archer, but, as is typical for all characters of his class, he can carry a lot of heavy things. Cargo donkeys are always at a premium.

Living in High Hedge ( Mage Shop) the magician, after some persuasion, is ready to sell scrolls of spells of the first, second and third levels, as well as several very useful magical artifacts.

Map 6

Available in: wolf, ghoul, ogrillion, ogre, half-ogre, carrion crawler, sirine.

Another map that you should not visit with first or second level characters. Many ogres and their relatives pose a significant threat to fragile heroic organisms. In addition, there are charming sirens here who have greatly succeeded in the magical field.

Shoal the Nereid kiss one of your heroes. The choice is that he dies immediately. It turns out that the sea diva is being held captive by an ogre named Droth. Promise to free her and your loss of life will be instantly restored. Just don’t kill Shoal while casting the spell - your dead companion will remain in the world of the dead. Droth is not particularly dangerous - what can you expect from an ogre-mage? 975 XP for his death plus 750 XP for successfully completing the quest.

The next, very simple quest, gives Mad Arcand. You need to get a magic ring from a ship that died nearby on the reefs (Ship) and return it to the gnome. You shouldn't try to put it on - the ring of folly greatly spoils the life of the hero who puts it on and can only be removed with the remove curse spell.

Surgeon, a doctor who has fallen into charity, will cure all party members and, as a farewell gift, give them potion.

Map 7

In stock: worg, hobgoblin, carrion crawler, sirine.

Safana, a girl thief, is ready to join the party of heroes. It is only important to promise to help her in searching and extracting the treasure hidden somewhere in this area.

Worried about her son Ardrouine asks to exterminate a flock of worgs near the old lighthouse. 500 XP and improving the group's reputation by one are worth the effort.

Sil and a couple more sirens provide external security for the treasure cave. However, to get to the beautiful trinity, you will have to go through entire flocks of hobgoblins, as well as calm down several sirens and carrion crawlers.

Finally inside Treasure cave Three Flesh Golems are on watch. But in one of the caves you will find a book that permanently increases the hero’s constitution by one, and a cloak of the wolf, an artifact that allows the character to turn into a wolf.

Map 8

In stock: wolf, ghoul, bandit, gibberling, skeleton.

Talking chicken named Melicamp will ask for help. Agree. This is actually the sorcerer's apprentice from High Hedge (map 5). This is where you should take the chick. Take the skeleton's skull with you. The High Hedge magician will need it to attempt to resurrect his student’s previous physical shell. Interestingly, Melicamp can die from a hastily composed spell by the magician, and then the party will not receive any reward. On the other hand, if the experiment succeeds, the one who finds the chicken receives 2000 XP.

Zargal Hobgoblin party consists of a pair of archers and a warrior. The real danger is posed by archers who accurately handle their poisoned arrows. Zargal's corpse costs about 975 experience points.

Finally, it was in this area that he settled Bassilus. Suffering from a lack of audience, this natural speaker gathered around him about a dozen zombies and skeletons, armed with two-handed swords and heavy crossbows. The madman also starts a conversation with party members - so you have a good chance, pretending to be the unfortunate father, to make him turn away from the surrounding monsters. In this case, you will only have to fight with Bassilus, a good magician. If you are careless in conversation, then you have the opportunity to measure your strength with an army of skeleton archers. Don't forget to pick up Bassilus' Holy Symbol and take it to Song of the Morning temple (map 3).

Map 9

In stock: gibberling, hobgoblin, zombie, ogrillion.

Continuation of the excursion walk from Candlekeep to Nashkel. The only annoying obstacle is the couple Ogrillion right on the road. It's boring, gentlemen!

Map 10

In stock: kobold, skeleton, kobold commando, hobgoblin.

The monsters are not too strong, but there are a lot of them. Not far from Furret, a large crowd of skeletons who love to throw knives are hanging around idle, and hobgoblin archers have settled right in the center of the map.

As for the Furret, then this cunning NPC is trying to sell a “magic” stone for 1000 gold. Of course, when you buy a trinket, it turns out that Furret slipped you an ordinary piece of stone, even if it was semi-precious.

The former school of wizards Ulcaster is now known only for its dungeon. There is also a camp of a decomposed type called Icharyd, who loves human food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Please treat the gourmet with extreme caution and use primarily magical weapons.

Map 11

Available in: kobold, ghast, dread wolf.

Not everyone comes to the halfling village to admire Durlag’s Tower (which will become available to the player only in the expansion to BG - The Tales of Sword Coast). This is where one of the entrances to Firewine Dungeon is located. Go to Winery, go down to the second floor and examine the walls with a thief. Entrance on the top left wall.

The village elder will also tell you about this move. Luckyfoot. He would not mind, with your help, freeing himself from the kobolds (mostly kobold commando) who have infested the dungeon under the village and make regular forays upward. For fresh meat - no different.

Comfortably located in the south of the region Molkar party. This is another group of mercenaries who decided to make money on the head of the main character. Good harvest: Molkar (warrior, 1200 XP), Drakar (mage, 1200 XP), Morvin (warrior, 650 XP), Halacan (mage, 650 XP).

Map 12

In stock: kobold, skeleton, zombie, war dog.

Here is another entrance to Firewine Dungeon, filled to the brim with kobold commando.

Try talking to a guy by name Melium. He claims to be the best swordsman in the area. You can tease him and then kill him (1200 XP) - just don't stand too close.

In fact, the best swordsman in the area is the ogre mage who sits inside his victim, the mage "Carsa. The girl suffers from a headache and is very nervous. If you persistently ask her for an artifact retrieved from the Firewine Dungeon, she will be killed and the demonic ogre will break out.

You can't just kill him like that. It has less invulnerability, protection from arrows and spells. It is necessary to leave the defeated demon in splendid isolation and sleep for 8 hours nearby. When you return, you will see that all the spells have already expired and disappeared. Now, an vicious and overly dexterous ogre in handling a sword can be overwhelmed by archers, receiving 3500 XP.

Map 13

Available in: kobold, xvart, ogre, ogre berserker, hobgoblin.

Gang of impudent ones Xvart's trying to kill an innocent cow with his short swords right in the owner’s garden. It’s worth trying to save the cow not even for the sake of the reward of 350 exp. points, but to improve the party’s reputation by one more point.

Nestled comfortably in the passage between the rocks Arghain Ogre party, consisting of four half-ogres. Their leader Arghain, by the way, has a unique two-handed sword.

This map is generally rich in enemy companies. Next in line - Ioin Gallchobhair party.

A pair of archers, as usual, are armed with poisoned arrows. The bearer of the unpronounceable name himself is a good swordsman. Try not to let him get close.

Regarding NPCs named Sarhedra, then she busily mocks passing heroes, struggling to do the hard work of NPCs and coming up with quests. She will most likely ask you to take out a group of ogres to the south of her. And for only 300 experience! Cheap.

Map 14

Available in: kobold, hobgoblin.

Absolutely no incidents. On this map no one will try to deceive or rob you. But kill as much as you like.

Map 15

The assortment includes: war dog, skeleton, gnoll, half-ogre, ogre berserker.

The area is famous for the fact that only here you can meet the legendary Forgotten Realms hero named Drizzt. A dark elf, armed with a pair of swords, deftly cuts a horde of gnolls into very small pieces. You are invited to join the action, apparently solely due to innate politeness. If you really need it, Drizzt will shred your batch with no less ease. Be gentle with him - he will still refuse to join your group.

Teyngan party, on the contrary, he really wants to get to know you better. The enemy party includes a hobgoblin archer, a mage and a warrior. The real danger is posed only by the leader of the group, who also happens to be a fighter.

Map 16

In stock: war dog, gnoll, tasloi, ghoul.

It is in this area that the sensational captain is hiding from the authorities Brage. No wonder - he deftly chopped up an entire caravan, not even sparing the horses. If you agree to peace and deliver the nervous warrior to Temple of Helm(map 19) in Nashkel, you are guaranteed to receive 1000 XP and improve the group’s reputation.

Charleston Nib, director of excavations ( Dig), also needs your help. Agree to guard him while he works, and you'll receive another 1000 XP and a reputation boost.

As for the hobgoblin Ba'ruk, then he doesn’t need you at all. He and the kobold commando party will try to exterminate your entire group.

Map 17

Available in: hobgoblin, ogre, ogrillion, ogre berserker.

Polite Robber Nevill and his team of hobgoblins want to help you get rid of all your gold reserves. However, he does not pose any particular danger.

The upper bridge over the river is guarded by ogre berserker. And not alone, but with a group of hobgoblins who sympathize with him.

The lower bridge is occupied mountain bear, frightening the traveler to death at the other end of the crossing. Get rid of the clubfoot and get a reward.

Ogre, resting near the fire after a hearty lunch, is almost harmless. But if you pester him with conversations, you will definitely have to kill him. Insatiable creatures!

Map 18

Available in: xvart, wolf.

This is a very unpleasant place Xvart Village. There are a lot, that is, a lot of little screaming scoundrels there. In addition, they have a nasty habit of being reborn. They are easy to kill and do not cause much harm. But the process becomes unnecessarily long in time. Among them is a fighter for the rights of xvarts, a certain Ursa, who can turn into a bear. I don’t want to be cynical, but that’s exactly 650 XP.

You can go into the village for only one reason - to try to get to Bear cave. Inside, in addition to the angry bear, you will find bracers AC 8, mace +1 and a few other useful things. But to dump hundreds of xvarts for this junk? I do not know...

Map 19

In the small mining town of Nashkel there are no “random” monsters. There are only a few potentially dangerous NPCs who can start a fight.

The first of them, the magician, approaches you as soon as the party enters Nashkel Inn. As in a conversation with any wizard, this mercenary only needs to be prevented from finishing the spell.

The next troublemaker could be Edwin. He tries to persuade the party to kill Dynaheir, the partner of a ranger named Minsc. If you still want to hire a Lawful Evil character, agree.

Minsc will want to accompany you only if immediate crusade on Gnoll stronghold (map 25). Do not abuse his patience - if he is dissatisfied with your pace, Minsc may leave you forever.

Oublek, by mistake, is ready to give you the amount of 300 gold. However, by refusing, you can increase the party’s reputation. An eternal choice.

Mayor of Nashkel Berrun Ghastkill guarantees a substantial reward to anyone who can solve the “mine problem.” After killing Mulahey and taking his documents, do not forget to look at the mayor.

Priest Temple of Helm determined to save the captain of the guard named Brage. Having discovered a warrior who has gone mad, it is not necessary to return him to Garrison. The Temple of Helm option is much more humane.

IN Belching Dragon tavern lives another legend of the Forgotten Realms - Volo. He is an excellent source of information and will gladly tell you about everything that is happening around him.

If you met a miner named Joseph in Nashkel Mines, then you should look into Commoner's Hut. Any information about him will be very useful.

Finally, behind the bridge the party is waiting Hoober, the worst of punishments. This persistent NPC tends to chase heroes throughout the city and trigger a dialogue box every 20-30 seconds, which is known to temporarily interrupt the progress of the game, the perfect way to drive even the calmest person crazy. The most annoying thing is that by killing the poor fellow, you get exactly 1 XP.

Owner Nashkel shop will pay 500 gold for each winter wolf skin.

After successfully clearing the local mines, there will be another attempt on your life. And again Nashkel Inn. This time, a certain Nimbul plays the role of the killer. By the way, quite a clever magician. 650 exp.-points. As usual.

Map 20

Available in: kobold.

Hordes of kobolds besiege the peaceful fair from the north. But there are a lot of free arrows!

Some Zek offers to sell stone to flesh scroll for 500 gold. Very convenient - you don’t have to go far to “freeze off” Branwen.

There are specialized shops here that sell and buy armor, weapons, magic items, archery-accessories. A great place to exchange goods collected from corpses for gold.

In one of the tents there is a magician Zordral is going to kill his colleague. In order to prevent arbitrariness, it is important to first talk to him, and only then stick your favorite sword into the terrorist’s cerebellum. A reward of 900 XP is guaranteed.

Try to claim an exploding ogre three times in a row Oopah, and he will be very offended. We'll have to kill it.

In a useless tent Gambling They can steal 100 gold from you and, in addition, rip off your money while gambling. No less useless drug addicts sniff black lotus in a tent Addicts.

Map 21

The assortment includes: gibberling, skeleton, war dog, flind, gnoll.

This area is nothing more than an ancient burial site. As usual, the graves are guarded by mummies of all possible injuries.

For example, in Ghast cave There are exactly three of these creatures, 650 XP each. It's quite difficult to deal with them if you're not used to them. But in one of the graves there is a wand of monster summoning. Ghoul cave contains two more creatures.

A gentleman with the difficult name Narcillicus Harwilliger Neen engaged in breeding giant amoebas. If you ask him for the spell he found, you will have to fight both the amoebas and himself (1400 XP). Which, from a material point of view, is more profitable. Having agreed to simply help in the experiment, you will encounter a pack of evil spirits.

Hentold, running away from the ankheg, may give you an ancient artifact. Don't forget to return it Revenant and get 900 XP.

The parade of inhabitants of map number 21 ends Lamatha party. Another good harvest consists of Lamatha (warrior, 1200 XP), Maneira (skillful dart thrower, 600 XP), Zeela (mage, 900 XP) and Telka (archer, 600 XP). What a beauty these women's teams are!

Map 22

Available in: kobold, winter wolf, xvart, ghoul.

To enter the mine, talk to Emerson and then with the soldiers at the entrance to Nashkel Mines. Be careful, the third level is full of trigger traps. And don't forget to grab Mulahey's documents.

Map 23

In stock: kobold, skeleton, xvart, snow wolf.

Silence. Only a couple of weak gangs.

Sendai party consists of a warrior and a pair of archers.

WITH Vax & Zal it will be a little more difficult. Zal throws darts very skillfully and painfully. It is best to bring an invisible thief close to him. This way he won't be able to use darts and will be forced to use his sword.

Map 24

Available in: gnoll, dire wold, winter wolf, xvart.

Caldo party, consisting of a pair of lost lumberjacks, offends the local dryads. Let's not allow the forest girls to be offended! Unfortunately, nothing is included with the set of antidote, 500 XP and +1 reputation. Well, okay.

Girl Drienne I threw my cat into a waterfall. By a strange coincidence, the animal drowned. Raise this fluffy Titanic and return it to the cruel child.

Map 25

Available in: gnoll, xvart.

By paying 100 gold to the ogre named Gnarl, you don't have to fight him. On the other hand, why not?

The magician named so desired by Minsc Dynaheir is located at the bottom of one of the pits. By the way, she will be happy to join the party.

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I’ll make a reservation right away - this walkthrough does not in any way pretend to cover all quests in this game. There are about an order of magnitude more of them here than in the first Baldur, so you can imagine... In general, all the main points will be reflected, and then decide for yourself which additional quests to get involved in and which not. Many, by the way, do just that - first they go through everything “at a waltz pace” from beginning to end, and only then “thoughtfully”, “with feeling” they begin to search every corner of the map and shake the soul out of all the characters they encounter.

Laboratory of Irenicus.

After talking with Imoen, go to the room on the left and take your equipment from the table. There will also be a key there - Jail Sell Key. Talk to the large golem, then return to the cages and talk to Minsc and Jaheira. Minsk, having broken the bars, will join you immediately, and Jaheira will do so a little later. You can read a lot of history books in the library (if anyone is interested). Head to the room with a strange device in the center (rotating balls). Before killing Cambion, click on the thing in the center - its protective field will disappear. In the round room in the center of the map, talk to the blind golem and pretend to be its owner. After that, go to the room with Rielev (the creature in the jar ) and take a special stone there to activate the blind golem - “activation stone”, return to the golem. Follow him as he begins to open previously locked doors. By the way, now you can return and add Jaheira to your company.
In the very central room, kill strange creature and pick up the "wand of frost key". From here, head northwest. In the living room (with the fireplace), take the "wand of lightning key" from the chest and the "air elemental statue" from another chest nearby. At the exit to the forest, talk to the dryads. In the room south of them there will be a “portal key”, with which you can activate the portal (there are two of them on the map - go to the northern one).

Irenicus Laboratory 2.

Again we will have to look for a way out. Talk to Yoshimo, he will agree to join you. Take the "wand of cloudkill" from the chest above. Then go to the next room and kill all the winged beasts there, after destroying the portals in the cages. In this room, take three more keys (let Imoen look for them). These keys are needed to disable the traps (where the columns are) and take the magic ring from the statue. We go north, dealing with all sorts of evil spirits along the way. We need to find (at the top of the map) and free Frennedan "a. The key is in one of the boxes next to his room. Now we go to the south-eastern corner of the map (where the sewerage is) and to Exit.

The kidnapping of Imoen.

It's sad, my childhood friend was kidnapped. Well, now we have to look. On this map you can complete the quest at the circus, then go to the area of ​​Amn called Slums. So, first talk to a boy named Giran, whose mother is stuck in the circus. Go to the tent. There the genie will start asking his riddles - the correct answer is “the prince is 30 years old, the princess is 40.” Then you need to save Quayle from death by killing Kalah. Everything in the circus will return to normal, all illusions will evaporate. In addition, Aeire will want to join you.
Chapter 2.

District Amn"a - Slums.

Underground labyrinth.

You will immediately receive a warm welcome from a small group of goblins. Next, we go to the room in the northwest, kill the “jelly” and the underground monster. Afterwards, click on the hatch in the floor and take away the severed hand (“hand”). We continue through the labyrinth. Click on the two skeletons on the wall, get a "lover's ring". Now we go left, down, right, kill a bunch of kobolds. Take "Shaman's staff" from one of them. Be careful, there's a trap! In the south of the map we talk to Quallo. You need to attack his "worm" and pick up the fourth item - "blood of Quallo's friend." After all the items are collected, go to the room with riddles (pipes in the east). You need to click on the pipes in this order: second from the bottom, the top one, second from the top, the bottom one. As a reward you will receive a lot of experience and a cool sword.
Talk to Quallo and go to Slaver Stockade at the very bottom of the map.

Slaver Stockade.

By the way, you can get here directly from Slums. Kill Captain Haegan's men and take his key ("Haegan's key"). Afterwards, go to the room on the right and talk there, kill the trolls, talk to the girl. Then there will be a lot of magicians, archers... in the end, get out.

This quest will help you, as I already mentioned, to get a little money. To get here you need to leave the city through the main gate and get to the map de "Arnise Hold. Once in place, go to the stockade in the southwest. There, talk to captain Arat and Nalia, join her to our honest company and we go to the secret (secret - it means it will “appear” only after standing next to it for a while) door to the castle. It is located north of the palisade. In the castle, go to the entrance bridge and lower it, then we go inside the castle. trolls, so I advise you to stock up on fire arrows in advance. Talk to Daleson, then through the secret door in the north. In the next room there will be a forge in which you need to forge Flail of Ages. To do this you need to assemble three parts. The northernmost room will contain the first part. Go to the second floor.
Nalia's Castle 2.

There are two more parts here. But first, take the "keep key" from the library and go into the room behind the locked door (in front of the first troll). In one of the central rooms, kill Glacias and take the second part of the weapon. Some corridors have secret doors, so to get further you will have to find them. On the same map, find the steps leading to the basement. The third part will be in the hall with columns, in one of the statues.
Return to the forge and combine all three parts there. Then go down to the basement. Here you need to kill the troll boss - Torgal, he is in the eastern room. By the way, to get the Umber Hulks out of the way, you can do the following - kill the dogs in the castle courtyard and take their meat, then cook it on the stove on the first floor of the castle , then as a thief in stealth mode, slip past the Halks and put the meat in the box in the western room. These creatures will instantly run away there, and the path will be clear.
After this, you will receive a reward from Nali" and listen to her stories. If your main character is a Fighter, then this quest is his Stronghold. That is, Nalia will offer to steer the castle, and you will immediately receive a tidy sum in taxes.
The second big quest will lead you to completing the Stronghold quest for Paladin. I’ll tell you a little about Strongholds after the main solution, and I’ll describe this big and, more importantly, money quest right now. So, talk to Firkraag in Copper Coronet. He will ask you to explore Windspear Hills.

At the entrance, defeat the monsters and you will be transported to the very bottom of the map. Talk to Garren, then go into the house and talk to Garren again. It turns out that Firkraag deceived you. Here you go, scoundrel! Then Garren will leave for the capital, and when he returns, he finds out that his child has been kidnapped. Agree to find his daughter.
Go to the ruins in the northeast, go inside. After killing the monsters, go down to the dungeon in the north. Deal with the monsters again and talk to the warrior named Samia. She will give you the key (“Samia’s key”) from the tomb. We go further, deal with the guards (many traps!), collect parts of the mask. When you collect all the pieces, the mask will automatically fold. Now put it on (for example, on the main character ) and you will be able to see the last genie (fire) in front of the locked door. Kill him, go further, pick up the shield and sword from the floor (the floor is highlighted if you hover over it).
Samia will appear, she and her comrades will have to be killed. Now go west and talk to the two orcs. In a conversation, choose the answer that will allow them to escape. Then talk to the second one again. He will tell you about finding Garren's child. In the next passage, kill the monsters, then open the secret passage in the wall and kill the large golem. We return to the bridge and go up the wooden walkway. Into the room to the right, along the spiral staircase further. We kill the monsters led by their boss is Tazok. Take the weapon and the "sewer key" from him. Talk to Iltha in the cell and go up to the next floor.
There you will meet Firkraag "a, who is also a dragon. He wants revenge, because Gorayen (my mentor in the first BG) did not please him in some way. You don’t have to fight the dragon, but kill Conster"a and take the key and free the child. But you can, of course, try and take down the winged monster. If you are strong enough, you will immediately receive 64,000 experience. Return to Iltha, open his cell. Crawl to the surface and go bazaar with Garren. He will say that I can now be accepted into the Radiant Heart order, I just need to talk to the prelate.
Now go to Gaelan Bayle's house and complete the deal. When you give the money, Gaelan Bayle will tell you that you need to meet with Aron Linvail, who is in the thieves guild.

Go to the Docks area and immediately to the Shadow thief guild hall. Inside the building, enter the secret door in the northeast, then the secret passage in the wall (to the right of the three tables) and, in the end, talk to Aran Linvail. He will ask you to complete a task for him (there will be three in total) - meet with his man and convey a message from her.
At night, go to the docks (at the very bottom) and talk to Mook there. Soon a strange figure (Lassal) will appear and kill Mook, you will have to kill him, but... at the last moment this guy will be able to escape. Return to the guild and talk with Aran. Get the second task. His comrades decided to defect to the enemy camp, you will have to stop them. You need to go to Five Flagons, which is located in the Bridge area. Go up to the second floor and talk to Jalylos and Caehan. I killed these guys, although, it seems, this was not the only possible solution. Then I killed their employer (Guild Contract) and took the “contract note” from him.
We return to the guild again and talk with Aran. Yes, during my next dream I started having some visions about Imoen, Irenicus... The third task will be the destruction of all the vampires in the cemetery.

We go down into the catacombs under the cemetery. We kill the spiders and talk to the magician (Haz), who will open the large blue doors for you. Then go down the steps. Kill everyone and talk to Lassal, who will call you upstairs. Well, go upstairs and go to westward. Click on the "bed" on the left (where the golem was), and the vampire's soul will fly to heaven. Yes, you must have wooden pegs for this task, otherwise nothing will work. You also need to “put to sleep” in this way two more sarcophagi in the same room. So first kill everyone on this level (there are two more sublevels here), and then pin the vampires to their tombs forever. Bodhi will appear, after a little battle she will disappear.
Return to the guild and talk to Aran. He will tell you that Imoen is in Spellhold, on the island. Agree to sail, if necessary - first prepare, and then set off.

Here, as usual, there are several quests, but the main task is to get into Spellhold, where Imoen is hidden. There are two ways to get there.
1) As a prisoner - go to Galvena's Festhall, save the woman there, fight with the guards. Kill Chremy on the street there, pick up her medallion. Then take the woman to her friends at the docks and she will tell you about the main pirate. Go to him (house of Lord Desharik "a) and say you're crazy - you'll end up behind bars.
2) As a tourist - Go to the house of Cowles Wizards, kill the magician, take the stone ("wardstone") from the corpse. After that, exit this map (exit at the very top).

Kill some shadows (or vampire spirits) and enter the building at the very top. You will be greeted by the Coordinator, follow him. Finally, you will meet with Imoen, then the visions will begin again. It turns out that Imoen, like Sarevok, is the daughter of Bhaal.
Eventually, you will find yourself in a very strange place (let's call it a floating castle). Go across the bridge to the castle, talk to the demon on it. Give him anything he asks for. Inside, talk to Imoen, then exit the castle and go around to the left. Talk to Bhaal (by the way, this is your daddy). Then fight with him a little and run back to the castle and talk to Imoen again. Visions will appear again...

Dungeon Asylum 1.

Talk to Imoen, she will join you. The task is again the same - to get out of here. Go up the steps (to the north) and go into the first room on the right. Kill the goblins and take the "Ruby stone". Then further - into the room to the left. There are eleven statues and the same number of items in chests. You need to take objects and put them in bowls near the statues. If you are not good at solving riddles, then the correct combination looks like this (from right to left):
1. Grinning Skull
4. Gagged man
5. Sword medallion
6. Sun medallion
7. Sundial
8. Jar of water
9. Worn out boots.
10. Golden Circlet
11. Star medallion.

The reward (a couple of pebbles) can be obtained in the chest.
Don't go into the portal yet, as you need to find two more stones. You already have "Ruby stone", all that remains is to pick up "opal stone" and "rogue stone". They are located one floor above, in the room with the golem.
Now return to the portal and click on it three times, kill all the monsters. The last gin will give you good armor. Go to the second puzzle-room (the one with the faces). First click on the faces on the outer wall (from left to right), then on the inner one (thus returning back to the front door). The answers to the riddles that you will be asked in the central room are:
1. Ice
3. Coffin
8. Secret
9. Fish
10. Breath
11. Sponge
12. Shadows.

You will receive another ring as a prize.
Go further to the northeast, kill the Yuan-Ti warriors led by their magician, go down to the lower level. There you will need to take “the hand of dace” and “kurtulmak crystal”. These things are needed in order to be able to rise to the top level. The entrance to the upper level is at the "statue head" in the southwest corner of the map. It's closed for now, so it's better to go downstairs and collect the necessary items there.
Dungeon Asylum 2.

Go to the westernmost room, killing everyone along the way, then kill Dace Sontan. Click on his coffin (you should have wooden pegs), get his hand "the hand of dace". Now go to the easternmost room (to open the secret passage, click on the book) and destroy everyone there. You will find "kurtulmak"s crystal". Return to the previous level and go to the head. Now the passage will open and you can go up.

Upper level Asylum.

At this level, your main character will begin to turn into a monster, so be careful. When you want to rest, you first need to take him to a separate room and close the door behind him. Otherwise, having turned into a terrible monster, he will attack everyone, and this, as you understand, is fraught with big troubles.
Here you can collect special tokens, which you can use to buy a lot of good magical things in a mechanical machine (in the very center of the map).
So, we go south, open the secret wall (break the lock on it with a thief). Inside, click on the stand and a second secret door will open. Next, kill a few trolls and continue south. In the room with the column, kill the minotaurs, and in the room with the pool, take three paintings and in the pool itself - the fourth and “minotaur horn”. They are needed in order to get to the machine in which you can use the tokens found at this level. In general, go to the entrance to the level, further north, insert 4 paintings into the wall and stomp to this machine.
After that, return to the pool and continue south. Leave everyone except the main character somewhere in a secluded place and move on. Meet Bodhi, he will transform into a monster... Pick up the second "minotaur horn" in the very south-eastern corner of the map. After that, go to the minotaur statue, click on its base, then go through the door behind it. You will find yourself in a new area.

So we have lived to see the day of judgment... There are several options for passing here, depending on whether you choose the “good” (agree with the test) or “evil” (get into a fight) path.
Good luck - you will find yourself in a small area with mushrooms. Kill all these grebes and answer the question correctly - "Splinter".
A room of riddles with a large table. Look at the table and take the cloak and money from it, then you will not have this opportunity. Start with the first person on the left. Right answers:
2. River
3. Fear
Small room with trolls - just kill them all. Then tell the little man at the top that you are ready to go to Judgment. Here you will either have to fight or not. Depending on the “path” you chose earlier.

Irenicus's laboratory.

At the entrance you will meet Saemon "a. You can trust him or kill him. Only then you will not be able to use his services again. Go north and go down one floor. To get the key to the prison, you need to bribe Lonk"a. This will cost 2,000. After this, a series of dialogues will begin, which will eventually lead you to a battle with Irenicus. Take down Irenicus (your doubles will get in the way all the time - destroy them without a twinge of conscience). Of course, you will not be able to completely destroy Irenicus, and you will have to fight him more than once. It will be possible to finally deal with him only in the very last chapter.
After the battle, you have two paths to Chapter Five.
1) Go to the portal in the southeast (the key is in the prison on the floor below where the golem was - in the nightstand by the bed)
2) Swim with Saemon again. He will be on lower level, if you haven't killed him yet. Arrive at Sahuagin City. There are many magical things here. I’ll tell you what you need to do here literally in a nutshell: there is a war between the king and the prince, you need to kill the king (not at the first meeting!), then get the “cloak of mirrors”, which belongs to the princess. Tell the prince that you killed the king and go down to the Underdark (don't forget the rope).

Your task is to talk to the friendly dragon Adalon, to do this you need to take the stone from the leader of the Svirfneblins. And, as always, there’s a whole bunch of subquests lying around.
Go northwest, talk to Odendal at the bridge, go to the village. In the right room, talk to the leader (Goldander Blackenrock). He will ask you to kill the monsters and tell you about the passage to the city inhabited by Drow. Agree to kill the monsters and go to northeast. At the door, talk to the guard who will open the doors. Inside, kill the monster and click on the abyss. You need to use the "Stoneshape scroll" on it (Goldander will fill this hole). light gem".
Now go to the dragon (northeastmost). There will be a battle with drow on the bridge, then go to the Dark Cave. Talk to the dragon Adalon. Her eggs were stolen, which you will need to return. Leave the dragon's lair and go east, through the large gate. There you will say that you are Veldrin (disguise, however) and will be taken to a new area.

The main task here is to save the dragon eggs. Moreover, you can complete a bunch of quests - talk to Salaufein, return to the previous map, save Phaere; talk with her and agree to replace the fake eggs with real ones, kill Beholder, kill Solaufein, talk to Matron Mother, bring her blood alone from the races that live under the Underdark (there are three dungeons: Kuo-Toan, Beholders, Mind Flayers - you need to kill their leader in one of them again, take the fake eggs and then exchange them with the real ones); ritual...
Or you can just go straight to Lolth, kill all the guards and golems, take the eggs from the storage room and return to the dragon.

The dragon will take you to a new place and take on the appearance of a human. Battle with Drow, go through the doors, another battle. Go upstairs, there will be several battles at once - you can also participate. Eventually you will come to the surface and that will be the end of this chapter.

First there will be a conversation with Elven, then you will be transferred to their leader, Elhan. Convince him that you are not in league with Drow. His assistants will confirm whether you are telling the truth or not (something like a “human” lie detector). Agree to return the artifact (Rynn Lanthorn) that Bodhi stole. To complete this task, he will give you pegs and holy water. After the conversation, go to the cemetery area in Amn.

Immediately talk to Bodhi, then go down into the dungeon (you should have 4 sets of wooden pegs). By the way, the entrance to the catacombs is located in the north-west of the map; all previous entrances are now covered and inaccessible.
As before, kill all the monsters and click on the three sarcophagi in the room to the east. Then click on the bloody pool in the north (vampires will stop drawing strength from it) and go down to Bodhi. (Yes, I almost forgot - knights can help you in battles in these catacombs. To do this, you need to go to Radiant Heart in the Temple area and talk to the prelate. He will allocate an experienced fighter to help you.)
Go down and click on central pool with blood (he will “de-energize” everyone else), then kill everyone and most importantly - Bodhi. After the battle, pick up Lanthorn by clicking on the sarcophagus in the northeast, and return to Elhan.
It will take you to the city of Suldanessellar.

They've arrived, they say... Things are bad, right? In general, all that remains is to kill (already dead, by the way) Irenicus and a bunch of monsters and you will return back to mortal earth.
You need to get into the door "with eyes". To do this, you need to collect five “tears” (the stones are “Tears of Bhaal”), which are located in five dungeons on the same map.
From left to right:
1. Sarevok languishes here (remember the main “horned” villain from BG-1?). No, it’s still nice to knock him down one more time. Take "tear".
2. The demon will give you a cool sword - Blackrazor, then kill the genie. Take "tear".
3. Here they killed one of my team members (it seems like this was planned according to the script) and gave me my “tear” without a fight. I, of course, quickly resurrected him and again put his own uniform on him.
4. Here you will have a cool battle with the Elder Orbs. Then click on the crystals (before that you had to take the cloak of fear from the demon). Take the “tear”.
5. Just kill the dragon. Take "tear".
Now go to the door "with eyes" and click on the eyes. Irenicus will appear with a bunch of monsters (Slayer). Take down everyone (I first ran to the southern part of the map, dealt with the monsters that rushed after me, and then took on the main one) and their leader. By the way, I killed him with the sword - Blackrazor, because he, such a bastard, recovers very quickly.
All that remains is to talk to Ellesime, watch the final video (this is how the villains die!...), and watch the credits.

Uff... That was something. It's just a shame that it ended. Although... everything comes to an end someday, and cool toys are no exception.

Now let's get back to the Strongholds, that is, to the large, sometimes very branching quests for the main character. There are only eight of them, and I will briefly outline them all:

Paladin: You've (presumably) already talked to Firkraag in Coper Coronet (Slums), then dealt with the situation in Windspear Hills. After that, you can become a member of Radiant Heart (Temple). Prelate Wessalen will ask you to perform several feats, including including helping the knights in Umar Hills. There you need to meet Baron Metrich and find out about the witch. In general, in the end, you will meet a green dragon (Taxall Ssillyia), kill him, then take out the Shade Lord... Returning to Radiant Heart, you will receive a new task - to save Tyriann (at the docks). All that remains is to return to the prelate and receive the due reward.

Fighter: Complete Nali's quest (she can be found in Copper Coronet), that is, rid her possessions of trolls and others like them. Then you will become the owner of this Keep. You will receive taxes and all that, and Nalia will even agree to join you.

Ranger: This quest is in Umar Hills. First, you need to talk to a guy named Delon in the city (in my opinion, he hung around the cemetery somewhere). After completing the task, you will receive a guardhouse - Ranger Cabin.

Wizard: You need to talk to Valygar in Umar Hills, he seems to be able to join you. Take him to the Government area and talk to Tolgerias in the Council of the Six. Then you need to complete the Planar sphere quest (this is a large sphere in the northwest of Slums, which is not yet accessible).

Thief: Go to the docks, to the thieves guild. Talk to Renal on the second floor, tell him about Mae"Var. Go there - southeast of the docks, down the stairs. There you will meet Lin"a, give him the papers from the guild. Then go upstairs and find Edwin"a. He has several quests in store for you, including stealing an amulet from a priest in the Temple and killing a magician at the docks. As a result, you will become the owner of the entire thieves guild. They will bring you money, but if it is not enough, you will have to support the guild from your own pocket.

Cleric: First complete the quest "Cult unseeing Eye" (Temple), then the quest of Sir Sarles. As a result, you should be rewarded with something in the church.

Bard: You need to listen to the messenger who will tell Aerie (she will join you after completing the circus quest) that you need to return to the circus and talk to Quayle. He will ask you to talk to Raelis Shai in the Five Flagon's tavern (Bridge). She is in the theater below. Her task will be to free Haer Dalis, which is contained in Mekrath's Tower (Temple). Then get the theater.

Druid: The quest begins in the city of Trademeet, the location of which will be told to you by Flydian (City Gate). There you need to talk to the mayor, free the druid Cernd. Then explore Druid Grove. As a result of completing this quest, you can become a Great Druid.

deep analytical analysis of the adventurers - then please.
Let's start with the fact that the party should have 2 warriors, a cleric, a druid, a thief and a couple of mages. But there are already seven of them - you will be surprised. So what, we have a large selection of dual classes and multiclasses. Therefore, one is simply obliged to split into two.
The main character - the game simply hints that the main character should correspond to the spirit of the times, that is, be Sorcerer or Bounty Hunter(thief, that is). Why? This cunning version of the magician has, of course, a bunch of disadvantages in the form of the inability to memorize spells (and gain experience through this) and generally a small variety of spells. But if you look at it sensibly... do we really need this whole car of spells? After all, at each level there are 2-3, well, at most 4, frequently used spells (and that’s how much they’ll let us learn), and most of them won’t be needed at all or will be needed very rarely (which a second magician who has just memorized a wagonload of spells can handle quite well). But we need a large number of slots for spells and the ability to choose what is more valuable to us: identify objects 6 times or fire a magic arrow 6 times. The newly minted thief also has disadvantages and advantages. It’s a pity that he only gets 20 points for thief skills (but otherwise he would be just a monster), but he can set an additional 3 powerful traps. All 6 traps - and the lich, only having managed to declare himself your enemy, departs to another world. However, the choice is up to the player.
Warriors. There are many warriors. Here and Minsc, And Valygar, And Korgan, And Keldorn, And Mazzy, you can even Jaheira enroll in this class. In fact, the choice is not that great. Well, who will take a halfling as a warrior? When comparing Minsc And Valygar the first one clearly wins, and his hamster is cool. Yes and bye Valygar Once you get there, all desire to take it will disappear. The paladin looks very good in the party. His ability to dispel magic and illusions is simply some kind of holiday. And the +5 sword subsequently clearly increases its value for the party. Well, a gnome is something. 4 pluses in an ax are cool. And if there is a carload of cool axes in the game... But - only if you are collecting a batch of evils. Otherwise he will quarrel with everyone. Take a warrior Jaheira It makes sense only when all the seats in the party are completely filled.
Druids. The choice here is quite specific - either a frail but full-fledged druid who grows to level 7 in magic, or a warrior druid who gives the enemy a run for his money on all fronts.
Clerics – Aerie, Anomen, Viconia. The first can serve as a second magician for a sorcerer, the second will be useful for fans of pure classes, and the third, again, will be used in the evil party.
The thieves. Here in the game it’s really bad: two magicians disguised as thieves (an outright dirty trick, it’s not recommended to use it as a thief), a techno-mage in the person of a gnome (bad skills are compensated by good clothes, and he doesn’t want to hide, quite rightly believing that magical invisibility better) and a cool real thief Yoshimo, who later turns out to be a traitor. The choice is yours.
Of the 4 magicians, you can take any one, although Edwin– a clear contender for the exclusively evil party.
There is still a bard who remains out of business, but who needs him?
And of course, assemble the batch according to your preferences, although balance is necessary. A party of only warriors or magicians alone will not work.

Magic for magicians
I will describe some of the most interesting spells, the proper use of which can turn any defeat into victory.
Don’t forget that the most reliable way to “interrupt” an enemy magician’s spell is Magic Missile. They accurately hit the enemy and are pronounced as quickly as possible.
Burning Hands affects only one creature, and not several nearby ones, as in Icewind Dale.
New spell Find Familiar allows the main character-mage to summon a permanent ally in the form of a small creature. The type of creature depends on the character's alignment. So, with True Neutral, a rabbit is summoned, and with Chaotic Good, a small dragon is summoned. The allies are unequal, since the baby dragon is much cooler than the rabbit, has a large amount of life and can make the entire squad invisible once a day. When calling an assistant to the magician, half the amount of life of this creature is added. Thus, the sorcerer becomes more tenacious. However, when killing an ally, all these extra lives are lost, just like the one in the constitution. Therefore, I advise you to keep the creature in your inventory - it is completely safe there.
Agganazar Scorcher Baldur's Gate 2 is very different from Icewind Dale. In Baldur's Gate, this fiery beam will never harm the heroes of your squad that are in its path. However, it only hits the enemy once, not twice.
Acid spell Melf's Acid Arrow is cast slightly slower than Magic Missile, and can act as an alternative to it. However, it also works just as well on unconscious trolls, killing them forever.
Ray of Enfeeblement especially useful when fighting tough warriors. It greatly weakens them, reducing both the accuracy of their attacks and the damage they deal.
The action has also changed Mirror Image. Now there is always a chance that the enemy will hit the magician rather than the illusory copy. The fewer copies, the greater the chance. So, if there is one copy, then the chance of hitting the magician is 50%.
Powerful spell Web retained its coolness. Don't forget that with Spider Spawn you can summon spiders to your side, on which the web has absolutely no effect. That is, you can immobilize enemies, and then quickly finish them off with multi-legged allies.
With the appearance of an inquisitor on the team, magic such as True Sight And Dispell Magic. It is better to remember more combat spells. Like Melf's Minute Meteors. A very useful thing. Firstly, it is great for finishing off already killed trolls, as it deals fire damage. Secondly, it rarely smears and is thrown very quickly by the magician, thereby can serve to “interrupt” enemy spells. Thirdly, it is perfect for attacking magical creatures against which only enchanted +3 weapons are effective. The only spell that works perfectly against powerful iron and adamantine golems.
Weak monster summoning spells, like Monster Summoning I, are already useless. You can summon only five creatures, so the summoned creatures must be as powerful as possible (spiders, elementals), and not weaklings.
New spells at the fourth level also delight the soul and warm the eye. For example, Farsight, which opens part of the map in any area or dungeon. Unlike Clairvoyance, I repeat, works both in dungeons and inside buildings.
FireShield. Not bad (if together with Stoneskin) a spell that harms a creature attacking the magician. In addition, such a shield protects well from fire or cold, depending on whether it is Red or Blue.
Minor Sequencer. Cool thing, but hard to use. See for yourself. First you need to remember this spell. Then you use it and choose two spells of the first or second level (for example, Magic Missile). All three spells disappear, and special skills hero icon appears Minor Sequencer. Now you can sleep to again remember two magics of the first or second level and one more Sequencer. Moreover, after sleep, the one that is in special skills will not disappear. When using it, you can instantly cast both spells on yourself or an enemy.
Polymorph Other– not the best thing, much more interesting Polymorh Self. In this case, it is most advantageous to transform into an ogre, since it has a very strong blow in hand-to-hand combat.
Stoneskin. So we got to the most delicious part. This protects the magician from physical attacks - both hand-to-hand and ranged. A must have on the sorcerer during any battle. Works even after the magician sleeps. Works ideally in conjunction with Mirror Image: A sorcerer protected by both spells is incredibly difficult for enemies to kill. The druid has magic similar in effect - Iron Skins.
Breach. One of the best remedies against enemy magicians protected by all witchcraft methods. Removes almost all defenses, making the target defenseless and easy to kill. When meeting with high-level spellcasters, be they people or liches, it is simply a must-use.
Cloudkill. It is best to release this deadly cloud on enemies in advance, even before the battle. Throw this spell into the darkness, where your opponents are approximately located.
Cone of Cold– in theory, a powerful spell, but very inconvenient in battle. It takes a long time to pronounce, while the magician must stand close to the enemies. And besides, there should be no allies between him and his enemies. In this case, as you understand, the enemies will immediately run to attack the sorcerer standing next to them.
Conjure Lesser Elemental- a useless exercise, since the cleric will do them much better and will not need time to “fight” the summoned spirit. There is also a 15% chance that the elemental will attack the magician himself. However, since Druid elementals will not be enough, they can come in handy.
Chain Lightning. Unlike simple lightning, which is dangerous to both friends and enemies, this electrical discharge only hits enemies, completely ignoring your allies and heroes.
Death Spell. Instantly kills all enemy creatures in the area of ​​effect, ignoring heroes. There is no saving throw. Unfortunately, it does not work against the most powerful creatures. By the way, this spell, when used in military field conditions, proved its suitability on trolls.
Disintegrate. Instantly destroys a creature unless it makes a saving throw. Unfortunately, it also destroys many things that were on this creature.
Summon Nishtruu. Well, there is another similar monster with a higher level of magic - a wonderful mockery of enemy spellcasters (it is killed only by physical damage and death magic, and is simply healed from the rest).
Mordenkainen's Sword. The choice of professionals at the 7th level of magic. The lethality of a plus sword is combined with the mobility of an elemental. And they are immune to attacks from ilifids.

Magic for Clerics and Druids
Cure Light Wounds will become the main healing spell, since wasting space in higher-level magic for healing is unprofitable. The spell is ideal for partially healing a warrior's wounds after a long battle.
Doom. It is not profitable for a cleric to use this magic, but if a ranger remembers it, casts it on an enemy from afar and immediately engages him in battle, then there will be a completely different conversation.
Chant. One of the few priestly spells that strengthens and protects the entire squad. Use before all serious battles.
Draw Upon Holy Might. Great for a Cleric and Paladin about to get into a fight.
Flame Blade. A weak weapon, but useful if you need to finish off the troll, and the magician does not want to waste his incendiary and acid spells (or he has run out of them).
Lighting Bolt. A powerful lightning strike that very often kills the enemy outright. However, the spell only works in the fresh air, refusing to work in dungeons.
Glyph of Warding. A spell that is supposed to serve as a trap. However, in practice it is used as a special cleric fireball. Throw creatures nearby into a crowd - and the result can sometimes exceed all expectations.
Holy Smith. I advise the cleric to have at least a couple of such spells ready. Useful against all evil creatures, and the vast majority of your enemies are evil. It has no effect on its own and attacks creatures over a fairly large area. There is an opposite spell, Unholy Blight, which only affects good creatures. As you understand, you will have few “good” opponents.
Strength of One. Good to use in conjunction with Chant to strengthen your warriors before a serious battle.
Defensive Harmony. Improves the defense of all creatures near the cleric by 2. Useful, but not critically important.
Farsight. See above. Usually one such spell is enough.
Holy Power. Together with Draw Upon Holy Might, it turns the cleric into a death machine. First, however, I advise you to throw all your powerful magic at the enemy, and only then engage in hand-to-hand combat.
Lesser Restoration. If the hero has been drained, that is, several levels of experience have been stolen from him, then this is the only cure. You can, of course, go to the temple and pay for treatment there, but it is better to do everything yourself and for free.
Mental Domination. Attention! Very, very cool magic. Take control of the most powerful enemy warriors and magicians. The chance that the spell will work as expected is very high. If you use a spell on neutral heroes, it will not cause attacks from their allies. And even if the dominance of such a neutral passes, he will still remain neutral. That is, you can transfer half of the enemy squad to your side even before the start of the battle and at the same time remain on friendly terms with the other half.
Poison. When the level of the druid or cleric is still low, the poison has a very weak effect. However, once the priests develop well, it will become clear that this is one of the most powerful and successful combat spells.
Insect Plague. Just a super spell against enemy units with two or more mages. Firstly, sorcerers and priests are completely deprived of the ability to cast spells, and secondly, all opponents are slowly inflicted a small amount of damage.
Greater Command. Within its radius of action (large enough), all creatures are put to sleep, and it does not matter whether they are heroes or monsters. Useful to use early on unsuspecting enemies.
Slay Living. The cleric receives a special weapon, with one blow of which you can either kill the enemy or cause severe harm to him. Unfortunately, if the hero misses, the spell is lost. A useful spell against strong creatures, I used it often.
Conjure Fire Elemental. My warrior druid constantly summoned a fire elemental or two before any serious battle. These allies are good because they are immune to fire, (attention!) ordinary non-magical weapons and deal flame damage (which means they can kill the troll or cause additional damage to creatures afraid of fire).
False Dawn. The most useful spell against the undead. It causes severe damage to them and even confuses them for a while. There is no saving throw. It acts at a certain distance around the cleric and takes a long time to cast, so it’s good to let the undead get closer, while starting to cast this spell IN ADVANCE, as the creatures approach the cleric.
Harm. Similar in effect to Slay Living, but only the cleric will actually kill the creature when hit. If the attack does not hit the target, you can repeat it again.

It seems to be a significant innovation, but... First things first. Yes, now all heroes have the opportunity to acquire some real estate and a bunch of followers upon reaching level 14. For a thief, this is a branch of the thieves' guild in the Docks, for warriors - Castle D'Arnise, for clerics - the corresponding temple in the temple district, for a bard - the theater in The Five Flagons (Bridge) hotel, for a druid - the druid grove, for a mage - a magic sphere in Slums, for a ranger - a barn (!) in Umar Hills, for a paladin - a place in the Radiant Hearts order. Of course, all this needs to be conquered first, after which new problems arise - there is almost no benefit from these possessions. So, for example, after mastering a magician of the sphere and having level 14, he receives 3 students for training who collect magical objects. It seems great... But the students collect them so much (in terms of time) that you simply won’t see the fruit of their labors. And they can die along the way if they are overloaded. A warrior, having acquired a castle, occasionally receives requests for help in management, but does he need it? Why deal with small quests when dragons have been dying from our swords for a long time? With the rest accordingly. And it’s not a fact that we will get something pleasant from this.

Character quests
From now on, almost all characters have their own personal quests. Which, of course, is highly desirable to do. Minsc stands out pleasantly against their background, which has a hamster (he still forces snow ermine on us), and therefore everything is deep purple for him. Well, that’s right – “Harmsters and rangers everywhere rejoice.” However, I will tell you about some quests (well, those that I saw myself).
Jaheira. It all starts with the fact that during one of the transitions we are kindly given a small battle, as a result of which we get a poisoned, almost dying man who asks us to take himself to a friend in the northwest Docks. This is where we got caught. All you have to do is take it, and everything will turn out just like that. After delivering a valuable friend, an old acquaintance, Kzar, will unexpectedly approach us and offer to find Montaron, who was kidnapped not good people from the house where we had just delivered the sufferer. Well, let's go. We will not be allowed there until we prove our loyalty by putting things in order in the house of the evil magician in the center of the area (by slaughtering all its inhabitants). They let me in. But they still won’t let me go upstairs. It's scary there, they say. Okay, let's expropriate the necklace from one of the rooms on the first floor, and we are already welcome guests. There we go to the greenhouse and catch a bird “named” Montaron. We take her to Kzara... Bummer is a druid in disguise, whom Kzara kills and simultaneously explains how bad he is. Do you think that's all? Right now... Another druid immediately rolls up and drags away our beloved druid, citing the fact that they have “business”... We know, we know what business you have. After sleep, Jaheira appears again and declares that we need to visit the druid base again. We visit. It turns out that the head of the local order decided to get into the deputies of the Druid Duma, and as a program he has - to catch some child of Baal and put him behind bars (in this case, our main character is a contender for the vacant seat), and in addition offers everyone vote for him. We, of course, completely disagree with this, which results in genocide with the appropriation of clothes. Then emissaries from the order approached us several times, nagging us about how bad we were and how we couldn’t do this. In the end, the teacher of our beloved druid appears and announces that if she does not give up, then she will be specifically ordered and killed. My attempt to find out what this means came across a complete absence of people in the order’s premises, which resulted in subsequent assassination attempts. This is her difficult fate.
Plus it’s worth noting the quest with the curse. When descending to the lower floor of the Sea's Bounty Hotel (Docks), we come across a certain Baron Ploir, a former slave owner, convicted with the feasible participation of Jaheira. He immediately curses her with the help of some wizards and leaves her. You can find him (and lift the curse) if you try to ask around the officials responsible for magic in the government district, or you can find a kind man in Slums in Copper Coronet. In any case, you will have to go to an abandoned house in the northeast of Slums, where this bastard baron lives. In a good way, he doesn’t want to lift the curse, so we start beating him. Wizards immediately appear and offer to betray him for a certain amount. You can pay and watch them butcher it, or you can not pay and butcher it yourself. After this, we take a tuft of Jaheira’s hair and wait patiently for the curse to go away (actually this should happen after sleep, but for some reason a longer period of time is required).
Valygar. We receive a quest for his head from “good” people in the government area or learn about his trouble from a servant in his house (Docks). Next is Umar Hills, we choose in what capacity we need him most, but in any case, only he can open the sphere in Slums. Maybe he will puzzle you with something else, but he didn’t take root in the party.
Jan Jansen. He’s very, very good as a thief, just throw away the crossbow, throw it away, well, he’s not needed... His very joining is a quest. During the first contact, he tries to sell us some nasty stuff, which the tax inspector catches him doing. You can inform on the unfortunate person and get a quest to extract taxes from him, or you can say that they were talking about the weather and make the thief your friend. Further, he was seen only in promoting turnips and mocking the paladin.
Keldorn Firecam. Upon entering the government district, he proudly declares that he hasn’t been home for a long time and it would be nice to stop by for some tea, since the house is right there. Fine. Let's go have tea. But in fact, Keldorn has not been welcome home for a long time. He's too heroic. Okay, let's go to the Promenade for a showdown with his wife's "friend". He checked into a local hotel and declared

Keldorn, which, in general, didn’t hurt (and the paladin always wants to chop up his competitor) and you can, like, take your beloved. We go back and explain to my wife that she is deeply wrong and Keldorn will return immediately after the release of Imoen (I was daydreaming!). After that, he enjoys life and can’t wait to demobilize.
Aerie. She is not noticed in special quests, but it is she who is approached by a messenger from her uncle with a request to help the actors, and her uncle defiantly talks only to her.
Viconia. Freed from local Ku Klux Klansmen near the prison in the government area. After this, he begins to quarrel with Aeri and Jaheira. If we are not accepted into the party, he calls us weaklings and promises to wait at the cemetery. If the main character is a man, then he will fight for his love with the above-mentioned girls (and if a woman, then there is only one contender - Anomen). Judging by some conversations heard in Underdark, if Viconia is in the party at that moment, then a huge number of quests await her.
Haer Dalis. He is released by us during the quest with the theater, after which he persistently wants to join our party. But who needs a bard? Although they are trying to make the bard human, as a result of which he can be clad in +4 armor in the fourth chapter.
Edwin. Deftly throws anyone, keeping his nose in the wind. Do we need such a person? If you are assembling a party of evil characters, then this will be just right.
Korgan. This “kindest” man invites us to find Kaz’s book in one of the graves in the cemetery. We can get there without it, but then we won’t find the books. The cemetery has a grave with three separate entrances. Inside it is crawling with spiders. There is a separate passage in the north. Inside, a crowd of undead is discovered. It is not recommended to rush forward right away - a vampire will also join the crowd. It is better to lure out the whole brethren in parts. Then we discharge 4 traps on the mosaic in the starting hall and move on. We clear out the undead from the corridors, not forgetting to look for traps. In the lower hall, the gnome exclaims that the grave has already been ruined and woe to him, woe to him, although everything can still be saved if this very second we chase the thieves of other people’s books and catch them at the customer’s place in the government area. It was not possible to find out the name of the customer, because while going to the temple in Slums, the gnome suddenly began to run into a group of adventurers, who turned out to be the same kidnappers, and caused a fight. The most unpleasant thing they had was the druid, who was always dragging animals. But we won. The result was the obtained book. The dwarf immediately conveniently forgot who he was supposed to take it to, and offered to take the book to a local second-hand bookseller. This is where the communication with him ended, because he kept promising Yoshimo to improve the ventilation of the brain by making extra holes in the skull. And so a wonderful first warrior for the evil party.
Nalia. This person is clearly not satisfied with help in liberating her castle and begs us to help her with her overly intrusive groom (who, naturally, only cares about the money attached). Well, when we return to the city, we communicate with all the participants in her father’s funeral and promise to make the life of the clingy aristocrat very traumatic. However, he is not lost and after some time, with the help of the guards, he arrests our beloved sorceress (her maiden name is a thieve). However, the world is not without good people, and a “good” person who happens to be nearby enlightens us on how to discredit this villain. He suggests discussing all issues with knowledgeable person in the Docks (the very bottom, near the stairs). Let's meet. We listen to him and learn about the connection between Renal (ex-husband) and a certain Dirt, and through him, with the pirates. We go to Dirt (at the Sea’s Bounty hotel), talk to him and kill him (alas, alas, but this is necessary) and take the scroll about Renal’s connections with the pirates. Next, we head to the government area, break into Renal’s house (next to the entrance to the area) and get another piece of evidence. Next - to the government house to press charges. And after that we get the magic back.
Yoshimo. Well, he is an ordinary traitor, what can you take from him - only his heart when he bends. Then take it to the Temple of Ilmater in the Promenade. It is better to get rid of him as early as possible, otherwise his betrayal, in addition to an unpleasant surprise, will also reduce your party at the most inopportune moment.
Anomen. I heard that he needed to take revenge for the murdered girl (this pretzel himself, during his short stay in my party, did not want to voluntarily give this quest). It is also known that if you do not kill the one who needs revenge, then Anomen will subsequently be awarded the rank of knight (+2 Wisdom).
In principle, the other heroes should also have their own quests, but they must always be in the party, since quests can appear at any time when entering a completely random area. And I don’t really want to break up a well-established party.

The heroes themselves and where to dig them up
Imoen: dual Thief->Mage, Human, Neutral Good, join us in Irenicus's dungeon
Minsc: Ranger, Human, Chaotic Good, join us in the Irenicus dungeon
Jaheira: multi Fighter-Cleric, Half-Elf, True Neutral, join us in Irenicus's dungeon
Yoshimo: Thief (Bountyhunter), Human, True Neutral, at the beginning of the second level of Irenicus's dungeon
Aerie: multi Cleric-Mage, Elf, Lawful Good, at the circus in Waukeen's Promenade
Nalia de"Arnise: dual Thief->Mage, Human, Chaotic Good, in Copper Coronet in Slums
Anomen Delryn: dual Fighter->Cleric, Human, Lawful Neutral, in Copper Coronet in Slums
Korgan Bloodaxe: Fighter (Berserker), Dwarf, Chaotic Evil, in Copper Coronet in Slums
Viconia DeVir: Cleric, Drow, Neutral Evil, near the prison in Government District
Jan Jansen: multi Thief-Mage (Illusionist), Gnome, Chaotic Neutral, area in Government District
Haer"Dalis: Bard (Blade), Tiefling, Chaotic Neutral, sewer in Temple
Keldorn Firecam: Paladin (Inquisitor), Human, Lawful Good, Temple dungeon
Edwin Odesseiron: Mage (Conjurer), Human, Lawful Evil, Guildhall in Docks
Cernd: Druid (Shapeshifter), Human, True Neutral, Trademeet at the mayor's house
Valygar Corthala: Ranger (Stalker), Human, Neutral Good, house in the north of Umar Hills
Mazzy Fentan: Fighter, Halfling, Lawful Good, in a dungeon in Temple Ruins

Latest tips
1. It is recommended to walk through all areas of the city both day and night. Some of what you see during the day cannot be seen at night, and vice versa. For example, this is a series of fights with vampires on the streets of a city at night.
2. Buildings that are not described below, but are marked on the map, are by no means forgotten and abandoned - they are simply used in the game with a specific character or during a different course of the plot. So, the prison is used in the game only if your main character is a thief and only

after he assumed the rights of the head of the alternative guild. From there you can ransom unlucky thieves. In other options, it is just an ordinary building.
3. Decide right away what your party’s worldview will be. Below is a walkthrough for the good ones. For the evil ones, the main line will be the same, but you will see a lot of new things. In particular, you will go through the fifth chapter in a completely different way. Although the party for the evil is very specifically formed due to the fact that there are not very many directly evil - only three.
4. Multiclasses are much more functional than single classes, but mages and priests miss out a lot in the last levels of magic. Therefore, there must be at least one pure magician or a magician disguised from a thief.
5. Play as you want and have fun with it. This game is worth it.

First chapter
Sarevok is dead, glory to the victors! And the winners, having dealt with evil, relax, as if evil were not enough. No matter how it is. There is always another one who wants to rule the world. And you yourself somehow prevented this person from wanting to do so. Therefore, under unclear circumstances, you find yourself imprisoned by a certain powerful wizard named John Irenicus. And you just need to get out of there and figure out what's going on. Luckily for you, several of your comrades are in neighboring cells. Well, all that remains is to free yourself and hit the road.

Six keys
First talk to Minsk. As a result of the conversation, he will break out of the cage. To open the druid's cage, you will need to go to the room in the north, where there will be a lot of weapons and armor, as well as a key. There will be a painting on the wall behind the booby-trapped painting. Now go into the passage to the west and in the room with the electric machine and imps in the corner left of the entrance, turn off the machine. In the room with red crystals, talk to the creature and, depending on the answer, fight the gibberlings or the ogre mage. Further - to the west, and in the north there will be a room with a golem. It requires finding a special stone. Leave, don't forget to take some things (+1 long sword), including scrolls with Dispell Magic and Flame Arrow. Next, you can look into the room with glass flasks in the west (there is a +1 staff there), or better yet, just follow the corridors to the north. In the room with the lone flask, take the stone for the golem from the table. Return to him and order him to go to the guard. Next, go to the center of the map, there kill a lonely and not very dangerous monster. Take a helmet with infravision, scrolls with Vocalise and Clairvoyance from the chests. Take the key of cold from the creature's body. Now go through the door to the east; you will come out to a regular living room with a fireplace, table and shelves. Take the key of cold, Baldur's helmet, an elemental figurine and a necklace with additional spells from the mined boxes. Further north there will be a portal to the second level, but forget about it for now.
Go south and talk to the dryads. They will ask you to free them by taking the acorns from the dark gnomes. Next, in the area with the dryads, find a small cozy room with traps. Disarm the traps and take the scrolls with Monster Summoning I and Dire Charm, plus the key to the portal and a piece of the artifact sword. As you leave the room, you will be attacked by two golems. They resist magic well and fight well. Return to the library and go northeast. Destroy the gnomes; among them there is a good magician and several archers. Take dryad acorns and +2 chain mail from the dead bodies. Further to the east there will be a door leading to visit the genie. However, first look into the room with the magical device, located to the south. Use it twice to free the demon and kill it for +1 bastard sword. Next, go to the genie. In the new area, where you will have to fight flying creatures, you will find a scroll with a call to the spirit of the air and a genie's lamp. Return to the dryads and ask them about the lamp. With it, return to the genie, and he will reward you with experience and a +2 sword with special abilities. Return to the dryads again and enter the portal to the north. You will find yourself in a new area, where a new hero, a Japanese thief, is already waiting for you. Don't forget to take the scroll with Hold Person from the box near the teleporter. In the next room there will be a serious fight with flying creatures. You can defeat them if you quickly destroy four domes of different colors. I advise you to attack the domes with Minsk, not paying attention to the enemies, and hold the defense with the rest of the heroes. After the battle, find three keys: death cloud, fire and summoning.
Open the door in the north (not in the corner). Kill the clone and the assassin and take the sixth and final key from the body - shells. Take the Fireball scroll from the barrel in the corner. In the hall with four domes, open the second door and go along the corridor to the bridge over the abyss. Disarm the trap and open the door to a luxurious room with mosaics on the floor. Put the thief in stealth mode and walk along the wall to the right of the entrance, “using” each of the six pedestals; this way you can get a staff and disarm the trap. Kill the gnomes and now look around. There are three passages; For now, go to the easternmost one. Defeat the goblins and blacksmiths and get a belt with protection against blunt weapons. Next, return to the hall and step into the middle passage. Find a scroll in the room with Knock and Invisibility plus the dungeon key. Open the door to the old man to free him (sometimes the old man turns out to be a Shape Changer and attacks you) and take more scrolls and all sorts of useful things from the room. Exit, then through the next passage you will find yourself in a long corridor with three thieves and exit to the street in the finale.

Chapter two
You have left the dungeon, but Irenicus is not asleep either. He tries to take Imoen, who clearly knows something, with him. But there is another force in the city - the order of powerful sorcerers, the Cowled Wizards, who limit the use of magic. They take both of them with them to the mysterious Spellhold, a prison for magicians. Yes, not everyone is happy with this method of control, but everyone is afraid of powerful and mysterious wizards. However, you (one must think) will not abandon your friend in trouble and will try to free him from prison. Maybe someone can help you with this.

After the battle scene, look around and go to the circus located in the center of the area. After talking with the guard and the boy at the entrance, enter. The answer to the genie's question is 30 and 40. Immediately go inside and talk peacefully with the ogre. Kill two peasants (aka monsters) nearby and take the sword from one of them. With the help of this item, the ogre will turn into an elf, a cleric-mage. Take it with you. Next there will be a platform with several enemies in the form of shadows and werewolves. After destroying them, take scrolls with spells from two vases near the stairs to the next room. In the new room there will be the magician himself and his servants. Kill the mage quickly. As soon as the circus gets rid of the enemy's illusions, everything will return to normal. Search the mage's body for scrolls, money and artifacts: a belt against piercing weapons and an 18 charisma ring. Immediately place the ring on the team leader to buy things cheaper in the future. Before leaving the dome, talk to the woman, and after leaving, talk to her son (we don’t need extra exp).
The most evil munchkins can wander around the hotels and in one of them, on the top floor, a party of unfriendly adventurers will come across. You can cut them, although they won’t have very good things.
All that remains is to visit the shop for travelers, located slightly west of the center of the map (Adventurer’s Mart). Inside you will find a fat merchant and a woman selling magic scrolls in the far dark corner. Buy a scroll bag from her, and from

At the merchant, take a look at the shields and armor - they are very good, but it’s not worth buying anything yet. Go outside and leave the area: there are still a lot of merchants, but they won't offer anything particularly useful.
After leaving there, only one area will be available to you - Slums, where you will receive an offer to help free Imoen from Gaylan Bailey. Not for free, of course, some 20,000 gold. But you’re not a miser and would do anything for a friend?

There are four temples here: Helm, Lafandara, Talos and the paladin. There is also a well-defended mansion in the northeast corner, but you'll take it on at the very end.
First, go to the center of the map, where a small scene will take place. After it, go to the Temple of Helm, there you will receive the task of finding followers of the Unseeing Eye. Enter through one of the entrances to the sewer. There is a lone vendor in the southern part of the map; if you kill the troll just to the west of him, you will get 500 coins. Buy the necessary potions from this merchant. In the center of the sewer, a pack of kobolds led by the Spirit settled down for the night. Killing small creatures is not so difficult, but you will have to work with the ghost, and not with magic, but physical weapons. After the death of the Spirit, you will find a cloak with transformation capabilities. From the center of the map, go north, where six adventurers are already waiting for you. These guys are powerful, they use magic competently, so the battle will be difficult. I strongly advise you to try to be the first to use the Insect Plague spell on the group, plus actively throw fireballs. Well, don’t forget all kinds of immobilizing spells (Web, Stinking Cloud). With the help of a swarm of insects, you will get rid of the activity of spellcasters for a while and will be able to destroy fighters. After the battle, do not forget to remove from the corpses three scrolls with high-level spells, a lot of enchanted weapons and full armor, as well as a +2 poison flail. After resting, go to the northwestern corner of the map, where you will accept a lone inquisitor paladin into your squad. There is also a transition to the next sewer area.
In the new area, there will be a locked door near the entrance that leads to the Underground Temple. Ignore her for now and head to the southwest corner of the map. In the first hall, lying on your way, when you already start fighting with the shadows, nasty creatures will appear from six niches. Next there will be a room with a valve in the center. Throw one warrior into it, have him turn the valve to open the doors, and run out. And you can deal with the shadows. Then talk to the cultists and agree to work for them. Go into the dark hall and search all the rooms - you will find several scrolls with powerful magic. Go to the locked door and talk to the people behind it.
There will also be a sarcophagus, which is strongly not recommended to be opened for now! Take more scrolls from the chest in the room. In the corridor, disarm the traps and kill the shadows: be careful, they drain the experience levels of the heroes! On the next map, take the contents of the niche in the northern wall, after disarming the trap with the deadly cloud. Go east, destroy the creatures and go to the bridge. Click on it and you will be asked questions; the correct answers to them are 7, 9, 4. Cross the bridge and destroy the first “peephole”. It is advisable to lure him to the squad, since if you attack him yourself, then wait for several more shadows to appear. Next, disarm the trap on the bridge and enter the temple. By the way, don’t forget to rummage around there (there is a hiding place). There will be scary beast who cannot be killed. Therefore, treat him with healing magic. If there are no clerics in the squad, then take healing scrolls from the altar - they will also work. Once the creature is “cured”, a ghost will appear and give the first piece of the staff. Leave the temple and return to the cultists. However, do not give part of the staff to the magician, but talk to the man in the center of the cultist settlement. Then, to the west of it, find the stairs down. Destroy the undead and go up the stairs. If you wish, go into the cave on the side: there will be cool zombies guarding several scrolls with high-level magic and powerful leather armor for the thief.
Climbing the stairs, you will find yourself right in the lair of the “eye” beholder. Search the slurping mass for valuables. Right in the center of the map there will be a squad of hostile clerics of six people. After destroying them, go north, where a lone “eye” will guard an anti-dragon halberd and a scroll. In the south there is the same cache and the same creature. There are also some in the corridors, so be careful. You will find another scroll. Then go to the eastern part of the area, where the last cache with the second part of the staff is located. As soon as you have it in your hands, a huge eye will appear not far away. Use the staff on him and deliver a couple of more blows with your fighters. Then leave the area through the southern exit. Return to the temple; there you will receive exp and a powerful magic shield. Next, return to the cultists to kill the magician and his crowd. Remove the magic stamina belt from the sorcerer.
There is a secret passage in the sewers, the key to which we get from Tazok, a henchman of the dragon in Windspear Hills. When entering there for the first time we encounter illifids, who are cool magicians and cast spells that affect the psyche. It is not recommended to face them in direct combat - Psyonic Blast is read and your hero is lightly poked with a hand. As a result, he immediately becomes dead. Plus a bunch of other goodies in their magical arsenal. Therefore, we lure all ordinary people out of the first room and, sending monsters forward, deal with the only illifid. In the next room there are five of them and there are also a couple of amberhulks. For prevention, it is recommended to lure them to the door and put Cloudkill or something tougher there. Their magical defense is great, but it still breaks through a little. And the Amberhulks will die. And then again monsters and remote shooting. In the last room there is already a crowd of them, so it is recommended to add traps in front of the door to the existing tactics. Several creatures will die out instantly, the rest will be easier to finish off. We go inside, kill their leader and take the hammer from the cache, which threatens to later develop into Crom’s hammer.
Return to the surface, to the Temple area, and report the completion of the task to the commander of the Helm Temple. Receive a +1 flail that slows down the enemy and the opportunity to take another quest from the cleric nearby, namely: to persuade a certain artist to complete an order for the Temple of Helm. By the way, when you return to the surface, two little men will come running to you very soon. One of them is a messenger to the elf. He will invite the squad to return to the circus to receive from its owner a quest to find a certain person who lives in the Bridges area and help her. Next, a boy will appear asking to save his village in Umar Hills.
The quest is easy to complete. We go to the artist in the government quarter (Jysstev house). He agrees to complete the task if he is given 200 pounds of illithium. I talked it out. We go for illithium in Promenade, to the ore merchant. But she doesn’t have that much ore. The choice is to use a substitute (a dead number - the sculptor cuts through the chip, gets offended and leaves the city) or pay a thousand for the right to find out the name of the ore supplier. We pay and head to Copper Coronet (Slums). There we learn that the unfortunate duergar was robbed of his ore, taking advantage of his gullibility (cool joke - a kind and gullible duergar!). If you really ask, he will even name the kidnapper - a certain evil gnome named Neb, who lives in the southwest of Bridge, in an abandoned house. We come to the kidnapper and tell him his rights (not to speak in the absence of a lawyer, etc.). Moreover, Minsk identifies him as a child killer. He is very offended and sets 4 shadows on us. Well, we deal with everyone, clear the traps, take the metal (exactly 200 pounds) and go to the sculptor (an attempt to please the duergar with the found loss ran into misunderstanding). The head of someone else's ore thief can be attached to a place in a government building in the corresponding area for only 2,500 coins. The sculptor promises to do everything as soon as he gets inspiration. We return to the cleric and hand over the order, to which he immediately offers to carry out the next one (after giving away the prizes). To do this, you already need to go to the neighboring temple of Lafandar and receive instructions from the local priest.
In the temple of Lafandar we see an inconsolable priest, declaring that evil colleagues from the temple of Talos ordered thieves to steal a relic of great importance. And now we have to bring it back. Okay, let's go to a meeting with the contact. He waits in the north of the Slums district, near the gate. But he doesn’t have the artifact, he only knows where it is. The location can be found out by intimidation or by paying him 400 coins. And the artifact lives on the roof in the same area, with a certain Borinal. He, however, is in no hurry to part with him, offering to present evidence that we are priests of Talos. You shouldn’t thoughtlessly declare yourself to be one, otherwise God will be offended and show you where the crayfish spend the winter. You'll have to deal with the thief and his team manually. Afterwards all that remains is to return the artifact and receive gratitude for it.
In the southeastern part of the map, you will come across the Temple of Most Noble Order, where the local paladin will offer to find and punish the apostates who find themselves in the Bridge District. Paladins live there not far from the entrance to the area, and at the moment of our appearance, a showdown with local thieves is just beginning. You can watch, or you can help the paladins. Their second-in-command, Raynald de Catilion, asks you to retrieve the Paladin's Cup from the Temple of Most Noble Order for Anarg. We go and beg, promising to return it. If Keldorn is not in the party, then when Anarg appears, then upon refusal to join the ranks of the fallen paladins, de Catillon leaves (what a good guy). If Keldorn is there, then Anarg recognizes him, de Catillion is outraged by our treachery and the massacre begins (although it will happen in any case). We collect our clothes, take the cup and go back to the temple, where we are heartily thanked and given gloves, thanks to which we can be treated once a day.
There is another great building that just has a ton of useful stuff: the Guarded Compound. At first we are met there by two magicians, it is unclear what they wanted and immediately leave. Then, if you step on the trap on the piano level to the west of it, a cloud of high-level monsters will appear. If you quietly retreat, they will take care of themselves, but I had an efreet and a glaabrezu come out and do some bullshit: the efreet did not penetrate the glaabrese, but he himself did not want to die completely, either turning into a gaseous form, or returning to its previous state. Therefore, it is better not to step on the trap (the thief does not find it). Then go to the second floor and lure out the enemies one by one. Organizing a battle there is more expensive for yourself (the party is strong, but all around is just a continuous minefield).

In the Bridges area at the entrance you will immediately be given a task - to find the killer of civilians. Go a little south, there you will see Rampah near the beggar's arch. Buy a piece of leather from him for a hundred and go even further south. In the marketplace, talk to the fat merchant to learn more about leather. Also talk to the prostitute Rose standing nearby to find out about the strange smell. Talk to the merchant again, but this time about the smell. Return to the prostitute and she will identify the property of the killer's scent. Go to the tanner shop, which is located slightly to the southeast. Kill his thugs and go up to the next floor of the house. Here you need to disarm the traps and pick up things. From under the bed you can extract armor made of human skin and a scroll with useful information. Go down to the pier. The main thing is to quickly kill the thief in the corner, and then deal with the undead. Collect items, including part of the artifact bow, scrolls and money. Go outside and go to the northern exit from the city, where the guard lieutenant is standing. He will confirm the completion of the quest with money and exp. Continued in Trademeet.
At the Five Flagons Inn you need to go down to the basement where a theatrical performance will take place. After the scene, go to the theater owner and take the quest to save the thief and the jewelry. Go to the Temple area and go down into the sewers. In the very north, find a secret passage that leads to the magician's tower. At the top, kill the birds and search the shelves in the library. Explore the passage to the east; there will be two salamanders and a snake magician. Kill them and collect items from the chests. The altar is mined and cannot be opened yet. Now go west to find the magician himself. You can attack and kill him, or you can agree to complete the quest. Go back out into the sewer, and in the southeastern part of it you will see a bird and an elemental. Having laid both of them down, take the magician's mirror. Return it to its owner and it will disappear. Go out to the stairs and talk to the thief (he will turn out to be Blade, a special bard). You can take him on the team, or you can refuse his services. In any case, rummage through the altar to pick up a lyre with an entanglement spell and a special jewel. Return to the Five Flagons Inn theater and talk to the quest owner again. Agree to guard her squad and destroy several creatures over and over again. Once the scene is over, enter the portal. You find yourself in the Astral world. Don’t look around, but immediately destroy the snake mages and human warriors. We immediately collect their things (otherwise they wander around in boots of speed). Chat with the prisoner, he will give out quite valuable information. You can go straight north, but in this case you will have to teleport to enemies several times and fight quite a lot. I advise you to go east.

Walk around the slurping circles from the side, and under no circumstances step on them, otherwise you will find yourself in the company of opponents. Kill the squad in the southeast corner (you'll see a strange circle along the way) and head north. There will be a boss here along with two Air Elementals. Kill everyone, take the stone from the boss and take it south, to that same circle. However, if you want more experience, then you should wait, since the circle disables not only slave collars, but also teleporters. In the eastern teleporter, for example, the opponents are generally dead. And you can deal with the northern ones in the following way: as a warrior we go through the first one (it won’t be possible to get around it), we emerge back and take the fight to them as close as possible to the teleporter we just passed. Having cut out all the opponents, we throw the thief there, set all the traps for them, run to the next teleporter and run back to the first one. A black knight (a very powerful magician) reacts to our hero and runs towards us. And then a volley of traps - and he is dead. You can deal with the next teleporter. Or you can do it quickly - click on the circle and the orb will disappear. Then slowly make your way west. Without your participation, the battle between enemies will begin; finish off the survivors and grab the key from the body of the black knight. Free the prisoners and they will transport your squad back along with the Blade bard, who will immediately be very eager to become a member of your squad.
In the southeastern part of the area there is a hotel, on the ground floor of which there are a bunch of adventurers just asking for trouble. If you are bloodthirsty... Well, that's what they wanted.

Immediately go to Copper Coronet, where you will be asked to complete several tasks.
1) Nalia will approach you and ask you to save her castle from the invasion of bandits. A new place will appear on the map - a castle, just east of the city.
2) The warrior cleric will express a desire to join the squad if you answer his questions well. True, I have never seen such a down cleric in my life (what else can you call a cleric with Wisdom 10?).
3) The gnome will give you the task of finding a book in one of the tombs in the cemetery area and he himself will also want to become one of the party members. He is a berserker warrior.
4) The lord will offer a quest to destroy the ogres and other non-humans that have occupied his lands. The reward is promised to be serious: 10,000 gold.
5) The thief Lehtinant, if you hint to him about the huge reserves of gold, will allow you to visit secret part taverns. You will have a corresponding task.
For the last task, go to the eastern part of the tavern; there is a dungeon with prisoners and guards. Kill the soldiers and look for the arena with the bodies and the wolf. There will be more cages nearby - with animals. Kill the owner, his cat and other small items and take the key from the body. Use them to unlock the cells in the dungeon, releasing the gladiators. Follow their leader and, while he is fighting with Lehtinant, destroy the rest of the guards (you can, as an option, hand over the slaves to the slave owners, but then that will all end, and the prizes are painfully frail). Talk to the new tavern owner and receive the task of finding and defeating the slave traders. You can buy something from the fat man, his prices are quite low. Then look in the corridor exactly in the center of the tavern for a secret door leading to the sewer. Go down, deal with the non-human and look at the slugs in the west. Take the dead man's hand out of the hatch. Go a little south and take a strange ring from the wall with skeletons. Continue south, but don't forget to disarm the petrification trap on the bridge! Kill the crowd of kobolds and take the special staff from their shaman. There will be an exit from the sewer in the south. A madman and a peaceful creature stand nearby. Kill the creature and take the bottle with its blood. To the east is a strange room with four pipes. First, click on the third one (counting from north to south), then on the first, northernmost one. All that remains is to click on the second and finally on the fourth to get a nice reasonable +3 two-handed sword. To the north there is a passage to a small room with mycoids and a minotaur trying to avenge his friends. It is useless to try to save him - he dies anyway immediately after the death of the mycoid king. Once you get out of the sewer, you will find yourself directly visiting a company of slave traders. Destroying them is not very difficult; don't forget to take the key. Open the door nearby to kill a couple of trolls and free the girl. Also open two more doors to the north to release a child each. There is a dangerous trap in the doorway to the north. Get ready to deal with a couple of snake people and a squad of people. Two magicians are dangerous, so attack them right away. At the exit from the room there will again be a trap, but with poison. Finish off the survivors and return to the Copper Coronet Tavern. Report to the owner that you have completed the task to receive gold, exp, and valuable items.
In the same area there is a sphere that the magician receives for free use if he cleanses it of all evil spirits. The sphere opens with part or full Valigar. After entering inside, go straight through the door in the west. We deal with the golem and take everything from the chests (especially the golem’s hand, a pile of coal and a key). Next we go straight, sending the sphere flying. A party of paladins led by Rayna is found in the hall (the magician will also have to save them after taking ownership of the sphere). We negotiate with them peacefully and move east. There's a crowd of absolutely no sahuagin there. Now to the west. And here are some very evil cannibal halflings. Let's figure it out. But when we meet a halfling running back, it’s better to go forward as a thief under invisibility and detect the enemy’s position, and then throw Cloudkill or something like that at these coordinates. Their warriors are strong enough to hold you for a while, and during this time the magician and cleric will conjure such a thing... Next to the hall with ettercaps and spiders (and a golem production machine). Having cleared it, we go north. Here, in a room with four fireboxes, there is also a halfling ambush, the composition of which varies depending on the difficulty level. If there are already 3 pieces of coal, then we throw them into the fireboxes, which gratefully produce an elemental for us. If not, go to the next room (there is a trap on the bridge). We kill the golems that have already become familiar and take away the things (especially the golem’s head). We go out to the golem production machine and feed it the arm and head. The golem detects the stranger and flies to kill him, not really waiting for us. He flies to the east, you need to follow him, simultaneously disarming another trap on the bridge. Upon arrival, we discover an already heated battle between the golem and the beholder. The latter is so passionate about this that we can help our stone friend with impunity. We go even further to the east and get to Lavok. He's a nonsense lich. He probably forgot everything from old age. Well, okay, when we almost finish him off, he suddenly starts begging for help. We'll have to help if we want to get out of here. However, first you need to pick up the things from the hiding place in one of the racks of his abode and go to the neighboring rooms. The people there are frail, but there is a hiding place in every room, and the things there are decent. It's time to go get the demon's heart. We return to the entrance to the sphere and exit it. Here we are in another world. Okay, let's start clearing it out in search of the demon. There are three demons here. All are very cool (what did you want, 40 tons). You can kill one and take his heart, or you can clear the entire level. We return to the sphere, to the hall with four large runes. Press them sequentially: top, bottom, right, left. The door to the south opens. Before us is the next level of the sphere. And the good magician Tolgerias lives on it, who sent us to kill Valigar, with his henchman. The battle will not be easy, but our people always win. We remove a good ring from it (Ring of Ram). There are three doors in front of us, one of them does not work, and the other two lead to rooms with enemies (one is snow-oriented, the other is fire-oriented). We don’t care where we go, they are both passable points on the way to the power plant. Be very careful here - there are 2 batches of golems that activate when approaching their location. At the end of the path there is a cache with things, money and stones. We feed the demon's heart to the machine and return back to Lavok. We promise to take him out of the sphere (he really wants to look at the fresh air). Immediately after the release, he dies, and we become the owners of the Ring of Acuity. If Valigar was not in the party (as happened to me), we communicate with him and let him go. It is possible that if he had been in the party, everything would have gone a little differently.
For magicians, it doesn't end there. They receive the sphere at their disposal upon reaching level 14, and they are also allocated 3 students who need to be taught the skill of a magician, for which they make three items. In the latter case, they fashion wonderful armor for the magician. But if you overwork them with tasks, they may die out without ever reaching the end of their training.
The magician is also asked to independently free a party of paladins stuck in the sphere. Everyone else just goes and says paladins are free. The wizard who arrived to hand over the sphere to us states that there are three ways - kill the paladins, go to the merchants and go to the paladins. I immediately rejected the first one, the paladins pretended that they didn’t understand me at all, but the most famous merchant in Promenade offered to rectify the situation for only 9 thousand. A day later, a magician appears in the sphere, who returns the paladins to their native lands. At parting, they endow us with experience and a crappy belt (or maybe it would have been better to kill us after all?).

There are several small tasks here. In one of the crypts there lives a dead man who modestly calls himself the king of the undead. He is quite strong and gives us a decent +2 sword after death (even with some extra stuff).
In the north of the cemetery we meet a paladin (daytime only), who has lost his son and offers to solve his problem. Of course, he cannot return his son, but in the south of the area, not far from the entrance, there is a man with an orphan girl who can be offered to the paladin as an adequate replacement. Well, he agrees.
At night, not far from the entrance, you can meet the shadow of a boy named Vellin. At one time, an unkind thief killed him and stole

toy (teddy bear). We promise to sort it out. The thief lives in the rooms on the second floor of Copper Coronet. After removing the bear, you can deal with it as your conscience allows. Well, then return the toy to the owner, thereby calming him down.
In the north of the cemetery you can hear strange screams. Coming closer and touching one of the graves, we discover someone buried alive in it. We receive from him the task of dealing with this evil (at the same time we learn that one of the villains likes to dress in red). A little to the east we find a gravedigger who easily breaks down and betrays his employers. A man in red clothes can be found during the day in the southeast of Bridge. Either we kill him right there, or we follow him into the house, where our partners deal with him. And then we deal with our partners, taking their things along the way. All that remains is to free the girl they captured on the second floor of the building.

Firstly, at night here you will constantly encounter vampires (you will also have to destroy them).
And secondly, there are quests here too.
There is a secret passage in the Sea's Bounty hotel; after going through it, you can find a bunch of pirates with a magician, dealing with them does not cause any difficulties.
A little east of the hotel there is a house, the door to it is mined. The demi-lich Kengax lives there. He only asks to bring him 3 parts of his body. The parts are found by the liches in the sewers under Temples, in the basement of a house in the southeast of Bridge (the doors are booby-trapped) and in the basement of a hotel in Gates. Liches are quite strong and cast whole clips of spells. But it is enough to set a few traps (5-6), and it will all end with their unconditional surrender. Kengax himself is very strong and will not appear immediately, first substituting a half-dead lich in his place. After his death he goes out on his own. Combat magic does not take it, and weapons for it need at least +4. He wonderfully gifts everyone with the magic of death. Therefore, it is worth sending forward crowds of suicide bombers who will take his first mortal blows. Well, then finish him off with your monsters (I mean, characters; did you really think that kobolds could somehow harm him?).
A certain Renal (the head of the thieves) immediately gives a task in the building of the thieves’ guild. He simply proposes to expose the head of the local branch of the thieves guild. We receive the relevant documents from him and take action. At the guild branch (in the center of the map) we present our documents to the innkeeper, and he lets us inside. It’s worth immediately buying a raincoat from him with +2 to charisma (it is added to a ring that gives 18 charisma, thereby significantly reducing the cost of purchased items). We go into the basement to the head of the branch. He joyfully tortures his captives and gives us a test task - to steal an amulet from the temple of Talos. We wait until night and freely clear all the boxes in the temple. We take the amulet. We are sent to the third floor of the building, to the magician Edwin. He sends us to deal with the wizard in the west of the region (he is supposedly going to deal with the dark deeds going on in the guild). We clear all three floors of the building and deal with the wizard. We return to Edwin and receive the next task - to kill Marcus in the Sea's Bounty tavern. We find him on the lower floor of the tavern and steal the necessary papers (killing is extremely harmful to reputation). We are sent to the leader's basement. He gives the task to kill the next traitor. He is based in the same tavern, but on the top floor, and without a sound gives away the dagger that serves as evidence of his death, begging to be released from the city. Let's go. We bring the dagger and go to Edwin again. Edwin "generously" offers the keys to the boss's box, immediately joining our party. Do you need an evil magician? We take the papers and go to Renal. He gives the task to cut out the entire branch. Let's do it. Packs of thieves are falling on us, but our armor is strong and our tanks are fast. The leader himself is waiting in the basement with a bunch of henchmen. You can simply slow them down with the help of Web and Stinking Cloud, adding Cloudkill after, but be careful with this, since there is a prisoner sitting in a cage nearby, for whose release you do not get anything, but for an accidental murder - minus reputation points. We return and hand over the quest to Renal, for which he gifts us with 10,500 coins and a knife. A level 14 thief takes control of this house. Now he has a bunch of professionals under his command, and he will be very concerned about planning their work and their safety.

Here you only give a quest to find and punish Valigar (in the government building), and you will also find a couple of characters. Plus, in the government building you can buy permission to use magic for 5,000 gold (now you can use it everywhere and all the time, otherwise after the first warning the Cowled Wizards come and deal with everyone in their own way). Otherwise, the area serves to resolve other quests.

The area is needed only so that if you get into it (otherwise you won’t be allowed to leave the city) you will receive a task to free Trademeet.

Already at the entrance we are greeted by herds of crazy animals, after which kind people recommend seeing the mayor, which we do by visiting his house, which is located just south of the city center. Talk to him and agree to complete the task related to the druid. Go down from the house to the basement, talk to the prisoner there and either take him to the team, or refuse his services, but agree to help. Exit the city through the eastern gate. Next to them there will be several colorful awnings. Under one of them (under the blue one) lives a genie, with whom you can negotiate to destroy the werewolf creature. After leaving the city, go to Druid Cove. Move to the southwest corner, destroying trolls and spiders along the way. When you find the trolls' home, kill the guards at the entrance and deal with the people inside. If you delve into two caches of skulls, you will get a good weapon and a scroll with Mass Invisibility. From the trolls' home, go north and east.
Here a squad of druids will begin to fight three trolls. You need to attack the druids, despite their neutrality (but don’t get carried away, otherwise you’ll be left alone with the trolls - that’s not easy either)! The trolls will kill one or two fighters, thereby helping you. Having gone further east, you will find another detachment, but this time only from spellcasters. I advise you to release a cloud of flies on them and call more allies (and after a while their leader realizes the harmfulness of his attack and leaves, taking the remaining survivors). Further to the east there will be an old building. Inside, attack the woman... she will turn out to be a werewolf, which you needed to find for the genies. After killing two more of his comrades, do not forget to pick up the leader's head. Now move to the northwest corner. Along the way you will see a friendly druid. If you don't have a druid on your team (that is, you don't have Jaheira and the main character is not a druid), then be sure to take him. Quickly kill the two mushrooms, otherwise they will quickly call for help.
At the entrance to the druid cave you will be met by three more hostile characters. They are quite strong in hand-to-hand combat, so it is advisable to be well prepared to meet them. Go inside and save. Remember the spells Iron Skins, Flame Blade, Conjure Fire Elemental (or at least a similar spell to summon allies) as a druid. Speed ​​up and buff the druid if possible. Talk to the main druid in the west of the cave. Challenge her to a duel, and the battle will begin. You will have time to summon the Fire Elemental: as soon as it appears, consider that you have won. The druid has a normal weapon that does not damage a magical creature such as an elemental. If the elemental was able to hit the druid before she weaved her spell (summon flies), then you can summon another elemental, and then create a fiery blade and cast Iron Skins (or you can also cast a fairy and just watch how she and the elemental mock unfortunate ruler). After winning, speak to the head druid and leave the area to return to Trademeet.
Go to the genie to report on the completion of the task. Receive gratitude and +2 scimitar. After leaving the tent, a girl will approach you with the most humble request (but only during the day, at night you don’t even have to look). Ignore her for now and go to the mayor. Report on completing the task and watch the scene, then talk to the owner of the guild. Get money and magic shield (sell

not recommended, otherwise you will suffer further from all sorts of effects on the intellect). Next, go out and look for Tiris's house in the west; a task is already waiting for you inside. You need to find the missing girl (if you have already dealt with the tanner in Azkatl, you will find that this bastard has moved here). To do this, go to the gate in the southwest corner, and you will see a warrior with a two-handed sword. Agree to meet peacefully. Go to the east gate and approach the orange awning. Do not kill the unconscious person (this is the girl you are looking for), but wait until he wakes up. Deal with two opponents. Now use the cleric spell Lesser Restoration on the girl (if the cleric does not remember it, then buy a scroll in the temple nearby). Phew...Quest completed. Although the most greedy ones can go to the young man’s parents and get one reputation.
There is one more task left. Go to the Estate, one of the two located in the city center. Take the crypt key. The crypt itself is located in a cemetery in the north of the city. Open the door and get ready to destroy the two giant skeletons inside, calling for help in the form of weaker brothers. False Dawn, cleric magic of the sixth level, works well (although they crash without magic at all - they are too dead). Take things, including the golden cape - Waukeen's Mantle. You can give it to one of the two estate owners: in this case, you cannot avoid a battle, during which you will receive elven chain mail (AC5, very good for thieves and warrior-magicians). You can give the item to the mayor of the city, so you won’t have to participate in the fight, but it’s better to take part (especially if Jan Janssen is in the party - this chain mail is definitely for him). After handing over the cape to the customer, a second family appears, a showdown ensues, during which it is decided that it is better to kick you first and then divide the cape. Right now, we've fled...
Well, the final feature in the city is that after completing the main quest, merchants appear in the south of the city. From one of them (so long and skinny) you can buy cool things - a +3 mace (and who doesn’t need that?), all sorts of small change and a +3 bow that doesn’t require arrows (for those who haven’t arrived: since it doesn’t require arrows, that means he produces them himself, and in this case he shoots +3 arrows - we draw our own conclusions).

Windspear Hills
This is a frankly difficult location, so it’s better not to meddle here with weak heroes.
Once on the map, immediately attack a squad of several ogres and a dragon. Oops, cops, and they are not monsters at all, but real people, one might even say paladins (but this, of course, becomes clear only after their death). After destroying them, agree to the stranger’s request to take you to his hut. Talk to the person inside and agree to his terms, after which he will simply make an offer that you cannot refuse - to sleep off. After waking up and talking with the altruist's son, several enemies will appear: two ordinary robbers and a couple of orcs. They are easy to destroy, but they will still capture the stranger’s son. Well, we sign up to free him. Exit the hut and go to the southeast corner. There will be a particularly beautiful pond with the queen of the dryads. Tell her about the problems of the three forest dwellers and about the acorns. This way you will complete the quest received at the very beginning of the game. Go to the northeast corner of the map: there is an entrance to the cave. Kill the hobgoblins and explore the area. In the pond next to the shadow squad there is an amulet of protection +1. Further east there will be a door to the next part of the dungeon. The guard consists of one rakshasha werewolf plus several kamikaze kobolds. As soon as any of them reaches any hero, they will immediately explode in a large fireball. I advise you to destroy them as they approach with arrows and Magic Missile.
Enter the door and immediately attack the orc archers ambushing you on the sides. It would be a good idea to quickly find a secret passage to each of the units and hack them so that the warriors can immediately reach the enemy. Go east and in a narrow corridor you will meet a pair of magic-resistant stone golems. After destroying them, go a little north and get ready to see a crowd of undead in the form of vampires and mummies in the room on the right. It is best to use False Dawn after covering the cleric with summoned creatures. Take things from the mined chest, and take the key from the room with the shadow. Open the door to the west; meet a peaceful character. From this corridor you can go west, or you can go east, to a labyrinth of small rooms. Your task is not to go to the very north-eastern corner yet, but to go around the entire labyrinth and find all six genie guards and simultaneously deal with the beholder and all other little things). It is better to destroy them with fire elementals or one or two warriors with protection from fire (since their main weapon is fire). Once all six guards are destroyed and their parts of the Mask have merged, go to the northeast corner (after putting on the Mask). There, destroy the lone Fire elemental, and in the next room you will find a good artifact sword against dragons and a shield. As you leave the room, prepare to be attacked by the enemy party of adventurers. There are a lot of ways to kill them; they are easily gutted.
Return from the maze to the corridor and go west. Destroy the werewolves and in the next room act on the well (just not too sharply, otherwise the golems will come running from the north). Get an artifact helmet, but also a very evil Air elemental. If you go from here not up, but to the west, get ready to talk with werewolves dressed as humans. Don't let them trap you! One of them is a very cool werewolf who heals by taking a bite from you, so you shouldn’t deal with him carelessly. After dealing with the enemies, find a special horn, Horn of Blasting, which can be used once a day. Nearby there will also be a passage to a cave with three creatures. Attack the werewolf. After the battle, find the secret door nearby and get ready to fight the adamantine golem and its two stone brothers. Lure the huge golem to the secret passage; fortunately, he will not be able to pass by and will stop. Throw a +3 magic ax at the monster, which automatically returns to your hand, or something like Melf’s Minute Meteors (alternatively, pick with a +3 greatsword or shoot with a bow purchased from Trademeet). After the battle, take a powerful longbow with excellent magic from the secret cave ( expensive thing). Return to the well and go northeast. Destroy the enemies, and the iron golem can quite successfully block the passage, after which you can shoot everyone else behind his back, and open the door. A little further on, a fight will begin with the orcs and Tazok, Sarevok’s surviving servant. Kill them all (don't forget to pick up the key to the sewer, Tazoku no longer needs it) and find the prisoner in the dungeon. Nearby there is a staircase leading to the dragon's lair. Go there and talk to the monster. You don’t have to fight (only very tough adventurers can handle a dragon), but negotiate peacefully. But we won’t allow this vile dragon to continue to mock us? That's right, we won't allow it. We summon a bunch of elementals and other crap (let them distract you), seat them around the dragon, set up all the available traps for the thief and begin to deal with the dragon. At the simplest levels, a handful of lightning bolts are enough; at higher levels, extremely high magical skill is required. In addition, the dragon is still a brake, and will receive a lot of gingerbread and buns from us before he realizes that he is being beaten. In any case, we take his scales (Cromwell will make excellent NON-MAGIC armor from it with AC –1) and a +5 two-handed sword, which removes magic from the opponent when hit (a great gift for Keldorn). Return to the prisoner and destroy the magician. Use the key to unlock the dungeon and go to the surface. In the center of the map, watch the battle between warriors and gnolls. These warriors are not actually people, but werewolves. Therefore, attack them early while they are still neutral. Return to the hut in the southwest corner and report your search results.

D'Arnise Hold
Go straight to the southwestern fort. The quest orderer Nalia is there, if she has not already joined the team. It would be a good idea to take acid arrows from the lieutenant. Now go straight north from the fort. There's a secret door in the wall there. Open it and you will find yourself inside the castle. Go west and look for secret doors. After talking to the peasant in the room with the weapons, find another secret door. Do you see the forge? If you find all three parts of the flail, then this is where you can get a very powerful weapon. The next secret room contains the first flail piece and a +1 ring with the Earth Elemental Charm. In the eastern part of the floor there is an exit to the castle courtyard and a kitchen. Next to the kitchen there will be a staircase to the second floor. Go out into the courtyard and destroy the monster. There will be four more unfortunate dogs, whose meat may be useful to us later. Directly to the east will be a locked castle gate. To open them, you need to turn the wheel directly above the gate. You can get there along the stairs above the door where you find yourself in the courtyard. Several friendly soldiers and three powerful creatures will appear at once. After destroying the enemies, return to the castle. Go up to the second floor. Here, first you will need to find a snake magician with a guard of a couple of trolls in the southern part of the map. Take the lock key from the shelf in the same room. Now you can open any doors. There is a secret passage in the booby-trapped room just north of the center of the map. He will lead to a hall with an advanced warrior. Take potions and the second part of the flail from his body. Then go to western part floor, where you will find a woman and a guard in one of the rooms. After talking with them (do not offend the wretched one, otherwise you will have to kill her, which is fraught with the loss of 6 reputation units), look for a secret door in this room. It will open a passage to the center of the map, where there will be a room with golems and a staircase to the basement. In the room with golems there are three statues: each contains a useful item. When each of the statues is robbed, some of the golems will come to life. I advise you not to touch the statues for the time being, but to attack one golem yourself, the outermost and weakest. Then take on the second, the third, and so on until only one iron golem remains. He must be lured to the exit of the room where he will be stuck, and shot with magic and special throwing weapon like an ax +3. Take all the magic items from the statues plus a third of the flail. Now you can return to the forge on the first floor and get a powerful +3 weapon there.
Go down to the basement. There, already in the second room, you will meet resistance from several trolls. It will get even worse; you will have to fight with several Umberhulks. There are two solutions - just kill them and deal with it peacefully. In the second case, we take dog meat, go to the first floor, find the kitchen and cook stew (these good guys love it so much). We go back down, carefully open the door to their room, and let the thief in under invisibility. Do you see the only door? This is where we need to go. We go to the next open door and put the stew in the pile with dog bones, after which we quickly leave. The monsters run away to feast, but nothing prevents us from tormenting them now, especially since they extremely rarely make a saving throw against Cloudkill. We go to the main hall and deal with 3 trolls holed up inside, one of which is quite tough, so it wouldn’t hurt to get a few elementals or something else, he fights too hard. Having dealt with them, take things from the altar. Then leave the castle, go to the fort and report there on the completion of the task

Chapter Three
You have joined one of the competing guilds. So what do you see? None of the guilds are in a hurry to help you. Moreover, they first require your help in destroying competitors. Yes, the delay in Imoen's release is coming to an end. Yes, and Irenicus staged a riot in the prison and now rules there. But there is no choice - we have to agree to the terms of our allies from the guild...
After you collect 20,000 gold, two people will approach you at once - a new envoy from Gaylan Bailey with an offer to visit him (upon meeting, the payment will be reduced to 15,000 gold) and a representative of another city guild. Listen to the offer to find the little man at night in the Cemetery area. She will offer you to join her guild for the same money. I still advise you to remain faithful to the original employer (you will still quarrel with Bodhi, but you will not return the respect of the thieves and they will no longer do business with you) and after the conversation go to the Docks area. Look for the large orange building in the northwest corner. This is the local thieves guild. Inside, right on the ground floor, find a secret passage that leads to a hidden part of the thieves' headquarters. In the room to the east there will be a secret passage that will lead to the local boss. You can completely ignore all other passages (only in the northeast of the guild sits a thief, dissatisfied with the rule of Aran, but after he expresses his position in life, he is removed by the bodyguards of the ruler of the thieves - well, we take the dissident’s useful ring). Speak and agree to complete the task from the guild. Aran immediately gives you two

cool items - Ring of Protection +2 and Amulet of Power (protects against level drain by vampires, but does not affect thieves or warriors - well, hang it on an armored druid or priest). Go at night to the southern part of the Docks, to the pier. There, find the captain of the ship Muk and talk to her. The vampire who was watching her will immediately appear, kill him and return back to headquarters. Get a new task - to find renegade thieves who want to go over to the enemy’s side at the Five Flagons Inn (Bridges district) and punish them. After the conversation, kill the enemies, and then the warrior after the fight is over. You can try to pose as their contact, but the result will be the same. A piece of paper dropped from a warrior provides enough information to determine that the enemy guild's base is located in the dungeons under the Cemetery area. Talk to the head of the thieves guild again and agree to a dangerous task. Go to the cemeteries and go down through one of the passages into the dungeon, which you may have already cleared for Corgan. The squad will find themselves in the kingdom of the spider mistress. Find her in the web dome and destroy her. Death Spell is very effective against a mass of small spiders. In addition to valuable things, you will also receive a special figurine that allows you to summon a fairly strong spider ally for help. Exit the dome and go north of the dungeon. There, at the massive gate that has not previously been opened, a friendly magician given to you by Aran and his golem are already waiting for you. Once the gates open, nothing will stop you from going inside and starting to destroy the undead. The Azuredge ax works well, which can be bought at the Copper Coronet bar in the Slums area. He usually kills any undead with one or two lucky hits. So, destroy the vampires and climb into the lake of blood in the northwest corner. There you will find a +1 mace, which also kills any undead that fails a saving throw. The same mace can be upgraded from Cromwell, but it is better to do this before giving the illithium to the sculptor. The path to the room to the east is blocked by a wonderful magician, whose assessment in the experiment does not seem reliable to me. Well, if you have the spell Summon Nishtruu or a similar monster of a higher rank, it’s time to summon it. We add a couple of elementals and the whole company goes ahead. After a while, come closer and shoot the magician, who is carried away in a fruitless duel with a demon. Go down the stairs to another floor and deal with the local inhabitants there. A strong vampire will make his legs, and you will have to return for him to the previous floor, where you will find him in a round hall with spikes in the eastern part. This is the reason to use Mace of Disruption - usually the vampire cannot make the first saving throw and dies. It is only important to lure him with the owner of the amulet of power to the main party and not wander around the hall (traps, sir). After killing this vampire, make sure that you have three aspen stakes (if you don't have them, then these things can be found in chests on the level). In the southwest corner of the vampire hideout there will be a room with three sarcophagi. Attack each of them to kill all three vampires with a stake (now a cursor in the form of a sword will appear above the sarcophagus, but they may not be asked to kill all of them; the criterion for complete completion is the appearance of Bodhi). Bodhi will appear and want to understand what is happening. Explain to her the depth of her delusions with the help of swords and magic. She hits hard, although not very often, so don’t skimp on your arsenal. After the battle, return to the thieves guild. These guys will prepare the ship to sail to the magical prison where Imoen is being held.
Option to complete the same chapter as vampires. First, you will be asked to kill Captain Mook at the pier. She's accompanied by a quartet of thieves, but it's not too difficult. We bring the required Bodhi and receive the next task - to get into the Vulova Estate (in the north of Goverment), kill the owner and throw a knife and a cape with the signs of the Thieves of Shadows guild into the fountain. We kill the unfortunate ones (they are very weak) and, clicking on the fountain, throw the cape and knife there. Upon returning, we receive a quest to get into the house of Gaylan Bailey in Slums (the employer for a similar series of quests from thieves), kill him and take the key to the secret door in the thieves guild. Next we go to the guild (Docks), making our way through clouds of thieves (and someone else claimed that they have few followers). In the guild we clear both floors, not forgetting to clear the traps. We go through the secret door on the eastern wall of the first floor. In the south there is a torture chamber from which Bodhi Tizzak's henchman can be freed. He suggests that in order to get the key to Aran's room, you need to kill the magician Khaz, who lives in the north of the dungeon. We go there, again clearing out thieves and a bunch of traps. Having killed Khaz and taken the key, we return to the initial room of the level, find a secret door in it and move along a winding, but choiceless passage - enemies and traps. It’s better not to enter Aran’s room - Fireball can be thrown without entering. There are a lot of people there, but they never learned to fight. Well, let's pick up things and grab everything from the boxes (what Aran can give us if we agree to work for him is lying here after his death). Well, then the vampires send us in the same way to an island with a prison for magicians.

Chapter Four
And now you are sailing to an island, an island with a prison for magicians, terrible and impregnable. Will you be able to get in there? And then get out of there? But we have to go.

So, you are on the island of pirates. You will immediately learn about the captain's betrayal, so you will have to destroy three vampires (if vampires brought you here, then there will be no battle). Go to the local tavern in the eastern part of the island and you will see the mage character you need. True, after a few minutes of conversation he will be killed, and you will receive the task of finding another way to get into Spellhold, a prison for magicians.
You can also collect a bunch of small quests here. The first one is to help Ginia and her brother free themselves. The girl is located in the east of the second belt of houses. We talk to her and go to the Vulgar Monkey tavern. Its owner is standing there - we explain to him all the wrongness and kill him. From her corpse you can pick up a medallion, which may come in handy later. We communicate with the girl again. She asks you to help evacuate her and her brother from the island. To do this, you need to negotiate with the smuggler Callahan at the pier (for only 200 coins). After this, we return to the girl again - the quest is completed.
Then you can go and deal with the killer of our contact. To do this, we move to a brothel from Galvena in the west of the first line of houses. There we either begin to break through the security, or we use the previously obtained medallion and get through without unnecessary blood. In the basement we move to the end, kill the guards and go into the room to the right. There we take the key and go into the room at the end of the basement. And there Galvena and the magician are just about to torture the bride of our innocently lost contact. Naturally, they won’t succeed, but the magician needs to be killed as quickly as possible, otherwise he will cast all sorts of nasty spells on your characters, and you will be tormented by waiting for them to return to normal. We tell the girl about the sad death of her fiancé, she asks us to help her get off the island. Captain Golin, a friend of the late messenger, is always ready to help her with this at the pier.
In the north of the settlement lives the mad magician Perth (his house is not marked in any way). When he sees us, he completely goes crazy (well, how else can you interpret an attempt to kill a party of 6 adventurers whose level is at least 10?) and attacks. After his death, you can pick up a pebble, among other items, that will provide safe passage across the bridge to Spellhold (if we are planning to go there on our own).
Be sure to visit the merchant and hand over the excess - there will still be a carload of things (especially stones for the sling). And after that there are three options to get into Spellhold.
1) Go yourself. Passage in the north of the location. Along the way you will have to fight several squads of monsters. You definitely need to have a Perth stone, otherwise you simply won’t cross the bridge.
2) Go to the western part of the island, where the building of the Pirate Lord, the leader of the pirates, is located. Bribe the guard at the entrance (if you helped the messenger's girlfriend, then say the captain's name and get in for free) and ask the pirate inside to send you to prison. The thief Yoshimo, who is present in the squad, will persuade the boss to listen to your request.
3) If there is no Yoshimo in the squad, then we also head to the Pirate Lord and ask him to send us to prison. When asked about the basis for such an action, answer that you are extremely crazy, and show this with action (Minsk came on stage, took out Boo and began pointing his finger at the pirate, explaining to the hamster how cheap it is - after all, he has neither a wooden leg nor a parrot on the shoulder). The pirate twists his finger at his temple and satisfies our demand.
This is how you will find yourself in the citadel to capture the magicians. You can immediately attack the main overseer, whom the squad will see after they awaken (or you can subsequently simply persuade him). If there is Yoshimo in the squad, then first take away absolutely all things from him (when Irenicus appears, he will order Yoshi to betray your squad and open his true essence). You will have to accept your fate and become a guinea pig in the plans of the dark magician. Then we go to bed and watch the dream. Once you are in your dream, go west; you will see the entrance to the castle guarded by a demon. He will offer to reduce one of the characteristics by one - decide which one for yourself. Inside you will meet Imoen, who will offer her help in destroying the demon. Leave the castle and look for an armored figure in the west. This comrade (our dad Baal) needs to be brought back to Imoen in order to then be destroyed by the main character (Imoen says something about how he can only be destroyed by uniting all together, but in reality he thoughtfully watches our battle with Baal). After victory, the hero will wake up, but only to undergo new trials. Bodhi is supposed to finish off the party, but it gives the adventurers a chance to get out alive if you manage to navigate the labyrinth.
Now the reason for the kidnapping is clear. Imoen is your sister, and the mad Irenicus wants to revive Baal. And for this he needs one of his children as a sacrifice. Imoen is just his backup option, you are much better suited for this. So don't expect a quiet life. Whether you choose the path of good or the path of evil, you will have to fight Irenicus in any case, since this is a fight for your life. And fight to the death.

Take Imoen to your team (if you need it, the party may already be well-equipped by this time) to replace the thief who defected to the enemy. From the starting hall you can go west and come to a giant head that requires a vampire's hand and a special crystal. All this is located a level below, you can get there through the door in the southeast of the starting room. We immediately come across a bunch of amberhulks (more precisely, not immediately, but as soon as we move inside the room). Next is a long corridor with groups of monsters, bifurcating at the end. First - to the right. In the hall at the end of the corridor an advanced shadow is wandering, however, it is also quite killable. Turn right again and reach the hall with the book in the center. We don’t touch the book yet, but look for the secret door. Behind it is a cave of kobolds who own the crystal that we have been looking for for a long time. There are several relatively sickly specimens for kobolds (well, I said - for kobolds). Now you can touch the book. 5 monsters crawl out of it one by one (the last ones are the illifid and the beholder), after which a Ring of Free Action and a couple more spells are issued. We return to the fork and go left. Better yet, send a couple of fire elementals there while we deal with the kobolds. There are really nasty undead there. We carefully rummage through the library and local jars. And now we let the owner of the anti-vampire amulet go around the corner. Because there is a very unkind vampire there. After his death, we take his hand (this is the second part of the pass) and receive the quest - to free his unfortunate soul. Well, in the room where he lived there is a sarcophagus. Poke a stake into it. If you forgot to take the stakes, there should be a stake somewhere on the level. Let's go back to the next level.
We go into the passage to the northwest. After several batches of monsters, we find a room with eleven statues and a chest. Take all eleven items from the chest and begin to arrange them among the eleven statues in the following order (take the statue to the right of the door as the first one): 1. Grinning skull, 2. Hourglass, 3. Mirror, 4. Gagged man, 5. Sword Medallion, 6. Sun Medallion, 7. Sundial, 8. Flask of water, 9. Worn out boots, 10. Golden Circlet, 11. Star Medallion. If all these things were arranged correctly, a reward will appear in the chest. A little further down the corridor is a room with a rakshasa and a bunch of imps.
To solve the second problem, in a room with stone faces, you will need to answer all their questions. Here are the answers: 1. Ice, 2. Fire, 3. A coffin, 4. A candle, 5. Darkness, 6. Stars, 7. A Hole, 8. A secret, 9. Fish, 10. Breath, 11. A sponge, 12. Shadows. The reward will be a Ring of Regeneration. Just around the corner is a party of yang-ti led by a magician. A little further there is a tricky passage with two traps that are not detected by the thief, but are extremely deadly (they will flatten them) - we let the sappers go forward one at a time. Before leaving the area, find the warehouse with the golem at the end of the corridor and take the bag of holding from there (in my opinion, this is even cooler than Cloak of Mirroring: if you don’t put packs of arrows in there, you can take everything you want with you; the bag counts only the number of items, and a pack of arrows for him - 40 items).
Leave the area and go to the next floor, feeding the hand and crystal to the statue. Here, immediately deal with the minotaur enemies that live in the room to the south. But even before it you will find a couple of secret rooms, the second one opening from the first. Both are inhabited by trolls. Clean out the room in the east, taking out all the things from three statues (three crooked figurines, but be careful - for taking an item you get a very strong spell) and a pond. You will find one stone horn. Go even further south - you will find a hall with six statues and four buttons between them. The second button (from left to right) makes Heal for one character in the center of the hall, the third – Haste. If we go east from this hall, vampires will attack us. Here it is advisable to take away all the characters except the main one, since he will turn into a monster and will attack everyone (including vampires). Further to the east there will be a hall with a statue of a minotaur. There will be another horn in the room to the south. Once you have both horns at your disposal, click on the minotaur statue with an ax and the exit from the level will open. However, you shouldn’t climb out of the level right away. We go to the starting room of the level and find another passage in it. Very soon we come across a couple of minotaurs and a small beholder. Next comes a hall with four doors and a bunch of yang-ti, who are no rivals to us. We open all the doors one by one (I hope you got another figurine?). Behind three of them are small rooms with the corresponding monster. Behind one is the passage further. There are golems wandering around the passage and the rooms it leads to. If you go west from the fork in the passage, you will find yourself in a room with an automatic merchant (I hope you collected mithril tokens? I had 21 of them), which, depending on the number of tokens paid, gives out a certain product. It makes sense to purchase either Boots of Speed ​​for 15, or +4 armor for a bard for 20. To the east of the fork there will be a room with 3 neutral clay golems. If you open a chest in their room, they become hostile (and the door to the room closes). But you need to open the chest, because there is a string for a cool bow there. But now we can go out.
After leaving the level, certification of our normality begins. Further progress in life depends on how good or evil answers we choose. After the first series of questions, you will find yourself in a room with kobold archers. Kill them and a new challenge will begin. But first there will be a conversation (and before the conversation, take the cape from the table), during which you can choose both good and evil answer options. If you choose the evil one, the fourth one, then the next fight will be more difficult. Once you find yourself in a room with a table and several people, get ready to answer questions. Here are the answers: 1. Nothing, 2. A river, 3. Fear, 4. Memory. Destroy the trolls and place the head of one of them on the altar (you will receive a club, the need for which is very doubtful at the moment). Then talk to the character - you will find yourself in the next area. If you answered the questions incorrectly, then destroy the Mind Flayer. If everything is in order, then you will be easily released.
After leaving the room, you will find yourself in the hall. The captain of the ship that delivered us will immediately meet us (if he has not been killed yet). There is no point in killing him now. Don't go into the central room, but go to the stairs in the east. Although you can throw Cloudkill from the entrance to the large device and close the door (life will not seem like honey to Irenicus). In the south, by the way, there will be a currently inaccessible passage to the teleporter. On the next floor, bribe the manager and talk to the magicians. Convince them to help, and you will find yourself on the battlefield with Irenicus. Kill the magician (preferably quickly, otherwise he will copy your party and you will have to fight with his copies, among other things), and then Yoshimo (if you came here with him) with several assassins.
But here the story bifurcates. You can immediately go to the teleporter, having first found the key in one of the halls. But you won’t get parts of two magnificent artifacts and one simply incredible whole artifact. If you don't need them, skip straight to the next chapter.
If the new generation chooses Pepsi, ugh, artifacts, then go to the passage in the northeast of the level. We reach the level with the dungeons. And here the thief or someone else goes into hidden mode and along the corridor. Around the bend is the already familiar captain (he’s the one who shouldn’t notice us). We get to Irenicus’s office and pick up our things. Now you can safely return. The captain again offers us a couple of options: directly to the dark elves or with him on the ship. Well, of course, with him on the ship.
We are taken outside. Those who did not get to Spellhold on their own can admire the surroundings. We return to the city, hand over the loot and go to the Vulgar Monkey tavern. There we meet the captain, who offers to help us with the extraction of the ship. No, he will steal the ship himself; a horn is needed to give a signal to open the gate. During the day the forge is with the Pirate Lord, and at night - with his mistress in the west of the city. It's easier to expropriate him from his mistress (although you'll still have to kill a bunch of pirates). And then the pirates try very hard to preserve this horn, which is realized in a group of people meeting on the pier and another group on the ship, after we meet the captain in the eastern part of the pier. Well, having beaten everyone, we set sail. The captain happily presents us with a blade from an artifact sword.
On the way, a ship with a bunch of Gif Yankees catches up with us, passionately wanting to return this blade. A bloody battle ensues, in which it is impossible to kill any of the attackers (they have endless life, or what?). And then the sahuagins appear on the scene and immediately dump everyone (except us - we have nowhere to dump), after which we safely find ourselves in captivity.
The king of our captors is just some kind of local Stalin (execute everyone, cannot pardon). But the local priestess convinces him that we are those who came to them from above in order to make the sahuagin a cool race again. We agree to complete the tasks. The first is to kill the ettin, the next is to kill the prince, the leader of the rebels. But after parting with the mad monarch, we go north and meet the priestess, who convinces us that it is better not to kill the prince, but to help him. Okay, just at the beginning - for small quests. To do this - to the south (more even to the southwest). After the warning about traps, we move extremely carefully. There will be a couple of traps. So, knocking out single dead monsters, we reach a circle with two demons and six chests. We agree to solve the riddle of the demons, but first we clear all the traps in the circle (there are seven or eight of them). In the riddle, you must correctly distribute items to five legendary heroes. For those who are too lazy to think: staff, pipe, amulet, helmet, sword (from left to right, but the hints there are more than transparent). We take the contents of the sixth chest. A little further on is a brooding beholder guarding a chest (it contains a tooth, apparently necessary for passage to the prince). If you choose the right answers, you can convince him that it is the chest that needs to be protected, and not the contents. Much of the rest of the map is filled with fighting followers of the king and rebels or rebel patrols. You don’t have to bother, but you can get a little more experience. In the center of the map, among the fish jaws, there is a small detachment led by a priestess. That's what we need. Do not use magic (at least until the death of the priestess). We remove the Cloak of Mirroring from her corpse (a cloak that reflects spells back to the caster). In the southeast there is a pool with sea zombies (nothing particularly interesting, except for their lord, who poses as a sea vampire, and even Cloudkill knows). In the southwest there is a passage to the prince.
The prince convinces us to help him. To do this, you need to simulate the death of the prince (hand over a fake heart to the king). However, as usual, we are split and a fight begins with the king and his guards. At the end of the battle, the prince comes running (to help), but there may be nothing left for him. To celebrate, he shares the rope for lowering into the city of the elves and the key to the treasury. The king is left with a good spear +3. Here is a very tricky moment - the prince has part of a good artifact. Theoretically, he must be killed to take possession of this piece. But you can simply steal (although your stealing skill must be very high).
After this, there is a direct path to the next chapter.

Chapter Five
Naturally, Irenicus and his sister Bodhi were here much earlier than you. And he already made an alliance with the drow, immediately hiding. Therefore, getting out of here is now becoming quite difficult. But do you have any other options?

You find yourself in a huge cave of the Underworld. First, go to the northeastern corner of the map (along the edge of the map), where the dwarf settlement is located. Very soon from the resting place you will come across 3 illifids. You should already have Mordenkainen's Sword by now. We cast them and, under the supervision of the “wizard’s eye,” go into battle. Talk to their leader and agree to destroy the demon. In the next room you can receive a quest to find the merchant’s missing son and buy the wizard’s book for 300 coins (if you have already freed him and talked to him). We return to the landing site. Not far from it to the east are 3 portals in which fire, air and earth elementals live (10 in each). We carefully cut them all out, otherwise they will later kill the wizard who needs to be freed. After that, we go to the south of the map, where three dwarven merchants live, and buy from them a scroll with the 9th level spell Freedom. A little to the north there is a crooked house, passing by which you probably received strange messages. We read the scroll near the house and free the magician. The magician gives the task to get his book from the gnomes who confiscated it. Buy it back. Next, the magician goes on a journey through portals, starting with the earth, then into the fire and air. Standing near the portal, he pulls out the corresponding elemental from there (he has to be killed) and goes into the portal for a while. After this happens to all the portals, the magician thanks you for your help and rewards you with a valuable prize (it makes sense to say once that it’s not enough - you’ll get two more scrolls). North of the portals there is a party of drow. They have high magic resistance, but a few Cloudkills will do the trick. They drop good armor, but don't forget to sell it before leaving the drow city (they disintegrate into dust in the light). Even further north is a strange car with six windows. From the first and third, fighters crawl out, whom you simply kill, from the second - a magician (not so easy, but also fixable), from the fourth - a powerful lich (here you need to work hard). From the fifth, the son of a merchant from the village is obtained (you can go and get handcuffs +4 for this), and from the sixth, the leader of the adventure party, useless in all respects, retires to look for his own. To the southeast of the center of the map is a bridge guarded by a kuo-toa. You shouldn’t immediately fall on them - among the crowd of warriors there are a couple of decent magicians. To the east of the center there is a bridge to the drow city, at the entrance to which a party of drow materializes (again with good armor), who for some reason stubbornly get into battle, although there are clearly wizards among them.
Start completing the gnome's task. To do this you need to go east of the village. There, if you click on the pit, there will be a demon with very high magical resistance. However, you can just cast a couple of magic swords and go have some tea while they deal with the demon. Don't forget that after the enemy's death you need to read the scroll. Take a special crystal as a reward, which will be useful for meeting the silver dragon. The cave of this beast is located in the northeast corner of the map. Come in and speak peacefully. As a result, the characters will be ordered to find the dragon eggs and turn into dark elves. Well, let's go to the city of the dark elves.
Actually, there is a much faster option. Just kill the dragon, receiving a test tube with its blood (at the same time completing the quest for evil characters), and then exit through the tunnel into the kuo-toa's abode. But this option is only acceptable for evil characters and does not provide the opportunity to visit the city of the dark elves, where you can get a very large amount of experience and some things (some are even very useful).
Also in the east there will be a city of dark elves. Speak not too respectfully, but not too arrogantly, calling yourself Veldrin. When the guard allows you inside, the drow warrior Soulafein will address you. Listen to him and then look in the northeastern part of the map, at the entrance to the building. Please note that here quests are completed strictly on time. The first task will be to rescue the daughter of the main mother of one of the Houses. Leave the city and go to the southwest corner. Be careful when crossing the bridge, since a party of adventurers is already waiting there, wanting to beat the drow (and we are disguised as them). You can sneak past under invisibility, or you can beat him. There will be a battle with several Mind Flayers and Amberhulks. These guys are powerful, so the help of allied creatures will be useful. In addition, out of the goodness of their hearts, they land around your group (unless someone thought of approaching the drow with just one character and immediately running away), which greatly complicates the task of destroying them. The second task will be to destroy the lone beholder on the southeastern platform in the drow city. Equipping Cloak of Mirroring helps a lot here (beholders have all targeted spells). To get the third task, find your daughter in the tavern. Now you need to kill the leader of the dwarves.
Go to the entrance to their settlement - you will immediately see the right people. Send the drow warrior back to the city, and negotiate peacefully with the dwarf to give you his helmet. Return to the quest owner and get another one. The daughter will ask you to kill Soulafein and bring his cloak. Go to the drow warrior and negotiate peacefully with him, receiving the cape. The fifth quest is to find and destroy (your choice) a Kuo-Toa prince, a powerful beholder or a Mind Flayer.
Since we are not limited in time here, we can complete a bunch of additional quests. Moreover, most of them appear only after receiving a quest to obtain blood. At the bazaar, you can receive a quest from the dwarf to help his mistress, an aboleth. By the way, there are three merchants right there in the bazaar. There are quite decent things in their products. The aboleth recognizes that we are not drow and begins to blackmail us, demanding that we kill Quilue. You can intimidate the fish yourself, but you get more experience for killing a drow. A bunch of clerics live there and immediately begin to cast evil spells, starting with all sorts of protective spells on themselves. We deal with them and give our hearts to the customer. The reward is maintaining our incognito. In the tavern you can take part in two competitions at once (if you wish). In the southwestern part of the tavern they offer to compete with slave monsters. The first three don't even deserve mention, the fourth is a beholder. In the northwestern part of the tavern you will be offered to measure your strength with local fighters. First, there will be two battles between your warrior and local warriors (the first is a pure warrior, the second takes a long time to cast some kind of protection, but this only prolongs her agony). To be continued in the form of three duels with local casters. It's even boring. Produce a bunch of monsters, and they will figure it out on their own. Moreover, there is a strange joke in the game: the battle begins even before you see anything (the opponent is already casting something, and we are still looking at the black monitor screen). But the monsters do not disappear from the arena anywhere between battles and begin to beat the opponent from the very beginning of the fight. After last fight You can pick up all the junk (truly junk). Not far from the Dairex tower there is a magician, Visage, who wants to sell you a rope that will help you get into this very tower. But after entering the tower, they will teleport you and again begin to blackmail you with exposure (there is a whole detective story here with an insult to a certain mercenary and a thirst for revenge, and you are now in the position of the extreme and must take the rap for everyone), demanding to bring stones from the lich’s tower. In response to our consent, we are returned to the entrance to the tower. The lich is quite dead, but this time you can’t set traps in advance and make him immensely happy with this, so you’ll have to fight seriously. After taking the required stones, they will temporarily transport us to transfer them, promising, in addition to silence, some help in plundering the house of Dzheyllat (the very enemies who insulted our beloved mercenary). After returning to the lich, ransack the house and (if you want) go to rob Jaillat's house. There are about a dozen fighters there, weakly responding to spells mass destruction and very unkindly chopping ours. But in the closets there is a sea of ​​precious stones and money. Not far from this house, you can also receive an assignment to clean out a sect in the southeast. There are only a couple of wizards, a warrior and a bunch of animals, but don't expect gratitude or gifts for that.
The easiest way to do this is with a kuo-toa. The passage to them is in the middle of the western edge of the cave, through which we enter Underdark. In the first room to the north there are a bunch of beholders, which the character in the mirror cape can handle very well. A little further there is a bunch of kuo-toa, but they are not very strong. You should skip the next corridor - this is the exit to the surface, you don’t need to go there yet. In the southeast there is a room with a bunch of statues that recommend donating an animal. We summon the animal and receive in return a party of demon knights. In addition to working with swords and draining levels, they also know very evil magic. Therefore, it will take a very long time to lure this very magic from them under death row, so as not to get it yourself. One of them drops the final component of Crom's hammer. In addition, these good demons can still kill your magic swords (but after the death of the sword, you can pick up an amulet to counter illifid magic). Now we return to the beginning and go to the northern passage, which we have not yet visited. This is the kuo-toa's last line of defense. Cut it out, get a test tube with the blood of their prince. You can also poison the pool with the fry. You don’t have to turn left at the first fork, since you will still return there with the dragoness, who will also help.
There are two points with tunnels in the southeast of the map. Beholders live in the southern ones. With Cloak of Mirroring, completing this level is no problem. Near the entrance you can pick up a blade for an artifact sword and a Spell Warding amulet, which can be very useful among the illifids. In the south of the dungeon, a party of illifids fights a beholder. It makes sense to deal with everyone. There are a couple of caches in the eastern and northeastern parts of the map. The desired large beholder lives in the southeast of the map, but the battle against it will need to begin with reconnaissance in the form of several suicide bombers (he has one bad spell that even goes through the cape). Well, then we just kill him and also take the test tube with blood.
Illifids live in the eastern tunnels. It is advisable to get some sleep before entering there, as there will be no rest there. Upon entering, you will immediately be captured and used as gladiators. The first battle with the Amberhulks will be easy, but during the rest you can agree on mutual assistance with the GIF Yankees sitting right there. During the next battle, they put up a mental shield, and we cut down the arena guards and go look for a way out of the city. When leaving the arena, we kill the ogre and take the missing hilt of the artifact sword from him. Next is a hall with several doors. First, to the east, where it is better not to get too carried away with battles (illifids are endlessly summoned), but to quickly grab a test tube of blood and run away. In the south, after the battle with the illifids, we meet slaves begging to free them (but they only begin to talk after the illifids’ blood is fed to a certain device). We take the collar out of the closet and return to the pools of blood. There we use the collar on the illifid, after which we command it as if it were our own. We go with him to the northern door, which he helps open. After that we will have to kill him, otherwise we will quarrel with the GIF Yankees. In this room there is a hiding place in the wall. Further west to the hall with a crowd of illifids and amberhulks. After dealing with them, we find three doors from the hall. Behind the two there is something of little interest, but the most exciting thing is the door to the north. To open it, you will have to take the party back, close the door and switch the hero to beast mode, then knock down the door and chop exclusively the super-brain, not paying attention to anyone. After his death, we get a test tube with illifid blood, after which we leave the room. There is a lot of different good in it, but only a captive illifid can cope with brain golems. We release the slaves and go to the exit in the northeast of the location.
As soon as you bring what is required, preparations for the ritual of summoning the demon will begin. The daughter will ask you to steal dragon eggs from the Temple of Lloth. Go to the temple; Along the way you will meet a drow warrior who will give you another copy of the eggs. In the temple, open the door in the east leading to the room with the eggs, kill the guards and put the fake ones from your daughter in the niche instead of the real ones. Return to your daughter and give her another copy of the eggs (from the drow warrior). Now all that remains is to return to the temple and participate in the ritual. Watch as both mother and daughter give the demon fake dragon eggs, and when asked by the demon, choose the answer “Remain quiet” (like we don’t have eggs). Collect things from the corpses and quickly leave the temple. Get out of the city before everyone starts attacking you. Return to the dragon and she will teleport you to the exit to the surface. It’s better not to be tricky with the eggs, since the dragon is a rare good (although the evil party will receive a quest for a test tube with its blood) and therefore there will be big problems if the dragon is set up. Then it’s a matter of technique – to make your way to the exit.

Chapter Six
The time has come for the final fight against evil. Look for allies, it will be very difficult to cope alone. But there will be people who want to help you, all that remains is to call them under your banners. When did the great Drizzt Do'Urden receive orders from you?
After appearing on the surface, you will immediately be taken to the main elven general, who will begin interrogating the squad. Answer all questions honestly, and you will receive an offer to help the forest people in search of a powerful artifact that was mysteriously stolen. Most likely, Bodhi participated in this abduction, and it is she who will need to be destroyed. Leave the area and go to the main city. On the way, you should come across a detachment of adventurers led by the famous Drizzt, a dark elf ranger. Talk to him peacefully, tell him that you helped him cope with the gnolls, and ask for a favor. As such, choose help in destroying vampires.
In the city, it is recommended to go to the Promenade area. There you are met by the still not calmed Gif-Yanks, passionately wanting to get the blade of the sword. It's not worth giving it to them. Moreover, it is worth picking up the handle for this very sword from one of the corpses. Bargain in this area - there will be a lot of useful things.
Once in the city, go to the thieves guild and find its leader there (unless, of course, you quarreled with them in the third chapter). Persuade a friend to provide several fighters to help you; if necessary, apply a little pressure and threaten. Now go to the Temple area and in the paladin temple ask the knights of light to help in the fight against the creatures of darkness. In addition, it is worth visiting a handicraft gnome and asking him to build something from the debris that you have collected on distant travels. Having secured the support of your allies, go into the dungeons under the cemetery. In the cemetery itself we immediately encounter four vampires, but this is not too serious. We immediately meet our allies and go inside. Your allies will greatly facilitate the process of destroying those who have not yet died, so try not to get too involved in the fight. Go down to another floor, where you will find Bodhi itself, which you need to destroy. After her death, pierce her sarcophagus with a stake and you will find the required artifact. Return with him to the elven general. He will show the way to the elven city. Go there. Although before handing over the artifact, it’s worth going to three new locations shown by the general. Two of them are only exp in the form of monsters and not particularly valuable things, and there is a quest in Forest of Tethyr. In the northwest, near the hut, a certain Koran gives us a quest to free his girlfriend from captivity of the werewolves. In the hut itself there is a cloud of vampire spirits. Werewolves are based in the north of the map. After freeing the girl and passing the quest, you can (and should) go to the general.

Chapter seven
You are on the threshold of Irenicus's abode. The last steps remain. So implement them and save the world from enslavement again!

All the things below are created by the gnome Cromwell, who lives in the eastern part of the Mostov district.
Ankhneg– full armor
What is: armor with AC1
What is required: 5,000 gold, ankhneg shell
Location: Any dead ankhneg, usually in Windspear Hills
Crom Fayer- hammer
What is it: a war hammer that gives extreme (25) strength
What is required: 10,000 gold, Crom Fayer scroll, Hammer of Thunderbolts, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Girdle of Frost Giant Strength
Where is:
Crom Fayer scroll– from the black dragon in Temple Ruins
Hammer of Thunderbolts- in a secret area with Mind Flayers in the northern part of the sewers in the Temple area. The key to the secret area is held by Tazok, the red dragon's minion.
Gauntlets of Ogre Power– taken from Entu, a halfling warrior who lives on the first level of the Planar Sphere
Girdle of Frost Giant Strength– found by one of the demon knights in the Kuo-toa dungeon in Underdark
Wave– halberd +4
What is it: a halberd that deals 15 additional damage 15% of the time
What is required: 7,500 gold, Wave Shaft, Wave Blade
Where is:
Wave Shaft– taken from the guard in Astral Prison
Wave Blade– taken from Price Villynaty in the city of Sahuagin
Mace of Disruption– club +2
What is it: a club that usually kills undead with one blow and prevents the loss of experience levels
What is required: 7,500 gold, Mace of Disruption +1, Illithium ore
Where is:
Mace of Disruption +1– located in the pool of blood, in the Bodhi vampire hideout
Illithium Ore– given in one of the quests in the Temple area (creating a sculpture)
Red Dragon Armor
What is it: powerful armor with fire protection
What is required: 5,000 gold, red dragon scales
Location: near the red dragon in the Windspear Hills dungeon
Black Dragon Armor
What is: powerful armor with acid protection
What is required: 5,000 gold, black dragon scales
Location: near the black dragon in the Temple Ruins dungeon
Gesen Short Bow– short bow
What is: a bow that requires no arrows
What is required: 7,500 gold, Gesen Bow Shaft, Gesen Bow String
Where is:
Gesen Bow Shaft– in the dungeon in the tanner’s house (Tanner) in the Bridges area
Gesen Bow String– located on the second floor of the Asylum dungeon in a chest with a guard of three golems
Silver Sword– sword
What is it: a sword with every fourth attack that has a chance to instantly kill an enemy
What is required: 7500 gold, Silver Blade, Silver Hilt
Where is:
Silver Blade– reward from the pirate ship captain in Brynnlaw after defeating the main bandit
Silver Hilt– from one of the attackers in the githyanki Docks area, given after purchasing a Silver Blade
The Equalizer– sword
What is it: a sword that deals more damage the further the enemy's alignment is from True Neutral
What is required: 7500 gold, Pommel Jewel, Equalizer Hilt, Equalizer Blade
Where is:
Pommel Jewel– on the first level of the very first dungeon, in the bedroom
Equalizer Hilt– lying around in the area with the Mind Flayer in Underdark. Right next to the dungeon in which the heroes find themselves after being captured.
Equalizer Blade– drops from Elder Orb, in the area with Beholder in Underdark

We've been waiting for the game for a long time. A very long time, considering that, starting in the winter of 1996, we were confident by the guys from Interplay that the game was about to be released. It’s one thing to know that a hit will be released in exactly a year, and to be calm until the very end. last day, and it’s another thing to spend a whole year climbing dozens of sites, where all sorts of Ray Muzyks and Chris Parkers assured that the game was almost ready, all that was left was a little tweaking, and that’s all... But! We really got what we were waiting for, that is, the game of the year, the winning game. As we know, winners are not judged, so let’s slightly scold the developers for whipping up impatience and rosy expectations among the wide ranks of RPG fans and move on to the actual characteristics of the game.

Although there is nothing to characterize, because, as you know, it is difficult to say something very useful when describing unconditional hits. The music is good, the sound is also good, which you will feel from the very first minutes of the gameplay. The graphics, of course, are worthy of all praise. Especially the detail of the creatures, the majesty of the various views: noisy waterfalls, huge castles, mysterious ruins, lost temples. Each more or less noticeable magical item has its own backstory, and each character in your squad has a rich biography, behavior, habits and moral beliefs. Any item put on a character will change it appearance. It is even easy to notice whether the hero is holding a long or short sword, as well as whether it is magical (by its pale flicker or reddish hilt) or not. The locations of the items have also been thought out: a small bat will never drop a full metal cuirass. But you get arrows from the bodies of archers, magicians like to take a staff and scrolls on the road, and Drizzt, a dark elf, wears his favorite enchanted scimitars and the famous +4 armor.

But there are spots in the sun: the game is not very big, and you are unlikely to spend the 100–120 hours promised by the developers, but you will most likely complete it in a week if you are deeply concerned about the problems of saving the world from iron shortages. There are few dungeons that are optional for exploration, which is unlikely to appeal to RPG fans who love to run through dungeons not only for the sake of the desire to advance along the storyline, but also to show off themselves and look at the monsters. There is little operational space for the full-fledged adventure that we had in Daggerfall. There are few maps, and those that exist are quickly walked around and looked around. Not enough, of course, for fans of the almost endless adventures in the world of RPGs that we are talking about. However, tabletop roleplayers will always be larger and more reliable than their computer counterparts, and it would still be wrong to criticize BG for being somewhat shortened. Also, don't be too upset about the mass of small details of the game that do not comply with all the canons of the AD&D system. The thief's ability to climb a wall without a rope has disappeared, and the ability to hide in the shadows (analogous to invisibility for a magician) and walk silently have merged into a single Stealth skill. The balance of magic spells, as well as their properties, have undergone significant amendments. Cleric healing spells now restore the maximum number of hit points allowed under AD&D rules, making them twice as effective.

Some findings from previous games with plots about dragons and dungeons were not used here: in the same Eye of the Beholder, during sleep, clerics automatically healed wounded comrades, and sleep lasted until the group was completely healed. It’s obviously not 8 hours, like in BG, when you need to wake up, hit a healing spell a dozen times, and then the same number of times on a friend and go back to sleep (although if you put Heal Light Wounds on the hotkey, then the problem is a little will lose its edge). The situation with saves is also bad: having saved the game, you will be unpleasantly surprised by creatures that appear from the void, sometimes very strong ones. And since they usually often save when things are not going very well, and the health of the wards is very close to zero, you will be on your last legs to deal with the new horde of creatures. There are places (and there are many of them) where you can't sleep at all, and in the second part of the aforementioned EOB there was only one such place. Therefore, you need to be patient, forbid yourself to lower the difficulty level of battles, and try to keep a couple of powerful staves with you “for a rainy day.” The staves, by the way, do not recharge, but why is a great mystery. One more thing - most of the quest items will be mercilessly taken away from you, and the most annoying thing is that these things can be very useful or expensive.

However, the game was a success, and the workers from distant Canadian lands did not eat their bread in vain. Some shortened gameplay will be brightened up by the long-announced additions to the first BG and the expected second and third parts (they promise that the additions and continuations, together with the first part, will take 25 CDs!). And we will graciously attribute the changes in the original AD&D system to the desire to balance the game, albeit to the detriment of the established rules.

One of the biggest advantages of the game is the pause, the great Friend and Helper of every adventurer in the world of Baldur’s Gate. Click Space and calmly give orders, think about tactical moves, drink coffee and look at the monster figures. In the options you can set the pause to automatically turn on depending on various conditions: injury, character death, end of the round, etc.

The atmosphere of travel is well developed, the storyline develops interestingly. The story with the main character, who, it turns out, had a very curious dad, is quite original. It’s also nice to be able to take down Drizzt, the drow ranger (by the way, the hero of the old computer RPG Menzaberronzan) in order to knock down his heroic arrogance (well, I don’t like him, I don’t like him!). So, regardless of our minor quibbles, Baldur’s Gate has its “top ten” almost without any stretch.


It is quite difficult to completely break down the process of creating a hero in the AD&D system - it will require half the magazine, if not more, and therefore we will limit ourselves to a few useful tips on creating a hero specifically in Baldur’s Gate. Firstly, gender, image, name and appearance play absolutely no role, so give them the minimum of your attention. Second, think carefully about your choice of race. I advise you to focus your attention on people, as all classes are available to them, which means they are more customizable. The high resistance of elves or halflings to magic can, of course, come in handy, but serious magical battles will begin around the middle of the game, and there wizards do not waste their time on the first level spells Charm and Sleep. As for gnomes and dwarves, they have almost no training in magic, although dwarves make good warriors. But in general, the choice of race very much depends on the choice of profession: if you set your sights on magic, then take a human; martial arts - dwarf; ranger or thief - elf or half-elf.

Profession. Take either a mage or a warrior. A ranger or paladin causes quite a lot of trouble in managing: he became a berserker out of fear, killed a sleeping person or a defenseless passerby and lost his abilities as a result of such a crime, that is, he became a fallen ranger or paladin... And there are no special quests for restoring his former status. A thief is given as a companion right at the very beginning of the game, and having two thieves on one team is, to put it mildly, unreasonable. The bard is not worth mentioning at all - they are good at roleplaying various situations in a tabletop session, but in battle in BG they are completely bad. It is hardly necessary to take a cleric or a druid on the road as the main character, since they are quite often encountered as potential party members, in addition, in battle they are worse than a fighter, and their other talents are fully revealed only when they reach the fourth or fifth level . That's when skeletons, lightning calls and other spectacular techniques appear.

Having chosen the path of magic, bet on Specialist mages: having reached a new level, they receive not one spell, but two, and they know their spells better. Another point: you start the game with two spells, and not with one - feel the difference. Specialists also have disadvantages. They cannot use spells of the opposite sphere, for example, our Necromancer was unable to use the Illusion sphere, which, however, became absolutely indifferent to him when the Enchanter mage named Xan entered the squad. As a result, both mages had an increased number of spells compared to normal wizards. In addition, they complemented each other, since one always knew something that the other did not know.

A warrior is more convenient in battle, but, in our opinion, he is very boring, so we limited ourselves to only one of these in our team, so that his thick skin would cover the magicians while they quickly, quickly gesticulate and speak Latin. The function of both the paladin and the warrior is to protect the thief and wizards; they are capable of more only when meeting an enemy who is weaker than them. True, according to the established tradition, it is easier to start a new game as a warrior, since magicians at this moment are very weak and need to be cherished and groomed until they reach at least the third level. And in hand-to-hand combat, the magician’s health does not allow him to swing a dagger or staff, as does his inability to pick up a serious weapon or put on anything heavier than a robe or cloak.

In general, everything is simple: if you want to suffer first and then feel like a king when your enemies are fried in the fire you caused, then choose a mage. If at the beginning of the game you want to feel almost like a king, and then roast in magical fire (hehe), then your man is a warrior. A lot depends on your patience and fighting style.

Alignment, aka the character of the hero. As you know, every significant character in the world of AD&D has his own Alignment, which can be translated as “morality”, “character”, “value system”, etc. Character in BG determines the relationship between the heroes in the team and their reaction to the actions of the main character . The choice of character is slightly limited by the choice of profession (for example, a paladin is only kind and law-abiding), but only a little, since a necromancer can be both kind and law-abiding. A little strange, isn't it? I highly recommend either setting Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good, since the heroes who are easiest to find tend to have similar half-neutral-half-good personalities, which means they will always understand you and clashes in the group will be rare (if ever) . In any case, try not to keep heroes with opposite characters on your team for a long time: good and evil, law-abiding and chaotic. Sooner or later there will be a skirmish in which one part of the group will fight against the other - a terrible sight. Also, evil comrades do not like it when the group’s reputation becomes very high, just as good ones will not want to be in the group if the mass murder of defenseless people begins.

Abilities, they are also the main characteristics of the hero. Leave the cubes (Reroll) for half a minute, save the best result (Store) and leave the cubes for another minute. If the results are worse, then restore the saved old ones (Recall) and distribute the characteristics, reducing some to increase others. The magician needs a high Intelligence score – increase it to 18, Constitution – to 18, Agility – to 16–17. You also need good Strength (15–17) to be able to carry heavy objects. You can forget about charisma (Charisma), a magician doesn’t really need it. In your squad there will be other people with high charisma who will begin to negotiate with the NPC. But with wisdom (Wisdom) it’s not so easy. Firstly, the necromancer needs it, and secondly, resistance to certain spells (those that affect the mind) depends on it, and the Lore indicator will increase slightly. As for the warrior, maximize his strength, endurance and agility at the expense of intelligence, wisdom and charisma. If you decide to play as a priest or druid, be sure to raise wisdom to the maximum: this is very important for them in order to get additional spells.

Next come military skills (Proficiencies). The number of stars allocated to a character depends on the chosen profession: a magician has one, and a warrior has four. I advise you to give the magician Small Sword as a skill so that he can wield a dagger better. Let the warrior spend two stars on Bow and two on Large Sword. Reject Ax, Spear and Spiked Weapons immediately, forever and for all heroes, if you do not like exotics. But for a cleric and a druid, both Blunt Weapons and Missile Weapons are suitable. In our team, in the early stages, both the warrior, the druid, and the thief first attacked the enemy with fire from bows and throwing arrows, and only then finished him off with weapons such as a hammer or swords in hand-to-hand combat. That is, you can do just fine without special ranger archers on your own if you change the weapons in the heroes’ pockets in time. Don’t forget that later, when you increase your levels, you will be given additional stars to increase your military skills. And a sixth-level warrior will become a Master of Long Blades if he drives two additional stars into them to the existing two.

Next, the magicians have a menu for selecting spells that he will know at the beginning of the game. A specialist has three spells, and a regular magician has two. I advise you to take combat spells like Magic Missile and Chromatic Orb, but not those that can be obtained almost immediately during the prologue or the beginning of the first chapter (such as Armor, Identify, Infravision and necromantic spells). The next menu is devoted to selecting spells from the list of spells known to you, which the magician will currently remember. Subsequently, you will be able to remember any other spells, you just need to enter the magic book, make the necessary changes and sleep continuously for 8 hours.


The most optimal, in our opinion, is the following class composition of the squad: warrior (Khalid), druid/warrior (Jaheira), two specialist magicians (one should be Xan - he has a Moonblade, the most best weapon melee for the mage), cleric and thief (Imoen). I'll try to explain.

You need to use magic skillfully, and you need to learn how to take magicians away from danger in time. Therefore, do not take more than two magicians into your team, but the knowledge of one will also not be enough, since spells tend to run out very quickly. If you have two specialist mages from different schools, then in a certain situation their spells complement each other (for example, the main character is a necromancer and an Enchanter mage). In addition, the two specialists have almost the same number of spells as those “ordinary” magicians. Go ahead. The magicians are covered by warriors, otherwise they won’t be able to hold out for long, because they are unimportant fighters. Please note that if the magician gets a strong blow, he will lose the spell he is currently using. No matter how well a warrior fights, he will still be wounded, which means he needs cleric healers or druids. Of course, you can sleep, and then the health of each character will rise by one (if the sleep was not interrupted), but it takes a very long time to heal in this way. You need to sleep, use the healing spells of the clerics/druids and sleep again - you will heal very quickly. In addition, the spiritual magic of priests can be no less useful than the pure magic of sorcerers. Same Animate Dead - you almost can’t do without it.

So, one cleric must be on the team, plus a warrior and two specialist mages. There are still two free places left. One of them will be occupied by a thief, or rather, the thief Imoen. There is nowhere in the world of Baldur’s Gate without a thief; this is not Dark Sun, where a thief was not needed. The thief hides, which allows you to hit opponents who can’t see you with long-range magic, and run away from guards who caught you stealing from someone else’s house. Picking locks is also important, especially in the second half of the game. Developed theft skill helps you easily pick out the pockets of passers-by and quickly get rich; If you steal more expensive items from a store and then sell them right away, you will hardly need money. The thieves' ability to find traps is less important than the previous skills, so it should be developed last. With each level increase, the thief is given 20 points, by which he can raise one or all of his abilities by the desired percentage. I recommend that you first invest all the points from two to three levels into developing the skill of picking locks and moving into the shadows. Practice has shown that above 100 percent of the ability to lift is unreasonable - in this case, move on to developing other skills.

The thief also has a cunning and sneaky technique called “Backstab”. Specifically in Baldur's Gate it is used like this: go into the shadows and hit the enemy. If the blow was successful, then increased (double or triple - depending on the level) damage will be inflicted, and it does not matter whether the blow was struck in the back or in the face, the main thing is that the thief is in the shadows. Naturally, you can use a backstab against most enemies, with the exception of those who by definition do not have a back - a slug, for example. Hiding in the shadows is also useful when breaking into chests in houses - sometimes guards appear and convict you of theft. If these are the guys from Flaming Fist, then paying off is useless and even harmful - it will worsen your reputation. There are two ways: to be rude and run away from the house into the street, since the guards do not know how to leave or enter houses, or to hide as a thief in the shadows and simply leave.

In Beregost, at the Thunder Hammer store, be sure to buy Shadow Armor for the thief. This the best armor Of all available for the thief profession, they add 15% to moving into the shadows. They are, of course, expensive - about 15,000 coins, but even such expenses will quickly justify themselves. In the same store you can buy equally expensive unique items such as a Speed ​​crossbow (for a fighter) or a poisonous dagger (best for a magician), which are worth splurging on as soon as good money appears.

Warrior. The most important thing for him is to maximize his AC and THAC0 and get powerful magical weapons. AC (Armor Class - level of protection) is achieved due to high dexterity, worn armor and additional things: amulets, rings, shields, etc. The lower the AC of a warrior, the more difficult it is to hit him. AC in BG can vary greatly: from plus 13 to minus 11. The last value, as you understand, is the best for your hero, and the first is the worst. We think it’s worth writing how you can achieve AC of –10 units; Read carefully if you want to create an impenetrable warrior with the properties of a tank. The warrior managed to reach -10 AC thanks to Full Plate mail, +1 shield, +2 ring of defense, Baldur's helmet (+1 to defense), +5 Defender Twinkle scimitar (+2 to defense) and Agility cuffs (increasing agility to 18 is equal to defense +2 in case of Kalid).

THAC0 (To Hit Armor Class 0 - breaking through enemy defenses with an AC value of 0) determines how successfully a character can find an unprotected place in an enemy's armor and strike there. The lower THAC0, the better - it is determined by the ability to wield certain weapons (proficiencies), strength indicator and class of the hero, as well as some artifacts that affect THAC0. The most skillful hero, the warrior, managed to achieve THAC0 of 7 units, but the magician Xan had it at 14 by the end of the game.

Weapon. The most useful, of course, is the magical one, but it doesn’t come across that often, and therefore at first you need to make do with the ordinary one. I advise you to give the warrior a long sword or a bastard sword, but you will have to forget about two-handed weapons if you want to carry a shield. A large shield is even more useful, since it not only increases AC by one, but also gives one to protection from arrows.

And a few more observations about multiclass characters. This joy, according to the rules of AD&D, is inaccessible to people, and its effect is as follows: all experience received by the character is divided into two (or maybe three) equal shares, which go to two (or three) professions-classes. This way you can get a person with the skills of a warrior/thief/mage (etc.), which is very nice. But, unfortunately, it will take much longer for that same jack-of-all-trades hero to increase his level than a hero with one profession, and besides, the limitations of a particular profession will be taken into account. A warrior/thief/mage, for example, will be able to wear the same Full Plate Mail that I respect, but he will lose his thief abilities and will not be able to use magic. Therefore, you will have to take off your armor and go into battle either without armor at all, or with very weak one. That is, the warrior will be clearly useless, and the magician and thief even more so, since his peers of the same class will already be more experienced and will be ahead of the generalist in their profession by a level, or even two. But the two-class system still has its advantages and some application: if you need to take some profession into the team, but at the same time there is no place in the party for a specialist in it. It’s worth taking Jaheira, a warrior/druid, since you don’t need a pure druid (he largely duplicates a cleric), but you would like to have some of his special abilities. A warrior/druid will be a good fighter for you, and he has natural knowledge.

Ajantis Human Paladin Lawful Good Hut under BG 17 13 16 12 13 17Alora Halfling Thief Chaotic Good BG: Hall of Wonders 8 19 12 14 7 10Branwen Human Cleric True Neutral Carnival 13 16 15 9 16 13 Spiritual HammerCoran Human Fighter/Thief Chaotic Good Cloakwood1 14 20 12 14 9 16Dynaheir Human Invoker Lawful Good Gnoll Stronghold 11 13 16 17 15 12 Slow PoisonEdwin Human Conjurer Lawful Evil Nashkel 9 10 16 18 9 10Eldoth Kron Human Bard Neutral Evil Cloakwood3 16 12 15 13 10 16 Create poison arrowsFaldorn Human Druid True Neutral Cloakwood3 12 15 11 10 16 15 Summon Dread WolfGarrick Human Bard Chaotic Neutral Beregost 14 16 9 13 14 15Imoen Man Thief Neutral Good East by Candlekeep 9 18 16 17 11 16Jaheira Half-Elf Fighter/Druid True Neutral Friendly Arm Inn 15 14 17 10 14 15Kagain Dwarf Fighter Lawful Evil Beregost 16 12 20 15 11 8Khalid Half-Elf Fighter Neutral Good Friendly Arm Inn 15 16 17 15 10 9Kivan Elf Ranger Chaotic Good High Hedge 12/18 17 14 10 14 8Minsc Human Ranger Neutral Good Nashkel 18/93 15 15 8 6 9 BerserkMontaron Halfling Fighter/Thief Neutral Evil East by Candlekeep 16 17 15 12 13 9Quayle Dwarf Illusionist/Cleric Chaotic Neutral On the bridge in BG 8 15 11 17 10 6 InvisibilitySafana Human Thief Chaotic Neutral Lighthouse 13 17 10 16 9 17 Charm AnimalShar Teel Half-Elf Fighter Chaotic Evil East of Temple 18/58 17 9 14 7 11Skie Human Thief True Neutral Manor Entar Silvershield in BG 11 18 15 15 8 13Tiax Halfling Cleric/Thief Chaotic Evil Flaming Fist HQ in BG 9 16 16 10 13 9 Summon GhastViconia Dark Elf Cleric Neutral Evil Peldvale 10 19 8 16 15 14 50% magic resistanceXan Elf Enchanter Lawful Neutral Nashkel Mines 13 16 7 17 14 16 The only owner of the Moonblade swordXzar Human Necromancer Chaotic Evil East by Candlekeep 14 16 10 17 16 10Yeslick Dwarf Fighter/Cleric Lawful Good Cloakwood Mines 15 12 17 7 16 10 Dispel Magic
Name Race Class Character Location
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Special abilities

So, the class composition is clear, as well as the problem of the different characters (Alignment) of the heroes. After all, everyone in our carefully selected company adhered to three models of behavior: the cleric Branwen and the druid/warrior Jaheira - True Neutral, the mage Xan and the mage Specialist - Lawful Neutral, the warrior Khalid and the thief Imoen - Neutral Good. That is, swearing, let alone fights, was never observed in such a company: the class composition turned out to be balanced, and the characters agreed in character.


And one more piece of advice. By dragging the hero icons you determine the leader of the group. There is only one rule here - whose face is at the very top is in charge. The attitude towards your group and the level of prices in the shops depend on the charisma of the leader. Therefore, the leader should be the character with the highest level of charisma in the squad, although leadership will make him an attractive target for monsters. The creatures pay more attention to the leaders of the party: they usually go first, and only then the rest move.

Below is a list of all potential candidates for a vacant position in your squad. The initial level of such allies will be equal to the average level of your team's heroes. That is, the cooler your guys are, the higher the level your new allies will become. Remember also that some NPCs walk in pairs, and if you kick one of them out, the other one will leave too. Fortunately, if you send an unnecessary character to certain death and he is killed, then the problem with the unnecessary person will be easily solved, and his friend will remain with you. The following NPCs are inseparable: Xzar and Montaron, Jaheira and Khalid, Minsc and Dynaheir, Eldoth Kron and Skie.

You need to conduct the conversation very carefully. Of course, you can’t be too gallant with your enemies, just as you shouldn’t quarrel with possible allies or people who simply want to help. When talking to strangers, do not be rude and choose the most polite phrase available.

In temples you can receive treatment, remove sores, resurrect the dead and make donations. As a rule, treatment in them is quite expensive - it is better to sleep a few nights in a hotel nearby. It’s also unlikely that you will need to remove the sores, because we warn about all the damned things, and you will never put on or pick up an item without first identifying it using Identify. Identification can be done in a store for 100 coins, but it is better to save money and entrust the procedure to your magicians.

Resurrecting the dead is quite expensive, although we didn’t care. If you win the battle, then deaths can be avoided; if you lose, it is better to retreat and return to the offenders later, gaining several levels and getting better equipment. And you can always load the previous save if things are really bad... Beware of the death of the main character - in this case, no one will let you restore him.

Donations must be made carefully. They provide some interesting information, but usually not very valuable. If you donate a large amount of gold at once, you will receive an improvement in your reputation. However, if you give an amount that is just short of adding one to your reputation, then you will not achieve anything even if you donate the missing amount a second time.

The ability to stuff heroes' backpacks as efficiently and tightly as possible is a real art. It is very difficult to decide what to throw away and what to keep, what is worth carrying with you for a rainy day, and what may not be useful at all. I recommend conducting a five-minute inspection of all characters’ bags every two hours of play. First, find and sell all the jewelry and similar things that were forgotten in the chaos somewhere in the far corner. Secondly, move arrows and stones to the vacated slots in time to free up space. Also, find all the bottles of the same type and collect them in one package. The latter is not as easy as it seems, because there are dozens of different types of drinks and potions, and soon a good half of the space in the heroes’ inventory will be filled with them. The funny thing is that if the hero has one drink of a certain type and you give him another one of the same type, then you will receive two places intended for these drinks. That is, things of the same type, even in the backpack of one hero, do not automatically stack with each other - you need to do this yourself! Sometimes this kind of “micromanagement” gets terribly boring, especially in the second half of the game, when you do it quite often. Now, if all objects of the same type immediately folded into each other, you know...

Dream. In order for the squad to maintain maximum combat effectiveness, it is necessary to periodically sleep. Eight hours of continuous sleep will always restore spent spells of clerics and magicians. However, sleep is often interrupted, magic is not restored and new enemies appear. To protect yourself from such interference in the heroes’ rest, it is best to sleep in hotels. There is another option: rest in safe places, for example, on the bridge in Baldur’s Gate. Even in an area rich in monsters, you can sleep safely if you stand near its edge. If monsters appear, simply move to another area.

Scripts, that is, specified behavior models. General advice is this: it’s not worth the candle, don’t use it. A serious battle must be carried out yourself, periodically causing a pause and giving valuable instructions. Simple battles, when your advantage is obvious, especially do not require scripts - they can be carried out without pause or any precautions. Let me give you an example of a game situation: a thief went into the shadows and headed towards a crowd of gnolls to open them up to the magician's fireball. According to the script, seeing the enemy and stopping, the thief began to shoot or went into hand-to-hand combat, thereby exposing himself. The gnolls immediately ran towards him, and at this time the magician’s fireball went into nowhere, behind their backs. The thief was killed, and the magician didn’t get far. The moral is this: a thief without a script would remain in the shadows and would not attract attention, but the fireball would hit the target and everything would end well for you.

Another variant. You are attacked by hobgoblins and your archer has +2 magic arrows equipped. So he will spend it all on the creatures if you don’t have time to snatch them from the character’s backpack. What if a hand-to-hand fight breaks out, and your shooter is armed with exploding arrows and fires into the very center of the mess? A cheerful picture stands before your eyes: a huge circle of fire, screams, groans of the wounded and half of your guys are deeply knocked out. With a magician, the situation is even worse: imagine, he cast a spell defined by the script, but you needed something completely different, so now wait until the magician rests, and don’t miss the moment when he wants to cast the next spell. Otherwise, you will still wait, distracted from all the other heroes.

You can, of course, spend an hour or two working out in detail the conditions you need in scripts, but you can’t provide for all life situations, it’s simply impossible because of their diversity. Therefore, even your own scripts can fail you at any time. Although the idea with scripts is really good, and the implementation is excellent, because you are provided with ready-made models of behavior for each hero, but... You have to do everything yourself, so it will be more reliable. Pause is the best script.


Each magical item with defensive or offensive functions is characterized by a certain number after the “+” sign. There are five gradations of such advantages: from the weakest items with +1 to super-powerful +5. In BG, magic items are quite rare compared to, say, Diablo. In total, the game contains about fifty items with +1, about twenty items with +2, and ten to twelve with +3 and higher. However, there are few things higher than things with +3 – Drizzt’s +4 mithril chain mail and his +5 Twinkle scimitar. Therefore, you need to cherish and pamper +2 things, and +1 must be taken with you from the bodies of defeated enemies and sold for big money.

Some magical items add a certain percentage to magic defense. This is the cloak of the founder of the city of Baldur’s Gate named Baldur (+25%) and the robe of the archmage (+5%). Please note that resistance occurs to all magic without exception. So don't be surprised if the cleric's Cure Serious Wounds was wasted, it's just that the mage's resistance was stronger. That is, during treatment, be sure to take off such things and do not drink special magic resistance drinks just like that. Some races have an innate resistance to magic - you will meet a dark elf priestess with an innate 50% Magic Resistance. I don’t recommend taking it, because with the same treatment you’ll get tired later, although half of the enemy spells will hit it. Once again about the archmage's robe - there are three types of it: for evil, good and neutral magicians. The last two types are sold in High Hedge, but for evil magicians you will find a robe by killing Davaeron, the lord of the mines near the Shadow Forest. In any case, buy or find a robe for your pet, because it is the best available clothing for a magician.

For best results, magic must be used in combinations. The most obvious ones are Animate Dead and Stinking Cloud. You throw an acid cloud into a crowd of enemies, in which they suffocate and lose consciousness, and introduce skeletons with immunity to this spell. All! You just methodically kill the lying ones and celebrate your victory. Very useful against groups of magicians and dangerous monsters such as basilisks. Yes, the same skeletons are not affected by the gaze of basilisks, which causes petrification, nor by the charm of nymphs and harmful magicians, nor by sleep spells, so throw the skeletons at the most dangerous areas of the battle.

Another combination: Mirror Image and Fireball. The fireball is very dangerous for your heroes and requires proper aiming and pre-emptive shooting. After all, most monsters immediately move closer, and throwing a fireball at them can be very difficult. Therefore, create a mirror image of the magician, send him forward to the crowd of creatures and cast a fireball directly at the magician! As soon as the monsters reach your sorcerer, he will cast the desired Fireball. Moreover, it will not affect the magician, but will only destroy his mirror image, but the creatures will not find it a little. If anyone survives, he will instantly run away from insane fear. Catch up and finish off so they don’t leave.

The third spectacular combination. Web and priestly Free Action. Almost all opponents are tied hand and foot with a sticky web, and the warrior cheerfully runs up to everyone and, in the order of a general turn, “offends” them with impunity. Note that the unique sword Spider's Bane automatically gives the warrior Free Action as long as he has it in his hands. Another combination. Throw Silence into the crowd to make it impossible to cast spells, plus before that cast Vocalize on your sorcerers, which will allow your magic masters to do without any words.

There is no need to neglect simple first-level spells. After all, what powerful guys were taken down by the first level spell Entangle and a pair of archers in the form of a thief with a bow and a warrior with a crossbow! Entangle, although it allows the enemy to fight, completely deprives him of the ability to move. In addition, Entangle only affects enemies, unlike Web, which webs both its heroes and enemies.

Try to buy as many spell scrolls as possible - this is the only way to gain access to new spells. Select the Write Magic option and the scroll will disappear so that the spell appears in your magic book. It is possible for the scroll to be written unsuccessfully, i.e. the scroll is used, but the spell will not be rewritten. This is reflected in the Chance to learn a spell indicator, which depends on the magician's intelligence indicator. In general, save before each rewrite of the scrolls, and if you fail, just load and try again. Do not forget that the strength of a magician lies not only in the number of spells that he can remember, but also in the variety of his magic book. Each new spell copied into the magician's book increases your sorcerer's usefulness in a variety of situations. In practice, there are only two main ways to get scrolls with new spells: looting, that is, searching the corpses of enemy magicians, and buying in magic shops. Everything is clear with the first one, but shops are not very easy to find; there are only two of them: in High Hedge and in the very first area of ​​the city, Baldur’s Gate. Buy scrolls and don’t spare money on it.

When fighting sorcerers, be aware that they usually cast the most powerful spells first, which means they need a significant amount of time to cast them. You have a chance to prevent the magician from finishing casting a spell if you manage to inflict some serious damage on him before he finishes waving his arms. You just need to interrupt the enemy spell either with a well-aimed arrow or with your own quick spell. Magic Missile works well here, it is a very convenient and useful thing. If you manage to hit the sorcerer, then his efforts will go to waste...


Attention to all lovers of an easy life! There is one interesting bug in Baldur’s Gate that allows you to easily solve the problem of finances. It's done like this.

Get some kind of gem (it doesn’t matter which one) and a potion (also any). For example, you can use healing potion and andar gem. Go to your character's inventory and place the potion in the "hot" slot. Exit to the main screen. Do you see the drug in the bottom row of cells? Great. Go back to inventory and replace the potion with a gem. Switch to the main screen. There, in the bottom cell, there is still a healing potion. Click on it several times left And right buttons mouse, then go to inventory. There will be your stone in the window, and under it there will be a small inscription, something like 65,540. In the store you can sell this number of stones for a tidy sum - from 80,000 to 100,000 gold (the more expensive the stone you chose, the more money receive).

Now you can almost go to the wizard in High Hedge and buy cool magic arrows. And at the same time, the robes of archmages, and scrolls with spells, and in general everything that your soul desires...


It is hardly possible to write a walkthrough of Baldur's Gate according to some fixed order of visits to the desired areas and the path to them, since everyone will find their own way to the desired locations on the map: some players will linger on quests and fights with monsters, while others will go ahead, trying achieve global victory as quickly as possible. Most areas are not required to be visited at all, meaning they can be ignored. Therefore, we will briefly outline the goal and the most important (to a minimum!) actions in each chapter, and you decide for yourself how to achieve it, since we tried to describe all areas as much as possible so that you do not miss anything interesting.

The transition from one area to another is very clever. You can get from the opposite edge of the map to the place you need, completely ignoring the locations between the destination of the trip and your location. There are, however, ambushes, but they can be easily avoided by simply running out of the area. To get to the desired area, you need to find the way to it, that is, find a location nearby and approach all the heroes to the edge of the map in the right direction. You will now see a new area highlighted in blue. This means that you have not been there yet, but you can already do it from anywhere on the global map.

So, Prologue: You start in the Candlekeep area, around the castle. Talk to Gorion and go with him on the journey. First chapter: Once in the area west of Candlekeep, take your first three partners. Then you should go to the Friendly Arm Inn and take two allies: Kalid and Jaheira. Go to Nashkel. Chapter two: Visit Nashkel Mines and pay a "friendly" visit to the local boss, the "Kobold God". After killing the last one, take the letters from the chest. Chapter Three: return to Beregost, find a bandit in the Feldepost's Inn and knock out information about the bandit camp from him. Arm yourself well and kill the leaders of the robbers in that very camp, and then read the letters again. Chapter Four: See the Cloakwood Shady Forest, you need to fight your way through it and get to the Mines. Calm down Davaeorn, one of the leaders of the forces unfriendly to you. Chapter Five: The city of Baldur's Gate is now open to the public, so get out of the mines and head into it. Complete a quest for Scar, the boss of Flaming Fist, to inspect oddities in the merchant guild. Then talk to one of the four heads of the city, Duke Eltan. Report to him about the need to visit Candlekeep. Chapter Six: Takes place entirely in Candlekeep - inside the castle and in the Candlekeep dungeons. Chapter seven: Shake the blood of the undead and the Shapeshifters from your swords and march into the capital of Baldur's Gate - the path to victory. Complete the Labyrinth and Underground City. Engage in the final battle with the enemy in the Temple of Bhaal.


Right from the first chapter, you have a great opportunity to explore all areas of the game space, with the exception of the city of Baldur’s Gate and several story locations. However, it is best to go to the second or third chapter and only then, armed with powerful magic and sharp swords, raising the level of your heroes, go through fire and sword in search of new monsters and new treasures.

1. Area in the southeast corner

In the northern part you will meet two interesting people: a warrior who told about a deserter, and a gnome. Talk to the latter more, as he sees dreams in which your hero dies... At the end of the conversation, you will receive a magic scroll. In the center of the map, a woman is guarding a body, talk and take this body. You need to take it to the Friendly Arm Inn, to the local temple. For this good deed you will receive a couple of potions, 500 experience points and plus one to your reputation.

2. The area north of the previous one

Look around - you are in a mountainous area, not far from the mines. Go west and then south. Explore the area and you will come across a madman, overcome by fears and horrors. Agree to help and receive a +2 dagger. A screen to the east is the entrance to the cave, inside of which the Revenant has settled. He will ask you to give him the dagger. If you do this, the undead will die (+900 experience points). However, I strongly recommend killing the undead, as you will still have this magical +2 dagger and get more experience (+3,000 points). Search both sarcophagi for drinks and money.

Another cave is located in the southeastern part of the map, guarded by several skeletons. And inside there live three ghastas, three powerful creatures that can freeze your guys. In the sarcophagi there are several magical things: arrows +2, a staff for summoning monsters (will make the life of the party much easier in further adventures, but use it sparingly), chain mail +1, a drink of the strength of the ice giant. A screen northwest is a mage surrounded by slugs. As soon as he starts a conversation with the heroes, either refuse to participate in his experiment (then he will disappear), or ask them to rewrite the slug control spell (then a fight with the magician will take place). I advise you to quickly kill the magician (+1,400 experience points), distract the slugs either with one of the heroes or monsters summoned from the staff and grab the scrolls and cloak from the body. After this, it is better to run away from the slugs - they will give you few experience points, but they are very dangerous. The Mage's Cloak is pretty good: +1 vs. cutting weapons and +1 to death saving throws. And a scroll with Lightning is especially useful, because third-level spells are rare... You can leave the location, just beware of the ankhegs you meet along the way, that is, huge worms with acid spitting.

However, if you have already more or less trained your heroes, then you will fight with four bounty hunters. You can find them near the northern edge of the area: get a lot of experience points, good money, drinks and +1 improved leather armor, as well as a regular +2 leather jacket.

3. Carnival

Several tents in which they sell weapons, and in one - magical artifacts. In the northern tent you will meet a magician who clearly wants to kill an innocent person. First find out what the matter is, and then choose the first phrase to insult the magician. He will be offended and attack, but if you say another phrase, he will kill the captive and attack again. Kill the magician, get 900 experience points. (Caution! The first spell is best interrupted with a Magic Missile, so as not to deal with the mirror images of the sorcerer.) In addition to a couple of scrolls, take a good cloak for your wizard and search the shelves. Finally, talk to the rescued captive. Choose the last phrase and you will receive a drink of heroism. You can save another girl nearby if you can bring her out of her petrified state. Get a cleric into your squad (I advise you to take it before going to the Nashkel mines), if you want, just heal her and fully arm her. By the way, a certain scoundrel nearby will offer you the necessary scroll that removes the petrification spell for 500 coins, but don’t agree, but buy the same one for 225 coins in any temple.

Don't buy strange drinks from the merchant in the tent! It's complete disgusting, albeit cheap. Increases strength or intelligence to the maximum, but reduces other characteristics to a minimum. Fortunately, for a while. In the southwest corner of the map you will find an area with a wizard. He summons an exploding ogre as soon as you talk to him. If you start the conversation again, the ogre will go berserk and attack you, and the wizard will run away. The ogre is the most common, you won’t find anything useful on it.

Do not go into the large tent with tables for games, located just north of the square with the wizard, otherwise you will be robbed. However, forewarned is forearmed. If you attack yourself and manage to kill the reptile, you will receive some gold and three drinks: healing, thief skill and dexterity.

4. Nashkel Mines

If you go into the house, you will only meet three hungry dogs - nothing useful. But in the southwestern part of the location there is an artist who stole the jewelry. That is, the same person mentioned in Nashkel. Tell him that you are not a Greywolf and that you will protect him. A strong warrior will come - exactly the same Greywolf that needs to be dealt with in order to help the artist. I advise you to freeze the warrior using Entangle or Web and shoot from afar, otherwise his enchanted sword is too strong, it will be difficult to deal with in a fair fight. After killing the warrior (+1,400 experience points), talk to the artist again (+1 reputation, 1,000 experience points) and take the jewelry from his body (death will occur without your participation).

Don’t forget to search Greywolf’s body for a hundred coins and a +2 magic sword (immediately give it to the warrior, he will be very happy with the gift). To enter directly into the mines, you must first talk to the man in red clothes opposite the entrance, and then to the guards. On the first level of the mines you can find a miner asking to give the dagger to his colleague. On the second floor you will encounter some resistance from kobolds. To the west of the entrance you will find a hall with the miner to whom you need to give the dagger (+200 experience points). The passage to the third floor is located in the southeastern part of the mountain labyrinth.

Go to the southeast part of the floor again to find a descent to the fourth level of the mines. There will still be numerous kobolds along the way, and you will also see a couple of spiders. In the center of the floor you will come across a kobold shooting fire arrows; be sure to neutralize him, and not only because each arrow can take off half the lives of your mage or thief. You just need to pick up his fire arrows for your shooters, because, as a rule, such kobolds have two of them. Rest and heal before moving to the fourth floor. There is a trap right next to the stairs, so send your most durable hero there so that he neutralizes two traps with arrows and one with Magic Missile located next to the spiders. The fourth floor is very small: quickly take out the kobold with fire arrows guarding the bridge and his companions. Go inside the building in the center of the floor and deal with another small portion of kobolds. Soon, an evil cleric-leader of the kobolds will be heading towards you, who needs to be eliminated (+650 experience points). More kobolds from the north will come running, and then skeletons. I advise you to either confuse the kobolds with Entangle, or scare them with magical Terror.

After the death of the cleric, free the magician Xan (Xan), he is a specialist in the Enchantment/Charm sphere. Take money, scrolls and four magical items from the cleric's body and chest: boots that give +50% protection from electricity; magic short sword +1; an artifact ring that grants one additional spell per cleric or druid spell level; the Moonblade relic, that is, a sword that obeys only one person - Xan. By the way, let most of the scrolls be copied into Xan’s spell book, otherwise his spell cat would cry. Give spells that are inaccessible to him to teach to your magician. Once you get the letters from the chest, the chapter will end. Exit the building, cross the bridge, but do not leave the floor, but follow the northwest edge around the lake. Eliminate the two slugs and exit the mines.

5. Nashkel

In the local tavern, neutralize another assassin (+650 experience points) and get some sleep. There is nothing unusual in the store nearby, but it would not hurt to update the stock of arrows and bolts. Walk further along the path and they will start a conversation with you. The mayor of the city will ask you to clear the mines of unfriendly inhabitants and resolve problems with metal mining. The next little man will offer you 200 coins for nothing. Refuse, and you will receive one to your reputation. You can also receive a task from the same person: obtain gems, stolen by a local artist. The latter can be found next to the mines, in the area (Nashkel Mines). On the way further you will notice the building of the local garrison. Go inside, break open the chest, and you will find a magical short sword +1.

If you are caught stealing, you can always pay off by bribing a local soldier. Opposite the garrison is the ranger Mensk, he will join the squad on the condition that you help him rescue the girl from the gnoll fortress (by the way, these creatures are his racial enemy). A gnoll fortress will now appear on the map.

If you talk to the soldiers, you can find out about the escape of their captain. Talk to the priest in the city temple and he will state that he can help the captain. At the local tavern, find Volo, a famous AD&D hero who is immortal (you can check). He will talk about the captain and the mines. By the way, you can talk to the man on the bridge and agree to kill the witch. In this case, a mage with the Conjurer specialization will join you.

Once you clear the city's mines of creatures, immediately return to Nashkel and talk to the mayor. Get 900 coins, 100 experience points and an increase of one to your reputation. Yes! Opposite the city store, a mercenary magician will already be waiting for you: kill him (+650 experience points) and remove the infravision ring, boots with +5 protection from arrows and a magical +1 short sword from his body.

6. South of Nashkel

The next area, directly south of Nashkel, has a rushing river. White wolves roam here and there in addition to the usual monsters. In the southwestern part of the area, finish off the two idiots and remove the Shooting cuffs from the dart-throwing guy (+2 THAC0 to shooting). Just northeast of the center there are three warriors from the city of Amn. Get really rude and get into a fight - you'll get +1 longsword and +2 improved leather armor. And also a solid supply of +1 arrows from two archers.

7. Waterfall

Go to the waterfall, indicated on the map by three Christmas trees. It is located in the center of the map. Talk to the girl nearby and look in the water at the bottom of the waterfall. For bringing the cat's body you will receive 23 coins (+200 experience points). On the eastern side of the waterfall there is a cave containing about three hundred coins and a halberd +1. On the western side of the waterfall, there are ice wolves running around, from which you can skin them. These skins must be taken to a store in Nashkel, where they will give 500 coins for each. You can accumulate substantial capital by specifically catching such wolves.

8. Mountains in the northwest

Here is a village of ksvarts, blue dwarfs. A cave bear lives with them, so be vigilant and do not leave the magicians unattended while the warrior is chasing the cowardly xvarts. In the eastern part of the village it is easy to notice a large entrance to a small cave. Deal with the bear living in it, and the prizes will be yours: AC8 handcuffs, chain +1 and a drink of fire breath.

9. The threshold of the gnoll fortress

To get to the gnoll fortress, you need to go through one area, divided by a river into two parts. There are two bridges across it: the one in the north is guarded by ogres and hobgoblins, and the southern one is free of monsters. Talk to the merchant at this bridge, go to the other side and kill the strong bear. For this feat, the merchant will give boots with +50% protection from the cold. By the way, just west of the north bridge the paladin will offer to help him stop the crowd of gibberlings. If you agree, you will receive 250 experience points. Approach the northern edge of the map and you will be able to get into the gnoll fortress itself.

10. Gnoll Stronghold

Cross the bridge and take out both ogrillons. One of them will have a very useful thing - a handcuff that increases agility to 18. First, follow the path to the southern part of the area, where there is a mountain labyrinth in which you can find several caves. In one of them there is a book of Charisma, and in the other you can come across a Carrion Eater, with whom it is better not to mess with if all the heroes have not reached the third or fourth level.

Make your way through several gnoll posts and go down the logs into the northern pit, next to which there are a lot of gnolls with their leader. Kill them all and free Dinaheira, a mage of the Invoker specialization (+800 experience points), by going down the logs into this pit. The sorceress can be taken to the team, this way you will forever keep the berserker Mensk from Nashkel on the team, who will leave if you shirk the release of Dinaheira for too long or subsequently kick her out of the squad altogether.

11. Firewine River

The main attraction of this place is a huge ancient bridge, built in ancient times, when instead of ruins there was a majestic city. On the bridge you will find a bard who can tell you about the history of the local ruins. If you attack and kill him, then in addition to lowering the group's reputation you will receive +1 spear.

Enter the passage in the southeastern part of the map and you will find yourself in the kobold dungeons. In principle, you can interrupt the acquaintance at this point and leave immediately, since only a group of heroes of the fifth or sixth level will be able to cope with these small but very dangerous creatures. Continue north. If you deviate to the west, you will find a group of ghosts. Walking not far from them is a unique monster - a skeleton knight. Take his rusted armor and take it to the ghosts (+1,500 experience points). Now go to the northeastern part of the dungeon. Kill the mage (after him there will be a scroll with the fifth level spell - Cloudkill!) and a couple of ogrillons, and then the dungeon boss in the form of an ogre mage. Go up the stairs to the halfling's home and kill him. Collect some money and a drink, and then get out to the surface. From here, go north to the northeast corner of the map. Be sure to be rude to the warrior in order to fight with him. The guy hits very hard, so try to solve the matter without engaging in melee: attacking magic, summoned monsters, arrows. From the body, take martial arts handcuffs (+2 damage, +1 to THAC0), which are very good for a warrior, and a sword +1.

12. Gullykin

In the north of this area there is a halfling village, but in the south there is a gang of mercenaries that you need to deal with if you want to get a simple +1 magic weapon and a rather valuable +2 chain mail. In the village, talk to the brightly dressed halfling on the street, if you have already cleared the ruins of kobolds, you will receive 250 coins. By the way, you can also get to the ruins in Firewine River through the building in the northwestern corner of the halfling settlement, going down to the basement and searching the northern wall with a thief to find a secret door. Don't forget to go around all the houses and rummage through the drawers, you can find about a hundred coins and +1 sling.

13. Ulcaster

A deserted area guarded by hobgoblins and kobolds. In the northeastern part of the map are the ruins of an ancient city. You can climb here along a small mountain path on the south side. Deal with the skeleton lord (+1 chain and unusual helmet) and find the descent to the dungeons. Your opponents will be mainly wolves of all varieties. In the south of the dungeon there is a large pile of bodies, in which you will find magic arrows, a book and drinks. Be careful with the fireball trap, which will fly out as soon as you climb into the pile! A fire staff is lying nearby, also a useful thing. With the book, return to the surface and find a spirit walking near the ruins. Talk to him and return the book (+1,000 experience points).

14. Area between Ulcaster and Carnival

First, in the southwestern part of the map, several half-ogres were ambushed,

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