Bogdan origin of the name. Different languages

Translated from Old Slavonic language The name Bogdan means “sent by God.” Long before Christianity was adopted in Rus', the firstborn was given this name if he was the only one and late child in family.

Bogdan celebrates his name day on March 4, May 12, May 31, July 17, August 10, August 31, September 15, September 28, November 2, November 20.

    The planet Mars.

    Stone that brings good luck: marble, but not any marble, only green.

    Element: changeable Air.


The meaning of the name Bogdan greatly influences a person’s character. As a rule, these are reserved individuals who perfectly manage their behavior. However, it won’t work out any other way: strong animal instincts have to be restrained somehow, otherwise those around you may not get well. This is probably why Bogdan can often be seen among ordinary people. In addition, such an environment gives him the necessary understanding and love. The meaning of the name Bogdan also indicates some fatalism. He will not show unnecessary emotions in a situation that is difficult to influence. But if there is a chance to improve the situation, then Bogdan will happily use it. Often his decisions turn out to be much more effective than the cunning plans of people with high intelligence. It is also useful to know what the name Bogdan means in relation to relationships with other people. It turns out that this name indicates the ability to find a common language with anyone. It doesn’t matter at all what the situation is like around you. But it’s unlikely to be possible to find out what’s on his mind. After all, Bogdan knows that his name also means the ability to keep his dreams secret from others. Despite this, his friends respect him. And not least for his excellent memory. However, this does not save Bogdan from the influence of others, which is not always positive.

Born in the cold season, Bogdan demonstrates amazing determination and strong character. Bogdan, born in autumn, can become an excellent diplomat or physician, because he knows how to get along with people and has sufficient rigor. Born in summer, Bogdan is especially sensitive, often worries about the slightest failure, and also often falls in love. Born in the spring, Bogdan loves himself most of all, and even finds time to make jokes at other people’s expense.


The secret of the name Bogdan explains his health: the ability to calmly control himself helps to avoid many problems. True, constant exposure to stress or alcohol can cause disturbances in the functioning of the body. So it is recommended to devote sufficient time to rest and maintain a daily routine. And of course, there are only healthy products.

Study, career and hobbies

Studying is quite easy for Bogdan. However, he tends to get carried away by excessively improving his knowledge and skills, so he may not have time to complete all the tasks - he has talent, but is usually not developed due to laziness. Ideally, someone close to you (for example, good friend) should tell him in what situation he can be satisfied with the achieved perfection. However, this feature hidden behind the secret of Bogdan’s name helps him achieve significant success in the medical field or become a good psychologist. At the same time, careers as a writer, musician or artist are no strangers to Bogdan.

Children with this name show obstinacy early on and can be stubborn and capricious. Perhaps the reason is that they become very attached to their mother. Therefore, at a young age it is important to give a feeling of being cared for. Then Bogdan grows up to be a balanced and calm person.

In addition, you need to teach him cooperation. Otherwise future wife will fully feel Bogdan’s desire to prove his leadership with or without reason.


Bohdan Khmelnitsky - Ukrainian hetman; Bogdan Stupka – National artist Soviet Union; Bogdan Titomir – famous singer; Bogdan Voitsekhovsky is a physics specialist.

Version 1. What does the name Bogdan mean?

Efficient as an ox. Very hardworking. Sociable. Loves people. A true craftsman, he loves to tinker.

IN early childhood sickly, reads a lot. Sexy. He is kind with women, but proud.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Ukrainian statesman and military leader, hetman of the Zaporozhye Army

Version 2. What does the name Bogdan mean?

Bogdan - “Given by God” (glorified)

Very balanced, has excellent self-control. Good health as a consequence of his character. In extreme cases, he may be bothered by nervous disorders if he does not adhere to the right lifestyle.

Bogdan has a highly developed animal instinct. It's easy to communicate with him. Rotates in simple society, where he is understood and loved. This is enough for complete happiness. An extrovert by nature. Studying with interest the world. He gives the impression of being an easy-going, pleasant person and keeps everything secret to himself. Unsightly when angry. The reaction is slow, and he doesn’t need a quick one. Why be nervous and angry if you still can’t change anything? Only the weak hide their insecurity under aggression.

He needs to be constantly monitored, otherwise he will remain an “eternal student.” He spends his whole life in search of perfection. He is drawn to medicine and psychology. The ability to adapt to any situation and ardent imagination allow him to become a good writer, teacher or politician.

Bogdan has a well-developed intuition, but he rarely uses it and is guided only by reason. After the successful outcome of the case, he remembers that he had a presentiment of this from the very beginning. He has an amazing gift for getting out of hopeless situations. His excellent memory gives him the opportunity to be considered a walking encyclopedia. Very sensitive. He knows well who is sincere with him. His actions cannot be questioned. Morally stable, you can follow an example from him. And there is no need to ask why his actions are the way they are; morality lives in him from birth.

Possessing strong potency, Bogdan simply blossoms in marriage, especially if his wife is tender and dearly loved. He easily selects friends who share his interests and tastes, likes and outlook on life. Bogdan is not perfect. Like all seekers, he can go astray, but he has enough instinct to turn in the right direction in time.

“Winter” - eccentric, with a strong character, purposeful.

“Autumn” is strict in his judgment, a good diplomat, and gravitates towards medical research. The following patronymics are more suitable: Mikhailovich, Filippovich, Viktorovich, Fedorovich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Alexandrovich, Vitalievich.

“Summer” Bogdan is amorous, sensitive, and acutely worries about any failures.

“Spring” is selfish, spends a lot of time in front of the mirror, is cheerful, careless. The name matches patronymics: Boleslavovich, Gavrilovich, Yakovlevich, Stanislavovich, Nikonovich, Makarovich.

4 version of interpretation of the name Bogdan

The name was borrowed from the Old Church Slavonic language, where it appeared as a tracing paper from the Greek name; Bogdan - given by God. He is often the long-awaited, late and only child.

Parents, whether they want it or not, often give this name to those children whose birth was associated with great anxiety and fear.

As a child, Bogdan was often sick and caught colds easily, and his mother, worried about her son’s health, indulged all his whims. The father is almost not allowed to raise his son. The child is very strongly attached to his mother, is jealous of those who “take” her away from him, and, you can be sure, will probably throw a tantrum if she suddenly decides to chat to her heart’s content with her friend. Doesn't get along well with children. At school, he usually makes friends with someone who enjoys authority among his comrades and can protect him. He is an average student. He has abilities, even talent, but Bogdan’s inherent laziness, which, however, passes over the years, prevents him from developing them fully.

Adult Bogdan is a calm person who knows his worth. There is a noticeable desire in him to get well and thoroughly settled in life. Can sometimes achieve high mastery in a profession that is quite specific and does not require inspiration or improvisation. He is somewhat withdrawn and dry with those around him. Stingy. Artists, musicians, military leaders, and historians sometimes emerge from the “winter” camps.

IN family life Bogdan strives for unconditional leadership. In his wife, he values ​​submissiveness most of all, “keeps her strict,” and is even capable of shouting at her in the presence of strangers. He is like this not only with his wife. Many notice in him arrogance and categoricalness, integrity and stubbornness are not always appropriate. After drinking, he begins to argue over the slightest issue, without at all trying to understand the essence of the dispute or the opponent’s arguments. At the same time, he has many qualities that make him good husband. For example, he is persistent in looking for additional income, is a good craftsman, and is economical in expenses. The only thing he spares no expense on is vacation. The whole family loves to go on vacation. Bogdan is a monogamous man and in his jealousy he becomes unrecognizable. Negative qualities slightly softened in “spring” and “summer” Bogdanov. But remember: alcohol should appear as rarely as possible in a house where Bogdan is.

Good life friends for him can be Anastasia, Svetlana, Yulia, Varvara, Venus, Bogdana, Victoria, Nellie, Elena, Nadezhda, Olga. High probability bad marriage with Angela, Valeria, Clara, Nina, Wanda, Dina, Oksana, Yana, Tamara.

5 version of the meaning of the name Bogdan

1. Balanced
3. Sensitive
4. A true romantic with a wild imagination
5.Loves to eat, but grows quickly and becomes tall
6. Liked by many - In love with one
7.Loves to read but is lazy
8. Constantly craves adventure, anywhere and with anyone (it’s more fun for him this way)
9.can be a bit greedy, but if you tease him about this, he can change his decision or point of view without any effort.
10.As he gets older, he begins to become a little narcissist, but not much
11. If you get carried away with a job, you can’t tear it away until it’s done.
12. Likes to dream about anything, especially at an early age
14. Strives for better
15. Likes to have a good rest
16. Sometimes slow but not stupid
17. Strong character and steely self-control have been instilled since childhood
18. Bogdan is a guy with strong potency
19.Can be very affectionate in relationships
20. Likes to play sports.

7th version of the meaning of the name Bogdan

Bogdan - from Art. glory given by the gods.

Derivatives: Bogdanka, Bogdasha, Dana, Bogda, Boga, Bodya.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

The baby was not baptized - Bogdan.

Born, not baptized, so Bogdashka.

Neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan.


Bogdan's appearance does not match his inner world. At first glance, he gives the impression of a completely balanced person. However, purely animal instincts are very strong in him. He chooses a communication environment according to the principle “it would be simpler”: if nothing can be changed, he will not stress and be nervous in vain. But if in a difficult situation he sees the slightest loophole to improve the situation, he, with his characteristic practicality, will slowly and with dignity come out unscathed.

8 version of the meaning of the name Bogdan

BOGDAN - given by God (Staroslav.).

Zodiac sign - Aries.

The planet Mars.

Green color.

Auspicious tree - laurel.

The treasured plant is immortelle.

The patron of the name is a vampire.

The talisman stone is green marble.


Bogdan is outwardly a balanced, self-controlled person, but meanwhile his animal instincts are very strong. He prefers the company of people who are not burdened with high intelligence: he has enough understanding and love to be happy. Calm in any situation: why be nervous and angry if nothing can be changed? However, Bogdan has a practical mind, and if he suggests the possibility of a small loophole to improve the situation, Bogdan immediately takes advantage of it and often gets out of an unpleasant situation in which a more refined intellect and more sophisticated feelings are mired.

9th version of the meaning of the name Bogdan

1. Personality. Seeking men.

2. Character. 81%.

3. Radiation. 87%.

4. Vibration. 94,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Green.

6. Main features. Receptivity - morality - health - will.

7. totem plant. Laurel.

8. Totem animal. Vampire1

9. Sign. Aries.

10. Type. They are very balanced, they control themselves, and yet their animal instincts are strong.

11. Psyche. Living or working with them is quite pleasant. They live in a simple society, where they have enough understanding and love to be happy. They are extroverts by nature and always watch the world with interest.

12. Will. They give the impression of spontaneity and lightness, far from hard effort.

13. Excitability. They keep everything inside themselves, but sometimes they break down.

14. Reaction speed. Slow motion. Why be nervous or angry, they say, if the situation cannot be changed anyway?

15. Field of activity. They are the ones who make “eternal students.” They are irresistibly attracted to medicine and psychology. Their adaptability and fervent imagination help them become good writers, teachers and politicians.

16. Intuition. Bogdan trusts not intuition, but reason.

17. Intelligence. They have the gift of finding a way out of even the most hopeless situations and an excellent memory, the latter giving them the right to be considered a “walking encyclopedia.”

18. Receptivity. Very sensitive, they will always understand whether you are sincere or not.

19. Morality. Don't ask these men why they acted this way and not otherwise - their actions always meet the requirements of morality.

20. Health. Good health is a consequence of their balance, and only if they do not follow a healthy lifestyle can they be bothered by nervous disorders.

21. Sexuality. It all depends on the strength of heartfelt affection... In marriage they simply blossom.

22. Activity. Corresponds to their balanced character.

23. Sociability. They manage to gather around them friends who share their tastes, likes and views.

24. Conclusion. There is no perfection in this world, so they are not perfect either. They, too, can go astray and get lost, but Bogdan is always able to find a way out and his own solution to the problem.

1Large bat.

Name day named after Bogdan

January 14, March 3, March 4, March 15, May 12, May 31, June 11, June 20, July 17, September 15, September 28, October 25, November 16, November 20,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Bogdan

Numerology of the name Bogdan

Name number: 7

Number 7 is happy, romantic, wise, original, self-sufficient. He has a cautious, calculating mind, but at the same time loves risks. In everything he prefers to be guided by his own opinion. He always achieves success in his chosen field of activity. Possesses developed analytical thinking, patience, perseverance, and willpower.
Number 7 is introverted. His motto: "Understanding"

The meaning of the letters in the name Bogdan

B- strong, disruptive character, desire to achieve success in everything. In relationships they take the initiative and very often have a possessive attitude towards their partner. Such people have high stress resistance. Constantly strive for luxurious life and know how to earn a lot of money.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those with the letter 'O' in their name are hardworking and creative. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

G- scrupulousness, unpredictability, thirst for new knowledge. To solve problems, they use the most non-standard solutions and take into account everything down to the smallest detail. Those with the letter “G” in their names are distinguished by their fine mental organization and disgust.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. All actions are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations.

They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring job. Smart, attractive, critical thinking present. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

Name as a phrase

  • B- Buki
  • ABOUT- He (Oh, About)
  • G- Verb (Speak)
  • D- Welcome
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)

Name Bogdan in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Bogdan in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Bogdan is a name whose interpretation is clear without translation. It testifies that its owner was given to his parents by God.

Origin of the name

The male nickname Bogdan is Old Slavonic, it was invented thanks to the then existing Greek name Theodotos, translated as "gift of the gods."
In ancient times, with the advent of the Russified form, our ancestors gave all boys the name Bogdan at birth, and at the time of baptism they renamed them according to the instructions of their spiritual father.

general characteristics

Positive character traits

Bogdan is noble and kind, the feeling of anger is not at all inherent in him. He always helps the disadvantaged and people in trouble.
The owner of the name is balanced, always calm. It seems little possible to anger him: the young man tries to ignore the aggressor, and he, in turn, having not achieved his goal, calms down.
In his chosen profession, the matured Bogdan becomes a real specialist. The young man has well-developed logical thinking, thanks to which he always emerges victorious from difficult situations.

Negative character traits

With excessive parental care, Bogdan often grows up to be a vain egoist. He thinks only about his own interests and never makes concessions.
Because of his soft character, the bearer of the nickname has a hard time in life. He often deviates from his plans in favor of a more persistent person. However, with age, Bogdasik becomes more decisive and gives way to arrogant people no longer so willingly.

Zodiac sign

Bogdan's pliable disposition lacks toughness; a boy can give it zodiac sign, in which he will be born, especially if this sign is Aries.
Mars, who patronizes the child, will give Bodya the desire to defend his own interests.
Since ancient times, green has been considered the color that brings happiness to the owner of the name.
A marble amulet will protect a guy from damage, the evil eye and other mystical interventions.


Bogdanchik, Bogdasha, Bodya, Bodka, Bodechka, Bodenka, Bogdashik, Bogdashka, Bogdasik.

Name options

Bogdan, Bagdan. If we talk about analogues of the name in various languages, it corresponds to:
Nathaniel, Jonathan (Heb.);
Deodatus (lat.)
Diedonne (French)
Theodor (German)
Tengribergen, Kudaibergen (Turkic).

Historical figures

1595 – 1657 – Hetman of the Zaporozhye Cossacks Bogdan Khmelnytsky.
1615 – 1680 – founder of the Moscow Armory, boyar Bogdan Khitrovo.
1816 – 1873 – Russian astronomer Bogdan Schweitzer.
1922 – 2003 – Polish chess player Bogdan Sliwa.
1924 – 2008 – children’s writer from Ukraine Bogdan Chaly.
1941 – 2012 – Ukrainian actor Bogdan Stupka.

Famous contemporaries

Born 1953 – Serbian actor Bogdan Diklic.
Born 1957 – Ukrainian actor Bogdan Benyuk.
Born 1963 – Ukrainian football player and coach Bohdan Blavatsky.
Born 1964 – Russian artist and art critic Bogdan Mamonov.
Born 1967 - Russian singer Bogdan Titomir, born Oleg Titorenko.
Born 1967 – Romanian footballer Bogdan Stela.
Born 1978 – Romanian footballer Bogdan Lobonts.
Born 1981 – football player from Ukraine Bogdan Shershun.
Born 1990 – Russian hockey player Bogdan Kiselevich.
Born 1985 – Romanian footballer Bogdan Haushi.

The owner of the name Bogdan can certainly be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The name is an integral part of the personality of every person, so it is important for us to know what this or that name means, the history of its origin, as well as the fate of the people who previously owned it.

The masculine name Bogdan has rich history. In ancient times, many nations developed a tradition of glorifying people with specially created names. The most common way of such “name-glorification” was the creation of two-basic names. They are presented in ancient Greek, Iranian, Slavic, and Germanic languages. A lot of ancient pre-church Slavic names were created as a combination of two words, for example, Slavomir, Dobrogost, Ratibor and others. Many of the two-basic names began with the word God - Bogomil, Bogorad, Boguslav, Bogolyub. In this row is the name Bogdan - “given by God.” It is interesting to note that names with the same meaning existed and exist among many peoples, for example, the Greek Theodotus, the Latin Deodatus, the French Dieudonne, the Hebrew Jonathan.

Despite the fact that the Orthodox Church disapproved of Old Slavonic names, and previously the name Bogdan was not included in church calendar-saints, in the old days it was very popular. Archival documents different years bearers of this name are mentioned in different Russian lands, for example: Novgorod thousand Bogdan Obakunovich (1385), ambassador from Pskov to the Grand Duke of Moscow Bogdan (1471), boyar of Prince Belsky in the Principality of Lithuania Bogdan Milkovich (1500), Novgorod merchant elder Bogdan Semenov son of Kuryukov (1521) and many others. Children were especially often called Bogdans in the southwestern Russian lands and Ukraine.

The widespread use of the name Bogdan among the people led to its inclusion in the calendar. The name Bogdan is recognized as a translation into Slavic languages canonical Orthodox name Theodotus (from the Greek Theodotus). Saints named Theodotus are commemorated Orthodox Church fourteen times a year, and it is believed that those who bear the name Bogdan can celebrate their name days on these days. According to church foundations, the heavenly patron of a particular person is the saint whose memory in the calendar falls on the birthday itself or follows this date; it is this day that is called the name day.

Among the bearers of the name Bogdan there were many famous people. The first ruler of the independent Moldavian state was Bogdan I (ruled 1359-1365), and subsequently three more Moldavian rulers bore the name Bogdan. A major statesman of the Time of Troubles was the gunsmith, the favorite of Ivan the Terrible, Bogdan Yakovlevich Belsky (1611). The most famous bearer of this name, apparently, was the hetman of the Zaporozhye Army Bogdan Khmelnytsky (1595-1657), commander and statesman, organizer and ideological leader of the uprising of the Zaporozhye Cossacks against the rule of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Today this ancient noble name is very popular, and parents willingly name their sons with it.

Sources: Ter-Sarkisyants A.E., Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world. Kublitskaya I.V., Names and surnames. Origin and meaning. Superanskaya A.V., Name – through centuries and countries. Superanskaya A.V. Dictionary of Russian personal names. Tupikov N.M. Dictionary of Old Russian personal names. Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedic Dictionary.