Boeing and beech are the next questions. "Buk" stumbling block: the Russian Federation said that the missile system that shot down the Boeing belonged to Ukraine How to understand this

Everyone remembers how long and unsuccessfully they searched for the BUK M-1 air defense system that shot down the Boeing MH-17. Let me remind you that as a result of using anti-aircraft missile, a passenger plane, flight MH-17, flying from Holland to Malaysia, was shot down. The plane was shot down on July 17, 2014 and crashed near the village of Grabovo in the Donetsk region. Russia and the DPR militias were accused of this heinous crime. It was not possible to prove their innocence. The fact is that on July 17, 2014, the DPR militia actually transported a similar installation. The car was seized in May 2014 from the Ukrainian military. The transportation of the installation was captured on video. It was recorded from space in images by Digital Globe on July 17, 2014. All this was announced during the investigation and published in the report of the international commission.

But the rebels’ Buk did not shoot down the Boeing MH-17. I say this openly and boldly, because now I have evidence of this. The BUK that shot down the Boeing on July 17, 2014 did not go anywhere, no one carried it in a car, no one took pictures of it. This car was located in Ukrainian-controlled territory. Moreover, it was installed there after July 10, 2014(!) Its location (and this is exactly one vehicle, a self-propelled firing system 9A310M1-2) was always located next to the Sharp Grave mound. Information from the Internet: 9 kilometers from the village of Olkhovatka, Yenakievo, between the village of Polevoe (Donetsk region, Shakhtarsky district) and the village of Orlovo-Ivanovka (Donetsk region, Shakhtarsky district) there is the Sharp Tomb mound.

The Buk position is located 1 kilometer from the mound itself in the North-East. She was “shot” (test fired) back in June 2014. There are numerous videos from surveillance cameras that I found about this. They recorded night shooting in this square, sometimes the launch of flares, and the operation of air defense searchlights. The installation was located at coordinates 48°11"25.84"N, 38°28"40.07"E, it was recorded in the image for July 17, 2014 (Digital Globe satellite images). If you compare it with old photographs, you can clearly see that the installation shelter was dug after July 10, 2014. On July 16, 2014, the installation stood in a deep shelter, covered with a net. But at the same time, she is very clearly visible in the picture. In particular, it is clear that the installation has only two (!) missiles. After the Buk launcher was used, it was removed. But there were traces of the installation’s tracks and a shelter dug into the ground.

If the DPR authorities are smart enough to check my find, then perhaps at coordinates 48°11"25.84"N,38°28"40.07"E evidence will be found that they fired from anti-aircraft installation. The 9A310M1-2 self-propelled firing system is a completely independent vehicle. Can work on single targets, even without a Dome system guidance station. Since there was only one installation there, it was precisely an ambush. They were hunting for a civilian aircraft. And, apparently, it so happened that the Ukrainians achieved their goal. But in what way? Addition. Nearby are the cities of Orlovo-Ivanovka and Polevoe. The village of Grabovo (the place where the Boeing crashed) is only 13 kilometers to the South-East (!) It was this installation that all the ranks of the Russian Defense Ministry could not find. As you can see, she was in sight all this time. Just like that...

Important addition. I sent all this information to the site Investigative Committee Russia. The request has been sent successfully! Case number - 453401 I think this definitely needs to be checked! This is not just a fun find, it is a possible clue in this heinous crime!

P.S. An interesting puzzle began to take shape. Strelkov actually had a BUK in the DPR. The car was seized back in April-May 2014. But since the calculating device was faulty (which was reported in the media), it could not be used for its intended purpose. Moscow refused to supply the militia with such equipment. However, Strelkov began using the Buk to intimidate the Ukrainians. Therefore, through the valleys and villages, around Donetsk, here and there, the trailer carried this car. Strelkov did the same thing on July 17, 2014. This time, the installation was included in numerous videos shot by citizens. After the Boeing was shot down, Strelkov was very scared. And instead of showing the broken Buk to everyone, he considered it necessary to destroy it. I think the installation was simply blown up somewhere. At this time, the real installation was carefully hidden (after the 10th) on Ukrainian territory. On July 17, 2014, the car was used for its intended purpose. Of the two missiles, only one was launched. At the same time, it exploded next to the Boeing cockpit. Instantly killing the crew. That's why there are no voice recordings on the Boeing black box. After the explosion, the huge plane first picked up speed, then began to fall into a tailspin. His downfall may have been brought to an end by a military plane that “finished off” the mortally wounded giant. Then everything happened as you know.

Location of Buk-M1 near the Ostraya Mogila mound

28.05.2018 - 22:31

About the report of the Joint Investigation Team, or what international investigators did not pay attention to.

“If the stars light up in the sky, it means someone needs it”

(A. Exupery. “The Little Prince”)

Instead of a preface

On May 24, the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) once again held a press conference at which its representatives once again said that the Malaysian Boeing seemed to have been shot down by a Buk brought from Russia.

The development of this story is extremely characteristic of modern Western politics. Nobody bothers with quality argumentation, and everyone is sure that ordinary people will believe any story if it is told enough times.

This time, during the press conference, the head of the SSG, F. Westerbeke, stated as an allegedly proven fact that the Buk air defense system, which shot down the Boeing, arrived from Russia. At the same time, according to him, the SSG was able to prove the identity of the Buk air defense missile system of the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade, recorded on video in June 2014 in Belgorod and Rostov regions and a Buk launcher, filmed on a video recorder in Makeyevka on July 17, 2014.

A comparative analysis of the tactical number of the vehicles (the notorious number 332) and the transport markings applied to the left side, according to the “investigators,” indisputably confirms the location of SOU No. 332 of the 53rd brigade in the Donbass in July 2014.

Vaguely stating that in addition to the materials presented at the press conference, there is a lot of different “evidence”, F. Westerbeke lets slip about the significant contribution to the investigation of the Bellingcat blogging community, headed by an employee of the US State Department think tank, the American NGO Atlantic Council, (Atlantic Council) Eliot Higgens.

In this investigation, based on the materials presented by the JIT, we will prove that F. Westerbeke’s statement about the involvement of a Russian self-propelled firing system (SPG) in the death of the Boeing on July 17, 2014 is false.

According to F. Westerbeke, the JIT investigators carried out a detailed analysis distinctive features self-propelled firing system (SOU) of the Buk air defense system, shown in photographs taken in Belgorod region and in Donbass. This allowed them to clearly conclude that the Russian Federation was involved in the Boeing crash. However, it would be difficult to expect a different result from them. Even if we do not take into account the obvious anti-Russian context of the ongoing “objective” international investigation and its ordered nature, it is obvious that the investigation is following the wrong path outlined by the Bellingcat falsifiers.

This is confirmed by the materials presented at the press conference, taken from the dubious reports of the “couch” investigators E. Higgens about the involvement of the Buk of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade in the tragedy of July 17, 2014.

At the same time, it is puzzling that, while continuing to compare implicit signs in photographs of the SOU - images of markings, dents and scratches, the SSG persistently ignores obvious facts that completely refute their version of the presence of the Russian Buk in Ukraine.

But the truth is this - the Buk from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade has never crossed the Ukrainian border and has nothing in common with the Buk on the white trailer photographed in Makeyevka, Ukraine. The point is that the cars shown in the photographs belong to to various modifications and for some inexplicable reason the JIT specialists did not pay attention to this fact.

The fact is that, despite the external similarity, the SOU of various modifications have certain features. These include the presence of a folding platform on the left side of the machine.

Cars produced after 1984 began to be equipped with similar platforms. The platform was added for ease of crew access to the SOU body during its operation.

The Bellingcat theorists, who so carefully prepared their falsification, obviously did not know this. The JIT investigators did not know this either.

Let's consider an example of a SOU modification 9A310 M1-2, which has a folding platform on the body of a tracked chassis (Buk-M1 air defense system). As you can see in the photo, the platform stands out noticeably on the body of the machine.

Photo of the Buk SAM system, modification 9A310 M1-2, with a folding platform

Now let’s compare it with the Buk air defense missile system of an earlier modification, produced before 1984. The presented photograph shows a 9A310 SOU (not 9A310 M1, namely 9A310!) 9K37 Buk air defense system without a folding platform on the chassis body.

Photo of the Buk SAM system, modification 9A310, without a folding platform

So, in the presentation presented during a press conference on May 24, 2018, the SSG on all frames recording the movement of the column of the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade across Russian territory on the rear of the left side of the SOU, “suspected” of involvement in the Boeing tragedy ", the loose folding platform mentioned above is clearly visible.

Freeze frame for 1 min. 9 seconds of presentation (platform visible)

Freeze frame for 2 min. 36 seconds of presentation (platform visible)

Freeze frame for 3 min. 23 seconds of presentation (platform visible)

Freeze frame for 5 min. 26 seconds of presentation (platform visible)

Freeze frame for 5 min. 34 seconds of presentation (platform visible)

At the same time, in the photographs taken in Ukraine near Makeyevka, there is no folding platform.

Freeze frame for 5 min. 35 seconds of presentation (no platform)

The site is also missing from the photograph taken by journalists from the French tabloid Paris Match in Donetsk.

Photo of SOU "Buk" from the magazine "Paris Match" (site missing)

Comparative photographs of the Buk missile launcher taken in the Belgorod region
(right) and in Ukraine: screenshot from the DVR (left)

This means only one thing - in photographs taken in Russia and Ukraine, the Buk air defense system of various modifications was recorded, that is, we are talking about two different cars, which means the Russian “Buk” of the 53rd brigade (even “3x2”, even “332”) did not cross the border with Ukraine.

Was there a white trailer in Makeevka on July 17, 2014?

As evidence of the involvement of the 53rd brigade in the crash of the Boeing, the SSG cites data from a car video recorder that recorded a white Volvo trailer driving through Makeyevka, carrying a Buk air defense system.

The footage from the dash cam shows that the trailer's route passed by the Parallel gas station. According to Google Maps, there is only one Parallel gas station in Makeyevka, located at 52 Avtotransportnaya Street.

Gas station "Parallel", located at Avtotransportnaya street, building 52 (Google Maps image)

Gas station "Parallel", located at Avtotransportnaya street, building 52. (frame from the video recorder)

The landscape features in the Google Maps image and the footage from the DVR match, which allows you to accurately determine the location.

However, not all so simple. The key question that needs to be answered is whether this video was filmed on July 17, 2014, as the JIT (read Bellingcat) claims, or at another time?

The “couch” investigation carried out using the Bellingcat method showed a result opposite to that published by the JIT - there was no trailer on the day of the Boeing crash in Makeevka.

This is confirmed by a video filmed by eyewitnesses of the movement of a convoy of militia military equipment against the backdrop of the same gas station on Avtotransportnaya Street, which was also captured by the video recorder. The authors of the video posted it on YouTube on July 15, 2014. This allows us to assert that it was filmed at least two days before, according to the JIT, the footage was taken from the video recorder.

Screenshot of a video filmed in front of the Parallel gas station on July 15, 2014

In case anyone has doubts about the reliability of the date of the video’s placement, a link to it was posted by RIA Novosti Ukraine on July 16, 2014. This video has now been deleted for some reason. However, judging by the text of the message that accompanied it, we can confidently say that we are talking about the same footage.

Screenshot of the RIA Novosti Ukraine page with a link to a video about the movement of a column of militia equipment in Makeevka on July 15, 2014

A study of both videos showed that they were filmed in the same place, only from different angles.

The angle from which the convoy of equipment was filmed on July 15, 2014 (a picture from a video recorder allegedly taken on July 17, 2014).

In the video, dated July 15, it can be seen that before the convoy of vehicles passed, the asphalt surface of the road was not damaged. After the column passed, characteristic dents from the tracks remained on the road surface.

After the passage of the convoy on July 15, 2014, clearly visible characteristic traces left by tracked vehicles remained

DVR footage allegedly taken on July 17, 2014 shows no visible signs of damage left on the road on July 15

At the same time, in the footage from the dash cam, allegedly taken two days later, there are no visible signs of damage caused by heavy equipment on the road. If we discard the version that in the period from July 15 to July 17, 2014, the asphalt surface was replaced on this section of the road, then the conclusion becomes obvious - DVR footage taken before July 15, 2014.

This way you can make a disappointing report for Bellingcat conclusions:

The dashcam footage was taken before July 15, 2014. They do not prove the location of the trailer with the Buk on the day of the Boeing crash in Makeyevka.

Thus, all allegations that the Boeing was shot down precisely from a Buk launcher transported on a white trailer on July 17, 2014 through Makeyevka are groundless.

Instead of a conclusion

Unfortunately, the interim report on the results of the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing presented to the JIT on May 24 once again demonstrated its bias. The international investigation, widely using materials provided by the Bellingcat group, does not seek to establish the true causes of the tragedy, but only fulfills Washington’s anti-Russian order.

At the same time, it remained behind the scenes that Eliot Higgins, representing the American NGO Atlantic Council, the day after the JIT press conference, held a presentation of the next Bellingcat report accusing Russia of the Boeing crash. Is this a coincidence? Unlikely.

A page from the official website of the Atlantic Council indicating the position of an employee of the organization - Eliot Higgins

Cooperation with the Atlantic Council largely explains the anti-Russian focus of Bellingcat’s “investigations.” It is noteworthy that they were not interested in any of the war crimes of the United States and its allies in the anti-ISIS* coalition, which resulted in the death of civilians in Iraq and Syria.

However, why be surprised? As the famous character in the film “Mimino” said, “Whoever dines a girl, dances her.” In this case, the truth about the crash of the Boeing 777 in the skies over Ukraine is not on the menu.

Military experts note that Russia is once again making false statements.

Russia finally admitted that Malaysian Boeing was shot down by a Buk missile, but at the same time blamed the Ukrainian side for the tragedy.

This version was voiced on June 2 at a press conference by representatives of the Almaz-Antey concern, the Russian manufacturer of the Buk missile systems.

Read also:

It seems that the representatives of the concern live in a parallel dimension, because quite a few international investigations previously proved that the missile launch area was under the control of the separatists, and he "Buk" was brought from Russia. Also online Photos of "Buk" appeared, which is heading along Russian roads towards Ukraine.

Read also:

In addition, the military experts contacted, note that Russia is once again making untrue statements, because in fact it owns the type of missiles, one of which shot down the plane, and the Russian side’s statements regarding the territory from which the missile was fired do not correspond to reality.


Dmitry Umanets, Lieutenant General:

Firstly, we have not yet heard a single word of truth from the Russian side. And as long as these vandals rule there, there will be no truth.

Secondly, an expert assessment was carried out by foreign specialists (England, Germany, France). And it clearly said that the plane was shot down from territory controlled by pro-Russian militants, and it was shot down by a Russian Buk.

Thirdly, the launcher was clearly visible, on which four missiles were lying, and when they returned back, it was clearly visible that there were three missiles there. That is, one missile was launched precisely at this Boeing.

Fourthly, they say that they did not have such Buks. They (I don’t remember exactly how many) stole this Buk in Crimea. By the way, the plane was hit from a new Buk (the same series, but newer than what we currently have in service). That is, it is possible - I especially emphasize this - that in order to confuse the situation, they could use the Buk from Crimea.

And one last thing. We practically didn’t shoot down aircraft back then. It was forbidden to use aircraft, so there was absolutely no need for us to shoot.

Read also:

Sergey Zgurets, head of research programs at the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies:

In fact, these statements do not surprise Russians. Since they said that Boeing was shot down by a Ukrainian fighter- then this version was forgotten – and ending with today’s statement. But there are conclusions from international experts who say that the plane was indeed shot down using a Buk missile system, but nowhere does it say that this Buk was Ukrainian. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are armed with M1-type Buks, which were manufactured in the USSR. But there are similar Buks in the Russian Federation - evidence of this are numerous photos of these complexes that appeared at the current parade May 9 in Moscow. On what grounds do the Russians claim that the Buk used to shoot down the Boeing is Ukrainian?

In addition, there are numerous materials that show the movements of the Russian Buk from Russia to Ukraine and back. For some reason, Russians do not remember these materials.

It has also been established where the rocket was launched from. There are three Western studies that indicate that the missile was launched from territory controlled by militants. Especially remember the negotiations between the terrorists, who recalled that they had crashed the plane. And where to put all this evidence?

The Boeing was shot down by a Buk, the Buk was imported from the Russian Federation, and then evacuated. This is confirmed by research by experts, journalists and intercepted negotiations between militants. No matter what the Russian side says now, it is difficult to trust people who live in their own world.

A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down over the Donbass on July 17, 2014.

Reuters, citing photographs, videos and eyewitness accounts - local residents and militants, - established location of "Buk" on the day of the tragedy. According to the publication, the Buk was delivered on July 17 to the militant-controlled town of Snezhnoye, 7 km north of Red October, and then taken away from this area some time later.

One of the local residents said that missile system was located in a field near the Krasny Oktyabr farm on the day the Boeing 777 fell to the ground. This was confirmed by a former militant who fought as part of the Vostok separatist battalion and was not far from the village that day.

Olga Skichko

They say they have been waiting for the promised three years, but now the fourth is already coming to an end. And suddenly powerful material evidence appears: a part of a rocket with a serial number!

"The missile engine's casing shows the number 9 d 1318869032. The JIT-investigation up to now indicates the following meaning of this number. 9 d 131 relates to the number of the missile engine of the 9M38 type and/or 9M38M1 type. The number 8 is the manufacturer's code, namely: the Dolgoprudny Research and Manufacturing Enterprise in Moscow. The number 86 indicates the year of production, namely 1986. And the number 9032 is the unique identification number of this specific missile engine.
The JIT has established that this involves a missile of the 9M38 Buk-series. To what extent both parts belong to the missile that was launched by the BUK TELAR of the 53rd brigade can, as yet, not be said with certainty.

The rocket motor body shows the number 9d 1318869032. Jit investigation so far points to the next value for this number. 9d 131 refers to the number rocket engines type9M38 and/or 9M38M1. Number 8-Manufacturer code, namely: Research and production enterprise "Dolgoprudny" in Moscow. Number 86 indicates the Year of Production, namely 1986. And number 9032 is the unique identification number of that particular rocket engine.
The JIT determined that this included the 9m38 Buk-series missile. To what extent do both units relate to the missiles that were launched by BUK TELAR from the 53rd Brigade,We can't say with certainty yet." (from comment)

This material evidence can also be seen in the photo in the Reuters publication.

Questions that arise:

1. Where, when and who discovered this item? According to the logic of events, it should be located within the area of ​​​​the Boeing wreckage. Representatives of the DPR were the first to find the wreckage, and they handed it over along with the “black boxes.” EMNIP, then foreign search engines came there. Without a background to the discovery of this item, such evidence is worthless, no matter what version it “confirms.”

2. By the number, it is theoretically possible to determine who had this missile at the time of separation: Russia or Ukraine.

3. This is already a meme, but highly likely - this is a Ukrainian rocket, since at the time of the division of the countries it was still fresh, and in 2014 it was already 28 years old! According to this message: " The shelf life of the Buk complex missile, determined by the manufacturer, is 15 years, after which irreversible and dangerous changes may occur in chemical composition fuel." The guaranteed shelf life is 10 years. And here it is almost 30 years! Russia in the range 2011-2014 re-equipped the Buk systems with new missiles. And Ukraine in 2008 fired old Buk missiles and one of them exploded 1.5 minutes after leaving the launcher ramp (link). A little more than 10 years have passed and rockets are already exploding abnormally. And after almost 30 years, who dares to shoot? Therefore, we return to question No. 1: where does the firewood for this artifact come from?

On September 17, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the 9M38 missile from anti-aircraft complex Beech, number 886-847-379, was produced in 1986. It was its wreckage that investigators found in the area where the downed Malaysian Boeing crashed.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that the missile that shot down a Malaysia Airlines plane in the Donetsk region on July 17, 2014, belonged to a Ukrainian military unit. About this at the press conference. The editors of the portal “Cyxymu.Info” write about this.

The Russian Ministry of Defense allegedly established that the 9M38 missile for anti-aircraft missile system The Buk that shot down the Boeing was transferred to military unit 20152 – anti-aircraft missile brigade in the Ternopil region of the Ukrainian SSR.

Record of the transfer of the rocket.

In the same year, missile No. 886-847-379 was delivered to Ukraine, to the military unit of the USSR Armed Forces No. 20152, which after the collapse of the USSR received number 223 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Response to request.

And it was from this military unit No. 223 that Georgia purchased 6 units of the Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system, of course with its own missiles. Here’s what a certain Ukrainian deputy said back under Yanukovych: “The Buk-M1 complexes were removed from combat duty, and the 223rd Missile Regiment simply turned out to be incapable of combat.”

Rockets on Georgian military base in Senaki.

These are all photographs from the Georgian military base in Senaki, where these Buks were stored, which never had time to enter into service. fighting. All of them, along with the missiles, were captured by Russian occupiers after the Russian-Georgian war in August 2008 and taken to Russia. It is possible that one of them was on the same Buk from which Russian terrorists shot down the Malaysian Boeing.

Record indicating export.

The Russian military claims to have identified the missile using nozzle and engine serial numbers provided in May 2018 by the International Investigation Team.

Buk missile launchers at the Senaki base.

Let us remind you that this is not the first version of Russia that is trying to absolve itself of responsibility for a crime.

Buk missile launchers at the Senaki base. Another perspective.

“The Russian Federation’s statement about the allegedly Ukrainian trace of the missile that shot down MH-17 is another unsuccessful fake by the Kremlin in order to cover up its crime, which has already been proven both by the official investigation and by independent expert groups,” Turchynov said.

At the same time, Verkhovna Rada Speaker Andrei Parubiy said that Russia is spreading fake news when it talks about the Ukrainian origin of the missile that shot down flight MH17 in Donetsk in 2014, and some Ukrainian funds mass media rebroadcast Russian propaganda. About it .

When asked by journalists how he could comment on Russia’s accusations that the missile that allegedly shot down flight MH17 Ukrainian missile, Parubiy replied:

“This is another information fake and Ukraine should already have received immunity to it. In fact, every week we receive streams of Russian propaganda and lies, the purpose of which is one thing: to create doubt.”

According to him, it is important for Russia to call black white, it is important to introduce Ukrainians into chaos and confusion.

“In addition, in order not to pay attention to these fakes, it is extremely important for us to carefully approach the issue at this session information security“,” Parubiy emphasized.

The Speaker of the Rada noted that the issue of information security during the election period is one of the key ones, when “not only part of the Ukrainian territories is occupied, but also part of the information space is also occupied.”

He complained that some Ukrainian media are rebroadcasting Russian fakes and trying to transfer them to Ukrainian territory.

“We must think very seriously, at the level of the law, how to prevent the hybrid war waged by Putin and the Russian Federation against Ukraine from giving their information troops a chance to launch attacks using the information field of Ukraine,” Parubiy said.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak believes that the voiced Russian Federation information about the Ukrainian origin of the Buk missile that shot down flight MH17 over the Donbass in 2014 indicates that Moscow has not abandoned its plans to escalate the situation. The minister made this statement today at a joint briefing with British Defense Minister Gavin Williamson, Interfax-Ukraine writes.

“This is another lie, this is another fake of the Russian Federation, which indicates that Russia has certainly not abandoned its plans to undermine the authority of Ukraine, to undermine the situation as a whole. They need a reason to escalate the situation,” Poltorak said.

In turn, the head of the UK Ministry of Defense added that an independent investigation showed who was involved in the attack on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

“This is yet another example of Russian disinformation,” Williamson said.

Founder of the international research group Bellingcat Eliot Higgins called the information released by the Russian Federation about the Ukrainian origin of the Buk missile that shot down flight MH17 over the Donbass an “act of desperation.”

He recalled that most of information about the missile was obtained from the analysis of fragments found at the crash site and recovered from the bodies of the victims. This information was published in a report by the Dutch Safety Board and announced by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) during a press conference.

“So little was known about them until the Joint Investigation Team press conference earlier this year, during which a large piece of debris was shown, although they did not categorically claim that it was related to MH17, only that it had been found in Ukraine,” Higgins emphasized.

“Although we cannot consider any information disseminated by the Russian Defense Ministry to be reliable, since in the past they have often been caught lying and using fabricated evidence. The Russian Ministry of Defense is not interested in the truth, so they often spread different versions events and evidence,” added the Bellingcat founder.

Higgins wrote on Twitter that the statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense about the unreliability of some data from the International Investigation Team (JIT) on the MH17 disaster is unreliable. He noted that the convoy transporting the Buk was not only captured on video, but was also recorded from a satellite. thus, according to Higgins, the video cannot be fake.

The expert also commented on the Russian Federation’s statement about an allegedly fake photograph from the JIT report.

“RF is correct in saying that the car is moving in the wrong direction of the JIT animation. However, the location where the photo was taken is different... Russian Ministry uses this to falsely claim that the photo is doctored,” he wrote.
