What is average qualification? Determination and improvement of employee qualifications in accordance with the law

The law on professional standards has been in effect for several months, but not everyone has finally figured out how to apply the new regulations in their companies. To help employers - practical recommendations one of the most authoritative Russian experts on labor law, Maria Finatova.

What is this article about? Once again about professional standards, the application of which is still unclear to many. Let's talk about how to learn to determine the professional level at which an employee is.

All qualification levels specified in professional standards are used during their development to describe labor functions, requirements for education and training of workers. Uniform requirements for the qualifications of workers established by qualification levels can be expanded and clarified taking into account the specific types of professional activities.

The skill level is defined as the employee’s ability to perform job functions (tasks, responsibilities) of a certain composition and level of complexity, which is achieved by mastering the necessary set of theoretical knowledge and skills.

The normative act that names qualification levels is the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social protection RF dated April 12, 2013 N 148n “On approval of qualification levels for the purpose of developing draft professional standards.” There are 9 levels in total and each has its own requirements. The higher the level, the higher the requirements; the lower the level, the lower the requirements for the position. Typically, level 1 is unskilled labor for which there are no strict requirements. 2,3,4 levels of working specialties, 5,6 – specialists, 7,8 heads of the organization, top managers, 9 – country leadership.

Each level has certain indicators, which include: powers and responsibility, the nature of knowledge, the nature of skills and the main ways to achieve qualifications, on the basis of which a professional standard is developed.

For example, at the 1st qualification level they are like this:

And at the 6th qualification level these are:

In order to understand what level a particular employee is at, the employer needs to carry out a whole range of measures:

  • To begin, select a suitable professional standard for compliance with which the employee’s position will be checked.
  • Then analyze his labor function, defined by the employment contract or job description, for its compliance with the labor actions (LA) provided for in the selected professional standard.
  • Then compare the verified labor actions with labor functions in the same professional standard.
  • And finally, from the compared labor functions (LF), determine which or which generalized labor functions (GLF) the employee is suitable for.

For each generalized labor function (GFL), the professional standard indicates the corresponding qualification level. Using a simple procedure, you can determine what qualification level an employee has and what requirements are established for him.

For example, if you take the professional standard of “Accountant”, you can see that there are only 2 qualification levels: 5 and 6 for the positions of “Accountant” and “Chief Accountant”, and accordingly the requirements at these qualification levels are different. When comparing, it may turn out that one of the workers does not meet the standard because he does not have enough experience, or seniority, or the necessary education at a certain level for him. In this situation, the employer must solve this problem: in the case of education, by sending the employee to study, in the case of experience and length of service, by transferring the employee to another position.

Situations may be different, but it must be remembered that the requirements of Law No. 122-FZ must be fulfilled by all employers, regardless of their organizational and legal form, form of ownership, number of employees, etc. However, the law does not imply dismissals for failure to meet professional standards. Therefore, it is important and possible to find the right solution in each specific situation with each specific employee.

Maria Finatova, head of the Consulting Projects Department and partner of the Valentina Mitrofanova group of companies

Diploma qualifications are assigned to students by the state certification commission of universities based on the results of their studies after defense or passing exams and are consistent with their specialty.

What is a diploma qualification?

Diploma qualification is the status of a graduate, reflecting a certain set of knowledge and skills acquired while studying at a university. After the transition to the Bologna system, higher educational establishments The Russian Federation assigns qualifications, specialist and master's degrees corresponding to the levels of professional education.

  1. Bachelor. The degree is awarded based on the results of four years of study at a university in all scientific fields, except medicine. Gives the right not only to professional activity, but also provides the opportunity to obtain a master's degree.
  2. Specialist. The most common qualification in the educational system. Confirms the right to practice at a high level professional level and for studying abroad according to available international agreements for the purpose of obtaining an academic degree. Typically, a specialist qualification (lawyer, accountant, economist, manager) is awarded after five or six years of study at a university. The diploma is issued in all scientific fields, including medicine.
  3. Master. To obtain this degree, you must study for two years in a research-oriented program. Bachelors or specialists of any field can apply for training. The master's thesis must be an independent study conducted under the supervision of a supervisor. Master's and specialist qualifications give the right to participate in programs for obtaining an academic degree.

If the qualifications for a bachelor's degree do not coincide with the chosen direction in the master's program, a certain exam is required before admission.

Example of qualifications in a diploma

Diplomas of graduates of bachelor's and master's programs indicate as a qualification a bachelor's degree (academic or applied) and the direction in which the graduate can realize his knowledge and skills. For example:

  • Applied Bachelor of Economics;
  • management;
  • Master of Cultural Studies, Law, Psychology.

In the diploma of graduates of a specialty, the first position indicates the profession received (this will be the qualification), the second - the field of activity (specialty or direction of higher education according to the list approved by the Ministry of Education), for example:

  • engineer – specialty “construction of unique buildings and structures”;
  • economist – “economic security”;
  • pharmacist – “pharmacy”;
  • lawyer - " ";
  • theater production designer - “scenography”.

The choice of a future specialty and place of work should be based on knowledge of what a diploma qualification is. Understanding the essence of the concept will allow you not to make mistakes when filling out important documents when applying for a job.

In many areas of life, you can often hear about the presence or absence of any qualification. From the article you can learn that qualification is a very broad concept and even its term has two main translations.

Meaning of the concept

WITH in English the term translates as “quality,” meaning the degree of merit exhibited. In an older translation (from Latin), the word “qualification” is a combination of the words “what” and “to do.” In other words, how good is what is being done.

Depending on the application, the term means an assessment of the degree of quality or specified levels.

Types of qualifications

Qualification is a fairly broad concept. There are various types of it, distinguished depending on the scope of application:

  • in education, this is the level of training of those who graduated from an educational institution (secondary or higher);
  • in labor relations - the level of manifestation of professional qualities, the degree of suitability for certain requirements;
  • in sports - preliminary (qualifying) competitions;
  • in criminal law - the assessment of a specific socially dangerous action.

In addition to division by field of application, the qualifications of the employee and the job are distinguished.

Employee qualification

For an employee, qualification is the degree of his training in a professional sense. In other words, this is the level of his training, the presence of experience, theoretical and practical skills to perform a certain type of activity. Most often, qualifications are established in the form of a category or rank.

An employee has the right to take advanced training courses and then receive a higher category or rank. This will also increase his wage. But if the employee cannot confirm the existing category, the employer will have the right to lower it and even terminate the employment contract.

The procedure for determining the level of training of a professional has its own characteristics in each individual country. They are prescribed in labor legislation.

Job qualifications

This characteristic is established depending on the degree of complexity and responsibility of the employee during execution labor responsibilities. It is determined in accordance with existing records of tariff and qualification categories that relate to a specific specialization.

What are job qualifications and why are they important? It is used when setting tariff rates and salaries, from which wages are calculated. In simple words, wages depend on qualifications.

Professional qualifications

This is the name given to the professional training of an employee who will perform a certain type of activity. The work requires one or another qualification, determined depending on its expected complexity and the required quality of performance.

Most often, the following steps exist:

  • primary vocational education allows you to be a worker;
  • secondary education - technician;
  • higher - a specialist.

Among working specialties, there are 6 categories, which are registered in a special grid. As a rule, vocational schools graduate workers of 3-4 categories.

There is a network for teachers. So, after graduating from a higher educational institution, a teacher takes up a position as a specialist and works without a category. Then he can raise it to 2nd, 1st, highest. The last qualification level in pedagogy is the category of teacher-methodologist.

The employees have their own grid. It consists of 18 digits.

Do not forget that in real working conditions, qualifications on a grid do not always correspond to real skill. In addition to advanced training, the employee must have a sense of responsibility, professional duty, and civic maturity.

In modern conditions Special attention is given to the level of competence of the employee. And this is not surprising, because every company wants to see professionals in its ranks who will serve the benefit of the organization with their work. An employee's qualifications are a set of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the job. The level of training is very important when hiring. Every employer is looking for best employee into your company and therefore qualifications are now coming to the fore.

Educational process

Modern life is such that every person who wants to get a job Good work and earn decent money, must get an education: higher or secondary specialized. After graduation, the student receives a diploma, but this does not mean that he is now a qualified worker. Certificate of completion of education - level of knowledge. An employee's qualifications are, first of all, experience.

But where can I get it? In many institutions, senior students are sent to practice so that they can learn a little about the profession, not only in theoretical terms. Further, all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the person himself: his qualifications will depend on his personal qualities.

Each student has a different level of knowledge and skills, therefore, when hiring, the employer conducts a personal interview to find out whether this or that person is suitable for him as an employee. The qualifications of education workers determine the level of training of former schoolchildren, so the employer selects employees from best universities countries.

Scientific qualifications

Currently valid in Russia new system graduate divisions. Previously, everyone was a specialist, but in this moment Bachelor and Master degrees appeared. Opinions are divided regarding this system: some consider it a failure, others, on the contrary, consider it the best. A qualification such as a bachelor's degree can be obtained by a student studying for 4 years; specialists need to obtain knowledge within 5 years.

If a person intends to become a scientist, first he must obtain a master's degree. To do this, you need to spend 6 years in an educational institution. The qualifications of teaching staff have a huge impact on the level of education of students. Professors and associate professors are able to teach students their specialty, thereby preparing competent experts for the country.

Upon graduation, each student is required to write a final thesis, based on the results of which he will be awarded a qualification. This work will determine the student’s theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as the level of his skills.

Skill Levels

The quality of the workforce in our country is determined by qualification categories. They are assigned to workers based on the decision of the certification commission. In factories, industrial workers have a rank. There are 6 types in total, the first is the lowest, and the sixth is the highest.

The Workforce Development Institute divides them into categories. The employee’s salary directly depends on this. It is determined using tariff rates. For an engineer, they are distributed from 0 to 1. These are the values ​​by which the salary is multiplied depending on the category of the employee. For engineers, the degree of rank is determined the other way around: the first is the highest, the second is less qualified, etc.

Each employee has his own job description, which clearly outlines his rights and responsibilities. It is accompanied by a list of qualification requirements, which represent the knowledge and skills of the employee. They are necessary to perform the job successfully.

The professional qualifications of an employee are beyond doubt if he does everything efficiently. Managers value such personnel and strive to improve working conditions. In case of any dispute, the opinion skilled workers is decisive.

Groups according to qualifications

To determine the level of knowledge of a particular person, there is a special unified tariff schedule. In this regard, there are four main groups of workers based on skill level:

  1. Unskilled (laborers). Such employees do not have special knowledge; in most cases they have secondary specialized education. They often occupy low positions, such as cleaner, loader, etc.
  2. Low-skilled. Such workers have been trained for about a month and can perform simple tasks.
  3. Qualified. They undergo training for 1-2 years and are also practicing specialists. They perform complex work, some are able to lead a group of people.
  4. Highly qualified. Such workers have higher education, extensive practical experience, often occupy leadership positions.

Improving the qualifications of medical workers and educational staff is especially important in our time. After all, two main factors in life depend on them: health and level of knowledge.

Types of advanced training

This type of staff training is quite popular, because improving knowledge and skills will benefit not only the employee, but also the organization as a whole. Advanced training for workers in education and other fields of activity can be short-term, medium-term and long-term.

Short-term training takes no more than 72 hours and is usually carried out at the place of work. Highly qualified employees share their knowledge with newcomers. After this, students take an exam, and if successful, they are given certificates of advanced training.

The average duration of training is from 72 to 100 hours. It is relevant if the company introduces new technologies or changes its field of activity. Advanced training of this type is carried out in the form of trainings or seminars.

Long-term training is effective for experienced employees who need to gain new knowledge to perform practical tasks. Such advanced training can also be carried out outside of production. Sometimes employees are sent to another city, but the employee’s position and salary are retained.

Features of advanced training

Every profession has its own distinctive features. If we talk about government workers, we can note their division into managers, assistants and advisers. The relevant authorities also have maintenance personnel who perform simple tasks.

There is also a division of positions into groups, such as junior, senior, leading and senior. But this is not true everywhere. Advanced training of teaching staff is aimed at studying the teacher modern technologies. In addition, it is necessary to successfully apply knowledge in practice and have a positive work result. Only in this case can the teacher receive the highest category.

The Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers requires serious training for teachers, because education is currently an integral part of people’s lives. The demands placed on teachers are driven by the desire to increase the level of knowledge of students.

Student problem

Employers value highly qualified workers who have extensive experience and know everything about the profession. But what about yesterday's students? After all, it is clear that the company will choose a more experienced representative as an employee. Currently, there are few organizations that are ready to give young people a chance, but what to do?

If a student wants to achieve a high position and become a professional in his field, he will first have to work in low positions. It is advisable to start working as a laboratory assistant or assistant manager in your final years in order to master the practical part of the specialty. In modern realities, knowledge of autumn is important foreign language. Almost all areas require the ability to speak English. The main thing is to cling to all opportunities for advanced training, because the competence of a specialist depends on this.

Personnel training

Initial training is carried out in educational institutions: institutes, colleges, etc. Future managers must have a higher education; secondary specialized education is enough for workers. An employee's qualifications are the level of training required to perform the duties. To acquire it, the employee is trained always and everywhere.

New employees often hear the phrase: “forget what you were taught in college.” Of course, you shouldn’t do this, but the fact is that in most cases, theory and practice differ significantly from each other. Therefore, employers are forced to provide on-the-job training so that the newcomer understands what is required of him. In addition to practice, the organization tells its theory, thereby preparing employees for work.

Personnel retraining

This type of training is relevant for workers who are learning a new specialty. In essence, there is no fundamental difference between training and retraining. Training can be carried out both on the premises of the enterprise and on the road. Features of employee retraining:

  • It is necessary in the case of planned personnel promotion: a person masters, for example, a leadership position, since he has never held one before.
  • This type of training is characterized by the fact that a second profession is being studied. That is, a person will already be competent in two specialties.

Training, retraining and advanced training of medical workers, teachers and representatives of other professions have a positive effect on the level of education in the country. After all, the more qualified specialists there are, the better the quality of their services.


Drawing a conclusion, it should be noted that the role of training is increasing every day. A worker's qualifications are the degree of his competence in a particular profession. The Russian education system allows people to grow from ordinary students into sought-after specialists. Hard work on yourself and constant self-improvement can turn any ordinary worker into a professional in their field.

Knowledge, skills, experience and practice form the degree of qualification of an employee - the degree of professional training necessary to perform specific job functions. There is a distinction between job qualifications and employee qualifications. Job qualifications are a set of requirements for someone who must perform this work, as well as the degree of its complexity, accuracy and responsibility. An employee’s qualifications are a set of professional qualities acquired by a person. It is necessary that the qualifications of the work and the workers correspond to each other.

An employee’s qualifications are determined by factors such as the level of general and specialized knowledge, work experience in a given or similar position, necessary for successful mastery of the profession. The qualification is assigned to the employee based on the results of training in educational institutions, at training courses, as a rule, by a special certification commission based on a comprehensive assessment of knowledge and experience. Qualification is confirmed by various documents: diplomas, certificates, certificates, etc. Usually, the qualifications of an employee are determined by his rank, category in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS).

Tariff and qualification characteristics of workers' professions are given by category and consist of sections:

Characteristics of work - a list of labor skills that a worker must have in order to receive a rank corresponding to the work performed;

Must be able to - the minimum special knowledge and skills required to work in this category;

Examples of work - a list of the most typical jobs for a given profession and a given tariff category.

According to the degree of qualification, workers are usually divided into the following groups:

1. Highly qualified workers who graduated from vocational schools and secondary specialized educational institutions with a training period of 2-4 years.

2. Skilled workers who have graduated from secondary vocational schools, technical schools, ordinary vocational schools or have undergone industrial training at enterprises for 6-24 months.

3. Low-skilled workers who have undergone industrial training for 2-5 months.

4. Unskilled workers who have passed practical training or on-the-job training over several weeks.

Statistics make it possible to calculate a number of quantitative indicators characterizing the qualifications of enterprise personnel.

One of the simplest indicators of personnel qualifications is the average tariff category, which is determined by the weighted arithmetic mean formula as follows:

Where Tr ii- th tariff category;

CR i– number of workers with i- y tariff category.

The average tariff category of work performed at the enterprise is calculated by the formula:

Where Tr ii- th tariff category;

Vр i– volume of work requiring the involvement of workers from i- y tariff category.

During the statistical analysis, the correspondence of the skill level of workers to the level of complexity of the work performed at the workplace is studied. To do this, the average tariff category of workers and the average tariff category of work are determined using the specified formulas. If the calculated average tariff category of workers turns out to be lower than the planned average tariff category, or below the average tariff category of work, then the consequence of this situation will be a decrease in the quality of the products. If the average wage grade of workers is greater than the average wage grade of work, then it will turn out that skilled workers are used in jobs that do not correspond to their qualifications and they will need to make additional payments for work in low-skill jobs. .

The average tariff category as an indicator of the complexity of labor has disadvantages that make it difficult to compare it across industries, since in different industries the same tariff categories can be assigned to workers engaged in work with different levels of complexity. When studying the dynamics of the average tariff category, it should be remembered that technological progress changes the level of requirements for the same category of the corresponding profession.

Indicators of the average tariff category can be supplemented by a number of other indicators characterizing the qualifications of personnel.

1. Employee qualification coefficient Kkv is determined by the formula:

Where n about- number of employees with the necessary education;

n op- number of employees with the necessary experience;

N- total number of employees.

2. Qualification utilization rate workers:

3. Specialization coefficient workers, determined by the formula:

4. Experience coefficient work in the organization:

A number of experts offer other indicators that can be used to assess the qualifications of personnel. So, for example, V.T. Shishmakov and S.V. Shishmakov believe that in order to assess qualifications, it is necessary to determine the parameters or its components by which the assessment will be made. These include:

Availability of higher or secondary specialized education;

Years of work experience in a specific specialty;

Completion of training courses, seminars, internships and other programs that improve employee qualifications.

All three components together give an idea of ​​qualifications.

Where Kv- qualification coefficient,

Cho- number of employees with higher and secondary specialized education;

Emergency- the number of employees with work experience not less than specified in job description;

Chk- the number of employees who underwent advanced training over a certain period;

Total- the total number of employees in the service.

Numerical parameters in the formula are 0.42; 0.36; 0.22 - coefficients of significance according to the qualifications, work experience of employees and the frequency of improving their qualifications in the growth of labor productivity. The significance coefficients were calculated by the authors based on expert assessments of managers and specialists of more than one hundred enterprises.

Khmeleva G.A. and Khmeleva E.M. to assess the level of qualification it is proposed to use the qualification coefficient Kk. This coefficient is calculated differently for different categories of enterprise personnel. Thus, for a category of workers it can be calculated as the ratio of the average rank of workers at an enterprise to the maximum rank:

Kk p = R av / R max ,

Where Kk r- worker qualification coefficient;

R avg- average category of workers in the enterprise as a whole;

Rmax- maximum category for workers.

If on different areas If the maximum digit has a different value, then the average value of the maximum digit is taken.

For employees, a necessary condition for advanced training is participation in seminars, trainings, and advanced training courses with the subsequent implementation of the results in the current process. Therefore, a characteristic of the qualifications of employees (managerial and service personnel, as well as the main one, if this organization provides services) can be the qualification coefficient, defined as the ratio of the number of employees who have completed advanced training courses, internships, participating in seminars, and training in their specialty to the total number of employees. The formula for calculating the qualification coefficient for employees will be as follows:

Kk s = N k / N ,

Where Kk s- employee qualification coefficient;

N to- number of employees who have improved their qualifications during Last year;

N- total number of employees (persons).

At manufacturing enterprises, the qualification coefficient is calculated as the sum of the worker qualification coefficient and the employee qualification coefficient. For an enterprise providing services, calculations should be carried out only using the formula for calculating the qualification coefficient of employees.

Ilyin A.I. proposes to use the qualification utilization coefficient, determined by the formula, to assess the use of workers’ qualifications:

Where R r– average level of workers in the unit;

R s– the average level of work they perform.

Another approach to determining the level of personnel qualifications is to calculate the qualification coefficient using the formula:

K kv = 0.4K rev + 0.3K op + 0.2K surface kv +0.1K sov,

Where K about– the share of employees in the total number with higher and secondary specialized education;

K op- the share of employees in the total number who have worked in the organization for more than 5 years;

To surface square- the share of employees in the total number who improved their qualifications during the reporting period;

K owls- the share of employees in the total number who combine professions.

Table 3 provides information about the qualifications of workers and the work they perform. Let us determine the average tariff category of workers and jobs.

Table 3

Information about the work performed

The average wage category of workers is:

(500*3 + 580*4) / (500 + 580) = 3820 / 1080 = 3,5.

The average tariff category of work is equal to:

(110*2 + 450*3 + 490*4 + 30*5) / (110 + 450 + 490 + 30) = 3680 /1080 = 3,4.

We find by calculation that the average wage grade of workers is higher than the average grade of work performed by them.

The coefficient of use of qualifications according to Ilyin is equal to:

K ik = 3,5/3,4 = 1,029.

The coefficients for using the qualifications of workers according to Vesnin are equal to:

For workers 3rd category To use= 300/500 = 0.6 or 60%.

For workers 4 categories To use= 370/580 = 0.638 or 63.8%.

Based on the calculations performed, we can conclude that, in general, the qualifications of workers exceed the qualifications of the work they perform, however, workers of the 3rd category perform only 60% of the work corresponding to their qualifications, and workers of the 4th category perform 63.8%, respectively.
