Ekaterina Solotsinskaya: biography, personal life, photo. “You evoke polar emotions - from delight to hatred”: Lisa Peskova’s mother congratulated her on her birthday. What does Peskova’s ex-wife do?

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, the second wife of Dmitry Peskov, congratulated their daughter on her birthday. The star heiress turned 22 years old.

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya with Denis and Lisa Peskov

44-year-old Ekaterina Solotsinskaya publicly congratulated Lisa Peskova on her birthday, dedicating a post to her on Instagram. It is worth noting that the tone of the message was strikingly different from the typical parental congratulations that we are used to seeing on social networks.

The second wife of Dmitry Peskov began the congratulations with a story about how Lisa was born. This happened in Ankara at 5:30 am. “You were supposed to be born a few days later, but contractions started on the morning of January 8th. Having met my mother at the airport in the evening and dropping off my things at the embassy, ​​the three of us, her and your dad, immediately went to the maternity hospital.”

Ekaterina Solotsinskaya and Lisa Peskova

“At that time, no one in the world was interested in our family, and we lived happily on our own,” Ekaterina recalled. A year later, Dmitry Peskov was offered a position in the Kremlin, but he had to leave the Foreign Ministry. This decision radically changed the life of the family.

“Nowadays there is hardly a person in the country who treats you indifferently. You evoke polar emotions - from delight to hatred, but not indifference. This is an indicator that a person is something, that he not only exists, but lives. As long as they are talking about you, you are of interest. This means that you have the influence and power to change this world,” said Solotsinskaya.

Lisa Peskova’s mother noted that for her age, the heiress has enormous life experience. Catherine wished her daughter to make the most of all her opportunities and promised that her family would always support her. At the end of the congratulations, my mother revealed Lisa’s unusual nickname: “Happy birthday, Elizabeth the Sand!”

Dmitry Peskov - press secretary first to the prime minister and then to the president Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. In the past, a talented diplomat, assistant-translator, first secretary of the Russian Embassy in Turkey. Organizer and curator of press conferences and “direct lines” of the first person of the state. He is entrusted with announcing the president’s position on a variety of events taking place in the country and in the world.

Childhood and family

The boy, born in the fall of 1967 into the family of a student at the Moscow ISAA (Institute of Asian and African Countries) and subsequently the famous Russian diplomat Sergei Nikolaevich Peskov, was named Dmitry. The boy became the first and only child in the family

Not a single open source mentions the name of the woman who gave birth to the boy. Someone suggested that Dima’s mother was Jewish, and at that time such a connection could put an end to the future diplomatic career of the 19-year-old student and his heir. That is why the boy remained in the care of his father and was recorded as Russian on the birth certificate. But there is no confirmation of these assumptions, just as there is no reason to consider this information reliable.

After graduating from the institute in 1972, Sergei Nikolaevich was sent to work in one of the Arab countries. The Committee of Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa, where Peskov Sr. served, was at that time called by Western media “a roof promoting communism for the KGB.”

Little Dima remained in Moscow and was raised by his grandmother. But when it was time to go to first grade, he went to his father abroad. A serious and thoughtful boy, he devoted a lot of time to reading and learning languages, and had an interest in history. Ancient world and Russia. His father taught Dima the rules of behavior, shared his own knowledge with him and raised him according to his understanding of who he should become in the future. As Peskov Jr. recalled much later, he and his dad often moved:

I had to change many schools. I studied abroad for some time, then returned to Moscow and lived with my grandmothers.

Before choosing a university to enroll in, Dmitry moved to Moscow again and graduated from specialized school No. 1243, where Special attention devoted to studying in English. Later, the grandson of Boris Yeltsin, the first Russian president, and the daughter of Leonid Fedun, vice president of Lukoil, graduated from the same school.

Since Sergei Peskov has been involved in Arab countries all his life, Dmitry did not see himself outside this world and made an attempt to enter the same university where his father studied. He succeeded only the second time, and besides, Peskov was assigned to the Turkish group, since he did not have enough points to independently choose the country of study (the young man dreamed of Arab countries) and language.

Despite the disappointment, Dmitry diligently and meticulously learned the Turkish language, studied the history and traditions of the country. During his studies, he was drafted into the army (in those years there was no deferment for students), but did not complete his service, as he fell ill with pneumonia, was discharged and returned to the university.

As a student, he made a living by translating for various Turkish companies. After graduating from the institute, he expressed a desire to go to work at the Moscow representative office of the Turkish media, but, according to his recollections, he did not dare to disobey his strict parent:

When my father learned that I wanted to work for a foreign media outlet, he looked at me very harshly. As a result, I was invited to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. My father was already working there at that time.

After some time, the parent was sent to a diplomatic mission in the Middle East, where he served until he was diagnosed with serious illness. In 2014, at the age of 66, Sergei Peskov died. His son informed the general public about his death only a year later, when it was discovered that the official income of the press secretary was four times higher than the income of the president. Peskov explained this by saying that after the death of his father he entered into an inheritance.

Diplomatic career

Several years of work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, first as a duty assistant, then as the third secretary of the embassy Soviet Union in Turkey until 1994 were replaced by the post of first secretary already in Russian embassy in the Republic of Turkey from 1996 to 1999.

According to intelligence historian Boris Volodarsky, for two years between Turkish business trips, Peskov could study at the Academy of the Foreign Intelligence Service:

After that, he took the post of first secretary of the embassy in Turkey - this is a typical position for an Socialist Welfare worker. But this is just my guess,” said the former GRU officer in an interview with The New Times.

In one interview, Peskov opened up and said that in the 90s he drove cars from Turkey and traveled with truck drivers. The times were turbulent; Dmitry more than once encountered bandit ambushes on the roads.

Dmitry Peskov experienced a sharp turn in his career in 1999, when the OSCE summit was held in Istanbul, which was attended by Russian President Boris Yeltsin. As the first secretary of the embassy, ​​Peskov was a participant large group preparations for the high-profile visit, headed by Alexey Gromov, manager of the press service of the presidential administration.

Dmitry made a favorable impression on Gromov, especially, as some sources report, after translating Boris Yeltsin’s speeches. They say that in order to save the negotiations, Peskov took it upon himself to translate some of Boris Nikolayevich’s statements somewhat differently, so that the Turkish president would not guess about the state and mood of the first person in Russia. After this, Peskov was invited to work in the presidential administration.

First meeting with Putin

In 1999, Peskov, who had just started working in the Kremlin, was invited as a translator to negotiations between Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the Prime Minister of the Turkish government, Bullent Ajavid. It was then that he saw the future president of the Russian Federation for the first time.

It is difficult to call this a full-fledged acquaintance, because at meetings of this level they do not pay attention to interpreters. And, of course, then Dmitry Peskov did not suspect that in the near future he would become the official voice of the country's first person.

Presidential Press Secretary

In 2000, Dmitry Sergeevich took over as head of the media relations department. It was he who organized the first “direct lines” of President Putin during the latter’s first two terms as head of state and voiced his position to foreign media.

In preparation for the summit big eight, which took place in 2006 in St. Petersburg, Peskov oversaw the conclusion of contracts with the American PR company Ketchum. He later explained the involvement of foreign service as follows:

Then an anti-Russian campaign began in foreign media. In addition, the information landscape began to change rapidly with the advent of social networks and online media. We needed modern technologies that would be understandable to Western analysts, journalists and readers to convey our positions. Therefore, it was decided to use the services of information consultants, as all civilized countries do.

When Vladimir Putin left the post of president of the country to Dmitry Medvedev in 2008 and took over the post of prime minister for four years, Peskov became his press secretary, and Alexei Gromov remained in his Kremlin post.

Dmitry Peskov in the program “Right to Know!”

Putin's victory in the 2012 presidential elections became a new milestone for Dmitry Peskov in his career. He was appointed deputy head of the Russian presidential administration, and then personal secretary of the president. Close journalists consider the current press secretary more liberal than Gromov, and Peskov also managed to reveal some previously inaccessible sides of Putin’s personality - his sports achivments, some habits and hobbies.

Peskov himself has repeatedly found himself in scandalous situations because of some of his categorical statements. Thus, in 2012, a loud resonance was caused by the publication on Twitter of Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev, to whom Dmitry Sergeevich said in a private conversation that in order to prevent the opposition “March of Millions”, which took place on Bolotnaya Square in May, more radical measures were needed: “for the wounded riot policeman the livers of those who wounded him should have been smeared on the asphalt.” Peskov admitted that he said something similar to the deputy in a personal conversation, but called the publication an “unmanly” act.

Putin: “Peskov is carrying a blizzard”

It is known that the president often criticizes his press secretary for scandalous statements, however, Dmitry Peskov remains the constant Kremlin messenger to this day.

Peskov through the eyes of Western journalists

The press secretary of the Russian president often becomes an object of interest not only for Russian but also for Western media. So, in 2012, a book by Englishman Angus Roxborough, a journalist and one of Ketchum’s consultants, was published in Russia. The book told about the projects that Western PR specialists implemented for the Russian government and in particular for the press service of Vladimir Putin. He spoke about working with Dmitry Peskov in an interview with one of the Western publications, noting his excellent English and courteous manners.

Roxborough personally conducted trainings in which he explained to the press secretary how to behave in front of cameras, how to get rid of the habit of verbosity and concentrate on main topic, anticipating questions from journalists. The Ketchum consultant also noted that if Peskov had decided to reveal some real secrets to the media, then some Western journalists could well have created a more positive attitude towards President Putin’s policies in the West. But since the press secretary does not do this, Western journalists never have “the slightest idea of ​​what is happening inside the Russian leadership.”

Dmitry Peskov in the program “ Characters» with Zade Naila

Dmitry Peskov demonstrated his style of “taking a break” in an interview with the publication The New Times. So, answering a question about his political views, he answered that he was not a communist, but during perestroika he sympathized with Mikhail Gorbachev. He called the collapse of the Soviet Union “absolutely unacceptable” and refused to discuss Boris Yeltsin. He did not deny his sympathies for the LDPR party, but avoided clarifying whether he was a member of it.

Angus Roxborough called Peskov an excellent press secretary "in the sense that when he speaks, you feel like you're really hearing Putin's thoughts." But he immediately noted that dubious black humor, inherent and permissible to the boss, should not be present in the vocabulary of a personal assistant.

Personal life of Dmitry Peskov

Dmitry Peskov’s relationships with women also gave rise to discussions in the media for a long time. The press secretary has three official marriage and five children - three sons and two daughters.

He first married in his youth, his wife was Anastasia Budyonnaya, the granddaughter of the marshal. They had known each other since school. Anastasia, who gave birth to a son, Nikolai, was infuriated by life in the Turkish embassy. Eastern laws and restrictions had a depressing effect on the woman; she first left for Russia, and then the couple officially filed for divorce.

Peskov's eldest son bears his stepfather's surname and is known as Nikolai Choles.

When Dmitry turned 27, he married for the second time. He had known Ekaterina Solotsinskaya since working in Ankara. She, the daughter of an ambassador and the granddaughter of a diplomat, was only fourteen when they met.

When Catherine turned eighteen and Dmitry divorced, they got married. Almost one after another, the woman gave birth to three children - daughter Elizabeth and sons Mika and Denis.

Remembering her marriage to Peskov, Solotsinskaya said in an interview many years later that her husband had always been the closest person to her, they swore an oath to each other to always be honest. For her, Dmitry was always on a pedestal, this is the first man whom Catherine truly loved. When the wife found out about her husband’s adultery, she experienced great disappointment, because in her eyes, her beloved turned out to be the same as everyone else.

In 2012, the couple divorced, and now Ekaterina Solotsinskaya lives in the very center of Paris, in an apartment overlooking the Champs-Elysees. There she communicates with the descendants of Russian nobles, thinking about restoring Countess Schlegel's own noble status and reviving the tradition of salons. Over the years, Catherine was able to forgive ex-husband, and the children communicate freely with their father.

Peskov's daughter, Lisa, also lived in France, graduated from school there and continued her studies in Paris. In 2017 on summer holidays was in practice as an adviser to the president of the Avanti company, and later interned at the European Parliament. Oleg Deripaska. Since the first day of the wedding fell on August 1, on the second day the guests decided to dress up in vests, and the men were given Airborne Force berets.

The ceremony was not without scandals, since a very expensive watch from the company was seen on the groom’s wrist, the cost of which amounts to several hundred thousand euros, which gave rise to a lot of rumors and gossip around the real income of the press secretary. Dmitry Peskov explained that the watch was given to him by his now legal wife - a year earlier, in honor of the birth of their daughter.

Navka was outraged by the very fact of such close interest in their private life. She stated that, being a sought-after figure skater and Olympic champion, she could afford to give such a gift to her loved one, especially since journalists, according to her, greatly exaggerated the cost of the accessory.

Peskov's watch at the epicenter of the scandal

Dmitry and Tatiana's honeymoon in Italy at the very peak of the crisis also caused public outrage. Some sources wrote that the couple was vacationing on a personal yacht off the coast of Sardinia, others were probably outraged by the very fact of the personal happiness of the official and the athlete. Navka spoke unequivocally about the attacks, that she and her husband consider it beneath their dignity to enter into polemics with those who spread deliberate slander in order to form a negative attitude towards her family:

I married the smartest, bravest, determined, intelligent, honest, most loving and decent man in the world. And I'm proud of it. There are very few of them now. And I, like a lioness protecting her family, am ready to gnaw the throat of anyone who encroaches on her happiness.

Dmitry Peskov now

The daily routine of Peskov’s press secretary is completely subordinate to the work schedule of the country’s president. He accompanies Vladimir Putin on all trips, is present at all public speaking and various events. He regularly communicates with media representatives, giving comments on the president’s speeches. The president does not always like his reaction to new information, who once admitted in an interview with NBC that Dmitry Peskov “sometimes brings a blizzard.” But journalists still call the press secretary for any reason, for example, to find out about Putin’s vacation in the taiga.

Dmitry Sergeevich overcomes daily stress loads with the help of sports activities. He tries to go to the gym at least three times a week. In winter he gets up on skis, summer period jogs and plays tennis. He spends about five hours sleeping.

The press secretary considers his most powerful support to be his family, his wife and children, with whom he tries to meet and relax regularly. Dmitry Peskov and his wife managed to reconcile their children from previous marriages, who at first reacted with hostility to their marriage. Soon they all began to gather in the house of Peskov and Navka for “Bath Sunday,” which became traditional. Happy people often appear on Instagram family photos couples surrounded by children.

Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov is a world-famous politician. It is clear that people are showing significant interest in him and his personal life. After the sensational scandal with the watch of the press secretary of the presidential administration and the magnificent wedding with Tatyana Navka, who wrested her fiancé from the mother of three children, interest in Peskov’s personality increased even more.

In the article we will introduce readers more closely to his very first wife Anastasia Budenna. After all, he didn’t live with her long. However, the couple managed to have a common child, who Lately began to appear in media mass media more often.

Wife's Choice

Dmitry Peskov does not come from an ordinary family. Since childhood, he studied in prestigious specialized schools, studied languages ​​and traveled a lot to different countries of the world. Naturally, he was not looking for a wife among ordinary people, but with a big name. The granddaughter of Semyon Budyonny was quite suitable for this purpose. Let us remind young readers who Budyonny is and why he is so famous.

Semyon Mikhailovich was one of the most famous military leaders, commanded a cavalry army and became almost the first marshal of the country. He showed himself in the years Civil War. Many films have been made about this glorious hero and his Budenovites. The wartime cap was also called budenovka. Semyon Mikhailovich was also advertised through propaganda programs on radio and television. He was truly a folk hero and had a pretty big name.

Of course, young Dmitry could not pass by such a prominent girl. Moreover, knowing his character and disposition, it is quite understandable why he paid attention to Anastasia Budennaya. They write on the Internet that she was still that “Budennaya”. The girl had a fighting character, matching her famous grandfather.

Anastasia's parents

Anastasia Budennaya's father was youngest son legendary commander. Mikhail Budyonny himself also held a good position in the country and worked as a high-ranking functionary of the Ministry foreign trade. He was also the president of the Russian Equestrian Federation.

Nastya's mother Inesa Volkova married Mikhail in 1967. A year later they had a girl. They did not live together for long: after five years they quarreled and separated, since Mikhail liked to hang out on the side. In the end, he left for another woman forever. Inesa Sergeevna raised Nastya herself as best she could. Since childhood, the girl’s character was difficult: she always considered herself independent and did whatever she wanted. Although she received a good education and worked as a translator at Intourist. IN Soviet time it was prestigious.

Life of the young

Soon Anastasia Budennaya met a young Foreign Ministry employee, Dmitry Peskov, and already in 1988 the couple got married. Two years later, the newlyweds had a son, who was named Nikolai. By that time, Dmitry Peskov graduated from the IISA Institute, where he specialized in Asian and African countries. Then he is sent to work at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Naturally, the son’s high position in his father’s country helped him in the distribution. Everyone, of course, understands that simple things, even the most smart specialist hard to get into upper echelons authorities. And our hero’s father was a famous diplomat who worked in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa.

In 1990, when Anastasia Budennaya and Dmitry Peskov have a son, a young Ministry employee receives a new position. He is appointed secretary to the attache and assistant. He then worked at the Turkish Embassy, ​​as he was fluent in Turkish.

Divorce in the family

Disagreements in the family occurred constantly, since Anastasia Budennaya did not possess the qualities of a calm and submissive wife. She loved noisy parties with loud screams and singing drinking songs with a guitar. At first, Dmitry really liked such a cheerful wife, but the young man grew up in the family of a high official... In addition, he often had to visit eastern countries, where the role of women is rather modest.

Particularly acute was the question of the wife’s behavior while working at the embassy in Turkey, which, although considered European country, but traditionally women there behave modestly. Granddaughter Anastasia Budennaya has always had an independent and unbridled character. She was not created to be a quiet housewife in the kitchen and a calm keeper of the home. She couldn't understand why she needed to behave differently in Turkey.

Therefore, constant conflicts between spouses led to a break. Peskov was ashamed of his wife’s behavior. He wanted his couple to be an example ideal family. Judging by the stories of Nastya herself, they were constantly under surveillance. After all, her husband held a high position abroad, and she did not like being limited in some way. Therefore, already in 1994, the couple officially separated. Nastya took her son Nikolai with her.

Life in England

The stormy life of Peskov's first wife Anastasia Budenna continued further. After the divorce, the girl and the child move to England for permanent residence. She always dreamed of living abroad. And now, having received freedom, he decides to move.

Having settled in the small town of Crawley in the south-eastern part of England, she soon marries an English businessman, who gives his surname to her son Nicholas. But the peaceful life of the Choles family did not last long. Soon the couple also separated. It is not known exactly how many times Nastya met and separated from her husbands.

Officially, she was once again married to Christopher Drake, to whom she bore children. In total, Nastya, besides Nikolai, gave birth to five children from English spouses. The woman also had a difficult relationship with Christopher. It is known that they often quarreled. There is even information that Nastya wrote a statement to the police department against her husband about beating during scandals: he often kicked his wife out of the apartment, throwing her things out the window.

Loss of housing

It is also known that in 2011, the personal life of Anastasia Budenna finally cracked, and the woman left with her younger children to Turkey to live with her father. After staying there for some time, she returns to Crawley, but Christopher Drake does not let her home. As a result, she is forced to temporarily live with compassionate neighbors. Anastasia repeatedly contacted the police and municipal service with a request to provide her with housing, complaining about her husband.

However, the authorities did not find Christopher guilty; on the contrary, they accused Nastya of inappropriate behavior. The woman refused the proposed social housing, deciding to return to Moscow to her apartment on But it was not to be... Let's continue the story about Nastya a little later. Now we will tell the reader about Peskov’s son Nikolai Choles.

Hooliganism in England

Numerous children of Anastasia Budenna lived with her in England. The eldest son Nikolai was not distinguished by good behavior. There is information that the guy did not receive any education and sometimes lived in banditry, taking money and phones from passers-by. For this, he was detained by the police several times. As a result, he was convicted.

After serving several months in an English prison, the young man decided not to play with fate any longer, but to return to his famous and rich father in Russia. After arriving home in 2010, the guy moved in with his grandmother.

In 2012, after serving in missile forces, Nikolai, not without the participation of his father, begins his labor activity, working as a sports correspondent in Russia Today. Nikolai got an expensive car and money for a vacation abroad. Dmitry Peskov never offended his many children from different wives, helping them financially.

Relationship with grandmother

Living with his grandmother in a social four-room apartment issued by the state for use outstanding commander, Nikolai forces his grandmother to privatize it. Together, they file a lawsuit, completely limiting access to housing for the unlucky mother. Since Anastasia Budennaya, whose biography we describe in the article, still had a USSR passport (she did not exchange it for a new Russian one), she was not able to start decorating the apartment in time. The grandson (along with his grandmother) proved in court that he had not seen his mother since he was 16 years old, she had never come from England to Russia, and had not paid rent for all these years.

Therefore, the court decided to discharge her. Thus, Nastya was left without housing in Moscow. And grandma, apparently, really likes to drink alcoholic beverages. Once she even wrote a statement against Nikolai about the beatings to the police. But the grandson explained that the conflict was caused by the alcoholic intoxication of an old woman who likes to go wild when she drinks.

Relationship with father

Dmitry Peskov treats all children well and, based on their capabilities and efforts, gives them a start to a good life. Since Nikolai's mother last years of her existence did not show any interest in the life of one of her many offspring (she led a very active personal life), then the son’s desire to live near his father is completely justified. Moreover, the father is not just anyone, but Peskov himself.

It is also known from various sources that Nikolai, the son of Dmitry Sergeevich’s first wife, is on friendly terms with his brothers and sisters. Thus, you can often find photographs of a father spending time together with his children in various publications.

In the photo, Nikolai and his father are relaxing on the river with his younger sister, the daughter of Peskov’s second wife, Lisa. Her mother gave birth to Dmitry Sergeevich three children and now, after a divorce, lives in Paris.

Few people know what Anastasia Budennaya is doing now. Unfortunately, she died. The causes of death are unknown. But knowing a woman’s lifestyle, one can only guess about them.

Illustration copyright DOMINIQUE BOUTIN/TASS Image caption The Center for Science and Culture in Paris did not have a new director for long

The former wife of Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, is leaving her post as head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris. The reason was Rossotrudnichestvo’s dissatisfaction with Solotsinskaya’s business interests, sources from the BBC Russian Service say.

Solotsinskaya wrote about her departure on her Instagram. "Eleanor Valentinovna! I ask you to dismiss me from the position of director of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris at my own request as of February 28, 2018!" - written in the statement that Solotsinskaya published on social networks.

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Ekaterina Solotsinskaya - ex-wife press secretary of Vladimir Putin Dmitry Peskov. They have three children together with the official - daughter Elizabeth, as well as sons Mika and Denis. Solonitskaya headed the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris in June 2017 - a decision was made during Putin’s visit to Paris a month earlier, as reported in The New Times magazine.

Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris - public sector entity, which reports to Rossotrudnichestvo and is engaged in building cooperation with French cultural and scientific circles.

Loss of trust?

A BBC source in diplomatic circles says that Ekaterina Solotsinskaya was not the initiator of the resignation: they tried to fire her with the wording “due to loss of trust,” as claims from the inspection authorities arose against her.

According to the source, as a result of the check it turned out that she is the founder of two companies. One of them is called "Mincom" and is registered in Russia, the second is "Sirius" and is registered in Paris.

According to the state register legal entities, Solotsinskaya’s full namesake owns a 30 percent stake in the Minkom company. “She is no longer a co-owner. She was, but she filed an application to quit on Monday. The application was notarized. The company is unprofitable,” Ekaterina Mosyagina, general director of the Minkom company, told the BBC.

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Also, as of January 15, 2018, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya is listed as a co-owner of the KALE company, which manages beauty salons. There its share is 50%.

In December 2017, the opposition Russian politician Alexey Navalny, with reference to an extract from the French cadastral chamber, wrote that Solotsinskaya owns 75% in the Sirius company. It was in the name of this company that the apartment purchased by Solotsinskaya in Paris was registered. The politician pointed out that the price of the apartment was much higher than the official income of the official, and Solotsinskaya did not have her own income.

According to Russian law, a civil servant is subject to dismissal due to loss of confidence if he participates on a paid basis in the management of a commercial organization.

Family and connections

According to a source of the BBC Russian Service close to diplomatic circles, the decision to dismiss Solotsinskaya was made by the head of Rossotrudnichestvo, Eleonora Mitrofanova. The BBC's interlocutor claims that Solotsinskaya tried to the last to challenge the claims of the management of Rossotrudnichestvo and retain her position.

So, she turned to Mitrofanova and said that she “comes from a family of diplomats of the highest level” and has good connections in government agencies and can count on the support of her friend, “one of the presidential candidates” (the only female candidate in the Russian presidential elections is TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak).

In addition, in her address, Solotsinskaya indicated that she has personal agreements with the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, to promote Russian culture abroad.

"There are civil service rules. She provided inaccurate information about her property affairs. I don’t think this was done out of malice, but perhaps she didn’t take it as seriously as possible, because she had no experience in the civil service," he told the BBC representative of Rossotrudnichestvo.

Mitrofanova herself was unavailable for comment. Solotsinskaya, in response to a call from the BBC, said that she “may leave her post” and refused further comments, citing the fact that she was at the airport.

Dmitry Sergeevich Peskov is not only a famous diplomat and politician, but also a very a famous person, whom all people from different countries peace. At the moment, Dmitry Sergeevich holds the post of press secretary and, at the same time, is the deputy head of the presidential administration of our country.

Peskov is an extraordinary person in politics, because he never adapts to anyone, and has his own opinion on everything. At the same time, the politician did not doubt for a moment the correctness of the chosen road and in his personal life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Peskov

When a man found himself in big politics, everyone began to look for information about his physical characteristics, including height, weight, age. Many people would like to know how old Dmitry Peskov is.

Peskov was born in 1967, which means he celebrated his fiftieth anniversary. At the same time, the sky gave him the sign of the friendly, punctual and inventive Libra.

The eastern horoscope endowed Peskov with such character traits of the Goat sign as goodwill, smiling and peacefulness. Dmitry Peskov: photo in his youth and now always smiles and amazes with sparkling kind eyes.

The politician looks at us from a height of 1.75 centimeters, and he weighs an acceptable 73 kilograms.

Biography of Dmitry Peskov

The biography of Dmitry Peskov is distinguished by a huge number of blank spots, because he does not intend to lay everything out to the public. He was born in Moscow.

Father - Sergei Peskov - a diplomat of the Land of the Soviets, whom the whole world knows and loves, since since 1987 he has represented his Fatherland not only in the Middle East, but also in Oman, North Africa and even in the notorious Gaza Strip.

The man threw his mother out of life forever, because he never talks about her anywhere. The reasons for this cannot be found, since no one knows either the last name or the first name of the woman, they suspect that his mother is Jewish, and previously this was far from tolerant.

The family often moved because of his father’s work, so the boy often changed specialized schools at embassies. He gained more in-depth knowledge and mastered several foreign languages, including Turkish. As a teenager, he traveled to almost all the countries of the Middle East and became acquainted with the traditions of their population.

It was because of this that he wanted to become a diplomat, like his father, and for this he became a student at the prestigious ISSA Institute, gaining in-depth knowledge of the territory of Asia and Africa.

In the early nineties, the young man entered the USSR Foreign Ministry, but a year later he changed it to work at the Turkish embassy. Nine years later, he met Yeltsin as he translated his speech at a summit in Turkey, after which his career skyrocketed. The young man joined the government commission on Russian cinema.

Since 2012, he became the press secretary under Vladimir Putin himself, so it was he who reported on the position of the President of Russia on this or that issue on the world stage, so he also had to argue with world journalists, proving his rightness until he became hoarse and lost his voice.

Four years later, Peskov, in the role of a diplomat, constantly defends the country at the global level and clarifies that our country will never be involved in illegal actions.

At the same time, the politician remains an ordinary person who skis. By the way, Peskov plays chess masterfully and enjoys sports, although he suffers from asthma.

As Dmitry Peskov says, the income statement contains data on his income, which does not exceed 3,000,000 Russian rubles. At the same time, he has a couple of houses, the total area of ​​which does not exceed a thousand square meters. Peskov has a garage, several plots of land and only four cars.

Personal life of Dmitry Peskov

Dmitry Peskov’s personal life was never monotonous, since he easily started affairs and just as easily parted with the women he once loved, which sometimes significantly harmed his image as a crystal clear politician and diplomat.

At the same time, many facts from his personal life, which the politician never hid, sometimes caused indignation among Russians and citizens of other states, however, this did not bother him much. Dmitry Sergeevich constantly says that you should not confuse your work space with your personal space.

He tries not to comment on his relationships and, during a divorce, remains on friendly terms with his chosen ones. Peskov doesn’t look at anyone, he marries incredibly beautiful and bright girls.

Family of Dmitry Peskov

Dmitry Peskov’s family remained incredibly happy and friendly, although his mother was never a public person, but absolutely nothing is known about her person. The boy adored his father and did everything to be close to him.

Little Dima constantly moved in diplomatic circles, studied languages ​​and played sports, like his dad. The family was very patriotic, so a guy in any country in the world considered himself Russian and was proud of his Fatherland.

The death of his beloved dad was a huge loss for Peskov, so he could not come to his senses for a long time.

Children of Dmitry Peskov

The children of Dmitry Peskov are his pride and joy, although they were born in different marriages and after the breakup of families they remained with their mothers. Dmitry Sergeevich is a happy father of many children who is raising three boys and two young beauties.

The children of a politician and a diplomat get along well with each other and do not feel abandoned by their father to the mercy of fate. Unlike other politicians, Dmitry Peskov constantly takes pictures with his offspring and posts photographs on the Internet, signing them touchingly.

Almost all of Dmitry Nikolaevich’s children have grown up and are leading their own lives, and their father is called a friend and mentor.

Son of Dmitry Peskov - Nikolai Choles-Peskov

The son of Dmitry Peskov, Nikolai Choles-Peskov, was born in the rebellious year of 1990 at a turning point; his first wife, Anastasia Budennaya, became his mother.

Kolya grew up as a cheerful and sociable boy, but his parents divorced, so the baby remained with his mother, although he did not lose contact with his father. However, the boy ended up in distant Great Britain, where his mother remarried.

In 2000 the guy returned to home country, served in the missile forces, and in 2012 walked along Red Square as part of the soldiers of the Victory Parade. Kolya became a journalist for Russia Today and took the position creative director agency for organizing various festive events, and also deals with wrestling. Nikolai Peskov is a hunter, rider and fisherman.

Sons of Dmitry Peskov - Mikhail and Denny Peskov

The sons of Dmitry Peskov - Mikhail and Denny Peskov - are separated into a separate block together, since there is no information about them. This is what their mother Ekaterina Solonitskaya decided, so we can only find out their dates of birth - 2003 and 2007, and also that they were born in Moscow.

You can find up-to-date information that Mikhail is often affectionately called Mika, which is how he signs on the Internet. The boys moved to France with their mother long ago; they are studying science in an educational institution where Russian standards are idealized.

The boys are incredibly close to their father and are about to get higher education in your home country.

Dmitry Peskov’s daughter – Elizaveta Peskova

Dmitry Peskov’s daughter, Elizaveta Peskova, was also born in his second marriage to Ekaterina Solonitskaya in 1999. She was an active and cheerful girl, Lisa adored her dad, and for her it was a painful surprise that her parents divorced and she moved to France.

The girl constantly visits her relatives in her homeland and studies at the Ecole des Roches school for artistically gifted children. Lisa became a student at the Moscow state university, because she fell in love with a boy at sixteen and went with him to Russia.

Then Elizabeth learned simply terrible news for her about her dad’s marriage to a young figure skater Tanya Navka. The girl considered this wedding to be an ordinary PR for an elderly father, as well as an ordinary farce. Lisa left her studies at Moscow State University and returned to her mother and brothers.

Now she is graduating from a university in France, mastering the specialty of a professional marketer.

Dmitry Peskov's daughter - Nadezhda Peskova

Dmitry Peskov’s daughter, Nadezhda Peskova, is a baby who was born just four years ago. The girl's mother was the same famous figure skater.

The most interesting thing is that little Nadyushka is an illegitimate child, who, nevertheless, does everything to ensure that dad spends as much free time with her as possible. The girl is growing up calm, smiling, bright and athletic, she is persistent and diligent.

The baby is very similar to the famous mother, although no one had ever seen her before, because the child was carefully protected from prying eyes. Nadenka has been playing tennis and figure skating since she was two years old. She is a great fashionista and an incredible beauty with luxurious eyes.

Dmitry Peskov's ex-wife - Anastasia Budennaya

The ex-wife of Dmitry Peskov, Anastasia Budyonny, is a widely known person in world circles, since she is the granddaughter of commander Budyonny himself. In 1988, Dmitry and Nastya met at the Intourist hotel, where the guy was a young diplomat and the girl worked as a translator.

The young people did not live long in marriage; they separated without explaining the reasons for what happened. Later, Anastasia pointed out that her husband constantly cheated on her and was not even embarrassed by her, but Nikolai himself clarified that she herself did not know how to behave with restraint.

The fact is that Peskov began working at the Turkish embassy, ​​but his wife did not want to observe local traditions. She behaved just like in Russia, because she constantly gathered noisy companies and sang loudly with a guitar.

The girl was not too upset about the divorce and soon found herself in England, where she successfully married, becoming the mother of five children.

Dmitry Peskov's ex-wife - Ekaterina Solonitskaya

Dmitry Peskov’s ex-wife, Ekaterina Solonitskaya, is a scandalous page in his life, which almost cost him his diplomatic career. The fact is that young Katenka was barely fourteen when the womanizer Peskov fell in love with her.

He married the daughter of a famous diplomat when she turned eighteen. This all happened in 1994, so the couple did not survive all the difficulties of the nineties and quite naturally broke up. Dmitry Peskov and his wife Ekaterina photo were used to living comfortably, but due to the loss of their job, the man became a taxi driver who was engaged in this activity at night. At this time, his young wife whiled away the nights alone, took care of the children and could not understand her husband, who was striving to make a career.

After the divorce, Ekaterina returned to Russia, she began to live on Rublyovka and own a beauty salon. The reason that the couple began to live separately was Dmitry's constant infidelities.

Dmitry Peskov's wife - Tatyana Navka

Dmitry Peskov’s wife, Tatyana Navka, appeared on his horizon in 2014; she met the diplomat at a party of mutual friends. The man and woman knew each other very well in absentia, they started talking and realized that they were kindred spirits.

After several years of secret relationships, the young people decided to live together, although Dmitry already had four children and was still married, but Tatyana was not afraid to give birth to a daughter from him, without advertising who her dad was.

Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka, the age difference between whom was eight years, lived happily and had no intention of getting married. However, soon news appeared on the front pages of newspapers that Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka got married after spending their honeymoon on a luxury yacht. A woman and a man are different in character, but they complement each other, and the doors of their home are always open to all children from previous marriages.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Peskov

Dmitry Peskov’s Instagram and Wikipedia are available and they are official, since the diplomat is no different from ordinary people. On the Wikipedia page you can find verified and up-to-date information about childhood and youth, education and parents, family and personal life, diplomatic and social activities.

On Instagram and others in social networks There are many photographs and videos, with most of them dedicated to business trips and personal life. Previously, Navka and Peskov did not show the face of their daughter Nadyushka, but now they actively share photographs of her from different places, showing how proud they are of her.
