Federal Children's Ecological Biological Center environmental dictation. Report on the Environmental Dictation

From April 15 (Environmental Knowledge Day) to April 22 (World Earth Day) in educational institutions of Buturlinsky municipal district As part of the Year of Ecology, an All-Russian environmental lesson and an environmental dictation were held.
Organizers: Ministry of Education and Science of Russia together with Rosprirodnadzor.
Lessons and dictation were conducted with the aim of increasing the interest of schoolchildren in environmental issues, environmental safety, conservation and study of biodiversity.
In the schools of the district, 40 lessons of various forms of organization were held: an ecological lesson-trip, an ecological lesson-workshop, a lesson-presentation, competitions, games, tournaments, a “virtual” excursion, labor landings, quizzes, an integrated lesson-performance, an hour of communication using quiz elements, conversation lesson, research lesson, poetry matinee, library environmental lesson, classes with training elements, cool watch, actions in which 987 students took part.
Environmental lessons were conducted using methodological recommendations and multimedia presentations.
Students in the environmental lesson “Freedom from Waste” learned about what the waste problem is and why its solution is relevant today; found out what the reasons are and possible consequences this problem; learned about the three main methods of waste management: burial, incineration, and recycling. In an educational and game form, they found out all the disadvantages and advantages of recycling. At the end of the lesson, students made a list of actions they were willing to take to help solve the waste problem in their home and populated areas. Each student received a “Green Agent ID” as a souvenir.
At an environmental lesson - presentation, children were presented with information about ecological condition Earth, the slides show factors that negatively affect the ecological situation of nature. During the lesson, teachers and students discussed ecological problems: air, water, forest pollution. The guys shared their opinions about what assistance they can provide to preserve nature for future generations.
Schoolchildren took a “virtual” excursion “Kerzhensky Nature Reserve”; the children got acquainted with the history of the creation of protected areas in our country. In a game form we found out what natural objects is on the territory of the reserve.
An ecological lesson-trip “Territory of Life” was held for students in grades 6-7. The children virtually visited specially protected areas (reserves, sanctuaries, etc.). We watched a presentation about the Buturlinsky nature reserve.
At the beginning of the environmental lesson - the “Collect and Separate” workshop, the children, working with handouts, came to the conclusion that humanity is facing an increasingly acute problem with garbage every day. Then the guys divided into groups, each group received tasks with three methods of waste management and cards with advantages and disadvantages, which had to be equally distributed between them. After distributing the cards, the guys weighed the pros and cons of recycling waste. And they chose The best way waste management.
For younger schoolchildren, environmental lessons were organized and conducted - class hours: “The Life of a Little Branch”, “Ecological Assortment”, “Take Care of the Forest and Its Inhabitants”, during which students defended their mini-projects of an environmental focus, made a trip to the natural world, learned what role does man play in nature conservation? The children prepared their own small presentations for the lesson about caring for nature, proverbs about the forest, drew pictures, designed an exhibition of books about nature, and listened to the voices of birds.
Students of 5-9 special (correctional) classes took part in environmental quiz"Animals of the Nizhny Novgorod Region", they met with animals native land, watched the video “Animal World”.
An environmental specialist told the children about the environmental situation in the area, about protected areas native land.
The children actively took part in competitions: “Forest Pharmacy”, “Weather Bureau”, “Flower Kaleidoscope”, “Erudite”. We compiled and wrote down rules for behavior in nature. We made a collective collage “Take care of nature,” where children wrote on their palms: “What can they do to save our planet Earth.”
Children's participants public association We prepared an environmental poster and leaflets, and held a school event “Save our nature.”
There was a waste paper collection campaign “Hand in the waste paper – save the tree!” 266 kg collected.
A book exhibition “Great Singers of Nature” was organized, dedicated to works about nature; a library environmental lesson "What does the Red Book say?" was held.
An environmental dictation was held in all educational institutions, in which 316 schoolchildren took part.
Information about conducting an environmental lesson and an environmental dictation is posted in the news section of school websites, as well as on the website of the Department of Education, Youth Policy and Sports of the Administration of the Buturlinsky Municipal District website
S.O. Salapova, and .O. Director of MKU IMC

All-Russian environmental dictation

Option 1

Part A

    What is a range?

    What is pollution?

    Continue one of B. Commoner’s laws: For everything...

    Acid rain- This …

    Forest is...

    What is waste?

    The steppe is...

    Fungicides are...

    Ecological balance is...

    Soil erosion is...

Part B

    Which plant has long been a symbol of obsession?

    Which herbaceous forest plant, which has small white star-shaped flowers, can easily detect rain?

    What famous plant of our forests received the following names: “grape of the north”, “northern lemon”?

    Which of the famous plants in our forests fits the following description? A powerful, stocky, brownish trunk covered with deep wrinkles. Thick, curved, gnarled branches, like the muscular arms of a giant, lift up a wide tent of foliage. The leaves have a sharply defined contour, straight and hard, as if carved from tin.

5. People say about this feathered weather forecaster: “Her lower back is aching - it’s going to rain.”

6. Who is depicted on the emblem of the State nature reserve"Ussuriysky" named after. V.L. Komarov?

7. Who is depicted on the emblem of the State Natural Resources biosphere reserve"Black Lands"?

8. What is depicted on the emblem of the Barguzin State Natural Biosphere Reserve?

9. What is depicted on the emblem of the Khingan State Nature Reserve?

10. What is depicted on the emblem of the Baikal State Natural Biosphere Reserve?

Part B

Task 1.

One of the companies at one time supplied real apples with the customer’s logo to various banks and companies. Emblems and trade marks were green spots in the form of outlines on the intact skin of bright red or yellow apples. Describe the way this was done. Give your explanation of the possible mechanism for “making” such apples?

Task 2. Which type of forest retains the most dust per year?

Task 3. During their research, scientists noticed this pattern. In the air coniferous forest there are 2 times fewer bacteria than in deciduous forests, and in a eucalyptus forest there are even fewer of them than in a coniferous forest. How can you explain different content bacteria in different plant communities?

Task 4. 1 kg fresh leaves different plants contains different amounts of chlorophyll. Plantain has 1.8 g; for aspidistra - 4 g. Determine which of these plants is light-loving and which is shade-tolerant.

Task 5. There is a legend about how to the Valley of Diamonds near Golconda in the 4th century BC. The soldiers of Alexander the Great approached. But the treasured place was guarded Poisonous snakes, and it was impossible to go down there. Then the commander ordered pieces of fatty meat to be thrown down. The diamonds stuck to them, and the tamed eagles, gliding down, grabbed them and laid them at the feet of the king of Macedonia. What could be wrong here?

Conducting an All-Russian environmental lesson and dictation.

The purpose of the lesson and dictation is to increase the interest of students in municipal educational institutions in issues of ecology, environmental safety, conservation and study of biodiversity.

On April 15, within the framework of the Moscow International Education Fair 2017, the All-Russian environmental lesson and dictation was launched. Dozens of Moscow schoolchildren took part in it, and a live Internet broadcast was also organized. From April 15 to April 22, when Earth Day is celebrated, an environmental lesson and dictation will be held in many regions of the Russian Federation. The action was organized by the City methodological center together with Rosprirodnadzor. The lesson was opened by Deputy Minister of Education and Science Veniamin Shaevich Kaganov. To conduct the lesson itself, the famous saxophonist Igor Mikhailovich Butman and an associate professor at the Institute of Biology and Chemistry of Moscow State Pedagogical University were invited, who conducted a biological quiz for schoolchildren. The text of the dictation itself was read by Ivan Alekseevich Smirnov, winner of the honorary title Teacher of the Year Moscow -2017. Participants in the lesson and dictation had the opportunity not only to test their knowledge, but also to receive participant certificates.

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16 / 04 / 2017

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Option 1

What is a range? What is pollution? Continue one of B. Commoner's laws: For everything... Acid rain is... Forest is... What is called waste? The steppe is... Fungicides are... Ecological balance is... Soil erosion is...

1. Which plant has long been a symbol of obsession?

2. Which herbaceous forest plant, which has small white star-shaped flowers, can easily be used to detect rain?
What famous plant in our forests received the following names: “severa”, “northern lemon”?

3. Which of the famous plants of our forests fits the following description? A powerful, stocky, brownish trunk covered with deep wrinkles. Thick, curved, gnarled branches, like muscular arms, lift up a wide tent of foliage. The leaves have a sharply defined contour, straight and hard, as if carved from tin.

4. People say about this feathered weather forecaster: “Her lower back is aching - it’s going to rain.”

5. Who is depicted on the emblem of the Ussuriysky State Nature Reserve named after. ?

6. Who is depicted on the emblem of the Black Lands State Nature Reserve?

7. What is depicted on the emblem of the Barguzin State Natural Biosphere Reserve?

8. What is depicted on the emblem of the Khingan State Nature Reserve?

9. What is depicted on the emblem of the Baikal State Natural Biosphere Reserve?

Problem 1. One of the companies at one time was engaged in supplying real apples with the customer’s logo to various banks and companies. The emblems and trademarks were green outlines on the intact skin of bright red or yellow apples. Describe the way this was done. Give your explanation of the possible mechanism for “making” such apples?

Problem 2. Which type of forest retains the most dust per year?

Task 3. During their research, scientists noticed this pattern. There are 2 times less bacteria in the air of a coniferous forest than in a deciduous forest, and in a eucalyptus forest there are even fewer of them than in a coniferous forest. How can we explain the different abundance of bacteria in different plant communities?

Problem 4. 1 kg of fresh leaves of different plants contains different amounts of chlorophyll. Plantain has 1.8 g; for aspidistra - 4 g. Determine which of these plants is light-loving and which is shade-tolerant.

Problem 5. There is a legend about how to the Valley of Diamonds near Golconda in the 4th century BC. e. The soldiers of Alexander the Great approached. But the treasured place was guarded by poisonous snakes, and it was impossible to go down there. Then the commander ordered pieces of fatty meat to be thrown down. The diamonds stuck to them, and the tamed eagles, gliding down, grabbed them and laid them at the feet of the king of Macedonia. What could be wrong here?

All-Russian environmental dictation

Option 2

What is a natural monument? Autotrophs are... Benthos is... Ecosystem is... Household pollution is... Continue B. Commoner's law - Everything is necessary... Carcinogens are... National Park is... Non-traditional energy is... Nature conservation is...

In the month of May there appear: not a fish, not a cancer, not an animal, not a bird, not a person. The nose is long, the voice is thin; flies - screams, sits - is silent. Whoever kills him will shed his blood? Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? What flowers have human names? What flower serves as a home for small insects in inclement weather and at night? Which region of Russia is rich in forests?

6. What is depicted on the emblem of the State Nature Reserve “Wrangel Island”?

7. What is depicted on the emblem of the State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Bryansk Forest"?

8. What is depicted on the emblem of the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve?

9. What is depicted on the emblem of the Kronotsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve?

10. What is depicted on the emblem of the Vishera State Nature Reserve?

Problem 1. Woodpeckers often severely damage wooden power line supports, and some supports are very popular among birds. Name the reasons why woodpeckers may want to peck at a post.

Clue. Woodpeckers are known to eat insects. In addition, a ringing knock on a tree trunk serves as a signal to attract a female.

Problem 2. A flying cuckoo can easily be confused with a sparrowhawk: it has similar coloring, body size and flight pattern. What significance does this have in the life of a cuckoo?

Task 3. In a moment of severe shock, a hazel grouse (for example, if it is attacked by a hawk) feathers fall out profusely. How can this be explained?

Task 4. In frosty weather there are noticeably fewer birds in the air. It would seem that it should be the other way around: muscle work increases heat production, and birds should strive to fly more. Why do birds sit more often in cold weather, and sit with their feathers ruffled?

Task 5. Why is the forest called the health worker of the atmosphere?

Report on the conduct of an Environmental Dictation and an Environmental lesson in the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School of the Lermontov rural settlement.

All-Russian Ecologicalthe lesson and the All-Russian environmental dictation were conducted on the recommendation of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

The dictation is carried out with the aim of increasing schoolchildren’s interest in environmental issues, conservation and study of biodiversity, and the formation of fundamentals ecological culture, personal attitude towards nature, moral responsibility for environmental consequences their actions in the environment.

Dictation is carried outwith the aim of formation of the ecological culture of schoolchildren and is fully consistent with the main goals of the Year of Ecology and:

The main objectives of the Dictation are:

obtaining objective information about the level of environmental knowledge of the Russian population, taking into account their age and social structure;

providing the opportunity for Dictation participants to obtain an independent assessment of their knowledge in the field of ecology.

common topic Dictation in 2017 – “What do we know about ecology and specially protected natural areas”

The Dictation text includes 25 test tasks and consists of three parts:

Part 1 – knowledge tasks environmental concepts and terms;

Part 2 – tasks on knowledge of the biological diversity of plants and animals in specially protected natural areas of Russia;

Part 3 – environmental tasks.

The Dictation text includes open and closed questions.

The total maximum score for correctly solved Dictation tasks is 100.

The text of the dictation, recommended by the organizers, is compiled in two versions, identical in degree of complexity. Before the start of the Dictation, each participant received a printed form with the Dictation tasks and oral instructions on how to fill it out. The time required for Dictation participants to complete tasks is 45 minutes. The total time for the dictation, including instructions to the participants, is 60 minutes.

84 students from grades 8-11 took part in the Dictation. Grades 8B, 9A, and 11 did the best job. Among the students, 8 people scored over 70% of the indicated total number of points: Dinara Safiulina, Sofya Tarasova, German Yakushev (8B), Ilya Matsebursky and Alexey Smirnov (9A), Anna Akimova, Anastasia Gorbunova, Vladislav Derinsky (11). 47 people scored between 50 and 69% of the total points.

Good knowledge was demonstrated in tasks on knowledge of environmental concepts and terms. They proposed various options for environmental problems, but the semantic meaning was closer to the correct answers. Difficulties were caused by tasks on knowledge of the biological diversity of plants and animals in specially protected natural areas of Russia. There were more shortcomings here due to the fact that the assignments were printed in black and white. This made it impossible to see some objects. Also, mistakes were made when identifying objects, mountain ranges were not named, the stork and the crane were confused, and the grayling was simply called a fish.

Ecological Lesson was carried outin order to form an environmental culture among schoolchildren and is fully consistent with the main goals of the Year of Ecology andspecially protected natural areas : attracting public attention to issues of environmental development of the Russian Federation, conservation of biological diversity, ensuring environmental safety and attracting public attention to issues of preserving natural heritage sites.

The main objectives are:

Educationalformation of a system of knowledge about ecology as a science, about modern problems in relations between society and nature, about the rolespecially protected natural areasin the preservation of natural ecosystems and the sustainability of the biosphere.

Educationalformation and development of environmental culture, formation of motivations, needs and habits for environmentally literate behavior and activities in nature and society.

Developmentaldevelopment of environmental thinking, the ability to take into account and assess environmental consequences in various fields of activity, development of the ability to implement environmentally oriented projects related to environmental safety, human health and the formation of an environmental culture.

For students of grade 6B held a business game “Ecology to protect the Earth.” The guys remembered the history of ecology and identified the unspoken laws of ecology. They were offered situations where they proposed their solutions. At the end, we held a quiz using questions on an environmental topic.

Participants greet each other.

Resolution of environmental situations.

Reading a letter on behalf of Nature with a plea for help.

10th grade students who are studying biology according to an individual curriculum spentstudy to determine the quality of school tap water and bottled water. The color, transparency, taste, smell of water and its hardness were determined.

Determination of water transparency.

Determination of the smell of water.
