Creative work reserves and national parks of Africa. African national parks

Poor nutrients the soil of the peninsula brings a very meager harvest. Therefore, the basis of existence for the inhabitants of the village on the edge of the national park is fishing. Tourism here is still almost not developed.

The third largest lake in Africa has several names. As Maravi, it was already in the XVI-XVII centuries. known to the Portuguese, and then forgotten until September 16, 1859, when it was rediscovered by the Scot David Livingstone. His first encounter with Lake Nyasa was not the most pleasant: a storm was raging. In addition, clouds of smoke from burning grass made it difficult to see. Therefore, Livingston was satisfied with only a short stay here, but in subsequent years he returned again and again to this oblong lake, to the main discovery he made in Africa. In the diary of the last major expedition, we read an entry dated August 6, 1866: “I had a feeling as if I had returned to my good old homeland ... What a pleasure it is to throw myself into the breaking wave, swim again in these delightful waters, listening to the sound of the lake ... ".

The size of Lake Nyasa is so large that it rather resembles the sea: its area is about 24,000 square meters. km with a length of almost 600 km and a width of up to 80 km. The surf off the coast, often very steep, can be life-threatening. Descending winds from mountains over 2,000 meters often cause unrest. The maximum depth of the lake is 785 m; in this it surpasses many inland seas, and its bottom is 300 m below sea level. Huge elevation changes are the result of powerful shifts earth's crust, due to which during cenozoic era the East African Basin and the tectonic lakes that filled it arose. Tectonic lakes often indicate an ancient age. In contrast, most endorheic water bodies on Earth end up in geological scale"one-day" and due to natural shallowing quickly disappear from the maps. But when lakes manage to survive such a long period in the history of the Earth, countless new species of living creatures develop in their waters. Lake Nyasa is a classic example of this. Of all the lakes on our planet, it is the richest in fish species: there are more than 500 of them from 10 different families. According to rough estimates, 90% of them are endemic, that is, they are found only in the local clear waters. The largest group is cichlids. More than 400 species of these fish, due to their bright color and relative unpretentiousness, have found a place in aquariums, and only 5 species are found in European waters. The colorful fish, which come in huge quantities to the delight of aquarists in shops abroad, are called mbuna by the natives. And the lake supplies at least 40,000 tons of fish annually to local markets.
In relation to the huge scientific and economic importance lakes, an area taken under protection, you can’t call it anything other than tiny. Less than one tenth of the national park named after the lake is made up of water areas. Protected as natural object only 0.04% of the lake is located. The tropical lake basins of East Africa are characterized by the layering of warm and light water masses over cold and heavy ones and, accordingly, delayed mixing, so pollution of the lake would have catastrophic consequences. According to experts, it would take 1,700 years for the water to be completely renewed. And before that, all would have disappeared animal world lakes, and not only small living creatures and unique, endlessly diverse fish, but also hippos, crocodiles, Nile monitor lizards, ospreys, cormorants and many other birds nesting on the local shores.

Location: On the Nankumba peninsula and a dozen small islands at the southern end of the lake.
Protected since 1984 MALAWI
Natural conditions: Variable humid zone tropical climate with dry forests and savannas; the lake is considered an independent biogeographic province.
Altitude above sea level: 464-1,140 m.
Area: 94 sq. km.
Message: From Lilongwe, the capital of the country, along the highway to the town, where there are many hotels and campsites.

Nature African continent with an amazing variety of animal species and large sizes their populations.

Where else can you watch prides of lions, peacefully grazing elephants, swift cheetahs or grandiose herds of zebras and antelopes crossing the area in search of water and food, if not in the reserves and national parks of Africa.

Protected areas of Africa on the map

The most visited national parks and reserves of the continent are located in the zone African savannah, which is distinguished not only by the diversity of flora and fauna, but also by the ease of observing animals.

In the expanses of the savannah, any animals are visible from afar, which distinguishes this space from the African jungle.

The African savannah is extraordinary picturesque terrain and the beauty of the landscape: it is here that the African Great Lakes and mountain systems, in particular, the majestic one, are located. To see all this splendor, you can visit one of national parks or reserves located on this amazing continent.


The vast majority of national parks and reserves in Africa are located south of the equator in the African savannah - an ecosystem characterized by amazing diversity and large populations of wild animals.

A significant part of the national parks falls on the East African countries: Kenya, Tanzania and Botswana, in which the savanna area is the largest. Other countries with notable parks and reserves include border countries:

  • Uganda;
  • Malawi;
  • Congo;
  • Rwanda;
  • Namibia;
  • Mozambique;
  • Zimbabwe;
  • South Africa.

How to get there?

You can get to African reserves in different ways, as some of them, such as Nairobi Park, are located in close proximity to major cities, others may be located in difficult terrain.

On the territory of some national parks, operating airports, so you can fly to them from capitals or large cities using local airlines.

But in order to visit most of the parks, you will have to rent a car and drive tens or even hundreds of kilometers along African roads. In order to make it easier for you to visit the reserves of Africa, you can use the services of travel companies that will provide transportation to the park or even accommodation in local hotels located right on the territory of the reserves.

List of national parks of Kenya

On the territory of this East African state there are about 60 different national parks and reserves, most of which are dedicated to the flora and fauna of the African savannah.


Tsavo Park is divided into 2 major parts: East Tsavo And West Tsavo. The total area of ​​the two parts is about 20 thousand km², this is the largest park in Kenya. The park was founded in 1948, and a railway was laid through its territory, connecting the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, with the eastern part of the country.

One of the features of Tsavo is the opportunity to observe the night watering places of animals: elephants and others. wild animals at night they come to the ponds located right at the walls of the hotel.

Another highlight of the park is located on its territory. black rhino sanctuary, in which 50 individuals of this rare species of animals live.

The fauna of Tsavo is typical of the African savannas; many species of animals live here, including the so-called "African Big Five", which consists of the most valuable African safari trophies:

  1. lion;
  2. rhino;
  3. buffalo;
  4. elephant;
  5. Leopard.


Aberdare Park (Aberdare, Aberdare) is located in central Kenya, 150 kilometers from Nairobi in the Aberdare mountain range. The park was organized in 1950, its area is about 750 km².

Aberdare features landscape diversity- from high peaks to deep valleys, climate humidity and, as a result, rather dense vegetation, including bamboo thickets. The park is home to elephants, lions, leopards, as well as other animal species and a huge variety of bird species.

Most of tourists come to the park for night safari during which you can watch the animals directly from the windows of the hotel.


Amboseli National Park is located on southeast of the country 250 kilometers from Nairobi. Amboseli is considered the most visited park in Kenya, the main reason for this is that the peak of Kilimanjaro is visible from its territory.

Amboseli was singled out as reservation territory for the Maasai tribe at the beginning of the 20th century, but in 1974, in order to preserve the unique ecosystem, it was transformed into national park. Amboseli is considered the best place to watch wild fauna especially for elephants due to sparse vegetation due to long periods of drought.

The highlight of Amboseli National Park is the opportunity to get up close to grazing elephants.


Nairobi park - first from those that appeared in Kenya. This reserve is interesting because it is located on the territory of the capital of the country, the city of Nairobi, its discovery took place in 1946. The size of the park's fauna increases significantly during the dry season (mid-March), when water resources dry up in the surrounding area.

Nairobi park is home to typical savanna animals: lions, antelopes, cheetahs, leopards and others. Nairobi Park is considered the best place in Africa to watch black rhinos.

In the park is Burnt Ivory Monument located at the site of the destruction of this valuable material obtained by poachers.

Masai Mara

The Masai Mara National Park is located in the southwest of Kenya and is part of the Serengeti region - oldest ecoregion continent.

The area of ​​the reserve is 1500 km², species of animals typical of the African savannah live in the park. The most famous and observed species of the Masai Mara are lions, cheetahs and wildebeest, which number in the millions.

Antelope migration during the dry season is the main highlight of the park - the huge wildebeest herds that cover the savannah impress any tourist. The reserve is also considered major center research and conservation of black rhinos, hippos and spotted hyenas.

The largest natural areas of Tanzania

Tanzania's national parks are considered one of the the best places For ecological tourism worldwide. It is on the territory of this country that most of the Serengeti region is located - a unique and oldest ecosystem in the world.


Selous - the biggest natural Park in Africa and one of the largest nature reserves in the world. Its area is 55 thousand km², which is 5% of the territory of Tanzania. Selous was founded in 1905 as a hunting reserve and was later named after the famous British hunter and naturalist Frederick Selous. The fauna of Selous is represented by animal species typical of the savannah:

  • elephants;
  • lions;
  • Leopards;
  • Antelopes;
  • hippos and other animals.


The Serengeti National Park is located in the north of the country and is part of the Serengeti region - one of the oldest ecosystems in the world.

The Serengeti reserve was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, and in 1951 its territory was expanded and it was transformed into a national park.

In total, there are more than 3 million individuals large animals, including 3 thousand lions. Serengeti is considered best place to watch lions and cheetahs. The park is famous for its migrations, when during the period of drought almost 1 million antelopes and about 200 thousand zebras cross its territory in search of water.


Ngorongoro Park was created in 1959 when the area around the Ngorongoro Crater was carved out of the Serengeti and made into a separate biosphere reserve . The area of ​​the park is 9,000 km², of which 265 km² is occupied by the grandiose Ngorongoro Crater.

The inhabitants of the territory of the crater are 25 thousand animals, and here there is the highest density of predators throughout the continent (primarily lions and leopards). The big problem of the park is the locals: there are more than 60,000 shepherds and 350,000 domestic animals, which threatens the richness and diversity of the local fauna.


Kilimanjaro National Park is located in northern Tanzania. He got his name from the famous highest peak in Africa - Mount Kilimanjaro. A feature of this national park is that its entire territory is located at an altitude of more than 2700 meters.

Despite small size park (a little over 1500 km²), the flora is here extraordinarily rich: there are many lions, elephants, black rhinos and other animal species. The park is divided into 7 zones, the zone of greatest interest to tourists is wildlife and areas of hiking trails of varying intensity. Every year more than 10,000 tourists climb Mount Kilimanjaro here.


Rungwa National Park (Ruaha) is located in the central part of Tanzania, its area is more than 10 thousand km². The park is located on the banks the Ruaha river, because of which he received his second name.

The Rungwa fauna is typical of the African savannah and is rich and varied. Also growing in the park over 1600 species plants and trees, a significant part of which is endemic and grows only here.

A feature of Rungwa is the possibility of a walking safari accompanied by a guide, which is not often found in African reserves.

What nature reserves are there in Botswana?

Together with Kenya and Tanzania, Botswana is one of the countries best suited for eco-tourism on the African continent.


Chobe National Park is the oldest reserve Botswana, located in the north-west of the country in the border areas with Namibia. Chobe area - more than 10 thousand km². The protected area was organized here in the early 1930s, and the status of the park was received in 1967.

The reserve has one of the largest populations in the world. African elephant- in total, more than 50 thousand individuals of this animal live here.

Central Kalahari

Central Kalahari - huge (53 thousand km²) hunting reserve in the central part of the country, located on the border with the Kalahari Desert. A significant part of the reserve is covered with sand dunes; rare shrubs and grass grow in the rest of the territory.

The fauna of the Central Kalahari is typical of the African savannas: lions, giraffes, leopards, antelopes and other animals. One of the ancient rivers peace - drying up River "Valley of Deception", the formation of which began more than 16 thousand years ago. The river got its name because of the mirages that appear on its banks.

Nature of other countries of the African continent

In addition to these countries, amazing reserves can be found in almost any African country located in the subequatorial belt south of the equator.


Nyasa is located in the north of Mozambique on the border with Tanzania and has the status of a hunting reserve. As in other African reserves, the fauna of Nyasa is distinguished by its extraordinary diversity- lives here:

  • Over 16 thousand elephants;
  • 800 lions;
  • Many kinds antelope;
  • Leopards;
  • hippos;
  • Zebras;
  • buffaloes and other kinds of animals.

Causes great damage to the reserve poaching local residents, because more than 35 thousand people still live on its territory.


The Nechisar Reserve is located in southwestern Ethiopia and covers an area of ​​500 km². The reserve is located near two large lakes: blue lake Chamo and brown abaya.

First of all, Nechisar is famous for its crocodiles, whose local individuals reach a length of 6 meters and are considered the largest in Africa. These reptiles live on the coast of Lake Chamo. Other representatives of the local fauna include typical African species of animals and birds: hippos, hyenas, zebras, gazelles, jackals, pelicans and flamingos.

Volcanic National a park

national park Birunga volcanoes in Rwanda is located in the heart of Africa at an altitude of 2 to 4.6 kilometers above sea level. There are 6 extinct volcanoes on the territory of the park, because of which it got its name.

The territory of the reserve is overgrown tropical forest, in which many different species of primates stand out.

The pride of the park are mountain gorillas, of which there are 7 large families.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Bwindi Impenetrable (Impenetrable) Forest Park is located in the southwestern part of Uganda. Its area is about 300 km². Despite the small size of the park, its fauna is unusually rich, with more than 120 animal species and about 350 bird species.

More than 300 mountain gorillas live in the Bwindi forest - half of the world's population of this animal species.


Kruger National Park in South Africa is the oldest nature reserve in this country, located in Transvaal province between the Crocodile River and the Limpopo River, famous in Russian children's literature.

Its area is more than 300 km². The reserve received its name in honor of former president Republic of the Transvaal Paul Kruger, who at the end of the 19th century proposed to organize a nature protection zone in this area.

It is believed that in the Kruger Park there is highest density of animals in the world: there are more than 12 thousand elephants, 5 thousand rhinos, 1500 lions, 1 thousand leopards, 17 species of antelopes and many other animal species.


Etosha National Park is located in northern Namibia on the edge Kalahari Desert in close proximity to the Etosha Salt Flats. Despite the harshness of the terrain and the poverty of saline soil, many different animals live in the park, fighting for survival on the edge of two ecosystems: the savannah and the Kalahari desert.

You can see the locals at watering place: more than 100 species of mammals and 350 species of birds gather daily on the shores of perennial lakes.

Africa has the most big nature reserve in the world. It is called Kavango Zambezi. The complex is located on the borders of five Botswana, Zambia, Namibia and Zimbabwe. The total area of ​​the reserve exceeds 44 million hectares. The protected area united 36 nature reserves and the lands surrounding them. Almost half of all African elephants, more than 600 species of various plants and about 300 species of birds live in Kawang Zambezi.

With the formation of such nature protection complexes as the transnational reserve of Africa, which is called Kavango Zambezi (abbreviated as KAZA), which are prone to migration (elephants and rhinos), feel completely safe in a vast area the size of Sweden.

Tourist paradise

This land is home to many world-famous attractions. For example, despite the fact that this African reserve was founded quite recently (2011), one of the main tasks that the five states set themselves was to create conditions for the free migration of all animal species. In addition, for these countries, nature reserves and Africa are the most important tourist sites. Every year, thousands of tourists from all over the world come to this unique transboundary reserve.


Undoubtedly, the main representatives of the animal world living in the complex are elephants. It’s probably hard to believe, but almost half of these giants from the total number of African elephants live in the protected area. 600 species of plants grow in these vast territories. Many of them are unique. In the most picturesque areas of the region, 300 species of birds have found their homes.

South Africa is a land where the incongruous combines in an amazing way. Landscapes striking in their beauty are concentrated in the reserves and national parks of the country.

Kruger park

The cross-border territory, with an area of ​​20 thousand square kilometers, is located between Zimbabwe and Mozambique. An elephant and a lion, a buffalo and a rhinoceros, a leopard feel quite comfortable here.

Statistics confirm the uniqueness of these places. The area occupied by this African reserve can be compared with the territory of Wales. It represents countless picturesque meadows and pastures, coastal forests, which are home to about 150 species of mammals, including the largest population of rhinos.

A five-hour drive from South Africa's largest metropolis, Johannesburg, you can see the inhabitants of the wild and get an unforgettable experience. For example, in Kruger Park you can watch the fight between a lion and a crocodile.

The most fearless tourists can go on a guided tour, accompanied by armed guards. Nature reserves and national parks in Africa are best visited in winter. At this time, the vegetation does not grow so rapidly and does not block the view. Animals can be seen at numerous water bodies, moreover, at this time the risk of contracting malaria is minimal.

Royal Natal

One of the most picturesque mountain ranges in Africa is the Drakensberg. The name translates as The sharp tops of the mountains here smoothly turn into green slopes, which are covered with bumps and bumps.

Royal Natal National Park is located on not too large area(2500 sq. km), which is part of the Uqahlamba complex, is a World Heritage Site. Regardless, the Drakensberg is one of the most famous rock formations on Earth.

Sedeberg Nature Reserve

This mountain range is located 200 km north of Cape Town. The Sedeberg Africa Reserve is made up of many sandstone hills, thick fynbos and the magnificent Mount Saint Roque. Excursion routes last from one hour to several days.

During such a walk, you can enjoy the wildlife of these places. You can climb the steep slopes to the picturesque hills - Wolfberg Arch or Tourists prefer to stay at the Sanddrief base. There is an observatory and a huge wine cellar. Best time for a trip - from April to August. At this time, the weather for walking will be the best.


African national reserves amaze tourists with the beauty of pristine nature. Mapungubwe is no exception. It is located along the borders of Botswana and Zimbabwe, in the valley. In these places, giraffes and elephants, baboons and leopards leisurely stroll through the trees.

Mapungubwe is included in the World Heritage List and is of historical value, so if you are in Johannesburg, be sure to come here.

In ancient times, this territory was the center of the South African kingdom. In 1300 B.C. nine thousand people lived in these places. Archaeologists managed to find hills with burials in which unique valuables were buried, for example, a golden figurine of a rhinoceros. It is better to come here in June-August.

Blyde River

The nature reserves and parks of Africa differ from each other in their natural landscape. This canyon deserves to be seen with your own eyes. It rises above the Blyde River, and it seems that it breaks down from the tops of the Drakensberg ridge with the luxurious crowns of thousands of beautiful trees.

Even more beautiful this place is made by green gentle slopes, above which rise hills of sandstone and limestone. The most famous of these is the Triple Rondavel rock, with its huge arches and semicircular peaks that resemble the roofs of rondavels (African houses).

It is better not to visit the nature reserves of Africa from January to March. At this time, traveling here is not very comfortable - moist air descends from the mountains, and there is a danger of contracting malaria.


This place seems to be created for lovers of ecotourism. The name of this wetland park means "miracle" in the Zulu language. Can't be more specific about this place. The national park covers an area of ​​3320 sq. km is an ecosystem of global importance. The territory of Isimangaliso is covered with lakes, marshy forests, coral reefs. This is the largest river delta on the continent and about 220 km of beaches located on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

The reserves of Africa are large and not very large, mostly prepared to meet tourists. For example, Isimangaliso Park has excellent conditions for diving and horseback riding. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, you can kayak and watch wildlife.

During one day in these places you can see a whale and a rhinoceros. This park, located 375 km from Durban, is especially good from June to October, when there is no exhausting heat, and the risk of contracting malaria is minimal.


Not all nature reserves Africa can boast such unique vegetation as Namakuwaland, located along the coast of South Africa. It is often called the African garden, blooming in spring with a thousand colors. This is a true decoration of the arid continent. From the beginning of August to the end of September, this beauty can be seen with your own eyes.

The park is located near Cape Town. This true treasury has the richest flora. What is the flowering of daisies in this park - this is a bewitching sight.

Kgalgadi Transboundary Park

A "wild island" of land, located on the hot sands of the Kalahari Desert. Kgalgadi Park is located in the transboundary zone between Botswana and South Africa - it is the world's largest protected area. There are many animals here - lions and ostriches, leopards and cheetahs that survive in these arid lands.

Ktugalgadi Park is a great place to watch the big cats. However, care must be taken - at any moment you can find yourself with a lion on the same path.

table mountain

The national park, which has such a strange name, is located on the territory of the Cape Peninsula. From here you have a breathtaking view of Cape Town, the most Old city SOUTH AFRICA.

This park has many great opportunities to spend active rest. Here you will be offered to fly on a paraglider from the rock Lion's Head. You can go rock climbing on the highest slope of Table Mountain, take a walk along the picturesque paths. locals recommend climbing uphill through the meadows botanical garden Kirstenbosch.

Golden Gate

The Maluti Mountains are located 300 km northeast of the city of Bloemfontein. In the early morning here you can see herds of grazing antelope. The magnificent view of the mountains in the rays of the setting sun, when the slopes are covered with a golden color, gave the name to this park. Mount Brandwag is especially beautiful - it can be seen here from any point.

Africa is an amazing continent with outlandish beauties: unusually towering mountain formations, sources mountain rivers with thundering waterfalls; evergreen tropical thickets; silent deserts; grassy and wooded savannas; diversified fauna and flora. Most of its territory is under state protection and is included in the list of the World Cultural and natural heritage UNESCO, therefore Africa can rightfully be considered a huge national park of all mankind.

Throughout the world, African national parks are recognized as the legitimate pride of all mankind. In various parts of the continent, people of many nationalities continue to take part in the work of the parks. Thus, thanks to the universal efforts, hundreds of species of rare animals were saved from extinction and extermination.

The continent of Africa has a wonderful natural basis for the prosperity and development of tourism. There are many different national parks and reserves on the territory of South Africa, where people come to see how animals behave in their natural habitat, as well as admire the exotic nature of this mysterious continent. Most big number national parks are concentrated in Kenya.

For visitors to the territory of African national parks, rules are established to comply with certain norms of behavior. So, for example, it is permissible to drive cars only along special paths designated for this, from which it is impossible to move to the side, as well as to lift anything from the ground; driving is allowed only in the car of the park ranger and in his direct escort; you can't scream; It is forbidden to feed animals, smoke, litter and so on.

The main reserves and national parks of Africa

National parks of Kenya

Tsavo- the largest national park in terms of area, occupying the territory of the whole island - Jamaica. This is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world where wild African safaris are allowed.

The park is divided into two equal parts, each of which is inimitable and unique: East Tsavo, characterized by a flat area covered with thorns and undersized acacias, and West Tsavo is a volcanically active part of the park with rocky mountains and hills, which is also considered to be more intense and lively .

The Tsavo Park has a fairly diverse wildlife, numbering about 500 species of individuals: zebras, giraffes, impalas, antelopes, waterbucks, buffaloes, cheetahs, leopards, crocodiles, lions. The park is world famous for its many rhinoceroses and a huge herd of "red" elephants, so named because their skin has a pink tint, formed as a result of the reddish-pink dust that covers their bodies.

The main attractions of Tsavo are the springs of Mzima - a real fragrant oasis in the middle of a lifeless and dusty savannah; Growling rocks, from where the most beautiful panoramic views of the park open; volcanic block and crater of Chaumu volcano; swamps of Kanderi - natural source fresh water; waterfalls Lugard and rapids on the seething river, disappearing from sight in a narrow gorge.

Amboseli - a beautiful old park, located near the slope of Mount Kilimanjaro, from where the most successful views of its snow-capped peaks open. Most of the territory of Amboseli is occupied by lakes, so the flora and fauna here are quite diverse: 425 species of birds, more than 50 species of mammals (lions, hippos, leopards, elephants, rhinos, buffaloes, giraffes, antelopes, rhinos and others). Many types of acacia grow in the park - there is no such variety anywhere else.

One of the most breathtaking sights that can be seen here is a calm walk through the savannah of huge herds of elephants. Also lives in Amboseli rarest species rhinoceros, which is on the verge of extinction, is the black rhinoceros.

Located near the financial and economic center and the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, and this fact, in turn, contributes to its popularity among foreign tourists. The park was opened before other similar parks and is considered the oldest in the country. It incomprehensibly combines the beauty of untouched wildlife and the silhouettes of tall office buildings seen from afar.

On the territory of Nairobi there are many savannahs, steep gorges, plains, forests, which are inhabited by various species of animals and birds. In addition, it is known for being the place where ivory is burned. In order to stop the poaching of elephants, President Moi gave the order to burn 10 tons of ivory in Nairobi.

Located in the area of ​​the Aberdare mountain range, rich in picturesque landscapes. Its views are amazing: forests of huge trees, picturesque cliffs with crystal-clear waterfalls erupting from them; bamboo jungle; cascades of ice rivers; moorlands. Aberdare has a very diverse flora and fauna. It is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

National parks of Tanzania

The Serengeti is the most famous wildlife sanctuary in the world., located in the African Great Gorge at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level, covering an area of ​​​​about 30 thousand square meters. km. Its name, translated from the Masai language, means "elongated platform." The park has a changing landscape: from short and long grass to hills covered with green forests. The Serengeti African National Park has been recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural and natural heritage site. It is considered to be the main treasury of wildlife.

Representatives of the local fauna due to the unique climatic conditions are very diverse: more than one million large animals live on endless savannahs, plains, lakes and rivers. These are leopards, crocodiles, buffaloes, lions, rhinos, hyenas, giraffes, baboons, foxes, antelopes, zebras; more than 300 species of reptiles; about 450 species of birds. It was on the territory of this park that the world's largest flock of lions was discovered, consisting of 41 individuals. One of the most interesting events in the life of the Serengeti is the annual migration of artiodactyl animals, in particular wildebeest and zebra, moving from hilly northern regions to the plains of the south.

Annually attracting the attention of millions of tourists from all over the world the globe. It is also called the "eighth wonder of the world" and is rightfully considered a world heritage. Most of this giant tropical park is located in a huge volcanic crater of the same name. The diameter of the volcano funnel is 20 km, and the area of ​​​​the crater is 265 square meters. km. The uniqueness of this crater lies in the fact that over the course of several years, many species of animals have formed their own habitat there. More than 30 thousand animals live on its territory.

At the very bottom of the crater is the alkaline lake Magami - favorite place flamingo habitat. There are also pastures for zebras, antelopes and gazelles in the area.

Another attraction of the Ngorongoro Reserve is the Olduvai Gorge, famous for the fact that excavations were constantly carried out on its territory. So, the archaeologist Jonathan Leakey discovered the remains of Homo Hablis (“handy man”). Also in the area of ​​​​this gorge is the 100-meter rock Nazara Rock, known for the location of a person there in the prehistoric period.

Other African countries


Kafue is the largest and oldest park in Zambia. Its area is 2.24 million hectares, which is comparable to the area of ​​Wales. Almost the entire park area is a large strip of forest savanna. Kafue is striking in his lush dambos; the beautiful grassy plains of Busanga; ancient savannas; the amazing Lafuta, Kafue and Lunga rivers with hydropower facilities; teak forests with a variety of insects.

The Kafue African National Park, like other parks, provides a place to live for huge animal populations: 150 species of mammals, 480 species of birds, 70 species of reptiles.


Werunga is a national park located in the northeast of the Congo, characterized by outstanding diversity. natural environments a habitat: alpine meadows, peat swamps, snow-capped peaks of the Rwenzori and Verunga mountains, grassy and tree savannahs, bamboo thickets, extensive lava plateaus, low mountain moist forests. Its area is 7800 sq. km. The park has a rather diverse flora - about 2000 plant species. And its fauna is represented by 110 species of reptiles, 197 species of mammals and 89 species of amphibians.

Hot and friendly Africa gladly opens the doors of its most intimate and interesting places. Safari - please, wild and exotic animals - please. The entire wildlife of Africa is open to visitors, and you can see it in the most beautiful and famous national parks and reserves in Africa.

It is with them that we want to introduce you in this article, transfer them to the world of animals and birds and show what secrets mysterious Africa keeps in itself.

This park is famous for the annual migration of zebras, wildebeests, gazelles and, accordingly, predators that hunt them. The national park is considered one of the most undisturbed ecological systems in the world. Also, it is the oldest park in Africa.

The park is located in Tanzania, the coordinates of the park are 2°19′51″ S. sh. 34°50′00″ E e. Upon arrival, you can stop at the Serengeti Safari Camp and spend an unforgettable time traveling through the valleys and expanses of Tanzania.

Perhaps this is the most famous and popular reserve in Africa. It is located in one of the districts of Kenya, called Narok. Reserve coordinates - 1°29′24″ S. sh. 35°08′38″ in. e. It is named after the tribe that lives here.

From September to October, an impressive event takes place in this reserve - the migration of wildebeests. In general, the reserve is a continuation of the Sarengeti National Park. But most of all it is famous for the lions that live here in large numbers.

Upon arrival, you can stay at one of the many campsites that are located on the territory.

Unlike the previous two, this park is located in the jungle, and you can only travel through it on foot. This park is located in the Albertine Valley, the coordinates of the park are 1°03′29″S. sh. 29°42′01″ in. d.

Here you can enjoy the largest number variety of trees in Africa. The park is also home to exotic and stunningly beautiful butterflies.

Gorilla safari is popular here and there is even a cottage called Gorilla Safari Lodge. The official website of the park will inform you about all the details of your stay in it.

It is both a nature reserve and a national park at the same time. Also, this is the very first national park in Africa. He counts the most a large number of mammals, the most popular of which are lions, rhinos, elephants, leopards and buffaloes. The park coordinates are 24°00′41″ S. sh. 31°29′07″ E d.

It works from 6.00 to 17.30, on its territory you can stay both in private campsites and in ordinary parking lots. On the official website, you can book a safari and arrival time.

Already from the name it becomes clear that it is located in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana. This is the second largest nature reserve in the world. Desert, you think what to do there. Despite this, the park contains salt lakes and ancient riverbeds along with sand dunes. This park has the largest concentration of wild animals in the world.

by the most famous residents are white rhinos, crocodiles, hippos, giraffes, wild dogs, cheetahs, hyenas and of course lions and leopards. Reserve coordinates - 21°53′22″ S. sh. 23°45′23″ E e. Of course, the infrastructure is developed here and everyone can visit and even hunt wild animals.

National parks and reserves in Africa have a special charm, and it’s not even about famous safaris, it’s more about the fact that they have retained their original beauty, untouchedness, grandeur and a certain inaccessibility. These factors attract millions of tourists from all over the world to unravel the mysteries and mysteries of the beautiful African nature.
