Where is Dzhokhar Dudayev's wife now? Widow of Dzhokhar Dudayev: The Ukrainian people remind me of the Chechen people with their spirit. Where is Alla Dudayeva?

Chechnya is famous for its unique mountain landscapes, for which many brave heroes fought. The spirit of freedom flows in the veins of the dignified Chechen people. For a long time, Dzhokhar Dudayev was an example of the unique strong-willed character of this small country. The biography of the ruler, like the fate of Chechnya itself, is quite rich and tragic. The son of his proud nation defended the interests of his small republic until the end of his life. What was he like, General Dzhokhar Dudayev?

The biography of the highest elder of the first Chechen military operations takes us back to the distant year 1944. It became very fateful for the Chechen population. It was then that Stalin gave the order to expel the Chechens from the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to the Central Asian and Kazakh lands. This action of the central authorities was explained by the fact that the male population of the Chechen state was engaged in robbery and robbery. It was this year that Dzhokhar Musaevich was born, who in the future will lead the process for Chechnya’s secession from the USSR.

The making of a future commander

So, after deportation, the Dudayev family ended up in Kazakhstan (in the Pavlodar region). How did Dudayev Dzhokhar Musaevich spend his youth? The biography of the Chechen celebrity leads to the village of Pervomaiskoye, in the Galanchozhsky district of the Chechen-Ingush state. It was here that Dzhokhar was born. Some materials indicate the date of birth as February 15, but there is no exact confirmation of this. His father's name was Musa, and his mother's name was Rabiat. They raised 13 children, the youngest was Dzhokhar Dudayev. The family consisted of 7 children born in this marriage, and 6 children of the father from a previous marriage.

The boy's father died when he was only 6 years old. Dzhokhar was a diligent student, which cannot be said about his brothers and sisters. One day, for his leadership qualities, he was elected head of the class. Upon returning to their native places, in 1957, the Dudayev family, already without their father, stopped in Grozny.

After graduating from school (in 1960), Dzhokhar became a student at the North Ossetian pedagogical university. He chose the direction of physics and mathematics. But he studied there for only one year. Where does Dzhokhar Dudayev go next?

His biography continues at the Tambov Higher Military Aviation School, where he studied for 4 years. During these years, Dzhokhar had to carefully hide his Chechen origin, calling himself an Ossetian. Only after receiving his education document, in 1966, did he insist that his true origin be written down in his personal documents.

Army and military career

He began his career in combat units of the Air Force military service Dzhokhar Dudayev. The photos perfectly demonstrate his military bearing. As soon as he graduated from military school, he was sent as an assistant aircraft commander to the Shaikovka airfield in Kaluga region. After 2 years of service, he joined the ranks of the Communist Party.

Where does the biography of Dzhokhar Dudayev lead next? It is worth briefly mentioning his studies at the Air Force Academy. Yu. A. Gagarin (1971-1974). Dudayev's track record included many military duties: deputy regiment commander, chief of staff, detachment commander. His colleagues remembered him as a highly moral person, sometimes a little temperamental and passionate.

The armed conflict in Afghanistan also affected part of the life of the future general. There he was the commander of a Tu-22MZ bomber and flew combat missions on it, although he later denied this fact. Then for three years he served in the Ternopil Bomber Brigade. After this, he became commander of a military garrison in Estonia (Tartu), where he was awarded the rank of major general of aviation.

What kind of commander was Dzhokhar Dudayev? His biography shows that he was a well-informed commander. After leaving Soviet army from Afghanistan he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Battle. Dudayev was distinguished by stubbornness, self-control, presence of mind and concern for his subordinates. In the unit entrusted to him, strict regime and discipline always reigned; the life of his subordinates was always perfectly organized.

Immersion in political activity

In 1990, Dzhokhar Dudayev began to chair the Executive Committee at the Chechen National Forum, held in Grozny. A year later, he initiated the dissolution of the Supreme Council of the ChRI and became head social movement for distrust of the government. The general initiated the introduction of parallel administrative bodies, declaring the deputies of Chechnya incompetent.

After the August incidents in Moscow in 1991, the political climate in the Chechen Republic worsened. General democratic organizations took power into their own hands. Dudayev's people captured the Grozny City Council, the airport and the city center.

President of the self-proclaimed republic

How did Dzhokhar Dudayev become president? The general's political biography was very eventful. In October 1991, he was elected and announced the republic's separation from the RSFSR. Boris Yeltsin, in response to such actions, decided to declare a particularly dangerous situation in Chechnya. Dudayev, in turn, allowed Chechens to purchase and store firearms.

The fight for independent Chechnya

After the collapse of the USSR, Moscow no longer controlled events in the Chechen Republic. Ammunition from military units were stolen by private individuals. In 1992, there was an unexpected change of power in neighboring Georgia. Together with Georgian leaders, Dudayev took up the formation armed organization Transcaucasia. The purpose of this unification was the formation of republics separated from Russia.

Moscow tried in every possible way to bring Dudayev’s government to the negotiating table, but he demanded recognition of the independence of the republic. In parallel, the same actions took place in neighboring Georgia, which demanded its independence. The rulers unofficially demonstrated their disposition towards an independent Chechnya Saudi Arabia, but they were afraid to directly support Dudayev’s power. As president, Dudayev visits Turkey, Cyprus, Bosnia, and the USA. The purpose of the American meeting was to sign agreements with the founders on oil production in the Chechen Republic.

Loss of trust and support

A year into Dudayev's presidency, the situation in Chechnya begins to worsen, and disagreements appear in the position of the parliament and the head of state. Dzhokhar Dudayev decides to dissolve parliament and impose a curfew. At this moment, opposition forces began to form; an attempt was made on the president’s life, but he managed to escape. All these events led to armed clashes.

Military clashes in Chechnya (1993-95)

The summer of 1993 in Chechnya turned out to be hot, and opposition forces had to retreat to the north of the republic. There the opposition formed its own governing bodies. Dudayev managed to ensure that Chechnya did not take part in the Russian State Duma elections. But contradictions within the reign of Dzhokhar Dudayev increasingly weakened his control. The opposition formed a Provisional Council, headed by Umar Avturkhanov. Dudayev began the active liquidation of oppositionists who were supported by Russia. After the National Congress, which Dudayev held, it was decided to declare a “holy war” on Russia. This is how the first began. The merciless struggle for the independence of Chechnya fills the biography of Dzhokhar Dudayev. Brief mention should be made of his creation of camps for detaining persons who disagree with his position.

In December 1994, with the help of helicopters, the special services managed to eliminate Dudayev’s planes at the Grozny airport. Opposition forces broke into Grozny, but were unable to gain a foothold there; they needed Moscow’s support. The head of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, gave orders to destroy illegal gangs in Chechnya, led by Dzhokhar Dudayev. This order led to tragic events in Budyonnovsk. This is a city in the Stavropol Territory, which was chosen by a detachment of militants under the command of Shamil Basayev to take hostages and present their demands to the central authorities. As a result of such actions, 100 civilians of Budyonnovsk died. The Russian authorities did not make concessions to Basayev’s detachment.

Liquidation of Dzhokhar Dudayev

From the first days Chechen war The Russian intelligence agency held the Generalissimo of the Chechen Republic at gunpoint. There were 3 attempts on his life, all unsuccessful. The first ended with the sniper's mistake, the second with luck after his car exploded, and the third with the timely escape from the building, which was exposed to air strikes.

In 1996, the parties to the confrontation briefly reconciled; Yeltsin was even going to recognize the independence of Chechnya. But soon the terrorists fired at a detachment of Russian soldiers near the village of Yaryshmardy, and the president ordered his security chief and the head of the FSB to destroy Dzhokhar Dudayev. The operation was developed very carefully and thought through various ways. The "elusive leader" was especially careful.

To carry out this operation, a special device was developed that can perceive waves mobile phone. This device transmitted the location of the subscriber to the military. The operation was carried out on April 21, 1996. The developed device detected Dudayev’s location, and 2 SU-24 bombers flew there. Several very powerful anti-location missiles were fired from the planes at the car where the Chechen leader was located. This is how Dzhokhar Dudayev died. Death occurred a few minutes after the shelling. His wife Alla was next to Dudayev at the time, but she managed to escape in a ravine. Dzhokhar died in the arms of his wife. The media announced only the next day that Dzhokhar Dudayev had been liquidated (photo in the article).

Reaction to Dudayev's death

The world press reported in great detail about the removal of the President of Chechnya. Dudayev Dzhokhar Musaevich was never able to fulfill his dreams. The biography of a talented leader ended tragically. Many journalists said that this campaign was carried out specifically to re-elect Yeltsin for a second term. Russia has since taken a tough position and offered its terms to the militants. This led to a resumption of hostilities. Chechen fighters decided to avenge the death of their leader by attacking Grozny. For some time, the Chechens managed to keep the superiority of the fighting on their side.

At this time, rumors were spreading that the president of Ichkeria was still alive. But they all disappeared after a video recording of Dudayev’s burned corpse was made public in 2002.

Battalion in memory of the Chechen leader

In 2014, with the advent of confrontation in the eastern part of Ukraine, a volunteer armed detachment was created - the battalion named after Dzhokhar Dudayev (to carry out international peacekeeping mission). It was formed in Denmark from Chechens who emigrated from Chechnya after the end of hostilities there. The battalion of Dzhokhar Dudayev was organized by the socio-political association “Free Caucasus” specifically to protect the interests of Ukraine in the clash in Donbass. The battalion assisted the Ukrainian army in the most fierce battles for liberation. The most famous members of this military formation are Isa Manuev, Sergei Melnikoff, Nureddin Ismailov, Adam Osmaev, Amina Okueva.

Family life after the death of Dudayev

The activities of Dzhokhar Dudayev, like his person, are assessed ambiguously even 20 years after his death. For a long time, rumors spread that he managed to survive. Only 5 years ago the intelligence services declassified data on its liquidation. There is a version that among the commander’s entourage there was a traitor who betrayed him for $1 million.

How did it turn out? future life Dudayev's family? The most famous is the youngest son - Degi. One of the eldest sons of Ovlur completely changed his first and last name and lived for some time in Lithuania under the name Davydov Oleg Zakharovich. Then he moved to Sweden. The daughter of Dzhokhar Dudayev, Dana, settled with her family in Turkey (Istanbul) and does not communicate with journalists.

After Dudayev’s death, Alla’s wife immediately tried to leave the country and go to Turkey, but was detained on Yeltsin’s orders. She was soon released, and she spent three years with her children in Chechnya, contributing to the work of the Chechen Ministry of Culture. Then the widow spent some time in Baku, then with her daughter in Istanbul, then in Vilnius.

Alla Dudayeva is the author of a book about her husband “Dzhokhar Dudayev. The First Million.” Dudayev's wife is a very talented and gifted person. She graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in Smolensk and studied at the Faculty of Art Graphics. After the death of her husband, Alla regularly holds various exhibitions of her paintings and publications in Turkey, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Estonia, and France. The poems of Alla Dudayeva also deserve special attention; she often reads them at creative evenings. In Georgia (2012), she was offered to host the “Caucasian Portrait” program on television, which she did very well. Thanks to her husband’s fame, Alla Dudayeva’s paintings are exhibited in many cities around the world. In 2009, she was elected a member of the Presidium of the Government of the ChRI. Lately the woman lives in Sweden.

Alla Dudayeva was born in 1947 in the Kolomensky district of the Moscow region. In 1970 she graduated from the art and graphic department of the Smolensk Pedagogical Institute. I met Air Force lieutenant Dzhokhar Dudayev in the Kaluga region, in the military town of Shaikovka. In 1967 she became his wife. She gave birth to two sons - Avlur and Degi - and a daughter, Dana. After the murder of her husband, on May 25, 1996, she tried to leave Chechnya and fly to Turkey. In 1996-1999 she collaborated with the Ministry of Culture of the ChRI. In October 1999, she left Chechnya with her children. She lived in Baku, from 2002 with her daughter in Istanbul, then in Vilnius (the son of Alla and Dzhokhar Dudayev, Avlur, received Lithuanian citizenship and a passport in the name of Oleg Davydov; Alla herself only had a residence permit). In 2003 and 2006, she tried to obtain Estonian citizenship (where she lived with her husband, who at that time commanded a division heavy bombers and was the commander of the Tartu garrison), but both times she was refused. Alla Dudayeva is the author of memoirs about her husband and a number of books published in Lithuania, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and France. Currently he works on the Georgian Russian-language TV channel “First Caucasian” (hosts the program “Caucasian Portrait”). 1989 Our city, behind the gray veil of rain, You, like a mystery, excite and beckon me, either with dreams of something beautiful in the distance, or with sadness about those who are gone forever. Who wore down your cobblestones with the soles of his feet And lay down under the gray stones forever. But traces of these hands remained on the walls. They close you in and lead you into a mysterious circle. I can’t get away from these traces anywhere. Apparently, a soul remains in the stone vaults. Sunzha, your waters are so dark in the depths, It’s as if someone’s face appeared in the darkness, But the water is spinning over it, As if fate were conjuring a cruel dance. Playing dice again, what if something comes up? Maybe this land will finally get lucky? Alla Dudaeva 1990 Human! At the turning point of centuries, Look back over the centuries and years, New generations are coming, When ours is gone forever. Maybe someone will look with irony, With anger, bitterness in young eyes. Why is so much mixed up? Grief, tears and sadness in the tracks? How many lives have disappeared in the darkness, Human destinies have been distorted, It’s like a clanging machine Dragged along, shredding them. Take a closer look, maybe you will become smarter, Learn from the mistakes of others, Be more merciful and kinder, There will be fewer of your mistakes. 1990 Alla Dudayeva Cry of the ancestors We are the glory of your ancestors The descendants of these mountains Weapons have not been laid down In ingloriously for a long time! Lightning is burning again In the snow-capped mountains, The time has come to fight, Again we shout “Orst1akh” All the way to freedom, Your turn has come, The hundred-year-old Vainakh road, forward! Our ashes are in every heart, Let them knock in the chest, Whoever has the strength to fight, Come out to battle! Three months of patience, humility is behind. If you don't want peace, taste war. For honor, for home, for clan, For the glory of your ancestors, “Orstdakh” Arise people! November 1991 Alla Dudayeva Ichkeria Who was in the homeland of your fathers, Never saw a more beautiful place, Quite a few brave men died in the mountains... For what and how? You won't be able to answer this right away. Above the cone of the mountain, a star trembles, Behind it, the peaks of the mountains are hidden in the fog, A vault of trees is continuous, but the tower stands there, Frozen in centuries-old silence before us. In it, old stones are black from gunpowder, A pile of bones whitening under the moonlight, The legends of antiquity are confused, But the mountaineers remember where to expect trouble from... Here lie those who gave their lives, For the honor and faith of the proud people, Who, having died, became free again, But dear, it was freedom... Russia - your name, hundreds of times, Accompanied by a curse the Caucasus, From the crying of women and from the groaning of the mountains The air trembles again and the vision becomes foggy. Only the enemy is happy about the burned land And every look is filled with hatred. No one will even mention rights. The power stands on human bones. And not dew, but tears on the grass. Bloody streams flow in your country. March 1996 Alla Dudayeva Confession When I stumble at the end of the day, The climb was difficult - don’t judge me. When in mortal combat I will shed blood, Do not judge - I defended my honor. When I was deceived, I was betrayed by a friend, Don’t judge again - I believed and loved. When I did not discern the cunning of evil, Do not judge - my heart was pure to the bottom. When the earth covers my eyes with a cloak, Then judge - but God is your judge. 1994 Alla Dudayeva Prayer I'm waiting for you, my love, day and night, Like hundreds of women, without closing my eyes, I whisper, once again saying goodbye to you, Let it not be in last time. Let this not be the last time I see you, Let me press against your chest again, I pray in despair for a meeting, when parting, you leave again for flights. You leave again, just like before, To compress space and preserve eternity, And for me, moments are like centuries. How can I live them, how can I kill time? How can I kill the doubts in my soul, Why do I need this blue? In a steel shell, a living drop, You rush in it, my love and life I pray with wings, tanks and engines, Fate itself, heed my prayers, Do not drop the one who is dear to your heart, Whom you carry there above the sound. He came up with this lot for himself, Be merciful, kind, have mercy! Dispel fatigue, do not put pressure on your shoulders, lift the veil of fog from your eyes. He must be calm, strong, vigilant, After all, a pilot makes a mistake only once... And at home I go through a hundred thousand options, without closing my eyes Without cooling my eyelids with the cool of the night, Touching my forehead with a hot hand, I will run out again to meet you, “I flew like a bird!” you say again jokingly. 1988 Alla Dudaeva Fable “The Lion and the Jackals” A tired lion walks and wanders through the jungle for a month without sitting down. Jackals obligingly follow him in his saving shadow. And they declare their love... Oh, how brave you are, oh how straightforward you are! You are steeper, you are harder than rocks. We're all on death let's go with you As soon as you let out a cry, we’ll go to battle! It’s a pity that my belly has become deaf to hunger, it is deaf to the impulses of the soul, and there has been no food for days... Suddenly a shadow fell on the path. There was a trap ahead... And with new strength: “How straight you are! How strong you are! How powerful you are! You are higher than the mountains! You are above the clouds! What is this trap for you! You will dance the cancan on it! You'll knock him down with your paw in an instant and walk right along the path! And the lion proudly led his mane and... He walked straight along the path. So this lion fell into a trap And there was a monstrous can-can - On the skin of a lion. The moral of this story is this: If you are proud, strong and straightforward, don’t fall into such a trap. Don’t trust those who swear their love, The straight man will not bend in a bow, Only the flatterer has a crooked backbone, And you will pay with your head! 1990 Alla Dudaeva Russia, 1996 Not faces, but the faces of shadows and chimeras, Not the wind, but walls and half-measure truth, Half-measure love and half-measure country, Sounding like a broken string, And life is like a dream, and I would be glad to wake up , Only death is true and friends are cursed bitterly Over your coffin, sleep peacefully soldier! You were betrayed from birth, by the powerlessness of your fathers, you broke your heart about the inviolability of dreams, the silence of the grave is your breath, and the girl became confused long ago. There is no color of embarrassment on the young face, A corrupt mask on the whole country, A bloody mess of times and peoples, Murderers, victims and judges, convenient laws, And the drunken cook, without waiting for the morning, Burns the kitchen to the ground along with the mess... 1996. Alla Dudayeva

Recently, the widow of the first president of Ichkeria, Alla Dudayeva, presented her book about her husband. Russian by origin, she clearly positions herself as a Chechen. The fate of this absolutely creative woman - artist, poetess, writer - is filled with political struggle, hardship and pain, because she gave her soul and heart to Chechnya in the midst of it tragic story. About what is happening in her life now.

“Not a single Chechen will touch a girl before marriage”

— What does Chechnya mean to you and how did you manage to become part of it?

— The Chechen people are unique. It still preserves ancient legends that teach young people to act according to honor and conscience. These customs are passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, and the unforgettable voice of the ancestors resounds in them.

The Chechen people have preserved their traditions, despite 73 years of Soviet rule, despite today's occupation - the soul of the people has always lived in their customs. First of all, this is unconditional respect for elders: young people always stand up when an elder enters.

The second is a decent attitude towards a woman. Not a single Chechen will touch a girl before marriage. Special attention to guests, their protection and respect. And also - blood feud, which can be expected for years, but even after half a century it will catch up. The Chechen people value Honor most of all, and then everything else. As for me, I did not apply special effort to become part of this people, it happened naturally.

— How can you explain the image of Chechnya now, because the world, mainly thanks to Kadyrov, considers Chechens to be aggressive people. What are they really like and how to overcome these ideas?

— After three years of temporary truce, Russian special services tried to split the Chechen people on the basis of Islam and did everything to start a second revanchist war.

To incite hatred, two houses with sleeping people in Moscow and one in Volgodonsk were blown up. For the second time, the skating rink of war went through, destroying the population with bombs and “cleansing operations.”

The Chechen people offered resistance in the mountains and forests, but more than fifty filtration death camps worked tirelessly; as a result of the struggle, four presidents and 300,000 Chechens, including 43,000 children, died.

The survivors were forced to leave the territory of the ChRI. And those who are now next to Ramzan Kadyrov are children of these wars, most of them did not receive an education. They are grateful to Kadyrov because he protected them from the feds, from “clean-ups” and theft.

For them, one “one of their own”, Kadyrov, whatever he may be, is better than the Russians. These “pro-Russian Chechens” have now chosen the lesser evil and obey only Kadyrov.

They were forced to become “Mamluks” on Russian soil while Putin was there, who made them “scapegoats” for his crimes in Russia.

When Russia’s aggressive policy towards other states changes, then these “pro-Russian Chechens” will also change.

As for the Chechens who left for Europe, as soon as big changes begin in Russia, they will return to their homeland to continue the fight for its independence.

« Russian empire doomed to collapse"

— What, in your opinion, is the fate awaiting this great people?

- I have no doubt that the Chechen people will be independent!

He became the first “stumbling block” over which the three hundred thousand Russian army broke its steel teeth for decades, and he will definitely win. Now it is only temporarily occupied.

But as soon as the wind of Freedom blows over Russia and the Caucasus Mountains, the people will certainly rise up!

— As a creative person, you are prone to deep philosophical reflection. Why do you think Russians are so aggressive and expansive? What's next for their empire?

The best part the Russian people are in prison or have gone abroad, others are silent, fearing new repressions. Now we can see Russians who benefit from supporting Putin’s aggressive policies, who are profiting from these wars.

But these are temporary workers, they are very ignorant and corrupt, and as soon as the government changes, they will run away or change their colors again. Their time is already running out, and there is no escape from it. The Russian Empire is doomed to collapse, and Russia’s “funeral team” will be the “yellow race.” Dzhokhar spoke about this, and we are now seeing his predictions come true.

— Tell us a little about yourself now—in what direction is your creativity developing?

— After a small collection of my poems “At the Turn of the Century,” published in Lithuania in 1993, in 2002 I wrote a book dedicated to Dzhokhar Dudayev and his amazing people — “The First Million.”

In addition, I have many paintings in the style of romantic impressionism - paintings about war and peaceful landscapes, portraits.

But the most amazing thing is that in my paintings, completely unexpectedly, incomprehensible signs appear that other people see and then show to me.

For example, during an exhibition in the center of Istanbul, people came up to me and began to thank me for the painting “Sea Fantasy”, only they said that it should have been called “Sky Dance”. I was told that with this painting I gave hope that “the Mevlevis will return to Istanbul.”

And it was all like that. I asked to remove the bronze high relief of Ataturk’s head, which was in the center of the hall, and instead hung a large canvas, three quarters of the surface of which was occupied by the blue sky, and on one fourth there was Coast with several bays that flow into it.

At first I didn’t understand why they were thanking me for until people showed the flight of a Turkish Mevlevi in ​​the very center of the picture.

A man in long white robes “flew” across the entire sky, among the clouds, with his arms and legs spread out in flight, and the bays formed the outline of the name of Allah. But the most interesting thing was in the history associated with Ataturk... The Turkish Mevlevi were Sufis, their schools were widely known in the East in the Middle Ages.

When Ataturk’s rule began in Turkey, he evicted the Mevlevi from Istanbul, and they huddled on the outskirts of Turkey. And now a painting of my Mevlevi has taken the place of a high relief of Chairman Ataturk. These random Turkish acquaintances invited me to attend a Mevlevi performance in a secret mosque.

The most unexpected thing for me, since I always admire the signs that come in dreams, was the knowledge of Sufi schools in which teachers asked their students about the dreams they had at night. They interpreted such dreams and lived in full accordance with these signs.

Prospects for Chechnya

— How, with the subtle creative mental organization of an artist and poet, did you become a Great Woman of a Great Fighter? How did you withstand all this, survive and not break?

— Dzhokhar always supported me, he was such a multifaceted personality, he managed everything and pushed me to action. When he served in Siberia, he agreed with the head of the House of Officers to organize an exhibition of my paintings in the garrison, but such a prospect inspired me little.

Years later, during a meeting with the chairman of the Union of Artists, in 1989, Dzhokhar agreed that I would be invited to the Anniversary Exhibition of Artists in the city of Grozny. Here I tried very hard not to lose face, and my painting “Abrek” took second place.

In 1991, immediately after Dzhokhar’s inauguration, our house was filled with journalists. Dzhokhar did not have time to give interviews to everyone, and separating some of them, he brought me to them.

“I can’t,” I said, but he supported: “You will succeed!” Just don’t forget, tell us, our descendants will appreciate us.” That’s what I did. My interview then happened in the largest newspaper “Voice of Checheno-Ingushetia”, and these words of Dzhokhar turned out to be the best of all that I said, it was their editor who made the headline: “Our descendants will appreciate us.”

Dzhokhar had a very keen sense of painting and knew how to stop me in time when I began to “record” the picture. He was well versed in music and appreciated poetry. He liked my poems and even tried to write them himself.

He loved to learn and quickly grasped everything new that happened in the world and brought him life. When I started writing a book about him, I was amazed at how much he managed to do, despite the rallies of the armed opposition and in defiance of everything that Russia was preparing in Ichkeria.

I met many people who were his associates, and they said that they could not have done all this if Dzhokhar had not pushed them. He believed in them, and this faith inspired them to do great things. The Chechen people and Dzhokhar found each other, and this love became eternal.

— Your children and grandchildren are scattered all over the world. Is there anything from you and Dzhokhar in their worldview?

— All children share Dzhokhar’s desire for Freedom and are confident that the sovereignty of the Chechen people is only a matter of time. They read articles, communicate with their peers on the Internet and see what is happening in Russia now.

The time of empires has passed, and the Russian Empire is doomed - it is simply living out its life. All post-Soviet republics and autonomies, like the Russian people, will be free. Coming new era; a world full of unknown possibilities opens its arms to man!

— Do you and your family participate in political and public life?

— In 2007, after Dokka Umarov’s statement about the creation of the Emirate, former Foreign Minister Akhmed Zakayev proclaimed himself “Prime Minister” and created his own “Cabinet of Ministers” in exile.

He violated the basic principle of the CRI Constitution: “No person or group of people has the right to seize power without the choice of the people.” And he immediately began negotiations, unprecedented in terms of the level of political cynicism, with the Kremlin puppet Ramzan Kadyrov.

As a sign of protest, we were forced to create our own government and presidium, which included Chechens who took part in hostilities and continued to work in their positions abroad. It included Akhyad Idigov and many others.

We have not violated the constitution, no one holds any positions - everyone is equal and we resolve issues during collective discussion. If Akhmed Zakayev hopes to replace Kadyrov's cabinet with his own in the future, our task is to preserve the democratic will of the Chechen people and organize free elections for the future government of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.

Perhaps new people will appear, younger, more worthy - time will tell, but the Chechen people have every right to choose their government. The choice is in full accordance with your constitution.

(1947-08-10 ) (72 years old) Citizenship:

USSR USSR (1947-1991)
Russia Russia (de facto until 2004)
Chechnya (unrecognized)
Stateless (de facto since 2004)

K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Alla Fedorovna Dudaeva(born Alevtina Fedorovna Kulikova, genus. March 24, 1947, Moscow region) - widow of Dzhokhar Dudayev, artist, writer, TV presenter, member since 2009. Currently granted asylum in Sweden.


In October 1999, she left Chechnya with her children (by that time already adults). She lived in Baku, from 2002 with her daughter in Istanbul, then in Vilnius (the son of Alla and Dzhokhar Dudayev, Avlur, received Lithuanian citizenship and a passport in the name of Oleg Davydov; Alla herself only had a residence permit). In 2006, she tried to obtain Estonian citizenship (where in the 1990s she lived with her husband, who at that time commanded a heavy bomber division and was the head of the Tartu garrison), but both times she was refused.


Alla Dudayeva is the author of memoirs about her husband and a number of books published in Lithuania, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and France. . He has been a member of the Presidium of the Government of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria since 2009.

All her life Alla Dudayeva writes poetry and draws pictures.

Until October 20, 2012, she worked on the Georgian Russian-language TV channel “First Caucasian” (hosted the program “Caucasian Portrait”).

Alla Dudayeva's paintings were exhibited in different countries peace.


Translations into foreign languages

  • Milyon birinci(The first million) “Şule Yayınları”, 448 pp. 2003 ISBN 9756446080 (Turkish)
  • Le loup tchétchène: ma vie avec Djokhar Doudaïev(Chechen Wolf: my life with Dzhokhar Dudayev) “Maren Sell” 398 pp. 2005 ISBN 2-35004-013-5 (French)

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An excerpt characterizing Dudayev, Alla Fedorovna

Again, but very close this time, something whistled, like a bird flying from top to bottom, a fire flashed in the middle of the street, something fired and covered the street with smoke.
- Villain, why are you doing this? – the owner shouted, running up to the cook.
At the same moment, women howled pitifully from different sides, a child began to cry in fear, and people with pale faces silently crowded around the cook. From this crowd, the cook’s moans and sentences were heard most loudly:
- Oh oh oh, my darlings! My little darlings are white! Don't let me die! My white darlings!..
Five minutes later there was no one left on the street. The cook, with her thigh broken by a grenade fragment, was carried into the kitchen. Alpatych, his coachman, Ferapontov’s wife and children, and the janitor sat in the basement, listening. The roar of guns, the whistle of shells and the pitiful moan of the cook, which dominated all sounds, did not cease for a moment. The hostess either rocked and coaxed the child, or in a pitiful whisper asked everyone who entered the basement where her owner, who remained on the street, was. The shopkeeper who entered the basement told her that the owner had gone with the people to the cathedral, where they were raising the Smolensk miraculous icon.
By dusk the cannonade began to subside. Alpatych came out of the basement and stopped at the door. The previously clear evening sky was completely covered with smoke. And through this smoke the young, high-standing crescent of the month strangely shone. After the previous terrible roar of guns had ceased, there seemed silence over the city, interrupted only by the rustling of footsteps, groans, distant screams and the crackle of fires that seemed to be widespread throughout the city. The cook's moans had now died down. Black clouds of smoke from the fires rose and dispersed from both sides. On the street, not in rows, but like ants from a ruined hummock, in different uniforms and different directions, soldiers passed and ran. In Alpatych’s eyes, several of them ran into Ferapontov’s yard. Alpatych went to the gate. Some regiment, crowded and in a hurry, blocked the street, walking back.
“They are surrendering the city, leave, leave,” the officer who noticed his figure told him and immediately shouted to the soldiers:
- I'll let you run around the yards! - he shouted.
Alpatych returned to the hut and, calling the coachman, ordered him to leave. Following Alpatych and the coachman, all of Ferapontov’s household came out. Seeing the smoke and even the fires of the fires, now visible in the beginning twilight, the women, who had been silent until then, suddenly began to cry out, looking at the fires. As if echoing them, the same cries were heard at other ends of the street. Alpatych and his coachman, with shaking hands, straightened the tangled reins and lines of the horses under the canopy.
When Alpatych was leaving the gate, he saw about ten soldiers in Ferapontov’s open shop, talking loudly, filling bags and backpacks with wheat flour and sunflowers. At the same time, Ferapontov entered the shop, returning from the street. Seeing the soldiers, he wanted to shout something, but suddenly stopped and, clutching his hair, laughed a sobbing laugh.
- Get everything, guys! Don't let the devils get you! - he shouted, grabbing the bags himself and throwing them into the street. Some soldiers, frightened, ran out, some continued to pour in. Seeing Alpatych, Ferapontov turned to him.
– I’ve made up my mind! Race! - he shouted. - Alpatych! I've decided! I'll light it myself. I decided... - Ferapontov ran into the yard.
Soldiers were constantly walking along the street, blocking it all, so that Alpatych could not pass and had to wait. The owner Ferapontova and her children were also sitting on the cart, waiting to be able to leave.
It was already quite night. There were stars in the sky and the young moon, occasionally obscured by smoke, shone. On the descent to the Dnieper, Alpatych's carts and their mistresses, moving slowly in the ranks of soldiers and other crews, had to stop. Not far from the intersection where the carts stopped, in an alley, a house and shops were burning. The fire had already burned out. The flame either died down and was lost in the black smoke, then suddenly flared up brightly, strangely clearly illuminating the faces of the crowded people standing at the crossroads. Black figures of people flashed in front of the fire, and from behind the incessant crackling of the fire, talking and screams were heard. Alpatych, who got off the cart, seeing that the cart would not let him through soon, turned into the alley to look at the fire. The soldiers were constantly snooping back and forth past the fire, and Alpatych saw how two soldiers and with them some man in a frieze overcoat were dragging burning logs from the fire across the street into the neighboring yard; others carried armfuls of hay.
Alpatych approached a large crowd of people standing in front of a tall barn that was burning with full fire. The walls were all on fire, the back one had collapsed, the plank roof had collapsed, the beams were on fire. Obviously, the crowd was waiting for the moment when the roof would collapse. Alpatych expected this too.
- Alpatych! – suddenly a familiar voice called out to the old man.
“Father, your Excellency,” answered Alpatych, instantly recognizing the voice of his young prince.
Prince Andrei, in a cloak, riding a black horse, stood behind the crowd and looked at Alpatych.
- How are you here? - he asked.
“Your... your Excellency,” said Alpatych and began to sob... “Yours, yours... or are we already lost?” Father…
- How are you here? – repeated Prince Andrei.
The flame flared up brightly at that moment and illuminated for Alpatych the pale and exhausted face of his young master. Alpatych told how he was sent and how he could forcefully leave.
- What, your Excellency, or are we lost? – he asked again.
Prince Andrei, without answering, took out a notebook and, raising his knee, began to write with a pencil on a torn sheet. He wrote to his sister:
“Smolensk is being surrendered,” he wrote, “Bald Mountains will be occupied by the enemy in a week. Leave now for Moscow. Answer me immediately when you leave, sending a messenger to Usvyazh.”
Having written and given the piece of paper to Alpatych, he verbally told him how to manage the departure of the prince, princess and son with the teacher and how and where to answer him immediately. Before he had time to finish these orders, the chief of staff on horseback, accompanied by his retinue, galloped up to him.
-Are you a colonel? - shouted the chief of staff, with a German accent, in a voice familiar to Prince Andrei. - They light houses in your presence, and you stand? What does this mean? “You will answer,” shouted Berg, who was now the assistant chief of staff of the left flank of the infantry forces of the First Army, “the place is very pleasant and in plain sight, as Berg said.”
Prince Andrei looked at him and, without answering, continued, turning to Alpatych:
“So tell me that I’m waiting for an answer by the tenth, and if I don’t receive news on the tenth that everyone has left, I myself will have to drop everything and go to Bald Mountains.”
“I, Prince, say this only because,” said Berg, recognizing Prince Andrei, “that I must carry out orders, because I always carry out them exactly... Please forgive me,” Berg made some excuses.

The marriage of Dzhokhar and Alla Dudayev produced sons Avlur (Ovlur) and Degi, as well as daughter Dana.

Avlur became a citizen of Lithuania in 2002 under the Russian name Oleg Davydov. He moved to the Baltic states before his father’s death, after being wounded in a clash with federal troops. Subsequently, he left for Sweden, where he prefers to live as a non-public person.

35-year-old Degi, who has Georgian citizenship, lives in Lithuania and runs the VEO company, which works in the field of alternative energy. In 2012, he participated in the Georgian TV show “Moment of Truth”, where he stated on a lie detector test that he does not hate the Russian people, but if he could, he would avenge his father. Also in an interview, the son of Dhokhar Dudayev stated that he lives in Vilnius, because in this city he can hear Russian speech.

In 2014, Degi was fined in Lithuania for falsifying documents; this case received resonance in the press. When crossing the country's border, he had with him 7 fake passports, apparently intended for members of the Chechen diaspora who wanted to move to Europe. The widow of the first president of Chechnya saw in this fact “the machinations of the Russian special services.” Degi Dudayev maintains an Instagram account with more than 1,700 subscribers - a significant part of the publications on it are dedicated to his father. In addition, he is friends with youngest son the first president of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia.

Dana and her husband Masud Dudayev also lived in Lithuania for some time, but then left for Turkey. In 2010, she unsuccessfully tried to settle in Sweden. As of 2013, she lived in Germany, separately from her husband, who settled in the UK. It is known that former militant Akhmed Zakaev provided assistance to this family.

The general’s children living in different countries are raising Dzhokhar Dudayev’s five grandchildren.

In addition to his immediate family, the Chechen president had 12 brothers and sisters, all of whom were older than him. As Alla Dudayeva said, a significant part of the Dudayev family died in the war, and the younger generation of the family numbers more than a dozen people.
