Games for ps 4 viar. What to play on Sony PlayStation VR? Review of the best games

The PS4 marked the beginning of a new era in the development of console games. Thanks to the massive scale and accessibility of Sony's creations, virtual reality has rapidly gained momentum, and PS4 VR games have become the subject of active discussion and have become the most anticipated acquisition for more than 40 million owners of Japanese fourth-generation consoles.
Hollywood has been teasing the world with possibilities for a long time now. virtual reality, but specifically to engineers from the country rising sun managed to catch this wave and enter the market with our product. For relatively little money, any PS4 user can access a new world of VR. There is no doubt that in the very near future we will experience even more powerful technological breakthroughs in this industry, but even now, being only at the beginning of its development, this technology can please us with an abundance of truly high-quality and interesting products, capable of satisfying the needs of even the most sophisticated gamers.

How to install games on PS VR

Games on PS VR are installed in the same way as on a regular PS - either downloaded through the PlayStation Store or purchased on disc. The VR/non-VR difference will only be noticeable in the hardware. First of all, this is, of course, the helmet itself. It comes with stereo headphones and a processor module. In addition, for VR to work correctly, you need to purchase a PlayStation Camera, and for some games also PS Move motion controllers. The virtual reality helmet feels great paired with any fourth-generation PlayStation, be it PS4, PS4 Slim or PS4 PRO, with the exception that on the PRO version the user has the opportunity to plunge into PlayStation VR games and watch video content in 4k resolution. Owners of the PRO version do not need to buy a full-fledged TV with 4k resolution, since it is replaced by a helmet. It is also important to remember that for virtual reality technology to work correctly, you must purchase adapted PS4 games with VR support.

Controls in ps vr games

Accounting Plus currently tops many rankings as the craziest PlayStation VR game. Once you launch it on your console and look at the start menu, there will be no doubt about its unconditional madness. Even though Accounting Plus was released back in 2016, to combine it with VR technology, its gameplay was thoroughly “corrected”, making it one of the most absurd, but at the same time exciting games. With the advent of VR, for a successful game it is no longer necessary to rely on high-quality drawing and realistic graphics, and games such as Accounting Plus, Superhot VR, Tumble VR, etc., which have become bestsellers, are direct proof of this. But what exactly is control in VR?
If just a few years ago in games all the attention in control was paid to the gamepad, now it is the PlayStation VR helmet that takes the palm, becoming a new guide to virtual reality. The motion-sensitive PS Move game controller will guide you through the VR experience.
A significant advantage of a virtual reality helmet will be the ease of connecting it to the console, and there will be no problems with the settings - all necessary manipulations take place through the Sony store. To transmit the signal from the TV to the headset and helmet, a processor module that comes with the helmet is used. Perhaps the most important thing when setting up work will be correct placement. Sony, knowing the dislike of many of its users for paper instructions, took care of this too and created a series of training videos that describe in detail the process and places for the correct arrangement of all devices from the kit.
PS4 owners can immerse themselves in PS4 VR games together, which already significantly increases interest in the process. True, this opportunity is overshadowed by the fact that for such gaming someone will have to sacrifice the thrill of sensations and watch what is happening the old fashioned way on a TV screen.
Thanks to Farpoint VR, gamers were able to immerse themselves in a completely different level of virtual reality and completely change their understanding of character control. The usual gamepad for PS users has now acquired more subtle features. During the gameplay, it seems as if you are holding a real weapon in your hands. The very idea of ​​such technology is not new and already has a number of analogues on the market, but it was the PS VR aiming controller for the game Farpoint that won the uncompromising love of the PlayStation4 audience.

Video and entertainment for PS VR

The presence of a console, games and a helmet opens all the doors to the world of VR content for its owner, allowing him to plunge headlong into a completely different reality. Through the official YouTube application released for the fourth generation PlayStation, you can watch videos in 360 degrees.
On the PlayStation website in the “Entertainment for PS VR” section you can find a lot of atypical options for using your game console, many of which are available to users Sony PlayStation absolutely free. And applications such as Virry VR and Virry VR: Wild Encounters language wildlife will tell you about the wonderful world of safari, allowing you to enjoy its inhabitants in all their glory. What can I say, even a simple review of a PS4 VR game on YouTube has now turned into a real adventure, in which anyone can become the main character.
However, it is worth noting that the quality of the VR image in video with a resolution of 1080 p is far from ideal. Due to the stretching of the space around, the pixels also stretch. To enjoy a clear and rich picture even in VR panorama, it is better to use the 4k video format supported on PS4 PRO.
To get the full experience and get the maximum effect from new technologies, it is recommended to play Sony PlayStation VR games on PS4 PRO. A nice bonus for gamers will be localized and voice-overs of PlayStation VR games in Russian.

Demo games for PlayStation VR

To fully experience all the benefits of VR technology in games, it makes sense to start your virtual immersion from the collection of PS4 games VR Worlds from SIEE. The games in the collection are presented in three key genres: action, adventure and sports. They are the ones who are able to fully reveal the essence of technology from all sides. VR Worlds is five unique games, five exclusive worlds and only one headset to immerse yourself in each of them. The collection will make you feel like a bandit of criminal London, will put you in mortal danger when diving into the depths of the ocean, will tickle your nerves from illegal street racing, will send you on board an alien ship in search of an ancient artifact in outer space and will pit you face to face in a sports competition, where in order to... to survive, you need to win an unconditional victory.
If the purchase of a VR headset for PS4 games has been put off for a long time, then after testing “The London Job”, “Cruel Intentions”, “Dangerous Dive”, “Space Odyssey”, “VR Sleigh” and demonstrating all the capabilities of VR technology, you will definitely want to buy it , to be transported to virtual reality and enjoy the gameplay on a completely new level. There is a Russian version for all PS4 VR games presented in the collection.
You can dive into VR Worlds either alone, challenging other players around the world, or in the company of friends. In addition, playing PlayStation VR with your children will be another pleasant reason to gather the whole family in front of the TV. Along with the English version, Russian localization is also available in all games in the VR Worlds collection.

List of VR games for PlayStation VR

As mentioned earlier, the craziest PlayStation VR game to date is Accounting Plus from Squanch Games. Here you will have every chance to clean your office in virtual reality, and then clear conscience fight your enemies, calling upon hordes of ferocious demons to help you.

TOP PS4 VR games:

Resident Evil 7

If we talk about TOP VR games, then the first one, of course, is worth remembering Resident Evil 7. Biohazard, which does not need any special introduction. The Resident Evil universe is well known to users of all gaming platforms. Perhaps it is for the sake of games in the horror genre that you should consider purchasing a VR helmet. Everything that was already scary even before VR, with a helmet takes on even greater power and simply instills hellish horror in the hearts and minds of all gamers. This is the very “living fear”.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Continuing the topic of TOP VR games in the horror genre, I also want to talk about the sensational Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. This game belongs to the category of rail horror shooters, where gamers are invited to ride along a railway infested with creepy monsters. Do you want to feel like you are in the shoes of a real maniac with a noticeably unhealthy psyche? Then you will definitely like the spinoff Until Dawn: Rush of Blood.

The Inpatient

Well, it’s proposed to consolidate the effect of all-consuming horror with another TOP horror The Inpatient, with a classic plot for this genre about a patient in a psychiatric hospital. On the way to liberation, players will have to go through a real virtual nightmare, after which the most impressionable will even have to learn to walk and talk again. The game, as promised, simply squeezed all the juice out of virtual reality technology.

Batman Arkham VR

All adventure lovers should pay attention to Batman Arkham VR Stunning graphics quality is the first thing that catches your eye in this game. Although for its plot, Batman rightfully deserves to be among the leaders in the VR games rating. And the relatively short gaming time is only a plus here, otherwise it would be completely unrealistic to tear yourself away from your helmet with Batman Arkham VR running.

Robinson: The Journey

Together you can go on a beautiful and very dangerous adventure, finding yourself the only survivor of a spaceship crash on a planet uninhabited by a humanoid race. It is proposed to start life from scratch in absolutely wild conditions surrounded by hundreds of hungry dinosaurs.

Gran Turismo Sport VR

What virtual reality would be complete without racing? Gran Turismo Sport VR is worth every penny invested in it, as its VR mode is considered the best in its genre today. The sports cars of this simulator feel almost like real ones, turning each race into something so realistic that it is even impossible to believe in the unreality of what is happening. And the feeling of breakneck speed on turns and the stunning depiction of the tracks is simply breathtaking.

Farpoint VR

The calling card of PlayStation VR has become Farpoint, which has also already been kindly mentioned here. This is an action game in which the user is invited to travel through a lost alien world. And, naturally, he is not waiting with open arms. Why else would they give you an aim controller?

Superhot VR

This is a game that, at first glance, raises a lot of surprises about being on the list of TOP VR games. Rumor has it that the developers spent only one week creating its first version. Of course, after this the game was refined more than once, and even after so many manipulations it did not lose the original simplicity of its gameplay. And in combination with the dynamics and inimitable play of color, Superhot VR was simply doomed to success.

Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing

Of course, when talking about the TOP games on VR, one cannot fail to mention Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing, which was originally an additional bonus to Star Wars Battlefront. But unexpected interest in the game from gamers forced the developers to release X-Wing as a standalone game. Thanks to this step, now every fan of the saga will be able to fulfill the dream of flying into space and fighting on bright side strength.

Skyrim VR

And finally, everyone’s favorite cult game Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR PS4. With a virtual reality helmet, not only the viewing angle changes, but also the feeling of the gameplay. The entire gameplay and functionality of the game works in a completely new way. Be prepared for the fact that you simply won’t be able to stop or take a break in The Elder Scrolls VR Skyrim. In your hands now not only formidable weapon, but also powerful spells, which, thanks to the refinement of VR technology, will certainly fly where they need to go.

This is what the best VR games for PS4 look like. The list can be continued endlessly, because every year the TOP will only expand. In addition to paid games Sony company Regularly opens up access to subscription content, which makes it possible to download and play PS VR games for free.
Today, the best games for PS VR are created in all genres - from traditional puzzles to chilling horror. And in the TOP lists in terms of gameplay, graphics or plot, all these games can compete on equal terms. The ratings of PS VR games can be viewed on the official PlayStation website.


Thanks to the PlayStation 4 in tandem with the PlayStation VR headset, Sony has given the world a truly unique technology that everyone should try. PlayStation 4 VR games expand horizons, creating a parallel world in which there are no longer boundaries or boundaries. If you have a VR helmet, you can play regular games without a TV, because the helmet will completely replace it, creating the effect of a huge cinema screen in front of your eyes.
Technologies do not stand still for a second. Each new VR game makes you more and more amazed by its capabilities. And Sony, as always, is at the head of this technological revolution, forcing everyone to follow it. The new PS VR games are already amazing and exceed the expectations of even the most critical gamers. The whole world is eager to experience this technological miracle. It remains only to thank Sony for the amazing development of PS VR games, which opened the doors to all PlayStation4 users into the world of virtual reality.

Thank you for reading the article to the end! Please leave your opinion in the comments. If it’s not difficult for you, share it on social networks with your friends. This will give us additional motivation.

On May 17, we will host an exhibition and conference on virtual reality VR-TODAY at VSBI. In this regard, we publish translations from the Upload VR portal on our blog top games for HTC Vive, PSVR and Oculus Rift. Today we’ll talk about the top 9 games for PlayStation VR, translation under the cut. By the way, all habr readers receive a 20% discount on tickets to the VR-Today conference using the habr promo code. And I will be glad to give a free ticket to all active participants of the hub with karma 20 and above (write in a personal message for this).

Thanks to PlayStation VR, the era of virtual reality console gaming has finally arrived. The Sony helmet is not as powerful as the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, and not as portable as the Samsung Gear VR or Google Daydream View, and does not yet provide such cool tracking, but it brings VR at an affordable price and with a good set of software in more than 50 million homes of owners of the fourth PlayStation.

There are already dozens of PSVR games out there and it's incredible to see so many offerings on the shelves and on the PSN Store. What are the best games? What if I want a shooter and musical game or adventure and horror? We've put together our list of the 9 best PSVR games you can already play to help alleviate this problem.

9 best games for PlayStation VR

There's guaranteed to be something for everyone on this list! The Playroom VR, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's Jack Assault and others free games not included. You should download them anyway.

The games described below are not listed in any special order, and some worthy representatives were not included in the list. There are already plenty of great games on PSVR, but these are the ones we considered the best.

RIGS: Mechanized Combat League

[Rating: 8/10]
If PlayStation VR is here to prove that decent virtual reality is possible on a home console, then RIGS here to prove that VR gaming can deliver a fast, intense, competitive multiplayer shooter experience unlike anything else on any other headset. It combines the features of such action games as Unreal Tournament with robot battles and a futuristic sports league.

And the disadvantages RIGS compensated by the depth and breadth of the game's capabilities. The variety of ways to destroy mechs, as well as the variations of the mechs themselves, make this a very fun game worth returning to again and again. In the coming months, even more maps, abilities, game modes and other features are planned to appear, which is guaranteed to bring the game the recognition it deserves.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

[Rating: 7/10]
If you're looking for something to get your pulse racing, stop looking, there's... Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. This horror festival is based on the same universe as Until Dawn, a narrative-driven horror adventure on PS4. In this spin-off, you plunge into the metaphorical and quite literal depths of hell, fighting off crazy clowns and creepy monsters.

I won't lie and say that this is just about the best VR has to offer, since I included higher-rated PSVR games on this list, but this game fills one specific need very well. The 360-degree audio does a great job of immersing you in the atmosphere, and the unexpected scares are so well placed at the right moment that you can't stop wanting to see what's around the next corner. This crazy, unique shooter lasts more than 3 hours in single player mode on normal difficulty, which is great for its price.


[Rating: 8/10]

Once you've finished taking out enemies in enemy mechs and urinating under yourself in piercing horror, it's time to take control of a futuristic tank in an updated and improved Battlezone. The series debuted decades ago when games were just lines and pixels, but now with the power of VR it's back in a fresh 3D package.

Other VR shooters make you fight against each other, but Battlezone it is a triumph of cooperative strategies. If you have a couple of friends with PSVR helmets, then this game will be best choice, which will allow you to become super powerful neon death machines.

How We Soar

[Rating: 8/10]
This game isn't for everyone and it's hard to judge objectively without trying it yourself, but for those gamers who enjoy more esoteric gameplay, something that evokes a calming sense of relaxation mixed with stunning views, there's plenty to like here.

It doesn't have the action-packed gameplay of Eagle Flight, but everything is more leisurely, thoughtful and beautiful. The game is more of a walking simulator tailored to its surroundings, but those who like to enjoy such things will discover one of the most immersive journeys with PSVR.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

[Rating: 9/10]
PSVR fans have been waiting for this game since it was announced at E3 in 2016. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard created so many things that it's hard to believe Capcom actually pulled it off. First of all, he re-opens a series that has been stalling in stagnation Resident Evil, switching the perspective from third-person to first-person. However, by introducing this change, this a new game returns to the original survival horror format to great effect.
But the most impressive achievement is the fact that the game provides over 12 hours of gameplay that can be fully experienced in VR with many convenient options. The oppressive atmosphere, memorable plot and gameplay deserve this game to receive the highest rating among the whole bunch of horror games over the past few years.

EVE: Valkyrie

[Rating: 9/10]
In our old review on EVE: Valkyrie, when it came out only on Oculus Rift, we called it the game that VR headsets were made for. Now available on both HTC Vive and PSVR and supporting full cross-platform multiplayer between the three major devices, our initial sentiments about the game have come true even more.

With many game mods that were released for free from the very launch of the game on the market, as well as with new maps and ships EVE has become a game containing tons of content. Competitive multiplayer battles are still at the heart of the gameplay, offering some of the most intense multiplayer matches of any game.


[Rating: 9/10]
Believe me, you simply must play Thumper. This game is so difficult to describe correctly that even watching the video will not give you the desired impression. But, alas, this is the only way I can support my words here, so that’s all there is. Simply put, this is one of the most viscerally satisfying and visually captivating experiences you can have with any VR headset in existence.

It is described as a game of violence and rhythm. IN Thumper you find yourself on a track and must timely press buttons, turn, dodge to the rhythm of the soundtrack until your face melts. It's dark, unusual, sometimes annoying, but simply fantastic.

[Rating: 9/10]
On Oculus Rift DiRT: Rally has quickly become one of the best VR racing games on the market since its release last year. Fast, intense speed tracks, environments and perfect gameplay are perceived as a revolution in the genre. Now that it's out on PSVR, all of these experiences can be had on a more affordable, budget-friendly device. In addition, it is almost identical to the version on Oculus Rift.

The new co-op mode, which was created specifically for PSVR, looks strange, only a shadow of what it could be, but this does not spoil the main impression. Despite everything, DiRT:Rally a decent racing experience that immerses you in the thrill, making you feel the risk of your life and the excitement as you launch your car through a dirty Welsh forest, with the feeling that you're about to crash into something. This is one of the few VR experiences that can completely absorb you and make you forget that you are in your living room.

This concludes the translation. You can try games and non-gaming virtual reality features live with us on May 17 from 11:00 to 18:00. There will be testing of various VR devices, including Epson Moverio BT-300 augmented reality glasses, communication with the developers of a virtual reality suit for complete immersion, showcases of VR projects, VR attractions, a VR cinema and a number of reports with practical cases of implementing VR in various fields . One of the reports will be devoted specifically to the topic of PSVR, or rather, to How to release on PSVR without going crazy using the example of the Virry VR project. For all readers of the hub, we decided to give a 20% discount on tickets. At registration use the code “habr” in the “how did you hear about the event” field. And if you have more than 20 karma, then I will give you a ticket, write me a personal message for this.

We have witnessed the beginning of a new era - the era of console games in virtual reality, which began with the launch of the PlayStation VR headset for PS4. It's not as powerful or versatile as the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, it's not as mobile as the Samsung Gear VR or Google Daydream View, and it doesn't have the best tracking. But it brought virtual reality into the homes of 40 million PS4 owners at an affordable price, and most importantly, with a good set of content right out of the box.

Several dozen games are already available to PSVR owners. Which ones are better? What to choose if you want to play the best shooter or the scariest horror? Here's a list of the nine best PSVR games you can play right now. There's something for everyone on this list. Let's get started!

1. RIGS: Mechanized Combat League

If PlayStation VR is an attempt to demonstrate what virtual reality can do on a regular home console, then RIGS is the same demonstration of a multiplayer team shooter where the player controls a huge humanoid robot. A large number of ways to destroy the enemy, various combat vehicles, maps, abilities, game modes and updates that are planned in the near future - all this will provide the game with the recognition that, in our opinion, it richly deserves.

2. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is a horror park ride so beloved by our Western friends, but with pistols and truly scary. The game cannot be called the best in the horror genre, but the amazing imagination of the developers, embodied in the form of crazy clowns and other creatures of the Underworld, as well as more than three hours of gameplay on the normal difficulty level will more than recoup the money spent on the game.


After your nerves have been strained to the limit in the dark labyrinths of the subconscious, it’s time to relieve tension by playing the updated Battlezone tanks. The game debuted twenty years ago and has now returned in a new form - with an immersive effect, futuristic technology, excellent gameplay and teamwork.

4. Robinson: The Journey

Throughout the four hours of the game, you will be a boy named Robin, whose spaceship crashed on a planet inhabited by dinosaurs. A game for those who like to leisurely explore the surroundings, solve various puzzles and collect items that may be useful in the future. The game was created by Crytek, so absolutely everyone will like one of its features - gorgeous views of the planet.

5. Job Simulator

Every platform should have a simple game that invites you to just sit back, laugh, and unwind while introducing yourself to what the platform itself can do in a fun way. Surprisingly, the plot of the popular game asks you not to run around with a gun at the ready, but to turn into an office worker, a store employee, a cook, and so on. In other words, you will have to work, but, fortunately, not full time and without penalties for “accidentally” throwing your things all over the premises.

6. EVE: Valkyrie

EVE: Valkyrie is the game for which virtual reality glasses were created. Available on three platforms: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PSVR, there's no shortage of allies and foes. The most expensive and one of the best virtual reality games.

7. Thumper

A game that only one word comes to mind to describe is something. Unfortunately, the video cannot convey the fullness of the sensations that you will experience while watching the creature madly rush along incredible tracks. So just believe me: Thumrer is a must-play.

8. Bound

A game not originally intended for virtual reality, Bound is an emotional story that immerses you in a world of angular, phantasmagoric, colorful landscapes and visual experiments, a world of music and dance.

9. Driveclub VR

And what kind of virtual reality would be complete without racing? This is pure drive, which many PS4 owners have already felt, but now in a new form. New tracks, cars and modes have been added to the game, and most importantly, now you can feel like a real driver, watching the road fly by from the car window.

An outside observer will be surprised and think that we were paid. But, unfortunately, this is not the case. At first glance, it is difficult for this game to compete with such graphic giants as Resident Evil 7 or The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. There is a myth that the first version of this game was made in one week. One week, CARL! Later, it was refined by a team of developers, whose efforts led the game to its current popularity. The simplicity and elegance of the gameplay, along with the dynamics and play of color and simple plot, captivated players all over the world.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: FPS, Indie;

Link to Playstation Store.

2. Rez Infinite

For simplicity, let's say that this game is in the rail shooter genre. It is a remake of the tube Rez for Playstation 2. Please note that virtual reality has inspired new life into a forgotten genre where the main task of the player is constant shooting and running. And if all this is wrapped in a fancy label of beautiful computer graphics, sweetened by immersing the player in the world of VR, then you can get a bestseller.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: Shooter, Indie;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

3. Resident Evil 7. Biohazard

A game that doesn't need additional stories. Sony relied on its old love (the author of these lines played RE on the very first PS). The decision to send the player to experience more deeply the animal fear that appears already in the 10th minute of playing Resident Evil in virtual reality is absolutely justified. Open any review and you will see the most enthusiastic reviews. The only negative is that the quality of the graphics is noticeably behind that stated in the trailer. But, believe me, this does not interfere.

Genre: Horror;
Release date: January 2017;
Link to Playstation Store.

4. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

One of the most anticipated new products of 2017. Skyrim is a continuation of the acclaimed Oblivion. Fans of the series, released in 1994, complained about the linearity of the plot and some simplicity. However, the story of fighting dragons in a global world has captivated RPG players. Particular interest was fueled by the opportunity to use a virtual reality helmet for maximum immersion. The first reviews indicate that the developers have significantly redesigned the AI. Fewer “wooden” villains and rivals, more emotions from VR.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC, XBox;
Genre: RPG;
Link to Playstation Store.

5. Batman Arkham VR

Bet on big games with a big name turned out to be a winner for Sony. A branded game, due to its background, will always be several points higher than an identical no-name game. But Batman lives up to his name. The quality of graphics is the first thing that catches the eye of even an experienced user. Now remember your childhood delight in Bruce Wayne’s underground “office”, the Batmobile and all sorts of cool things. Artists know our love for this very well. Therefore, they did not skimp on rendering the world and details. There is one complaint about the game - it has a rather short plot. But for me personally, this is only a plus, otherwise I would not have turned off the console at all.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC, XBox;
Genre: adventure;
Release date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

6. Until Dawn: Rush of Blood

Very good! Fastidious aesthetes immediately stated that the game used genre clichés - evil clowns, nurses, small children. And so it is. The player needs to ride along a rail road that is simply teeming with evil creatures. The plot is quite simple, but you will remember the sensations from such a meal for a long time. Particularly juicy moments can be considered when the player expects danger from right side, and it appears at the top or left. Banality, you say? And you play. Then you take back your words.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: FPS;
Release date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

7. Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing

The game came with an additional bonus when purchasing Star Wars Battlefront. But, unexpectedly, it turned out to be incredibly popular among gamers. Of course, every Star Wars fan has always dreamed of flying in space and seeing the Death Star. X-Wing is a standalone game created for PSVR consoles. There was an important chemistry in the game that many try to explain its success. The opportunity to be in space and fight on the “light side of the force.” If you know what I mean.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: space simulator;
Release date: December 2016;
Link to Playstation Store.

8. Playroom VR

Playroom VR is exactly the game you need to have in case home party. Even 6 mini-games. The tasks are the simplest, the pictures and music are as funny as possible. Small battles, racing, an easy quest are the key to success when you make a game for a company. If your friends don't understand what virtual reality is, then it makes sense to start with it.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: party;
Release date: October 2016;
Link to Playstation Store.


For many, Farpoint has become a unique business card Playstation VR. The story is quite trivial - the spaceship of which you are a passenger crashed on an unfriendly planet. There is no need to explain further. What's important is that Farpoint is a PS4 exclusive. And the creators tried to get the most out of the capabilities of the VR headset. Judging by the reviews, they succeeded.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: action, adventure;
Release date: May 2017;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

10. Statik

No man can live by shooting games alone. You wake up in an unknown place that looks like a laboratory, you have an incomprehensible device in your hands, and a doctor is sitting next to you. And your task is to get out. The game's high rating was ensured by its logic, detective plot and deep immersion using the PSVR helmet. All details are important - objects, their location, color, sounds. Tired of shooting and 360 video, Statik VR is perfect for a long and thoughtful game.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Release date: April 2017;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

11. Tumble VR

An excellent option for playing with children. You have to solve puzzles based on the laws of physics using logical thinking. You can safely leave your child to play “to pass.” He won’t be able to get through to the end, then he will need your help. But even an adult will have to use his brain. Multiplayer and competitive mode deserve special mention. The game has found its audience and is mentioned in all ratings for PSVR

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: puzzles, logic;
Release date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

12. Gran Turismo Sport VR

One of the most anticipated games for PS4 in 2017. The first reviews of the new product are completely enthusiastic. Still, high-quality races always bring a lot of emotions. Secondly, there are practically no competitors of this level on PS. The general note is that the game acts as a kind of springboard for GT 7. Be sure to watch the trailer. After which your desire to feel like driving a cool (or better yet, your favorite) car will at least double. Some players say that sometimes they don’t even try to win. It is more important for them to “feel” the car. Agree, this characteristic of immersion speaks volumes.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: racing, car simulators;
Release date: November 2017;
Link to Playstation Store.


You are a superhero. Well, how could it be otherwise? You have a tank and you must save the planet from an evil corporation. “Easy”, as they say now. The game is captivating from the first minutes, because your tank turns out to be the most powerful on the planet, and the list of weapons is unusually wide. The developers have provided interesting variations in the use of weapons and ammunition, based on combat tactics. Now imagine that you are not staring at the monitor, but can turn your head in the midst of battle. This is why Battlezone has so many idols.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: action;
Release date: October 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

14. Job Simulator: the 2050 archives

Job Simulator is a kind of trolling of the modern generation, which was well received by gamers (especially older ones). Robots replaced man and he, poor man, was left with only philosophical reflections and contemplation of nature. The game takes us to this time. But you, a curious person, want to know what it's like to go to work and do something. This is what you will have to learn. All professions are in front of you. Choose any one and go ahead.

Gaming platforms: PSVR, PC;
Genre: indie, simulation;
Release date: April 2016;
More information on our website;
Link to Playstation Store.

15. Superhypercube

A successful puzzle game that was exclusively released for PSVR. Your task (quite difficult in fact) in the process of studying the Universe is to get to the end. Observation and logic are your main assistants in it. And, of course, luck.

Gaming platforms: PSVR;
Genre: logic, puzzles;
Release date: October 2016;
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Sales of the new Sony PlayStation VR virtual reality headset will start on October 13. Millions of fans around the world are looking forward to this day. In the meantime, you can mentally prepare for the release of a new device and choose the games that you want to play on Sony PlayStation VR first. We have collected the most interesting games that will be released in 2016 and early 2017. This is a preliminary list - it will be changed and supplemented, because many studios do not reveal their plans until the last minute. So, explore and enjoy!

100ft Robot Golf

The robotic version of golf, developed by No Goblin, will go on sale along with the Sony PlayStation VR virtual reality headset. The game runs in real time. Imagine that you are a huge humanoid (more precisely, skeletal) robot who needs to drive a ball into a hole. If you hit it hard, the ball may roll behind a skyscraper or get tangled in tree branches. It will be unusual at first, but both the scale and graphics are impressive.


Another game that will be presented on the day PlayStation VR sales start. Rebellion's new creation is not for the weak: you will have the opportunity to find yourself inside the most powerful existing tank on the planet. Using superweapons, you can hit targets not only on the ground, but also in the air. The developers said that it won’t be boring, even if you start going through the campaign for the second or third time - unique tasks are generated for each attempt, all matches are random.

Batman: Arkham VR

A classic brought to the world of virtual reality in a game developed by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment will help you go to Arkham and “get into the skin” of a superhero. Never before has understanding the secrets of Gotham been so realistic. You, the greatest detective of our time, have superpowers and have a worthy arsenal of spy gadgets. In virtual reality, you must unravel a conspiracy that threatens the life of one of your closest allies. Go for it! The game will be available simultaneously with the start of sales of Sony PlayStation VR.


Plastic developed the game as a PlayStation exclusive and will be unveiled on the same day the new virtual reality headset is released. In the game you will see something unrealistic beautiful world– it was generated by the consciousness of the main character. In an atmosphere based on her childhood memories, you will navigate through huge maps. You will need to pass the tests by performing graceful dance steps. You will soon stop paying attention to the technology - captivating visual images and metaphors will tell a story that will become more and more emotional as you progress.

Driveclub VR

Another exclusive for PlayStation, sales of which will start simultaneously with PlayStation VR. Racing from Evolution Studio will provide a powerful immersion into the world of incredible speeds and fast cars. In virtual reality, you can find yourself behind the wheel of one of the most expensive cars in the world, which responds to your commands with exceptional precision and speed and allows you to gracefully navigate tracks of varying difficulty. The developers promise more than 80 cars in Driveclub VR. IN new version There will be both classic and completely new tracks. In addition to single-player, they will implement a multiplayer mode - you can compete with friends in virtual reality.

EVE: Valkyrie

"Valkyrie" is a group of immortal pirates who roam the expanses of space and do not observe any laws. Already on the first day of PlayStation VR sales, you will be able to join them. CCP Games, the game's developer, notes that in EVE: Valkyrie you will be able to discover new ships, improve your own fleet and fight anywhere in the galaxy for a place of honor in the pirate hall of fame. The battles are multiplayer, the outcome is always unpredictable, but a lot of fun is guaranteed.

Harmonix Music VR

The application, created by the studio of the same name, is designed to unleash your creative potential. This is not a game in its classical sense - here you can visit the most vibrant parties, look at live 3D images, take a psychedelic trip and sunbathe on the beaches of another planet. If you're not planning a vacation yet, wait until October 13th - the game will go on sale simultaneously with PlayStation VR and will change your idea of ​​music and relaxation.

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X

Exclusive materials for PlayStation were created by the developers of the legendary SEGA - they know how to surprise even hardcore gamers who have seen everything. You have to help Hatsune Miku and her friends. Without your participation, they will not cope and will not return, and meanwhile their world is extinguishing. The best thing Miku can do is sing. So help her use her talent to save herself and her friends! You can start on the first day of PlayStation VR sales - the game will launch on the same day.


Jail? No, it’s a retraining center for football players, it’s just that the rules here are quite strict, and it’s not so easy to get out. Frame Interactive has created an unusual training complex for athletes. Here you can improve your skills in a very intensive mode, and world-class trainers will help you with this. Of course, time will not pass here without a trace, but remember: high sports results are expected of you, otherwise... You will find out everything on the spot, the launch of sales of the game - together with PlayStation VR.

What the darkness hides

A PlayStation exclusive from the Tangentlemen studio with the participation of the Santa Monica Studio development department will also be presented along with the release of a virtual reality helmet. And this is really scary tale: horror with a belief in the supernatural, where death is by no means the end - rather, the starting point for something new. What does this darkness hide? Why does everything around suddenly come to life? Why every new meeting scared to death? The luxurious nightmare and high-grade madness in virtual reality are especially powerful.

Hustle Kings VR

The game, which will be released simultaneously with the launch of PlayStation VR sales, is developed by EPOS Game Studios exclusively for PlayStation. High-quality billiards simulator includes “American Eight”, “British Eight”, “Killer”, “Cutthroat”, “Snooker” and other types of this noble game. Even if you have never played billiards at a regular table, picking up a cue in virtual reality will not be difficult. The developers claim that this is much more than just another billiards simulator - rather a complete immersion in a world where you need to perfectly accurately calculate the angles and force of impact in order to turn out the most beautiful combinations with an easy and precise movement of the hand.

Job Simulator

Imagine a world where robots have completely replaced humans. In it, the work of a janitor, salesperson or office clerk became interesting entertainment, an opportunity to tear your body off the couch and do something completely new for yourself. Exclusive materials that Owlchemy Labs will present simultaneously with the release of PlayStation VR provide a unique chance to work in virtual reality, learn new professions and, perhaps, take the first step towards changing jobs.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Along with the start of sales of the virtual reality helmet, Sony will give you the opportunity to go through one of the simplest, but at the same time exciting quests in the world. You are locked in a room alone with a time bomb. Already scared? Fortunately, everything is not so bad: your friends have instructions on how to deactivate the explosive device. But they don't see the bomb. Well, you will have to quickly learn to understand each other perfectly, otherwise you... to put it mildly, will lose.

Dying, your father asked you to go into space - this is the only way to save his life. But the world suddenly turned upside down, and the stakes in this game have seriously increased, as completely unforeseen events took place in your story. What to do? Go forward and only forward, or gracefully maneuver, avoiding obstacles. You'll find out soon whether you can complete the mission - the game will be released simultaneously with PlayStation VR.

Sports Bar VR

Cherry Pop Games has created a light, unobtrusive and fun social game in virtual reality, which will be presented on October 13th. Welcome to the virtual world, full of entertainment for every taste - here are different types of billiards, darts, skee-ball, air hockey, and much more. Ideal for a group of men or for the whole family!

Super Stardust VR

The version of the popular game developed for virtual reality has completely new ways to fight alien invaders. D3T will release the game when PlayStation VR sales begin, but has not yet disclosed details. All we know is that you will have to defend the planet again, controlling a huge star fighter. From the cockpit you will have a truly magnificent view of the invaders' ships exploding so beautifully in space!

PlayStation VR Worlds

PlayStation Virtual Worlds is one of the first games to play in the new virtual reality headset. It is developed by London Studio and will be released simultaneously with PlayStation VR. The set includes five different applications: “The London Job”, “Dangerous Dive”, “VR Sleigh”, “Cruel Intentions” and “A Space Odyssey”. Developed by Sony exclusively for the new device, they will allow you to evaluate the new entertainment format from different angles.

Rez Infinite

The coolest rhythm game with excellent sound, which is released simultaneously with PlayStation VR. This time, Enhance Games has added even more enemies, through which you will pass while listening to color music and legendary techno soundtracks recorded in 3D. The 360 ​​degree view is something incredible!

RIGS Mechanized Combat League

An exclusive for PlayStation VR from Guerrilla Cambridge will be presented along with a virtual reality headset, and this is truly the sports game of the future. At your disposal will be huge sports cars, which, under the control of teams of pilots, fight in battle arenas built in different countries of the world. Choose a ring, join a team and get ready: the battle is about to begin. In multiplayer battles, you can build a career against bots controlled by artificial intelligence. The more fame and money, the more rigs and pilots you unlock. In the virtual reality version, the developers offer 24 unique rigs - each of them has its own playstyle.

Rise Of The Tomb Raider

The legendary Crystal Dynamics will present a new game about Tomb Raider on the first day of PlayStation VR sales. In the chapter "Blood Ties", Lara will have to infiltrate the Croft mansion, recreated in the smallest detail in virtual reality, and uncover its secrets. The new story addition promises unforgettable adventures and vivid emotions.


Kokoromi poses an unusual challenge for the player: only those who get better advance further. The game will be announced together with PlayStation VR, and from now on you will be able to immerse yourself in an unparalleled universe that you want to explore without distractions. The already unusual gameplay looks especially cool in virtual reality.

The Assembly

nDreams Studio tells a story in which you will be the main character. The game will be released simultaneously with the new virtual reality headset, and its scale is amazing after watching the trailers. The plot was created from real problems modern society, and the main organization in the game reflects our world. You can choose one of two characters and explore the organization, marveling at the unconventional moral guidelines here. When making a decision, you will have to take into account opposing points of view, and each step you take can lead to unpredictable consequences.

The Playroom VR

The collection of six games developed by Japan Studio will be available for free to all PlayStation VR owners and will be released along with a virtual reality headset - exclusively for PlayStation, of course. Each of the games demonstrates its own way of being in virtual reality. Play on your own or with friends - an incredible experience is guaranteed for everyone!


You can almost physically feel every moment of this game in virtual reality. At first, the pace set by the Drool studio knocks you off your feet, but soon everything falls into place. A classic of the genre at 300 beats per minute, it's an adventure in two dimensions. As many as nine levels separate you from the final goal. Let's go on a breathtaking adventure - the game will be released on October 13th.

Tower VR

An interesting, but not maddening puzzle game from the studio Supermassive Games will be released along with PlayStation VR. This could very well be the first game you want to play in virtual reality. Fun, simple, with a sparkle, you will be building a tower here, mastering new levels. At the same time, you will have to pass tests of logic and endurance, learn not to be afraid of explosions around you and challenge gravity. And no one said it would be easy.

Until Dawn: Bloodlust

A virtual reality shooter from Supermassive Games is an opportunity at any moment to move from broad daylight to night, which, as we know, is full of horrors. There will be crowds of enemies, and something will constantly fly at you. A fun mixture of arcade and thriller - you definitely won’t get bored in this virtual world, quickly overcoming the “roller coaster” one after another. By the way, you can reach the finish line different ways... Sales of the game will start on October 13th.

Volume: Coda

Simultaneously with the launch of PlayStation VR sales, Bithell Games will present a new Volume: Coda. This is an exclusive continuation of the popular game, which now fits into the virtual reality format and has received 30 new levels. Moreover: you can also play the levels of the classic game here. A nice bonus: those who bought the original Volume will be able to download the new edition completely free of charge.

Wayward Sky

Very beautiful light puzzles in virtual reality will be released with PlayStation VR. The game from Uber Entertainment will surround you with an amazing atmosphere and invite you to go through the twists and turns of the plot. By the way, Wayward Sky also has a useful feature from a practical point of view - it gently teaches you how to act correctly in virtual reality and helps you get used to the new gaming space.

World War Toons

A funny cartoon shooter from Reload Studios will be released on October 13th. It fully implements several character classes, and each of them strives to prove their superiority throughout the game. By the way, you can change classes in the process - and become a tank in a second! There are many styles, no less possibilities, and more modes. Great!

Waddle Home

The most touching game that will be released on the same day as the start of PlayStation VR sales. Archiact Interactive created a story based on the legendary Lemmings, only now the little penguins need help. In order for the chicks to get to the rescue ship, you need to move blocks and open doors. You also have to make sure that the penguins are not seen by the guards. And this is exactly the most difficult thing.

Resident Evil 7 Kitchen demo

Capcom will soon release a full-fledged Resident Evil game, but in the meantime, it offers you to play a demo version in virtual reality. This is horror that chills to the bones, horror that makes you tremble with fear, pools of blood and subtle psychologism created by an inflamed mind. In virtual reality, the cocktail turned out to be especially impressive! Wait until October 13th - the game will go on sale along with PlayStation VR.

EVE: Gunjack

For the release of the virtual reality helmet, the CCP Games studio has prepared an exciting and very dynamic action game. The game takes place in the sci-fi universe of EVE, which has amassed several million fans over the years. In this game you will try on the role of a gunner on a mining ship, which is located in the outer ring of habitable space and is mining resources. Together with other members of the defensive squad, you will hold the defense, and there are many opponents encroaching on the cargo - these are pirates, opportunists, and other creatures that can only be found in EVE.

Carnival Games

2K Games has announced the exact release date of the new game in virtual reality: Carnival Games will present it on October 28. No blood, murder or sticky fear - just a fun amusement park, perfect place for parties. In fact, Carnival Games has a dozen games - enjoy them together or take turns, organize competitions and earn virtual prizes.

Moto Racer 4

Anuman Interactive's cult virtual reality game releases on November 3rd. Racing on new motorcycles on even more incredible tracks and features only available in virtual reality - this game is worth the wait!

Eagle Flight

The new brainchild of Ubisoft is confirmation that in virtual reality flying is one of the most spectacular pastime options. The entire sky above Paris is under your wing, soar, explore, admire or fight in the air with other players. The digital version of the game will be released on November 8, and a week later it will appear on discs.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

Welcome aboard the ship that is leaving right now for interstellar travel! Ubisoft's game based on the iconic Star Trek universe is now coming out in virtual reality. You will play as a Federation officer, and your decisions will determine the life and fate of the team. On November 29, the game will be available for download in the official store, and on December 6 – for purchase on disk.

Werewolves Within

Another game published by Ubisoft is a search for werewolves in virtual reality. The ominous atmosphere of the night does not bode well, but logic and subtle calculation will help players gathered at the same table to identify the werewolf using all available means. Each playthrough is different from the previous one - and this is what captivates her. The game will be available on December 6th.

Ace Banana

Simultaneously with the start of PlayStation VR sales, Oasis Games studio will release a new arcade game, fun and dynamic. You will be given a bow and arrows, and now your task is to drive away the crowds of annoying monkeys from the ripe yellow bananas. The bow is easy to control using PS Move controllers and has single- and multi-user modes. So, who wins?

Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-wing VR Mission

Electronic Arts will present one of the most anticipated games of 2016 in the fourth quarter. You will find yourself in an iconic fantasy universe to challenge the empire. Put your hands on the controls of your X-wing fighter and go searching for eternal enemies. We are sure that the imperial fleet will be defeated!

Fated: The Silent Oath

A new part of Fated will be released in the fourth quarter of 2016, and the emotions that the developers sought to evoke will be especially vivid in virtual reality. Sadness, happiness, fear, compassion, the understanding that the strongest bonds in the world are between children and parents - you will experience all this for yourself, unwinding the plot turn by turn. One of those games after which you look at the world and yourself in it completely differently.


TreeFortress Games has combined the incompatible in the game, which will be released in the fourth quarter of 2016. Before you is a retro world of the future, ruled by artificial intelligence - completely crazy and sometimes illogical, by the way. With only a paddle (and agility and resourcefulness), your opponents are already lined up to defeat you. The price of the fight is freedom. There is something to fight for!

Pixel Ripped 1989

Studio Pixel Ripped Inc. I decided to give you a couple more months of childhood. Remember how in school you hid your gaming console or gameboy under your desk so the teacher wouldn't see what you were actually doing in class? It's like a game within a game, which also offers a tempting dive into video game history. And it begins already in the fourth quarter of 2016.

Proton Pulse

Are you ready to go through 50+ levels breaking blocks? In virtual reality you get a completely new experience, and ZeroTransform Inc. It is no coincidence that it relied on this technology. You can control the proton (an energy ball that can crush blocks and destroy the core of M.O.A.I. alone) with your gaze or using the PlayStation Move controller. The game, which will be released in the fourth quarter of 2016, will also feature music by Jake Kaufman, Dan Berenz and Justin Moravec.

Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin

The new brainchild of Double Fine Productions, which will be released at the end of 2016, is a new story about a psycho acrobat. Now he's officially part of the Psychonauts team, he can't wait to explore new possibilities. Raz will team up with characters familiar from previous versions of the game, and with the help of telekinesis, clairvoyance and other abilities, he will go to save Truman Zanotto, the head of the Psychonauts. Do you really believe that he will succeed?

Robinson: The Journey

New adventures of Robinson, in which the classic plot is presented from a new angle. In the game, which Crytek GmbH will present at the end of 2016, the main character is a boy named Robin, who survived the crash of the Esmeralda ship on the planet Tyson-3. Instead of Friday, he has a reliable robot friend, HIGS. Exploring this far-from-paradise corner, the odd couple must determine what happened to the Esmeralda. This journey will not be complete without encounters with dinosaurs and other incredible situations.

Time Machine VR

A time machine in virtual reality – could you imagine this before? But thanks to Minority Media, everything is possible. The game will be released in the fourth quarter of 2016 and will tell the story of a young traveler who goes back in time. He has set himself a difficult goal: using advanced technology, he is going to track, scan and lure prehistoric creatures. And this is not just science for the sake of science: if the scientist manages to carry out his plans, then a deadly virus that threatens to destroy all of humanity will not arise in the world.

Space Rift

At the end of the year, bitComposer will present the first chapter of a space adventure designed specifically to run in virtual reality. Stand on the captain's bridge and enjoy the stunning views, feel your ship, stay for a while. Soon you will have to fight for the freedom of the colonizers of Mars, and the battles will not be easy.

Trackmania VR

Gaming giant Ubisoft will release a new game in the fourth quarter of 2016, where you will have access to 40 exclusive free tracks. With flips, mind-blowing jumps and other stunts, you can complete tracks in campaign mode and arcade mode. In virtual reality, you will experience a completely new sensation from Trackmania. Engine with

How We Soar

The phoenix has already bent down and is flapping its wing. Ride it and fly through a fantasy world in virtual reality created by Penny Black Studios. The game will be released at the end of 2016. In addition to the PlayStation VR headset, you will need a Dualshock 4 controller - it will turn into the reins with which you can control the phoenix gently but firmly.

Radial G

At the end of 2016, the Tammeka Ltd studio will present racing on futuristic vehicles on tracks where gravity seems to exist. You can play both against the computer and against other PlayStation VR owners; up to eight players can start at the same time. Flips, jumps and unique flips - no one has ever done this before. Have fun there!


The day is in full swing, get ready, because at night all your strength will go into survival. A strategy sandbox game made in best traditions genre, complemented by elegant puzzles. The world is beautiful and multifaceted, but it is a mistake to consider it simple or safe. The game from Secret Sorcery Ltd will be released in the fourth quarter of 2016.


For fans of ancient civilizations, the Psytec Games studio will release a game at the end of 2016 in which you will delve into ancient secrets. Don't miss anything important while sliding between the stones in the ruins of an ancient civilization. Your arsenal will be small: you only have a grappling hook at your disposal, which will allow you to climb as high as possible. Explore and discover, we believe in you, everything will work out!

Viva Ex Vivo

At the end of 2016, Truant Pixel studio will release the game, the main objective which is to survive. And at the microscopic level. Imagine: you are a microbiologist and your colleague goes on vacation for a week. He left behind confusing notes that you must understand to complete your research. At your disposal are biological samples and an artificial nano-organism that can survive in the most different environments. But he needs a little help...

Pixel Gear

A new game from Oasis Games will be released in the fourth quarter of 2016. Do you miss ghosts and bright cartoon monsters after long space flights or battles with robots? This colorful 3D shooter is just the thing to help you relax. Interactive objects from which things fall out, and additional weapon can be found on every level. Special attention Look out for bonuses that help stop time - they'll definitely come in handy!

The Brookhaven Experiment

The Brookhaven Experiment is creepy, heartbreakingly creepy. But you have to eliminate its consequences, and most importantly, survive when a crowd of bloodthirsty monsters is rampaging nearby. The game from Phosphor Games, which will be released in the fourth quarter of 2016, is a kind of survival shooter. Wave after wave of enemies will come, and you need to have nerves of steel and a trained eye to repel them all. Will you survive here at least one night?

Weeping Doll

Another game from Oasis Games will also be presented at the end of 2016. The plot is fascinating, but the setting is by no means fairy-tale: the authors have created an adventure horror about dolls who take revenge on people. When children get angry, their dolls come to life. But one of them stands out: cute in appearance, she takes stern revenge on her owner’s parents. For what? You will find out in the finale, but to do this you will need to plunge headlong into this nightmare.


Highwire Games has developed a game in which you explore ancient ruins to discover the truth about your character's origins. By controlling huge stone creatures, you can find the most powerful ancient artifacts, and by fighting the same golems, you can hone your combat skills. The game will be released in early 2017, but I want to go on an adventure now.


Mysterious monsters and bright toys are the basis of a new game from the KO_OP studio, which will be released in the first quarter of 2017. The puzzle is unusual, but it certainly cannot be called simple. Wear a virtual reality headset and get close to pull, grab, and push objects in front of you. Mystery heads have a rich musical content, and if everything works out, you will be richly rewarded.


Probably, in the future, many virtual reality games will follow the example of Statik. Tarsier Studios will release a game in the first quarter of 2017 about literally everything - how to stay calm while in a very unpleasant people, what to do if there is no one to solve the puzzle, and what happens if you forgot to read the conditions and rules.

XING: The Land Beyond

This beautiful fantasy world has only one small drawback - it is... afterlife. However, this does not make the new game from White Lotus Interactive any worse. On the contrary, it is very unusual and exciting, although there is no combat system as such in XING. Incredible environments, challenging puzzles and a great story - that's what's important, because you can play not only to win, but also to enjoy the process. It will be possible to start in the first quarter of 2017.

Megaton Rainfall

Serious presentation - Pentadimensional studio has developed a game in which you have to control an indestructible timeless monster. Only he can stop the alien invasion and help humanity survive. But there is a nuance: the monster will not die in any of the scenarios, but aggressive aliens can destroy cities. Don't let this happen! The game will be released in early 2017.


The retro real-time strategy game from StellarVR will be released in the first quarter of 2017. This is a game that invites you to relax your soul and remember your childhood. You can play using miniatures. Both the gameplay and graphics are made in the spirit of classic strategies of the 90s. Korix has elements of tower defense, but everything is much more complex, and therefore more interesting.
