What is the name of the food of the gods in ancient Greece. On the way to your transformation

At all times, people dreamed of finding the elixir of immortality in order to live a long, long time, to become like gods (although most of these dreamers do not know what to do with themselves even this coming weekend, let alone for many years). They were inspired by the examples of centenarians, of which there are many in ancient sources (for example, Methuselah, the record holder among the biblical patriarchs, lived 969 years). What is the secret of longevity of our distant ancestors? “Man is what he eats,” said the ancients. In other words, the substances that enter our body model and modify us, our body and consciousness. Therefore, in order to be like the gods, one must also take the "food of the gods."

Aredovy eyelids

Cook Peng Zu lived to be 800 years old according to legend

Other biblical patriarchs were also super-long-livers (by modern standards). For example, only seven years less than Methuselah lived his grandfather Jared (Ared). Therefore, in the XVII-XIX centuries, when speaking about the age of the venerable elders, they used the term "Aredovy centuries." In general, according to the Old Testament, people before the Flood lived much longer than modern people: the first man on Earth Adam - 930 years, his son Seth - 912, his grandson Enos - 905, his great-grandson Cainan - 910, the son of Cainan, Maleleel - 895 years. Methuselah's grandson Noah, who survived the Flood, died at the age of 950.

On the other side of the Ecumene (part of the world conquered by humanity), in Ancient China, the descendants of the Heavenly Lord were also distinguished by their extreme longevity. Tradition says that a certain man named Jian and nicknamed Keng lived more than 800 years, but he nevertheless complained before his death that his life was too short. And Peng Zu by the end of the Yin Dynasty was already 767 years old, but he did not look old and frail. People were at a loss as to the secret of his longevity. Some believed that he took medicine from the cinnamon tree mushroom; others saw the secret of his longevity in the ability to breathe correctly. But in fact, Peng Zu knew how to cook wonderful pheasant soup. He presented this dish to the Heavenly Lord. God liked the soup so much that he granted the skilled cook 800 years of life. However, this was not enough for Peng Zu: before his death, he regretted that he had not lived to his fullest, that his life was cut short in its prime. During his long life, Peng Zu buried 49 wives and lost 54 sons.

But the Sumerians outdid everyone. The clay tablets of the Sumerian state show the reigns of eight kings: Alulim reigned for 28,000 years, Dumuzu for 36,000 years, and Ibartutu for 18,000 years.

Divide by ten?!

Of course, it is difficult to trust fairy tales and myths. Most likely, the above figures are greatly exaggerated. But one can also doubt the veracity of Holy Scripture! Therefore, some modern commentators on the Bible believe that the age of the Old Testament patriarchs could be measured according to the ancient Egyptian custom - at the rate of one month per year, or according to the custom of the ancient Jews - two months per year. Then there is nothing supernatural about the age of the biblical patriarchs. As they say, divide by ten. Another version is that the age of the biblical patriarchs was calculated by Moses when writing the Book of Genesis not as their absolute age, but as the sum of the years they lived and the years lived by their descendants.

But the Sumerian tablets do not fit into any version. We can only assume that they were either incorrectly decrypted or...

Gods who descended to Earth

Feast of the Gods

What if people were ruled by gods in ancient times? Or rather, representatives of highly developed space civilizations? One day they landed on Earth and began to explore it. This first generation of gods did not need ordinary food. They were fueled by the energy of the Sun, the ocean, and the surrounding space.

And then, using a genetic program, they created living organisms to feed on their energy and emotions. According to this theory, we are all biorobots with the inherent ability for self-development and self-improvement. In ancient times, the gods constantly descended from heaven, came into contact with people, showed them how to make fire, and taught them agriculture and crafts.

And even, if you believe the Book of Genesis, they entered into communication with their creatures: “then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and they took [them] as wives whom they chose.<…>At that time there were giants on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong people, glorious people from ancient times.” In this case, these space aliens and the first generations of their descendants could really live for millennia.

Stone delicacies

Terraced fields on the slopes of El Akhdar, where according to legend Zeus is buried

For the next generation of gods, mainly consisting of “mestizo” - children of space aliens from earthly wives, solar energy was no longer enough. Legends and myths of Ancient Greece tell that the Olympian gods ate ambrosia and drank nectar. This food gave strength and eternal youth. But the rulers of Olympus were not immortal. For example, although the king of the gods Zeus lived a long and stormy life in health, he still died and was buried on the northern African coast, in the El Akhdar mountains, opposite the island of Crete. And the grave of his father, the god Kron, is located on Bely Island near Yamal.

So what is ambrosia and nectar? Nobody really knows this. These divine and magical substances were kept secret from mere mortals. Legends say that birds brought ambrosia and nectar to the gods of Olympus. From Greek sources it is impossible to understand the characteristics of ambrosia and nectar, the place, method of obtaining (harvesting) and using them. For modern science, this “food of the gods” remains unknown and is perceived as a beautiful invention, fantasy.

However, the rulers and rulers of nations at all times have made great efforts to search for these and similar substances. Currently, many countries are sending scientific expeditions to different parts of the planet to search for forgotten knowledge. Many years of research have shown that the legends are partly true. The gods of Olympus were brought ambrosia and nectar from Africa, where they were mined in underground deposits. Similar deposits (deposits) exist in a number of places on the planet, including Antarctica, China, Japan, America, Cuba, in the territories of the former USSR, etc.

From the preliminary information received about these substances, it became known that ambrosia is light crystals among black rocks. Their color in different deposits has some differences in tone. This is due to the difference in the types of rocks themselves. Nectar is growths (stalactites) formed by deposits of thick oily juice from dark rocks of the earth. These growths are yellowish-orange in color. In different deposits there are purple and other shades in the main color. The growth of these stalactites occurs in the spring and summer during the secretion of sap.

According to ancient Indian knowledge, mountains on Earth are born, grow, age and die (destroy) like plants. They have a root system, thanks to which they reproduce throughout the planet and even have their own “gene structure,” a life support system with circulation in different directions energy flows and liquid. Mountains are like biological object. It can be assumed that inside them, at the roots, various products of their vital activity (including nectar and ambrosia), valuable in their composition and properties for humans, can be produced and deposited.

In terms of the magnitude of their vital energy, ambrosia and nectar surpass all nutritious minerals and liquids on Earth, have a large energy shell and life force. A multilayer inner part their auras are strongly elongated towards the center of the Earth.

Obviously, the Olympian gods knew how to soften these “stone delicacies” and obtain from them tasty and healing foods and drinks that gave them strength and longevity. These secrets are unknown to mere mortals. Although in South America Back in the 20th century, there were jewelers who knew the secret of softening stones, passed down from their ancestors, but they did not know how to create “food of the gods.” Perhaps science in the future will still be able to solve this riddle, and the age-old dream of mankind will come true.

"Sun Eaters"

Sun-eater Manek has been going without food for a year

By the way, these days there are “sun eaters” - people who feed on the energy of the Sun. For example, on the eve of 2001, the Times of India newspaper published a sensational fact: a 64-year-old mechanic named Manek had been going without food for a year! During all this time he did not swallow a single crumb, he only drank boiled water. He fed exclusively on the energy of the Sun... According to Manek, all we need to live without food is to learn to absorb solar energy directly, from its original source. And a whole group of doctors from the Institute of Multipurpose Therapy at International Center Health (Ahmedabad), as well as specialists from the Jain Doctors Association, who conducted long-term observations of the health of the “sun eater”. And there are dozens, or even hundreds, of similar people on Earth.

Geneticist Mikhail Borodachev assesses the phenomenon of “sun eaters” this way:

− Thought forms have material embodiment. These people are able, using the power of thought, to organize a matrix structure and create a protein molecule, without even thinking about how it is structured. Simply evoke an image of a protein molecule in your subconscious, and the lack of protein in their body is replenished due to this matrix structure.


Hello to all seekers of Truth! I often began to notice that many of the forum participants talk and mention the desire to live “Eternal Life”, and not “Eternal Life of the Soul”, but precisely the eternal life of our fleshy, bodily shell. And out of curiosity, I wanted to look in books to find out what physical immortality is from the point of view of different cultures and times. The answer was not comforting everywhere, everywhere there was a mention of some way to gain eternal youth or eternal life, but it was described exclusively as the most terrible punishment that could befall a mortal, for he always paid for immortality with the same coin - his soul , and immortality, as a rule, turned out to be not what people wanted it to be, but precisely the life of dead, decaying corpses. Below I have presented legends found from books and Internet links:

1) Ancient Greece:

Ambrosia(more precisely, Ambrosia Greek ἀμβροσία, “immortality”) in Ancient Greece - the legendary food of the gods, giving them youth and immortality. According to Onians, it is the divine equivalent of oil and fat. Ambrosia, being consumed by a mortal, took all the vitality from him and killed him, turning him into a living dead, a skinny and thin man who became a slave of Hades.

Demeter invented it; or it is produced daily by the moon. Sometimes, for example with Sappho, the concept of ambrosia was mixed with the concept of nectar (the drink of the gods).

Onians R. On the Knees of the Gods. M., 1999. P.286

2) Chyawanprash is mentioned in the ancient medical Ayurvedic canons, such as “Dhanvantari Samhita”, “Charaka Samhita” and “Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita”. The legend about the origin of Chyawanprash says:

A sage named Chavan, who lived twelve thousand years ago, sensing the approach of old age and illness, turned for help to the Ashwini Kumaras - twin brothers who practice Ayurveda on the higher material planets. Knowing his righteousness and virtue, the Ashwini Kumaras gave him the recipe for the “Elixir of Youth”. The sage went to the foothills of the Himalayas and collected forty-nine herbs and minerals indicated in the recipe. Within three days, he prepared a miraculous elixir, which he took every year for 108 days. They say that he lived after this for another thousand years and left this world without signs of old age or illness. Since then, this remedy has been named after the sage Chavan. However, it is also said that anyone who tastes this drink will become cursed and will not be able to go to Heaven after death.


Chyawanprash - a legend of Ayurveda

3) Philosopher's Stone

One of the options for obtaining the elixir of life was supposed to be the philosopher's stone (lat. lapis philosophorum), the other main purpose of which was to transform base metals into gold. Nicholas Flamel, lived in France in the fourteenth century and is believed to have learned how to make the philosopher's stone. There are references to him (and sightings) throughout the centuries, as he is believed to have gained immortality. He and his wife Perenella dedicated their lives to creating the "eternal elixir." True alchemists did not strive to obtain gold, it was only a tool, not a goal (however, Dante in his Divine Comedy determined the place of alchemists, like counterfeiters, in hell, or more precisely, in the eighth circle, tenth ditch). The goal for them was the philosopher's stone itself. And spiritual liberation, exaltation, granted to those who possess it - absolute freedom (it should be noted that a stone, by and large, is not a stone at all; it is more often represented as a powder, or a solution of a powder - the very elixir of life). Although the use of this artifact did not have dire consequences, it could take the soul of a person who used the philosopher’s stone for personal gain.


Series “Book of Secrets”, volume “Secret Knowledge”.

4) Amrita

Amrita (Sanskrit अमृत, amṛta?, “immortal”) - in Hindu mythology - the drink of the gods, making them immortal. Tradition says that amrita was obtained by churning the sea of ​​milk (kshirodamathana). Amrita was delivered to the gods by Mohini. Anyone who dared to drink it doomed himself to eternal life in misfortune and suffering, as cursed by the Gods.



5) The sale of the soul to demons, the devil, lower Gods, spirits, creatures from other dimensions, appears in all religions, legends and existences, as a rule, it is implied - a transaction between a mortal and a creature from another world, where the price of immortality becomes the soul of a person and his life in period of its eternal existence. But as a rule, this deal becomes a punishment for unwary mortals, which occurs in various ways:

Deal with the devil by his servants- a cursed life and ultimately, even 5000 years later, torment in fiery Gehenna, the Devil is patient and can wait for a soul as long as he wants.

Deal with elves and fairies- immortal life in the form of stone or wood.

Deal with the Lesser Gods- deception and eternal life in the form of a decaying corpse without a chance of death.

Deal with spirits- gaining immortality by becoming a cursed spirit, replacing one's soul with the soul of the spirit that, after transmigration, occupied the body of a mortal.


“Collection of fairy tales and legends”

6) Eitr of eternal life of the Scandinavians.

A drink brewed by the Cursed God Loki and, according to him, bestowing eternal life, but is just deadly poison, who killed a mortal and doomed his soul to eternal wanderings in his own damned, decaying body. Such a spirit was angry with mortals and found consolation by killing living people and poisoning rivers and wells into which he used to spit.


“Edda of the Gods of the North” (Unfortunately I don’t know which page)

7) Elixir found by the Conquistadors while exploring the Jungle in search of Eldorado. This elixir did not bring any harm as such and was rather a mockery of mortals thirsting for immortality, the person continued to live as before, but when he looked in the mirror or into the water he always saw himself young, even if he was many years old.

8) Our science:

Removing the SIR2 gene from the body, known for five years now as a gene that slows down aging, leads to a fantastic increase in life? as much as six times. These results have so far been confirmed in yeast and human liver cells.

Five years ago, Professor Leonard Guarente of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted a series of experiments showing that an extra copy of the SIR2 gene could significantly increase the life expectancy of simple microorganisms such as yeast, fruit flies and some types of worms. Since then, a number of large pharmaceutical companies have been trying to create drugs based on the proteins encoded by this gene.

However, a group of scientists from the University of Southern California led by Valter Longo doubted the correctness of the findings and began their study of the SIR2 gene. The results of the just completed experiment suggest that SIR2 does not fight old age, but, on the contrary, turns on the aging mechanism.

As it turned out during the experiment, the complete removal of SIR2 from the genome of the experimental microorganism, accompanied by the introduction of certain changes in the operation of the RAS2 and SCH9 genes, which are responsible for storage in the cell nutrients and resistance to damage to the cell membrane from adverse conditions, can extend the lifespan of the test subject by approximately six times. This effect was observed not only in the case of yeast, but also when conducting experiments on living human cells, according to a press release from the University of Southern California. That is, it can be assumed that SIR2 rather ensures that the organism leaves the arena of evolutionary confrontation in time, rather than creating excessive mass numbers in it.

According to Professor Longo, the SIR2 gene (and its mammalian counterpart SIRT2) prevents cells from going into emergency mode, when, under the influence of an unfavorable environment, they try to do everything possible to survive difficult times and ultimately produce new offspring, as they do , say, some pathogenic bacilli, protected from drought, heat and cold with the help of?armored? dispute.

Long-lived cells lacking the SIR2 gene exhibited a completely unusual ability to resist stress. Despite the fact that scientists exposed the modified cells to oxidants and hot air, the cells stubbornly clung to life, although ordinary cells would have died long ago.

However, in the case of the experiment, one interesting feature was revealed - during the experiments on mice, the experimental samples began to show aggression and a decrease in the work of brain activity, as a result, the mice became a kind of - dead during life. And based on this, I can assume that all those legends that exist in different cultures have real moments in them. Is it possible to assume the fact that ancient scientists were able to find a drink that could completely rid the cells of the aging gene, and the same story happened to those people who drank it as with laboratory mice? Have they degraded mentally and physically and become literally evil, aggressive zombies, just like mice? And the madness that overwhelmed people seemed then to be the release of diabolical forces from the body of one who dared to try the elixir on himself? Perhaps now our geneticists are repeating the sad experience of our ancestors who warned not to use the elixir of immortality, since the price for its use was very high.



And therefore, you should not joke with nature, our body is just a temporary shell, and you don’t need to hold on to it, you shouldn’t be afraid of death, it is in the end, it is not the end, it is only the beginning.

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In the myths and legends of antiquity, the gods ate ambrosia, more precisely ambrosia (translated from Greek - "immortality"). Thus, food that gives youth and immortality can be considered the food of the gods. Health, beauty, longevity depend on what we eat, what energy we charge in this process. You can’t stuff your stomach with food until you feel heaviness in it, nutrition is like a divine ritual in which both smell and appearance product, and the culture of feasting. All this is energy that fills us, in which not only vitamins and calories are important! Food must be eaten! Chewing leisurely and enjoying, just as in sexual culture the process is important, not the result. When you enjoy food, you need much less of it, so you can learn to eat a little, but with pleasure and, if possible, when you want. Feel the aroma of natural food, whose taste is not clouded by artificial food additives and colorings. Don't deceive yourself by succumbing to mass addictions and preferences! Imagine yourself as high beings tasting the subtle nectar of even the simplest, uncomplicated food. Try cooking yourself, it is a pleasant creative process in which the main role is played by your love for the person you are cooking for. A dish prepared with love turns into the most exquisite culinary masterpiece.

Secrets of sexual longevity hidden in cooking

To ignite sexual desire, people have long used aphrodisiacs. These are a kind of natural love potions that enhance sexual desire. It is believed that aphrodisiacs are essential oils and spices. But it is not so. Many foods and drinks have similar properties. Not long ago, for example, scientists compiled a rating of arousing odors for men. And in the first place was the smell of... pumpkin!
It has absolutely no effect on a woman, but a man who inhales the aroma of pumpkin instantly has a desire to procreate. In general, there are three types of aphrodisiacs - mineral, plant and animal. An aphrodisiac known since ancient times is ambergris. Gray ambergris is obtained from the intestinal secretions of the sperm whale, black ambergris is obtained from tree resin. Expensive perfumes are made based on ambergris. At the French court, ambergris was added to chocolates “to enhance the languor of passion.” Sometimes we, without knowing it, eat foods that are powerful aphrodisiacs. These are almost all spices (especially cardamom and cinnamon), caviar, trout and salmon cooked without vinegar, mushrooms, asparagus, rhubarb, raisins and all types of nuts, chocolate, oysters, avocado, coconut, anise, mango, honey, banana, dates . Even onions and garlic. By known reasons, the last two products are not suitable as an emergency measure to incite passion. But with regular use they can significantly enhance male libido.

Culinary kaleidoscope

All over the world there are many recipes that increase potency in men. Here are some:
The Chinese offer the following recipe:
Boil in 0.5 liters of water
100 g squid, 100 g pork,
50 g garlic and 100 g tomatoes.
It is recommended to take once a day for 13 days.
Here is a medieval Norman recipe:
100 g celery juice,
50 g pear juice and 25 g apple juice.
The resulting drink is drunk at dusk without restrictions.
Ancient Russian cooking offered to increase potency:
a dish of turnips boiled in milk,
where carrot juice and honey are added.
Used 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day.
In ancient Greece the following recipe was used:
200 g dry figs, 200 g dry prunes,
200 g raisins and kernels 12 walnuts.
Mix and take two tablespoons daily with honey, washed down with milk.
There are a great many recipes to enhance female attractiveness. Here are some:
Old Russian cooking recommends
Women drink morning dew from rose petals.
Rose petals were steamed, rosehip infusion was added and drunk throughout the day.
Indian Ayurveda recommends
Women should drink lemon and carrot juice daily.
A medieval Norman love potion looks like this:
mix a glass of dry wine with 1 teaspoon of crushed dry leaves of raspberries, currants, chamomile, oregano and mint and heat over water
bath up to 40 degrees.
Infuse for a day, strain and drink before a love date.
Tibetan recipe for enhancing sexual performance:
eat vegetables, fruits, greens,
and also brew tea with arnica and jasmine.

Recipes for sexual health

A shared meal always serves to harmoniously establish relationships that can develop into romantic ones. You need to treat this as a beautiful ritual,
Magic pumpkin
For 400 gr. pumpkins
200 gr. millet
300 ml. cream 35%
1.5 liters of water
sugar, salt to taste
Cut the pumpkin in half. Peel one half of the seeds, remove excess pulp with a spoon, giving it the shape of a pot, peel the second and cut into cubes. Sort the millet and rinse until the water runs clear. Pour water over pumpkin and millet and cook until tender. Add sugar and salt to taste. Place the prepared liquid porridge in a blender and mix with cream. Place in half of the pumpkin. Bake for 40 minutes.
Lean pumpkin filling:
400 gr. pumpkins
2 onions
vegetable oil
sesame seeds
white pepper, salt
Peel the pumpkin, cut into slices, bake in the oven. Sauté the onion in vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients in a blender, adding boiled water. Pour into a saucepan, add salt, pepper, nutmeg, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Place in half of the pumpkin. Bake for 40 minutes. Garnish with sesame seeds.
Cleopatra salad
2 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. spoon of grated radish,
1 tbsp. spoon of pearl barley, 1 apple,
1 lotus flower (it can be replaced with two rosehip flowers),
1/2 cup sour milk.
Cabbage salad
1 cup shredded white cabbage,
1 onion, 1 tbsp. spoon of dry white wine,
1 tbsp. spoon of kefir.
Pumpkin salad
2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped fresh pumpkin,
2 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of chopped dill,
2 tbsp. spoons of kefir.
Pumpkin is mixed with chopped garlic, dill is added and seasoned with kefir.
Apple and pumpkin salad
1 medium-sized apple, 1 teaspoon grated pumpkin,
1/2 teaspoon of prepared mustard, 1 teaspoon of sour cream.
An apple with a skin without seeds is quickly cut into slices so as not to darken, mixed with grated pumpkin, ready-made mustard and seasoned with sour cream.

Recipe for longevity - five apples a day

According to scientists, apples can extend a person’s life by 20-30 years. They base their conviction on the successful results of experiments on mice: “Several years ago in Russia, a record was set in extending their life by 1.5 times through the use of antioxidants - substances that deactivate reactive oxygen species, which accelerate aging.” What can apples do?
- The daily requirement of antioxidants is contained in five apples. The most useful of them are sour and even wild varieties.
- According to a study by English scientists, people who regularly eat apples have better lung function than those who do not eat apples, and their risk of developing respiratory diseases is significantly lower. In this case, antioxidants also play a positive role, protecting the lungs from the effects of tobacco smoke and other harmful impurities present in the air. Therefore, smokers need to eat a lot of apples.
- The pectins contained in apples absorb cholesterol (the main culprit of atherosclerosis). One or two apples a day in addition to the usual diet can reduce the risk premature death from heart diseases by 20%.
- Flavonoids and polyphenols contained in apples have an antitumor effect and bind free radicals that are dangerous to health. These substances even have much greater antioxidant properties than the vitamin C contained in apples.
- When consuming apples for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it should be borne in mind that, depending on the indications, it is necessary to select suitable varieties of apples.
For gastritis, colitis, biliary dyskinesia with low acidity of gastric juice, fresh sweet and sour apples are recommended. The pulp from these apples should be eaten in the morning instead of breakfast and not eat or drink anything else for four to five hours (otherwise gases will form in the stomach, which will only worsen the disease). This treatment continues daily for a month. For acute colitis, pureed sweet apples are prescribed, 1.5-2 kg per day, in 5-6 doses over two days. Pureed apple pulp should be eaten immediately, as it quickly sours and darkens.
- Apples are low in calories, they reduce the absorption of fats, have a slight diuretic effect, and the fiber they contain improves intestinal function and causes a feeling of fullness, so they are useful for those who want to lose weight.
Carry out fasting apple days, during which you need to eat 1.5-2 kg. apples in 5-6 doses. This diet is also useful for hypertension.
- Apple seeds contain a lot of iodine. Therefore, it is better to eat apples with seeds. 5-6 apple seeds contain the body's daily requirement for iodine.
- A large amount of iron makes apples indispensable in the treatment of anemia. To do this, you need to eat 400-600 grams during the day. apples
- Apples have antimicrobial properties, prevent the formation of excess uric acid in the body, therefore they are recommended for sclerosis, gout, rheumatism, arthritis, and urolithiasis.
To treat urolithiasis, drink a drink made from dried apple peel (1 tablespoon of peel per glass of boiling water. Take half a glass two to three times a day).
- Eating apples enhances performance. According to Tibetan healers, even if you just smell a ripe apple, it enhances brain function.
- Thanks to vitamin E, apples remove toxic metabolic products from the body. This vitamin is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. Therefore, a woman expecting a child should eat three to four fresh or baked apples daily.
- If there are no contraindications, it is better to eat apples raw, since up to 70% of flavonoids are lost during culinary (heat) processing. The main beneficial substances are found in the apple peel and directly under it, so you should not peel apples before eating. Green apples contain more vitamin C than red apples.
- Baked apples are very useful for diseased liver and anemia. Plus they are very tasty.

Rejuvenating apples.

Here are some recipes. Everyone loves sweet apple desserts, especially children. Pamper your family with baked apples, delicate cream, and if guests come, a fragrant strudel prepared according to a special recipe will help surprise them.
Baked apples with cranberries
Take a few apples and rinse them thoroughly under running hot water. We cut off the cap of the apples and carefully remove the seeds without cutting the apple in half. Remove a little pulp to fit the cranberries.
We wash it and put it inside the apples. Sprinkle the berries with a small amount of sugar and cover with the cap we cut off. You can pour a little water into the apples. Place the apples in the oven to bake. Bake until they become soft. We maintain the temperature in the oven at 180-200 degrees.
Apple cream
Apples - 8 pcs.,
Sugar - 250 g,
Water - 150 ml,
Sour cream - 250 g,
Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.
Wash, peel and core the apples. Cut into slices. Place in a saucepan, add water and sugar and cook over low heat until softened. Cool. Cool the sour cream, beat with powdered sugar and apples.
Apple strudel
Apples - 1 kg,
Flour - 200 g,
Water - 100 ml,
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons,
Butter - 150 g,
Breadcrumbs - 100 g,
Sugar - 100 g,
Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon,
Raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons,
Walnuts (ground) - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Knead the dough from flour, salt, vegetable oil and water. Finely chop the apples and fry the crackers in butter. Roll out the dough as thin as possible, grease with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
Mix apples with sugar, cinnamon, raisins and nuts and spread on breadcrumbs. Roll up and bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.
Bon appetit!

Secrets of anti-aging nutrition

The golden rule of healthy eating apologists is: eat vegetables every day! The healthiest vegetables are those that are bright green or bright orange (lettuce, spinach, carrots). You can add years by drinking a teaspoon of olive oil a day. In general, it is appropriate to eat “like birds”: in crumbs, but very often. The Fukuri food system is one of Japan's closely guarded secrets, which was successfully used by the emperors of ancient China. Today they use it richest people the whole world, as well as all those who consider it necessary for themselves to be healthy, beautiful, prosperous and looking much younger than their age. Five-element nutrition can be used by anyone at any age, choosing for themselves 5 categories of products from those foods that they like and that their body prefers. And the sooner a person begins to eat according to the 5 elements system, the less time it will take for the skin to become velvety, and the tissues and organs to be healthy and strong. A person will ensure active longevity.

5 batteries

The rejuvenating nutrition system is a balanced nutrition system based on the five elements eastern horoscope. There are five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each of these elements arises as a result of the interaction of yin and yang and represents one of the manifestations of energy.
According to the Fukuri system, culinary dishes must contain products from all five elements. If a dish is missing at least one of the elements, then it no longer belongs to rejuvenating nutrition. Rejuvenating and health-improving effects are achieved through the presence of all the necessary microelements in food, which is ensured by a balanced nutrition system. Ideally, all 5 elements should be in balance. If one element dominates over the others or, on the contrary, is not expressed clearly enough, health problems arise.
Five food categories
1st product category - GREEN , element TREE.
2nd category of products - RED , element FIRE.
3rd product category - YELLOW , element EARTH.
4th product category - WHITE, element METAL.
5th product category - BLACK, element WATER.
The rejuvenating nutrition system can be successfully used by people of any religions and beliefs, vegetarians and people who prefer meat, because products of all groups include all 5 categories of products.
Five-element nutrition can be used by anyone at any age, choosing for themselves 5 categories of products from those that they like and that their body prefers. There is no reason not to take advantage of the secret of anti-aging five-element nutrition when it is so available.
So, what products belong to each category:
1 element GREEN, element TREE

products of plant origin with a predominance of fruits and tubers
green: cucumber, green onions, dill, parsley, kiwi, green grapes,
green salad leaves;
animal products - chicken and chicken eggs;
cereals: wheat and wheat products;

sour taste: food vinegar, sauerkraut, sour tomatoes, sour wine.
2 element RED, element FIRE
This product category includes:
products of plant origin with a predominance of red fruits and tubers: red tomatoes, watermelon pulp, cherries, red bell pepper, beet;
mutton and food products made from lamb;
cereals: millet and millet food products;
food products of any color and any origin with a predominance
bitter taste: hot pepper, black strong coffee without sugar, as well as any seasonings with a bitter taste.
3 element YELLOW , element EARTH
This product category includes:
products of plant origin with a predominance of yellow fruits and tubers: pumpkin, vegetable oil, bananas, apricots, yellow grapes, yellow cherries;
animal products: beef and food products produced by cows (cow's milk), as well as milk based products(cheeses, butter, sour cream, fermented baked milk);
This category also includes turkey meat and turkey eggs;
cereals: rye and rye products;
food products of any color and any origin with a predominance sweet taste: sugar, honey, raisins, all types of sweets with a pronounced
sweet taste, very sweet confectionery.
4 element WHITE, element METAL
This product category includes:
products of plant origin with a predominance of white fruits and tubers: potatoes, onions, garlic;
products of animal origin: horse meat and food products produced by horses (mare's milk and products from it);
belong to the same category fish and fish products (including caviar), duck and duck eggs, goose and goose eggs;
cereals: rice, buckwheat and food products prepared from them;
food products of any color and any origin with a predominance burning taste: all hot spices.
5th element BLACK, element WATER
This product category includes:
products of plant origin with a predominance of black fruits and tubers: chokeberry, black currant, blueberry;
animal products: pork and food products made from pork;
beans and other members of the legume family;
food products of any color and any origin with a predominance salty taste: salt, all salty seasonings.

Several simple recipes with a balance of all five elements

Vegetable salad
green - cucumbers, parsley, dill
red - tomatoes
yellow - sunflower oil
white - onions
black - salt

Brisket sandwich with vegetables and herbs
green - wheat bread cucumbers, parsley, cilantro
red - tomatoes
yellow - cheese
white - garlic
black - brisket, salt

Roast pork with vegetables
green - cucumbers, green onions
red - beets, tomatoes
yellow - sunflower oil, carrots
white - zucchini, onions
black - fatty pork, salt

It's very easy and fun to come up with your own recipes for 5-element dishes. Cook for yourself and your loved ones with Love and Joy! These seasonings are the main components of any dish and will make it the most delicious and healthy!

Tibetan nutrition secrets

Healthy nutrition in Tibetan medicine is a determining factor in treatment. It is believed that food is medicine that can protect a person from illness and negative emotions. “When used wisely, food and drink support life, but when used in excess, insufficient and improperly used, they give rise to disease and can destroy life. Therefore, one must be knowledgeable in drinking and eating,” says Tibetan medicine. The main supplier of human energy is food. All our main emotions, mood, intelligence, courage, success depend to a large extent on the quality of nutrition. Is our the body is built from what we eat. Our food creates fresh cells of the main organs on which vital processes and harmony depend.
Indigestion is considered the cause of all diseases. The causes of indigestion are different - it is the habit of eating bland, heavy, difficult to digest food. This is a lack of measure or consumption of foods that are incompatible with each other - raw milk, raw vegetables and fruits, stale foods, or poorly cooked food. Indigestion leads to disorders in the functioning of the entire body, and metabolic processes are disrupted. There is also an accumulation of waste and toxins. Particles of undigested food, remaining in the organs and tissues, in the deep layers of the skin, are subsequently covered with a coating of mucus, thicken and increase, and begin to absorb more and more toxins and poisons. Due to a person’s unhealthy diet over a long period of time (many years), these clots transform into tumors - benign and malignant. Your food should and can be medicine, such as Tibetan kefir mushroom.
Proper nutrition is the most healthy eating, which means one of the main guarantees of good health. Tibetan medicine, when prescribing diets and medicines, attaches great importance to the properties of products in addition to taste.
Yin nature products cool the body, Yang nature products warm the body.. It should be noted that most products are classified as Yin, this applies to almost all sweets, fruits, vegetables, baked goods, flour products, etc. It is not recommended to consume more than two Yin products at one meal, since the body has a hard time coping with them, digesting simultaneously. Long-term consumption of Yin nature products causes a feeling of fatigue, vulnerability increases, as there is an excess of Yin in the body. Yin food is possible recharge to Yang using heat treatment, using a lot of spices and seasonings. Here it would be appropriate to recall, as an example of a balanced diet, such a seemingly Yin option as vegetarian food. Vegetarians, while eating cold, Yin nature foods, also eat warm, Yang foods: oils, nuts, seasonings. I think that’s why they maintain a relative balance in the body. Yang foods bring heat and make the body firmer. But excessive consumption of them leads to tension, feverishness, and irritability. It should be remembered that all people are different! Depending on the constitution of a person to which he belongs, certain products can have a certain effect on him. It should be noted that healthy and proper nutrition also depends on climatic features region in which a person lives. So vegetarianism can be dangerous to the health of people living in cold climates, such as Russia. Hot countries have a climate conducive to the practice of vegetarianism. It must be remembered that it originated in warm climatic conditions; the birthplace of vegetarianism is India. In a cold and damp climate, any organism, regardless of its constitutional type, cannot do without foods with warm Yang elements. The negative impact of climate is greatly aggravated by inadequate nutrition. Anyone who wants to be more or less healthy must adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

The miraculous discovery of the Tibetan milk mushroom occurred many millennia ago. According to one legend, Buddhist monks living in Tibet noticed that milk fermented differently in different containers. Over time, cluster-like protein compounds began to appear in the unusual curdled milk, which Tibetan monks found worthy use in medicine and cosmetics. The drink was nicknamed the “elixir of youth” because people who drank it regularly practically did not get sick and were always in excellent shape. The Tibetan mushroom was considered a source of prosperity and wealth, so the process of its preparation was kept in strict confidence. But over time, kefir grains became known in Europe. He was brought by a Polish professor who lived and received treatment in India for 5 years. After a complete recovery before returning to his homeland, he received a Tibetan mushroom as a gift from the monks. And in Russia, the Tibetan mushroom appeared in the middle of the 19th century. Tibetan kefir mushroom is today the most powerful and at the same time the only natural antibiotic that is absolutely harmless and absolutely safe for the human body.. This is confirmed by research scientists and doctors themselves. In addition, the mushroom is today the most powerful natural remedy against any allergy. Moreover, it completely cures it by eliminating the very causes of the disease. It is worth briefly listing some other great advantages of this wonderful “living medicine”.
Tibetan milk mushroom stops the liming of capillary walls; cleanses blood vessels; normalizes appetite; heals ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract; breaks down fats and reduces weight in case of obesity; resolves tumors; relieves fatigue; increases tone and performance; rejuvenates the skin; strengthens hair; protects intestinal flora from the death of beneficial bacteria. When taken together with synthetic pharmaceutical drugs, it smoothes out their numerous side effects. Lowers blood sugar levels; normalizes arterial pressure; rejuvenates every cell of the human body; restores and strengthens “male power” (potency). Noteworthy is the wide range of therapeutic effects (more than 107 diseases) and the exceptionally high efficiency of kefir obtained from the mushroom. This means that Tibetan kefir mushroom, as a natural remedy, can replace large quantities of synthetic drugs and pharmaceuticals, which sometimes cause colossal damage to our health, clogging the human body.
Once or twice a week it is useful to organize cleansing or fasting days based on Tibetan kefir (from 1 liter to 1.5 liters per day). This can be done when the milk mushroom reaches the desired size and you receive a sufficient amount of kefir. Remember that the mushroom, which occupies 2 teaspoons in volume, is filled with 250 ml of milk. Therefore, to get 1 liter of a healthy drink, you will need a mass of fungus 4 times larger, that is, 7–8 teaspoons. Mushroom alive, he needs daily care. If you don't care for it or do it incorrectly, the mushroom will die! If you already have a Tibetan mushroom, then you probably feel grateful to it, but if you don’t yet, then by all means get yourself such a wonderful and useful helper. Live long and be healthy!

Considering the history of mythology and religions, it opens incredible fact about gods who appear to be immortal beings, or at least who lived for many thousands of years. In ancient religious texts that mention the immortality or longevity of the gods, this is associated with a certain type of food that only the gods are allowed to eat - the elixir of life.

The gods had to regularly take mysterious foods to maintain immortality, strength and longevity. Many myths refer to the fact that if mortals ate the food of the gods, they themselves became immortal like the gods. However, having tasted the “elixir of life” secretly, it was possible

One of the main references to the food of immortals is found in Greek mythology. The stories of the Greek gods say that ambrosia and nectar were the food and drink of immortality, and this first appears in Greek mythology dating back to the birth of Zeus.

Before the "invention" or "discovery" of ambrosia and nectar, it was said that the gods would feed by "sniffing" their dead enemies, as if their food was the energy of dead souls.


In one version of mythology, Ambrosia (the giver of youth and immortality) came from a magical goat named Amalthea, who suckled Zeus when the baby was hidden from his father Kronos. But the story of Amalthea, the “gentle goddess,” is complemented by an artifact in the form of a bull’s horn.

Yes, that same biblical “cornucopia” that provided a limitless supply of ambrosia, and contributed to the production of any kind of food for any living creature.

“White holy doves carried ambrosia, and a great eagle with shining wings flew with incredible speed across the sky, where he collected nectar and brought it to the baby Zeus.”

When the demigod Achilles was born, the mother rubbed the child with ambrosia, and he became practically immortal. However, practically does not mean absolutely, the mother, rubbing Achilles, held him by the heel, the only remaining mortal part of the body, causing problems for the heroic demigod in the future

It was said that ambrosia was used by the gods to cure all diseases, heal scars and wounds from numerous battles and make their body beautiful again. Apparently, if mortals were treated with ambrosia, their bodies would remain in perfect condition forever. In other texts we see that ambrosia was abundant in the gardens of the Hesperides.

The Hesperides were inhabited by nymphs who had a passion for the blessed garden in the far corner of the world, the place where ambrosia was brought to the god Zeus.

But immortal food also appears in the Bible, where we can see similarities between the gardens of the Hesperides and the Gardens of Eden. According to the Old Testament, man was forbidden to eat fruit from the Tree of Life:

“...from the earth the Lord God created every tree that was pleasant to the eye and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil..."

When Adam and Eve plucked the fruit of the Forbidden Tree of Knowledge, it seems that God warned the other Gods to be on their guard because man should not eat the fruit of the Tree of Life and become immortal like them.

It is difficult for us today to understand whether God was angry or not, but he said: “Behold, man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. It is impossible for him to reach out and pluck the fruit of the tree of life, eat and live forever ... "


Moving on to Zoroastrian and Vedic mythologies, here too we find mention of a unique drink for the gods, known as Soma and Haoma. The special drink of the immortals was prepared by extracting the juices from the stems of certain plants that are unknown to us today.

But there is no doubt, Soma and Haoma gave immortality. Hydra, the leader of the Devas and the God of Agni, is mentioned in the Rig Veda as consuming large quantities of the immortal drink.

If we turn to Egyptian mythology and the legends of Thoth and Hermes Trismegistus, we see how the gods drink mysterious “white drops”, also called “liquid gold”. The recipe for the drink is unknown, but it gave immortality and youth.

Sumerian texts mention Ninhursag's milk, referring to one of the seven great deities of Sumer, a fertility goddess who is associated with the cow (similar to the magical goat Amalthea of ​​Greek mythology).

The gods and kings of ancient Sumer drank “magic milk” to become strong and immortal. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, we learn about a plant that served as an “elixir” of immortality. But this recipe for youth and longevity was preserved as the greatest secret of the gods.

In the Hindu religion, the gods took Amrita milk, the divine drink collected and drunk by the gods gave them immortality and long youth.

The unknown “milk” was apparently in the sky, as the gods collected nectar with the help of a serpent. It is clear that people were forbidden to drink the precious drink.

In Chinese mythology, "Peaches of Immortality" are known as the food of immortals. Eating peaches ensured eternal existence. At the same time, if people eat this fruit, they will also become immortal.


The search for the elixir of Life has been the greatest undertaking for many people. In medieval times, alchemists searched for the philosopher's stone, believed to be necessary to create an elixir, as well as to transform lead into gold. However, nothing is known about the discovery of the mysterious artifact.

Bernard Trevisan, a 15th century alchemist, says that by placing the philosopher's stone in mercury water, a delicious product can be created - the elixir of immortality.

But all that we have to confirm the theory of the alchemists who allegedly found the elixir of life is Cagliostro’s sad hoax.

Nectar and Ambrosia, the Tree of Life, Amrita, Peaches of Immortality, Soma and Haoma - are all these mentioned simply the imagination of ancient ancestors? Or is there an element of truth in this that is possible?

Could it be that immortality or longevity can actually be acquired through the consumption of “special” food, which has always been considered a privilege reserved for the chosen ones of Olympus?

Nevertheless, the search for the "Elixir of Life" is a fascinating undertaking, and perhaps one day it may be found for mortal men. And yet, if the gods used “tinctures” of immortality and it worked for mortals then... were they gods?

The red color of plants is a signal of food for “immortality”. Red-brown algae is the food of the immortal gods “Ambrosia”.

People probably became concerned about how to prolong their lives as soon as they realized that they were mortals. The search for the elixir of life was carried out by ancient magicians, their all-powerful kings, and medieval alchemists. In the twentieth century, attempts were made to solve this problem at a serious scientific level and with solid government support. However, both in ancient times and in enlightened modernity, no one achieved visible results. And yet, interest in the idea of ​​life extension has not disappeared. Now it has even worsened. Russian and foreign multimillionaires allocate huge amounts of money for private research in this direction. Fortunately, there are plenty of respectable-looking citizens in the robes of scientists who promise respectable people for good money to find a way to prolong their active life.

Ambrosia, or rather ambrosia (Greek ;;;;;;;; - “immortality”) in Ancient Greece is the legendary food of the gods, giving them youth and immortality.

Ancient tales, myths, and legends of many peoples of the world report real historical and other events of that time. The legends of ancient Greece also report on historically existing heroes and events of the period of the 15th-17th centuries. BC. They contain an interesting message that the rulers of Olympus ate ambrosia and drank nectar, which were the food of the gods. This food gave strength and eternal youth.

Thanks to the consumption of such food, the god - King Zeus - lived a long and stormy life in health. He was buried on the northern African coast in the El Akhdar mountains. At the peak 876 m, opposite the island of Crete. His father, the god Kron, is buried on Bely Island near Yamal.

In those days, to maintain health, there were healing springs, rejuvenating apples and other fruits and plants that had great healing power were grown.

It can be assumed that in ancient millennia these divine and magical substances were kept secret from other peoples and states of the world, since they are not mentioned in the legends of other peoples. From Greek sources it is impossible to understand the characteristics of ambrosia and nectar, the place, method of obtaining (harvesting) and using them.

For modern science, these substances remain unknown and are perceived as a beautiful invention, fantasy.

At the same time, it is known that many secular and spiritual rulers, rulers of nations throughout the millennia have made great efforts to search for these and similar substances.

Genes responsible for aging.

In the organisms of two species of marine animals, a mechanism was discovered that provides these animals with immortality. People now have hope of finding eternal youth, the necessity of which is questionable.

Exactly 40 years ago, Russian scientist Alexey Olovnikov proposed a theory of aging and death, the key point in which was the phenomenon of chromosome shortening with each cell division. During this division, a special enzyme, polymerase, moves along the hereditary DNA molecule, like a cutter on a workpiece on a lathe, which “reads” the genetic code and reproduces another DNA molecule from it.

However, this enzyme “cannot” synthesize a complete copy of DNA. The terminal part of this molecule, called the telomere (from the Greek “tip”), remains unread and the DNA in the new cell is shortened.

After many cycles of cell division, DNA is reduced so much that those parts (genes) that are responsible for the most important functions of the body are lost. Biological aging and cell death occurs. And, accordingly, all beings, including humans.

However, there is another enzyme - telomerase, which “knows how” to complete telomeres. But this enzyme is blocked in all cells, with the exception of reproductive and cancer cells, which is why cancer tumors grow rapidly. The reason for blocking telomerase is that the accumulation of old people, even in good physical shape (eternal youth), leads to the degeneration of the species.

For isolating this enzyme and actually confirming the theory of Alexei Olovnikov, an Australian researcher and two American scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2009. The absence of Olovnikov’s name from the list of laureates caused justifiable indignation in the global scientific community. But the scandal did not end in anything; the Nobel Committee, as usual, does not comment on collisions of this kind.

It is known that some living beings are immortal, that is, if they die, it is not as a result of aging, but as a result of an accident or, for example, someone simply ate them. Such creatures include marine animals ascidians and sea ​​stars which reproduce by budding. Obviously, these animals must have some mechanism for telomerase activation, otherwise new individuals will be defective and ultimately nonviable. This mechanism has just been discovered by scientists from the Swedish University of Gothenburg.

The mechanism of activating telomerase activity can also be used to prevent aging in humans, since the genes that control this activity in humans and ascidians are very similar, as one of the authors of the discovery, Helen Nillsson Sköld, says.

It is believed that life originated in the seas, so it is possible that it is sea animals that will help a person achieve the dream of eternal youth. Scientists have identified combinations of genes that are responsible for the rate of biological aging of the body.

The discovery was made by British researchers from the University of Leicester and Kings College London. The results of their work are presented in an article published in the journal Nature Genetics.

Scientists studied telomeres - sections of chromosomes that shorten with each cycle of cell division. The speed of this process is considered one of the main factors in the aging of the body.

In addition, researchers have released a list of foods that slow down aging.

The list of foods that slow down aging is topped by fish oil.

The menu of all centenarians includes dishes prepared from fish species.

Among them are dishes from salmon, sardines, mackerel and trout.

If fish oil is considered the best remedy in the fight against age, pomegranate juice helps in the fight against cancer cells, it is also called “natural Viagra”. It is also good for low blood pressure.

As for fruits, the palm belongs to apples, the healing power of which has been tested by the long history of mankind. Among drinks, scientists call green tea a real elixir of health.

Ambrosia and red nectar.

The food of the gods is the main secret of the ocean.

The hero of the Sumerian epic, the royal Gilgamesh, after long adventures learns about the secret of eternal youth. He takes out a flower from the seabed, which should give him eternal youth. But the snake steals the flower. Since then, the snake sheds its skin all year round and does not age until death.

In ancient times, the pomegranate symbolized immortality, eternal fertility and a happy future. It is rich in vitamins A, C, E, B and minerals: calcium, silicon, iron, potassium and iodine. Pomegranate is a source of folic acid, the lack of which also contributes to premature aging. According to Dutch scientists, increased consumption of this acid helps delay the decline in mental abilities that is inevitable in old age.

The study found that patients drinking pomegranate juice experienced a significant reduction in a marker associated with cell damage, which ultimately leads to deterioration in the functioning of the brain, muscles, liver and kidneys. The reason for this is that the antioxidants contained in pomegranate juice slow down the aging process at the DNA level.

ABOUT healing properties People have known the pomegranate (or “Carthaginian apple”, as the Romans called it) for thousands of years. And this apple is truly rejuvenating: pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant, superior in activity to blueberries, grapes and green tea. Thanks to these properties, pomegranate extract protects the skin from environmental aggression.

Hesperides (ancient Greek;;;;;;;;;) - in ancient Greek mythology, nymphs, daughters of Hesperus - the Evening Star and Niktas - Night (according to another version - daughters of Forkys and Keto), guarding the golden apples. Golden apples are pomegranates that restore youth. Why are pomegranates called golden apples? But because “red gold”, so named for its red hue, today already has a purely metric standard - 900.

Now about sea animals and algae. Thus, “seafood” of plant and animal origin contains concentrated elements such as Ca, K, Na, Mg, S, Cl, 0, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, J, Ni, Ti, Sr, Zn, Cr, Li, B, Li. It is these chemical elements that are excellent catalysts that accelerate cell regeneration and prevent the aging of the body.

The peoples inhabiting the coasts of the seas and oceans have used seaweed not only how beautiful food product, but also as an effective medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. In the 8th century, active drugs were prepared from them to treat dropsy. In ancient China, seaweed was used to treat abscesses and malignant tumors. India has long known about algae as an effective remedy in the fight against certain diseases of the endocrine glands. The great Russian explorer Krasheninnikov, having visited Kamchatka in the 18th century, noted that the aborigines of the peninsula valued the high healing qualities of bottom plants. He wrote: “There is also sea grass Yaranga, which is swept out of the sea near Lopatka and looks like a whale’s baleen. The Kuril Islands soak this herb in cold water and drink it to the fullest extent.” Until now, these wonderful plants have not lost their authority. The range of their use is expanding every year.

Note. Red algae Agar-agar (Gelidium amansii) is found and harvested along the Pacific coast of Asia from the Greater Sunda Islands to Japan, along the Pacific coast of Mexico and California and the Indian Ocean coast. This is an openwork, extremely delicate branched plant, reaching a length of approximately 20-24 cm. Biologists widely use agar-agar as the basis of nutrient media for growing cells.

The most valuable source of health is kelp algae - seaweed. It is a marine brown algae with a long, ribbon-shaped plate/thallus up to 13 meters in length. The thallus of the plant is attached to the ground by highly developed root-like structures (rhizoids). Laminaria forms extensive thickets in all northern and Far Eastern seas. The plant is harvested mainly in the White Sea, the algae is caught with special devices at a depth of 5 - 6 meters; dried in the sun.

Laminaria saccharide is a brown algae, a perennial plant with a ribbon-shaped plate-thallus from 1 to 12 m long. The thallus (thallus) turns into a stem of varying lengths. Thallus with algae is fixed on rocky soil by well-developed root formations - rhizoids. Sporangia with zoospores (motile spores) are formed on the surface of the plates. Zoospores develop into small plants, growths with sexual reproductive organs, from which new specimens of seaweed grow. In the fall, the plates are shed, leaving only the stem, on which a new plate develops the next year. There are several types of kelp.

Huge thickets of sugar laminaria are found in the Black, North and Far Eastern seas. Laminaria digitata L. is common in temperate and northern seas, near the Russian coast, in the White Sea. Japanese kelp (Laminaria japonica Aresch.) is harvested in the Far Eastern seas.

WITH therapeutic purpose leaf-like parts (plates) of the thallus are used, harvested in summer and autumn.

Laminaria contains iodine (2.7-3%) in the form of iodides and organiodine compounds, carbohydrates - high molecular weight polysaccharide laminarin (21%), mannitol (21%), fructose (3-4%), gelatinous substance algin, alginic acid (25 %), protein substances (up to 9%), traces fatty oil, brown pigment phytoxanthin, masking chlorophyll, vitamins B, B1, B12, B2, D, vitamin C - up to 470 mg%. Sea kale is characterized by the presence large quantity minerals, namely salts of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, iron, aluminum, copper, cobalt, arsenic, manganese, zinc, bromine.

Marine pharmacology is still in its infancy. In the near future, plants and animals marine organisms may become a unique source of new drugs that can cure the most severe diseases.

The recipe for immortality must be sought in red plants and its accompanying flowers. This is why red foods with long wavelengths have greatest influence to slow down aging. Red and its accompanying colors influence DNA. Red color, having the longest wavelength, “reads” the genetic code to the end, and reproduces the end part of the DNA molecule as a telemer, synthesizing a complete copy of DNA.

An exciting, warming, active and energetic color, it penetrates and activates all functions of the body: stimulates nerve centers, energizes muscles and promotes the regeneration of body cells, preventing aging.
