How to survive the zombie apocalypse? Weapon against zombies. Zombie apocalypse in real life

Shortly after the atomic bomb explodes, a heavy black downpour will fall. These will not be small droplets clearing away dust and ashes. These will be thick black balls that look like butter and can kill you.

In Hiroshima, black rain fell 20 minutes after the bomb exploded. It covered an area of ​​about 20 kilometers around the epicenter, covering the area with a thick liquid that could bathe the unfortunate in radiation 100 times greater than at the center of the explosion.

The city around the survivors burned and robbed them of their last oxygen. The thirst was unbearable. Trying to fight the fire, desperate people tried to drink even the strange water falling from the sky. But there was enough radiation in this fluid to trigger irreversible changes in human blood. It was strong enough to cause the effects of rain to continue to this day in places where it settled. If another atomic bomb explodes, we have every reason to believe that the same thing will happen.

An electromagnetic pulse will cut off electricity

When a nuclear explosion occurs, it can send out a pulse of electromagnetic radiation that will cut off electricity and knock out all networks, de-energizing a city or an entire country.

In one of the nuclear tests, the impulse sent by the detonation of a single atomic bomb was so strong that it knocked out street lights, televisions and telephones in houses for 1600 kilometers around. This, however, was not planned. Since then, bombs have been developed specifically for this task.

If a bomb, which is supposed to send an electromagnetic pulse, explodes 400-480 kilometers above a country, such as the United States, the entire electrical network of the country will fail.

So when the bomb falls, the lights go out. All refrigerators with food will fail. Data on all computers will be inaccessible. To make matters worse, facilities supplying cities with water will no longer supply clean drinking water.

It is believed that the restoration of the country will take six months. But this is on condition that people can work on it. But when the bomb falls, they won't be up to it.

The smoke will cover the sun

Areas near the epicenters will receive a powerful surge of energy and will be burned to ashes. Anything that can burn will burn. Buildings, forests, plastic and even asphalt on the roads will burn. Oil refineries - which were planned targets at the time cold war- will burst into flames.

The fires that will engulf every target of nuclear bombs will send toxic smoke into the atmosphere. A dark cloud of smoke 15 kilometers above the Earth's surface will grow and move, pushed by the winds, until it covers the entire planet, covering the sun.

In the first years after a nuclear catastrophe, the world will become unrecognizable. The sun will stop giving its light to the planet, and we will see only black clouds covering the usual light. It's hard to say for sure how long it will take before they fly away and the sky turns blue again. But during a nuclear catastrophe, we can expect that we will not see the sky for 30 years.

It will be too cold to grow food

Since the sun will no longer be there, the temperature will start to drop. Depending on how many bombs are sent, the changes will be more and more striking. In some cases, it can be expected that the global the temperature will drop at 20 degrees Celsius.

If a total nuclear apocalypse awaits us, the first year will be without a summer. The weather in which we usually grow crops will become winter or late autumn. It will be impossible to grow food. all over the world will starve, plants will wither and die.

But there will be no new ice age. During the first five years, the deadly frost will greatly interfere with the plants. But then everything will return to normal, and in about 25 years the temperature will return to normal. Life will go on, if, of course, we can witness it.

The ozone layer will be torn apart

Of course, life will not return to normal soon and not completely. A year after the bomb strike, some of the processes triggered by atmospheric pollution will begin to make holes in the ozone layer. It won't be good. Even with a small nuclear war that uses only 0.03% of the world's arsenal, we can expect up to 50% of the ozone layer to be destroyed.

The world will be destroyed by ultraviolet rays. Plants will die everywhere, and living beings will face mutations in DNA. Even the most resistant crops will become weaker, smaller and less able to reproduce.

So when the skies clear and the world warms up a bit, growing food will be incredibly difficult. When people try to grow food, entire fields will die, and farmers who stay in the sun long enough to grow crops will die a painful death from skin cancer.

Billions of people will starve

If a nuclear apocalypse comes, it will be at least five years before anyone can grow enough food. With low temperatures, deadly frost, and a debilitating blast of ultraviolet radiation from the skies, few crops can survive long enough to be harvested. Billions of people will be doomed to starvation.

Survivors will look for ways to grow food, but it won't be easy. People who live near the ocean will have a better chance because the seas will cool slowly. But life in the oceans will also decrease.

The darkness of the blocked sky will kill plankton, a major food source of the oceans. Radioactive contamination will also spill into the water, reducing the amount of life and making it dangerous for anyone who wants to taste it.

Most people who survived the bombing will not survive the next five years. There will be little food, much competition, many will die.

Canned food can be eaten

Among the few that people will be able to eat in the first five years will be canned food. Tightly packed bags and jars of food can be eaten, and science fiction writers do not deceive us in this.

Scientists conducted an experiment in which they placed beer in a can and soda near nuclear explosion. Outside, the jars were covered with a thick layer of radiation, so to speak, but inside everything was in order. Drinks that were very close to the epicenter became highly radioactive, but they could also be drunk. Scientists tested radioactive beer and made a completely edible verdict.

Canned food is believed to be as safe as canned beer. There is also reason to believe that water from deep underground wells is also quite suitable. The struggle for survival will certainly turn into a struggle for control of deep-water wells and canned food.

Chemical radiation will penetrate to the marrow of the bones

Even with food, survivors will have to fight the spread of cancer. Shortly after the bombs fall, radioactive particles will rise into the sky and then fall to the ground. When they fall, we won't even be able to see them. But they can still kill us.

One deadly chemical will be strontium-90, which tricks the body into pretending to be calcium when inhaled or consumed. The body sends toxic chemicals straight to the bone marrow and teeth, gifting the victim with bone cancer.

Whether we can survive these radioactive particles depends on our luck. It is not clear how many particles will settle. If it's long, you might be lucky.

If two weeks pass before the particles settle, their radioactivity will decrease by a thousand times, and we will be able to outlive them. Yes, cancer will be wider, life expectancy will be shorter, mutations and defects will be more frequent, but humanity will definitely not be destroyed.

There will be massive storms

During the first two or three years of frosty darkness, we can expect the world to be hit by storms such as the world has never seen.

Garbage sent into the stratosphere will not only cover the sun, but also affect the weather. It will change how clouds form, making them more efficient at producing rain. Until everything returns to normal, we will see constant rain and powerful storms.

In the oceans, things will get even worse. While the temperature on Earth will quickly turn into a nuclear winter, the oceans will cool much longer. They will remain warm, so massive storms will play out on the ocean front. Hurricanes and typhoons will wreak havoc on every coastline in the world, and they will rage for years to come.

People will survive

Billions of people will die if a nuclear catastrophe does occur. 500 million people will die instantly in the explosions of the war. Billions will starve or freeze to death.

But there are many reasons to believe that humanity will survive. There will be few people, but they will be, and that's good. In the 1980s, scientists were convinced that if nuclear war the entire planet will be destroyed. But today we are coming to the conclusion that part of humanity will still be able to go through this war.

In 25-30 years, the clouds will dissipate, temperatures will return to normal, and life will have a chance to start anew. Plants will grow. Yes, they won't be as big. But in a few decades the world will look like modern Chernobyl, in which giant forests have grown.

Life goes on. But the world will never be the same again.

The fact that our planet will soon come to an end has been talked about for a very long time. Starting with the predictions of the Mayan civilization and the prophecies of Nostradamus, to the vague visions of modern magicians, fortune-tellers and astrologers.

But, fortunately, people have time to prepare for life after the great cataclysm. After all, most of the predictions did not come true, and many fateful dates were left behind.

You will still pay taxes (if you are rich)

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is serious about continuing to collect taxes, even after the nuclear attacks. According to the direction of this department, they will resume collecting fees within 30 days after the attack. Fortunately, such a decision will only be made regarding people who will produce a large yield.

People will start using carrier pigeons

If society collapses, power collapses, lawlessness begins after the end of the world, then people are unlikely to have a chance to use e-mail, telephone or social media for communication. But this does not scare the Chinese authorities, because they oblige the People's Liberation Army to train pigeons to transmit messages between military and political objects.

Wrestling will become popular entertainment

WWE (International Wrestling) has amassed over 125,000 wrestling match adaptations over the past few decades. This material is a story that will help future generations to know what Halcomania is. To ensure this heritage, half of the entire gold collection was placed in bunkers that would withstand multiple nuclear strikes. They are located in the Catskills in the United States.

Bacteria will start storing data

All current methods of storing important data will be useless if the apocalypse comes. Knowing this, scientists began to study the genomes of bacteria. As it turned out, their DNA can save a large number of data and pass it on to generations. For example, if a certain code is introduced into the E. coli gene, then all information will be preserved even after several generations.

People can't find fuel

Ethanol-based fuels such as gasoline have a certain shelf life. Ethanol is a hygroscopic chemical that will attract and absorb water over time. But even if you add a tablespoon of water to this fuel, it will be irrevocably spoiled. Even if ethanol is stored in a sealed container, it can be extended by only six months.

People will drink beer and other drinks

In 1955, the US government decided to test the effect of a nuclear explosion on "commercially packaged drinks". In fact, they dropped an atomic bomb on cans and bottles of beer and soda. As a result, the containers remained intact, and the drinks were of acceptable quality. Perhaps after the apocalypse, a can of Coke could save your life.

Will have to use the giant World Seed Vault

In the farthest depths of the Arctic archipelago is the World Seed Vault. It was built by the Norwegian government for just $9 million. Thanks to the cold and the location in the mountains, as well as an automated security system and a scanner to detect bombs, humanity will be able to restore Agriculture. The World Seed Vault contains over 770,000 different seed samples. Thanks to them, life after the apocalypse can be restored.

Food worms to be 3D printed

Until the seeds in the storage facility mature, people need to find alternative ways to feed themselves. Some scientists are exploring the possibility of creating food components with a 3D printer using basic materials such as algae, insects and worms.

A satellite pulled to the earth will tell people what year it is

"Lageos-1" is a well-known satellite that helps to study the geodynamics of the Earth. It records information about the movements of tectonic plates, acts as a reflector for laser beams transmitted by the planet.

Hornsleth Deep Sea Disposal Project

Artist Christian von Hornsle plans to create a sculpture and lower it to the bottom Mariana Trench. The installation will take the form of a whimsical star filled with human blood and hair samples taken from more than 5,000 people around the world. Besides being a work of art, Christian von Hornsle's goal is simple: to keep the human genome safe.

The surface of the sculpture will be covered with stainless steel, which will prevent rust and corrosion while the sculpture is on the ocean floor.

I quote: " How to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. What you need to know, with whom it is better to be friends, and whom to be afraid of. Let's open it...

The very first problem that a person will face when he sees cities that have developed like a house of cards, with burning factories and oil storage facilities, is the shock of losing everything that has been accumulated over previous years. The thought that everything has changed in a matter of minutes, that the old world has fallen and will never return, will hang over everyone like the sword of Damocles. Not everyone can bear it. Crazy people will appear, sometimes harmless, sometimes importunate, sometimes very dangerous. The collapsed stores will be massively looted.

With a catastrophe, life will freeze, but it will not stop. In principle, the most pleasant thing in life is herself. Will have to build new life, something similar, something not similar to modern.

In a year, disunited and not so much, singles and groups of survivors will begin to unite. Around the surviving villages, around the tent cities. They will begin to build houses, uproot the forest, plow the land. Those. moving on to a new way of life. Strictly speaking, three significant breaks can be traced, the behavior during which will affect the entire subsequent life. The first is the very moment of the catastrophe, the second is the first year after it, the third is “settlement on the ground” (community organization).

The first thing to do is to survive the catastrophe. Survive the first days and hours. The level of population losses during an earthquake of 12 points will be 85 ... 95% for cities, especially large ones, depending on the time of day. This means that cities and neighborhoods will become empty. But life in the countryside, although it will change a lot, but there will be much fewer deaths. It is very important to get out of the city at the first sign of it. There will be quite a lot of smart, quick-witted and foreseeing. If you do not have a car, then do not go out on major highways, this will arouse suspicion.

It is better to leave along the railways, there is always a road along the line and a forest protection belt. Or just through the outskirts, not equipped with a road. Then run into the police, with their approach - we will detain, and then we will figure it out, there is less chance. A person who leaves the city at an alarming time with a backpack over his shoulders, and even more so just in everyday clothes, always arouses suspicion. Cyclists are much less suspicious. If possible, just take any suburban bus going in the approximate direction you need. Waiting for your own is like death. Blocking the city is a difficult task, but doable. Even by the police, without the involvement of the army. Be sure to warn family and friends before the lines of communication are destroyed. We'll have to find a place where you can sit out the most terrible hours. When hurricanes and earthquakes rage. Over time, the weather will calm down, the earth will stop shaking, well, not in the vicinity of awakened volcanoes, of course. State power will not disappear overnight. Measures will be taken to evacuate the population from areas natural disaster. Tent camps and field hospitals were organized. On alert, the remnants of the army and navy will be mobilized. It will be very important to survive the first year, with its cataclysms, constant frenzy of weather and atmosphere. With constant scary news.

It is probably worth dividing the property for nomadic life and for settled life, but it’s only worth remembering that everything related to nomadic necessarily applies to settled life.

It is necessary to make a small digression. It is very likely that leaving the city at the first sign of disaster will have to be in great haste. Literally in a suit and shoes. Or in overalls and welding boots. Or it is not yet known in what, in your work clothes. With matches and cigarettes in his pockets, a completely useless wallet, a cell phone and keys to an apartment from past life. Having a way to leave the city, arrange a hiding place not far from the border, in which there will be things that are vital in the initial section of the path, and which will come in handy later, for nomadic life, for example. As a container, you can use a plastic canister with a very wide neck.


When choosing a parking space, you must follow a few simple rules. Never stop in a ravine, a lowland between two hills. It's always damp and dark there. The main number of ticks, snakes (in the Urals, including vipers), mosquitoes and all kinds of blood-sucking, poisonous and infectious reptiles live there. The best place for the camp - the southern, not steep slope. That there was a stream nearby. Too close to water bodies, there are no rivers of lakes, it is damp, and it will be very cold at night. Avoid birch forests. They are very unhealthy. Although birch is the best firewood. Choose a place for the toilet below and slightly away from the nearest stream. The army norm for the distance from the living quarters to the "toilet" type toilet is 25 meters. Follow her unwaveringly. Get rid of the risk of contracting a huge bunch of diseases and bad smell. It takes about 2-3 hours to set up a camp, even a very simple one anyway. If you are moving purposefully from point A to point B, then it makes no sense to set up a long-term camp. It is quite enough to pick up sticks for a fire on the go and collect water in a stream. Kindle a fire, put up a tent half an hour. Plus cooking, dinner, evening dress and lights out. The algorithm of actions is to collect sticks for a fire on the go, light a fire and put water to boil, put up a tent, fill in food for cooking, collect firewood for the morning, prepare a tent for spending the night (spread foam, sleeping bag, put a backpack), eating, taking a smoking stick, toilet, sleep. The most important meal is dinner. There is no point in eating breakfast and lunch. It will be hard to go, and simply harmful.

Sixty percent of the heat that a person loses through clothing comes from the collar. It will be comfortable and warm in a sweater with a high collar. In the absence of it - use a scarf. In extreme cases, you can tie a towel. Never sleep in shoes, even if it is very cold outside. Tightly tied shoelaces block the blood supply and the feet freeze even more. By morning, if the legs are not swollen, then they will not rest and there will be no strength left to walk a lot. Be sure to unfasten your belt, fly and top buttons of your shirt at night - you'll have a better rest. Remember that in the cold it is much more dangerous to sweat than to freeze. Sweat freezes on linen, in which case pneumonia is guaranteed. If you do get sweaty, take off all your clothes, down to your underwear. Let it freeze, and this will happen quickly, and warm it up a little and dry it next to the flame of a fire, this is called freeze-drying. If there is no fire, then just blow it out. Thick knitted sweater can be turned inside out at night. Then part of the sweat that has accumulated during the day will disappear from it. And the next day will be a little better. If it’s cold outside, very cold, and you spend the night alone, then you can heat a stone on fire, or warm water and pour it into a bottle or flask, wrap it in a towel, a rag, and sleep with it in an embrace. Gloves are comfortable, mittens are warm. For this, apply the principle of nesting dolls. Under thick and clumsy mittens, you should wear thin gloves, and during some fine work, such as shooting, dropping mittens will be much more convenient.

Army mittens are called tops. Make a loop on the mittens, sew a button to the cuff, then the mittens will not be lost. Or do as you did in childhood, just tie an elastic band to your mittens. When moving every three to four days, it is worth arranging a halt for the day. Rest, mend clothes and equipment, wash, restock.

Animals, as a rule, are afraid of the sight and smell of fire, the smell of gun oil. Wolves hunt in packs and, for example, in the month of March they have a rut, they walk in packs near the female and are extremely aggressive. The sight of a double-barreled shotgun taken from their shoulder does not frighten them. Even though it makes you keep your distance. A bear, in a well-fed state, is a rather good-natured animal. This does not apply to she-bears with cubs, and especially to rods. Those. bears waking up in winter. Shatun is a hungry, extremely aggressive and dangerous creature. When you meet him, shoot to kill immediately! The bear is able to catch up with a horse at a gallop and climbs trees superbly. Lynx, solitary and compared to a bear, small predator. Hunts at night, for small game, but is not afraid to go for roe deer. Has an amazing ability to move through the trees, leaving no traces on the ground. At the same time, it moves almost silently, like all cats. As a rule, it does not attack a person, but if the winter turns out to be too hungry ... It attacks by jumping on its back from behind. The chances of surviving in such a fight are almost zero. A sign that a lynx is found in the forest is the bark of trees peeled at a level - just below the chest. Breeds kittens in burrows and lairs. As you will see, the best thing you can do is legs. And the faster the better. Somewhere in the vicinity, a mother walks, extremely dangerous in anger. And in general, avoid contact with cubs. Even a badger, in such a situation, attacks. Moose. Not carnivores, herbivores. But a sleek and swift ton of net weight can work just as well as a bulldozer. It will trample to death very quickly. Never hunt moose open space. My father quit hunting after he missed a running animal twice in a row. He turned around and stepped on him. A man with a carbine helped from the other side of the clearing. Boars. You can escape from it on a tree. Fortunately, like moose, they do not know how to climb trees; if they quarrel in their own way, they will leave. Perhaps the most dangerous predator in our forests is the wolverine. This is a self-confident, extremely persistent and cunning beast. Will pursue long and hard. Foxes bite very painfully, leaving wounds that do not heal for a long time, and endure rabies. Never take wild hare, even if wounded or stunned in the hands. Just finish him off with a stick or knife. The hare, despite its small stature, has very strong hind legs and is able to tear its stomach with its claws. When "communicating" with any predators, keep in mind that each one has only one heel of long and extremely sharp claws on one paw. you, in best case, there will be a knife, and then one. Never walk along animal paths, be sure to meet her owner. In the summer, never camp near raspberries and other berry bushes. The owner of the taiga will visit there like a dining room.

With a completely nomadic life, it makes sense to organize several visited "camps" to which one can return from time to time. This will save a lot of time in the future. And it's hard to winter in a tent. Easier to build remote from settlements dugout and winter in it. A good log house will take a lot of time and effort. In such a situation, one will have to live mainly by hunting, and, having exhausted or scared away the game in one place, it will be possible to safely move to another. Never skimp on pasture. Wild sorrel and garlic, excellent seasonings. Mushrooms will perfectly diversify your menu. Never eat unfamiliar mushrooms and berries!!! There will be no one to pump out in the forest. Only people with a special mental organization can live alone for a long time. Robinson, for example. Much easier, I emphasize, much easier to travel at least together.


There are two types of terrain in which orientation is very difficult. These are steppes, in which there are no landmarks, and mountains, or rather foothills, in which there are too many landmarks. It is very difficult to navigate the map without large facilities, somehow - lakes, rivers, high rocky peaks, power lines, villages, etc. For orientation in rough terrain, a two-way map is well suited. With a scale of 1 cm - 2 km. All the most noticeable landmarks are indicated in sufficient detail on it. Please note that maps in the USSR belong to the third degree of secrecy.

Accordingly, they are declassified only in the event of a war. Military units, closed cities and strategic objects are not applied to the maps of civilian publications. Including roads. Most detailed maps- military. With today's level of secrecy (outright striptease of one's secrets), sufficiently detailed plans of the area can be bought, or found on the Internet. Ask in tourist and hunting shops. The most detailed electronic maps with topographic location by the GPS system, and by the recently launched Glonas-M, will be absolutely useless.

Accordingly, all devices for orientation by satellites that will remain in their orbits and will not turn after the poles. Look for noticeable landmarks on the maps - lakes, rivers, river bends, large ravines, villages, power lines, railways, federal highways. It is safer to learn them by heart (landmarks). The compass will be absolutely useless at first. But when the new poles are established, it will be enough to draw a new north-south line on the map along new landmarks, and then it will be much easier to navigate.

One should not even dream of a prosperous old age, no one will pay pensions in those years, and nursing homes will die out as a class. So what to ensure basic survival in retirement age join a large community as early as possible.

A few words about the forest for residents of megacities

The first thing you notice is the oppressive silence that keeps you in constant tension. After a while, you begin to listen and distinguish a huge number of sounds. Up to whether there are bushes behind the hill or not. How a hedgehog runs in the grass. Like a dragonfly fluttering its wings. Personally, in a day and a half, I cut through a chronic runny nose, a thin scent. There is no smog in the forest air from tens and hundreds of thousands of cars, from plants and factories, from power plants. Almost everyone gets a slight and very pleasant dizziness, I would even say euphoria. At the same time, you constantly want to sleep, but it is very easy to fight sleep. We jokingly call this "oxygen poisoning". It just becomes much easier for the lungs to breathe. A week later, smokers, and not only, begin to expectorate mucus from the lungs. Don't be afraid, it will pass quickly and almost painlessly. Quitting smoking during a long hike through the forest is elementary. From stress and exertion, in our situation, constipation will occur, be sure to keep a laxative in the medicine cabinet. When constipation passes, the situation due to the new food and regimen will turn one hundred and eighty degrees. Do not worry. This is also temporary. After a while, all chronic sores that everyone has will come out. I apologize for the cynicism, not the strongest and healthiest will survive, but those who were able to pull themselves together and not sink to the level of an animal. Life in extreme conditions will return the pressure to its place, calm the shattered immune system, and restore metabolism. The full ones will lose weight, the too thin ones will gain muscle. Do you know who the most healthy people in the world? Homeless. Homeless people do not get sick with anything, with the exception of pediculosis, perhaps. Take good care of yourself. Be sure to observe personal hygiene measures. Firstly, hygiene is always good, and secondly: observing rituals, such as: washing, brushing your teeth, shaving, styling your hair, will help maintain your sanity. It will become a bridge between the old and the new world. No wonder they say: washed, that he was born again. Yes, and a shaved face and a neat hairstyle will invigorate and give a good mood for the whole day. After a while, everything will settle down, and the main parameters of the body will return to normal. Remember, when thunder strikes, the most important thing is to pull yourself together. If the situation does not require immediate and urgent measures for survival and rescue, and when you are extremely confused and stunned, then just start remembering the phones and email addresses all your friends (as one of the options).

Say nonsense? That's right, but when you realize that this is nonsense, it means that the reactions are slowly returning and you are already able to think. The overwhelming number of downed pilots died in natural conditions due to mistakes that they made in the first hour after an emergency landing.

Be sure to look under your feet. Whole legs are a guarantee of successful survival. Follow the area. From the traces you can learn a lot of useful information.

To live a year after a disaster is not an easy task. Given our climate, sitting in a tent on bags of food will not work. Mother nature has never spoiled the Slavs. Probably won't pamper further. A solid, long-term camp will be needed. It is easier and more reliable to start a house in the village (dacha in the Canary Islands will not work). IN Lately thanks to the "reforms" a large number of abandoned farms appeared. For three to five yards. Housing and land in them cost a penny.


In the settlement, if you decide to live separately from society, you will have to restore a tough patriarchal community. "Who harms a neighbor is an enemy of society!" And this will require breaking the habitual consciousness, with its laws and established rules.

An evacuation point must be agreed in advance. In fact, the shelter must be built in advance. It is necessary to determine the evacuation routes, bypassing major railway stations and official gathering points of refugee camps. Mark out landmarks, perhaps paths along the railroads, so it will be a little easier.

Housing in our climate is definitely log cabins. Two people with a chainsaw with a minimum skill lay a log cabin for a day or two. In a larger group, a house, simple, with two rooms and a canopy, can be easily done in a week. Here it is only necessary to establish the organization and distribution of labor. What would not interfere, but helped each other. A community of five families is able to build a farm for five yards with buildings in a month. If only everyone would help each other, and not sweat alone. Material for construction - any tree, except birch. A birch frame will rot in two or three years. If possible, a pair of lower crowns should be made of larch. Larch is a very heavy material and therefore it is difficult to build from it, but a house built from it will last for centuries if the foundation does not crumble. Usually dried pine is used for construction. Since there will be nowhere to take dried pine, you will have to put up with both heavy logs and resin protruding from the walls. By the way, you can collect it. Reboiled resin is rosin, the best additive for soldering.

It will be necessary to warm housing and cook food by means of an oven. It is not difficult to build a fireplace (efficiency 12 ... 15%), but a competent stove (efficiency 20 ... 35%) is fine work. Furnace kits sold in hardware stores are very useful. It includes a cast-iron stove, an ash pan and two doors. Remember that in front of the oven doors and in front of the fireplace there must be a slab of fireproof material, steel, for example, at least fifty centimeters wide. Otherwise, the fire will become a matter not of chance, but of time. This is a standard requirement of the fire inspectorate, suffered through hundreds and thousands of fires. The Russian stove is good, but does not keep heat for long. Better suited so-called. "Dutch", in which there is a massive, cast-iron plate. Cast iron is a very heat-intensive material, warms up for a long time, but keeps heat for a very long time. And it burns very slowly.

Additionally, to prevent a quick burnout of a cast-iron shirt, you can coat it with clay from the inside. You can also supply one of the corners of the stove with a water tank, you get "steam heating" and a source of hot water at the same time. Only the level and flow of water will have to be constantly monitored. The tank will need to be covered with a lid so that steam does not enter the living quarters. At the same time, it is also necessary to bring the steam formed under the lid to the street with a hose or pipe. The house is not a bathhouse, adding parks and living in constant dampness is not recommended.

The roof can be covered with roofing felt, slate (now this material is not actually used), roofing iron (corrugated board), just boards, straw. Straw burns, burns well. In all Russian fairy tales, furnaces are shown with a cast-iron pot without a bottom, dressed on a pipe. This is a fire extinguisher. So that the sparks that fly out of the chimney do not set fire to the roof. Experience gained over the years. Follow it, and then you will not have to suffer in the fire that arose because of your stupidity or ignorance.

Community life will revolve around a small number of people and events.

Camping equipment

KNIFE. The presence of a knife wild environment makes life incredibly easy. Of course, you can make a stone one, or some other scrap material, but if you are not a blacksmith or a locksmith, then the quality and ease of use of such a tool will be below the level of criticism. big knife- cleaver.

AXE. You can travel, a small hatchet. SAW. Plain, with one handle. A garden saw, a short thing in the household, is useless, and is suitable only for the garden. You can buy tourist. It is a flexible web (cable) with teeth. It can be carried in a pocket.FILE. Trihedral file, for tool sharpening. BAR sharpening, for sharpening knives and axes.

BACKPACK. There are a lot of backpacks out there these days. There were even those equipped with solar panels that recharge the batteries of mobile phones (sic!), Players, radio stations, navigators and similar toys of tourists spoiled by life. Soon they will probably be equipped with built-in coffee makers and refrigerators. For the right price, of course. We need a simple, reliable and not expensive. The most comfortable - climbing. The most common are bicycles. The center of gravity of such is shifted slightly down, and thanks to the wide belt, the bulk of the weight falls not on the shoulders, but on the belt. With this arrangement, the back gets tired much less. The belt must have a self-reset. This is a clasp that holds well, and is very easy to unfasten, literally with a flick of a finger. Situations when the opportunity to get rid of the shoulder load as quickly as possible save lives are not so rare. Do not get carried away with overly large "bananas" (tall, cylindrical backpacks). Most of the time they will be half empty, and, dangling over their shoulders, get in the way. Personally, I prefer a square one with a semi-rigid bottom. An easel backpack with a rigid frame should be chosen only for yourself. They are quite customizable, modern, I mean, but it's quite a dreary and long process. The backpack itself must have many pockets. The valve, the top cover, should also be with a pocket. It is desirable that on the outside there are several seat belts on which you can attach an ax, foam, a tent with pegs and racks, a spade, a water bottle, a radio station, well, the list is almost endless. After you collect the backpack, be sure to check that the load does not hook on the sacrum, a point below the lower back and above the buttocks. Bloody calluses there are rubbed quickly and almost imperceptibly. Such corns heal for a very long time and painfully. There are still old, shapeless backpacks of Soviet, and not only production. They have two advantages - they take up little space during storage, and they are extremely cheap. There are no more benefits. In extreme cases, a bag with a shoulder strap or an army “sidor” will also go. This is a bag with a long strap sewn to the bottom, in the middle of which the neck of the bag is tied. In the movies about the war, they showed a lot of them. A fully equipped backpack, without food and water, weighs about 5 ... 7 kilograms. And yet, be sure to carry a knife, a flask, a first aid kit, a compass and a map in the pockets of your jacket or pants. A knife and a flask are better on a belt. It may turn out that the backpack will have to be abandoned when crossing, for example, and with such a minimum set, the chance to survive is always more than zero. Never drop your weapon. Also a significant plus big game for a life.

POLYURETHANE FOAM MAT, colloquially "foam", is served in any camping equipment store. Necessarily. Save your kidneys from colds when spending the night on bare ground. With a strong desire, the foam can be replaced with a bunch of spruce branches, just chop branches, but this is long, not aesthetically pleasing and cold. Such a thing as ... with us, they call it a “hub”, sometimes “podzh@pnik”, as they call it in the store, I don’t know. A piece of polyurethane foam the size of ... well, the fifth fulcrum, with a rubber ring attached. It is worn over pants, allows you to sit on stones and other cold objects without the risk of getting colds of the urogenital area. Sometimes it helps to fan the fire.

BEDROOM. You can just have a thick woolen or synthetic (the material is called "holofiber" or something like that) blanket. True, blankets take up a lot of space. Sleeping bag, sleeping bag. Just not wadded. Cotton and cold, and heavy, and quickly gets wet, and dries for a long time. This is where modern synthetic materials come to the rescue. Such a sleeping bag will weigh 300 ... 500 grams and will take up the volume of a half-liter bottle. When choosing a sleeping bag, you must adhere to the saying - "heat does not break bones", the warmer the better. But they are not cheap. ... When buying two sleeping bags for two, it is better to choose an "envelope" and not a "purse". And with the same lightning. Then it will be possible to assemble one large one from two small ones, simply by fastening the fasteners together. A little advice - when you get settled in the parking lot, hang out the sleeping bag to dry, it will be much better and more pleasant to sleep.

TENT. In a single tent, you can easily get a night's lodging for two (for a couple of nights, four of us can ^_^). And there will still be room for a backpack. In the absence of a tent, you can put a package of garbage, plastic bags liters per 250. They are strong enough to withstand one to five nights in dryness. Yes, and then throw them away is not very sorry. Lightweight and won't take up much space. Polyethylene cape. And just a big piece of polyethylene. It will be possible to wrap a backpack in it during the march, and arrange a canopy in the parking lot. According to the scenario, there will be heavy rains. Or sew a cape, a jacket from waterproof fabric, always with a hood, and a pair of large patch pockets. This will be worn for a very long time and will give a little comfort to stay in the field.

Towel. Several handkerchiefs. Several pairs of socks, both thick and thin. Footcloths can be made from any fairly soft piece of matter 40 * 60 cm in size. Those who served in the army will understand. It is better to wear rough shoes with footcloths over socks. Then the socks are much less torn. And yes, it's warmer.

Fishing set - spinners, sinkers, fishing line, float, fish hooks, net. The network can be bought Chinese, plastic. It takes up very little space and weighs very little.

A pack of small bags. Advice from my travel experience - when it's very damp, so that your feet don't get wet, you can put on bags over your socks, and your feet will remain dry until the parking lot. Never dry your shoes OVER a fire. It will burn out instantly. A small stock of sublimated products. They are very light (you do not have to carry water with you) and cook very quickly. Canned meat is also a very good thing, but it is heavy, and it is inconvenient to carry it. Just don't get too carried away. The stupidest situation is to drag unpeeled potatoes with you. Well, if you have a choice, of course. On an empty stomach, the average person can walk a hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty kilometers, and it is not so easy to carry heavy supplies on oneself, especially in conditions of general devastation.

Pot, mugs, by no means aluminum! Only in stainless steel! A coil of rope thirty meters, not necessary, but may come in handy. Flask. It can be military, aluminum, but it is also better from stainless steel, or at worst, from plastic. But always with a case for wearing on a belt. Flexible, polyethylene canister, two or three liters. With some skill, you can solder it yourself. The necessary ingredients are polyethylene, about 2 mm thick and above, the neck of a PET bottle (PET - polyethylene fluorate, the basis for manufacturing plastic bottles for beer, soda, etc. etc.), a soldering iron with a power of 40 W, a strip of flexible and thin fluoroplastic (FUM tape). It does not take up much space, and a 0.75 flask is too small. Water filter. A couple - three packs of dry fuel. Enough for the first time, and then get used to making a fire with one match. By the way, it is very convenient for them to kindle raw firewood. Several gas lighters. Matches run out very quickly and get damp easily. Wrap lighters in a condom and tie tightly. A condom is not only a contraceptive, but a very multifaceted thing. Examples of use are a tourniquet, a water canister (if put in a bag), edged weapons (poured a handful of sand, poked it on the crown of the head, death), sealed containers. If you roll a few pieces into a bundle, you can make an elastic band for a slingshot. Apart from its intended use. Never use petrol lighters!!! Gasoline will inevitably leak out, then absolutely everything will smell like it. Down to the contents of cans.

A straight razor and a proper belt. In principle, you can shave with an ax =). A small mirror, preferably metal, unbreakable. Scissors, needles, thimbles, threads, buttons, buttons, hooks, flaps. If possible - small binoculars or a telescope.

Shortwave radio. Modern receivers confidently receive the sound channel of the First Channel of Russian Television. By the way, the official one, through which government messages will be transmitted. Also, the official "voice" is radio "Mayak". Only modern receivers do not catch it. By listening to these sources, you can learn a lot of important things about the situation. A lightweight, portable radio will also help to communicate with your group and with the people with whom you are going to get out. With wife, husband, children. I will talk about power sources in the chapter "power sources". In a situation where you find yourself alone (in two - three or four), and there will be a whole aggressive world against you, communication will become a powerful psychological factor that will help you survive. A simple MW radio station can now be bought in stores selling equipment for security systems, tourist and hunting. Yes, and in children too ... You can make it yourself, but this is not for everyone. For those who want. Do a search on the internet for "Hummingbird radio station", highly recommended. A simple radio station on two chips.

WEAPON. It is important. In the conditions of chaos and complete anarchy of the first days, it will help to avoid critical situations and provide invaluable moral support. Those who served in the army will understand who did not serve - take my word for it. Important: weapons and children, two things are incompatible. Observe precautions when handling any weapon. Hiding a rifle or machine gun in a cache is unlikely to succeed. Rather, a manual short-barreled, pistol or revolver is more suitable. Revolver is better. It's much more reliable. Well, ammo, of course. Although an ordinary slingshot will do. With a supply of steel balls from the bearing or just nuts for 12. Only if the ball flies almost silently, then the nut buzzes in flight. Talk about weapons in the "Weapons" chapter.

FIRST AID KIT. Approximate contents: bandages (in sterile packaging, a lot), plaster, cotton wool, iodine, petroleum jelly, multivitamins, camphomen, furatsilin, diphenhydramine, aspirin, analgin, askofen, citramon, gramicidin paste, validol, nitroglycerin, corvalol, Teymurov's paste, nitrofungin, Vishnevsky's ointment, furaplast, BF glue -6, no-shpa, novocaine, paracetamol, biseptol, trichopol, phenolphthalein, potassium permanganate, baking soda, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, syringes, pipettes, thermometer, tweezers, syringes. Be sure to keep the first aid kit in an airtight box or bag.

Toothbrush, preferably not one, with a margin, soap, tooth powder.

Be sure to cut out the staff. Firstly, it helps a lot with long walking, and secondly, what - no, but a weapon. Fight off dogs, for example. Which are not few even now, but there will be many more, and in the absence of food (heaps), they will become very dangerous.

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I would like to remind you of some posts, as it were

After the bombs begin to fall, the appearance of the planet will change beyond recognition. For 50 years, this threat has lurked in every moment of our lives. The world lives with the knowledge that one person just needs to press a button and a nuclear holocaust will come.

We stopped thinking about it. Since the breakup Soviet Union the idea of ​​a massive nuclear strike has become the plot of science fiction films and video games. But in reality, this threat has not disappeared. The bombs are still in place and waiting in the wings. And there are always new enemies to be destroyed.

Scientists conducted tests and calculations to understand what life would be like after the atomic bombing. Some people will survive. But life on the smoldering remains of a destroyed world will be completely different.

10. Black rains will begin

Almost immediately after nuclear strike heavy black rain begins. It won't be the little rain that puts out the flames and kills the dust. These will be thick black jets of water with an oil-like texture, and they can kill you.

In Hiroshima, black rain began 20 minutes after the bombing. It covered an area with a radius of about 20 kilometers from the point of explosion and flooded the countryside with a thick liquid, from which one could receive 100 times more radiation than at the epicenter of the explosion.

The survivors of the explosion ended up in a burning city, the fires burned out oxygen, and people died of thirst. They were so thirsty as they made their way through the fire that many opened their mouths and tried to drink the strange liquid that fell from the sky. There was enough radiation in this liquid to make changes in a person's blood. The radiation was so strong that the effects of the rain are still felt in the places where it fell. We have every reason to believe that if the bomb falls again, it will happen again.

9. An electromagnetic pulse will cut off all electricity

A nuclear explosion produces an electromagnetic pulse that can disable electrical appliances and even turn off the entire electrical network of the country.

During one of the nuclear tests, the impulse after the detonation of the atomic bomb was so powerful that it disabled street lights, televisions and telephones in houses at a distance of 1600 kilometers from the center of the explosion. Then it happened by accident, but since then there have been bombs designed specifically for this purpose.

If a bomb designed to send an electromagnetic pulse exploded at an altitude of 400-480 kilometers above a country the size of the United States, the entire electrical network throughout the territory would be cut off. Therefore, after the bombs fall, the lights will go out everywhere. All refrigerators for storing food will be turned off, all computer data will be lost. Worst of all, the treatment facilities will stop and we will lose clean drinking water.

It is expected that it will take six months of hard work to return the country to a normal working regime. But this is on condition that people will have the opportunity to work. For a long time after the bombs fall, we will have a life without electricity and clean water.

8. The smoke will close sunlight

Areas around the epicenters of explosions will receive an incredible amount of energy, fires will break out. Everything that can burn will burn. Not only buildings, forests and fences will burn, but even asphalt on the roads. Oil refineries, which have been one of the main targets since the Cold War, will be engulfed in explosions and flames.

The fires that start around the epicenter of each explosion will release thousands of tons of toxic smoke that will rise into the atmosphere and then higher into the stratosphere. At an altitude of about 15 kilometers above the Earth's surface, dark cloud, which will grow and spread under the influence of the wind until it covers the entire planet and blocks the access of sunlight.

This will drag on for years. For many years after the explosion, we will not see the sun, we will only be able to see black clouds overhead that will block out the light. It is difficult to say exactly how long this will last and when blue skies will reappear above us. It is believed that in the event of a global nuclear war, we will not see clear skies for about 30 years.

7. It will get too cold to grow food.

When the clouds cover the sunlight, it will start to get colder. How much - depends on the number of bombs exploded. In extreme cases, global temperatures are expected to drop by as much as 20 degrees Celsius.

In the first year after a nuclear disaster, there will be no summer. Spring and autumn will become like winter. Plants will not be able to grow. Animals all over the planet will starve to death.

This will not be the beginning of a new ice age. During the first five years, the growing seasons of plants will become a month shorter, but then the situation will gradually improve, and after 25 years the temperature will return to normal. Life will go on - if we can live up to this period.

6. The ozone layer will be destroyed

However, this life can no longer be called normal. One year after nuclear bombing air pollution will cause holes in the ozone layer. It will be destructive. Even a small nuclear war that uses only 0.03 percent of the world's arsenal could destroy up to 50 percent of the ozone layer.

The world will die from ultraviolet rays. Plants around the world will begin to die, and those living beings that manage to survive will have to go through painful DNA mutations. Even the most resilient crops will become weaker, smaller and much less likely to reproduce. So when the skies clear and the world warms up again, growing food will become an incredibly difficult task. When people try to grow food, entire fields will die, and farmers who stay in the sun long enough will die of skin cancer.

5. Billions of people will starve

After a full scale nuclear war, it would take about five years before anyone could grow a reasonable amount of food. At low temperatures, deadly frosts and destructive ultraviolet radiation from the sky, not many crops can live long enough to harvest. Millions of people will die of hunger.

Those who survive will have to find ways to get food, but it won't be easy. People living near the ocean may have a slightly better chance because the seas will cool more slowly. But life in the oceans will still be scarce.

The darkness from the blocked sky will kill the plankton, the main food source that keeps the ocean alive. Radioactive contamination will also accumulate in the water, reducing the number of living organisms and making any animal caught dangerous to eat.

Most of the people who survive the explosions will die within the first five years. The food will be too scarce and the competition too fierce.

4. Canned food will remain safe

One of the main ways humans survive in the first five years will be to consume bottled water and canned food - much like it is described in fiction, tightly sealed food bags will remain safe.

Scientists conducted an experiment in which they left bottled beer and soda water near the site of a nuclear explosion. The bottles were covered with a thick layer of radioactive dust on the outside, but their contents remained safe. Only those drinks that were almost at the epicenter became radioactive, but even their level of radiation was not lethal. However, the testing team rated these drinks as "unfit for food".

It is believed that canned foods will be as safe as these bottled drinks. It is also believed that water from deep underground wells may be safe to drink. Thus, the struggle for survival will be a struggle for access to village wells and food.

3. Bones will suffer from radiation

Regardless of access to food, survivors will have to fight widespread cancer. Immediately after the explosion, a huge amount of radioactive dust will rise into the air, which will then begin to fall all over the world. The dust will be too fine to see, but the level of radiation in it will be large enough to kill.

One of the substances used in nuclear weapons is strontium-90, which the body mistakes for calcium and sends directly to the bone marrow and teeth. This leads to bone cancer.

It is not known what the level of radiation will be. It is not entirely clear how long the radioactive dust will begin to settle. But if it takes long enough, we can survive. If the dust begins to settle in only two weeks, its radioactivity will decrease by 1000 times, and this will be enough for survival. Cancer will increase, life expectancy will shorten, birth defects will become commonplace, but humanity will not be destroyed.

2. Widespread hurricanes and storms will begin

During the first two or three years of cold and darkness, unprecedented hurricanes can be expected. Dust in the stratosphere will not only block out sunlight, but will also affect the weather.

Clouds will become different, they will contain much more moisture. Until things return to normal, we can expect it to rain almost constantly.

In coastal areas it will be even worse. Although a global nuclear winter will come due to a cold snap, the oceans will cool much more slowly. They will be relatively warm, which will cause massive storms along all coasts. Hurricanes and typhoons will cover all the coasts in the world, and this will last for years.

1. Humanity will survive

Billions will die in a nuclear war. We can expect that about 500 million people will die immediately, and several billion more will die from hunger and cold.

However, there is every reason to believe that the hardiest handful of people can handle it. There won't be many of them, but it's a much more positive vision of a post-apocalyptic future than what came before. In the 1980s, all scientists agreed that the entire planet would be destroyed. But today we have a little more faith that some people will be able to survive.

After 25-30 years, the clouds will dissipate, the temperature will return to normal, life will begin again. Plants will appear. They may not be as fluffy as they used to be. But in a few decades, the world may look like modern-day Chernobyl, where dense forests rise above the remains of a dead city.

Life will continue and humanity will be reborn. But the world will never be the same again.

The popularity of zombies has long gone beyond the horror genre. The "living dead" became the favorites of kids, fighting with plants in children's games. They are one of the typical enemies in fantasy shooters and TV series. Become an element of youth design in clothing. Are chilling horrors really a thing of the past, and today no one cares if a zombie apocalypse is possible? Let's try to figure out how relevant this topic and what is the probability of the appearance of the "living dead" on the streets of modern cities.

Do zombies exist in real life?

Creatures with rotten flesh, snarling and pulling their hands and teeth to the brain, overgrown with many stories, legends and superstitions. They appear in mystical thrillers and melodramas, teen comedies much more often than their "colleagues" of vampires, adding a touch of humor or symbolizing the oppressed layers of society. In the world of cinema, the living dead are constant extras, which are divided into two main categories:

  1. Classic zombies are corpses that have risen from the graves, often not distinguished by intelligence and quick wits.
  2. The living dead are the result of some kind of pandemic that has turned most of humanity into aggressive carnivorous creatures.

What about reality? It is authentically known that zombies in the original sense are not a fiction of Hollywood directors. The word comes from one of the African languages ​​and means "Dead Man's Soul". To the question "Who are zombies and do they exist?" the voodoo priest will answer in the affirmative, adding that he would not mind getting a couple of specimens for gardening.

  1. The rite of turning a person into a submissive slave, indeed, exists in this religion, but does not imply it. real death. In Haiti, such practices are illegal.
  2. For the ritual of a potential zombie, the sorcerer needed a puffer fish containing a strong nerve poison - tetrodotoxin. A person who tasted the drug of a voodoo priest fell into a coma.
  3. Relatives mourned and buried, and then the "dead man" came to life - the poison was excreted from the body. However, the "zombie" was too confused and scared to return home. The sorcerer constantly drugged him drugs and made it work.

Fictional "living dead" are distinguished by incredible vitality and strength. They are able to find victims by sound or smell. Neuroscientists have even published a book on the zombie brain to humorously understand the functioning of these strange creatures. In Andrey Cruz's book The Age of the Dead, the infected have a frightening effect, demoralizing not only ordinary survivalists, but also professional military personnel. Consider whether a zombie apocalypse is possible in real life.

  • Even an army of obedient slaves of a voodoo priest, who do not pay attention to pain and bullets, are not capable of causing a global catastrophe of civilization. A horde of this kind can be easily stopped by ordinary police or a special forces detachment. Enough sleeping pills to stop them from being dangerous.
  • In the event of an epidemic, the virus will be quickly localized and investigated. So far, there is not a single strain that turns a person into a superzombie. Sick people are weakened due to pathological disorders in the body and are not often able to bite even a doctor. The plague epidemic caused significant damage to the Medieval civilization, but the problem lay in the reduction of the population.
  • For the functioning of a living person, the coordinated work of many systems is required. After death, an irreversible process of decomposition occurs. The resurrected zombies will not be able not only to growl, but even to walk. Although their behavior can be explained by disturbances in certain areas of the brain, but stories with voodoo or an epidemic still remain more plausible.

Should you prepare for the zombie apocalypse?

Behind the crowds of aggressive "living dead" lies the fear of war, devastation, the collapse of civilization. All this has already happened before, is happening now and will happen in the future without any participation of revived or infected beings. There are also zombies in the natural world.
