How to gain a person's trust and affection. The fastest way to get people to trust you

How to gain a man's trust? What is trust? According to Ozhegov’s dictionary, this is confidence in someone’s integrity, sincerity, and in the correctness of his actions. You can earn trust only by winning over a person, reinforcing his confidence in his reliability and openness with every action and deed.

And how to win a man's trust? How to restore it? Trust is actually based on four elements of risk assessment that we all subconsciously evaluate in our partners. Here they are:

1. Sincerity

Do you always mean exactly what you say? Or do you feel guilty when you say something that has no basis in truth.

2. Reliability

Do you say you will do something or be somewhere and then don't or can't do it? It may seem like a small offense, but you will still be subconsciously judged for it. It is always better not to promise to do something that you are not sure you can handle.

3. Competence

This assessment is made on their judgment of whether you have the ability to accomplish what you claim you can accomplish.

4. Caring

When you make a decision or act in a certain way, do you think about other people's interests as well as your own? Most people pick up on this very quickly, even if they can't explain what's wrong with it.

All of these risk assessments are usually carried out at the level of conscious thought, and will be greatly influenced by any events that occur between two people. The end result will be an amorphous instinctual feeling towards you that your partner will not be able to ignore until you do something to break through this subconscious process with new information that provides an alternative possibility.

So how can you stop the process if you have already made a mistake and lost the trust of the one you love?
Here's the thing! When you've done something less than perfect (and we all do), first admit it to yourself.

This is the hardest part. Don't cheat or hide it or blame other people and think you can get rid of it easily because you want to. Trust will be lost even if you were not told anything openly; Once you have broken your trust, it will be very difficult for you to earn it again. The only way out is for you to be honest and take responsibility for your own mistakes in this situation.

And make sure that, no matter what the difficulties, you will follow it. This is a credible position and the only way to stop the risk assessment process we discussed above.

Remember that a small disappointment, timely and well handled, can actually restore trust, while a large disappointment can either completely destroy the relationship or give you a better chance to move forward.

According to experts, targeted marketing campaigns simultaneously increase sales by an average of 20–40%. Stable growth in turnover can only be achieved through comprehensive measures, the purpose of which is to prove that not only services or products, but also the company as a whole, deserve trust. How to create an impression among potential clients of the high quality of goods or services and dispel their suspicions of possible dishonesty of the company?

Iya Imshinetskaya,

business trainer

  • How to win customer trust: 12 proven ways
  • Video as a way to win over customers

When meeting a company for the first time, the consumer either takes on faith your words about the high quality of the product (service) offered, or enlists the recommendations of friends. But after the deal is concluded, he is ready to independently testify in your favor or, on the contrary, not to do so. Consider 12 simple methods, how to gain customer trust. These methods have long been familiar to each of us - moreover, we use them, but sometimes we forget that they work most effectively in combination.

How to win customer trust: 12 ways that work in practice

Method 1: Leverage the Power of Brand and Company Name

Check your partners urgently!

Do you know that When checking, tax authorities can cling to any suspicious fact about the counterparty? Therefore, it is very important to check those with whom you work. Today, you can receive free information about your partner’s past inspections, and most importantly, receive a list of identified violations!

A brand is one of the powerful guarantees of quality. True, it implies a high price, since it increases the subjectively perceived cost of a service or product. Working under a brand, you are no longer you, but a representative trademark, which undoubtedly imposes a serious responsibility on both the company and its employees. The easiest and fastest way to work under a brand is to purchase a franchise. A franchise business is attractive to most precisely because it gives the right to use an already well-known name.

It is worth paying attention to the name of both the brand and your company. They must meet a few simple requirements.

Method 2. Work on the image of the meeting place with the client

The impressions and expectations that a visitor has when entering an office or point of sale are immediately transferred to your products and services.

Pay attention to the building. The client gets the first impression when he approaches the building. And there will never be a second chance to make a first impression. A beautiful building in which your company is based will create a kind of “material environment”. Moreover, if it is an architectural monument or the entrance is themed, feel free to use it in advertising.

Take a closer look at your neighbors. Both the brand, the location of the office, and the company’s environment should inspire trust and respect among potential consumers. The principle “whoever you get along with” applies here. Agree, the proximity of a nightclub and an orthopedic salon will be perceived in best case scenario how funny and absurd. But limousine rental or a wedding salon next to the club are quite appropriate.

Method 3: Demonstrate your workflow and talk about achievements

The quality of the material environment indicates the level of your services. To win the favor of clients, tell us about the technologies that are used in your work, show the latest generation equipment - a fleet modern cars for product delivery, restaurant halls, hotel room furnishings, dental clinic equipment, work of craftsmen in a beauty salon.

Visualization is very indicative - it is material evidence of your professional worth. In presentation materials, be sure to create a separate folder with the company’s portfolio.

Tell and show (on corporate websites, blogs, social networks, email newsletters, promotional materials and presentations, at meetings with clients) with which famous people (for b2c) and large companies(for b2b) you cooperate. The template plays a big role here: even if a potential client admits that the use of a celebrity’s image has been paid for, he still often thinks that such a person (or company) will not trust just anyone. Trust in the opinion of a distinguished client automatically extends to the company itself.

Method 4: Introduce employees and highlight staff competence

If the service is inseparable from the person providing it, that person must be above suspicion. By emphasizing the competence of the staff, you increase the level of trust in the seller. You can hang certificates and diplomas of advanced training on the walls above managers' workplaces - and the more, the better. There is such a thing as a “wall of fame”; documents confirming the qualifications of personnel are placed on it.

Present your employees in a favorable light: conclusions about their high professionalism will help to gain customer trust in you and your services. Include photos of your employees in company presentation materials. Oddly enough, it is especially interesting to consider the faces of employees who do not have direct contact with the client, remain “behind the scenes”, but on whose professional level the quality of the product or service depends. Thus, restaurant visitors usually do not see the chef, but this makes his figure even more attractive, which is why some restaurateurs have begun introducing chefs to clients.

Method 5. Train the client to use your services

How to gain customer trust? Show them how they can benefit from your services. Learning can be personal and indirect. In the first case, these are meetings with actual or potential clients in order to transfer knowledge related to the provision of a service. In the second, information is transmitted through the media or printed products of the company.

Personal (contact) training. The main forms of personal training are known: school, lecture, courses, seminar, master class, consultation. Tell us not only about the options for using a particular service (product), but also, as mentioned above, about the level of professional training of your staff. This will give customers a better idea of ​​quality, since the service is inseparable from the employee who provides it.

If the delivery of the training matches the essence, the expectations of the target audience and the high standards of teaching, the process will achieve its goal of creating trust. For example, the Premier investment fund and Uniastrum Bank, like many other financial institutions, conduct regular joint seminars “Where to invest money, or Modern banking technologies,” where they talk, in particular, about their proposals.

Indirect (non-contact) learning. This category includes tips and recipes, review and educational articles and videos, tests, individual “lessons” in the media and on printed media, educational literature. These techniques are much less effective than personal training. However, they can be used to introduce the service to a wider audience. Thus, the insurance company sends clients - business owners - a free guide to prevent back pain. The document mentions that such pain, lumbago and other similar ailments are the main reason for absence of technical personnel from work, and gives advice on how to carry out prevention (and at the same time avoid problems with possible payment of compensation). The service is a success, customers ask for additional copies, and the company sends them out for distribution to potential policyholders.

Method 6: Provide Testing

Give consumers the opportunity to test a service or product before purchasing. This is the surest way to confirm your integrity and competitiveness. The buyer, without risking anything and without buying a pig in a poke, checks whether the service is as high quality as its seller claims. For example, a medical dental center introduced a free entry service - consultations using diagnostic equipment, and thus attracted 15% more patients during the low season.

Method 7. Use all PR opportunities

An indisputable fact: the more often a company's name is mentioned in the press, the better. Plus, it’s no longer a secret that a non-advertising mention is more trustworthy. This could be an expert opinion from company employees, an analytical review of the market, or an interesting event.

Feature articles, analytical reviews, books. Your company's employees can provide professional commentary for various media outlets. Media representatives may be interested in the opinions of professionals at different levels, depending on the specialization of a particular publication. However, most likely, journalists will be more interested in expert information presented on behalf of the general director.

You shouldn’t expect that your publications will instantly cause a flurry of calls and orders, but you can post videos or texts public speaking or links to them on the corporate website, social networks and blogs, as well as use materials in any other way to build trust.

If the owner CEO or another competent employee publishes a book, this will immediately increase the expert level and professionalism of the company in the eyes of potential consumers. A good example is Oleg Tinkov, who has published a number of books about business.

Conferences and forums, competitions and awards. Organizers and judges of competitions and awards “rise above” the participants and thus demonstrate that their professional level a priori higher. Otherwise, how can they determine the winner? Companies that sell information and any other intellectual services need such an image. Quite often, the initiators of organizing such events are professional communities and media structures (for example, the “Lawyer of the Year” award was organized by the magazine “Lawyer of the Company”).

Organization, sponsorship and participation in various scientific conferences and industry forums testify to the professional competence of both your employees and the company as a whole. You can and should participate not only in industry events, such as a congress of energy workers, but also in specialized ones, such as a business forum or a conference of financial directors.

Method 8: Keep in touch with clients

A simple and effective technique to win the favor of clients is to communicate regularly on the phone, as the client feels that you care and are interested. Three tasks are solved here at once: fighting competitors, updating information about the service and acquiring new customers through the recommendations of your supporters. Demonstrating care about current consumers is ten times cheaper than finding new customers.

However, several nuances should be taken into account. Remember that a person automatically forms an impression of a conversation on the phone. Intonation, tone, timbre of voice, tempo of speech - the listener feels all this perfectly. Any pause in telephone conversation more eloquently than a pause in personal communication. And uncertainty in your voice will allow you to immediately diagnose your invisible interlocutor as “incompetent.”

Personal contact. It is of particular importance at the stage of selecting a supplier or contractor. It is important for the client to see the people providing services, ask them questions, and hear their opinions. How you walk, sit, talk, how intelligently you answer questions, how you dress - the potential consumer’s brain immediately processes all incoming information, giving a verdict “I believe it or not.” All this applies not only in a work environment, but also during informal meetings, be it business clubs, presentations and conferences, holidays and festivals or days open doors. So, in order to get to know its readers better, Seasons magazine, along with other media, regularly holds themed festivals and parties. And car showrooms prefer to arrange open and closed presentations of new models for their clients.

How do you choose a doctor or tutor? That's right, based on recommendations from friends. Word of mouth is still trending. This process can be initiated in different ways.

Recommendations within the group. For example, dog owners can share information about a veterinary clinic with each other. However, a more reliable option, which requires virtually no financial costs, is to ensure loyal customers letters of recommendation or invitation cards to give to friends, neighbors and acquaintances.

Recommendations from opinion leaders. Opinion leaders in our case are those who are trusted by a group of consumers in matters related to a product or service. This could be an interior designer, makeup artist, doctor or any other professional in their field. For example, doctors who are opinion leaders for patients disseminate information about new medicines, a stylist can be an authority for store visitors fashionable clothes, technical specialist - for buyers of complex equipment and software products.

Method 10. Show the result of using the service and refusing it

Satisfied consumers. Showcase clients who have already received quality service and are completely satisfied with it. Compare them, preferably a little ironically, with those who do not use your services. This technique is used by repair companies. They declare: “We will do the job quickly and efficiently!” — and they talk in vivid colors about those who tried to do everything on their own, but ended up losing time and money, and even flooding their neighbors below. Photos of repaired and damaged objects are used.

Another special case. After the tutor English language placed several difficult phrases on her business card that no one could correctly translate from English (convincingly demonstrating the result of neglecting the service), she increased the cost of classes by 30%, since there were too many people willing to take lessons from her.

Before and after. Standard move. The technique is used with an unfinished image: usually there is no middle of the story, that is, the very process of using a product or providing a service. This is how the illusion of an instant solution to the problem is born. According to many experts, this is a banal but effective technique.

Video as a way to build customer trust

A user visiting the site is unlikely to immediately make a purchase or leave contact information. That’s why it’s so important to attract attention and build trust in you and your information the first time you meet a company on the Internet. This can be done using a video message. Firstly, the site visitor sees on the screen real person, even if it’s recorded. According to independent experts, a video message conveys information 60% more effectively than written text.

Secondly, through a video message, you position yourself or a competent employee of your company as an expert who understands the topic and offers the potential client guidance, help in solving a particular problem, and making the right choice.

There are several ways to build trust with your target audience using video: simple ways. Start a channel on Youtube and a personal video blog in which you will duplicate videos from your channel. Record a video greeting and post it on your blog. Create a video subscription page so that users who are looking for something on your topic will go there, watch the video and subscribe to your newsletter. Use video on promotional pages - combine it with text so that the user can not only watch the video, but also read the description of your offer.

"KD" based on open source materials

Method 11. Use stereotypes

Very often, stereotypes from the lives of clients extend to products and services. For example, you will never go to a cheap restaurant to celebrate your birthday or respond to an anonymous commercial proposal.

Expensive means high quality. An expensive product will most likely not be of poor quality - this is a stereotype that helps create the idea of ​​a high quality service even before it is sold. Sometimes price is almost the only real parameter by which a consumer can evaluate quality. Here are some examples of texts that appeal to price, very clearly hinting at quality. “Search, selection of personnel. Effective, expensive” - an advertisement for a recruitment agency. “We are losing weight according to the manuscripts of Ancient China. Highly qualified specialists. Comfortable. Very expensive” - an advertisement for an ancient Chinese medicine center.

Personal signature is the responsibility of the performer. You are responsible for everything signed by yourself. It is important for the client to know that there is an employee (or better yet, a manager) who is responsible for the quality of services. Trust in a responsible seller will develop much faster.

Narrow specialization guarantees higher quality. Declare the narrow specialization of the company and employees. It is believed that if you know how to do one thing, then you do it perfectly. Therefore, beauty salons have specialists in men's and women's haircuts, while renovation companies focus only on kitchens or bathrooms.

Method 12. Take care of additional service

To the main type of service add, for example, hotline, the possibility of testing on the site, delivery to the site, cleaning the territory or other services. This almost immediately builds trust. It is logical to assume that if you take care of the client even in secondary matters, then in your main activities you are absolutely impeccable.

Iya Imshinetskaya graduated from Perm State University, Candidate of Philology. Since 2003, he has been a practicing consultant on advertising and promotion issues. The company has more than 230 developed and launched campaigns in 40 cities in five countries. Official website -

Changing jobs is always stressful, and it is not clear what it is more associated with: new responsibilities or the need to communicate with a huge number of people who know nothing about you, and perhaps even treat you with some apprehension. In this regard, ELLE has put together five simple rules on how to gain the trust of your boss and colleagues, avoid unnecessary anxiety and integrate into a new team without any problems.

Agree, you are pleased when people are interested in what you do outside of work. New colleagues will be happy to share with you interesting details from their lives. Especially considering that most of his colleagues have already heard ten times a fascinating story about how a colleague first attended, for example, the very concert from which his genuine love for the work of Irina Allegrova or the Leningrad group began. So, to paraphrase folk wisdom, be more attentive to those around you - and people themselves will be drawn to you.

Try to adapt to your interlocutors

Another way to gain the trust of your colleagues is to more closely monitor their manner of communication with each other. Of course, there is no need to add to each name from the first day diminutive suffix and address your tablemate as “dear.” But it is worth noting for yourself what topics the employees in your office most often communicate about, what manner of speech and even timbre of voice they mostly adhere to. This way, you can show that you are no different from the team and fit into it perfectly.

Tell me, who doesn’t want to look like a smart, competent and knowledgeable employee in the eyes of their interlocutor? Of course, everyone! So give your colleagues the opportunity to brag about your professionalism to your new co-worker and don’t be shy about approaching your colleagues for advice or help. The textbook request to change the water bottle in the cooler also counts.

Yes, of course, no one wants to stand on the sidelines and nervously fiddle with the phone in their hands, every now and then glancing at the clock. But you shouldn’t avoid corporate events. Firstly, this is a good opportunity to get to know all members of the team. Secondly, chat with new colleagues in an informal setting and learn a little more about their life outside the walls of the office building. But at this point there is one very important condition: at your first corporate party, control yourself and try not to approach the table with high-proof drinks more than three times per evening.

And now to the most pressing thing: how to gain the trust of your boss? Yes, in this matter it is worth showing remarkable ingenuity and intelligence. The main thing is to learn to predict the boss's wishes. For example, if your boss is going on a business trip, then in addition to plane tickets and hotels, do not forget to ask the hotel about the availability of a late dinner if the plane lands in the evening, not to mention ordering a transfer from the airport.

Do people trust you? Are you able to make the right impression on others? Many have noticed that there are not so many trustworthy people around. We build relationships with friends, colleagues, acquaintances without taking into account the trust factor. However, this useful quality may become necessary for communication. You shouldn't ignore him.

The basis of interaction and communication between people is trust. It motivates us to take actions and make decisions. A trustworthy person is able to influence others. Moreover, this influence will be accepted by them calmly, because they trust.

What is trust? Trust is a combination of three factors. In any case, many scientists adhere to this point of view. Trust is built from experience, competence and reliability. If your environment sees all three components in you, this means that trust has arisen. It turns out that trust does not depend on you, but on the target audience. It is their perception of you as a person and their assessment of your actions that will have the desired influence. And abilities, skills, actions - all this fades into the background, affecting the formation of trust only indirectly. Gaining authority is a complex and time-consuming process, but losing it is a matter of a few minutes. Any wrong step or mistake can lead to loss of authority. It’s worth taking a closer look at each component that helps build trust. This way you can not only gain authority, but also maintain it.


Competence is one of the easiest ways to gain authority and trust in the workplace. If you demonstrate your capabilities, high reliability, and provide examples of your competence, this will easily raise the level of trust among others. You will immediately destroy all barriers as soon as you show professional skills and abilities, and declare yourself a competent specialist.

For example, how trust is formed based on competence, is Akio Morita – the creator Sony. He proposed the idea of ​​​​creating a company in the USA - Sony Corporation of America. But the Tokyo leadership did not share the enthusiasm for this idea. The bosses could not go against Akio Morita's excellent reputation, but they tried to find objective and compelling reasons not to create a company in the States. They considered all options, but found no reason for the refusal. Then the management decided to transfer responsibility for the decision to Akio Morita himself. They trusted him and saw his competence in managing the US market.


Professionalism and competence are related. If you want to gain a person's trust in some matter, you need to show yourself as an exceptional professional. From a technical point of view, you must be an expert, then your colleagues will trust you in every way. Professionalism is based on experience, completed cases, if you have many successful projects, then it will be much easier to gain authority. So it is possible convince others in the correctness of their conclusions. If the conclusions are based on professionalism, on specialized knowledge, then they will definitely be listened to. Here it is important to have specific experience, and not the ability to present yourself favorably. Even those people who do not try to present themselves in a favorable light can achieve trust from their colleagues and even competitors.

Here we can give the example of the famous philosopher Adam Smith. His book The Wealth of Nations became one of the greatest in history. At the same time, Smith was no good conversationalist; conversations with him were boring. Samuel Johnson talks about it. “It’s even more fun to communicate with a dog,” he said.

Smith was a layman not only in terms of conversation. His unpresentable appearance, hypochondria, and excessive enthusiasm for conversation also did not show him in an attractive light. According to the recollections of his contemporaries, Adam Smith once fell into a hole while talking enthusiastically about the economic situation at a factory in Glasgow. But Smith's opinion, positions and statements were supported by reality and widespread at that time. Now they also do not lose popularity; they form the basis of capitalism. Because Adam Smith was able to earn trust.

It is not difficult to demonstrate your professionalism in precise matters that require confirmation. You just need to study competent sources that are reliable in their content. If you refer to authoritative data when discussing, then professionalism, and with it trust, will increase. It is also important here personal experience. Please note what is considered a reliable source among those around you. These are the references that should be used.

If in the eyes of the interlocutor the sources are not authoritative, then trust may not be gained in this way. Not everyone considers the data you have valuable. Then you need to provide exactly the information that others will believe.

When presenting a report, report and other documents, you need to select materials that confirm your words. Not only will this be a great way to build trust, but it will also show your awareness and high level preparation. The audience may not even look at all of these materials, but their presence will make it clear that you have carefully prepared, studied the issue, and now you can start doing the work.


According to Stephen Covey, it is trust that can completely change the situation. All barriers can be broken down through trust. And without it it is almost impossible to create something serious and significant. This statement is true, but it is worth making the necessary additions here.

There are several categories of trust - complete trust, relative and minimal. Even if you have minimal trust, that’s already good. It's definitely better than nothing. The foundation of trust allows you to gradually grow to achieve complete trust from others. At the same time, your reliability should not be aimed only at people's views. You need to be reliable in all situations, then the level of your authority will rise. Even people who don’t know you personally will begin to trust you. With every step, trust increases, people get to know you more, and get to know you in a good way.

There are different ideas about trust. For example, a big boss may act from a position of power. This idea gains the necessary approval and trust if subordinates realize that it will be better for the company, and not just for the boss.

Aristotle's wisdom says: “A just ruler demands nothing, but works for others.” When working on a project, you should always concentrate on getting the job done, not on little things like payment, the desire to appear professional in front of your superiors, and so on. This will attract other people to work who see your enthusiasm. They will support and share your ideas.

Building relationships with subordinates should not adhere to a totalitarian concept. The boss must create the feeling that every employee has a voice. It is necessary that they trust you and accept the proposed ideas.

Trust is an important criterion not only for work, but also for Everyday life. Authority can be gained without changing your words. If you want your child to stop smoking, then you should not only convince him of the dangers of this habit, but also quit yourself. Trust is often lost in small things. If you give advice, pay attention to whether you live up to your words. If your interlocutor notices hypocrisy, he will stop taking you seriously. Trust is largely formed at the very beginning. Its level depends on first impression. The online auction eBay offered its users a questionnaire with questions about the reputation and trust in the seller. The basis of authority was the first ratings given by clients. The success of the seller directly depended on the first ratings. If they are positive, then he has developed rapidly. If negative, then failures and problems awaited the seller.

You can hear motivational speeches from many, but who is trusted more? If you are told “Don’t despair,” then more trust arises in those people who also once stopped despairing and achieved their goal. Disaster survivors, war participants, victorious trainers. They speak sincerely, because they themselves have been in the situations they describe. They speak in the first person, which means people trust them more. Therefore, such speeches are a huge success among the public. This is the secret of trust.

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You and your loved one have been together for a long time, however, sometimes it seems to you that he is not always completely frank? But men are designed that way that they always doubt a little whether they can trust the woman next to them. It happens that this is due to a previously experienced love disappointment. If you have serious intentions, then your main task is to convince the man you love that you can be trusted.

Psychology of relationships: how to win a man

  1. Be sincerely interested in his life.
  2. Try to express your feelings correctly. Discuss with your loved one everything in the relationship that seems wrong to you. When presenting some facts, avoid listing small details. Don’t forget that men like clearly structured phrases, as well as praise and admiration addressed to them. But they don’t like direct and harsh condemnation and hypercontrol.
  3. To resolve controversial issues, you need to be able to choose the right moment. You should not do this when he is getting ready for work in the morning, or call him during his lunch break, hoping to settle everything quickly. If controversial issue is really very important, then agree on when you can discuss it without haste.
  4. Before sorting things out, ask what your loved one meant and whether you understood him correctly. After all, an honest, open and respectful conversation is the most effective method to avoid disagreements.
  5. Don't be vindictive. Don't bring up old grievances. Don't give them the opportunity to quarrel with you again.
  6. Know how to calm down in time. Even if you find his things scattered everywhere and start to get angry, do not shout or reproach. Take a deep breath, turn on some music, go to the kitchen for a minute or two to calm down. And then tell your loved one that it’s quite unpleasant for you to look at scattered things. It turns out that you are not criticizing your partner himself, but his action.
  7. Never sort things out in front of strangers, because this is a huge blow to a man’s pride. Moreover, this is also a violation of generally accepted ethical rules.
  8. Never be afraid to ask your loved one for forgiveness. There's no shame here. Your ability to admit your mistakes will make a man trust you.