Summary of a drawing lesson for older children. Autumn

Summary of the drawing lesson “Golden Autumn” in the senior group.

Compiled by: Teacher Strokova Tatyana Valerievna
Software tasks: 1. Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn. 2. Develop a sense of composition and color perception. 3. Continue to teach children to reflect autumn impressions in drawings, to draw various forms trees, large, small, tall, slender, continue to depict leaves. 4. Fix the working techniques with a brush (with the end of the brush with all the bristles). 5. Correctly place the plot on paper. 6.Develop children's aesthetic perception and love of nature.
Materials and equipment: watercolor paper A 4 size, watercolor paints, brushes No. 1, No. 4, napkin, sippy cup.

Preliminary work of the teacher: reading poetry, a story about autumn, selecting illustrations for the lesson, paintings about autumn, conversation, observing while walking, writing notes, preparing material for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

Today we have an unusual activity; we are going with you on an unusual journey to an art gallery where we will look at the works of Russian artists on the theme “Golden Autumn”. Display of paintings by Russian artists on the theme "Golden Autumn"

Educator: Guys! Please tell me what time of year is depicted in the paintings? Children: Autumn
Educator: That's right autumn.
Educator: Guys! What is autumn like?
Children: Cold, rainy, gloomy, golden, sunny.
Educator: Who knows why autumn is called golden?
Golden leaves, golden trees.

Children: because in the fall all the leaves on the trees and bushes turn yellow and therefore everything seems golden

There are yellow and orange leaves everywhere on the ground, like a golden carpet.

Educator: guys, when it rains there are drops on the leaves and when they shine, the leaves seem golden,

Guys, do you know what it's called? autumn phenomenon when the leaves fall from the trees?
- This is leaf fall.
- Right. Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? (it gets cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow, in winter the tree sleeps and rests).
No one tells a tree when to shed its leaves. But now autumn is approaching - and the leaves on the trees change green color turn yellow or red and fall off. This happens because water freezes and stops flowing into the twigs and leaves. The tree falls asleep for the winter.

Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The wind carries them through the streets and parks. The next year, new leaves appear on the trees.
Listen to the poem called "Falling Leaves."
Fallen leaves conversation is barely audible:
- We are from maples...
- We are from apple trees...
- We are from the elms...
- We are from cherries...
- From an aspen tree...
- From bird cherry...
- From an oak tree...
- From a birch tree...
Leaf fall everywhere:
Frost is on the doorstep!
Yu. Kapotov
- In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier the autumn days, the brighter paint. Many artists love to draw autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Today I want to bring to your attention reproductions of Russian artists. The very name of the paintings indicates what time of year the artists depicted in them.
Looking at these pictures and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn itself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.
What a shame.
Autumn with a long thin brush
Recolors leaves.
Red, yellow, gold –
How beautiful you are, colored leaf!..
And the wind has thick cheeks
Cheated, cheated, cheated.
And the trees are variegated
Blow, blow, blow!
Red, yellow, gold...
The entire colored sheet flew around!..
I. Mikhailova
Educator: Now let's take our hands in our hands and practice.

We draw the tree trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom. We draw it until the end of the grass so that the tree does not hang in the air, we draw the branches on the tree with the end of the brush, they reach towards the sun. Educator: what kind of paint do we take to paint a tree? Children: brown. Educator: when we paint the leaves, apply the entire bristle of the brush. Educator: What kind of paint do we take to paint leaves? Children: green, yellow, orange, red.

Educator: let's get to work.

During the lesson, the teacher pays attention to those children who are not doing well. Encourages. Helps.

1 . Draw the sky. Use brush number 4. We apply blue paint in large strokes from left to right, without changing the direction of the stroke.

2. The second color is yellow. We remind children the direction of the stroke is from left to right.

3. At the next stage of our work, we need to add two more colors: orange and brown. We remind children not to change the direction of the stroke from left to right. We wait a few minutes for the paint to dry.

4. At the next stage of work, draw the trees with brush number 1.

5. Draw leaves of different colors, yellow, green, orange, red. (Leaf fall).

The teacher collects all the works and arranges a vernissage of children's works. You guys see what wonderful pictures you turned out, you were real artists.

Educator: What did you and I draw?
Children: Golden autumn.
Educator: Do you like your work? Children: yes.
Let's give ourselves a clap.

Olga Morozova
Abstract of a drawing lesson in the senior group "It's raining"

Morozova Olga Anatolievna

« It's raining» . Lesson notes in artistic creativity (drawing) V senior group

Subject: « It's raining»

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Target: To develop children’s ability to figuratively reflect impressions of the life around them in drawings.

Tasks: To teach children to figuratively reflect impressions of life around them in drawings. Strengthen the ability to build a composition of a drawing. Learn to use acquired techniques to convey phenomena in a drawing. Exercise in drawing simple graphite and colored pencils (colored wax crayons, charcoal pencil, sanguine).

Materials and equipment: Graphite pencil, colored pencils or wax crayons, sheet A-4 (per child).

Progress of the lesson.

Let's make riddles:

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly... (Autumn)

Dripping sadly from the sky -

Everywhere is wet, humid, damp.

It's easy to hide from him

Should the umbrella open (Rain)

Children's answers.

Well done boys! Now let's look at the pictures, what do they show?

Children's answers.

That's right guys rain, and what time of year?

Children's answers.

That's right guys, autumn!

Guys, do you like when it's raining ? Why?

A game “What happens rain. Along the chain, everyone names the words, as it happens rain, but it cannot be repeated. (strong, cold, torrential, mushroom, shallow, drizzling, piercing, warm, etc.)

A game “What is the weather like in autumn?”

When it's raining, the weather is rainy when the wind blows - windy, cold - cold, cloudy - cloudy, damp - damp, gloomy - gloomy, clear - clear.

Did. ex. "Pick an action"

Move: What do leaves do in the fall? (turn yellow, fall off, fly, etc.) Rain in autumn(coming, drizzling, etc.) Birds in autumn (fly away, get ready, etc.) Trees in autumn (they drop leaves, fall asleep, etc.) Animals in autumn (preparing for winter, changing coats, etc.)

Finger gymnastics "Gifts of Autumn"

Sun, sun, more fun,

Light it up, warm it up some more!

Clench your fingers into a fist, unclench

Rain, rain, don't disturb

Gather for us the harvest:

Pears, apples in the orchards,

Tomatoes in the fields.

Beets, radishes and potatoes.

And, of course, carrots.

When listing, bend one finger on your left hand, and then on your right.

So that when winter will come,

The bins were full.

Clench your fingers into a fist

Guys, tell us how animals prepare for winter? Birds?

Animals build holes and stock up. Badgers collect roots, squirrels store in hollows. Hares begin to change their coats, moles and mice collect spikelets. Birds begin to fly to warmer climes.)

Do all the birds fly away? What do we call birds that remain?

They often go in the fall rains and people walk along the streets under umbrellas. Let's draw with you rainy autumn day in the village, in the field. First we draw terrain: forest, field, rain draw last. Let's remember different ways drawing rain, grass, trees.

At the end, consider all the drawings, marking the most expressive ones, including new images.

At the end classes We consider all the drawings, marking the most expressive ones, including new images.

Summary of a lesson on drawing using non-traditional techniques

Topic: “Rainy late autumn.”

(Senior group)

Program content:
    Develop the idea that through the selection of colors one can convey in a drawing certain weather and mood characteristic of rainy late autumn. Introduce children to a new way of expressively depicting the colors of late autumn, using drawing with a wax candle. To develop skills in wet tinting of paper with watercolors, as well as imprinting dried leaves painted with paint. Develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, imagination and creative activity Cultivate an interest in landscape painting and the drawing process itself.

Preliminary work:

    Reading poems by Russian poets A. N. Pleshcheev, A. S. Pushkin and others. Examination of reproductions of “Frown” (autumn) by S. Zhukovsky, “fog. Autumn”, “Late Autumn” by I. I. Levitan and others. Listening to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” “Autumn” Observing the sky, trees, rain while walking. Collection and drying autumn leaves, herbarium design.
Material and equipment:
    Sheets of white paper for drawing Watercolor paints, gouache Simple pencils Wide brush for wetting paper Squirrel brushes No. 6, No. 2 Pieces of white paraffin candle Jars of water, brush holders, oilcloth, napkins

Lesson progress

1 part. Formation of the plan
The teacher invites the children to look outside the window, draws attention to the fact that it is over Golden autumn. Increasingly, the sky is clouded with heavy gray clouds, and cold drizzling rain falls. All the leaves fell from the trees onto the wet dark ground. Late autumn has arrived. The poet M.P. Chekhov wrote about this time: It rains and rains. There are puddles everywhere Streams pour onto the ground from the roof. Each day becomes cloudier and worse, And from the acute autumn cold You don't know where to find shelter.
All the rain and rain... the roses have faded, The flowers are cold, they don’t bloom, And there are only tears on the trees... Another week - and frosts They will come to us menacingly from the north.
The teacher draws attention to reproductions of paintings of late autumn and suggests determining the range of colors that the artists used when painting late autumn ( gray, brown, black all dark colors and completely little yellow, red, etc.) Invites children to become artists and paint their own late autumn with inclement rainy weather.
The teacher shows a new technique for drawing rain: - Before you start drawing, I will teach you one simple, but very interesting and unusual technique that you do not know yet. I'll show you how to depict rain on paper. Take a simple pencil and draw oblique streams of rain on a white sheet of paper. Remember the riddle “The Long Man Got Stuck in the Ground.” Let's not forget to mark the line of the ground with a pencil and draw how streams of rain pour from the sky to the ground.
- Now let’s take a piece of the candle - it’s on your table - and run it, pressing with medium force, along the pencil lines of the rain. The teacher asks a question:
-How can we see rain in the picture? What should be done? (color the sheet paper).
The teacher invites the children to remember how to get blurry tones to create the background of a picture (the technique of tinting paper on wet paper). The teacher clarifies the raw drawing technique: - I would like to remind you of the wet toning technique. Lightly moisten a sheet of paper with water using broad strokes using a wide brush. Then, on a wet sheet, we apply paint of the color we need and one that suits the given color scheme of the design, apply it so that the borders of the paint touch, even slightly overlap each other. So you can highlight the earth with one color, and the sky with another, and the border between them becomes blurred. The teacher asks a question: -What range of colors will you use when painting gloomy, rainy, cloudy weather? ( grey, black, purple, brown, dark blue…) The teacher invites the children to think: -How can you depict bare trees by imprinting with dry leaves? ( You can not paint over the entire dried leaf, but apply paint with a thick brush only along its veins).


Part 2. Independent activity of children.

The teacher invites the children to start working in stages:
    Sketch of rain with a simple pencil and drawing of rain with a wax candle. Toning paper wet using a dark range of colors. Imprinting with dry tree leaves.
(In time, for the children’s independent work, turn on a recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s music “Seasons” “Autumn”).

Part 3 Analysis of children's works.

    Children look at the work. They give names to their paintings. They explain what month and what weather is depicted. They tell us how they painted. What materials did you use? What mood do children's drawings evoke?
The teacher offers to listen to an excerpt from a poem by N. Rubtsov.
Small, drowsy, without measure, As if from many sieves, The rain is chilling and gray Everything is drizzling, drizzling... Stubbles, trees and walls In the wet networks of semi-darkness As if changes are waiting Have a clean, fun winter!
- It seems to me, guys, that this poem very well reflects the mood that your paintings create. And it instills in us the joy of the imminent arrival of the long-awaited winter. You all did a great job today. Thank you for your creativity.

Summary of the drawing lesson “It’s raining” (middle group).

Let's make riddles:

Every day, the dress is more colorful,

Somehow brighter, more beautiful, more fun...

What kind of beautiful girl is this?

Is he really in a hurry to please everyone?

Only now the weather is gloomy more often...

Time of year - what is it like outside? (Autumn)

It makes noise in the field and in the garden, but does not get into the house.

And I’m not going anywhere while he’s walking. (Rain ) Children's answers.

Well done boys! Now let's look at the pictures, what do they show? Children's answers.

That's right guys rain, and what time of year? Children's answers.

A game “What is the weather like in autumn?”

When it rains the weather is rainy, when the wind blows it is windy, cold is cold, cloudy is cloudy, damp is damp, gloomy is gloomy, clear is clear.

Did. ex. "Pick an action"

Move: What do leaves do in the fall? (turn yellow, fall off, fly, etc.)

Rain in autumn (coming, drizzling, etc.)

Birds in autumn (fly away, get ready, etc.)

Trees in autumn (they drop leaves, fall asleep, etc.)

Animals in autumn (preparing for winter, changing coats, etc.)

Dynamic game « Rain »

Rain, rain, rain and rain. (Children show drops on their palms with their fingersrain)

Don't be sorry for the wet drops.

We clap our hands poems)

We stomp our feet.

The sun came out again and

the children all go for a walk. (Perform movements according to the textpoems)

Well done guys, now that we’ve played, let’s draw a rainy autumn day in a village, field or city. First we draw terrain: forest, field, trees, rain are drawn last. Let's remember various ways drawing rain, grass, trees.

Summary of a senior drawing lesson in non-traditional techniques

(drawing on wet paper)

Theme: "Rain, rain more!"

Target: Introduction to unconventional drawing techniques: on wet paper with a brush, paints, paste.


    Teach children new technology drawing: raindrops - with paste using a bottle, placing them over the entire plane of the sheet; exercise children in drawing colored stripes with brushes on a wet sheet.

    Development of imagination, color perception, emotions.

    Cultivate accuracy when working with paint, interest in unconventional painting techniques.

Materials: large umbrella; Materials: white sheets of paper, paints, brushes, jars of water, foam sponges, bottles of paste, wet wipes, palettes.

Technique : finger painting

Preliminary work: rain watching; looking at illustrations, learning riddles, songs, poems; consolidate in the game; drawing rain with fingers, cotton swabs.

Drawing methods: on wet paper; paste.

Progress of the lesson:

Children stand in a semicircle

Teacher: asks a riddle:

"I often

They ask, they wait,

I'll just show myself

So they will start hiding.

(children's answers - rain)

Guys, I want to play the game “Sunshine and Rain” with you. When I say the word “rain” we will hide under an umbrella. When I say “sunny” we will go for a walk. Do you agree? (Yes,the guys start playing)

Do you like it when it rains? Why?(no Yes; Cold. damp)

Educator: What kind of rain is it? (children's answers - cold, warm, strong, thunderous, blind).

Why do we need rain?(trees, grass, flowers, vegetables need rain)- Do you want us to draw rain too??(agree).

Finger gymnastics "Sun and rain"

Rain, rain, more fun!

(with each finger right hand tapping on the left palm)

Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

(with each finger of the left hand they tap on the right palm)

Just don't kill us! (pretend to be splashing)

Don't knock on the window in vain!

(the right fist knocks 2 times on the left one, then we change hands)

Splashes in the field are thicker (pretend to be "splashes")

The grass will become thicker. (palms crossed, fingers spread).

Educator: are our fingers ready?

We sit down on workplace. Today we will draw rain. But first we will draw the background. Take a foam sponge soaked in water and wet the entire sheet of paper with it. We put any paint on the brush as desired and draw horizontal stripes, alternating the paint by color. Children draw a background. teacher: Now we start drawing rain, the children take bottles. Guys, the bottles are not simple, they are magical. In each bottle live droplets - “capitoshki”. Squeeze drops of paste all over the design. As the paste droplets dry, they create the illusion of rain.

How well done we are today! Look how heavy the rain turned out to be...... And for...... the rain turned out to be light. Now we will place our clouds on display and in the evening you will be sure to show your moms and dads your rain. An exhibition of drawings is being organized.
