Green c. Draws on the green color: what does it mean in psychology? The meaning of black in psychology

Color is very important in home design. It can set the tone, focus on something specific and give energy to a space. Interestingly, it has more shades than any other. It is also the most common color in nature and is the second most popular and favorite color after blue.

Let's take a closer look at the color green, and define its meaning and implications in a living space.

Definition of green

At its core, green is the color between yellow and blue on the color spectrum. Interestingly, the color green has physical effects on our body, including stimulating the pituitary gland, relaxing muscles, and dilating blood vessels. In other words, green is great for calming down and de-stressing.

Anywhere in the world, green symbolizes different things for different people. For example, it is a sacred color in Iran (along with blue) and symbolizes paradise. It is the emblem of Ireland.

Green is the color eternal life in Japan and a symbol of hope in Portugal. Is it a symbol of infidelity in China or bad news in general for Israel. In the United States, it is the color of currency and good luck.

Meanings and effects of green

Many people know that green is obtained by mixing yellow and blue. Therefore, he absorbs the most best qualities both primary colors: from yellow - the properties of clarity and optimism, from blue - a special charm. Below we will show the different meanings of green based on psychology.

Growth and renewal

Compared with the birth of fresh leaves on trees every spring, green is associated with growth and renewal. Green helps to restore and rejuvenate the missing energy in nature and in human beings (physically, mentally and emotionally) and symbolizes vitality and freshness, although this color is also ironically associated with morbidity.

Emotional positive

Green gives us the ability to love and nurture both ourselves and those around us. In addition, green is the color of the heart chakra, which is essentially the center of the human energy system and includes the entire chest, lungs, and heart.

The heart chakra is believed to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds. As a representative color, green enhances people's ability to love, empathize and be compassionate.

Balance and harmony

There is a lot of green in the natural world, it symbolizes healing and vitality. This color is also used to balance the intellect with the emotions by creating a balance between the head and the heart. Green encourages us to educate ourselves and others and not depend on anything.


Green is a refuge from the stresses of busy city life and modern life. It restores in us a sense of natural well-being and inner stability.

Interestingly, green is used for night vision devices because the human eye is the most sensitive and is able to distinguish most shades of this color. This is why green effects are so popular for home decoration.

Hope and change

Green can be used in association with anticipation of the future. And this is not surprising, since change and transformation are necessary for growth in nature.

Interestingly, the ability to sustain these changes through growth is also part of green energy.

Wealth and generosity

Along with representing natural change, green can mean expansion or expansion, which is associated with prosperity and abundance. Green is generous in nature. It is also associated with progress, not without reason there is an expression “give the green light”.

And vice versa, the green color is a reflection of the selfish and materialistic essence of a person, they say about this “green with envy”.

Creativity and Productivity

For interior design, where productivity and creativity are in harmony, green is often chosen. In fact, green is used to reduce distraction, nervousness, and rudeness.

In addition, green is considered ideal to improve reading ability. This perhaps explains why shades of green are used in offices and schools.

Friendly and diplomatic

The green color is pleasant full of love to nature, family, friends, home, garden. As a natural peacemaker, this color is suitable for negotiations and consultations. There is an opportunity to assess the situation from several angles and a sense of justice, objectivity with green, although these traits can produce the effect of excessive softness and / or excessive caution.

Variations of green and their meanings

As already discussed, green has more shades than any other color. Although they are all green in appearance, these shades do not carry the same meaning and aesthetic impact.
green is a traditional color that symbolizes peace (like an olive branch, even if it's not green per se), but an olive hue can also suggest deceit and betrayal.

Greenish yellow or historically associated with cowardice and fear; however, this color can look beautiful in interior design, especially with natural light.

Neon, or, positive, playful and naive, brings to the interior a sense of anticipation of something new and interesting, youthful enthusiasm.

Aquamarine (green-blue or blue-green) is the color of the tropical ocean. It calms the spirit and heals the emotions.

Green is the color of grass and money. Natural, confident and healthy.

inspiring and believed to be associated with well-being and wealth.

green is a little bluer than emerald green, so it shifts emotions towards trust, tact, and diplomacy, not to mention generosity.

Teal is a rich tone of green, combining its maturity and depth with serenity, wholeness and sophistication.

Dark green is like the brooding older brother of the other greens - gloomy and dark - it exudes a bit of greed, selfishness and resentment.

Surely now you will know what the green color means, and share your impressions in the comments.

Each person has a favorite color, each shade has a certain character. In a science such as psychology, each of them has its own characteristics.

Every color has character. People feel its strength on an intuitive level, therefore they strive to surround themselves with comfortable colors with which they associate themselves or with which they would like to compare themselves.

Now let's take a closer look at green. It is obtained by mixing two other colors, it looks something like this: blue + yellow = green. The psychology of color also turns out to be twofold. On the one hand, this is a huge amount of energy, on the other hand, absolute calmness. However, much depends on the proportions in which yellow and blue are mixed and which one prevails.

But how can such opposites be combined and not harm their owner? There is an explanation for this phenomenon in psychology: blue, as creating an anti-action to yellow, gradually slows it down, over time, the two colors neutralize each other's actions, and absolute calm appears, the symbol of which will be green.

If you imagine this shade, then first of all, trees, grass, bushes will appear in front of you. So subconsciously green is associated with growth, development, nature and harmony. For example, bright green grass pleasing to the eye, as it is presented as a life force, something that exudes energy.

What is the meaning of green in psychology?

Harmony, tranquility, balance, life and development are all generally accepted characteristics of this shade. In addition, the green color in psychology means safety. Remember, it is he who at the traffic light allows you to start moving.

If the favorite color is green, psychology ascribes to such a person kindness, openness, readiness to help. People who have this shade as a favorite, as a rule, are reliable friends, responsible workers and simply generous people.


The interpretation of color to some extent also depends on its shade. Dark green color in psychology means a person's desire for stability, reliability and confidence in everything that surrounds him. He tries to live up to his own standards.

On the contrary, a pale green color will be characterized as peace and tranquility. It is believed that it is this shade that improves vision.

blue green

Blue-green, or turquoise, is the coldest of the shades of green. Therefore, it is advisable to use it in rooms where it is necessary to create an atmosphere of coolness. For example, in hot countries or in production, in hot shops.

It also has a refreshing effect. This is used by manufacturers of toothpastes, chewing gums, refreshing sweets. Some people prefer turquoise-colored clothes, thereby emphasizing their coldness and loftiness above worldly passions.

yellow green

Yellow-green, or light green, color means overcoming all obstacles and liberation from the captivity of conservatism. He is a symbol of a breath of fresh air, freedom and the destruction of boundaries. Thanks to the excess of yellow, the color is energetic and dynamic.

Symbolically, it can be represented as blossoming buds on trees, which finally came to life and “hatched”, showing themselves to the outside world.

brown green

Brown-green, or olive, color means enjoyment of the senses. In this case, it is not yellow and blue that are mixed, but yellow and black. Black gives the color a certain passivity and inertia. This shade shows a connection with your own body and sensuality. People who prefer brown-green want to spend maximum amount time in a state that positively affects the senses and promotes relaxation.


The symbol of this color is recognized as the first sprouts of wheat. Generally speaking, the green color is a symbol of softness, suppleness, and sometimes hypochondria. The psychology of color has revealed and positive influence on overexcited people. It has a calming effect and helps to build trusting relationships.

In practice, psychologists recommend painting the walls of rooms green, where a person prone to neurosis and frequent anxiety happens most of his time. This is a fairly common technique, as green calms the mind of a person, and as a result, well-being improves.

Positive impact on people

Psychology endows such people who love green with the following character traits:

  • obligation;
  • perseverance;
  • purposefulness;
  • frankness;
  • nobility, if not in everything, then in the main areas of life and to most people.

People who prefer green to other colors are distinguished by special prudence, common sense and objectivity. They calculate the steps ahead, soberly assessing their capabilities in achieving their goals. Such an approach always benefits them, and they not only achieve the implementation of their tasks, but also gain the authority of others.

These people act honestly and openly, which is why they are respected by others. And their willingness to help provides them with the support they need in the future. This common features those who like green.

The psychology of color means growth, so such people strive for constant development. And this applies not only to career growth, but also to personal development. Connoisseurs of green are mostly decent and sympathetic people. They can often be found in charities, public organizations, they make understanding bosses, caring parents.

Negative influence

Like everything in this world, the green color has not only positive characteristics, but also has negative properties. What is the negative impact that green can have?

The psychology of color notes that sometimes its calming effect becomes excessive. And a person staying in his “green world” becomes very withdrawn, which does not benefit him at all.

Due to this effect, the green color is used in the treatment of people suffering from claustrophobia. They are placed in a closed room, the walls of which are painted in this shade. Patients lose their inner panic and are calmed by the beneficial effects of the pale green color.

However, one must be extremely careful when applying this color to people suffering from depression or nervous exhaustion. In such cases, green can lead to a complete loss of strength.

The impact of green on people depends on whether it is dominated by blue, or still yellow in percentage more. In the case when there is more blue, the shade becomes colder, which means that it strains the eyes more and causes general tension and alertness in a person.

At the same time, yellow gives a light atmosphere of ease.

What can color in clothes say?

Preference in choice occurs on an intuitive level. When the task is to impress someone, we also subconsciously choose the most appropriate, as it seems to us, shade for this.

Psychology interprets the green color in clothes as an indicator of hardness, rigidity, certainty and constancy. It increases self-esteem and confidence in yourself and your abilities. Those people who prefer green clothes want to be liked, they strive for public recognition, they need attention. Such people do not like competition and are afraid to be influenced by a stronger personality. They are constantly looking for ways to assert themselves.

Green in a woman's life

Wise men in the East were of the opinion that the green color corresponds to higher vibrations, and therefore has a beneficial effect on a person's mental health.

The green color in the psychology of a woman means that she is afraid to solve everyday problems alone, not feeling the strength and confidence to do it. At the same time, she does not want to fall under someone's influence and lose her own will.

She seeks protection from someone who could solve her problems. In a positive sense, this will be a balanced, calm person, with ambition and open to people. In a negative way, a woman will become very withdrawn, focused solely on herself and her needs, to some extent melancholic.

If a woman prefers to wear green clothes, she seeks to attract attention, establish trusting relationship, most likely, she had long thought over the scenario of her actions.

Most people perceive women in green as calm and passive personalities.

Differences in color preferences between men and women

The color of everything that surrounds us greatly affects our psychological state, sometimes it is difficult to notice a pattern, but it is present.

This is used by marketers to increase the attractiveness of the product in the eyes of men and women.

A number of studies have been conducted that have shown that green is one of the three most attractive colors for women, along with blue and purple. But brown, gray and orange were considered unattractive by a quarter of the women surveyed.

Therefore, these color compositions are mainly used on women's sites.

Interestingly, green is in the top three among men as well. In addition to him, the stronger sex is partial to blue and black. But purple, orange and brown are not pleasant for them.

Green color is great for creating backgrounds (in magazines, websites, posters). This is especially true when the idea of ​​nature and naturalness is promoted. Green is often used on posters for construction or environmental activities. Thanks to him, a person has a feeling of lightness and purity.

And green color subconsciously causes a craving for action. You can often notice that the words "checkout", "order", "pay" are often highlighted in bright green.

In conclusion, we can say that the green color, the meaning of which in psychology is calmness, acts in some cases of mental disorders as an antidepressant. It is preferred by calm people who are not alien to decency and nobility. They exude confidence and are respected by those around them.

On the other hand, such individuals can become very secretive and withdrawn, selfish and apathetic.

Green is well suited for decorating bedrooms, as the color has a calming effect on nervous system. Classic green - when blue and yellow are equally mixed - is a reference, it is believed that when a person peers into it, the mind and body rest, complete peace sets in. This color is used in meditation rooms or in those where spiritual practices are practiced.

Green is the color of nature itself, of constant change and renewal. In the spectrum, green is located between warm and cold colors. It is the color of balance and harmony, stability and wholeness. It causes a feeling of peace, calmness and hope, helps to dispel negative emotions.

Green color
in psychology

Our eye perceives the green color most calmly and favorably for the whole organism. Green color in psychology is associated with craving for creativity, peace, stability and awakening. Green is the color of summer, renewal and everything new, bright and interesting. Many shades of green have the most different interpretation and effects on the human nervous system. So, rich coniferous tones indicate strength, durability and stability. Such colors are chosen by people who are self-confident and have stable life positions. Delicate shades of sage and moss have a calming effect, while emerald and malachite indicate a craving for luxury and wealth.

Thus, the color green in psychology is considered definitely positive and even beneficial. Try to remember the feeling of natural green. Being in a park or a forest glade, on a clear spring day, inhale this coolness and pleasant brightness of colors, and in a moment of tension or a feeling of devastation, this feeling will restore your peace of mind and tranquility.

Green is the color of nature, nature, life itself, spring. The one who prefers it is afraid of someone else's influence, looking for a way of self-assertion, since this is vitally important for him. Anyone who does not love him is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, in general, all difficulties. Green color contains hidden potential energy, reflects the degree of volitional tension, so people who prefer green color strive for self-confidence and confidence in general. Eccentric people, who achieve their goals not with purposeful volitional activity, but through emotions, reject the green color as unsympathetic. Along with them, the green color is rejected by people who are on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion.

Positive characteristics

Stability, progress, commitment

Negative characteristics

Selfishness, jealousy, hypochondria (permanent feeling of illness)

Green is a natural, calming and relaxing color. Green has the property of healing, normalizes high blood pressure. People who choose green are clearly and rationally choosing their life path. Every task in life is taken seriously. They love to help others. Their inner world rich, but they are in no hurry to open it, although they themselves are not secretive.

The main meaning of green is life, growth, development. Many ancient deities associated with vegetation were depicted in this color. An example is the Egyptian god Osiris, who is depicted with green skin. On some Orthodox icons, the Mother of God is depicted in green robes. We can say with confidence that green is the color of motherhood, femininity, giving life and love. Like any color, green also has negative connotations. They can be traced in some folk sayings. "Green" is called too young, inexperienced, naive person. There is also the expression "longing green", which reveals green as a negative symbol of stagnation. The image of a viscous, wet, sucking swamp fully conveys this negative meaning of this color.

Shades of green

  • blue-green color(turquoise) - the coldest of all shades, used to create a refreshing coolness, the color of sterility.
  • Dark blue-green color- rejected in case of nervous exhaustion; personifies cruelty and heaviness, creates a feeling of isolation. It is preferred by lovers who make too severe demands on themselves, raise their views to a principle and achieve its observance with irreconcilable consistency.
  • yellow green color- the hidden energy that was in green is released. People who prefer this color tend to establish as many contacts as possible, constantly want to meet other people, learn new things. Next to white, this shade gives the impression of a strict and businesslike, as a rule, they tend to dilute it with gray - to remove obtrusiveness.
  • brown green color(green + black + yellow + red) - expresses sensual passivity. Such people would like to enjoy a state that has a beneficial effect on the senses and promotes relaxation; seek excitement through pleasure.

Green color in psychology

Green is the color of life

Green is the color of life, the color of wildlife. Green color means calmness, good luck, renewal, health, freshness, vitality, it is also a symbol environment. Green color is the personification of naturalness and freshness, which is why dairy products are often sold in green packages. On the other hand, green is the color of jealousy, envy and immaturity (“turned green with envy”, “you are still green”, etc.).

Green is the natural color for the vast majority of people. Therefore, it is perceived as neutral, calm, not annoying.
As a symbol of spring and vegetation, it has become a symbol of the victory of life over death.

Green, being the color of vegetation, spring and new growth, signifies continuity and even immortality when the word "evergreen" is used.
Green is also interpreted as a symbol of fertility. Among the Incas of ancient peru, it was a symbol of maize and food in general. And according to the superstitions of Irish farmers, if you hang a green branch of a tree on the wall of the house on the first of May, it will bring a lot of milk.

Green is a symbol of youth and hope in Catholic art. It is in this sense that it is used as the color of the angel's clothes in the pictures of chrismation.
Green also symbolizes the negative aspects of youth, such as immaturity, inexperience, as well as immaturity and naivety. Negative values green in this case comes from its associations with the unripeness of green fruits.

Green is the color of the world, born in the bosom of primeval waters. Green personifies the first stage of initiation - water. As a mixture of yellow and blue, green in a mystical sense symbolizes the connection between the natural and the supernatural.
The planetary correspondence of green color is Venus.

Green color - as the color of life has acquired additional meaning, as a symbol of prosperity, prosperity and stability.
No wonder many states have chosen green as the color for banknotes.
But at the same time, green has the exact opposite meaning - so in European countries bankrupts were forced to wear green hats.
IN Ancient Egypt it was considered a symbol of decay and mold and was the color of the dying and resurrecting god Osiris.

According to Chinese folk traditions to see "green" in a dream is good. However, an excess of green, according to Eppley, means a glut of negative natural drives.
On state flags, green is usually placed to emphasize the abundance of forests or the role of agriculture.

Green in folklore is the color of the elves, and hence the color of disobedience and mischief. And to those who wear green clothes, the "little people" should give strength. At the same time, it was believed that fairies might take offense at those who appropriated their color.

According to English beliefs, if the bride's wedding attire includes at least one thing of green color, then this will bring misfortune.
Similarly, in England there is a belief that any greenery on the stage will bring bad luck to the production and actors.
S. Baring-Gould wrote that once he had to hear serious arguments on the topic that all the misfortunes that happened in England before 1914 were due to the fact that green stamps worth half a penny...
In China and Far East green has become a symbol of greed, stubbornness and rapacity.
A green flag at sea is a sign of a shipwreck.

Green color as a symbol of nature, plants and actually herbal infusion, has become a symbol natural poisons and then poisons in general.
The green serpent is an allegory of alcoholic beverages.

Green color in Freemasonry is a symbol of overcoming and victory.

In Greece, based on the traditional interpretations of green (life, development, freedom), it became the party color of PASOK (Panhellenic Socialist Movement).
"Green Line" in Cyprus and Beirut in the 60-90s. XX century meant a neutral line, as it divided the opposing territories and was considered inviolable. The Iranians associate the green color both with rapid growth and freshness, and with misfortune, sadness, sorrow, therefore they say about the ill-fated person “green leg”, and about the cemetery - “green house”. In Germany, in the past, cards were used in fortune-telling, each suit of which had its own color and corresponding symbolic meaning, and the green suit meant sadness, grief, annoyance, red - love, betrothal, wedding, etc.
In Germany and Northern Europe, representatives of environmental movements call themselves green.

During the third crusade green crosses were the hallmark of the Netherlands.
Green in national folklore is called Ireland, and green is a symbol of the Irish liberation movement.
Russian empire most often depicted on maps as green.

Green color - innocence, liveliness.
The most delicate face of natural power.
Holy hint of rebirth
Spring color native and cute.
Imagine: thaw, spring.
The chicks are ringing, not hearing themselves,
The cat stalks on the wet roof,
And the cold is fading...
Around, hissing with coolness,
Streams flow the remnants of snow,
And the morning bliss of the sun
Gently warms the city.
You feel happy:
You better take off your coat!
To flutter like a bird, and then
Swim in the rays like in the bay.
Already the smell of flowers
Like butterflies fluttering in the sky
Love is back in a new light
Hearts are open to her.
And somewhere quietly, very timidly
On a damp, melting trunk
Under the layer of the kidney, so deep
The sprout ripens a new life.
This is everyone's favorite color
It certainly includes
I described frankly
Warm in my soul.

Green color - Earth flowering,
Green color and life full.
Green color - calmness,
Green is the color of spring.
And our life continues
Enclosed in green.
And that moment ripens
When the white light rejoices.
Green is everywhere
All-conquering evil.
And let it be so much.
For everything to live and bloom.

Green swaying foliage
In thick clothes of maples by the river,
In birch capes with whiteness
And the word of mouth awe of the alder.
A carpet of grass lies behind a quiet garden,
Lost by the edge in the distance of the meadow,
Endless landscape joy
Studya heavenly and spiritual heat.
The color of malachite splashes in the oak forests,
Where the nightingales found their shelter;
And the curly willows are empty
Silent long overgrown pond.
That color keeps pearly dewdrops,
Worried during storms and thunderstorms,
And in the evenings it flies in a gray haze,
To appear again in the morning in all its glory.
Washed by a flying brisk downpour,
Not conquered the persistent heat,
It shakes the article poplar
In the July dance, a grove in the wind.
It will fade with a sad autumn color,
Where every leaf is like a yellow tear
And only always by its radiant light
Attractive green eyes.

Beautiful blue sky
Woven from the waters by the creator.
Spacious, shining tent
It is stretched out above the earth.
It's like that! But I love
Fields green.
Lovely cashmere rose!
In the spring, in the silence of the nights,
The nightingale sings love to her
With a quiet wind of marshmallows.
It's like that! But I love
Fields green.
Lovely pale blue water!
In their crystal - and the vault of heaven,
And the forest slumbering in the cool,
And the splendor of spring nature.
It's like that! But I love
Fields green.
Beautiful lily of the valley!
In the clothes of a married couple,
Like a gentle angel of beauty,
Blooms in the deserts of Palestine.
It's like that! But I love
Fields green.
Delightful are the harvests of the field!
When bright sunshine
They worry in the fields
As if the waves are golden.
It's like that! But I love
Fields green.

Where are we going with you
at such an early hour?
Taxi green light
lit up and went out.

Look how green this world is
How green are the seas!
Let's celebrate this color
in early September.

The vine is still so green
so green grapes.
Let us be green
award from awards.

And in a glass of green wine,
and green eyes
and they are already swinging
green storm.

And now we hear this sound
moment later -
green ringing, green noise
autumn rain.

But this moisture is not about us,
and at this late hour
taxi green breeze
picks us up.

And it smells of rotten leaves,
and light as smoke
soaring green star
over the golden forest.

Green color caresses at noon with a shadow,
He gives peace to the soul and vision.
And the grasses are green, and the darkness in the forests,
Green light fluctuates in the eyes.
Green is the dress of any garden,
And for the jasmine, the stem is like a reward

Green is the best, as long as it looks like it
on a mountain emerald with its deep color.
From Indian shores it is brought to us,
green and gold. To ruined eyes
and the patient's liver - there is nothing more useful;
Shortness of breath, nausea, heart disease
he heals - and also he alone
guardian of marriage bonds for women and men.
He drives away laziness, he returns a friend,
before him, the arrogant enemy is timid with fear ...

In Japan, green is a symbol of spring agricultural rites (May ivy is a bed for participants in spring orgies), in
To Europe, this is a sign of earthly love and hope: “Green clothe yourself, that is, the clothes of lovers,” writes the Sicilian Herald, author of a book about color. A knight-errant who professes the cult of a beautiful lady must dress in green.
“And with the onset of May, I don’t want to see any other colors than green,” Gerold concludes.

IN ancient rome green color in men's clothes denoted effeminacy and unnatural inclinations; V modern times in Europe - irony, buffoonery, bourgeoisness (as a condemned property).

Best of all, the magical effect of green is manifested in an emerald. Academician A.E. Fersman writes about this in the book “Stories about gems”: “It is difficult to find another gem that would be valued more in ancient times than the emerald, the “stone of radiance” of the Greeks. ... The juicy green color of the emerald was deeply valued as an expression of life, youth and purity. He was credited with the possession of a mysterious power to heal ailments and bestow happiness.

This stone is sung by poets of all countries of the world. The color of the emerald, according to Indian legends, "imitates the color of the neck of a young parrot, young grass, water mud, iron and feather designs from the tail of a peacock."
“Zmuri,” the Georgians called this stone, believing that it, like in a mirror, reflects all the secrets of the present and future.
The Roman scientist Pliny wrote that "this stone of nature is above all earthly blessings, that its beauty is more beautiful than the fragrance of a spring flower, and that it should not be allowed to touch the virgin features of the artist's chisel."

Negative symbols: decay, decay, demonism, disgust, anger, envy, longing, madness, horror of death.
These meanings come from the color of mold, rotting organic matter, evil mythological animals (serpents, dragons), mysterious inhabitants of the forests (goblin, Green King), eyes of predatory nocturnal animals and birds, bitter poisonous herbs, as well as some human discharges that indicate illness.

S. Eisenstein writes about the symbolism of green: The color of the rebirth of the soul and wisdom, it simultaneously meant moral decline and madness.
The Swedish theosophist Swedenborg describes the eyes of madmen languishing in hell as green.

One of the stained glass windows of Chartres Cathedral represents the temptation of Christ; on it, Satan has green skin and huge green eyes ... The eye in symbolism means intelligence. A person can direct it to good or evil. Both Satan and Minerva - both madness and wisdom - were both portrayed with green eyes...
As A. Perrusho writes, the French artist Toulouse-Lautrec "saw something demonic in all shades of green."

In Indian poetics, green means disgust. You can read about this in D. Salinger's story "And Those Lips and Eyes Are Green."

In modern Russian science fiction literature, there is a noticeable tendency towards the negative semantization of green. In the stories of V. Pelevin, for example, the gates to the otherworldly "Workshop No. 1" are painted green, where the death of the worlds, including the Earth, takes place.
The stories also feature the monster "Green Khidr" - an evil werewolf, a green chair of the director of the plant, in which the director turns into a skeleton; the narrator, who is mentally ill, has a green armchair and a greenish-yellow curtain at home.

The preference for green means: self-respect, firmness, stability, naturalness and truthfulness in relation to oneself. Nobility of character, justice, willpower, constancy.

The green forest makes noise, worries,
Spring in a green dress.
Admire the snowdrop flower
Centennial, mossy pine.
Green, bright paint
Sparkling spicy May.
Our planet affectionately
Warm up the sun!

In this bright color definitely
summer nature all dressed up.
Since childhood, everyone knows the color green,
The greenery is warmed by the warm sun!
The leaves are painted in this color,
Grass, cucumber, bunch of grapes,
Sour gooseberry bushes...
And the cabbage is happy for him.
Nature rewarded with greenery
caterpillar, lizard, frog,
And also toothy crocodiles,
That from the rivers come out to dry.
A grasshopper is hiding in the grass somewhere...
Good green planet!

Green is the color of the grass
emerald your eyes,
Blossoming foliage
And young shoots.

Green is the color of good luck
And an open path.
If the light is green, then
Can you go ahead.

Color green - fairy tale color,
Christmas tree.
The forest is dressed in green
Pine needles.

The color green is the color of goodness,
Young and loud.
Bright green game
The sincerity of a child...

It has long been noticed that there is a relationship between the character of a person and the colors that he chooses and his mood, some colors have a calming effect, others can cheer you up, there is even such a technique as. Perhaps the most interesting and multifaceted color is green, its meaning in psychology is usually positive, but some shades may not have a very favorable effect on a person.

The meaning of green in psychology

The human eye perceives the green color as the most favorable and calm, which is not surprising, because it is the color of nature itself, the color of spring and rebirth. It carries stability and peace, a person who chooses this color is ready for contemplation, calming and accepting universal wisdom. Such people tend to help others even to their own detriment, they are secretive, but friendly, usually they see both sides of the situation and can make the right decision, they know how to suppress their authority, they have. In a negative sense, it is the color of hopelessness and silent approval. But that's only general characteristics, each of the shades of green has its own meaning and influence on a person.

Thus, the rich tone of the needles indicates durability, strength and stability. Such shades are characteristic of people who are self-confident, who have stable life positions. Delicate shades of moss and sage have a calming effect, while malachite and emerald hues indicate a craving for wealth and luxury. The blue-green shade is chosen by people who are overly demanding of themselves. Green color with a large admixture of yellow has an exciting effect, it is chosen by sociable people, constantly looking for novelty. Brown-green tint indicates sensual passivity.

The darker the green, the more reserved the person. Color can have a positive effect on people with claustrophobia, neutralize the effect of other colors, diffuse negative emotions, helps to concentrate, and also has a hypnotic effect.

Green color in clothes

People who are calm and balanced, often phlegmatic, like to dress in green, they have rational thinking and strive for self-control and inner harmony, you should not expect heated arguments from them, it is rather difficult to unbalance such people. A person who chooses green for his clothes is unlikely to get involved in conflicts or try to prove his case by any means. Such people are usually educated and cultured, often very simple-minded and open to communication on any topic, but for all their ingenuity, they are cautious and not prone to rash acts.

It is believed that green clothes are the best choice for negotiations, as this color helps to win over interlocutors. From the point of view of psychology, a person in green clothes is perceived as sociable and free. Cold (with a blue tint) green shade is able to calm and improve relationships with other people. And clothes of yellow-green color will cause a number of positive emotions.

Meaning of green eyes

Among all the colors and shades that color the iris, it is the meaning of the green color of the eyes that has always aroused the greatest interest. Green-eyed beauties were credited with mystical abilities, and men with green eyes were considered knights.

Modern observers also attribute incredible honesty and loyalty to friends to the owners of emerald eyes. Such people do not throw words into the wind, and they are usually generous and kind to other people until they cross the path. The green-eyed enemies are also chivalrous, preferring to say everything in the eyes than to act behind their backs, and among the enemies close people can also get in, since it is very difficult to forgive the offense caused to the owners of green eyes. Principle and firmness in their decisions is another characteristic quality of people with green eyes. If we talk about love, then this feeling is revered by the majority of the green-eyed as something sacred, which they will not allow anyone to encroach on. Green-eyed people are simply made for leadership positions, they are persistent and make high demands on themselves and their subordinates.

Psychologists even consider people with green eyes to be the most successful, as they are excellent at listening and empathizing, have a good imagination, but are quite stable.
