Who are village sorcerers and where do they get their paranormal abilities? White magician - who is it?

Gossip, rumors, and speculation have become a source of certain knowledge since ancient times. In addition to everything, all the “acquired” knowledge was passed on from generation to generation and was distorted to such an extent that it’s scary to imagine. Naturally true concepts of who they are wizards and witches have lost their meaning, and in some cases simply become equivalent.

Who are witches?

Witch originates from the word “to know”, to have some knowledge. This is a woman who has knowledge of magic and practices witchcraft. Usually the witch is represented as a hunched old woman with gray hair, with crooked noses and a large mouth with pursed bluish lips. Remember the fairy tale about the sleeping princess, where the stepmother was a witch. She could take on an image like beautiful woman, and a terrible old woman. In fact, a young beauty can also be a witch; the gift is especially strong in girls with green eyes.

It is customary to highlight:

In captivity.

A natural witch is born if:

- girls are born seven times in a row, and not a single boy between them;

- or is a child of the third generation of illegitimate children;

- as well as simply being born to a witch mother.

The birth of a natural witch was influenced by a curse pronounced during the pregnancy of a woman carrying a daughter under her heart. Or in the case of the birth of a girl as a result of someone else’s death.

Many natural witches are not even aware of their purpose. This happens if a witch is not born directly from a witch, but as a result of a curse placed on the family.

The gift, in most cases, begins to manifest itself closer to adulthood. The gift will begin to work at full power under conditions of strong emotional agitation and physical violence. For a young witch to be initiated, she must be subjected to forced sexual intercourse. As a result of this, her powers will come out, and she can then learn to control them. This can also happen by accident if the girl is not looked after by other witches. After all, a witch has bewitching beauty, and can easily attract a rapist, who will not only turn the girl into a witch, but also find himself in death. The witch's punishment will be cruel.

Scientists witches themselves choose the witchcraft path and therefore are more cruel. They become apprentices to a natural witch or sell their soul to the devil and feed on energy from evil spirits.

Sometimes you can gain supernatural abilities against your will or through deception. This can happen when a witch, dying in agony, is looking for someone to give her gift to. By taking her hand, you can take away her power. Therefore, be careful with those whom you suspect of witchcraft, so as not to inadvertently receive a cursed gift!

Are there any similarities between sorcerers and witches?

A sorcerer is a person with supernatural powers acquired at birth or by selling his soul to the devil.
Outwardly, the sorcerer looks like an adult or even an elderly man with frowning eyebrows. The smile on his face is almost impossible to see. To become a strong sorcerer, you need to study for more than one year with your mentor in case the person was not born a magician or with his father, a sorcerer.

Sorcerers, like witches, are divided into natural and learned, as well as forced ones. Sometimes sorcerers are divided into “black” and “white”. “Whites” are capable of helping people, but they cannot constantly do good deeds, since demons will force them to do evil. Most often, sorcerers practice black magic: they inflict damage and pestilence on livestock.

Wizards and witches usually settle on the outskirts of villages and towns. People know what they are doing and avoid the “unclean” house. But, unlike in antiquity, they try to honor the sorcerer or witch or simply once again don't meet them.

In moments of despair, some turn to sorcerers for help. And since they act by inducing damage, you should beware of the reverse effect of the induced damage. The sorcerer can take the blow himself, or he can transfer it to you.

The sorcerer's assistants can cultivate a devil within himself who will carry out “unclean” orders. A small imp can be raised from a chicken egg without a yolk. The sorcerer wears it under his armpit for 40 days and only after that the devil hatches.

Like witches, sorcerers die a long and painful death if they cannot pass on their gift. They may even go to all sorts of tricks to convey their abilities and leave earthly world. If they still fail, then after death they rise strong wind, rain, thunderstorm. A witch's howl can be heard in the whistle of the wind. According to legends, it is demons who carry the soul of a witch or sorcerer to hell.

A certain evil entity or, in rare cases, the soul of a deceased person takes possession of witches or sorcerers. It gives a person paranormal abilities, the ability to perform actions beyond the control of an ordinary person. Sometimes magicians could choose their faithful servant in the kingdom of the dead. It is known that witches and sorcerers are able to penetrate into the afterlife and in the corridor leading there, you can find small animals (in fact, these are not animals, but demons). These animals will serve their owners faithfully in gratitude for taking them from the other world.

Witchcraft power is practically invisible to the human eye. So damage is quite difficult to identify and many treat it with medication. While the rot of evil sent by the witcher devours them from the inside. If damage is not detected in time, the person will die. Therefore, sometimes it is worth thinking about such sudden illnesses and checking for the presence of a spell.

Difference between sorcerers and witches

It would seem that the concepts of a sorcerer and a witch are almost the same. The differences between them have blurred to such an extent that many believe that they are one and the same and the difference lies in the feminine or masculine gender. But knowledgeable people clearly know how they differ.
Firstly, both have the ability to transform into various animals. But witches most often choose black cats for their reincarnation. Sorcerers prefer to turn into a black raven.

Secondly, witches tend to control natural elements to a greater extent (causing thunderstorms, squally winds, hail, etc.), casting spells and hexes. Of course, a witch can perform certain ritual actions, but trained witches are prone to this, because they are not able to carry out magical actions intuitively, but act according to a learned plan.

Sorcerers have certain practices. Their actions are technical and most often based on witchcraft literature. The movie “Warlock” comes to mind, where the image of a sorcerer is presented.

Thirdly, there is a difference in the initiation procedure. Women and men who independently make the choice to become a witch or sorcerer sign a contract with the devil. The contract stipulates that the soul after death will belong to Satan, and in exchange for this, he undertakes to patronize the witch or sorcerer. The contract is signed in blood. But it is worth remembering that the initiation procedure for natural witches occurs through violence against an innocent witch girl. Sorcerers perform other ritual actions.
Of course, not everyone knows that ordinary people exist wizards and witches. And that's probably a good thing. As they say: “The less you know, the better you sleep!”

Along with real priests, all Slavs in ancient times had another type of intermediaries between the people and gods or demons, intermediaries who acted without pomp, without temples and sacrifices, but who nevertheless had a significant influence on the beliefs of the people and on their lives. important decisions both individual believers and entire families and even large settlements. These were sorcerers (magicians), usually called Magi by the ancient Slavs. Who is a sorcerer in ancient Rus'?

In addition, sorcerers were called differently, depending on the type of magic they practiced: sorcerer, witcher, sorcerer, prophetic, fortuneteller, bayalyshk. obasnik, sorozhets, doctor, magician, nauziik, kobiik, kuzedlik, etc. (there were also names, of course, in the feminine gender).

Belief in magic, that is, in a force that can force the spirit to carry out the will of a person, appears already at the lowest level of culture, when one can hardly talk about any system of religious views.

In order to maintain its hold, magic uses a variety of supernatural, magical means, many of which are attested among the Slavs during the pagan period. Your main blow Christian church directed against this pagan magic, since it destroyed the pagan gods at once: it smashed idols and destroyed pagan sanctuaries. The magicians and magic remained, and the church waged a stubborn struggle against them. But even now, in remote areas, many customs and beliefs associated with witchcraft and magic, sometimes of a purely pagan, primitive nature, have been preserved.

Various sorcerers of ancient times are mentioned in the oldest Polish and Czech chronicles, as well as among the ancient Bulgarians. However greatest number most interesting messages we have each Ancient Rus'. In Russian chronicles dating back to the 10th-12th centuries, sorcerers - the Magi - are mentioned very often, and we have the opportunity to become more deeply acquainted with their meaning and activities. In Rus', the Magi played a prominent role in public life and, in particular, were the main representatives of the camp that fought against Christianity.

Seeing the influence of the Magi on the people, the church attacked them with all its might, but met, especially in the first period, violent and radical resistance from the Magi and the people who followed them. There is some interesting evidence of this in the Kyiv Chronicle. Great importance the magi, who in some places had greater power than the princes, are also confirmed by eastern sources.

IN church charter Vladimir the Holy, the department of the spiritual court includes: “vestvo, greenery, tricks, sorcery, sorcery.” The punishment for the wise men and sorcerers was burning, as they were burned musical instruments and “black” (magical) books, so sorcerers and sorcerers suffered the same fate. In 1227, according to the chronicler, in Novgorod “ I burned the four wise men, I did (their) deeds, God knows, and I burned them in the Yaroslavl courtyard" According to the Nikon Chronicle, the Magi were brought by the Novgorodians not to the princely court, but to the archbishop's court and burned there, despite the intercession of the boyars.

From the investigative cases of the 17th century it is clear that witchcraft and divination were punished by exile to distant places and imprisonment in a monastery for repentance; therefore, in addition to burning, other, lighter punishments were also used. Obviously, when assigning punishment, the degree of guilt was taken into account.

A. Afanasyev notes: “The sorcerer and the witch appeared as creatures hostile to those beneficial vital forces, which were previously protected by them, now, due to the negative influence of new views, they began to harm. Initially, the prayer (conspiracy) of the sorcerer and witch addressed to the luminaries invoked the protection of these bright deities and drove away the evil spirits of death, disease and infertility: this is what the pagan believed. In a later era, a belief arose that sorcerers and witches not only do not protect health, but, on the contrary, they themselves send illnesses to a person, dry him out, put a mara on him or avert his eyes, so that he sees everything in deceptive images. According to the primitive idea, the sorcerer and the witch brought down fertilizing rain and warmth from the sky, later they began to hide rain, dew, and light, and produce infertility, hunger, began to harm agricultural work with their spells, take away milk from cows and animals in general and people - the power of fertility...

When sorcerers and witches acquired an evil and hostile meaning, the common people created various protective measures against their influence. These means were partly borrowed from those pagan rituals that were used against evil spirits, death and disease, partly belong to a later era and are imbued with its views. In conspiracies they began to ask for protection from " a woman's gap, from a cunning warlock, from a conspiratorial magician, from an ardent sorcerer, from a blind healer, from an old woman (woman) - a witch, from the witch of Kyiv and her evil sister of Murom".

They began to use the power of mysterious herbs against sorcerers and witches: nettle, weeping grass, black bean grass and others, therefore, the people turned against them those drugs that the sorcerers and witches themselves used for their spells and against evil spirits.”

“Under Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, a letter was sent to Pskov prohibiting the purchase of hops from the Lithuanians, because the spies sent abroad announced that there was a woman-witch in Lithuania and she was slandering hops exported to Russian cities, with the goal of bringing it to Russia pestilence. In 1625, it was ordered that the settler Yakov, along with the thief’s root, be sent to Moscow from Verkhoturye, since during a search he was found with purple grass, three roots, and “a lump of white perch,” and since he himself admitted during interrogation, that these drugs were given to him by the Cossack Stepanko Goat Legs.”

A similar trial regarding roots and herbs took place in 1680. A foreigner, Zinka Larionov, reported some peasants in bad spirits and reported them red-handed in the Prikaznaya hut. “The cross is copper and the spine is small, and a little grass is tied into knots near the cross.” The peasant Ivashka, one of the accused, recognized the cross as his own, and said: the root is “He’s a virgin, but the grass grows in the gardens, but he doesn’t know what its name is, but he keeps the root and the grass from fever, but he doesn’t know the evil de herbs and roots and doesn’t follow the bad.”

He was called to the Posad's Prikaznaya hut to inspect the roots, he announced: “A little fellow of the name of the nineteenth, to keep from the sorrows of the heart, and a little piece of grass to keep from the oppressive sorrows, but there is nothing dashing about that.” Another defendant announced that he was given herbs while he was drunk and unconscious in the lace yard. The accused were tortured, and then beaten with batogs, so that in the future it would be discouraging to drink to the point of unconsciousness and carry roots with them, then they were released from the Prikaznaya hut, after receiving receipts.

In 1606, two rather strange complaints were filed in Perm, according to which an investigation was ordered, which, however, is unknown to us. Both petitioners reported - one against the peasant for letting hiccups on his wife, and the other against the townsman for letting hiccups against his fellow trader.”

Like witches, sorcerers can be “born” (in the Russian tradition, a born sorcerer is called rozhak) and “scientists”. A boy born out of wedlock in the third generation becomes a born sorcerer. According to other beliefs, if seven boys are born in a row in a family, the seventh will be a sorcerer.

Trained sorcerers receive their power from other sorcerers or from the devil by entering into an agreement and renouncing God. The agreement is usually concluded at night at a crossroads or in a bathhouse and written in blood on the skin of the hanged man.

Witchcraft knowledge can also be learned from an experienced sorcerer. Belarusians talk about it like this: “Once upon a time there lived two neighbors. One was a sorcerer and lived richly, the other was poor and did not know any witchcraft. So a poor man came to a rich neighbor and said:

Teach me witchcraft.

Fine. But first let's go to the crossroads.

They came to a crossroads, where there was an empty tavern, and the sorcerer said:

Sokoliki, sokoliki, are you there?

They entered the tavern, and the devils, whom the sorcerer called “falcons,” said:

We are here. Sorcerer says:

This man needs to be taught witchcraft. And the devils answer:

Let him first remove the icon from his chest.

The poor man realized that the sorcerer had obtained his wealth through unclean means and ran away.”

Not a single wedding was complete without a sorcerer. He was invited, firstly, out of fear that he might harm the young people, and secondly, in the hope that he would protect the wedding from other sorcerers.

A sorcerer, offended by the fact that he was not invited as a groomsman, could ruin the wedding: stop the wedding train, send a hysteria to the young woman, deprive the young man of his male strength or turn the wedding into wolves, could “play a joke”: quarrel between the bride and groom, disperse the guests, unharness the horses from wedding train and disperse them in different directions.

Many stories tell about the rivalry between two sorcerers at a wedding. An alien sorcerer comes into the house with the goal of ruining the wedding. The visiting sorcerer is swaggering, believing that no one can contradict him. And then the sorcerer guarding the young people actually shows that he is stronger than the newcomer, and forces him to admit his defeat. For example, a strong sorcerer can keep his opponent motionless during the entire wedding dinner, force him to kneel on one leg, endlessly sweep the floor, and take off his pants in front of everyone.

“So, they say, two sorcerers were invited to a wedding, but they quarreled among themselves. One knows a lot, the other says:

I more.

One says to the other:

I'll make it up to you now. Come on, have a glass.

He is not a coward, he is not afraid. I drank and every single one of my teeth fell out. He put them on the table.

Well,” he says, “now you drink from me.”

He had just drunk a glass when he was suspended from the window and from the ceiling by his feet. Suspended from the ceiling by his feet, he kicks and screams:

It’s hard for me, take me off, I can’t take it anymore. And he says:

First, insert your teeth, and then I’ll take you off. The one suspended from the ceiling says:

Pour a glass.

They handed him a glass upstairs, he muttered some words and said:

Here, drink. Put your teeth in there and drink. The teeth fell into place. Another says:

Now I'll take you off.

They also served a glass, and he found himself at the table.”

When meeting a sorcerer, you cannot look him in the eyes, but you need to fold the fig. They protect against the sorcerer and special spells, as well as the overcoming herb. You can deprive a sorcerer of his magical power by beating him until he bleeds, or by shaving off his beard, or by knocking out his teeth. According to other beliefs, the sorcerer can be neutralized if you hit him with a backhand with your left hand. It was believed that a sorcerer could be killed with a copper button or by beating his shadow with an aspen log.

A sorcerer cannot die without transferring his knowledge and the evil spirits under his control to another person. If there is no volunteer ready to take the dying person’s magical power, the sorcerer remains in a state of agony for a very long time - sometimes up to three years.

Often he cunningly tries to convey his knowledge to an unsuspecting person, even a child. He hands him an object and says: “Take it.” If a person accepts this thing from the sorcerer or says: “Come on,” all magical knowledge passes to him, and the sorcerer gets the opportunity to die peacefully.

Devils crawl into the body of a deceased sorcerer. And this can be seen if you look through a hole in the board from a fallen knot, through a clamp, or through a hole made in a new pot.

The death and funeral of a sorcerer is accompanied by a storm, whirlwind, bad weather - this is an evil spirit that flies for the sinful soul.

S. Maksimov writes: “Our people consider using the help of a sorcerer, as well as believing in his supernatural powers, a sin, although they believe that for this sin there is no great punishment in the next world. But on the other hand, the sorcerers themselves, for all their deeds, will certainly suffer a cruel, painful death, and a righteous and merciless judgment awaits beyond the grave.

The death of sorcerers itself has many features. First of all, sorcerers know in advance about the hour of death (three days in advance) and, in addition, they all die in approximately the same manner. So, for example, Penza sorcerers suffer from convulsions, and so severely that they do not die on a bench or on a bed, but certainly near the threshold or under the stove.

Vologda sorcerers, before mortal suffering, manage to give their relatives a verbal testament: if he dies in the field - do not carry him into the hut, if he dies in the hut - carry him out not with his feet first, according to the custom of all Orthodox Christians, but with his head, and stop at the first river in advance, turn him over in a coffin, lay him down prone, trim the heels and hamstrings.

Smolensk sorcerers are not required to make such wills either: everyone there firmly knows that it is necessary, as soon as the sorcerer’s grave is buried, to drive an aspen stake into it in order to prevent this dead person from rising from the grave, wandering around the world and frightening living people.

Sorcerers certainly die for a very long time, since they are ordered to suffer beyond their due. One Oryol sorceress, for example, died for six whole days: by the evening she would be completely dead - she would calm down, they would put her on the table, and in the morning she would crawl underground again and be alive again. They will pull her out of there, and she will begin to suffer again: she will twist and break her, she will turn blue all over, stick out her swollen tongue and cannot hide it. The people are amazed that they will not think to remove the ridge (top of the roof) or at least one perch in order to alleviate the suffering before death. All storytellers who depict the horrors of the dying sufferings of sorcerers cannot find words to express these torments. Some sorcerers go so far as to bang their heads against the wall, trying to split their skulls, tearing their tongues into pieces, etc.

One of them did not order his wife to come up to him and look at his face, and when she, as is a woman’s custom, did not listen, then after her husband’s death she lay motionless for six weeks, like a madwoman, and all the time looked at one point.

The funerals of sorcerers themselves are far from safe, and after burying them in the ground, one must keep an eye on them so that no misfortune happens. Thus, at the funeral of one sorcerer, the peasants did not notice how his daughter, blindly obeying the will of the deceased, placed a bunch of compressed rye in the grave. Immediately after this, thunder struck, a thundercloud came with hail and knocked out all the field crops. Since then, every year, on the day of the funeral of this sorcerer, “God’s punishment” began to befall (and in fact, during 1883, 1884, and 1885, hail destroyed the bread in only this one village), so the peasants finally decided to dig up the grave, take out the rotten sheaf and only then did they calm down. They drank in joy at the same time, it was visible and invisible."

The question is: white magician - who is this? and what are his thoughts occupied with? A bright wizard always feels harmony inside. Consciousness connects with the Ego. He perceives only that which is the highest goal, in other words, the divine.

Concentrating and protecting himself as much as possible from external influence, the white wizard strives to reach the boundaries of the mind and expand them.

Article on the topic:

Those who decide to improve their new skills become magicians. But those who spend it on unnecessary things fail to fully develop magical skills. And they bring trouble both to themselves and to those around them. To understand who white magicians are, you need to understand at least the basics of magic.

Who is a white magician?

Let's try to figure it out, white magicians - who are they, what is their purpose?

The esoteric direction defines this concept as a person who has the necessary knowledge and skills.

“Magic” comes from the word “I can.” Magician - maybe. He can do whatever he wants - fulfill his desires, make dreams come true, achieve goals, help people solve their problems.

While developing skills, such people do not pursue either material wealth or power with their actions. Their goal is not the political or social sphere.

What really comes first is personal growth, development of the spiritual plane, expansion of the boundaries of consciousness, development of personal magical power.

Such a person spends all his energy potential only when necessary. He never seeks to change the surrounding reality to the detriment of people - he is only interested in helping his neighbor and confronting dark forces.

Very often these people live in ascetic conditions, like hermits or monks. Such an environment turns them into a free person, not influenced by society.

The goal of the white magician is to direct energy flows the universe inside your consciousness. Each of these people tries throughout his life to rise to the level of the Creator, to reach the Universal Mind, to learn the secrets and laws of the Universe.

Black magicians and sorcerers - who are they?

Magicians, who are called black, are the direct opposite of white. And they work with the sweat of their brows to transform the surrounding reality into their own world - into a world that satisfies all their needs at the first call. By accumulating energy and knowledge, they begin to gradually influence society.

It is they - the minions of the dark forces - who teach people how to make magical linings, send damage, curses, and perform cemetery rituals for illness and death.

None of the dark sorcerers strives to develop spiritually - they are absolutely not interested in this side of the issue. The main thing they strive for is consumer power that knows no boundaries. They want to completely adjust the environment to suit themselves. The sorcerer is never sincere - he tries to use every new acquaintance of his to benefit only for himself.

The dark ones deceive people without experiencing the slightest remorse. And they do everything so skillfully that a person begins to depend on them. It begins to seem to him that his whole life will fall into the abyss if the sorcerer’s needs are not met.

The activity of a black magician can be compared to a spider, which creates webs and lures its victims into them.

Who are the gray magicians?

Gray is between black and white. This color uncertainty is due to the fact that gray magicians cannot choose the side to which they belong. Their actions resemble the balancing act of a tightrope walker, at times leaning in one direction or another. No wonder they are called “double-dealers.”

The level of a light wizard is not yet available to them, but they still try not to forget about spiritual development. But they work at the same time, combining both spiritual and social aspects.

Unlike black sorcerers, gray ones try to make positive changes in the world around them. And not only to make them feel good, but also for everyone else. Personal satisfaction of needs does not occupy a leading position among them.

The gray magician tries to bring as many positive aspects into reality as possible. He works for the benefit of society and tries to involve other people in this.

How to become a magician?

A magician is a person who has the most powerful knowledge that has come from the depths of centuries. To become a magician, you need to study a lot and diligently, developing magical skills and constantly practicing.

But in addition to acquired skills, some wizards are born with supernatural abilities. From the first days of life, they have a unique strength.

Article on the topic:

After all, there have been cases when young children showed unusual talents and changed their destinies. If there were wizards in the family, then there is a high probability that magical abilities will also manifest themselves in future generations.

It happens that a person discovers the emergence of inner strength after a stressful situation. For example, after being in a long coma or after experiencing an accident that caused the death of many people.

And over time, supernatural potential begins to manifest itself - gradually, step by step. At first it is very difficult to control the energy, and this causes some fear. But day after day a person gets used to it and begins to learn.

How to become a magician in 5 minutes?

The difference between white and black magic

The rituals of white and black magic cannot always be distinguished from each other - this is especially difficult for those who have never encountered magical rituals. But the most important thing lies deep inside each ritual - this is its intention, its purpose. This is the main thing.

White magic never uses information about a person to harm him. But the black sorcerer does only this, carrying out destructive attacks. White Mage He knows perfectly not only the basics of his magic - he also knows black magic.

This is a necessary condition: after all, only knowing the enemy in person can you defeat him. The energy that light magic sends into reality is good. It is closely related to divine power. This is the answer to the question: who are white magicians and what is their difference from sorcerers.

P.S. I am a white magician. Behind me are the Highest Light Forces of the Cosmic Hierarchies. Together we help people solve difficult life problems.

You can contact me for help via.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


from the vastness of Tyrnet
In mid-February 2016, the spirit of the earth finally survived the extreme point and began to recover.

Nowadays, everything that is built on a ski must collapse, if it does not collapse with peace, it will collapse with violence. So everyone needs the truth, so that those who stand for the truth will know that they will be saved.

We don't love a good prince, we love a mutual, equal relationship...
The fact that Christianity or Islam forces us to be a king from God, you are a slave, creates disharmony among us. Teaches the wolf to become a dog, he will not become one.

If you look at the number of plant species, the number of species of organisms and insects. According to shamanism (magician) according to the Avesta, organisms and insects were born from the plant with its first fruit.

The question is - how and why? , - if you remove all the organisms of people, animals, insects, - the plants will exhale oxygen (oxygen) and from the fact that oxygen is a cold gas, they will cover the vegetation and freeze themselves and the vegetation will die - this is the conclusion - the plants were forced to create an organism and insects , so that they process oxygen (oxygen), - this is why plants feed us like a mother, and the oxygen that we breathe and the food we eat can provide benefits to plants - this is why, according to the belief of shamanism, a tree (plants) is revered as a mother!

I would like to add Ahuramazda or Avesta, this is a fake of the Persians, also Vedism or a sorcerer. Vedism is also a fake to divide the people of Tartari.

There are plants that, when crossed with other plants, produce a fruit, but do not give the duration of the genus, this means evolution and also the origin of man from one “Adam” is a lie. Also, a dog crossed with wolves, the first offspring are born into wolf-dogs, and after generations the genius of the wolf takes over and the offspring are born as wolves and go into the forest.

If observed, we want to live in an equal society. Volkhva is a wolf. Sometimes they mix the sorcerer with Vedism, Vedism is a fake, where are the Greeks where is Tartaria and in these religions are different universes).

Wolves are the only social animal and shamanic system, the only socially equal system.
He is a shaman, a comrade leader! We need to move in this direction, Vedism or Orthodoxy is a failure and the religion of the spirit is shamanism, and that it will come from Siberia. everything is predicted, or the Vatican must open an archive to show how they composed the Bible, or the people must take courage.

The fact that people like Kirill Gunday know the prophecy... they can delay the prophecy until the people are exhausted. And what Cyril Gundai said when entering: - we were barbarians, the Greco-Romans came from barbarians and made us humans and we will not return to the barbarians again, we don’t even know their language!, this suggests that Gundai knows the prophecy and takes care that it does not come true .

And this will end with all Christian peoples dying out on their own! So, whoever loves his people should never fold his hands! When the people know the lies of Christianity, all their prayers will turn into darkness and threaten them, so I suggest that in order to avoid danger, pray what is true.

Any religion has light because we treat it with bright thoughts, and when we need help, these bright thoughts help us, it’s simple magic.
Therefore, it is inappropriate to cling to the fact that Christianity has a fragment of a miracle and to help curl the sense of what is TRUE! Gorbachev raised religion, supposedly the people drink because there is no spiritual harmony. Nowadays there is religion, but there is absolutely no harmony, and people have begun to drink even more.

By the collapse of the USSR, the number of Russians was 150 million, and now there are almost 75 million left. All Christian peoples are dying out on their own, which means religion is to blame.

Because religion says: whoever believes, Jesus (Allah) will not revive him, so going against faith is considered an attempt on eternal life.

Christianity Islam Judaism (and Buddhism they think “I” means nothing, the richer you are born, it means the closer you are to God; - the same thing; - “king from God”) they believe; - “God will reward everyone according to his faith,” according to Therefore, infringements of religion are associated with infringements on life.

But in fact; - people are observed who have suffered clinical death to come back to life, or shamans (psychics) when communicating with spirits, everyone says; - a person is judged by his deeds, and not by his faith, this means that everyone will be rewarded according to his faith , but according to his affairs.

If we have such faith, we will all try to help each other, and peace and union and harmony will awaken!

Here is the stone of prophecy of the Indians (in fact, they are not Indians, but Tatars (Turkic Russian German Bulgarian Hungarian and beyond)) Another stone of prophecy, the Avesta rock, is located in Iran. Just as all the “hanging” books came after the Avesta, their forecasts were taken from the Avesta and forged to suit themselves.

The meaning of life is to live in harmony; - plant trees, raise children, learn, invent, create your own world. Help others to protect your spirit from sin.

The world consists of many living entities and beings. Everything that happens and can happen in the world is done by someone: bacteria, insects, animals, people, societies, forces of nature…. They can turn water into wine and wine into vinegar, they know what is going on in the next room and what is happening on the other side of the earth, they can cause an earthquake or bend space-time... The only thing they don’t know is why they should do all this, and they do something only due to the existing laws established by the creator of this world, that is, for some reason.

The essence of what is happening.

As you probably understand, the reasons for everything that happens lie in the abstract, in the area of ​​​​relations between forces and objects. If we take any incident in the material world and try to find out its cause, we will run into some law or someone’s decision, something that cannot be touched and seen. Accordingly, if we try to change something without changing the essence, we will not be able to change anything, the effect will be short-lived and everything will return to its original state, because the cause of the phenomenon remains, and the cause is inevitably followed by a consequence in the form of the phenomenon itself.

Notice the word "happening." What happens is what comes out. Where? From whom, from what? We will begin to clarify these issues.

Cause of illness

Let's take, for example, some disease. She has specific symptoms that are the result of some processes in the body. Not so long ago, medicine tried to thoroughly understand the state of affairs in the diseased organ itself and correct it, without trying to find out the reasons why the situation is such. But if your legs hurt, it is quite possible that the cause is, for example, in the liver, and it needs to be treated.

But this is not the end of the investigation. Why does the liver work poorly? After all, there is a reason for this too. If we try to figure this out, we will probably run into something even more abstract, like a wrong way of living or a wrong way of thinking. If you do not change them, then treating the liver is useless.

But this is not the end. An incorrect way of life or thoughts also comes from somewhere... Perhaps a person needs to move to live in another place, or sleep with his head in a different direction, or get married... This is how we come to understand the extravagant advice that magicians who see the essence sometimes give when they are approached for solving very specific problems.

Doctor, my legs hurt...

It's time for you to get married, my friend!

Now, before you talk about the incompetence or simply rudeness of such a doctor who cannot even treat his legs, try to see the essence of his advice.

Creating a Reason

So, in order to get some result in the manifested material world, you need to create a reason for it, for which you need to get into the very essence. Also, in order to remove something from an existing thing, you must remove the reason for its existence.

A magician who can create a cause for an object or event does not need to worry about the specific embodiment of the result - this will be taken over by the beings or forces responsible for ensuring that each cause has a consequence and that there are no consequences without causes. And no mysticism.

Thus, the path of magic does not consist in taming certain forces, but in self-knowledge, freeing the will and developing creativity.


The influence on the essence occurs with the help of will. Will is one of the most effective tools of a magician. The will cannot be educated or grown; it must mature on its own, but for this it needs certain conditions.

For the most part, people have no idea what will is. The so-called “willpower” was nowhere near this - it is only a function of the will, what the will should do, what to do. The function of the hand is to manipulate objects, and the function of the will is to manipulate the abstract. For example, when one tries to quit smoking using “willpower”, it looks like an armless person struggling to grab something with his hands, or like a person chewing with his gums...

A more or less commonly used term for its manifestations is “show character.”

At a certain stage, will becomes absolutely necessary for a magician who, by virtue of his profession, in order not to lose contact with reality, is obliged to realize, for example, the hopelessness of someone else’s or his own actions, the meaninglessness of any actions in general. In order to continue to effectively do what needs to be done without turning a blind eye to such things, will is required.


You can interfere with the essence with the help of your will without reaching a state where you can, through a direct act of creativity, extract causes from nothing or destroy them without a trace. As I already said, a person has the ability to directly perceive the abstract and also manipulate it. Manipulation of the abstract without change general essence called witchcraft.

Who is a sorcerer?

The sorcerer is just a manipulator of the abstract. The only thing that gives it an aura of mystery is that attention modern man located for the most part in the field of the concrete, manifested, in the field of objects and events, and not in the field of the abstract, in the field of connections between objects and events. This is the only reason why the work of any sorcerer seems miraculous, although it is simply a craft, mastery of one of the abstract senses.

The sorcerer does not create or destroy causes, he does not have such power, he can only change causes. If a sorcerer wants to cause rain in a certain place, he can do this, but some other place will remain without water. If a sorcerer made someone rich, that means a dozen other people became a little poorer.

Unlike the magician, who does not care about the methods of magic, the sorcerer is often content to enter into an agreement with one or more allies - creatures or forces that allow him to solve some problems, receiving some kind of payment for this. In general, business as usual, with all the attendant dangers. In addition, due to the fact that a simple layman, due to the peculiarities of his attention, cannot in any way check the work of a sorcerer, there are many charlatans among sorcerers.

How to distinguish witchcraft from magic

It is very simple to distinguish witchcraft from magic. Witchcraft has a reason. If you change the essence for some reason or for something, if the reason for your actions is already in the world, you cast a spell, manipulate the essence, and the world as a whole remains the same. If you do something just so that it will be, you really change the essence and with it the whole world.

An individual person does not have to go through the stage of a sorcerer to become a magician. In this case, evolution is non-individual and is initially inherent in human nature; a person can only choose what he is inclined to.

Turn your left cheek if you are hit on the right.

The motives for the actions of magicians are very different from the motives for the actions of other creatures and even ordinary people. Usually the actions of people and other beings are caused by certain reasons, and by their actions they also try to cause pre-planned consequences. If you offend them, they will be offended, if you hit them, they will hit back. They are predictable and manageable.

The simplest recipe for becoming a magician was given by Jesus, who advised “Turn your left cheek if you are hit on the right...” and so on. At the same time, you don’t need to be filled with pious thoughts, you don’t need to try to be not yourself... You just need to take it and do it, without any reason. Anyone who manages to do this of his own free will, who manages to abandon the programmed reaction “an eye for an eye,” immediately acquires a lot of knowledge about himself, about will, and programs. Moreover, he acquires a secret - after all, he will not be able to prove to anyone that he did it himself, of his own free will, and not succumbing to fear or anything else.

But the trick won't work if you do this for some reason. For example, because you want to know whether it works or not. In this case, the magic will most likely elude you. And what kind of secret is this? After all, you can show this book or the original source to anyone and say - I checked whether what was written there is true? I assure you that everyone can understand you.

Gifts of magicians.

Magicians never seriously trade their knowledge or skills. They can only give, and although their gifts sometimes contain Trojans, magicians never demand anything in return, either immediately or later. By this sign you can always distinguish a real magician from a sorcerer or charlatan.

Reasons for the selflessness of magicians

There are two more considerations that allow magicians to be so selfless. The first is a broad view of the world, not limited to a small world of our own, and that means “left my hands” does not mean “disappeared” at all. Secondly, what modern magicians really consider valuable and allow themselves to have - knowledge, skills, spirit - are intangible. By giving, you only multiply them, and at the same time you repay your debt to the world, which allows you to live and be who you have become.
