Deciduous and coniferous trees. Lesson with a presentation for children of the senior and preparatory groups “Trees of our region Download presentation deciduous and coniferous trees

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Coniferous trees Kravtsun M.G. teacher primary classes MBOU Egorlykskaya secondary school No. 1

Guess the riddles.

What kind of girl is this: Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, She doesn’t sew anything herself, But in needles all year round. Spruce

It is many hundreds of years old. He is dressed in a green sheepskin coat. Although it grows in the remote taiga, He is always held in high esteem. After all, He is very rich in cones for both adults and children. And in the cones, whatever you say, the nuts are delicious inside. Cedar

A relative has a Christmas tree with non-thorny needles, but, unlike the Christmas tree, those needles fall off. Larch

This grandmother is a hundred years old, She has no hump, She sticks out high, She looks far away, Death will come for the old woman - The grandmother will become a hut. Pine

Conifers are one of the most ancient groups of plants, dating back about 300 million years. Representatives of coniferous trees: cypress, yew, cedar, fir, juniper, pine, spruce, etc. Coniferous trees grow in abundance, in one form or another, throughout to the globe, in all parts of the world. Often coniferous trees dominate other plants. The size of an adult coniferous tree can reach 100 meters in height (the tallest coniferous tree is Sequoia evergreen - 115.2 meters). In addition, representatives of coniferous trees are not only the tallest, but also the thickest - Taxodium Mexicana (11.42 meters in diameter), the oldest - Durable Pine (4700 years old) and the largest - Sequoia Dendron giant (with a volume of 1486.9 m³) representatives of the flora. In Russia, the most common are spruce, pine, fir, cedar, and juniper.

Record holders

Thick -Taxodium Mexicana (11.42 m in diameter)

Old - Long-lasting pine (4700 years)

Large – Giant Sequoia (with a volume of 1486.9 m³).


Name 5 coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir, cedar, larch) 2. Who is spruce friends with in winter? (spruce is friends in winter with crossbill, woodpecker and squirrel) 3. Why do spruce trees have the shape of a triangle? (snow easily slides off them and does not break the branches). 4. Which coniferous tree sheds its needles for the winter? (larch)

5. Does pine or spruce have longer needles? (near a pine tree) 6. What kind of climate do they like? conifers? (cold climate) 7. What birds feed on conifer cones? (crossbill, nutcracker) 8. Which coniferous tree has cones - berries? (juniper)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation "Coniferous trees"

The presentation introduces students to the characteristics of coniferous trees, as well as their use on the farm. The presentation can be used in lessons on studying the surrounding world in grades 1-2....

This lesson will cover the topic “deciduous and coniferous trees”, which will help schoolchildren learn about two groups of trees - deciduous and coniferous. Let's look at them features.

Lesson: Deciduous and coniferous trees

As you know, each tree has its own distinctive characteristics. One of these signs is leaves. Sheet- This is one of the main organs of the plant, performing the functions of respiration and nutrition. The leaves of trees are very diverse in shape and size.

Birch has small carved leaves.

Linden leaves are shaped like a heart.

Oak leaves will expand at the top of the leaf.

Maple has a wide leaf plate with pointed ends.

Rowan has a complex leaf, with up to 15 small leaves on the central petiole.

Chestnut also has a complex leaf. The slightly pointed leaves meet at the apex of the main petiole.

Birch, rowan, oak, maple, linden are deciduous trees. They have their own distinctive features.

1) Presence of leaves.

2) In autumn, the color of the leaves changes.

3) All deciduous trees shed their leaves. This phenomenon is called leaf fall.

A large number of treesform a deciduous forest.

Let's get acquainted with some representatives of deciduous trees.

The most powerful tree in the forest is considered oak. Our ancestors considered oak sacred tree. The height of the oak is about 50 meters, life expectancy is 500 years. But there are also long-livers for more than a thousand years. In autumn the oaks ripen acorns.

These are hearty and nutritious fruits. The squirrel loves to eat acorns and will hide them in the hollow as a reserve. The forest bird jay is also a lover of tasty fruits. They rush for acorns and wild boars, because they need to accumulate fat to survive the winter.

Our ancestors knew: a lot of acorns on an oak tree - to harsh winter. Wheat should be sown when the oak leaves unfurl. Oak is also considered a symbol of power and strength. Oak wreaths were awarded to the bravest warriors.

People say about cowardly people: “Trembles like an aspen leaf.” In reality, an aspen leaf trembles at the slightest breath of wind. This is due to the structure of the petiole . The aspen petiole is very thin and long, even in calm weather, the aspen leaves rustle quietly. In the spring, before the leaves appear, catkins appear on the aspen. People say: “The fluff has flown from the aspen tree, go into the forest for some aspen boletus.”

These are mushrooms that love to grow under aspen trees. The caps of these mushrooms resemble the autumn color of aspen leaves.

What tree is this riddle about?

Takes from my flower

The bee has the most delicious honey.

And everyone insults me

The thin skin is removed.

This Linden. Fragrant fragrant linden flowers attract bees. And it’s not for nothing that bees produce linden honey, it has healing properties. Our ancestors went to the linden tree for bast. This inner part bark. Thin strips were removed from the tree and bast shoes were woven. Linden wood is very soft and white. Furniture, dishes and musical instruments are made from it.

The second group of trees is conifers. Needles are modified leaves. Coniferous trees include spruce, cedar pine, fir, and larch. A forest consisting of coniferous trees is called coniferous. Unlike deciduous trees, coniferous trees do not shed their needles in the fall, so their other name is evergreen.

Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree. The crown of the tree reaches down to the ground, so the spruce forests are dark and damp. Spruce forests are called spruce forests. Spruce roots are located close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, from strong winds, spruce trees fall, forming impenetrable thickets and windfalls. This is what a spruce branch with cones looks like. The cones are oblong.

Spruce is a very interesting and useful tree. Its wood is used for manufacturing musical instruments and paper. Coniferous trees emit special substances that fill the air with a pleasant aroma and purify it. How much joy the green beauty brings to your home on New Year's Eve!

Pine is a coniferous tree. The crown of the tree is at the very top, so it is light in the pine forests. Such a forest is called pine forest. The pine tree has powerful roots, so it is not afraid of strong winds. Pine can also grow on rocks and ravines. This is what a pine branch with a cone looks like.

Pine has longer needles than spruce. Needles grow on a branch, two at a time. The cones are short, round in shape.

Among coniferous trees, there is a tree with unusual properties - this larch. Like spruce and pine, larch has needles; in the fall, larch turns yellow and sheds its needles like leaves, which is why it is called larch. In spring, young needles emerge from the buds again.

If a forest contains both coniferous and deciduous trees, such a forest is called mixed.

Trees are the lungs of our planet. By absorbing harmful substances, trees release air and oxygen. Leaves retain smoke and soot. Trees need to be protected.

The next lesson will cover the topic “Autumn in the life of plants.” During the lesson we will learn about the most important seasonal changes, which occur in almost all plants. Let's see how autumn manifests itself, and then find out the role of autumn in the life of plants.

1. Samkova V.A., Romanova N.I. The world 1. - M.: Russian word.

2. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. The world around us 1. - M.: Enlightenment.

3. Gin A.A., Faer S.A., Andrzheevskaya I.Yu. The world around us 1. - M.: VITA-PRESS.

1. Describe deciduous trees.

2. Describe coniferous trees.

3. Guess the riddles.

1. I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.

I am growing very straight - in height.

If I'm not on the edge,

The branches are only at the top of the head. (Pine)

2. You can always find her in the forest -

You will go for a walk and you will meet:

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

3. In this sleek box

Bronze color

A small oak tree is hidden

Next summer. (Acorn)

4. Who knows what kind of tree this is?

A relative has a Christmas tree

Non-prickly needles.

But unlike the Christmas tree -

Those needles fall off. (Larch)

5. Takes from my flower

The bee has the most delicious honey.

But they still offend me

The thin skin is peeled off. (Linden)

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Coniferous trees

Prepared by Petrova Nadezhda Vasilievna St. Petersburg GBDOU kindergarten №11 25.10.2015 2

Scots pine evergreen tree up to 40m high. The length of the root is up to 30 m. The crown is highly raised, cone-shaped, and then rounded, wide. Pine lives on average up to 350 years. 10/25/2015 3

Pine needles The needles are triangular or flattened, located on shortened shoots in twos, long and narrow, hard, smooth, prickly (up to 8 cm long), usually remain on the shoots from 3 to 6 years. 10/25/2015 4

Pine “blooms” in late May - early June 10/25/2015 5

Pine cones and seeds 10/25/2015 6

Use of pine Pine wood is widely used. Rosin and turpentine are obtained from pine resin; with deeper processing, solvents, flavors, and adhesives are obtained. 10/25/2015 7

Common spruce 10/25/2015 8 Evergreen spruce is the oldest tree in the Russian forest. Reaches 30 m. Spruce is frost-resistant, shade-bearing.

Spruce needles Spruce needles are tetrahedral, arranged in a spiral, sitting one at a time on leaf pads. The length of the needles is up to 2 cm. The lifespan of each needle is six or more years. 10/25/2015 9

Fir cones and seeds 10/25/2015 10

Use of spruce Spruce wood is used in construction, used in the pulp and paper industry, as well as for the manufacture of musical instruments, containers, sleepers, and telegraph poles. 10/25/2015 11

On Christmas and New Year it is customary to put Christmas tree. 25.10.2015 12

Larch Larch in favorable conditions grows up to 50 meters and lives up to 400 years. In autumn, larch turns yellow like deciduous trees, and in winter its needles fall off. 10/25/2015 13

Larch needles Larch needles are soft, tender, flattened, bright green. They grow in bunches of 20-30 pieces together. The length of the needles reaches 40 mm. 10/25/2015 14
