Which birds are considered sedentary? Which bird from the order Galliformes is migratory? Seasonal changes in life

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There are 20 presentations in total

In the middle zone of forests of Siberia, Sakhalin and in all forests of the European part of the country, sedentary jay birds live - the indigenous inhabitants of the forest. They are wary of humans and only severe hunger sometimes makes them fly to forest cordons or to the outskirts of large cities.

Among the monotonous black or gray plumage of its relatives - rooks, jackdaws and magpies - the jay stands out for the beauty and brightness of its plumage. Its general tone is brownish-brown, almost red, the tips of the wings and tail are black, the base of the tail and throat are white, and there are blue spots on the sides of the wings that form a stripe when sitting.

The jay is slightly smaller in size than the jackdaw. Jays live in any forest in upper parts trees, but also descend to the ground. They make nests from branches and wool and hatch 5-8 chicks. Jays feed on insects; after leaf fall, they descend to the ground and collect insect pupae and acorns in the fallen leaves. They also feed on various berries, hawthorn, rowan, but also attack the nests of small birds, drink eggs and kill chicks.

The jay is the main disperser of oak. While scattering oak seeds, she often loses them in flight, so oak seedlings and young trees can be found several kilometers from fruit-bearing trees.

“Feathered forester” is the name given to a forest bird – the nutcracker, or nutcracker, which is widespread in the forests of Siberia and northern forests Western Urals. Nutcrackers are sedentary birds of the crow type, the size of a jay. Its main plumage is black, its back and belly are strewn with white spots, and the ends of its tail feathers are also white.

Cedar trees are the only distributors of cedar. The pine cone is massive, the nut is heavy, neither wind, nor rain, nor small birds can carry it far. And at the same time, somewhere off to the side, sometimes in a burnt area, many kilometers from the cedar forest, cedar seedlings are discovered.

When the cones ripen, hundreds of nutcrackers knock them down and peel them, stuff the crops with nuts and drag them in all directions to hide them in secluded corners. By creating a supply of nuts in various places, nutcrackers eat only part of them. Another part of the reserves is for many taiga inhabitants, primarily for the sable.

Every forester must remember that nutcrackers bring great benefits to forestry and must be protected.

Blackbirds are numerous in all forests. They settle in any place and hatch chicks 2-3 times a year. The nest of these birds is massive, inner part covered with clay. Blackbirds collect insects on the forest floor and feed on berries and seeds of forest shrubs.

Woodpeckers have fully adapted to life in the forest. These sedentary birds winter time They wander, but never fly out of the forest. There are 13 species of woodpeckers living in our forests. Short wings do not allow them to make long flights.

When a woodpecker sits on a tree, it rests on its hard tail feathers. Woodpeckers have a long, pointed beak, which they use to chisel wood. The woodpecker's tongue is an important weapon for obtaining food. The tongue of this bird can protrude up to 15 cm. Having made a hole in the bark or wood with its beak and reaching the passage of the bark beetle or longhorned beetle, the woodpecker sticks its tongue into all the cracks under the bark, looking for insect larvae. Having found the larva, he pricks it on the sharp, hard tip of his tongue. The prey will not slip off such a tongue - the end is lined with sharp teeth directed backwards.

By exterminating forest pests, woodpeckers are very beneficial. They are also useful because every year they hollow out new hollows for nesting, and hollow nesters use last year’s ones.

There are numerous species of tits in our forests. They nest in hollows and artificial nesting boxes, hatch chicks twice a summer, and there can be up to 15 chicks in a brood. Each species of tit has its own favorite places habitat: blue tit sticks deciduous forests, tufted tit – conifers, great tit nests everywhere.

Tits feed on insects and their eggs. With their strong beaks, birds crush spider web nests and select caterpillars wintering in them. In summer, tits are exterminated a large number of silkworm caterpillars, which are not eaten by other birds except the rook, starling and cuckoo.

On average, a pair of birds flies to the nest up to 500 times per day, bringing about a thousand eggs during this time. different insects. Tits are the most common sedentary birds in our forests.

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Birds are the most mobile creatures living on earth. Due to the presence of wings, they can easily migrate long distances due to changes weather conditions or environmental degradation. Based on their ability to fly, birds are divided into two large groups:

  • wintering:
  • sedentary (never leave their inhabited territory);
  • nomadic (constantly on the move: moving from place to place, wanting to get food);
  • migratory (perform constant movements depending on the time of year).

Migratory birds - introduction

These birds seem to live in two houses: their wintering place and nesting place are different and can be located at a considerable distance from each other. Often migration takes place in several stages, between which the birds take a break to rest. The list of such birds is quite extensive.

Birds begin to leave their permanent habitat at different periods: for example, orioles, nightingales, and swifts begin to set off at the end of summer, although the days are still warm and there is a real abundance of food for them. And waterfowl (swans, ducks) leave their reservoirs very late, waiting for the first frost.

Reasons for flying

Birds are most often heat-loving, their body is characterized by elevated temperature (often it exceeds 40°C). However, feathers protect them well from the cold, which is why living in cold conditions harsh winter they certainly can. But for this need more food. And in the snowy season, food is not easy to come by! That is why birds have to leave their nests and fly to distant countries rich in food.

As a rule, the inhabitants of the tundra and taiga are more susceptible to flights, where natural conditions the most severe, and there is very little food in winter. A pattern has also been identified: insectivorous and carnivorous birds migrate most often, granivores migrate less often. The reason for this is obvious: grain can be found in winter, but even the sharpest beak cannot reach insects from under the snow. There are a large number of migrants among the inhabitants of the middle zone.

Since there are a lot of them, let's imagine list of the most famous representatives feathered world:

  • martin;
  • lark;
  • landrail;
  • song thrush;
  • wagtail;
  • fieldfare;
  • lapwing;
  • nightingale;
  • oriole;
  • robin;
  • cuckoo;
  • finch;
  • heron;
  • woodcock;
  • gray flycatcher.

It is these birds that fly away from their places closer to autumn in order to return in the spring to breed.

Buntings are of interest: they used to be sedentary and ate in the stables all winter. However, due to the development of city life and the gradual decline of the countryside, there are fewer and fewer stables, so the birds had to switch to a migratory lifestyle. With ducks, the situation is the opposite: in urban reservoirs, thanks to humans, there is now enough food, so they can spend the whole winter there, that is, they become overwinterers.

Species of migratory birds

Among migrating birds we can distinguish two main types:

Instinctive is usually insectivorous birds , which leave their nests in advance, without waiting for the arrival of cold weather. They feel, as if by instinct, the approach of autumn, although the days are still warm. The reduction in daylight hours allows them to understand that it is time to hit the road.

Weather - most often these are granivores or birds with a mixed type of diet. They fly away if the weather worsens significantly, over a short distance and for a short time.

Why do they come back

A clear answer to the question of what prompts birds to leave warm places, rich in food and have not yet returned, covering vast distances to the abandoned nests. Scientists have proposed several hypotheses.

Many people are interested in the question: is crossbill migratory? No, it's nomadic species, which is proven by the following signs:

  • he makes movements not related to seasonality, but in search of food,
  • migrations do not occur along a specific route, but in a chaotic manner;
  • The nesting area directly depends on the amount of food: seeds of pine, spruce, larch.

Cedar trees, waxwings, and bee-eaters behave in a similar way, so they are also nomadic representatives of the feathered world.

Black grouse and crow

Is the black grouse a migratory bird or not? Despite the most severe cold and lack of food, this bird remains in its habitat and does not migrate. Special adaptations help this wintering bird not to die in the cold: they are completely bury themselves in soft snow and warm themselves, since in the resulting hole the air heats up from breathing. And for food, the black grouse uses berries and buds previously hidden in the crop.

And the crows? These birds are winter birds. They do not make flights; they prefer to live in urban environments, feed on carrion or in garbage dumps, and make a living by destroying other people’s nests and hunting small rodents. Thanks to their dense plumage and unpretentiousness in food, crows survive the winter cold quite easily.


This wise bird leads sedentary image life without migrating. In cold weather, there is enough food for the owl in the forest, so it can easily cope with the difficulties of wintering. Thanks to the fact that this predator has prehensile claws, the owl can catch small rodents, which are most often in its diet in cold weather.

The world of migratory birds is very rich and diverse, many of them lead a completely unique lifestyle. However, sedentary birds are also of interest due to how they manage to adapt to unfavorable conditions and survive in hungry winter. All that remains is to admire the logic and thoughtfulness of nature!

Depending on how birds react to the seasons with their movements, three main groups are distinguished among them. This sedentary, nomadic And migratory birds.

Resident birds

Sedentary birds live in the same area all year round. At the end of summer, some of them make small reserves for the winter. Jays hide nuts and acorns in holes and moss on the surface of the ground or in hollows. Tits and nuthatches store seeds and insects by tucking them into bark cracks and among lichens on tree branches. They feed on reserves in winter and spring, when food is scarce.

Nomadic birds

Often birds, joining in small flocks, gradually migrate to the south. This is what, for example, rooks or bullfinches do, looking for areas with little snow or rich in berries and other food, without having specific permanent wintering places.

Migratory birds

Migratory birds fly away from cold and temperate areas in the fall, flocking to warm countries where they spend the winter. Having gathered in flocks, they fly in hundreds and thousands: some during the day, others at night. On the way, the birds feed, rest and fly further to their usual permanent wintering place.

Some migratory birds leave their nesting areas in late autumn, when they can no longer feed in their homeland. For example, many ducks and swans fly away no earlier than the bodies of water that are their main feeding grounds begin to freeze.

Other migratory birds, for example, nightingales, orioles, and swifts, go to wintering grounds early - already at the end of summer, although the weather at the nesting sites is warm and there is enough food for them.

During migration, birds adhere to constant paths, along which they follow each year for wintering, and in the spring they return back to raise their chicks in their homeland.

Figure: Migrating white stork

Ways to study flights

To find out exactly where the birds spend the winter, they are put on a light ring with a number on their feet and released. The name of the ringed bird species, ring number, date and place of ringing are recorded in the book. If a ringed bird is caught, then the ring is removed and sent to the city indicated on the ring, indicating where and when the bird was caught.

With the help of ringing, it became known that barn and city swallows from the European part winter in Africa, reaching its south, as well as in India. European white storks spend the winter in tropical and South Africa. Our nightingales winter in Southern Nigeria and the Zambezi River basin (South-East Africa).

Reasons for bird migration

Experiments have established that for migratory birds living in cages, a period of severe anxiety begins in the fall. Studying the behavior of birds shows that in the fall they tend to fly in the direction where their permanent wintering grounds are located. After a few weeks they calm down.

By comparing the timing of disturbance in caged birds with the behavior of the same species in the wild, it was possible to establish that for free birds this timing corresponds to the period of their autumn migration.

Scientists believe that bird migrations are associated with long-established seasonal alternations in living conditions. Birds living in tropical parts of the globe also migrate.

From century to century, many birds fly away from areas subject to annual drought or heavy rains. For birds that have settled in the northern and temperate regions, flights to the places where they hatched allow them to use the warmest period of the year for nesting, which is favorable for feeding and raising chicks.

As a rule, the desire of birds in spring to their native places is associated with the manifestation of the reproductive instinct. The autumn migration is caused by a decrease in the amount of usual food, a shortening of the daylight hours - such phenomena serve as an advance signal for departure from places of future lack of food. Thus, seasonal migrations are one of the instinctive actions of birds, and they arose several million years ago under the influence of the changing seasons.

Methods for orienting birds during migration

How do birds find their way to wintering grounds and back? Visual memory and the ability to navigate by the sun partly play a role here. But many diurnal birds migrate at night and feed during the day. Special experiments in planetariums have shown that birds are able to navigate by the stars. Some birds appear to be able to perceive change magnetic field Earth. However, the issues of bird orientation have not yet been completely resolved.

We live next to little feathered neighbors who decorate and enrich our lives with their sonorous, unforgettable singing and sometimes unusual plumage colors. We can see small winged creatures in gardens, parks, forest areas and even outside the window of their apartments all year round. Many birds leave their homes and fly to warmer habitats with the onset of cold weather. But, some birds remain for the winter and cope well with the harsh frosty winters of our latitudes. Which birds stay in their native lands and how they cope with the cold - we’ll tell you about it.

Birds living on certain territory throughout their lives are called sedentary. “Settling down” and permanently living within one habitat, building nests, feeding chicks, feeding on available food is typical for resident birds. These birds do not fly south with the onset of cold weather; they are able to get food even in harsh snowy conditions.

Wintering birds are well adapted to frost due to the deposition of a fatty layer. In cold, windy weather, birds fluff up their feathers to keep warm. Most often, birds suffer not from severe winter frosts, but from lack of nutrition. During snowy winters, it is especially difficult for birds to feed themselves. Therefore, birds settle near human habitation. This makes it easier for them to find food and survive.

Resident birds list with names

It seems to us that almost all birds for the period cold winter migrate to warmer regions. In fact, many birds do not leave their place of residence and spend the winter in their homes. Let us list the most common birds that lead a sedentary lifestyle. We often see these birds in city parks, squares, and forests near country houses. In winter, wintering birds come closer to human dwellings in search of food.

  • Pigeons
  • tits
  • Sparrows
  • Bullfinches
  • Magpies
  • Jackdaws
  • Crows
  • Grouse
  • Capercaillie
  • Grosbeaks
  • Grouse
  • Woodpeckers
  • Owls
  • Nuthatches
  • dippers
  • Crossbills
  • Goldfinches
  • pikas
  • Waxwings
  • Siskins and other birds

Sedentary birds photos with names

Let's talk about the most common birds that are not afraid of cold weather and winter in our area. Let's start the review with the restless and noisy sparrows.

House sparrows They live near human habitation, which is why they got their name. In summer, sparrows appear as nondescript gray-brown chirping birds. Only in winter in the background white snow you can see the true beauty of the birds. The males especially stand out with a black bib on their chest and a “mask” around the eyes.

Pugnacious little creatures group into flocks for winter. This makes it easier for the birds to feed themselves. When it comes to food, sparrows are not picky - they can eat anything: edible waste near garbage cans, seeds, sunflower seeds, wintering insects in the bark of trees, dry fruits and berries.

Great tit often found on tree branches in cities and rural areas. This is the largest of all tit species. A beautiful elegant bird with olive-yellow plumage and white “cheeks”. The tit's head is decorated with a black cap, and a vertical stripe of black feathers runs along its chest.

The “intelligent” bird carefully clears each seed from the shell with its beak, carefully looking around. After feeding, the bird cleans its beak on a branch and flies for the next seed. Having found food, tits notify their relatives and soon the entire flock of tits flocks to the “tasty” place.

blue tit- decoration of our forests. Tit small sizes with bluish-yellow feathers and a charming blue crown on the head. The dark blue eyeliner stands out brightly near the beak and converges at the back of the head. The blue tit is an excellent songster; its trills cover 5-15 transitions.

Other species of tits also winter in our latitudes. Most often you can find Muscovy tits, tits,tufted tits. Birds love to feast on sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, plant seeds, nuts, and unsalted lard.

Moskovka or black tit lives in coniferous forest, and closer to winter it moves closer to people.

Titmouse or blackheaded nuts in winter, it forms flocks with Muscovites, pikas, and blue tits to feed together.

Tufted tits or grenadiers They have a flirtatious tuft on their heads that is always raised. By winter, it gathers in mixed flocks with small birds for winter survival and is located closer to populated areas.

Nuthatches- nimble small birds that choose small hollows for housing. The females “adjust” the size of the hole in the hollow to the required dimensions, covering the excess space with clay. Agile birds quickly scurry up and down tree trunks, even upside down, in search of food, as if they were “crawling” - hence the bird’s name.

dippers or water sparrows feel good near ice-free bodies of water. Small fish, crustaceans, insects and their larvae in coastal pebbles are the main food for birds. The snow-white breast that adorns the small bird is filled with fat and is not moistened with water. Olyapka - excellent swimmer and a diver. The bird can stay underwater for almost a full minute, running along underwater rocks for a distance of up to 20 m.

Bullfinches- bright and prominent pichugas that stand out against the background of the snow cover. Male bullfinches have a bright red chest, females are more modestly colored. Rowan berries are a favorite delicacy for birds, so birds can often be seen on rowan branches.

Waxwings- beautiful wintering birds with silky plumage. The feathers are painted in a delicate brown color interspersed with red, yellow, black and white shades. In the summer, birds feed on insects, and with the arrival of cold weather and snowfalls, they switch to the berries of rowan, hawthorn, viburnum, chokeberry, which hang on the bushes in winter. Many summer residents deliberately leave some of the berries on the bushes to feed the birds in difficult times.

jays- cautious birds with bright blue splashes on their wings. “Shining” bird, this is how the name of the bird is translated from the Old Russian language. In warm weather, jays hide in dense foliage large trees where they find a lot of food. In winter, you can see jays within the city, where they move from the forest zone in search of feeding. The bird has the unique ability to imitate other birds and even imitate the “knock” of an ax.

Gray crows ubiquitous in urban and rural areas. Closer to winter, they group into mixed flocks of corvids to obtain food and survive in winter. They move widely on the ground, spreading their legs; in a hurry, sensing danger, they begin to “jump.”

Crows are omnivorous birds: insects, small vertebrates, chicks and eggs in the nests of other birds, berries, seeds, plant fruits - everything is suitable for a picky bird. Crows are excellent natural “orderlies”, eating garbage and all kinds of carrion.

Jackdaws- numerous wintering birds living in small groups or large flocks with other birds. In winter, they mainly feed on food waste in landfills or from garbage containers. They spend the night in the branches of large trees. Jackdaws have long lived next to humans. Birds are easily tamed and very sociable. Birds are known to have a craving for shiny things.

Pileated woodpeckers with the help of a strong beak they look for insects, larvae and hidden lumps in the bark of trees. Birds have elegant plumage. The red nape and bright underwings adorn the tireless forest “orderly” worker. The white horizontal stripes on the black wings give the bird a special charm. Woodpeckers move little and cover short distances. In their territory, birds create a strong knocking sound on tree trunks, announcing their presence.

Resident birds in autumn and winter

Resident birds in summer and autumn time live comfortably in their specific territory. As a rule, birds settle in their old nests. And if for some reason they collapse, tireless workers build new nests for breeding. In summer and autumn there is still enough food to feed themselves and many birds stock up on food for the winter.

With the onset of cold weather, it becomes increasingly difficult for birds to find food. Therefore, many birds migrate for the winter closer to human habitation from nearby forests. Here you can meet crow, jackdaw, sparrows, bullfinches, tits on the branches of park trees near residential areas. Increasingly, people are setting up artificial feeding stations for birds on balconies, on trees near houses and in city parks.

Here, hungry birds can enjoy bread crumbs, seeds, nuts, and cereals to their heart's content, and tits can enjoy unsalted lard.

IMPORTANT: When setting up a bird feeder, you should regularly add bird food. Birds very quickly get used to feeding places, so in bad weather they rush to these places to get food. It is necessary to ensure that there is always food in the bird feeder.

Which birds are sedentary and which are migratory?

Sedentary or wintering birds stay in their native lands during the winter. They are not afraid of cold weather and can get food for themselves even in frosty conditions, flying up to places where people live.

Migratory birds during winter they fly to countries with warm climate. Many birds cannot provide themselves with food in winter. These are mainly insectivorous birds, feeding on flying insects, larvae, caterpillars, fruits and berries of plants.

Therefore, already in September, they are forced to leave their nests and migrate to countries with living conditions similar to those in their homeland. With the advent of spring and warm days, they return to their former nesting sites. Migratory birds include:

  • Wagtails
  • Rooks
  • Starlings
  • Geese
  • Swallows
  • Swans
  • Larks
  • Blackbirds many other birds

Nomadic birds- an intermediate link between wintering and migratory birds. These birds are able to fly short distances in search of food and resting places. Bullfinches, woodpeckers, waxwings, tits can migrate to another territory within 10-1000 km if there is a threat to their existence and there is no available food.

What is the difference between settled birds and wintering birds?

Wintering or sedentary birds live in a certain territory and do not migrate south with the onset of winter. In places of permanent habitat, such birds settle for their entire lives (hence the name of the birds - sedentary), build nests, and raise young offspring.

Birds can get food even in cold weather, so they stay for the winter (wintering birds - this is also what sedentary birds are called). In severe snowy frosts, birds can move short distances in search of food. Most often, sedentary birds settle near human habitation, where they receive enough food to survive the cold times.

Sedentary birds of the middle zone, list

Russian ornithologists constantly update lists of sedentary birds that live in the middle part of Russian Federation. In conditions global warming, this list is replenished with birds that migrate closer to human settlements as cold weather approaches.

Increasingly, waterfowl remain for the winter near non-freezing or partially freezing bodies of water within urban areas. Here is a list of the most common resident birds of central Russia, which can be found in different habitats from March to December


  • Mallard
  • black-headed gull
  • Little gull

predator birds

  • Rough-footed Buzzard
  • Goshawk
  • Merlin
  • Owl
  • White Owl
  • Sparrow Owl
  • Great-tailed owl

forest birds

  • Grouse
  • Capercaillie
  • Grouse
  • Ptarmigan
  • Gray partridge

  • Kedrovka
  • Jay
  • Bunochka
  • Common Grosbeak
  • Common bullfinch
  • White-winged Crossbill
  • Pine Crossbill
  • Waxwing
  • Goldfinch

  • Zhelna
  • spotted woodpecker
  • gray woodpecker
  • White-backed Woodpecker
  • green woodpecker
  • three-toed woodpecker

birds living near human habitation
  • Magpie
  • Crow
  • Hoodie
  • Common jackdaw

The most beautiful wintering birds in Russia, video

Resident birds list with pictures grade 3

Resident or wintering birds live close to humans. During the winter cold, we should help our little feathered friends by setting up bird canteens. Birds are our little feathered hard-working friends. You should not forget about them in winter. The main condition for the survival of birds in harsh weather is a sufficient amount of food, and not severe frosts. Let's help the birds survive in winter - and the little creatures will thank us with cheerful chirping in the summer and the prosperity of our forests, gardens and parks.

Video: who winters with us
