Maria Mironova personal biography. Maria Mironova - biography, personal life, husband, photo

The biography of Maria Mironova begins with her birth on May 28, 1973. Her father was the wonderful and talented film actor Andrei Mironov, and her mother was actress Ekaterina Gradova, who was loved by all viewers in the country as radio operator Kat from the film “17 Moments of Spring.” This film became Maria Mironova’s first film debut, because in it she played a tiny baby with whom a Soviet radio operator was hiding from the Germans.

Masha's parents met at the theater and after several dates decided to get married. Some evil tongues claim that such a fleeting wedding took place due to the fact that Andrei wanted to annoy Tatyana Egorova with his former lover. A year after the wedding, Maria was born, who was named after her grandmother. Masha also has a younger sister, who also chose the profession of an actor. In March 1976, Maria Mironova's parents divorced. The father moved to live with his old love Larisa Golubkina, and little Masha and her mother went to live in the Vladimir region. Soon, Maria Mironova’s mother married a famous physicist.

In her childhood, Andrei Mironov’s daughter rarely saw her father and grew up as a calm and quiet child, dreaming of becoming a famous dancer from the age of three. In her youth, Maria Mironova loved music, dancing and constantly asked her mother to send her to study at a ballet school. But living in an ordinary village, Masha had to be content with only a dance club. But even this activity allowed her to develop an even posture, as well as a beautiful gait.

In August 1981, Maria Mironova, at the age of 10, played the role of Becky in a children's film about the adventures of Tom Sawyer. According to the girl, she didn’t particularly want to star in this film, but simply gave in to her parents’ wishes. At the age of 14, Masha experiences a terrible personal tragedy - the death of her own father. When her father was hospitalized with a diagnosis of brain aneurysms, Maria Mironova did not leave his side for a single minute until that terrible moment when the actor’s heart stopped beating.

After finishing her studies at her rural school, Masha entered the Shchukin School, but she was unable to finish it due to an affair with successful businessman Udalov, from whom Mironova gave birth to a son in her first year. She named the baby in honor of his father - Andrey. After taking care of her baby for 1.5 years, Maria enters VGIK, which she brilliantly graduates in 1997. Having received her diploma, the graduate gets a job at Lenkom, where she begins to play intensively in various performances, gradually moving from small secondary roles to the main ones.

Since 2000, Maria Mironova begins to frequently act in films. Her film library includes many films where she stars with talented and famous actors countries and abroad. Many critics are beginning to say that she inherited the talent of her father, Andrei Mironov, and she brilliantly plays any role. From 2000 to 2018, the actress managed to star in more than 30 films, where she mainly played leading roles. Some films have become business card talent of Maria Mironova (“State Councilor”, “Russian Revolt”).

The latest news about Maria Mironova indicates that, despite her age, she regularly meets with her first husband and they have an excellent relationship. Igor Udalov takes care of her and claims that their second wedding may soon take place. They have a beautiful and cozy house in the Moscow region. In the photo, Maria is still young.

Many women would like to know the beauty secrets of Maria Mironova, to which she replies that she inherited beauty and plasticity from her father. Today, the actress never stops acting in films and visiting the theater, where she plays leading roles and meets with interesting people. Many men are still in love with Maria Mironova, but now the most important things for her are family and work.

Personal life of Maria Mironova

Thanks to her external data, Maria Mironova was a great success among men. So, while studying at the Shchukin School, Masha had an affair with Anton Yakovlev, and at the end of the first year she married businessman Igor Udalov.

In February 1999, this marriage breaks up, and Mironova moves to live with Dmitry Klochkov. New husband Maria at that time was an adviser to the president of the Academy of Sciences, with whom she entered into a legal marriage. Having lived in this marriage for 5 years, the actress returns to her first husband. According to some family friends, the reason for breaking off relations with Dmitry Klochkov is that her former second husband, Maria Mironova, was unfaithful to her.

But the actress herself had a love affair with actor Alexei Makarov from 2011 to 2013. Thus, Maria Mironova’s personal life turned out to be quite bright and replete with bright meetings and bitter partings.

Maria Mironova's husband

Maria Mironova was married twice, but she felt the greatest outburst of feelings with her first husband. Igor Udalov. From the first time we met, this guy impressed the girl with his gallant manners and romantic style courtship. They fell in love almost instantly and got married after meeting for a short time.

But family life exposed some irreconcilable differences between them and Mironova broke up with her husband. Igor didn’t show it to anyone, but in his heart this divorce greatly affected him. Ex-husband The actress did not appear in public at all for some time and led an ascetic lifestyle.

Even more stressful for him was Maria’s hasty marriage to Dmitry Klochkov. But his love for Masha continued to live in him, and when their relationship resumed after a 5-year break, he did not hesitate to invite his beloved to his home. We can say that in their case, true love overcame all obstacles.

Son of Maria Mironova

Thanks to their high-profile surname, Maria Mironova’s children have always been of interest to journalists and fans, and given that the actress has only one son, interest in him only increases over the years. His biography and personal life are quite diverse and interesting. So, Maria Mironova’s son, Andrei, chose the profession of an actor from childhood.

Due to the fact that the young mother devoted a significant part of her time to work and study in childhood, Andrei Udalov was cared for by a nanny and grandmother. After graduating from school, the guy enters the Moscow Government University of Management, but after studying there for a year, he takes his documents and goes to study at the Shchukin School. Already, Maria’s son has managed to star in 7 films and regularly appears on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater. Andrei’s mother claims that not only his grandfather’s talent was passed on to him, but also his beauty and intelligence. Maria Mironova is confident in the successful future of her son and predicts a successful artistic career for him.

Maria Andreevna Mironova is a Russian theater and film actress, known primarily for productions of the Lenkom Theater and Pavel Lungin’s films “Wedding” and “Oligarch”. She is the daughter of the famous actor Andrei Mironov.

Childhood and family

Maria Mironova was born on May 28, 1973 in the family of the outstanding Soviet actor Andrei Mironov and his first wife, actress Ekaterina Gradova, who became famous for her role as radio operator Kat from the mini-series “17 Moments of Spring.” It was in this film, by the way, that Maria herself made her debut - the radio operator held the tiny baby in her arms (although in the story the child was male).

Andrei and Ekaterina met at the Satire Theater. The marriage proposal followed quickly, after a couple of dates. Evil tongues said that by doing so the artist wanted to annoy his former lover Tatyana Egorova. One way or another, the wedding took place in 1971, and two years later Masha was born. The girl was named after her paternal grandmother.

In 1976, the couple filed for divorce. Andrei Mironov left the family for his longtime lover, actress Larisa Golubkina, adopting her 3-year-old daughter, also Maria. Subsequently, Ekaterina almost abandoned her profession, and in the early 90s she completely moved to a village in the Vladimir region, where she lived with her new husband, physicist Igor Timofeev. Soon after the wedding, they took into their care a boy from the orphanage, Sasha Sukhoverkov (born 1992).

As a child, Masha rarely saw her father, but all close families claimed that she inherited his refined manners, excellent taste, memorable appearance and, of course, his inner core. She grew up as a calm, silent child; she loved to look at her mother’s stage outfits and give her advice on their design.

Interview with Maria Mironova in the program “Temporarily Available”

From the age of three, Maria dreamed of becoming a dancer. The girl begged her mother to send her to ballet school, and at home she loved to dress up, turn on music and imagine herself in the place of Maya Plisetskaya or Isadora Duncan. However, she had to be content with an ordinary dance class, which gave her an even posture and a smooth gait.

First role

Maria Mironova's full-fledged film debut took place in 1981. A 10-year-old girl played Becky Thatcher in Stanislav Govorukhin’s children’s film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Maria recalled that she herself had no particular desire to act in film, but, as often happens, her parents decided everything for her. By the way, the film became the acting debut for Vladislav Galkin.

But she really enjoyed the filming process itself, despite the numerous inconveniences. Filming took place in Sukhumi in forty-degree heat. Masha, sweltering from the heat, was supposed to perform a scene with the bull, but he did not listen. Then they put a goat in the schoolgirl’s arms, which smelled quite bad. Then the filming moved to a terribly cold cave - it was necessary to walk through stalactites.

Maria also recalled that she was terribly afraid of the main villain of the film, Injun Joe, so she constantly asked the team “Where is he?” Panic fear did not pass in front of the Indian even after the actress was introduced to the actor who played his role, Talgat Nigmatulin, who treated him to young actress sweets.

Father's death

At the age of 14, Maria experienced a terrible loss - the death of her father. He lost consciousness during the last scene of the play " Marriage of Figaro", without finishing it. At that fateful moment, Maria was sitting in the auditorium. During the intermission, the girl came into Mironov’s dressing room - he told her that he wanted to go to Holland in the fall. It seemed to her that her father’s face was red, but he just waved it off: “Overheated in the sun - playing tennis.” When Andrei fell to the floor in the final scene, Maria seemed to feel that this was the end.

His death made me re-evaluate a lot of things. For a long time I myself could not understand what had happened...

After being hospitalized with a diagnosis of “brain aneurysm,” doctors fought for the actor’s life for two days. Maria spent the night of August 14-15 at her hospital bed. On August 16, 1987, Andrei Mironov passed away without regaining consciousness.

Education. Birth of a son

Maria did not intend to become an actress, but after graduating from her native school No. 113 on Degtyarny Lane, she thought - why not? In 1990, she became a student at the Theater School. Shchukin, where her father once studied. The girl studied on the course of Yuri Lyubimov.

She failed to graduate from Shchuka - the reason for this was an affair with businessman Igor Udalov, 8 years older than her. She met him in Yalta, on the set of the film “The Tale of Wanderings” (her father took her with him), while still a 9-year-old girl. After finishing her first year, Maria took maternity leave. On June 4, 1992, their son was born, named Andrei in honor of his famous grandfather.

In 1993, having completely devoted a year and a half of her life to her son, Maria transferred to Mikhail Gluzsky’s course at VGIK. Maria received the long-awaited diploma in 1997. Her graduation performances were a vaudeville based on the stories of Arkady Averchenko and the play “The Last” based on Gorky.

Even before graduating from VGIK, Maria Mironova became part of the troupe of the Lenkom Theater, for which she had tender feelings from an early age, rejecting the invitation of the “School of Modern Play”. The first performance with her participation was “The Marriage of Figaro”, where she got the role of Fanchetta. Subsequently, she took part in the productions of “Two Women”, “The Executioner’s Executioner”, “Barbarian and Heretic”, “City of Millionaires”, “The Taming of the Shrew” and many others.

Film career

Maria came to big cinema relatively late - in 2000, having received the main female role in Pavel Lungin’s film “The Wedding”. As Maria recalled, the newspapers then were full of headlines “Maria Mironova returned to cinema 20 years later” - the authors counted the time since the release of “Tom Sawyer”, which misled readers.

Maria got into the picture with virtually no auditions - Lungin was impressed by her performance in the play “Two Women” and tried her in his previous film “Life Line”. Moreover, Maria was entrusted with the choice of an on-screen partner, who eventually became Marat Basharov. According to the actress, an unprecedented atmosphere of harmony and mutual understanding reigned on the set.

The film was shot near Tula. The actress recalled that the film crew lived there almost continuously for two months, only sometimes the actors were allowed to go to Moscow. With such a schedule, everyone was on the rise and easily withstood the next night shooting - it was at this time that work on the set was simply in full swing. I had enough strength for everything, even with a minimum amount of time to sleep.

Maria Mironova and Pavel Lungin. Interview

Pavel Lungin managed to gather a unique acting ensemble in one place: Maria Mironova, Maria Golubkina, Marat Basharov, Andrey Panin, Alexander Semchev, Natalya Kolyakanova... The young actors brought energy and a share of recklessness to the filming process - the film received many warm reviews, as well Cannes Film Festival prize “For the best casting”.

In the same 2000, Maria Mironova worked on the drama “Russian Revolt” by Alexander Proshkin, and two years later she again worked with Lungin. This time she got the main female role in the drama “Oligarch”, which told about the fate of businessman Platon Makovsky, modern Ostap Bender, whose role was masterfully played by Vladimir Mashkov.

Initially, Pavel Lungin did not see Maria as the only woman in Makovsky’s life (her heroine’s name was also Maria), who could not be bought for any money. The director believed that the fragile and tender Mironova did not have enough life experience to embody the role of an unhappy woman-muse. Lungin gave Maria the script to read with the words: “There is no role for you, but you can become a model or a journalist. I don't think it's yours."

Mironova went through the script and realized that this beautifully written, complex role in the excellent script of the film of her favorite director simply had to go to her. And she managed to convince Lungin by presenting an argument in the form of her 9-year-old son.

During filming, she had to play an explicit scene with Vladimir Mashkov. After the premiere of the film, journalists repeatedly asked whether it was difficult to play love scenes, to which the actress replied that this was her profession. And she added that she would never participate in such scenes if they were “far-fetched.” But in “Oligarch” the scene looked harmonious - there was no place for rudeness and vulgarity.

One of Maria Mironova’s striking works was Madame Julie in “State Councilor” by Philip Yankovsky. Although the much-hyped film did not live up to the advances, critics spoke with enthusiasm about Maria’s work, which did not fade even against the backdrop of the powerful charisma of Nikita Mikhalkov, and her tandem with Konstantin Khabensky.

Over the course of several years, Maria’s filmography has been replenished with many high-profile projects. Among them: “Night Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov and its continuation (the role of Yegor’s mother), the historical series “The Death of an Empire” (the role of Elena Saburova), the tragicomedy “Dispatching from Mars” (the role of Natasha Strelnikova), the new “The Three Musketeers” from Sergei Zhigunova (the role of Queen Anne).

Separately, we can note the detective series “The Cry of an Owl”, in which Maria got the role of postal worker Nina Kaverina, the object of desire of two policemen who disliked each other (Sergei Puskepalis and Andrei Merzlikin).

As Maria noted, her current roles are different from those at the beginning of her film career. “I choose only interesting scripts with a clearly defined character. If I open a script and see something like “tall, attractive blonde,” I immediately close it.”

Personal life of Maria Mironova

As Maria’s comrades at the Shchukin School recalled, in her first year the girl had an affair with the actor’s son

In 1999, the marriage of Maria and Igor broke up. The actress left her husband for the presidential adviser Russian Academy Sciences Dmitry Klokov (born 1977), maintaining friendly relations with her first husband.

After five years of marriage to Dmitry, Maria returned to Udalov. Information appeared in the press that the woman was unable to forgive her second husband for betrayal and showed him the door.

From November 2011 to July 2, 2013, the actress was in a relationship with actor Alexei Makarov (son of Lyubov Polishchuk). Maria herself claimed that Alexey had been her good friend for many years, and the “romance” was attributed to them by journalists who captured them during a joint trip to the cinema.

Perhaps it is precisely through the efforts of the yellow press that Maria Mironova prefers not to comment on her personal life. The only thing she openly declares is her love for two men: her son and his father.

“Love Story”: Maria Mironova

Mary is a believer. In one of her interviews, she said that she was lucky - her mother, also a devout woman, baptized Maria at the age of 7 and forced her daughter to go to church. At first, the little girl did this with reluctance, because “that’s the way it should be,” but then she herself took the path of faith.

Maria Mironova now

Maria Mironova appeared in the cast of the series "Dr. Richter" - a domestic remake of the cult series "Dr. House". IN Russian version the brilliant doctor is played by Alexey Serebryakov, and Maria played the role of his former lover (the audience awaiting the premiere immediately drew a parallel with Dr. Lisa Cuddy).

Among other projects with Maria Mironova, which were preparing for release in 2017, there was also the detective series “Garden Ring”, where the actress got the main role - Vera Smolina, whose son Ilya disappeared mysteriously.

Also worth noting is the space drama “Salyut-7” with Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Pavel Derevyanko about the rescue of the Salyut-7 station lost in space and the brave cosmonauts who set off on the mission, despite the negligible chance of returning home.

Maria Mironova first got married while studying at the Shchukin School, but all three marriages ended in nothing. The actress has no desire to change anything in her personal life, and she prefers not to advertise her new companions.

For an actress, work comes first, and the only man, to whom she pays a lot of attention - Andrey, son from her first marriage..

First love

Maria remained on friendly terms with her first husband. The husbands even communicated well and went on vacation with Maria and her son. Maria's second marriage ended for unknown reasons, which the actress is silent about.

Maria met Igor Udalov during her school years; even a ten-year age difference did not prevent the couple from entering into a real serious relationship.

Maria’s mother did not object to this relationship, since she saw in Udalov a completely self-sufficient and reliable man for her daughter. Igor took care of his wife and provided for her very well.

The next important stage in the actress’s life was admission to the Shchukin School, where she studied quite a bit due to pregnancy. After the birth of her son, Maria began her studies at VGIK, and upon completion of her studies she was offered a job at the Theater of Modern Play.

However, she did not dare to get a job there, preferring to work in Lenkom. At first, Maria was offered small roles, then she played the main character in the play “The Taming of the Tamers,” and then with directors Pavel Lungin and Timur Bekmambetov.

The only love

Andrey was named after his grandfather, people's artist RSFSR, Andrei Mironov. At school, the boy studied well, played football, played tennis, hand-to-hand combat and swimming - his mother really got him interested in sports.

Having matured, Andrei decided to follow in his mother’s footsteps and become an actor. However, first he studied at the Faculty of Management, and only then entered the Faculty of Theater Arts.

Later, Andrei Udalov got the opportunity to play in a big project. This should have brought the actor stunning success.

Interesting notes:

Now Maria’s son is performing at the Vakhtangov Theater, where he was taken immediately after graduating from college. She fully approves of her son's aspirations and supports him in all his endeavors.

It is also known that Andrei has an educated girlfriend, Ksenia. They met while studying at the University of Management. Maria really likes the girl, and she even expects to become a grandmother soon.

Second marriage: he was 5 years younger

A disagreement with her first husband marked the beginning of her acquaintance with Dmitry. The actress and Dmitry worked together through the Artist Foundation, which is managed by Maria. And although Dmitry was five years younger than Maria, this did not stand in the way of their romance.

Even before Klokov, Maria achieved a lot both in her personal life and in her work - her track record included many roles in theater and cinema.

Having told her husband about her love for another man, Maria left with her son. Dmitry Klokov and Andrey quickly got along, as did their family life, but five years later a discord occurred. According to rumors, Klokov went to the left.

Later, Maria and her first husband restored their relationship. They were both divorced at that time, but maintained a relationship in a so-called “guest marriage.”

Working together prevented a third marriage

On November 1, 2011, Alexey Makarov announced his marriage with Maria, although she never mentioned it. They officially divorced in the summer of 2013. Their life together lasted only one year.

Alexey and Maria starred in “The Three Musketeers,” which put an end to their relationship. The beginning was promising and ideal, Alexey took care of Maria in a way that many husbands could not take care of - there was everything for a long and happy life together. However, all this came to an end, because Mironova’s roles obliged her to star in love scenes with the participation of other actors. And this caused Alexei unprecedented jealousy.

The lovers quarreled, then often quarreled, which caused a fatal divorce. Alexey Makarov returned to his family, which he had once left for the sake of shared happiness with Maria.

Even if the actress now has a lover, this never spreads. According to Maria, she would like to live without fuss, as regards her personal life.

The actress has the following priorities: first place is God, relatives and friends are second, and she gives third place charitable foundation, and work – fourth.

Photos from the life of a Russian actress

", "The Diamond Arm") left her mother Ekaterina Gradova ("Talents and admirers", "The meeting place cannot be changed", "Seventeen moments of spring") and married actress Larisa Golubkina ("Liberation: Arc of Fire", "Give me a plaintive book "," Hussar Ballad ").

By existing legend, Maria first appeared on screen in the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” in the role of the newborn son of radio operator Kat, played by her mother. However, in reality, the scenes with the baby were filmed back in 1971, and the film was completed in the fall of 1972, when Gradova was in her third month of pregnancy.

From the age of three, Maria dreamed of becoming not an actress, but a ballerina. But her mother did not send her to a specialized school. At the age of eight, the girl played Becky Thatcher in the film directed by Stanislav Govorukhin “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,” which was filmed in Sukhumi in 40-degree heat. Masha herself didn’t want to act; her parents decided for her. Having received a matriculation certificate, the girl entered the theater school named after. Shchukin, and after the birth of her son in 1993, she transferred to VGIK. Since 1997, Maria became an artist of the Lenkom Theater. She made her debut on this stage in the plays “A Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro”, “Two Women”, “City of Millionaires”, “Barbarian and Heretic”, “The Taming of the Tamer”, “The Lady’s Visit”, “Tartuffe”.

Maria Mironova: “Theater is a living art, it takes away without reserve. If in a movie you can “hide” behind the director, script, makeup, then you can’t hide on stage. Everyone sees what you really are."

Film career of Maria Mironova

In 2000, Mironova performed main role in Pavel Lungin's film "Wedding". The Russian-French melodrama was filmed near Tula, and Maria did not leave there for two months. Director Lungin has assembled a truly unique and harmonious cast. Mironova's company included Maria Golubkina, Marat Basharov, Andrei Panin, Alexander Semchev and others. At the Cannes Film Festival, the film “The Wedding” was awarded for “Best casting”. Two years later, Pavel Lungin again invited the actress to play the main role in his film - the drama “Oligarch”.

Maria Mironova: “I am a supporter of the American formula for success: if you want something, achieve it. Don’t wait for fate’s favor - go and make your own happiness.”

In 2008, four films were released starring Maria Mironova. In “Grandfather as a Gift,” Alexander Mikhailov became the actress’s partner, in the film, which was favored by critics and won a number of film awards. Swing"She worked in tandem with Andrei Merzlikin, in the drama directed by Sergei Go Vorukhin" Nobody except us" - with Sergei Shnyrev, and in the crime film " Thirteen months" - with Gosha Kutsenko. 2012 was also successful for the actress in films. So, Maria starred in the film “ Leader of the heterogeneous"Based on the story by O. Henry, Dmitry Dyuzhev played opposite her. At the same time, she appeared in the film about the everyday life of a fearless police major with Alexei Makarov, “Personal File of Major Baranov” and the TV series “Triple Life”.

In 2013, the artist was invited to the role of Anna of Austria, which she played in the directorial debut of the popular actor and famous producer Sergei Zhigunov in the film adaptation of the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas “The Three Musketeers” and its serial version. The actress was involved in the TV series “Apothegeus” with Daniil Strakhov and “The Cry of an Owl” with Sergei Puskepalis. In 2014, Mironova played the title game in dramatic story « Son"with Juozas Budraitis, and in 2015 she received a role in the action-packed series from director Pavel Lungin with Vladimir Mashkov "Motherland" - a Russian adaptation of the cult series Homeland, filmed in the USA.

In 2016, Mironova starred in the dramatic film Sarik Andreasyan“Earthquake”, which tells about the events during a large-scale earthquake in Armenia. Together with Maria, Konstantin Lavronenko, Artem Bystrov, Sabina Akhmedova, Irina Bezrukova and others played in the film. In the same year, the artist worked in the detective project “Investigator Tikhonov” and the medical drama “Dr. Richter” - a Russian adaptation of the popular American show “Dr. House” . In 2017, a dramatic film directed by Klim Shipenko “Salyut-7”, based on real case 1985, when the Soviet space station out of control. In this film, which won two “Golden Eagles” and “Nick” among a number of film awards, Maria played the role of Nina Fedorova, the wife of the commander of the Soyuz T-13 crew (Vladimir Vdovichenkov).

In 2018, the premiere of the detective series from producer Valery Todorovsky “Garden Ring” took place, where Mironova played Vera Smolina, a once happy woman whose world collapsed after the disappearance of her son. Afterwards, the artist joined the film crew of the comedy film “ Speakerphone».

Personal life of Maria Mironova

The first time Maria married a businessman Igor Udalov, president of the World Fashion Channel Russia television company, from whom in 1992 she gave birth to a son, Andrei, who later entered the Shchukin School, like his mother.

Mironova's second husband was politician Dmitry Klokov, then adviser to the Russian Minister of Energy. In 2012, the press reported that, secretly from the public, Maria signed with actor Alexei Makarov (“Personal File of Major Baranov,” “Cuba,” “The Story of an Assignment”), in whose company she had been noticed a year earlier. In 2013, information appeared that the couple had divorced.

Unlike Makarov, Maria does not admit that she was the official wife of the son of Lyubov Polishchuk, claiming that she and he were just Good friends. In January 2018, in the studio of the program “The Fate of a Man” on the “Russia 1” channel, the artist told the show’s host Boris Korchevnikov, who raised the question of her relationship with Makarov, that the latter simply “treats her very tenderly,” and she, in turn, cherishes I have a similar feeling for the actor. When Korchevnikov directly asked Mironova whether she was married to Alexei, she evasively stated that she had always perceived Makarov as a friend, whom she had known since early youth.

In September 2019, Maria’s second child was born in one of the clinics in Athens. She informed the reader of her microblog on Instagram about this. Shortly before this, she declassified the name of her current husband and father of the child. According to the actress, his name is Andrey, he has nothing to do with show business, but is the development director of a Russian-Japanese company engaged in medical technologies.

In addition to theatrical and cinematic work, Maria Mironova is involved in charity work. She is one of the founders of the Artist support fund (since 2008) and is a member of the directorate of the Territory festival.

Maria Mironova: “The Artist Foundation arose out of necessity. I just saw that it needed to be done. Specifically, we help those who live in the home of stage veterans. These are very elderly people, over 75, lonely, in need of the basics: medicines, some household things. But in addition to these everyday difficulties that our foundation is trying and will solve, there is also the issue of attention to these people. We are trying to solve this too."

Awards and achievements of Maria Mironova

1998 - laureate of the Evgeniy Leonov Prize
2000 - winner of the Vera Kholodnaya Prize for playing the leading role in the film “The Wedding”; winner of the newspaper competition TVNZ» “Faces of the Year” in the category “Actress of the Year”
2005 - nominee for the Golden Eagle film award for Best Supporting Actress (Julie, State Councilor)
2006 - honorary title “Honored Artist Russian Federation"; laureate of the Central House of Actors named after A. A. Yablochkina “Acting Success” (the role of Phaedra / Vera Ivanovna in the Theater of Nations play “Phaedra. The Golden Spike”)
2007 - winner of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper prize and laureate of the Golden Mask theater award in the category “Best Actress” for the role of Phaedra in the play “Phaedra. Golden Ear"; laureate of the Russian business circles award "Idol" in the nomination "Best Actress of the Year"
2008 - laureate of the “Theatrical Star” award in the category “Best Actress of the 5th Anniversary” according to Teatral magazine
2011 - laureate of the Andrei Mironov “Figaro” acting award
2015 - nominee for the Golden Eagle film award for best actress in the series “The Cry of an Owl”; laureate of Moscow's highest theater award "Crystal Turandot" for the best actress of the season (Marina Mnishek, play "Boris Godunov", Lenkom Theater)

Theatrical works of Maria Mironova

“Two Women” - Verochka
“The Executioner’s Lament” - actress Eurydice
“Barbarian and Heretic”, director Mark Zakharov - Mademoiselle Blanche
“City of Millionaires” (stage fantasy based on the themes of Eduardo De Filippo’s play “Filumena Marturano”)
"The Taming of the Shrew" - Katerina
“Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” by Beaumarchais - Fanchetta
"Tartuffe" by Molière - Elmira
"The Lady's Visit" by Friedrich Dürrenmatt - Clara Tsakhanassyan
“Jester Balakirev” - Ekaterina Alekseevna, Empress of Russia
"Boris Godunov" - Marina Mnishek
The State Theatre of Nations
“The experience of mastering the play “The Seagull” using the Stanislavsky system” - Nina Zarechnaya
“Phaedra. The Golden Ear”, director Andrey Zholdak - Fedra / Vera Ivanovna Pavlova
“Carmen. Exodus", directed by Andrey Zholdak - Carmen
"Caligula" - Caesonia

From the age of two, Maria Mironova began to demonstrate her dancing and acting abilities. Her first full-fledged film role was Becky Thatcher in the adventure film for children The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Having experienced all the delights of filming, Maria firmly decided to follow the path of her parents and also become an actress.

After graduating from school, she became a student at the Shchukin School, but soon left her studies due to a sudden marriage and pregnancy. After a while, Maria continued her studies and transferred to VGIK, where she studied in the workshop of actor Mikhail Gluzsky. It was there that she staged her first film - a 17-minute sketch called "Lullaby for a Daughter."

Having starred in the little-known films “Under the Circus Dome” and “Russian Revolt”, she got a taste of her first fame after filming Pavel Lungin’s melodrama “The Wedding”. This film won the prize for Best Casting at the Cannes Film Festival.

Two years later, she was again lucky enough to play the main role and again with director Pavel Lungin. This time she got the role of the beloved businessman Platon Makovsky in the film "Oligarch". The film was warmly received by the public, and one explicit scene from it made Maria a sex symbol of the time.

Maria Mironova is also a successful theater actress. She is part of the troupe of the Lenkom Theater, where she performs in the plays: “Two Women”, “The Executioner’s Lament”, “Barbarian and Heretic”, “City of Millionaires”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro”,

"Tartuffe", "The Lady's Visit" and "The Jester Balakirev".

In addition, Maria is also involved in productions of the State Theater of Nations. In particular, she plays in “The experience of mastering the play “The Seagull” by the Stanislavsky system” and “Phaedra. The Golden Ear”, for the role in which she was awarded several theater awards, Maria also plays the role of Carmen in Andrei Zholdak’s play “Carmen. Exodus” and Caesonia in "Caligula".

During acting career Mironova played in 38 films, the most notable films with her participation: “Parcel from Mars”, “Night Watch”, “State Councilor”, “Day Watch”, “Swing”, “Moscow, I Love You!” and others.

Personal life

She was married three times. Maria's first husband was Igor Aleksandrovich Udalov, a television businessman, president of the World Fashion Channel Russia television company. In this marriage, Mironova gave birth to a son, Andrei, in 1992, who is now a student at the Shchukin School and studying on the course of V.V. Ivanov. The second husband of the actress was Dmitry Klokov, adviser to the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation. For the third time, Mironova married actor Alexei Makarov, the son of actress Lyubov Polishchuk, with whom she separated

In the fall of 2012.

Interesting Facts

She made her screen debut in infancy, playing Kat's newborn son in the serial film "Seventeen Moments of Spring"

At the age of eight she played Becky in the mini-series The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Her paternal half-sister is famous actress Maria Golubkina

Since 2008, she has been co-founder and president of the Artist Foundation for Support of Artists.

Since 2008, he has been a member of the art direction of the Territory festival.

Member of the Moscow Public Chamber


1.The Three Musketeers (TV series 2013)

2. The cry of an owl (TV series 2013)

3.Apothegeus (mini-series, 2013)

4.The Three Musketeers (2013)

5. Triple life (mini-series, 2012)

6. Personal file of Major Baranov (TV, 2012)

7.The leader of the different skins (2012)

8. Betrayal (TV series 2011)

9.Cadenzas (2010)

10.Robinson (TV series 2010)

11. The Man from Capucino Boulevard (2009)

12.Desire (2009)

13.Moscow, I love you! (2009)

14.Sniper: Weapon of Vengeance (mini-series, 2009)

15. Nobody but us... (2008)

16. Grandfather as a gift (2008)

17.Swing (2008)

18.Thirteen months (2008)

19.9 months (mini-series, 2006)

20.Death of the Empire (mini-series, 2005)

21.Night Bazaar (2005)

22.Day Watch (2005)

23.Battle for space (mini-series, 2005)

24. State Councilor (2005)

25. Parcel from Mars (2004)

26.Winter Spring (2004)

27.Night Watch (2004)

28. The Binge Theory (2003)

29.Main roles (TV series, 2002)

30.Ice Age (mini-series, 2002)
